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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 2.21 MB, 3500x4194, 1628772121809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10788361 No.10788361 [Reply] [Original]

>1 local con of the year is over
>still no cosplay gf
>have to wait next year to try again

>> No.10788376
File: 2.00 MB, 2500x3500, War.Devil.full.3703898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting a gf is easy it was always over for you

>> No.10788379

Well, if it counts for anything, good looking female cosplayers are all promiscuous as fuck. If they're not fucking multiple people at every con, they're the kind of mentally unstable women that switch boyfriends every few months. So focus on getting a girl who's just a regular weeb, but doesn't cosplay.

>> No.10788382
File: 512 KB, 654x958, 13b7398ff78e98831200ae3dd693d66e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't find 18yo girls to usually be that promiscuous. OP didn't say he was a fat ugly bald old man who can't get a normal gf.

>> No.10788386

Doesn't make a difference. Even 15yo cosplayers are going to orgies at cons. EVERY attractive cosplayer is promiscuous and a slut. Avoid cosplayers at all costs at cons.

>> No.10788398

I cosplay since 2017 and I think there aren't many opportunities to pick up girls, anon. You're better off making a career as a cosplayer and try to do that in a more soft way

>> No.10788400

>I don't find 18yo girls to usually be that promiscuous.
It's a toss up really if we're talking about your average 18 yr old girls. But 18 hot female cosplayers get more dick than the average 6-7/10 male will ever get pussy, in their entire lives.

>> No.10788401

>So focus on getting a girl who's just a regular weeb, but doesn't cosplay
>tfw 30 yo virgin
How do I get one...

>> No.10788402

I've fucked virgins I met at cons so I'm gonna have to call bullshit lol

>> No.10788403

>talk to girl
>if she's receptive turn small talk into conversation
>go from there
How are you guys so retarded you can pick girls up at the fuckibg mall or target even, a convention is way easier.

>> No.10788404
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>Meet a good amount of people that I'd consider dating
>They live across the country

>> No.10788407
File: 196 KB, 1921x1937, ac1be6eb16205d21e8e0de19ef786e3a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get numbers of some single girls who are 8/10 and live nearby
>drugs wear off and I don't feel like going on a date and just lie in bed for a week
Every con

>> No.10788437

I actually have autism and people in my area tend to be compromised and/or have zero interest in sex

>> No.10788445

Pretty much everyone has interest in sex once they start puberty. You're just autistic so you can't tell.

>> No.10788508

Guess I'll die without sex

>> No.10788564

>they're the kind of mentally unstable women that switch boyfriends every few months.
>tfw watching that happen right now

>> No.10788565

How the fuck does that happen

>> No.10788569

So you're saying you want to be in love with your cosplay girlfriend?

>> No.10788571
File: 2.62 MB, 225x255, C446028F-FBDD-41D9-9ACE-BE48997C7028.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is at least three new gosling threads a week on /cgl/
>No one realizes that you can go up and say ‘Hi can I take your picture?’ And exchange social media contacts and bounce off topics from there.

I would question how this many people are retarded are talking but we were literally forced to stay inside for an entire year so. I kind of get it.

>> No.10788573

Male anons, I am here to drop some wisdom as a cosplayer.
Cons are not the place to find a partner.
When girls are cosplaying at cons, this isn’t what they’re thinking about. Depending on age/why they cosplay/etc, they are doing it to have fun or get attention or hang out with friends. It’s not about finding a partner. There may be some looking for hookups, but even then, it’s probably a one night stand type deal.
And even if you meet someone, unless it’s a small local con, they are not necessarily going to live anywhere near you.
Your best bet is to try to meet a cosplayer locally through normal means (local events, online dating). Get to know them and don’t be a creep. Most cosplayers on dating sites are probably going to want to meet other nerds/weebs anyway so knowing about that stuff and going to
cons is already a plus for you.
I met my fiancé on okcupid and most of my pics were cosplay pics. He was chill and normal about it while also expressing that he liked those series I was cosplaying from and went to cons. I also got a lot of creeps asking if I wore the costumes in the bedroom and shit. Don’t be those guys and it will help you get a foot in the door by knowing about stuff she likes.

>> No.10788585

>NOOOOOOOOO you don't understand it's not that easy!!!! I can't just do that because [verbal diarrhea steeped in paranoid delusions]!!!
>What if someone [verbal diarrhea steeped in narcissism]???

>> No.10788593

I dunno man, I met my husband at a con and he lived about 7 hours away from me. We still dated long-distance and we've been together for over a decade now.

>> No.10788610

why dont you try just being friends with female cosplayers first. thats what i did and ended up dating one of their mutual friends who also cosplays and ended up being more my type.

>> No.10788632

I’m not saying it’s impossible to meet someone at a con. But it’s a lot less likely to meet someone than at a local event or online dating sites.
If anything, they shouldn’t go into it looking for a partner only. Meet people and make friends, and if it goes from there, cool. If it doesn’t, you still have friends you met.

>> No.10788633
File: 15 KB, 250x274, 191127_안재현.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How ugly is your fiancé? Pretty much any single girl I meet anywhere is interested in dating me and I'm average looking and look like this. I'm gonna be straight with you, I think you're just fat and/or ugly so you only have experience being approached by ugly men.

>> No.10788634

femboys don't count, bro

>> No.10788635

Sad. Many such cases.

>> No.10788636

Men don't have virginity

>> No.10788637

Shieeeet, does that mean that I finally made it then?

>> No.10788641

i only meet normies on dating apps

>> No.10788642

I understand you're trying to prevent ugly maladjusted disgusting incels from approaching girls and making them uncomfortable and i respect that sentiment but holy shit this is ass advice. Yeah girls go to cons to have fun, what's more fun than hanging out with me?

>> No.10788665

I was born and my life was over.

>> No.10788666


>> No.10788679


>> No.10788688

Get a "normie" gf from outside the anime/geek/nerd scene and convert her instead. That's how I did with my wife. Also, for all dudes, lower your standards.

Dudes that make these threads on here spend too much time whining and bitching over women who have no interest in them rather than focusing on the women that do. Get in where you fit in and talk to the non cosplaying women out there.

>> No.10788691


That doesn't work. You know that is basically bait.

But the rest is actually right. Make friends first and the rest ends up coming naturally. That way you will never be frustrated if a girl is single.

My only personal problem is that everyone in my area seems to not be single.

>> No.10788753

Whenever I talk to women they assume that I am LGBT.

>> No.10788766

Whenever I talk to women they assume I'm not attracted to them because they're too old for me, and they're right. Women are smart, you're probably closet gay.

>> No.10788781
File: 28 KB, 750x750, 2d41f33eb1f52159edd3338da6052c10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All 12 cons for the year are over
>Rejected over 200 men
>still no asian femcatboy bf

>> No.10788783

Oh anon. You're such a Discord mod.

>> No.10788788

Gotta go to Thailand for that.

>> No.10788799

>Go to cons hoping to find a partner
>Everyone who adds me to talk later just wants to get in my pants the same night
>No one bothers with getting to know eachother or romance or anything first its just straight to sending me nudes and asking to fuck

maybe I need to look somewhere else besides cons

>> No.10788910

>Try the slow burn
>Her responses visibly lose energy over time until she just sends emojis
>I just stop talking to her at that point
I dunno, that other method sounds like it works for them compared to my 100% failure rate with this angle

>> No.10788938

>tfw no awkward NEET weeaboo GF
It hurts

>> No.10788939

I cant get a normie gf if they are not interested in anime or video games there's nothing to talk about

>> No.10788940

Asshole, if I was interested in men I’d be asking how to get their attention on this anonymous forum.

>> No.10788941
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>t. incel

>> No.10788978

You dont have ANY other hobbies outside of anime and vidya? Also, where you live also has a huge bearing on the type of women you can choose from. Do you live in the big city, small town or suburbs? Are you willing to travel outside your local area? Go to Dragoncon in Atlanta. That is where anybody and I mean anybody can and will get laid. This is the con where you will see a country bumpkin from the backwoods of the Georgia getting it on with a drunk ghostbuster chick from DC.

Go travel bro.

>Gotta go to Thailand for that.
Be this guy.

>> No.10788998
File: 71 KB, 801x732, that kylo ren feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw it seems like i'll have to wait a few years until I can get laid since i'm a cosplayer and convention goer since 2017 (since 2019 without my parents walking the con floor with me) and people in my area seem to be mostly dating someone already

This is what you get for being born in a third world, backwards country where cosplay conventions are recent (started in late 1990s and comic cons only gained traction around 2004, with the first 'comic con' being in the 2010s) and where cosplaying is still quite the taboo.

Dragoncon is my dream, my most ideal comic con. One day...

>> No.10789083

Good on you for having standards tho. Don't give up hope.

>> No.10789102

>maybe I need to look somewhere else besides cons

I should too but, I don't wanna go through the pain of ending up dating someone 'regular' who is going to make cosplay a 'no' part of my life.

>> No.10789273

Just be up front about it and when you're on a date/in a convo say something like "What do you like to do in your spare time? I like cosplaying and attending cons". It they they react negatively, the move on.

>> No.10789274

>It they they react negatively, the move on.
If they react negatively, then move on.*

Man, idk what was up with that sentence.

>> No.10789428

Same here. Nearest decent con is 6 hours away by bus/car. 45 minutes by plane but the tickets are expensive as fuck.

>> No.10789503

Jeez, look at all you people in well-adjusted areas, the girls/women in my area gatekeep to fuck, and openly tell the boys/men to fuck off, so I have to prove Im not also toxic as shit :/

>> No.10789508

pussy union local 486

>> No.10793182

How can anyone not be an incel when a modern woman is atrociously disgusting creature that whores around at every chance she gets. I'm not gonna compromise my values for that.

>> No.10793183

They told you that?

>> No.10793192
File: 62 KB, 738x703, 1622776804014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get a "normie" gf
this is an ultimate meme. don't trust this bollocks. I'm married with trad normalfags and no, she's not interested with anime and cosplay no matter how hard you convert her. She has her own world that are impossible to fit with cosplay culture. She prefer watching a soap opera, MCU shit, and listening to Post Malone and Justine Bieber 24/7.

Holy shit, just delete the trad wife meme already. I've been fallen from it so hard it hurts. I wish I could divorce her and marry my cosplayer crush instead. Unlike my wife, she has 10/10 body, cutiepie chink, and rich af.

>> No.10793488

I don't think you understand what the term "trad wife" means, it sure as shit doesn't mean a girl with such crappy musical tastes and a preference for capeshit.

>> No.10793489

Why the fuck did you marry her if she's not your type?

I feel sorry for your wife. You sound like an asshole who is wasting her time.

>> No.10793562

Half your personality is your looks, having your shit together and have interesting mainstream hobby
Women are the bigger autists when they show interest…..beat they make the move first now a days. Especially anirevo, they are expecting simps pervs or anyone willing to make a pass
It’s a hotistic version of a strip club
May as well buy hoes to get over that itch

>> No.10793563

Doubt it
If they get around easy? Who are the autistic chads they find and date or fuck

>> No.10793786

They don’t date autists, they date sociopaths. Big difference

>> No.10793799

Autistic sociopaths is a thing
See a few betas but likely it’s the girls simp being taken out

>> No.10794048
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>that post con no gf feel

>> No.10794168
File: 52 KB, 900x900, unnamed43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go To Mini Con
>Play Laser Tag
>Cute Girls In Zero Two and ??? Body Suits On My Team (Red Flags)
>Dominate At Laser Tag
>Easily Get Highest Score
>"Omg who is #19???"
>I Am Number 19
>Chat Them Up Like The Chad I Am
>They Are Shy From My Glowing Presence And Hotness

It's That Easy Anons. Dominate The Room. Be The Best Version Of Yourself. Leave Them As The Wanters.

>> No.10794382
File: 81 KB, 1080x1331, 1586094096282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

being a trad doesn't mean you close yourself from pop culture disruption. Fuck, listening to Post Malone is a pop culture itself

t. maidenless
I had no choice. We've been dating for 5 years and she's super kind to me. She also help me to develop myself into a better man, since she's from psychologist.

>> No.10794400

What drugs? MDMA? If you get disinterested in the week after and just wanna lie in bed, lower your dose. A good short, functional roll without a dip will do much more for you than burning yourself out.

>> No.10794402

>We've been dating for 5 years and she's super kind to me. She also help me to develop myself into a better man, since she's from psychologist.
She sounds great and you should appreciate her. If I've learned anything it's that most people have a lot more going on than you tend to think. Try to get a bit into her world, anon. And if you're unhappy with her, let her go and find someone who can return the love.

>> No.10794478
File: 495 KB, 771x605, zero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be femanon
>go to mini con
>friend and I are dressed as Zero Two (from Darling in the Franxx) and Asuka (from Evangelion) because heh why not. Never seen the shows but we look cute in those outfits
>playing laser tag
>kinda chill vibe until this tryhard autist steamrolls everyone
>of course he easily top scores
>friend sees the scoreboard and loudly asks "omg who is number 19?"
>too late, autist tryhard noticed us and is approaching.
>literally looks like an ogre. The definition of neckbeard
>He starts yapping our ears off, stuttering and yelling awkwardly
>Friend and I literally petrified in shock by the stench of rotting onions
>unable to move or speak...just stand there nervously listening to him
>mfw he finally leaves
>saw him smirking to himself upon leaving
>get a flash of those rotting, bronze-coloured teeth as he chuckles as he whispers to himself "Dominated them, hehe"

Never going to a con again without my boyfriend by my side

>> No.10794766
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>go to con cosplayed
>get asked for picture
>take picture
>they leave
>still no cute weeb gf

>> No.10794768

Tfw I have a cute cosplay girlfriend and she's somewhat of an actual slut as well somehow.

I honestly don't know how I did it but if I could do it, you can too.

>> No.10794769

its even more pathetic when they do all of that and you ask them if they want your social media so they have something to tag with but they say "no thank you".
happened to me more times than it should.

>> No.10794795

Why would I want your media if all I like is your outfit and I don't intend on talking later

>> No.10795008

>tfw no cute Hoshiyomi gf to cosplay as Suisei
fuck this gay earth

>> No.10795020

You should had told him you haven't watched the shows you're cosplaying from. Fake fans are a big turnoff.

>> No.10795024 [DELETED] 
File: 395 KB, 200x133, 1372295044873.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Find someone I'm interested in
>Find out they identify as male or are lesbian
EVERY FUCKING TIME. I at least make a new friend whenever this happens.

>> No.10795031

are you retarded?
the post you replied to was clearly a joke post

>> No.10795034

Where is the punchline then.

>> No.10795035

Failure to understand humor intent is a symptom of autism, anon.

>> No.10795037

I'll take your word for it. You seem to know all about failure.

>> No.10795039

this post >>10794478 is making fun of the author of >>10794168 by retelling the story from the perspective of the two girls that "Number 19", showing that anon isn't the cool laser tag chad he makes himself out to be but rather a foul smelling nearly toothless autistic neckbeard

>> No.10795042

>being a trad doesn't mean you close yourself from pop culture disruption.
That's exactly part of what being "traditionalist" entails. Traditionalist people eschew modern culture by the very definition of the term, that's what "traditionalism" means.

>> No.10795043

>Never seen the shows but we look cute in those outfits

>> No.10795044

He's an ESL idiot who thinks "trad" just means "doesn't watch anime". Wait until he finds out trad wives are weird fundie Christians who ALSO don't want to cosplay for him.

>> No.10795046

Not 15 minutes before you, this was explained here. >>10795039 Good God, man.
More like a one-note troll. It would almost be believable if not all the unnecessary details like "I am 100% straight but love having my dick sucked by trannies. I cannot be gay because I am a Christian, and God hates gays."

>> No.10795056

>Good God, man.
Be patient, I'm acoustic.

>> No.10795122

I always start smirking to myself when some fat shit is trying to integrate itself with thin cosplayers, thank god we have to wear the mask

>> No.10795134

I always start smirking to myself when some mask idiot start smirking over fat shit trying to integrate itself with thin cosplayers, thank god I don't have to wear a mask like that idiot.

>> No.10795138

It's okay, anon! I met my husband at a con! He wasn't even local but the relationship worked out!

>> No.10795142

Sure anon

>> No.10795143

How'd that go? I did meet this girl and we are states apart, but she's kinda cool so far

>> No.10795161
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>Girls compliment me and try to start conversations
>I just ignore them

>> No.10795169

Maybe don't ignore them then?

>> No.10795513

>Cons are not the place to find a partner.
yes they are. I literally met every single one of my gfs at cons including my wife.

>> No.10795544
File: 198 KB, 1600x1000, 8a94d867d9fcd2ed38a6df45e2bf9e2f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to be really drunk and I usually drive to cons so I end up sleeping in my car because I'm too drunk to drive
But yeah, I guess I'll just deal with that inconvenience and get wasted next con

>> No.10795573

Or just try not being autistic

>> No.10795575
File: 189 KB, 1240x1593, eb13a02fd760ccf40841808e297791b0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not autistic I'm just traumatized by an abusive mother
I can talk fine with anyone I'm not attracted to
In fact my general social skills are far above average

>> No.10795577

>In fact my general social skills are far above average

Doesn't sound like it

>> No.10795591

I respond fine to girls as long as they're ugly. I should have clarified.

>> No.10795609

I work out regularly and am not even short. I've tried picking up at cons for years and haven't gotten a single success. I've even tried adding them on Instagram after and chatting to them there but nope.

Sorry bros, even getting a gf at a con isn't the way.

>> No.10795613
File: 1.84 MB, 640x640, tumblr_9513b86fafd87e9a575edc7d32262d28_767f3b41_640.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't work out at all
I'm 5'5"
I literally just put on a pre made cosplay and walk around and girls compliment me then start conversations with me, exchange socials, and every time I've asked a girl I met at a con to go on a date they said yes
Despite my cosplays being low effort I usually get 100+ photo requests at small cons and at big cons like AX enough requests I lose track
You forgot rule 1, be attractive

>> No.10795614

Post face.

>> No.10795617
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No thanks, but I look close enough to any generic actor.

>> No.10795618

Anon you look like a kpop star. You're in the top 20% of men, just admit it.

>> No.10795620

Women shouldn't care about a man's looks. They should only care about his personality and resources.

>> No.10795621
File: 209 KB, 1920x1200, schrodinger-from-hellsing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women? When did I ever say anything about women? I usually ignore women. Me personally, I love girls not women.

>> No.10795624

Based if not larp

>> No.10795632 [DELETED] 

Youngest you've fucked?

>> No.10795653

>the relationship worked out!

>> No.10795656
File: 4 KB, 222x227, download666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She sounds great
Does telling her husband to wash dishes in certain day are great?
>Try to get a bit into her world
What world? Oh you mean when she karaoke'd Post Malone shit? Nah fuck that

She's a God-fearing figure. That's why I called her trad. Good Lord why everyone in this fucking site are so obsessed with ESL?? Every fucking time I write things with perfect clear English with minimal to no errors, I always called ESL?! I double check the entire thing, faggot!

>> No.10795659

Its okay, ESL-kun. Your english is better than my portuguese. Keep at it!

>> No.10795661

Obviously I fucking meant how'd you two build up with each other

>> No.10795664
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>> No.10795666

cope, betabux paypig.

>> No.10795948

We reconnected on /jp/. He got a super huge crush on me and would drive for 7 hours straight to visit me. I appreciated his devotion and agreed to date him long-distance. We would chat everyday online, going from AIM to Pidgin to Googletalk to LINE. This continued for 6 years. We got married before we'd even lived together, but I knew he would bend over backwards for me.
He does. He loves me more than I love him, and that's okay. He does everything I ask of him and he is nice to me. I think he's only gotten mad at me once in 10 years. I eventually moved in with him.

>> No.10795949


>> No.10796029
File: 63 KB, 828x818, uqw29q320q291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So do you need to be in cosplay to do this? Also, what's the right way to do this if they're with friends? Just not care?
Does it help to have a cosplay Instagram?

>> No.10796032

what if i dont use any social media...

>> No.10796033

Well for what it's worth, this would be promoting their brand or somesuch.
Also, you don't have to go out, could always just be friends, those are things.

>> No.10796055

>So do you need to be in cosplay to do this?
No, being attractive and appearing confident are more important. Wearing a cosplay may pique her interest more if it's a character she likes.

>Also, what's the right way to do this if they're with friends? Just not care?
Don't interrupt their conversations. Chat her up when she's looking away from her friends and seeming receptive.

>Does it help to have a cosplay Instagram?
Yes and no. If you successfully hit it off and she's interested, having an Instagram means one more method of keeping in touch and having a platform to post content that she'll check on. If you have a massive following, it might be a perk to some women. If she's not interested in you, then showing her your Instagram comes off as desperate attention whoring especially if you're not a good cosplayer/photographer.

>> No.10796213

You're done for, mate. A guy without socials is like bigass serial killer red flag for modern women. Might as well join a Catholic Seminary at this point.

>> No.10796217
File: 111 KB, 720x1280, ae20d31098a3d3887d309c27e0d3771b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How ugly do you have to be for this advice to be useful
Girls compliment me, ask for a photo, then try to exchange socials
I brush them off because I'm mentally ill

>> No.10796218

Always next time :)

>> No.10796295

Are all of you PUA fucks in the US or something? I never see or hear about this shit in Aussie cons. Every attractive con girl here already has a normie bf who doesn't give a shit about cosplay but simply pays for her hobby.

>> No.10796303

If you're ugly, we can certainly be friends and talk about anime all the time, but I wouldn't want you as a lover. There'd be a better girl out there for you than me, mate.

>> No.10796306

Yeah this shit must be a different part of the US than where I'm at. All the local cosplay hotties have normie bfs here too, or are dating equally attractive male cosplayers.

>> No.10796308
File: 23 KB, 480x268, 85475679_480x268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most genshit and dangan cosplayers are single
Are they underage, probably. But hey.

>> No.10796313

You say that like it's a bad thing.

>> No.10796314

As it should be. Men literally couldn't give a shit about their girl's hobby as long as she's hot and puts out.

>> No.10796319

So much this
Real men don't give a fuck about women, women are just sex objects

>> No.10796321

Well no obviously that's a massive shitposty exaggeration. But at the end of the day, every single guy would rather date a hot barrista with weird hobbies than some successful chubby career girl.

Women are the complete opposite in that regard. If a man doesn't have it all, they won't be interested in dating him.

>> No.10796324
File: 31 KB, 848x480, f5518bc8b1b8b9b04113e6421637aa23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah most men are low value stupid ugly subhumans I guess I agree with you then

>> No.10796328

>men are easy to please, are self-sufficient and don't require much from their partner to be happy
>women are incredibly picky and stupid, having sky high standards until they reach their 30s and all their eggs are gone by which point it's too late to breed anyway

>> No.10796330
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So you're saying women are better than men.

>> No.10796342
File: 83 KB, 250x295, tomatothumb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have a year until the next con so you can improve your three pillars and have a better chance at the next con. You can go hit on random girls in the manga section at the library in the meantime. Remember if a woman is not interested in talking to you she can make that decision on her own, you don't have to make that decision for her.
I believe in you anon.

>> No.10796344
File: 139 KB, 1062x842, 87cf2306b67d8230ef5177f81fcf5a99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What am I supposed to do if girls hit on me but I ignore them because girls are scary?

>> No.10796346

Should I do genshin and dangan cosplays for cosplay gf? Any other good series?

>> No.10796347
File: 1.91 MB, 2000x2000, 27d1b7fa2ff47d77cdca531e9c0db82a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The main issue is it only works if youre a twink
Otherwise girls will ignore you lol

>> No.10796348

Just be rich, all cosplayers would flock to you for money. Then you can have your pick.

>> No.10796349
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The ultimate cope by bald ugly dudes

>> No.10796352

>went to five conventions so far
>never got a weeb gf
>I'm at least banned at 4 cons now
It's at least something

>> No.10796354



>> No.10796356

He's an old bald fat ugly sex pervert who creeps on teenage girls obv

>> No.10796358

Too lazy to explain it now

>> No.10796361

I think it's better to be authentic and participate in hobbies and fandoms you prefer instead of realigning them to fit some women's preference.
You can still talk to Genshin fans even if you don't play or cosplay it.

>> No.10796373
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Be realistic
Any girl cosplaying genshin is going to be way more enthusiastic to talk to you if you're cosppaying that venti boii

>> No.10796383

Being realistic, your Venti cosplay will give you an advantage for the initial impression and nothing more. If she finds you attractive, it'll be regardless of the cosplay, and if she finds you ugly, it'll be regardless of the cosplay. If she finds you interesting to talk to, it will 100% be regardless of the cosplay.

>> No.10796385

Initiative impression is all that matters
Everyone is attracted to me once I talk to them

>> No.10796387

>Everyone is attracted to me once I talk to them
Then you don't need a cosplay

>> No.10796388

I like to cosplay tho

>> No.10796400

Dunno anon I'm pretty put off already.

>> No.10796401
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That's because irl help effect makes people like you if you're good looking no matter what you say

>> No.10796453
File: 116 KB, 680x788, smart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make absolutely zero effort to socialize
>get post-con depression about not having a gf

I don't know how to break the ice, and I'm deep inside my comfort zone.

>> No.10796492

>unnecessarily picky
>literally ruining dating and society

>> No.10796493

You can go to as many cons as you want but unless you're a cute girl, randoms don't want you talking to them.

>> No.10796561
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>Weak gaslighting attempt
If we assume your premise is correct [it's not], you have absolutely nothing to worry about.

>> No.10796604

I need Pekora cosplay gf who will say peko during sex.

>> No.10796638

>You can go hit on random girls in the manga section at the library

Everytime I go to a manga, gaming, or anime section of any place, the girls are always with some BF already. How does this even work as such?

>> No.10796645

>either get a random guy to approach me then rambles about his job for 30 mins like he needed a frustration outlet
>or a quick "I like your cosplay!" and walks away
I can't win.

>> No.10796649

What would you do if a dude asked if you were
a fast company babe and if you wanted to get banged out in the bathroom stall real fast like the dirty whore your father raised you to be

>> No.10796675

Protip: working men generally do need a frustration outlet. That's traditionally what they've relied on women for.

>> No.10796676

I've asked girls if they have cosplay Instagrams and tried to talk to them on it after and they're absolutely not interested in further conversation.
Like all women, you're either ugly or have insanely high standards.

>> No.10796682

Thats fair, you're right

>> No.10796683
File: 239 KB, 647x833, 59044db949b00f483017c0939291ee09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>try to a girl after she takes my pic
>after 30 seconds I have a physical urge to vomit and have to quickly walk to the restroom and vomit into the toilet
>sit on the toilet and cry
You don't understand my struggle

>> No.10796686

>I've asked girls if they have cosplay Instagrams and tried to talk to them on it after and they're absolutely not interested in further conversation

I remember before asking for Instagram, we use to just ask for Facebook accounts and just became friends that way. It worked for me better that way as it got personal. However I only ever asked if I made a bigger connection than just saying that I like their cosplay

>> No.10796691

Bruh I try to talk to you girls about your cosplays, anime, and the event, and in the end ya'll ghost me once I try further on instagram

>> No.10796694
File: 194 KB, 1228x810, a965dd03223118d7fc25a097f6dfb82c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girls want attractive guys to tall to them but attractive guys are all depressed and have no energy

>> No.10796703

Only 20% of men are attractive to women.

>> No.10796705

Which city?

>> No.10796706

Far less than 20%

>> No.10796712

Why are these shitty r9k threads polluting this board? Nobody cares.

>> No.10796713

because the board is dying.

>> No.10796714

Women have a responsibility to settle down with average guys and start families with them.

>> No.10796717

uhh i care

>> No.10796719

No. Your not a man worth reproducing with, 4chan subhuman.

>> No.10796722

>doesn’t elaborate

>> No.10796723

This is pearls before swine. Don’t waste your time making posts for /r9k/ male posters that have invaded this board and make these melodramatic, weepy posts. We used to have real posts here about Japanese fashion and costume making.

The real reason they can’t get a woman is because they’re poorly socialized men who spend their whole life on 4chan and are nasty misogynists. They’ll die lonely and their removal from the gene pool overall makes humanity a bit better.

>> No.10796725
File: 306 KB, 500x500, 1567993743574.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>doesn't elaborate

>> No.10796727

Neither are 80% of men, according to women.

We're here after years of trying our best and still being rejected.

>> No.10796728

Me personally I'm just a failed human abject terrified of intimacy or showing any kind of vulnerability.

>> No.10796730

I'm not attractive but I am physically tired all the time. I just want to sleep all the time except when I actually have to. It's destroying my life.

>> No.10796732

My brother in Christ you're depressed and have a shitty diet.

>> No.10796734


Not that anon but I'm in the same state, yes my diet is shitty and I am probably depressed, my entire family died in the past year.

>> No.10796740
File: 84 KB, 811x1217, 19861719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am someone who is known and respected in my local cosplay community yet I don't get any girls.

By now I think people see me as a mentally challenged/functional manchild that is simply just undesireable. Baby face, chubby body, cosplays characters that are funny and visually cool but have zero sex appeal...

Yeah i'm going to die having no more girlfriends. I am going to focus on my professional career, and completely forget I once ever desired women.... After all they don't want a man that is quite childlike and innocent, can't pick up social cues, is often awkward and whose social circles rely on places who support 'diversity and inclusion'.

>> No.10796744

Have you ever seen a neurologist? There's a auto-immune neurological disorder called Myastenia Gravis that makes people weak and tired all the time. One other condition that might cause this is dysthymia, which is a persistent depressive disorder.

>> No.10796745

Probably 10% if we're being optimistic about it. And I say this as a heterosexual man.

>> No.10796771

Who the fuck cares? Stop making a cosplay and lolita board about your unimportant love life.

>> No.10796776

Nobody cares about you roastie whores once you turn 30. Your one chance at happiness is settling when you're young and attractive. That's it.

>> No.10796777

This isn't /r9k/, you weepy faggot. Also, I have a boyfriend.

>> No.10796778

Shut the fuck up, fatass. Go wash up, I can smell your rancid ass all the way from here.

>> No.10796779

Let me guess, you're either a 2/10 fat uggo or your boyfriend is a 6 foot tall successful chad in the top 10%?

>> No.10796783

Bros… tomorrow is last day of crunchyroll expo and I haven’t bagged yet. Need some speedrun strats.

>> No.10796786

the duality of man

>> No.10796790
File: 351 KB, 357x939, 1657284645635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally me

>> No.10796791

Why do you want a girlfriend? I don’t think I ever met a woman I would wanna hang out for long periods of time. Whenever I go to a con I buy an escort the day prior to get that sense of desperation for pussy out of the way

>> No.10796798

Have you tied talking to people? I hear that works but I haven't tried. Also I'm in the exact same situation at CRX except I just want a friend.

>> No.10796813

Talk to fat girls they are lonely and sad

>> No.10796817

Because not all of us were raised by two fathers faggot

>> No.10796861

I am the poster ending in 6740, and I didn't write the post ending in 6776

>> No.10796862


Absolutely immoral.

>> No.10796864

no shit. do you know what that anon was trying to say? jfc.

>> No.10796886

It certainly beats turning into a incel and inevitably shooting up a school/workplace/nightclub.

>> No.10796893

You have to go back.

>> No.10796914
File: 1.47 MB, 3508x2480, 6639e78e0979c0ab4972cb603fc79862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've gotten socials from around 80 girls at cons so far this year
I've even asked a dozen or so girls to go on a date and they all said yes
But I just ghost them after they say yes since I just do it to validate myself and try to believe girls find me attractive
I don't actually want to date them they'd just betray me and hurt me

>> No.10796948

Would you listen to yourself?
People who do that are completely weak. I am, at least, a successful cosplayer, a somewhat fanous one. And I do have a good professional career.

>> No.10796963

We only repress and repulse girls because we don't get them. It's that simple.

>> No.10796965

>a somewhat fanous one

>> No.10796981


Fixed. Also, i've been in a 200k channel and in a 228k youtube channel talking about my cosplay career, and i'm always on the most famous cosplay events in my area

>> No.10796982

>200k subs
Bruh you're a nobody eceleb

>> No.10796983

I said famous in my area. I know that internationally speaking i'm a nobody lol

>> No.10796999

You dont want a cosplay gf. do you really want someone that narcissistic?

>> No.10797001

I just want a gf to watch anime with

>> No.10797002
File: 74 KB, 500x500, artworks-cvr8DfdcdDH8aM48-Nx7iTA-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Implying it would even be possible for me to find a girl more narcissistic than myself if I spent 100 years talking to a thousand new people every day

>> No.10797091

I still hate women and go out of my way to make them feel uncomfortable at cons

>> No.10797092

If she's physically good looking I literally give zero fucks.

>> No.10797101

Imagine being this lonely and ugly

>> No.10797107

relatable except for me its fishing for compliments and female attention from chicks on omegle

>> No.10797110

>Been to several cons this year
>No longer want cosplay partner after interacting with all of them

>> No.10797111


>> No.10798900

>convention I'm right now is soon over
>still single too
>no idea if I should go to another con
At least I was able to dance with a Yor during the Mr and Ms contest
And I talked with one during the afterparty (unfortunatly, already taken)

>> No.10799007
File: 785 KB, 850x1202, sample_9e119904db556187bc408d71e9884162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But they're so mentally ill and brain damaged

>> No.10799081

I'm 37 and still going to cons hoping to meet a girl, the light of hope gets dimmer and dimmer every passing year. I don't even know what the problem is either.

>I'm not short but not tall
>average looking
>has his own place
>has money
>has a good job
>passionate about my hobbies
>have knowledge about lots of communities and subcultures
>pet owner
>don't look like a slob
>decent shape

I've seen so many guys worse then me with women. I think I might just come off as too intimidating for women at cons. Most of the younger men at cons that have girls, i've talked to them, they are usually college students that don't have their shit together like I do. Any advice?

>> No.10799097

I don't know if this is bait, and I don't want to disappoint you anon but if you are 37 yo you will obviously have some trouble finding a gf at a convention. Most people are in their 20s
Unless you approach girls your age, in which case fine I guess but those must be pretty rare at conventions. Not to mention most of them are probably parents with children and all.
Do you cosplay? How do you usually approach people? What kind of women are you chasing after?

>> No.10799129


>Do you cosplay

I used to, not so much anymore

>How do you usually approach people

If there is a panel i'm in line for, I might strike up conversation with the people around me in line. If its not a panel, I usually just hang out in some crowded lobby and maybe will strike up a conversation with some random people that look like they are in a fanbase I know. Also at Otakon back when it was in Baltimore I guess I'm known to have been outside on the convention center desks late at night around 12am minding my own business, depressed con people tended to come up to me and vent about their issues. Happened a lot.

>What kind of women are you after

I don't have any real preferences. Just one who will care about and support me long term.

>> No.10799242
File: 1.85 MB, 1748x955, 0_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>strangers ask each other out at cons
Is this some sort of American thing I'm too Irish to understand? I've never met anyone at any convention I've been at who's goal was to score some dick/pussy, we mostly just buy shitty merch, play vidya + /tg/ and admire each other's cosplay grinds

>> No.10799249

Finding partners at cons in canada seems to be a really rare thing. Not impossible though. For me it was inviting people and meeting friends of friends, as opposed to getting a completely new person's number

>> No.10799250

>I've never met anyone at any convention I've been at who's goal was to score some dick/pussy
you have no idea how many people are there exclusively to do this

>> No.10799271

Do you look 37, or are you one of those guys who is 37 but appears to be in his early 30s?

>> No.10799284

How old are you? Any temporary meetup is an opportunity to fuck and suck. A music fest, a conference (of any kidn, professional or hobby), hell even a church camp is a chance to fuck and suck. Are you only looking for pussy/dick when you're in your hometown? Weird.

>> No.10799311


I probably look early 30s

also here for more info/context. >>10799129

>> No.10799595

Ya got to travel some amount, anon. You can't just rely on the one local con that has 10 attendees.

>> No.10799596

Oh man this is depressing I do NOT want to end up as you in 14 years FUCK

>> No.10799806

>Unless you approach girls your age, in which case fine I guess but those must be pretty rare at conventions. Not to mention most of them are probably parents with children and all.
37 can reasonably date down to like 28 and there's a decent amount of single women at cons from that age and up. Some are single for a reason but there are good ones too, people get out of relationships and stuff. I'm 36 and the girl I'm pursuing is 31 and just out of a bad marriage, and funny enough we didn't meet through con or cosplay stuff at all so it was a big surprise when I found out that she was a lolita and had cosplayed in the past. (She had to leave most of her stuff behind when she ran away from abuse so I've only seen her in regular clothes.)

>> No.10799843

Not even true, maybe we have a different adjective of fat but I tried talking to a chubby girl (probably 27 bmi or so) at AX and she just brushed me off kek.

>> No.10800942

why did he get mad at you? must have been a big deal?

>> No.10801129

Don't listen to >>10796213
If they're interested, they're interested, and most of them have discord now. If they don't and they won't install the app for you then it was never meant to be anyway. Just ask for discord and move on.

>> No.10801131

you sound ESL in a way that indicates that you're dumb to me. even if you are really ESL, your command of the language is so strange that it makes you seem dumb
please stop posting

>> No.10801132

>I respond fine to girls as long as they're ugly. I should have clarified.
What does this have to do with your mother?

>> No.10801133

His mom really hopes he'll finally get a girlfriend one of these days.

>> No.10801134

Try having a personality and leading part of the conversation yourself if you're interested. You can even interrupt their monologue.

>> No.10801136

I do this :(
How do you do this?

>> No.10801208
File: 447 KB, 640x480, 1657293520531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>con season is over
>still no cute weeb gf

>> No.10801222

You're going to have to realize that if you expect men in the modern era to "pick up on hints" or make a first move /especially at a con setting/ you're going to be disappointed. You've got to make your interest in their continued attention extremely obvious or you're probably going to get the tap and go.

>> No.10801224

My ethnicity is statistically proven to be lonely and not liked by any race of woman. (Hispanic) White anons should be lucky, you have more of a chance. Im somewhat ok

>> No.10801228

Hispanics are hot <3