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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 564 KB, 3900x2600, real.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10785657 No.10785657 [Reply] [Original]

Is Sexual harassment real or just a meme used by cosplayers to try to be funny, it seems like it judging from their pictures.

I never seen anyone get molested. Also it seems like something pretty hard to do given the amount of people and also cameras. Unless your con has open areas where there isn't a lot of people or cameras probability you can get away with it.

>> No.10785661
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Just look, if this were an issue they wouldn't be so cheerful about it.

>> No.10785664
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Anon would you molest something that looks like this? Also I just realized all these sign holders are X-Men cosplayers what does it mean?

>> No.10785675

It's mostly for the autistic people who have no personal space awareness and tend to ramble about inappropriate shit.
Eg. "Oh you are cosplaying Robin yeah I saw that zone flash and Jerked off like 20 times, hey can I take a photo with you" then acts all handsy.
You as a con goer typically dont hear about it, however con staff security has to deal with about a dozen or so cases.

>> No.10785682

>people holding up cosplay doesnt equal consent signs
>its always ugly cosplayers
always this

>> No.10785699

Why, yes, we nee to have this exact same thread for the millionth time.

>> No.10785724

Yes Anon, sexual harassment does exist both physical and verbal. Stop being a willfully ignorant retard.

>> No.10785732

sexual harassment is only physical, retard.

>> No.10785738
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Does it happen? yes
Is it so bad we have to have a whole movement about it? Doubtful. People get harassed everywhere I don't think cons are bad compared to other places

>> No.10785759

I think you're thinking of the phrase "sexual assault"

>> No.10785783

complete meme used by cosplayers trying to get more fans/likes/etc. or used by other cosplayers as a form of jealousy/getting back at other cosplayers.

in the 10+ years of going to cons (houston, austin, san antonio, el paso, louisiana) i have never seen any cops taking anyone out, or cosplayer calling a volunteer/worker to deal with a fan/creeper. what i have seen is a lot of cosplayers hugging and putting their arms around fans, even kissing, sitting on them/stepping on them (the paul feig lying down and being stepped on by females).

>> No.10785791

Yes, it's very much real, negro. Most of the times is something very subtle like being eyefucked by some random stranger from afar, or this one guy or girl creeping after you throughout all the con and taking stealthy pictures of you.

>> No.10785804
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>> No.10785805

It happens. Unfortunately these days it's blown waaaayyy our of proportion (See. Hugh Mungus)

Alot of cosplay girls are STARVING for attention from social media, so they will take any excuse in the book to try and go viral, even if it means lying or exaggerating.

Some guy in passing will be like

>Yo that cosplay makes your boobs look nice, haha.

Which is a scummy thing to say, sure. But it is not sexual assault or harassment (unless he is just...following you and doing it for hours or some shit.)

But these girls will take a passing comment like that and turn it into a 4 page long twitlonger about "how I was assaulted at this convention!!"

(See. Tana Mongeau)

It makes normal girls like me furious because when ACTUAL assault and harassment happens, people are less inclined to believe it, because these attention seekers have cheapened it so damn much.

>> No.10785809

These cards are essentially telling you how ugly you are based on green being attractive to red being hideous gross ugly sperg

>> No.10785816

>But it is not sexual assault or harassment
Let me ask you this, imagine if some dude randomly went to you (assuming you're a woman) or to a female friend/relative/significant other, and made that sort of comment. What would you classify that as?

>> No.10785825

A stranger slapped my ass at a con once. I was wearing a cammy cosplay so I guess I was "asking for it"

>> No.10785838

men can't possibly be this stupid, right?

>But it is not sexual assault or harassment
that is absolutely sexual harassment of the verbal kind. if it's something you would be reported to hr for at work, it's sexual harassment. it doesn't suddenly become not harassment when the environment changes. omg men, really

>> No.10785842

A pervert making a rude comment.

If he then proceeded to follow me around and kept doing it for hours, I'd consider it harassment

And them if he touched me, I'd consider it assault.

>> No.10785844
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Is it sexual harassment if I just stare at women in slutty cosplays and laugh into my hand at them until my amusement subsides and then walk away? Because I do that a lot. I like it when women get a fearful or hurt look on their face from it.

>> No.10785846

Harassment by definition requires persistence.

If some dick makes makes a one off comment to you, you are not being harassed... That's just some pervert making a comment.

I know you want to feel important by using big scary words, but you're just making it worse for the rest of us girls who actually have a brain and self-respect.

>> No.10785851

literal definition of sexual harassment via merriam-webster dictionary
>uninvited and unwelcome verbal or physical behavior of a sexual nature
it absolutely does not have to "require persistence" and people absolutely can be reported to hr for making "only" one comment, because it's still sexual harassment. there's no way you're a woman unless you're a tranny. only men could be this ignorant.

>> No.10785855
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Reported to HR, sure, but we aren't talking about workplace harassment

We are talking about real world scenarios

Can you get a restraining order? No way.

Again, harassment requires persistence. If you wanna use Merriam Webster, fine, here is the definition of harass.

>To annoy persistently

The world does not operate on some HR handbook.

>No way you're a woman

My chromosomes beg to differ.

>> No.10785856

Can you be banned from entering a convention if you violate their policies on sexual harassment? Sure why not, it's a private organization they can do whatever the fuck they want as long as it's not discrimination against protected classes.

>> No.10785859

You're absolutely right, but can you face any real world legal consequences? No. Now if you persistently do it, absolutely!

The rules of a convention aren't the rules of law, Jesus.

See how Persistence matters?

You weren't sexually harrassed because someone said you had nice tits.

Even if some random convention or HR manual says you were.

The law says you weren'tThe law says you weren't.

And if you try to get a restraining order because one guy made one passing comment. They'll laugh you out of court

>> No.10785873

look at the definition of SEXUAL harassment, which is its own category. again, just because you take the sexual harassment to a different environment does not suddenly make it not sexual harassment. this is such retard male logic. if it's sexual harassment in one place, it's sexual harassment everywhere. in my state the law says you can get a restraining order against anyone who exhibits "conduct that annoys or harasses a protected party" (women are a protected class, which you as an especially ignorant man might not know)

>> No.10785906

You are so close

Ok now... When the law in your state says "Harass" do they mean some HR manuals definition of "harass" or the actual, accepted definition.

Because if you can get a restraining order for making a passing comment in your state then TMZ is just FUCKED there lol.

I garuntee of you go in front of any judge and say

>This guy said he liked the way my ass looks once, I'd like the police to forcibly remove him from any publicly occupied space that I am in, anytime I request.

That judge will laugh you out of his courtroom

>> No.10785908

>If it's sexual harassment in one place, it's sexual harassment everywhere

Saudi Arabia would like a word with you.

>> No.10785918

You don't know what protected class means, do you.

>> No.10785922
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>wear buttfloss in public
>"w-why is everyone staring at me?"

>> No.10785923

if you read that, you'll realize she clearly enjoyed the attention. she even made a pass at fat women for practically no reason.

>> No.10785937
File: 487 KB, 1055x770, 2439B980-0AF8-42A6-AE02-95F8AFE56DBF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omg i wonder why she’s probably proud of the attention but doesn’t want to admit it out loud

>> No.10785944

i’ve worked staff on and off since 2008, and it definitely happens enough for us to be called around to sort out harassment issues every few hours.

I personally think in character cosplayers get the brunt of it, because there’s this kind of strange aesthetic distance between viewer and cosplayer, that gives people the impression that they can get away with doing a little too much.

>> No.10786003

I saw this guy sneaking photos of girl's asses this year at AX. I bullied him out of the con. He never asked. They were willing to do pics if he asked as they had done for several other fans. But he wanted to be creepy about it and the girls yelled at him about it. So yeah, sexual harassment is a thing.

>> No.10786005

>sexual harassment of the verbal kind
That isn't real

>> No.10786006

Did staff before and can confirm it is a thing but the amount of screaming online is often more overblown to being pic related. Which is funny because the story behind this comic is generally what con stories are, some white knights or 'friends' trying to stick up for someone when they misread the atmosphere. I don't exactly know what con you had reports every hour at, seems very high to me, but a few reports a day is about right.

To answer OP's question: it's a reality but also a meme due to just how many times it's simply 'shit that totally happeend.txt'. I don't recall how many times that something 'totally literally just actually happened' only for the main focus to be getting said person banned from the con and not to escalate it to police. Generally those are the easy spot fakes and yes I am aware everyone can act differently but it's odd that you have a simple objective like that out of something so big just occurring.

It totally can, but not in the way the internet or 4chan thinks. 40 y/o boomer going to an 18 y/o going "looking good in that bathing suit girl' thinking he still has it and making catty comments is. Saying "nice costume looks great" isn't but you just know someone itching for drama will twist that.

The best advice to be given here is just report it as soon as it happens, file any documentation you can, and take it from there. Shit like SA gets increasingly difficult to down right impossible to prove the longer you wait, and no cops aren't like CSI: miami. They will not look all that hard into something that happened +6 moths ago with someone called a "deku cosplayer" who's name you think was ted and lived somewhere in the state (maybe).

>> No.10786007
File: 121 KB, 389x810, tumblr_0000ab1d80413b5a1a262d6fab45e0a2_804f8f9a_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.10786008

>40 y/o boomer going to an 18 y/o going "looking good in that bathing suit girl' thinking he still has it and making catty comments is.
no it's not actually. nta but they literally have to say sexually explicit things to you like "i want to fuck you or show me your tits".

>> No.10786009

Cat calling can be considered it if it continues after being told unwelcome or the individual told to stop and persists. Depends on the state however as laws vary from place to place, people interpenetrate it differently, context and body language can matter, etc etc. There really is no blanket line in the sand unfortunately to what SA can be classified is compared to a slew of other things

>> No.10786012

well judges actually take the situation into consideration and despite what anons think, being in a cosplay is for attention of some kind, wanted or not. and i doubt a judge will care that a revealing cosplay isn't from a hentai or not if you're there for photos or something. also, i am ONLY talking about comments, which aren't considered sexual harassment unless it's considered harassment in general, which is a legal term, no one should be touching others inappropriately.

>> No.10786025

Harassment can mean a lot of things to a lot of people such as unwanted or unwelcome interactions physical or non physical, some states it must be stated by an individual to cease some do not have this requirement. Like I said there is no blanket statement, but yes generally there is limit to it after initial contact between two parties. Depending if it crosses the line from normal harassment to sexual is a can of worms that isn't worth diving into on a mongolian basket forum.

By the time any case would even get there between two parties an absolutely heavy amount of proof needs to be established and we are talking hard proof. It's often far easier for the establishment to ban the individual in question if they can get some solid video or audio proof by their cameras or staff witnessing it, then issue a trespassers notice to said individual to leave. Following this, if the individual in question violates that it's an easy toss up to the cops then investigate the cause of said notice/warrant, and go from there to a court.

I agree the term gets quite fluid in it's meanings to the point of losing it's own meaning, but it varies by state. The best advice though is to just report to staff issues you have and ensure you let the individual know ahead of time that their presence or actions were unwelcome in a clear manner. If you don't tell the individual or document it with staff or a third party, you end up with a game of he said she said.

>> No.10786031

I'll look at whatever I want, pics are creepy though. If you don't wanna get eye fucked dress like it otherwise I'm window shopping for bitches.

>> No.10786033

This is a ridiculous way to define things as there is no possible way to 100% know what will and won't make someone "uncomfortable" or be "unwanted" before the fact. All this kind of thing does is make it so normal human interactions become stepping on eggshells and lump in people who are genuinely harmful degenerates with normal people. Both these things just make people angry and less likely to care about actual harassment. It's a purposely vague and hypocritical way of thinking meant to control people and not actually help the victims it claims to.

>> No.10786055

Please PLEASE stop typing like a redditor retard.

>> No.10786076


>> No.10786121

Cry more.

>> No.10786123

No, the definition is correct.

>> No.10786166

Lol, your counter point is literally


>> No.10786204

Since when do liberals care about definitions?

>> No.10786210

>Proper spacing is Reddit

Jesus Christ, seethe more.

>> No.10786220
File: 3.27 MB, 4032x3024, 75CF144B-1C35-43F4-BC30-988B8A7FDB5A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based comment. If people dress like whores, then they deserve to be treated like whores.

>> No.10786327

This. I swear anime brings out the worst cases of complained autists. They seem to think you're the character, but not even the anime version, the hentai/eroge version

>> No.10786328

>ITT: moids who don't know how to behave appropriately with women
we really need to chemically castrate all of you retards

>> No.10786330

Like most matters of "sexual harassment", it happens but is very rare. Most of the stories told are either made up, embellished, or didn't actually involve harassment but rather just someone being "creepy", ie nothing.

Some women enjoy being victims because it confers the perks of victimhood: sympathy, clout, attention and, most of all, status as someone beautiful and desired enough to be harassed.

>> No.10786334

Asking a woman how often they get harassed by men is like asking a man how often he gets laid. They're always going to claim more than what is true since reality isn't interesting enough. Notice how most of those women in that video are ugly as fuck.

>> No.10786336

You wouldn't say that irl or you'd get cancelled haha

>> No.10786986
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It is an issue that is also affecting some men which is sad no one wants to talk about. So much easier for a girl to excuse a butt grab on a male cosplayer when it shouldn't be that way. Much worse if you go to a con with your boyfriend/girlfriend.

Thankfully we have left things like the Yaoi paddles behind us culturally but I still wish "cosplay is not consent" could go both ways.

>> No.10787009

Momokun touched a dude's ass

Just imagine the reaction if some guy touched her fat ass at a con

>> No.10787013

It's always cringe when men try to compete in the oppression olympics. You bitches like it stop being gay.

>> No.10787014

I am gay Anon, I don't want women touching my ass.

>> No.10787020
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if the oppression olympics were just for internet points I'd agree but it's gotten to point now where people regularly get harassed from their jobs if the twitter mob decides their fate. If that's the world we're gonna live in, men absolutely should go nuclear in exposing grabby women, just to remind them how retarded it is to ruin someone's livelihood just because they played grab ass at a con

>> No.10787023

>Is Sexual harassment real

>I never seen anyone get molested
Anecdotal evidence is not factual evidence, you should strive to understand social issues better.

Its been awhile since I have lurked here, I see the cope is still as bad as I remember, rather disappointing.

>> No.10787025

fuck off femcel

>> No.10787070

I agree with this. Women do get the worst end of it but it doesn't mean it doesn't happen to men as well. The biggest difference is because since it's more common for men than women to be touch-starved and not given compliments on their physical aspects, most men show that they are happy to get this kind of attention so it creates a socially accepted habit for women to do. Whereas on the opposite end, it happens so much to women starting from childhood that most are quick to snap at any physical or sexual contact and make it publicly known it isn't wanted. And so, society adjusts accordingly.

In conclusion, men need to put away their pride and make it known if someone is touching them or speaking to them in a way they don't like. The more men do this, the more society will adjust accordingly. But good luck telling the shirtless buff cosplay dude that's letting a bunch of girls grab his ass and tits that. Men can only tell other men about this because if I said it, I'd just be called a bitch and prude. So it's up to you guys to fix it.

>> No.10787082

lol nigga you gay.

>> No.10787085

you're part of the problem, faggot.

>> No.10787097

that Gaston guy was based for getting those girls thrown out for sexually harassing him

>> No.10787119

Yes, yes whatever you kids say.
I haven't heard of this, been off of this site for a long while so I've missed out on recent dramas.

>> No.10787130

it was at Disneyland, honestly at first I felt like it was a ridiculous overreaction but we would absolutely destroy the life of a man if the genders were reversed so...

>> No.10787194

You seem to have forgotten the social retards who used to "glomp" people randomly. There are dozens of stories of people getting injuries and costume damage from people who would get nearly full speed tackled by obese weebs before cons banned it. Same for yaoi paddles before those were banned.

Now that cons are going mainstream it is unfortunately necessary because of all the normies that treat it as a miniature theme park with no guards and bouncers to keep you in line.

>> No.10787198

The ugly ones get more harassment because they're easier targets. They look like they won't fight back, and not pretty enough to have a BF nearby who can break your nose, and not social enough to have friends around for protection.

>> No.10787244
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Feminist women think everything a man does is harassment. The more "harassment" you can identity the more you can control men's actions.

>> No.10787273

Post the edit thats actually 100% Accurate

>> No.10787274

I don't care.
I have been taught to not look at women on the street. My sexuality is a mess, composed by porn. Most of my day my sexuality is off. I don't think of sex, I don't do it and I will never have sex. I am the perfect man for today's society.

I will never sexually harass someone simply because I was trained to not want sex and disregard it, as I am a man and I have to go through another whole process that involves consent in all steps just to have sex. So I decided to renounce my abilities and eventual rights to seduce women, and I live a sex free life.

>> No.10787277

Sad but probably true.

Also probably a component of why a lot of more advanced societies have stopped having children.

>> No.10787303

just get your dick snipped and have fun sticking your dick in crazy, anon. it's not that hard

>> No.10787319
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>(See. Tana Mongeau)
What we do here is go back (back back back...)

>> No.10787334

Even the "crazies" in my area have someone they're dating, anon. It's my destiny to be some sort of mixture of voluntary and involuntary celivate.

What i've just said is true.

>> No.10787417

Good on ya. Like the billions of sperm with only one reaching an egg, not all people will find someone. So this is why it's best to disregard sex and just enjoy life for yourself. If only men were not hardwired to be constant sluts with no self control.

>> No.10787458

If you disregard sex you disregard relationships. Which means no companion, no intimate affection, and no family. Celebacy is the path of isolation and depression.

>> No.10787464

She looks like the kinda girl that gets zero attention, spouts this shit, but lowkey wishes it happen for that scrap of validation

>> No.10787736

i haven't been with a woman for like 7 years now. life is good. some people need it, not everyone

>> No.10787746

god i miss pre-2010 cons.
they were just different

>> No.10787756
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One time while I was cosplaying shirtless to show my abs some girl called me hot and gave me a hug. I literally burst into tears and ran back to my hotel room and sobbed into my pillow. I informed security about the incident and had the police escort her out of the con.

Assault like this happens every day. Only when we speak out can we put a stop to it.

>> No.10787761

Am I as a man allowed to hit a girl who harasses me?
Because when women hit their harasser they are treated as heros

>> No.10787813

I do that partially. I mean, I have not given up finding someone, but that can wait after I get a decent job that can pay my debts and that can help my parents (I come from a poor household). It's more about holding the urges until you have room in your life to actually seek out a relationship.

>> No.10787882

It's absolutely a real thing, but not near as bad as people want to try and make it out to be, in frequency as well as severity.
I'm admittedly more than a little biased after this one cosplayer I knew groped me a bunch, laughed when I told her to stop, and then did a photo op with the "cosplay is not consent" sign.

>> No.10787884
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>> No.10787916

>Yo that cosplay makes your boobs look nice, haha.
>Which is a scummy thing to say, sure.

>> No.10787984
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>those photoshops

>> No.10788009

Pretty real, even in 1st world countries. Women get molested a lot starting from like 12, usually starts weaning off around 25. The more insecure you look, the earlier and more you'll be preyed on. Either wearing "shy clothes", working in retail jobs, etc etc etc.

False rape accusations are all the rage, but they're rare in comparison to actual rapes (where people are rarely punished) or plain sexual assault.

>> No.10788374
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You don't see it because, someone correct me if I'm wrong here, it's illegal.
the guys who did this video got in a lot of hot water back in the day, because everyone thought it was non-consensual (really not very clear to me if it was consensual to this day to be honest)

>> No.10788380
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Oh shit, wrong thing

>> No.10790876


>> No.10791602

Reminder this comic is a made up nonsense the author projecting his white knight fantasy on a social interaction he saw at a con internally redefined it to himself as sexual harassment.
How the story goes guy meets cosplayer asks for pictures, girl poses guy & girl flirt eventually with each other becoming bf/gf while fat fuck seething in background envious that people would dare to share interests at "his" convention.
Picture exists online of the fat fuck pretending to be writing or looking at his phone while this "sexual assault" went down

>> No.10791614
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this pic was part of a collage about it

>> No.10793808

OP seek help.
You literally just asked if sexual assault actually exists.

>> No.10793878

Still a good system
Basically are you on the right side of a 5 or not
But that’s life
There’s double standards everywhere

>> No.10793879

Show up in a Speedo with fishnets and a maga hat
Hard to tell who is more autistic, the cosplayer or the fans

>> No.10793880

Bf is a cuck

>> No.10794056
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>> No.10794988

Like your mom

>> No.10794990

My girlfriend went in a pretty skimpy cosplay once and I told her if she got harassed or assaulted than she deserved it for wearing something like that to a convention. She got groped in the first 30 minutes of being in that convention and immediately took off her cosplay right after.

>> No.10795026

You sound like a prize. Skimpy cosplays are fucking stupid but so is interacting with your partner like that.

>> No.10795052

Nah, he's right. Some people only learn by fucking up. If she didn't have the presence of mind to realize that wearing a skimpy outfit in a con filled with horny virgins, was a bad idea, then she has certainly learned his lesson and will pay better heed to her boyfriend's warnings next time.

>> No.10795131

How else am I suppose to interact with her when she's wearing a skimpy cosplay? Let her know it's great and that I definitely think no one will harass or assault her because she's wearing it?

>> No.10795171

>not wearing lingerie while beekeeping

>> No.10795211

No unfortunately because of double standards anon. The most you can do is scold them and tell to get away.

>> No.10795231

Most of it is preventative. Like telling people not to glomp strangers or reminding people that they need to shower and use soap. 99% of con-goers know not to try and molest someone in public, but there's still that minority that needs to be tutted and told
>you fucking stink and also keep your hands off women.
>No one wants to be touched by you.

It does happen. I've had a girl straight up, full hand, grab my junk, but I wasn't even in some sexy cosplay. It was a goddamned Naruto cosplay I'm not even that good looking. Some people are just fucking retards and think that a convention is a great place to be flirty and then they start drinking and doing any drugs they can get their hands on and think
>I'm gonna really impress this cosplayer with my confidence by just GETTIN IN THERE LIKE AN ALPHA MALE and then maybe I'll get laid at a convention like I think everyone else does!!
And it's usually some ugly, homely loser who doesn't groom themselves and has zero self-awareness, so they become the one creepy guy story for that cosplayer. Someone who had hundreds of photos taken that day and interacted with and passed by thousands of people, but one guy was a retarded creep, so it becomes this hysterical exaggeration that implies that the majority of con attendees somehow didn't know that you aren't supposed to grope cosplayers.

>> No.10795237

You should be protecting her

>> No.10795241

Pre-social media everything was just better and friendlier and less creeper filled

>> No.10795244

The damage tumblr did by injecting Homestuck and Twilight fans into anime weeb communities has been incalculable.

>> No.10795476 [DELETED] 

He tried
He’s not a bodyguard. Do you not care of his safety
Fight your own fucking battles
If she gets raped she gets dumped

>> No.10795478 [DELETED] 

Belongs in bedroom
If you’re too dumb to not realize that you’re just good for sex
Better off marring a Russian or Asian girl

>> No.10795485

So true queen. I will pick you.

What's your discord?

>> No.10795489

Tumblr girls rule actually

>> No.10797672

do people NOT understand what Peripheral Vision IS?!?
don't stare directly at their chest/face/butt/etc, just look at them via your peripheral vision, you get to check them out, you are not eye fucking them, and they'll have to explain why they called the cops on you for staring dirtily at that McDonald's McRibbs Billboard when your dick wasn't out

>> No.10797972

Women are the worst culprits, sexually harassing every man who comes within line-of-sight to their whore-ish outfits.
These thots are dressing to get attention. It's only "harassment" when an unattractive man gives them attention.
This is female nature, unchecked. They WANT to be raped, just not by neck-beards.
Logic doesn't make sense? That's because it's fucking woman-logic. They're narcissistic whores acting out on attention-grabbing impulses.

They deserve consequences.

>> No.10801433
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>> No.10801439

If you're attractive and desirable, most women will treat uninvited attention as flattery and flirting. If you're an ugly autist who stinks like a stale poopsock, women will treat any attention from you as unwanted creeper behavior or sexual harassment.

Lots of women do need to get themselves off the fucking pedestal they put themselves on, but I get it. I've worked at a gamestop and I've dealt with the giga-autists who tell you which Sonic the Hedgehog characters they want to fuck, or the massively obese mouth-breather who will literally spend hours blabbering on about some stupid bullshit, because they mistake polite smalltalk as genuine friendly interest. If they kinda of subhuman creature was also interested in fucking me, I'd be terrified too.

>> No.10801456

>giga-autists who tell you which Sonic the Hedgehog characters they want to fuck
>tfw i read this and realize i'm a hybrid of that and of an actualcool guy because i'm famous in my area, people truly like me, but i don't get one single girl wanting me

yeah i'll always be the chubby funny dude that everyone loves as a friend but is undesireable

>> No.10801457

That modicum of self-awareness you have means there is hope for you.

>> No.10801547

If you are creepy, it's always sexuell harassment

>> No.10801552

NAYRT, but I'd take it either as rude comment, or an autistic one, depending on how I perceive the person.
Sometimes it's just an autist who doesn't even know what he said is inappropriate.

I agree with >>10785805, that is not sexual harassment.
t. someone who went through weird shit at cons, specially in my early teens.

I do not care about Reddit, I've been using spaces between paragraphs since I started posting on forums almost 20 years ago.

>> No.10801555

It's real. Some nerds have boundry issues and cant keep their hand to themselves. Also, sports?

>> No.10801567

Not sure if woman or man

>> No.10801577

What do I search to read the drama

>> No.10801588

I'm too much self aware, sometimes to the point it's a problem
Plus thankfully I hold myself well enough on convention settings and thus I enjoy an all around "this guy is awesome" and "he's a shining light in a world full of bad people" reputation.

>> No.10801684

I would be offended even if I got the green one. It reads like a backhanded compliment

>> No.10801764

yes, because the first thing i want to do is upset someone being a creep by insulting them firsthand.

>> No.10801792
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>woman and man flirt
>women does some stuff
>women regrets
>claims it was sexual assault or harassment

a couple of my buddies went through this. girls who clearly initiated and wanted to fuck them. the next day, they didnt want to be seen as sluts so claimed the guys had forced themselves on her. women are a piece of shit

>> No.10803478
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gonna print out a shitton of red cards and hand them out randomly to innocent con goers.

>> No.10804628

The problem is who does the judging?

>> No.10804629

He raped her with his eyes. Now she'll have to get an abortion.

>> No.10804631

Into the trash it goes!

>> No.10805604

It happens.

I ended up having to retire my Legato Blue summers cosplay because of being groped multiple times in the vendors hall at my local convention.

>> No.10805784

>it doesn't suddenly become not harassment when the environment changes

No, we CAN and DO treat behavior differently depending on the setting. Our expectations of what is respectful behavior is probably affected most by the setting, e.g. this remark is tolerated at a party or con but it's not okay for the office.

>> No.10805884

it's been 2 months

>> No.10806014

That was me, and I'll do it again too.

>> No.10806044

Men at cons:hey great costume!
Women at cons: help! I’m getting raped!

>> No.10807707
File: 60 KB, 670x440, cosplay_photo_by_flickr_user_ryc_-_behind_the_lens-670x440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Out of all respondents, 59 percent said they felt sexual harassment was a problem in comics and 25 percent said they had been sexually harassed in the industry. The harassment varied: while in the workplace or at work events, respondents were more likely to suffer disparaging comments about their gender, sexual orientation, or race. At conventions, respondents were more likely to be photographed against their wishes. Thirteen percent reported having unwanted comments of a sexual nature made about them at conventions—and eight percent of people of all genders reported they had been groped, assaulted, or raped at a comic convention.

>> No.10807713

Which color is your hair nonny?

>> No.10807752

nice non-study

>> No.10807758

It depends. From personal experience, things tend to be a bit better nowadays VS 10 years ago when "glomping" and chest groping were seen as "socially awkward but kawaii desu" and "quirky". Also cons where there's a lot more room tend to feel a bit safer. Most of the sexual harassment I'd get came from crowded dealers halls where people were shoved together and some grimier people would use it as an opportunity to grope/up-skirt/kiss shoulders/thrust into your back.

I think the Cosplay != Consent movement honestly helped a bit though I do think it's a bit overdone nowadays and deters some people from going to cons/gives the community a bad name.

>> No.10808365

kek so hard
thanks anon

>> No.10808385


There was no "movement" nonnie. Nobody who cared about consent and avoiding sexual assault came to that conclusion because a con put up a sign with a cutesy rhyme. Nobody inclined to do those things was deterred by it. Its the same self congratulatory bullshit as the "teach men not to rape" mantra.

>> No.10808390

You must be a man if you have to ask this. Or you're too young to have experienced the "glomping" era and yaoi paddles.

>> No.10808391

People really forget how nasty fujos can be. The kind of obnoxious girls who went from Hetalia to Homestuck to whatever the fuck they're doing now. Probably Genshin Impact. They were the biggest offenders of being con creeps. Throwing themselves on other people, regardless of gender, yaoi paddles, groping strangers, forcing people into kisses and other intimate poses for photos.

Fujos would be on sex offender registries for the kind of shit that used to run rampant at cons if they weren't girls.

>> No.10808411

you would be amazed at how quickly creeps recoil into the darkness when people call out their behavior
or maybe you wouldn't, because you sound like an angry creep who needs to touch grass

>> No.10808417

Sorry to have disrupted your belief that the "cosplay is not consent" mantra did any of those things. You missed out on the Civil rights movement. You will never get to be part of that. You will never be historically relevant. You missed out. Too bad. Your larp convinces nobody but yourself.

>> No.10808419

Laws and rules are punitive, not preventative. Any subhuman awful enough to force themselves on a random stranger or believe that a cosplayer was "asking for it" doesn't have enough braincells to care about what the rules say.

>> No.10808420

I'm a man and some random dude kissed me on the cheek, then ran off at nighttime. It was at a larger convention and I was not even in cosplay. Just going to be more statistically probable that there are some creepy people when there are more people gathered. I'd be willing to bet, that just like with all crime, it's a very small percent of people attending that actually commit the assaults/harassment. It's definitely not a meme though, just blown out of proportion to the point where some people think literally 90% of the guys there are creeps.

>> No.10808421

the mantra itself didn't, but the signage warding away creeps and making staff actually deal with and get rid of these creeps certainly did
but you seem very upset by this - that you think reminding people not to be creeps is somehow a bad thing. do you feel personally targeted?

you can go on /r9k/ and visit any women hate thread to see how upset creeps are that they could be punished for their behavior and how that leads them to do nothing instead

>> No.10808422

>the signage did
Wild. I'm sure you can prove that somehow.

>> No.10808423

Femcel momento

>> No.10808424


>> No.10808425

>you can go on /r9k/ and visit any women hate thread to see how upset creeps are that they could be punished for their behavior and how that leads them to do nothing instead
Did you think anyone would believe you?

/r9k/ doesn't attend conventions. There were already rules and laws in place that say it's bad to sexually assault other people. If you think a bunch of incel losers took one look at those signs and broke down in tears because they thought that a giant public event with tens of thousands of people was going to be their chance to force themselves on a cosplayer when they can't even look girls in the eye, you're not just delusional, you're retarded.

>> No.10808426

>yaoi paddles

>> No.10808427

Are you trying to imply that /r9k/ was responsible for all the yaoi paddle violence?

>> No.10808428

Thr long forgotten yaoi paddle. Known best for rampant possession among creepy men, probably!

>> No.10808429

>If you think a bunch of incel losers... thought that a giant public event with tens of thousands of people was going to be their chance to force themselves on a cosplayer, you're not just delusional, you're retarded.

>> No.10808430

just one of the many examples of creeps being creeps because they thought cosplay was consent

>> No.10808432

Ah yes, /r9k/ and the incels, with their women hate threads, hand in hand with fujoshis and their depraved sexual antics occuring at mid-00s anime conventions.

Yaoi paddles were banned before "cosplay is not consent" became a thing because retards were assaulting people with them and causing serious injuries... BECAUSE ASSAULT AND BATTERY IS ALREADY A CRIME AND ALREADY AGAINST THE RULES

God, you're dense.

>> No.10808434

You're apparently too young to realize paddles were banned from events not shamed away by your lame posters. Are you saying we need posters so women can behave at conventions? Wild claim femcel I wonder if that will get any traction.

>> No.10808437

>noooo creep behavior doesn't exist at cons because... it just doesn't okay???
>okay actually it did but... it got banned and the ban worked, but your awareness and bans don't work because... they just don't okay?????
always the moids

>> No.10808438

>>noooo creep behavior doesn't exist at cons because... it just doesn't okay???
Literally no one said that. Put the goal post down and shove it up your ass.

>> No.10808439

Its ok nonny. You can stop beating up that strawman now. Everyone here can read the posts and know that isn't what was said. This is getting pathetic.

>> No.10808442

This thread fucking sucks.

>> No.10808443

Will you two just fuck already?

>> No.10808444

Anon arguments are not consent, sweaty.

>> No.10808859

Probably the wrong place to ask, but I once read a doujinshi where the characters go to a convention where cosplay is consent and several dozen pages of public con cosplay orgies ensue. Im pretty sure i guy dressed up as Link fucks his sister. Can't seem to find it now, so I was wondering if one of you knows where it is.

>> No.10810001

Eh, when I cosplayed Sona once some kids joked about rape but that's about it.

And when I mean kids, I mean like 13. Where tf are their parents

>> No.10810838

Post the edit of this

>> No.10810843


>> No.10810875

I did it
Grabbed the ass if a Harley Queen Cosplayer, cause there was written "no touching allowed" on it
She said I should piss of and I did
Later I told it to the police, but they chased me away

A few weeks later, I told it to the convention organizers

Now I'm banned there

So yeah, it happens

>> No.10810877

Well you are a bad man but I hope you learned a lesson and won't do it again

>> No.10810881

Touching the ass of cosplayers
No, even if someone begs for it

Trying to get a gf or get laid at cons
I will still do that
Until I'm banned at almost every con possible (in austria)

My current number is 4

>> No.10810883

I still don't understand why it's such a taboo thing to understand that as a woman if you go to a con full of awkward and malajusted men in a skimpy outfit you are going to have all kinds of trouble. Deal with it or wear better and less revealing costumes. The autists don't care and aren't going to change no matter how much you scream at them.

>> No.10810899

>The autists don't care and aren't going to change no matter how much you scream at them.
Most actually do

>> No.10810900

Don't you know? Cons are crawling with autistic rape squads constantly looking for their next target

>> No.10810938

Not in austria


>> No.10810946

austria has the most autists in the entire world

>> No.10810967

I have been sexually assaulted in front of people and nobody saw it. Anyway, most women are assaulted by (ex)boyfriends, friends and family members , not by strangers.

>> No.10811037

How do you know that?

>> No.10812858

You still get creeped on with less revealing costumes

>> No.10812951
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>> No.10812986


>> No.10814339
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is unwanted touching sexual harassment by law? even if its not touching a sexual place like boob or butt?

>> No.10814373


>> No.10814413

don't forget to print green ones to hand to creepy dudes immediately after they do something cringy or creepy.

>> No.10814488

I'm amazed at how you people can't come up with anything other than "touch grass"
It'll probably take you 10 years to find a new phrase. It took you that long to stop saying "get a life" as if it's an epic mic drop insult

>> No.10814669

does that mean I get to treat you like a retard? Because you sure sound like one.

>> No.10814670

Not if the one being touched is male

>> No.10814671

are Yaoi Paddles still a thing? I know they got banned. but fuck, the drama they caused...

>> No.10815155

>Spams tranny may mays

>> No.10815162

It's one of those things that happens but it's also overblown by bad faith actors which makes it very muddy to deal with

>> No.10815229

Why men don't believe women or take them seriously in any context anymore, the thread
Seriously it gets easier every single day to not care at all about women or their expectations or wellbeing

>> No.10815644

Why women don't trust men or take them seriously in any context anymore, the thread
Seriously it gets easier every single day to not care at all about men, their expectations, and wellbeing

>> No.10815965

Guy here. Yeah, it really does happen. I'm sure that a lot of it is exaggerated, but I also think a surprising amount of it is likely to be real. I say this because I witnessed it firsthand. Some gigafat approached my ex when she was wearing Tamamo cosplay and made a very off-color comment to her about her tits being enormous. This all happened in front of me, so it's not bullshit, and I feel bad that she had to deal with that. That being said-- while I was outraged on her behalf at the time-- this is admittedly the price you pay for dressing like a complete whore in a den full of socially awkward losers. And I want to make something very clear: People are allowed to be offensively socially awkward, especially at conventions. In fact, anime conventions wouldn't exist without those people, because anime conventions were invented by those people. I wish we could just kill every single person who is overweight, or has autism, but we can't. To that end, the lack of self-awareness or even basic, common sense from the "women" (ie: oversized, female children) involved in this ""movement"" is completely ridiculous. To borrow an analogy, you can't simply walk into Mordor (least of all, naked) and tell the orcs to start behaving themselves or kill them all, it doesn't work that way. Don't want to deal with orcs? Okay, then go make your own convention, with your own, dogmatic rules, and turn away every single fatso that comes in through your doors. But until you can do that, then at least stop paying tribute to Saruman. Oh, you won't do that because you want to keep engaging in what functionally amounts to exhibitionism without any of the bukakke or social consequences? Then you are the fucking problem. Stop fucking complaining, people with brains are tired of listening to you.

>t. I got older, realized that all cosplayers and publicly self-identifying "gamers" are shitty people, stopped associating with them, and have since completely stopped going to conventions.

>> No.10816007

i can tell you're male because you think sexual harassment can only be physical

>> No.10816016

I used to see it ALL the time for real in con back before 2007.

To be frank, I have seen it very little since then. Maybe it's because cons got so huge, and it's less noticeable when it does happen now?

>> No.10816311

based fatalistic worldview

>> No.10816312

are you retarded?

>> No.10816336

>you can go on /r9k/ and visit any women hate thread to see how upset creeps are that they could be punished for their behavior and how that leads them to do nothing instead

they wouldn't act on it anyway -- if they were no rules, they'd find a different excuse.

>> No.10816337

>Later I told it to the police, but they chased me away
>A few weeks later, I told it to the convention organizers

do you have a punishment fetish or something

>> No.10816365

it's a man, nonny. only a man could be this needlessly hateful to women. if it is a woman it's the most pick-me chick i've ever seen

>> No.10816366

stop insisting women who have one night stands are "sluts" then. this problem goes away overnight

>> No.10816375

...If you see someone getting molested, then the person doing the molesting isn't very good at it. People who really want to physically molest someone and are experienced at it do it so they don't get caught.

>> No.10816376

No, it is not. Sexual harassment includes catcalling and saying demeaning things to someone about their gender or sexual attributes (face, breasts, butt, vagina, penis, etc.)

For example, going up to women with large lips and telling them they have "d-ck sucking lips" is sexual harassment.

>> No.10816377

A momentary glance at exposed cleavage isn't something to be up in arms about. Anyone would have a difficult time ignoring something that is smack dab in the middle of the body with a large contrast in color/shade.

>> No.10816378

No, it doesn't require persistence. Catcalling a woman only once isn't persistent, yet it is sexual harassment.

Think of it this way: If the words you are about to say to a person who is wearing revealing clothing are appropriate to say to your own sibling or parent wearing the same thing, is it not sexual harassment?

>> No.10816385

>only a man could be this needlessly hateful to women

oh ye of little faith, no man could ever hate women as expertly and as passionately as a woman

>> No.10816430

They are sluts. Deal with it. OnlyFans girls at least have.

>> No.10816437
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>girls making impulsive decisions without accountability
>not a slut

>> No.10818493

the only reason you here right now is cuz your dad said some "inappropriate" shit to your mom

>> No.10818510

idk what onlyfans girls "at least have", but being a whore irl is a billion times more dignified than being a whore on the internet

>> No.10818513
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It happens, and that much is an undeniable fact. The degree to which it's reported happening is violently overblown, however, and there is an unquestionable amount of bad faith actors and vendettas against individuals that will make them throw out accusatory statements and slander or just anything to generate victimhood for themselves to garner positive attention and hostile defensiveness from their surrounding clique. Several men I know have been accused of hooking up with people when they were underaged, only for it to be verifiable that they were of-age. Several women I know have been accused of groping people at conventions they never attended. Many high profile harassment cases have been shown to be pure smoke in my local community and resulted in lots of people being ostracized.

I personally wouldn't put too much stock in it if not for the fact that when the big R-word gets tossed around, you can ruin the future of someone who has never done anything wrong even if they outright prove they have never done anything wrong. If you have truly been a victim of actual sexual assault, please speak out and please be clear and please lay out what happened. If you are looking to turn heads to you out of pity because your friends are all off having a good time and you're isolated, please find another way to get this other than stirring this specific pot ever further.

>> No.10818535
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Every girl that claims false rape is a piece of shit and deserves anything she gets. Ive seen it happen way too much without any kind of consequence to the accuser. She gets off scotfree except sometimes pissing off the friend group of the guy she falsely accuses. Shit's fucked. It's worse in the cosplay community cause most of these girls get off on getting the attention being a victim gives you. The only time in their sad lives anyone even gives them any kind of care.

>> No.10818541
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>> No.10818545

>(C97) [Alice no Takarabako (Mizuryu Kei)] Oideyo! Mizuryu Kei Land the 8th day [English] {Doujins.com}
This one? It's been removed from sadpanda for some reason.

>> No.10818547

more like your buddies pressured or manipulated those girls into sex, which is absolutely sexual assault, then tried to spin a narrative that it was totally consensual and they wanted it

>> No.10818579


>> No.10818854

Clown world.
Even worse: imagine paying for this.

>> No.10818907

So why isn't the guy a slut?

>> No.10818908

Most women aren't having kids with the guy who said some offhand inappropriate shit. They might want to fuck for a night, but we're looking for a respectful man to raise kids with.

>> No.10818910

Then explain all the single moms out there

>> No.10818922

>So why isn't the guy a slut?

Cause sex works different for men vs women.

>> No.10818923


>> No.10820999
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“I can’t believe I’m really meeting you.”

>> No.10821052

Don't pretend like women ever gave a shit about men. Men are not fee of sin, but you women have done nothing but drain men of all of their resources and then cast them aside, moving on to the next man like parasites. Too many men have had their lives ruined by women and Vice Versa. We should all go our separate ways and be better off for it.

>> No.10821112

>the 20th one where she's fucking smiling

fucking awkward lmao

also about this Lady Vader...without context, it's hard to say if the dude was a stalker and finally got to see her in person lololol

>> No.10821547

Sorta, sorta not. A lot of times it's basically just from aspies being gross during their only major social interaction all year. And a lot of other times it's girls humblebragging and/or exaggerating. It definitely does happen, but probably not excessively more than any other social situation like say a concert.

Also it doesn't help that most of these cons are founded or run by socially inept nerds who suddenly have status and power that get proceed to get drunk on.

>> No.10821550

>This all happened in front of me, so it's not bullshit

I feel that
>At con with my now ex
>She was really cute, had big tits and a big ass
>Both of us are in cosplay
>Some guy walks up to us an asks for a picture
>Demands I get out of frame
>Takes a bunch of pictures of her
>Basically implies he's going to jerk off to the pictures later

>> No.10821552

why did you let that happen? you sound like a faggot. there was no reason to give in to his demands to leave the picture or stand there while he insinuated he would jerk off. no wonder she’s your ex now, beta.

>> No.10822035
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It seems from this thread it's just a meme
The worst that has happened to most people is some rude comments
Cons get a bad rep

>> No.10822335

>What would you classify that as?

IRL horny posting

>> No.10823210

>normal girls like me

nice larp fag

>> No.10823952
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God I hope so.

>> No.10823959

As someone who worked in con ops for 5 years I can tell you that these incidents do indeed happen. Never should but they do.
The con I was working ops for had between 8-10k attendees while I was working there. We usually had over 100 complaints per year but tended to pull less than 20 badges due to them. A one-off complaint didn't warrant putting resources into it. However if an individual was identified with 3 or more complaints we would send out a notice to security and volunteers.
One year we did have a guy who was grabbing cosplayer's asses when taking pictures with them. We caught him on camera groping a 15 y/o girl and turned him over to the police with the evidence. Dude got put on the sex offender registry for sexually assaulting a minor.
Most shenanigans can get ended with just a warning but remember we also have contractual obligations to the venue and security deposits to worry about. We're also volunteers. We aren't making money running these events.
The goal is to make a fun and safe event that grows year after year. The venues are only in it to make money. If you cause problems between those two interests you need to be removed.

>> No.10825282
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>> No.10827371


It's almost like anime fans have always been a massive joke. The normalization of anime fandom, such as it is, is a very new thing.

>> No.10827848

It is a huge meme, but the problem is that 1 percent of congoers do it.

>> No.10827892

Just remember many con goers have autism or mental illness so they might have an excuse for inappropriate behaviour

>> No.10827938

autism isn't an excuse, it's a reason, but that just means they need to try harder to control themselves not that others need to put up with it.

>> No.10827972

Not an excuse plus plenty of non autistic people do it too. They're just better at hiding it.

>> No.10827973

That is the reason. Guys who have never had a girlfriend/job befor always do.

>> No.10827982

Tuck the card back into her tits

>> No.10828001

whats the reasonable response here to not look like a cuck

>> No.10828003

what does it mean? did the guy know her and they are finally meeting

>> No.10828839

I am a reformed groper, when I was like 12-14 I used to go around cons grabbing girls boobs and butts, I mostly got away with it.

>> No.10829213
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>> No.10829455

This scene was meant to be a joke, but it became a future blueprint for M/F interactions:


>> No.10829457

Wow that's crazy
Anyway, you catch the game?

>> No.10829574

>I'm not going to rape you
>I might


>> No.10829857
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>> No.10830120

I hope you are trolling to get (you)s

>> No.10830129

It should be legal to stab people who grope you. They were asking for it by not keeping their hands to themselves.

>> No.10830132

what if its a kid who doesn't know any better?

>> No.10830518
File: 109 KB, 1200x681, 1_gCe2SsCgVg56MMzJDxDWog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was sexually assaulted at a con by a woman and she fucking completely got away with it. I hope she fuckin dies.

>> No.10830520

Why didnt you do anything at the time?

>> No.10830521

I was a dumb teen who didn't grasp the severity of the situation at all.

>> No.10831496

lol pretty obvious she wants that social points lol.

>> No.10831505

You really don’t know about Son of Dob? He was a pretty big lolcow for a while.
He has a few pathetic stories like this.

>> No.10831522

Kek this remind of this skit:
Then the comment section pretty much confirmed that this sadly almost the truth
An Italian even told his story about how he fainted in London and no one helped him except for a northerner old lady.
I bet this poster will backfire when no one helping a fainting woman due to fear of sexual harassment charge
What the fuck happened with the British, where's the compassion? Where's the love?

>> No.10831523

I remember even China is panicking right now
Recently the announced that in 2022 there's over 10 millions death but only 9 millions birth
And this is not just China, but also India, a country that's more conservative regarding marriage.
But USA low birth rate is caused not because people can't afford to feed their family, but men are drifting out of marriage pool.
Even Zoomers openly claim that they don't want to have family, period.

>> No.10831524

Being in stressful relationship also bad for your mind and body, anon
I'm not going to mention name or position, but I was with a family that made me getting antidepressant and having constant migraine.
Now my migraine occured less and I no longer taking antidepressant

>> No.10831525

lol found the tumblr refugee

>> No.10831527

I bet the research pool is just 10 people

>> No.10831530

Yaoi paddles are carried by fujos you moron.

>> No.10831532

You will be surprised how many orgies happened during large gathering events.
>Happened in cons
>Especially furry cons
>Olympic is infamous with so many flings and orgies officials had to hand out free condoms. They run out after several days and had to run and buy a lot more

>> No.10831535

>Doing something
You're living in easy mode, girl.
How many people will believe a MALE teen
Most women will accuse him of lying and just being typical horny teen, while men saying "Lucky you"

>> No.10831536

>i can tell you are a male because you live in reality and not my fantasy

>> No.10831539 [DELETED] 

You're the type who dreamt that your bf is cheating and demand an apology for him

>> No.10831543

You're the type who dreamt that your bf is cheating and demand an apology from him

>> No.10831576

Pretty much this. Once you realize that half of the claims are made up to get popular, you realize really quick that it’s all a publicity game at the end of the day.

>> No.10831579
File: 398 KB, 1124x1821, 78C9715E-F91C-4363-8108-756DE24610EC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Terminally online womenchildren sorry I mean AFABchildren think men asking for consent to go somewhere together is human trafficking/sexual harassment soooo

>> No.10831580
File: 418 KB, 1152x2048, ECB38F8C-9725-4C28-9948-931DCC4D8DD2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Although technically correct I do hate the word “child” for anyone under 18

>> No.10831584

China is overpopulated, as is India. It wont be a problem for a long time. However the only reason it is not more serious in the U.S is that we have a high immigration influx. But soon this place will be filled with nothing but Asians and Mexicans, but who cars I guess.

>> No.10831587

It's not about overpopulation. It's more about work force. With more aging and retired population less birth rate means in near future there's not enough tax paying workforce to support the elderly population and building/fixing infrastructures.
So the country may collapse under its own weight.
Also don't say USA is safe. Even with immigrants flowing in some works still goes unfulfilled. For example USA is having truck driver shortage right now. Young people found out that the pay is lackluster, the hours are crappy (due to said shortage) and most employers treat them like crap (there's reddit posts dedicated to tell the stories about the nightmare that is truck driving) so most of them jump ship immediately the moment they have enough money or better job offer.
Even without National level heathcare service USA still have one of the biggest elderly population in their nation.

Also aren't your country just hit the debt ceiling.... again?

>> No.10831589

Not that I like trannies, but don't these sjw types get angry when you don't include the poor twanswomens? Only tras use afab.

>> No.10831611

I dont get the problem though. "Everyone is raping me" maniacs are obviously out there if its real or not and they are pretty easy to spot.
So why just dont interact with them? If you see a sign or a skinnyfat slut in skimpy outfit just completely ignore them, if they talk to you first which probably never happens because they are the attention seekers then politely tell them you do not wish to talk to them. Its that easy. The best way to kill attention whores is not feeding them attention so they leave for another place with better hunting grounds. They are anglerfish and you are the sardine which gets chomped because the lure shined so bright and you just had to swim to it.
You A: End the borderline disorder menace that infested this hobby.
B: Protect yourself.
C: Make it possible for actual sexual harassment to be called out without drama.
Also all you win if you dont ignore them is at best a pic of a slut in a slut outfit that you could get on the internet without risk and the persisting smell of crusty makeup in your nose. I just dont see the profit here.

>> No.10831624

At first I was like "Why so many women creating false accusation of sexual harassment in cosplay community" then suddenly it hit me, women who cosplay are either superfans or attention seekers. Attention seekers can cross the line as long they get their dose of attention and right now with nerd culture became so popular, there's more attention seekers than actual superfans.

What saddened me, I'm and oldfag who loves anime and many things nerdy since the 90s. Back then I felt very lonely and hope that one day there's acceptance for this hobby. Fast forward to today, sure we got acceptance, but posers are now overshadowing real fans.

>> No.10832256

>men can't possibly be this stupid, right?
Oh you made sure to insert some misandry into your post. Damn you are a beacon of feminist morality

>> No.10832259

Just a whole thread of projection and "I didn't personally see it"

>> No.10832265

Because most people who make up the whole sexual allegations end up lying about it. They can never out the person, never be consistent with the timeframe, and have to admit they fucked up as well.

>> No.10832945

remind him that you cum inside of her every night and give him a kiss or a slap on the butt to creep him out

>> No.10832949

So she got so horned up and took off her clothes for the guy

>> No.10833074
File: 229 KB, 325x1835, 1612727411827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10833138
File: 3.00 MB, 1280x720, dpiddy-bob cosplay consent video.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10833310

Contrary to belief, a man complaining about any woman touching him is beta. It's one thing if you do it at the time that she does it, and tell her to fuck off. But if you go complain to security or something, unless she is a serial molester, it only hurts you and people's impression of you.

>> No.10833311

>So why just dont interact with them? If you see a sign or a skinnyfat slut in skimpy outfit just completely ignore them, if they talk to you first which probably never happens because they are the attention seekers then politely tell them you do not wish to talk to them. Its that easy. The best way to kill attention whores is not feeding them attention so they leave for another place with better hunting grounds.
So the main issse is that these minority group are loud, and to not cause friction or controversary, everyone goes along with it or else they'll go complain on social media that x convention was sexist and rapist.

This is the current problem with bullies like this. I wish people had the balls to tell these losers to fuck off.

>> No.10833312

People who ask for consent are just as gay as anyone else. The moment you do that, the girl lost all respect for you

>t. guy who gives girls rough sex

>> No.10834917
File: 392 KB, 640x485, 33426151284_c9c6b298ba_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10834918

They're masturbating their egos. Hehe look at me I'm so hot men are breaking the law to touch me.
Fuck this self victimizing trend every whore on tik tok has been molested at least once I've never seen a woman IRL claiming to have been raped or molested.

>> No.10834919

Just a whole trend of women pretending they're so hot men are willing to risk jail for them. Kill yourself.

>> No.10834920

Someone post that edit

>> No.10834921

>The voice balloon pointed the other way
Lemme put my bet, that guy will be arrested for sexual harassment charge.

>> No.10834930

not a cosplay con but the 2019 lantern fest in Auckland i got my ass groped and all the girls i was orbiting at the time just laughed at me when i told them.

>> No.10834932

was it a man or woman who groped you?

>> No.10835149

was a huge crowd so i didn't see them :( i'm androgynous enough to be confused for a woman regularly but i'm a man. grab ass basically saw 5 asses in a row and thought mine was the juiciest so honestly i'm flattered

>> No.10836363
File: 80 KB, 672x335, cosplay-is-not-consent-feature1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10836409


>> No.10836414

No it's very much an excuse when it's severe, brain wiring is too different to function around other people.

>> No.10836572

lol I know this is supposed to be a dramatization of sexual harassment and yet this felt more like a start of live action doujinshi.

>> No.10837549

Those women wish men were doing that to them

>> No.10838073

"Those women wish handsome and rich men were doing that to them"
There, FTFY

>> No.10838083






>> No.10838268

yeah yeah I hate sexual harrassment at cons or whatever you're talking about
... anyway, who else is going to sawcon this year?

>> No.10838946

It exists, but in the cosplay world you're dealing with a lot of scenes that were specifically established by mostly-male nerds with poor social skills. A lot of them mean well but don't have a clear sense of boundaries; some of those will jump on what appears to their judgment to be an invitation to clumsily flirt. Gray-area boundaries are a recipe for disaster with that crowd.

>Alot of cosplay girls are STARVING for attention from social media, so they will take any excuse in the book to try and go viral, even if it means lying or exaggerating.
This too. Or instead of lying about being harassed, they'll invite it for the attention, only to turn around and insist on better behavior from the next person. Worse, this makes the male nerds who witness or hear about the incident get mad that the purported rules can be turned on and off at will, which isn't fair for men who don't have a good grasp of unspoken social skills to begin with. If you tell a bunch of male nerds not to comment on a cosplay girl's boobs, 99% of them will get it. If you tell them that, but then make an exception when a socially-savvy man correctly reads that a cosplay girl is inviting such a comment from him, personally, the rest of the men will correctly decide that the rule isn't really a rule and will start using their (often poorly-developed) social skills to try to become exceptions to the rule, too.

This is an attempt to handle autism with a disingenuous public display of autism.

>> No.10838956

whatever you say faggot

>> No.10838958

That is very sad and pathetic anon. I pity you.

>> No.10838959

>I agree with this. Women do get the worst end of it but it doesn't mean it doesn't happen to men as well.
You don't need to make this a contest. Men still get a lot of abuse it is not as reported as much.

>> No.10838971

>guy who doesnt get sex


>butthurt roastie who gets no attention from chad

>> No.10839761 [DELETED] 


>> No.10840868

Did it make you stop cosplaying Cammy?