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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10767638 No.10767638 [Reply] [Original]

Is cosplay a good way to pick up (not fat) chicks? Asking for a friend

>> No.10767657

only if u hot and tall

>> No.10767688

Only if you're already attractive enough to get girls outside of cosplay

>> No.10767691

I can pull normie 6's and 7's without too much trouble. Which characters am I worthy of at a con?

>> No.10767694

Post hands

>> No.10767695

Post pics of yourself

>> No.10767698

just go to a con and see for yourself how dismal it is if you’re only there to try and fuck, i guarantee you’ll understand why it’s a bad idea

>> No.10767700

>just go to a con and see for yourself how dismal it is if you’re only there to try and fuck, i guarantee you’ll understand why it’s a bad idea
I've only been to two comic cons and they were mostly just full of fat nerds buying merch (as I expected), but I'm convinced that anime cons are full of insecure and sexually starved women, veritable cornucopias of easy, stinky sex

>> No.10767702

Only if your friend is hot and knows how to act like a normal person.

>> No.10767703

are you brown? If so, than no.

>> No.10767704

lol no
fair enough

>> No.10767705

>I'm convinced that anime cons are full of insecure and sexually starved women, veritable cornucopias of easy, stinky sex
i mean yeah but those are the fat and/or ugly girls. the hot ones are neither insecure nor desperate for sex

>> No.10767706

Uhh dude they are basically the same thing but just go to an anime con if you’re so convinced it’s somehow different.
Cons are like 70% men idk why you think any lady could be sexually starved there kek

>> No.10767707

>Cons are like 70% men idk why you think any lady could be sexually starved there kek
To be honest, I've formed my opinion mostly around the kinds of girls I know who talk about going to cons, and pictures I've seen here. It's pretty clear that most of them are insecure, don't get much attention from attractive men in their day to day lives (not necessarily because they're hideous but often because they just don't go out much or are a little shy or socially awkward), that kind of thing. Maybe I'm wrong, that's why I posted. Thanks for the replies anon.

>> No.10767708

It’s basically the same as anywhere else. I’m not sure why you think there’s a higher number of insecure or sexually starved women than other places. If you are hot and know how to act like a normal person, you’re probably be fine in finding someone who will sleep with you. If you’re average/ugly and or/act like a sperg it will be harder.

I’m guessing you’re not especially attractive or don’t know how to act because otherwise you could find a woman to have sex with you without going to an anime convention, and I’m guessing you’ll have the same experience there as you do in real life. Work out, take care of yourself and don’t be a scrote to be more attractive to women.

>> No.10767709

>I’m guessing you’re not especially attractive or don’t know how to act because otherwise you could find a woman to have sex with you without going to an anime convention
I don't know why you're assuming this, I'm just exploring them as an option and I'm interested in them independently of getting laid so it seems like a win-win. Thanks for the advice on lifting brah... lol

>> No.10767710

I’m not gonna tell you not to try but keep in mind for the cons I have gone to, if you keep trying to flirt with multiple girls, the girls or someone else (possibly an angry nerd) will tell security and get you thrown out

>> No.10767711

Well yeah I'm not a creepy weirdo, I know how to talk to people (read: flirt as part of normal conversation, obviously without getting kicked out of venues)

Some weird comments here which seem to assume that I'm a teenage virgin which I guess is par for the course on /cgl/ but I'm just talking generally about the 'scene'

>> No.10767712

It is absolutely terrible for everyone involved. First, women into cosplay are exceedingly hostile towards unacquainted men at conventions (for mostly good reasons), and are usually a hotbed of mental illness and general bitterness. A lot of these women grew up being used and mistreated by men and are now very eager to take out their frustrations on fat, autistic nerds. Second, the men at cons are haggard, wretched souls. Though they're loathe to admit it, many of them fantasize about finding their hecking anime-watching soulmate at cons. The desperation in the air is palpable. I've seen groups of "bros" go from "haha, women amirite" to subtly (or explicitly) putting each other down to try and establish dominance for the dime-a-dozen female Genshin cosplayer who engaged the group in conversation. You can see the hint of a smile on her face as she both wants to leave the encounter as soon as possible, but can't help but stay a little longer to watch these grown men playing dress-up flounder around. Then the "Chad" of the group shows up after coming back from the bathroom. This guy's a big deal, he benches 1pl8, and he's cosplaying Inosuke. The rest of the guys deflate at the sight of his 3 month gym bod, but the Genshin cosplayer doesn't think very much about him. They all leave. The guys proceed to play back the same scene in their heads - they're married to the Genshin cosplayer, and living together with their 2 sons and 2 daughters on a cheap plot of land in the Pacific Northwest. Meanwhile, the Genshin cosplayer chuckles to herself about how pathetic men are, then proceeds to make the thousandth thread on the farms about an imaginary Nigel that will never come. There is no release for anyone.

In short, just go outside and do literally anything else.

>> No.10767713

>and pictures I've seen here
women here are insecure and jealous as fuck, if you open up any type of picture thread here, they'll quickly flock to your thread and start dripping venom over every other cosplayer's photos

>> No.10767714

Holy kek, is this copypasta?

>> No.10767717

I think you are a normal person who isn’t creepy or weird irl. but what would fly at a normal bar or coffee shop isn’t gonna fly at a con. If anyone gets a whiff that you’re just there to pick up girls, it’s not going to be good for you. Cons used to have a bad rap for sexual harassment so any sort of similar thing puts people on edge.
I know lots of cons have a speed dating event which you should try. But I just wanted to warn you about trying anything outside of that.

>> No.10767718

Thanks for the protips, I genuinely appreciate the insight.

>> No.10767726

>women into cosplay usually a hotbed of mental illness

>> No.10767733

lmao, funny shit

>> No.10767734

Holy fuck that's a high quality post

>> No.10767817

so incredibly based, and I agree with this 100%. every time you see a circle of dudes around one chick you can rest assured it's going to be a simp throwdown, and the chick will RELISH in that attention, since they know exactly what the fuck is going on. seriously OP, it's a fucking nightmare and embarrassing behavior

>> No.10767834

Kek that's going in the folder

>> No.10767891

This just doesn't happen much in day to day life. Is it a neckbeard thing? Maybe with very young kids in school.

>> No.10767892
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>a cheap plot of land
>in the Pacific Northwest
I laughed about as hard as Monty did when he found out that Stuart Little was a pet cat of Snowbell's. Good one.

>> No.10767900

Also try not to get your ass thrown in jail for accidentally hitting on a 15 old kek

>> No.10767901

this doesn't happen

>> No.10767964

a lot of thotplayers look like a female version of a school shooter, dysgenic

>> No.10767981

It is unironically easier to pick up women outside of the con and get them intrested into the con scene. You'd be surprised at how many "normie" women are down for doing cosplay.

>> No.10767982

story time, anon

>> No.10767986

>be a faggot poster
>make up lies on the internet

>> No.10767991

do you really think he would just lie like that?

>> No.10768034

Sometimes I wonder if that Numbuh 3 cosplayer saw me. There are few cons around here and most attendants are fat nerds old enough to have kids in senior highschool. I went to a con in the hopes of making nerd friends and maybe a girlfriend. I attended a class and there was a Numbuh 3 cosplayer. KND wasn't really popular in my country. Instead of being creepy or neutral my face took on a look of horror, like I'd killed her father and she was here to avenge him. Idk why that happened but that was an advanced case of spaghetti. She seemed agoraphobic too.

>> No.10768060
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>not fat chicks
Neck yourself faggot

>> No.10768080

do men just think we can't tell if they get into a hobby in hopes of trying to get women? the desperation is really obvious to a lot of us nonny

>> No.10768081

>do men just think we can't tell if they get into a hobby in hopes of trying to get women?
no. I can only speak for myself but I don't care about your petty judgments in this specific regard.
>oh no, they know!
yeah, and? that's kind of a prerequisite for virtually any interaction

do women really? kek

>> No.10768084

>yeah, and? that's kind of a prerequisite for virtually any interaction

do women really? kek
you think it's a norm to pick up hobbies to attract other people? LOL

>> No.10768085

to be honest, 98% of the women I've seen who do cosplay only do it for attention anyway, they're just the c-tier versions of the dumb sluts at the gym who wear yoga pants because they're "comfortable" while doing mediocre treadmill and stair stepper routines, so even if I thought your strawman was representative of my views there's still a glaring element of who gives a shit except for larping females who would rather deny this basic fact than act like adults and move the discussion along

>> No.10768088

>you think it's a norm to pick up hobbies to attract other people? LOL
i met my current gf through pottery classes

sorry you have to deal with tinder

>> No.10768089

my bad, didn't read that lmfao
but it's the norm for men, specifically, not even joking

>> No.10768090

Thank you anon, that is based

>> No.10768102

nta, but it's because you're asking strangers on the internet about how to bone women (particularly ones you're hoping are more easy because clearly you're having difficultly). If you were competent at it in your daily life, you wouldn't have to ask.

> I'm interested in them independently of getting laid
No you're not. You tell yourself that so you don't feel like an asshole. It's written all over your replies, anon. There's nothing wrong with just wanting casual sex. It's better to be honest and own it than to pretend.

>> No.10768104

>You tell yourself that so you don't feel like an asshole
not everyone is a crazy woman/tranny like you, I don't feel the need to justify acting on any of my impulses except perhaps in a professional setting and even then it's only for the benefit of others

basically go be ugly somewhere else

>> No.10768105

I think they meant getting into hobbies with the sole intention of attracting people. Like if you signed up for a pottery class with the mindset of "I want to find a girlfriend here" instead of "hey, it'd be nice to do this one hobby and get to socialize while I do it. Who knows, might meet someone"

>> No.10768106
File: 162 KB, 381x254, sure jan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever you say, anon

>> No.10768109

>dialogue tree exhausted

>> No.10768115

gee i wonder why no women want to fuck you

>> No.10768116

this is literally the only type of response bitchy dysgenic women on this board can come up with
>have sex
>touch grass
>unfunny reaction image without ever addressing any points
at least be funny or... something

>> No.10768119

>no. I can only speak for myself but I don't care about your petty judgments in this specific regard.
then dawg you should not be asking people if cosplay is a good way to attract people. you made this thread so you opened yourself up for judgement
did you get into pottery ONLY to attract women or because you were genuinely interested in pottery? there is a very stark difference

>> No.10768120

you sound like such a wonderful man, i can't believe you have to resort to something like cosplay to get women... they should be lying at your beck and call for how amazing of a catch you are. it honestly sounds like a personality thing LOL

>> No.10768121

>i can't believe you have to resort to something like cosplay to get women
uh oh, she's stuck in a loop

>> No.10768122

femcels are eternally seething from their time in high school when they got ridiculed relentlessly
imagine being a guy who browses this board regularly instead of coming here to shitpost
i don't even like anime or cosplay. shit is for failures

>> No.10768124

>incel comes to ask a really stupid question to a board that's mostly full of women

>> No.10768126

i'm making fun of both of you
just a bunch of sad nerds coping by playing dolly with japanese kid's media

>> No.10768127

just read the post of the guy that replied to you
lmfao nevermind he's a total incel

>> No.10768128

>have sex incel!
femcels on /cgt/ are damaged, to know one's surprise

>> No.10768194
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My man. Best place to get slampigs is your local anime con. Literally just tell them you wanna fuck and they'll follow you straight to the bedroom.

>> No.10768204

Why do you use paragraphs as punctuation to your sentences? There’s plenty of perfectly good punctuation marks to choose from.

>> No.10768205

You seem quirky and funny and your posts are very insightful! Keep it up!

>> No.10768215

the topic of this thread is literally about op trying to get sex so it's relevant

>> No.10768216

>this concerns human social interaction which is all predicated upon sex or the exchange of social capital (which is an extension of sex, power, and money), therefore I AM A HUMAN VAGINA OWNER, DID I MENTION SEX AND VAGINA? HAHA have sex virgins!
lmao women are so fucking dumb

>> No.10768217 [DELETED] 

/cgl/ posters think this is an epic own
sad little anime virgin board lmfao
eat shit jannies

>> No.10768219

Jannies don't deserve your abuse, anon

>> No.10768221

Literally go outside. I know this will effect your winrate in whatever mmofpsrpg you're playing but doing some shit like joining a cycling club or even a fuckin' book club will get you better quality women than the unfortunate shaped 4.5 looking goblins that roam cons thinking they're 10s. Even women at you job (if you have one) are better quality.

If my fat Patrice O'neal looking coworker can get a decent gf then so can you.

>> No.10768222

affect*, chud

>> No.10768225

Nuremberg trials need to be held for grammar nazis.

>> No.10768226

>supporting a Jewish humiliation/death ritual because someone tried to educate you so you don't look so foolish in the future
anon, you are very misguided

>> No.10768236

If you are gonna get into any hobby to pick up chicks you probably won't enjoy if you don't pick up chicks, and since your /here asking about picking up chicks I predict you won't do well.

>> No.10768238

What's with all of the people here who project hard and self-own in the process? It would be different if you were all humble and admitted outright that you yourselves aren't getting women, but this "I'm here too but I'm not like the other losers" attitude on /cgl/ of all places is pretty funny

>> No.10768242


>> No.10768243
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>> No.10768245
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Thank God my ban is done so I can finally reply to this.

Most of you women are in this hobby to get attention and men. And hopefully make money from said attention to be like Yaya Han or some model celebrity that everyone will follow and give you a million followers on Instagram. Compared to getting laid, your aspirations are far more selfish and greedy. So before you try to take the high ground with saying men are desperate to get pussy, realize we're not the ones needing hundreds to thousands of people validating your meager existences.

>> No.10768247

I don't know about you but I have zero shame in picking up hookers and doing sex tourism.
No, I do not have standards. Nothing wrong with fucking fat chicks.

>> No.10768248
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People who pick up hookers are men who gave up on life. The hunt is what all men live for and the satisfaction of knowing that you're man enough to have woo'd a woman into your bed by your own merit.

>> No.10768250

>man enough to have woo'd a woman into your bed by your own merit.
translator's note: merit is a euphemism for money, power, fame, or heritable physical traits

>> No.10768251

It's desperation when men do it, even though the women who do this kind of thing are far more desperate for any kind of validation.
>t-that's whataboutism!

>> No.10768252

I agree money can be seen as merit, but money can be inherited. Skill has to be learned.

>> No.10768253

I am not getting laid, I'll be open about that. What I'm saying is: you post here like I do, you like me are probably not getting laid. You even asked for advice how to pick up women here that is more evidence you aren't getting laid.
Second if you aren't getting laid irl I doubt you will doing cosplay.
Now if you want to get into a hobby to pick up women thats fine. I frankly don't give shit, but if you are unsuccessful you will hate the hobby and not enjoy it. That's all I'm saying.

>> No.10768256

>I am not getting laid, I'll be open about that. What I'm saying is: you post here like I do, you like me are probably not getting laid
Which is why I pointed out that this is projection on your part. Textbook case. Many such cases.

>> No.10768287

I have two buddies that met girls into cosplay at cons and started dating them. One girl was into more accurate, less slutty cosplays and is a total fucking nutcase. The other girl seemingly just uses it as an excuse dress like a slut and get the attention she doesn't get from people in her normal life because she's thoroughly average looking, she's also a nutcase. In both scenarios I'm sure they're happy in some capacity but they've also been a constant source of drama in their lives and the latter girl also has my friend wigging out at any mildly attractive guy in our friend group because she's an attention whore and he knows he wasn't the only guy in our group she was flirting with the night we met her.

What I'm saying here is girls into cosplay are usually headcases and you should definitely not go for anything serious with them.

>> No.10768293

it really does, if you've ever went to frat parties in college you would know that E X A C T scenario of "a bunch of dudes surround a girl and try to impress her/put down the other guys" plays out real often. it's even worse at cons because the girl is usually going to be like a 5 without the makeup/cosplay so the amt of attention they get there with both on is straight up intoxicating for them.

>> No.10768294

What If I am not looking to get laid? Are cons good places to socialize and make new friends? I have rarely any outlets for socialization outside of work and I’m naturally extroverted.

>> No.10768297

>frat boys behaving like simps instead of dudebros
Maybe it's the type of frat but this is the antithesis of frat behavior imo

>> No.10768300

Deep down frat boys are the biggest simps on planet earth. They just cover it up with money and shitty beer.

>> No.10768332

literally only a virgin would say this. have sex dude

>> No.10768335

Cosplay as a character that girls like, and make sure to do it well. Put effort into it. Girls will approach you and ask for photos. Have a social media account ready (for example an Instagram page) that they can add you on, then perhaps if they add you, start a conversation via DMs.

Don't pester them too much and don't act desperate.

>> No.10768340

Yoooo this hit home, it describes what a guy who I met at a con did when we made some small talk because we were in the same fandom. He tried to talk down another dude...who was my close friend and also fellow cosplayer. We went home and pointed out the odd one man-up show behavior.

That said, I married the guy, not the close friend.
He admitted years later that he was "young and dumb"

>> No.10768343

this is funny but not entirely accurate, cosplaying/conventions made me lose my virginity and if you have enough self awareness to not be a fucking retard + have enough normal people intuition to tell who you should and shouldn't be around (who is and isn't worth your time) then you'll be fine. genuinely not a bad place to make friends or get easy hookups if you can tell whose good for it, but if your desperate/too sad+lonely/awkward but not in an endearing way/an obvious creep then you aren't gonna get anywhere. the 'self awareness' part also matters a lot, as in a jolly and happy looking fat guy is immediately more likable than a sad fat guy dressed with zero effort that doesnt shower. if you arent a fucking moron and dont surround yourself with crabs in a bucket you are entirely capable of making friends and hooking up at anime conventions it really is not that hard, this post is true in the sense that people like this exist and these situations do happen 1/2

>> No.10768345

2/2 BUT the issue is that this is painfully and obviously WRITTEN BY one of the same fat depressed retards that dream of anime women in his head, the very same people he's writing about. the only reason he can so accurately describe these situations is either A. because he is that sad loser crab in a bucket or B. because he spends his entire time at conventions alone peoplewatching.

anyone looking at this and taking it as total truth that they shouldn't even try to enjoy the social opportunities of conventions is just as big of a doomer bucket crab retard as the people this 4chan user is describing in his post. stop giving up hope of actually making friends that are worth keeping around. drop this LOSER MENTALITY and make the world a better place

>> No.10768346

nta, but is it projection if it's true? I'd imagine it's closer to (no) game recognizing (no) game.

>> No.10768348

nta, but depends on you. I find it easier to socialize mostly because I feel embloded by the knowledge that I'm surrounded by people with similar interests. There's usually a sure-fire way to connect. Other people are usually looking for easy-in's to socialize too.

>> No.10768355

Depends on you, and on the con. Some cons are really cliquey, or full of people who are only there for the official events and don't want to socialize. Others have a friendlier population who are more open to it. It's also tough across the board if you're much older than 25 or so, small local cons tend to be the most sociable but they're also full of teenagers.

>> No.10768361

I've gotten 3 girlfriends out of cosplaying.

2 of them I didn't even want.

>> No.10768362

Are you sure you were actually in a relationship if you didn't want it?

>> No.10768363

Accurate and depressing.

>> No.10768364
File: 36 KB, 680x542, crumb of pussy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I married the guy who shit talked my friend
>moral of the story: Shit talking and demoralizing other men around you turns on the pussy faucet


>> No.10768365

Most people cosplay for fun
Maybe you’d know that if you weren’t trying to be a literal stick in mud

>> No.10768366

>anime conventions are a hot mess
Uh yeah tell me something I don’t know faggot

>> No.10768368

This is kind of tangential, but reminds me of something that's happened to me a bunch
>cute girl initiates conversation with me
>talk for a bit
>bunch of autist dudes materialize out of nowhere and start trying to flirt with her too
>she gets visibly freaked out and eventually ditches all of us
Just goes to show that even if you do shit decently, the other dudes at cons will ruin it for you.

>> No.10768369
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I am in this hobby because it is fun. I like meeting people who are into the same things as me and being nice to them. I love seeing my online friends in person and trading stickers and shitposts with them. Costhots are a small minority.
You can project all u want but in the end we are happy.

>> No.10768372

That's not how it works. Girls choose guys, not the other way around.

I may be a sucker, but I'm not a dweeb.

>> No.10768374

It's easier than irl if you have decent looks and not a sperg.

If you're into barely legal femboys and trannies though, it's practically an all-you-can-eat buffet.

>> No.10768375
File: 346 KB, 715x479, 2D6BF7C2-4313-428D-99AC-446743CAA252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man I miss going to cons, I need an itabag decorating hotel party STAT

>> No.10768382

Why are feet so erotic?

>> No.10768386

>dialogue tree exhausted

>> No.10768387

Zoomers don't really understand English. I think he meant that it wasn't his initial intent to get a girlfriend, but through happenstance he did anyway.

>> No.10768388

I think he means that he wasn't really interested in a relationship with those girls or at all, but they pursued him enough that he went along with it. I've been in that situation before too, and it's always a bad idea.

>> No.10768389

>I think he means that he wasn't really interested in a relationship with those girls or at all, but they pursued him enough that he went along with it.
Yup. Bitches be cosigning.

>> No.10768417

I agree that it's a great place to meet new people, but the guy you're responding to hit the nail on the head. I've spent enough time in con gatherings around people that straight up can't contain their sperg. I've had pleasant convos with girls about their cosplay (as someone also cosplaying) only for some dude to think it means they can come in and try to do their two bit flirting shtick and scare them off.

People will either be super sperg or will try to act so cartoonishly slick that anyone in a 5 mile radius can tell that they're just there at the con to pick up chicks, which is (unsurprisingly) something that girls can detect. it's cringe as fuck but extremely prevalent at cons.

>> No.10768421

I'm looking forward to OPs thread in about a year complaining about not getting laid from cosplay and how it's dumb.

>> No.10768423

The fun comes from the attention. Don't think you were slick.

>> No.10768424

It's fun because you have guys who give you attention to your costume. If they didnt, you wouldnt do it at all.

But if it's any bone to throw at you I have run into girls who genuinely want to cosplay their characters. For instance all the homestuck girls. Though they are doing it to show off to other homestuck girls and a random guy.

>> No.10768425

I think it's more to show off to other girls than anything. Your average dude isn't gonna notice things like complex patterns and craftsmanship. Most are into tits and ass, myself included. Everyone like attention and that's definitely part of the appeal, but I don't think women just do cosplay for male attention. Shit if they want that they can throw on make up, were a short skirt heels and a low cut shirt and go to the club they'll get plenty of attention there.

>> No.10768427

But you forget most girls are too shy for the club, at least in the anime community. At a convention, they can be extrovert as they want. I've seen a shy girl transform into a diva when she was at place considered "safe.' being around people that are like you is a liberating experience and even I went through it. I still think women do it for just attention but I know as a man I do it cause I like dressing as the character to live in the "skin" of them. And some girls do that too Im aware. The modern day culture is unfortunately destroying that

>> No.10768433

>girls are crazy!
>no men are crazy!

Lmao this fucking thread. Met my wife at a con we've been together for 7 years now. Shits easy to get laid and find someone that you get along with if you aren't also crazy.

>> No.10768434

Oh yeah when your flooded with attention from anyone it's definitely gonna change your personality that's true no matter what gender you are. I also don't dispute that some women do it for male attention, I just don't think it's as many as you think.

>> No.10768436

I'm happy for you and your wife anon. I'll ask did you guys go to the con specifically for trying to pick up people of the opposite gender, or did you guys just wanna go and have fun?

>> No.10768441

We both are hardcore partyers so I guess in sense yes we went to get laid. Somehow ended up getting married instead.

>> No.10768443

There's a girl I met like that. She's a bit too innocent and naive but very horny. Maybe I should have tried to lock her down instead of treating it casually since we did it at multiple events.

>> No.10768445

Once I cosplayed as a shirtless Spider-Man. Out of nowhere a Black Cat cosplayer girl came up to me and put her hand on my chest and said "ooo" in a flirty way. I acknowledged her and kept walking like a retard that I am. Should have started a convo with her and asked for her number to see if she was interested.

>> No.10768449

Dont take that seriously. Most girls just like roleplaying. However if youre smooth enough you can use that to your advantage. Too many times Ive heard a girl fantasizing wanting to fuck in cosplay.

>> No.10768508

Nope not worth it. Cons are where women's guards are up the highest because of all the thirsty dudes there. Even in cosplay, women can see right through your act. Your best bet is to find a woman with low self esteem and take it from there.

>> No.10768509
File: 57 KB, 1080x526, 196816546_10158736305559733_7133058204044187242_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cons are where women's guards are up the highest because of all the thirsty dudes there
Yes and no. Women know there's thirsty dudes there, but they want the hottest looking guys, or at least a guy they feel the safest with.

>Your best bet is to find a woman with low self esteem and take it from there.

All women have low self esteem. Otherwise this board would not exist nor the cosplay hobby be as large as it is.

>> No.10768535
File: 104 KB, 736x963, 956AB244-8D48-4287-A8C9-43E252F3D3F6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah you get the attention of people who are cosplaying from the same series you are. It’s a great ice breaker and fun to meet people interested in the same things as you , try it sometime. <3

I want attention from anyone who knows what I’m cosplaying as. I don’t see anything wrong with that, especially if it’s to make friends. Besides, taking silly pics with other cosplayers and normies is fun.
It’s like you guys don’t actually go to cons

>> No.10768536

>It's fun because you have guys who give you attention to your costume. If they didnt, you wouldnt do it at all.

Lmao Wrong, dressing up is fun with or without an audience.

>> No.10768541

Is that Harada on the right.

I'm pretty sure cosplay girls are pretty stuck up and only going to fuck /fit/ chads or guys who look like girls if they're bi.

>> No.10768552

>Yeah you get the attention of people who are cosplaying from the same series you are
By that logic if I'm looking to find a weeb girlfriend I should cosplay as the current most popular series? That'd either be demon slayer or genshin based on what I saw at anime boston

>> No.10768555

Can you get a weeb girlfriend without cosplaying?
I just want a girl with big boobs and mild autism and only slightly chubby.

>> No.10768557

If its a normie I can pretend I'm not autistic long enough to see her regularly but since I like vidya and anime the relationship doesn't last

>> No.10768563

Be over 30 with the dad bod.

>> No.10768565
File: 135 KB, 1024x576, LOLsInRedArmy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the hot ones are neither insecure nor desperate for sex

>> No.10768571

Well the dad bod part is easy, but I"m 27.

>> No.10768577

Nothing wrong with getting attention. At least you admit it.

>> No.10768580

It's the easiest way to get a girl. The other is to be tall and white and have a good face. Hit all her checkboxes of attraction and the girl won't care.

>Can you get a weeb girlfriend without cosplaying?
Yes but you have to work harder to initiate. In cosplay girls tend to open me up as a man.

>> No.10768581

Close enough. Just dress in chinos, polos and a nice watch.

>> No.10768583

No dad bods are a meme and wont get you pussy.

>> No.10768593

Definitely not white and I don't know about my face, I'm still kind of skinny but I'm hitting the gym to bulk up so we'll see. I was seriously debating going as Inosuke if my abs looked good enough.

>> No.10768609

you watch too much porn anon

>> No.10768610

if you're east asian, you can pull weeb girls easily, they love asians of course. if you're some kind of brown not so much

>> No.10768614

That's not entirely true. I've seen it happen, but asian men dont pull as well. Asian girls however are highly valued in the weeb community. White girls are first with asian girls slightly behind. I almost want to say asian girls pull ahead by just a little bit cause of the race preference tied to anime/ manga. I do know girls that want asian men but when they see one in person they don't think him attractive. Cause usually they are not. There's only a small percentage that really look good to them. And even then he has to hit a niche or be the one good looking asian man that resembles a white man.

>> No.10768615

He's right however. Hot girls are just as insecure as the ugly ones. I would daresay they are more insecure due to trying to be as perfect as possible.

>> No.10768616

The only time I was/ fit/ no girls talked to me at a con now what.

>> No.10768619

>Lmao Wrong, dressing up is fun with or without an audience.
Yeah, but you wouldn't cosplay alone as often as you might at cons, generally speaking, and if you couldn't even show the photos to anyone, you'd probably do it even less. The point is that it's mostly about the attention for wimmins.

>> No.10768636

nta, but cosplay is a primarily social hobby like soccer or drinking. Yeah, you can do it alone in your own home and have a good time but it's an entirely different experience sharing it with others. Does that make everyone who plays soccer or drinks in social settings with others attention seeking whores? Of course not.

>> No.10768639

Soccer players put on a uniform for a purpose, that purpose being playing the game. Cosplayers put on a uniform for a purpose, that purpose being attracting attention, especially for women.

>> No.10768674
File: 33 KB, 473x435, 1621219534041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the purpose is for fun, why the fuck are you even here if you don't consider cosplay fun

>> No.10768679

Sex work is real work!

>> No.10768719

yes, and the "fun" is getting attention lmao
inb4 splitting hairs about how arts and crafts and buying/organizing clothing and props is fun
calling it "fun" as some kind of rebuttal to the fact that its purpose is attention seeking is the "I wear yoga pants because they're comfortable" of femcels

>> No.10768721

Have u ever worn yoga pants tho, comfiness 100

>> No.10768727

yeah and when I'm at home I like to lounge around naked in a robe, but I don't do that in public even though it also looks pretty sexy to be honest, because I'm not a prostitute

>> No.10768752

I dunno don't like you girls have dress up parties and shit? Like I think women just like dressing up. I mean I watch anime as a form of entertainment I don't watch it to get female attention, I don't think it's that far fetches that women like dressing up for the sake of itself. It's probably a fun distraction from everyday life.

>> No.10768754

you are a prostitute bitch dont lie

>> No.10768961

>you are a prostitute bitch dont lie
only for qts and only for wholesome companionship

>> No.10768962

>I mean I watch anime as a form of entertainment I don't watch it to get female attention
You fundamentally don't understand how women are wired

>> No.10768964

maybe but they sure as hell aren't out desperate to fuck uggoes or even normies. why would they? fucking a hot guy is much more validating

>I do know girls that want asian men but when they see one in person they don't think him attractive.
bc asian men in the west don't make any effort to look like girly kpop guys or anime boys. those are the kind of asian guys they want, not some techbro nerd

>> No.10768967

>bc asian men in the west don't make any effort to look like girly kpop guys or anime boys. those are the kind of asian guys they want, not some techbro nerd
the reality is just that asian dudes are mostly unattractive

>> No.10768977
File: 86 KB, 736x736, cde4b8f1a2b562e8e19913140a1ce92a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're probably a self race hating Asian girl who absolutely refuses to get with Asian guys. There are tons of attractive Asian men, it's just Western or Americanized media love to portray the nerdy and skinny looking ones all the time and you're brainwashed by that while Asia has tons of male models.

>> No.10768979

most men of any race are unattractive. 80/20 rule

>> No.10768987

tbf that applies to women to.

But ugly women are still good for pump and dumping.
No complaints here, unless they're clingy bitches.

>> No.10769008
File: 44 KB, 462x660, We_Are_Not_the_Same.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ugly women still get boyfriends and husbands because of male desperation. meanwhile incels get the rope. not the same thing

>> No.10769032

Not my problem.
High value men spend most of their time being bachelors and divorce like crazy for younger, better women.

>> No.10769097

>high value males
>High value females
>Social capital
This thread is pathetic. Just incels fighting with femcels.

>> No.10769098

Well please enlighten me anon chama

>> No.10769102

There are no high value men on 4chan. And no, being an IT helpdesk lead that drives a WRX does not make you a HVM.

>> No.10769104

Love is a battlefield.

>> No.10769108

Maybe the incels and femcels should bang? War and peace.

>> No.10769111

The femcels will sooner go after chad than any incel lol

>> No.10769112

That would take a lot of patience and self awareness. Have them play co-op games instead to learn to get along first.

>> No.10769114

>most men of any race are unattractive. 80/20 rule
it's more like 99/1 with asian guys. White guys are closer to 60/40.

>> No.10769115

Said the incel

>> No.10769116

That would unironically be a good idea. Have a coop gaming event where they pair incels and femcels up at the next con.

>> No.10769117

>Nooo! They know words!
reddit is at another url friend

>> No.10769118

Says someone who has sex constantly at cons. I know what femcels are like. They still have sex. They just have high standards like anyone else. It's funny to see an average girl complain she cant get the sexy guy. it happens way too often.

>> No.10769120

What caliber women you banging at these cons?

>> No.10769122

I bang the average looking girls who have hot bodies but dont wear makeup often. And the upper limit is the cosplay thots who hang around me cause I have a hot body. I know its superficial but girls want to feel like they are around a hot guy to feel cool. I worked for this body so it's rather easy. Just be normal with a nerd edge and don't act like a sperg or creep. Some of these other muscle guys fuck it up by acting like clowns too much. None of them learned how to game women. And before you call me a pua everything I got was from my grandfather. He taught me everything about how to talk to chicks.

Avoid fat chicks always. Do not encourage them ever. It was fun when I was younger. But then I look back and regret it. Skinny bitches, average or hot are superior.

>> No.10769123

>being an IT helpdesk lead that drives a WRX does not make you a HVM.
yes it does

>> No.10769126

are you at least 6'1"? do you have more than 375k in the bank? are you under 185 lbs?

>> No.10769129

Im 6' 3". I dont have that much money. And Im a bit over that weight. But it's mostly lean muscle.

>> No.10769130

Thanks. I was thinking something where they're not fucked if they don't cooperate so they won't blame eachother. Maybe Borderlands. They work towards the same goal and buff eachother passively.

Hell yeah bruh.

>> No.10769133

Hahahaha btfo fugly chinks/gooks/nips suck my brown balls!

>> No.10769136

Welp 5'8" gang, I'm out. I'll bang fatties tho I'm not above that as a current fat ass. I am doing my dirt and gym reps so hopefully that will change.

>> No.10769137

Do you usually get laid each con you go to?

>> No.10769138

I was thinking one where they are fucked if that don't cooperate. That way they're forced to get along.

>> No.10769139

Fatties won't bang you if you're fat yourself.
As a guy being a twink or a bodybuilder is minimum standards for most women.
That's why I can't get laid, because I can't put down the fork.

>> No.10769143

Plenty of bigger dudes get laid it seems. I think it depends on how it's distributed. Biggest thing I think is confidence which I don't have. Do skeletors get much pussy? I honestly don't know.

>> No.10769147

I'm too big, and I don't have money, and con girls won't go for me, and I don't want to date fat chicks. So that's why I worry about it.

>> No.10769148

My rule of them is don't date/fuck anyone bigger than you. If I'm too lazy to get in shape who am I too judge

>> No.10769149

I like some chubby girls but many of them are... not great. Besides, if I'm going to have a hard time fucking around anyways, I might as well only do it with girls I'm actually attracted to.

>> No.10769155

Like a hard time actually fucking? Like humping and shit? C'mon man you can put down the fork. It will suck at first but it will get better.

>> No.10769157

No, idiot, I mean finding someone to fuck. I can fuck just fine.

>> No.10769166

My favorite is
>average girl complaining that all guys care about is looks and are so shallow
>ask them if they'd fuck the fat neckbeard
>"ew no I deserve better than that."
Funny, I think Chad was thinking the exact same thing about you.

>> No.10769167

if you dont mind sticking your dick in absolute crazy

>> No.10769168

Sticking your dick in crazy is redundant if you're straight, since every woman is insane.

>> No.10769174

Kek my bad my bad

>> No.10769177

The thing is average girls are still hot. Like an average looking woman is still good lucking. You gotta get hit with the ugly stick pretty hard as woman for you to actually look bad.

>> No.10769190

People out here are fucking honest to god crackheads. Standards are in the toilet.

>> No.10769191

Your telling me a completely average not ugly not fat girl asked to fuck you would say no?
Like the average girls ass is a chicks ass that's hot. The average tits are tits that's hot. Idk what to tell you, maybe you are gay that's fine theres some good looking dudes out there but far less than good looking girls.

>> No.10769193

I get laid at 6 out of 10 cons I go to. Mostly because I drink myself into a stupor at a party and get too lazy to hit on chicks.

>> No.10769194

The con community is full of shy and sensitive introverts with a boatload of mental disorders. Many girls are scared of sex with penises. The amount of creep stories about guys is huge (many are true but some are overexaggerated) and you have a higher risk of getting wrongly accused because you misread the situation. You have to play to win though, it's just riskier than with normies. Try not to end up on someone's insta story. Good luck.

>> No.10769197

Where you do the drinking mostly? Room parties? Bars? I too like to drink

>> No.10769199

Dont go to bars. Room parties is where most of the fun happens

>> No.10769205

I went to my first con recently and did it last minute so couldn't get a room at the onsite hotel. I drank in all the bars nearby and hardly saw anyone that looked like a con goer inside it was disappointing. I still had funthough.

>> No.10769226

That sucks.
I want to go to A-Kon but I don't have anyone to go with and as a 26 year old chubby guy with no cosplay I have no idea how to make friends. All I do is play Tekken in the gaming room.

>> No.10769232

I'd go with you anon but it's on the other side of the country.
I did have fun I enjoyed the panels I went to and chit chatted a few people here and there and had a nice buzz throughout.

>> No.10769254

If youre fat dont go to cons.

>> No.10769255
File: 276 KB, 1140x798, E268O8CXIAA19Uc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If youre fat do go to cons.

>> No.10769256


if youre fat eat less and move more

>> No.10769261
File: 36 KB, 286x461, Pierce_Brosnan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Move your ass more maybe.

>> No.10769295

Do you think Pierce Brosnan would enjoy an anime con?

>> No.10769298
File: 171 KB, 1791x792, Pierce_Brosnan_The_Architect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it's populated with promiscuous plump people Pierce will pop in.

>> No.10769326

blonde very pale white 150Lbs 5"11' green eyes

>> No.10769329

Gotta bulk up pretty boy.

>> No.10769330

you're probably right

>> No.10769589

nigga yo height gotta start with a 6

>> No.10769593

Bullshit, I know plenty of short dudes that have got their fair share. Yeah height helps but it's not everything. I'm convinced confidence is the most attractive thing a man can have. An actual ugly bastard can bang 10s if he is suave enough.

>> No.10769595

its true if you can make chicks laugh it doesnt matter how ugly u are

>> No.10769598

I'll say I can make chicks laugh but I don't get laid. I do more of like unhinged party animal laughs and self deprecating humor. I'm Jon Belushi's and Chris Farley's do ok but they aren't drowning in pussy.

>> No.10769679

A good looking 5ft9 will easily beat a neckbeard even if hes 10 feet tall.

Its only when you hit the danger zone of 5ft7 or the suicide zone of 5ft6 below that things get dicey no matter how good you look

>> No.10769682

Not even true my man. I know multiple short kings that do fine. They got more ass than me and are now married. I'm 5'8" and they're def shorter than me.

>> No.10769690

Its true. Got a friend who is 5'5" and he is happily married. He's got that cute guy appeal and some women like that.

>> No.10769736

The most important thing is being in shape.
Bodybuidling is like bare minimum these days.

>> No.10769777
File: 27 KB, 128x112, FeelsWeirdManW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't get much attention from attractive men in their day to day lives
You get no BITCHES!!!!!!!! (same tho).

>> No.10769848 [DELETED] 
File: 230 KB, 436x512, 1648556033256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guy works out to look hot in cosplay
>approach him
>doesn't pick up that I'm trying to fuck
No I'm not fat or a butter face, you need to work on your social skills and learn to pick up cues first

>> No.10769850 [DELETED] 

very based baki poster

>> No.10769851 [DELETED] 
File: 122 KB, 1080x776, 1649371452769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cons are where women's guards are up the highest

>> No.10769879 [DELETED] 

This is fucking retarded and counterproductive advice. You're doing a shitload of WALKING at a con you dumbass. You can easily hit 50k steps roaming at a con all day.

>> No.10769888 [DELETED] 

No, they need to hit the gym first. Picking up on social cues is second.

>> No.10769935 [DELETED] 

he probably fucked a girl that was less retarded than you anyways

>> No.10769953 [DELETED] 

Maybe you should inject 20 grams of saturated fats into your veins you piece of shit

>> No.10769996 [DELETED] 

Post self. Well decide.

>> No.10770038
File: 15 KB, 300x300, 1651393157248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A girl came up to me and told me she liked my shirt and that she'd be cosplaying the character tomorrow during the meetup for the series, does that mean she's interested in friendship/relationship at all? I'm socially retarded and can't pick up on cues like that.

>> No.10770039

always get her instagram, always

>> No.10770063

I'm 5'5" and balding really badly, and can't even grow facial hair. I'm playing life on ultra giga fuck hard mode.
Probably gonna just get a hair system desu. haven't had sex at all since it got real bad 2 years ago

>> No.10770064

NTA but do I have to get an insta? Is it possible to remain anonymous on there. I hate Facebook and don't really want to support them.

>> No.10770065

>Is it possible to remain anonymous on there

Of course, as far as I know there is no need to link your phone and you can get whatever name in there

>> No.10770073

"wow awesome, what's you Insta @? I wanna see your cosplay"
be excited that someone else likes the thing you like and not so much that a girl is talking to you

>> No.10770074

What sort of shit should I populate my insta with so I don't look like a weirdo?

>> No.10770137

You can remain pretty anonymous if you want. You still need an sn ofc , but you can leave it as bare or detailed as you want for the most part. I fill mine with pictures of trees, plants and stuff I see on hikes, and ill toss something fun I'm doing on my story every now and then. Looks pretty normal other than the occasional warhammer painting post, but I've never had anyone irl care or have any negative response.

>> No.10770839

Just don't get arrested like that one dude at Colossal-con for taking advantage of drunk girls and harassing them.

>> No.10771106

>and learn to pick up cues first
Not him, but women were never interested in me
Even when I thought one was interested in me
She wasn't

>> No.10771220

What should I be saying if we're at a room party and she's been slapping my ass and I've been slapping hers and we grinded and I groped her breasts?

>> No.10771362

>all those seethe replies
Absolutely based and truthpilled

>> No.10771380

some kind of "wanna get out of here?" or "wanna go back to my room?" I guess

>> No.10771382
File: 21 KB, 184x184, 1557723150799.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>always get my own room
>hear constant complaints from guys that they cant bring girls back to their room cause they are room sharing

>> No.10771383

Pussies. Room sharing is how every con orgy starts.

>> No.10771384

Not really no.

>> No.10771385

Get to your room first then put a tie on the door.
Or fuck in the shower.

>> No.10771390

Contrary to belief, shower fucking is not that comfortable.

>> No.10771393

Better than not fucking

>> No.10771536

I remember doing a Robin FE cosplay and a friend of mine who is like crazy good makeup did my eyebrows by using a tone of glue sticks and makeup to give me white eyebrows. It took 2 hrs to do and it felt heavy af.
Since then I appreciate the cosmetic and prosthetic parts of a cosplay a lot more. Last con I saw someone chick dressed as a race in some game that had huge horns coming out of their forehead and it look divine

I don't usually talk to people in cons unless I'm genuinely interested in their stuff, that's how I usually make friends by adding in social.

Having fun should be the first thing to pursue

>> No.10771550

They should coordinate with their room mates about bringing someone back to fuck etiquette. Having a group chat with all your con roomies, setting up the policy in advance, giving people time to get out of the room and also not be back for an hour. Just be honest and have open communication with everyone that you're trying to get laid this weekend, and if you're going to fuck on the bed that other people are going to sleep on ask for new sheets.

>> No.10771571

Nah you cant really do that with the sperg con friends people have. Before I got my own room I use to be with the most autistic guys. They dont understand girl stuff and they'll even hound you about trying to get laid. They go as far as autistically pointing out if they are with you that you are trying to sex up a girl right in her face. They have no social awareness.

>> No.10771575

Don't room with people who have severe autism then

>> No.10771581

The same goes for normie friends, too. It's just not something you do with room sharing, even at non anime places. Bathroom or a lucky chance of having the room to yourself is your only safe options.

>> No.10771584

it's called having non-autistic friends anon try getting some

>> No.10772016

Imagine being born with the power to make it in life just by letting anon suck on your toes. That's literally it. Fuck I love cute women

>> No.10772035

so you're a lil chubby and broke. fix those

>> No.10772051

Who the fuck said Im chubby. Thats mostly muscle retard. My bf is 10%.

>> No.10772054

Ok sorry you poor gumby looking fuck

>> No.10772157

>Accuses him of being fat
>Says he's not fat and mentions how he has lean muscle with low bodyfat
>Calls him a skeleton
The duality of the roasties on this board kek

>> No.10772344

men dont understand social cues.

if you're interested you have to be direct, which works doubly so because most men have never had a genuine compliment that didn't come from a family member.
and no thats not just me pulling something out of my ass to make a personal point, genuinely most men have never had a woman, even one they're actively dating, give an unprompted and direct complement to them that's deeper than "your [insert physical object] is cool". even a "you're really cute" will get a near immediate positive reaction.

>> No.10772402

This only happens when you're socially retarded yourself and/or just not very attractive, though I'll take what you're saying at face value

>> No.10772404

>taking advantage
What does this even mean? Dressing up like a trollop and getting smashed indicates that you want one thing...

>> No.10772408

Funny part is that that was just some random roast, a different poster from the first and second comments

>> No.10772880


>> No.10772895

sad but true

>> No.10772933

>men dont understand social cues.
you mean men don't understand illogical/random bullshit women think is an "obvious sign" but is in reality autistic bullshit that only a woman would even consider a sign in the first place
>but anon I brushed my hair a certain way! teehee
>what about those other 50 times you did that
>that didn't mean anything scrote!

>> No.10772948

pretty sure that's only true for uggoes. all the men i know get complimented regularly and have the girls chasing them, not the other way around. they ain't uggoes tho

i have bad news for you

>> No.10773036

what male cosplays are good for getting a gf

>> No.10773038

fujobait characters

>> No.10773058

What about ripped shirtless dudes?

>> No.10773065
File: 945 KB, 1999x618, 48136829773_7acb181c14_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10773103

ironically fatchicks/uglies go for the ripped shirtless guys.
unless thats the kind of girls youre looking for.
hot girls already have hot friends.

>> No.10773107

What about the typical 5/10 costhot wannabe? Who do the female Chuds get?

>> No.10773129

this. also a lot of con girls are intimidated by fit guys cause they think theyre just a typical meathead. But if youre in a fujo costume, they are at least more comfortable with you. Thats how I fucked a girl. I was cosplaying as one of her favorite characters and she instantly was crushing on me.

>> No.10773132

but why didn't you gf her?

>> No.10773134

anon is larping. shit didnt happen. probably was cosplaying a fujo character but nothing happened, lol.

>> No.10773136

I dont need a gf. Im not someone who requires a girl in my life constantly.

>angry roastie

I know girls like you everywhere. You pretend to be high and mighty but angry when someone you think is not better than you is getting fucked by a good looking fit guy. Which is usually me.

>> No.10773137

>I dont need a gf. Im not someone who requires a girl in my life constantly.
was she interested in a relationship?

>> No.10773138

Yes she was. They sometimes get clingy cause they never get someone like me in their lives. So to them, I'm someone they want to nail down right away

>> No.10773140

so how do you defuse that situation? do you ghost these women?

>> No.10773141

I ghost them if I have to but usually I try to wing them off that it's meant to just be a casual thing. And usually thats how it starts but a woman's heart is a fickle thing. Ive come to notice that con girls or at least the typical girl who doesnt get a lot of sex becomes very obsessed with a guy who fucks her. And Im not trying to ruin their dreams or anything but Im a hookup kind of guy. I do try have a couple of fwbs from these situations but Im also aware they want me as their bf. its not an easy thing to fix. the grass is not greener from this side I can say that much.

>> No.10773144

>And Im not trying to ruin their dreams or anything but Im a hookup kind of guy.

if you're up front about it, go for it. But its somewhat funny that out loud you're the exact type they say they're trying to avoid very frequently, right after 'avoiding creeper vibes'

>the grass is not greener from this side I can say that much.

yeah you're full of the same shit as anyone else who has the choice of hooking up in the first place, if you can seriously type that without any thought to how it could actually be instead.

>> No.10773146

>yeah you're full of the same shit as anyone else who has the choice of hooking up in the first place, if you can seriously type that without any thought to how it could actually be instead.
What did you mean by this?

>> No.10773147

>if you're up front about it, go for it. But its somewhat funny that out loud you're the exact type they say they're trying to avoid very frequently, right after 'avoiding creeper vibes'
Seduction is not about being direct. It's about feelings and girls will get turned off if you start talking relationship stuff. So it's not my fault that they get attached. I at least try to be empathetic by keeping things good between us cause my reputation could expand that I use girls and dispose of them then no more sex.

>yeah you're full of the same shit as anyone else who has the choice of hooking up in the first place, if you can seriously type that without any thought to how it could actually be instead.

I typed that because Im telling the truth. Yes getting sex constantly is a boon. Im not disputing that I like that part. But it comes with its own issues.

>> No.10773149

why not just fuck one girl and gf her? you'll eventually settle down anyway unless you want to die alone

>> No.10773150

>why not just fuck one girl and gf her?

Why settle with one girl?

> unless you want to die alone

Everyone dies alone.

>> No.10773152

>Why settle with one girl?
emotional intimacy mainly, other benefits in addition to sex which you still get

>> No.10773154

>emotional intimacy

I only fuck girls constantly Im emotionally intimate with. Everyone else, it's a one time thing. As you can see Im also not dependent on the emotional intimacy of a girl to live my life.

>> No.10773155

>As you can see Im also not dependent on the emotional intimacy of a girl to live my life.
you seem to come back to this idea of dependence and independence more than once in your posts, but that's not really what I'm arguing for here
>I only fuck girls constantly Im emotionally intimate with. Everyone else, it's a one time thing.

>> No.10773156

Im not going to explain all my motives for what I do. The original topic was why I dont gf any of them and its because I have the luxury not to.

>> No.10773157

>Im not going to explain all my motives for what I do.
To the contrary, you seem eager to explain that you have control over your life

>> No.10773159

I know some people are curious of what it's like to live a hookup life and I was happy to divulge it. I wouldnt say this irl cause most people cant handle it but having anonymity is nice for stuff like this.

>> No.10773160

>Seduction is not about being direct.

yeah, didnt mean direct in that way. Just that you aren't acting like you're always 1 or 2 steps away from locking down such that it is apparent to any chick who isnt deluding theirself that they have you on lock and key.

>But it comes with its own issues.

but thats not what you typed. You used an expression that is reserved for people who hate the position they are in and find that the alternative would in every way be better.

>the grass is not greener from this side I can say that much.

thats the bullshit. You didn't say

>my situation is not worse than the person who will never get the chance to act out their sexual desires with a mutually attractive partner, but it has its own problems.

so your phrasing is off.

>> No.10773163

>I only fuck girls constantly Im emotionally intimate with.

ah, thats a category error on your part. You think you have correctly identified what constitutes emotional intimacy.

>> No.10773166

Fair nuff, I understand why you would hook up but it just seems like a losing proposition unless you're still really young

>> No.10773167
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>Room sharing? No problem
>Just make them sleep outside in the hall

>> No.10773170

I know 60 year old guys who still live a casual life of just hooking up with women. Some guys just rather live that kind of life.

>> No.10773173

>I know 60 year old guys who still live a casual life of just hooking up with women
what like the fat white guys who fuck SEA hookers? lol
inb4 they're billionaire playboys slaying 20-year-old blonde stacy pussy left and right

>> No.10773175

You make a good point. But when you're that age, having money and status is literally how you pull young women so Im not going to knock them for it. What you think youre going to be fucking a woman past menopause with her aged body, wrinkled skin, little energy, and smelly vag?

>> No.10773177

When you're that age, you shouldn't be "pulling" lmao, you should be enjoying time with your grandchildren

>> No.10773178

You can enjoy time with your grandchildren and still be fucking young women.

>> No.10773180

>You can enjoy time with your grandchildren and still be fucking young women.
Not really, like I said
>what like the fat white guys who fuck SEA hookers? lol
>inb4 they're billionaire playboys slaying 20-year-old blonde stacy pussy left and right
In real life these old guys are mostly just settling with uggos, fucking hookers, etc., when they could just have a wife and a normal healthy lifestyle as god intended

>> No.10773182

Most women are hookers by trade. You'll thank me someday for that spot of wisdom.

>> No.10773184

>when they could just have a wife and a normal healthy lifestyle as god intended
Until said wife divorce rapes you.

>> No.10773185

>Most women are hookers by trade. You'll thank me someday for that spot of wisdom.
these boomerisms aren't helping your cause lol
>just spit on it, sonny!

>> No.10773186

>we're like, men going our own way, not just busted old dudes banging thai prostitutes

>> No.10773187

What you said doesnt dispute that wives will fuck you in court. No smart man will marry in modern time.

>> No.10773189

ok thank you for sharing this point of view, back to reruns of creepy old man fucks thai hookers while pretending to be a redpilled chad pussy slayer on 4chan

>> No.10773190

>while pretending to be a redpilled chad pussy slayer on 4chan
Too many buzzwords to care.

>> No.10773191

Why does this thread seem angry?

>> No.10773192

I agree with you about marriage, I just think it's disingenuous to portray men in this position in such a positive light, it smacks of the same sort of rationalizations spinsters engage in

>> No.10773194

>I agree with you about marriage, I just think it's disingenuous to portray men in this position in such a positive light

Because men get the short end of the stick in all cases. This includes child custody and child support. All men do is get fucked. I actually wanted kids but because the government heavily favors women, I could become poor with one baby or wife alone. It's not smart to have kids or a wife right now. If I do have a kid it'll likely be with some woman in a foreign country that doesnt have rules against court raping men salaries.

>> No.10773195

Yeah it's a sad state of affairs. How old are you?

>> No.10773197

26. Have an investment portfolio and just got a promotion at current job. If I was married, I'd have half that money going toward kids and wife, and if she ever decides to leave with the kids, then I'll be paying for all of that without the benefit of sex. Also, women get lazy in marriage as seen by a bunch of my buds wives becoming fat over the years and now they hate each other. All the stories of the hot wife staying hot and single at 40 is likely due to the guy either being very very rich and the best she can get, or she was obtained at a later date after a recent divorce.

>> No.10773201

Why not just find a younger chick to wife up then? At 26 you have quite a lot of leeway.

>> No.10773203

I'll take a girl as long as she's not poisoned by the western world. The moment she is, it's usually over.

>> No.10773204

Yeah, you could always just be up front and explain that you want to marry before God and not the State too, you might be surprised how many people agree with that

>> No.10773207

My ideal wife will be taken to the hills where she can ride into and out of town with nice landscapes and no western poison to tempt her.

>> No.10773209

how do you plan to accomplish that?

>> No.10773210
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>> No.10773212

downside: she will eat your dog and your sons will be asian

>> No.10773258

I just wanna be hot enough to fuck girls causally. After this weight loss and necklift I should be.

>> No.10773332

Sexual frustration will do that to you.

>> No.10773335

I went from being unfuckable to now girls intentionally hitting on me. Just go to the gym and don't be socially awkward. The better looking you are, the more fuckups you can make so there's no downside to getting fit.

>> No.10773336

Yeah, but I sure won't be committing to any of these relationships any time soon.

>> No.10773343

What character?

>> No.10773354
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Weight loss doesnt mean shit if youre still awkward . It gives you a few freebies, but you can still be a creepo even if youre hot. And this goes for everyone not just guys

>> No.10773356

I have very good social skills. I put my autism points into learning humor and social skills so now I'm able to be the life of the party. I just lack the attractiveness for any girl to give me a chance besides just laughing at my jokes.

>> No.10773383

Fuck this thread is awful and depressing. I think I'm just gonna give up on trying to pic up cosplay girls and take up heroin and throw money at vTubers.
I'll be giving myself plenty of those.

>> No.10773711

Yes fat chicks literally act like niggers and will offer you sex 10 minutes after getting your number.

>> No.10773991

The one and only time i cosplayed i got the most attention i have ever had at a con. Girls would run up to me to talk to me. Made my first little con gf with a girl cosplaying from the same series. So yea it works.

>> No.10774006

>The one and only time i cosplayed i got the most attention i have ever had at a con. Girls would run up to me to talk to me. Made my first little con gf with a girl cosplaying from the same series. So yea it works.
This sounds cute and wholesome. Do you have any stories?

>> No.10774476

Like who?

>> No.10775425

can't you just take pity for once and give me the best moment of my life? pretty please?

>> No.10775440

so can physical traits like height or a good jawline. which is what matters most
fortunately, I have it!

>> No.10775833

Save that money for a sex trip to the Philippines or the Dominican Republic!

>> No.10776231

Women are all whores. You're going to go to a con and not a single one is even going to make contact with your eye unless you're literally perfect. You could go around and sexual harass said girls if you're perfect.

>> No.10776810

>Women are all whores. You're going to go to a con and not a single one is even going to make contact with your eye unless you're literally perfect. You could go around and sexual harass said girls if you're perfect.
You sound ugly and mad about it, maybe if your attitude improves you'll get some bitches bro, plenty of ugly dudes succeed

>> No.10776812

>Skill has to be learned
nobody cares about your ability to draw generic anime characters or dress up like one. you probably don't even have any real skills like classical instruments etc

>> No.10778594
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>> No.10778621

>Save that money for a sex trip to the Philippines or the Dominican Republic!
Hell yeah! I think I posted this but it's a great idea.

>> No.10778646

I mean it's a good way to interact with people who you wouldn't otherwise interact with (since a lot of them spend all their free time in their bedroom lol) and it can be easier to start a conversation with a girl if you have a good cosplay and/or you're both wearing a cosplay from the same anime or game. But it's probably the worst place to try to "pick up" girls imo unless you're just a natural abuser and are okay with being a complete piece of shit...
But like if you actually like cosplay yeah you can talk to girls who like cosplay too?

>> No.10778649

>But it's probably the worst place to try to "pick up" girls imo unless you're just a natural abuser and are okay with being a complete piece of shit...
Only discarded women who have ridden the cock carousel say shit like this, if I were to 'abuse' you you'd be telling all of your friends how great I am, sorry about your bad experiences and resulting mental illness or whatever, I hope you get more respect in the future and I hope you earn it yourself

>> No.10778674

I hope you're killed violently

>> No.10778678

>I hope you're killed violently
really not a very ladylike thing to say if I'm honest, I always wonder if the crazies like you are here because you're this way or if you're this way because you're here. I will think about this in the shower but I will probably forget you exist unless you offer me an apology. I was even polite to you in my original post.

>> No.10778974
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I visit this board maybe once a year to see if the "board full of triggered roasties" meme is still true, and I'm never disappointed.

>> No.10781624

Perfect twink subby bf for big hairy guys

>> No.10781625

What, he's fat as fuck he's obese

>> No.10781682

I knew it was best to save this thread till it was near the end because it was an obvious dumpster fire from day 1. Not as bad as I imagined, but it's clear that almost everyone posting here is...
>basing their entire worldview on Twitter drivel
>really unlucky
>a bitter zero-value hole
>false-flagging to troll or "keep all the hot girls for themselves"
Mix and match, take your pick. Funny how there's never many/any girls at gull meetups and the ones that talk to me but have nothing to do with this place are extremely friendly (which correlates perfectly with attractiveness, as does cattiness and weight)

>> No.10781708

>as does cattiness and weight
Fat chicks are cattier?

>> No.10781741

Outwardly catty? Yes, absolutely.

>> No.10781755

that explains a lot about /cgl/

>> No.10781998

Just be yourself, bro.

>> No.10782037

>not fat) chicks
Pretty fucking cringe

>> No.10782060

t. fat chick afficionado