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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 63 KB, 910x694, 83003603_3190944274253865_3259072569193529344_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10762419 No.10762419 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread >>10749895

For cosplay questions, go to the cosplay help thread.

>> No.10762420

question about the btssb store in sf. do they get stock separate from the online shop? for example, if a kumya print dress releases and sells out online immediately (as they almost always do) will the sf store have some in stock physically that i could go get on release day, or even after? or is the store just stocked with things that didn't sell well online?

>> No.10762427 [DELETED] 

My question is this: Why do white women even bother wearing lolita? They are way too masculine.

>> No.10762451

How do I get prescription contacts? Do I just get need permission from my doctor, or can I just send in my info and buy them?

I'm in the us if that helps

>> No.10762456

Do you know what an optometrist is anon?

>> No.10762460

if you have your prescription in hand, you don't need your doc's permission.
If you've never seen an optometrist/been fitted for contacts, do that first, and then buy your contacts.

>> No.10762463
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Any idea what this style is called?
cant seem to find anything else like this

>> No.10762479

Normie shit.

>> No.10762493

It's like they took IW or VM and removed all the details that make it lolita. No lace, no ruffle, no buttons or pin tucks on the skirt waist. Idk what this is, maybe retro or vintage inspired, or just ita?

>> No.10762513
File: 1.43 MB, 1000x653, thisorthat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anons help, I'm stuck between these two colorways.

Like either one would go with my wardrobe. Which one did ya'll pre-order

>> No.10762516

I put an order in for pink. White resembles a wedding dress unless if that’s the look you’re aiming for.

>> No.10762539

Go for pink! It looks much more unique than white, and I agree with >>10762516
on it resembling a wedding dress too much

>> No.10762567


>> No.10762586

If >>10762451 is buying stuff in the U.S. sites are required to send an email to the eye doctor asking for confirmation to make sure the buyer isn't going to fuck up their eyes too badly. What usually ends up happening though is that they send a message to the entered doctor contact and if they don't hear back, they assume that you're good to go. Basically, a "I'll do the legal minimum to check that this won't detach your retinas but other than that, IDGAF"

>> No.10762593 [DELETED] 

The online and physical store share the same stock, and items only go into stock if it didn't sell well in Japan.

The SF online store will always have a lottery available to enter the weekend of a release, and there's usually a high chance of winning most of not everything you entered.

>> No.10762594

The online and physical store share the same stock, and items only go into stock if it didn't sell well in Japan.

The SF online store will always have a lottery available to enter the weekend of a release, and there's usually a high chance of winning most of (if not everything) you entered.

>> No.10762615

Thank you anons (。・ω・。)ノ

>> No.10762644
File: 281 KB, 701x793, Screenshot_20220515-152028_Discord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are the contents of this DVD published anywhere?

>> No.10762646

Go back.

>> No.10762974

There was a makeup style being discussed on threads a while back and I can’t remember what it was…it wasn’t igari, wasn’t gyaru, it was like…semi-dark? Does anyone know what it was?

>> No.10762975

larme makeup?

>> No.10762980

No, it was definitely similar but a little bit more…edgy?

>> No.10762984

Jirai kei?

>> No.10762988

Yes! Thank you so much, anon!

>> No.10763100

what is the new behind the bows website called again?

>> No.10763101

dreamwidth. it's beneath the bows

>> No.10763137

Can anyone explain this to me? Is it just being made available for extra reservations in the Japan stores or will it come online too? Thanks!

>> No.10763145

What does ゆるロリ mean? Is it the same as daily lolita?

>> No.10763158

it's kind of a mix between daily and casual. ゆる means something like laid back.

>> No.10763193

Reservations will be available online sometime after May 25th and only for those items and colorways listed.

Everyone who entered the in-store lottery in Japan is guaranteed all of their items if they still want them.

Each main piece (jsks, sk, and kumya pochette jsk) will be 10% more expensive than before.

>> No.10763317


>> No.10763378 [DELETED] 

How do i find jfashion brands that are casual but still unique? For example bubbles saw the city was a really fun and affordable brand when it as new but now it's generic.

>> No.10763379

How do i find jfashion brands that are casual but still unique? For example bubbles saw the city was a really fun and affordable brand when it was new but now it's generic.

>> No.10763383

Thankyou anon!

>> No.10763615


>> No.10763616

I once tried to make minimalist lolita happen but it didn't happen :(

>> No.10763639

Anyone know if cyperous wigs restock their hime wigs? The one I want has been out of stock on the site for a while

>> No.10763720
File: 141 KB, 800x800, -10998742501750815043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone know what shop this wig is originally from? i ordered it once on ali and they sent me an entirely different color.

>> No.10763721

dalao home I think

>> No.10763726

thank you!

>> No.10763785

How are angelic pretty socks quality nowadays? The ones with bunny ears. Is it worth the money or am i better off getting taobao?

>> No.10763822
File: 309 KB, 1241x1754, GLB_VOL_2 (1)_0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have a physical copy of GLB vol. 2? I heard there's a cute text excerpt next to the contents page and would really love to see it, if someone's willing to take a quick photo

>> No.10763875


>> No.10763877

Where can I find an oldschool style ringlet wig? I feel like I’ve checked places and not found any at all

>> No.10763879

They don't have the contents page or the text I'm talking about... That's the first place I checked and why I'm asking here

>> No.10763881

I got mine from Maple, they're the only ones still making old school ringlet wigs

>> No.10763886

What do you do with creeps that send messages on sales platforms? Just ignore and block, or respond and make fun of/shame them? I'm always afraid that if I do the latter, they'll find a way get off on that too, but the urge is strong.

>> No.10763888

Tf? Why are there any creeps sending weird messages on selling platforms? That seems like an obscure place. Do you mean actual creeps or people you subjectively find a creep for just messaging you an offer?

Because the former..isn't commonplace..?

>> No.10763892

No, actual perverted men asking for me to send photos of me wearing the shoes/socks I'm selling and the like. I've had plenty of encounters with them, in fact one happened just now which is what prompted me to post in the first place.

>> No.10763895

They’re pretty good as long as you don’t stretch them out too much. Not as good as their old socks, but the bunny socks are one of AP’s better socks currently. Taobao is cheap for a reason.

>> No.10763900

I miss Bubbles. Unfortunately that sort of fun, colorful style isn’t trendy anymore so a lot of the brands disappeared or changed with the trends. Unique brands are a little harder to find and tend to be higher end these days I find. I find brands I like by following Japanese influencers with style I like and checking where their clothes are from in the tags.

If you’re looking for casual, colorful clothes Koenji has some of fun used/remake shops too. Try Kiki2 or H_birthdaytoyu to you on Instagram.

>> No.10763905

Thanks, anon! I’ve been getting into old school and more classic lolita and I just adore the look of ringlet wigs. It was killing me to not find any.

>> No.10763959

Okay I’m new and have been a lurker around a month now. Thinking about getting into lolita after having interest in it for a while. But what the fuck is good taste to you people? I will admit I’m a sucker for classic, and even tasteful sweet but you people all seem to be obsessed with over accessorizing like this is slightly muted decora. The most popular prints are mostly ugly asf too. Honeycake is ~okay~ but shit like sugary carnival, milky berry, fancy hospital, dolly cat, and I could go on are either just straight up ugly or so over the top it looks fucking retarded. Is that was good taste is to you? Its kinda crazy that I will see the most campy over the top print and see gulls gushing. Please genuinely someone explain to me what is good lolita to you. Whats a “good” dress and a “bad” one.

>> No.10763963

taste is subjective its just how you style it that matters. make sure the co-ord is balanced and cohesive.

>> No.10763999

Sweet lolita dresses = well designed, good print placement, nicely designed prints. That is why people like the prints you listed, that you don't like. Also, so you know when they originally came out..there was nothing like that on the western market and decora was not alive. OTT was what there was of decora. Decora lived in the 90s and the OTT sweet boom happened in 2010 and you're seeing people just having nostalgia.

Regardless, if you like a different substyle to OTT sweet lolita then that is why you don't get it. It's likely you belong more in the classic domain, because while Honey Cake is a good print.. personally I don't like it as it's far too classicy sweet and southern grandma to me.

>> No.10764029

You clearly don't seem to really like most sweet prints (or at the very least, you don't like AP), which is okay. Tastes differ from person to person. If you like classic, then you like classic.

All that can be said really is look out for what materials dresses are made out of, and make sure your accessories match the dress well.

>> No.10764035
File: 1.71 MB, 2544x3504, GLB2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apologies for the black marks, I need to clean my scanner

>> No.10764048

Yes I suppose. Just so confused by gulls screeching about “bad prints” when honestly most of the sweet prints I see are bad. Like what makes it good or bad? Especially regarding complaining some look like age play… when most do to the average normie. Also confused by people fawning over over ruffled skirts smothered in ribbon but maybe I just don't get it and its fine… at least I won’t respect what you call bad or good.

>> No.10764072
File: 223 KB, 350x311, shoes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could someone help me id these shoes?

>> No.10764073 [DELETED] 

ita magnets

>> No.10764087

Looks like BTSSB Victoire

>> No.10764089
File: 225 KB, 394x530, side.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought so too since everything else looks the same, but the back/side is different

>> No.10764097
File: 12 KB, 310x310, O1CN01cueUXQ1xiVuvpnrPn_!!0-item_pic.jpg_310x310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably Antaina, found them in black. Picrel from their taobao store

>> No.10764100

thank you!!

>> No.10764103

The average normie doesn’t know what age play is and just think it’s princess cosplay dresses. You’ve spent too long on 4chan.
It’s fine if you don’t get it, you don’t have to like everything. Just give it a year and you’ll likely find you can differentiate between shitty and better sweet prints. It’s probably also being overwhelmed as a newlita by how different sweet lolita is from normie standards, unlike goth and classic

>> No.10764118

Thank you so much, anon!

>> No.10764132

anon I feel you, I wear sweet but think most sweet prints like the ones you mentioned are hideous and unprinted ones tend to have ugly design choices too. it takes a while to find cute stuff but it's out there, keep looking.

>> No.10764133

Anyone know where I can find this headpiece / can anyone ID it?

The dress was listed as diamond honey but idk anything about chinese brands and it doesn't seem to be on their taobao store. I don't know if normally the headpiece would be sold with the dress exclusively or if it's even by diamond honey but I just really want it, this is the first crown headpiece I'd actually consider wearing. Plz help anons

>> No.10764137
File: 295 KB, 1500x2322, O1CN01rzVChg2Bh3QJkBtPn_!!111798369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic lol

>> No.10764149
File: 380 KB, 480x641, B46OJ201_model_OW-05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Again, it seems that you just simply don't like the general aesthetic of sweet/AP, which is fine. You can be solely into classic or non-prints.

Perhaps look at some of Baby, the Stars Shine Bright's non-mascot prints if you *had* to get something with a print? (This is Sugar Bouquet)

>> No.10764155

As an owner of milky berry, I take offense to this.

>> No.10764159

this looks cheap af.

>> No.10764168

Okay good

>> No.10764169

The lace totally does seem shitty which makes the headpiece look cheap, I agree. I still like it though, I dont expect any clolita items to look high quality lmao

Plus I'd probably detach the crown from the headband anyways

>> No.10764191

You don't have to like sweet anything, just like I don't like 80% of classic. Good dresses have elements such as cute color palette, high quality material, skilled design and craftsmanship, well-drawn artwork, proportionate and appealing detail work, and overall aesthetic appeal. Most of those dresses you listed are missing one or more of those components (except for SC i'd argue) which is why you think they're "off" in some way

>> No.10764200
File: 468 KB, 1080x1620, 464A9226_3a655832-64ff-4817-8f9b-c387e56ce8ac_1080x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>selkiecollection .com/products/la-belle-etoile-organza-french-puff-dress

Is anything from this website loliable? I love the floaty fabric but I don't know if the sleeves/neckline is too far off

>> No.10764202 [DELETED] 

this shit is hideous

>> No.10764203

like the quality or what
i'm meh on this specific print I just picked one to post

>> No.10764207 [DELETED] 

The cut is awful and looks like a weird mixture between maternity clothes and something made for literal toddlers. But personal taste aside, it's not lolita in the slightest.

>> No.10764211

ty friendo

>> No.10764213

this costs the same as (or more than) most lolita dresses. just buy actual lolita dresses instead of "loliable" ones

>> No.10764225

Just get a Spica crown instead, it looks so much better

>> No.10764228

I went through the whole site and no, not without reworking basically the entire garment. The only thing acceptable on that site was the bloomers and jewelry.

However, you can still wear cute dresses even if they aren't lolita dresses, anon. There's no rule that everything in your wardrobe must be lolita or loliable, you can wear different styles.

>> No.10764233

Those are cute but I'd like an all white one, which I haven't seen around. I don't really care if it looks cheap since I don't intend to wear it in lolita coords

>> No.10764235

Nothing about lolita is in good taste, not even the most subdued classic coords. If you want to wear this fashion you have to accept that you're going to AT BEST look like some sort of kooky victorian larper to 100% of the people who see you irl. You will never look tasteful, you'll always look weird and out of place.

This fashion is made up of women who aren't afraid to wear crazy shit. Is it in good taste? No, obviously not. Lolita is tacky and ridiculous. There's nothing of "good taste" in wearing a petticoat and frills, so why would any of us worry if the print of our dress is equally tasteless?

When people talk about good and bad dresses they're talking about the design and quality level. We're judging things like how well the garment is made, the quality of the materials, whether the cut will be flattering or universally ugly. There are also differences in print quality. Some prints are scaled well to the garment, are well illustrated, have good crisp printing and colors, etc. and others have glaring flaws. Lots of beginners are just like you and don't yet get the nuance of this shit, but with time and experience you will.

>> No.10764249

What’s the best service to buy maple wigs from? They don’t ship directly internationally and my usual proxy service canceled when I tried to use them.

>> No.10764255
File: 8 KB, 165x248, 79B1BA35-1B7D-4F8A-AFA0-9AA2984D9E19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They do have all white crowns, anon...

>> No.10764257 [DELETED] 

You larping "old school" newfags need to stop recommending this ugly ita shit.

>> No.10764259

This is literally a Putumayo crown from the early 2000s that was produced for them by Spica, keep seething

>> No.10764260 [DELETED] 

Putumayo isn't lolita retard

>> No.10764261

Nobody said it was, retard. OP isn't even looking for a crown to wear with lolita, but I bet you'd be shocked to find out that it was and still is worn in lolita coords. Keep screeching about Putumayo every time you see it in hopes it will make you seem like a superior oldfag.

>> No.10764262 [DELETED] 

>but I bet you'd be shocked to find out that it was and still is worn in lolita coords
Typical newfag old schooler thinking random lolitas from 20 years ago are some magical deities incapable of being ita kek. It looked like shit then and it looks like shit now, no doubt you're the same type of idiot to retroactively claim Marble and Visible are high quality and that raschel lace is fine.

>> No.10764273

How do I become a lolibrarian? I have so much information on old releases that aren't in the database, and a ton of images for entries that don't have any. Would really love to contribute as lolibrary is the only comprehensive resource for data hoarders like me.

>> No.10764275

Nice straw man, it's even funnier to think that you're most likely the newfag here.

>> No.10764305

I think so long as you're logged in, you can list new items. I think they'd just need to get approved by mods.

Click the 3 bars icon at the top of the webpage, and if you're logged it, click "Junior Lolibrarian", dashboard, then "Create item."

>> No.10764339

Ive reached out to them before and was left on read. At this point I assume they dont want help/dont care

>> No.10764340

Bless you Anon

>> No.10764354 [DELETED] 

I lived the old school era you're so desperate to soullessly replicate. Fuck off back to your zoomer tiktok circlejerk.

>> No.10764370

Good to know. When I looked around I couldn't find any. But knowing they exist doesn't tell me where I can find one

So far I've checked LM, CC & wunderwelt and nothing, so I'm still empty handed.
The one advantage of the cheapshit clolita one is it would be much easier to get my hands on.

>> No.10764374

any opinions about the state of baby’s jewelry quality within the last couple of years? i haven’t bought any of their more recent pieces and want to know if they’ve pulled an angelic pretty quality wise.

>> No.10764409

great news, classic is not very popular at all. the pieces you like will be cheap. downside being that classic doesn't pop up as often on the western secondhand market because fewer people wear it here.

>> No.10764411

try FromJapan. if all else fails Tenshi, she's good but the fees are $$$

>> No.10764412

Join the Discord.

>> No.10764421

FromJapan is who I initially tried so I will shoot Tenshi a request. Thanks anon!

>> No.10764430

I adore Marble desu. It’s not lolita though

>> No.10764440

Is CC Cat gone? I really wanted to try one of their pieces and I remember an anon saying that but I can't seem to find a straight answer anywhere

>> No.10764441
File: 65 KB, 500x550, hat1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this type of ribbon with loops all along the edges called?

>> No.10764443

Since when is marble not lolita? The absolute state of this board.

>> No.10764445

I bought their loves chocolate jewelry and it's all good, better than ap

>> No.10764447

>The absolute state of this board.
yo anon, if you've only been on this board in the past 2 years I can tell you 100% without a doubt that you don't have the cred to say this line.

>> No.10764454


>> No.10764457

Weird response

>> No.10764462

Yes. They shut down in December and they aren't producing any new pieces. Their shop is still up with some unsold stock last time I checked in March, but it's only small things like bloomers and accessories.

>> No.10764465

Thanks anon. I did find that website earlier but it looked old as fuck and dodgy to order from, glad to know it's legit. However they seem to only have it in the black colorway. So I'm back to square one.

>> No.10764473

what the hell are you talking about? marble is most definitely lolita. I swear either trolls or crossboarders just come here to make up dumb shit, or sweetfags have lost their damn mind.

>> No.10764497

I'm new to lolita, I really want the Melty Berry Princess dress in red but I missed the MTO. Is there any way to still be on the list or will I have to wait until the scalpers list it next year?

>> No.10764500

They MIGHT quietly put a dress or two available in the sf/paris/japan shop as leftovers from the mto when it comes out.
But i think you could get it for a non scalped price when it arrives. There were a lot of sugary carnival mto for sale for an ok price after it came out, for example. You could try emailing them too but no idea if that will work

>> No.10764502

Thank you anon, this gives me hope!

>> No.10764503

Anyone with a brain has the cred to say that Marble is lolita

>> No.10764512

Marble, standardly is not lolita you moron lol. did you never sit there and think about why some of their packs say "goth"?

>> No.10764514

Its almost like gothic lolita doesn't exist and there's no crossover whatsoever between the two subcultures. But I am curious, other than packaging semantics what makes them not lolita to you?

>> No.10764515

Please anon. You must be one of these old schooler newfags claiming everything in GLB is lolita. I'm not spoonfeeding someone with no brain.

>> No.10764516

Idk what other anon is talking about, there’s always leftover stock after the MTOs ship out. Right now AP USA has some stock for the LBS and Cherry Stamp MTOs and those shipped out weeks ago. The only recent MTO that quickly sold out all its leftovers was SC and even then it still had some items for a few weeks after. Just check the website regularly and turn on notifications for AP’s socials when the ETA comes around so you can grab it as soon as leftovers go up.

>> No.10764522

This is like arguing that AP isn’t lolita just because they make miniskirts sometimes. Marble is lolita. And they also make non-lolita items, like basically every brand has done.

>> No.10764545

>And they also make non-lolita items
They MAINLY make non-lolita items. Your argument is retarded.

>> No.10764549

anon their own website literally calls themselves a lolita brand right on the first page, front and center. you can't be this stupid

>> No.10764558

what AP item was it T*ler was freaking out about melting in her closet? but it was just resin or glue or smthing

>> No.10764599

…they don’t mainly make non-lolita items though, so what the hell are you talking about?

>> No.10764635

any recommendations for brands with a wide variety of high quality socks and tights?

>> No.10764768

Why was Tyler cancelled?

>> No.10764779

I don't think she was canceled. She's been doing her usual fake mean but is actually nice shtick forever and still is. Some people just thought the way she reacted to Lor's weird apology vid was shitty or unnecessary for various reasons. For some people it was a race thing. For most it was more about Tyler being a shitty friend to Lor by making a drama video on a situation that had blown over already just for views.

I stopped watching her vids before that because she is just a cringe person when not on script and she kept doing content like her letter reading stuff too much until I just gave up.

>> No.10764789

There aren’t really. Good stuff for tights and socks usually gets snapped up quickly, and brands never seem to make enough stock. but metamorphose always has the plain cotton socks in stock and those are good quality. Marble socks are also good quality but it’s plain stuff too. Taobao brands like roji roji are pretty decent for sweet tights. Atelier pierrot has a lot of gothic stuff but I can’t speak for its quality.

>> No.10764793

What should I look for when finding a seamstress to commission a custom dress? Better yet does anyone have any recommendations for seamstresses with experience making lolita?

>> No.10764798 [DELETED] 

I'm 30. Stop projecting, having worn Bodyline in 2008 doesn't make you special.

>> No.10764799

I'm 30 and don't even wear old school lmao. Stop projecting and straw-manning, having worn Bodyline in 2008 doesn't make you special.

>> No.10764800

nta, but the majority of us that were actually around for old school's existence, aren't interested in it. no we're not magical dieties and anon, you're really projecting. old school pieces were pennies at the same time as bodyline also being pennies. if we wanted to buy it, we would have.

>> No.10764803


>> No.10764808

Marble was around but wasn't highly regarded
Also mini crowns and mini hats were kinda always ita despite being in glb

>> No.10764822

>Also mini crowns and mini hats were kinda always ita despite being in glb
This part was more western opinion, but yeah Marble *was/is* ita still.

old schoolers are just easy to trick, they parrot anything they hear

>> No.10764827

Marble is ita as hell, but there’s something so charming about their designs to me

>> No.10764889

A lot of the seamstress are in Russia so please don't waste your money like I did>>10764793

>> No.10764945

Abilletage, maxicimam

>> No.10764949

Thank you but I can't find those accounts

>> No.10764954

Question about buying from Fril! I'm in burgerland and I finally found a dress I've been looking over on Fril!

I've never bought from them or used a SS, but if I use Tenshi, will she buy from Fril? If not, can I get a recommendation for a SS, hopefully one that isn't too expensive? Thank you!

>> No.10764961

Tenshi will buy from Fril, but she's currently on vacation and charges a 10% fee. Perhaps use From Japan if you're only purchasing from secondhand sites atm?


>> No.10764962

Thank you!! Turns out the seller doesn't work with proxy sites. Sucks, but at least I know,

>> No.10764964

Oh, okay. I suppose message Tenshi, then. She'll take a while to respond since she's traveling, though.

>> No.10764981

You can try hoyoyo. It’s another ss but they have their staff use their own accounts (or at least someone’s account that looks legit) to buy stuff, so I’ve gotten past plenty of ‘no proxy’ buyers with then.

>> No.10764996

hoyoyo will do it.

>> No.10765011

H_birthdaytoyou (sorry typo before)
Kiki_honten (for non pastel clothing)
Teddy_shop2017 another one

There are a bunch of similar stores in the area.

>> No.10765027

Where do i get really fancy sweet loliable earrings such as strawberries and fruits ones, that are like gold plated and i can take showers and sweat in them?

>> No.10765089

Why would you wear jewelry while you take showers and sweat? Gross.

>> No.10765091

Nta and taking showers in jewelry is dumb but if you live in a warm place or do things outdoors in summer some sweat is inevitable.

>> No.10765093

Oh yeah, true. I was imagining anon like working out or something.

>> No.10765096

Les nereides?

>> No.10765102

>taking showers in jewelry
You take off all your earrings to shower??

>> No.10765106 [DELETED] 

I bet your earlobes smell abhorrent

>> No.10765107

she's talking about regular piercings with dangly stuff not cartilage rings or something.

>> No.10765112

newfag here how do I find other people around me who are into jfashion? I'm really into hime gyaru but would I look like a clown if I went to a lolita meetup wearing it since that's not lolita?

>> No.10765123
File: 377 KB, 480x640, HZCdlinWQCztkq6j1fLrIELBYlXpJcAY0e5m25wU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of keywords should I use to search this type of cross-neck cutsews/blouses? Thanks in advance

>> No.10765124

Sometimes i forget i’m wearing them and then take a shower and i don’t want that to ruin my jewelry completely if i did a mistake. And i sweat if i sit outside because it’s hot.

That looks perfect thank you

>> No.10765125

Everyone will think you’re retarded and annoying at best for thinking hime gyaru is lolita. and at worst they’ll think you’re trying to make fun of them and then kick you out. Don’t do this. Look around for j fashion groups on facebook and even try pinging the gothic lolita group if they know. But hime gyaru is almost dead so good luck

>> No.10765130

unless you're in a city with one of those garbage jfash comms then don't. a lolita comm will think you're ita and try to help you, or try to get you to wear lolita instead. and you're probably going to look awful attempting himegyaru initially if you're not gyaru to begin with. no idea what >>10765125 is smoking though. her comm just must be autistic.

>> No.10765147

thank you for your input, the last one had me scared :') I just see hime gyaru as a natural progression for me since I've been wearing so much himekaji/liz lisa stuff. I will study other people's coords and maybe join some Facebook groups to get more in the swing of things for sure!

>> No.10765162

just to let you know, hime gyaru like jesus diamante or la pafait etc. and himekaji are nothing alike unless you are wearing himekaji stuff from 2009 or earlier maybe up to 2012. himekaji wasn't really gyaru related for long because it's not a gyaru style. it was only gyaru incidentally because kaji styles just follow trends and water them down. like, you can look up himekaji today and it is totally different because it's just following trends and hime is a huge umbrella term. it was just utilized by gyaru leaning brands and mags to attract a wider audience. that said lizlisa isn't even the same type of hime as hime gyaru, it used to be called romantic princess, which was just under the same princess umbrella.

>> No.10765172

I've been wearing stuff from like 2012 I find on ebay and depop, I have no idea what kind of stuff Liz lisa makes nowadays. but I appreciate the tips and the information :) I will look into la pafait and jesus diamante!

>> No.10765182

you're welcome. i hope i didn't come off as aggressive with that post. i just feel like hime stuff in general is very confusing. especially since there is so much overlap with lolita and other things. stuff that lizlisa puts out now is nothing like anything more "traditional" style brands or even old lizlisa used to make.

>> No.10765304

how do i find pieces for old school only? is there a certain japanese keyword i can look for in their 2ndhand market?

>> No.10765319

You could try searching by year released maybe?

>> No.10765524

So for the loneitas out there, how did you guys get over the anxiety of wearing lolita out by yourselves?

>> No.10765569


>> No.10765570 [DELETED] 

git gud

>> No.10765581

I actually find it easier to wear it by myself, because I attract less attention that way and people are less likely to talk to me. When I'm at a meet, there are always some very loud lolitas embarrassing the rest of the group

>> No.10765583

I didn't :( I always feel stupid and physically sick before I go out.

I feel the same way about this. Also some people at meets wear extreme coords that really stand out, especially the itas, so that doesn't help.

>> No.10765622

Are there any tall lolitas that own IW's Forest Harvest Festival/Forest Animal Anniversary JSK? Or, do you know someone that does? I'm quite tall (180 cm) and I think they're adorable dresses but I'm wary of how the high waist cuts might fall on me (I really don't want to be literally just legs lol) so I want to see what other tall girls might know about it

>> No.10765623

>i like some clolita (not dumb hime extreme shit), i’ve seen some good old school from brands
is it over? am i perma ita for this?

>> No.10765627

Thank you

>> No.10765628

You just get used to it after awhile. Most people are nice, really.

>> No.10765639

what the heck is the correlation between good old school and liking clolita?

>> No.10765641

Right?? Like you could make the argument between liking nu-ap and clolita, but old school?

>> No.10765654

Any western brands that carry larme-or jirai-kei like clothing? No Shein pls

>> No.10765657

i'm sayng that some clolita brands have good old school pieces. is it over for me that i like what some clolita brands have to offer for old school lolita?

>> No.10765660

can you post examples of stuff you like? old school style clolita looks weird to me but I want to believe there's good pieces out there

>> No.10765661

Post links? I can't imagine the quality being anything to write home about

>> No.10765663

This is more of an imageboard culture stupid question but... what does "a-logging" mean?

>> No.10765744

hot topic for jirai-ish stuff, maybe charlotte russe for larme-ish

>> No.10765745

making exaggerated false comments about someone, like saying they're a pedo or a nazi

>> No.10765757

no, it's not. it's just generally being disproportionately angry at a lolcow, including wishing bodily harm or disaster upon them

>> No.10765774

>have old BABY dress
>doesn't zip up all the way in the back because i unfortunately have badonkers (biggest problem) and wide-ish shoulders

a binder will fix that right...? haha...right? haha..

>> No.10765780

Depending on how big your gahonkadahonkos are then it should help. Remember though lolita dress zippers are notoriously dogshit so honestly don't feel too bad about it.

>> No.10765782

>Remember though lolita dress zippers are notoriously dogshit so honestly don't feel too bad about it.
this does help me, thank you for that actually. ;; also the measurements on either WW (where i bought it), or Lolibrary are wrong. WW said that the bust goes to like 104cm whereas LB said 86cm. it's a 2007 dress so i can't be too sad ya know?

>> No.10765805

My question is, why do white “people” bother wearing lolita? They look like shit.

>> No.10765813

controversial question: can bodyline main pieces look/be styled well?

>> No.10765827

imo it depends on the piece. bodyline can be really hit or miss sometimes. some things are decent quality and design and some are absolute dogshit. you just have to look and judge carefully to discern which are which. many ppl who get bodyline can't do that to begin with cause they only want a cheap dress and are new/not that serious about lolita so they make it super ita

>> No.10765833

Yes, they absolutely can. You just need to pick a good, solid piece with some decent lace and invest in a steamer.

Like fr, a good steamer can take a shitty look dress and make it look good.

>> No.10766293

To Taobao brands usually put up leftovers for sale after MTOs get delivered?

>> No.10766330
File: 2.54 MB, 4032x3024, PXL_20220525_180414953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heya, I'm having a hard finding jewelry that can go with all my main pieces. Now I understand why people recommend staying with one color scheme when you start out lol.

I'm thinking white/pearls, but I'm not sure if that would look good or not

>> No.10766332

how exactly do I read moitie tags? I have a piece that's not on the library and I'm curious what year it's from

>> No.10766335

Depends on the brand but yes, some do.

>> No.10766340
File: 11 KB, 192x274, AZ3joSRsL9GpuyNHfHc1EW1O3OBGCvQvgE8w8qAa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get some silver or gold jewelry with generic motifs. Vivienne Westwood's Orb is a good choice, and Jane Marple have done many variations on crowns over the years.

>> No.10766342 [DELETED] 
File: 170 KB, 640x636, 562CB6C0-BBAB-4FC1-B7F5-3F4994E97C10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking at NyaNya, if you (or anyone else) are familiar with them. I don't keep up with Chinese brands and missed the preorder for their strawberry series.

>> No.10766343
File: 444 KB, 1125x1112, 7CF0E831-7E65-4959-ACC8-C7D598F5B2AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking at NyaNya, if you (or anyone else) are familiar with them. I don't keep up with Chinese brands and missed the preorder for their strawberry series.

>> No.10766419

also rose/florals and fruits

>> No.10766461

>Okay I’m new
We know hun. You sound insufferable so please stay out.

>> No.10766464

Is Marble still in business? I clicked a link to their old webshop recently and got a 404 error. Seeing their stuff in old GLB issues makes me feel really nostalgic.

>> No.10766465


Thank you! Y'all are great

>> No.10766469

Seems so, they sell through AtePie

>> No.10766511

Has anyone ever used ECMS for their proxy shipment? I was just going to go with FedExex International Priority, but this one is slightly cheaper by 1k yen or so.

>> No.10766523

As >>10766469 said, yes, they are sold through AtePie. They also have a more recent website of their own

>> No.10766590

I don't know about NyaNya in particular, but Ecailles de Lune, Infanta, Knight Night etc. have all put leftover stuck up after preorders sold. The only thing to do is wait and hope that they do it for your preferred size and colourway.
also, a second, not as ideal solution would be to check resellers like My-Lolita-Dress, Clobbaonline, etc. They'll order a bunch of dresses to keep on hand sometimes and you can then order it from them. It's gonna be more expensive than using an SS (and some of them have poor customer service, like Devil Inspired) but it just depends on how badly you want the item I suppose.

>> No.10766629

Newfag question

How many rings is too many for a non-ott classic look? I bought a bunch of cute rings for my first tea party and I've accidentally overwhelmed myself with choices. There is 2 rings that aren't really basic, I'm thinking 1 on one of my ring finger on 1 hand, and then a completely different one on the middle finger on the other. My problem is that my hands still bare?

Sorry for being so autismo about it I'm just trying to set a good impression it's the first time I'm meeting my com lol

>> No.10766631

Still feel so bare*

>> No.10766632

1 on each hand is completely fine

>> No.10766637

Thank you! I'll keep an eye out for restocks, and if all else fails check out the resellers - hopefully they'll have some in stock.

>> No.10766638
File: 112 KB, 429x853, 4qiOtbujcX6EutceRyFthT6AOoO8DrerkXQgsJl8 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any recs for pettis for dresses this length/"poof" capacity? I've been looking at the wunderwelt long petti but it feels like too much.

>> No.10766653

Aurora & Ariel have several long pettis with varying levels of poof. Alternatively, you can try to find a brand one secondhand, but they don't show up that often.

>> No.10766666

I keep getting a "We're sorry, but something went wrong." anytime I try to open a listing on lace market now. Is this happening to other people or just me? Is there a way I can fix it?

>> No.10766701

she's not even wearing a petti there

>> No.10766703

Same thing just happened to me when I clicked on a listing, so they’re probably having issues at the moment.

>> No.10766705

Yup, getting the same issue

>> No.10766710

whenever lm errors happen i'm hoping it means they die and someone finally makes a better alternative

>> No.10766753

I don't think anon was claiming she was, the image is clearly there just to illustrate the type of dress they were talking about

>> No.10766796
File: 49 KB, 1138x960, 1475901803657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same here...also checked

>> No.10766812

If lm dies it means no one will ever make another one. It isnt worth it to make a sales website you guys are annoying to deal with.

Chances are ppl will go back to fb.

>> No.10766902
File: 261 KB, 1590x2048, 1635701829957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where does someone who's starting out in gothic get staple accessories, especially head accessories? Closet child and Wunderwelt are empty, LM pretty much too and taobao doesn't seem to offer anything decent. I can't tell if I'm just to retarded or if available products are really that sparse....

>> No.10766905

is it ita behavior to not wear bloomers... i wear a pair of white biker shorts.

>> No.10766906

Look at Atelier Pierrot stock, subscribe to Antique Beast/other indie brand mailing lists to know when they reopen, wait for new Moitie releases, stalk the second hand market for older pieces. Basically what everyone else does.

>> No.10766913

No, bloomers are just cute extras mostly, as long as your ass is protected from flashing people you're fine

>> No.10766943
File: 90 KB, 750x750, B789E29D-2F1C-4469-9DBD-F9AF2C084F8A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought this dress already…but is it ita if i wear it showing my shoulders? or should i get a blouse?

>> No.10766974

it's ita period. you can't even wear a blouse with those kinds of sleeves, just a frumpy bolero. but this is one of those "not really gothic or sweet" abominations that will look bad no matter what.

>> No.10767243
File: 70 KB, 563x735, 1650830192061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that dress is really cute and reminds me of this one :)

>> No.10767247

>different color
>different material
>different silhouette
>different styling

Oh yes, I see it.

>> No.10767254
File: 1.24 MB, 480x264, 1475758923268.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>White model for Japanese brand

>> No.10767257

I personally wouldn't wear it but I could see this being passable for ero.

>> No.10767263

...how new are you?

>> No.10767280 [DELETED] 

wait until they find out about fanny rosie...

>> No.10767282

kek that's extremely common anon

>> No.10767295

Doesn't make it okay.

>> No.10767297

Agreed. White people are fugly as sin and shouldn’t ruin the image of Japanese brands that could literally just have any Japanese model who looks over a billion times better.

>> No.10767301

Would it be stupid or unfeasible to get a candy fairy OP secondhand and hack off the bodice to make it into a skirt (and use the bodice fabric for something else i guess)? Most AP OPs look like shit on me and I prefer the skirt anyway

>> No.10767302


>> No.10767303

How do I make myself less ugly as a white person?

>> No.10767307

Well if you wanna spend $300 or whatever just to cut it in half, and understand that nobody will buy it from you if you try to sell it, go for it. Also i hope you know a really good tailor

>> No.10767321

Are old moitie (the one i'm looking at is from approx ~2008) polyester blouses nicer than the ones now? I got a new one from wunderwelt like a year or two ago and it was really plasticy feeling even for poly. Maybe I'm just autistic.

>> No.10767346

>understand that nobody will buy it from you if you try to sell it
Some of us buy our clothes to wear them nonny

>> No.10767354
File: 16 KB, 333x250, 43ab82fb-2129-5b15-9638-7cce82ec816a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you really want to do that, please find a good tailor (either lolita or bridal/formal wear specific) and make sure they know to leave enough of the bodice to make a waistband like on the original skirt

>> No.10767363

You all say that and then I see a mangled ‘i made a skirt out of this jsk’ or ‘modified i made it plus size!” pop up on lm and stay there

>> No.10767387

I don't really plan on selling it or anything. I have a lolita-specific tailor in mind.

>> No.10767403

Comfiest brands for under-wear like Undershirts, petti, bloomers, etc. in terms of material?
I have bad sensory issues and want to invest in some nice under clothes but I don’t want to spend a lot without knowing what is comfiest option? Preferably soft and lightweight with no scratchiness.
Adding on to that, I have a couple organza Pettis but I find the material horrible even when it’s not directly touching my skin, so I was eyeing up a voile from melikestea, is that a good option?
Thanks nons.

>> No.10767493

Uniqlo is great for undergarments, their airism line is incredibly soft and doesn't bother my extremely sensitive skin. Haven't tried the heat tech line for winter yet, but hopefully other anons can chime in as I know it's pretty popular.

>> No.10767513

Anyone have any sources for main pieces that aren't polyester shit?

>> No.10767528


>> No.10767531

I have sensory issues as well and I really like my wunderwelt petti when I'm able to wear elastic banded stuff. It's really soft and it's lined as well. If you can, look for bloomers and pettis with drawstring instead of elastic. MLT will do drawstrings instead of elastic for both of those if you ask her I think. I have some other pettis from A+A and one from Sheglit that are kind of scratchy but they're bearable.
It's obviously mostly dependent on the releases themselves and what substyle you're looking for. BTSSB still consistently puts out really nice cotton prints and solids, and I've noticed a lot of nicer western/Korean indie brands tend to use more natural fibers than major JP brands nowadays, especially gothic and classic indies.

>> No.10767561

Welp, guess it *is* a test of patience after all. I will keep my eyes open then and continue lurking the places you mentioned.

>> No.10767589

Get the surgery.

>> No.10767593

>wunderwelt petti
God, how I wish they'd make an a-line or just a lower poof petti

>> No.10767594

Me too. It's kind of in-between A-line and cupcake so it looks fine for softer a-line dresses but it's still really intense poof.

>> No.10767677


what if I get a tailor to remove the sleeves and make it a jsk? Still bad? I feel like it’d look nice without sleeves and if i wear a blouse.
The sleeves are weird now that I look at it but i like the rest of the dress

>> No.10767678

Is there a master list of all the second hand websites lolitas use to buy? Wondering if there is more out there than Mercari, Lace Market, and Wunderwelt that are active.

>> No.10767682

Someone made one a few months back with some pretty obscure ones, check the archives

>> No.10767689

Nvm I just found it. Here's a copy paste. This doesn't have any that aren't specifically lolita (like mercari)

>lacemarket - everyone knows LM
>wunderwelt - updates mostly twice-daily
>closetchild - updates daily
>usagiyouhinten - updates irregularly, posts previews to instagram
>maidenclothing - updates very rarely, seems to be mostly dead
>tokyo alice - updates irregularly, around every 3-7 days
>violetblue - updates irregularly
>alice + fururun - might be dead
>kitty carousel - also on LM, US-based
>onegaishishop - sells both new and used items, focuses on sweet and plus size friendly, US based
>kuroshiro kawaii - sells mostly new items with a small consignment section, US based
>gloiresoleil - updates irregularly, posts previews to instagram, sells mostly old school and milk/ETC
>milkyfarm - seems to be mostly dead
>atsudemon - sells moitie / malice mizer / moi dix mois merch
>belsel webshop - unknown update schedule, seems to mostly have BTSSB. kind of overpriced

>> No.10767701

You're the best!

>> No.10767772

Here is gloiresoleil shop since it's half a bitch to find


>> No.10767793

Does anyone have any pics of a Stocking Anarchy cosplay, but using actually lolita clothes?

>> No.10767841

Why are Baby cardigans and boleros so ridiculously small? I can wear all their blouses, ops, jsks etc fine but all their cardigans are like trying to wear something out the kid's section. I don't understand why outerwear would be smaller than the stuff it's supposed to go outside of.

>> No.10767847

They’re just petite sizing. Saying they’re like kids section is being dramatic. lose weight, or accept you are a big boned american. Also they’re pretty much meant to be worn over blouseless jsk

>> No.10767848

Yours might be shrunk. My boleros and cardigans from them have a comfortable fit but I do own one ridiculously small cardigan. I’m 99% sure it was shrunk because it’s way smaller than the measurements listed on lolibrary.

>> No.10767868

this, I have gotten shrunk ones secondhand. reminder to air dry all knitwear.

>> No.10768113
File: 1.75 MB, 983x1313, Screenshot_20220530-124001~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey y'all, I need advice on this dress. So this is from an indie company I've never heard of callee Fuwaya, and I'm not sure if I want to go for it or not.

It would cost the same as new AP, and it would come in my size, but I'm sure if I should drop $200+ on a brand I've never heard/seen before.

What do y'all think? Anyone bought anything from them before?


>> No.10768157

I'm seconding the shrunk thing bc I own a short sleeve bolero from Baby and it fits me very comfortably, and I have fairly wide shoulders and my upper arms def aren't slim. in which case sorry about your luck nonny,

>> No.10768159

Don't do it! The border print is up too high, it looks like a bad AP knockoff. Just buy one of the hundreds of AP berry prints

>> No.10768173

Agreed about the weird print placement, the gold star lace looks horrible as well. Looks very shoehorned in and reminds me of those ita staple star petticoats.

>> No.10768175

I don't see the point in paying AP prices for an indie brand that's trying to bite/mimic AP's style. Just buy AP.
>inb4 "i can't fit into AP"
unironically lose weight

>> No.10768201
File: 2.91 MB, 1920x1080, hmmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There might be something wrong with me bc that cherry dress is kinda cute desu lmao

But yeah, these feel a little *too much* in the spirt of AP, or rather, AP done berry prints so much. Regardless, How would you rank these among recent AP prints?

>> No.10768206

I did buy the first round of Fuwaya dresses but was told that due to a manufacturing error, they would be delayed another month or so, so I haven't received it yet. If you haven't heard much about this brand, that's probably why - nobody (except the influencers who got their sample dresses or people who bought ready-made items) has gotten their dresses.

I don't plan to repurchase with how much the prices are. I'm always down for supporting independent designers but it's frustrating to see the 2nd round of dresses go up when the issues with the first haven't been fully resolved.

>> No.10768207

I've definitely seen the fabric for those first two on Aliexpress, seems like they're using at least some commercial fabrics instead of original prints.

>> No.10768210

That's really helpful, thank you anon!

If that's true, why is it $200? Like, this girl is aiming at fat girls who like AP, right? Does she really think she can compete with Meta?

>> No.10768220

Meta is way more expensive than this brand, wtf. Also most people are lazy and don’t wanna spend time looking through taobao or even trying to view taobao

>> No.10768224

They are using commercially available fabric for some and then she designs others. I think Fox Cherry or something is the name of the brand? It says on the cherry dress. The berry dresses are commercially available and the pie dress is one that they designed.

>> No.10768229
File: 239 KB, 645x484, pia_20cat_20jsk_20beg_201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just bought my first J-Fashion purchase at convention, I bought Bodyline's Kitten Piano Concerto JSK (L562) in beige, and now I'm kind of stuck because I don't have anything to pair it with and I don't know what to even to buy to pair with it. I'd like some suggestions, but what I really need is help to point me to where should be looking when it comes to figuring out what to pair with my main pieces.

>> No.10768257

I will spoonfeed you a little. If you don’t even know what to buy to pair it up with, it is extreme laziness on your part and you should have at least a vague idea of what you need. please make use of google and read up more on lolita


>> No.10768259

Not really? Once you factor in shipping for both, Meta is only about $50 more expensive

>> No.10768262

I was thinking about the hidden princess series but yeah $50 more for their normal releases and something actually quality seems like a no brainer

>> No.10768271

To be fair, AP usa adds like $90 to it's prices

>> No.10768278
File: 72 KB, 700x700, L562_06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally, I think that's kind of ugly, but I'll bite and spoonfeed. This seems like the kind of dress that a newbie could easily fuck up, so I'd like to offer advice.

It's music themed and cat themed, so try to coord items which match those themes (barring cat ears). Don't go wearing a big butterfly necklace or a cupcake headpiece, because it'll look stupid and out of place. Not keeping to theme is a very common mistake for newbies. While the dress is beige, trying to color match accessories which perfectly match that shade of beige will be an exercise in futility, and will also make you look like a hideous beige blob. The dress has white accents anyway. So instead of beige, just stick with the colors white, black, and red for coording.

I'd personally coord it with a collared white blouse, a red or black cardigan, simple white OTKs (even ankle-height lacy socks would look fine with a dress this simple), a black or white headbow, and black mary janes. Make sure you buy all your items from a lolita brand (like Bodyline). You won't get away with wearing a normie shirt, accessories, or socks from Target, so don't even try. If wearing a short-sleeved blouse, some kind of simple wristwear (simple white wristcuffs) would be appropriate. Accessories shouldn't be too sparkly or lacy since the dress itself is pretty plain. Any simple black or red bag should be acceptable. If wearing a red cardigan, include a bit of red elsewhere (either the legs/feet or head) to balance it out.

For hairstyling, bangs and braided pigtails with bows would be nice. Bangs are essential. Don't wear an updo. Makeup should still be done nicely (lashes, lip color, eyeliner, blush, maybe some eye shadow sticking to subtle browns) but you don't need to go crazy with a lot of colorful eyeshadow and glitter or blotchy pink cheeks.

Picrel is of a model wearing the dress, which is a good example of it worn nicely.

>> No.10768284
File: 61 KB, 516x960, 5a6abeabf01ac5a8c4dfa0bf1c7bd147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't wear it like picrel. The striped sheer socks and lacy gloves don't match the simplicity of the dress, and would look more appropriate with a goth coord. Her hair looks dull and poorly styled, as does her makeup. The white shoes (boots?) look very out of place and have weird cut-outs, which also clashes with the stockings.

>> No.10768289

Shit I was kind of wondering this because they all happened to be wool as well. It's just happened like 2-3 different times and I tried stretching one of them out. But you guys might be right since it's specifically wool ones that were secondhand. I guess I'll try buying them new then.

>> No.10768344

I like second from right but they should remove the brand name from the print, it's awkward and no1curr

The pie print is too high contrast and ugly colors. The two on the left are ok but remind me of cheap AP wannabees also.

You can buy some of the AP berry prints secondhand dirt cheap and there's all kinds of sizing

>> No.10768525

Will Baby re-release Hawase Doll OP again do you think?

>> No.10768529

It's possible, Baby staff told me the MTO was super popular in an email

>> No.10768530


>> No.10768546

She's the lolita museum scammer tho

>> No.10768550

>pop up on lm and stay there
Even many of the most awful hack job alterations sell like immediately though.

Still most people who alter their clothing the right way and have it done well by a tailor tend to keep them so you almost never see the good ones. Or it's a small thing like longer straps or rearranging buttons on straps so people don't even always label it as a real alteration.

Most of the fucky alterations are to bodices as well so hacking off the bodice and creating a skirt would actually save them from the most offensive problems that alterations tend to have which are related to resizing and a different part of the dress.

>> No.10768554

Yes but I don't love the new flowers they do. The original roses were the best and made more sense with the original name.


>> No.10768574

I know for AP prices or lower I'm definitely going to live to regret it. I only got bitten once by a local indie brand and it legitimately made me never want to buy indie dresses again. I'm too embarrassed to even ask the seller to take down my picture because I ghosted her and unfollowed her. So you know what? I fit AP without stretching the damn seams out so I'm just going to continue being a permanent second-hand market prowler and DIYer. It's just not worth it. I don't want to get burned again.

>> No.10768594

I’m looking for an AatP or BtSSB dress with a stupidly lengthy name. Recommendations?

>> No.10768599

Spent way too long looking through lolibrary. Hope this is what you meant
>Hydrangeas in Reminiscence ~Melody Dedicated to You~
>Galaxy Chris ~Twinkle Stardust and Space Gear~
>Oath of Rose ~Rondo of Love and Betrayal~
>Quiet Toys Room ~The Days Played with Them~
>Rumble Fish and the Phantom Crystal Palace
>La Prière ~The Glimpse of a Dream through the Glass Window~
>Labyrinth Collection Room ~Secret Slumber Room in the Old Castle~
>Stardust Fantasia ~Horoscope of Twins Star Kittens~
>Pastoral in the Grass Green ~Poem of the Shepherd~
>Banquet in the Dark Night with Dancing Roses
>My Advent Calendar ~Magic of the Happiness over the Special Day~
>Bambi de la Forêt Secrete ~Petite Princesse de la Forêt~
>Celestial Harmonia ~Angelic Melody Upon the Stars~
>Cherry Rendezvous ~ BABY CHERRY Beginning of Love~
>CHOcOlate addiction ~with your SweEt MEmories~
>Queen of Snow ~Fragment of Eternity I Hid in Snow Globe~
>Le Petit Chaperon Rouge ~Maiden of the Dark Forest~
>Funeral Procession Of Rose~ Aria Blooming In The Twilight (my personal favorite AATP print)
>Secret Hospital for Dolls ~It's Me Who Heals You~
And of course
>The world's most adorable dog and the world's most delicious strawberry frappe

>> No.10768602

they use that ugly blonde bitch as a model, would never buy them.

>> No.10768603

the scatter print one is okay. i hate how they're using a fake japanese word though. and i hate how all the writing is huge on all the things i've seen. pie dress is the ugliest thing i've seen in a while, burn it.

>> No.10768604

Did she shit in your petti or something

>> No.10768606

the only model i see in their listings is a chubby asian girl

>> No.10768626 [DELETED] 

White people are fucking ugly. Would never buy from any brand with a cracker model.

>> No.10768651

So what you're telling me is that you're too fat to fit into Innocent World

>> No.10768660

Seconding the airism line, the seamless camis are super comfy and made from a smooth material that won't make your clothes ride up or cause static.

>> No.10768751

Newbie here, I'd like to star buying AP jewelry from their site. How do I know when they have it available? They announce it? They just drop it?
I am desperate enough to be willing to buy from AP JP, AP USA and AP JP, can I buy directly from them or do I need a SS?
My main concern is knowing when something will be available

>> No.10768758

This question is so fucking stupid that I recommend you ask it in the Big Sisters Of Lolita Fashion group. Or Google it I beg you. The information is already out there.

>> No.10768759

Scalper vibes

>> No.10768760

Whoever runs the account was spamming me and my friends with links to their new items. And we don’t even follow them.

>> No.10768769

look on the site

>> No.10768772

Maxicimam's quality? I found a couple of reviews but they look Bodyline-tier.

>> No.10768778

It’s very good quality and sturdy. Their blouses are especially loved. Bodyline tier, really?

>> No.10768786

Their lovely line is A+, all well made and what not. Maxi is an old brand like Btssb and AP

>> No.10768804
File: 448 KB, 640x642, 3C00C865-A8C1-486A-9B2B-8D951D136B8E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how to source this dress? i google image searched but all i can find is an aliexpress listing. would appreciate if someone could tell me where this is from!

>> No.10768808

They are somewhere between bodyline and brand, like higher end taobao.

>> No.10768815

suffers from bad stock photos but it's an o.g. brand for a reason. ignore the newfags here saying it's like higher end taobao. clolita could never.

>> No.10768820

>higher end taobao
>between bodyline and brand
fuck, don't make me laugh

>> No.10768821

They ARE brand. They're Japanese and have been around since the 90s. Why wouldn't they be?

>> No.10768822

Yeah right, I bought some recently because everyone here swears up and down they are amazing quality. They aren't. They're just fine. They use cotton which is good but they are nowhere near brand.

>> No.10768823

Spotted the fatties. Keep telling yourself it's on the same level as Baby and older AP. Delusional

>> No.10768825

Are you too autistic to understand social cues? I'm laughing because it's laughable to think it's on the same level as brand

>> No.10768828

I've noticed some sellers on mercari request that you leave a comment before purchasing. Does buyee (or other shopping services if you know them) do this? Or do they just go ahead and buy it?
Normally I wouldnt worry but I've been saving up for this particular dress for a while and I would shit if the seller cancelled my order

>> No.10768838

Anon, they aren't a brand. They are an indie japanese brand.

ITT: Newfags be rollin' in here thinking they know shit and advising newerfags of shit the newfags already don't know about.

>> No.10768853

Buyee and fromjapan basically say they're buying for foreigners overseas can we buy? which is part of the problem

>> No.10768858

I don't think it's possible to instabuy something where the seller requires you to comment, I use an SS that has an automated system and it makes me think Mercari has an option for sellers to disable this on their end somehow. And yes, all shopping services should be able to comment for you.

>> No.10768860

Hoyoyo does this, they just comment something like "Hello I am interested can I please buy this?" (paraphrasing, after google translate). I think Buyee does it too, though it's been a very long time since I've used them.

>> No.10768874

Is sheglit my best bet for light color gothic/classic stuff that has a fitted waist? I need a white or light blue dress, but i don’t like sheglit’s bodice cuts. I just want a plain jsk bodice without random shit going on like they tend to put

>> No.10768875

I see, I didn't know this, thanks. I guess I was under the impression that leaving the comment was more of an "etiquette" thing or something like that, I feel a little more confident placing my order, then.

Yeah I'm a little worried about this being an issue with the seller also, to be completely honest haha. I guess it would be possible to try with a different ss if I have a problem? But if they don't to sell, they don't want to sell, I'll just take a chance.

Haven't heard of this one, might try it if my first attempt fails. Thank you.

>> No.10768897

Try some VM and exentrique

>> No.10768905

This is literally the stupid questions threads, complaining about it makes you look even more stupid

>> No.10768910

I don't recommend hoyoyo. Their service is awful. I tried them in March and they took at least several days after I paid to even leave comments on my items. For one item they went a week after payment without doing anything, and they even bought some items that I requested a few days after that first, so I sent them a nudge about it and they instantly commented on the listing. They essentially went a week sitting on their asses with my money and either forgot or were too lazy to bother getting my things.

>> No.10768914

I'm >>10768860 and just wanna say I've had somewhat an experience similar to you. I used them without issue all last year and they were very fast. But then this year starting in January they started taking 3-5 days to respond and I lost out on a couple of items. Their customer service is also a crapshoot bc some of them have excellent English and some of the really don't. They are the cheapest SS by far, though, so it's a tradeoff I guess? They're also willing to buy listings on Mercari that Buyee isn't (the ones that say "sorry this item is only available in Japan.") I don't think I'd recommend them at this point, probably, although as a last resort they're still useable somewhat.

Oh, and in my last order they ended up buying the wrong item from the seller. I bought socks and a headdress from the same seller. Seller made a new combined listing, but made a mistake and put wristcuffs in there instead of the headdress. I didn't realize anything was up until I got my package bc I never even saw the new combined listing. We went back and forth a bunch and finally they asked me to take a picture of every single item that had been in my package. I did that, but the day after I had to go out of town bc someone in my family was hospitalized and I had to stay with them. I was busy, tired, and fed up I just didn't bother respond to them at that point.

Now I have a pair of wristcuffs I don't care for and no headdress. I mean, I guess that's kinda on me, and they're not bad, they're baby and all, but...fuck i'm still kinda mad lmao

>> No.10769040

Mercari has no such option for sellers. If a ss buys it the seller has to manually cancel and tell them to sod off.

>> No.10769132

why is it that when an MM piece is being sold on lacemarket, the exact same piece pops up on closetchild or wunderwelt? i thought it just might be the same collector/reseller, but the people selling it on lacemarket are sometimes from the US

Also, they're usually in bid format, so it couldn't be taken down if someone on another site buys it, so I doubt it's the same dress??

>> No.10769445

I have a shitpost maxicimam shirt, I want to frame it for home decoration. It's probably a bad idea to put under glass so I was wondering if it's better to frame it without glass on it or to put it on a canvas so it's less likely to trap moisture.

>> No.10769448
File: 545 KB, 1638x2844, O1CN018iFi3S1sEg4j9Osof_!!2476225735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have any recommendations where to find a bag that would be at least somewhat suitable for lolita (casual-ish, worn to the office) bag that would fit a 16-inch laptop? The best I could find is the pictured one from BerryQ, but it's still slightly too small. I'd have to put the laptop in vertically and it would still stick out a bit. Pls help. It stops me from wearing lolita to the office more (I need to take the laptop home often)

>> No.10769452

Samefag: I also think of just getting a custom a'la tote bag in the needed size but with some bows and shit if I don't find a suitable one in some lolita store, whatbdo you think. Maybe it will just be a quicker way...

>> No.10769463

hi, is it possible to register on taobao without using my number?

>> No.10769472

definitely stretch it over a canvas. then you can add a minimal frame around that. glass not needed.

>> No.10769839

thank you !

>> No.10770221

Does anyone know if the measurements on sexpot revenge flat measurements or full... I have my eyes on a parka but 84.cm for an L size seems small...but also I'm American

>> No.10770380

I just put in my first ever order at Wunderwelt (yup, hella late to the party) and read all the faqs etc. I was warned that EMS and ePacket are currently not available to my country and that it would be sent by Yamato International TA-Q-BIN (UPS). There was also a warning that Yamato shipping would likely be more expensive than EMS.

When I placed my order on June 1st it said that the shipping cost was 1000yen, which seems almost too good to be true. On my order page it says 'payment status: paid' 'Fulfilment status: Unfulfilled'.

I haven't had any contact since. Am I missing something here? Will I be charged additional shipping costs? Basically, is there anything else I'm supposed to do at this point?

>> No.10770460

I might be wrong, but I think I know what's happening:

Wunderwelt only ships Yamato packages once a week (I think on Thursdays?), so they probably didn't have time to prepare your package in time to ship it. I would wait until the 10th or 11th to be worried about it.

Another scenario might be that Wunderwelt has a deal going on right now where all orders have 1000 yen shipping (it was a promo for March, but got extended indefinitely). There's a chance that Yamato shipping is an exception because it is more expensive like you said. So maybe if your package doesn't ship by the end of this coming week, you can email them and ask if there's any outstanding shipping fees you need to pay.

>> No.10770658

is there any SS that does preorders? a brand I like that doesn't ship overseas opened a preorder now and the item gets shipped out all the way in december. what SS would be good for purchasing that with?

>> No.10770767

That's really insightful anon, thank you. I will definitely message them if I don't hear anything by the end of the week.

>> No.10770812

What taobao stores make really cute acrylic necklaces for sweet? There was one store that made adorable rabbit necklaces with red gem eyes that I can't find, but also I just need necklaces

>> No.10770885

So I have a few rare dresses that are just too big on me. I don't want to get them altered because of how rare they are, but the gapping on the sides of my bust just looks dumb. Is there any methods I can use to make the gapping smaller or less noticeable without damaging the dress?

>> No.10772744

>how to source this dress?

My best advice is: don't. It's ugly.

>> No.10773364

im really new and worried about blowing a ton of money on my first coord/jsk and end up realizing lolita doesnt necessarily suit me. should i just buy some low quality shit from aliexpress or just get over it and buy brand?

>> No.10773461

Do research before you buy anything, even if it takes you 6 months. What you might like when you first get interest you might hate/think is tacky a few months down the track. I hated the first taobao dress I bought when I received my first brand dress the quality difference is miles apart.

>> No.10773731

I gained a lot of weight during the pandemic. My dream dress has popped up secondhand in my preferred cut, and I have the funds to afford it, but I don't think it will fit me right now. I am losing the weight steadily so I believe I'll fit it eventually, but I've never bought a dress knowing it wouldn't fit before. Is it a bad idea? Have you done this before? I honestly think holding it in my hands, seeing the lace up close, will motivate me to work out harder, but who knows.

>> No.10773768

You're welcome

>> No.10773832
File: 32 KB, 420x560, tumblr_8e1856541935b2a5969b0d97ac3d006a_4c62ba5b_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for good websites to do some ouji inspired outfit, I want to be able to wear it outside without looking too much like a boy lolita ty.

I'd like something good, quality wise, not rly fazed with taobao/devil inspired stuff. I have money, ty.

>> No.10774210

I had the same situation and ended up buying the dress and now I can wear it. I actually hung it up in a visible place so I could see it and it was a good reminder for me to get up and do some exercise instead of laying around on the computer.
It might depend for you how far outside of the measurements you are, whether it ends up being a good idea, but you could always sell it too, so I'd say go for it.

Not that I'm aware of.

>> No.10775879

Idk if this is saging or not but gonna post anyway

Anyone have good tips on how to use press on nails, or how to make your own? Since they're plastic, can I literally use acrylic paint to create designs? How easy are they to remove and store, and how many uses can they last for?

I try to keep my nails painted, but it's hard to keep up with, and regular polish takes so long to dry and chips. Gel seems like a pain in the ass to remove. I'd love any insight to your best methods, thank you kindly!