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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 623 KB, 513x518, Friend Finder thread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10748382 No.10748382 [Reply] [Original]

It's been some time since the last one died.
Fill out the form and make some friends!

>Lolita? Cosplay? You tell us.
>Fav brands, substyles, anime, cosplay, etc.
>Other hobbies, interests?
>What are you looking for?
>Not looking for?
>Contact info
>Anything else we should know?

>> No.10748653 [DELETED] 
File: 490 KB, 1544x2235, 20210602_210954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same as the last thread~

29/F/ SoCal
>Lolita? Cosplay? You tell us.
Semi-retired sweet lolita, I don't really wear the fashion anymore and as of now, I don't have any reasons to wear lolita in full coordinates.

>Fav brands, substyles, anime, cosplay, etc.

Angelic pretty I guess? Casual jfashion, plenty of pastels. I watch some anime and would like to get back into cosplay.

>Other hobbies and interests?
Cars, itashas, drawing, gardening.
arts&craft, cosplay, hi-fi, music and collecting stuff

>What are you looking for?
A Chiaki Nanami fangirl girlfriend. Someone who loves cats, someone who have similar fashion sense and interests in cute stuff and is a total nerd/gamer!
if not then just a good friend, someone to have good companionship with~

>Not looking for?
Gender special snowflakes, sjws, know-it-alls
Insane leftists, radical Woke/fake wokesters aka virtue signalers

>Contact info?
Sainte Chiakimei#1777
>Anything else we should know?
I own 75+ AP dresses/skirts, and various accessories and pieces from the brand. You're welcome to wear them/ use whatever you need for your coords.

>> No.10749970 [DELETED] 


I'm friendly, hit me up

>> No.10749971 [DELETED] 
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I'm friendly, hit me up

>> No.10749972

The thread has been so unpopular that I've kind of been hoping for a swift death. Also, why did I write the text in italics.
But I guess these threads are slow anyway.

>> No.10749973

>Not looking for?

>> No.10749983

I'll help your thread
>Lolita? Cosplay? You tell us.
Cosplay, So far I've done Shin Megami Tensei and Bloodborne
>Fav brands, substyles, anime, cosplay, etc.
Game characters I find the most appealing, maybe some anime in the future
>Other hobbies, interests?
Lifting, vidya, reading, "travel", hiking, videomaking, reptiles, in general I stack a lot of weight on experiencing different things
>What are you looking for?
People to talk to/maybe meet at a cont
>Not looking for?
Political weirdos (who don't know how to not talk about it)
>Contact info
Email then discord is fine: tdlsauron@gmail.com
>Anything else we should know?
Not really into edgelord shit but anything else is fair game

>> No.10750003
File: 403 KB, 600x600, mewitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

28/F/middle of nowhere USA

>Lolita? Cosplay? You tell us.
Lolita, but I think cosplay is fun to look at

>Fav brands, substyles, anime, cosplay, etc.
IW and Meta are probably my favorite brands. I love classic, country, and a little bit of sweet. I like anime a lot, right now I am watching Serial Experiments Lain (long overdue, I know.)

>Other hobbies, interests?
I am an artist, I like cooking, watching movies (esp horror and sci-fi) and I love animals.

>What are you looking for?
I want a female friend who I can talk about life with, share memes, and maybe even swap recipes. If you're a lolita, that would be awesome, but I want to talk about stuff other than lolita sometimes.

>Not looking for?
I don't want anything romantic or sexual. Please no men. I would prefer if we didn't talk about politics constantly - I am overwhelmed by it at work and social media and would prefer a space where I don't have to think about the horrors of the world lol.

>Contact info
Discord is echidna#1610

>Anything else we should know?

>> No.10750060
File: 51 KB, 280x440, tumblr_ozkjzpXCiN1v857c1o1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lolita? Cosplay? You tell us.
both, but mostly jfashion right now as I don't plan on goign to cons till after covid calms down a bit more.

>Fav brands, substyles, anime, cosplay, etc.
for Jfashion, I'm really into older styles/old school. lots of plaid, black, preppy stuff. I wear mostly kuro/gothic when it comes to Lolita. I also really like vintage and am always collecting pieces from vintage/2nd hand shops.

>Other hobbies, interests?
I crochet a lot and like making accessories, I also am a printmaker and making digital art. I'm also into vidya gaem, and manga and like talking about mai husbandos etc.

>What are you looking for?
I think someone to chat with, be catty with, etc. It's fun to swap pics of art, fave characters, coords, new finds, etc. I don't have any friend irl who wear jfash or are interested in animu in the same way I am so it'd be nice to have more people to discuss it with. Not necessary but I prefer to talk to other women

>Not looking for?
ehhh not necessarily looking to meet up, but I may be open to it eventually. not to be 2edgy4u but I'm also not looking to talk to someone where I have to walk on eggshells with.

>Contact info
discord: tomato-chan#8954

>Anything else we should know?
I'm starting to sew more and i'd love to talk to other people who sew for jfashion and are more experienced. I also collect fashion dolls, if anyone else here likes them!

>> No.10750140

What does "walk on eggshells" mean?

>> No.10750196

sent you a request!

>> No.10750203

I never want to be friends with you. Get off this board.

>> No.10750204

she means she doesn't want to deal with annoying performative sjws.

>> No.10750205 [DELETED] 

Prove me wrong, try

>> No.10750288
File: 116 KB, 724x1024, b04bb67d51fff0ff4f4ad2ea07e37cd001a2868b_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

28, M, Alberta
>Lolita? Cosplay? You tell us.
Cosplay. Some photography
>Fav brands, substyles, anime, cosplay, etc.
Moyashimon, Yakuza, Stargate.
>Other hobbies, interests?
Aviation, motorcycles, cello.
>What are you looking for?
Whatever. Berta seagulls. People to chat with while mucking about gaming.
>Not looking for?
>Contact info
Discord, Chrissy#8852
>Anything else we should know?
Used to crossplay a lot. Might have some ability to help with the technique.

>> No.10750295

>Lolita? Cosplay? You tell us.
Cosplay, very recently got into it and I'm playing on going as Johnny Joestar and Chiaki Nanami to AX, want to make a hololive cosplay eventually
>Fav brands, substyles, anime, cosplay, etc.
Modakawa, Mori Galaxy, recently got into Jujutsu Kaisen and Jojo due to a friend's recommendation but I want to get back in soon
>Other hobbies, interests?
I do tarantula keeping as a hobby currently, into various card games like MtG and Cardfight Vanguard currently
>What are you looking for?
Just some friends for now, mainly someone to play card games with, meet up irl hang out get food w and just like chat, want to hang out with people at AX and go to cons with
>Not looking for?
Though I would like to meet up eventually, I don't want it to be like the first thing I do, I'm pretty untrusting of a lot of people so I'd like to get to know you over chat or call first, I would rather not fly out just to get ghosted, I used to crossdress a lot/ still do so I don't want anyone who fetishizes me over it
>Contact info
Discord is Jane Doe#9552
>Anything else we should know?
I was really active on /r9k/ communities when I was younger if that puts you off, I guess I'm a lot more jaded now after my experiences with them but I'm trying to move on and like branch out, I do want more friends though

>> No.10750299
File: 450 KB, 643x691, 1649210832291.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you seem really nice, added you!
this is me

>> No.10750309

You forgot your tripcode

>> No.10750314 [DELETED] 

No I didn't.

>> No.10750331
File: 84 KB, 640x461, KittyBackground.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello (◕‿◕)
i am a 20 yo ftm softboi and id really like some frens (っ∩_∩)っ
but no transphobes (`^´ )
i wanna get into ouji but my parents are mean an I have low selfesteem ;-;
so I want a fren 2 help me get into ouji (ɔˆ 3(ˆᴗˆc)

>> No.10750332

>i am a faggot

>> No.10750335

i watched yuri!!!! on ice and i think boys r so cute >///<
>tfw no gay bf :ccc

>> No.10750359

35/Actual F/USA

>Lolita? Cosplay?
Mainly lolita, but I occasionally cosplay also. I've cosplayed Auska: Evangelion, Yuri: DDLC and some others. I haven't been to a con since before the memeflu. Mainly because covidfagging is retarded and I refuse to encourage this larp.

>Fav brands, substyles
I love AP, or at least I used to. AP just ain't what she used to be... The more recent releases are... unappealing and don't really even look like AP. Lately I've been more into Moitie and older Baby. I still love older AP. About half of my wardrobe is AP. The other half is Baby and Moitie with a few Meta and Boz pieces sprinkled in. My wardrobe is... er.. extensive XD

My style varies between sweet, goth and old school. I wear old school mainly as daily wear because it is more casual. I guess I'm kind of a lifestyler? I wear lolita everyday almost.

>Other hobbies
I love sewing and making crafts. I enjoy making accessories and jewelry for my friends. The stuff I make is by no means 'brand quality'. But it's a fun hobby. I also love browsing JP 2nd hand sites and Xianyu and helping my friends find dream pieces or stuff that will match their coords. Especially finding stuff for good deals!

>What are you looking for?
Friends interested in egl & jfashion. Particularly friends who aren't obsessed with PC culture and have a good sense of humor and aren't easily offended and like to laugh and make jokes about everything. I figure if you're a regular on cgl you probably fit this criteria. I don't mind newfags either, as long as 'board culture' doesn't offend you <3

>Not looking for?
sjws, genderspecials, miserable people who don't like to laugh. Or people who are super to indoctrinated into leftist politics, you guys are insufferable and incapable of making genuine connections and friendships because you're too busy waiting for some (fake) racist, sexist, transphobe remarks to cancel people over. You're no fun to be around.

>Contact info

>> No.10750492 [DELETED] 
File: 407 KB, 467x600, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Lolita? Cosplay? You tell us.
Lolita only

>Fav brands, substyles, anime, cosplay, etc.
Sweet and otome. I like ETC and BABY the most for main pieces lately but Meta is growing on me. I appreciate gothic, classic, and country as well but don't wear them.

>Other hobbies, interests?
Video games, gardening, tending to the lolcows, reading, and being a tradwife. Currently watching Trinity Blood but anime isn't really my thing so don't expect me to have watched much else.

>What are you looking for?
Friends to discuss jfashion with, share memes, laugh at itas, gatekeep troons, and meet up if we're local. Must be able to mutually respect one another even if we have different political, social, or religious views.

>Not looking for?
Men, romantic relationships, those who oppose 1A.

>Contact info

>Anything else we should know?
Taxation is theft.

>> No.10750499

She based :3

>> No.10750502
File: 54 KB, 583x408, 1493580427992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

id add her if she wasnt a discord user
sorry u got aids anon

>Lolita? Cosplay? You tell us.
tradweeb fashion, wafuku
>Fav brands, substyles, anime, cosplay, etc.
I just really love FF7. Vincent is bae _
>Other hobbies, interests?
bjds, things that are cute, sewing, recently: bears
>What are you looking for?
more FF7 Lovers over 60
>Not looking for?
people who havent experienced the Nabokov masterpiece, Pnin
>Contact info
gummiholen on LINE
>Anything else we should know?
don't @ me if u own a smartdoll

>> No.10750507

it's a tranny

>> No.10750526 [DELETED] 

Hey, don't disrespect our saint like that

>> No.10750607
File: 1.13 MB, 1242x1200, 5243D3AF-ABFE-49CA-8DD4-087F1721A536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Lolita? Cosplay? You tell us.
Lolita (mostly gothic), have lightly dabbled in cosplay in the past

>Fav brands, substyles, anime, cosplay, etc.
Atelier pierrot, Amavel, MARBLE, metamorphose
Gothic, classic, and military

>Other hobbies, interests?
Writing, drawing, cooking and recently sewing/embroidering. I like anime and visual novels and Im very interested in the conversation of freedom of speech and freedom in general. I’m very autistic about music.

>What are you looking for?
People who appreciate art, anyone willing to have a normal conversation, anyone normal, new lolitas welcome as long as they aren’t retard itas in denial.

>Not looking for?
Women pretending to be men,
men pretending to be women. I will not validate your delusions.
White saviors, I do not need your retarded opinions regarding my race, and your overcompensation to try and not appear “bigoted”
Also white people that carry white guilt, or POC who fall for the victimization psyop.
Anyone who will ask for any personal info (name, location, personal social medias, what I do for work, ect.)
Fetishists or age players

>Contact info

>Anything else we should know?
Lolita is not my only fashion style. I do wear it often but I’m into a lot of other things and subcultures

>> No.10750608

your race?? anon you are a cat. everyone loves cats

>> No.10750609 [DELETED] 


>> No.10750621

Holy shit I want to be friends

>> No.10750624 [DELETED] 

You sound based, let's be friends!
I hate troons too!!

>> No.10750625

Wow anon you really are no fun at all!

>> No.10750628

No one wants men :(

>> No.10750634

Not even other men, it seems.
I would be willing to talk, but I'm a male so why even try. I will never, ever make any friends. My life sucks.

>> No.10750636

I'd be your friend, but I'm a grill

>> No.10750637

I'd like a grill friend but I'm just a lurker and incompetent at fashion.

>> No.10750640

It's not that I wouldn't want a girl friend, but males are also okay.

>> No.10750641 [DELETED] 

go to literally any other board

>> No.10750642

That's okay with me, I have a lot of other interests beyond fashion that I'd enjoy discussing

>> No.10750643

/cgl/ is the only board that accommodates making friends. And what if you enjoy /cgl/ interests?

>> No.10750650

Sure it'll be fun :D

>> No.10750679 [DELETED] 

Added you on discord.

>> No.10750684

>/cgl/ is the only board that accommodates making friends
No it's not.

>> No.10750746


>> No.10750752

What the heck I'm crying now! ;-;

>> No.10750777
File: 107 KB, 400x417, 1537514821660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lolita? Cosplay? You tell us.
>Fav brands, substyles, anime, cosplay, etc.
Fringe weeb since teendom.
>Other hobbies, interests?
Food, travel, fitness and nutrition, game dev, coffee, alcohol.
>What are you looking for?
I'm interested in getting better at making my own cosplays. Many times I've picked out characters I'd like to attend a con as but just don't have the skills or where to begin. I'm looking for someone who's tackled breaking down the process of getting from A to B and everything inbetween.
>Not looking for?
I'm not particular.
>Contact info
>Anything else we should know?

>> No.10750782

Fucking Giga-Based. Glad to see that there is an unpozzed community.

>> No.10750788 [DELETED] 

Based and lace pilled

>> No.10750866

Anon, I feel we may have some things in common. I’m going to send you an email!

>> No.10750872
File: 2.89 MB, 1080x1080, 9F5DEC54-E888-4845-9B08-0458C3967554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

30’s, female, USA (east coast)
>Lolita? Cosplay? You tell us.
Lolita! But I don’t mind cosplay. Maybe one day I will partake but for now just j fashion.
>Fav brands, substyles, anime, cosplay, etc.
I love meta, angelic pretty, alice and the pirates, baby, atelier pierrot, and many others. I mostly wear sweet & gothic substyles amongst others, but typically wear black in general.
>Other hobbies, interests?
Sewing, baking yummy treats, crafting, working out, antiques … I have a lot of hobbies actually. I love 80s-90s action movies.
>What are you looking for?
Friends to chat with, send funny memes, talk about j fashion, music, swap recipes, maybe even send snail mail?!
>Not looking for?
Romantic relationships (I am married) and SJW types.
>Contact info

>> No.10750880


>> No.10750893

Looking for a virgin larper/cosplayer scrote I can send frilly nudes to

>> No.10750911

yo that's me

>> No.10750913

>Lolita? Cosplay? You tell us.
Just cosplay.
>Fav brands, substyles, anime, cosplay, etc.
Cosplay - Star Wars, Power Rangers, Metal Gear Solid, Fallout, superheroes i ngeneral.
>Other hobbies, interests?
Cars, guns, politics
>What are you looking for?
Girls, people from diverse backgrounds and countries. People I can have honest talks and talk about touchy subjects of the cosplay world such as cosplay sexuality and stuff like that.
>Not looking for?
Anything goes desu, just try not to force your politics into me.
>Contact info
>Anything else we should know?
And remember, respect is everything!

>> No.10750931

All of you niggas are old

>> No.10750932

Go to reddit, zoomer.

>> No.10750933

Will you also play Elden Ring with me?

>> No.10750934

Old people need friends too

>> No.10750936 [DELETED] 

Will you have a cigar with me while we enjoy fine wine?

>> No.10750942

I’m two years under the allowed age of alcoholic consumption

>> No.10750943


>> No.10750944

well i don't have that game

>> No.10750949

>Brazilian power ranger fetishist
Hey, I remember you.

>> No.10750955

Don't temp me I know you're not real!

>> No.10750956

i'm nta but i'll do it! drop discord

>> No.10750976
File: 88 KB, 799x605, 1549651830599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

25/M/North Texas
>Lolita? Cosplay? You tell us.
Cosplay; technically I do 'crossplay' but it's mostly due to my body type lending towards fitting feminine outfits, etc
>Fav brands, substyles, anime, cosplay, etc.
Normally just characters I like from anime I've watched in the past.
>Other hobbies, interests?
Coding, traveling, games, exercise. Looking to get into a hobby that can occupy my free time a bit more.
>What are you looking for?
Someone I can go to local conventions with. Someone who can give me guidance on make up / cosplay in general, or discussion of cosplay and anything else on my hobbies, I guess. Friends are nice but after awhile of solely speaking to people who live far away, especially after going to a con with some friends who flew in, I'd prefer someone local-ish.
>Not looking for?
People who live super far away.
>Contact info
texascglfriends@protonmail.com, can give discord after

>> No.10750982

Do girls really just send nudes like that?

>> No.10751007
File: 71 KB, 827x465, 81E4F679-0D10-404F-807E-131C050A863A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's okay, we can play Stardew Valley or Subnautica instead - aquilegia#4508

But I am! A real, honest to god human female

See picrel

>> No.10751026

ya and then guys really just send me $300+ birthday presents

>> No.10751110

If you wish, I'm this anon

>> No.10751158

last friend finder thread I made some really awesome friends, who I still talk with daily. im really glad this thread exists. especially with most online lolita spaces being full of the most obnoxious itas, troons and sjws. the inclusivity of the overall comm will be its downfall. and its hard to make decent friends with comms full of garbage people. its just nice there is place where worthwhile lolitas can be found.

>> No.10751260

And they still act like teenagers, go figure.

>> No.10751262

nah you newfags just don't know shit about culture, evidently

>> No.10751299

19/F/ California
>Lolita? Cosplay? You tell us.
Sweet-classic Lolita. Not a cosplayer or even an anime fan
>Fav brands, substyles, anime, cosplay, etc.
#1 2014-2018 Innocent World brandwhore
>Other hobbies and interests?
Reading, chess, art history, wasting time on tumblr, editing wikis
>What are you looking for?
Just a person to chat with. Don't have to be a Lolita either. I like hearing about other people's lives and seeing what's out there. My friends are all gamers and /his/ guys, and finding more female friends who like fashion is my goal.
>Not looking for?
Edgelords, incels, ana-chans, and weeaboos. If you'e going to complain about noobs and say a slur every other message, you're kinda cringe. I'm also not single.
>Contact info?

>> No.10751332

>I'm also not single.

>> No.10751366

KEK. I've been here longer than you.

>> No.10751371

I would like a nude pls thank you
>t. Virgin scrote cosplayer

>> No.10751381

Add me on discord and you shall receive one

>> No.10751387

Dick pic incoming

>> No.10751393

Cool, I like dick pics

>> No.10751449

kys degenerates

>> No.10751455

I won't. Just having fun and trying to make friends, you don't have to get so assmad over it.

>> No.10751461 [DELETED] 

fuck off back to /soc/ dumb whore

>> No.10751464

I've never been on any board outside of /cgl/ and have been in a monogamous relationship for the past 5 years

>> No.10751471

Anyone want to help me become a famous costhot?

>> No.10751475 [DELETED] 

Not very monogamous if you send nudes to random men online kek the absolute state of women

>> No.10751484

>monogamous relationship
What fucking year is it lol

>> No.10751661

no. kys with these degens >>10751449

>> No.10751662


>> No.10751675

>Lolita? Cosplay? You tell us.
Cosplay and jfash I guess. I don't really do it anymore
>Fav brands, substyles, anime, cosplay, etc.
I don't watch much anime now but I really like anime from the late 2000s and early-mid 2010s. Favorites are he Fate series and Geass.
>Other hobbies, interests?
I mostly game now casually. Currently playing a lot of Animal Crossing and JRPG (Chrono Cross, SMT, FE, FF). Also I read manga more than watch anime
>What are you looking for?
Other tradwives
I know this is a reach but I'm hoping for mom friends who are into weeb shit like me. I have a 6 month old and would love playdates and dress-up parties.
>Not looking for?
Anyone else. I wouldn't mind talking to people but my life is consumed by my kid and I know it gets annoying hearing about that if you're not at that stage in life
>Contact info
Discord - Tsurii#0711
>Anything else we should know?
Just ask!

>> No.10751693

imagine having children.

>> No.10751695 [DELETED] 

Get the fuck off my board you degenerate!

>> No.10751696

21/Female/OR, USA
>Lolita? Cosplay? You tell us.
gothic and old school Lolita, pretty much wear it 4 out of 5 times during the work week on average.
>Fav brands, substyles, anime, cosplay, etc.
For brands I like BTSSB and moitie mainly but I also really love IW, Meta and listen flavor (for menhera)
For anime I'm mainly into a mix of pretentious and cute shit, I'd say my favorites are Evangelion, Madoka, Houseki no Kuni, Princess Tutu and Onegai my melody but I generally read more manga than watch anime.
>Other hobbies, interests?
Drawing/painting , interior decorating, collecting vintage stuff, playing visual novels (I'm mainly into danganronpa, BL VNs and 07th expansion stuff like Umineko), waterfall hiking and white water rafting for more outdoorsy hobbies.
>What are you looking for?
Just friends to discuss weebshit and share cute cat and cottage pics with, bonus if you like BL manga.
>Not looking for?
Men, Trans (both FTM and MTF), alt right types and people who constantly expect you to walk on eggshells for them.
>Contact info
>Anything else we should know?
I'm terrible with directions, so sorry ahead of time if we ever decide to meet up irl!

>> No.10751731


>> No.10751741

fuck of tranny trash.

>> No.10751743

>Lolita? Cosplay? You tell us.
Cosplay. I love maximalist fashion but I can't really make heads or tails of Lolita.
>Fav brands, substyles, anime, cosplay, etc.
Favorite anime is Mob Psycho. My cosplay style is "I woke up in a cold sweat with this idea and put it together in a manic fit"
>Other hobbies, interests?
I love minecraft and animals. Also into zodiac stuff so if that annoys you sorry.
>What are you looking for?
Laid back friends or possibly a "partner in crime".
>Not looking for?
Relationships or people who are only friends with me because they wanna bang me
>Contact info
We'll see if I get any decent bites.
>Anything else we should know?
No SJWs or genderspecials.

>> No.10752332

Anon, contact info? I'm a female in FL.

>> No.10752809

26/M/Southeast USA
>Lolita? Cosplay? You tell us.
>Fav brands, substyles, anime, cosplay, etc.
Ghost in the Shell, Cowboy Bebop, don't cosplay myself.
>Other hobbies, interests?
Photography is one of my many hobbies, I really enjoy being a "historian" and helping people realize how good their own costumes look in a photo.
>What are you looking for?
Contacts in the general area or who travel to the general area. MTAC, Momokon, and other regional cons. Or just anybody who likes to talk about the con life or cosplay hobby.
>Not looking for?
Nothing in particular.
>Contact info
Wednesday#8633 on Discord.
>Anything else we should know?
My camera lens broke today and I don't have the money for a replacement. My hobby is dead in the water.

>> No.10752832 [DELETED] 

Bump for my post

I need more friends in
LA/OC (soCal)

I'm friendly, hit me up!

>> No.10752836

no one wants to be your friend, troon

>> No.10752843 [DELETED] 

I'm not even "troon" stop throwing that label at me.

>> No.10752848

warning to femanons do not add the unhinged troon sainte
he is an agp male who creeps on lolitas on lacemarket and harasses girls via messages there
he's also a /biz/ poster and has posted about shoving zucchini up his "boipussy" among other weird off topic tranny garbage along with having tranny shit posted on his personal accounts
also if you see him on lacemarket don't interact with him there either, avoid at all costs

>> No.10752874 [DELETED] 

more lies - _ -

>> No.10752937

why would i ever believe this after all the lies anon has made up about me? post some proof or get lost

>> No.10752947
File: 817 KB, 828x1621, DFA17D04-D784-4162-B91F-3D739FF70EE7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10752949

A nonny posted caps on the farm of this unhinged harasser. Not trying to catch a Ven ban kek

>> No.10752965

all you had to say was sainte was olivine
you win, im out

>> No.10752983

you will never be a woman

>> No.10753009 [DELETED] 

you used to go by olivine and also alkamei
you've posted that you're mtf (so a mentally ill male) on /lgbt/ and on here multiple times
just fuck off back to your /tttt/ containment board already creepy moid
if you want to find his posts where he says he's male either search alkamei in /lgbt/ archive or in /cgl/ archive search with olivine in the name field or in the general search - there's a few posts of him trying to find girls on /cgl/ to have sex with using his old olivine namefag, he's very predatory and was in a pedo grooming discord at one point too
if you've added him already block this freak immediately

>> No.10753068 [DELETED] 


I'm neither male or female、I just am simply saintly. I accept only terms of worship in my name or my many aliases.

Why not go attack real insane people while hiding your anonymity, trenders like "jordy" or the actual crazy genderspecials libtards in the jfashion communities?

Well it's quite obviously isn't it? She allowed the opinions of others get to her head then decided to not sell me for the nonsense you anons lie about. You gulls would obviously be just as frustrated and upset with that situation.

Also, the lc posts are fake and gay.
They actually took screen shots of copy-paste about "my cousin" none of that is even real、i copy-pasted a modified version of it. And seriously? A screen shot of some random anon on 4chan stating that they shoved zucchinis up their bottom? Kek

>> No.10753078

Grow up fag. Being this autistic is just embarrassing

>> No.10753159

>I'm neither male or female
ok troon
>actual crazy genderspecials libtards in the jfashion communities
you're literally describing yourself
>Also, the lc posts are fake and gay.
nice backpedaling. keep posting underaged yuri characters on your fb wall and pretending you are them. no one likes/comments anything you post because they are all sick of you, too, cousinfucker.

>> No.10753384

tradwives are based
kys modern whore

>> No.10753740
File: 341 KB, 1280x1810, 1649786156407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

20/m/3rd world shithole
>Lolita? Cosplay? You tell us.
I'm a menswear enthusiast that wants to get into ouji
>Fav brands, substyles, anime, cosplay, etc.
Don't really watch many animes, my favourite one is houseki no kuni
>Other hobbies, interests?
I love ballet, and classical music
>What are you looking for?
Fellow oujis to follow on Instagram
>Not looking for?
I don't really have one demographic that I dislike, I even tolerate troons
>Contact info
Principito #7565
>Anything else we should know?
I'm also going to try to wear historical fashion.

>> No.10753798

Sent a discord

>> No.10753805

Back to the kitchen, you worthless hole

>> No.10753813

>modern whore
>gets fucked by everything that moves to prove to them self and society how valid they are
>calls tradwife worthless hole

>> No.10753815

You can hate tradwives without being a whore, you know.

>> No.10753986 [DELETED] 

Fully convinced women who reee about tradwives here are just mad they can't secure an attractive husband who finances their wardrobe while they chill at home all day. It's basically the ideal lolita occupation.

>> No.10753987


>> No.10754010

>who finances their wardrobe while they chill at home all day
Man, I wish that was me

>> No.10754021

It’s possible, considering what the women who post here look like. Though a lot of them are lesbians too.

>> No.10754025

Literally me. I love being a tradwife. My husband is amazing. Kind and generous. He takes care of everything and I can waste my money on having the most excessive and unnecessary wardrobe. Seethe harder modern whores.

>> No.10754032

Sounds ideal! until he drops you for someone 20 years younger and you're stuck penniless with 3 kids. No thanks. Not stupid enough to put all of my eggs in one basket financially dependant and helpless like that.
>inb4 "well MY husband would never"
sure Jan keep telling yourself. (Most) men are disgusting.

>> No.10754166

Why are the friend finder threads always so toxic? Why can't we just be friends? :((

>> No.10754173 [DELETED] 

because ignorant bitches always derail this thread with their nonsense.

also, bump
add me! I am friendly :)))

>> No.10754174

Shut it troon,,
You literally harassed lacemarket sellers and went batshit

>> No.10754178

Because this is 4chan, in case you forgot

>> No.10754180

cousin fucker!

>> No.10754181

Because you're all retarded crazy bitches

>> No.10754189

because crossboarding scrotes can't restrain themselves from chimping out and gulls have yet to learn to ignore their derailing posts

>> No.10754310

Are you jealous of Jordy of all people? You name drop him constantly.

>> No.10754316 [DELETED] 

I just don't know exactly why people accept and support him as trans. probably because he isn't bi like I am???

I can't see nor will I ever accept him as one.

>> No.10754317 [DELETED] 

what. why would I even be jealous of that dude?

I just don't know exactly why people accept and support him as trans. probably because he isn't bisexual???

anyhow--I can't see nor will I ever accept him as one.

>> No.10754362

>Lolita? Cosplay? You tell us.
Had an interest in cosplay for years. Always wanted to try it, but never did. I think lolita style is pretty cute. Don't know a thing about it, though.
>Fav brands, substyles, anime, cosplay, etc.
Souls series, MGS, Fallout, Silent Hill.
>Other hobbies, interests?
Reading, 3D modelling, game dev.
>What are you looking for?
Friendship, vidya co-op partner, someone to talk about games/movies/cosplay with.
>Not looking for?
Political shit, SJWs, trannies.
>Contact info
Discord: Anon#8005
>Anything else we should know?
Might take a while for me to reply to messages.

>> No.10754514

Are you lost nonny? Not to mention if these threads are too 'toxic' for someone then they are too weak to even be my friend.

>> No.10754515

can confirm sainte is a nice friend

>> No.10754517

Self post

>> No.10755274
File: 1.28 MB, 2560x1440, ClassicalPalace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone want to join my modded minecraft server? It's not related to cgl at all :)

>> No.10755278

I want to add you because it sounds like we'd get along, but I'm scared

>> No.10755303

26/NB/East Coast USA
>Lolita? Cosplay? You tell us.
Lolita. Been in the fashion almost a decade, I’m into vintage fashion as well.
>Fav brands, substyles, anime, cosplay, etc.
Angelic Pretty, Axes Femme (love their tops), I’ve been liking Meta a lot lately too.
>Other hobbies, interests?
I love vintage fashion, hoping to get into sewing as well. I like cooking, gardening, reading, video games, D&D, I especially love Call of Cthulhu (the roleplaying game).
>What are you looking for?
Really just friends in my area. I need to wear lolita more, and I often don’t unless I’m going somewhere. I wouldn’t mind people interested in cosplay either, I hope to make a couple cosplays myself this year.
>Not looking for?
People too immature to handle me being nonbinary. It’s not a big deal to me, it doesn’t need to be a big deal to you either.
>Contact info?
puddingchan @ icloud dot com
>Anything else we should know?
I’d prefer people closer in age to me. The youngsters are all up in the tiktoks and the cancelling these days.

>> No.10755358

non binary isn't a real thing and if it wasn't a big deal to you, you wouldn't identify as such.

>> No.10755359

pro tip it asks for your sex in asl, not for a made up gender

>> No.10755378

I deleted my Discord a few days ago since it kept asking for my phone number, so it doesn't matter. Don't even know why I posted in this thread.

>> No.10755402
File: 33 KB, 900x506, 0B4BFC79-ABE1-43F1-B7FC-3E2488EFBD1B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you can eventually grow out of your internalized misogyny.

>> No.10755403

proud of you guys!

>> No.10755441

Nooo :(
I wanted to play vidya with you

>> No.10755875

Distinct lack of Swedish gulls.

>> No.10755886

I'm not from Sweden, but I'm somewhat close.

>> No.10755906

Are you on Playstation or Xbox?

>> No.10755948

Playstation and PC

>> No.10755963

Oh, I don't have a PC. I've recovered my Discord, so feel free to add me, if you want. I'll give you my PSN then, too, so we can play some games.

>> No.10756099

I want to be friends with you guys

>> No.10756109

>ASL? 33/F/KY

>Lolita? Cosplay? You tell us.

Lolita. I don't do cosplay and I outgrew my interest in anime post-highschool.

>Fav brands, substyles, anime, cosplay, etc.

Sweet and classic. Favorite brand is BTSSB. Others I like include AP, IW, and Meta.

>Other hobbies, interests?

Gaming, reading, writing, art, learning about various topics, mbti/personality theory

>What are you looking for?

I prefer talking to women. I will only become friends with men if they are not creepy.

>Not looking for?

No romance. I only want strictly platonic friendships. No political extremists. No sjws.

>Contact info

>Anything else we should know?

I like to browse the 2nd hand markets for fun and could help locate dream dresses since I don't have many of my own.

>> No.10756203

kys faggot. no one wants to deal with your mental illness.

>> No.10756215

>Lolita? Cosplay? You tell us.
lolita mostly i want to wear it more but dressing fem has been triggering my dysphoria a lot lately maybe i just need some encouragement i think an understanding and encouraging friend might help
>Fav brands, substyles, anime, cosplay, etc.
i like ap i know recent ap gets shit on a lot but i actually really like the simplicity of the designs its a lot less hyper fem and a bit more gender neutral
>Other hobbies, interests?
crocheting, animal crossing
>What are you looking for?
a nice encouraging friend that i can maybe spend time with irl or play animal crossing with if you live too far away
>Not looking for?
judgmental and intolerant people unaccepting of others who are different
>Contact info
>Anything else we should know?
im just a bit depressed lately and might need a bit of patience to help me feel comfortable to come out of my shell ill try to not burden you with my issues

>> No.10756221

If lolita triggers your dysphoria…don’t wear it? Seems obvious

>> No.10756232
File: 49 KB, 460x424, 9A791B51-0E75-4A1F-9B3C-D6B77680BDF2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hope you can eventually grow out of your internalized misogyny.

>> No.10756270

this is so sad, the result of internalized misogyny plus spending too much time in online echochambers
hope you are able to get help and grow out of it eventually

>> No.10757028

>Contact info
kek fuck off

>> No.10757035 [DELETED] 


>> No.10760459

you said you only want girls so no, I can't.

>> No.10760470
File: 945 KB, 1024x1471, 1650747450317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

21 | M | Northeast USA
>Lolita? Cosplay? You tell us.
Haven't done either but I've always wanted to do cosplay really badly since I was younger.
>Fav brands, substyles, anime, cosplay, etc.
No idea right now, I don't know enough nor have I been able to do any complete cosplay yet. Though for favorite anime it would have to be: Steins;Gate/Steins;Gate 0 (I just include them both together), Attack on Titan, Toradora, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Magi, SDS Season 1 & 2, Dororo 2019, Fate Zero, Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works
>Other hobbies, interests?
Gaming, Reading, History, J-Pop/Rock, nothing too out of the ordinary.
>What are you looking for?
Friends, I don't have any at all and I thought I could get started in this community by trying to meet some people.
>Not looking for?
Transsexuals', please, I'm tired of being baited into thinking I'm talking to a woman, or the opposite, I'm too exhausted and retarded to deal with being confused about basic shit like that.
>Contact info
>Anything else we should know?
I'm white, sorry if that offends you!!!!!!

>> No.10760816
File: 13 KB, 500x130, tag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lolita? Cosplay? You tell us.
>Fav brands, substyles, anime, cosplay, etc.
it's a long list, I'm chill with discussing details 1 on 1 if we vibe
>Other hobbies, interests?
PC building, driving, mountain biking, coop games, OW, coding/technology, lifting
>What are you looking for?
My better half and me booked tickets for a large con (dokomi), and would like to get to know more german weebs
central euro friends in general
>Not looking for?
I don't mind people from non EU countries, just be clued in that's what I am primarily looking for on here
>Contact info
pic rel
>Anything else
Don't be alarmed by the "new account" pop up thingy, this will be my main acc as my previous one is mainly used for study groups

>> No.10761200

I hope all males here get raped and killed

>> No.10761201

like sainte?

>> No.10761283

What's wrong? No one wants to be apart of your orbiter collection?

>> No.10761300

I'm a femboy and I need simps to buy me clothes. I'm nice :D

>> No.10761301 [DELETED] 

>>Lolita? Cosplay? You tell us.

>> No.10761324 [DELETED] 


>> No.10761390

25/F/western US

>Lolita? Cosplay? You tell us.
Beginner lolita, still kind of researching and looking for pieces to hunt for. Also actually wanting to break back into cosplay, so [shrug?] indecisive.

>Fav brands, substyles, anime, cosplay, etc.
Lolita- Meta and AATP have some really lovely pieces.
Anime- bits and pieces of several shows, I start and stop a lot. "^^
Cosplay- best ones I've done were Ness from Earthbound and the Scout from TF2. I have a couple dream cosplays, as well, but they're gonna be out of reach for a while.

>Other hobbies, interests?
Geocaching from time to time, general crafting, video games, MTG, the occasional TTRPG, text-based roleplay. The list is kind of long.

>What are you looking for?
People to talk to and hopefully befriend. Maybe at some point, we could play stuff on Switch or something, I dunno.

>Not looking for?
No romantic/sexual relationships, I am happily taken. Most political stuff on either end of the spectrum. Not really interested in doing anything over video/voice chat or IRL meetups, at least not yet.

>Contact info

>Anything else we should know?
Please be patient if you message! I can and do forget to reply, just bump me once in a while and I'll get back when I can!

>> No.10761562

19/F/Southeastern US
>Lolita? Cosplay? You tell us.
Been into lolita fashion for a year now and building up my wardrobe
>Fav brands, substyles, anime, cosplay, etc.
Angelic Pretty, but I also watch anime mostly older ones like PMMM and Assassination classroom find it hard to like recent anime desu
>Other hobbies, interests?
Knitting,cooking,video games, and drawing
>What are you looking for?
>Not looking for?
no extremist on either political side
>Contact info

>> No.10761959

>even lesbian arthoes living in cali don't want to deal with "the culture" anymore
I knew they overshot already but holy fuck

>> No.10762989

Because it is 4chan, and it is women
do the math

>> No.10764771


19/m/coastal TX

I haven't cosplayed before but I want to once covid restrictions are over.

I like Kino no Tabi (2003), Houseki no Kuni, Oregairu, Texhnolyze, Space Dandy, Made in Abyss, and Stein's Gate.

I read ancient philosophy and some modern literature. Music and game enthusiast. Want to get back into fitness and outdoors.

Looking for frens with a common interest.

Absolutely not looking for a relationship or zoids.

I don't have social media, but if u reply i will get it and add you ^^

>> No.10764780

Forgot, but I'm really into Mori-boy brands, like Trove and Bukht. Looking to acquire more.

>> No.10765058
File: 108 KB, 448x461, help.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lolita? Cosplay? You tell us.
Cosplay (foam work, interested in sewing)
>Fav brands, substyles, anime, cosplay, etc.
Not so much modern seasonal anime but keep up with some trends. Working on the endless backlog. Same with games, will likely try to hit up some mid 2000s vidya characters at the latest unless something peaks m interest. Foam armor and props, cosplay characters I usually have some connection to
>Other hobbies, interests?
Basic exercise, cooking, concerts (non festival)
>What are you looking for?
General conversation about conventions outside of SoCal, plan to travel the next few years. Want to figure out some particular issues I've been having with hiding seems for armor pieces.
>Not looking for?
roommates at conventions who follow you around all day (you know who you are)
>Contact info
>Anything else we should know?
Unlikely to meet up for the next year while I get some things sorted out career wise. Grabbing a bite if schedules align sounds nice though.

>> No.10765072 [DELETED] 


>> No.10765075

Do you really hate trans people? I'm just trying to find friends into fashion who aren't sjws but also I don't wanna be ripped apart for being trans. Just a general space of I am a person and I don't let that define me is my thing.

>> No.10765087

Sainte is trans lmao

>> No.10765088

Late 20s/F/NA (est)
>Lolita? Cosplay? You tell us.
Both, but more lolita. I've been in and out of the fashion for over 10 years, rebuilding my wardrobe after an out phase.
>Fav brands, substyles, anime, cosplay, etc.
BTSSB, IW, some classier AP, and axes femme/etc for everyday stuff
>Other hobbies, interests?
Gaming (MMOs/JRPGs specifically), trawling secondhand sites daily since I like finding dream dresses (I can keep a lookout for yours too)
>What are you looking for?
Someone I can chat about the fashion with, shitpost about new releases and poke fun at shitty LM listings, etc. My IRL friends are not lolitas so I can't really talk to them about this sort of thing.
>Not looking for?
Extremely socially awkward/autistic people (sorry, I just don't mesh with them well), identity politics enjoyers (both left wing and right wing), NEETs with no friends, and anyone of the male sex. Idgaf what you identify as, as long as you're not a scrote.
>Contact info
aam765377@gmail.com. Bump me here or something if I missed you.
>Anything else we should know?
I'm a lonelita and uninterested in joining large comms/discords, so don't message me if you're just trying to build your server or whatever. Also don't try sneaking being a male by me, I'm a lesbian with a long term gf and not interested.

>> No.10765521

Oh awesome omg I was worried lol thank you I am new

>> No.10765564


>What are you looking for?
J-fashion enthusiasts
>Not looking for?

>> No.10765575

He's going to groom you, don't contact him

>> No.10769592
File: 111 KB, 1000x1000, 1616451381589.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen there's at least 1 lolita comm out there that doesn't allow troons, wokies, itas etc. Please reach out to me, I need normalcy

>> No.10769804

hey nonna. emailed. im part of a comm thats strictly against the gross inclusivity that seems to be plaguing comms nowadays. this comm is extremely exclusive and vetting is very thorough. we dont allow men, troons, fetishists, itas, genderspecials of any sort, swers and swer appologists, sjws, degenerates of any type and any other undesirable.

i will have one of the mods reach out as well. shell want to talk with you extensively to get an understanding for the type of person that you are. make sure you are the right kind of girl that we would want.

>> No.10769824

Nayrt but how would you ever get to know about a person's sexual preferences, fetishes or whether they're a swer? I wouldn't want to talk to a random stranger about my sex life

>> No.10770014

Just look at their social media kek. SWers, genderfags and degens can't help but post this shit everywhere for attention.

>> No.10770023

What about people who don't have social media or are, you know, relatively normal and don't publicly post about their sex life for the whole world to see?

>> No.10770044

If the offer is open to anyone normal please send me an email!

>> No.10770045

Dropped name for some reason ^

>> No.10770066

Was hoping this board might be a bit more normal but of coarse it's also filled with foaming mouth reactionaries

>> No.10771539

Ayrt anon is legit. Vetting took awhile because mods were thorough. But this comm has no troons, itas, men, wokies etc. Normalcy at last!

>> No.10771665

me too plz
email relevant

>> No.10771801 [DELETED] 

>Normalcy at last!
As long as it isn't filled with people who literally can't shut up about trannies for one second

>> No.10772055

This is to be expected in a friend finder thread desu, it’s extremely easy to make friends with people on social media so going /here/ of all places to find friends was going to be like this

>> No.10772056

You really heard someone complain about reactionaries and thought using "wokies" would appeal to them. Retard

>> No.10772057

being unappealing to people who get butthurt over words like 'wokies' is the goal. tryna weed out the undesirables kek

>> No.10772070

Thank you anon for having some sense of political literacy.
And yeah that's a good point. I gotta quit this Laotian basket weaver chat room.

>> No.10772077

Imagine calling someone else a retard when you can't even follow a reply chain lol

>> No.10772328 [DELETED] 

Friends are like snowflakes...they disappear if you pee on them.

Don't piss off your friends

>> No.10772484

> it’s extremely easy to make friends with people on social media
I've never made friends on social media, how?

>> No.10772528

It's not easy. People on social media are insufferable, clout chasing, self righteous virtue signalers with no allegiances or want for personal connections. They just want to get on the soap box and makes sure people know what a 'good person' they are for saying this weeks trendy 'anti-racist, pro-trans' slogan, so they can get that millisecond dopamine rush from a meaningless 'heart reaction'.

And we are all inept socially retarded autists. It's why we are all here. >>10772055 is a friendless larper just like the rest of us. No one comes to a friend finder thread on cgl because they have actual real life friends or friends on social media.

>> No.10772588

But that's wrong

>> No.10772591

So many freaks and weirdos in here. Since when has society been 40-60% mutants?

>> No.10772896
File: 2.19 MB, 1280x720, 1641849114328.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what do
Honestly not much these days with work and all. I just try to go to local cons periodically but kinda sucks going alone.
Maybe in a few years if I ever git gud I can join in on an artist alley thing, but got quite a bit of work before that's viable.
Well mostly manga rather than anime these days. That or shitty LNs. Though there's not much at this moment I'm into that's long running.
The one within the villainess though I've been enjoying, its a nice short isekai one that subverts the common tropes I've really been disliking in many of the otome isekai manga I read.
I really liked the manga from imitation crystal too, recently saw the goldfish kingdom tls got picked up again so that's exciting.

Spy family has been a really cute show this season. One of the few I've been actively keeping up with.

For vidya stuff mostly just doing casual stuff right now like apex. But just got ender lillies which is pretty fun and stylish.
>other hobbies
Reading. Suffering. Drawing.
Fantasy, painfully, and badly respectively.
>what looking for
Someone to go to cons with.
Idk maybe someone to play vidya with. Apex and the new CoD comes out soon which might be fun.
>not looking for
Anyone I used to go to school with.

Contact :

>> No.10772904
File: 834 KB, 697x606, ppfy9975h0i61.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Lolita? Cosplay? You tell us.
Have done either but lurk/learn about both and enjoy their aesthetic.

>Fav brands, substyles, anime, cosplay, etc.
Angelic Pretty & thrifting. For manga Oshi no Ko & My Dress Up Darling, anime currenty Spy X Family.

>Other hobbies, interests?
Drawing, crafting, gaming, and learning languages.

>What are you looking for?
Friends who like memes, and want to chat about anime/cosplay/jfashion.

>Not looking for?
SJWs or men.

>Contact info

>> No.10773533

since you came to cgl looking for friends

>> No.10774318

I'm >>10750634, if you'll actually be my friend, I can be messaged at beetsandgrapes@gmail.com
Very late I know.

>> No.10774489 [DELETED] 



>> No.10774707

I wish you all to find your best friends here

>> No.10774717

Thank you! (Although it could be taken negatively too)

I haven't messaged a lot of people, I should probably try to at least message someone that I feel there could be something in common with, although that wouldn't be many.
I really need some friends but maybe /cgl/ isn't the right place either, I'm a bit tired of cosplay and don't wear jfashion.

>> No.10774719

Which post are you?

>> No.10774723

I haven't made any posts filling out the form, but I've written a few posts in the thread like >>10774318
and a few others

>> No.10774741
File: 46 KB, 435x512, DF9E0AA6-4908-41BD-8955-7C9FBE1B8C6D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

25 F Southern California
>Lolita? Cosplay? You tell us.
Cosplay. Absolutely love sailor suits and uniforms.
>Fav brands, substyles, anime, cosplay, etc.
Some of my favorite cosplays have been from Touhou, FFXIV, Kantai Collection, and Love Live.
>Other hobbies, interests?
I draw and make a living off commissions, and am a bit of a fujo and yumejoshi. Also huge gamer who has been playing ever since I can remember.
>What are you looking for?
A group of friends to hang with when I want to go out for ramen or get japanese snacks in little tokyo.
>Not looking for?
Individual people. I don’t want to hang out 1 on 1 with anybody. I want to be part of a group.
>Contact info
a little nervous to drop this just yet haha
>Anything else we should know?
I’m 5’1, mexican, and overweight. If possible I’d like friends who are active and will encourage me to go out and also engage in an active lifestyle so I can make gains and escape my sedentary lifestyle.

>> No.10774745

Post a contact/throwaway email

>> No.10774773
File: 197 KB, 1200x848, cgl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

33/f/west coast

>Lolita? Cosplay? You tell us.
Casual lolita and some girly jfashion. Do the collaboration sets count as cosplay?

>Fav brands, substyles, anime, cosplay, etc.
Sheglit, Moitie, Atelier Boz, Miho Matsuda, Honey Cinnamon, and Amavel. Comfort and flexibility in dressing up or down makes everything so much easier.

>Other hobbies, interests?
A typical weekend for me involves picking up a new book (or revisiting an old favorite from Cormac McCarthy), hiking somewhere quiet, and tucking away with some fresh coffee/tea. I would love to hear about interesting trails or bits of nature people have around them.

I'm also a pretty big Type Moon fan and indulge pretty heavily in anything related. I play both FGO NA/JP if anyone wants to be friends!

>What are you looking for?
One or two low maintenance friends to share clothing hauls, books, and simple daily life things with. Maybe a snail mail penpal to exchange small care packages with when we can travel more freely.

>Not looking for?
Drama, special snowflakes, politics, sensitive people, romance

>Contact info
bitter.rain at protonmail dot com

>Anything else we should know?
How does the never to be differ from what never was?

>> No.10774791

no one wants to be friends with a crazy tranny~

>> No.10774822

How does one go about finding other oldfag lolita friends. Comms are now overrun with late teens and early 20s, most oldfags already have their separate friend groups outside of them.

>> No.10774829 [DELETED] 

I'm not crazy, I'm just saintly.
All friends rejoice in reverence of my presence.

Looking for friends or group of friends to hang out at Little Tokyo ~

>> No.10774920

you sound like a tranny. go away

>> No.10775061

IRL or online? IRL you could stalk the member list on your local comm's fb page and search for other grandmas that aren't comfortable showing up to events with the kiddos. Online, fuck if I know, other than in this thread. I haven't delved into the lolita discord world, so idk what the servers are like.

>> No.10775065

he is.

>> No.10775071

>retarded typing mannerism (tildes)
also anime tastes are male
and being a historian (male hobby)
probably troon

You are male or female, you have chromosomes. You do not have a chromosome disorder. If you cannot be candid about the most basic aspect of yourself you can fuck off

>> No.10775083 [DELETED] 

Ok we all know there are 2 binary genders, everyone who is sane understands and accepts this fact
Including me. But I don't care.
I'm just a saint so it doesn't really matter to me all too much.

>> No.10775088

right, and ywnbaw so stop trying to convince everyone

>> No.10775089

gender and sex are not the same. sex is locked to your chromosomes. quit being pedantic.

>> No.10775093 [DELETED] 

I never was trying to convince anyone that I was male or female

I am a saint though

Why do zoomers care so much about gender and sex. It was never like that for the longest time, pretty much since the dawn of civilization no one even had to think about it until recently years. What's up with that? What gives?

>> No.10775095

Yeah I mean obviously we use chromosomes day to day to determine gender

>> No.10775138

because predators like you keep forcing yourself into spaces no one wants you in, much like this one.

>> No.10775150

you literally try to tell everyone that you're a woman.

and men and women generally had duties separated by sex in their societies since the dawn of civilization. read a history book retard

>> No.10775151

>I never was trying to convince anyone that I was male or female
What does F stand for up here? >>10748653
29/F/ SoCal

>> No.10775152

>predators invading 4chan

>> No.10775158

lolita, dumbass

>> No.10775165 [DELETED] 


I'm so confused
Where is this even coming from?

>> No.10775166

disgusting freak

>> No.10775167

the lesbian fetishizing? the creeping on women here? the grooming minors?

>> No.10775168
File: 25 KB, 745x560, IDK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10775169 [DELETED] 

You're not telling me anything by saying all those things

>> No.10775186
File: 39 KB, 828x342, 208EFB67-AA56-4B65-809D-9AF866011C1C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10775224 [DELETED] 

That's an edit of a post from one of the darkest moments in my life.

Not very nice of whoever edited it.

>> No.10775814
File: 1.65 MB, 326x244, 06B20F96-A681-4DCC-8423-B85FA786139C.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whehehehe I’ll be your BF alright

>> No.10775828

Are you sure your tag is the right one? I wanted to try contacting you

>> No.10775870
File: 665 KB, 1146x1094, Screen Shot 2022-04-09 at 1.18.23 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't you have a cousin to fuck or something

>> No.10776024 [DELETED] 

Yeah I love my cousin(s)


>> No.10776031

no he's too busy grooming minors, check the farm

>> No.10776092 [DELETED] 

Are you kidding me
I never said I was grooming anyone...

>> No.10778364

Age: 23
Sex: with your mom
Lang: english

I am into lolita fashion fav brands are BBTSSB
I am interested in photography, dolls, youtube drama, film.

Looking for some lolita friends to share in the thangs. New releases, drama etc. preferable my age within 10 years older is fine

my discord- purelyperfect98#7867

>> No.10778365

Im a retard XD I'm in TN

>> No.10778369

This is scientifically untrue. There are two COMMON sexes, but not the only. Say what you will about intersex but they make up 2-10% of the population. So scientifically you're wrong. Hope this helps ^-^

>> No.10778459

Funny how scientifically wrong you are.

>> No.10778489 [DELETED] 

Yes sir

>> No.10780778
File: 964 KB, 1781x1015, v3215cxu1g601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lolita? Cosplay? You tell us.
I'm very new to cosplay but trying to get into it. Also interested in crossplay
>Fav brands, substyles, anime, cosplay, etc.
I don't know much about brands or substyles though favorite anime/manga would probably be girl's last tour, dragon maid and dorohedoro
>Other hobbies, interests?
Drawing, tabletop
>What are you looking for?
Just a friend to talk to and give advice on cosplay/crossplay. Meeting up at a con would also be cool.
>Not looking for?
>Contact info
discord: ostai#1306
>Anything else we should know?
I'm pretty socially retarded and this is partially an attempt to improve that

>> No.10785364
File: 342 KB, 900x713, dawnposting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Lolita? Cosplay? You tell us.
Cosplay. Really only have done Kaneda and Shuichi Saihara. Planning to do more.

>Fav brands, substyles, anime, cosplay, etc.
Eva, FLCL, Gunbuster, Chainsaw Man, Overlord, Dragon Maid, Mob Psycho, Junji Ito.

>Other hobbies, interests?
Art, Gym, Gardening, Reading, Comics, Niche Facts

>What are you looking for?
Con friends ideally. Or people to discuss anime with or swap art. Really just looking to swap stories or to gain a new perspective. I'd like someone to play Darkstalkers with as well.

>Not looking for?
Relationshits, drama, dry texters, extremists.

>Contact info
Discord: Aynako#5642

>Anything else we should know?
Don't be afraid to send the first message, I got the rest. Also I used to frequent /ic/, /fa/, and /x/.

>> No.10785376

>Lolita? Cosplay? You tell us.
Cosplay Photography and potential Crossplay
>Fav brands, substyles, anime, cosplay, etc.
TTGL, OPM, anything with a banger OST really
>Other hobbies, interests?
Photography (duh), travel, cooking, model building, FPS and FGs
>What are you looking for?
Con partners and/or conversations
>Not looking for?
we'll see when we get there
>Contact info
>Anything else we should know?
going to ota soon so it'd be neat to find someone

>> No.10785524

They do not make up that high of the population. And it's a genetic deformity, like Downs Syndrome. People don't say that those with Downs Syndrome are a different race, they recognize it as a genetic disease. Same goes for intersex people with a sexual defect.

>> No.10786067

>Lolita? Cosplay? You tell us.
>Fav brands, substyles, anime, cosplay, etc.
BtSSB, Metamorphose, sweet, classic, and hime
>Other hobbies, interests?
Gardening, raising animals, comfy vidja, reading, playing guitar and ukulele, anime
>What are you looking for?
Looking for lolita friends to talk about our current projects, upcoming meets, and get advice from
>Not looking for?
Anything sexual/anything other than friendship
>Contact info
>Anything else we should know?
You can also hmu if you have questions on gardening

>> No.10786080
File: 101 KB, 482x567, 6~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lolita? Cosplay? You tell us.
Former cosplayer, slowly building up a Lolita wardrobe
>Fav brands, substyles, anime, cosplay, etc.
I like classic, favorite brand is MM but I'm a diy(read: poor)lita.
Haven't been super into anime lately but I usually like comedies and there's some manga I still read.
>Other hobbies, interests?
Sewing, knit & crochet, gardening, sometimes art
>What are you looking for?
Hopefully someone I could meet irl occasionally
>Not looking for?
The usual suspects-- TRAs, gender specials, and anyone whose hobbies are just politics. Prefer women without kids and are at least drinking age.
>Contact info
>Anything else we should know?
I'm horribly bad at keeping up online friendships, but I get better over time

>> No.10790251 [DELETED] 
File: 96 KB, 850x1169, __nanami_chiaki_and_monomi_danganronpa_and_2_more_drawn_by_mamuta_mzmzyuu__sample-928e26e12a539c00fd917779ce9b708d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same as the last thread~

29/F/ SoCal
>Lolita? Cosplay? You tell us.
Semi-retired sweet lolita, I don't really wear the fashion as much anymore and as of now, I don't have any reasons to wear lolita in full coordinates.

>Fav brands, substyles, anime, cosplay, etc.

Angelic pretty I guess? Casual jfashion, plenty of pastels. I watch some anime and would like to get back into cosplay.

>Other hobbies and interests?
Cars、itashas、chess、croquet、 drawing、 gardening.
arts&craft、 cosplay、hi-fi、 music and collecting stuff.

>What are you looking for?
A Chiaki Nanami fangirl girlfriend. Someone who loves cats, someone who have similar fashion sense and interests in cute stuff and is a total weeb/cosplayer/gamer!
if not then just a good friend, someone to have good companionship with~

>Not looking for?
Gender special snowflakes, sjws, know-it-alls
Insane leftists, radical Woke/fake wokesters aka virtue signalers

>Contact info?
>Anything else we should know?
I own 95+ AP dresses/skirts, and various accessories and pieces from the brand. You're welcome to wear them/ use whatever you need for your coords.

>> No.10790267

You may have posted in the wrong thread, but I was thinking about if I should bump this soon so you made things easier for me

>> No.10790303

avoid this creepy pedo agp

>> No.10794926

I need to message more people. Or will I ever fill out my own form?

>> No.10797400
File: 105 KB, 748x1310, 0B0CB147-DDCD-4480-B156-CCB2521D3983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

25/F/East Coast US

>Lolita? Cosplay? You tell us.
I have some Lolita, but I’m more of a cosplayer. I cosplayed a ton before COVID and now really have done barely anything since cons shut down

>Fav brands, substyles, anime, cosplay, etc.
Fate, Gintama, Slime, Monogatari, Shiki, and some more obscure ones
And Yakuza, Ghost of Tsushima, Ace Attorney, and some GameCube games

>Other hobbies, interests?
I have a lot of hours on Rune Factory 5??? Idk I’m a working class person with enough time to play the same games

>What are you looking for?
I want a friend who can survive in the real world, someone to share husbando and waifu photos, merch, I just wanna chat without it being super weird. I love cringe shit, I will send old AMVs that I never forgot, I’ll reminisce back on Hetalia weeb days, it’s cool. It would be nice to have someone who isn’t really basic with their likes?? Like Genshin, SpyxFamily, Darling, KNY, enjoy what you want but it’s normie tier. Get out there a bit, ya know? You’ve also gotta be able to actually handle offensive memes, especially if you’re on 4chan

>Not looking for?
Listen man I’m not into tik tards, it’s bad cringe. Ngl girls that just hate men for no reason? Women are wild but damn one man is not all men, men make monkey noises and shoot each other in video games for fun?? Also pls know the difference between anime and real people, I like some lolis don’t bully me

>Contact info

>Anything else we should know?
I’m pretty normal? Idk most of my con friends never grew up and literally became psychos that believe everything on the internet, I just want friends to maybe meet at a con sometime or somethin. I’m a little retarded it’s fine

>> No.10798451


You're fucking barbarians.

>> No.10803332


>> No.10803702
File: 153 KB, 545x891, 799389F8-95E0-4B5D-98FC-167271A814EC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Lolita? Cosplay? You tell us.
EGL. Ouji.
>Fav brands, substyles, anime, cosplay, etc.
I like AatP/BABY and the Usakumya/Kumakumya very much. Love chocolate themes.

>Other hobbies, interests?
Classical music, ballet...

>What are you looking for?
A non sjw, non-man-hating fren

>Not looking for?
Political bs, drama...

>Contact info

>Anything else we should know?
Not at all.

>> No.10803704


>> No.10804993
File: 58 KB, 700x494, x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dead thread on dead board but I'm just kinda gloomy after doing a solo con.

>Lolita? Cosplay? Nani?
Mostly just cons, cosplay if I had someone to do it with.
I do like looking at poofy outfits though, but I have no passion nor a desire to wear them.
>Other hobbies, interests?
Drawing, I'm not good so I won't post here out of cringe. But its something I like doing and would like some art buddies.
Gaming, if anyone wants to play APEX arenas sometime I'd be down. I play a bit of everything though. I don't play arknights anymore, but damn I'd love to cosplay as some of the characters with some people
Anime, usually just 1 show a season and whatever else I feel like. Not too much time for it these days.
>What are you looking for?
Friends? Someone to play games with. People to just talk about weeb shit with.
I'm not looking for any huge friend groups though, just a small circle.
>Not looking for?
Anything super /pol/, I get that it'll come up periodically and even I have my opinions, but if the majority of conversations are political or you can't help yourself but screaming /pol/ terms, please just don't.
I'm also kinda lame, I'm not into drugs and that whole culture. Drinking is fine, but I'm not into any of that drug shit and don't want to talk with anyone who's personality is getting high.
>contact Info
Empty#3423 - Discord
>Anything else
I'm stupid and bad at reaching out to start conversations. But I'm always open to chatting back or doing things if I'm free.

>> No.10806490

>>394980987 Find a friend in real Jesus

>> No.10806492


Find a friend in real Jesus

>> No.10806652

21 / F / TX
>Lolita? Cosplay?
Lolita. I cosplay occasionally but wouldn’t call myself a cosplayer.
>Fav brands, substyles, anime, cosplay, etc.
AP and Moitie. I primarily wear old school sweet (appliqué supremacy!) and gothic.
Anime-wise, I love sports anime and manga and am not interested in much else.
>Other hobbies, interests?
I enjoy gaming (not shooters), going to cons, and writing and reading fanfiction.
>What are you looking for?
Lolita friends. TXlitas who I could meet up and take cute pictures with are a plus, as are working professionals. Also looking for lolitas to hang out with at cons.
>Not looking for?
Non-lolitas or anything romantic or sexual. Any line of conversation that resembles the ita thread. Transphobes, racists, the works. Drama.
>Contact info
>Anything else we should know?
I’m a bit of an autist and am prone to getting anxious and ghosting at times. Also kind of degen with my drug usage, but I don’t talk about it - I’d just prefer friends who aren’t loudly, overtly anti-drug.

>> No.10806936
File: 9 KB, 205x246, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Lolita? Cosplay? You tell us.
Lolita mostly, not as into cosplay anymore.

>Fav brands, substyles, anime, cosplay, etc.
Angelic Pretty, Antique Beast, AATP,

>Other hobbies, interests?
I'm an Art student, I like Persona 5, Danganronpa, Sailor Moon, and Utena.

>What are you looking for?
More Lolita friends! I'd like some Anime friends too, more than open to joining discord servers.

>Not looking for?
Romantic Relationships

>Contact info

>Anything else we should know?
I look forward to making new friends!

>> No.10808151
File: 191 KB, 375x500, GothicLolitaBible-Scan-00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

29, Female, North America

>Lolita? Cosplay? You tell us.
Lolita, gothic fashion in general, vintage fashion (1800s to 1980s), some lame lowkey cosplays like outfits inspired by characters.

>Fav brands, substyles, anime, cosplay, etc.
So much to say, probably too much. I'm picky about what anime I like, need to learn how to download/obtain rarer ones. People seem to have them, but I have no clue how they got them.

>Other hobbies, interests?
Reading, music, ballet, opera, art, sewing, dolls, antiques, occult research, general gothy morbid interests, etc...

>What are you looking for?
Someone to share enthusiasm for lolita fashion with, currently don't have anyone and it just feels...empty.

>Not looking for?
I guess I'll be the contrarian and say I'm open to anything? Males, females, etc etc, all okay.
Politics, kinda okay, but I regularly do first aid on homeless people, and you'll not dissuade me from it.
I've had friends who were Satanists, I've had friends who were necrophiliacs (I didn't know though. I though we all just enjoyed cemeteries. I guess they enjoyed them in a different way...?) I even talked briefly to one guy who was brony and wore a Hitler Youth uniform while being intimate with his...ponies...but maybe the less said about that, the better...

>Contact info
gothicprincess-temp01 at protonmail dot com

>Anything else we should know?
I have a disability, I have a very painful spinal disease. It has killed my online dating life, men go vroooom faster than you could imagine once you tell them, so I'm not expecting much.

I'm goth, I'm creepy and morbid. Expect creepy and morbid. Expect sarcasm. I'm a cheerful pessimist.

I'm shy, I'm an extreme introvert with social anxiety, so it might take me a bit to warm up to you. (Ask about my haunted doll, she likes friends too)

>> No.10808343

>Not looking for: Any line of conversation that resembles the ita thread. Transphobes, racists, the works. Drama.
Your in the wrong neighborhood friend.

>> No.10808888

got bitched at in BST for this too so i feel like i should clarify. i don’t care if you gulls want to ree all day in the ita thread abt fat trans itas. i participate too kek. it just personally isn’t a conversation i want to have in my one on one dms with lolita friends. i’m seeing now that i shouldn’t have said anything, i just originally wanted to make it clear that i’m looking for friends to talk with about the fashion, not the cows that participate in it.

>> No.10808891

No one will want to talk to you. Maybe try reddit.

>> No.10808894

reddit is an ita hellscape. no one knows what the fuck they’re talking about on the lolita sub. i want to make friends who actually know how to dress.

fair enough though. i’ll just keep lurking.

>> No.10808908

>complains about reddit being itas
>complains about ita thread

>> No.10808950

looking for normal women to be friends with, pls shoot me an email thx

>> No.10809225
File: 1.21 MB, 1000x1000, 1507933030822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

28/M/Centro-Oeste Brasileiro
>Lolita? Cosplay? You tell us.
Ouji. Ja visto faz dois anos e tenho burando. Geralmente mando fazer minhas proprias roupas.
>Fav brands, substyles, anime, cosplay, etc.
Ouji obviamente. Classico, Gotico
Alice and The Pirates, Moi Meme Moitie, temas chocolate...
>Other hobbies, interests?
Gosto de musica classica e cultura classica.
>What are you looking for?
Achar gente perto da minha região, Preferencialmente no eixo Goiania-Brasilia. Mais pra frente, pretendo montar uma comm, longe do drama, falsidade e do wokeismo SJW que pragueia a comunidade lolita mainstream. Pessoas de bem, que so querem ter uma desculpa para sair de casa e fazer coisas legais vestindo EGL, sem ter que se preocupar com drama ou com alguem tentando te ferrar pelas costas.
Tambem esteja ciente antes de mandar mensagem que sou um garoto. Espero que voce nao tenha problema com isso.
>Not looking for?
Gente com mimimi, triggers e etc. Gente que gosta de plantar a sementinha da discordia. Pessoas vingativas, que se irritam facilmente.
Por favor so mande mensagem se voce ja veste EGL e com real interesse em EGL e nao tem segundas intencoes por tras.
>Contact info
cglcentroeste@protonmail ponto com
>Anything else we should know?
Existem muita gente fora do eixo woke/SJW em lolita, e comunidades egl inteiras paralelas construidas em cima delas. Queria uma versao disso no Brasil. Talvez ate te consiga um convite, mas nao prometo nada.
Acima uma imagem da misako no supermercado.

>> No.10809226

ERRATA: cglcentroeste @ proton ponto me

>> No.10809555

I moved to sweden from another euro country while ago. Do you have a post here? (Would friend if F & lolita)

>> No.10809995
File: 167 KB, 1080x1350, 20220924_142212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lolita? Cosplay? You tell us.
I'm a fan of lolita but am more into the cosplay and drawing aspects of the fandom, plus con crawling
>Fav brands, substyles, anime, cosplay, etc.
I like well made cosplays that have a lot of character, but that's a given for most folks I think. Animes are edgerunners in the newest slot, while I enjoy tank police, Gundam, Magicians Bride, etc
>Other hobbies, interests?
Self published writer, wrangle my own host of voice actors for audio dramas, paint miniatures, draw anime garbage, currently managing a small gaggle of chickens and their angst at being alive.
>What are you looking for?
Friends mostly, wouldn't mind a long term relationship if anyone be brave enough. Currently getting out of a bad marriage.
>Contact info
Guardbrosky#7614 on discord
>Anything else we should know?
I make my own yogurt because buying it is too expensive. Jail break yogurt into more yogurt. Stonks.

>> No.10810120
File: 157 KB, 783x1200, 886FD62D-2350-44A8-AEC2-60C2306E2D76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lolita? Cosplay? You tell us.
I’m pretty new to cosplay and only recently did my first one. I’m still pretty bad at it but trying to improve. I’m mostly into crossplay.
>Fav brands, substyles, anime, cosplay, etc.
I don’t really know any brands for substyles desu. Favorite anime/manga would probably be Girl’s Last Tour, Berserk, Dragon Maid and Dorohedoro. My last cosplay was sakuya from touhou
>Other hobbies, interests?
I’m also a pretty big fan of tabletop stuff and camping
>What are you looking for?
Just a friend to give cosplay advice and maybe meet up. I’m heading to anime nyc this year and all of my friends had to cancel so I’m mostly looking for someone to do stuff with there.
>Not looking for?
>Contact info

>> No.10810136

> ASL?
> Lolita? Cosplay? You tell us.
lolita and nanchatte
> Fav brands, substyles, anime, cosplay, etc.
I like old AP, baby, and meta.
> Other hobbies, interests?
The gym, korean skincare, kpop, and art
> What are you looking for?
Someone to talk abt lolita/ jfash with!
> Not looking for?
preferably not men, not interested in anyone who's going to talk abt politics (i don't care about your views but we probably don't agree so i'd like to avoid that conflict)
> Contact info
> Anything else we should know?
I am autistic so I'm a bit awkward

>> No.10810229
File: 33 KB, 400x400, 70846CFE-795B-4F4D-B275-9DD3A9444363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lolita? Cosplay? You tell us.

Lolita fashion, ouji and jfashion makes me happy. I enjoy creating art with these themes. (Completely SFW.)

>Fav brands, substyles, anime, cosplay, etc.

I have a small collection ot suikajan souvenir jackets and working on my first ouji fit now! I don’t feel experienced enough to name a favourite brane yet but I like AP a lot.
I mostly watch shoujo anime though I have a soft spot for anything CLAMP.

>Other hobbies, interests?

I enjoy writing a lot and I’d love to find others that have an interest in it. Maybe we can help each other?

I’m also a big fan of cinema. My favourite directors are Wong Kar Wai, Wes Anderson and Makoto Shinkai.

>What are you looking for?

Some open minder people. I don’t get along well with other men because or reasons the people above me state but if you’re a guy and you see lolita not just as a fetish you’re welcome to reach out to me.

Ideally I’d like to get know you and take it further than surface level conversations only but banter is completely fine!

Also having an open mind is important to me.

>Not looking for?

Edgy people, JP fans and people heavily invested in the culture wars.

>Contact info
discord: Remi#4821

>Anything else we should know?

I value openness a lot and am not quick to judge! Better to find out that there is no connection soon rather than walking on eggshells and then having to start over.

>> No.10810340

Hey I'm also a wife and I sent you a friend request a while back. If you ever check back on this thread it'd be nice to connect.

>> No.10810365
File: 65 KB, 414x438, 3e76ee5babd78ffeb74499d73fa10af2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> ASL?
Late 20s/F/Midwest US

> Lolita? Cosplay? You tell us.
I'm a j-fashion (and general fashion) nerd and a casual weeb. I have been dipping my toe into actually collecting lolita pieces over the past year. I love scavenging on flea market sites and looking at old street snaps.

> Fav brands, substyles
as far as lolita goes, lately I’m into older pieces that lean towards sweet or country territory, Angelic Pretty stuff from the mid-to-late aughts. I love berry motifs. I love cult party kei. Above all I'm a huge vivienne westwood fag

> Fav anime
watamote, mononoke, asobi asobase, princess jellyfish

> Other hobbies, interests?
I love knitting, sewing, 3d and crafty shit in general. I have a casual interest in collecting cute model kits and old toys/plushes

> What are you looking for?
I'd really like some female friends who I can occasionally chat with about j-fashion, cute things and crafts. Someone who I can send pics of shit I’m making to. If we really vibe maybe we can send snail mail some day. If multiple people with similar interest reach out we can have a lil discord.

> Not looking for?
I am not looking for a relationship/flirting. No men or people under 21.

> Contact info

> Anything else we should know?
please understand that sometimes I’m not super responsive, I have a job and a life

>> No.10810526

Entrei em contato.

>> No.10810530

You sound exhausting

>> No.10810532


>> No.10810533

Hi Sainte you fucking retard

>> No.10810534

You're nowhere near as complicated as you would like to believe

>> No.10811090

>what r u?
i'm interested in jfash in general but i mostly like gyaru and vkei
>fav brands, substyle, anime ecc.
gyaru brands i like DIA (the day i get my hands on a DIA belt i will combust) and for substyles i'm not really that picky mostly bc i can't stick to one (aside from yamamba and ganguro bc i'm too pale for that)
for vkei, just know that i listen religiously to monophobia at least once a day
anime wise main ones are hellsing, devilman, madoka and black lagoon
>other hobbies
i draw, i sew and knit, i like to read,i really like to bake and make stuff with my hands in general (also vidya but it doesn't really count desu)
>what u looking 4
mostly other people to talk to and discuss about burando or just about anything, just i want that they are in the same country as me but i'm not picky all the eu is ok

>> No.10811091

>Hi Sainte you fucking retard

E̶l̶v̶i̶s̶ Sainte has left the building.
They're already left, you're 2 months late anon

>> No.10811097



>Lolita? Cosplay? You tell us.
Technically Lolita. I'm into alternative fashion and supporting local creators and brands, which includes Lolita but not exclusive to it.

>Fav brands, substyles, anime, cosplay, etc.
Kinfold, m.Rage, general cyberpunk/techwear, One Piece, Welcome to the NHK, currently watching Cyberpunk Edgerunners

>Other hobbies, interests?
Gaming primarily. Super into Monster Hunter Rise right now. Got into photography cause I want to highlight local brands and cool looks.

>What are you looking for?
Nothing specific, but I do have a preference for autistic people, POC, and people who like having their photos taken. MTG players

>Not looking for?
Right wingers.

>Contact info

>Anything else we should know?
I have trouble with social cues so just be direct when in doubt.

>> No.10811361
File: 159 KB, 392x387, burgercat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bump in the hopes that someone sees my post and thinks id be the perfect Friend for them

>> No.10811366

Ja respondi!

>> No.10812729
File: 136 KB, 750x835, Tumblr_l_231691907804636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

19, giwl, Japan :D
>Lolita? Cosplay? You tell us.
I love jiraikei and ryousangata clothing and and to make friends with girls who have a similar style
>Fav brands, substyles, anime, cosplay, etc.
Amavel, rojita, ank rouge :D
My favorite anime is toradora!
>Other hobbies, interests?
I love drawing, Vidya games and I'm also a vtuber on the side (but that stays seperate)
>What are you looking for?
More girls who share an interest in jfashion! Even if you aren't into jirai, I'd still like to get to know you!
>Not looking for?
>Contact info
My Instagram is mirururu.ku
>Anything else we should know?
Be cool :)

>> No.10812742


>> No.10812765

Are you insane too like your choice of fashion suggests?

>> No.10812815

Seethe harder moids

>> No.10812816

anon, that post was a vendetta towards the insta owner. she changed her insta now. retard.

>> No.10812817


>> No.10812823

>Lolita? Cosplay? You tell us.
Lolita for 10+ years
>Fav brands, substyles, anime, cosplay, etc.
Goth and kind of swamp witchy. BPN, Ozz, Boz, sexpot revenge, QutieFrash, and some simple classic brands like VM and IW
>Other hobbies, interests?
Pokémon. Art (drawing, jewellery making, interior decor, interior design, fashion). Bit of a dork about biology and bug pinning and medicine. Video games. Weird documentaries about serial killers and genetic diseases.
>What are you looking for?
Lolitas that want to talk about lolita fashion and maybe we can help each other shop or coordinate things in new ways. People that are similarly aged, also experienced with lolita, and chill. Good movie recommendations.
>Not looking for?
Romance, the overly sensitive, politics, e-fame hunger
>Contact info
Lala Land#7138

>> No.10812824

NAYRT replying to but its the same ig acct that was there earlier today / user hasn't changed their handle. Think OP is just a retard who has posted their actual ig on 4chan

>> No.10814500

but also

And here I was about to give you merit for not being delusional and just accepting you're trans. I get it must be hard to come to terms with it and separate your your gender identity from your biological sex, but I wish more troons could make the jump. The very few I've spoken with that have made the leap are actually really good lads, fun to be around. Not even trying to be spiteful. Try to live your best live mang, godspeed.

>> No.10817868 [DELETED] 


>> No.10817925

Tried to send you a request (also a lolita fond of Meta), didn't work

>i’m looking for friends to talk with about the fashion, not the cows that participate in it.
Not wanting to offend you, but you sound like a cow too desu

>> No.10817932


>Lolita? Cosplay? You tell us.

>Fav brands, substyles, anime, cosplay, etc.
Been into Arknights, but I'm massively into anything yuri, yaoi, idols or magical girl. I guess if I had to name some it'd be like: Madoka, PriPara, Adachi to Shimamura, Girls und Panzer

>Other hobbies, interests?
Story writing, Splatoon, vtubers, video editting

>What are you looking for?
Someone to help me with cosplay. Friendship. Or even teaching me about any forms of fashion. Despite not being able to wear them, I am very interested in it.

>Not looking for?
A romantic relationship

>Contact info

>Anything else we should know?
Don't be creepy?

>> No.10817964

33/M/Eastern Europe
>Lolita? Cosplay? You tell us.
I met a few people that engage in this subuculture and they all were pretty fun and it was interesting learning about it! For myself, I'm currently putting together a dapper suit. I am still an initiate in this hobby and trying to understand how fashion works.
>Fav brands, substyles, anime, cosplay, etc.
MMM has some interesting stuff for men! I'm not into cosplay.
>Other hobbies, interests?
I enjoy reading, writing poetry, nature walks, tea, swimming, computer games and card games.
My grandfather was a doll maker so I'm trying to understand his craft. My grandmother was a healer and I'm trying to understand and tap into her apothecary to create my own perfumes.
>What are you looking for?
Romance with someone of close age.
>Not looking for?
Excessive politics and soliciting.
>Contact info

>> No.10817982
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>Lolita? Cosplay? You tell us.
Lolita. I've been a fan of the fashion for a while, but only now I finally decided to actually start purchasing some pieces.

>Fav brands, substyles, anime, cosplay, etc.
Victorian Maiden, Innocent World, Metamorphose, Mary Magdalene, Millefleurs, Juliette et Justine. I'm not a big fan of prints, but gobelin pieces are growing on me.

>Other hobbies, interests?
Fashion in general, reading magazines, sewing, entomology, Polish folklore.

>What are you looking for?
I don't really know anyone who has an understanding of lolita beyond 'it's just a cutesy fashion' and I wish I could just talk with someone about it, even if it's just sharing pieces we think are pretty. I like listening to people's stories and their experience with the fashion and I also hope it'll help me improve.
Polskie nony możecie też pisać, bo nie mam z kim rozmawiać o egl.

>Not looking for?
Men and especially men pretending to be women (or the other way round). Chronically online twitter users. A romantic partner. Please just don't be a creep.

>Contact info

>Anything else we should know?
posted to the right thread now. you didn't see anything.

>> No.10818012

>tfw no seagull to gf-up

bros... i just want a zoomie cosplayer that I can take care of and sew for...
I miss the old /cgl/

>> No.10818014
File: 215 KB, 850x601, sample_23951582d654547ba279b490a2284f1870ac324e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

29/F/ SoCal
>Lolita? Cosplay? You tell us.
Semi-retired sweet lolita, I don't really wear the fashion as much anymore and as of now、 I don't have any reasons to wear lolita in full coordinates.

>Fav brands, substyles, anime, cosplay, etc.

Angelic pretty I guess? I mostly wear nanchatte and casual jfashion、plenty of pastels. I watch some anime and would like to get back into cosplay.

>Other hobbies and interests?
Cars、 itashas、 drawing、chess、croquet、gardening.
arts&craft、cosplay、hi-fi、music and collecting stuff

>What are you looking for?
A Chiaki Nanami fangirl girlfriend. Someone who loves cats、 with similar fashion sense and interests in cute stuff and is a total nerd/weeb/cosplayer/gamer!
if not then just a good friend、someone to have good companionship with~
ーSomeone special that I can spoil to my hearts content. I want to cosplay together and go out on cute friends date

>Not looking for?
Gender special snowflakes, sjws, know-it-alls
Insane leftists, radical Woke/fake wokesters aka virtue signalers

>Contact info?
>Anything else we should know?
I own 100+ AP dresses/skirts, and various accessories and pieces from the brand. You're welcome to wear them/ use whatever you need for your coords.

>> No.10818071

>Romance with someone of close age.
What if I'm 12?

>> No.10818102

Kek are you recruiting for the next #seagull-colonic chat?

>> No.10818112


>> No.10818117


>> No.10818152

u rly dont sound fun to be around, sorry

>> No.10818162
File: 71 KB, 191x250, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

21 / Male / Germany

>Lolita? Cosplay? You tell us.
I don't really cosplay per se, but I did start larping as my favorite characters by copying what they wear and stuff. Even to the point that I starved myself to become as lean as some of them...

>Fav brands, substyles, anime, cosplay, etc.
Not a brand fanatic. Mostly go for second-hand. Really into Zaregoto, Eva, Monogatari and a shit ton of other series

>Other hobbies, interests?
Literature, vidya and visual novels. Want to get into poetry and am learning Japanese right now to read more untranslated stuff. Also really love collecting pics of cozy interior and 2000s otaku rooms

>What are you looking for?
Getting to know all kinds of people. Gender doesn't matter, country doesn't matter. Just want to make frens bc I stopped using social media

>Not looking for?
People who don't want to get to know me

>Contact info
Discord: binkel#7381

>Anything else we should know?
I can range from not talking at all to talking too much... Sorry in advance

>> No.10818164

if you're a man no one will ever approach or add you. these threads are apparently only for women to meet other women

>> No.10818170

Bumping for this, just got back from Kumoricon and looking to grab more PNW cosplay crafting/drinking contacts.

>> No.10820121

I always wonder, the women looking for women thing is true but why won't cosplay bros befriend other guys? Or does that actually happen? It seems fun to go to cons with other guys, it's less easygoing too!

>> No.10820306
File: 77 KB, 954x593, 1661285546974440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've added both men and women from here, and none of them actually want to talk; they don't even reply after accepting friend requests
This whole thread is just a bunch of attention whores seeking ego boosts, and I fell for it, because I actually wanted to get to know people. Guess it's impossible...

>> No.10820427

what's your discord?

I'm RedJokerX#4991

>> No.10821470

Anyone want to simp for a qt grill?

>> No.10821551

I'm this guy >>10818162

Go back to /soc/

>> No.10821640

AYRT. Good thing I’m an woman >:-]

>> No.10821644


>> No.10821687

I do :(

>> No.10822205

Just trying to get into the culture and would like a senpai to guide. Crossdress/lolita/passionfashion.

My stats are im a sissy with no exp but my own mind,body and some toys and lots of porn plus anime. Anyone?

>> No.10822274

Leave. Leave and never come back.