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File: 135 KB, 963x1200, living doll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10745698 No.10745698 [Reply] [Original]

I'd like to know if in your opinion nose piercings instantly make you look more trashy in lolita or ouji.

I'm personally into gothic lolita, military lolita and aristocrat & aristo ouji and want a septum and nose piercings. I don't want it to detract from the elegant vibe that I'm aiming for.

I want to somehow mix the vibe of being doll-like, elegant and and cool, but don't know how facial piercings (especially nose piercings) will affect that. Sometimes people within lolita, visual kei, and other jfashion subcultures have facial piercings, but I rarely see nose piercings so opinions would be very much appreciated.

>> No.10745699

personally, i dont think piercings make u look trashy as long as u hav jewelry that goes nicely with your coord. if u do get a septum and decide it doesnt look good with lolita/ouji though, you can always just flip it up into your nose as long as its a circular barbell style :]

>> No.10745702

It does not match the aesthetic at all and never has.

>> No.10745705

Girl in the OP pic hardly wears lolita. Ask Reddit or try posting an actual lolita you dumb fuck.

>> No.10745706

eat shit anon. answer the question or GTFO. septum piercings or other facial piercings are rare on lolitas overall so of course it's hard to find pics.

>> No.10745719 [DELETED] 

Kill yourself newfag.

>> No.10745749

rent free. try destroying your life with meth instead of rotting your brain trying to get brownie points for shitting on obvious novices. you're probably a shitfaced ita yourself.

>> No.10745752

i will pay you to gtfo. bitch you're not rent free, you've been evicted.

>> No.10745757

seems you can dish it but can't take it. i'll pay you to go speak to a person in real life without getting shit all over them if you can magically become capable of that.

>> No.10745768

literally no one ever notices I have them, if that answers your question. my septum balances my face more, honestly.

just don't wear gaudy shit, otherwise you'll have the spergs come after you.

>> No.10745769

nta but you're literally fucking retarded. this is a culture thing on 4chan, newfag. ur dumb

>> No.10745775

The issue isnt the piercing itself. Its the jewelry that is available. Horseshoe type jewelry is not at all good looking with lolita and most people just wear the basic titamium or steel (ew) jewelry while they are wearing lolita. If you actually want your piercing to look good with lolita then i can recommend something custom from bvla or maria tash. Anything else is just obviously cheap and e-girl esque. Its definitely possible to have classy piercings though

>> No.10745778
File: 1.28 MB, 3464x3464, Lolita appropriate septum jewelry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropped pic of some styles from those brands that would be appropriate

>> No.10745797

Those are pretty but they are just going to look like a bedazzled snot rocket about to launch. A more modest piece would make sense. If it's large an it pulls the eye in disrupting the flow of the coordinate it's going to look bad. Piercings aren't trashy by nature but they shouldn't distract or disrupt the entire look.

>> No.10745798

these are ugly as fuck. the real issue with facial piercings is the type of cringy attention whores who get them.

>> No.10745818

I feel like quality, size, and metal color really make the difference

Real rose or yellow gold look better than typical basic bitch titanium rings most of the time like >>10745775 said. Titanium can also be anodized in colors like pink, etc that match better with sweet.

People always associate body piercings with oversized, poorly sized, chunky (cheap) jewelry, but there are actually really dainty linked chains and rings that are hardly seen in pics too

When a piece isn't high quality, it cheapens the whole outfit's aesthetic for sure

>> No.10745829
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>are rare on lolitas overall
It's more like you rarely notice them, for example RPA has tons of models with some.

>> No.10745832
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Old Alice Doll and GLB issues were full of them tho, after all half of lolita originates in visual kei fans.

>> No.10745834
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>> No.10745835

most of those are fucking tacky to be included with lolita. like WAY too much for most coordinates.

>Piercings aren't trashy by nature but they shouldn't distract or disrupt the entire look.
This is more what you should be adhering to. You need simplicity, not gaudy..

>> No.10745874

When I visited Japan a couple years ago I remember one of the shop girls in AP Shinjuku having a large lower lip piercing. She complimented me on my piercings and at the time I had my septum, 3 lip piercings and a bridge piercing :') I think it is just down to personal taste. Some people hate them, others like them.

>> No.10745909

looks terrible with sweet, but fine with whatever else

>> No.10746199


>> No.10746215


I think piercings only look good in punk and gothic lolita. But you can do whatever you want.

>> No.10746229
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It's easiest with a septum, with certain rings you can just flip those things upside down and they won't show at all. I have friends who hid septum piercings from their parents for 3+ years with this trick.

>> No.10746288

This is adjacent to the discussion on whether they look GOOD with lolita, but it's always funny to me when people here get surprised that others have tattoos/piercings/dyed hair. Like, it's an 'alt' fashion, you're gonna attract 'alt' people. It reminds me of the 'lolitas should be lovelies!!' thing.

>> No.10746325

alt doesn't mean edgy, child.

>> No.10746326

having piercings, dyed hair, tattoos doesn't mean edgy either, retard. do you know we're in 2022? look at every zoomer out there and get a handle on the year. it's no longer even alt.

>> No.10746384

well alt looks like shit so all it does is hurt lolita

>> No.10746404

I think it looks like ass in or out of lolita. I'll never get why you want to drive attention to your nose of all things.

>> No.10746407

so is it alt or nah? you're not making sense. you tired from all that goalpost moving?

>> No.10746415

Piercings, dyed hair and tattoos are and always will be associated with alt fashion and regarded as edgy by the general public, it doesn't matter how many zoomers wear them. Alt fashion being trendy doesn't mean it's normalized or "normie" even.

>> No.10746443

If lolita is inspired in victorian fashion, could anyone please post a photo of a victorian lady wearing tatoos and piercings?

>> No.10746444

If your doing something with disregard for the norms of what you are participating in it can be both alt and edgy. No, it isn't just "edgy" to wear piercings with frill but proclaiming that one represents the true spirit or it should be just accepted because it's an alt fashion is "edgy" behavior. Accessories, including piercings should look cohesive. If the piercings looked good and were cohesive with the outfit most would scan over the coord and move on.

>> No.10746445

Facial piercings in general are ugly and they're certainly not cute.

>> No.10746454

You want my opinion, my opinion is that it completely ruins the elegant overall look, same with tattoos.

>> No.10746595

apparently nipple rings were a thing in the victorian era. https://bodyartforms.com/blog/victorian-nipple-rings.asp

>> No.10746598

...did you actually read this? it's not april fool's day yet.

>> No.10746599

it's a long ass article. i skimmed it. if it's a joke then it's way too long to be funny.

>> No.10746610

most of it talks about how it's an urban legend the english made about the french with no valid sources, and the rest of it is unfunny shit like the author captioning paintings with "these ladies could have had their nipples pierced!"

>> No.10748780

Yeesh I come from/pol/ but comments are fucking viscous up here

I think it gives a nice kink, but not to much

>> No.10748783

Rare? Like half the western comm has a nose ring of some kind

>> No.10748785

fuck off back to your shit board, scrote

>> No.10748790

Had my nose and upper lip pierced for about 7 years, before getting into lolita. There is no way I remove my piercings just to stick to the "aesthetic". Some people would dislike, other would like or at least tolerate, but the only opinion that matters is mine and I think you should do the same. If you really want piercings, go for it

>> No.10748792

ita: the post

>> No.10748836

The only trashy thing here is the blatant asian fishing eye makeup.

>> No.10748841

aww, whitey lives in small town usa and has never seen other races before!

>> No.10748854

fuck off, twitterfag.

>> No.10749505

stop being such a faggot holy shit, twitter fags like you need to kill themselves

>> No.10749509

kill yourself

>> No.10749621

Lolita IS alt. Are you 17?

>> No.10749622

lol ok grandma might be time to catch up with the rest of us

>> No.10749625

you're acting like ott sweets aren't just cringy attention whores as well.

lolita started from goth/vkei fashion and plenty of og lolitas had piercing, dyed hair, etc. who cares? it's clothing, not a costume.

>> No.10749700

ah yes, forgot when lolita became normie fashion and the average person doesn't think it's a Bo Peep costume anymore

>> No.10749704
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>> No.10749705
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>> No.10749707
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>> No.10749708
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>> No.10749711
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>> No.10749713


>> No.10749751

dont act like wearing lolita isnt about being an attention whore

>> No.10749755

sorry you didn't get attention, but some people just like things for actual reasons. and those same people also wouldn't wear piercings if they gave a fuck about the aesthetic of the fashion.

>> No.10749757

>and those same people also wouldn't wear piercings if they gave a fuck about the aesthetic of the fashion
seems like you never looked inside a GLB

>> No.10749779

fashions evolve. lolita is not the same as it was before. get over yourself.

>> No.10749984

>some people like things for actual reasons
but if they like something i dont like theyre doing it for attention

>> No.10750010

yeah, piercing and tattoos have become even more common just judging by the latest lolita streetsnaps on kera's website

>> No.10750012
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>> No.10750013

Nose piercings are beauty downgrades. If you want to be cool by looking like you always have a booger coming out of your nose then just don't blow your nose.

>> No.10750014
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>> No.10750016
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>> No.10750018 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10750020
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>> No.10750027
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>> No.10750030

this thread is for lolita, dumbass

>> No.10750037 [DELETED] 

>what's goting lolita
>doesn't even recognise moitie and aatp

>> No.10750038

>what is gothic lolita
>doesn't even recognise moitie and aatp

>> No.10750044
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>> No.10750045
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>> No.10750046
File: 179 KB, 720x1018, abbafb47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

inbf newfag claims it's not lolita again