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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10740120 No.10740120 [Reply] [Original]

Is this actually happening this year?
Will it even be worth going or is it going to be a ghost town?

>> No.10740438

Expecting a ghost town like in previous years. But uh I know how to have fun there.

>> No.10740721

I mean an actual ghost town, since all the international guests will be "virtual" which sounds lame as shit
they better not force you to be fucking vaccinated

>> No.10740847

>they better not force you to be fucking vaccinated
Ain't that the fuckin truth.

>since all the international guests will be "virtual"

Ugh. Why bother but they have to have AZ tho. Wished they just go full on Anime con.

>> No.10741759

>they better not force you to be fucking vaccinated

>> No.10741793

Am I petty if I refuse to go because of this?

>> No.10742051

Nah. This con will tell you not to come.

>> No.10742102

I don't understand what you mean

>> No.10742818

I think they mean how the staff behaves.

>> No.10743626

A ghost town, just like this thread is gonna be. Triad isn't making people mask up and show their CDC cards.

>> No.10743638

why would AZ do that shit, when they're still charging the same ludicrous price as previous years despite not having any international guests anymore?
I honestly don't see a reason to go, there's been doomposting about the con forever but I really feel like it'll be empty as shit this year

>> No.10743672

I'm going but I feel like I'll be spending more time around the convention center than in it. I hope they at least have the game room. They lied about the RCC requiring a mask cause Galaxycon isn't making us wear one just like last year. They're even bringing back some of the regular content pre-covid.

>> No.10743691

Galaxycon happened last year? AZ got cancelled two years in a row because of muh covid
is it really the staff just being a bunch of faggots? Did galaxycon require the vax or a negative test?

>> No.10743733

>is it really the staff just being a bunch of faggots?
Yes. Even Momocon isn't doing it (Vaxx pass) Mask mandate tho.
>Did galaxy con require the vax or a negative test?
Nope. Standard fare. Just show you QR code.

>> No.10744060

what the fuck is AZs problem?
the con might honestly die this year

>> No.10744131

Cons are staffed and run by far-left SJW retards, that’s the problem.

>> No.10744347

so what the hell do I do now
I was going to animazement because it's 30 minutes away from me

>> No.10744379

Didn't Triad have someone from Japan come over?

>> No.10744718

Wanna go to Galaxycon?

>> No.10744821

I dunno, I'd much prefer an anime focused con rather than something where that's just a footnote

>> No.10744887

Yeah, just the other day I was having a talk with someone about the fat lard Sőyjak who runs the various GalaxyCon's, Mike Broder. He used to own the biggest one in my area, Supercon. Since I was new to the scene when I started attending that one, it wasn't apparent how little regard they have for anime. The pamphlets, for example, don't show any AT ALL. Everybody was telling me "Oh, that's cause he hates anime." What did become obvious was that it turned from less than great to irredeemable after he sold out in 2018, taking two far better actual anime events with it. While I don't know who was responsible for that, both parties are trash, and I would not touch anything he, or the new owners RetardPoop (ReedPop) own with a 10 foot pole.

>> No.10744914

why don't we just make our own con

>> No.10744919

Not even joking when I say that I'm working towards that end right now, but didn't wanna mention it here cause we're still a ways out. Every time I'm out at a con, I ask around for advice on how to move forward or if someone's interested in helping. It's almost definitely gonna have to be something at a small venue like a university event hall, but I'll take it. Those can be surprisingly engaging too. I could say plenty more like name, dates and prospective location but not sure if it's in my best interest to do it in an open setting like this. At least not yet.

>> No.10744934

I mean, honestly if AZ is gonna be lame and dead this year it's just an excuse to hang out with people so I would rather just do that than deal with all the trouble

>> No.10745588

have it on NC State campus

>> No.10745851

Will there be a rave this year or is that getting sacked too?

>> No.10746131


If not, what will this con be? Just a place to buy weeb shit? "Ghost town"

>> No.10746363

Why does this con have like no online presence or any hint of a schedule until it's about to happen?
It's making it hard for me to decide if the hassle of getting a covid test less than a week in advance is worth it

>> No.10746498

>Why does this con have like no online presence or any hint of a schedule until it's about to happen?
It's ridiculous. That's part of the reason why the attendance isn't higher.

I heard about this con via word-of-mouth. No tv ads nothing.

>> No.10747423

How easy is it to get a valid covid test?

>> No.10748236

It's funny seeing people ask if there's any space in other people's hotel rooms but demand that you be vaccinated.

Like nigga, you can't enter the con otherwise.

>> No.10748242

yes you can. the website says you can either provide your vaccination card or a recent negative test.

>> No.10750525

>don't watch dubs because I'm not retarded
>only American guests
what even is the point

>> No.10751151

I haven't been to AZ since 2017 is it really that bad nowadays?

>> No.10751161

people who watch dubs are a strange breed of degenerates.

>> No.10751477

a lot of people haven't been to AZ since 2017.

>> No.10752502

what happened in 2017

>> No.10753050

Nah fag, we just don't pretend that we speak Jap

>> No.10753055

disgusting autist can't read and watch at the same time kek

>> No.10754676

Will they give me an 18+ wristband even if my ID is expired

>> No.10755599

Epic strawman nonargument

>> No.10755842
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I'll probably only go just to hang with friends but this mask/vax shit means I'll probably just spend more time outside. I'd go elsewhere but since I'm really close to the con it's my only option.

>> No.10759044

dead con

>> No.10759308

>International guest are virtual
>Mask required
>Vaxx card to get in

>> No.10759309

>It's making it hard for me to decide if the hassle of getting a covid test less than a week in advance is worth it
You already have your answer, it isn't worth it.

>> No.10759310

LobbyCon, sounds like that is going to be more fun anyways.

>> No.10759323

but it's literally 30 minutes away and I've been going every year since 2013
I'm a shut in and need excuses to leave my house and talk with people
it just sounds really stupid this year with all the restrictions and lack of, well everything apparently

>> No.10759822

Then go. Make it a day trip.

>> No.10760111

I don't even know how to get a covid test
and I don't have a valid ID anymore

>> No.10760261

Schedule soon? Please tell me there will be a rave.

>> No.10760301

>Please tell me there will be a rave.

Well Momocon cancelled theirs.

>> No.10760305

And dragoncon and AWA had their raves. Momo canceled it for a particular reason I believe. They changed the venue slightly.

>> No.10760310


I think there will be then or something like it.

>> No.10760538
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This years logo

>> No.10760728

I don't what to get a faggot ass covid test or wear a faggot ass mask

>> No.10760730

The market is already so saturated with people trying to cash in cons and the last thing we need in the area is more shitty cons. Unless you’ve got money to throw around and a lot of time, it’s not worth it. We already saw that weird Miku con in Charlotte go up in flames.

>> No.10760734

Man how I miss the days when AZ was held in the Sheraton.

>> No.10760749

To any single women going I am fully vaccinated support blm and plan on a cycle to get swoler. Who want's to come to my hotel for a cosplay orgy?

>> No.10760858

>support blm

No one reasonable would support them.

Those types of women aren't likely to be straight anyway.

>> No.10760903
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>No one reasonable would support them those types of women aren't likely to be straight anyway.

>> No.10760977
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Cope and seethe, faggot

>> No.10761132
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>Cope and seethe, faggot

>> No.10761369

>tfw want to go but don't want to face the anxiety of dealing with all the extra restrictions
what should I do

>> No.10761509

Sounds miserable.

>> No.10761556

>abloo bloo I have to wear a face muzzle
Oh shut up. Cons have been happening for the past year and they're better than ever because they're not overcrowded with you whiney shits. Stay home if you can't handle wearing a mask. Fucking ironic coming from a cosplay board of all places

>> No.10761659

>muh mask
asking a shut in to deal with getting a fucking covid test is too much

>> No.10761823

Are shut-ins, hermits and hikikomori even going to cons in the first place?

>> No.10761942

AZ is 30 minutes from me and it was one of the few things that ever got me out of the house every year

>> No.10764646

>one week away
>no posts

>> No.10765092

>no karaoke
>no rave
>no tabletop games
>no international guests
literally what is the point of even going lmao

>> No.10765140

>Already bought badge, hotel and took days off work
>Schedule comes out a week before the con revealing those things are missing
What a scam. I got nothing better to do though. And I'm debuting a new cosplay.

>> No.10765597

go and just hang out. thats what most people are doing. you can hang in the Marriot area

>> No.10765717

But I don't want to have to go get a test or renew my ID

>> No.10766289
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...Is anyone even going

>> No.10766675
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I can't decide
Should I go bros

>> No.10766693

I'm just going to gatekeep all the normalfags from the arcade machine

>> No.10766737

Which arcade machine

>> No.10766755

the 3rd strike one

>> No.10766769
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>3rd strike
anon, do you know/remember the street fighter game where chun-li had a strikethrough hand like "no touch" on her opanties on her ass iirc?

>> No.10766813

Gonna be there tomorrow by myself, so if you see if an attractive tall man with glasses say hi

>> No.10766985

Do you cosplay? I am like 20 minutes away from AZ. Not going though

>> No.10767085

no I don't cosplay
I just go to hang out with the few friends I have as the designated third wheel
also seeing some neat guests and playing arcade games
no idea what you're talking about

>> No.10767087

H-how do you make friends without being in a costume? I am asking for a friend...

>> No.10767089

Do you mean to say you are at AZ? Do people on this board really submit to exaggerated rules for social occurrences where the entire purpose is to interact with people, despite only non-vaccinated people needing to be tested?

What do your friends think about this?

>> No.10767161

Strike up a conservation in line or something
I am a supreme autist but being there makes me happy and I know it's a bunch of other autists so I can be looser than I usually am
I don't make friends with any girls though lol
They're more liberal than me so they're more okay with it but still not too enthused
mainly AZ is close to me and a tradition at this point with people I know going, worst case scenario I can be in the game room and play some cabinet street fighter which I'll never say no to
despite all the retarded stuff it's still fun this year, not having a rave really fucking sucks though that shit is so gay
there wasn't even any tip top with Titan during anime hell even though there was nowhere enough people to fill the ballroom shoulder to shoulder

>> No.10767404

Who trying to meet up tomorrow at Sunday animazement? Let’s start a group meet up or something with cosplay or dress up

>> No.10767434

Literally just finished my cosplay. Worth driving 3 hours to show it off?

>> No.10767530

Post pics

>> No.10767609
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My Bomb Rush Cyberfunk cosplay. I wandered around aimlessly for a few hours and left after literally shedding tears at the cute girls in the karaoke dance contest because they were so cute. I need to stop going to cons alone. I always think it'll be spontaneous fun but I just end up feeling miserable.

>> No.10767616

Sorry to hear that you had a bad time, however awesome costume! What made you want to cosplay that? Are you a developer or something?

>> No.10767622

The low-poly colorful JSRF-inspired designs made me think "I want to wear that."
The developers are Dutch. I wish I were too so I could have good urban design and infrastructure.

>> No.10767628

I've never gone to the karaoke contest, or the masquerade, or the cosplay lip sync, and probably some other shit I'm forgetting
Am I missing out?

>> No.10767639

Masquerade & cosplay chess are peak cringekino

>> No.10767644

Cosplay chess is the one I always go to, just never the others for whatever reason
If I've been missing out on something fun all these years I'm going to be upset

>> No.10767974

Is there any particular reason this con doesn't get a lot of attention here?

>> No.10768179

Gatekeeping 3rd strike, in NC?

>> No.10768190

None of the top players were there, so yes

>> No.10768218

Mainly because blew any chance they had at being a good decent midway con by doubling down on things attendees do not care about like Japanese History, and weak. On top of weak panels, lack of notable guests and events.

To add more insult. Animazement happens
right around when other bigger cons happen like Momocon, A-Kon, Anime Boston, and Anime Central.

So Animazement mainly functions like a Local Con for those in the immediate area who cannot afford to travel to other cons out of state or locals who are just bored.

>> No.10768321

I still remember being insanely jealous Animazement pulled Studio Trigger. It seemed to go downhill after that.

>> No.10768329

Yeah the first half of the 2010s was their golden potential but there were so much internal fighting with leadership and a refusal to change the programming.

Even the locals are getting bored with Animazement which is not a good sign.

>> No.10768399

what year was that?

>> No.10768420

What was the consensus for this year?

>> No.10768519
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Way less vendors, way less stuff to do (panels/general activity areas), every cosplay with a mask on looked shitty, way less guests and way less attendees. Save your money next year and just let the con die.

>> No.10768558

>let the con die
they said they got over 10,000 entrants still this year