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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10733066 No.10733066[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anyone have any bad con experiences?
Have cons become better now in a post Covid world where people are afraid to touch each other?

>> No.10733087
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Let's get this drama bait thread going. Ahem. "Public nudity isn't respectful towards others."

>> No.10733097

What if i pay them first?

>> No.10733099

I wish cosplays that show excess skin would be banned from conventions. Would drive away normie thots and most coomer men paying them.

>> No.10733102

Define excess skin cause sorry but someone designed the characters that way

>> No.10733140
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nice shop

>> No.10733145
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These are always my favorite panels to attend and participate in. There are two in particular I give because I'm over them but for an actual horror story I turn to AWA last year

>Very late night karaoke
>Jamming in the front near the speakers as Rei
>See a guy walk in and lock eyes with him
>Know he's bad news immediately and try to avoid looking again
>See my friend waltz in
>Assume the guy's gone but go to sit with him, just in case
>Friend walks off to get soda
>Dude pops out again IMMEDIATELY and sits one chair away from me
>Friend comes back
>FOR SOME REASON gives the guy a swig from my secret stash
>Sweating bullets and feeling more alone than ever in my life
>We leave a little later and I'm trying to contain my terror
No, nothing happened but it very much would have under different circumstances. That was the last day I ever give anyone the benefit of the doubt when they don't deserve it, and always judge books by their cover. This is my only true horror story, because the screaming meth head and the horny guy at Ikkicon are just funny in retrospect. Also worth noting I was in a blue dress for that one too. Apparently that color draws out the coomers almost immediately.

>> No.10733152

>a coomer color
depends on the blue I guess most blues won't do it
* makenta-pink
* soft pink
* red
* pastel combinations of pink, yellow and blue
* fluor yellow or green with tanned/dark skin
* a proper white or black

>> No.10733164

The EVA uniform-blue. All I can tell you is that two blue dresses have almost gotten me molestered twice, and in under 24 hours after putting them on. Even the far more provocative Senketsu (the uniform, not battle form) has never caused a single incident.

>> No.10733176

Like OP's image or a lot of the Kill La Kill designs from that part of the show. I'm aware some characters are designed like that but there should be a time and a place for half naked cosplays. I used to not care and I still like those type of outfits but because of people that keep their hands to themselves or half the cosplays being half asked skimpy outfits over badass ones that's had effort put in, it's just annoying. Then I get blamed and attacked for it by dumbasses just because I'm a woman and automatically "part of the problem" when I don't even wear anything like that. I'm fully aware it's never going to happen it's just wishful thinking.

>> No.10733198

so you're blaming everyone else instead. got it.

>> No.10733201

You sound like a pickme who cares what creepy groping men think.

Or like you're envious that pretty girls get attention for mediocre cosplays while yours are better but no one notices cause you're not hot or half naked. And that's fair and makes sense, but not a good enough reason to ban revealing cosplays when the real problem is people who are perverted weirdos who thinks they can touch people without permission, and those people are already "banned"/ behavior not allowed.

>> No.10733208

yes, men are coomers whose brains stop functioning when they see tits so sexy cosplays will always get tons of attention. That's not really the cosplayer's fault though, it's more of a defect within the male brain.

>> No.10733210
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Oh, boy. Day one of this thread and it's already derailed into bitter whining from authoritarian landwhales who don't even go to cons anymore anyway. Beautiful. We clearly needed more of those.

>> No.10733211

I'm not sure if I get what you're saying, but things like those Kill la Kill cosplays are totally fine in my opinion. I remember when I watched Kill la Kill the first time, and I totally bought into the message of the show that you should be naked and not ashamed, and maybe, if I'd been a girl and less lazy with my cosplays, I would have done something like that. But I don't want that inspiration I felt then, the feeling of buying into the anime's propaganda, to be banned.
Also, my experience at the first cons I went to was the feeling of "you can do that?", going slightly outside of the normie rules but in a way that was still okay. You probably can't get that feeling back with how the culture has changed, but at least I don't want it to get worse.

I'm not sure what a solution could be, but maybe one possibility could be to sell fewer tickets than there are demand for? I maybe imagine coomers are less likely to sit ready refreshing the page than people who genuinely care for the con?
On the other hand I guess coomers also care, they aren't just outsiders but also part of the community so it's probably not good enough.

>> No.10733248
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Naked women = sexy
Naked men = funny

>> No.10733251

Basically yes, according to societal standards.

>> No.10733265

it's only "funny" when they're half-naked in a feminine way, like wearing unitards with boob cut-outs or speedos or something. it's not very funny when they're half-naked in actually masculine clothing, usually just shorts

>> No.10733266

honestly kek la kek is a horrible show. trigger couldn't decide if they wanted to be ironic or not, but they're not capable of producing something good and longer than 2 hours.

>> No.10733270

Naked men = funny only when they're slobby, fat and/or ugly. If they're actually fit then it's also sexy.

>> No.10733277

Yeah then it's gross unless they're hot. Just like revealing fat girl cosplays, especially when the character isn't fat, are gross unless it's creative or ironic and funny.

>> No.10733281

I don't see how that sounds pickme when everything I'm saying is not an attempt to appeal to men. It's mostly condemning them and thots. Not to mention I like those type of cosplays just fine as mentioned.
Fact is cosplay has become more about being sexy and softcore porn than about having fun with craftsmanship and enjoying the character. I'm aware of the defect and what I'm saying is it's wishful thinking of mine that it wasn't fed into and promoted. This is partially why women only spaces end up being made.
See my response above, that's the general gist of my comment. As for asking the anime itself to be banned, no not at all. Just the cosplays of near naked characters at conventions the same way it's banned to walk into a store or hotel normally.

>> No.10733282

i'd like this, and not because i hate those characters or blame the women for wanting to look sexy. i just like my cons to be a little more family-friendly during the day. seeing kids in costume with their parents always puts a smile on my face, and when i have kids who start watching kids' anime, i'd like to take them to a con dressed up with me. i'm sure as the con crowd gets older, more people will hope for the same. i myself basically avoid most shows with ecchi or fanservice, so it's not a huge deal to me.

i know it'll never really happen since i'm the minority and most people *do* watch those types of shows. they're inevitably an inescapably big feature at cons. still, it would be nice. maybe only allowing overly skimpy cosplays in the evenings would be a good compromise.

>inb4 "kids can see some skin, it's not as a big deal as violence, amerifags are so prudish, etc"

for me, the issue isn't just the nudity itself, but the message it sends to kids: that you have to be sexy as a woman to get attention, or that only sexy women are deserving of it. i don't think i'd want my young child noticing or feeling that kind of pressure so early. but i digress.

>> No.10733283

Sorry I meant NLOG; it's easy to mix the two up sometimes.

>> No.10733300

>EVA uniform-blue
lulz, yes, full coomer-friendly

>> No.10733301

but to clarify, it's not cause it's blue, it's cause it's jp school girl like

>> No.10733306
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You act like getting rid of skimpy costumes would get rid of the pervs but most creepy stories it seems it really doesn't matter what they are wearing

>> No.10733369

No it would just get rid of most of them in a public setting. This is a good cosplay.

>> No.10733405

Lol I like the tea cup addition

>> No.10733961


I've never told this one before

>Otakon 2015 maybe?
>goto /cgl/ meetup hoping to meet a guy
>find really tall hot guy and start flirting with him
>we start making out in the bar basement
>I lead him out to my place that is quite a walk through the city
>We finally get to the place I was staying, get on my bed and continue making out
>He somehow gets the idea that since I brought him back to my place on my bed that we should have sex
>He gets really into it, starts trying to have sex with me, we wind up having sex, nothing I can do about it, this is basically rape.
>We both fall asleep, fast forward to the morning, he wants to have sex again, just let him, nothing I can do but sob.
>Ask him to leave, he is confused and he leaves
>I told con staff to look out for him and that he raped me
>creep got his badge taken away.

>> No.10733963

What even is this post? How is that a horror story, it just sounds like you met some drunk people at a panel which is known for drunk people. Like do you have autism for real?

>> No.10733969

>nothing I can do about it, this is basically rape
>he wants to have sex again, just let him, nothing I can do but sob
Did you ever consider trying to say something like no once?

>> No.10733978
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>basically rape
maybe if you had told him no

>> No.10734033

Literally nothing happened
Your story is that you - almost - got talked to by a guy.
I'm assuming this is a bait post, but if it isn't stop going to cons and become a hikki.

>> No.10734093

This is pretty good bait.

are you fully hikki? I lock eyes with people all the time. i get that most people at cons are autists and have bad vibes but it literally comes with the territory.

>> No.10734106


Bullshit. This is bait.

>> No.10734110

Maybe he's demisexual and was in love with you. Being raped is a compliment in that case.

>> No.10734114

This story in particular probably isn't true, but I have seen similar incidents happen. Had a friend in high school who was/is a really cute girl and got a lot of attention from boys. She dated a few and let them had their way with her because she thought that's what you're supposed to do. She didn't like anal but one of her bf insisted on it and kept doing it. She cried but let it happen because she thought "this is what it's supposed to be" and then men she's been with also think this way. She never called rape on these guys but it was something that ate away at her growing up and it had no affect on the men she been with because they thought it was fine. It's a pretty fucked up mindset teens go through and leads to fucked up adults.

>> No.10734128

>she never called rape on these guys
maybe because it was not rape? love from kazakhstan

>> No.10734149

had a good laugh, thx

>> No.10734159

>tfw making out with a fondling a girl for a while
>at one point doing sexy talk whisper in her ear "you like that?"
>she wimpers "no."
>I awkwardly paused, got really apologetic, she said it was fine
>drive her home, barely speak, she doesn't seem to bothered, but I feel really uncomfortable
>drop her off, wave to her mother and leave
>never talk again after that

By far one of the weirdest dates I ever had. She was really short and blind in one eye too. Women are weird.

>> No.10734188

I'm not saying that it was or wasn't, just she didn't call it in comparison to the original anon's story who did. Whether you consider it rape or not, it's fucked up to think it's okay to let yourself be used and to think it's okay to continue when the other party is not into it.
I don't think you did anything wrong but women are in a weird spot when it comes to sexual situations.
>I don't like what he's doing but I like him, should I let him keep doing it? I don't want to ruin this.
>I don't want to be a slut either but this is supposed to be normal?
>Possible negative sexual past events
>Just in a bad place mentally at the moment
>If I tell him to stop is he going to hurt me?
Best thing to do is to talk it out with each other so you can understand what's going on. If she pulls the "it's fine." Then unfortunately there isn't much you can do but wait for her to speak about it or just be forever lost on it which sucks but happens.

>> No.10734193

anything that doesn't involved informed, enthusiastic consent is sexual assault at minimum

>> No.10734198

>and to think it's okay to continue when the other party is not into it.
And what if you're dating someone who doesn't enjoy sex, and that's the only thing you can do if neither of you want to break up?

t. demisexual dating an asexual who dislikes sex but has it anyway because I have needs

>> No.10734209

You're the one who is weird it sounds like
You have the 'tism?

>> No.10734230

sounds like you didn't ask for consent in the first place before fondling her so she felt pressured to go along with it. you didn't prompt confirmation of consent until later. that's not women being weird, it's you not understanding that enthusiastic consent is necessary

if it was her decision and she's fully consenting to it without you guilting her into it then it's fine. if you demanded it or coerced her then you are a creep

>> No.10734293

Really It's between the both of you. I'm in a similar position. Not asexual but 3 times in a week every couple of months or so is my level. But the pressure to do it with your partner when they want to is complicated. All I have to say is if s/he has sex with you because they genuinely enjoy pleasing you, then that's fine. If it's more like a chore or completely unpleasant then I'm against it. But this is just an opinion of some rando on the internet.

>> No.10734302

Do normal, non-asexual people really have sex more than three times a week? Thank goodness I made myself a no dating rule.

>> No.10734305

>someone looked at me and then sat vaguely near me without ever doing or saying anything to me or anybody else

Not even Stephen King's nightmares could make this up.

>> No.10734315

>pussying out cause she said no

You guys are next level faggots for real. None of you know what women say and do are completely different. You guys are going to be pussy whipped for life

>> No.10734318

have fun getting arrested for rape

>> No.10734319


Only retards get called out for rape. I've fucked multiple bitches at cons and not one has claimed that shit. If a girl gets to the room with you and youre already making out, she wants to fuck. Stop being fucking pussies about it. She's not thinking, and neither should you. dumbasses

>> No.10734323
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very hot take

>> No.10734350

Most degenerate coomers are crazy for Rei because she's essentially the ultimate submissive waifu, so it always attracts the worst of them.

>> No.10734352

>I've fucked multiple bitches at cons and not one has claimed that shit.
Sure you did.

>> No.10734353

Oh wow, someone who actually took me seriously and wasn't entirely facetious. Truly, thank you. It's not a "horror story" because he looked at me, or that I'm a "hikki autist". The fact is I felt pure malicious intent when he was on the other side of the room, and sitting next to me solidified it. Sitting there made me genuinely think "I'm getting raped tonight, and that's one of the better possible outcomes." This is coming from someone who does not cry wolf and still gets viscerally disturbed even thinking about it. So why I felt telling a Cambodian spelunker's forum about it was a good idea is beyond me.

>> No.10734354

I dont have to prove shit to people on the internet. Just know that you spergers will never get laid overthinking something as simple as making out and fucking.

>> No.10734356

I used to think like all others too but one day this girl actually explained to me in such a relatable way that made a lot of sense. Turns out that some guys have that freaking creepy-ass date-rapist vibe to them and that's one situtation in where you absolutely gotta judge a book by its cover.

>> No.10734357

Nobody here is overthinking anything. If a girl starts whimpering during making out or sex, you gotta a problem in your hands cause that shit ain't normal.

>> No.10734358

>If a girl starts whimpering
jesus christ, you guys really cannot be saved

>> No.10734366

>I felt pure malicious intent when he was on the other side of the room
Saying "I felt his intent" is about as legit as "C'mon look at her, she was asking for it"

>> No.10734369

It depends on the couple. Some fuck all the time, some don't, some have one that wants to fuck and the other doesn't so they go out and find someone else then apologize later only to do it again. That last one is the more common one I hear about. The first guy I was with wanted 3 times a week, every week. That didn't work out at all.

>> No.10734370

>The fact is I felt pure malicious intent

So absolutely nothing? You genuinely sound schizophrenic. I'm not insulting you but seeing patterns where there are none and thinking people are targeting you when they do ordinary inconspicuous things is schizophrenia 101.

>> No.10734372

>Turns out that some guys have that freaking creepy-ass date-rapist vibe to them

Vibe isn't a reason to completely disparage someone.

>> No.10734373


while its plain you felt uncomfortable, you've objectively given nothing remotely justifying calling it a horror story. You did give a story where your friend shared your stuff without your permission, and that resonates alot more than 'man in public place looks at me.'

>> No.10734375

Difference with that is when you sense a schizo, leave/run for your own safety. If someone is "asking for it" the one saying that is trying to justify actions they committed.

>> No.10734380

See you in 5 years when you get #metoo'd

>> No.10734400 [DELETED] 

>If a girl starts whimpering during making out or sex, you gotta a problem in your hands cause that shit ain't normal.
That's because she's reliving some kind of sexual trauma. Communication, motherfucker. Try it and you'll learn that some folks actually want to get off on reliving those moments that fucked them up in order to help cope with the trauma.

>> No.10734401

that's not how that works. they should see a therapist instead of feeding their disordered thinking.

>> No.10734410


not explicitly. some people definitely use their schizo sense as justification to do things other than leave. Things that would otherwise be unacceptable in all other company

>> No.10734412

>you'll learn that some folks actually want to get off on reliving those moments that fucked them up in order to help cope with the trauma.
Yes, we know what trannies are.

>> No.10734449


first of all, male hands typed this post.

That being said the average guy on 4chan isn't as pathetic as the fat landwhale biohole virgins on this website seem to believe. The issue is that /cgl/ /soc/ /co/ are 3 of those female boards on the website. You can tell by the post quality on them. /cgl/ in particular is full of the fattest and jelliest (I mean the food jelly and jealous) women around. They will call everything rape because no man would EVER think of approaching them, so naturally they become bitter and standoffish.

>> No.10734462

Some creepy rhythm gamer sent me a dick pic once and now hes in jail for fucking a kid

>> No.10734467

Maybe I just didn't WANT to have sex with someone who wasn't enjoying it? Assuming I'm not responding to what is in all likelihood a shitpost, for me and many I know the fun in sex is the who action and response and being adored. I do something that feels good and I can feel them feel it and it feels good in response and they perk up or moan or whatever and that just increases my arousal. Maybe I'm just weird like that but I never got the whole "sex is about power" shit cuz the power dynamic in sex can go both ways depending on perspective and most human relationship is mutual ownership rather than dominion.

>> No.10734469

As a man I hope to develop a rape stare as powerful as that man. I want to be able to look a random woman in the eyes and inspire as much pure terror as him. To utterly dominate a woman without ever laying a finger on her or saying a word and to just paralyze them in absolute sheer horror by looking into their soul. God that must be a rush, I envy that man.

>> No.10734477

Teen hands wrote this.

>> No.10734492

Have a novelai.net prompt

>> No.10734496


>> No.10734512 [DELETED] 

>girl says no stop
>wtf why did you stop
this is why i switched to men.
>stop!!! it hurts!!!
>stop!!! i could get pregnant!!!
keep going

so much easier than women

>> No.10734562

Ehh, if you're in a public space wearing the skimpiest thing possible we all know you're doing it for attention.

Not being touched is definitely valid but if you get random pictures snapped by creeps in a public venue wearing nearly nothing you are unironically asking for it.

>> No.10734563
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You remind me of that asshole who is happy I've drawn her OC at first only to say she is happy with the drawing but doesnt want to associate with me because of creepy vibes.

Yeah fuck that slut and fuck you.

>> No.10734566

Not that anon and while that's rude of her, if she didn't ask for the art then I don't see an issue. I've been on the opposite end where I've drawn for someone because I liked their character, chatted with them, and then they start to drop their whole life story and ask to see my tits. I just blocked him and moved on.

>> No.10734571
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>> No.10734573

fucking this. gods, i miss conventions so much. fuck you kung flu.

>> No.10734576

people have been literally going to cons all year. stop being a pussy

>> No.10734587
