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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10719199 No.10719199 [Reply] [Original]

I’ll start with my personal favorite, Melanie Martinez!

>> No.10719205
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Lil Mama

>> No.10719208
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Lady Gaga

>> No.10719211
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>> No.10719212
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Hayley Williams

>> No.10719213
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Katy Perry

>> No.10719214
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Safiya Nygaard actually filmed a video in Tokyo about it. Went to la foret and everything.

>> No.10719215
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Nicki Minaj

>> No.10719229

This thread is so dumb every single time

>> No.10719234

Yeah we’ve literally seen all of these exact images so many times before plus Safiya is hardly a celebrity and everyone saw the video she made anyway

>> No.10719261

>melanie martinez is my favorite

if you made this thread, leave the fashion now

>> No.10719268

I'll always appreciate that Lady Gaga actually tried wearing the fashion right.
I'll give Safiya a pass too.

For some reason, every other celebrity tried to wear it like a sundress. I don't know why. There's nothing stopping someone from wearing the dresses like a sundress, but it doesn't make it lolita.

>> No.10719285

for people unfamiliar with lolita, seeing a jsk without context have no reason to think it's not a sundress. wearing blouses under a strap dress is just not something that's done in mainstream fashion so i get why they wouldn't even think about it

>> No.10719296

They're not unfamiliar though. It's not like a coordinator bought that outfit for them & they'd never actually looked at a normal lolita dressed up. They wouldn't be able to buy brand if they weren't familiar with how the style is worn.

No one just randomly stumbles on BtSSB, and goes, 'Oh! A bunch of sundresses.'

>> No.10719298 [DELETED] 

Also, for Melenie Martinez, most people dislike her because she has multiple times represented herself as 'lolita' meaning she represents the fashion style.

Her music aside, that's why most have an issue with Melenie. She goes a little above and beyond most just 'wearing it as a sundress' to say she's an 'example' of the subculture.

Then everyone thinks it's about weird pedo fetish bait, and that's why they dislike her. She portrays the style as pedo bait.

>> No.10719300

Melanie Martinez is so gross

>> No.10719301

uh, are you stupid?

>> No.10719304

Also, for Melenie Martinez, most people dislike her because she has multiple times represented herself as 'lolita' meaning she represents the fashion style. Her music aside, that's why most have an issue with Melenie. She goes a little above and beyond most just 'wearing it as a sundress' to say she's an 'example' of the subculture.

Then everyone thinks it's about weird pedo fetish bait, and that's why they dislike her. She portrays the style as pedo bait. Pretty much, more lolitas started facing harassment AFTER Melenie Martinez came out because more people were familiar with Melenie then the Japanese fashion, and started thinking it's a DDLG/age regression/fetish thing because Melenie became the association.

That's so many here dislike her specifically over say >>10719205 (who likely wasn't getting her kid in a blouse anytime soon.)

>> No.10719308

Millie Sharpiro, the girl from hereditary, wore lolita for a while and had pics on her insta. Naturally, as a 16 year celebrity, old gulls tore her to shreds and she seems to have stopped. She does still haev a kamikaze girls quote on her profile and ahs change it to a different momoko quote a couple of times.

>> No.10719313

Anon, your open-ended question leaves little for discussion. Specify?

You act like celebrities don't dress themselves. Yes, they have personal stylists and shoppers. However, they do pick what they wear for the most part alongside telling people what to buy.

Maybe you misunderstand what I meant by 'coordinator'. I'm saying there's usually not overbearing authority dictating what they wear without any input from the person themselves.

>> No.10719314

she's such a pick me piece of shit.

>> No.10719316

>Millie Sharpiro
I mean, googling her outfits... they were atrocious. However, it's not like she couldn't do lolita clothing if she wanted to. She shouldn't have stopped. She should've maybe thought, "Maybe what I'm wearing isn't as close to the style as it should be, and isn't what people want to see searching the 'lolita' tag."

Most people who wear lolita had the 'ita days'. Most started out looking like a hot mess. That's why people shouldn't get their panties in a twist when people criticize them. Every stunning example of lolita? Chances are they started as a ita.

>> No.10719318
File: 647 KB, 701x480, B7B9DC9B-7243-4A52-9A24-A4C9E94EAF9F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Evangeline Lilly went to Harajuku Hearts and bought a coordinate to wear on Jimmy Kimmel. She was there to promote her childrens book.

>> No.10719319

And if it's about that one image...

She looked like she was being groomed, dude. The pink one? That bugged people because she looked like a shoo-in for Oingo Boingo's 'Little Girls'. It just made people uncomfortable because she looked groomed. There were a mixture of opinions.

Plus, there's a bunch of people who have no interest in Japanese fashion that take part in cyberbullying. In fact, wearing anything strange will get you bullied by said people so it likely wasn't just 'gulls' bullying the girl.

>> No.10719321
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>> No.10719322

Oh dear…

>> No.10719325

While it doesn't look lolita, it does look like an appropriate outfit for a professional writer to promote a children's book therefore I have no opinion positive or negative.

>> No.10719326 [DELETED] 
File: 141 KB, 480x640, EB02F0CE-3FCB-4444-A7EE-D5C9ACE7C64B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No one just randomly stumbles on BtSSB, and goes, 'Oh! A bunch of sundresses.'

that's literally what it looks like on mannequins though. unless they specifically go looking for coord photos, there's no reason to believe this is not how it's supposed to be worn

>> No.10719328

Do you take everything literally?

>> No.10719330
File: 141 KB, 480x640, EB02F0CE-3FCB-4444-A7EE-D5C9ACE7C64B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No one just randomly stumbles on BtSSB, and goes, 'Oh! A bunch of sundresses.'

that's literally what it looks like on mannequins though. unless they specifically go looking for coord photos, there's no reason to believe this is not how it's supposed to be worn. also you just gotta understand that most fashions don't have strict rules about how it's supposed to be worn like lolita does

>> No.10719334

See >>10719328.

>> No.10719358

>For some reason, every other celebrity tried to wear it like a sundress.

Katy Perry looks like she wore a JJ OP and hat and did more of a fullset look.

>> No.10719373
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because she was styled for a magazine

>> No.10719374

I mean all of them have stylists magazine or not. It's cool that her stylist actually wanted her to look correct.

>> No.10719385

>that pink image
Which one? All the pics I've seen of her look fine. I mean, she was like 15-16 so she was kind of ita but she looked like she was having fun.

>> No.10719399 [DELETED] 

Vice video article so I'm not stirring the pot. I won't post the image because it's 4chan, however, here's the link to the image in question. You might see what other people noticed about the righthand image.


Again, this is not being posted to defame someone, but just to clarify why that particular image people found uncomfortable.

>> No.10719400

Vice video article so I'm not stirring the pot. I won't post the image because it's 4chan, however, here's the link to the image in question. You might see what other people noticed about the righthand image.


Again, this is not being posted to defame someone, but just to clarify why that particular image people found uncomfortable.

>> No.10719401

Honestly, I didn't comment since I haven't seen the full outfit. So, Katy Perry gets a pass.

>> No.10719419

This didn't pass at the time it released. OTT is coupled with OTT styling. (you know, like fucking bangs) Ya'll shits just do it wrong in 2022.

>> No.10719422

The neck ties are around her boobs. Having a stylist is easy mode or like playing with a handicap; nothing should be out of place. In any event, the stylist should get the credit not the celeb.

>> No.10719517
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Yes, it was gulls because she was posted to the ita thread, esl-chan. For pic rel iirc

>> No.10719523

There’s nothing wrong with the image on the right? Aside from the bear looking like it’s been used to sweep the floor

>> No.10719524

Her outfit really isn't OTT though. It's a basic coord with a brand fullset. Why would she need OTT hair? The only thing making this coord feel more than casual is the JJ hat.

Sick of people pretending to be oldfags when they don't have any idea what they're talking about. And yeah a lot of celebs wear lolita brand items styled in a way that isn't lolita. Just like a lot of Japanese lolita celebs (Misako for one) will wear not explicitly lolita branddd items styled for lolita like Pink House, ETC, Samantha Vega, and others.

>> No.10719529

Didn't you know, anon? Anything with a border print and fun accessories is automatically OTT. We're all clearly new for not knowing this.

>> No.10719530
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Dita Von Teese shopped at Angelic Pretty at some point.

>> No.10719540

OTT sweet prints are OTT, you guys just ruined the concept of what an OTT sweet print is so now you have to use "old school" to describe traditional sweet lolita. AP was never "sweet lolita" it was "OTT sweet"

Again, newfags have no clue of course. Also, just because you're coming at this in 2022 like "tHeRe'S nOtHiNg WrOnG hErE" doesn't mean that the majority of us who were actually around for this, don't think it was good and it's still not good because newfags have now confused what OTT sweet is entirely.

>> No.10719544

>We're all clearly new for not knowing this.
No, you're clearly new for not knowing that AP OTT sweet prints are OTT. Sweet lolita's definition just got warped from newfags that were attracted to OTT sweet, predominately and redefining what "sweet lolita" is.

A lot of old school sweet is just traditional sweet lolita.

>> No.10719562

Kek no one said anything about old school. Every border print on the planet is not required to be coorded in an OTT way you sperg.

>> No.10719565

what the fuck are you all on about?
milly stopped wearing lolita because, like almost all teenage girls in the history of forever, her tastes changed and she got interested in other fashion styles. it's not that deep. cgl didn't bully her out of lolita, she wasn't being groomed or whatever the fuck

>> No.10719567

People obsessed with whining about how long they've been here tend to be insecure noobs trying to justify their opinions as law.

The few oldfags left tend to be the ones actually posting brand updates, giving sewing and crafting tips, sharing DD links, and generally the ones contributing everything of value to the board.

>> No.10719569

This. Imagine being so obviously underage on cgl and thinking celebrities come here and read what randoms have to say about their fashion choices kek. Anon is on some shit if they think that's what happened.

>> No.10719576

she most likely doesn't even know this site exists
also - don't even remember her really being bullied? she was usually posted here as a shining example of a celebrity that actually wore lolita and wore it well

>> No.10719581

I don't know if she was praised but many people thought it was generally cute and envied her because she was a young kid with the cash to wear lolita as much as she'd like.

>> No.10719603

You live in a delusional bubble of what AP prints are and it shows.
>old schoolers are the scourge of this board

>> No.10719650

both of those things sound like praise to me

She seems like a normal kid with normal teen girl interests and normal friends. Good for her

>> No.10719675 [DELETED] 

Anon, what's your problem.

Grooming kids? Otherwise in no way should that have made you so angry. We're on 4chan, hold your fire. Don't get so angry over pixels on a screen.

>> No.10719676

Anon, I come from the U.S.

Why did saying that one thing make all of you so angry. Let's see.


I'm surprised that led to 7 different responses.

>> No.10719677

Maybe minus this one since they're just clarifying.

>> No.10719694

People aren't angry just because they remember what actually happened.

>> No.10719709

she recently sold the pieces she bought here for a fortune on depop.

>> No.10719711
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the jelly hat absolutely makes it an attempt at an OTT coordinate. if it was being worn "regulalry", i'd expect a headbow. you cant casually wear food on your head

>> No.10719713

I know some people would be mad at her for that, but you know some dumb normie probably bought the pieces not knowing any better so who cares.

>> No.10719717

Yeah I was saying the hat is the thing stopping it from being casual. It's almost casual in every way except the hat. Basic OP with wristcuffs and headwear. They probably weren't trying to be super OTT.

>> No.10719786

Sauce on the wig?

>> No.10719841

Looks like your average shitty cosplay wig off Amazon

>> No.10719856

pics? i'm curious

>> No.10719867
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I did a little search and found these.

>> No.10719868
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>> No.10719871
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>> No.10719872
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>> No.10719876

the incredible rage i feel knowing that some normie probably got them

thank you for posting anyway anon

>> No.10719925

My rage burns a little brighter knowing she probably wore them around Manson in a sexy way.

>> No.10720135

that photo is from the LJ days before amazon wigs were a thing.

>> No.10720185

You do realize that those same sellers just buy wholesale from China just like resellers did in the LJ days right

>> No.10725990 [DELETED] 

Katy Perry looks like she wore a JJ OP

>> No.10729235

I love her

>> No.10729770

> you cant casually wear food on your head
Not with that attitude. This is offensive.

>> No.10730017

also isn't she a rapist?

>> No.10730020

no, that was a false accusation. she is an annoying peice of shit who co-opted this fashion and now tries to pretend she was wearing her own interpretation or whatever the fuck, but she isn't a rapist. don't spread lies when there are perfectly valid reasons to dislike her wearing the fashion.

>> No.10730021

ah, fair enough. I've been out of the loop for a while

>> No.10730031

yes. she paid her friend off to say it was a lie.
do you really believe it was false?

>> No.10730069


>> No.10730070

This is cute, what are you all on about?

>> No.10730155


So fucking happy she's getting canceled for being antivaxx because fuck her squickerwonker era.

>> No.10732383

Literally what is there to bully about this? She looks adorable

>> No.10737099

We do this thread every year and it barely updates when will it end

>> No.10737104

It's been done more than once in 2021.

>> No.10737384

Jfc why? It’s the same pictures every time

>> No.10737481

She looks like shit but this is still a better attempt than 90% of celebrities who try it

>> No.10737489

RinRin dressed her and took her to a place to get her hair styled. She's wearing brand. The only problem I see is that her head looks a bit unbalanced and she could have used a hat or headwear of some sort beyond just a ribbon corset braid in her thin hair.

>> No.10737613
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Poppy is wearing what looks like a MM replica in a new YouTube video.

>> No.10737614
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>> No.10737759

She just did a collab with Q-pot

>> No.10738604
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>> No.10738614

The styling is wack but I feel like lolita suits her. She'd look stunning in a better coord. I fucking hate Poppy as a musician and as a person, but I gotta give credit where it's due.

>> No.10738639

absolutely disgusting

>> No.10738655

what she do?

>> No.10738691

she dated the abusive ex of a girl who worked hard to build her own music career, stole her fame & gimmick, and caused her to stop making music forever since she will now just get accused of copying

>> No.10738713

she's not even a good singer. poptards never are.

>> No.10739573

>implying melanie martez is a celebrity
>implying wearing a lolita skirt + tanktop is lolita
Kek this is so ugly it hurts

>> No.10739696

I am so miffed that they wrap the neck straps around her bust like that….

>> No.10739713

this is blatantly a trollpost

kek i didn't even notice that. what were they thinking?

>> No.10739787 [DELETED] 

Girl on the right interacts with sissies and is friends with k8 and usagi kou.