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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 57 KB, 700x700, cad831-1-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10708536 No.10708536 [Reply] [Original]

I'm expecting mixed responses here.

Long story short, yesterday I saw Encanto and I related to Maribel way too much. On top of that, her costume looks comfortable and easy to wear (like shorts), and I want to cosplay her for a con next year. I am NOT worried about my own appearance. I am paler than Maribel, and I'm NOT planning on darkening my skin. My main concern is what she wears. Is there any cultural significance? Is there anything I should know going in? Are there parts of the costume I should leave out? Or should I leave everything in?

My hope is to commission a hispanic artist to make this cosplay for me. Please drop me your socials of your open to the commission :)

>> No.10708537

Fuck Twitter, just cosplay whoever you want.

>> No.10708540

I havent even looked on twitter lmao. The purpose of this post is to make sure I'm being sensitive to the things I should be sensitive to. Also, to know if I simply absolutelty shouldn't do it lol

>> No.10708541

Literally just cosplay her if you like her. Problem solved.

>> No.10708544

As a Mexican. I give you the okay. You can tell people your latino friend is cool with your cosplay if you get called out

>> No.10708545

Thanks bro, you're lovely

>> No.10708555

Imagine caring this much about what others think of you. Cringe.

>> No.10708561

I care about being kind to others :)
Being hateful is so boring lol

>> No.10708563

anon, 4chan is not the place to look for people who care about cultural sensitivity. I'd recommend going on reddit or twitter

>> No.10708564
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Colombian here, just do it
She's wearing a typical dress from Vélez, Santander, and you don't need to worry with how historically accurate the costume is

>> No.10708565

lmao fair - simply did not know where to start my search

Thank you bro! 'go for it' seems to be the general consensus from Colombian folks I've seen online. I think i might close this thread lmfao

>> No.10708643

>to make sure I'm being sensitive to the things I should be sensitive to
What is this silly nonsense. You trained animal.

>> No.10708654
File: 35 KB, 500x333, 960840D0-9924-49E3-A9B3-F3D3A2CD8A75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i think i might close this thread

>> No.10708655 [DELETED] 

Yes, how kind of you to trear an entire race of people like retarded babies who will be offended by a piece of fabric looool. You aren't as "kind" as you think you are, just a narcissist really. I mean that's why you made this thread isn't it? To get asspats over what a nice sensitive uwu soul you are? Try Reddit next time, maybe you'll get a couple up votes!

>> No.10708656

Yes, how kind of you to treat an entire race of people like retarded babies who will be offended by a piece of fabric looool. You aren't as "kind" as you think you are, just a narcissist really. I mean that's why you made this thread isn't it? To get asspats over what a nice sensitive uwu soul you are? Try Reddit next time, maybe you'll get a couple upvotes!

>> No.10708658


Just cosplay. I saw a black Sailor Pluto this weekend, I wasn't thinking "Hey, why is a black woman dressed up as a character that is Japanese.". I was more impressed by their cosplay and the staff that she had.

That's the thing about cosplay, it is for the fun of it, who cares if you are not the correct race or gender.

>> No.10708660

I guarantee you that nobody except brainwashed pasty white-as-hell twitter liberals are going to get offended about you dressing like a character that you like. Every single Latino I've ever met seemed to understand that cultures are for sharing. Pearl-clutching on someone else's behalf is psychotic and is almost always done from a place that elevates the person clutching those pearls rather than whatever group they are claiming to protect. Treating other people as a generalized group of powerless children that cannot defend themselves is quite literally colonialism: the common refrain at the time was that these "uncivilized savages" need to be shown the correct way to live and need to be introduced to the colonizers' way of commerce and industry. Stop doing it, and stop listening to people who continue to do this but use modern words.

Is Maribel's outfit somehow unfaithful to the culture? No, this is just how they dress.
Are you cosplaying the character in order to be demeaning? No, you like the character.

So unscrew your head, get all the garbage out of it, put it back on the correct way (not backwards), and go cosplay Maribel.

>> No.10708665

At a con or at random in the street? I wish people would cosplay in the street, what with having few opportunities to cosplay at events and reality being dreary in general.

>> No.10708707

I'm from Spain but regularly participate in Latin American communities and never I've seen any of them be offended by people trying to participate in their culture. Quite the opposite, they are very welcoming and it makes them happy.

If you see any 'cultural appropriation' accusations it's most probably by some burger larping as a Latino.

>> No.10708709

>burger larping as a Latino
A ton of burgers are Latino. You sound like the larper kek.

>> No.10708710

>white passing indigenous Aussie
My bullshit translator interpreted that as "Let me tell you about my heritage, as someone whose great great great great great great great great grandmother was 1/64th Abo. This a testament to how native I am." t. Stolen Generation. Angloid scum will just NEVER understand.

>> No.10708741


>> No.10708829

Genuinely wish I understood what u were trying to communicate here lmao

>> No.10708933

Anon is saying that op has what we call in the States "Elizabeth Warren Syndrome".

>> No.10708975
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For those outside of the US, Elizabeth Warren was a US senator who used the claim that they were Native American to gain an advantage against their running opponent at the time. Suffice to say that plan backfired when her DNA was tested at 1/64th or less Cherokee. Essentially exposing her as a cultural LARP'er. As for cultural cosplay, I would say go for it. Personally it helped me understand other cultures better, and introduced me to new experiences I would never have done otherwise. Do your research, meet new people, and have fun!

>> No.10709004
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This is not even Elizabeth Warren thing. Australia has it in too. People nabbing jobs for "indigenous people" because their ancient ancestor was allegedly Abo. Pic related. You can basically see the 1/8 kid is mixed and sure as hell with his 1/4 mom. If someone is "white passing" it's cause they ain't got any Abo left in em

>> No.10709007

...and even more to the point, who in Australia is white knighting the cultural integrity of the noble Colombian? They probably do exist (lemme guess, Melbourne) but if they do they can kindly fuck off

>> No.10709043

So this is what South Park was joking about with Randy and the native american.

>> No.10709558
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Mexicans are white so I don't see a problem.

>> No.10709794

White passing aboriginal? You’re not even the same species of hominid lmao

>> No.10709896

Please shut up with your blood quantum shit.

OP, 4chan was a stupid place to ask.

>> No.10709900

Nobody asked you, as I will not. If you "look white" it's either cause you're not an Abo or you're fooling yourself about your appearance.

>> No.10709907

I mean I really doubt anyone will tell you anything but if they do you can remind them
>you took effort to understand the culture
>you asked latinos about it and they said you should do it
>you worked with hispanic artists on the costume
>you're less white than the director of the movie
>who the fuck are they to police how you want to have fun?

>blood quantum
That sounds like a bomb-ass sci-fi novel

>> No.10710010

>Please shut up with your blood quantum shit.
AKA please stop calling people out for larping a smidge of their heritage that doesn't matter

>> No.10710013

Idk if it's the same for First Nations in Canada or Aborigines in Australia, but American Indians tend to not care so much about how much blood you have, but more if you follow our way of life or have a social and cultural connection. There are some pretty light skinned people even on reservations sometimes and we don't really discriminate based on your looks or genes but simply know who is and isn't active in our traditions and culture. At least where I'm from. I'm mixed with black and not obviously native looking to many people and I never have my heritage questioned because I have been involved in things since I was a child through my grandmother. Idk if it's different elsewhere.

>> No.10710029

I'm distinguishing Aborigines from Natives of the Americas because their genes are so incredibly dominant. From what I gather, they might be the most in the entire world, so I really REALLY doubt the sincerity of the premise, "white-passing indigenous Aussie". Abos are also quite rare outside their isolated areas, so I the likelihood of this person lying / being misguided about their appearance is low. More to the point, the vast majority of cosplayers are "race bending" anyway, no matter who or where they are. That this question even exists at all further proves certain groups (Asian, white) give zero fucks about it, while others supposedly need to be mollycoddled (Hispanic, black).

>> No.10710038

Lmao what tribe? To even enroll to get benefits is to have some form of BQ set by said tribe. Culture matters but so does blood, if you aren't that native then you're not native at all.
If you're connected via your grandmother you're like 1/4th at best and that tends to be a cut off for a good portion of natives, most being at least half.

>> No.10710080
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>giving a shit about what minorities think at all.
>giving a shit about what liberals think.

>> No.10710116

Piensa lo que quieras, solo digo lo que veo. Tampoco voy a mandarte una foto posando delante de una bandera; para empezar, porque no tengo ninguna. Pero nunca he conocido un sudamericano (ni español) al que le pareciese mal que otros quisiesen compartir su cultura. Especialmente cuando es algo más original que un puto sombrero mejicano.

>> No.10710122
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>> No.10710203

who gives a shit, you're in australia the chance of you even meeting a hispanic person at a con is minimal, much less them caring about it.

>> No.10710207

>the chance of you even meeting a hispanic person at a con is minimal, much less them caring about it.
They're not the ones who will be up in arms.

>> No.10710208

Wear the cosplay. Also darken your skin for accuracy. Otherwise your cosplay is trash.

>> No.10710231

I don't think most Latinos in North America would be offended either cause simply wearing clothes that have no serious cultural significance isn't rude or anything. But the implication that Americans can't be Latinos was silly because there are tons here.

>> No.10710249

They're more likely to fume over the implication of NOT being "American" than a costume. /int/ is full of seething Chilindios and Macacos who say "United Statesian, America the country has no name, all one continent we are all American."

>> No.10710272

Don’t be a faggot and just do it. No one at a con or otherwise IRL will even dream of saying anything to you and even if they do tell them to fuck off. This isn’t reddit, do what you want and stop caring what irrelevant random people on the internet will say or think. Christ almighty.

>> No.10710608

bro people who have like 1/8 indigenous genetics in them take advantage of systems that are there to help indigenous people who are living in poverty

>> No.10710610

I'm sure many of them out there genuinely think that 1/8 makes them extremely oppressed and part of the struggle. Hence my original post that derailed this thread beyond repair.

>> No.10710618

Light skin doesn't mean 1/8 though. You could be full or half and have paler skin than someone who is only 1/8 and mixed with black or something. Many look like lighter skinned mestizos if they don't go outside or get sun as much depending on their heritage.

OP claims to be white passing and I assume they just mean paler skin rather than "white features" which are of a wide range in and of themselves anyway. And the modern interpretation of what is white passing is also different because many white people tan naturally and artificially as well. People like the Kardashians and hyper-spray tanned insta thots have really skewed the Overton window on that one.

>> No.10710619

if you’re really that worried op just get a 23&me done. you’re already going to be carrying your covid vax card so just stuff the 23&me result on the other side. just flash your card when someone tries and claim cultural appropriation. if you’re scared about 23&me selling your personal info I got you. I know a guy that makes really good fakes of 23&me result cards.

got a little bit sidetracked there. was curious how they did the test and I guess you spit into a tube and mail it to them. kinda wanna get one done but I dunno I dont want to pay $100 just to be told I’m 100% soup

>> No.10711186

as an hispanic person i can tell you that's a generic hispanic dress and no one should be offended

>> No.10711197

They send your dna to medical scammers, soup. They will spam your phone.

>> No.10711213

but anon don’t you wanna know? ugh I hate getting spam calls tho I stopped answering unknown calls awhile ago

>> No.10711248


Just cosplay what you want, who cares what other people think.

>> No.10711916

Anyone can cosplay whoever they want. Don't racist Twitter dwellers tell you otherwise.

>> No.10712173

Even If you were white you can cosplay her,Just don't do brownface

>> No.10712243
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As a Mexican you get the pass, just cosplay and have fun

>> No.10712801
File: 138 KB, 1080x1079, 264260907_457792969108973_2698200349192982068_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should be fine, especially if you commission a latino artist so people can't try to argue about that either.

>> No.10712811

I don't think OP needs permission to wear a cosplay of a fictional character regardless but the Madrigal family are not even Mexican; it's heavily implied if not downright stated they are in Colombia. I presume none of you have seen the movie. OP should totally cosplay the character she wants. It's honestly nice to have such a broad range of characters in the whole family with unique looks and even age ranges and body shapes. It would make for a cool group or family cosplay or costume.

>> No.10713243

If you're white passing, stop pretending your aboriginal. We all know you do it so you can delicious gibs.

>> No.10713404

Amerilarps will fucking kill you and doxx you. Actual latinos aren't going to give a fuck

>> No.10713421

You say that as if tons of Americans aren't literally Latinos.

>> No.10713422

chicanos are not latinos

>> No.10713523
File: 78 KB, 585x517, eb35957eefa82a0828f3a6176bacd0d0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't Latin American dress ultimately derivative of Spanish and particularly Andalucian traditional dress?

>> No.10713538

Not necessarily, because of the mixture of both Spanish influence and the various distinct indigenous cultures across Latin America. It heavily depends.

>> No.10713638

Love to see 4chan mega-triggered by a simple question tho

>> No.10713646

Love to see retarded white people get triggered over a piece of fabric on behalf of the minority groups they patronize

>> No.10713691

Nta but no one in this thread has really gotten triggered or offended by minorities. Pretty much everyone white or not, and possibly white pretending to be Mexican for credibility even though the movie is not in Mexico, has said she should just cosplay. The only triggered people are those whining about the concept of white passing indigenous as if native people can't ever have lighter skin/avoid tanning.

>> No.10713706

do you not understand the qualifier "ultimately"?

>> No.10713719

There are too many white people online who will call for you to be hanged in the streets if you don't do this pandering shit.

>> No.10713724

What the fuck has this board come to. How does this crowd end up here?
It's a character.

>> No.10713726

Anon if you really think the posts in this one thread on 4chan reflect the current popular opinion in cosplay communities you might actually be retatded. If it was, OP would have never posed this question in the first place.

>> No.10713735

I do but even at the most basic level, traditional clothing in Latin America is pulled from indigenous culture. It is ultimately a mix, not one or the other, or more indigenous since what is traditional for people who still speak their original language and other traditions is more indigenous leaning than Spanish leaning, while for other groups that are more mixed culturally there is more from both sides in their traditions. Sorry you want traditional clothing in the Americas to be somehow only European as if no one wore clothes before them.

>> No.10713738

Your first problem is making or joining online 'communities' cosplay for fun not clout and validation. In real actual life no one cares. The internet is not the real world. Only a bastardized version of different parts of it all siloed off.

>> No.10714189

>as if native people can't ever have lighter skin/avoid tanning.
You really have never seen an Australian Aboriginal have you? I'm not offended at all that this person wants to cosplay. Go in fucking blackface for all I care, cause I'll just think it's really funny. The issue is that Abo genes are so incredibly dominant, there's just no way on Good's green Earth you can "white pass" as one. The root of the problem is she's larping for points at the Oppression Olympics. Not to mention everyone in here keeps conflating Natives and Abos like they're the same, when they're not at all. And as a lesser one, people keeping saying Colombian = Mexican.

>> No.10714235

Aboriginal people are Native Australians. I wasn't conflating them with Native Americans directly, but you can have aboriginal ancestry and have lighter skin even if your other features aren't explicitly white-passing. Like the photo posted upthread with the boy and his mother showing possible phenotypical presentations of mixed race/part aboriginal people. These days people just call being somewhat pale for your race white-passing as the range of what could look white has been broadened by tanning and makeup trends. And I agree people confusing Colombian and Mexican is also fucking annoying.

>> No.10714351

disney always takes liberties with the detail in design but this is a pretty basic latin american dress. the white top is a coarse fiber cloth and it's mostly embroidery using a coarse thick thread. looks like they chose silk for the bottom which is more rare but eh looks nice. the poms is the only think i can identify as more south american/ colombian. i dont know much about shoes. have fun

>> No.10714566

The fun of cosplay is portraying a character you find neat.
There is nothing weird with a black dude trying to be superman or an asian girl dressing up as black widow.
Just have fun. Don't worry about the race, just focus on the outfit.

>> No.10714567

How white-passing are we talking here?
Show us what we're working with

>> No.10715151

Mexican from mexico here
Do it. Thanks for asking about cultural significance; there isn't anything sacred, and no serous Mexican would ever give a goddamn, but its rare to have someone who
1) realizes shits fine, and
2) still make sure it's fine, even if they realize it's fine.
Most people who realize the whole "don't wear X because it's offensive" thing is horseshit take on the entire opposite persona, and are a total dick about shit.
Obviously real* mexican's don't GAF, but usually the "mexicans don't GAF" crowd are also very racist assholes. You're not, good on your.
My mom fills the house with dia de muertos shit and I wish I could comission shit for you through her, but alas I can't.
Just fucking do you, and the ONLY people who's opinion counts if they lambast you are mexicans.
If people get shitty with you, tally their race. Non-mexicans can't say shit about mexicans. I've had 1 REAL shitty racist interaction in my life, and about a dozen liberals-telling-me-whats-good-for-me-because-im-a-poor-mexican-and-too-stupid-to-think-for-myself interactions. I'm still liberal, but fuck those asshole white people who think they can be offended FOR me, that's just a roundabout way of being racists (oh you poor mexican, let me CHAMPION you since white people have to save you from the other white people)

>> No.10715163

>Mexican from mexico here
I think it's fine to cosplay whatever but it's so obvious people haven't seen the movie when they keep claiming their word as a Mexican about a Columbian movie matters. In reality idpol "I'm X nationality so it's okay" is dumb in general but worse when you're not even the group who they would need permission from if we were to subscribe to the silly notion she needs permission anyway.

>> No.10717110

If fat fucks can cosplay as Fit characters and Black guys as Saiyans, you can do whatever you want my dude.

>> No.10717252

Hey! Thanks for taking the time to ask, it's really refreshing to see people treat culture with sensitivity and care. I can't speak for this because my Ancestry results show I am 75% white so it's not my place to talk over PoC, but you should try asking over on /pol/. They are very friendly there and would love to help you out. Make sure to include a photo of your hand so they can tell if you're too white for this cosplay. Good luck!

>> No.10717298

Is not difficult femanon, we have Whites, tanned Whites, Light browns, Browns, Asians, Hindus...

Just put the clothes and unless you are 1.80m+(6ft) Blonde with blue eyes, you can pretty well be one of us...
The Brown Latino trope is just BULLSHIT, my mom is "wheat skin" aka trigueña(that's probably your skin too), we have lot's of Whites too, just dress on and fuck all those who tell you BS about appropriation and other nonsense, Mexico especially has a LOT of White females that dress the folkloric way aka indita.

Also, you don't need to "pay an artist" to look Mexican, just go to any Mexican barrio and you'll find LOTS of folkloric dresses, you'll look fine... And be ready because you'll be called a "güera" aka White latina.

>> No.10717300

Also, femanon, leave twatter, you don't need it.
And when you get the dress, post a photo set here.

>> No.10717305

Encanto is not Mexican or about Mexico. It is about a family and community in Colombia. Idgaf what anyone cosplays though.

>> No.10717335

I hate living in America

>> No.10717336

latina here, born and raised in latam, never put a single foot in america so I don't give a shit about what gringos think, it's all cool anon. Go and cosplay, all this racial bullshit thing is some mentally defective bs that gringos invented so they don't actually have to fix the moral degeneration that has rotted their country. racism is not solved by gatekeeping other people's cultures.
nobody in latin america gives a flying fuck about an aussie wearing a costume, we have enough fucking shit to deal with what with the CIA funding regime changes in our backyards and systemic corruption

>> No.10718255

Pepa was very pale in the movie.

>> No.10718260

Yeah some Latinos are very white. Some are redheads. Some have blue eyes. Some are black. The whole town and family in the movie was quite diverse.

>> No.10719112

omg it's the people from encanto

>> No.10719148

3D Disney was such a fucking mistake.

>> No.10719329

It’s a pretty mixed bag. Tangled, the first Wreck it Ralph, Moana, Zootopia if you can get past the furshit - good stuff. The rest of their output - not so much.
I heard Encanto was alright, but I can’t speak on it personally

>> No.10719344

how do mention awful shit like zootopia but not frozen lol. frozen was obviously the best and most successful of the bunch

>> No.10719353

Frozen was only successful because of Idina Menzel and Let It Go, not because the plot was that great or original. And fuck Frozen for ruining and delaying Kingdom Hearts III becauss of their randomly changing the plot to make Elsa a main character instead of a villain just cause Idina can sing well. Other Disney characters had sisterly love and not prioritizing romance (Lilo and Stitch has always been my favorite Disney property and I will die on the hill that it was better than Frozen).

Moana and Encanto were also kind of pushed to be more popular because of music by Lin Manuel Miranda more than the actual stories too though of course, but I really liked how Encanto was a sort of introspective adventure deeper into the Madrigal house and family dynamics. Rather than a quest across a physical distance they're closing emotional distance between their family members in a cool way.

>> No.10719386

Most successful- yes
Best - lmao not by a long shot
C tier movie with A tier marketing to children

>> No.10719394

I would love to see the result

>> No.10719585

As a gringo, I'd say you are spot on.

>> No.10719657

>Idina Menzel and Let It Go,
That’s funny, I hated her voice

>> No.10722235

imagine being so angry on a chinese costume website

>> No.10722309

Am I crazy or does most of the con/cosplay scene appear to be infested with far left SJWs? I don't care much for politics and I hate the far right fundies as much as the far left SJWs but God damn every online circle around cons/cosplay I've been in seems to be infested with SJWs

>> No.10722489
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Ñ here. Just do it
we really don't care about any of that "culture appropriation" bullshit, it's great when people from other countries show interest about our culture, the only people who complains are chicanos and gringos with 1% latino blood in them and think they can speak for us
i can garantee most people here would support your cosplay, hell a week ago it became tendency in the hispanic side of twitter the hashtag "ShutUpGringo" because some teens muricans girls were harassing an artist for drawing encanto characters with slightly lighter skin tone and saying white latinos doesn't exist and Pepa was whitewashed
and basically everyone here came together to support that artist and make memes about how most of what these anti-racist people say are actually really fucking racist lol
but yeah, anyway, do the cosplay and don't leave any detaills ln the dress, if you liked the character, the style and the culture it's great and you should be comfortable with it

>> No.10722543

nobodys gonna call you out lol. commissioning or buying from a colombian source is a good idea if u want specific clothing imo

>> No.10722544

why does this thread have so many replies dear lord

>> No.10722671

Spic here, I hope whoever taught you that mindset gets the rope.
As long as you are not actively trying to make the cosplay look offensive (saying that "U dumb" while on character or stuff like that) then it is fair game.
>"That's cultural appropiation"

>> No.10722685

No Latino calls themselves slurs. Way to out yourself as larping. That's like a black person going "nigger here" or a white one saying "cracker here" you imbecile.

>> No.10722724
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>> No.10722790

Post a pic of yourself

>> No.10722807

No true scotsman

>> No.10722865

Black people do call themselves that though. They changed the spelling of the word and pretend its a different word.

>> No.10726120 [DELETED] 

Just rub dog diarreha on your face and you will look similar (credit I am pro coser)

>> No.10726240

Frozen is a mediocre at best, and really disrespectful of Andersen's story which is far better.
Tangled, Zootopia and Coco were as ugly looking as frozen but had very solid soulful scenarii to compensate the lack of artistic style and the mediocre songs.

>> No.10726526

literally only preschoolers and furries think zootopia was quality movie

>> No.10728193

Frijolera here. Anyone can call themselves whatever they want, anon.

>> No.10729293
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You sound like the most sensitive, entitled, obnoxious motherfucker. Get over yourself and your "PC feelings" attitude and grow up.

>> No.10729297

kek you think they're all the same anon? did you just get here from reddit?