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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 1.55 MB, 1069x1345, Screenshot_2021-11-10-11-05-20(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10705588 No.10705588 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10705589
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>> No.10705590
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>> No.10705592
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>> No.10705593
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>> No.10705594
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>> No.10705600

is it just bc of the fishnets

>> No.10705601

I think they look fine

>> No.10705602

what is with all the bags though

>> No.10705604

i don't understand the problem with this other than the coat and the shoes

>> No.10705605

that's all it takes to get on the ita thread apparently

>> No.10705630

it's way too short and doesn't fit.

>> No.10705632

>tfw you’re the only one at the meet who doesn’t have to go to the bathroom so everyone asks you to hold their bags

>> No.10705634

the reasons for posting have become the most innocuous shit and its probably why ita threads are barren now.

half of the coords ITT either are completely fine or just need a change of shoes. posting just to post is so dumb.

>> No.10705636

it's been like this for 2 decades, it's part of beauty being subjective.

>> No.10705637
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"not looking for concrit"

>> No.10705639
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>> No.10705653

At least she's not taking her pictures from the ground anymore. I'm here for her very slow improvements.
Duchess, please go get a better petti.

>> No.10705667

The fit issue is the biggest thing. I kinda like the coat but it doesn’t match the print at all and none of it fits

>> No.10705699

This makes my skin fucking crawl

>> No.10705701

What is with the party garland thing?
Was AP's garland actually mean't to be worn? Just seems better on the wall where it belongs

>> No.10705703

Is this supposed to be their interpretation of OTT old school?

>> No.10705704

what's wrong with this?

>> No.10705725

Why do western lolitas put on such weird faces in photos? Left is visibly uncomfortable, middle has a forced smirk, right looks like she just wants to get it over with. They’re only marginally better than the duck face and sweet lolitas with deadpan stares. Eastern lolitas and their bug eye filters are pretty annoying too, but at least they don’t look miserable.

>> No.10705737

or maybe they're not photogenic anon. or just camera shy. i look like a retard in pictures due to both these things so i usually slap a sticker and call it quit

>> No.10705757

They all look uncomfortable and the troon is death gripping the middle ita's shoulder.

>> No.10705767

it's a masculine looking woman i heard her in a live before

>> No.10705768

yall will do everything except comment on the actual coords god ita threads are so ass now

>> No.10705769

That squirrel sweater is cute

>> No.10705770

Seriously just go on lolcow if you wanna screech about tranners so bad. You sound obsessed bringing them every thread it's gross.
>inb4 i'm somehow one for saying that

>> No.10705772

bruh what im just saying i want to ita threads to be about making fun of cringe coords but their coords arent half as bad as actual ita coords, pls get off 4chan if you got anything trans-related from that

>> No.10705777

I think anon you replied to is agreeing w you

>> No.10705783

ayrt i was agreeing with you i just formulated it in a retarded way bc i'm tired

>> No.10705785

ohh my bad nonnie

>> No.10705793

it's ok i still love you anon

>> No.10705795

Plenty of us hate trans

>> No.10705816
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>> No.10705824

These honestly have some potential

>> No.10705832

hold on, is middle really that ita? to me she looks fine, just needs headwear to balance everything out and maybe a better petti that might be smooshed by the other two

genuine serious question

>> No.10705838

Nta but she really is trans. She’s also psychotic so watch out

>> No.10705840

Yes. It's shit tier cheap "Lolita"

Your 25$ clolita dress is noticably cheap to us

>> No.10705841

i wouldn't call it ita, it just looks sort of cheap

>> No.10705846

It doesn't look awful or ita, just plain. This isn't the cheap clolita thread so take your vendetta somewhere else.

>> No.10705940

Genuine question how are they psychotic anon? I am scared bc i follow them

>> No.10705943

She has a habit of obsessing over people she likes. Spams them with love and weird comments. If you don’t like her back the same way she freaks out. I know she’s on /cgl, and am positive she uses Lolcow

>> No.10705947

not the best coord, but cute in a tacky casual way

>> No.10705951

Relax anon, there's plenty of clolita hate here than just me.

Also if you really want to go into it "ita" was originally coined in the west for people wearing CHEAP knock offs from China.

It still stands true for the bottom of the barrel dresses. They LOOK cheap. I don't care if it's "better" because there's so many of you uggos wearing 15$ poorly designed dresses. You're also essentially wearing fast fashion. We're not the same.

>> No.10705952

>"ita" was originally coined in the west for people wearing CHEAP knock offs from China.
kill yourself. also that's not what fast fashion means.

>> No.10705953

you'll die on this hill, clolita ita

>> No.10705955

lmao i hate clolita but i hate zoomers more.

>> No.10705956


if you don't remember lj shit posting on itas wearing clolita, then that's not my problem newfag

>> No.10705957

>Coined in the west

Obvious troll

>> No.10706026

Can confirm this is true. She love bombs people and then backstabs them.

>> No.10706040

You and the voices
>Stop trying to make "clolita" happen. It's never going to happen.
Take your Taobao hate boner and start your own "clolita" thread. It still isn't ita.

>> No.10706041

Guess i'm in danger now i wonder if she has been the one posting me in negative threads lately?

>> No.10706044

taobao may not be inherently ita but it’s much easier to look ita in than a good quality brand coord with quality fabric and lace

>> No.10706068

Probably. I think it’s purely out of vendetta for people she thinks look girlish. Also has a habit of targeting lesbians/wlw

>> No.10706070

yet another proof trannies really are unhinged, he won't ever be a woman and hates women for it. man moment

>> No.10706081

Can we post caps on lolita lolcow on this person? They seems rather obsessive and dangerous to be around. What comm are they in

>> No.10706134

>trying to explain where ita came from
>completely wrong
lmao get the fuck off this board

>> No.10706135

Don’t get me wrong anon, most of the trans people I know are nothing like her. She’s the only really unhinged one Ive met and it’s certainly because she thinks she will never be a real girl

>> No.10706143


Bro if someone has a dick then no they will never be a real girl because they are too busy getting off to you. Why would they destroy the thing that defines them.

>> No.10706156
File: 956 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20211210-162306_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this Marilyn Manson bitch really think she has a right to shit on anyone else?

>> No.10706158
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Her makeup is seriously distressing to me.

>> No.10706161

Everyone has a right to shit on people who buy dresses from Amazon. Her unfortunate genetics doesn't exempt her.

>> No.10706166

exactly, maybe anon thought it's because of her awful makeup too

>> No.10706175

atleast pretty amazon itas can be taught. bitch is too ugly for her opinion to be worth anything. just because girls this ugly can buy lolita doesn't mean they should.

>> No.10706177

So which personality disorder do you have

>> No.10706183

none from being born ugly, that's for sure.

>> No.10706184
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>> No.10706185

poor esl-chan can't write punctuation boohoo!
>inb4 you insult my typing style

>> No.10706186

Why did you choose to single out this comment? They were all insulting you. Just stung the most?

>> No.10706187

Poor ESL-chan can't write capitalization or punctuation, boohoo!

>> No.10706189


>> No.10706190

if you think i'm op here to whiteknight themselves then lmao, i literally just replied to your comment because it was the last one. chill

>> No.10706191

I'm not the same anon, why did you change your typing style? You seem unhinged.

>> No.10706192

she probably has the tism, usually people who respond earnestly to every post have autism, not her fault she has a mental disability, don't be mean!

>> No.10706194

it’s okay to be mean to trannies

>> No.10706195

i'm also literally nta i just thought it was funny that anons will talk so much shit about ugly people but it's not like they can prove that they're not also uggos

>> No.10706200

i'm that anon and some people are really just that ugly. also, bitch needs to throw away all those handmade accessories now.

>> No.10706210

Her appearance is OK, but her constantly dirty hair is what makes me sick

>> No.10706211

Did an ugly lolita buy your dd? Ugly =/= ita and this girl isn't even ugly

>> No.10706215

being ita is one thing but being ugly is another, itas can improve but not everyone is blessed with good looks. do you expect all of them to get plastic surgery or something?

>> No.10706220

if you're ugly and you're calling attention to your appearance by participating in a fashion, especially a cute one, you need to expect to be called out for being ugly. not only is it an easy criticism to begin with, it's more obvious in cute clothes. people should do what they want but accept that not everyone will like it or them or even be quiet about it. i see a lot of plain girls called ugly but they usually are just plain. it's not every day someone is so ugly.

>> No.10706221

Who pissed in your coffee, nonnie?

>> No.10706222

Many of old school lolitas were uggos. Lolita is for ugly girls, not for beuties

>> No.10706223

Kek this whole essay just because you've got some vendetta against this chick. She's really living rent free in your head

>> No.10706224

This. Who cares what normies find beautiful. It sure as fuck isn't Mana

>> No.10706241

nta but, you're kidding right? lol people get judged for their appearance / attractiveness despite the clothes they wear, ALL THE TIME.

pretty certain that is just a NORMAL thing in society.

>> No.10706242

but wasn't following the thread, either. This isn't a get out of jail free card for an amazon ita and I sure fucking hope no one was calling >>10706158 pretty. Because, holy shit. No. Amazon ita + ugly and it's obvious she lurks on this board because of her cunt ass friend and her going into Target to act like fags.

>> No.10706246

All of her coords are more of less from aliexpress and she even did a youtube unboxing of a pair of aliexpress lolita socks complaining about the price or something, typical cosplayer behavior
no, she doesn't have the grounds to shit on someone who buys lolita on amazon and you salty larpers don't need to bring her looks into this to prove that point

>> No.10706248

I think there's more to it than bringing her looks into this. She's got a shit personality. That's why she's getting dragged across the mud.

>> No.10706268
File: 52 KB, 281x400, D75D96F3-55F5-4465-B9F7-C2F1B0F060B1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much this. In old snaps, most of the girls are have pretty damn unattractive faces desu. It was considered an “ugly girl” fashion for a long time.
>pic related, beautiful coords, butterfaces

>> No.10706306

she might be ugly but she's right. sounds like you're mad, LARPer. Anyone buying "lolita" from Bezos deserve to be pointed and laughed at

>> No.10706316

You can actually buy dresses on Amazon now. Souffle Song has a store front. And all the Chinese sellers are starting to sell on Amazon.

>> No.10706320

>Lolita is for ugly girls, not for beuties
Speak for yourself uggo
No but really, I think in recent years there have been more cute lolitas

>> No.10706321

I like the juxtaposition and the idea that these girls probably felt beautiful wearing the clothes

>> No.10706328

>Souffle Song has a store front.
FUCKING LMAO. They are not a good example of a good lolita brand, bestie. They're pretty bottom of the barrel.

>> No.10706331

So is pretty much every other Chinese lolita brand, so what's your point? Either way, if there's something I like that I find on there, I'd happily pay more for convince. Plus, it's free returns on most of the dresses so you can always return it anyways if you don't like it.

>> No.10706337

Wow it’s like gender dysphoria is a mental illness and should be treated like one

>> No.10706341

Left has a cute piggy face. More positive than negative there

>> No.10706348

This i why i like lolita desu.

>> No.10706350

They are both cute though?

>> No.10706353
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I genuinely am so sick of men.

>> No.10706360

Ugh, he can't even be bothered to comb his ratty disgusting hair, can he? Nope, they always just slap on bright blue eyeshadow and call it a day.

>> No.10706372

It looks like he tied a bow in it or something lmao

>> No.10706392

I genuinely thought this was photoshopped. LOL THIS IS SO BAD.

>> No.10706393
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>> No.10706406

I like her face as well. But I also think unconventional appearances are pretty.
I more so meant that they aren’t exactly pretty in a conventional media-consumable sense by either western or eastern standards, which isn’t a bad thing because (not to sound like a raging feminist or whatever) most of those standards are pretty bullshit and actually just the results of literal selective breeding or plastic surgery.

>> No.10706437

He looks so happy

>> No.10706440

How does this even happen

>> No.10706446

wish i knew so we could prevent it

>> No.10706447

ye olde trannie

>> No.10706455

sugar daddies talk. tell other old creeps that some young lolitas will suck their dick for brand, along with praise them for being so brave and wearing lolita.

realistically, why wouldn't the old creeps flood into our fashion when we don't gate keep from creepy dudes trying to sex predator our younger gen anymore

>> No.10706459

Do you have personal experience with this or something? What a strangely specific story.

>> No.10706461

anon, it's 4chan. but regardless, if you don't think old creeps watching our community don't see how we shower them..then...wow

>> No.10706466

The fact that you think sugar daddies are a community to begin with is insane, let alone watching the lolita community. These people aren't related to eachother, similar people just all gravitate to the same things. Sissies aren't even targeting us, they're just drawn to lolita because it's the high aesthetic version of their shit dolly dresses. They all come to these communities on their own. Do you really believe that sugar daddies would target an expensive fashion when swarms of DDLG ageplayers who are willing to put on any amazon dress exist? You're deluded.

>> No.10706468

the fact you just got triggered means you should probably call 4chan quits and keep to twitter.

And btw, you don't know shit. It's pretty clear you're new to the fashion.

>> No.10706469

anon where do you think you are no one is going to shower you with respect in the lolita community, defending sissies

>> No.10706472

she didn't say anything positive about sissies, just that anon needs to stop the tinfoil

>> No.10706480

Theyre kind of right though. Scrotes are cheap, especially the rich ones. Why would they target a fashion that costs 300+ bucks for a new dress when they could have some dumb e-thot in an ugly amazon replica that costed them 30 dollars? Your logic is really skewed..

>> No.10706483

You're right about one thing. There is no sugar daddy "community" unless it's just poorfag creeps LARPing as if they have money. Actually sugar daddies do not unless they have like 1 personal IRL friend or something.

But you're wrong about this fashion being considered "expensive". Like 99% of the biggest brands that normies consider "fashion" (I.e. Chanel, D&G, Fendi, etc) are WAYYYY more expensive than this niche novelty shit. Lolita is only more expensive than punk or e-girl garbage, which is an extremely low bar to begin with unless you're a teenager. An actually rich guy wouldn't bat an eye if they're expecting Chanel prices from a fashion brand. Lolita brand is honestly pretty decently priced which is why most of us who are working professionals have no issue affording it.

>> No.10706485

I meant comparatively expensive.

>> No.10706486

Nah. They aren't. You dumb twitter shits can't recognize a shit post without trying to be like "ACTKUALLY"

Seriously. No one is impressed.

>> No.10706508

I don’t have a Twitter. You might unironically be autistic if you’re this bothered that they’re right.

>> No.10706518

Lurk moar. This is 4chan, newfag

>> No.10706529

what does clolita mean? clown lolita?

>> No.10706531

Taobao lolita.

>> No.10706533
File: 430 KB, 422x743, so no shoes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much this, I get that lolita tiktok is the same 5 unfunny jokes over and over but it makes me roll my eyes even harder when someone who only buys taobao pretends to be in 'a bloodbath' or 'a bidding war'.

>> No.10706548

Chinese lolita. Clolita is a bit of a mistranslation of the fashion and deserves to be seperated from lolita fashion. They do their own styles, that don't adhere to lolita fashion.. I also wouldn't be caught dead in some of what they find acceptable in China for lolita.

>> No.10706552

Pretty much. Might as well be lmao

>> No.10706571

oh it's this anon again. easily recognized not only by their intense hate for anything chinese but also the way they randomly CAPITALIZE words like this

>> No.10706582

There are plenty of anons that don't like clolita, friend. It's been around since the conception of cheap knock offs of lolita or your classic "ita" wear. As seen by milanoo. If you are really going to think everyone is going to recognize them in an elitist fashion community that was coined by brands, then you're going to be pretty sorry.

>> No.10706584

>intense hate for anything chinese
Yeah I'm thinking based

>> No.10706588
File: 2.04 MB, 2560x1920, Thefugliest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the actual fuck am I looking at.

>> No.10706608

maybe but you're the only one who does the random capitalization every time lol

>> No.10706610

nta but you sound mad that your wardrobe is made up of taobao trash kek

>> No.10706675

anon I think you're delusional. you're on a board full of newfag women thinking they all type like robots.

>> No.10706678

Ikea kei

>> No.10706696
File: 365 KB, 1536x2048, 266131811_4119692578130589_4318882347538057495_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lolita level: advanced

>> No.10706721

What the fuck

>> No.10706731

Sometimes I worry that the clothes I make aren't very good, then I look at FB lolita sewing groups and think "actually, I'm okay"

>> No.10706733

same lmao

>> No.10706734
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>> No.10706743

how anyone can look at this hideous color combo and think "nice" is beyond me

>> No.10706770

I’ve literally been here for years. You’re unironically retarded.

>> No.10706869
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>> No.10706880

I'm guessing she was going for royal blue & gold, which can be a great color combo and is used regularly in lolita too. But then she doesn't have taste or eyes and got the wrong shades getting a pale dark blue with white print & mustard yellow instead.

>> No.10706886

I really wish I could see the username

>> No.10706887

are you colorblind or something, bitch?

>> No.10706890

This is actually really cute though.

>> No.10706893

Do tiktok users ever touch grass or interact with human beings that aren't their parents or middle school classmates ever?

>> No.10706912


>> No.10706918

oh i so want to see this human alive and observe it like the fucking zoo animal it is.

>> No.10706940
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>> No.10706951

It want meant to be lolita in the first place

>> No.10706954


>> No.10706958

Is this Eilish?

>> No.10706959

it is

>> No.10706980

lolita or not, this is hideous

>> No.10707000

Not gonna lie - I dig the energy in this one. Cursed.

>> No.10707036

What kind of dumb retard looks at a celebrity on a famous show and somehow thinks they’re wearing discount lolita. This is obviously just some avant-garde normie fashion bullshit

>> No.10707113

Nta but are you?

>> No.10707123

sorry your ugly ass dress got posted

>> No.10707125

This works better for Mori than anything

>> No.10707185

not gonna lie this is giving fruits magazine and im obsessed

>> No.10707188

>"it's there's ever confusion over what birds are wearing on their bodies, it's keratin based fluff. feathers belong to the indigenous communities <3"

>> No.10707192

I want him to do a santa themed coord with a big Santa hat

>> No.10707201

ugly outfit or not,, you are in the ita thread nonnie. keep it lolita

>> No.10707204
File: 22 KB, 270x360, oof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek. I guess she doesn't realize that Scottish clan leaders currently and historically wear eagle feather headdresses too.....

>> No.10707207

This isn’t lolita you tards lol

>> No.10707212 [DELETED] 

people in America are downright ignorant about the world's cultures. it makes it way too apparent these kids aren't getting taught world history but black marginalized community history. small minded world view, because education systems in America are awful

>> No.10707216

nah, ur dumb. It's not just an american thing, and it's not as if they're getting taught anything about black history either. People just regurgitate what they hear other people on twitter/tumblr/tiktok saying without even thinking about whether or not that makes any sense at all.

>> No.10707230

I mean hijaabs, habits, those doilies that amish/mennonite women wear. Even just in a religious context there are tons of headdresses that aren't indigenous in origin.

>> No.10707263

pls. americans are the most ignorant. and yes a lot of schools do teach black history, you moron. sorry you don't quite understand the state of your country with the poor education system.

>> No.10707264

Americans are literally a melting pot of cultures from around the world. We are far less ignorant than insulated homogenous cultures like the Glorious Nipponese who don't even think other countries have 4 seasons.

>> No.10707268

Schools teach maybe the Civil Rights Movement in social studies but it's a conservative grifter lie that "critical race theory" or anything paying at all serious attention to marginalized groups is common place in American schools.

>> No.10707274

>every culture gets a whole month of education, sometimes 2(Jan/Feb is devoted to Black history, Sept and May is Hispanic history, etc).
>nothing of significance is taught about marginalized groups
I hope this is bait, and I hope you're not seriously dumb enough to buy into CRT being true or significant by any stretch of the imagination.

>> No.10707280

You're purely retarded to think that black areas don't majority teach black history and basically leave out the majority of US and world history.

Because I have news for you. The way our system is going, soon you won't be taught anything else and if that is the closed minded view of the world that you want everyone to have then welcome to trying to fight your way out of a paper bag with little to no education on history.

>> No.10707284
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>> No.10707285
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>> No.10707288

NTA, but I graduated from a very large high school (nearly 3,000 students) in 2019. I've only ever been enrolled in public schools. Around 45% of the student body at my high school were nonwhite students. The panic about "critical race theory" and ~le liberal brainwashing of the children~ is a fantasy. There is no significant portion of US public school curriculum dedicated to discussing and/or teaching about marginalized groups (especially race issues) aside from a very watered-down, partially-correct explanation of chattel slavery and the 1960s civil rights movement. There hasn't been for as long as I was in school, from 2005 to 2019.

Stop allowing yourself to get duped by mainstream media outlets, especially when you clearly aren't American. It's embarrassing to be an adult and actually think this way.

>> No.10707291

It depends on the school but the ones I attended in Florida, Georgia, Nevada, Texas, Arizona, Louisiana, and elsewhere in the south and southwest (military family) we just had like MLK and they sort of mentioned natives or other countries or minority groups like Chicanos where it was relevant when America had wars or treaties or conflict with them but not often or in depth.

I literally had a US history teacher who taught us jack shit and called Obama "Hussein Obama" all the time and whined about immigration. I'm in my early 20s so not that far from older zoomers who are in school now.

>You're purely retarded to think that black areas don't majority teach black history and basically leave out the majority of US and world history.

This is the biggest lie I've ever head. I've lived in rual areas and cities and suburbs and even in the cities or rural areas with lots of black people, myself included, any black history we learned about was mostly through our families or black media. Beyond the basics of American history like slavery, the US revolution, civil war, reconstructionin later grades but not in depth, civil rights movement, etc. We kinda just got the "Oh look it's February kids here have George Washington Carver and MLK and Rosa Parks yay equality racism is over America is perfect". Latin or other heritage months got more coverage on literal Disney Channel than in any of my history or social studies classrooms (in high school and middle we do take world history and it kinda only deeply covered Egypt, western Europe and China). I didn't get more in depth views on stuff until a college government class that was specifically focused on democracy and interested in when all the various groups got their franchise/right to vote in US and Latin America and Canada. And that was still super broad. I imagine unless you take a college class or live in some insanely woke and rich community you don't always learn these things in public school.

>> No.10707292

You’re probably talking to cassie, nonnie

>> No.10707293

Blahaj purse when

>> No.10707297

Yes, but your experience doesn't represent everyone's and I think that's where you're mistaken. I've gone to all black schools and that is exactly what their curriculum is. Until you're quite literally the only other race in a school, I literally don't think you can talk.

>> No.10707299 [DELETED] 

I've been to majority black schools and majority white schools and majority Latino schools. It rarely changes the curriculum and the teachers tend to be white more than anything else in a lot of places. Location only changed state history and what language or slang the kids bullied me with. I've been to schools in various parts of the country over my entire education. So I really can talk actually having been minority and majority (and one of the nerdy black kids who got called white or oreo even in the all black school).

Your experience is no more indicative of everyone else's than mine but having discussed this in the past with people of various races from the US, those who studied here but were from elsewhere, etc. it is very apparent the US waters down its history to paint itself as best as possible and there has never been even in recent years any anti-America or woke sentiment in K-12 education to any meaningful degree. A few outraged tiktoks or Fox News articles or woke non-tenured College professors and student rallies with pitiful attendance do not prove anything. Even college level academia as woke as it can be is still pretty status quo because older people with tenure tend to call the real shots.

Twitter is not a representation of real life. The internet is definitely not a good representation of real life. Also someone else even replied that they also didn't get force fed any race baiting woke nonsense in school or learn much in detail about other groups too white I was typing my first long ass reply so I'm not the only one saying this.

>> No.10707303

Kek I’m not convinced you’ve been to any school with this level of retard in your take.

Tbh if schools actually covered any of this with any nuance we’d probably all lean more center in our online politics. Idiots wouldn’t spout shit like “headdresses are for indigenous people” and we wouldn’t have people spazzing out about crt or whatever the next trumptard buzzword will be.

>> No.10707311

Oh lawd it's like you forgot I said full black communities only teach black history and not US or foreign history. I'm not talking about the majority of schools in the US, just the 'marginalized' communities that woke shit heads put on a pedestal. If it was about being educated and not self centered ego centric victim complex, then they would maybe teach everything that the rest of the US teaches? Ever thought about that? I really would like to see some of you move into the ghetto and try to hug a tree, because you'll just get shot the second you walk in for not being black.

>> No.10707312

So you're saying the schools teach them to be angry at the rest of the US?

>> No.10707314

Why do you all let obvious trolls derail threads like this. Nobody is this fucking stupid except QAnon tards.

>> No.10707315

What gets me about the "critical race theory" is that actual critical race theory is an obscure field of legal study that isn't even taught in undergrad. The thing Fox News is peddling as librul indoctrination is literally just history that doesn't paint white Americans as the ultimate hero of all of world history.

>> No.10707317

I don't agree with that original poster but those are literally hats and called bonnets and are completely different from the native American headdresses. You sound dumb as fuck.

>> No.10707319

Friend, you're just not informed into what actual communities are like. All you hear is echo chamber bullshit from woke retards on the internet.

>> No.10707320

the word "headdress" isn't native american you fuckwit. It applies to virtually any ornamental thing on someone's head in numerous cultures.

>> No.10707321

NTA for either but the fact that people are this ignorant to the fact that native americans didn't even speak English in the first place. If you don't want to support the sharing of cultures, I'd like to request every American that says "head dresses" belong to natives to please stop speaking English so we no longer have to communicate with morons like this.

>> No.10707324

Oh, I'm sorry. I guess I should have said the native American equivalent for the word in every single tribal language.
What a joke.

>> No.10707327

are you even reading the thread? it's specifically talking about the english word "headdress".

>> No.10707332

kek tell me you're not a native english speaker without telling me you're not a native english speaker.

>> No.10707336

I suggest you google "war bonnet". The terms are used interchangeably, so you basically have no point.

>> No.10707342

Ita and COF threads are dying because of this bullshit no-one cares about. Shut the fuck up. Post ita.

>> No.10707401

I came here to see this on this thread. It’s horrid.

>> No.10707409

Kek has it ever occurred to you that Ita and COF threads *are* the bullshit no one cares about?

>> No.10707427

>she thinks she will never be a real girl
He's right.

>> No.10707464

English is literally the only language I speak you dumb motherfucker.

>> No.10707486

Literally why did the COF mods allow this?! What is wrong with them these days

>> No.10707490
File: 349 KB, 1282x1591, 20525737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10707522

that is Literally a man in a womans bodysuit
we're at such a point of having to accept men into the community that we allow this fetishist in

>> No.10707525

Kigurumi masks aren't a fetish. I'm not a fan of kigurumis and/or furries in lolita, but they're as much of a "fetish" as lolita is for the sake of argument.

>> No.10707529

came here to post this. why is it even allowed in CoF. its not even lolita

>> No.10707532

The lipedema or whatever in her legs is so worrying. How is she not in excruciating pain?

>> No.10707539

i can confirm they lovebomb like crazy and it creeps me out

>> No.10707541

>How is she not in excruciating pain?

She probably is. Obese people are basically in pain all the time. I actually feel really bad for them on the whole. It doesn't even really matter how they got to that point, that's a horrible way to live, and no, it's not always a choice people make.

>> No.10707562

She changed her handle and went private. It at least confirms she lurks here to me so be careful anons

>> No.10707567

What was their handles?

>> No.10707568

Why was this allowed... literally just an ugly normie outfit. Will I be banned if I point this out in the comments on CoF?

>> No.10707569

WTF with her leg

>> No.10707572

I forgot her original main, but the new one is w*dowlifestyler and m*ngledmarionettes is her side account. Pretty sure she uses the side account to watch stories with

>> No.10707584

Jesus christ, what is that

>> No.10707729

I think they should remove the red spiked collars. Seeing that they're also wearing fishnets (which actually doesn't look too bad with the rest of the coords) , I think they're trying to go for a punk lolita look??

The dresses are way too elegant for a punk look

>> No.10707732

OT but the masks are literally a fetish. The artist behind Lulu Hashimoto quit because she was constantly harassed and the mask producers said "well, it can't be helped that most of our fans are sexually attracted to them."

>> No.10707738

Ok maria

>> No.10707739

So, you're admitting that the artists intent wasn't even fetish based, it's the fans that ruin it? Why can't someone wear kigu in good faith? Because a few bad eggs have to sexualize everything that walks so now it's automatically a fetish? You can say the same about cosplay or lolita.

>> No.10707742

Bro, the kigu in this thread doesn't even look good. People who are wearing the literal creepy level of kigus are obviously not doing it for aesthetic reasons.

>> No.10707744

You're right. It looks like absolute garbage. We don't know if that's what they could afford or if they're new to lolita, though. Just because the mask looks like trash doesn't automatically make it fetish bait.

>> No.10707811

No, they're not. You realize kigurumi masks are used all the time in Japan for children's performances? It's the equivalent of seeing Mickey Mouse at Disney. If you're arguing kigurumi maks are a fetish item, then lolita is just as much of a fetish item is DDLG.

>> No.10707813

This. Literally everything can be fetishized, even gross ass armpits are fetishized. Doesn't mean they're inherently a "fetish item." Same deal.

>> No.10707829

What about an ita in a cringey ass music video? Two for one

>> No.10707866

Second this.
While the mask do look cheap, the entire pic doesn't look that fetishistic

>> No.10707930


My god anon, what did I just put my ears and eyes through?

I couldn't make out half the lyrics but some of that was weird af, if anyone can basically translate I'd appreciate it

To save other anons the trouble, she wears the same coord throughout the entire music video, major "baby's first coord" vibes and it's concerning how short the dress is on her

>> No.10707933

The legs... like wtf

>> No.10707934

I finally found someone to cringe at this vid with me, so I subjected myself to the torture of re-listening so that I could transcribe the lyrics for you.
Please kill me.

uwu owo x8

There's something the loli girls say
all the time throughout the night and day
omg its so freakin' kawaii
at least that's the response I get from my senpai

Rawr X3 XD
Let me see your bulgie wulgie
Rawr X3 XD
Let me see your bulgie wulgie

I've gotta see cause I'm so horny
I've gotta see cause I'm so horny

Blushu Blushu Blushu
I didn't mean to say that
twiddling my fingers like I'm Hinata
While I'm dressed in the latest lolita
Pink hair and all you can call me Ailita (sp?)

uwu owo x8

OMG did I just make you cringe?
Please forgive me I'm so sowwy let's start again
I'm just so used to uwu'ing with my weeb furry friends
I thought everyone said it, it was common knowledge

Rawr X3 XD
Let me give you huggie wuggies
Rawr X3 XD
Let me give you huggie wuggies

Cause I gotta get you to simp for me
Cause I gotta get you to simp for me

Wait a minute, why are you pulling out a gun?
"Uwu people should be subject to extermination"
If you don't do it I'll give you a jar of my excretion
It sells really well on eBay

uwu owo x8

>> No.10707940
File: 2.27 MB, 873x1257, collage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a collage so anons don't have to watch the video and experience the ear rape if they don't want to.

>> No.10707941
File: 1.49 MB, 781x865, hotpink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here's a view of the shoes. Super basic tea parties. The hot pink petticoat that is constantly visible throughout the video is jarring.

>> No.10707958


Okay, so I didn't mishear as much as I thought, it was actually that bad

I got one minute into her other music video and just couldn't do it, she sounds less edited in it but her singing is mediocre at best

Why the fuck would you wear "lolita" and sing this? Just remove the two lines that vaguely reference lolita, put on some cringe weeb type outfit and it's turned into a cringe but funny music video that you can MAYBE claim as satire

I don't think she's joking about how cringe she is right now, this may actually be real


There's honestly not much to say about her coord besides it looking really "beginner" and plain, no headpiece, wig is a weird shade compared to the dress, probably an outfit she bought on Aliexpress/Amazon. Only thing she has going for her is that she's got a cute face, if she wore even a mediocre coord people would be blowing smoke up her ass

Back to sperging about the music video:

The song lyrics clearly take inspiration from that one "uwu" rap song that went viral for a while, its not very creative and in the comments of this music video you have the producer asking to be credited so not even her mixing the music on her own

Also there's that weird dance bit with that other person who doesn't even know the dance? If you are going to put someone else in the video maybe teach them the basic shitty dance kek, ngl they look worse than her so featuring in this video probably isn't the worst shit they've ever done

If you check the video description, she says she made the song a year before posting it, you spent A YEAR working on this and this was the final outcome? Please just quit music

>> No.10707978

i thought it was fine. her coord seemed like babby's first but it wasn't offensively bad. the whole thing looks like it was supposed to be tongue in cheek so the retarded lyrics and dancing aren't as appalling to me as the usual genuine attempts to be uwu kawiwi. does anyone have that video of that fat ita doing the nyan nyan dance?

>> No.10707986

Imagine caring this much. Honestly. Get help novel-length reply anon

>> No.10707987

Honestly shut the fuck up no one wants to read or scroll past your 4 page dissertation

>> No.10708018

I feel like she's going somewhere. She does look kinda cute, although she has very outstanding flaws...

My main issue with a lot of of ita coords is that they lack the ability to match colors together. Like basic color theory. Things just get out of place.

>> No.10708100
File: 73 KB, 637x848, 9394A97C-0241-4CCA-BF66-DAEF40C20609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you for this.
I hope your rice has a bug in it.

>> No.10708102

NGL this seems like samefag WK. Every. fucking. time. an ita gets posted and is black, there is someone in here defending them NO MATTER HOW FUCKING BAD THEY LOOK.

Ya'll are jokes defending itas. I really wouldn't want to see how you dress.

>> No.10708111

The other times it was one black girl posted for vendetta whether she looked good or bad and people were calling out the vendetta not defending her outfit.

That said people here religiously defend anyone who seems like a beginner as baby's first coord, black or otherwise. I think we should have higher standards for beginners considering how many resources there are. No excuse to look like a 2000s ita in current year.

>> No.10708113

I'm not defending the ita. I'm just putting it out there that anyone who writes a novel for a comment has their own fucking issues to be looking after.

>I really wouldn't want to see how you dress.
pretty sure most of the people participating in this thread don't actually wear lolita.

>> No.10708117

Wear lolita correctly before making that kind of embarassing video. Everything about it is so shitty i felt embarassed for her. Clolitas are a plague.

>> No.10708121

it's bodyline retard

>> No.10708122
File: 91 KB, 640x853, efh0h44gj3681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r/lolita strikes back

>> No.10708124

Never did I say it wasn't Bodyline? Do you not know how to read anon?
I'm sorry you're so defensive <3 Your video looks cheap and unfortunate. And so do you.

>> No.10708128

This woman is such a perma ita I can’t

>> No.10708134

NTA but you're quite literally fucking retarded. Bodyline is/was a Chinese company. It may have been a bit more accepted at one point, but clolita is rapidly losing interest due to price points. I mean if you really want to wear shit versions of lolita for a higher price than second hand, then be my guest. But we're going to shit on you for it.

>> No.10708135

Nice try. It's been far more than just one time.

>pretty sure most of the people participating in this thread don't actually wear lolita.
Maybe. I do and have. Ita threads have been pretty intertwined with people who *do* wear it. So I'd be relatively surprised if it's just larpers. I think you just maybe don't realize there's more people out there judging bad coords than you think.

>> No.10708142

HOLY SHIT. Redneck lolita.

>> No.10708171

I may be high but this is so fucking funny to me I want to do a verse

>> No.10708172
File: 1.39 MB, 743x863, shitpost.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe I'm just used to worse but not as bad as I thought. Almost seems like a giant shitpost

>> No.10708173

It seems intentionally bad, like they are a lurker on cgl and want attention. Like, it's shitty ita wear and they know what they are doing to get this attention.

You guys are literally just giving this anon what they want. Why else would they include a guy dressed up in women's clothes. I get seagull attention vibes all over this video.

Back when we had namefags, they did this kind of shit for attention. all. the. time.

>> No.10708204


Novel-Chan here I guess lol

Chill out, it's the ita thread, the board was slow and we don't normally have music videos posted here so it's fun to break down all the cringe aspects, it's just a bit of fun given it's an entertaining video

I don't think I was especially mean, I genuinely don't know if this is satire or not but it's cringe either way, the girl has time to improve her style, her music is just shit

Y'all clearly haven't picked up a book in a while if you think that's a novel

>> No.10708218

i...dont think many (any?) people equate bodyline with clolita (either the taobao side or the ultra wealthy side) regardless of whether it's chinese owned these days or not

>> No.10708232

I wasn't defending the ita. I literally just said shut the fuck up because this is an image board not a text board. If I wanted to read a wall of text I'd go to reddit, dumbass.

>> No.10708233

It’s weird because I don’t think of bodyline as brand either. It’s just kinda there.

>> No.10708273

Realistically, cgl has hardly been photo dumps for awhile. Not sure why you're raging at one person, even though this entire board took a nose dive from what it used to be

>> No.10708278

wait what the fuck you all don’t absolutely tear Bodyline to shreds now?

>> No.10708282

I love that she said kowai not kawaii. She truly is scary

>> No.10708284

I do. You literally should be able to find better things at this point. There's still a lot of hard misses from bodyline. The thing to pad the wardrobe is fine but main pieces? Idk. Find something better. It's 2021.

>> No.10708285

>She does look kinda cute
LMAO, you won't get woke points here. She looks disgusting and smelly.

>> No.10708291

Bodyline is more newbie friendly than taobao imo. No SS needed, the style is more traditionally lolita than the costumey stuff on taobao, their basics are pretty decent. Also their pieces are pretty sturdy, I think a lot of people have a bodyline piece or two in their wardrobe for when they don't want to risk dirtying brand

>> No.10708292

The other thing too is that bodyline is an affordable one-stop-shop. They've got useful lolita items in pretty much every category, and you could build an entire coord, petti and all, for under $150.

Their wigs are nice, their shoes/blouses are a staple, the higher end petticoats are surprisingly good and *some* of their dresses are pretty decent. For a beginner, it's pretty useful and for a veteran, it's great filler when you know what to look for.

>> No.10708320

This^^ Most of my closet is Moitie, so I have a few bodyline pieces for gothic and old school when I don't want to risk it

>> No.10708330
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>> No.10708344
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>> No.10708512

Most unorthodox

>> No.10708521

I kinda dig this actually

>> No.10708524

this isn't ita, she's just fat - and i'd argue this isn't even unflattering on her.

>> No.10708525

it's a cluster of visibly cheap garbage

>> No.10708531

this and the utks being ivory while everything else is white is extremely annoying

>> No.10708556

Ah. Black white knights at it as always. Can't critique any black girl's coordinate because they are *~always perfect*~

Try not being racist you scrubs. We judge people by equal standards, here.

>> No.10708558

So now nobody is allowed to like unconventional co-ord because the person wearing them is black? They never said anybody was wrong for hating it either or mentioned race. The only racist one is you.

>> No.10708560

It looks like the material is literally from a bedsheet lol. So goddamn cheap looking

>> No.10708562

Where did I say it was perfect? I just said I kind of liked it. Get off your high horse anon.

>> No.10708585

Let me rephrase it then... I've seen way more ugly women/lolitas (all lolita men are ugly.)

>> No.10708592

This is a visual representation of what happens when Lor is the Lolita ambassador. Jeez this is uggo.

>> No.10708631

Her face is really cute to me but everything else ruins it kek

>> No.10708632

There's (1) male lolita on insta who I think is great but every other one I've come across unfortunate

>> No.10708662

Wow I hate this so much

>> No.10708668

Every time. All they said was this wasn’t that terrible of a coord, and it’s not. You seem awfully mad whenever a black girl gets a small shred of a compliment involving their coord. Why? I get and fully acknowledge that black girls do get unnecessary accolades for otherwise ugly coords because of the SJW WKs but….. why?
Is it because you think only the white girls deserve asspats when they fuck up a coord?
What is your logic? What black girl hurt you?

>> No.10708679

This is cute, or would be with some small changes. It seems like the skirt is too tight and short on her which is giving it a weird shape. Other than that I actually like it

>> No.10708731

it's vierge vampur lmfao how new are you

>> No.10708734

Nta but brand CAN be shit looking

>> No.10708735

this might just be me, but besides mealtime and alice, i think their dresses look like cheap shit. Speaking of alice, does anyone have the "18 vaginas" meme?

>> No.10708737

Idk what's uglier. The tree or her coord.

>> No.10708776

nooo this is cute and I love it

>> No.10708951
File: 111 KB, 537x517, Screenshot_20211220-071809_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are the animal decals removable or something?

>> No.10708952


>> No.10708968


>> No.10708982
File: 550 KB, 1079x1225, Screenshot_20211220-120106_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10708990

That's looks dope

>> No.10709002

fuck. the larpers/egirls.

>>10708982 hurts my eyes

>> No.10709032

Gas masks scare me

>> No.10709046

ntayrt but literally most people here only know about the mainstream brands
and refuse to even so much acknowledge anything that isn't the Big 4 brands because brand loyalty

>> No.10709113
File: 340 KB, 1080x1920, ikea_kei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10709121

i actually like this

>> No.10709122

Sure you do

>> No.10709123

fuck you this is so horribly mediocre

>> No.10709125

obviously not as an actual coord, but for a joke it's actually well executed.

>> No.10709157

I love it. I’m here for Ikealita

>> No.10709162

this is fucking awesome, you're boring

>> No.10709163

Is people losing their sense of humor?

>> No.10709176

This was specifically for her work's Halloween costume contest and posted on CoF for April Fools. This was obviously a joke outfit. Please learn what humor is.

>> No.10709184

Somehow a well made looking joke. People are far too srs. Though not sure why she wasted so much time on that joke.

>> No.10709188

This. This is how you convert a bag into a wearable lolita item.

>> No.10709189

It wouldn't be as successful of a joke if it looked like shit. Apparently she did win the contest though.

>> No.10709229

When ever a black woman gets a shred of a compliment there's always a white woman throwing a fit all the fucking time like they don't get coddled enough.

>> No.10709250

You’d think gulls would get tired of derailing threads but I guess not

The construction on this is actually impressive. She did a good job

>> No.10709252
File: 452 KB, 1536x2048, to the ita thread you go.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10709266

TFW handmade ikea dress is better quality than AP kek

>> No.10709273

Literally based and actually pretty funny. Some people have had every ounce of humor drained from them by being chronically on the internet.

She did a nice job on that bonnet too.

>> No.10709293

this is better quality than a lot of western indie stuff fly high ikea chan

>> No.10709365

someone send this to ikea. maybe they'll give her a gift card

>> No.10709366

I’m not even gonna hate. It’s ugly but that takes some talent to make ikea bags look like wearable lolita

>> No.10709367

It’s actually comical.
Granted a lot of black lolitas I’ve seen struggle heavily with color- tone matching and won’t do a damn thing about their hair, but some of them just need guidance. The frothing anger that goes on ITT over a not quite right color or choosing dreads over wigs is ridiculous.

>> No.10709448

I thought she worked at Ikea and wore this to an office Christmas party, but maybe I remembered it wrong.

>> No.10710001
File: 712 KB, 1079x1092, Screenshot_20211223-080841_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10710003

he looks like he lost a bet

>> No.10710007
File: 879 KB, 1080x1362, Screenshot_20211217-131114_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10710050
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>> No.10710052
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>> No.10710088

This is fine lol

>> No.10710117
File: 155 KB, 1080x1081, FB_IMG_1640293170135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10710191

Point the first: these last three are fine--nitpicks at worst. Point the second: why didn't you just start a new thread with this dump?

>> No.10710331

skirt & blouse look like they are about to burst

>> No.10710482

are you blind

>> No.10710512

Are you?

>> No.10710578

in what world is >>10710117 fine, ita trash