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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10702417 No.10702417 [Reply] [Original]

how did you learn about lolita fashion, gulls? what made you truly want to pursue the fashion?
how old were you when you bought your first piece? do you remember the name of it? do you still have it?

>> No.10702427
File: 79 KB, 512x349, 616F8842-5232-4DA3-84B3-57B211AE10CE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I learned about lolita from Japanese Schoolgirl Inferno when I was 13 and then proceeded to scope out a bunch of adjacent material like Phaidon’s Gothic & Lolita photo book, Kamikaze girls, the EGL livejournal.

It seemed too expensive for me to participate in for a long time. I’m 27 now and have a full time corporate job though. Last year, partly out of pandemic induced boredom, I bought a very underpriced brand JSK from the aughts on Mercari wanting to see what it looked like on me and thinking I’d flip it if it didn’t work out. When I put that JSK on for the first time, I felt like “oh.. I get it. I get why people become obsessed with this.” It was actually very flattering and made me feel really cute. Since then I have slowly begun assembling some old school coords.

>> No.10702428
File: 59 KB, 334x500, glbvol1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I learn about lolita from a GLB I got from Borders lmao

I was already into BJDs at the time and seeing one on the cover caught my eye. From there, its all deerstalker and livejournal baby

>> No.10702449
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Probably anime, then I stumbled upon bodyline sometime in '05 or '06. Honestly, my journey isn't all that fantastical because I was just a teenager with no money but wanted to wear cute shit when I moved out.

My first dress was that dumb wa-lolita dress with the butterflies. Quickly learned this was ita, but it also got left at my ex's house in another state.. so good riddance. he probably wore it or something cause he was a creep.

>> No.10702481

I first learned of jfash in general when I was really into Danganronpa and found Listen Flavor's collab. Then as I learned more about jfash, I became interested in lolita too. I think my first piece was from Bodyline, but the first time I remember actually wearing lolita was when I went to prom with my dakimakura while wearing Meta's fantasy parade shirred jsk when I was 17. Fun times.

>> No.10702482

I first learned of lolita in some anime magazine in 2005, and I was 7 years old. It had some GLB scans and a general explanation of the fashion. I always loved looking at that, and regularly found myself going back to those pages and imagining myself wearing those cool clothes, and also being sad that those clothes "didn't exist here". Fastforward 16 years later, and I'm now wearing that same oldschool style I fell in love with as a little girl all those years ago. Sometimes I wish I could travel back in time to my tiny self and say, "hey, I succeeded at doing that thing you were dreaming of!"

>> No.10702483

P sure I’ve seen that picture before. Based

>> No.10702657

I'm glad for you anon !

>> No.10702662
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I learned about it from visiting this board about 3-4 years ago now. I lurked a lot before I bought anything. My first piece was shoes, and my first main piece was an IW skirt that didn't fit. I bought a lot of cheap skirts when I started out because I was afraid to drop dress money, but in the end I don't really like how skirts look on me. So I'd consider my first dress to be my first real piece - BtSSB Little Kitty Bouquet JSK. I have dozens of dresses now, but that one is still my most worn, absolute go-to.

It's easy to find brand nowadays, and the costs before the pandemic started were relatively good, so I never bought from Bodyline and only got shoes and a A&A petti from Taobao as recommended by /cgl/. I still looked ita though even in all brand because I did shit like wearing long sleeves and a cardigan with ankle socks or wearing unstyled hair with a pastel sweet dress. I improved by taking photos of every coord and then critiquing them later like a coach watching replays with their team, seeing what went wrong.

I think I've got a steady grasp on coording now, but I'm still unsure of what my personal style is vs. what is me emulating other people. Most recently, I am trying Fi.n.t.'s vintagey style, and I think it might be more my vibe for daily wear than full-on lolita fashion.

Pic related is the first inspo pic I ever saved.

>> No.10702734
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>how did you learn about lolita fashion, gulls? what made you truly want to pursue the fashion?
Your typical weeblet who found lolita through "gosurori" anime characters. Like any weeb, I wanted to be the main character of my own fantasy anime world. I still have a soft spot for super ita, late 2000s anime-esque pieces like pic rel, although I would never own or wear them.

>how old were you when you bought your first piece? do you remember the name of it? do you still have it?
My first piece was a solid btssb jsk. I don't have it anymore and I deeply regret selling it because I haven't been able to find it again since then.

>> No.10702735
File: 132 KB, 640x663, DDCF70C4-234D-4ACF-B51C-1F9827E7E479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This u?

>> No.10702740

Holy shit its the legend herself

>> No.10702758
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I saw it in Rozen Maiden but thought it was cosplay and didn’t wear it. I got back into it when I was a tween ita and bought a lucky pack at a con. It had a shitty To Alice JSK, cosplay cat ears, and some weird sailor moon accessories. I learned about Taobao shortly after and wanted to look like Taobao models (pic rel, I wanted that OTT hime life). I bought a couple jsks off Taobao that I regret. I felt cute but was ita as hell walking around in hime dresses to grab the mail. I bought my first brand dress at 22, Meta’s Lovely Forest. I still have a couple OTT dresses but I mostly buy dresses I can coord as business casual for work and errands

>> No.10702764

>ita as hell walking around in hime dresses to grab the mail
this was the good life tho. when you were so happy with what you wore that you were blissfully unaware of how out of place you looked.

>> No.10702786
File: 670 KB, 1284x804, D33C8553-226C-4417-8ED3-3CA80FACF055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found lolita after I watched this video when it’s just came out, then searched for more info & joined online group.
After a few months of saving lunch money bought my first piece, it was bodyline squirrel party

>> No.10702794
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Mine was Venus Angelic and the bodyline competition saga.

She appeared on a UK morning TV show and my mum shouted at me to come and have a look. I used to really wish I could be her, but a couple of years ago I by chance read her lolcow thread and the shitstorm that is her life.

>> No.10702801

who? I'm not really understanding how she's a legend.

>> No.10702810

she posted upthread and the person tracked down the picture

>> No.10702864

it's an iconic picture

>> No.10702871

I was very obsessed with visual kei and wanted to dress like them, but of course there was no way I could ever pull off that look and it felt unobtainable. I had a period where i was obessed with malice mizer around 2014-2015 and found out mana had a brand and found out about lolita fashion. I bought my first bodyline piece in the same year, but I was too self conscious to wear it out and sold it immidiently. I didn't get back into lolita until 2019.

>> No.10702878

I think I learned about Lolita from initially going on this board for the cosplay, and eventually venturing into the lolita threads. After that I started pretty much only going on the lolita threads. Hard to believe that was 8 years ago...

>> No.10702882
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I was a regular weeb, and then a friend of mine showed me lolita stuff and I was immediately interested.
My first event/meetup was at PMX 2007 where Angelic Pretty was a guest (picrel is not my photo, but it's pretty nostalgic because I recognize many of those people and was probably in line somewhere behind them). I looked very ita but Maki and Asuka were nice to me anyway.
My first brand piece was a solid Meta JSK with a tiered skirt, I don't remember the name but it was pretty cute. I don't have it anymore.
I spent a lot of time on LJ comms, and I also liked posting my wardrobe on Poupeegirl (anyone else remember that site?). I've never been comfortable with using Facebook and normal social media sites so I miss those times.

>> No.10702911
File: 20 KB, 300x400, 2007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>how did you learn about lolita fashion, gulls?

2004-2006, roughly? i was a preteen, most girls at school were reading nana and parakiss, gwen stefani's harajuku girls shit was big, and i was most drawn to the clothes so i looked up japanese street fashion a lot online. once i discovered lolita specifically i recall only being smart enough to browse and translate meta's site back then. i DISTINCTLY remember obsessing over picrel while it was for sale and thinking about how i'd wear this velveteen piece with no blouse, a cardigan over top, and ballet flats. fucking kek.

>what made you truly want to pursue the fashion?

depressive episodes.

>how old were you when you bought your first piece?

mid 20s. the lookbook/cobrasnake era took over my attention in my later teens and i forgot about jfashion for many years. i'm now an adult with money and give zero fucks about being cool. but yes i still have it, yes it's meta, and it sure as shit isn't high waisted velveteen.

>> No.10702914

This is not late 2000s this is late 2020 lolita lmao

>> No.10702926
File: 58 KB, 600x600, cutejumper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

covidlitas could NEVER

>> No.10702936

>Late 2000s anime
Reading comprehension, anon.

>> No.10702937

nta but it's 100% not representative of any form of anime lolita (there is absolutely no anime currently that looks like that chinese trash) you're just fucking retarded and new.

>> No.10702944

Idgaf I love that ugly ass ridiculous dress. It's so extra, I want it

>> No.10702947

I was about 13/14 when I first got into it, ages ago. I can't remember the specific reason, if it was because of visual kei bands or something like that. I was a huge weeb, but don't remember seeing it in manga first. I saw it online somewhere, for sure. My first piece was a black and white lace monster from Rakuen fashion and thank God, I don't have it LOL.

>> No.10702963

go back to tiktok

>> No.10702967

I'm far too old for tiktok, so i can't go back sorry anon

>> No.10702969

I knew exactly what you meant and never did i see early 2000s (2000-2010) anime wear garbage like that. What you might be thinking of is the H.Naoto birdcage jsk that was popular to draw on anime lolitas closer to 2010-2015, which looks nothing like that dress. So yeah go back to tiktok

>> No.10703017

How tf didn't this shit creep me out when I watched this at 12 years old

>> No.10703137

how did you learn about lolita fashion, gulls?

I got into it through anime first. Anime lead to weeb music, which lead to visual kei bands, which lead to j-fashions. Initially, I wanted to be dress ganguro... highkey, I still want to fulfill my teenage weeb dreams with one good outfit. I watched Venus Angelic for a bit, admired the shape, but was still hooked on ganguro and Decora.

I didn't take it seriously until maybe BTSSB's release of Cheerful Lemon, so three years ago??? It's not my dream dress, but I'm infatuated with it's country flair and hated myself for not buying it upon release.

My first dress was AP's Moon Night Theatre OP and IW's Royal Parade JSK. Sold the OP because it just felt too bold for me/hated the boning, but still have Royal Parade. I know it's an insanely boring dress, but I'm still really into it.

>> No.10703150

A friend and I went to an anime convention in 2013, she pointed out the lolitas as she was somewhat interested in the fashion at the time, and two years after that I bought my first dress. We were in high school at the time and I lurked hard while waiting to be able to buy pieces. Now I own Misty Sky. Dreams do come true!

>> No.10703165

Yeah her life is awful and she became awful. Anyone painting her out to be a victim is about 6 years late

>> No.10703166

I definitely saw it in a manga. it might have been princess ai or the portrait of petite cosette. i was about 13 and i thought it looked awesome but my parents wouldn't buy it for me and i had no money. i tried to lolify stuff, even got a parasol. then life got in the way and i forgot about it.
i bought my first piece at 26 lol. I'd forgotten about lolita but then rediscovered it during quarantine. i finally had the money and the 'i will wear what i like and feel great about it' attitude. i'd gotten sick of western clothing never fitting me because i didn't have tits. so i found this fashion and i felt comfortable looking at it. i bought my first piece. it was an oldschool black and white meta cardigan and i still have it.
i haven't worn it yet--don't have anything that matches. but i'm looking. it comforts me to look at it. it has heart buttons and it's so cute. i will always keep it!

>> No.10703174

I was first exposed to j-fashion and lolita when I was pretty young - I started watching anime in elementary school, which also lead to reading tons of shoujo mangas. I started getting really into it when I was in college, but my part-time job could only cover my basic living expenses. Bought my first (very sweet) AP dress at 18. I don't wear sweet lol.
Recently bought a btssb dress that I love, and I went to the Angelic Pretty store in SF and bought a JSK there. Finally growing my collection at 22 now that I have a real job. Only wish that I could wear it more often. :(

I'm currently living with my mom to save up for veterinary school in another year or two. Hopefully will be able to wear lolita without judgement soon!

>> No.10703197

2003 or 2004, I went to a Japanese pop culture exhibit thing with my college's anime club. There was some manga reading room thing, and I found some Fruits magazines. Not many people were wearing it at cons at this point, but I do have some rare pictures. Most everyone made their own stuff. Though at the time, what we now consider old school just wasn't all that interesting. Around the start of the OTT sweet boom, I started getting interested. I started wearing it in 2012 at 30. I bought an oojia replica at a con swap meet thing. It was Whimiscal Vanilla-chan in lavender. I knew it was a replica but didn't know the beef with them at the time. I did buy my first brand pieces a few months later and did get the real version of the replica I bought. Most everything I bought that first year was sold since I was still experimenting with the styles I liked. I might only have a few blouses or small items from back then.

And I do like old school now, and gravitating away from rainbow vomit. Though I'm not parting with AP OTT sweet pieces I have since I'm not getting them again for the price I paid.