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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10694569 No.10694569 [Reply] [Original]

Remember, if you get stuck.. leave a message to your giftee in the thread..
If you get REALLY stuck.. send us a message!

>2021 Rules, Hints, FAQ and More:

Last years gifts have been added to the photo album which can be found at the top of the Rules page. When sharing your gift to the thread please include your ID and gift tier on the image if possible - this will help out when the photos are uploaded to the album and will show the set standard for future events!

13 December 2021
January 31, 2022

Any other issues issues.. contact us ASAP! Happy shopping!

Previous thread

>> No.10694573

oops, i posted this in the old thread right as the new one got created:


Your form doesn't mention sizing. I would guess based on your social media that you are free-size. But if there are multiple sizes of something available, like IW which has M and L sizes, would you prefer the more snug fit or more room for comfort?

>> No.10694576

Kind of a weird question and not completely SS related but still tangentially related. I was looking through the wishlists for my card matches to get ideas for small gifts to include and I saw that one of them wants a dress I own but haven't worn in years. Would it be weird to contact them and ask if they want to buy it? It may be inappropriate so I thought I'd get opinions here.

>> No.10694581

If it were me, I’d welcome that especially if it were a dream dress. It’s much nicer than finding that it sold before you see it or having to fight in an auction.

>> No.10694583

I agree with >>10694581, I'd be happy to receive an offer like that.

>> No.10694586

I'd include proof pictures in the card and make my offer that way. Contacting them beforehand could be sour the secret santa experience, although it opens up the possibility to send both card and dress at the same time... Very relevant question, it's sending my thinking gears into a spin!

>> No.10694588

Since it’s card tier I wouldn’t be opposed to having my SS revealed a smidge to possibly buy a dress I’ve been looking for before Christmas. I just know their name but not what they write in their card which is more important anyway. Maybe ask their number in here if they would like to be contacted about it?

>> No.10694651

Hi anon! Yes, I’m free-sized. I prefer a little more room, especially for blouses, but it’s not a strong preference.

>> No.10694684

Hi again 6850! Thank you for making your wardrobe board visible! I just wanted to clarify, you said in your form you don’t have or want much sax or lavender; does that also go for accessories or just for main pieces?

>> No.10694689

#3005, are you into cute stationary/home goods at all? You didn't specify either way in your match form, only that you did not want skincare/makeup. I'd like to add some little things to your gift and I don't want to send you junk you won't use

>> No.10694691

I feel really bad for rejecting an item my santa suggested but it was not my thing

>> No.10694698

Would it be okay if I address your questions and link specific items over email? Dropping mine here just in case you don't feel like posting yours publicly, please feel free to shoot me a message and I'll send you my response!

>> No.10694706

Great! I added basically my entire brand wardrobe sans matching headbows and small accessories last night, I hope it helps~ I also added a dream item board for more inspo but I don’t expect to own any of those any time soon.
And yes, I am not looking for any sax/lav items in general. The only exception is I love any organdy/organza items such as AP Shooting Star Barrette!

>> No.10694707

To be honest I'm not much of a small trinket person in general but I don't want to seem picky so I'll be open to stationary, home goods, or whatever you think matches my form! If it helps relieve some of the pressure on you, I appreciate one or two main gifts only just as much as a big variety so you can't go wrong either way. I already appreciate the thoughtfulness you've shown so far, with including the RHS and asking about this!

>> No.10694737

Hi 7063! I have a few questions. Would a Milk item in a non-pastel shade of pink be nice for your collection too? Also, I wanted to ask if you would had to choose, would you prefer an accessory that was strawberry/ strawberry milk themed or would you prefer something fluffy/ stuffed animal themed instead?

>> No.10694740

>*if you had to choose

Outed myself as a phoneposter, my bad.

>> No.10694754

I do sometimes wear darker pinks! As long as it’s not a peachy pink I’ll wear it, pretty much. Also I’d probably go for a fluffy or stuffed animal theme between the two. Thank you for checking in!

>> No.10694757

Don't feel bad. Feel happy that you were able to prevent them from wasting money on something that wouldn't bring joy. They would feel worse if your reaction was hella lackluster bc you didn't like it.

>> No.10694794
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4639, 7908, 2930, 1841, 5681 — I am so excited to be your santas!! 4639 I’ve already got the main part of your gift settled but I can’t wait to gather the rest of yours and the other gulls presents! This year will be merry indeed.

>> No.10694811

Sweet! Thanks for answering. Now I can say the majority of my gift ordering is done!

>> No.10694844

I have one more question! If you had to choose, would you prefer an item that fits your general aesthetic/color preferences more and is simply cute, or one that's also cute but references a video game series you've played, but doesn't feature colors you might find pleasing? I hope this makes sense!

>> No.10694857

Hello #7063, me again! I have to ask, would you be disappointed if there's not a "big" gift item related to fairy kei? I'm familiarizing myself with your wardrobe as much as possible but to be honest I just don't know that I'd be able to pick something out for you! I don't want to disappoint you either way and I'm worried I won't be able to find anything, but I also want to include something you really love and will wear a lot and fairy kei is your main style.

I hope you don't take this the wrong way though, you've been really fun to shop for and I've got some cute things I think you'll love! I'm just struggling with this.

>> No.10694909

I'm in the $60-$80 tier and I realize I've already gone way over budget and I still want to get filler gifts...Also somehow my main piece I ordered is somehow already here from Japan!

>> No.10694914

No worries!! Yeah, fairy kei is my main style but I also wear sweet lolita a lot plus some darker stuff, too. (Also I can’t remember if I linked it, but I do have a lolita wardrobe album on my pinterest too, if that’s if any help)
I know my wardrobe is kind of ridiculous so it’s probably a lot to take in for someone who isn’t super familiar with fk. I won’t be disappointed at all if you go with something else I like, though! Thank you for checking in again, I appreciate the thought you’re putting into this!

>> No.10694998

I really wish I had elaborated more on the type of cute I'm not so fond of, I hope I don't cause trouble for you now. But for cute characters, I prefer characters that feel like they have a bit of life and do not feel weak. Not that they should feel lively in the moment necessarily, sleeping characters are also okay for example. But take Hello Kitty, for example, I am not a fan of Hello Kitty, it feels so weak and passive.
Also, super girly might not be quite my thing either, but if cute is considered girly then a bit girly is fine.

Uhm, for colours, as long as it's not primarily pink, a lot should be okay. Strong brown is also one I'm not so into, and maybe dark blue. Possibly the most typical red too, like the red you think about when you say red, but other forms of red might be fine (unless they go towards brown).

But to answer your question, I think it's much safer to take something that fits my general aesthetic. But things like pins or pencils are better as part of a series.

>> No.10695014

Thank you for elaborating! The characters are simplistic, but I think they're lively rather than weak looking. So if it's a wearable item, you would prefer it to reference a series and not just be generally cute? It's in primary colors, but kind of muted, with pink instead of bright red. The second item is purple, blue and pink and looks more in line with what you showed you like, but a bit less pastel. I personally think both are very cute and fun.
Also, you take that back about Hello Kitty! She's a strong independent woman.

>> No.10695035

It's great if they are fun!
I think the second one might be a bit better, it feels safer.
I'm sorry about Hello Kitty it just doesn't appeal to me

>> No.10695182

I bought a dress that I thought would suit my santee’s style, but looking at the photos again, it might not fit;; Should I include it in the gift anyway, or would that be in bad taste?

>> No.10695183

To clarify, ‘fit’ as in it might not fit my santee measurement-wise.

>> No.10695232

I think you should ask them directly, nobody would know better than them. Maybe they're willing to alter it or they're in the process of losing weight, or maybe they wouldn't want to bother with an item that won't fit.

>> No.10695334

I don't want to get my giftee's hopes up so I won't post her number, but I'm REALLY excited that I might have tracked down her dream item on fril. My SS reached out to the seller (it was listed in a lot and said "comment for price") so fingers crossed the seller still has it

>> No.10695375

How would gulls here feel about not receiving a main piece with your $150+ gift? I tracked down one of my giftee’s dream items and it’s rather small, but it cost me over half the base without shipping, and I’ve already spent quite a bit over the minimum buying other gifts for them.

>> No.10695384

I’ve done the high tiers before and not gotten main pieces, I think it’s fine. I feel like it’s understood that accessories and other small things can be expensive in jfashion so I don’t see why it should be an issue.

>> No.10695432

I think the size of the item doesn't matter as long as it's impressive in some other way like being high quality and/or a dream item. If the person is ok with secondhand, I'd try to find something like a cardigan to make the present look bigger without breaking your budget. But if the person only wants new items, they should be aware that they will get less for the price, so it shouldn't be an issue.

>> No.10695438

As long as you didn't overpay I think it should be OK. It would only be a problem if you overpaid for something so it took up a disproportionate amount of budget.

>> No.10695485

If it were me, I would be a tiny bit sad if it was only that single item in my package. But since you said there's other gifts I think it will be fine even if they're not mainpieces.

>> No.10695511

Me too...It's all worth it though! I'm excited to buy the filler items.

>> No.10695512

I wish I’d gone for the $150+ tier because I keep having to stop myself from buying way over the limit stuff. At least I know for next year!

>> No.10695550

Thanks everyone for your input! I feel better now, and I like the idea of trying to find something secondhand like a cardigan to include. Appreciate all the answers!

>> No.10695595

Me too! I thought I was too broke for $150, but I have already spent that and not even started filler. Why am I like this!!??

>> No.10695836

Hi #1207, it’s your Santa! I skimmed over your list at first but now I finally got to sit down and retain it so I’ve got a couple of questions.

1. Do you have a favorite in NGE?
2. What type of scents and flavors do you like?

>> No.10696335

I feel so conflicted between trying to give a satisfying package and cost. It'd be embarrassing to go too much above the limit, and if I'm not the only one who does that then I may also be contributing to making someone feel bad for buying according to the limit even though they did everything right.

Maybe I should just cut my buying short here, and only go for filler from now on. I have enough to not get blacklisted, even if it isn't enough to make them super happy or myself fully satisfied with what I give. I'll give it a few more hours to think about another proper gift, but just stopping might be the most reasonable

>> No.10696350

spend the money on really nice wrapping paper, ribbons, postcard, etc. and sign up for grinch squad if you haven't. or save money for $150+ tier for next year.

>> No.10696366

Oh, I didn't mean that I wanted to spend more money, it's rather that what I've currently bought doesn't feel quite balanced, and may not be as satisfying or fun to receive. With one more proper gift, I could improve the balance and make it much more fun to open.

>> No.10696373

Ive gone over on mine (not 150+). I feel like as long as you don’t get into the next tier amount you should be ok. I always worry that I didn’t get enough no matter how much I spend. I just want my giftees to be happy, you know?

>> No.10696488

I just try to imagine myself as the person receiving the package. If you feel it isn’t as fun and deserves another item, maybe do it and be truly proud of your gift. I’m done shopping for my giftee and already $50 over the tier but I want to include some small filler just because I think it’ll take it over the edge! But at the end of the day sticking to your tier amount is totally fine, if you got great stuff they shouldn’t be complaining.

>> No.10696507

I agree with >>10696350 , if your worried about the gift not looking right, nice wrapping paper, ribbons and a great card really finish it off! If you have already spent the budget you shouldn't worry.. maybe a few filler things to balance it out but otherwise if you have met the requirement and would be happy to receive your gift yourself, then I wouldn't worry!

>> No.10696559

Hi #8451!
Do you use stationary at all?

>> No.10696610

Hi! I use stationary sometimes, mainly cute stickers :)

>> No.10696639

I decided to just draw the line and be satisfied with what I got. It's not perfect, but it should be good enough with some filler. And I might look into getting a nice card and wrapping paper, but if I procastinate for too long and don't have enough time, that's acceptable too.

>> No.10696682

This looks real fun. I'll have to participate next year.

>> No.10696696

#4617, your confused Santa is back!
One last question, I swear - I purchased everything I planned on getting, but I'm still browsing around for additional gift ideas. Do you have a specific theme/color scheme to your bedroom? If you could choose a decorative item for your room, would you rather have it be Pokémon, Sailor Moon or Zelda themed?

>> No.10696743

Hi Santa! Sorry for replying so late....
Misako and Rei are my favs!
Scents are kind of tricky... For perfumes, I like androgynous scents (I mix Lush’s Pansy and Lust for regular wear). For candles, I like crisp and natural scents like citrus, eucalyptus, pine, and mint. I don’t like lavender, and I typically don’t like florals.
For flavors, I have a total sweet tooth! Ferrero Rocher, Sour Skittles, Ritter Sport, Hi Chew, and Sweetart Ropes are some candies I really like. Always a fan of trying unique kit kat flavors! I don’t like gummy candy or jelly beans. My favorite tea flavors are green tea with mint and earl grey creme. I like savory popcorn, but I don’t particularly like potato chips.
Let me know if you need more details about anything!

>> No.10696909

Whoops, never mind - can I also email you about a specific item? This is me >>10694698
I saw something in person today that made me think of you, however I'm not 100% sure if you'll like it since it's a fairly simple wearable item and doesn't feature anything cute. It matches the colors of your favorite sweater almost perfectly however, and would be useful for something you mentioned you'd like to do at some point in the future! If you'd like to keep your gift a surprise, please do advise me based on what I mentioned here. Okay, confused Santa out.

>> No.10696912

I started a craft project as a filler item and it's already turning out better than expected!

>> No.10696915

No, I don't have a specific color scheme or theme. I just fill it with what I can fit.
Decorative item: not sure, maybe Sailor Moon but I got more that's related to Pokemon, both would be fine. Let's say Sailor Moon, but pokémon if it's Chibiusa or Crystal branded.

>> No.10696929

Are you asking me, #4617?

It's not that my favourite sweater is my absolute favourite colour scheme, another big part of why I like it is the drawing on it.
But anyway, you're probably talking about an itabag, but I don't know anything else than the actual bag itself or the character merch that would be necessary, so probably the bag then.
I do worry that a bag in the same colour scheme as my favourite sweater would look too cute, and it wouldn't be suitable for wearing in day to day life, something more neutral might be better. I think there's a big risk to buying a bag. Maybe if I saw it beforehand, but then it wouldn't be much of a surprise, it'd be okay though.

I'm not able to write on 4chan at home and need to travel to public wifi, so I'll probably not write here again until tomorrow (I want to go home)
I could answer questions on e-mail if you need to know more.

>> No.10696932

Yep, that was me! And you guessed it (almost), can you shoot me a quick email so I can show you a photo of it? I liked it a lot, I think it looks pretty neat and not overly flashy. I don't think it would be a huge deal if this one item out of the many I got is revealed beforehand, as long as I keep the rest a secret, right? I don't want to risk it and would like to get you something you will wear.

>> No.10696933

I'll send you an email

>> No.10697074

It’s all good, thank you for the details, really cleared some things up! I can’t wait to get you some nice stuff, I’ll come back if I have any more questions.

>> No.10697243

I'm doing the same! It's made me excited about doing a craft that I haven't attempted in years and I can't wait to see my giftee's reaction.

>> No.10697446

I wish to tell my santa that I've gotten over my hangup about uneven spending, and they should feel free to buy what they want to without worrying about me. And I am sorry for failing to consider how it might impact their enjoyment of the event when I take away their emotional freedom to buy and do what they want, and instead add negative pressure onto them.
I hope you can get back the feeling of freedom to plan it exactly how you want to

>> No.10697528

#2671 here, just realized that I forgot to put my name on the form for shipping! If you're my Santa please email me so I can provide that lol

>> No.10697545

Just put in my orders for my gift match! I hope they like everything since it’s my first year. I got pieces from one of their favorite collections so I feel like I’m safe there. I hit the top of the tier before fees so everything else I get is to spoil them a bit <3 how’s everyone else doing?

>> No.10697657

It's all good <3

>> No.10697693

Anyone else having a hard time feeling like your gift is enough even though you’ve gone over the price point a fair bit? I guess because sweet prices have shot up so much even though I’ve paid fair prices for everything and gone over budget it doesn’t feel like much.

>> No.10697694

I can relate, I just bought 2 accessories they wanted and the total was $120. I can send my whole gift in a small flat rate box and I'm way over my tier as is.

>> No.10697712

I’m sure they’ll appreciate and love it. They probably understand the market and current prices. Like people have mentioned before, if you package it nicely and give a nice well written card, you’ll probably feel better about it.

>> No.10697722
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i feel that way because i wanted to really spoil my match, but i got 5k of unexpected medical expenses. I'm still over the bracket minimum, but not by as much as i wanted to be. it feels less festive.

>> No.10697840

Totally. I feel like my gift could have been double the size a year ago, but oh well. Every lolita out there is aware of pricing going up, so they'll be happy with what you get them, anon.

>> No.10697842

#5995 and #8402
Not sure if it's in poor taste to update you without good reason, but I'll be shipping your gifts in about a week and a half. Figured I'd update you guys in case you were worried. Just getting some filler next week and then I'll be all set!

>> No.10697863

Same anon, I'm in the high tier and spent over 150 already on two accessories, typical market prices. I'm planning on buying more but the gift will probably still look small.

>> No.10697902

#5995 here, thank you and I appreciate the update!

>> No.10698009

Hi 6912! You said Misty Sky is one of your favorite prints and mentioned a couple of accessories from the set you’re looking for, but do you have any of the other matching accessories?

>> No.10698014

Oh, I’m feeling stupid for checking for this event like a month later. Next year, then!

>> No.10698040

I’m upset that I haven’t been able to find any of my giftees wishlist items

>> No.10698079

Hey #9700, would it be alright with you if I just purchased a few of your wishlist items and had them shipped directly to your address?

>> No.10698115

Heyu, that's fine with me! Can you just leave a note so I know which santa it's from? I use the same wishlist for a lot of people, so I might not know who it's from without it. c:

>> No.10698148

No problem! ^^

>> No.10698306

Hi! As far as Misty Sky set accessories go, I have clips for the black, lavender, and melancholy moon (pink/gray) colorways. I also have the star shower otks from the original release in black.

>> No.10698697

Hope whatever medical shit you had to deal with is over and done with, anon.

>> No.10698984

One of you lucky gulls is getting something I’ve put in my pussy~

>> No.10699079

thanks, just had the surgery yesterday, and it wasn't too bad. I'll be back to work tomorrow already. And I found a dress I don't wear much that I think my match would like, so I'm going to steam it and add it to my gift as a bonus. All's well that ends well.

>> No.10699185
File: 151 KB, 828x959, EA85AB75-3A76-45F9-99B0-6DC387501EDC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhm .. this is awkward bc i am also #9700 ....

>> No.10699187

On no. Google spreadsheets strikes again

>> No.10699196
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>> No.10699225


>> No.10699251

I guess I’ll email mods in the morning, not sure which one of us they meant but we will figure it out

>> No.10699255

Hey #4639, I guess you're not active in these threads? I wanted to get you an Imai Kira postcard or two but I guess I'll be choosing them at random since I can't wait forever for a reply, I hope you like them anyway!

>> No.10699525
File: 108 KB, 246x215, ERHXBgU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry guyyyssss, looks like it as our fuck up this time (not Google)! I have emailed the ~REAL~ #9700 to confirm it is them.

Fake #9700, please email me so I can see who you really are and give you your correct number. Maybe >>10699255 ? that would be kinda funny.

>> No.10699530

I have emailed salty snowball as of thurs but no reply

>> No.10699672

I'm really sad that one of the extra gifts I was going to throw in to spoil my match has been delayed in shipping. I'm way over the tier I signed up for, though, so I hope that it will still be fun for my match to open all their goodies!

>> No.10700524

8402 here! I know it’s late but thank you! Excited to get it.

>> No.10701763

Would it be in poor taste to send the remainder of a sticker sheet when you've already used some to decorate their card?
Those stickers were way too expensive as it is so no way I'm buying two to give them a fresh one.

>> No.10701775

cut them out of the sheet so you're not sending empty spaces

>> No.10701777

That's a good idea. That'd add quantity and chaos too which would make it more fun to open

>> No.10701808

I had a secret santa do that once and I honestly thought it felt weird and cheap. Cutting them out of the sheet is a good idea, though.

>> No.10701931

Hey, 4639 here. Apologies, I haven’t had much time to check the thread due to the chaos at the hospital I work at.

Imai Kira postcards would be wonderful.

5296, I’m currently waiting on a few final bits to arrive but I should manage to make the deadline.

>> No.10702010

#1111, all your items are on their way to me and I should be able to make the shipping deadline! Just wanted to update you~

>> No.10702078
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Yay, thank you! I appreciate the update.

>> No.10702119

#8391, I am required to fill in either a phone number or an email to my recipient on my shipping form. Perhaps I could just make something up, but is there anything I could write?

>> No.10702157

My SS got the last few little things for my present and card matches so hopefully I’ll get them in the next few weeks and make the deadline. I’m excited to package and write my cards.

>> No.10702160

not that person, but if it's domestic I just put my own so they can send the shipping updates to me. but if anon is international or in a bad neighborhood they may want to give their own.

>> No.10702212

It's international, but if I don't get a response I'll just put my own, I'll ship on Monday. Didn't think of putting my own email at first but that may be just as good or better than putting theirs.
Also just a warning for #8391, I didn't see your online "do not want" until it was too late, so don't expect too much

>> No.10702214

Hi, I'm 5296! It seems we got mutually matched in our tier. Your gift has all the nice things ready, although I can't help but feel it's lacking. I found one big item to fill up most of the tier you see... Either way, I'm certain it's going to fit your style super well! I'm going to wrap the gifts and the whole box this coming week, so it might be sent out soon to you.

Thank you for the update on your end!

>> No.10702249

Haven't seen any posts in here from my Santa, I hope that means they got enough info from my form...

>> No.10702277

Same, worrying a little.

>> No.10702334

#1207, it's me again! Found some good stuff already, just waiting for it to arrive, but I had a couple more questions.

I saw you wanted wall decor in specific colors but what about themes? Do you like decor that's floral, embroidered, has sayings, etc.?

And since you drink tea, are you okay with getting mugs or teacups? This is coming from a fellow tea drinker who wants to make sure you don't have too many already like me lol

>> No.10702383

#8935 Do you like stationary other than bookmarks?

>> No.10702537

I like sun and natural themes, and gold is a huge plus for me! Decor like textured tapestries, vertical wall hangings, and metal hangings are so fun to me. I would love embroideries and floral themes! I'm not a big fan of sayings.

I always have more room for mugs! I have butter fingers though and I would really worry about having something delicate like a teacup.

I'm really excited to see what you picked out!

>> No.10702544

Hi! Yes, I do!

>> No.10702545

Do people address their giftee with name or ID on their cards?

>> No.10702546

Name. No one wants to be addressed by a number. Just make sure you include the number somewhere else.

>> No.10702550

I prefer number, but thats my personal preference. I’ve gotten matched with a friend once before and they kept secret til it arrived in the mail, they wrote my name and that’s fine but someone that is truly anon - no I’d rather just write my number.

>> No.10702605

I don't address them. I like the anon aspect of the board, and the name to me is purely for shipping purposes. Of course I include the ID #s elsewhere on the card.

>> No.10702714

I usually address the letter to “anon”.

>> No.10702716

Hey there! Sorry I just saw this now, but I am pretty sure I have my phone number on my sign up form just under my address! If you want to contact me via email that’s fine too.
As for the ‘do not wants’, I’m sure it’ll be fine, I really do appreciate the effort!

>> No.10702738

Hi 6912, 7063 here! I just got your gift, thank you so much! I’m going to open it and post pictures shortly but I wanted to check since I didn’t see it on the card, what tier was this for? I’m in a couple different tiers so I wanted to check!!

>> No.10702750

My bad, I was your match for the 15-25 tier!

>> No.10702797

Thank you, I've been lazy and won't ship until tomorrow (probably won't enter the system until Wednesday though), but I'll do it "soon".
I can't find your phone number though, maybe it was cut off when it was sent, doesn't matter now that I got your email though, but I'll have to write all the contents for my shipping paper though so if that's sent to you I guess this is a warning if you don't want to be spoiled.

>> No.10702945

Hi 6762, this is your 35-45 tier Santa! I have your gift all ready to send out, except for one item that's been stuck in customs in its origin country for over a month so I'm going to have to find an alternative lol. So unfortunately your gift may be shipped very close to the deadline, but I'll do my best!

>> No.10703144

Hello! 6762 here, thats fine, i dont mind waiting. Holiday season is stressful so definitely no worries and take your time! :) thank you!

>> No.10703188

9700 (60-80 tier) and 2930 (35-45 tier), I shipped out your gifts today and according to USPS they should arrive on Saturday (but might be early next week as they have been behind lately). But in any case, it will arrive soon. Merry Christmas!

>> No.10703795
File: 26 KB, 251x193, shark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 weeks left until the deadline!

If you have shipped your gift, please email us (preferably both of us) so we can mark you off as shipped, and update your giftee with the details!

If anyone is having trouble, or is expecting a delay.. please also let us know ASAP so we can make a note of it!

>> No.10704056

I ordered a bunch of cute stickers/stationary ages ago from a US-based store so I thought it'd be safe, but they still haven't even shipped. I'm annoyed and probably going to have to give up on them. I'm just sending cards and they were only filler so it's fine, but now I'm trying to think of other cute extras I can slip into an envelope instead. Anyone have favorite and also thin things they've received in the past?

>> No.10704201

#8935 Maybe last questions, do you have favorite Disney princesses ? Also when you mean no food, no tea or snacks either? Just for stocking stuffers.

>> No.10704334

Hi again! Your gift's been sent out! Please look forward to an email from the organizers~

>> No.10705060

I don't think the last gift I ordered will get here before the deadline. I ordered it before the end of October but the tracking still says it's in Asia somewhere. It's a semi main part of the gift too...Without it I'm still way over the tier so if I have to I'll ship without it.

>> No.10705076

Hi #7734, I bought you an Angelic Pretty head bow from Mercari that should fit really well with the style you described. It arrived today but unfortunately has undisclosed stains. It's too late to order a replacement now, but would you still like me to include it for you? The rest of the gift still makes the tier level, but I figure I should offer in case you'd like it anyways. Otherwise everything else arrived safe and sound so I'll wrap everything when you respond and ship it out!

>> No.10705253

Hi 5681, 9840, 8451 your cards have been sent out. I hope they get to you soon!

>> No.10705255

Sure, you can send it, I’ll see if I can get the stains out. Thank you for asking!

>> No.10705293

#1958 the last lot of stuff for you should arrive with me tomorrow (hopefully!) so I will send your gift out soon! Just wanted to update in case you were getting worried not seeing your number at all!

>> No.10705778

#8391, #9901
Santa here! Just waiting for your cards to arrive in the mail, and then I'll be sending your gifts out! I couldn't find any cute Christmas cards in stores and ended up ordering them online, stupidly very close to the deadline as I was still hopeful up until recently.

>> No.10705813
File: 513 KB, 1687x1239, 7433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks so much 7734 ! I'm 9700 and I've gotta say that you've made my mouth very happy. I love these kitkat flavors! Don't worry about getting stuff from my wishlist, it's all stuff I really wanted! Thanks again, I hope you have a nice Xmas this year!

>> No.10705815

Aaa I'm getting insecure! What tier was it?

>> No.10705837


>> No.10705864

I’m glad you like it! Have a great Christmas!

>> No.10706111
File: 3.02 MB, 2871x4032, 20211209_193359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Your gift has arrived safe & sound, and I have placed it under the tree!

Thank you,

>> No.10706126

Yay!!! I'm so glad and excited. -Santa

>> No.10706163

Hello, sorry for the late reply! My favorite princess is Aurora. I didn't say no food, only no nuts as I have an allergy, so I hope there's not another mixup! I like tea but looseleaf only please as I don't drink bagged!

>> No.10706283
File: 76 KB, 851x879, 1619458516720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woah I completely missed this. thank you so much! I'm excited to see what you've picked out!

>> No.10706305

6850 here, Santa do you have any updates? Sorry I'm a bit anxious, I'm leaving town on the 23rd for two weeks so if you are going to miss the deadline I may have to ask for you to hold off on sending it until I'll be back home >.<

>> No.10706414

Whoops! I went back to check and I have no idea how I misread something that made me think no food. I pretty much have everything for your gift, just been waiting on something to ship for a few weeks but hopefully soon.

>> No.10706416
File: 1.10 MB, 1102x1056, 1564868228579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

#9840 I'm on my way to the post office to ship your gift so you'll get the tracking number soon!

>> No.10706500
File: 2.40 MB, 4032x3024, 4D1C8892-24C7-4515-A0B4-BDFF47F181FC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From #2279 to #7063! Me being incompetent and shipping things just before the deadline? It’s more likely than you think.
Posting a photo of the gift box here for memory’s sake because I don’t trust the usps to not completely mutilate the thing.

>> No.10706513
File: 44 KB, 618x926, E2685B4F-1C53-4BB3-886C-325E3B2A1F6F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

#8451, just shipped your $60-80 gift out, sent the tracking number to the organisers ~

>> No.10706527

6912, 2279, and 6850, I am waiting on a package with the last of your gifts that’s been moving slowly but is due to arrive Tuesday, so I will most likely be shipping one day late. I’m sorry!

>> No.10706550

I have not the best news..
4639, I unfortunately will be late sending your gift and 7908, 2930, 1841, 5681 your cards, with the tornadoes as of last night in the usa in the south, one hit in my parents area. So at the moment a lot of my money i had saved up and some of my free time is going to help them at the moment. I promise i will ship things out asap and keep all of you updated as well as the organizers.

Thank you and may all of you have a good night.

>> No.10706554

The shipping is so slow, and I just want something to happen, and I keep checking every few hours and this morning I might have spent a few hours trying to read up on how airmail logistics work to try to get an idea of how long it could take but I didn't find much. Why can't things just arrive

>> No.10706572

Are you waiting for something to arrive? Because airmail isn’t tracked and can take up to a month. You probably should have shelled out for EMS or a courier

>> No.10706592

Thanks for the update Santa!

>> No.10706594

>airmail isn’t tracked
Where do you live where that's the case? Genuinely didn't know it wasn't because it's always been fully trackable for me

>> No.10706652

oops, I thought airmail was just generic transport by plane.
idk what I bought probably not airmail, maybe something else.

I'm not worried about arrivals, I'm just imatient. Maybe slightly worried about that thing that hasn't even moved in a month, but I'll ship it separately whenever it arrives

>> No.10706665

#1207, it’s your Santa again! I already shot an email to the organizers but the last portion of your gift is going to be arriving a little later this week, it’ll be delayed but it should reach in time for Christmas!

>> No.10706669

Got the tracking info from them, thank you! Looking forward to your gift arriving <3

>> No.10706683

If something hasn't moved in a month, it probably isn't coming by air. Did you accidentally ship it by seamail?

>> No.10706688

hey 7734!

I'm sending an email to the organizers, but a main part of your gift is arriving tomorrow, and I'll send it out on the 14th! Thank you for your patience!

>> No.10706691

No problem, thanks for letting me know!

>> No.10706742
File: 1.05 MB, 1079x1236, Screenshot_20211207-024920_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I just sent off my gift for you via FedEx, and it's expected to arrive Dec 15!

>> No.10706889

#3005 - your package is in the mail. I gave the tracking number (UPS) to the organizers. It should be there within the week. You'll know it when you see it.

>> No.10706894

I addressed and signed the note in mine with our numbers... I hope that wasn't too weird. This was my first year doing it

>> No.10706896

I ended up doing that too. I feel like >>10702605 is probably right, name should only be for shipping purposes.
Name might also feel fake, like we aren't friends why are you using my name. And if the person usually goes by a nickname it'd feel like something from the government.
Numbers feel right, that's how I think about the person, it shows that it's actually an event so you can think back to the event as a whole when you see it rather than it blending in with every other card you've got. So yeah.

I did see one card with their name in the gallery, maybe that's why I started wondering at all, but that card was actually readable and probably >>10702550 's considering how familiar the tone seemed.

I hope numbers isn't wrong too.

>> No.10706913

1841 here. I'm glad you're safe and I hope your parents are well. If for some reason you can't send out my card I'm ok with that. Please don't stress.

>> No.10707006

I'm excited for my giftees to receive their presents! I hope they love everything, it would make me so happy if they do

>> No.10707015

I know I've not done the best I could have done. It's good if they are happy, but it might be hard to convince me that they aren't at least a little bit disappointed, because that's what I am.

>> No.10707083

My biggest fear isn't getting grinched or even receiving a shitty gift, but my giftee receiving her gift and just never posting about it and never receiving any feedback good or bad. That imo is much worse than getting grinched or getting a crappy gift

>> No.10707099

It's against the rules to not post, so hopefully your anon will behave.

>> No.10707115

Hey 2930, 4639, 8451
You're gift and cards will be sent a day late. Had huge problems at work that sent me in early and kept me late (been at work for 14 hours). I'm going to try to hit the post office as they open so it'll be out tomorrow. I emailed the organizers this morning but haven't heard back and feel really bad. Don't worry, you're not grinched!

>> No.10707135

Hello 8391 (35-45 tier) and 4607 (60-80 tier) your gifts are on the way to you! I've emailed the tracking numbers to the organizers. I think you are going to love the things I've picked out for you, and I hope they arrive quickly.

>> No.10707136

2930 here.

No worries. I did want to let anyone who sent me a card know that I’m traveling all break and have a mail hold at my local post office. I’ll be getting everything on January 7 so I’ll post my gifts/cards then!

>> No.10707155
File: 33 KB, 471x350, 10342693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW I thought the shipping deadline was the 15th and its actually the 13th

ANYWAYS. Get those shipping emails in so I can pass tracking numbers on! If you are sending cards, please send in a picture of your stamped/ addressed cards as confirmation! (preferably to both of us)

>> No.10707175

I'm sorry if this sounds neurotic but would it be possible for the mods to reply to emails we send with shipping proof? Just saying "acknowledged" or something like that so I know they saw it and don't think I'm grinching my giftee? I sent one to salty with my shipping proof 2 days ago and never got a reply and now I'm worried it got sent to spam or something

>> No.10707309

I used to live in a small rural town and didn’t realize the post office there was more lenient about postal rules, so this year I packed up my cards and cute filler gifts in boxes like normal. But when I went to mail them m the man at my new post office told me that if it’s in a priority box it must be shipped priority even if by weight is cheaper... at the last place they’d just scribble over the bar code with a sharpie and send it on its way ;_; But it’s the deadline and I was late for work after standing in line for an hour, and I didn’t have any non-priority boxes at home, so I just sent them as is and ate the higher fee. Yikes. Most expensive cards i’ve ever sent

>> No.10707344

If you have sent to me, I have replied to the emails I have received that the info has been passed on. If not, please forward to me also and I can mark them off! Otherwise I will double check my spam.

We always ask that emails are sent to both of us so if someone is busy the other person can reply.

I saw this one come through and cringed on your behalf. I would have lost my shit if they told me it was that much to send cards! Your Christmas spirit is amazing, and I'm sure your matches will appreciate your effort!

>> No.10707372

It’s me again with an update, sadly DHL arrived after the post office my P.O. box is at closed so it couldn’t be delivered today. I am so so sorry for the delay, I am frustrated that the shipping has taken so long but will get your gifts out as soon as the package arrives!

>> No.10707375

Your email is the cglsecretsanta2018 one right?

>> No.10707378

I am actually just about to send my shipment proof since I only just got home from work, so I guess this means two of us got whacked by rates. At least I'm not alone?

>> No.10707404

Tell me about it. I shipped a small package out of the country and it was over 50 dollars. I was told to ship to that country it would have been at least 50 because they aren't accepting not EMS from where I live.

>> No.10707416

Yep! That is correct!

Ouch! Yep, I guess there's 2 who got stung with cards! I think I will make up a list of cheaper shipping methods to add on for SS in future to help anyone shipping internationally, as having to pay the price of the gift or more just to ship it is a bad feeling.

>> No.10707422

Thank you for the update! I think I got the first part of the gift on Monday, was it in a red mailer? I’m very excited to open it, but I want to wait for the whole gift!

>> No.10707441
File: 44 KB, 800x450, dissapointed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ship package
>shipping estimate is 3 days
>check package tracking
>it's now 7 days and has been stuck in pennsylvania for 2 days when your giftee is in california

>> No.10707534

That’s weird, I didn’t send anything to you yet, is it from someone else? I’m gonna try and drop your package off today before the office closes, my hours for the rest of the week got fucked so I won’t have time then.

>> No.10707538

8451, 2930, 8391 and 6571, I’ll be posting your cards off tomorrow.

5296, I’ll also be posting your gift.

Unfortunately the post office closed earlier than expected today so I missed the deadline but don’t worry tomorrow I’ll definitely get them all posted (and I’ll send the organisers proof).

Apologies for the delay, everything should still arrive before Christmas!

>> No.10707560

You’re not the only one who got screwed although this was partially my fault as my box was a little big.

>$72 for 7-day ground shipping

But >>10707422 , your gift has been dropped off! The box looks heavy but it’s only about 5-6 pounds so don’t worry lol

>> No.10707579

Good to know! I sent you gift yesterday so it'll be waiting for you when you get back into town. I hope you enjoy it!

>> No.10707641

Ah, the red mailer must be my card match then!

>$72 for shipping
Yikes. Santa, I hope you know how appreciated you are. I hope you get spoiled!

>> No.10707728
File: 1.29 MB, 1880x1500, DSC_4091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I received my gift today and couldn't wait to open it, and oh my god, ahhh!

It's so amazing, thank you so much Santa! I don't know what I did this year to deserve so many great things! Now you're making me nervous my gift isn't good enough!

Thank you so much #8451!

$60-80 tier (that's definitely a lie)

>> No.10707763

I've realized I got a mutual match even though I thought we weren't doing them, guess it was just some RNG!

>> No.10707798

Same here, looks like there were quite a few mutual matches this year

>> No.10707800

ooh is that plushie a hedgehog? so cute!

>> No.10707804

#6762, I shipped your gift out yesterday :) sorry it's a bit late, as I said earlier up thread I was having shipping trouble with one of your items. Hope you recieve it soon!

>> No.10707855

Hey #7063, if you see this please let me know if you received your gift! The tracking on my end says it was delivered but the USPS sucks ass sometimes so I wanna make extra sure.

>> No.10707862

So is waiting until the 25th to open your gift part of the rules or is it just courtesy? I feel dumb asking but it's my first year

>> No.10707865

I feel like there have never been any set rules for this and you should with your gift as you wish

>> No.10707868
File: 1.13 MB, 1280x1280, Notgrinched.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello 9700, this is your 60-80 tier giftee! I'm planning on waiting until christmas eve to open it but wanted to let you know the gift arrived safely. the wrapping paper you chose is great, will post a picture of the contents soon

>> No.10707870

Anon what's that red and black pill thing? It almost looks like a foam stress ball

>> No.10707873
File: 3.31 MB, 4032x3024, 20211216_181330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm #2418 in the $35-45 tier and I just wanted to say that I got my gift today! I love the stickers.
I haven't opened it yet so I don't know the # of my Santa and I'm definitely not letting myself open it until I finish something for work (I might wait until Christmas, we'll see how my willpower is)
I'll post again when I open it, thank you Santa!

>> No.10707884

Thanks for the confirmation! Was getting kind of worried! Can't wait to read your reaction!

>> No.10707887

Hi anon! I’m part of multiple tiers so I don’t know which you are but I did get a package the other day! I’m waiting until I have some time on the weekend to open it.
That also goes for the other package I got a couple weeks back, for that anon! I’ve just been to busy to sit down and open them properly yet.

>> No.10707892

Yup! His name is Harin, I actually already have the same one, so now they're twins.

It's a stress pill!

>> No.10707922
File: 3.20 MB, 2560x1920, 21-12-16-20-46-03-431_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, I couldn't wait and opened it, thank you so much for the Gingher scissors! They're by far the item I'm most excited for. The acdc rag hoodie is absolutely perfect and I feel like you got my style right on. Thank so so much anon! I'll be brewing the tea tomorrow morning and also making a leather sheath for my new scissors to protect them. No need to apologize about the tin btw!

>> No.10708076

Anyone else nervous that they’re getting grinched? I sent my gifts out right after Thanksgiving but one of my matches hasn’t shipped my gift out. It’s the higher tier too. I know I shouldn’t be pessimistic but this holiday season has been full of shit going wrong and this would just be the cherry on top.
I’ll also be out of town for a bit starting a week from today and I’m worried it will get stolen if it’s delivered while I’m gone.

>> No.10708084 [DELETED] 

>hand blended by me
Uh-oh blacklist incoming

I might be grinched out of a card because I haven't heard anything, but I don't think my gift santa will grinch me.

I probably shouldn't have asked this, people's different interpretations might be part of the personal touch.
But if you address me as "anon" please don't do it inside any wrapping or on the outside of the envelope or box, I don't want to have to explain to my family that I use a neo nazi website.

>> No.10708093

The grinch squad will make sure no one ends up with a shitty outcome. As for missing the package, I think you can talk to your local post office to set up a vacation hold; they'll keep your mail safe at the post office for you to pick up when you return.

>> No.10708096

Neither of my Santas has posted anything at all, I'm starting to worry

>> No.10708143
File: 229 KB, 1280x960, ss_60_80_2021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

8402 here~

Finally getting to post my gift from 4607!!
Wow, I was honestly surprised at how well you understood my taste!! I absolutely adore the pieces, and couldn't be more grateful.

-I dont know how you managed to find this cardi in good condition, but I'm so happy!
- The barettes are great, as I was sorely lacking some` choco head accessories!
- Thank you for the Gojo, he will oversee my wardrobe and protect it.
- And most of all, thank you for the thoughtful handmade card. It's definitely getting framed <3

Thank you again, and you have my contact info if you ever wanna talk! I'd love to be friends <3

>> No.10708156

Oh, I was just about to post my gift and saw this! I'm really glad you like it, I was really worried it was stuck in the mail or something.
I have your IG so I'll follow you! I love your style and it was super fun shopping for you! I actually found the cardigan off Violet blue, I was so happy to find a wishlist item of yours. Happy holidays anon.

>> No.10708158 [DELETED] 
File: 1.53 MB, 3177x2575, IMG_20211217_122704_edit_1327440292501093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2930 -> 4607 60 - 80 tier
Thank you so much! I am so excited about this gift. I love all the candy and the little containers for sauce are really cute. Gonna help me out a lot at lunch time, haha. I really like the skirt, the lace at the bottom is really cute and it fits perfect. The blouse is really spectacular though! i love the tie with it and it fits really nice. I'm so happy with everything! I'm already planning on coming up with coords. I followed you on IG too!

>> No.10708159
File: 1.53 MB, 3177x2575, IMG_20211217_122704_edit_1327440292501093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2930 -> 4607 60 - 80 tier
Thank you so much! I am so excited about this gift. I love all the candy and the little containers for sauce are really cute. Gonna help me out a lot at lunch time, haha. I really like the skirt, the lace at the bottom is really cute and it fits perfect. The blouse is really spectacular though! i love the tie with it and it fits really nice. I'm so happy with everything! I'm already planning on coming up with coords. I followed you on IG too!

>> No.10708163

#6762 card tier and #6310 $60-80 tier, I shipped your card and gift today! I hope the organizers gave you a heads up about my delay.... My apologies, but I’ve been so busy! Hope they get to you soon <3

>> No.10708175

you're not the only one ;-;

>> No.10708294

Thank you for the heads up, I was getting worried! I’ll let you know when it arrives safe and sound!

>> No.10708961

Gulls, I just received my gift in the 150+ tier and half of my gift was Taobao... I've contacted the mods so I'm not going to post it yet but I am really sad... I got my own giftee a whole coord consisting of only brand.

>> No.10708985

Did you specify no taobao?

>> No.10708994

No, I thought that wasn't allowed. So in my forms I specified that I only wear brand and thought that was enough of a hint. At 150+ tier, it just seems ridiculous a big chunk of my gift was Taobao (the cheap stuff too)

>> No.10708998

why would the mods care if the rules say you can't ask for brand? you knew the rules before you joined.

>> No.10708999

I don’t think you can specify brand only, but you could have specified no Taobao without issue, I’d assume.

>> No.10709005

They were weird about it when planning so I can see why anon was afraid to explicitly say no Taobao since saying brand only was disallowed.

Did the items accurately match your interests other than being taobao/the quality? If so there's not much that can be done. And you said half is Taobao. Do you mean half the value or half the items? Cause the non Taobao half could be most or all of the actual gift value and the rest filler.

>> No.10709014

I didn't mind Taobao items as long as they weren't the main part of the gift but they take up half of the gift, the brand items are small and does not take up most of the cost either. I stalked the secondhand markets a lot this season for my own gifts, so I know the price range the items I received were. The taobao items also don't go with my wardrobe, I received an old taobao blouse that has lace yellowing and doesn't match my wardrobe.

>> No.10709021

Hi anon, I’m pretty sure I was your santa. I can show you the listings I bought from, the brand items alone added up to most of the $150 minimum. The blouse was really just something I added as an extra since you have a few dresses I thought it might look nice with and it’s too small for most people. I’m sorry that you’re disappointed, but the sweet market is very inflated right now and you specifically mentioned wanting accessories, so that’s what I got.

>> No.10709023

I’m sorry anon, that really sucks. Especially for the higher tiers, that’s upsetting. Maybe next year will be better?

>> No.10709031

It may not match your wardrobe but does it match the info on your form? And did you specify your desire to have taobao not be the majority of the gift? There are no promises in SS that your gift will match your wardrobe or be brand or that others even have your same impression of "matching" other items, just that things are within an acceptable price range and make sense based on your form, so if you want SS volunteers to get involved you need some evidence that your Santa disregarded your form and info, not just that they have bad taste and bought you taobao if you never explicitly said no taobao.

I am really picky and particular so I'd never do SS because of how specific you have to be to ensure you get what you want depending on who your Santa is desu. I can see how this is disappointing but be rational with yourself. Maybe sharing your gift here and saying where you think it went wrong in relation to following your listed interests would allow anons or the helpers to judge things objectively.

>> No.10709038

NTA but did you spend only $150? i know the organizers say to not expect a generous santa but that is… something.

i personally wouldn’t want 60-75 dollars of taobao.

>> No.10709039

No, I spent just over $200. I had planned to spend more but had several medical emergencies pop up in late October and early November and by the time I was back on my feet it was too late to order anything more and expect it to come on time.

>> No.10709040

You have a point. I guess my own expectations were too high after seeing the gifts above in lower tiers that I thought were nice. I had a really good experience last year in a lower tier so I thought I could risk the highest tier this year, but I think I'm just not going to participate any more.

Santa, I would have appreciated knowing this ahead of time if you were having issues but you didn't say. Also a bit hurtful to know you participated in 3 different tiers so you'll be receiving 3 gifts that are going to be better. Like anon above said 150 is the minimum. I remain unconvinced that the brand items in here cost you over 200. You also didn’t specify that the taobao blouse was an “extra” on the card, so when I received it it just seems like something you didn’t want from your own closet that you included to bulk up the package.

>> No.10709041

>i personally wouldn’t want 60-75 dollars of taobao.
Same but anon wasn't specific about not wanting taobao so it's her own fault it seems. No need to shame people for not going above and beyond the tier they signed up for.

>> No.10709042

I am happy to send you screenshots of the cost of the items. I’m sorry that I didn’t mention my medical issues but I was able to exceed the minimum for all three tiers I am in so I didn’t think it was pertinent information. Also, the $200 is not the brand items alone, that is the total cost. The brand items cost about $130 altogether. The blouse was not from my own closet, I purchased it from a friend who was selling because I genuinely did think it would look nice with some of your Meta dresses. Once again, I apologize that you are disappointed.

>> No.10709065

The whole point of this tier is that its supposed to be the one for ppl who want to go high. We arent talking about a 25-50 kind of tier, its 150+, no cap.

As well someone who specified they only own brand clearly has a preference you are ignoring when you get them crap from taobao.

>> No.10709091

Brand only is literally forbidden in the rules of this exchange. Anyone signing up is agreeing to get non-brand by virtue of participating.

>> No.10709098

Spending $200 is already +20% more than the minimum for the tier. That absolutely falls not just within minimum standards for this event but is a decent chunk of money. To say anyone is a grinch for only spending $50 above minimum at that level is ludicrous.

If you are picky enough you don't want to receive anything but brand, and felt you had to be subtle about that fact on your form in order to participate in the event, online anonymous gift exchanges are not for you. I don't know what you expected here.

Makes me glad I just did cards this year rather than trying to please people like you.

>> No.10709104

Can you post an image of what you received?

>> No.10709109

I'd really like to see as well. She seemed somewhat reasonable in her later posts about it but I think it's easier for her to either share in the thread or via email with the organizers if she hopes to have any resolution beyond petty drama and arguments.

>> No.10709111

I'm always terrified of getting matched with someone like you. You can't expect your Santa to read your mind and know exactly what you want. They're a literal stranger to you. If you're picky, just don't join the secret santa. It's that easy anon.
>I received it it just seems like something you didn’t want from your own closet that you included to bulk up the package.
Very weird and unfair assumption to make.
>I got my own giftee a whole coord consisting of only brand.
Good for you anon? That doesn't impact what you'll end up receiving though.
> I think I'm just not going to participate any more.
Good. Don't. We're better off without this attitude.
Entering this is a risk. You might not get exactly what you want. You accept that risk when you sign up. Especially for the higher tiers.

>> No.10709117 [DELETED] 

Hi #8935, your Santa here! I’m sorry for the radio silence, I haven’t forgotten about you! Part of your gift is running very late, but I’m hoping to ship by the end of the month!

>> No.10709119

Seconding this, if the gift is objectively bad, it will be obvious for everyone, otherwise the whole situation seems like you had unrealistic expectations or it's a matter of taste

>> No.10709120

Hi #7063, your Santa here! I’m sorry for the radio silence, I haven’t forgotten about you! Part of your gift is running very late, but I’m hoping to ship by the end of the month!

>> No.10709126
File: 3.79 MB, 3024x4032, 13D85E63-A034-4E23-B857-5C98D2B16338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$15-25 tier, from 6912 to 7063. Sorry for the delay, I have had a very hectic month and your gift came on a particularly awful day for me so I wanted to wait until I was feeling better to open it! Thank you for everything! I’m glad to have the headband since I like wearing these casually and my last one broke. The socks are very cute, I don’t think I have any other card suit items in my wardrobe so they’re going to be a challenge to coordinate but I’m going to give it a go! Also, the bath bomb is adorable and I’m looking forward to using it. Thanks again, anon!

No worries, anon, thank you for the update!

>> No.10709133
File: 1.33 MB, 1920x2560, 19B04FDF-362D-4D0C-886E-4F4B0D023D58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the second gift I received, $35-45 tier from 2279. I am so excited about the coordinate planner, I’ve wanted something like this for ages, so thank you for that plus the cute pen and stickers to go with it! I also adore the nekodango, I have a few and I love them. I forgot to mention that my ears aren’t pierced, totally my bad, but you sent me one pair that are clip on so that turned out okay! I do want to be totally honest that I’m a little confused on the wig, it’s not that it doesn’t match my style but it feels out of left field. I’ll probably use it to practice doing a hime bump type style on, so it’ll get some use. Thank you again, and Merry Christmas!

>> No.10709135
File: 2.77 MB, 2880x2160, ss_2021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$150+ tier, from 7063 to 6850. I had to post it as part of the rules anyway so here it is anons. I spent the day thinking about it and I'm just going to take the L and not participate anymore because I am obviously too picky. I was under the impression that the highest tier was for people who wanted to go a bit more beyond but maybe I was wrong. I do like the four brand items that are in here and am thankful that my Santa got them. The rest I don't really see myself using but can probably find people to gift them to. The blouse upon further inspection had a lot of dog hair and yellowing, but since Santa later said it's an extra I guess it's what it is. On the bright side, Santa wrapped everything in tissue paper which was a nice touch!

Here you go.

>> No.10709141

Tbh just from this pic alone I can't tell what's brand and what's taobao except the extra blouse.

>> No.10709143

I can see the brand stuff being 130 and the taobao headwear pushing it into 150, but I don't really know where that other 50 came from. The bunny headdress actually looks cute, but I would personally not put the blouse in the gift & would certainly lintroll it if I did. So it's an awkward situation because it looks like Santa started out with good intentions but scraped together the bare minimum in the end. That's the gamble of participating, I suppose. One year I got all normie-brand loliables, but the next year my santa did an excellent job without going too overbudget. I think you have to enjoy giving more than receiving to have a will to participate. Idk if this would warrant a bonus gift from grinch squad or not and am curious how others would judge the value.

>> No.10709146

The bunny headdress is cute, but something I would only wear at home and not in public (but again, I didn’t specify that I don’t wear ears in public) so I may still keep it. And I do agree that it’s more important to enjoy the gifting process more than expect something back. My expectations was too high though. I enjoyed buying for my giftee a lot so I’m just going to focus on that and hope my giftee likes what I got them.

>> No.10709147 [DELETED] 
File: 46 KB, 400x600, 65C6477C-E625-4C6E-87C9-734372E0FB07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are also Fluff Mollie wristcuffs with the mint headbow. The Taobao items cost just over $45 plus the Chocomint now and Kokokim pouch are what bring the total cost up to $150.

For the record, neither I nor the person I boing the blouse from have dogs, and the lace is ivory in the stock photo.

I’m done trying to defend my gift as I genuinely thought I did well based on the information I was given.

>> No.10709150

Bolero, pink barrette, strawberry barrette, and the socks are my guess. I have a few of those items myself. I also thought the bunny headdress might have been brand at first glance. I don't think Santa was being stingy with this gift even if the blouse was a miss. If a brand blouse was included it probably would have swayed this in a better direction but again, it's not allowed to request only brand so.

>> No.10709151
File: 46 KB, 400x600, 2505A6FD-BB59-4C79-8C8C-6C8BC8451AB3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Taobao items altogether cost around $45 or so, plus there’s also the Chocomint now and Kokokim pouch.

For the record, neither I nor the person I bought the blouse from have dogs. Also, the lace isn’t yellowed, it is ivory in the stock photos.

I’m done trying to defend my gift, I did the best I could with the information I was given.

>> No.10709153

Oh yeah the bolero is BABY I see the tag my bad. Some of it looks like AP.

>> No.10709156

Not your santa, but I think card suit prints go well with chocolate or royal prints in general. The geometric shapes work well together. There are also a lot of biscuit prints that have card suit shaped biscuits!

150+ simply means 150 and up. Not everyone is going to go way above. I also don't see any issues with the taobao accessories here, even if you "only wear brand." Lots of people only wear brand main pieces and still buy taobao or indie accessories. The mint and brown kc and wristcuffs look fine, as does the little set of ears (and how is anon supposed to be psychic and know you wouldn't wear them?). As you mentioned, I just don't think this is the right exchange for you if you're this particular.

>> No.10709165

#3005 - check your front door. Your package was delivered today

>> No.10709170

Tbh I wouldn't start panicking yet. I heard absolutely nothing from my Santa or the organizers about my gift shipping and then my gift just... Showed up on my doorstep a few days ago. I guess some people just weren't great about following that part of the rules. I would worry though if we get to January and you've still heard nothing

>> No.10709172
File: 2.25 MB, 4032x3024, 926ED58E-DA84-4EDF-BCD1-BB804C439572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey 7063! Huge thanks from 2279! Sorry I didn’t see your message here earlier, my shirt size preference is medium for comfort but x-small is my real size! Either way, the Pompoji shirt was actually a huge wishlist item for me so I must thank you for somehow managing to read my mind. (the rainbow bag too, I love the 2000’s Claire’s aesthetic so much)
I totally don’t mind used things btw, as long as it’s not described as having stains or rips or stretches, that’s like-new enough for me. I’ll def be more specific next time haha
I’m glad you’ll be able to get some use out of the wig. Sorry it’s weirdly generic, I had to fill the rest of the box space with something lol
I love everything and I’m glad you do too! Thank you again.

>> No.10709179

I’m so glad you like everything!! I love GGG so I was happy to get to buy from them for you. I wasn’t 100% certain if you’d like the rainbow pouch but you said you like bright colors sometimes so I’m glad I went with it anyway, and that you like it!

>> No.10709183

I think all of this is really cute. If they went over 150, it's fair game. Like the other anon said, you should only enter Secret santas if you like the act of giving more than receiving.

>> No.10709224

This... doesn’t seem bad to me? Like ya it’s on the sparser side as far as bigger gifts go but by no means did it warrant complaining in the thread and contacting the mods. It’s super rude to make your Santa feel bad because it didn’t live up to your expectations. And it’s none of your business that she had health issues when your gift met the minimum and was on time. Just because she couldn’t afford to spoil like she wanted to is no reason to be rude.

Are you the anon that got all but Thur about getting holy lantern socks when you put holy lantern on a list of prints you liked last year?

>> No.10709231

I’m 7734, this is from my $35-$45 Santa (I couldn’t find your number anywhere, sorry if I was dumb and missed it!)
Thank you so much! The cardigan will match a lot of my wardrobe and the lace bolero will match one of my JSKs perfectly! And the hair clips are sooo cute, I’d love to know where you found such cute accessories! The necklaces are beautiful too. And thank you for the buttons and straps, I’ll add the Sakura ones to my itabag next time I rearrange it. Also I love your adorable drawings! Thank you again and I hope you have an amazing Christmas!

>> No.10709232
File: 349 KB, 1280x783, 53B3D38D-B0A7-4CA7-9475-9CF40570B3BB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, dropped pic

>> No.10709240

Everything here is super cute? Is it really such a big deal that you got a taobao shirt, would an indy company off taobao have been better? I didn't know going over tiers was expected, now I'm nervous.

>> No.10709242

It’s not, or at least it’s not supposed to be. Especially in lower tiers. This anon just has her panties in a twist because she oNlY wEaRs BuRaNdO

>> No.10709292
File: 144 KB, 1000x600, clARjlqr09a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ID: #3005 is having issues posting, so I am posting on their behalf for their Santa to see.

"Santa, you did great despite not having much in common! I hope you had fun shopping! I really appreciate that you shopped outside of your comfort zone and got something from a less known fashion, it means a lot to me. The belt is wonderful and I can already see a bunch of ways to rock it! The stationary is cute and I’m happy you picked them out for me!

I still can’t get over how fortuitous it is that you happened to have an old pair of RHS just lying around. With my inserts, they fit well! I promise I’ll give them the best new home possible. They’ll complete many many coords in the near future!

Happy holidays to you too!"

>> No.10709294

I have emailed you both!

> As for "No Asking for only Burando rule"
I think this needs to be revised, this rule has been in place since the early days of SS and originally was majority agreed on. Personally to me it has always meant you could not ask for your entire gift to be "only brand" and nothing else, but not that you couldn't specify you only wore brand and did not wish to receive clothing from Taobao etc.

Please let me know what thoughts are regarding this? Ideas on how to re-word it or if it should be removed entirely?

>> No.10709296

>Personally to me it has always meant you could not ask for your entire gift to be "only brand" and nothing else, but not that you couldn't specify you only wore brand and did not wish to receive clothing from Taobao etc.

These are the same thing.

If people are so picky that they won't accept ANYTHING but brand, not just main pieces, but everything would need to be brand, then they're too picky to participate in a secret santa with strangers.

>> No.10709299


Seconding >>10709296. The whims of the second-hand market are ever-changing... what if you get matched to someone who will ONLY accept brand, but there's nothing in their style available, or only available well above your price bracket? Should the santa for that person end up forced to spend way more above their tier? I just don't think it fits the spirit of the event to hold people to that kind of standard. Plus imagine spending an entire budget on a single burando item just to have the giftee by chance not like that print or color or already have it. Sure, sometimes you luck out and find the perfect gift at exactly the price range, but that can't be relied on. I think it adds too much pressure and removes a lot of what makes these things fun--getting to orchestrate a well-balanced gift for someone, making it cute/match the themes they like, without being constantly anxious over if they'll hate it.

>> No.10709300

keep the “no asking for all brand” rule because doing otherwise puts undue pressure on the gifter. as long as the TB items are reasonable and match the giftee’s interests it’s all fair game. i think adding a binary yes/no for “is taobao okay?” opens the door for needing other questions of the same caliber, like “is western indie okay?” and somebody saying no or claiming they don’t want any of those basically equates to asking for only brand

maybe if somebody doesn’t want large parts of the gift to be taobao they could specify that taobao FILLERS are okay, but then what constitutes filler, would they throw a fit if somebody got them what they perceived to be too many taobao items, etc etc etc. i think the current rule in place is fine and rules don’t need to be rewritten for one particularly ungrateful anon.

>> No.10709301

Same as >>10709299 with an addendum that I guess it would be fine IF the people specify they understand they may then receive no clothing at all, but they better have a lot of other easily purchasable things on the list that can add up to the price bracket outside that (plushies, figures, whatever).

>> No.10709305

Happy it arrived and that you liked the gift <3 Your form and wishlist was super clear and I had loads of fun shopping for you! Merry Christmas!

>> No.10709334

I hope yours arrives soon!

>> No.10709394 [DELETED] 

I think if you really wanted, you could have a question that asks if you prefer a variety of items of reasonable quality vs. fewer items of high quality. This gives some direction without being too strict. Saying brand-only is very limiting. however, any time I've seen that question asked in the thread by Sanras, everyone replies they prefer fewer but high quality items, so maybe it's not worth putting on the form. Again, it may be too limiting if Santa is having trouble finding the ideal gift.

>> No.10709395 [DELETED] 

I think if you really wanted, you could have a question that asks if you prefer a variety of items of reasonable quality vs. fewer items of high quality. This gives some direction without being too strict. Saying brand-only is very limiting. however, any time I've seen that question asked in the thread by Santas, everyone replies they prefer fewer but high quality items, so maybe it's not worth putting on the form. Again, it may be too limiting if Santa is having trouble finding the ideal gift.

>> No.10709397

I think if you really wanted, you could have a question that asks if you prefer a variety of items of reasonable quality vs. fewer items of high quality. This gives some direction without being too strict. Saying brand-only is very limiting. however, any time I've seen that question asked in the thread by Santas, everyone replies they prefer fewer but high quality items, so maybe it's not worth putting on the form. Again, it may be too limiting if Santa is having trouble finding the ideal gift.

>> No.10709400
File: 1.21 MB, 2480x3509, 0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4100 >4607 60-80 tier
Sorry I took a couple days to post this! It was really hard to find a day when the lighting was decent enough to photograph everything.
I'm so...shook by this gift! It was really a lot and I'm extremely happy with it. Two main pieces?! I absolutely love the Heart E dress as I've never had white x black gingham. The possibilities are really exciting, I can't wait to wear it with different colours like red and pink. The meta dress is also really cute and fits really nice. I'm excited to wear it with a blouse underneath. The headbow is super versatile and I have so many ideas for it too. I'm really excited.
All the filler is also perfectly cute! I really like the stickers and already put some in my journal. Thank you so much, seriously, this was a perfect gift. <3 all the best. I'm extremely grateful there are kind people in the world like you. Also, your handwriting is amazing. I'll try to wear these soon and post to IG so you can see them, so if you wanna DM me there please feel free. Happy holidays and again, thank you.

>> No.10709452

Hi 7063! It's 6912, I'm sorry you were have a rough time recently, but I'm glad you enjoyed the gift! I'm sure you'll make some great coords!

>> No.10709809

Don't revise it. That giftee is just ungrateful. If all you want is brand and are that picky then don't participate and just buy yourself something.
I personally think they should be named and shamed but that's me.

>> No.10709820

Doxxing people as punishment? I totally disagree, that thought shouldn't even be entertained. It is absolutely essential that people can feel that their personal information is as safe as possible, and no matter how bad you do, that's something that must never be broken.

If you change the rules, please consider making the rules different for different tiers. Saying "brand only" may have very different implications for the $15 tier and the $150 tier.

>> No.10709821

Just make it clear that you can't ask for only brand. I thought it was alright the way it is. Just maybe make the people who sign up have to take a quiz on the rules before they submit the form.

>> No.10709824

While all of this discourse is great, I'm just excited for my match to post. My shipping went super fast, despite being posted late! I'm happy, excited, even merry. Merry Christmas!

>> No.10709829

We know who Karl is without us doxxing him, don't be obtuse. We also know that Puvi is a serial shit gift giver.
And posting someone's social media isn't doxxing either.

>> No.10709832
File: 3.24 MB, 3000x3143, IMG_20211221_190830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Phone posting, hopefully my photo isn't sideways! I got this super cute card in the post! I really love it, the ducks are adorable and I appreciate your effort to make the card from scratch! (And also love the drawing inside) I am super excited to try the tea, I don't have a strainer but I will go and buy one especially! Thank so much Anon! Have a great Christmas!!

>> No.10709844


>> No.10709886

I've entered the same gift tier in prior years and this is way better than anything I've received. Your Santa included brand items like the bolero, socks and barrettes. They could have added another item like socks perhaps but this isn't that bad? You're being cunty.

>> No.10709911

I'm so glad you liked the card! I was worried the package wouldn't make it in time. >>10709844 Yes, it is. One of my matches asked for local snacks and sending a cheesesteak wasn't feasible.

>> No.10709935
File: 229 KB, 860x843, 92BF28FB-5372-487B-92C7-3949536839E5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A happy update~ gift 4639, and cards 5681, 1841, 2930, 7908 I have shipped out your packages! Est. time of arrival says Monday the 27th, but I just hope they get to you guys some point next week.

I have sent tracking numbers to the organizers. Also my parents house and them as well are all doing much better.

Thank you for being patient with me, I hope you all have a great xmas and new years!

>> No.10709937

Giftee here. I’ve apologized to the mods and told them to disregard my complaints. Santa reached out to me privately awhile ago and I apologized to them too. I was way off the mark with my expectations. Please rest assured I will not be participating any more and no one will have to deal with me moving forward.

>> No.10709996


>> No.10710017

Good to hear everyone is well. Thanks for the update on everything! Have a healthy and safe holiday!

>> No.10710024

Pretty sure I got grinched. No word from Santa (assuming the mods would relay it to me). Why do people do this? Things have been shitty and this is the icing on the cake.
(Yes I know grinch squad makes up for it but it’s so far after Christmas that it’s not the same. It’s wonderful what they do, but also shitty that they have to)

>> No.10710028

I'm worried because my gift should have arrived to my giftee by now but they haven't posted. I guess they could be waiting for Christmas.

>> No.10710030

Why the fuck would you expect her to tell you, a completely anon stranger, her personal medical issues when she spent $50 more than the minimum? Holy shit are you an entitled bitch

>> No.10710041

At least she admitted her mistake/attitude being wrong and is apologizing and removing herself from future SS events. It's good to be self-aware and understand that if you're super picky about what you want to recieve to not join. It really is more about the fun of shopping and giving to others. If everyone approaches it that way as long as there's no genuine grinching everyone would be happier.

>> No.10710046

She threw a bitch fit then ragequit after chastising a stranger for not being told their medical history. Most children wouldn't even whine about receiving a decent gift like hers. Just because you say "I know I'm picky" doesn't absolve you from being a bitch when your entitlement rears its ugly head.

>> No.10710048

Is it common for gulls to just silently send their gifts without sending updates to the thread or mods at all? Because it's starting to look like I got grinched on both tiers I signed up for. I'm #2671, if anyone I'm matched with is reading this I'd really appreciate any sort of update.

>> No.10710062

Oh yeah the behavior was whiny and dumb but she apologized and removed herself so the situation is resolved imo. Idk why anyone who only wants brand would join a cgl SS where the rules state you can't only ask for brand desu. Just buy your own brand instead of expecting to be spoiled. I'd like to see how much she spent on her $150+ tier gift considering her initial complaint that 150 is the minimum.

>> No.10710083

I contacted the mods when I sent mine, but never posted. My gift arrived without ever getting a message.VGPAN

>> No.10710084
File: 3.03 MB, 4032x3024, 24627E66-1451-46B1-AC1C-7AAE96E57547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From 8402 to 7734- $60-$80 tier
Thank you so much anon! I didn’t expect to get anything brand, and only a small accessory if I did, so this was a huge surprise! I’ve never seen this skirt before, but I love the pockets! And especially thank you for the bag! I’ve always wanted a Baby school style bag but I never took the plunge, so this is perfect! Thank you so much and I hope you have a wonderful Christmas!!

>> No.10710101 [DELETED] 
File: 2.94 MB, 2611x3886, F14D38B0-F48D-4003-918B-0050CA6DA7D0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

8391 here, just wanted to say that I recieved these packages, but have been waiting for Christmas to open them, just in case you were worried about the items arriving! Thanks so much, and I’m so excited to open them!

>> No.10710103
File: 2.93 MB, 2619x3894, C64F9860-248B-486D-AB76-6FD55EFE7C73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

8391 here, just wanted to say that I recieved these packages, but have been waiting for Christmas to open them, just in case you were worried about the items arriving! Thanks so much, and I’m so excited to open them!

>> No.10710104

Hey 5995!
Should I be expecting more from you? I got one gift, but I'm unsure if more are supposed to come or not. Also, what tier are you?

>> No.10710121

I’m pretty quiet in the threads, but I kept the mods updated. Not sure how much was relayed to my match though. I’m sure if there’s an issue, the mods will reach out to you? The grinch check is end of January so I would wait until then before getting too worried.

>> No.10710156

Since people seem to be receiving their gifts with no prior updates, 8391 and 9901 - I've sent yours out earlier in the week! Hopefully the organizers forwarded you the tracking info

>> No.10710233
File: 2.23 MB, 4032x3024, 6F8D4366-E4E6-4202-A7D6-6E0BBF4CF9B3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From 7908 to 1207 card tier
I’m absolutely floored by this card! I’m going to have a hard time deciding where to display it so it gets all the attention it deserves.
I love that you found brooch locally - it totally goes with my wardrobe! Teddy bears are my fav.
Thank you so much for including tea!! I’ve never had this brand before, and I’m really excited to try it! It smells amazing.
Since you mentioned we’re geographically close, I do hope we get to meet in 2022! I hope your holidays are amazing!

>> No.10710259
File: 1.53 MB, 3230x2613, 20211221_123112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6912 here, received my wonderful gift from 7063 in the 15-25 tier! Thank you so much for the scrunchie, I love it and can't wait to wear it with the rest of my Misty Sky set. The ring and bow are so cute too. I feel so spoiled!

>> No.10710320

Unfortunately yes, every year we have people who don't email and don't post in the thread so we end up having to chase up gifters to see if they sent anything, or the giftee to see if they received anything.

Speaking of, I have been flat out at work so haven't had a chance to start sending angry emails to those who have no contact. But now I am on break.. so if you have sent your gift and haven't had an email back acknowledging it, please email me at the cglsecretsanta2018 email so I can mark you off!!! Those who are late with no contact do get flagged and noted for future.. so expect your angry email soon if we don't hear from you!!

>> No.10710351

I’m so happy you love it!! I remember you said something along the lines of no food and that’s typically what i send as filler, so just got you something a little extra!!

>> No.10710373
File: 2.70 MB, 3024x4032, 2D698848-2702-4E1B-8626-621C7F7BB9BE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

#7908 to #1477 - Haven’t had the chance to post but I opened your card after a long day and I’m blown away. I loved your card and note. It’s sitting proudly on top of my desk ;-; The chocolates look so good and the tin is so going to be my new travel sewing case. The turner/seam presser is very much needed and will be put to work soon. Personalized gifts are such a good idea. I’m definitely going to try to do that next year. I’m so grateful for all the care and thought you put in this. I hope the holidays and new year bring you good fortune!

>> No.10710382

Hi 7098, thank you so much for the tea and the bookmark! I can’t wait to try to tea, I opened it up to smell it and it smells so good! The card you included is super cute and I’m definitely keeping it as a display piece! Your notes were so sweet, thank you again, I love it <3

>> No.10710385
File: 2.25 MB, 3024x3024, E7E71FB6-7508-4249-AF66-2221395A2A09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropped the picture!

>> No.10710389
File: 3.88 MB, 4032x3024, 7033A308-1362-4433-8CF2-8F2DFC34D643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I’m an idiot and forgot which ID’s were in the cards and I’m currently traveling. I’ll post an update once I’m back home!

Thank you for the wonderful gifts. I’ve already tried some of the sweets and they were delicious! I love the deer antlers, I’ll have to incorporate them into a coord soon.

>> No.10710390
File: 3.86 MB, 4032x3024, 0A787049-61D0-4131-9BD5-EAEA8A0980C2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here are the cards I’ve gotten so far. The little extras are a lovely touch, thank you.

>> No.10710397

I'll save the mods some time, dearest giftee. This is the 35-45$ tier from #5296 to #4639. I'm so happy you liked the horns, and I really look forward to seeing them with your mori and lolia wardrobe!

>> No.10710442
File: 2.59 MB, 3780x2954, CB7360CB-C371-4EA4-A74A-B35D409AA84B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maaaan, #1207, where do I begin?

Let me start off by saying I love EVERYTHING you got me! I actually laughed when I saw your name on the return address, this is the first time I got a mutual match! The card is adorable and I gasped at the spoiler inside. I’ll definitely go to Waraku next time I visit!

The bolero is so cute, I don’t have any in this color yet! And the Milk bag had me screaming ahaisnaj I thought the shape of the present looked like a bag but I was like ‘nah, couldn’t be’. I’m very happy you got me this color, it’s going to go with so many coords!

The mask is adorable, I don’t have many cute ones so it’s a welcome addition! And the Usakumya sticker and pin! Do you have the name of the artist, I love this style so much! I laughed when I saw the sanitizer, I have a Korilakkuma one I just finished the other day so it’s perfect timing. And I’m always a sucker for candy!

Thank you so much, I hope you love your gift just as much and have a happy holidays!

>> No.10710444

Not your Santa, but the Usakumya art is from seamii on Etsy!

>> No.10710449
File: 3.81 MB, 1674x1368, 20211224_142828_HDR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

#6762, thank you so much for your gift! Looks like there was another participant number scramble though, because I was assigned #2671 and this is addressed to #4639. I'm sorry if you didn't get any responses to questions itt because of the confusion! Your present is still awesome! Glitter Seraphim is one of my favorite prints and the socks are so cute! I'm also really excited about the Totoro bento, it's adorable and considering I just missed out on a Totoro bento I wanted to buy it feels too perfect lol. We're mutuals so I hope you also enjoy your gift! Merry Christmas :)

>> No.10710473

I sent the card tier with the sticker! Im planning on sending you the cleaned up file if you ever want to use it. Keep an eye out on insta

>> No.10710475

test<span class="fortune" style="color:#aa01d0">

Your fortune: Happy Festivus![/spoiler]

>> No.10710476

Your fortune: suck my cock!

>> No.10710479
File: 174 KB, 837x1167, 8058BE57-E8AC-48F7-A7E3-0F560E4C91B5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m so happy you loved it! And yes my number originally was also a mix up- ohwell tho hah. I’m happy you enjoyed all your presents!! I loved shopping for you even though you seemed leaning more towards classic or cream/browns in your closet! I hope you have a wonderful xmas and new year!! I look forward to mail from you in my mailbox!

>> No.10710487

that's gay anon<span class="fortune" style="color:#ec117e">

Your fortune: Happy Kwanzaa![/spoiler]

>> No.10710548

I’ll also add to this to make things easier but I’m (#1477) the card tier for the penguin card and masks!

>> No.10710560

I'm glad you like the brooch, I was hoping it wouldn't be too sweet for your wardrobe. Happy holidays and hope to see you at a meet sometime!

I'm happy to hear you will get use out of the gifts! Hope you have a great holiday and new year too!

Glad you like the card and hope you will enjoy the tea! Have a wonderful holiday!

>> No.10710687
File: 1.53 MB, 3914x2666, 25381ACC-8C06-490D-A03B-8D990B692AE3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you so much for the lovely gift, anon! I can see the amount of thought and effort you put into it. The card is super pretty and its content are very sweet. The washi tape and notebook are so cute! I didn’t know Misako face masks existed, but I’m excited to try it. I haven’t had these gummies before, so I’m eager to try those too.

As for the dress, I love it! The colours, the florals, the woodland animals; it’s right up my alley! And of course, I was delighted to see the blouse. I can’t wait to pair it with my other chocolate-themed items. I appreciate the socks and ring too, since I always feel like my wardrobe has too many main pieces and not enough supporting items haha.

Thank you again for the wonderful gift. This past month has been so stressful, but your gift really made up for it. I wish you a very merry Christmas and happy New Year! Hopefully in-person meets will be a thing again soon, so I can show off these lovely items!

(And for the mods: this is the $150+ tier, from #1111 to #3157)

>> No.10710713

No word on my 100 gift but at least I got this EXTREMELY adorable card! I only received (1/3) cards but if this is the only one I get I’m not even going to be upset. Thank you so much and I love the drawing inside as well!! Merry Xmas.

>> No.10710714
File: 2.00 MB, 2880x3840, 05FD740B-BE64-40F7-BF90-3537020F4AE7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My cat infested brain forgot the pic..

>> No.10710716

I'm glad to hear that everything got to you safely! I'm sure it will all look amazing on you. But if anything doesn't end up working out, please don't feel obligated to keep it and to let it be a burden to you. The point of the gift is to share some joy. I hope you have a very Merry Christmas, and happy New Year as well! Thank you for being a great giftee and replying so quickly.

>> No.10710718

So happy it arrived to you safely and that you like everything! I also love sky motifs but in vibrant pastels so it was a lot of fun to shop for you, since we have different color palettes!

>> No.10710720
File: 3.90 MB, 1920x1920, 2021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$150+ tier from #6850 to #1111

Santa, thank you so much for the thoughtfulness of your gift. Everything you included is perfect for me and will get lots of use. I'm so excited to be wearing the coord you made for me. I was absolutely stunned to receive my wishlist dress. It's my favorite colorway! Everything is so cute. The Rilakkuma and Usakumya characters warm my heart. Thank you for being my Santa. I have had a really horrible year, and this is the best gift I've ever received, so it means a lot to me to end the year on this positive note. I hope you will consider participating again, at least in the card tier, because your card was wonderful and well-written. Wishing you happy holidays and a great year ahead of you!

>> No.10710721
File: 3.96 MB, 1920x2481, InShot_20211225_143510418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will quite possibly regret posting this because this is 4chan and I'm horrible at taking photos, but I thought my Santa would be curious to see how the coord came together, and I don't have social media (due to the aforementioned terrible photo skills). So here goes...

>> No.10710737

NAYRT but cute coord!

>> No.10710774

Which artist is that print (?) from? It's so beautiful!

>> No.10710775

I am so happy that you liked everything! I was afraid of doing mostly black accessories, but grey items were a bit hard to find in a style that matched this dress (and other dresses you showed me). I’m delighted to hear this was your favorite colorway. Your coord for it is super cute with the boots and I really appreciate you putting it on and showing me! I still don’t think I will participate at all after this year, as I understand now that my standards are too high. But if you’d like we can connect privately and maybe exchange something small with eachother in the future~ Thank you for your kind message and Happy Holidays.

>> No.10710806

You look really cute, your santa did a great jon. I love your chairs as well.

>> No.10710883

You just sound like an entitled little bitch anon. Embarassing. Just don't enter at all next year.

>> No.10711059
File: 31 KB, 500x344, 400BD48F-40FD-42DE-A46F-4EF5E97D3E93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to apologize to my giftee and card recipients this year they will be New Years gifts / cards. Really dropped the ball this year, gift shipped last week but cards will be in a few days. Already notified the organizers. Hope it hasn’t ruined your holiday season.

>> No.10711299

New thread