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10686091 No.10686091 [Reply] [Original]

Seeking good Alice/Wonderland themed lolita coords

>> No.10686169
File: 543 KB, 2048x2048, D5KVuExU0AAhV-C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10686171
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>> No.10686173
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>> No.10686177
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>> No.10686179
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>> No.10686180
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>> No.10686197
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>> No.10686250

I actually just bought this purse I’ve been looking for more coord examples of this

Omg that mushroom bag is perfect

>> No.10686299

I concur. Anyone know where to get it?

>> No.10686586

it is ahcahcum muchacha, if that helps

>> No.10686702
File: 102 KB, 720x1280, ExKQhlfVcAgiP6g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10686703
File: 405 KB, 1197x2048, ETM7x-TVAAE1zBG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10686704
File: 414 KB, 2048x1367, C3aVNOkUEAAcd6L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10686816

Any tweedle Dee and Dum?

>> No.10687006
File: 717 KB, 750x1000, Alice in Wonderland JSK by Diamond Honey (3)-750x1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow. This is one of my favorite theme in lolita!
Actually, I guess I've ended up in this style exactly becauce in my childhood Alice in Wonderland was my favorite book.

Thaks for this tread anon!

>> No.10687042

I hate Alice coords and I hate that it’s a popular theme for events. People already think lolita is a costume even when it’s a random cake print or whatever

>> No.10687056

Every second lolita twinset

>> No.10687064

I hear you, I have a similar feeling about OTT sweet. No hate, it looks great but I can't help but see it as a costume or art fashion you see on runways.

>> No.10687066

Normies think it's a costume no matter how casual you think your coord is, either grow a thicker skin or gtfo of my alternative fashion dumb clout chaser.

>> No.10687067

This. Same reason why I don't understand people who say "don't wear shiro because people assume it's a wedding dress!" Who fucking cares about normie opinions.

>> No.10687115

That’s not true, classic done properly gets a lot of compliments. “Why are you so dressed up your dress is beautiful “ over and over

>> No.10687158


This. I wore classic out the other day and several people complimented my "outfit" without calling it a costume. Although a lot of it has more to do with not using what modern society deems 'costumey' elements rather than how well put together you look. I notice when I use large hats the compliments quickly turn to 'costume' rather than outfit.

>> No.10687576

Yea, any larger OTT items are going to be seen as costumer

>> No.10688521

Like someone above said, it depends on how you coord it. I live in a very conservative state and wear pink AP sweets prints with minimal accessories. I've only received compliments from people going "your dress is beautiful", "I love your 'fit" with no mention of costume. If I was wearing a million and one Claire's accessories or carrying an usakumya or wearing a giant bonnet or donning Elpress L then yeah, I'd get different reactions. But there are ways to wear flashy dresses without looking like a costume. JP brand veers on easy-to-tone-down while Taobao can quickly go overboard depending on how tacky the lace and poly is.

That said, wear whatever the hell you want. I just know there're a lot of newlitas who're scared of normies judging them for wearing sweet and they need to know it can be toned-down before they feel more confident going out in lolita more often. Also I want to see more sweet lolitas out here in the boonies. Everyone here is classic or gothic for some odd reason