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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10670846 No.10670846 [Reply] [Original]

So this is in 2 weeks in Austin, anyone going. Seems like a fun shitshow of a con to just blow it out.

>> No.10670850

I can’t even imagine the sheer number of incels.

>> No.10670853

kek why is Toph Beifong’s VA a guest? It’s literally her only role as an anime VA. All her other notable roles are also for children’s series

>> No.10670854
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>con is just a bunch of dudes
>no women within a mile other than hotel staff
>everyone bro's it out
>drinks a ton and parties
>first con in history with 0 drama
ngl would be pure kino

>> No.10670884

No women around? It’s literally a con for whores to peddle their wares

>> No.10670892

Yeah but those are strippers so it's different.

>> No.10670897

A whole con full of coomers? No thanks

>> No.10670898

>implying nu-cosplay wasn't 100% targetting coomers to begin with

>> No.10670913
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At least this con tells you up front like they don't even hide it on their site to say if you are a snowflake stay home.
Fucking look at this shit. I wish more cons had the balls to just be up front with it rather than pander to the twitter crowd.

>> No.10671003

So it's not women you have a problem with, it's certain types of people.

>> No.10671004

>No women
>All the women voice actors
>There's a yaoi panel
>Diversity Sex work panel
>Fan fiction theater
Not to mention this is Austin where it is pro woke culture.

>> No.10671009

>acting like this is groundbreaking for an adult expo

>> No.10671013

He's never been to an 18+ con, probably barely turned 18.

>> No.10671015

>Fine with supporting disingenuous cosplay whores but not actual female anime fans
Gee I wonder why you have problems with women

>> No.10671716

I never been to a 18+ con what are they like? What sort of stuff do they sell there? What are some good ones?

>> No.10671720

Just check it the site this shit seems fun, Is there something like this for CA? I fucking hate Texas.

>> No.10671727

There was a con a long time ago called Hentai con which was insanely sketchy on it's funding, operations, etc. It was over by the bob hope airport I think, last thing I recall hearing about it being just a 1 off to hold a contract with the hotel as the other con was cancelled.

>> No.10671822

Since no one is chiming in here.

18+ and 21+ cons are essentially full out party cons mostly for adults to go all out without worrying about kids around. People are far more open to talk because most people attending are well over 18, and the entire pull is to just have adult con where it isn't dealing with most of what cgl would probably deem as juicy drama or such. If you're going to a con like this, you're interested in just completely breaking away for the weekend keeping all social media off your phone and just letting whatever happens there stays there.
>What sort of stuff do they sell there?
Only been to ones in CA and Vegas so keep that in mind as I can't speak for this one or too many others. The vendor halls often tend to be smaller but tend to have much better merch since 1) they know their audience is older and willing to spend more 2) less likely to have shit stolen during it by some kids 3) tend to be more open to talking to adults. Not sure if this is due to lack of kids running amuck but I feel that has some role into it, but most any vendor who I've kept in contact that does 18+ cons tend to be quite a bit more chill. Unlike other cons where I've had vendors be kind of clammy as to where they've gotten goods and merch, +18 vendors tend to be more open about the channels they get things through. Lots of doujins as you can imagine along with a slew of lewd merch ranging from jokes to full on sexshops being set up.
>What are some good ones?
Better question is which ones are coming back to return. Would keep my eye on Vegas for this along with California, this con is actually very surprising in regards to it being in texas of all places. I mean not really anything people can do that I know of in regards to anime stuff but just kinda surprises me this isn't in Vegas or similar.

>> No.10671824

Dude this sounds based. I’ll give it a shot next year if it still happens.

>> No.10671825

I would recommend going to at least one, but don't expect much or any discussion about it on cgl. Most the cosplay you are going to see is BSDM stuff with tacked on cosplay as an afterthought, bunch of "sexy halloween" whatever characters, and amazon/ebay/etsy shit. Essentially the stuff that if posted here would trigger a fair number of people here as being deemed "cosplay".

There are a lot of drugs, swinger parties, parties in general, and people going all out. I would strongly recommend having a burner phone at these kind of events as things get crazy. Hope it helps. Wish I could list some cons coming back or happening similar to this one though with post covid numbers and such it's impossible to tell.

>> No.10672897

I've never been to an 18+ con before but I'll be going, the afterparty sounds like fun.
nta but I appreciate the insight. I'm curious to see how much the pandemic might affect the whole party atmosphere and what kind of people will end up showing up.

>> No.10673093

Assuming the thread is still up during the con I know a few people going, should be able to post some updates as to what it is like maybe some pictures. Looking forward to it but if you go to one of these things do not have expectations of a normal convention. Many things tend to be improvised, changed last minute, or run by people who cater to the run of the mill anime con panel style crowd. Going to something like this you should expect to have your weekend be planned out for your own room party and a backup plan to a local bar. If you are going to things like these without a idea of how to keep yourself busy will just make you end up feeling like it was a waste of money.

>> No.10673455

What are the names of the ones in CA & Vegas? I have questions to your numbered sentences 1) Better merchandise like what? anime statues? Love dolls?, I can't think of anything else that would be costly other than that. 2) What do you mean by stealing? Are you saying people steal in regular cons and not here? Why would that be something I should care for?
Also why do you ask vendors where they get their stuff at? Is it that you want to sell stuff too or just want to get the stuff directly without the middleman? I am interested in the doujins are they knew or mix of old and new? Also what the average prices? I only once saw doujins at a con but the prices were insane like 30 or 40 or more. I want to get deals what's the point of going to a con to pay more to get doujins I can get for 10 on eBay. Also these sex shops you are talking about is the traditional stuff like DVDS, and adult toys or something else? Also can ask for deals?
Same reaction to you about this con being in Texas. But it seems interesting. Hopefully they move to another state I don't want to go there. Also thanks for the info.

>> No.10673456

The BSDM cosplay you are talking about the guest right or that includes the attendees as well? I don't care for drugs are these during the con or outside the con? Swinger parties? what are those? The parties in general where do those happen? How do I get invited or do I have to ask? People going all out? What do you mean? on the con or after the con. For what reason should I have a burner phone and what happens if I use current one?

>> No.10673457

If can't have expectations of a normal con what should I expect. Have my weekend plan out? What exactly do you mean by that? My own room party? how does that even work? please explain. The bar thing you mention seem more like a personal interest. There is not point for me to go to a bar if I don't drink. Also why would I need other things to keep me busy? Isn't the con enough I assume they are several hours long?

>> No.10673459

Do women go to these cons and are they friendly. What are the demographics, groups of friends, couples? Would I look like a loser being alone purchasing hentai stuff? Or I wouldn't stand out since everyone is doing it? Can you take sexy photos with the guests or do I have to pay even though they really aren't famous people? Also is it ok to look them with lust? Or am trespassing and I should look them like regular cosplayers? Do people get boners at these type of cons? Did you feel like it was a waste of money? Also what kind of entertainment is there do they have video games? interactive stuff?

>> No.10673463

You're no longer allowed to come if you're asking these stupid questions.

>> No.10673464

witch part?

>> No.10673492

Yeah I kinda agree with >>10673463 you dumped all this shit back to back, it's kinda weird. Again, a lot of these cons are left vague for a reason due to people simply don't want their shit shared, most people going to these cons just really don't do the /cgl/ crowd of topics.

Again, if you go to this expecting an anime con you're not going to get anywhere close to it and will be disappointing. If you go to this con with the expectation that it is a giant sex orgy, it's not and it's pretty clear you don't get that based on the posting you did it's obvious that you are desperate. Word of advice, coming to these cons desperate for some pussy game will make people ostracize you while you end up frustrated and do something stupid that may end up in you getting kicked out. Given that your questions are all over the place it's impossible for me to answer any of them to any real extent since it's pretty clear you are simply looking for a "hey how easy is it to fuck a hotty lol" and probably don't want to hear anything else.

The reason I say this is because "The bar thing you mention seem more like a personal interest. There is not point for me to go to a bar if I don't drink", that's not the point bars are a social thing where you feel the mood of the crowd, have something to share, and overall be willing to just talk about dumb bullshit work hobbies or shit. Don't get me wrong in the aspect that you shouldn't try one of these expo's or conventions but you are coming off way too desperate which at these types of things is a huge fucking no and people don't fuck around reporting at the sign of 'creepy dude'. Horror stories at these cons often happen in arrests not the cgl *stuff that totally happened trust me!*

>> No.10673498

Yeah it seems like a waste of money if I have to make after con plans. I thought these thigs were something different something crazy liked you said but you were just hyping this thing. that's why I asked the questions I did. Yeah if you like bars ok but they are pretty boring. Also avoid mentioning weird things like vendors are cool because they tell me their connections. I just though ok lets see why is he saying that. I am not sure you know what you claim to know. I guess I have to find out by myself I jus wanted to get some info..

>> No.10673499

I am going now. And will ask stupid questions there too.

>> No.10673512

Your mindset is just in the wrong place anon, there is no real way to answer anything you said because it's far too much shit to answer rather than just tell you to go an experience it. Sure maybe it came out wrong, but you came off really strong in all the wrong ways, I am sure you are curious but maybe try chopping down the questions into something reasonable.

>Yeah if you like bars ok but they are pretty boring.
If you think bars are weird or boring I can tell you right now that there is a 95% chance the event will be a complete bore of a show. This one is going to be a tad difference as it is anime focused and, there should be a lot of crossover compared to other events I've been to. I hope you have fun just realize it's going to be near bar level environments there full of people just looking to forget work and go all out for the night(weekend). If you don't understand that mentality it's going to be hard for you so just some friendly advice.

>> No.10673768


>> No.10673786

I like women when they show off their wonderful boobies to me

>> No.10673803

You prefer paying to see boobs but not touching them for free? Absolute incel

>> No.10673806

Keep paying them like a good boy.

>> No.10673812

>for free
You's a hoe too

>> No.10673822

Do they?

>> No.10673847

They don't.

>> No.10673852

Your mother did

>> No.10673862

Let me guess
Cosplay is still not consent

>> No.10673881

Anyone going to cosplay here?

>> No.10673892

Do they show boobies or not and am I allow to touch, Asking for myself.

>> No.10673893


>> No.10673928

my mom wouldn't though, she also thinks men are subhuman

>> No.10673938

This wasn't really the case when I went to HentaiCon when they did it in LA, it was pretty much exactly the same as every other party con except there were more people with ahegao sweaters and some of the girls were wearing slightly lewder outfits than usual.

>> No.10673983

Basically this.

>> No.10674018

Looking forward to what the artist alley is like

>> No.10674156

All of it

>> No.10674292

Yeah I went to Hentaicon as well, at least one of those posts seems jokey-ish. From my expirence it was pretty fine, I expect something quite similar to it and that crowd you see at +18 panels at cons already.

Going with a friend we are doing the same cosplay in a pair, you should be able to spot us pretty quick. Feel free to say hey, should be doing a smaller-ish room party depending the vibe of the con

>> No.10674295

Neat, I'll give a wave

>> No.10674852

If you get a boner are you asked to leave? Can someone tell me what those cafe neko something girls do? the ones listed on the website.

>> No.10674853

What exatcly do you mean by a small room party? how does that work kind Sr. and how you decide who to invite.

>> No.10674865

What kind of art do they sell here, and do they sell regular normie adult items?

>> No.10675349

So Hentaicon rebranded and is now operating in Texas?

>> No.10675356

Wasn't hentaicon a last minute thing to hold a contract with the hotel chain once they had some shit hit the fan? I remember way too many rumors about that convention to know what was what.

>> No.10675461

If it's like any other 18+ con it's normal things you see at AA just with more tits.

>> No.10675908

Are you ready for this weekend?

>> No.10675909

I need someone to document this, please, I wanna see the disappoint this con brings.

>> No.10676013

Same here. I was going to go but something came up this weekend.

>> No.10676718

At this con
>vendor hall is super small and compact
>surprising amount of women in lewd cosplay
>a lot of porn on sale
>con area is overflowing pretty easily and only 1PM on friday
>voice actors being ignored mostly is pretty funny
>half the cars for the showcase aren't here
>people are already doing drinking parties in their rooms

Guess the pool party tonight is going to be good

>> No.10676788

Sounds about right. Heading there tomorrow.

>> No.10676792

at the con, trying to find drinking partners. got the goose

>> No.10676795

Post pictures, doesn't have to be lewd.

>> No.10676798
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at the studio, bar open till 5

>> No.10676799

Ngl, I'm digging the sunglasses.

>> No.10676803

much appreciated

>> No.10676807
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Yo be back in a bit doing some food and booze run. Trying to get something going on the 5th floor. Look for some 2hus

>> No.10676830

headed back to the con, got the the lic in the car, if you see the sun glasses holler at me!

>> No.10676875

Look for a cirno cosplayer we can party bro

>> No.10676882

How are the panels?

>> No.10677071

Finally a con for parasite infested cosplayers.

>> No.10677082

Wear a fucking mask you incels

>> No.10677226

You guys are really quiet. Is the con fun?

>> No.10677250

Well this con is fucking boring as shit so I'm leaving this thread. I thought that you faggots said that the texas cosplay scene was "kino" LOL
Anyways I just downed
>6 bud lights
>boneless wings
>pizza sticks
>and a chocolate molten lava cake
This Lolita and J fashion(no they aren't the same) fan (AKA real ANIME FAN) is leaving ecchi con one happy guy. Mrs. is driving :) boutta go piihb.

PS. see you all at a reall con, anime expo

>> No.10677285

It's pretty small, not a lot of things to do but lots of people. Good amount of women, mostly fan stuff going back for some panels and after party a by later.

I had some big fat Mexican guy and his planet wife trying to cut infront of me and pick a fight. Shit was funny.

>> No.10677635
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>> No.10677673

How is/was the con?

>> No.10677741
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fun con

>> No.10677747

What does Lolita fashion have to do with ecchi expo?

>> No.10677765
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There's a mustard shrine

>> No.10677770
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Dumping some pics I took

>> No.10677772
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>> No.10677774
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>> No.10677775
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>> No.10677777
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>> No.10677782
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>> No.10677802

Thanks for the pics.

>> No.10677863
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>> No.10677896
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Fun con

>> No.10677914

I feel like I met two of these guys.

>> No.10678002

This was my first convention of any kind, it was pretty fun. Had some good chats with people and had a good time dancing to weeb shit. I got good vibes from it despite the horny energy.

>> No.10678221

What was the male to female ratio?

>> No.10678293

This, I wanna know

>> No.10679228

More males than females. More males there to weeb out and be degenerates and most of the females there were there to cosplay and/or dress up lewd.
Most degeneracy happened at night, where the males expected to somehow get laid despite the smaller female ratio.

>> No.10679238

Fuck, I just moved here too and was looking for something to go to.
I got arcade ufo for a semi-regular hangout, but what's the general con scene for austin? I've only ever been to small events in Shreveport for a single day and I want to do more shit now that I can.

>> No.10679286

Ushi-con, comic con, ikki-con, austin has(had) a lot of normie events as well going on like Austin City Limits and SXSW. People cosplay on 6th street for just about every holiday, theres Emerald Tavern for board games, and another bigger tavern I can't remember the name of that's specifically for TTPRPG.

>> No.10680163

Now that this over what's the final verdict who went. Did anyone take video or photos?

>> No.10680175

My take on it is
>con was overall chill vibe don't recall any massive issues
>room parties basically every floor and every other door
>cosplay was decent everyone was having fun with their characters
>car thing was cool
>voice actors never had a line that was too long to get a signature
>vendor hall was very in line with the con
>venue was too small, this seriously needed 2 more panel rooms minimum
>A/C went out in the run down hotel
>bar should have been open from afternoon to late, that easily would have added the much needed space
>no food trucks kind of made it an issue as the places around were overpriced see: bar closed all day cut out a lot of options
>parking was... weird
>halls cramped even after the A/C blew con staff didn't get fans at walmart or something to move air around

Overall had some good times would do it again so long as the event has a slightly bigger and better location. The real killer from this con being a good time to a great time was simply the run down hotel, and dealing with it's issues.

>> No.10680250
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>real con
>anime expo

>> No.10680545

>No A/C
glad I didn't go

>> No.10680626

Pussies can't handle the heat. You really are princesses.

>> No.10680629

This girl is alright is she a famous cosplayer? Could you take photos with them or they only allow photos of them to be taken.
Look at the guy a real Morrigan Chad wish I knew people like that.

>> No.10680645

How does one contain itself in front of her and keep it cool, she has killer body for sure.

What do you fags think?

>> No.10680647

Thank you

>> No.10680651

I wasn't talking to you Lita.

>> No.10680654

Does anyone have more pics. Umm this seems like normal con I thought it was going to be more exciting with neon lights and huge degenerate stuff I am deeply disappointed. Will cons ever have doujins like comiket in Japan. NSFW prints are boring and gay.

>> No.10680656

Damn dudes, nice bodies all around. Maybe I’ll fly in next year, this looks fun.

>> No.10680657

Lobby, Bar, rooms, etc all had AC. The wing with the convention in it didn't. It wasn't horrible luckily the weather outside was cool and breezy.
See >>10671822
I have a good fair amount of pictures from various room parties and stuff but outside sharing with some friends I made there, not really something going to post on 4chan.
>Will cons ever have doujins like comiket in Japan
Last few cons had some boxes of them but comiket is specifically a market, not really a full blown convention. Feels like anons assumed this would be 24/7 booba's and orgies not realizing it's ECCHI like look up the definition to it. Most completely NSFW shit isn't going to be posted here anyways.

>> No.10680660

Do you have good pics can't you just censored what you don't want us to see and post them somewhere. Somehow this con gives me the aurora of being retro and that happened several years ago.

>> No.10680664

It was stated pretty clear early on in the thread what to expect of pictures coming out post con. I'd say go check twitter hash tags or instagram if you want more in the way of pictures.

The ones shared here seem to be pretty good as is.

>> No.10680665

Yeah I guess.
#EcchiCon hey bross check that has tag on twitter it has lots pics. I didn't know people in fuChan were so gay. Also that Morrigan Aensland fat bastard has lots pics. Thanks fat ugly bustard you are the real MVP of EcchiExpo.

>> No.10680666

You sound like me when I turned 18 and got to go to Hentai Fest at a con. I thought after hours the whole con was going to turn into a red light district but it was just one room with a large TV playing hentai to a bunch of people in a dark room. Later in life went to 18+ cons and it's just as the other anon said. Normal cons with a bit more skin and alcohol. You'd see more edge on a bar street.

>> No.10680678

The lobby needs to keep it at a certain friendly level as per most hotel policies for guests, panels and room parties you get into are where the fun starts at these things unless it's really just a porn con 21+ only. The crazy stuff that goes on most people keep a tight lip on or keep it in their close circle of friends.

People expecting orgies in the halls, nude chicks flashing it out in the lobby like girls gone wild, and bang gangs in the elevators don't get it and won't. Feels like this was spelled out already in the thread.

>> No.10680714

Then it's not worth it.

>> No.10680719

Maybe not for you. If you want more go to a strip club on Halloween.

>> No.10681157

>How does one contain itself in front of her and keep it cool, she has killer body for sure.

Probably the childhood saying of keep your hands to yourself and be respectful.

>> No.10681461

Hey do they have game setups? If not can we request them, There were many people in there that seem to like Fighting games.

>> No.10681477

What do you mean by Edge in a Bar.

>> No.10681478

Is it possible to enjoy this thing if I go by myself.

>> No.10681497

Do I have to buy a print or pay to get picture taken with someone like BishoujoMom>?

>> No.10681503

A street filled with bars and clubs where you'll see topless girls with tap over their nipples and guys running around with a fake cock and balls underwear jokingly flashing people. Then the occasional fight and shooting.

>> No.10681506

Anon, are you trying to ask:

>Can I go to this con as a woman?