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10667684 No.10667684 [Reply] [Original]

why is it borderline impossible to find a yaoi paddle for sale? i want to own a piece of my cringe past for sentimentality but it's like their existence has almost been wiped from the internet. are they actually considered to be a weapon now? and does anyone know what happened to the company that originally manufactured them? i want to know if they went under or are at least permanently banned from cons.

>> No.10667791

This video explains the rise and fall really well.

>> No.10667828

stop selfposting.

>> No.10667829

You made this thread and plugged your shitty video a few months ago. How embarrassing.

>> No.10667833

I like your skepticism but you got the wrong gal. I don't make "documentaries" on Youtube. I post trash cosplays in IG. That's my hobby.

I saw this question, I remembered the video, posted a link.

>> No.10667838

So what you're going to want to do is have someone with a laser engraver buy a paddle and then engrave yaoi on it. Voila. Since idiots were using them as weapons, they got banned, killing most of the market (who wants to mail order one of those? can't have it at a con and that's most of the fun). Without a market, they stopped being made.

>> No.10667883

Do you feel any guilt shilling your video here? You are a disingenuous scammer pretending to be an anon who "happens to be interested" and you can't even figure out most anons will explain first, and then after two replies maybe link a video. I will never watch your video.

>> No.10667892

The video is shit and all the info was lifted from here.

>> No.10668000

I want to HUG Red Bard! And then have sex with her while she compares it to some obscure weeb thing.

>> No.10668577

Red Bard is my wife please delete this

>> No.10671859

>nine replies
>eight unique IPs
>at least >>10667833 and OP are one person
Doesn't seem like the Youtuber made the thread conspiranon

>> No.10672354

You shouldn't lie like that, anon. Hoe could she be yours when she's been mine for years?
In all seriousness I would probably be a shitty husband and wouldn't want that for her... but at least I'd be better than you desu.

>> No.10672446

is that why there's absolutely no discussion ITT? no one would ever fuck a ginger anyway.

>> No.10672592

nobody would try to promote a video this old, you actual retard.


again, retard

>> No.10672596

What is there to discuss? Paddles were banned, OP can have one made personally.

>> No.10672599

Demand suddenly cratered. You all saw it.

>> No.10672612

She remade the video last year, retard.

>> No.10673394
File: 787 KB, 847x507, why did I make this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why is it borderline impossible to find a yaoi paddle for sale?
because you got the nostalgia at the same time as everyone else, I gave up months ago and just made pic related

>> No.10673567

Jesus Christ just go to a craft store (Michael's) and buy a paddle and tube of paint