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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10650128 No.10650128 [Reply] [Original]

>Youmacon just announced they are going forward with the con for the weekend of Oct 28-31
>No word yet on what the mandates will be
>As usual, FB comments are full of panic and authoritarians demanding they shut down or enforce vaccine cards/masks/etc. while a few chuds tell them if they don't like it, stay home
>Others are complaining that the time frame is too short to save up for a con (kek) or make plans
What do you think, anons? Are you going? Are you going to cosplay? Where are you staying? Are you ready for the return to normalcy?

>> No.10650129

>As usual, FB comments are full of panic and authoritarians demanding they shut down or enforce vaccine cards/masks/etc

And I bet all of them are vaccinated. If they're still not satisfied, they can stay home.

If Youmacon says "we are completely back to normal" i will travel there.

The only reason why they want the con canceled because they're too comfortable staying home and getting fat and having to maintain their onlyfans.

>> No.10650159

I will file a chargeback if there's any restrictions. The whole reason why Michigan reopened is due pandemic being undeniably fake after Fauci's emails and Whitmer's conduct being revealed. There's no excuse for ignorance. Just deradicalize yourself and move on with your life.

>> No.10650250

I doubt it they're the vaccinated ones. I have a friend who isn't vaccinated and freaks about cons happening even though a good chunk of people here and the surrounding area are vaccinated. Myself included. I'd be happy to go , I miss seeing herds of weebs just living life without a care and spending hours playing Pump It Up.

Also, people saying there isn't enough time to save up are bullshitting. Half of them just got back from Blerdcon and are like going to Dokidokon next weekend. They just want excuse not to go and talk shit about people who do attend Youma. It's dumb.

>> No.10650472

I want my refund.

>> No.10651322

I went to anime midwest, I'm going to this. Shot fags can eat it. Actually gonna be going with like 7 other people and we'll be room cramming, should be fun.

>> No.10651451

If I don't go it's more because the dates are perfectly square with the end of month and I likely won't be able to get it off. Driving to Detroit for a Friday evening and Saturday isn't ideal. If I do that I'm ghosting. I'm not paying for a badge for maybe 16 hours of attendance.

The time span is really short. Saving for it is less of a problem than say the confidence that they can pull together a con worth going to in a such a short amount of time. The friends I normally go with rather bail on Youma and go to AWA and I might just give them the go ahead.

I don't understand anyone who is still worried or butt hurt over restrictions at this point. Multiple cons have happened now and they all devolved same way. By fans for fans cons don't have staffs. They have volunteers. Volunteers aren't paid and as a result aren't motivated to enforce anything. So it doesn't matter if they there is a mask mandate or vax card to enter certain rooms or whatever. We all know no one is going to bother. I mean after all you're at the con. How concerned are you really? I don't understand complaining that some Facebook people disapprove of your actions. I guess you guys just get off on it like you're a rebel or something? That you're so owned and whipped in your daily lives that this one time you can say no and have a hissy fit over some performative rules feels like some sort of act of liberation. It's a non concern so why talk about it like an impediment?

>> No.10651489 [DELETED] 
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It's not that deep bro, it's just entertaining to watch the trannies seethe and dilate. If I cared about what people thought of me I'd have gotten a vaccine.

>> No.10651849

>I actually don't care. Actually this funny to me.

>> No.10651959

Sadly live in Canada. No idea of border requirements. don't get vax and you have a 14 day sit at home order that no one follows. Only worried if I will need same BS vaccine passport to just enter the US.

>> No.10652019

Border should be open for you by then.

>> No.10652494
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>What do you think, anons?
It's about time.
>Are you going?
>Are you going to cosplay?
Outside the extreme circumstances that my cosplay parts don't arrive before then, yes.
>Where are you staying?
>Are you ready for the return to normalcy?
pic related

>> No.10652593

I honestly don't think it'll happen but happy to go if it does

>> No.10652893

Going to be there regardless, as long as they don't pussy out or get totally shut down. I honestly didn't think they had the balls to run it. Non the less not going to let jab monkeys ruin my con, me and a buddy went to anime matsuri no mask the entire time nor did we receive a jab i came back with a slight cough, got over it in 3 days my buddy totally fine . And i have the immune system of a chicken nugget.
I got sick at cons pre plandimic. They just need to run it no restrictions, i dont expect it to be perfect, they are going to be hella short staffed, but its better than just sitting in my room jerking it that weekend.
Staying at the double tree across from the rencen, MUCH easier to get your stuff out of the hotel on sunday. No elevator traffic.
I've been ready for normalcy since 2 weeks turned into 2 fucking years.

>> No.10652983

>I've been ready for normalcy since 2 weeks turned into 2 fucking years.

>Is it my actions making this longer?

>> No.10653568

>What do you think, anons?
Pretty excited as long as the disease spreaders don't shut down the country again.
>Are you going?
>Are you going to cosplay?
Nah. I work the con so I'll be in comfy clothes, but will be appreciating cosplays ya'll have had 2 years to perfect.
>Where are you staying?
Detroit Foundation Hotel. The RenCen just isn't worth it anymore. Especially if the people mover is still closed. But even if its open, I'd rather pay premium for a nice room across the street than pay double what those rooms are worth to wait in a 3 hour elevator line to get up to my shitty hotel room with its dirty sheets, broken electrical sockets, and questionable bathrooms.
>Are you ready for the return to normalcy?
Very much so, as long as its not at the cost of public health. Don't be idiots anons.

>> No.10654613

Yes, I'm going because I miss it. I'll probably stay at the Holiday Inn Express and attend the whole thing. I want to party. I'm not going to cosplay again unless I can lose at least 10lbs because my pics would look worse than 2019 and I can't deal with that
Also, I am not going to preorder my badge in case it gets cancelled. If it does, whatever

>> No.10655371

>I work the con
Any fun staff tips or info you can give us?

>> No.10657876

What are you guys wearing if it happens

>> No.10657913

Really hope it doesn't happen cause I got no money for it.

>> No.10659189

Going in my Hetalia WWI Germany cosplay, making a new addition to it which should be ready in time for the con, pretty excited.

>> No.10661218

Me and a friend are going even if it’s lackluster I haven’t been to a big con since Anime North 2014. Youma is only an hour and a half away from me anyway.

>> No.10661225


>> No.10662557

Do you think zoomers and tik tokers will Reeee about Yahtzee connotations? You have a lot of bravery wearing that in 2021

>> No.10663215
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Everyone was cool about it at anime midwest (mostly). That being said I'm also 6'1 and go to the gym 5 days a week so I'm not super worried about some uppity zoomers reeeing at me because they can't tell two different time periods apart.

>> No.10666155

Are any of you pre registering?

>> No.10666226

Almost September and no end in sight. I just wanna go to a con.

>> No.10667944

>What do you think, anons?
Its about time.
> Are you going?
Definitely to extremely likely. I'm still regretting not going to colossal.
>Are you going to cosplay?
Probably. Hopefully the cos fits since covid+recomp happened since that one was ordered.
>Where are you staying?
Apartment, I'm in the area.
>Are you ready for the return to normalcy?
WFH is nice but otherwise yes.

>> No.10669842

I hope the panels are decent, I feel like it's going to be a big waste of money and I have to wear a mask, fucking DUMB

>> No.10670586

I live in Ferndale and two black guys I met at the local disco in one piece shirts told me they were going.

>> No.10672372

Pretty sure it's listed on the website

>> No.10674403

Hopefully it happens

>> No.10674407

I've heard a few departments are getting pretty heavy budget cuts, this year's gonna be such a shitshow

>> No.10674426

Which ones specifically?

And I bet they're doing this because of the self-imposed coronachan restrictions that are turning goers away.

>> No.10674432

Any chance of a rave?

>> No.10674472

ALRIGHT planning for a /cgl/ meet up but it looks like our usual spot of Granite City Brewery is closed forever. Any other good spots to eat?

>> No.10674493

Gaming is one I've specifically heard about

>> No.10674656

And I've heard they have a massive video game and arcade room rivaling MAGFest. What are they're planning to cut from there?

>> No.10674864

Apparently most venders were cut. Only one will be there this year

>> No.10674876

Checkers bar is pretty cool I heard. Last time I went there I was like 12 years old so I don't know what they are into right now

>> No.10674880

Are theyre really this broke?

Which vendor did they have left?

>> No.10674887

the consoles group lmao

>> No.10674903

No arcades this year? Might as well not bother to attend. And I bet the cuts are permanment.

>> No.10674914

Iirc Tokyo Attack disbanded so the arcade is probably going to be garbage.

>> No.10675009

Anyone know if they're gonna pull some insane shit like waiting until the last week to announce a vaxx mandate? I've been holding off on buying my tickets due to this concern.
>inb4 reeing
Listen I'm just not going to get it okay?

>> No.10675013

They did say they'll talk more about it and corona policy in the fall, but man are they cutting it close. I hope they won't pull any last minute tricks but I'm expecting another update on it in October.

>> No.10675047

>Tokyo Attack disbanded
what? I have not heard of this what happened?

>> No.10675048


It’d be way too close to announce a vaccine mandate. It’ll probably just be masks in both rencen and cobo.

>> No.10675054

Alright so we don't have much for eating options it looks like. I don't like trying to host too far off site and specially since it doesn't look like there are too many places in general that can take a large party, so our only option for eating is the Applebee's across the street from the Ren Cen. So three options.

A. stick with applebees
B. choose an offsite location as >>10674876
said Checkers Bars since it looks like it can handle a large party.
C. throw out dinner and do a met up at the ren cen bar.

>> No.10675069

Every con with a vax mandate also has allowed a negative test done within the last 72 hours as well. So unless your don't want go to a cvs days before the con you'll be fine.

>> No.10675082

They finally pulled the trigger to hold the con less than 6mos out. It was always going to be a disorganized shit show.

>> No.10675129

Yeah happened last Sept. told everyone it was because of Covid but the reality is people found out he was abusing his ex who he started dating when they were 16/17 and he was 30

>> No.10675391

Christians and Muslims cannot get COVID-19 tests because it is considered taking part in a satanic cult ritual. Given the fact that the highest concentration of Muslims isn't very far away, it's probably not a good idea for them to do this.

>> No.10675754

Anyone down for YuGiOh?

>> No.10675843


>> No.10676931

Would love to know this too. Wish they’d release some info already.

>> No.10677020

Who's cosplaying? I'm going to be in an Animal Crossing gijinka group.

>> No.10677150
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>What do you think, anons?
Youma's been a dying con for a few years, I imagine attendance will be pretty sparce because of Coofid too. That's one of the reasons I'm going, I'll be incorporating a mask into my cosplay and I'm already waccinated. >Are you going?
>Are you going to cosplay?
Yep, pic related. I'm piece-mealing it together out of a vest, suspenders, khaki pants, a button up, a cowl, some bandages and a watch chain. First time cosplaying seriously, so I hope it goes okay.
>Where are you staying?
I live 30 minutes from Detroit.
>Are you ready for the return to normalcy?
Hell to the yes.

>> No.10678508
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>The RenCen just isn't worth it anymore.
How bad was it? I'm debating whether between the Marriott and pic related. Being able to change into various cosplay without the 10 minute walk would be nice but I'm not sure if it would be worth the extra $300. Especially if there's less panels and events.

>> No.10678515

RenCen was not built for a con of any size and due to cosplayers being lazy as shit they now have to police the elevators for guests only and they do a horrible job at it. Rencen only has 6 elevators, 3 for the lower levels and 3 epress elevators for the upper levels. I don't think you need to do any math on how clogged it is going to be. Check out is pretty notorius in being a bitch about check out as well. I would recommend pretty much any other hotel on the block. Greek town isn't to bad and it has it's own people mover station and there are 2 hotels across from Cobo that are pretty good.

>> No.10678525

>I live 30 minutes from Detroit.
Will you be driving in or is there a bus or something?

I’m debating between paying to share a room or staying for free about 45 minutes out. If parking/traffic or the commute is going to be total hell I’ll just pony up the cash.

>> No.10678535

Alright so here is what the plan is for the /cgl/ meet up:

Volt Bar 5pm Friday and Saturday. Can't say I remember the lay out too well and given that I have no idea how packed things are but I'm going to try and get a table more to the back where the entracne outside is.

>> No.10678880

Is the Platinum badge worth it?

>> No.10679019

This con is gonna suck. Can't be wait to ghost it

>> No.10679367


>> No.10680415

I'm getting excited bros

>> No.10680458

Is Youma really dying? It is the only big con in Midwest around Halloween. I mean even if it is declining, people still go to Youma cuz there is no other option.

>> No.10680707

Not really, Ive bought it 4 years in a row, doesn't really give much of anything desu, free t-shirt, get into dealers early so you can whale your money away before the swarm of people after you. Other than that if you just want to cut in line to panels and have a badge not everyone else has go for it.
No, its not, in terms of popularity pulled 21k 2019 and had the biggest upgrades the con has ever seen, when it comes to dealers, AA, and the game room. But post Covid honestly there is a ton of shit thats a toss up. The fact that there are mask mandates prob pushed a ton of people who actually spend money at these events away. I HIGHLY Doubt there will be anything mandatory vaccine related. it would be a dead con other wise.
If you have the money to spend i'd recommend just getting a room at the venue, parking Downtown is abysmal, and you have to pay to get into Cobo Daily. Not to mention if its cold that weekend, since its right next to the water, the wind chill will FUCK you side ways. Several of the hotels downtown are connected to the "people mover" Its like a small train cart that will take you from the Con straight back to your hotel free of the extra walking and cold. You should be able to pick up a pass near where you get your badge.

>> No.10680846

lol it's the only hotel even offering room block rates now

>> No.10680848

Wasn't it always the only one with room block?

>> No.10680869


And to pull a vaccine mandate less than a month away would drive the remaining people away.

>> No.10680872

Still waiting on their fall update.. they better not.
>This may change closer to the convention, and we will reiterate our stance as we enter the fall.

>> No.10680920
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Where are my Purebloods at?

Also, how many other Pureblood HP cosplayers out there?

Fuck you Weasleys.

>> No.10682041

How much of a drop are we going to see this year?

Dragoncon went from something like 88,000 in 2019, to 42,000 in 2021.

ComicCon went from 130,000 to 0.

Is Youmacon going to go from 24,000 in 2019 to 10,000?

>> No.10682043

Who knows. Michigan is a pretty blue state so I'm going to guess 30,000 since all the vax retards are massive hypocrates and continue to attende every single venue and concert there is while bitching at people to NOT go.

>> No.10682137

I've kind of seen the opposite. They're all a bunch of e-begging poorfags who reee about how they're not going unless there's a Gestapo inquiry to get in, when in reality they never intended to go in the first place. They never put their money where their mouths are and that's why comics are failing as an industry, for one thing.

>> No.10682280

Are these drops a bad thing? Like the problem over the last half decade at least, arguably longer, is the just insane overcrowding at anime cons

>> No.10682290

Big conventions are good for everyone.

>> No.10682303

Big. Not over capacity to the point they are ungovernable messes. Most by fans for fans cons should top out at 15-20k bc beyond that is just a unorganized melee.

>> No.10683288

I wonder what the gaming situation will be like?

>> No.10683529

>I HIGHLY Doubt there will be anything mandatory vaccine related. it would be a dead con other wise.

Honestly a vaccine mandate would be better than a mask mandate. It's a cosplay convention: making everyone wear masks isn't only uncomfortable but literally ruins half the point of the entire con. Just getting the shot is so much easier.

Obviously any retard without a mask OR proof of vaccination should be banned from attending.

>> No.10683537

Console only and it's only open during dealer room hours

>> No.10683543

>Obviously any retard without a mask OR proof of vaccination should be banned from attending.

I wish I could be as retarded as you are.

>> No.10683585

Shut up and take your shot.

Cons aren't gonna come back in full force until everyone's vaccinated.

>> No.10683690


>> No.10683693
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The vaccine thing has already been addressed: https://www.youmacon.com/personal-protection-policy/

tl;dr the center requires mask, vaccine is highly encouraged. Unless the state or building changes their requirements in the next couple weeks, that's the way things will be.

Now with that settled, anybody have any recommendations on where to park their car over the weekend if they're staying at the Hyatt? I'd rather not pay $50 per night to use hotel parking.

>> No.10683703

Every year I've used the Ford parking garage and it's mostly empty.

>> No.10683716
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>> No.10683736

Shut up and take your shot.

>> No.10683762

How about I shut you up with this dick and you get a nice shot of cum bby

>> No.10683837
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>Words are magic spells! If you keep saying the same thing over and over again people will automatically obey!

Seriously though. Go get your booster shot so you can get a blood clot and relieve us of your existence sooner.

>> No.10683876

I understand this is bait, but at the same time there are people to genuinely believe psychotic shit like this.
" Hey guys we only need 5 boosters a year to go back to normal guys, 5 shots is seriously not that much"
And a vast majority of the people that push this nonsense either, don't go even if they do have all this shit in place, or if they do go they to room with 10 other people in a 2 queen bedroom and spend literally nothing, while at the event. Im not saying you need to whale, but support the ecosystem ffs. It's become literally impossible for me to take them seriously anymore. I honestly just think they like hearing themselves talk at this point. There is never any logic behind the madness.

>> No.10684002

The amount of NPCs bitching at everyone to get the jab and saying all cons should be cancelled, but are still going to every con, concert and major gathering is fucking baffeling as it is infuriating.

>> No.10684043

Personally I just stopped caring about what jab trannies want. Stern vote with my wallet / time person and less of actually bitching about it. I have to wear the muzzle enough when I go to work, I don’t want to pay a premium for a gathering just to wear the fucking muzzle there too.

>> No.10684194

Can someone post the discord? The link the official page posted expired

>> No.10684593
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>> No.10684615


>> No.10685068

does anyone know if theyre still looking for volunteers

>> No.10685085

Just pop into discord and ask.

>> No.10685093


>> No.10686227

>It is the only big con in Midwest around Halloween
Motor City Comic Con is happening this weekend after getting delayed from it's usual time in May.

>> No.10686364
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>live in Toronto, border is closed
>sees headline, "US-Canada land border will finally reopen for vaccinated travellers"
>read the next headline, "... in november"

>> No.10686366
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>Canada pulls a Madagascar.

>> No.10686547

Hwahahah!.. hah...
I don't get it

>> No.10686574
File: 17 KB, 986x80, Youmacon Schedule.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus, this is going to be a shitshow isn't it? It's the first time I've seen a con release their schedule the week of.

>> No.10686695

The silence from youma on official pages has me worried. Do they really have nothing to talk about this close to the con?

>> No.10686701

What would they talk about?

>> No.10686712

Guests, corona update, the music groups assuming theres any kind of rave, like anything involving the con instead of this dead silence only a few weeks away.

>> No.10686752

They announced that guests are about to drop like a month ago and still nothing.

>> No.10686804


Not the first time this happened desu

>> No.10687108

Is this a common thing for youmacon then?

>> No.10687585

Schedule always drops super late.

Frustrating for sure. But we always know guests by now.

This is fucking stupid. Refunds being denied, no rollover to next year .

Hopefully this is the end of Youmacon and some one that knows what they are doing can start something better .

>> No.10687681

never been to a con before. should I go?
would my 7 year old nephew enjoy it?
will I be able to score?

>> No.10687878

Might as well
Maybe? Do he like anime?
Probably not. With an absolute 0 chance if you bring along your 7 year old nephew.

>> No.10687910
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Gonna wear pic related and stay Thursday-Saturday night in my par at the rencen lot

>> No.10687998

I always hear legends about the /cgl/ yumacon orgy.

>> No.10688050

Looks like all gaming except for console is going to be off site at some gaming lounge. What a shit show

>> No.10688053

>youmacon’s arcade is fucking dead.

Aight, time to return to Michigan fucking never:

>> No.10688054

The lounge they're putting it in is five miles away and you also have to pay full price, no Youmacon discount

>> No.10688114

What a travesty.

>> No.10688225
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Well fuck I bought my ticket 2 weeks ago and already now have to sell it.

Vax cards required for some events. It's almost as if all the crazy conspiracy theorists were right (again).

>> No.10688230

>to participate in the Saturday night dance or guest interactions
God you scared me anon, almost thought it was for the entire convention for a moment. Thank god.

>> No.10688302

Are you incapable of reading or just willing ignoring they said you can show a negative PCR result from anytime 2 weeks prior to con?
Do you just perpetually have covid, if not just go to cvs let the nose fuck you with a q-tip and you're good. It doesn't even cost money.

>> No.10688362

You're still asking people to participate in a cult ritual and they're still normalizing the hysteria.

>> No.10688366
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>Tokyo attack defunct
>game room is literally 5 miles away from actual con.
>Vaccine Passport


>> No.10688404

This is definitely the last year I'm going. I'm tired of vax rats literally destroying everything.

>> No.10688426
File: 104 KB, 640x576, Zombin Thalidomide 13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you just perpetually have covid

The PCR test also detects the flu, cold, RSV, herpes, ebola, AIDS, and 100 other things. The guy who invented the PCR test said that Fauci was a liar, a fraud, an idiot, and a megalomaniac:


Yet you clotbloods think you should force me into your Nurglite religion of fear. No thank you. Keep your retarded religion to yourself.

>> No.10688428

Jesus Christ you scared me anon. Good thing it's for things I don't give a shit about, but wow, what a dick move announcing this shit 2 weeks away. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if they announce something more authoritarian to fuck us over even closer to the event. Friendly reminder that vaxx rats will do the most underhanded shit because they want you to suffer and die.
What is going on in picrel?

>> No.10688434

You're more likely to catch Covid if you've been vaccinated (according to Harvard and the NIH).

Doesn't that mean that it's the vaccinated who should need to bring a negative PCR test? They are far more dangerous.


>> No.10688442

Why is the youmacon website down?

>> No.10688448

Despite being triple vaccinated, it has been hospitalized due to covid complications.

>> No.10688658

>What is going on in picrel?

SCIENCE! you bigot.

Thalidomide was a sedative created in the 50s and given to pregnant mothers for morning sickness (as well as to others for trouble sleeping). It was so "safe" that it was often sold OTC.

It was even safe for the pregnant mothers it was commonly marketed to! And if anyone complained that it was causing problems (like killing off nerves in people's fingers or causing them such severe constipation that they died) then those people were just called crazy conspiracy theorists.

It took almost a decade for people to realize that thalidomide is "teratogenic" (monster creating). Pregnant women taking the drug, and men who impregnated women while taking the drug, birthed tons of monster (terato) babies. Babies commonly were missing or had malformed fingers, arms, legs, faces, eyeballs, intestines, rectums, hearts, ears or skin.

And sometimes they were born with extras! Dont you just love SCIENCE and wish that you were born with extra arms!!?

>> No.10688695

Assuming they're normal arms yes please I could really use an extra pair with my job.

>> No.10688783

that's because it's not run by Youma, one of the usual vendors (one that isn't run by a predator like TA was) has space there so they're just running extra hours that weekend

>> No.10688787

Not every day you learn something on /cgl/. thanks for the in-depth explanation anon, I figured it was something of the sort. Those darn conspiracy theorists

>> No.10688798

Well I see those from the defunct midwest gull server are here and have forgotten to take their meds as usual. With Arby gone from the servers you all really are grasping at straws to try and stay relevant. If you don't want to get the jab and attend then go for it, just don't shit on folks who have been patiently waiting to get some semblance of fun back in their lives even if it means joining a "cult".

>> No.10688811


FUNNY you bring that up, I was listening to Civvie11 Review Scratches for his Halloween special and that exact medicine was the driving point for why the Matron of the family keeps a deformed baby locked up in the basement of the manor.

>> No.10688848

You will never be a real woman arbs

>> No.10688876

I feel bad for those who feel they need permission to have fun.

>> No.10688910

That's even worse.

>> No.10689402
File: 172 KB, 400x723, D2JrdujU0AA_lri.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea fuck this nonsense, I dont give a fuck what is being restricted, Not going, and after 10years of going back to back, and spending thousands. They can actively kiss my ass. I'll gladly take my money to a Florida con.

>> No.10689467

Smell you later, ugly

>> No.10689468

>Everyone talking about Youmacon.
>Starts bitching about some discord drama with zero context.

rent free troon.

>> No.10689808

Same. I've already sunk nearly $2k into this con, so I'll go, but I'll be going to Florida or Texas next time.

>> No.10689815

Looks like the guest list has been released. Not sure why they put all the music folks up front: https://www.youmacon.com/guests/

>> No.10689825
File: 141 KB, 850x992, __kanae_nijisanji_drawn_by_waniguchi__sample-500496fd3aad4ca04d5d5d61486604ea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone going to fan expo on friday/saturday? Need a friend to hangout with! 23yo, cute boy, chill, hmu. water#0055

>> No.10689830

Very meh list.

>> No.10689926

Should we even bother with a meet up?

>> No.10690141

Dude TONY FUCKING OLIVER is going to be there. Mr. Lupin himself?! I'm about to cry

>> No.10690242

I'm going to tell Erica that her man-chin does it for me

>> No.10690563

how do I sell my badge, I won't be there but my weekend pass came in the mail and it has no barcodes of any kind

>> No.10690576

if ur tryin to get a cheap 3day we'll be at the usual spots this year they are nearly identical and will have em thur's thanks to all the hirez posts people are putting out.

>> No.10690620

Reminder gull meet up Friday and Saturday 4 at the volt bar.

>> No.10690692

Heard something from a friend recently about Youma staff pocketing the charity ball money - anyone heard anything about this/has seen proof or should I write it off as baseless gossip?

>> No.10690835

Morgan has always been very pro-charity and giving all the ball money away. 100%. Full stop. For the past 10 years though I've heard other (((((staff))))) say he should keep the money.

Then they always throw in something about how he could give it to their department or them directly. Or spend it on something that they really want ("if you kept the money you could bring in this celebrity who I like or this band that I like").

Considering the whole pandemic fiasco sucking money out of everyone, it wouldn't surprise me if Morgan finally gave into those other (((((staff))))) people, but I know he always told them no before.

But I have no clue for this year because I haven't been around for any of it. Good question. I hope he didn't give in just to piss those moochers off again though.

>> No.10690901

I'll give you $5 for it

>> No.10690905

plus shipping

>> No.10690927


What are the usual spots? I wouldn't mind a cheap badge.

>> No.10690929

whats the gender ratio for these meet ups?

>> No.10690931
File: 1.09 MB, 1007x1540, your_oni_gf_warms_yo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bold of you to assume there is a ratio at all....

>> No.10690938

schrodinger's ratio

>> No.10690954

Sorry for the month-late reply. Parking on top of The Building Previously Known as Cobo Hall is free, iirc.

>> No.10691012

If you come to conventions looking for women you're going to find mental ill and ugly women, sometimes both.

>> No.10691160

>rain all weekend.
>Sunday is fine.

Well at lest it will be a good night for Halloween.

>> No.10691182


>> No.10691184



>> No.10691572

I'm just deeply hoping there aren't a bunch of badge checkpoints. I really would like to ghost mostly bc it sounds like it's going to be a hot mess.

>> No.10691598
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>> No.10691609
File: 32 KB, 470x497, 1485792638527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the area still open to the public at least? I there's a gift shop and bathrooms over there.

>> No.10691614

Man I hope at least some of the restaurants are still around

>> No.10691617
File: 30 KB, 1222x200, announcement.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pre panel schedule has been released. This schedule does not include guest panels, dances, autographs, etc.


Still looking kinda bland desu.

>> No.10691996

lol the convention starts tomorrow and there isn't a finalized schedule yet

what a fucking shitshow. glad i decided not to go this year

>> No.10692110
File: 304 KB, 1200x1200, 50FC0E4F-E457-43AD-846C-E007DCC9AF7B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friday I’ll be Baki, Saturday is Inosuke, if you see me say hi!

>> No.10692129

2021 Attendify is up but is still missing the VA stuff. This is going to be a shitshow.

>> No.10692173

I'm lucky enough where I live in downtown so I can just poke my head on in. If it's looking like a good time, I'll get my badge, if not, whatever.

I feel bad for the folks that have to drive or fly out and it turns out to be shit.

>> No.10692183

which is the best day to go to one 9f these things?

>> No.10692236
File: 665 KB, 808x1813, Screenshot_20211027-175705_Facebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Topkek at them blaming their incompetence on the Vid.
I'm one of those poor sods flying out. But it's mainly to visit friends so whether or not it's a shitshow won't ruin my experience thankfully.

>> No.10692243

Friday and Saturday are the big ones. You can find out what events are going on by checking the schedule on the attendify app.

>> No.10692303

Any /pol/ or /tv/ bros going?

>> No.10692312

/Poltv/ bro here, might go Saturday

>> No.10692314

Any one else hear about the party in room 375?

>> No.10692315

I heard there's gonna be a ton of chicks fuckin' horned as hell in 375 I'm gonna get my dick sucked

>> No.10692318

Is room 375 the official orgy room this youma?

>> No.10692329

I'm lookin to get my nuts gobbled. this shit real?

>> No.10692330

apparently 375 is the party zone. show up

>> No.10692337

375 gonna have party favors or am i gonna have to bring my own powder?

>> No.10692349

we got the spice and the toys, knuckle. keep an eye out for the 6'2 crossdressing hispanic dude and i'll give you the secret knock to get in

>> No.10692465

Just got back from 375 apparently its the melty blood room not the party room

>> No.10692512


>> No.10692624

So Volt bar is now the Fuel Restaurant. No clue the hours it'll have or if it's even open. It's not open for lunch today.

There's a new convenience store right in the Marriot lobby. Rather expensive.

The food court is half roped off and around half the food places look permanently closed. Burger King has it's hours posted that it's open until 7 on Friday and Saturday. Closed Sunday.

There were maybe 20 total normal people in the food court today. It looks dead. Only BK and that Greek place were open. That might be all that is open all weekend.

Food is going to be a huge problem. Bring your picnics guys -- and bring sandwiches for your friends.

>> No.10692643

Can someone post the schedule?

>> No.10692648
File: 3.06 MB, 4032x3024, 16354396591872225245272224592831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Escalator already broken. Some elevators too.

>> No.10692698

these orgies are just a meme, i mean we're not so far gone for something like that r-right?

>> No.10692702

Just use the secret knock and you'll get in and see for yourself.

>> No.10692705

Cobo has a "everyone must be masked" policy. Just walked around there and saw that about half of the Youmacon people weren't wearing one.

Saw some security lady walk up to a group of them:

>"You guys are supposed to be wearing masks."
>Group ignores security lady and don't put their masks on.
>Security lady sighs and walks away.

Looks like the war has already been won. If they can't force 30 people to put a mask on they sure as hell can't get 15,000 to put a mask on.

Also, looks like half the cobo restaurants are closed. And the game room is split into 2 panel rooms.

>> No.10692707

poor lady

>> No.10692735

No one should be surprised

>> No.10692756

I'm /g/ and /pol/.

>> No.10692784

Not a single panel or guest looks interesting. Still worth it to show up and just people watch and shop and shit? I'm about an hour's drive away.

>> No.10692785
File: 99 KB, 720x960, 949ioju5i4431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actual pol-nazis are going to this thing?

I bet half of you are black.

>> No.10692793

They come every year, usually super acreage and not in cosplay.

>> No.10692794

What does acreage mean in terms of describing people?

>> No.10692795

Damn autocorrect, meant cringe

>> No.10692818

Did Nazis raise gas prices, shut down our supply chain, and fire you over a fake vaccine? Stop being naziphobic. They're people too.
Jokes aside, /pol/ doesn't mean Nazi. We is educated.

>> No.10692844
File: 124 KB, 862x1024, FCgT5WeWUAsjxCS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Did Nazis raise gas prices, shut down our supply chain, and fire you over a fake vaccine?

>> No.10692872

I'm /pol/, /cgl/ and an actual female lolita. See if you can spot me frens

>> No.10692944

I'm an actual Nazi.

>> No.10692966

me too, let's have sex

>> No.10692978 [DELETED] 
File: 627 KB, 988x1053, Illustration35 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you see me tomorrow or Saturday, say hi

>> No.10693204

I swear 1/3 of /pol/ is black. We raided a zoom meeting one day two of us were black guys.

>> No.10693212

So how are they doing the COVID test badge shit? Their website says they put a star on your badge so you can get into certain areas with either a vax pass or a negative test.

>> No.10693268

Where you at, bitch? Im looking for more nazi lolitas to hang with

>> No.10693280

After getting your badge, there's a 2nd line going to Information. Show the card, test, or Clear app to get the sticker added to your badge. They all have a code and reflective holo wording, so don't count on faking it

>> No.10693284

This legend has persisted for a decade but no one had ever posted proof, let alone a greentext within a week of the con ending

Also, are there any limits on how slutty you can let your costume get in late hours?

>> No.10693286

They put a star of David on anyone's badge who is unvaxxed as well. When I checked in they told me to head to a special train reserved for the unvaxxed guests.

>> No.10693287
File: 1.16 MB, 1836x1980, IMG_20211029_121034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They think that putting the special star on the "good people" makes it 100% different than when they put the special star on the "bad people".

>/pol/: "It's the same (((((people))))))."

>> No.10693291


>> No.10693312

Is it taboo at this con to ask cosplaying girls for their number/obviously ask them out? I did it before (and got a gf that way) at Sakura-Con when I lived in Seattle, not sure how the vibe is out here.

>> No.10693320

What kind of negative test are they looking for? Like can I pop down to CVS and buy one of those instant tests? Or do we need to go to a urgent care or something official?

>> No.10693324
File: 91 KB, 1700x2200, vpg_4_carbon_reduction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently they are only taking the PCR test, which of course can't determine if you have covid, a cold, the flu, RSV, a respiratory infection, ebola, herpes, or 100 other things.

Here's a video of the guy who invented the PCR test that they are using.


>> No.10693330

Where the fuck IS the convention? it doesn't say on the website, holy shit, just says where it was in 2020 in the FAQ. What's the convention center called?

>> No.10693341

what dies the sticker actually change when you're inside?

>> No.10693352

Be honest. is it still fun with masks?

>> No.10693383

Tcf center

>> No.10693397

Ight anon's I'm on my way down there. Maybe we'll bumb into each other. With no vaccine so I don't know how much of it I can enjoy

>> No.10693419

All entrances are closed except for the ren cen Marriott entrance. If you do not have a con badge or hotel key they will not let you in to the ren cen anymore.

>> No.10693430
File: 146 KB, 988x1053, 20211028_221943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk if anyone spotted me today, but I'll be in the same costume tomorrow, say hi if ya see me

>> No.10693433

Holy hell is the tabletop gaming room really requiring jab or is that just a rumor?

>> No.10693441

Full report: All entrances to the ren cen are closed. Only way in is the ren cen hotel entrance and they are checking for badges and hotel keys. Skyline walk between Millender center and rencen has no security. No idea if they will lock up the entrances to that I asked and everyone so far said no. Cobo requires mask and security will kick you out now if you refuse. Yes panels and table top require the jab. There is a spot where they will give you a sticker for your badge as proof but they are barely checking.

>> No.10693449

>table top require the jab
What a load of garbage. I'm not even there and I'm upset.

>> No.10693453

Vax proof required for all rooms. Marriot requires masks at all times for all of Youmacon (but not for other guests).

No vax? No games, no panels, no Cobo, no dealers, no rave.

>> No.10693456
File: 137 KB, 800x543, all-mine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been some years since I've last attended. Is the Table Top gaming room same or different than the Arcade/Vidya room? Is the cuccine requirement the same? Masks? Fucking spineless, meek faggots.
I wish I grew up in my dad's time, arcade-disco with mini-golf at 14 Mile Rd.

>> No.10693457

What a damn shame.

>> No.10693459

what can we do, then?

>> No.10693462

>What can we do, then?

You can't.

>> No.10693470

would i get a refund at least?

>> No.10693473


>> No.10693474

a-atleast i can attend the orgy, r-right?

>> No.10693475

No. Ren cen has their own personal staff monitoring elevators now and you need a badge in order to get up to ant of the hotel rooms.

>> No.10693476

I've heard that the hotels are kicking people out on the spot if they don't have proof of vax and are checking hotel rooms for room stuffing.

>> No.10693479

well, there's always next year i suppose

>> No.10693506

Pretty loyal for a bunch of unpaid volunteers
>Perhaps they are wondering why a shitty con would further hinder itself with vax passports

>> No.10693524

Why the fuck did I come then....... gotta love how they didn't say this until the actual con. can I pass the check with a shittily forged vaxx card?

>> No.10693529

they can check this hoss

>> No.10693540

When and where is the rave?

>> No.10693541
File: 21 KB, 256x197, anime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck no dealers hall too? Thats not on their website

>> No.10693542

>they don't have proof of vax and are checking hotel rooms for room stuffing.
Nah that's BS. They are only checking for either con badge or hotel card. Hotel staff doesn't give a damn if you're vaccinated or not. Not sure about the room stuffing but I haven't seen anything

>> No.10693564

Its only the rave and the tabletop room as I understand it. I didn't bother taking a pic of my card and didn't get the sticker and I went into panels today and was in the dealer's hall all day with no issues.

>> No.10693571

How am I supposed to attend the rave if the parking garage closes at 10 and you can't park there overnight? I guess it's just for people who are in hotels nearby or live downtown?

>> No.10693589

>no people mover
>rainy cold ass weekend
>vax required for the rave
Yeah, not going to happen this year.

>> No.10693593

So here's the deal -- the staff is all over the place with regards to the vax and masks.

The vax nazis are also the mask nazis (apparently the vax doesn't work, but don't tell them that). Some of them are flipping out that any unvaxxed are even allowed in, and have had screaming matches about how evil the unvaxxed are.

Groups like tabletop are run by these people, so they didn't care what the rules were going to be- they were going to be vax nazis anyway. They don't care that Morgan told them not to be that way.

And there are vax nazis in every department. So some department head may say they don't care about vaxxes or masks and then other departments will send people over there to say that the rules are that everyone must be vaxxed or told they can't help or go to events. Vaxtards are telling on people in their own departments.

Tattling. Fucking tattletale staff. Tattletaling on other adults. Trying to get other staff kicked out for not having enough vaxxes.

And then the ones who don't care of the guests have their vaxxes are being browbeat for not being nazi enough by the vax nazis.

Why do vaxtards ruin everything?

>> No.10693594

Kinda feels odd trying to meet new people when everyone is wearing a mask. Vax-status doesn't really matter but still.

>> No.10693607

Why the fuck was this not on the website? Almost like vaxtards were trying to lure ppl here? I just knew they would pull some shit like this.

>> No.10693610

I assume you can leave anytime, "closes at 10" probably means no more entry but exiting is fine.

>> No.10693612

Lots not wearing mask. I had to tell a few autist crew members to fuck off after they asked me to wear one. Just point out all the cobo security and police not wearing them and they'll back down.

>> No.10693613

There is no check. I jumped the line thursday night and walked up to the reg desk and just asked for 2 badges. No questions asked.

Walked everywhere with no mask. Guarantee I could've just walked into the dealers room with no badge. No one cares.

>> No.10693625

The anon saying they are checking EVERYONE that goes to panels is full of shit. I couldn't mobile post while I was there but I walked into two different panels and they didn't care about the vaccine stars. I went to the rave Tonight and the one guy just told me to make sure I had a mask on. BTW rave was fun as shit. Me and my bro went to ready play one and got drunk then came back to dance.
Only problem is tonight's rave is gonna be bigger and I'm scared they might HAVE to check for vaccine stars.

>> No.10693626

I left my car in there overnight. They closed the gate on me and a few other people so I took the bus home. I'll go get it in the morning whenever.
They only place I was told I COULDN'T go was the tabletop room. Everyone else was cool. Game room had a few people walking around telling people to put their mask on. And apparently there was an Asian guy at the rave telling people to put their mask on also. I didn't see him and he didn't say anything to me.
Nigga there were like 5 people wearing this custom. I almost tapped a guy on the shoulder thinking it was you.

>> No.10693628

Last post for the night, did anybody see the tall guy cosplaying as bayonetta with his chest hair peeking through the boob window? We kept making eye contact in the dealers hall and I wanted to bend that fucker over right then and on the used VHS tapes.

>> No.10693629

Same happened to me too years ago. I left my car in a parking garage, not knowing the curfew. So lucky I had a guy asked to drive me home, 30 miles. This guy drove like 80 down Mound Rd, 100 on the freeway.
I wish I had more money to thank him, he was cool.

>> No.10693676

The TCF center parking garage does close at 10pm and won't let you enter to get your car out and leave.
So if you want to go to the rave -
Park at the RenCenter self-parking, it's open 24/7.

>> No.10693678

what do I wear to the rave? Not cosplaying and don't have any "party" looking clothes. Planning on just going in shorts/pants and a normal t-shirt

>> No.10693690

A lot of salty faggots getting mad over the vaccine and mask requirements that the convention mentioned about a million times over the past three months. I'm sure you retards know how to read. You're not that dumb, I hope.

>> No.10693694

That's cool to wear. It gets hot in there

>> No.10693695
File: 63 KB, 796x960, EoA-iESWMAE3gHh.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You vaxfags are ALWAYS liars. Always.

2 weeks ago they said that masks were only required for cobo and that the vaxpass was only required for the Saturday rave and autograph events. You vaxfags LIED again you stupid faggot liar.

You always lie.

>> No.10693696

Not sure if I'm gonna go back. Security is way to tight and all this mask shit makes hitting on chicks impossible, and all the ones I've seen from yesterday where pretty ugly anyways.

>> No.10693697

>all this mask shit makes hitting on chicks impossible
How? Just deal with it and stop seething.

>> No.10693714

Stop going there just to get your dick sucked

>> No.10693716

On my way up there. Was there gonna be a /cgl/ meet up? I can't phone post when I leave

>> No.10693727

but it's fun!

>> No.10693736

You fucking retard check the website, the Facebook posts. Nothing was ever posted about vaxx being required for the tabletop space. Still nothing. It was a bait and switch as always just as >>10693695 says.

>> No.10693755
File: 49 KB, 430x427, av5v2Yd_700b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Youmacon Speakeasy at the ol' Volt Bar tonight. Bring your own shot glasses and a 5th of whatever you want (but don't bring your underage friends). Seven to midnight.

First, head to the liquor store at the Milliander building (to get there, find the Ren Cen CVS, head LEFT over the skyway-crosswalk to Milliander, wave at the traffic, then then go LEFT once you get inside Milliander, and then DOWN the escalator).

Take your Rumplemintz or Southern Comfort (and a White Claw for your ladyfriend) back to the Volt Bar tables and BEHIND the screenwalls. Find new frens and share. See you all tonight!

>> No.10693762

I refused and ignored every single person that told me to put a mask on and have been using a fake negative test. cope sneed, feed, seed, and dilate

>> No.10693775

Don't blame masks for you being a coward.

>> No.10693785

Didn’t make it to the meetup, how awkward was it?

>> No.10693789

There was none. The guy who ususally does it dipped after he found out the entire Ren Cen was closed.

>> No.10693792
File: 289 KB, 1280x720, tumblr_pbkjnwvzsc1wl500oo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tonight at the old Volt Bar/Marriott Lobby. Tables and bar area. Bring your own liquor. Seven to midnight.

>> No.10693794

I would've demanded my fucking money back that's false advertisement. I was going to go at first before I checked this thread. The website says you only need the vax to go to panels or see guests. Fucking liars

>> No.10693812

I'll be there around 8:30, with SoCo and shot glasses.

>> No.10693817

Where? I just went up to a random group of people. What y'all wearing?

>> No.10693818

Black robe, I’m surprised really well adjusted people

>> No.10693820

Do you guys see a guy in an orange shirt walking around aimlessly?

>> No.10693822

You just went up to us and then walked away lol>>10693820

>> No.10693835
File: 2.22 MB, 4032x3024, 16356409480721878018883559827336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Official /cgl/ meetup.

>> No.10693850

Shit, I missed the cgl meetup?

>> No.10693855

People on the facebook pages are claiming staff are going around asking for ID and medical records along with taking pictures of said IDs and people.

>> No.10693862
File: 2.79 MB, 4032x3024, 16356464332688461735543447392728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's still going on. And we have the liquor.

>> No.10693882

so there are femanons here!

>> No.10693885

Fucking sad. There is a staff person outside of the rave walking around with a sign that says "thank you for standing 6 feet apart."

I thought he was joking until he told me to put my mask on.

>"You're supposed to have a mask on."
>"A WHAT??!??"
>"MY WHAT??!??"
>"OKAY!" I said as I walked away.

It was so pathetic I thought he was going to cry.

>> No.10693971

I would tell them to fuck off and threatened to sue them if they do this.

>> No.10693980

I can smell this picture

>> No.10693983

what does it smell like?

>> No.10693984

Well I failed to get a date at the con. Number of ideas for how to get a gf is back to zero.

>> No.10693988

Unwashed ballsack, dirty clothes, sweat, and cat pee

>> No.10693994

Hey red shirt guy, this is orange shirt guy. Me and my buddy somehow ended up inside the rave. Can't explain here. But it was awesome. And there were no "decoys" there

Best Time to talk to chicks is after 12 when they are sitting on the ground the hallways.

>> No.10694001

>after 12
Not that anon but staying offsite kinda makes that challenging. Friends usually want to leave at around 8:30/9 PM or so.

>> No.10694019

is sitting on the ground a mating ritual among weebs?

>> No.10694024

They're lonely.

>> No.10694025

Y'all got any plans?

>> No.10694028

Why was everyone who I saw at this con without a mask fat and ugly as fuck?

>> No.10694030

to help you facilitate your mask fetish, of course

>> No.10694033

Anyone know what happened outside the Marriot early this morning? There was police tape and a man's hat and shoes with what looked like blood.

>> No.10694070

Meh, it's my fault. I should have cosplayed, should have gone all 4 days (I only realized this shit was even happening earlier this week), and should have talked to every cute cosplayer girl I saw that wasn't obviously with her bf. There's always next year I guess.

>> No.10694075

>that wasn't obviously with her bf
I'm pretty dogshit at even telling if they are with a male friend or their bf so I usually just assume bf. Defeatist takes probably aren't helping me much here.

>> No.10694086
File: 224 KB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20211031-140549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Red Shirt Guy. I'm jealous :P but my wifey was home alone and I needed to leave the xanex-rave-girls for others.

Strangely enough, and probably from friending some people yesterday, I got Perma-Banned from FB today. My messenger account was disabled and all my messages to others deleted.

Checked my FB account (that I haven't used since January) and it said I was perma-banned because of something I posted 2 years ago. I probably said something like:

>Thinking the government is trustworthy is a conspiracy theory
>Taxation is theft
>I like Tulsi
>Wanting to expand the size of government because the government sucks doesn't make very much sense
>War is a racket

>> No.10694097

Was told someone got stabbed a bunch
survived but still scary none the less

>> No.10694101

Oh yeah we walked past that. Bunch of blood and shit.

>> No.10694102

The rave had more guys cosplaying as girls, then actual girls. They had a mini rave outside in the hallway for people that weren't vaxxed.

>> No.10694103
File: 618 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210714-025738_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah my Twitter got Perma banned earlier this year. I said the N word a few times in 2010 and the system picked up on it.

>> No.10694105

I'm still pretty new to /cgl/, is it acceptable to post loot hauls and pictures of cosplayers now that the con is effectively over, or do we save that for a later thread?

>> No.10694106

When will youmacon put up a statue of MadThad?

>> No.10694108

Dude, fucking post pictures. Only proof I have of this con existing is essentially a photo of tranny Fred Flintsone and some dude cosplaying Femboy hooters.

>> No.10694110
File: 1.06 MB, 1808x3216, 20211031_153847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aight, I'mma start image dumping then.
Took a pic with this Dimitrescu cosplayer, she was on stilts and she said it put her at 7 feet tall.

>> No.10694111
File: 190 KB, 1440x1440, IMG_20211030_221441_033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic I took (left, Bloodborne-inspired plague doctor) with a guy I met at the con (right, SCP-049)

>> No.10694114
File: 1.67 MB, 4000x1868, 20211029_120047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me again, this time with my friend who went as The Plain Doll. I learned after this was taken to not look directly at the camera when people are taking pics of me.

>> No.10694115
File: 1.99 MB, 4000x1868, 20211029_155830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On Friday, the Ren Cen was obscured by fog. It was so rainy the whole day I decided not to leave the TCF center.

>> No.10694116
File: 1.85 MB, 4000x1868, 20211029_123401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This mad lad dressed as Sponge and I thought it was hilarious.

>> No.10694121

cool chris chan cosplay

>> No.10694122
File: 501 KB, 2048x1614, IMG_20211031_160732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found a picture I had uploaded on that date. This is most likely what I just got perma-banned for.

You might have said a "bad word", but I posted a "bad person". If you want proof that we live in an evil country, every kid in America should know the name Thomas Sowell, but most have never heard of him.


>> No.10694123
File: 2.75 MB, 4032x3024, PXL_20211029_212508794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best cosplay of the weekend.

>> No.10694124

Wait is the real mad thad here?

>> No.10694125

he's been around, so it wouldn't surprise me

>> No.10694152
File: 646 KB, 1078x664, Screenshot_20211031-190056_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else see the dinos in the tcf center

>> No.10694153

can confirm I saw the real mad thad at the rave on Saturday. surprised they let a somewhat well known convicted sex offender get a badge

>> No.10694154

If a pedo can be president they can go to conventions.

>> No.10694163

Shit I thought he was still in jail.

>> No.10694169

I'm in this picture

I'm sure I wasn't the only sex offender there.

>> No.10694171

I'm willing to believe everyone with pony shirt or a fursuit falls in that category.

>> No.10694172

I'm familiar with Thomas Sowell, not very familiar. But I know a little about him. But you're right, he not very talked about. That's by design.

>> No.10694191

Oh hey I didn’t know the person in the black shirt was a seagull, we played cards against humanity in a group Friday night.

>> No.10694196

SO bro meet up next year

>> No.10694208

I've been going to youmacon every year since 2008 but between a bunch of stuff going on with work and home life I opted to sit this youma out. I ended up getting some free time on Sunday

>Con was basically just dealer room and game rooms
>Game room was just fighting game nerds circlejerking over the same three fighting games
>Dealer Room was pretty decent
>Literally no one asked about my vaccination status the whole time I was there

>> No.10694264

I thought that was going to go better than it did. Whereas anime midwest went better than I thought it would. I just need to start expecting the opposite of whatever my stupid ass brain is telling me to expect.

>> No.10694273

stop posting on 4chan first off

>> No.10694402


True lol,
One of the chicks in my group was down to hookup with a guy but he would not stop talking about vaccine and mask shit. So whatever anon was that you played yourself.

>> No.10694404

Con absolutely blew. I accepted the mask shit but the fact that the ren cen was locked down and the staff when full crazy dictator on everyone just ruined it. Not surpring that orginization was an even bigger shit show than before.

>> No.10694454

Is anyone here going back? I had a blast despite the COVID cucking, but I'm not giving another dime to them after the disgrace of a con.

>> No.10694460

We're all going back

>> No.10694525

Sounds like Deku doing his thing

>> No.10694526

Yeah I mean I literally live 10-15 min from the con so even if it's a shitshow it's a cheap shitshow to go to

>> No.10694608
File: 360 KB, 1080x1333, 1629709074062.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're definitely all going back. We're here forever.

I'm not even mad at the convention itself; I'm just pissed off at vaxfags ruining everything they touch. These "I love science" people actually HATE science and don't even know what it is.

They think science is something you're supposed to have faith it. Like some stupid religion.

And if you show them something that goes against their religion (like actual science), they get mad at you and call you a sinner. They believe the marketing department at Pfizer et al. more than they believe actual Scientific inquiry.

Hey, vaxfags. Your religion is dumb and you should feel dumb.

>> No.10694624

Wow. I have called it a cult for a while now, but I didn't realize how much deeper it goes. This really sounds like the great harlot. With that being said... I'll look into other cons.

>> No.10694664
File: 194 KB, 1921x975, bitch-niggas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In 2022, we need to advertise free gibs at Youma for blacks to overrun the Covid Cops.

>RIP We just killed the club,
>Drink patron out the bottle almost killed a thug

>> No.10694763

how was the orgy?

>> No.10694765

How does someone experience a myth

>> No.10694768
File: 39 KB, 315x500, s-l500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's literally a book on that.



Nevermind. That joke was terrible. I'll go nerdout somewhere else.

>> No.10694769

very carefully

>> No.10694933

Did anyone notice Asian men in suits there? I feel like they were overseas suppliers visiting GM that decided to check out what Americans do as otakus. Either that or they were CCP agents, but that's a stretch.

>> No.10694938

The Japanese consulate is in the same building.

>> No.10694965

I was k. The gaming room and staff told a black guy to out his mask on. He yelled SUCK MY DICK at him. I was perplexed

>> No.10694995

I was by the dancers outsode the rave saturday night when some guy came up to me. He was tall, skinny, and white.

I'm white. He told me to put my mask on. I held my hand out to the 3 black guys next to me that didn't have masks on.

White security guy looked at the 3 black guys and then looked back at me and told me to put my mask on again. I laughed at him and he went away.

>> No.10695075

how was youmacon?

>> No.10695093

It was great all things considered.

>> No.10695260

Pretty okay for a con thrown together in 3 months by people who struggled to run a convention pre-covid

>> No.10696101
File: 2.13 MB, 356x200, 200.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would have been better if covidiots weren't set on ruining everything. Those "people" should feel shame.

It's like every autistic anti-social basement dweller wanted to become a Karen and boss people around. Fuck off. I had some mask-faggot tell me, because I was drinking a Monster and not wearing a mask:

>"The CDC has proven that wearing a mask stops 99% of covid-19."
No it didn't and no it doesn't faggot.
>The vaccine has been proven to stop over 99% of people from getting covid-19. This is a pandemic only for the unvaccinated."
No it doesn't faggot.
>"The one or two breakthrough cases that have happened the person who had the vaccine didn't even get sick."
No it didn't faggot.
>"The PCR test has less than a 1% error rate when detecting covid-19 according to the CDC."
Just go home then you absolute fuckface.

It's like these people live in a fantasy world and don't have any clue what reality is, which is probably why they think their big-tittie pillow waifu might be a real girl someday. I'm convinced they don't have any friends besides their own mothers.

>> No.10696127

How was the outside rave? I feel like it was probably shitty.

>> No.10696473

I thought I was the only person who was going to know all the words to Bell Biv DeVoe. I'm white. I had no idea that every black parent apparently beats the words of Poison into their children. I didn't know that there exists not one single black child that can't 100% solo by memory:

>She'll drive you right out of your mind
>And steal your heart when you're blind
>Beware she's schemin', she'll make you think you're dreamin'
>You'll fall in love and you'll be screaming, demon, ooh
>Poison, deadly, movin' in slow
>Lookin for a mellow fellow like DeVoe
>Gettin paid, laid, so better lay low
>Schemin on house, money, and the whole show
>The low pro ho she'll be cut like an afro
>See what you're sayin', huh, she's a winner to you
>But I know she's a loser
>(How do you know?)
>Me and the crew used to do her!

So I loved the dance outside the rave.


>> No.10696958

Are there any other cons, even small lame ones, nearby? Like within 2-3 hours' drive of Detroit. I want to do another con soon and cosplay (like I DIDN'T at youmacon)

>> No.10697475

In the dealer's room Grand rapids con was there. That's probably soon. Ohiocon is in Toledo I think. I donno. Google nearby cons.

>> No.10697476
File: 505 KB, 615x485, 1636650967430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poison is pretty much the only new jack swing song that gets constant air play over the years. Plus it was in San Andreas.

>> No.10698202

Last bump of a dying thread?

>> No.10698336

See you next year dude, hopefully
shit is a metric ton less fucked.