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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10638688 No.10638688 [Reply] [Original]

We need a new thread, old one is autosaging >>10558846
Now that things are slowly opening back up, do you think we'll see a rise in gyarusa meets?
Shipping from Japan is pretty much back to normal, do you have anything in the mail?
Any summer gyaru plans or goals?

>> No.10638848

Planning to lose weight so i can fit ma*rs

>> No.10638849

bought some 2nd hand jesus diamante. shit's good.

>> No.10639330
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Looks like there's a cute new galsa in Seattle. I'm jelly

>> No.10639399

Any circles in montreal?

>> No.10639912

Anyone participating in the Gyaru Para Unite project? I want to but I'm afraid I'll look like shit next to the really good dancers

>> No.10639940

Does anyone know where I can buy La Parfait?

>> No.10639949

you can't i buy it all. sorry.

>> No.10639950 [DELETED] 

Do you know what happened?

>> No.10639952

Have you seen previous gyaru parapara projects? Most look like shit dancing, you'll be fine.

I usually lurk mercari jp

>> No.10639984

Just do it! I participated in my first parapara project recently and I felt my dancing looked really crap compared to others, but nobody was shitty to me about it and I got a lot of encouragement. Just pick a routine you're really confident with.

>> No.10639987

also >>10639952 has a point, there are like 4 good dancers max in the gyaru community and there will be way more than 4 people participating

>> No.10640479

How can we participate? Where did you see it? Help a baby gyaru out

>> No.10640608

There were a few posts in the Sekai No Gyarusa Facebook Group about it

>> No.10640611

i already told anon i buy all of it myself.

>> No.10640634

no you didn't. are you high?

>> No.10640647


>> No.10641169
File: 70 KB, 500x277, theabsolutestate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are 99% of "baby gals" in this comm mentally insane she/them retards? There are like 3 or 4 who look quite good but even then they're constantly sperging out about race.
never mind, I answered my own question.
At this rate, I'd rather see gyaru slowly die out with veteran gals than go the way of the lolita comm. Give it a peaceful death...
I know it's already got a foot in the grave along with /cgl/ in general based on the fact we're on thread #5 of "big-boobed cosplayers" but this thread is barely alive. Shit just sucks man.

>> No.10641592

I blame tiktok and amino. I doubt many of them will show up to meets or events when all this is over so who cares.

>> No.10641593

Can we talk about liz lisa here as well? I feel like it’s not really gyaru anymore

>> No.10641650

Do gyarus against sex work exist?

>> No.10641661

It's definitely not gyaru anymore - there might be one or two "gyaru-able" things they make per year like shoes or something but it's more like ryousangata style now
I exist. I think it's cringe/sad the western comm puts AV gyaru on a pedestal as if that's something to aspire to

>> No.10641694

a lot of japanese gals are against it, or atleast against it publicly.

i hate how people think AV gyaru is a separate style. no it's not. most gyaru in AV are just wearing popular clothing and makeup. AV lolita also exists but people don't act like it's a substyle or something.

>> No.10641704

Gyaru community has always been filled with she/they/him very woke liberals who complain about cultural appropriation 24/7 despite the fact none of them are japanese.

>> No.10641705

it's definitely gotten a lot worse. i've been in the comm since 2010 or so. and genderspecial sjw types didn't get into it until 2016 at least. (because they started associating gyaru with western lib feminism)

>> No.10641706

Ive seen gaijin gals get mad when someone brings up sex trafficking or really how fucked up sex work is but i guess it doesnt matter as long as they can buy shitty second hand burando

>> No.10641708

right im just trying to find gal friends who doesnt sperg about pronouns, race or sex work every fucking minute but most of them would get a heart attack if you even use the word retarded kek

>> No.10641709

i hear you. i feel like all my friends are like that now. i joined the gal discord but it's 90% that kind of thing.

>> No.10641716

Im in it too and its tragic.
I guess ill just stay a lone gyaru. isnt it funny how japan in general tends to attract woke people when japan is far from being that? Never understood that.
hopefully one day the comm wont be this bad

>> No.10641724

to give some credit, most of the fashions foreigners are into are rebellious ones. but a lot of these genderspecials are weebs who love japan period.

>> No.10641727

Lol this. I mute like 80% of people on insta because every other story is some racial sperg. Senpai I'm just trying to look at clothes and makeup

>> No.10641729

Samefag but these are the same people who cry about Asianfishing, cultural appropriation etc. and then force their standards on the Japanese people they're claiming to defend. Like when they bombarded the Egg YouTube videos with dislikes and English comments saying "we can't allow this to go on!" when 99% of them can't speak or understand moon kek. Sound like the real colonizers to me.

>> No.10641742
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>Planning to lose weight
As a former fat fuck, just start right now. Literally right this instant, don't wait until some other date. 500 calorie restriction and moderate cardio 4 days a week, the weight will melt off.

>> No.10641747

alright, every non sjw gal drop your discords.

>> No.10641750

theyre so insufferable. how do they not get tired of this? Also the asianfishing thing is retarded. That word wasnt even a thing back in the day. I agree so many weebs pretend to be asian but people think droopy eyeliners are now akin to saying youre asian kek and of course no one who uses that term is japanese.
Tiktok fb and ig are just a mess. i just wanna see cute outfits and talk about gal and gal mangas and read magazines, not this garbage.

>> No.10641751

they don't even understand gyaru most of the time. a lot of young tiktok gyaru don't even know that gyaru was extremely mainstream for a while.

>> No.10641752

>500 calorie restriction

yeah maybe if she wants to look like complete shit, you anorexic retard.

Fasted cardio every morning, reduce carbs significantly, start strength training. You can eat 1200-1500 a day and lose weight quite easily unless you're like 4ft tall.

>> No.10641760

not that anon, but I assumed she meant to cut out 500 cals a day from your total of about 2000ish, not only eat 500.

>> No.10641779

I'm bad with discord but if I could figure it out I would make a server that was purely a space to discuss the fashion, I would.
It's honestly starting to feel like the popular consensus. People just want to enjoy their hobbies, sometimes the only type of light and escapism they have in this increasingly shitty world. I hope that the SJWs start getting muted and ignored more and more, and when they realize it's not getting them the clout it once did they'll stop virtue signaling. Because 99% of the time that's all this is - repeating opinions to be liked and accepted by the group. They don't actually give a shit about the causes or people which is why their behavior ends up being so racist.
To be clear I don't actually have a problem with people speaking about issues that affect their own daily lives (like the AKP girls' posts last month). It just gets old when it's the clout seekers, and it's obvious as hell to everyone watching. Sorry for the novel.

>> No.10641786

nayrt but i think they meant subtract 500 from the standard 2k not restrict to only 500 a day which would get you to the 1200-1500 calorie range…

>> No.10641788

i think you need the entire username, if you want to add me i can try to make a server with you. caramel_babylon#3249 others can add me too!

>> No.10641830

>isnt it funny how japan in general tends to attract woke people when japan is far from being that?
only if you don't understand japanese desu, I want a day without jp comm drama on my feed

>> No.10641845

C'mon, spill some Jap comm tea

>> No.10642046

>alba rosa
>signature print is actually hibiscus

>> No.10642056

I want to hear about jp drama

>> No.10642061

I meant reduce your caloric consumption by 500, wtf? No one only eats 500 a day.

>> No.10642845
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the mods are so tired of this they put a new server rule about it lol

>> No.10642885

Okay good, I've seen people deadass recommending the most crazy ana/mia shit on here before.

>> No.10642897

How will our precious little bipoces be able to deal with all that emotional labour?!

>> No.10642918

this is still full of sjw buzzwords...

>> No.10642933

Without that the sjw wouldn't stfu about how everything is asianfishing or blackface.

>> No.10642935

oh of course, you're right. i forgot you have to placate them in order to shut them up.

>> No.10643262

gg sjw

>> No.10643269

Kek I saw this on my insta feed today

>> No.10643282
File: 20 KB, 450x430, 0F701AEE-977D-4FCA-8492-2C00FC68B913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>then we can also criticize black cosplayers as "blackwashing", right?

>> No.10643318

this shit pisses me off so much. i remember someone was bitching about gyaru talking about how being dark makes them unattractive to normie japansee guys. that's not an insult. and of course a subculture that takes a lot of inspiration from hollywood culture during the 2000s would be obsessed with tanning.

>> No.10643322

Do you gals wear bodycon dresses often?

>> No.10643323

Wtf is a bipoc? I swear only white people use that shit

>> No.10643328

Bisexual people of color, I think

>> No.10643329

Lol it's black indigenous people of color but I originally thought that too.
It's Facebook/Twitter lefties and ethnonarcissists who use that shit

>> No.10643397

I hate how gyaru is associated with coomer anime and e-thots wearing a seifuku

>> No.10643407

that is because all of these sjw tiktok spergies keep getting into gyaru with kogyaru as their main style

>> No.10643768

fuck em. fuck the western comm in general honestly. everyone is embarrassing as fuck, can't do makeup and most of them wear ugly normie shit they are trying to style as outdated japanese shit from 10 years ago. 90% of western gals clearly had no sense of fashion before they became gal (and continue to have none). gals also need to learn how to do makeup for their own face shape. it's either tutorials followed 1:1 or people who don't get how the makeup should look just getting it wrong and making it more ulzzang/instahoe/ethot. and tiktok has just made it worse to find accurate information, it's just the blind leading the blind at this point.

>> No.10643809
File: 592 KB, 786x574, sa;lfdjk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gyaru in Japan weren't always perfect with their makeup or their hair. You just think they were/are because that's all you see in magazines and with current Insta influencers. Sometimes they wore a pair of sweats with crocs but they still looked good because they were thin and tan. Sometimes their makeup looked like shit.
The real problem with the western gal comm is that 99% of them have no idea what being gyaru MEANS. They do it so they can fit in and be liked among the other weebs because they were never popular in school among the normies. They never want to ruffle any feathers or stand out. They apologize for doing manba or whatever it is the PC crowd is upset about now. It's fucking pathetic. Gyaru in Japan got shit on, constantly, by almost everyone for sticking out and going against societal norms and beauty standards in a country where conformity is king. They got harassed and shunned. If you've been to Japan and gotten stared at for being a visible foreigner you'll understand how uncomfortable it is to stand out there. Meanwhile Western "gals" can't last two fucking seconds under societal pressure without caving like a house of cards in countries that are extremely accepting. If you apologize for celebrating the fourth of fucking July with your family because some POCs on Tik Tok found it harmful, go ahead and delete "gyaru" from your insta bio because you clearly have no idea what it means.

>> No.10643974

Based. Gyaru isnt about perfect makeup or hair, its about standing out.

>> No.10643975

Forgot to add not giving a fuck.
Gyaru is about being rebellious, sexy, trashy, flashy and not giving a fuck at all.
If you apologize for the way you do your makeup then you cant be gyaru.

>> No.10644130

does anyone feel like the staff in the discord server dont know much about gyaru?

>> No.10644132

Why do people think every gyaru makeup has to have a droopy eyeliner?

>> No.10644136

When lillie joe will stop making drama the universe will collapse

>> No.10644151

this is my pet peeve. Probably because it's been repeated by the veteran gals who only know one way of doing things

>> No.10644159

Its so annoying. Cat eye can be gyaru too. The droopy eyeliner makes me look retarded

>> No.10644163

What happened?

>> No.10644179

it sounds like you didn't really read my post, anon. being "shit at makeup" doesn't imply the alternative is looking perfect all the time. there's difference between gals being grungy because they're lazy and western gals having no idea what they're doing. and part of it was looking intentionally bad, which a lot of westerners aren't trying to do. look how >>10644132 >>10644159 are complaining that the western comm only thinks droopy makeup is gal. this is what i am talking about. i even called out people confusing gal with ulzzang. the western comm is too rigid because no one knows how to style themselves and part of that IS the confidence you need as gal.

>> No.10644180

This. You need to understand what you're doing with makeup to emulate it. Gyaru is about doing whatever you like intentionally. Whether you want to be tan and slutty or wear cute princess clothes and 10lbs of hair. But not knowing the basics of how to make yourself look good completely ruins the "lazy but hot" image >>10643809 was talking about.

>> No.10644246

Do any of you have any makeup guides or ressources?

>> No.10644270

I've been into gyaru for a long time so I looked at a lot of looks and tutorials in gyaru magazines and then tried them out until I found styles I liked. I can read Japanese so I don't know how much help I can really be, but you can find tutorials and magazine scans on pinterest. You can use the pins to find old tumblrs that have a lot more information than you'd think. I have a few links to some Japanese video makeup tutorials if you're interested too. Also if anyone needs anything translated I can probably help out.

>> No.10644281

Did you feel attacked anon because you got criticized for not being able to dress yourself or for not having any general makeup skills? No one cares about the discord there's no drama there.

>> No.10644282

Yes i would like some links! Thank you anon

>> No.10644538

no and that's hilarious given that most of them have been in the comm for 5+ years. seethe harder newfag.

>> No.10644675

Sure jan. The same people who think the only way to do gyaru is to have a droopy liner kek

>> No.10644676

Is anyone else not in a circle?

>> No.10644686
File: 306 KB, 642x799, img_939637b383ef6533715d21956105f5601090337.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ntar but nobody thinks only "droopy makeup" is gal, it's just easier for western newbies to look the part with it vs the current slug make that looks retarded on most people

>> No.10644744

God i miss tsubasa

>> No.10644749

same senpai

>> No.10644946

okay, and what does your makeup look like? I can see evidence that they know what they're doing and look good, no such exists for you. so unless you want to prove otherwise, I'm going to assume that the person who thinks they're superior to Seirren, Rachel and Chris looks like shit kek

>> No.10644952

I'm betting $20 this is that tard who left because she thought Ray was calling her out for buying ugly clothes

>> No.10644988

that's not what we're even referring to. old looks weren't all droopy either and the droopy makeup most westerners do is awful.

>> No.10645071

No shit, japanese makeup looks made for asian monolids will never look the same on caucasians. Please provide examples of what you thinks looks good and still recognisable as gal on westerners then.

>> No.10645513

Lets not create drama anons.

>> No.10645517

Does black diamond accept foreign members?

>> No.10645527

It's not drama if you're being called out for being a shit disturbing onlooker/newbie who gets offended by generalized offhanded comments. This is the internet holding you accountable. Should've thought about that before you came into the thread looking for ass pats.

>> No.10645531

anon how do you even know its her? also no one cares about the discord . stop creating drama

>> No.10645534

Theres no drama in the discord. Someone leaving isnt drama. This comm is already bad as it is.

>> No.10645536

I dont know if they currently do but i think there was a black girl before in it so you should try anon. Do you speak japanese?

>> No.10645707

Seriously!!! This drama stirring shit is getting so old and desu this new batch of mods is so nice and involved. If you guys scare them off with this nonsense the western community will die by newbie overload for sure.

>> No.10645891
File: 748 KB, 666x670, B8D28A30-1E08-4274-AF5A-C80EF1E8FB70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats gyaru music? are there other things like black diamond or any specific albums or songs that’s considered gyaru?

>> No.10645896

namie amuro, eurobeat and trance music, koda kumi, Ayumi Hamasaki
gyaru is tied into a lot of club scene stuff also so just generally popular music also

>> No.10645950

this youtube channel has a ton of smaller gyaru artists including tsubasa makuwasa's work before she debuted as 'milky bunny'.

>> No.10645951

>and still recognisable as gal on westerners then.
god you sound stupid. if you want makeup that doesn't "look bad" you need to get into a different style. if you can't find one tutorial that doesn't use droopy makeup you don't sound gyaru to begin with.

>> No.10645955

NTAYRT but thanks! I've never seen this channel before but it's amazing. The clips from some of those lives are crazy. I want to buy cocolulu now.

>> No.10645963

>makeup that still looks gal on westerners
>keeps talking about japanese tutorials
not sure if troll or retarded

>> No.10645964

japanese r&b with gyaru singer. i actually love this video
japanese eurobeat. that channel in general has a ton of albums of japanese eurobeat which was made by mostly indie artists in the gyaru infested underground club scene at the time.
somewhat related makeup video interview with popular gyaru popteen models.

>> No.10645965

loq quality bait

>> No.10645977

also Foxxi misQ is definitely amazing with their destiny's child feel and obvious Skechers ad PV

>> No.10646205

list of non-monolid gaijin gals with recognizable
gyaru makeup:

Andy (akichu)
Ray (furbystew)
Delilah (thehungrybug)
Chris (_lamiann)
Miyabi (miyabi_amuro)
Lyon (pukapitan)

>> No.10646282

that's still people with a droopy makeup

>> No.10646466

Plus japanese gals use eyelid tape

>> No.10646477 [DELETED] 


>> No.10646478 [DELETED] 

please read the whole conversation before posting

>> No.10646480

please read the conversations you reply to, this started with an anon complaining that everyone in the west does droopy makeup to which others replied that normal makeup wouldn't look gal on westerners because they aren't asians

>> No.10646557

Sorry anon i misread

>> No.10646560

How much does gyaru mean to you? For me it means everything to me

>> No.10649925
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>> No.10649945
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>> No.10650754

No one wears bodycon in the sense of a form-fitting outfit with little to draw attention away from the body itself being the focal point, no.

However, almost all gal outfits are quite form fitting, yes. There's exceptions, but most the clothes is form fitting.

>> No.10650756
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>Any summer gyaru plans or goals?

No plans or goals outside sometimes I miss wearing my gal clothing, but I don't wanna' buy a whole new closet just to get back into a style I wore 10-12 years ago.

Sometimes I miss being fun, glam, and sexy though. I guess my clothing is still fun, but it is no longer glam or sexy.

I did do super long nails the other week. That's what got me thinking on it. I'm sorry this doesn't really add anything to the thread. Nostalgia.

>> No.10650936

What made you quit, anon?

>> No.10651226

If anyone does the super white thingy, what do you use? I've tried so many things but they don't last well enough. On the extreme side, Posca markers work good but that's probably toxic

>> No.10651229

this is all wrong and retarded

>> No.10651243

NYX Jumbo Eye Stick in Milk

>> No.10651386

I just finished reading Gals! by Mihona Fuji yesterday. I only had the first volume when I was a kid and it was the first manga I ever read. I feel so old ... But it really make me want to be serious about gyaru fashion now.

>> No.10652112

what style of gyaruo do you guys think are hottest? any favourite gyaruos?

>> No.10652303

ryuichi from starfire was my all time crush, even now as an ojisan

>> No.10652472

Who was the gyaru with big yarn wigs?

>> No.10652486

A cosplayer. That’s who.

>> No.10652554

I remember being an oldschool manba .

>> No.10652577

kek, this

>> No.10652628

there were multiple, Kelsey and lillie-joe both did it.

>> No.10658070
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Does anyone know why tiktok gyaru are so retarded? This came up in my friend's FYP and I'm legit laughing my ass off at how wrong she is https://www.tiktok.com/@k00nkun/video/6993127155307711750

>> No.10658071



yeah thats a troon bro

>> No.10658072

She claims to be a vet gal in amino kek vet where? no one even knows her

>> No.10658089

omg lol of course a cow like this would be a self promo vet gal

>> No.10658092

Is that Nikki Minaj?

>> No.10658130

She said rock and cord as loud as she could. Honey you really out here colonizing a whole street fashion and subculture because you can't shop outside of zumiez and hot topic

>> No.10658166

she supports local shops tho

>> No.10658236

supporting local shops is good but doesn't make her any more gyaru than screaming about it being "regional", this bitch is delusional as fuck and probably sour she got told she's not gal like every other egirl alt fashion reject that gets called out by the comm

>> No.10658247

gyaru support fast fashion anyway. dreamv is fast fashion and they sold to gyaru forever.

>> No.10658260

lots of modern day gal models shop off shein or similar sites too. the problem with these newbie and tiktok girls is not where they buy their clothing but it's that they have no fucking idea how to dress themselves in the first place, let alone make the clothes work for gyaru styles. they can't even get the most basic of basic things right (aka put on makeup) so of course they look retarded

>> No.10658278


>> No.10658441
File: 679 KB, 1080x1080, Screenshot_20210811-235703_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw one of the best gaijin gals in the comm stops doing gal
We lost a good one today folks

>> No.10658447
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>> No.10658451

this still looks gal to me?

>> No.10658455

Looks punkish to me. Did she deleted all her ig photos?? Welp i miss her dia era

>> No.10658456

Why does she say gyal??

>> No.10658460


>> No.10658468

literally who??? is this a selfpost?

>> No.10658471
File: 560 KB, 906x611, 9rjsd84384idf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does she think she gets a free pass to cosplay as Japanese because she's black?

>> No.10658474

/v/ here, how do I get a gyaru gf in the west? I want a tanned blonde gyaru gf that I will treat like a fucking queen.

>> No.10658479

newfag detected. Emi is a well known gyaru

>> No.10658480

Lmao this is so cringe wtf

>> No.10658485

She’s mixed, anon

>> No.10658487

Shes not japanese. Even if she were to be a haafu shes still a retard who thinks being a vet is based on age

>> No.10658488

based on age and the fact that she is the most veteran "gyal" she knows so basically that's the law now

>> No.10658491

its crazy how e-girls (cuz thats what she is) are bold nowadays. Who gassed them up like this? Theres so many ressources and people still fuck up gal. How? Is this a tiktok thing?

>> No.10658494
File: 139 KB, 1025x620, sw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the same girl? If you look up 'manba gyaru' on google this girl shows up with an article suggestion about how gyaru is sneak blackface

>> No.10658497

No thats a dif girl

>> No.10658500

Oh that's Emi? Damn, I didn't recognise her at all without a tan.

>> No.10658501

Thatvs rhea and she is actually black

>> No.10658502

Will GGA happen this year?

>> No.10658503

Learn parapara dancing and dm them or buy them an albarosa coat

>> No.10658504

Yeah she looks a lot different. Kinda makes me sad but im happy shes found her style.

>> No.10658548

Same senpai

>> No.10658550

>things people who are too fat for burando say

>> No.10658650

I'm sure she'll be onto something else in a month or less lol

>> No.10658795
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I'm curious then, does that make shit like this more or less acceptable in your mind?

>> No.10658875
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Please, she’s just as bad as this cow. She tried to cancel Natalia for wearing Kogyaru and said she was sexualizing Asian women and profiting off of Asian culture while she originally had “I’m a irl cat girl” in Japanese in her bio. All her attempts at gyaru are horrid and her understanding of the idea behind gyaru is shallow at best. I’m so sick of seeing her flooding the gaijingyaru tag with her ugly ass makeup. This tiktok alone she pointed at her hibiscus hair clip and said “if you couldn’t tell, I’m gyaru”. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMReRhdr7/

>> No.10658876

It's a good thing she said she's gyaru because no, I couldn't tell.

>> No.10658972

I don't remember rokku gyaru style being that of an elementary school secretary, but here we are.
Trying to enforce that it was solely inspired by black women. I would understand if she did that in reference to b-gal, but no.

I just find it amusing she only thinks fetishizing Japanese style applies to white people because she is such a prime example.

>> No.10658975

Mixed with what? White? Because all African Americans are.

>> No.10658994
File: 239 KB, 447x274, 258884_900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some girls on lolcow were chatting about reviving gyaru secrets since the western comm is getting flooded with girls like >>10658876. Thoughts?

>> No.10658999

Let's keep it 5 feet underground. Sure these girls are acting stupid, but they will move on to the next fad once they notice their cloud is gone because the whole community hates their asses.

>> No.10659000

oh hell just realized I mistyped. I was talking about tiktok girls like the pic in >>10658875

>> No.10659147

It should be revived. Time to kick noobs out.

>> No.10659150

You can turn the gyaru secrets lolcow thread into the new one.

>> No.10659194

Lolcow isn't very useful for >>10659147 tho because most people will never come across that site, making a new Tumblr for it would likely the best idea.

>> No.10659227

Got into gyaru fairly recently and im already so beyond tired of all the "gyaru is blackfishing/asianfishing" comments, holy shit. If nothing else, its a fast way to know whose opinions to never listen to.

>> No.10659323

I never saw her ever. WHO? She posted on amino 3 times and somehow now a vet? What?..

>> No.10659351

I love how everyone does that on tiktok while literally on a site who's owner actively supports genocide on minorities and lgbt+ but apparently makeup is worse than that.

>> No.10659359

This, tiktok literally uses its algorithm to be anti-dark skin and anti-gay, and has allowed pedos to run wild and even get rich on their app, but apparently people with cat eye makeup or tans are the problem somehow.

>> No.10659360

She was one of my favorites. I guess all those zoomers criticizing her every second got to her. She’ll be missed.

>> No.10659364

Has anyone ever tried gold on their nose bridge instead of white? I like white, but think gold would compliment darker skin more?

>> No.10659366

Are you going for something stark or blending it out as more of a highlight?

>> No.10659369

Blending it out.

>> No.10659377

Picking a highlighter that is closer to your skin's undertones and the right darkness for your skin shade is probably ideal of you're going for a less intense look. Super white highlight depending on the texture can look a little intense if you're using a lot or if you otherwise use warm tones in your other face products (this really varies though; many highlighters are super sheer anyway and won't be as noticeable as say, and eyeshadow on the nose as highlight like some people do). Gold will look cool, and even more of a cream or simply warm whiteish color is probably fine. Any highlight that doesn't look white or pale in the pan and is appropriately sheer tends to be dark enough shade wise to work for darker skin shades and it's just about matching undertones.

>> No.10659398
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I wish there was one somewhere. I’m tired of seeing shit makeup being posted and others thinking that’s what gal make is.

>> No.10659424

The eye-shape doesn’t do her justice. She needs thin eyeliner at the top or 1/2 of the top lid. She has a similar eye shape to me a monolid & almond hybrid. That much eyeliner on the top will weight the eye down and make it seem smaller. I would dodge a lot of eyeliner at the top and just a lot more eyeliner at the bottom.

>> No.10659428

Welcome to the future. It’s so tiring,you can’t enjoy anything without someone making dumb stuff up. They’re now saying taking a picture in an Asian store is cultural appropriation.... At this rate, America is dying a slow death....

>> No.10659429

Anyone brought a wig from cyperous before? Is there wigs worth the hype? Does their wigs look cosplayish or natural?

>> No.10659653

I wonder, it seems more like her to fall into new "boom"s every 5 seconds than to listen to random internet people.

>> No.10659859

she did a rokku boom video on her youtube only a couple weeks ago, and the make-up post still looks gyaru, even though the clothes look more egirl than gyaru

>> No.10659940

when will people stop saying 'X is my new boom' to refer to a personal passing interest this is hands down the worst godawful weebspeak the western comm does

sneed, seethe etc but it really is annoying.
'gyaru boom' refers to renewed popularity in the general population, not to an individual finding an interest in gyaru

>> No.10659941

It's a gal term used in gal magazines and by gal models so if it annoys u that's fine but don't state partial facts as an argument

>> No.10659944

I don't like the term either, I was directly quoting Emi.

>> No.10659973

Newbie alert

>> No.10659976

Soon as she announced her departure from gyaru, she lost followers. I now see why she was ranting on Twitter, her followers only followed for gyaru content.

>> No.10659997

people are so weird like y'all already know she changes her shit up every 2 days so why is her ditching gal for something else a surprise?? i think it's ok to stop following her if her content isn't something that's interesting to the follower anymore, it's not that deep. she'll get new followers who enjoy her new look to replace the lost ones anyways

>> No.10660010

I dunno', but that outfit isn't gyaru, it's late 2000's emo.

>> No.10660137

Its an anonymous forum you retard. We are allowed to speak on it. Now she looks like every other e-thot who discovered yamikawaii

>> No.10660143

you feel attacked or something dipshit? no one said you can't talk about it here it's just not really surprising if you knew her in any capacity other than as a mouth breather bookmarking her pics to fap to

>> No.10660186

I have a long bob one ( light brown and blonde ), got it second hand so it may be an older model. The wig fibers is only a little better than a cosplay wig and it has more density but to me it's not good enought to get trought the trouble of buying it new and get it trought a shopping service.

>> No.10660214

lol ok emi. sorry that no one likes your new look

>> No.10660223

no one cares, emi

>> No.10660294

I’m interested in one, but the hassle to get it here....

>> No.10660846
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lol she reads here

>> No.10660848
File: 3.27 MB, 636x356, download.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On behalf of the black race, I offer an apology for so many being super sensitive.

>> No.10660851

Gross, what cucked behavior. Anyone with a brain knows some rando tiktoker is not representative of all black people and we don't need to apologize for her existence when we didn't do anything. You're so cringe. I bet you give your white friends the "n word pass" so they can say you're one of the good black people kek.

>> No.10660854

i don't think that her being a sensitive little bitch has anything to do with her being black but go off sis

>> No.10660858

If this person truly didn’t care they wouldn’t have to post this. This is embarrassing for her.

>> No.10660859

What this >>10660848 anon is saying is true. Ya'll fucking sensitive too often and insensitive to other just about as much. Also never heard of anyone giving the n-word pass but ghetto people living in the hood who throw that word around *anyways.*

>> No.10660860

I don't like anyone saying the N word but can't judge other black people for using it cause reclaimed language and all that. >>10660848
is still cringe. White people don't need to apologize for sensitive or rude people on social media just like Black people, Asians, and other minorities don't either.

Anyone who thinks their skin color warrants an apology over the actions of others who share it is retarded.

>> No.10660861

She can't accept criticism worth crap evidently. Fanclub =/= criticism. Bullying is someone trying to ping you / harass you. Today you learned?

Hope she starts learning to internalize one day.

>> No.10660924

Pretty sure that was sarcasm or a troll.

>> No.10661302

This bitch is ugl, fat and not gal. Its so funny. Shes never been in the gal comm either kek. Just a random social reject with bad fashion sense and weeb tendencies

>> No.10661307

Someone should make the new gyaru thread on lolcow

>> No.10661346

Its easier than tumblr.

>> No.10661351

She is racist. Dumbie thinks everyone on lolcow and 4chan are whyte people ranting about her.

>> No.10661364

she's absolutely retarded but please kys

>> No.10661365

fatties just can't be gyaru it looks so bad on anyone that isn't skinny or at the very least on the slim side of average

>> No.10661366

tiktok was such a mistake so many wokes on there that are pure cancer and need to touch grass asap

imagine being this confident with this body and that nose, couldn't be me. bitches like her wouldn't have lasted a day back when gyarusecret was still up and going

>> No.10661367

>i'm so unbothered i'm going to make a tiktak about it to show how unbothered i am!!
>i-i'm not losing any sleep
whatever you want to tell yourself bestie, you're still ugly and your takes are retarded though

>> No.10661387

Disgusting fattie who pretends to be a haafu.

>> No.10661404

all self proclaimed haafu are so fucking cringey. do we have screens of her claiming this at all? i've only seen other anons suggest this was the case. not that i don't believe that she'd do that of course lol

>> No.10661409

Some lesbian/bi gals are so creepy in this comm. you can still sexually harass women when youre a woman yourself

>> No.10661459

Spill the tea?

>> No.10661461
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>> No.10661503

homophobe nonny is back! how's your summer going?

>> No.10661513

nta but sexual harassment isnt okay just because you are gay wtf

>> No.10661691

nta but acknowledging women can sexually harass women isnt homophobia

>> No.10661772

It's these backwards logic SJWs. They think if they can toss out an insult, then they can do whatever they want because twitter army is MAD.

Unfortunately, you have no twitter army here, on 4chan.

>> No.10661776

I agree those people are stupid but Jesus people keep referencing Twitter these days like the site itself raped their wife and beheaded their children or something.

Even when those people were common on Tumblr we hardly referenced tumblrtards so much.

This gaijin gyaru chick is dumb af tho

>> No.10661809

just because you're in your late twenties, you can't slap on the title "gyaru oneechan", esp when your coords looks like that...

>> No.10661986

Why’d weebs talk like thyat? Onnechan cringe......

>> No.10661999

I think she(he?) has a learning disability.

>> No.10662022

claiming someone joke flirting with people online is the same as sexual harassment just because the person is gay is retarded tho

>> No.10662030

Hahaha, what a retard. Your makeup is terrible and it's not cute that you're calling yourself a "coon", sis. Also being having a Vietnamese inlaw doesn't count as being Asian. This bitch is so fucking stupid, I don't care if she has a learning disability, she can easily learn how to not be such an egotistical cunt online. Imagine thinking social services-kei is gyaru.

>> No.10662040

Anon didnt say anything about joke or flirting. You dont know what they’ve experienced so stop thinking women cant sexually harass other women.

>> No.10662042

I dont get why anyone would proudly call themself a coon. Thats so pathetic

>> No.10662045

rachel is a dumb whore. Her rants are autistic.

>> No.10662049

her twitter also shows what a fucking mess she is. this bitch overshares way too much...

>> No.10662052

Thanks for making my point better than me anon, had a chungus moment. I've been active in the comm for years and never seen anything like this, so sounds like homophobic pearl clutching to me.

>> No.10662054

that anon has been going on about sexual harassment within the gal group for many threads now and the only ever proof was literally people joke flirting with each other

>> No.10662121

It's just sad. She's all about constantly being racist towards whites, yet calls herself a coon. Also the irony of her constantly using Japanese the way most weebs do, yet it not being okay for anybody else but her to do.
Do you have her @?

>> No.10662125
File: 1.14 MB, 983x1650, Screenshot_20210821-101422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropped my pic sozz

>> No.10662130

Holy shit, you are either completely and utterly obsessed with this person or you are them. Quit clogging up this thread and the lolcow thread with your obsession/vendetta/selfposting, and come back when there is actually something interesting to say. What is this image even supposed to mean?? Fucking menhera chans.

>> No.10662291

Nta but this is from her tiktok about how she looks down on gals who buy brand and coveted pieces like alba coats cause she thinks that makes them "easy" and "cookie cutter".

I think she's more interesting and milky than the akipoyo girls. There's nothing interesting about any of them but people here seem to have an obsession with emi? They're not interesting at all, they work retail jobs and get bubble tea every day with each other. What is so interesting about that lol if they stop being friends that isn't milk either that's just one less person getting drinks and food.

>> No.10662295

Yah agree. Weirdos have an unhealthy obsession with Emi. Its 2-3 people who are obsess with her or herself to keep relevant. I know exactly who it is to.

>> No.10662300

The niccu posting is kinda vendetta-y but at least it's not stale old milk like emi hate. Imo she deserves to be in here since she keeps posting stupid takes like it's gospel

>> No.10662306

I know lamiann is autistic, this isn't an attack on her disability. I just don't understand why she's so insanely fucking rude to every gal she speaks to. She legitimately never says anything but backhanded bitter criticisms and snide remarks, and then whines about how she has no gal friends. She's gorgeous and great at doing make up; but her bitchy salt shaker attitude reeks of ego. She was one of my gaijin inspo but not anymore.

>> No.10662410
File: 236 KB, 1125x1407, E9XVIeoVoAUh5aR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more gal, less drama

>> No.10662411 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10662412
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>> No.10662415
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>> No.10662421
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>> No.10662422

She is fun to be around and seem chill in meet-ups. I think she needs to find better words to explain herself without coming off cocky. The words she writes make her come off aggressive when she is not.

>> No.10662439
File: 95 KB, 600x800, Tumblr_l_88145790028215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey anons, i'm a baby gal and don't know where else to ask, what pieces should i get to build up a rokku/goshikku wardrobe? And where would i buy them? If this isn't the place to ask, could someone tell me where i could find this out? (Have my sights set on sex pot revenge and japanese mercari but apart from that i'm lost)
For reference, i love old school amihamu.

>> No.10662443

IIRC English isn't their first language so a lot of stuff gets lost in translation since they are probably using direct translates. I don't think they are trying to come off that way but I've never really interacted with them much so I can't say from experience.

>> No.10662452

NYART, but someone who used to be friends with them and it's validating as fuck to see others notice this after I put up with it so long. Their english is really good, that's not the problem- they're just an utter raging narcissist and that's why they talk to people like that. Great inspo, bad person, was my takeaway. It's a shame because before all the efame they were a lot nicer.

>> No.10662530

I don’t know I never been by her. The videos I see of her on meet-ups,she looks chill.

>> No.10662538

She's always been rude and unpleasant desu. She's known in our local con scene for falsely accusing someone of rape for attention.

>> No.10662555

I guess that's what happens when you get "famous" for your looks and makeup. The wall comes for us all eventually

>> No.10662563

Wtf??? Deets?

>> No.10662592

Start off with the staple brands like glavil, tutuha and ghost of harlem, plaid ruffle skirts printed shirts, items with belts and studs and cross accesories are obviously the staples. Just try looking at your favourite looks, break down the silhouette and items used and go from there.

>> No.10662598

Shut up Amber.

>> No.10662613

She was rude in the discord server. Shes pretty though. maybe shes nicer irl? Who knows. Cant help but feel like some gals are mean girls

>> No.10662625

Huh? please tell more?
3 k -5 k followers is not famous. She is not known except in the gyaru comm.

>> No.10663529

Shut Chris

>> No.10663618

it's really funny how this thread has people saying she faked a rape and all kinds of juicy shit but that's the post she felt the need to respond to. must be some truth to it

>> No.10663620

any details on this? I haven't heard about it before

>> No.10663630

Tried to find receipts in the archive but didn't find them and don't care to spend hours on it. It was discussed in a Dutch thread a long time ago.

>> No.10663643

I think accusations of victims faking their assault is incredibly fucked up.

We all know someone who was molested, assaulted or sexually harassed
who never came forward because they didn't think they'd be believed.

Please consider why you want believe someone is lying about getting something incredibly traumatic happen to them because you dislike them.
Just because someone is a j*gger doesn't mean we shouldn't believe them when they say they were raped.

>> No.10663688

It’s more fucked up if you lie bout it. Lying and faking for attention is disgusting if it didn’t happen. Victims are afraid to talk about it in fear that people will think their lying,but you have the audacity to lie about it. You have to be a full on retard to lie about that shit.

>> No.10663689

I bet her lie consisted of "it happened but the statue of limitations has passed" which retards interpreted as 'it never happened'.

Idiots who do not understand criminal justice systems, how much evidence is required for a case, conviction and how much work goes into "just going to the police and reporting it" love to scream how insufficient evidence to commit a person is evidence the victim is a liar.

it's the reason pedophiles and molesters get off the hook even when things get to the news.

>> No.10663718

Good to know you are here Chris.

>> No.10663723

Are you dumb? Who would even make that assumption? You have to be a shitty person if an exfriend is exposing you.

>> No.10663728

Bitches will be like "leaving gal!!!" and sell their Super Gals manga collection/merch... Like it ain't obvious that 95% of y'all only like it for clout

>> No.10663730

>it's the reason pedophiles and molesters get off the hook even when things get to the news.
Wrong. Whether someone lies or not doesnt affect the system because most rapists never go to jail. Women can have proof and the rapist wont go to jail or they will be bailed quickly. Pedos and rapists rarely go to jail especially when high profile people are pedos themselves. Sorry this comment annoyed me a bit.

>> No.10663775

Or the ex friend is a shitty person? Lmao

>> No.10663776

That's not what they said- re read the comment they mean the extremely large amount of evidence etcetc is why they get off the hook. Not liars

>> No.10663777
File: 2.55 MB, 275x324, 1520628784134.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i don't think that her being a sensitive little bitch has anything to do with her being black

>> No.10663779

>We all know someone who was molested, assaulted or sexually harassed
>who never came forward because they didn't think they'd be believed.
No, we don't. We don't all live in rapey urban hellscapes with niggers.

>> No.10663783

Don’t look like it. If the local con scene&Dutch community is exposing you.....

>> No.10663785

trending on jp twitter rn

>> No.10663789

you literally are agreeing with me.
Women do get labeled as liars when rapists get off lightly, because "I was never convicted" or "they knew it was bullshit so they took it easy on me"

>> No.10663790

how does what taste?
What the fuck is wrong with this whore?

>> No.10663796

She's implying she fucked her haters dad and he's asking how his dick and semen tastes as if anyone wants her crazy weaboo ass

>> No.10663798

huh. i translated it as how her pussy tastes. not like it's worth arguing anyway but that's a real head scratcher.

>> No.10663825

Sorry anons. I misread

>> No.10663826

So some troon gal?

>> No.10663827

if the whole dutch community is a couple anons (if that) claiming someone's SA was made up.

>> No.10663829

Whether shes been raped or not, most gals are rape survivors and have mental illnesses so it doesnt give her a pass to be mean

>> No.10663832
File: 565 KB, 1080x1496, Screenshot_20210825-182635_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based transphobic translator bot

>> No.10663833

>most gals have been raped
Ummmmm sauce lmfao?

>> No.10663899

If Gyaru Secrets is revived, I hope it's only used to bully Tik Tokers and the baby gals that have a list of a thousand different rules for interacting with them in their Instagram bios.

>> No.10663907

Jfashion attracts damaged people. Its a known fact anon unless youre a tiktok gal (which are autistic anyways).

>> No.10663909

Gyaru secrets should be revived and everyone will be in it. Some experienced gals are autistic, some newbies are fucking annoying and useless. I wonder how it would even work though. If its an ig account then it would get banned kek

>> No.10663945

It's a woman, she even has multiple children.

>> No.10663969

that doesn't equate to "most gals are rape survivors" you hyperbolic nutbag

>> No.10664008

She posted on facebook about it

>> No.10664090

I'm not friends with her, can you post caps?

>> No.10664097
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>> No.10664138


Gyaru for Japanese girls is like Shamate in China, it's more for lower class people or people who don't fit in to stand out and show their rebellion against a cultural system which already looks down on them.

Anyway Gyaru isn't meant for emotional lightweights.

>> No.10664141

Gurl it’s not THAT deep.

>> No.10664241

agreed that it's not for emotional lightweights but idk about y'all going off on the "lower class people" argument lmao y'all freaky fr with these takes

>> No.10664251

>he peer pressured me into doing something
not sexual abuse, just shitty
what makes it sexual abuse is being below the age of consent at the time and given how hyperbolic she is in the rest of the post I wouldn't be surprised if that was added in because she's been called out on that not being sexual abuse before

>> No.10664258

-I eventually did it to shut him up.
The ex and u both sound shitty. Did you tell the girlfriend he cheated wtf?

>> No.10664262

It can be classified as sexual abuse,but it’s tricky. She’d lose the case if she was to report it. The perpetrator can spin it back on her. I feel bad for her.

>> No.10665813
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she's claiming to be okinawan and uses that along with her blackness to play victim whenever she can because no one can possibly dislike her for any reason other than racism kek

>> No.10665828

Is she shading Emi?

>> No.10665841

She’s a mutt*, anon

>> No.10665906

I'm not even sure what her "Im'm black, I am native" and google translate japanese has to do with the vaccine.

>> No.10665922

Her immunodeficiency is a fair reason to not get vaccinated though, assuming it is real. Which is why those of us who can should.

>> No.10665965

Said by no one. Are people making things up to stay relevant/clout now?

>> No.10665986

ya we are all sure raking in the clout here on anon

>> No.10666014

no one said it wasn't a valid reason but that wasn't enough for her she had to also throw in black, native, and google translate as if that had anything to do with anything

>> No.10666025

Yeah the other stuff is irrelevant. Some people feel that black people have good reason to distrust the US government with medical stuff because of stuff like the Tuskeegee syphilis stuff and all that but we're living in 2021, it's obvious the vaccine isn't only being targeted at black people as some scheme, and it's already been tested so race is a non factor here.

>> No.10666038

imagine being fat clapped and antivax all in one package

social darwinism at its finest

>> No.10666199

this fat cow has nothing going on for her so she'll say anything to stay relevant desu

imagine being over 30 and having to kiss underage ass on tiktok and twitter under the guise of "supporting other black gals" when it's just fear of being irrelevant and being seen as a giant fucking clown and weeb

>> No.10666411

If I have to read "gyal" one more time I will hang myself.

>> No.10668851

How long did shipping take?

>> No.10670310
File: 1.74 MB, 1394x1021, aosidja9080295.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the amino is back to being tragic again