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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10626746 No.10626746 [Reply] [Original]

With every anime convention cucking themselves with covid threater or cucking out this year, anime matsuri is currently the ONLY convention that is planning on a back to normal experince.

Since Otakon went back on their word on a back to normal intent (as was planned on June 10th), I'll be flying over there from DC on July.

>> No.10626768

did you get the COVID vaccine, OP?

we just got out of a pandemic and I've decided not to go to an anime con until 2022

>> No.10626773

I'm looking forward to the next couple months of Summer cons. The ones still going on, at least. Cons have been a lot more enjoyable without the militant leftist doomer audience.
We'd actualy prefer if you refrain from going to cons altogether in the future.

>> No.10626882

Prepare to be disappointed. Expect nothing starting on time, only Vic showing up, then see why it's all flash with zero substance. If a bald man named "John" who looks shady talks to you be sure to run like hell.

The AM staff will be invading this thread soon trying to discredit everything.

>> No.10626929

>anime matsuri is currently the ONLY convention that is planning on a back to normal experince.

There have already been several cons this spring, including Ikkicon in Texas just last week. Nobody cares about Matsuri with their guests nobody's heard of or their events that'll be cancelled right before they're supposed to happen.

>> No.10626986


Ikkicon had a mandatory mask policy and COVID policy.

>> No.10627051

Catering to ratlicking pedophiles isn't going to get them a higher attendance if their con is still shit like it anyways has been.

>> No.10627116

Also isn't Japan under lockdown again? How the hell is this con going to get any jp guests to come aside from using video calls? Not a lot of people come for English guests, and most of the Eng VA community already doesn't think highly of AM as it is.

>> No.10627118

Is this actually a 100% "back to normal" con?
No mask requirements anywhere in the venue or any other stuff?

>> No.10627137

Is this "John" the CEO or chairperson or something? Or do you mean like a pimp?

>> No.10627138

The fact “John” even still works there and they haven’t just arrested his predatory ass is beyond me.

>> No.10627140

He was in charge of a lot of the lolita things, like fashion shows, tea parties and such, and hes always been hella predatory - he preyed on girls when they were like…13-15 ish.
He’s well known among not just the Houston/Texas lolita community as being scum, but he’s known to most lolitas who have been in the fashion a bit longer, early-to-mid 2010s.

>> No.10627153

Is AM gonna be a good place to smash some trap bussy? Fat dadbod mid 30s loser anon here.

>> No.10627156

that's the joke: they aren't going to have jp guests
that's why in-person anime cons this year are only going to be good for hanging out at

>> No.10627238

Theres no covid policies anywhere on the site or on their twitter.

From what I've heard, they didn't gave a shit about covid anymore for a long time.

And they were hellbent on operating their con normally last year.

>> No.10627248
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>From what I've heard, they didn't gave a shit about covid anymore for a long time.
>a con in Texas doesn’t give a shit anymore

>> No.10627254 [DELETED] 

The city of Houston itself sees itself as trying to be like Austin, which in turn sees itself as some blue liberal bastion from either coast of the US. Texas demographics are democrat in border towns and all major cities. Houston Mayor, county judge and DA shut down any civil rights and businesses and opened up the jails so we're in a crime wave not seen in generations.

Speaking of which any red pilled trap femboy waifus gonna be at the con? kthx

>> No.10627268

We've been screaming this for over a decade. It is too bad that when the AM Defenders swoop in they'll scream back that if the accusations were true then why hasn't he been arrested. They scoff that there isn't legitimate proof as the accusors are perpetuating lies. It is never-ending. We all scream back and forth while "John" keeps getting away with being a predator because our judicial system is a joke.

>> No.10627333

Based if true.
I had been anticipating that it was going to be one of the cons like this that are unpopular among the SJW crowd that would be the first to have a "back to normal" convention.
I'm hoping that Colossalcon East in September follows suit.

>> No.10627347

I had a close friend need to move, quite literally, off the continent because of what he did, and the fact he’s STILL working there and is still in that space?! Like at least fire him and hire someone else. When it’s one or two peopled that’s one thing to be a possibility of perpetuating lies but when it’s over 10? Y’all have to know it’s him that’s the problem and you’re just literally protecting an actual pedophile.

AM is a big group of degenerate idiots and anyone in the Houston/Texas lolita community knows to stay FAR away and keep other, new lolitas even farther away.

Karma will get him one day though, that’s for fuckin sure.

>> No.10627348

Sometimes I just wish someone would lure him right back and just straight cut off his nasty dick so he can’t hurt anyone else.

>> No.10627358

You can't fire the owner of AM. No one wants to buy a toxic convention with a horrible history. We pray for the day that one of the many lawsuits finally takes them down after they lose all of their money.

>> No.10627414

Definitely agreed, I know he’s also been incredibly bad about tax evasion, even before he owned the convention; at this point something will stick to him but damn it’s been almost 10 years people have been speaking out about him and nothing yet.

>> No.10627859


AM doesn't need COVID to cancel guests, they'll cancel guests themselves

>> No.10628313
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I think this the cuckest of all, sucks that they are a small con too and they'll probably see their smallest attendee numbers this year

>> No.10628317
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Say what you want about AM but they're kind of based for having live events with efamous cosplayers, and then posting photos that show that these cosplayers are uggos who are 99% photoshop.
>pic rel is Hanabunny

Bro, this is Texas. Tf do you think the answer is?

>> No.10628321
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>required to show vaccine card to gain entry
and as of yesterday they aren't supposed to be able to do that anymore

>> No.10628322

Their virtue signaling will end their con.

>> No.10628366

>must show vaccine card
What are they gonna do when everyone refuses? Cancel the con? Kek.

>> No.10628485

Vendors are already asking refunds

>> No.10628486

Being in houston nets them enough attendance to cover the bills regardless

>> No.10629048

They've been drowning in debt for years but okay.

>> No.10629055

I cancelled my hotel 2 weeks out once I realized that Ikkicon was actually going to go full on restrictions this late in the game.

>> No.10629062

Haven't been to a con in so long I am highly considering it but I feel like this one is going to be kind of a bust given how we're still somewhat in the pandemic. Maybe fall/winter cons will be better.

>> No.10629453

I'm considering this one too but I'm not sure about the attendance number. It is Texas so I hope more people show up. I think AM has some anime event in April something and I see a lot of people show up. But I'm not sure about the main con.

>> No.10629474

>we're still somewhat in the pandemic
No, we're already down to prepandemic levels. Tx average is down to a couple thousand which is lower than it's been for a year.
Matsuri has another month. It's going to be nearly completely gone by then.

>> No.10629476

No, they've been profitable for several years
There's just debt disputes from, like, 2014 that occasionally rears it's head.
The city waived the debt they owed them

>> No.10629482

It’s pretty easy to be “profitable” when you commit constant fraud and tax evasion - which “John” has for the entirety of the convention.

>> No.10629520

>Tax evasion
Lol, no. That's definitely not happening.
Mostly because there's barely any taxes to be paid that aren't point of sale.
He has like 1 employee. 3 or 4 individual contractors and a few big company contracts, most everything he makes goes into his pocket, so he paids federal taxes on that.
He just writes a fuckton of stuff off as business expenses because he legitimately turns everything into business.
It's like he's addicted to schmoozing.
Don't get me wrong, it's TERRIBLY unethical, but he's doing everything exactly how the laws designed it.
Everyone just assumes cons are evading taxes because they might forget to file paperwork here or there.
A multimillion dollar revenue company like matsuri occasionally forgetting a 300 dollar filing fee doesn't qualify as evasion. Just stupidity.

>> No.10629525

Tax avoidance...

It's perfectly legal in the United States.

>> No.10629563

No, I'm saying they're not even avoiding taxes
Just that they don't have a big enough revenue stream that avoiding taxes is useful
They only pull in like 2 million in their best year. That's gonna translate to 100-150k profit. That's nothing.

>> No.10629564

And by "profit" I'm meaning if they're profit only owners and don't pay themselves a salary, which i strongly believe to still be the case.

>> No.10631228

>Definitely agreed,
you type a fucking redditor

>> No.10631589

And the moment Abbott tries to enforce it, it'll get challenged and overturned as unconstitutional.
I for one would enjoy the irony if a small anime con is what causes it to happen.

>> No.10633496

I don't have super high hopes, but it's better than nothing. I'm still looking forward to it! It'll be my first con in like 2 years so, to say I'm excited is an understatement.

>> No.10633502
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That's just...factually incorrect. Anime Matsuri makes the city so much money that the mayor made "Anime Matsuri Day" an official citywide holiday with an official proclamation. Not to mention, the mayor shows up and gives a speech every year. I work for Houston First (google it), and trust me...Anime Matsuri is a huge cash cow for the city of Houston. Why do you think the mayors office straight up ignored all the boycott letters, calls, and articles?

>> No.10634191

This is going to be my first con. Hope it isn't shit.

>> No.10634192

I wanna go, but not alone...

>> No.10634305

Have the lowest expectations.

>> No.10635789

because he is getting some of that sweet underage ass straight to his hotel suite. Would be a shame if someone happened to leak the camera footage from the last 5 years. Big big shame indeed.

>> No.10635799

John won't bother you if he thinks you're fat, apparently.
I was a model for the J-fashion show one year and he was strictly professional with me, which I had expected him to be a creep as I'd heard so I was pretty surprised.
A little birdie later on told me he doesn't think that girls with a certain body type should wear lolita, which just sounded like a polite way for her to say, "He probably thought you were too fat for lolita and therefore wasn't interested"
But he probably picked me to model because they were getting desperate.

>> No.10636542

You seem to be confusing making the city money with actually making yourself money.

>> No.10636604

Didn’t they at some point end up selling the clothing of a Lolita brand they were borrowing for the J-Fashion show?? I can’t remember if it was AP or Baby

>> No.10636712

You're thinking of AM 2014, they told all the models for the biggest Lolita fashion brand there (BTSSB/AATP) that they had first dibs on purchasing the clothes they were modeling in the show. Then after the show when the models tried to buy the clothes, the brand reps said that was completely false and they had told the AM owners no such thing. A lot of the AM drama gets misconstrued when its retold countless times over, but yeah, I was there for that one, unfortunately.

>> No.10636782

Pppffffhhhh, Delta-H already turned tail and reversed this (the new law notwithstanding, enough people complained and demanded refunds, especially after it was leaked that the vendors had no such requirement). At this point, I'm just passed off that I have no anime con this year--my favorite one died and the chairperson is AWOL, I refuse to attend AM because John is so shady, and I don't want to attend Delta-H because of the covidwoke SJW nonsense. Oni-Con will probably try to pull the same kind of shit, knowing those people.

>> No.10636787

They are still keeping the mask mandate.

>I'm just passed off that I have no anime con this year--my favorite one died and the chairperson is AWOL,

Which one you're talking about? And how did the chairperson got AWOLed?

>> No.10636827

Oni-Con hasn't announced anything for 2021. I think they're dead too.

>> No.10636830

I assume they're talking about San Japan.

>> No.10636845

San Japan is still active. They just tweeted an hour ago.

>> No.10636928

You've been sitting on footage for five years and have not given it to the police. What the fuck is wrong with YOU?!

>> No.10636929

Yeah but the con owner is racist AF tho. There are articles and shit about it even.

>> No.10637369

were you there 2 years ago when he was in his goku cosplay and was followed by all those cosplay girls (blue/red short hair girl was attached to his hips)?

>> No.10637404

""small government""

>> No.10637414

Want to point out this should say nayrt because I'm the person who said "John won't bother you if he thinks you're fat"
I wasn't there for this one so I can't confirm or deny but I don't remember any of us getting first dibs on the stuff we were modeling the year I was a model

>> No.10637588

I will not confirm or deny anything at this current time.

>> No.10637626
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I don't think John has ever cosplayed at AM, to my knowledge. The mayor of Houston was in a Goku cosplay. I think you are getting your people confused. Or you are just making shit up. Either way, photos or stfu.

>> No.10637711

We are talking about the mayor you fucking braindead faggot tranny. I know know the hrt is fucking with your man rage emotions but try to keep up.

>> No.10638582
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This thread (every time)

>> No.10639880

i just want to breed a cute girl in cosplay at this con i cannot WAIT

>> No.10639962

>I don't think John has ever cosplayed at AM
He dressed up for one of the fashion shows
most people drank to forgot that

>> No.10639964

>Anime Matsuri makes the city
exactly, it's the city that makes the money, not Matsuri.
it's why the city made what they owed them from 7 years ago disappear. Who cares about 10k debt if the city makes 10 times that by letting them happen again?

>> No.10639986

This it's my first con (well big con at least) I don't give a fuck about all this he said she said bullshit I just want some pussy

>> No.10640200
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Any /cgl/ chads be willing to let some shrimp tag along? I'm not weird I swear.

>> No.10640449

Yes, that's how paying for things works. GJ.

>> No.10640452

are you above drinking age and not yaya hon?

>> No.10640799

Wow. That's how brainwashed these twitter folks have got you guys?

>He was not a creep so I must be unattractive.

They got you guys so bad that you are willing to self-deprecate in order to keep this rumor of him being a creep alive. Even though you have had first had experience with him, you still believe a rumor. I gotta admit, that's pretty impressive.

>> No.10640902
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Yes, I am above drinking age and have no idea who yaya hon is.

>> No.10640935


Are we setting up a squad? I'll be there with a couple of mates to get fucked up and have a good time. Also any good advice in picking up girls besides not being a pussy and actually talking to girls?

>> No.10640961

Go fuck yourself drink leech. Buy your own booze poorfag

>> No.10640980

At what point in my text could you infer that I'm not able to buy my own drinks? Hell I would of probably bought you the first drink. Is this how you think of someone who wants to have fun and make new friends?

>> No.10641346
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I don't know what guys problem is, but how do we plan to meetup? I'm shy as fuck to be perfectly honest.

>> No.10641385

We can meet up Thursday or Friday. I'll be driving with my friends from Georgia, so I'll be there in the afternoon. I'll be cosplaying between post time skip Sanji and or blue Morpho. Thursday there isn't any panels, but on Friday we can decide to meet on a panel.

>> No.10641454
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Isn't there usually some late-night dance party Sunday night? Y'all gonna be doing that? I was hoping to join a group and gain confidence to try dancing with the ladies.

>> No.10641483
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Saturday night, Sunday morning 12am- 4am. If you do see me earlier don't feel shy and say hi first drink is on me if you spot me.

>> No.10641524

>blue Morpho
id say hi to a venturebro

>> No.10642799

Another anon Where at? Also what time does con start me and a buddy plan on being there all day

>> No.10642826

Well I wrote earlier that I'm driving from Georgia it's a 13 hr drive for me I'm leaving with my friends at 2am and getting there between 2-4pm. Looking online the Con starts at 12pm. During the day I'll be wearing my Sanji outfit without the jacket cause Texas in July. At night when it cools down I'm wearing the blue Morpho outfit. If this thread is still up on Thursday I'll post where I'm at and from there we can meet up.

>> No.10643223

>Texas is filled with pedos
Of course it is.

>> No.10643225

Would be funny if there's a Trump Virus Delta outbreak there.

>> No.10643226

>Avatarfags with the reddit frog
Could you telegraph that you're an even bigger fucking loser?

>> No.10643229
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>> No.10643346

You can tell you're a seething tranny

>> No.10643348

You guys just put the word "trump" in front of anything bad that's going on now days huh?

I got into get into a trump carwreck

Ah man I can't believe I got trump aids

Fuck me, I broke my leg on those trump stairs.

>> No.10643392

Virtually no chance
Texas already has a huge Indian population, and Houston has had literally all the variants for months, and the disease is almost completely gone in most texas counties.
In Harris County, home to millions, only a few dozen cases a day happen.
Barely anyone dying too.

>> No.10643468

Looks like AM is moving artist alley to a giant room on the 3rd floor, forcing 350 artists to park, check in, and setup in 3 hours before opening on Friday. They expanded their exhibitor room & cucked artists from the loading docks/covered parking so expect lots of empty booths. Screw these money hungry bastards

>> No.10643641

Man I hate going up and down floors. Why cant cons keep everything main on the first floor.

>> No.10643646

To be fair, he did fund the bioweapons lab it was developed at. why shouldn't we call it the Trump Virus?

Having a huge Indian population doesn't automatically mean that Indians are susceptible to it. The Delta version of the Trump Virus was able to evolve out the the country of India. Of course knowing Abbot and how he ran a cover up of all the people who died because the retards refuse to join a 1st world power grid, I could see him covering up the Trump virus numbers too.

>> No.10643654
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>To be fair, he did fund the bioweapons lab it was developed at. why shouldn't we call it the Trump Virus?
Because the virus was being worked on, if it even exists, since the middle 1900s. Go check the history of wuhan and medical studies by the USA.

>> No.10643659

>Variant of the Flu.
Those are totally different, even if they're both contagious respiratory illnesses, since hey are caused by different viruses. The flu is caused by infection with influenza viruses. Meanwhile the Trump Virus is a a coronavirus first identified in 2019, while the lab was being funded by Trump.
So again, why shouldn't we call it the Trump Virus?

BTW, due to anti-vaxxers, the Delta variant of the Trump virus is making up half of all new infections and it's adapting to the Phzer vaccine.

>> No.10643676

>So again, why shouldn't we call it the Trump Virus?
youre as bad qanoners
get help

>> No.10643677
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>Those are totally different

Now you're just being superfacetious. If you actually cared about the history of wuhan and covid, you'd be easily open to researching why that region is important, including the many occurrences of them using the same buzzwords since the early 1900s. It's clear you rather defend your political position instead of open your mind. You're nothing but a zealot that no one will take seriously.

>> No.10643682

Dude they also gave us a full-sized booth in artist's ally as opposed to the standard table.

Get off your ass and carry your shit to an elevator you fat fuck. I'm fucking thrilled.

>> No.10643685
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It took me 2 seconds of research to learn there is a loading bay on the third floor. There is literally a drive-in ramp.

Holy shit put in even the minimal amount of effort, for the love of god.


>> No.10643687

Dr. Fauci was also involved in the research and directed funds to Wuhan; what's your point again? Orange Man bad?

>> No.10643690

based optimism chad

>> No.10643703

/toy/ fag here whats the toy scene like

>> No.10643824

Is that loading dock available to us? Where do we park? WHO KNOWS? We're a day away from the com starting with ZERO communication from AA staff. You do realize they added 70 more booths to an already amount of oversold booths. Every year over 1/4 of the artists leave early b/c of how bad sales/traffic are yet they continue to double down and throw artists under the bus. They obviously don't care if you make profits.

>> No.10643839

Wait... You're saying they have given you zero communication and yet you know the exact number of booths they've sold? Or even OVERSOLD?? Something doesn't add up here. How and where are you getting this information?

>> No.10643885

They just emailed instructions to artists after I posted this. Still no mention of parking at all.
I just opened the app and counted the number of tables: 350. Since 2018, they've been adding on about 60 additional artist tables per year. There's always been dead zones of abandoned tables each year due to no traffic, so this tells me they don't care. They're approaching Anime Expo AA numbers but they only have a fraction of the attendance

>> No.10643945

I've been tabling for 4 years, seems pretty standard to me. I've never had any trouble with sales at AM...make better art I guess? Also, we are getting a full sized booth this year. The extra real-estate is much appreciated. The only bitch I really had with AM was the small tables.

>> No.10644003

>Now you're just being superfacetious.
I am posting only the facts, you're a conservatives, you hate the facts, I get that. You are even willing to try and change the facts through The Big Lie. But that doesn't change the facts.
We could always talk about how Trump's incompetence and outright criminal negligence and maliciousness is is directly responsible for at least 40% of the deaths in the US.

Who was Fauci's boss? Trump. And if he wanted to cut funding he could of. Just like he cut the funding to the children and family of US troops to fund his broken campaign promises and enrich his allies through the boarder wall.
So it's the Trump Virus

>> No.10644023

Lol the connection between Fauci, mRNA therapy, and the research at the Wuhan lab predates the Trump presidency by A LOT. And if you really believe all of this, why take a jab endorsed by a man who worked under someone you hate?

>> No.10644045

>I am posting only the facts, you're a conservatives
It's great to be assumed to be a conservative simply from speaking facts. Like I said: zealot.

>> No.10644069

If they made so much money then why is the con just so bad and unorganized? Shouldn’t they be able to afford to hire workers that can plan and organize and be timely? Like geesh some of the events were an entire hour late. Looks so unprofessional

>> No.10644070

Honestly anon due to the fact that they weren’t even sure if they were going to have the con because of covid being so unpredictable, I wouldn’t expect too much considering everything was kind of thrown together last minute. (Don’t expect many japanese guests or good vendors, etc.)

>> No.10644071

It honestly doesn’t seem like they’re doing fashion at all anymore. They have no reputable j-fashion brands underneath them anymore (ex: Meta, Liz Lisa, AP, etc.).

>> No.10644093
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>> No.10644095

lmao no way this is real also who is this? some jap porn star?

>> No.10644105

If you could refrain from living entirely that'd be great.

>> No.10644161

>not knowing who shibuya kaho is
>not being able to tell that this is fake
I bet you voted Trump

>> No.10644173

Sounds like a dog breed

>> No.10644176
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you wish

>> No.10644177

nta but kaho is an ex porn star kek

>> No.10644183


>> No.10644221

i demand crowd pics to compare this con to others

>> No.10644238

doc here
diagnosing this one with trump derangement syndrome
i recommened 3 doses of chillin the fuck out

>> No.10644241

you don't need to acknowledge people who can't spell properly.

>> No.10644267

do any lolitas still go to this con

>> No.10644327


Not even going but who gives a shit

Walt Disney hated the Jews and Black's and your ass is still going to Disneyland

>> No.10644328

Not really. They don’t bring any brands anymore so they really don’t have anything for the j-fashion community. Also the Houston comm stays far away from the Leigh”s aswell and there’s new shops in Houston for J-fashion so AM kinda just let it go, closed down shop, and started focusing on other things for the con.

>> No.10644435

Hows the con going?

>> No.10644554

It's amazing how you faggots bring politics into this.

>> No.10644556


You can blame >>10643225 for letting the orange faggot live rent-free in their head.

>> No.10644674

Heading there today. What should I expect/do once I get there? I mainly wanna see merchandise like Gundam or idol stuff.

>> No.10644740
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Empty as hell right now

>> No.10644767

I expected a bit more out of texas

>> No.10644791

It'll be empty as hell all weekend. Please continue to post pics--I love a good train wrecking into a dumpster fire.

>> No.10644793

fuck, I hope it fills up more tomorrow

>> No.10644797

Aren't Fridays normally slow? I expect AM 2021 will be like any other year or maybe even more crowded since a lot of people are eager for normalcy and will attend any event.

>> No.10644916
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Not surprised

>> No.10644919
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so this happened

>> No.10644942

I dunno, sounds to me they already got taken advantage of.

>> No.10644944

kek that was a fucking nightmare. tfw after a 3 hour delay the guy trying to fix the sceeen was more entertaining than the "fashion" show

>> No.10644957

That's what I thought, too, but it turns out to be a vocal minority of people who are in a rush to attend large events again and quite a bit of people are still unable or choosing not to attend. I support both groups' choices and I don't think it proves it's too early/cautious for events now.

>> No.10644958

>Concert moved to another room
>delayed for 3 hours
>occupying the same space and time slot as the fashion show
What resulted seemed to be a poor attempt to combine both events. Every step of it was hilariously bad as they scrambled to display something to an audience.
Can't wait for what's next tomorrow!

>> No.10644959

Oh god the “fashion” show. Was it really a fashion show or just chicks prancing about in lingerie again?

>> No.10644983

I always kinda thought the "no cons until 2022 / wear mask forever" crowd was more the vocal minority. Maybe I was wrong, idk. I'm interested to see/hear how things go at the con on Saturday.
I wonder if they'll end up releasing attendance numbers for this year. I'm guessing they may not, along with a lot of other cons. Colossalcon sure didn't want to talk about their attendance numbers this year (estimated to be around 3000 - 5000).

>> No.10644985
File: 722 KB, 4032x3024, AMW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think its just this con. For Texas I was expecting a much larger turnout, Midwest that happened just last week seems to have drawn much larger crowds.

>> No.10645016

No, the people who run this show are garbage people, it's always a shitshow, and no one wants to go.

>> No.10645030

most of the "looks" were t shirts and bike shorts kek

>> No.10645062

>the people who run this show are garbage people
No argument here.
>no one wants to go
This is flat out untrue. Anime Matsuri has brought in around 30K attendees per year for a number of years now, with no signs of declining. Yes, they'll almost certainly be way off that mark this year, but that's something that can be said of most cons happening this year.
I mention that not to boast about the con, but simply as a statement of fact. People have been shitting on the con for years (and rightfully so) because of the actions of the organizers, but that hasn't had any noticeable impact on it's attendance.
Most of the people that shit on AM on social media aren't even from the area and have never attended or planned to attend. It's simply empty virtue signaling, and no one really gives a fuck.
Honestly I wish things weren't that way, but that's real life.

>> No.10645068

I think you're right as well, there's a vocal minority about how "it's not safe yet" and "people who attend are the worst" and that's such a caustic take. It feels like there's a sizable chunk of people in-between who don't go around telling people their views and ultimately just cautious about attending large events, deciding that perhaps it's better not to go in the end, and people who would go but have lost their jobs or stuck in awkward positions due to the pandemic and no longer able to go for the time being. I know some people choosing not to go and saving up their money for a fully opened con where they can see all of their friends vs. seeing none or being scorned by one.

>> No.10645209

So hows Saturday night?

>> No.10645301

>3-hour delays
>key events canceled
>artist alley shoved 3 floors away from everyone else without any signage
>hentaifest being a 20 minute shitshow

Holy shit. If only someone warned that this would happen.

Oh, wait, we did, because history had shown that nothing would change.

If you wasted money on this con it's your own damn fault. I am cackling at the people who are mad that they weren't warned about the AM shitshow.

>> No.10645432

All the walk around vlogs I've seen don't look as bad as the extremely online people complaining about it made it out to be.

>> No.10645444

Cope harder.

>> No.10645445

Post some anon I want to see, since we've barely got any pictures

>> No.10645469

Accidently aesthetic

>> No.10645505

Fail harder. Where's your false idol now to defend this shit?

>> No.10645522

Post pics and timestamp of how great and full the con was or stfu.

>> No.10645524
File: 442 KB, 360x336, ezgif.com-gif-maker (1).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

crowds in artist alley looked more like this >>10644985 saturday but it was pretty much just more shitshow
>rave 1.5 hr late to start
>as soon as the rave started they closed all the alcohol stands
>they played crazy frog at the rave
>the coolest thing in the entire con was the "karaoke machine" which was just some dude's computer hooked up to a projector on youtube (he didn't even fullscreen the videos)

>> No.10645526

it was hilariously shit as far as the actual con management and panels goes. I doubt there was a single panel that started on time or didn't habe technical issues. But if you wanted to just get shitfaced and fuck cosplay thots it was great. Pretty decent attendance on Saturday too

>> No.10645542

No one is saying its the greatest con ever. It looks like moderately sized con and that's it. Its not collapsing at the rafters and there always seems to be a decent amount of people in the main areas.

>> No.10645576

So what's the final verdict on the con? Without comparing it to other cons of "comparable size", was it well-attended for what it is and the current circumstances? Did the attendees look like they had fun?

>> No.10645580


I don't understand how they fucked up basic scheduling like this? Why did everything start so much later?

>> No.10645668
File: 1001 KB, 1920x1440, 1604724808550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went and the convention was great fun. I always ignore the events/panels/whatever, I just go to hang out with friends, walk around and see cool shit you don't see on a day to day basis. All the people I met were awesome and great. If you didn't go and you're just screeching about vaccines/trump virus, you shouldn't be whining, because that's just the ultimate jealous cope for people that did go and have fun.

Dumping a few pictures I took.

>> No.10645669
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>> No.10645672
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>> No.10645673
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>> No.10645675
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>> No.10645677
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>> No.10645678
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>> No.10645680
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>> No.10645681

A lot of bikini cosplays this year. I'm not complaining, but I see a lot of girls competing to out sexy each other. I also dont like girls with tats, which are increasing in an alarming rate, too.

>> No.10645682
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>> No.10645684
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>> No.10645685
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>> No.10645686
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>> No.10645688
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>> No.10645689
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>> No.10645691
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>> No.10645692
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>> No.10645693

thats the most creative cosplay I've seen in a long time

>> No.10645694
File: 3.25 MB, 640x363, 1615680779326.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>86 picture
>post ends in 86

>> No.10645695

A girl not trying to advertise her body? Im impressed

>> No.10645698

The Inuyasha picture I took >>10645680 was also a cross-play, too. There were plenty of modest girls at the con that were either not-in-cosplay or were wearing non-revealing cosplay. I was telling her how I had fond memories falling asleep to Inuyasha openings/endings when it was on Adult Swim years ago and she was saying she did the same.

Like I said, even if we just exchanged a few sentences, everyone there was great at the con and if was very nice to get outside the house for a change.

>> No.10645709

its been done a million times before this one dude

>> No.10645716

AM is trending on Twitter on how shitty it was. This keeps getting better.

>> No.10645721
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>> No.10645723

Unless you are jack as fuck or a VA, you are guaranteed to get absolutely 0 pussy at a con from anyone other than absolute hambeast that is probably also autistic.

You want quality cosplay ass go to comicon; girls have less mental issues there too.

>> No.10645724
File: 22 KB, 853x245, Screenshots_2021-07-11-20-43-47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

works on my machine

>> No.10645725

No one gives a shit enough about Matsuri to get it trending one way or another, quit bullshitting.

That said, that fucking "rave" that is getting posted on tiktok is fucking hilarious. I seriously don't get why they keep trying it or calling it a rave when it is anything but lmao

>> No.10645730

Who did they have as fashion guests?

>> No.10645738

Oh okay so tell >>10645724 that's a lie.

>> No.10645740

How many of those 1600 tweets are from these like 4 twitter weirdos who have done nothing but tweet nonstop for the past 4 days about this stupid event they totally don't care about and let live rent free?

>> No.10645752

>trending in Texas

This is literally just showing him shit based on his location. It's not really "trending"

>> No.10645797

Lol, wtf if you wanna back out, just do it. Don't lie about it

>> No.10645818

>Twitter folks saying it sucked showing an empty building
>All the videos are from AA
>The Main Hall is packed ass to ass

Why would people lie on the internet

>> No.10645820

Lol. Hentaifest was shit last year (well 2019 technically). I’m so glad I didn’t waste money at AM . I have friends who went and are never coming back.

>> No.10645822

It’s subpar at best. But the fact that AM staff hype it up to be as big and good as AX is way overboard.

>> No.10645824

Dude. We really don’t give a flying shit about cosplay pics. You’re on egl. AM is highly hated here. Just stop wasting your breath and time.

>> No.10645825

AX delivers quality.
AM delivers horseshit.

>> No.10645826

Oh sweet summer child. You need to type the whole name of the convention. You can’t be this dense.

>> No.10645827

I was there. You’re lying out your ass . Need proof?

>> No.10645829

Very much agreed

>> No.10645856

no one. there were no fashion guests.

>> No.10645870

Nobody. John and Deneice burned those bridges years ago.

>> No.10645921

This isn't a contest, though. You can attend both if you so desire. And even in many cases, which you go to isn't even really an option of "hmm, I can only go to one convention this year, should I go to AX or AM???", particularly due to that person's location/cost/travel/work schedule or other factors.

Nice cope. Did you have fun staying sheltered at home this weekend, tweeting about how much an event you didn't go to sucked?

You can scroll up and down the trending page and anime matsuri won't appear. You don't have to type the full name of shit, retard.

>> No.10645923

Dude. We really don’t give a flying shit about salty lolitas. You’re on cgl. Fat chicks are highly hated here. Just stop wasting your breath and time

>> No.10645940
File: 316 KB, 1440x1699, amissing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently a cosplayer went missing after the convention. Hopefully she is found.

>> No.10645954

She has been found. All of you need to stop panicking that John snatched her up. He's fighting the thousands of people that he pissed off this year.

>> No.10645956

If it was so great or even average, POST PICS. And not cosplay pics, wide-angle stuff like >>10644740.
>waiting for the attendance numbers to be lies like 2019

>> No.10645969

Con was ok. Some of the panelist where very knowledgeable and had interesting topics. Vendors and Artists alley where acceptable. I kinda look at these things as just shopping exhibits now. John and Denice have been scum from day one. Remember Planet Zero? But I know most people don't care or don't know. The Mexican weebs don't care about PC culture and onions life and will continue to visit the shrine of Goku regardless. I was the Unicycle Guy sorry if I cut you off or startled you.

>> No.10645974

Why are you letting this con live rent free? I didn't know people saying a con was mid would be such a controversial statement.

>> No.10645976

Why are most of your photos women? That is a HUGE red flag.

>> No.10645981

not the guy who posted the pics, but its 3/5 chicks? and most of the people cosplaying at the con were girls? itd be worse if it was pics of all the bdsm wearing bunny bitches running around at night
calm down ya crazy nutjob

>> No.10645987

what happened there?

>> No.10645988

>Need proof?

>> No.10646021

Kek. It's funny how you'll see bitches on IG say that shit, then when you look at the account of people they've shot with it's the typical photogs that have like 90 percent female and 10 percent male cosplay in their feed. With that 10 percent being there just to fool you into thinking they give a fuck about male cosplayers.
In fairness, the only male cosplay photos that ever get any traction are super high end armor builds, and guys that are built like a Greek God, both of which are extremely rare.
Get over your fucking self you stupid fucking cunt.

>> No.10646022

Have there been ANY conventions that have happened this year that had around the same attendance they did before the pandemic?
It seems to me that reduced attendance is pretty much the norm this year, and people are trying to make a big deal about it at this con because they dislike the organizers.

>> No.10646030

I don't think so, unless you want to count tiny events that would have heavily fluctuating numbers anyways. Every con's regular attendees would have a portion who won't participate for now due to pandemic/financial concerns and they are not being replaced by another group. People who wouldn't attend a con in pre-pandemic times aren't going to start attending now just to "get away".

>> No.10646041

I'd argue Anime Midwest was pretty damn close, I don't remember a huge difference in turnout between its 2018 and 2021 events. Vendor and arcade were smaller though.

>> No.10646055

lmao what the fuck is a red flag you dumb cunt?
why would a straight man take photos of other men? are you retarded?

>> No.10646070
File: 241 KB, 730x485, image_2021-07-12_175502.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao these people are demented

>> No.10646076

what the heck happened? paradoxcosplay was announced missing all over social media after the rave.

>> No.10646080
File: 871 KB, 470x778, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't know, but her response on IG about it sounds all sorts of mad that folks were reporting her missing. Probably ruined her cheating or something

>> No.10646085

People on twitter are dense. This sign is obviously making fun of Trump.

>> No.10646086

The dealer has sold that for years at other cons but no one cared. One person has to make a stink about it because it was sold at AM.

>> No.10646087

>Planet Zero
Holy fucking shit, I am absolutely shocked someone still remembers that garbage of a fucking arcade. Literally killed what little FGC we had going because of their stupid ass circlejerks.

>> No.10646091

>MarzGurl being a brainless fucking cunt
So what else is new?

>> No.10646093

That was my first thought after I saw her posts as well.
And it's a fucking shame because next time someone might really go missing, and people may not take it seriously because this bitch wanted to go get longdicked by Tyrone or whatever.

>> No.10646094

Ive been following since the husband first announced her missing. so many people kept asking why he didnt try finding her location (find my iphone etc) and he kept seemingly intentionally ignoring only those replies.

>> No.10646103
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>> No.10646132

Whatever audio/visual company they hired needs to be destroyed.

>> No.10646137

Any good AV company out there have blacklisted AM based on the multiple lawsuits of unpaid bills.

This is what happens when you don't pay your contractors. They talk to each other to stay the hell away.

>> No.10646169

AX sucks because it pretty much ends at 8pm lmao

>> No.10646177

AX sucks because it takes 2-3 hours to get into the convention center.

>> No.10646204

>I kinda look at these things as just shopping exhibits now
I've been seeing them this way for a while so I get it. A way to kill a weekend and pay a somewhat lower gaijin tax on plastic crap.

>> No.10646221

there's no way to get japanese guests so cons are stuck without a large part of their draw

>> No.10646278

Yeah, I worked for one of those companies. My boss took care of me and paid me my fee right away, but he didn't get paid for over a year. The Leigh's are professionals at being squirrelly as fuck. My boss' attorney had a hell of a time catching them at their shop to serve them.

I think one year it was seven lawsuits at once in Harris County... including the fucking convention center itself.

>> No.10646314

Why the fuck would i take a picture of crowds of people? There's only 3 things I take a picture of when I go to a convention:

1) Saving a GPS pin and taking a picture of the garage floor/intersection where I parked.

2) Notable vendors/artists/booths/items I'm somewhat interested in purchasing, as I make my way through the vendor area starting from one corner. Then I can look at the pictures and sort of geographically mark out where I saw it since I know the direction i went and what I saw before/after it.

3) Cosplays of characters/stuff I like.

That's it. Also, go fuck yourself for

>> No.10646315

1) Because I'm a guy.
2) Because the majority of cosplayers are women.
3) Because the majority of male cosplayers are cosplaying rather generic shonen battle manga characters (one piece, dragonball, BHA, etc), which are dime-a-dozen and I don't really care about.

>> No.10646317

It just sounds like to me that she's not going to make a public stink and she's mad that the twittertards that have their noses in everyone's shit need to fuck off. Something did happen and she did alert and is working with the police, but obviously answering and blogposting to twittertards won't actually resolve that issue.

I was happy enough knowing she wasn't missing and was in good health and stopped following it there, but I guess her post is a very good way to give the middlefinger to fags that think being a social media vigilante does fucking anything productive.

>> No.10646318

Multiple hour long delays. It lasted 30 minutes then it ended. Everyone left pissed off.

>> No.10646330

When he first blasted her as "missing," she had his IG called out in her profile, and now that shit is gone lol

>> No.10646355

That doesn't inherently mean "lol cheating", though. Could've been a controlling husband scenario or something.

Hypothetical scenario: Maybe he was getting upset at her for spending time away from her phone, which honestly, how many female cosplays actually have fucking pockets or make it easy to even carry a purse, etc. And the husband is insane after like a 16 month quarantine, and idiots being idiots forgot how to be human during quarantine and tried to call a missing persons notice on his wife after she probably told him that she was going to put the phone away to not deal with bullshit for a bit. And maybe waking up to all this bullshit drama about her getting abducted and shit was the final straw since the husband just shot himself in the foot by dragging her into this entire mess on social media.

I mean, could it have been cheating? Maybe? And I don't like people sleeping around either. But who the fuck calls a missing persons notice that lasts conveniently around the same amount of time as someone just going to sleep for 8 hrs and then waking up and checking their phone to all this shitty drama?

In any case, this post isn't productive to any kind of socialization. She was found, nothing happened, and now the two may be separating. They're fucking nobodies at the end of the day and it's nobody's business anyways? So just leave it there?

>> No.10646360

the first one is the real reason, everything else is unnecessary

>> No.10646365

>3) Because the majority of male cosplayers are cosplaying rather generic shonen battle manga characters (one piece, dragonball, BHA, etc), which are dime-a-dozen and I don't really care about.

most female cosplayers are cosplaying flavor of the week generic hype stuff too you just like their t&a/think girls are cuter which is fine but don't lie to us or yourself

>> No.10646366

That was my take away from the situation having delt with manipulative SOs in the past.

>> No.10646369

you're a literal sexist retard

>> No.10646376

>anons asking all weekend for pics that the con isn't empty and shit-tier
>only posts lame cospics (which incidentally show an empty shit-tier con in the background)
>I'm not going to take boring crowd pics, you just have to believe me when I say the con was alright
So it was dogshit, then. Thanks for confirming.

>> No.10646380

>anon asks for pics of con because they didn't attend
>could literally hop on youtube and watch walk through videos for anyday of con
>demands spoon feeding for SPECIFIC content they want to nit pick and bitch about
image being so lazy with you desired bitch fest you can't even bothered to do basic searches to fuel said tantrum.... but it's okay bacchus, i brought grapes for the land whale temper tantrum rave.


>> No.10646389

You make some fair points. The husband could be the one that's more in the wrong here. Or maybe there isn't even a "bad guy" here, and they're just two people that are in a toxic relationship.
The thing about you "just leave it there" comment is well....that's not how it works. Once you make public drama people are going to continue talking about it, and you don't get to decide when that's over.
They had a chance to end it all there if the girl just posted something like "I'm home, and I am fine, thank you for your concern everyone". Instead, she posted something along the lines of "I didn't even know I was missing. Please stop calling me". Which implies she thinks the husband should have never filed a missing person's report in the first place, and the real drama started. The girl is completely at fault there.

>> No.10646391

bitch u just mad u aint gettin the attention lmao

>> No.10646397

Kek. Don't bother taking even a second to explain yourself to people that REEEE with that "sexy woman pictures, RED FLAG!" bullshit.
Those are the type of cunts that follow Leon Chiro (known sexual harasser) on social media, but despite his toxic behavior, will never unfollow him because he has nice abs.
Women are every bit as thirsty as men, but they can't stand it when men look at any woman other than themselves.

>> No.10646398


Bruh I'm a gay woman and don't cosplay and like looking at hot girls because they look good. I can just acknowledge it instead of pretending like liking or consensually photographing pretty girls is something to be ashamed of like the cuck who made up fake excuses to try to appease someone claiming "red flag". Women in general are just hotter and more aesthetic than men most of the time, even if their cosplays are the same basic characters from the same popular anime as the basic dudes, I would rather see the women's because they'll look more aesthetically pleasing.

Just admit it and don't lie or make shit up or act like anyone pointing out the lie is a jealous costhot.

>> No.10646401


>> No.10646411

I also didn't take pictures of literally any flavor of the month trash, cute girls or not. So try again.

And yes, I do like cute girls. Cuff me, lock me away, and throw away the key. I must be committing a cardinal sin against humanity or something according to you.

>> No.10646412

>Just admit it and don't lie
Except I already did say I'm a guy and like cute girls and I ALSO took pictures of guys, despite not being attracted to them.

The only thing anyone has to admit is that you have a vendetta against me for taking pictures of cosplays you probably wouldn't have taken pictures of and ignored. Everyone has different tastes, bro.

>> No.10646422

itt crotchbleeders dress up to get their picture taken, get angry when someone takes their picture

>> No.10646426


I'm not the one who said it was a red flag or even called out the fact that it's girls to begin with, I just said it's fine to just take pics of cute girls and not make excuses ("guys are cosplaying boring popular stuff I have no interest in") or accuse people of being attention hungry and jealous for admitting that. Whoever said it was a red flag is stupid.

And I wasn't saying the girls you photographed were specifically wearing popular stuff, just that women cosplay popular common series all the time too.

>> No.10646474

Isn’t kawaiibro a known sexual harasser or is that someone else

>> No.10646500

Lol what a sausage fest

>> No.10646516

a man's gotta eat, heh

>> No.10646519

4 cylinder ecoboost mustang aka not a real mustang. should've gotta a real V8 Mustang GT to wrap. Still nice tho

>> No.10646536

This. They're continuing to stir up the drama and attention with each follow-up post, of which there have been multiple from both of them since. Vague posting galore.

>> No.10646537
File: 49 KB, 398x491, 1620761550952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Texas, what's the goto convention to go to since Anime Matsuri is ran by that asshat baldy?

>> No.10646567

A lot of folks say San Japan. Ikkicon is pretty meh, unless you wanna try for new years partying. A-Fest is small, but nice. A-Kon if you want to experience one of the first anime cons

>> No.10646599

Anime Frontier once international travel reopens. It's run by the same people as ANYC and intended to feature heavier industry/JP guest presence

>> No.10646602

I have zero faith in that show
They tried to go to San Antonio first, then settled on dfw, and claimed Houston size ruled it out
As in, too small

>> No.10646603

San Japan for a traditional con experience
Animefest for a relaxed, but high value event

>> No.10646614

one of the older cons but i'm not sure it's worth the risk after the fairgrounds nonsense and constantly being forced to move locations.

>> No.10646643

lmao you fucking cunt
you have literally no concept of male sexual behavior and how straight men perceive women and other men

if anything you're the sexist by trying to apply your femoid world view to the male psyche and claiming that everything that falls outside of your delusion is an "OMFG RED FLAG!!!!!"
straight men will predominately photograph good-looking women, accept reality or slit your landwhale throat

>> No.10646667

Kek u mad

>> No.10646689

epic retort by a double digit IQ owner that is incapable of looking outside their own skull

>> No.10646753

is it just me or is adding on pockets for essentials (phone, wallet, or at least id/one credit card/a couple of 20s) kind of high priority?

>> No.10646763

Very mad

>> No.10646809
File: 61 KB, 675x1200, E6HuUteWUAANkA3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow. The AM laptop had some spicy docs on there. This was seem at the rave.

>> No.10646930

You dumbass. Then get off cgl. Lolita and J-fashion people contain a giant portion of this board. And hate to tell you dude but I can’t even top 100 lbs so I’m far from being any sort of fat.

>> No.10646932


>> No.10646935

Kek. Nope I saved my money so I can go to a better convention called Comicpalooza where things are actually organized and happen on time and there’s better guests.

>> No.10646939

Way bigger convention with bigger guests though

>> No.10646943

Considering your salty as fuck and have no real defense or backup for your claim, I believe anon hit you spot on kek

>> No.10646944

I’m mind of curious to try the new Colassalcon being hosted in Texas this year. Is it maybe worth?

>> No.10646946

Gone but not forgotten

>> No.10646959

I expect garbage but it's at a waterpark so that's okay.

>> No.10646961

I think it will be a lot like Colossalcon East was in its first year. Fairly modest attendance, overall chill experience. If hanging out at the waterpark, having some drinks, and maybe hitting up some room parties sounds like a good time to you, I'd recommend it.
The actual convention part of Colossalcon events are pretty lackluster, so keep that in mind. Not many people actually go for that.
I'm not local, but I loved my experience at the first CCE so much that I was considering flying out for the TX one. The skyrocketing airfare costs kinda nixed that idea for me, though.

>> No.10647005
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>AX delivers quality.
AX is more of a sugar coated AM. The only thing going for it is it just has that huge industry backing.

>> No.10647041 [DELETED] 

>Events start on time
>Resemblence of an organized group
>Announced big-name guests actually show up
>Mostly delivers on promises

AX delivers this.
AM has been delivering bullshit for over a decace.

>> No.10647043

>Events start on time
>Resemblence of an organized group
>Announced big-name guests actually show up
>Mostly delivers on promises

AX delivers this.
AM has been delivering bullshit for over a decade.

>> No.10647206

cute majima

>> No.10647274

So Delta H Con is happening this weekend and there's gonna be a fighting game tournament on Saturday.
Is there any reason to get the full weekend pass? It's only like $5 more, but there's not really any event that sticks out at me.
Has anyone ever tried a con speed dating event?

>> No.10647287

I'll give you the other three but
>events starting on time

>> No.10647369

I have been to AX multiple times. I've never had to wait 2-3 hours for a big event to start which seems to be the norm for AM. Yes, there was the 3 hour lines to get in. I'm use to con events starting a little late but waiting 3+ hours because they can't fix their shit is ridiculous.

>> No.10647530

Dude AM was pure crap these past few years. Literally DeltaH is better than AM and delta is a small ass con.

>> No.10647531

Man I miss old AM when they used to bring in actual arcade machines from Japan and had a bunch of Japanese fashion brands come in to sell clothes. What happened? Why’d AM decline so bad so fast?

>> No.10647540

There are consequences in trying to rape Lolitas. AM would rather spend your money on flashy graphics over bringing in arcade machines.

>> No.10647547

>>Events start on time
>>Resemblence of an organized group
SPJA looks like an organized group on the outside, but they are dysfunctional in the inside
>>Announced big-name guests actually show up
They can't bring in big name guests on their own anymore. All of the Japanese guests they bring in are through the studios and companies and none on the SPJA's own merit
>>Mostly delivers on promises
Hahahaha again nope.
>AX delivers this.
Try again.

>> No.10647551

the fact that theyve gotten to the point where companies are willing to pay their own dime to bring people to AX is still a success of its own

>> No.10647613

Fuck you AM and weebs. I tested positive for COVID after attending the con.

>> No.10647622

What a fucking shock that someone got it. Did you have the vaccine at least? Or are you part of the 50% of retards who won't get one?

>> No.10647654

>The AM staff will be invading this thread soon trying to discredit everything.
Weird trend for tx cons doing that. They all are shit but all have their defenders to come out and namecall and lie about everything.

>> No.10647657

Same shit with dave and san japan but he was cancelled last year and did a stupid step down act where he gave the seat to his best butt buddy ass kisser. The city has allowed them to get away with so much because the cons bring them tons of revenue from just the parking alone. With enough money you can fuck 15 year old kids or allow people to solicit prostitution from minors on their forums and nothing happens to them because the city makes too much easy money to care.

>> No.10647664
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>goes to con
>in Texas
>shitshow management
>governor who gives no fucks
>population including (You) who gives no fucks
>gets the Wuhan novel coronavirus
>fucking dies
Hope it was worth it anon.

>> No.10647693

It takes 2 weeks to show up, dumbass. You caught it b4 AM.

>> No.10647722
File: 40 KB, 805x576, lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You being an obese fuck carries more risk than some .1% flu

>> No.10647779

You're just weak lol

>> No.10647898

i didnt
maybe youre just a weak lil bitch

>> No.10647928

>first large anime convention to attend post-lockdown, where am was hell bent on operating on 2020
>no mask mandate, minimal health and safety gimmicks at con center.
>1 out of 10 or 2 out of 10 wearing masks
>tenjin festival rained out but most events moved inside. Beer garden operated as normal despite rain.
>more people attended from out of town because their cons cucked out or imposed bs mask mandates
>largest Itasha exhibit, 50 cars
>godzilla exhibit and Eva exhibit was nice
>metal gear solid exhibit was interesting and funny enough its actually John Leigh's personal collection of mgs merchandise and games, and the military trucks and vehicles outside were rented from the Houston army museum
>no proper video game room but there was a old school arcade with 80s singles.
>miku racing project exhibit was cool.
>no anime viewing rooms , which make since since why you're attending a anime con if you're watching anime but have no breathing room to rest and chill.
>fear propaganda and generous unemployment benefits caused volutnetter and set up crew to be cut in half. Usually operates with 400 crew and 400 volunteers. Its was 200 volunteers and 200 crew.
>wit studio booth set up but staff never came because they could not get vaxxed
>sumo slam exhibition match was a blast, funniest rounds were the Catgirl and Pikachu suit.

>> No.10647931

Part 2:

>should have bought a superpass to record opening ceremonies
>2021 shirts were canceled because too many production errors
>godzilla and Eva exhibits were visited well.
>saw vic mignogna for the first time at the firday and Sundays panels. Nice guy, outspoken, groudned to earth, sane Christian. Why did sjws canceled him again?
>artist hall was well visited despite having some 20 booths empty
>was going to be two k-pop concerts but could not make it because south Korea has slow vaccine intake rate. But we got a concert of a rapper thats a anime otaku which is nice.
>both raves neon tokyo and club am.despote being late was a fucking blast and enjoyable.
>closing ceremonies: one day passes got sold.out, highest attendance ever for 2021
>nick rekeitas panel with yellow flash, that star wars girl, and Cecilsays was entertaining and informative.
>I was the only person posting videos "covering" the convention via twitter and YouTube and everyone knew me and subscribed my channel because of it.
>will go again in 2022.

>> No.10647997

>highest attendance ever
If this is actually true, FUCKING KEK.
Just knowing how hard the people that swore this con had shitty attendance would seethe delights me.

>> No.10648006

>why did sjws canceled him again?

Because Monica was pissed he got a job she wanted and con organizers were more than happy to jump on an excuse to stop dealing with him because he's a Diva.

If he was such a sex pest why was every con organizer who claims he's "banned" from their con now more than happy to have him for YEARS in the 00s when he was the sure fire way to up your attendance and therfore your $$$

>> No.10648043

John will once again be caught in his lies when someone digs for the truth.

I'm waiting for the incoming lawsuits when they can't pay the bills.

>> No.10648045

>Watch videos of the itasha exhibit
>Literally 4-5 cars with no itasha wrap but a bunch of stupid slaps all over their windows are part of the exhibit
Fuck, I should have entered my VIP Lexus and I would have gone to this shit for free.

>> No.10648101
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Dude they inflate their numbers big time though. Still decent amount of people but not as much as they make it out to be

>> No.10648283
File: 1.10 MB, 3264x1592, 20210709_114737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't believe me?

>> No.10648285

Nice super spreader event you got there.

>> No.10648292

I believe it could be true, but this is the sort of thing I'd need to see some official source on.
And you can't look at a screenshot, or even a video, and say "oh yeah, that's definitely 45,247 attendees" or whatever.
It is clear, however, that this con wasn't dead the way some of the twitterfags and anons here made it out to be.

>> No.10649058

If you support AM by attending then you're also supporting rape.

>> No.10649062

>If you support AM by attending then you're also supporting rape.
if you breathe youre supporting white oppression

>> No.10649123

Okay McRapey McRapperson. Enjoy rape-enabler con next year with a heavy dose of COVID death party.

>> No.10649344

Why thank you! I will!

>> No.10649391

>anon thinks people get corona at conventions

>> No.10652848


Fuck this con.

>> No.10652931

is Anime Matsuri the Trump of Anime conventions? It's teflon at this point, kek.

>> No.10653553

More like the flordia of anime cons because they were hellbent on having zero covid restrictions.

And like people coming to flordia to escape from lockdowns, they came to that con. Way more people from out of state came to that con this year than any other year.

>> No.10654429

>It's teflon at this point, kek.
the ceo's probably kek'ing himself to the bank bc he knows he's teflon.

>> No.10654706

AM is bigger than the CEO at this point.

>> No.10655012
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I'm curious if Japan is ever getting this 1:1 scale figure back or if it has mysteriously "disappeared" during tear down and is now kicking around John's flat.

>> No.10655201

They own a posh 2 story house so I know where AM money goes to. It wasn't hard to track them down. I could doxx them so people could go to their house demanding money but what incentive would I have to do that to them. John will see this so stay on the edge incase you piss off the wrong people.