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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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[ERROR] No.10621984 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread >>10591546
Colossalcon Prime is nearly here! It will be a different experience from previous years with, with restrictions (including masking requirements) and attendance that's predicted to be less than a third of a normal year.
Will it be a comfy convention or a boring bust?
Post up your plans & predictions prior, and your experience after.

>> No.10622040
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Here's the (presumably finalized) list of restrictions for the con.
I wanna say the con will be chill/comfy, but I'm not really sure what to expect. With 3-5k attendees, I guess it will be like it was a decade or so ago, but that was well before my time. Any oldfags around here have feedback on how things were back in the early 2010's?

>> No.10622077

Eh I feel like it’s not accurate to compare it to the early 2010s based on attendance because con culture has changed so much since then

Might compare it to any smaller party cons if you’ve ever been to one, although small party cons are ahem... pretty rare

>> No.10622205

Gonna have fun with my crew. Dont really care about the rest. Night swim will be great, looking forward to the colors and costumes. Dont do panels, dont care about merch, gaming or panels. Just excited to be around people. No rave sadly, but the pajama party orgy thing might be fun.

>> No.10622208

Is this con worth coming in from out of town for? I live near DC and I'm not opposed to a last minute trip...

>> No.10622350

Yo how do I get into the orgy?

>> No.10622353

It's fun if you're looking to drink all night and party.

>> No.10622388

So its not really an orgy. Its like pajama group anime watching in the rave room. I'm 90 percent on it ending up in some anons room or rooms just mass fuckin. Just my opinion tho. Honestly I believe people are either gonna be scared of interaction or go absolutely insane.

>> No.10622939

It's been nice seeing people posting their cosplay lineups on FB and the such in the past week. I feel like a lot of people were scared to talk about the con at all with all of the virtue signaling faggots shitting up the groups with "OMG, I can't believe people are considering going to a con this year!!" posts and stuff trying to shame people for going.
I had very low expectations for this con when they first announced all the restrictions (some of which were later done away with), but I'm cautiously optimistic now.
It's very apparent there will be a whole lot less people, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing.

>> No.10623051

I can see that. Alot of my friends ditched social media altogether because of the wave of virtue signaling fucktards. I dont think it will be booked full, the fear propaganda has been strong this last year, but I do think it is gonna be a good time.

>> No.10623280

I wouldn't mind a smaller crowd this year. That night swim hot tub would get way too fucking packed. Need to get up for a drink or take a piss? You ain't ever getting that prime spot back. I fully expect people to be off the walls moreso than usual though, could be a good thing or a bad thing.

>> No.10623537

What are some memories that you have of colossalon?
I once had an extremely intoxicated guy grab my sleeve and ask if i liked memes. He then belched and threw up on the floor. It was like noon on saturday.
Whenever i think of this con, i cant help but remember this.

>> No.10623598
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Walking back to our room after night swim, about 2:30am. Found this dude sprawled out in the hallway blacked the fuck out. We figured he was probably just locked out of his room. Tried to wake his ass up but no luck so we left. Hope you had a great weekend buddy, we tried to help at least

>> No.10623893

What days would be best to go, Fri/Sat? Colossal 2019 was my first con and I'd like to go again but I don't know anyone else who's going so I'll have to find stuff to do and I'm worried that might be harder with so few people

>> No.10624027
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Last colossalcon, a guy in my group broke his friggin knee on the concrete at the water park during saturday night swim.He was in a leopard speedo (pick related) being brought out in a wheel chair by the paramedics. I wasn't laughing at the time but in hindsight the picture was very funny.

>> No.10624028
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>I once had an extremely intoxicated guy grab my sleeve and ask if i liked memes.

I fucking miss conventions so much

>> No.10624029


3 years back I had a tweaked out guy try to convince my group to help break into his car. He said "It's my roommates car but it's fine if we get caught I'll take all the heat" like that's how that works. We told him no and he started screaming "FUCK" and sprinting down the hallway

>> No.10624047


I flirted with a Zarya at the hot tub and had some FareehaxZarya

Villas are always amazing

>> No.10624116

How did he break his knee? Was it water slide related? Or did he just get drunk and randomly fall down somewhere or some shit?

I haven't been to Ohio, but at CCE there was some girl laying by a pool of her vomit that was in line for the night swim. Security directed me to bypass part of the line so they could clear out some room.
When I merged into the line some cunt thought I was cutting or something and had a fucking attitude. I told her what was going on but she just kept on.
I'm not sure if I should be given an award for not smashing her fucking face into the ground until I couldn't lift my arms anymore, or if I should be condemned for not doing it.

>> No.10624118
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I remember that.
Can we go one colossalcon without the ambulance showing up?
I remember last colossalcon some dickhead pulled the fire alarm twice within an hour. I was in the dealers room and decided fuck it, I am not leaving. Saw a guy sleeping in the hallway and said "hey buddy, dont you hear the fire alarm?"
He looked at me and yeah and went back to sleep.

>> No.10624136

Like >>10622077 said the scene has changed so much it's not going to feel like 2010 even with smaller attendance.

Particularly with the type of party normies and OF girls who kind of dominate the modern colossalcon scene. Shit hasn't felt as comfy since 2015

>> No.10624164

It was like 3 am on the last full night, he was still rowdy so we told him to come relax but instead he freaked the fuck out, ran the opposite direction, then slipped on literally the driest piece of concrete in Kalahari.

>> No.10624260 [DELETED] 

Not many panels this time around huh? Nothing really catches my eye

>> No.10624263

The panels kind of suck this time. There doesnt seem to be much to do.

>> No.10624565

There's barely any group photoshoots, either

>> No.10624602

who wants to get lit together?

>> No.10624606

Do they really pay groups to do panels there to fill time?

>> No.10624623


Not pay, it's usually money off your admission ticket per panel you host, free weekend ticket if you do like 3-4. Doesn't cover water park stuff though so you're capping out at like a 100$ value

>> No.10624711

I'm looking to fuck right now

>> No.10624741

Damn, time flies. Today is the first official day of Colossalcon.
To those of you that are attending, please post about your experiences!

>> No.10624742

It was Wednesday, not even a con day really. Looking forward to night swim tonight though. Let's get it lads. Sounded like a bunch of fuckin howler monkeys got loose on the balconies last night.

>> No.10624743

Seconding this. Couldn't make the long trip to go but I love reading even a lot of mundane con stories, especially now. I hope you all have a good time.

>> No.10624745

Honestly nothing exciting last night on this end. We coasted all day. Planning on hitting up the Waterpark today and con stuff. Will report then.

>> No.10624788

I am heading there after work today. Heres hoping it doesnt suck

>> No.10624792

Was a fair amount of room parties Wednesday night. Nothing going on convention wise, not even the arcade room was up this year. Rained all day and will again today, so I anticipate just more room parties and drunken roaming again today.

>> No.10624841

Any discords for colossal? I'd like to stay updated while Im here.

>> No.10624932

The colossal 21+ Facebook group has a pretty active discord. Link should be somewhere in the groups posts

>> No.10625190

Anyone alive?

>> No.10625192

My whole room is passed out already lmao

>> No.10625205

Saw some of the pics posted to the 21+ group and I'm committed to going now, I too wish to become drunk

>> No.10625252
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Email me if you want a pizza roll. Post a comment in this thread if you want a pizza roll.

>> No.10625283

Hella good time honestly.

>> No.10625667

How's your Friday going, Colossal anons? How are things feeling there with the reduced attendance?

>> No.10625736

Comfy. More people want to talk. You aren't shoulder to shoulder. Everyone who came fully accepts whatever happens happens and isn't in your face. Alot of them have just stopped posting or taking in social media.
As expected there is quite a bit of fat. The quarantine 15 is real and plenty or people got it.
Downsides: artist alley and the merchandise rooms are ass. Much fewer panels and some of those have cancelled throughout the weekend.
Overall a chill con that is like a blast from the past. The early days basically. 4k to 5k attendance at most.

>> No.10625737

I like it.
Much easier to get around but its not a ghost town

>> No.10625745

I want to fuck the miku trap

>> No.10626002

yo I'm at the bar, I'm dressed as Minecraft steve

>> No.10626069

Same here anon, I'm really miss going but then again i want to go to another convention instead

>> No.10626071

I ended up going, and I think it would have been super fun to go in a big group but I don't have any other cosplay associates, so I just kind of drank by the pool for a while. There was way less structure (events, photoshoots, etc) where I usually feel way more comfortable talking to people, so I couldnt really muster up the courage to just go up to groups of people and be like "hey can I hang out with you guys?" I definitely need to try harder to find some friends before next year's convention season

>> No.10626283

I don't even know how to make cosplay friends desu

>> No.10626319

Did attendance pick up today (Saturday)? Someone tell me something good about the con. Literally anything.
I'm trying to hold on to hope that cons in the next few months might not be so bad after all.

>> No.10626333


Nah man. #colossalyawn2021

>> No.10626578

I'm interested to hear about how those of you that went felt about the reduced attendance. And the con overall, for that matter.
I hope you anons had a good time, and that it wasn't as dead as this board.

>> No.10626579

Felt like old times, we even saw yaoi paddles throughout the convention.

>> No.10626633

What a fucking blast. Sure it was partycon this year, but goddamn I've missed that side of cons too.

>> No.10626713


It was nice not having a huge crowd, could get a decent parking spot and walk around without constantly bumping into people. The con itself was a nice throwback to the early days, almost like things were reset to the beginning. And seeing the constant salt over Colossal happening this weekend was almost as entertaining as the con itself.

>> No.10626728

I'm seeing a lot of complaints about the hotel on FB. Apparently part of the hotel didn't have hot water for two days. Also numerous reports of bugs, leaky sinks and toilets, etc. Sounds like the Kalahari is falling apart at the seams.

>> No.10626732

Power went out in the Dealer room on Friday, even

>> No.10626735

Whew. I'll have to make sure to strip down and wash everything lol
Didn't see any bedbugs, but my room was pretty dirty.

>> No.10626736

The other great thing is that due to less people going to the con, there was a way higher number of people than normal who were just going to Kalahari and had no idea what the hell was going on

>> No.10626737

Actually can confirm this. It seemed like it didn't take the 2020 pandemic well. According to the staff they are down to 900 employees from the usual 1500. Bunch of fucking Michigan darkies have been coming in and breaking shit as well.

>> No.10626767

Bugs were probably mosquitoes or such. We had piles of dead ones on our balcony.

>> No.10626804

Ah, for those not from the area: Those are called lake midges. They all live in Lake Erie and emerge 1-2 times a year to breed and then they die off again. They don't bite or anything like that, but there are a lot of them. Depending on the weather Colossalcon usually happens just as midge season is coming to an end, hence the lots of dead ones.

>> No.10626818

Oh cool. The more you know.

>> No.10626844
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>check ColossalCon discord

>> No.10626848
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alright shut cons back down right fucking now

>> No.10626850

explains a lot. I saw a lot of black people with their families and shit. they made up like 90% of non-convention resort attendees. Is the Kalahari down that bad that it's now a black people hang out spot?

>> No.10626856

They lowered their regular rates to attract more business, plus think about how many people got their stimmy checks and didn't put it into savings or use it to pay for shit that matters. Fucking memorial day weekend safari bananza seems like a better use for it.

>> No.10626904

Dog how do I get into the discord

>> No.10626928

Felt like it was 95% normies. while that made it a bit weird taking photos in cosplay, i still had alot of fun with close friends! This morning, my partner and I were drinking coffee in the lobby, and a dad and his two little kids were walking out with their luggage. The dad said to the kids "There sure were alot of weird people here last night. Alot of gay men dressed like girls." and I we laughed so hard. The smaller con crowd is cool, but I think the normally sold out nature of con people only is a better environment. It seems like there were alot of upset or uncomfortable normie experiences all con.

>> No.10626999


Can't be an African-themed resort without blacks

>> No.10627049

it's supposed to be Africa without all the bad parts like the child slavery and nogs being up to no good

>> No.10627068
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You gotta know people

>> No.10627086

Kek. I wonder if the Kalahari sent out one of those emails to people staying at the resort that weekend prior to the con, to warn the normies of us "weird people". Maybe they didn't bother because of the low attendance.

>> No.10627263

There are con normies (marvel fans who don't watch anime) and actual normies (families with kids trying to enjoy waterpark).

The con normies are worse. Karaoke at an ANIME CON should not be dominated by songs from Mean Girls and Steven Universe.

>> No.10627266

Unlike anime weebs who sing the same 15 anime songs and Linkin Park?

>> No.10627280

Nightswim sucked, it was bright af and you could barely hear music

>> No.10627285

This was the most boring con I've been to, programming sucked and it was impossible to find a room party

>> No.10627286

there were room parties literally being posted in the discord. stop being salty because you have no friends and probably thought you could show up to a party with your lone virgin ass and not even bring any booze or girls with you.

>> No.10627291

Fuckin hell, man. If you couldn't find any parties at THIS one, you weren't looking very hard. Con itself was also a vast improvement over the last ones I've been to the last few months.

>> No.10627326

Is the discord you're referring to the apparently secret one that "you gotta know people" to get into according to the anon above?
Or the midwest discord that generally has little to no discussion about Colossalcon? Or some other discord?

>> No.10627328

>going to Colossalcon for programming
Imagine doing this.
Actually, I'd like to hear about what type of con programming is considered to be "good", because it generally all sounds like shit to me.
A large portion of con panels these days are dominated by SJW LGBTQBLM+)% stuff that no one REALLY wants to sit though.

>> No.10627330

>Unlike anime weebs who sing the same 15 anime songs and Linkin Park?

nah marvel weebs are the worst, they drunkenly sing the marvel theme at karaoke and several boomerfaggot level mainstream tracks.

>> No.10627331

You say what you don't like about the con and virgins jump out to defend the con's honor. Hope she sees this, brah.

>> No.10627334

I'm talking about the 21+ discord which is posted on the Facebook group of the same name

yeah I didn't even look at the panel schedule for this con who gives a fuck about that shit lol I don't need a lesson in cosplay makeup and wig styling or need to sit through an hour of my hero academia shipping when I could be going down really cool water slides and slurping jello shots out of cosplay thots boobs

>> No.10627336

I live in Sandusky but have never been to Colossalcon, seems like a waste of money unless you get to have sex

>> No.10627338

I mean you can still have a blast without hooking up and honestly without even drinking. if you can go without it the atmosphere is honestly fun as hell on its own. The girls that are desperate for a hookups at colossal are dumpy as fuck so unless your flirt game is really on point and you can bat in higher leagues then yeah might as well stay home and just swipe on tinder

>> No.10627340

I kinda wonder if the con organizers shot themselves in the foot by announcing the restrictions too far ahead of time.
They ended up removing some of the restrictions, but I can't help but feel like there's a chunk of people that saw that initial list and just said "that's way too much, fuck it, I'm not going this year".
I would hope other cons would learn to wait as long as they can before making a list of restrictions. A month ahead of time is sufficient, IMO.
Of course, they probably won't be that smart. I see Otakon already announced mandatory masks for their con. Among others.

>> No.10627342

The good: easier socializing w smaller groups, no mask/nonmask hate, everyone genuinely trying to have a good time, less than 5 min wait any part of waterpark, everyone wanted to be feral at parties/villas/hot tubs, food lines were a lil shorter. You could be at the hot tub for 20 minutes and leave with a cutie and several new friends.

The bad: the covid scared or unvax'd crowd weren't at night swims, villas, or the louder, better events, numbers were significantly lower than expected but it was as crowded as a good local con usually is, The 'orgy' room, was allegedly hosted by some cuck who starts fun sex times then voyeur cams them, several relationships loudly exploded during villas like baby vocals on a plane.

The best part of its 'success' is that it will bring the other big cons (dragon, awa, etc) out to test the waters. Hope yall had fun or consider it next year

>> No.10627344

good con programming consists of:
Still if your rich, try support the con so they keep doing this. Buy some con pass, the game room had 50+ machines, mostly rhythm, or that arena gundam

>> No.10627355


It was quite refreshing that there wasn’t any sjw shit for panels this year, reminds me of better days.

>> No.10627366

>impossible to find a room party

lol, we had two different people tell us hotel staff/security sent them TO our room because we had a party going on & they wanted to consolidate the chaos. If you couldn't find one, that's on you. Just walk to the villas & be over 21.

We had a Riddler & Harley bust into our room Thursday just because there was music on & the door was latched. Ended up hanging with them all weekend. It really isn't that hard normally - this con was even easier.

>> No.10627406

yo were you that drunk fat kid shilling shitcoin and groping a chad miku cosplayer?

>> No.10627455
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are you talking about the guy that was wearing this outfit and was tall as fuck ? Saw him literally sprinting down the hall over to where some staff people were sitting telling them that he needs them to get some dude away from him. pretty fucked up

>> No.10627471

yeahhh that exact outfit.
cosplay is not consent.

>> No.10627523

I'm a reasonably attractive woman. Usually at cons I just walk around or hang out at the bar and get invited to stuff

>> No.10627533

>entitled female expects shit to just come to her instead of actively looking for it


>> No.10627535

Y'all really go to parties you're not invited to? Or are you just the retard that shows up and makes everyone uncomfortable by shoehorning their way in?

>> No.10627537

you're really fucking embarrassing. imagine thinking that getting invited to parties means anything other than guys think you're easy and will fuck them when you're drunk.

>> No.10627544

lol I was going to give you the benefit of the doubt, but you sound like an incel larper.
have sex incel.

>> No.10627545

I said anything about shoe horning when I said being proactive that didn't mean just walking into parties it means talking to people throughout the con trying to find who's cool and then getting an invite that way. maybe you're just not as attractive as you used to be and that's why random dudes aren't inviting you to parties just because you're sitting at a bar being alone. they probably thought you were someone's mom there with their kid or something lol

>> No.10627548

I'm 21

>> No.10627549

to those saying this is bullshit. its not. Im a 6/10 normally, an 8-9/10 at cons, and not trying to be a dick but a 10/10 if Im in cosplay and totally done up. Ive literally never had a problem finding room parties or people to talk to. On the flip side, I have a friend whose 3/10 on a good day, but hes hella friendly and extroverted at cons, he also never struggles to find parties.
Its not that hard. Either just be attractive, or be friendly, or both.

>> No.10627551

Is it harder if you have a s/o with you?

>> No.10627553

Of course it's not bullshit, but it's just literally meaningless. OP is acting like it's some kind of accomplishment when literal 1/10s get the same treatment at cons. If anything it's insulting because as other anons pointed out, it's not because she's interesting or anything, it's because weeb men at cons are desperate little shits that would fuck anything and everything that looks vaguely like a woman.

>> No.10627555

>be 8/10 on a bad day
>go to cons
>am a fucking goddess
>still don't go to random parties because i am a big girl with my own friends and my own money and my own booze
grow the hell up.

>> No.10627559

Doubt that

>> No.10627562

sorry not everyone needs desperate weebs to know their worth, anon.

>> No.10627564

I think they're just trying to say that thwy are not some fat lonely incel. You make a lot of assumptions

>> No.10627566

You sound fat

>> No.10627568


>> No.10627574

Look, I don't care if you're fat or 3/10. Just stop it with all this insecurity posting.
As long as you're chill and don't grope my friends, you can party and drink my booze. Hell, I'll even teach you how to do some makeup so you can get laid.

>> No.10627578

i don't do makeup im not gay sorry bro

>> No.10627582
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>> No.10627612

>impossible to find a room party

lololol literally what the fuck? this is so embarrassing

>> No.10627619

>Can we go one colossalcon without the ambulance showing up?

we didn't even make it past day 0. some scrub almost died of alcohol poisoning in my hallway around midnight wednesday.

>> No.10627851

The late night fanfic panel was good though

>> No.10628047

I dont think so, as long as your so is also attractive and/or friendly. my partner and i do our own things at cons, and often pop into different parties and share stories at end of the day.

I dont drink so not doing it for free booze, just enjoy good conversation and music.

>> No.10628296

Hope all you anons that went had a great time. Here's hoping that Colossalcon East is close to a "back to normal" con as possible.

>> No.10628323

What if they're not but you are?

>> No.10628329

Which discord is this!?!

>> No.10628333

I bet its the secret one because the 21+ one is pretty dead

>> No.10628341

I never been to the room parties at Colossalcon but i have connections, everytime I've been wanting to go something happens so I always miss out

>> No.10628352

Got to go to the villa parties this year. It was cool. Nice people, can't say I'd pay that much money for one of those things though. Made quite a few friends this time so that was solid.
Going to try and get a room for east. The ball is rolling now. Can't fucking stop.

>> No.10628525

That's like asking for no emergency service vehicles showing up en masse to Acen

>> No.10628540

Gonna try and have this be me next year. I'm finally able to start going back to the gym, gonna pick up some fun cosplay for next year and really go all-out

>> No.10629059

con was amazing. met tons of people new to colossal. parties didn't stop. significantly less whiney bitches compared to previous years. it'll never be this way ever again. was an extroverts dream escape after covid shutdowns. parking spots existed. basically was nostalgic. felt like a con from 15 years ago.

Kalahari was fucking falling apart though. motel quality maintenance.

>> No.10629084

honestly just having non autistic friends or even something of a SO makes it so easy to socialize and meet people. The amount of social opportunity as even just a pair is so much better than solo. 5 years of dumbass ambiversion

>> No.10629421
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It's funny how hot shit people think they are on 4chan, and then when you go to the actual con everyone there is an obese 3/10 neckbeard. Honestly hilarious how the people who claim they slay pussy at these cons end up hooking up with fugly balding females and then call themselves "chad".

>> No.10629485

Dude it was bad this year. Like... the bar was fucking low. Those absolute chads walking around and at the gym kicked me back into gear though. They stood above the rabble and I loved them for it. Very nice dudes actually.
Also you were better off trying to hit up some of the cross players than most of those girls.

>> No.10629523

>Honestly hilarious how the people who claim they slay pussy at these cons end up hooking up with fugly balding females and then call themselves "chad".
Technically, they're still getting laid. So if all you care about is bodycount...

>> No.10629805

Well even a 3/10 is better and more than you pull probably

>> No.10630159

So are you guys hitting up east?

>> No.10630211

Planning to. It will probably be my first con since the pandemic hit.
Since masks aren't required in the water park (or at least they don't enforce them), and that's mainly where I hang out during CCE, this is pretty much going to be a "back to normal" event for me no matter what restrictions may be in place at the actual convention.

>> No.10630231


>> No.10630359
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oh enough. you can make friends at a party or before hand. I'm glad the world blessed us with a small colossal to do both. I'm an anxious weeb and rarely hit that hype energy that just makes people bounce it back and be just as hype. People want to have fun, etiquette is less important about 'entering/inviting/etc'. Consent and fun times are all that really matter. I wish you well traveler, may you find the energy to break societal norms and just enjoy yourself, no hating randos, okay Anon?

>> No.10630360

omg are you the dancy boy from the hot tub?
Like I don't drink, I just D a n c e?

because wow powerful af

>> No.10630554

What's up with that person trying to start drama in the 21+ group? Tried reading the screen caps and they come off as salty that people dared to go to Colossal.

>> No.10630580

from what I got, they were personally wrong by some staff member and they feel like everyone needs to boycott the entire con because of it. just salty self entitled retards being allowed to have a platform again

>> No.10630591
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The 21+ FB group? I haven't seen anything but nonstop "hot tub cum" shitposting for the past several days.
But yeah, there's always some annoying cunts trying to shame people for having any fun. Pic related, which was posted on the CCE group a while back.
These people are the absolute scummiest degenerates around.

>> No.10630945

thought for asec this was about that gina corrano cosplaeyr

>> No.10630980

He is still salty over being busted for making counterfeit badges so is trying to keep himself relevant and dig up any dirt he can, going as far as to make shit up.

>> No.10632075

>joining the 21+ normalfag group.
>giving a shit about any of their drama.

>> No.10634003
File: 249 KB, 502x377, IgsJ9GN.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really care about any of this drama shit or all the people worried about getting some but I had a great time this year. It was nice having a con again, even if it was smaller. Reminds me of what colossal was like almost a decade ago when I started going. I hope you colossal anons had fun too and can't wait to see you again next year!

>> No.10634010

I genuinely don’t get the logic used by people in your screenshot. Like these people were rightfully saying don’t go to cons last year because of the virus, but there’s a vaccine now and it’s readily available to just about everyone in the US and the cons that are happening seem to be capping attendance too so what’s the big deal?

>> No.10634016
File: 66 KB, 751x711, sadfs;jkfd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek has anyone seen this shit circulating? CBA to read the whole thing

>> No.10634036

Where did you find this, anon?
I haven't heard about them "disallowing the Kalahari Resort from working with any other anime conventions" before. Does anyone know of any anime conventions that were trying to hold an event there?
I had emailed Victoria about Chris "Fox" some time after CCE, and she assured me that he was no longer on staff. Of course that doesn't mean it's definitely true. I'll have to stop by the press table during CCE to see if Chris is staffing it. If I see that fat, ugly fuck there I'll be sure to publicly call Victoria out on her lie.
BTW, what exactly is Mark Shaw's position at Colossalcon?

>> No.10634051

It's just typical empty virtue signaling for SJW internet points. Unfortunately, there aren't many people on social media that are willing to publicly tell these sniveling little cunts to shut the fuck up and mind their own business.

>> No.10636548

So now that the con is all well and done and more than two weeks has passed, has anyone died from this deadly mass spreading event?

>> No.10637714

That is one cheap looking bargain bin hooker.

>> No.10637729

I got the con depression... that is way worse than covid in my opinion.

We gonna make an east thread soon? Only 2 months to that roughly.

>> No.10637866

I'm counting the hours until CCE myself. Going to be my first con back and I can't wait.
Probably not worth making the thread yet though. It would be even more dead than this thread (or any other con thread these days for that matter) and just get buried.
People have slowly been opening up and talking about going on social media very recently. Hopefully we'll start seeing more of that in the near future.
I get the feeling some people are scared to talk about going to cons because they think they'll get shit on by the SJW cancel crew. Fortunately, there seems to be less of that mentality recently. I'm hoping by the end of next month we'll be seeing a lot more people openly talking about their plans for CCE and other upcoming cons.

>> No.10637916


Felt a little run down but that’s typical for me after a con.

>> No.10640974

Bro I wanna breed Arby

>> No.10640976


>> No.10641187

Yesh the SJW have ruined everything. Now they make it seem like giving alcohol to girls at cons at the night swims is a bad thing

>> No.10641236
File: 2.95 MB, 390x357, 1607928788958.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound like alot of fun at parties.

>> No.10642365

>fat neckbeards

ah yes, what did I expect.