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[ERROR] No.10621210 [Reply] [Original]

Last one archived >>10596350

Everyone's wardrobe usually has an obvious style or styles, such as a wardrobe that's mostly sweet, but what's the thing that makes your wardrobe yours? Is there an unusual running theme in your wardrobe, such as prints with bears on them, certain types of lace, or very specific colours? Do you collect specific accessories or only one type of shoe in different colours?

>> No.10621213

i guess what i've noticed about my wardrobe is i like big prints and mixing patterns. i'm a slut for gingham, polka dots, and stripes. i also prefer bolder sweet colors (combinations of red, pink, black) over softer ones like sax or lav. i gravitate towards things with cute or multicolor buttons and ricrac trim, too.

in short, my wardrobe is probably pretty tacky (even for sweet standards) but that's what makes it mine. i want to look loud and fun as opposed to soft and elegant i think

>> No.10623212

I try to have my wardrobe split 50:40 black and purple/lavender but it's really hard to find blouses in that color that don't look washed out.

>> No.10623216

whats the other 10?

>> No.10623221

50 black 40 lavender

>> No.10623231

Horses. Ponies. Unicorns. My closet is autism central

>> No.10623234

yes, what's the other 10%, retard.

>> No.10623240

i think they might literally have 50 dresses that are black and 40 that are lavender

>> No.10623268

I only collect pink colorways of strawberry prints for modern sweet and old school sweet items that use white torchon lace.

>> No.10623274

I love navy and royal blue colourways. About half of my wardrobe is just BTSSB prints (usually animal or kumya prints) in various dark blues, the other is various more goth-leaning fare, then I have some outliers like Cat's Tea Party. Then I have a few different kumyas that I display on a shelf in my room.
I have sax, pink, lavender, and white blouses, and then again a few different black blouses for gothic. Those four colours match with navy quite well so I don't really need anything else.

>> No.10623289

I am falling in love with Baby's navy pieces myself. I have 2 coming in the mail (Stardust Fantasia & Kumya's snowy kingdom). I am having to tell myself I can't just buy navy Baby dresses since many look similar.

>> No.10623366

I currently own:
>My Sweet Kumya's Trick or Treat
>Twinkle Constellation
>Stardust Fantasia
>Kumya Kumya's Glittery Milky Way
>Kumya's Snowy Kingdom
>Kumya's Marine Island
>Toy's Fluffy Dream
All in navy and somehow none of them are the same shade of navy, if that fuels your obsession at all. Stardust Fantasia's almost more of a dark purple than navy.

>> No.10623395

Whats the minimum amount of pieces required to be considered a real lolita and not just a larper?

>> No.10623405

a full coord

>> No.10623480

My wardrobe is overwhelmingly sweet, with only two non-print main pieces in it.

Colorway breakdown
pink: 13
yellow: 7
blue: 3
white: 3
red: 3
lavender: 3
black: 2
mint: 1

>> No.10623490

Imo actually wearing the clothes is more important than owning wristcuffs to "complete" a coord

>> No.10623511

If you have to ask, you’re not a lolita yet lmao.

As long as you can wear a full coord then it counts. Even if it’s just one.

>> No.10631122

larpers don't even own an outfit to begin with

>> No.10631134

I have a thing for rose lace and corseting. Everything in my wardrobe is black or white because I'm a boring goth lol. I also seem to gravitate towards princess sleeves and avoid high/empire waists like the plague.
I think this isn't very unusual desu my wardrobe is very stereotypical gothic.

>> No.10631148

Related/unrelated question because I'm honestly curious:

How many brand jewelry pieces do people own? Is it 5-10 pieces or do people tend to have a growing collection of brand jewelry along with thier wardrobe? Does anyone have a specific category of items they tend to own more of, just because they like them?

I have a lot of brand jewelry and brand socks. Proportionately, it almost makes no sense, but I love them so much.

>> No.10631178
File: 148 KB, 500x600, milky_bear_ring_mt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have around 30, give or take depending on if you consider Milk as brand. Maybe it's because I'm sweet so I like matchy-matchy novelty jewelry. For my gothic and classic coords I basically have one key necklace in silver and another in bronze.

>> No.10631249

i have about 50 pieces of AP jewelry. about half of it is older, like 2013 and prior. i'm only now buying jewelry from new releases really regularly because i'm an adult with money instead of a teen with a movie theater paycheck lol. but on average most sweets i know own a lot less (not knocking them, i don't expect everyone to want to spend $$$ on costume jewelry)

i like necklaces and rings, bangles and bracelets are usually meh because i wear wristcuffs all the time. watches are cute though, AP has made cute ones and i have a few. also really love hairclips, like the tiny cinema doll ones. i want more of those.

>> No.10631375

Almost none even though I have a pretty big lolita wardrobe, but I think it’s because I mostly wear gothic and oldschool. I have one or two Moitie and BTSSB pieces but mostly I buy handmade jewellery from small goth or yami kawaii shops, or I make accessories myself.

>> No.10631739

This is a pretty subjective standard, but personally I don't consider someone a "real lolita" unless they have at least 5 main pieces they can properly coord.

>> No.10631740

I honestly don’t consider someone a real lolita until they own at least ten mainpieces, that’s the point to me where it shows they have a serious interest in the fashion.

>> No.10631773

Themes I own: fairies, Pegasus, flowers (specifically roses), castles, stars and moons. Most dominant colors are emerald, deep red, sky blue, lilac, and black. I wear lighter coords on warm days and darker for cold days. Since I'm also a 30 year old tall-lita I want to overall achieve a classic, romantic yet storybook inspired style and avoid over the top sweet or gothic.

>> No.10631932

We can tell you’re larping when you call it “sky blue” jsyk

>> No.10631942

Oh sorry m’am I pick up pieces in mint and sax, happy now?

>> No.10631946

No now address “deep red” and “lilac” fucking pleb

>> No.10631950

What’s wrong, waiting too long for a package and have nothing else to do but get bitchy on 4chan? Chill tf out, Christ.

>> No.10632019
File: 276 KB, 1088x1600, STARTER-WARDROBE-CLASSSIC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None though I've been in lolita for ~10 years. Though I do have a ton of Neant Glass lol, only because their specific style really appeals to me. I won't buy jewellery just for the sake of having a 'complete' wardrobe; I only buy pieces I really love.

I consider it less about how many pieces you own and more about how many ways you can put an outfit together. Like, someone might only have three main pieces but they have a variety of blouses, legwear, and accessories, and are able to wear lolita most days of the week without being too samey. Then again, when I was wearing lolita daily, I didn't care too much about repeating looks. I want to get good wear out of my clothes.

Pic vaguely related, from FYeahLolita.

>> No.10632025

God I forgot how 2010 classic was breathtaking, thank you anon!

>> No.10632035

Nothing directly from brand, but I mostly wear gothic and classic. I have some of the crossover Disney collabs (AP x Disney, H. Naoto x Disney)

>> No.10632126
File: 283 KB, 1088x1600, STARTER-WARDROBE-GOTHIC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It really was lovely. Maybe this summer will be the time of 2010 classic resurgence, for me at least. Time to dig out and repair all my old IW, VM, and MM...

Also, gotta say that blogs like FYeahLolita really solidified my love for the fashion at that time. I'm getting nostalgic now, lol.

>> No.10632146

3 rings, 2 bracelets, and 6 necklaces. The rings and bracelets are just from the same set in different colorways, same for 2 of the necklaces. All AP. Kinda underwhelming collection though since I don't use jewelry much, and instead prefer to abuse the fuck out of hairclips.

>> No.10632155

this comes off as looking super cheap.

>> No.10632215

what do you mean?

>> No.10632232

This looks like something someone fresh out of their ita phase who fancies themselves as an expert on the fashion would put together.

>> No.10632247

most of this looks like ugly "gothic steampunk victorian" tagged aliexpress trash. >>10632019 also looks tacky. both show a lack of understanding for how pieces work together IRL(especially those "match everything" purses) if you've been in the fashion 10 years you look like shit.

>> No.10632251

nayrt but it's a fyeah lolita collage dumbass

>> No.10632254

i didn't say she made them, idiot, but she posted them. if she thinks they look good enough to post, she has shit taste.

>> No.10632255

Only an ita would post those crappy collages.

>> No.10632256

nostalgia=/=thinking something looks good

>> No.10632295

I posted them because they're from that FYeahLolita post from a decade ago that everyone has seen, which was relevant to the discussion of 'when do you consider someone to actually be a lolita'. I was illustrating my point that you can have few main pieces and still put together multiple coords. Posting them was not a comment on the quality of them or an endorsement of the items themselves. I figured since the blog post was so ubiquitous, that everyone would recognise the collages and recognise that I was making reference to it.

>> No.10640996
File: 130 KB, 600x400, closetcleaning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An old questionnaire. I hope it's okay to hijack this thread

>How many main pieces do you have?
>What's the oldest brand you have?
>What's the most recently released brand you have?
>Overall theme?
>Any rare/grail dresses?
>Do you buy new or second hand more?
>Anything you wish you had more of?
>How do you store clothes/accessories/shoes?

>> No.10641018
File: 35 KB, 240x320, b94770aa-4b48-5451-9f9b-0319e0b9d9b2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread hasn't gotten much traffic, so I'll bite. I recently reached 400+ AP items (dresses, jewelry, blouses, socks, other accessories) in my wardrobe, so that feels like some kind of milestone.

>How many main pieces do you have?
About 75-80 main pieces. Everything is Angelic Pretty because I'm a shameless whore. Mostly JSKs with some OPs. No skirts or salopettes because I don't personally like them.

>What's the oldest brand you have?
Fantasy Princess OP from 2008. I have some accessories that are from 2007 though, and some OTKs that don't show up on lolibrary so I don't know what year they are.

>What's the most recently released brand you have?
Not counting MTOs for older releases, Toy Doll Box is the most recent release in my wardrobe. If we're counting accessories/etc, then I have a lot from recent releases

>Overall theme?
Pastel Sweet/OTT/Hime

>Any rare/grail dresses?
I finally have all my original grails as of this year. Princess in Love (2009), Blossom Princess, and Wish Me Mell Tea Time. Honorable mention for grail accessories I finally have are the Melting Ice-Kun necklace and Chick-Chan.

>Do you buy new or second hand more?
Secondhand, by far.

>Anything you wish you had more of?
Maybe bracelets or wristcuffs? I have a good amount, but proportionately I have less of those than other items.

>How do you store clothes/accessories/shoes?
I save space by putting dresses and blouses on the same hanger. I'll also hang the matching headbow with the dress if I have it. I use plastic bins for sock organization, and acrylic cases for jewelry displays. Nothing too extreme, but everything has its place.

>> No.10641023

the others were fine, but the gothic one in particular was really cheap looking overall.

>> No.10641095

>How many main pieces do you have?
>What's the oldest brand you have?
a 2001 Meta skirt
>What's the most recently released brand you have?
btssb trump card alice
>Overall theme?
animals, flowers
>Any rare/grail dresses?
Not really
>Do you buy new or second hand more?
>Anything you wish you had more of?
Sweet cardigans. It has been easy for me to find larger cardigans for classic (IW, Axes Femme) but not for pastel sweet.
>How do you store clothes/accessories/shoes?
I'm not into kawaii decor, so I just buy normie organizational items from Amazon

>> No.10641151
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>How many main pieces do you have?
28, I don't think I could fit much more in my tiny apartment unfortunately.
>What's the oldest brand you have?
Probably some random pair of AP wrist cuffs, but I believe my oldest main piece is Forest Harvest Festival by IW
>What's the most recently released brand you have?
Neon Star Diner and some random taobao shit
>Overall theme?
Started classic, has drifted sweet. I have a lot of dark green pieces if that counts as a theme
>Any rare/grail dresses?
I guess melty ribbon chocolate is expensive but idk if it's considered rare.
>Do you buy new or second hand more?
Almost exclusively secondhand, I am pretty handy with sewing and restoring clothes so I keep an eye on damaged stuff.
>Anything you wish you had more of?
Headwear, I barely have any sweet appropriate headwear
>How do you store clothes/accessories/shoes?
I added a 2nd rack to my closet to fit all my dresses and blouses and put all my + my bf's normie clothes in the dresser. I keep my accessories in little drawers from Muji and socks in a nice box, and I store all my shoes in an ikea underbed storage thing. I hang all my purses on the inside of the closet door which is probably not great for them and I got one of those hanging jewelry pocket things for small accessories and jewelry stuff. In general I try to keep everything tucked away and want my place to be pretty minimalistic. (Pic is not mine just a cute one I've got saved)

>> No.10641156
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>How many main pieces do you have?
30 and I think I'm going to stay in this range for now as anytime I've gone over I just feel overwhelmed.
>What's the oldest brand you have?
Two dresses from 2004. Angelica print and Cinderella jsk from Angelic Pretty
>What's the most recently released brand you have?
Fancy Candy in the limited edition pastel pink jsk
>Overall theme?
I'm a horse girl with money so majority of my dresses have ponies on them.
>Any rare/grail dresses?
Sugary Carnival in the limited blue. I also have milky planet but who gives a fuck about that right?
>Do you buy new or second hand more?
secondhand for sure. ever since I bought fancy candy I knew I hated the fabric. I wanted to buy bunny's picnic party but it's made out of the same trash bag material I hate.
>Anything you wish you had more of?
Blouses. I own more cardigans than blouses bc comfort.
>How do you store clothes/accessories/shoes?
Dress rack, shoe rack, bag hanger, plastic storage bins, jewelry box.

>> No.10641167

I have a fair number of necklaces (mostly rosaries), but no bracelets or rings. I wear oldschool and gothic so I think it's fine though.

>> No.10641168

The red is really ugly...I wish they went with the classic black x blue.

>> No.10641188

>How many main pieces do you have?
>What's the oldest brand you have?
I have an older white AP headbow with the original crown logo. I think I've sold most everything that was old over the years.

>What's the most recently released brand you have?
Probably the Honey Cake MTO. I didn't buy anything new over 2020 due to being furloughed and having to go freelance. My finances / employment are just now getting back to a point where I can purchase again.

>Overall theme?
Sweet. I used to wear a lot of OTT sweet, but beyond a few favorites, I'm gravitating toward more fruit prints, marine, and astrological / sky types of prints for sweet. I'm getting drawn to more sweet classic prints and non-print.

>Any rare/grail dresses?
The lavender milky planet special set. I had it once and sold it. But I found it on Closet Child about 5 years ago for $150. It is not leaving my possession, becuase I am never finding it for that price again. It stays in my wardrobe and will go to my grave.

>Do you buy new or second hand more?
Depends on my finances. I used to make a lot at an old job (hated it), and I put a lot into savings, paid off things, and had a lot left over. I was buying new left and right. I like my current line of work, but I make less. I tend to buy second-hand, but try to look for NWT as much as possible.

>Anything you wish you had more of?
I need more shoes. I'd like to have more cutsews, since they're very comfy under JSKs. Maybe more everyday pieces.

>How do you store clothes/accessories/shoes?
Lolita items are in my craft/office room. Ikea wardrobe for main pieces. Tops/underskirts in the closet. Headbows and OTKs on Ikea scarf hangers. Jewelry and accessories in the wardrobe, brooches/rosettes/pins on an Ikea cube shelf. Shoes on a shoe rack in the same room. Parasols hung on one of the curtian rods.

>> No.10641213
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I rarely do these, but I thought it would be fun to give a try!

>How many main pieces do you have?
Not counting what's coming in the mail, 56.

>What's the oldest brand you have?
My oldest piece is Fruits Parlor from 2008. I feel like I have older ones in my wardrobe but I can't remember...

>What's the most recently released brand you have?
Jelly Candy Toys, and waiting for Ribbon Party to come in.

>Overall theme?
Pastel sweet, dreamy, and retro/fancy themes.

>Any rare/grail dresses?
Sugar Hearts counts now adays, right? I have majority of the series now.

>>Do you buy new or second hand more?
Depends, but I usually prefer to buy secondhand.

>>Anything you wish you had more of?
Shoes, absolutely. I like my current set of shoes, but I do feel like I need to get more that's versatile for my wardrobe.

>>How do you store clothes/accessories/shoes?
My closet is kind of small plus I'm planning on moving, so storage is kind of all over the place. Main pieces are usually either on display or in my closet and accessories are usually used to give my closet space a bit more character. Shoes are on a shoe shelf, etc.

>> No.10641422

Sugar hearts is considered rare nowadays? What the fuck?

>> No.10641443

Where have you been, anon?
Plenty of people have it on their wish lists and I hardly ever see it for sale. It's been years and I've never been able to get it.

>> No.10641498

>How many main pieces do you have?
around 25-30, not 100% sure cause moving
>What's the oldest brand you have?
An IW Gobelin skirt from 2000-2001
>What's the most recently released brand you have?
I got some ETC pieces in the mail lately that are really nice for summer
>Overall theme?
Half oldschool half otome, mostly in neutrals
>Any rare/grail dresses?
the 2010 Millefeuille JSK
>Do you buy new or second hand more?
I only buy secondhand
>Anything you wish you had more of?
Socks and boleros/cardigans
>How do you store clothes/accessories/shoes?
Place I live in has an unused closet I throw things in. Makes it easy to browse it. Though I'm moving soon so they'll be moving to totes for a while

>> No.10641509

>How many main pieces do you have?
31 with 1 on pre-order and 2 in transit.
>What's the oldest brand you have?
BtSSB's Clockwork Tea Party from 2011. I have every colorway except navy, which has been eluding me for years.
>What's the most recently released brand you have?
AP's Lovely Poodle in mint.
>Overall theme?
Cutlery, flowers, sweets.
>Any rare/grail dresses?
My holy grail pieces aren't usually popular. While this means I can easily snag them, it also means they're rarely for sale at all.
>Do you buy new or second hand more?
Main pieces, secondhand. Everything else is typically new. I'm not against it, I just don't find much I'm into on the secondhand market.
>Anything you wish you had more of?
Socks (can never have enough) and bracelets! We need more brand bracelets in general! I'm so sick of rings and necklaces.
>How do you store clothes/accessories/shoes?
Main pieces, blouses, and bags are hung up in my closet. I keep headbows, brooches, detachable ribbons, etc. in old AP shoe boxes in there too. That's also where my jewelry box is; it's a big door-mounted one. Since it's summer, I have all outwear aside from thin boleros and cardigans packed away. The ones kept out are also hung in my closet. My socks are in a collapsible storage bin right now (but I need a new method). Finally, my shoes are under the bed in a shoe organizer. I live in an apt so space is limited, but my closet is walk-in, so it helps!

>> No.10641511

>We need more brand bracelets in general! I'm so sick of rings and necklaces.

Same. I have a collection of brand bracelets but it’s not enough

>> No.10642185

How do you all store your detachable items like bows? Especially generic ribbons. I am drowning in like 20 brown ribbons and no longer remember which item they came with ;_;

>> No.10642190

usually just on the same hanger as the dress

>> No.10642195

I don't separate them. I figured keeping enough distance between dresses prevents the bows from getting smooshed

>> No.10642203

I have an irrational fear that something will snag on detachable bows if I'm too rough grabbing my dresses out of the closet so that's why I store then separate. Maybe not a major snag, but I'd also prefer the holes from the pins in the dresses to not get bigger than needed.

Uh, but what about blouses? I keep my blouses in a dresser and they're not stuff enough to really hold on to ribbons that well.

>> No.10642205

if they're small enough, i keep them in a box lol

>> No.10642206
File: 190 KB, 947x1500, 91-nutAsiGL._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i go full retard for dresses with cat prints

>> No.10642212

Are you a "true" lolita if you prefer just to have ONLY OPs?

>> No.10642213


>> No.10642219

>How many main pieces do you have?
About 50 pieces
>What's the oldest brand you have?
VM's Chiffon Doll OP from 2002
>What's the most recently released brand you have?
AP's Little Bunny Strawberry
>Overall theme?
50% sweet, 40% classic, 10% gothic. I like rabbit and strawberry themes for sweet, floral for classic.
>Any rare/grail dresses?
Mary Magdalene pieces I'll probably never let go of.
>Do you buy new or second hand more?
Secondhand. Most of the things I'm looking for came out years ago.
>Anything you wish you had more of?
Definitely blouses/cutsews and hair accessories.
>How do you store clothes/accessories/shoes?
I store all my lolita pieces in a walk-in closet. I store my accessories in an acrylic organizer, but I would definitely like to be more creative with storage ideas. Shoes are stored in a shoe cabinet.

>> No.10642223

I hang blouses. I don't like the wrinkles you get from folding

>> No.10642246

>no longer remember which item they came with
Please for the love of god, store your detachable parts with the dress/item. This is how crap gets lost.

>something will snag on detachable bows if I'm too rough grabbing my dresses
Just sneak your hand between the dresses before pulling them out? And do it slowly so you can feel for resistance. Don't yank on your dresses, girl.

>> No.10642259

i don’t know if anyone else does this, but i have a bed with posts to hang a canopy but because my living space is fucking tiny, i hang my dresses from the railings instead

>> No.10642265

I put the extras in a ziploc bag and clip the bag to the hanger the dress / blouse is on

>> No.10642276

I put them all in one box. That way I don’t lose anything because I always know where to look.

>> No.10642481

Honestly I was a bit surprised too with how hard it is to get considering how much of it I have, so I don’t blame anon for saying that.

>> No.10642483

Yes? OPs are still lolita

Gtfo larper

>> No.10642544
File: 86 KB, 280x373, d1fad382-ed2b-5230-8e49-accd69b9d58e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only have the jewelry for Sugar Hearts. Never had a chance to get the JSK.

If you have the Sugar Hearts OTKs, you're pretty much jesus incarnate though.

>> No.10642618

But it seems like in the lolita comm you aren't a real lolita if you collect only OPs, because apparently a massive part of the fashion is to have tons of pieces to put together

>> No.10642619

OPs can be worn with basically all the same accessories as JSKs, just not usually blouses. You can still have tons of pieces to put together.

>> No.10642749

OPs based, JSKs overrated, skirts underrated

Also echoing everyone here pointing out that a coord is more than just the main piece. Even OPs have to coord with lots of other pieces too to make a complete outfit

>> No.10642802
File: 412 KB, 480x640, fC2sdVBmXabYyvHYemJOaxioFrSSqnpI8miY5aEN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How many main pieces do you have?
>What's the oldest brand you have?
Rose Toilette purse
>What's the most recently released brand you have?
Most recent main piece is Toy's Fluffy Dream. Most recent item is the Sa.ku.ra Usakumya from earlier this year.
>Overall theme?
A great deal of my dresses are navy and have a plush toy motif, though I have a lot of stuff that doesn't fit into that theme too.
>Any rare/grail dresses?
Sugary Carnival in twilight blue, Kumya's Glittery Milky Way in Navy, and Marionette in my Closet Room
>Do you buy new or second hand more?
Secondhand more. I have some dresses I bought firsthand or through scalpers when I failed bloodbaths though.
>Anything you wish you had more of?
Can never get enough OTKs.
>How do you store clothes/accessories/shoes?
I have a separate closet for lolita and shelves for OTKs and accessories. I hang my dresses on one bar and blouses/skirts on the other. Shoes stay in their boxes.

>> No.10642919

I know it's cheap-looking, and personally I wouldn't buy those pieces. I'm still nostalgic about those blog posts though. I appreciate FYeahLolita for giving me stuff to read when I was a newbie.

>> No.10642944

>>How many main pieces do you have? 103
>>What's the oldest brand you have? 2006
>>What's the most recently released brand you have? Does expecting the MTO Sugary Carniv JSK count?
>>Overall theme? Multiple themes.
>>Any rare/grail dresses? Scarlet Primavera, original Honeycake, 2 MM Marie Antoinette, Crystal Dream Carnival (navy, tiered), Romantic Rose Letter (mint, Jsk), AP Milky Planet (halter, JSK), AP Cat’s Tea Party (original, jsk, gray), Baby, 102. BABY Kumya's Glittery Milky Way (jsk 1, navy)
>>Do you buy new or second hand more? Both. Doesn’t matter.
>>Anything you wish you had more of? Always want more blouses (have +/- 30), jewelry, simple hair accessories, and more stocks in color schemes I need to fill out
>>How do you store clothes/accessories/shoes? Dresses, shoes, and blouses take up a built-in wall together; set KC are stored near the dresses. My accessories are currently in clear bins on a shelf, but I want to replace that with a PAX system. My socks take up around 3x5 cubes of a Kallax drawers; I want to replace this with probably a PAX drawers. Jewelry is in a large standing jewelry that I hate or on the wall. Bags, mostly the plush bags and my most used bags are hanging with shelves on a wall.

I’m never satisfied with my storage.

>> No.10648446
File: 47 KB, 352x499, 61194XaHvwL._SX350_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>How many main pieces do you have?

>What's the oldest brand you have?
Fruit Tart Embroidery JSK I (2007)

>What's the most recently released brand you have?
Original Hawase Embroidery Babydoll JSK

>Overall theme?
old school, sweet-classic, country, and goth

>Any rare/grail dresses?
does the Elizabeth JSK count? lol otherwise nah

>Do you buy new or second hand more?
new but I want to focus on secondhand moving forward

>Anything you wish you had more of?

>How do you store clothes/accessories/shoes?
dresses and blouses are hung up, some headpieces are displayed on wigs, headpieces, socks and wrist cuffs are in a decorative box organized

>> No.10648451

>How many main pieces do you have?
11, 3 sweet and the rest gothic/classic. I've only been in lolita for about a year and a half, but I did a big purge recently
>What's the oldest brand you have? 2000 VM
>What's the most recently released brand you have?
Waiting on the Elizabeth black MTO and SC
>Overall theme?
Black-on-black solids mostly. I like velveteen and interesting textures, esp cotton lace. I'd like to get more gobelin and some prints. My sweet stuff is limited to lav/sax pastel vomit
>Any rare/grail dresses?
I guess the black Elizabeth? Its something I never thought I'd be able to own
>Do you buy new or second hand more?
More new but it's mostly basics. I got into lolita at a pretty weird time for the secondhand market and it's only seemed to have gotten worse. Doesn't help that I prefer older stuff anyways
>Anything you wish you had more of?
Blouses and outerwear by far
>How do you store clothes/accessories/shoes?
I have a big clothes rack in my room. Dresses and blouses are hanging, accessories and bags are on a shelf next to it and shoes are kept underneath. Accessories are in a big shoebox

>> No.10648457

GD who's collection is this

>> No.10648475

Guess I’m Jesus now . . .

>> No.10648478


>> No.10648578

It's not about how much you own, it's about how much you wear.

>> No.10649061

Jesus Christ you rich Anon?

>> No.10649064

They only have 80 or so mainpieces so I doubt it

>> No.10649067

just sounds like they've been around a while more than them being rich.
I have ~100 main pieces and over 500+ AP items, but I've also been doing this for a decade.