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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10580285 No.10580285 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread >>10572785

>> No.10580288


>> No.10580640

I agree. The btb revival is a worthy subject for discussion

>> No.10580844
File: 635 KB, 1170x1159, CDF8E966-7C04-4567-ABE5-83E0FE32215C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10580879

Planning on submitting this next week?

>> No.10581262

Has anyone else been having trouble with WW this past week or so? The site seems to be going down a lot for me.

>> No.10581265

I’ve had trouble with things loading on there lately. It took me over an hour to complete an order this week.

>> No.10581486

It's been very slow to load pages for at least a couple weeks for me.

>> No.10581663

Cart & login page wouldn’t load so I cleared all my WW cookies and after that it was fine

>> No.10582009

I might make some HQ gifs from Kamikaze Girls.
Any ones you gulls want in particular?
Maybe just a particular screenshot?

>> No.10582014 [DELETED] 

Straw up nose gif. Please. I beg of you.

>> No.10582028

Where she's making the face at Momoko or trying to light it?

>> No.10582076

what makes you happy

>> No.10582083 [DELETED] 

Trying to light it please

>> No.10582536

Is it ok to wear replicas on days where I know I might get dirty but still want to wear lolita or should I just stick to bodyline for those days

>> No.10582538

Giving money to replica makers is the problem, so ideally Bodyline or Taobao, imo.

>> No.10582542
File: 1.44 MB, 720x405, 6ee.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just to watch those Baby the Star Shine Bright videos they've been putting out on Instagram and I have a powerful need for that wallpaper.
I never thought I'd be interested in wallpaper but my goodness.

>> No.10582554

I wear bodyline for those days

>> No.10582565

Does anyone mind sharing how much you've spent on lolita this pandemic/your buying habits? I found my spending has gone way up these past few months but I also wear lolita less and less because I feel awful being stuck at home, so it's just all wasted money.

>> No.10582567


>> No.10582568

this. i just spent like 1000$ just yesterday.

>> No.10582570

Literally same, I’ve managed to buy almost all of my years-long dream dresses in the past year, largely because I’ve paid well over market value for some of them. I just need the kicks, lol. And same about barely wearing them. It honestly just depresses me to get dressed up in lolita just to stay home all day

>> No.10582604

Can there be such a thing as otome gothic?

>> No.10582607

Ask yourself this: do otome brands utilize gothic themes, or just release items in black colorways? Then assess.

>> No.10582608

stop it

>> No.10582610

Spent a lot and sold a lot. Certainly have tried buying things I normally wouldn't have considered had I not been cooped up for the last year or so.

>> No.10582611

like 8000 in the past 3 months. granted at least i'm still employed and i wear it around the house

>> No.10582640

I spent a lot during the pandemic, but then my SO dumped me, and I stopped buying because it felt hollow

>> No.10582655

I'm the opposite. I was good at holding my money the first few months but then I got dumped. Now I suddenly have all this money and no one to spend it on, so I've been filling the void with AP

>> No.10582658
File: 44 KB, 500x364, hcszvxs_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10582659

since last march, probably between $1500-$2000. I'm a smart shopper and working with a limited budget but the pandemic has upped by funds and spending.

>> No.10582661 [DELETED] 

Honestly probably upwards of 25,000.

>> No.10582678

prove it

>> No.10582681


I've spent about $500-1000 each month, so 6-12k total. It's not even about the money at this point, it's about the space. I really need to sell.

>> No.10582684 [DELETED] 

I’m not going to prove it but between new releases with paying multiple shopping services to get things that I’m desperate for and the fact that sweet has skyrocketed in popularity it was really easy.

>> No.10582691 [DELETED] 

Nayrt but that turns out to around $2100 a month and that really isn’t that much. Before shopping service fees and shipping that’s only around 5 new releases per month if you include head bows and socks and anon said they’re into sweet which would probably make it closer to 3 dresses a month depending. And it gets even less when you’re talking about second hand shopping for accessories. During the pandemic people spent less on going out and social hobbies so it makes sense that someone who’s middle class would spend that much on lolita.

>> No.10582694


Nayrt but yes let me just show you pictures of my bank account on a bosnian knitting forum with a propensity to dox people. Lmao.

>> No.10582695

people really overestimate what is considered middle class. they always think, oh I'm not Bezos or Gates, so I'm not rich. or I live paycheck-to-paycheck paying my mortgage, so I'm not rich. But then they have a 2-story house in a low-crime area. that's called using your upper-class money to buy things, not being middle-class.

>> No.10582697 [DELETED] 

Being able to afford $2100 on hobbies each month doesn’t make you rich. Its not like I’m making 100k a year but even I can afford that.

>> No.10582700 [DELETED] 

Living paycheck to paycheck by definition would mean someone isn’t rich. Are you an idiot?

>> No.10582701


I'm sorry that you you're in this situation but not living paycheck to paycheck doesn't mean you're upper class.

>> No.10582706 [DELETED] 

Having a two story house in a low crime rate area doesn’t mean someone has “upper class” money. That’s basic middle class. You must be incredibly poor to have all of the takes that you do.

>> No.10582708

>2 story house in a low crime rate area means you're rich
not in Texas. and that's not a dig, it's fucking great how low property costs are. yeehaw!

>> No.10582711 [DELETED] 

t. Poorfag

>> No.10582713

single upper class income for US is only like 72k, which I am above and I don't try to pass myself off as the average middle-class joe. if you make 120k but spend it all so you are paycheck-to-paycheck, that doesn't make you poor.

>> No.10582716

is that true...? i'm making 75k right out of uni but i wouldn't consider myself upper class. maybe we americans just have a weird idea of what upper class means (i always think gated communities and housekeeping and stuff like that, but i'm also stupid)

>> No.10582718

of course in some areas the cost of living is much higher so it won't apply everywhere, but yeah. rich people are so sheltered they really don't realize how many people are poorer than them.

>> No.10582721

This. A lot of rich people treat retail workers and workmen and taxi drivers and hairdressers and so on not as people, but as services.

>> No.10582727

i guess /cgl/ just skewed my view because everybody is always calling everybody else poor.

>> No.10582729 [DELETED] 

Depends. If you live in Cali and are making 75k you’re definitely going to be considered poor.

>> No.10582731

california is big, 75k is poor in bay area but average/good in other places

>> No.10582732

nah, i live in the southwest--it's enough for a duplex and not having to worry about too much. that's part of why the notion of a universal standard for "upper class" is confusing to me though, since it varies immensely from place to place.

>> No.10582733 [DELETED] 

Maybe if you’re a Mexican it’s good

>> No.10582734

Best comment. Thanks for that.

>> No.10582735

not everywhere in cali has $3000 rent for a studio

>> No.10582742
File: 344 KB, 1125x601, BD5AE1D4-A9DE-4952-AA79-C9BDD015C7C2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not to be cruel, but.... I can’t understand posts like these. Why do people like this get into lolita? Like genuinely, I want to understand. If it’s not for excitement of putting a coord together, or of a love of all the parts of lolita, then how did you end up here?

I don’t want bitchy replies, I genuinely just want to understand. When I first got into lolita I definitely went through a lot of phases, but it was because I was so excited and enthusiastic to find a style I loved so much, and I made tons and tons of coords even if I didn’t have all the pieces yet.

>> No.10582746

I didn't buy too much until I came back from furlough to be safe, but once I did I went apeshit. Probably spent upwards of 3k in the last year which is way higher than my normal annual spending (granted, I don't often buy new releases anymore since I focus on hunting down old wishlist dresses and I wear classic so they tend to sell cheap).

>> No.10582749

i think people like that just want to wear lolita to say they're wearing lolita, desu. like it's their lolita costume.

marginally related, something weird to me is when people reference "my x coord" (replace x with the name of a main piece), like that is their one and only coord for that main piece

>> No.10582750

i think they want to go to comm meets because they think that will grant them a captive audience of friends, and they don't want to do the work of searching for deals. they want someone to link them an aliexpress headdress in the perfectly matching color and in stocl and on sale and say buy this one. but that's just my theory, not from personal experience.

>> No.10582751

I haven't kept track, but I know that I've spent more than in a regular year. I'm not going to meets, so I have money to spare and that goes into buying more lolita. I started wearing lolita daily, so I have worn everything I've bought. I do think I should be putting some of it away to save up for something like a trip to Japan.

>> No.10582756

£300, I don't have a job right now and used this as a chance to sell the items in my wardrobe that i am meh on and bought a dress i felt like would be a staple item.

>> No.10582780

Damn, just finished my work day and was not expecting all these replies, thanks gulls.

> t honestly just depresses me to get dressed up in lolita just to stay home all day
Thank you for putting it in words! I feel like getting dressed up should make me happy but instead it's kind of frustrating instead.

Damn anon, I hope you're enjoying all of your new purchases

>> No.10582782

^ this

People want the instant gratification of being an uwu instagram Lolita girl without putting in any of the work of researching, finding the perfect pieces, building coords, etc.

>> No.10582797

Just transform these replicas in pillows or other textile projects that aren't lolita if you don't want to sell them to itas.

>> No.10582800

I wanted to ask the same thing, most of the time is sweet or classic. I see sometimes otome or non lolita brands sell gothic looking items with crosses, dark velvets, brocades and so on. Miho Matsuda or Axes Femme in my opinion are the best example.

>> No.10582839

I'm tempted to make my waist ties into matching masks so I can continue to mask up after the lockdown restrictions ease. Feels sensible, and I'm not using them anyway.

>> No.10582841

Do it! I'm a fan of people using waist ties for accessories, repairs, etc. they're waist ties not "waste" ties amirite?
I will see myself out after that shitty pun

>> No.10582853

Honestly some people just like the aesthetic in a more general sense, but don't know how to or don't enjoy planning coords. Personally planning coords is my favourite part but I'm trying to guess other perspectives. Sometimes people don't know what they're actually looking for and maybe they find egl and it's the closest thing to want they want, but what they actually wanted was aristo, or maybe otome and they just don't know about those yet. altho i think I'm missing context for the screenshot bc to me it looks like a total newbie who is still trying to figure out how to coord

>> No.10582913

This just looks like a newbie who’s not confident in their lolita sense yet, and is asking for help. I see nothing wrong here. It doesn’t mean that they don’t like coording or don’t have their unique sense of style, just that need guidance because they value the quality of the outcome.

Of course, there exist lolitas who don’t like coording. Some people just like the look of the fashion, just like how some like art but don’t necessarily like the process of drawing. Other people just like the collection aspect of it.

>> No.10582919

> Honestly some people just like the aesthetic in a more general sense, but don't know how to or don't enjoy planning coords
That's a good point actually. Most of my friends enjoy dressing fancy but they don't enjoy searching their wardrobes and planning in advance, their fun is in actually being fancy and heading out at night

>> No.10582988

literally says it's their first coord, I'd cut them some slack. Probably just wants to figure out how to make coords that look good before they start experimenting

>> No.10583042
File: 183 KB, 800x935, 0DF22A0B-D5CC-4A8F-9864-47AC73A3D4D4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love the print, but the cut is so frumpy. The OP isn’t any better.

>> No.10583050

You must not know Meta newfag

>> No.10583060

This looks like someone who is very new and probably fearful of getting it wrong. I'd prefer that newbies ask questions in appropriate places rather than invest in dumb purchases and dress like fools.

Questions like these only get weird when it's someone's 3rd or 4th coord, but they're still asking for basic level advice like this. That sort of stuff reeks of attention seeking and unwillingness to grow in the fashion.

>> No.10583113


For someone like that I'd just suggest buying a full matching set, or, pick the model photo that they liked and buy everything in the photo. No need to post a request for handholding.

Still, there's gonna come a point where they're going to have to learn to manage their wardrobes. Otherwise they'd be one of those that complain they own 5 complete coords that don't match each other and they're tired and broke from buying complete outfits every time a new release comes out. There's gotta be a point where a newbie lolita graduates from owning outfits to managing their own wardrobes.

For someone like >>10582742, my issue is that I've usually seen too many larpers and choosy beggars that start getting overly specific or weird with the items they want you to suggest/hunt for them for free. Still, they posted in a mentoring group, so I would give them a pass -- mentoring group *is for handholding, oldfags don't have to follow the group if they don't like seeing newbielitas posting. So I'd give props that at least the newbie is asking their questions in the right groups.

>> No.10583443
File: 3.30 MB, 2048x2007, Screenshot_20210313-151839.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi i tried posting this in the aliexpress thread a while back but I didn't get a response, i haven't been in the community for a while and saw this print on an ali listing, does anyone know what this is from? i love pig prints and this is super cute but i can't find these photos anywhere else on the internet

>> No.10583462

The print name is "天使猪古力"
If you search on taobao it comes up on various stores. I'm not sure whcih is the original store though

>> No.10583544

This is frumpier than usual, okay? Let me grieve;;

>> No.10583679


The cut is almost there but I feel like there's a lot of stuff off? I like the idea but the execution as you said is a bit frumpy.

>> No.10583681


Kind of wish newbies would at least give a picture so we could work with it and give them what they want. I used to make collages as a newbie, but it's something else to want to be spoonfed matching items. Idk, maybe I'm just yelling at kids to get off my lawn.

>> No.10583840

There's something about the waist ribbon cascading into the giant side frill that looks odd to me. Like it's almost too much, even though it sort of makes sense design-wise?

>> No.10584032

>kuma kumya coin purse
I can't help but wonder if the person listing a bunch of kumya items right now is the same as the one who screwed over college anon >>10583684

>> No.10584041 [DELETED] 

You mean the one college anon thought she was entitled to screw over

>> No.10584075

idk if it's the same person it's pretty shitty to be willing to sell the items herself after getting a full refund, when she didn't want to do that before

>> No.10584078 [DELETED] 

Did she get the full refund? There was no post about that iirc, just that she wanted one since she was filing a claim.

>> No.10584083

it's here

>> No.10584108
File: 540 KB, 452x582, cursed cupcake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk what thread this would even fit into but I can't stop laughing at this proof photo on LM. Something about the strange-ass shape of the petti just broke my brain.

>> No.10584111

It honestly looks like the replica version from way back when.

>> No.10584596

the sugar bouquet wallpaper? i'm also shook. i bet you could find a taobao shop to print some for you.

>> No.10584600

Yes! I had a weirdly powerful reaction when I saw it. It made me want the dress.

>> No.10584604

I finally got my ultimate dream dress you guys!!! I probably over spent but it rarely ever shows up in my colorway so I jumped on it as soon as I saw it pop up and I got it, I'm so fucking happy I could die.

>> No.10584607

what is it twinkle mermaid

>> No.10584610

No but it is AP

>> No.10584613

sad Austin reacts only

>> No.10584614

The only replicas of milky chan are extremely shit crispy quality, this one is legit. Just owned by a retard apparently, but at least she's selling it.

>> No.10584617

Yeah the other pictures make it look fine, It's just an exceptionally horrible picture

>> No.10584634


>> No.10585985
File: 1.51 MB, 750x1334, CD610CD5-CE7F-48C2-A0BD-FBE1227F0FEF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I went to check out the one wig shop Lor has been shilling lately, and it turns out she’s promoting some shady ass reseller with stolen photos claiming items as their own?

>> No.10585987

I think those are just stock photos from the factory that these chinese resellers are using, normally.

I have a hard time thinking they are 'fakes.' Is there any proof that these are fake?

>> No.10585996

even if it's a shitty reseller, it's not what they are claiming.

>> No.10586005

They are claiming these wigs as their own. Notice the price marked as $80 and they are offering a “special discount” of 50% off when in reality they are buying wigs in bulk for what, $10 a piece?

>> No.10586008

Like, $878 this year, no job currently but have been selling a lot of my items.

>> No.10586016

That's what a ton of businesses do with everything all the time lol

>> No.10586017

Well her name is Lovely Lor, not Honest Lor

>> No.10586022

She’s not lovely either

>> No.10586041

Especially in the US. Most of it is Chinese garbage sold in stores.

>> No.10586043

but we in the lolita community know this stuff. this is even worse than like devilinspired, who atleast advertise the brand.

>> No.10586046

She's the one who spreads misinformation and creates itas out of babylitas. She's a perceived expert

>> No.10586050

Non lolita businesses in tons of different consumer good categories are just middlemen selling shit you can get cheaper on taobao or from China. IRL stores do it too. Etsy stores, etc. do it too. This is nothing new or particularly shady lol.

>> No.10586130

It's called wholesale.

>> No.10586139

this is my point, we shouldn't be directing anyone in the community to a storefront that's just buying taobao.

no one is saying it's shady, retard, we're saying that lor should know this is just a shitty taobao reseller/dropshipper. it's not unique if they're just a reseller.

>> No.10586146

>no one is saying it's shady
>she’s promoting some shady ass reseller

>> No.10586219

I've bought maybe $1300 of lm listings, $350 ish of angelic pretty accessories from usa/paris, $1000 of taobao, and $500 ish from japanese secondhand listings. Also did about $300 of alterations. But, I've made ~$4000 from lm listings. So it evens out I guess.

>> No.10586237

well the people who actually had a point werent.

>> No.10586343

Sorry if this belongs in the stupid questions thread but can someone explain to me what swap meets are like? In my country we've only had lolita flea markets and I'm wondering if it's the same thing.

>> No.10586344


>> No.10586355
File: 74 KB, 452x640, D4B5B3B3-0CF3-48BC-B915-53E4812DB074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do yall think about this release? I think it’s cute and love the purple colorway, but i can see how the print might be looking a bit, taobao-ish?

>> No.10586357

It used to be very popular but the print bled like crazy

>> No.10586358

No pink color way. My heart is broken.

>> No.10586377

Newfriend detected

>> No.10586389

I feel the same about them not bringing back the navy colorway

>> No.10586395


You newfags are killing me.

>> No.10586398


Man I remember this being my dream print ages ago. I wonder if I should buy it out of nostalgia.

>> No.10586433

>tfw my two favorite colorways
not based, meta, not based at all.

>> No.10586436

Excuse you? Taobao ish? It’s twinkle mother fuckin journey

>> No.10586552

print is from 2010, ita

>> No.10586556

Anyone get contacted about the BTSSB Embroidery/Classic series lottery?

>> No.10586560

I've been trying to find the source for that blonde curly wig in the middle. Does anyone know ?

>> No.10586561

Don't lose hope. Meta might do another rerelease with the other colors, especially if this one goes well.

>> No.10586572

I recently got it myself, its from Alicegarden

>> No.10586583

In my country it's different, markets are organised with set tables reserved/paid for beforehand, while swapmeets are more casual at someones house

>> No.10586587

Sadly, no. For the lucky pack lottery, I recieved a confirmation email on the Tuesday after the reservation closed followed by an invoice. Hoping they are simply behind, but not holding out much hope.

>> No.10586589

does baby send "sorry you didn't get picked" emails, or do they just leave you on read?

>> No.10586591

Leave you on read like a fuccboi

>> No.10586604

Nope. Hoping my SS snagged it for me.

>> No.10586632

That is literally the first post on the subject but nice backpedal

I always sort of wanted Twinkle Journey back in the day but the new cuts and colorways are meh. I really preferred navy to black. Better looking than the sets they released a few years ago though.

>> No.10586639

I have the old release in every color and machine wash it and has never bled. I’ve never even heard this as a complaint from other owners what are you even talking about?

>> No.10586694

There are a lot of dyes that only bleed in hot water but hold onto the fiber in "cool" or "cold" washes. I don't have the dress myself, but I would not be surprised if people threw it in the wash on the machine default settings (which are often warm/hot for grass stain / dirt stain level of cleaning need) and were SHOCKED that their not-denim / not-teeshirt cotton-poly knit got damaged.

>> No.10586828

I haven't either. At least I got the Embroidery OP from Japan

>> No.10586830

I got an update about the classical series, but not the embroidery series.

>> No.10586922

pls someone make an april fools post on RC about AP starting up a plus size sub brand called Purdy. I don’t have the skills to make a picture

>> No.10586958
File: 587 KB, 732x855, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its happening

>> No.10586965

is that april fools? this tweet isn't on their feed

>> No.10586975
File: 598 KB, 750x1334, 2777BC06-12AF-4AFF-B5A2-8BBC9EC5E332.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gross lol

>> No.10586976

Agreed, these cuts are not cute nor the colorways. I would like a dark twinkle journey with less contrast than these, or a pastel that’s more dreamy than the pink

>> No.10586980

conversations evolve, you realize you're not talking to the same anons every time right?

>> No.10586999

so excited omg

>> No.10587034

Already real tired of the fake brand announcements on fb

>> No.10587035

It's so embarrassing watching the lolita community make these awful jokes. Women aren't funny, just stop.

>> No.10587037
File: 15 KB, 215x235, 1B8376BF-CF31-42A2-A68E-8D0E5553C185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10587041

I’m interested in older releases of twinkle journey, do you think more will pop up for sale since meta’s rereleasing?

When things re-release in general does this happen?

>> No.10587044

No, not unless the demand is too much for meta, and meta usually is good at doing more releases instead.

>> No.10587047

Sorry i meant like the older releases pop up for sale on lm, I’m not trying to buy the new release from meta i like the older colorways

>> No.10587051

There’s already a pink jsk on lm

>> No.10587066

Does anyone still read lolita blogs or are most people more into short form content?
I don't really like tiktok and I kind of want to make lolita content as a hobby. I suppose even if no one reads it is just a journal and that could be fun too.

>> No.10587081

Thanks anon, saw that! I’m hoping for the black/navy colorway to show up but maybe i’ll offer on the pink

>> No.10587083

Stop being lazy anon. Look around. It has always come up pretty frequently

>> No.10587085

I’m not being lazy, i just didn’t explain myself. I’ve seen that one on Lm. I have already seen all the ones on LM. including past ones.

I don’t want spoon-feeding. i just wanted to know if it’s possible that i will see more older releases of twinkle journey pop up on Lm because of the rerelease.

I don’t want the op which you posted,and I was already aware of. I’m interested in the jsk and possibly the skirt in black. And yes I’m aware the skirt in red just sold today.

>> No.10587087

How well do older Meta pieces hold up?

>> No.10587094

All the handmaidens whining on the post about the newest q-pot release. Most embarrassing behavior.

>> No.10587095

which release? i didn’t see anything particularly controversial on their insta

>> No.10587096

The Harry Potter one. JK Rowling is transphobic or something

>> No.10587118

I love blogs, I can’t stand tiktok/ig and really miss the active blogging community. I bookmark blogs that are still active but I feel like most have just disappeared and it’s tragic.

>> No.10587120

Hold up as in quality? My wardrobe is mostly old meta and it’s in great condition. No complaints from me

>> No.10587145

Baby just emailed me about the Embroidery lottery. Got everything I wanted, but half of it will be in the second release. Happy early Christmas present to me

>> No.10587153

Wow that Milky-chan and Baby set only sold for $550 when just the dress alone sells for that - winner got a good deal

>> No.10587160

Congrats anon! I went for the JSK I and accessories, just got the email as well. All of my items say second release

>> No.10587173

Same. Just got my confirmation. My jsk will be in the second release, but everything else is in the first release. Makes me a bit sad I’ll have everything but the dress, meaning I won’t even be wearing them just waiting for the main piece.

>> No.10587174

Where at?

>> No.10587175

Congratulations guys! I got the JSK II in the first release, but all the accessories in the second. I wasn't sure what to expect, but I didn't expect everything!

>> No.10587186

Do you have any that are still active? I only know of one and when you try to Google it you get old Live Journal posts.

>> No.10587187


>> No.10587269

Same for me! Kinda sad that I don’t meet free ship for my first order, if I had known I would have added a few extra items.

>> No.10587314

I won everything except the JSK in the first lottery. I'm grateful to have won at all but the accessories are useless to me until I get the dress.

>> No.10587331

got the colorways I wanted but will come in the second release, happy to see others got what they wanted

>> No.10587334

Thank god for the second release of the embroidery series! Looks like everyone here is getting what they wanted. Hopefully the wait to November feels shorter than it is.

>> No.10587359

It's hilarious. You know which ones are the most insane by how eager they are to throw the word terf around.

>> No.10587361

It’s not their first Harry Potter release and it probably won’t be their last. Japan doesn’t give a shit about JKR’s opinions.

>> No.10587374

Surprised it happened, but just spent 30 minutes fighting 504 errors on Meta’s site. Paid for the damn dress. Fuck.

>> No.10587377

Better than last release which crashed and sold out of everything in 8 minutes.

>> No.10587379

First time I bothered to stay up for a release. Exhausted but my brain won’t turn off. Got my dress, socks, and bows.

>> No.10587380

Has anything sold out yet?

>> No.10587385

in rufflechat people are sometimes mentioning their blogs.

Also some posted wardrobe posts and were included in this Master List:


>> No.10587403

Blogs are so much better than youtube/tiktoks. I never watch videos but will happily read blogposts

>> No.10587406


>> No.10587412

Most of East Asia probably agrees with JKR desu.

>> No.10587414

A lot of Japanese people just don't care really. Like if you see interviews of people on the street they'll say they don't mind trans people using the right bathroom, but when prompted with the idea that men may just crossdress and be pervs they acknowledge it is a risk and aren't super strong one way or another about what a solution is.

People generally just don't have strong opinions on things at least publicly in Japan that are controversial or they see the amount of nuance and don't want to rush to a yes or no answer.

>> No.10587436

A few haven’t been updated in a while but I don’t think are completely inactive yet, but here are some I follow:

Alethia nocturne
Cupcakes and unicorns (cupcake kamisama)
Aliceinlolitaland (not really lolita anymore)

If anyone has any more recommendations I’d really appreciate it

>> No.10587455

Can we all agree anyone who buys Harry Potter merch inherently has shit taste anyways. It's cringey.

>> No.10587461

90% of the time this

>> No.10587466


>> No.10587476

Why is it even still a thing

>> No.10587489

I still buy Harry Potter merch and I definitely have shit taste

>> No.10587492
File: 49 KB, 717x486, EfcmhN4UwAMFsAn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picrel is you anon

>> No.10588267


>> No.10588914

Do you guys think there should be less stigma around visiting CGL? I don't really care for a lot of the meaningless discussions around body image/weight and the TERF-ey comments that are rampant here, but I find CGL otherwise quite fun to browse and people say there are alternatives to the 'normal' content you find on cgl but I haven't really found anywhere like here.

>> No.10588919

Why would there be less stigma? Everyone "says" that they dont care about that stuff but its so much of this place that it isnt true. We could have made this board good, but we instead focus on drama and bitching. We are trash and its not wrong to know that.

>> No.10588921

no. the first rule of 4chan is you don't talk about 4chan, kids. go revive livejournal or something.

>> No.10588969

nta but the reason people dislike us isn't because of that at all, it's always been because of people being too scared of the rest of the website, which i think is fair. the people who say the shit you're talking about are the ones who secretly use the board.

>> No.10588987

There are people who despite it being on 4chan would use cgl if the vocal minority of posters weren't so shitty in various ways around here.

Still, some people think 4chan is some crazy alt right hacker site you need a VPN (kek) or to visit the darkweb to acess (they don't know how tor or the dark web actually works)

>> No.10589001

i literally associate 4chan with bronies, neckbeards and other gross men.
I'm still not even sure if cgl isn't just the same type of men, and that I'm one of three other actual cis women in here that are in their 20s

>> No.10589006

I often wonder this myself, but enough people I follow on IG are confirmed as being here that I don’t worry about the larpers and troons too much.

>> No.10589015 [DELETED] 

You clearly haven’t been in the fashion for more than a few years if this is your take.

>> No.10589051

You're correct. I guess we'll see how that take changes.

>> No.10589052

For some reason, despite it being 4chan, I still think of the rest of 4chan and /cgl/ as being separate in my head.

>> No.10589348

are there any shopping services that can buy fron Fril/Mercari that are actually fast? Tenshi is pretty slow lately and takes days to respond and Mintkismet is somehow worse

>> No.10589383
File: 37 KB, 700x700, w-66704-00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldn't find the price check thread so I'll post it here, how much should Meta's Embroidered Crown Label high waist jsk go for in your opinion? I googled it and found the price range varies anywhere between 70$ to 200$, am I getting totally ripped off if I pay 200$ for it or has it just gone up in value?

>> No.10589402

I wouldn't say you're getting ripped off, it's not really a great deal though

>> No.10589657 [DELETED] 

You’re probably not going to be able to get it for $70 anymore

>> No.10589958

all the best community jokes and stories come from cgl so they can die mad lmao

>> No.10590066

Sunflower Seed SS works pretty fast.

>> No.10590365

Definitely not a good price, but still not too bad if you're not planning on reselling. Depending on your mindset, anything below retail is good

>> No.10590533

Very little. Haven't had much motivation to buy more clothes when I never get dressed. Sold quite a bit though.

>> No.10593800

Have we discussed what happened to fukakyon (Momoko)'s face yet? It's falling apart and fucking tragic. Don't mess with your face just because some scrote tells you you're not cute or pretty enough, gulls, jfc. You'll end up looking like a crypt keeper. It's horrifying, she doesn't look like the same person anymore.

>> No.10593862


>> No.10593890 [DELETED] 

Newfag here.... where can I find quality budget stuff that will fit a slightly overweight male.
I'm thinking of going more gothic because it slims you down
The non-brand 40 bucks trash is so trash that it's just a waste of money, right?

Any general advice for chubby guys besides kys?

>> No.10593891


>> No.10593894

Seconded, please go away.

>> No.10593917

You need to start by figuring out your measurements. "slightly overweight male" is meaningless. That applies to a 5'0" chubby asian twink or a 6'7" brick shithouse lumberjack.
>measurerments (waist, bust, hips, biceps) in cm
>is your torso long or short
>do you have particularly long or thick arms
This is a fashion by and for petite asian women, so you have to keep that in mind when you're buying pieces. Even if you theoretically fall within the listed measurements, it might be too short or be really unflattering.

Gothic isn't gong to "slim you down" and the cuts tend to be smaller and much less forgiving. However, you'll look less like a creepy sissy if you stick to gothic, military, punk, and the masculine styles like aristocrat.

The $40 taobao trash is hit or miss, but may help you figure out what styles work for you.

>> No.10593925
File: 177 KB, 359x405, 6IvmyXgZEP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks! I deleted the post in the meantime but I appreciate the advice.
I've been looking on websites for stuff with my measurements. I'm 179cm (that's like 5'10
I think) height and to my shame about 90cm around my belly.
I'm doing weight loss but it's going very slowly.
All the less-sweet styles you mentioned are super cute and I'd love to try them out. I'll keep an eye out for stuff that men or tall girls would wear that fit my measurements too.

Would a lesser quality wig have a huge impact? I'm not sure how to find things that I know for a fact aren't too shiny. Of course I don't mean a 5$ party wig, I mean stuff like pic-related which is about 25$
Since I'm a complete newfag I'm not really ready to invest much until I decide that this is for me 100%.

>> No.10593933

This is fuckin baseddddd

>> No.10593939

I don't see what's wrong with her face

>> No.10594208

She looks like an attractive 38 year old who is aging gracefully, way better than I expect to. What's your complaint?

>> No.10594373

Kamikaze Girls came out in 2004. That means it was filmed in 2003. That's 18 years ago. Did you expect her to look 20 years old forever?

>> No.10594387

she looks fine

>> No.10594457
File: 320 KB, 1054x1500, 91KOUFFoGlL._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does a rip of this DVD exist? If not would people be interested if I bought a copy and did it?

>> No.10594608

I'm going to be getting my first order from Kumya's Love Heart Embroidery soon! Everything I wanted except the actual dress which I won't get until the November release but I'm still excited.

>> No.10594688


This is cringe

>> No.10594762

it was posted already.

>> No.10594767

I'm sure someone will

>> No.10594782

have you ever seen a 40 year old woman before? she looks just fine.

>> No.10594846

Yes please!

>> No.10595040

Is it alright to start with a Bodyline pink JSK & white blouse or am I gonna automatically end up in /ita/ for it?

>> No.10595046

depends on what jsk and blouse. Bodyline has some decent pieces.

>> No.10595089
File: 261 KB, 1200x1600, bodyline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bodyline can look great, depending on what pieces you get. It mainly has a bad rep for being babby's first lolita and ending up in lots of bad coords, and because it's largely outclassed by taobao now for its price point.
If you're worried about ending up in /ita/ just wait until you have a bit more experience before posting pics online.

>> No.10595112

Yeah basically.

Not to mention, there aren't bathroom guards or people checking IDs at bathrooms so any perv could just walk into one anyways regardless of if a trans person is trying to piss or going to the one their biological sex is.

>> No.10595198

Anons have you ever looked at the metadata on lolibrary stock photo images? In some cases you can see the exact camera model and creation date that brands made those images even for oldschool items.

I just found a JetJ image in my wishlist folder that has creation metadata of November 2004 with the camera model and everything. I think it's kind of neat.

>> No.10596751

Well that was a fun last second release from baby.
Did anyone grab the red scallop hem JSK before it sold out?

>> No.10596777

Is it safe to say if I didn't get an email for Baby's USA lottery for the classic series yet I didn't get it?
I was trying to get the rocking horse shoes.

>> No.10596781

This looks like shit. Lolitas have cheerleader syndrome. It's like you all get distracted by the big picture but can't stop to see her shit wig, dollar store hat, amazon socks, dumpy old bag, cheap necklace, bad lace, and whatever that belt is. Everything here screams bargain bin ~vintage fast-fashion~ it's sickening.

>> No.10596803
File: 75 KB, 240x320, 6338dcba-f956-5678-8ef4-cad798504745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh, that's interesting. Looks like some of Baby's old stuff was photographed with a Sony DSC-C10, which is just a normal point and shoot. Pretty cool.

>> No.10597027

honestly the only thing that bothers me here is the hat but go off ig

>> No.10597028

Even if she’s wearing cheap clothes she still looks good.

>> No.10597029

seethe more. She looks cute, put together and elegant even in cheaper clothing. You can't afford to do the same which is why you're bothered.

>> No.10597061

Really cute floral. Love it <3

>> No.10597075
File: 198 KB, 1281x752, omygod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry for the absolute shit quality and photoshop

but when people say that bodyline is bad I didn't think they meant this bad Jesus. I bought the shirring blouse (L075) second hand (they said it was like new, I also checked and most of their stuff was size small or xs even) and this is what I get
The first picture is me just wearing it, and the second one pinning it, this is supposed to be a medium for crying out loud, it wasn't expensive luckily but still this looks like a joke

>> No.10597079

Maybe put on a bra next time.

>> No.10597082

I already have one on, my tits just ugly but pretty tits won't fix the blouse anyways

>> No.10597085

Is your complaint just that a secondhand blouse was kind of too big?

>> No.10597108

This is just what fulled shirred blouses look like, I’m sorry if your body is too ugly to pull it off

>> No.10597185

Sorry you’re weird and lumpy, I guess.

>> No.10597186

Dressing "high/low" with bodyline is important. High/Low or High-Low is a styling method used in more mainstream/normie/street fashion that just means "mix high-end things with low-end things to even out the quality of the outfit". A good example in normie terms is to mix no-name jeans with a designer t-shirt and collectable sneakers. Or a lot of girls with designer handbags then play down their shoe choice or dress choice.

In Lolita terms, with a bodyline main piece, I've had a lot of success with making sure to integrate something with high-quality lace like a brand bolero. Use whatever headbow they send with it but surround it with match-color brand bows of better ribbon material. Pay close attention to the quality of your legwear; make sure it's off-brand but uniquely suited to the coord or go for legwear that's brand if it has good trim / nice texture.

>> No.10597211

Bodyline used to be nice quality but its lower quality construction and material now >>>10597168
It's changed.

>> No.10597241

I went for the shoes as well and got my email yesterday, Im not sure if it’s simply that you have to wait for yours.
Have you checked spam folders and such?

>> No.10597294

I did. I must have lost then. It was for the size LL in red, which is a popular color in a size I think they get less of so that makes sense. Oh well. Thank you for updating me.

>> No.10597307

Did the Lolita Updates 'Bad Brand List' thread get nuked?

>> No.10597319

i think so. it was filling up with racist shit a few hours ago.

>> No.10597328

Nayrt but oh geez. Was it cause of the wig thing? Or the people defending Chinese slavery because "America did it a long time ago!!!1"?

>> No.10597330

i think both. the last i saw people were arguing about black on asian racism or some trash.

>> No.10597331

Whew. Last I remember I posted what the Jezebel Rockstar wig drama was about cause someone asked. I want to check the archive but I feel like it's just gonna be dumb shit the whole rest of the thread with some go back to pol comments tossed in.

>> No.10597346

Dang, I was legit interested in seeing some uncensored and genuine opinions on it.

>> No.10597357

Just look on the archive

>> No.10597436

Gulls, I’m going nuts. I can’t seem to find any nice looking brown head accessories that aren’t animal ears or chocolate.
Please. I just want to use brown as a color. I don’t know why I’m failing to find anything. I feel like a retard right now.

>> No.10597467

try innocent world

>> No.10597470

Ntayrt but the blouse is obviously too big on her kek don’t know what that has to do with being lumpy or ugly

>> No.10597480

Of fucking course. Thanks Anon. Knew I was being retarded.

>> No.10597483

I also have this blouse in size M and this is just what it looks like no matter what size

>> No.10598062


>> No.10598090

Late to the party, but out of my own curiosity, I just added up all my purchases since the pandemic and, not counting shipping, it's just shy of $5400.

>> No.10598094

$2500 a month

>> No.10598316

What shopping services have gulls used for buying from Korea? I'm really starting to adore some older Leif pieces so I'm looking to increase where I can look.

>> No.10598928
File: 461 KB, 750x1000, Daily-Puffy-Organdy-Petticoat-by-Aurora-Ariel--750x1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What petticoat size is best for casual wear? Thinking of melding my lolita and normie wardrobe together but all the pettis I have are poof monsters or are long a line pettis. I own a small Classical Puppets hoop petti but I'm wondering if a fabric petti like pic related would work better.

>> No.10598971

Following for the same question

>> No.10598978

I like my Aurora and Ariel petti. Just make sure you get either the daily wear or medium fluff one. The "super violent" is wayyyy too much unless you want insane poof (not great for daily wear imo)

Keep in mind the AA pettis are more a-lined than cupcake but they still look fine under all my dresses.

>> No.10598983

Is it the 16m one?

>> No.10598987

Nta but what makes daily wear so hard with big petticoats? I could just have a bad definition of "wearable" since I don't mind getting into a full hime coord for the grocery store, but I'll stack a petti and hoop on the daily and have never had any troubles with driving or anything.

>> No.10598992
File: 807 KB, 1650x817, 20200430_153851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's my try-on pic for your reference

>> No.10598995

nta but I guess it depends on stuff like how crowded it is where you live, etc. I ride public transport often and it can get crowded, I would feel really bad taking up extra space with my giant poof. Some stores have narrow aisles too.

>> No.10598997

Its two different reasons for me. One I feel a bit ridiculous with a huge poof to run around in unless its a special event. I know this is a stupid reason bc Im already wearing something so OTT but

Second reason is yes its just impractical for me because of crowded areas, public transport. I have a habit of knocking things over with my petti because Im not paying attention. Another bad habit I have is a fucking constantly trip and fall over when my petti is so huge and I cant see my feet. Ive face planted in lolita more times than I'd care to admit

>> No.10598999

this makes a lot of sense

>> No.10599000

Does anyone have the 12m petti? How is it for daily wear? Idk if I should stick to my 8m.

>> No.10599014

Okay I just double checked my order history. I have owned the 8m, 12m, and 16m pettis from AA. I gave the 16m to my friend though because it was too much for my taste. It will give you that perfect super poofy cupcake silhouette if thats what you are looking for.

I would say I use both the 8 and 12 and they are good for daily wear. I usually lean towards the 8m but I like to keep things a little more manageable

>> No.10599430
File: 35 KB, 343x502, image0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dunno a damn thing about lolita but my friend is looking for this dress and i'm told it's from taobao? if anyone can drop me a shop link, i'd appreciate it a lot

>> No.10599470

Thank you!

>> No.10599481

Why do you people gas light everyone into thinking lolicon is these dresses?

>> No.10599484

what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.10599491

what do you mean? Lolitas hate being grouped in with ageplay, lolicon etc because it has nothing to do with the fashion

>> No.10599499

aren't lolitas big ol' terfs anyway? Shouldn't she should be our magical queen?

>> No.10599565

Terf queen JK Rowling is based but people who buy HP merch are still cringey, for reasons that have very little to do with her.

>> No.10599590

What do you do for cleaning headbows? I've seen some horror stories and the thought of finding a headbow with rust terrifies me

>> No.10599653

Spot clean. Try to keep water away from the metal hairband, that is the part that rusts.

>> No.10599654

where would the rust be? on the inside?

>> No.10599660
File: 14 KB, 340x270, il_340x270.1436399641_judj~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I see people mess up it is often here, at the tip of the band. I think water gets in the seam there. They usually soak the whole thing in OxyClean or something.
Also don't use OxyClean, because the oxygen bleach is more likely to cause rust.

>> No.10599675


Nobody seems to like this method so I stopped describing it a few years back, but if you're specifically asking about rust then this is the best way to avoid it while cleaning headbows:

For stuff that's older than a few years, I unstitch the headbow and pull out the metal inside. Then wash the fabric completely without the metal. AP isn't so bad, some of Meta's or Baby's stuff feature wired bows themselves and those I completely take apart.

If the metal inside isn't rusted, I'll clean it over with medical alcohol, then spray some clear coat on it (I don't know if it prevents rusting but might as well try, right?). When the fabric is fully dry, re-insert the metal pieces and re-sew them up. There's the occasional headbow where it's difficult to insert the metal headband after it's been taken out, or once I took apart a headbow and the metal inside was spotty and I threw that away. I replace those with metal headbands from taobao, thinner ones if there's issues getting thicker headbands back into the tube.

For new brand stuff, usually the metal inside is decent quality and unlikely to rust right off the bat, so I'll usually throw it into a bra netting bag and put that in the washing machine with no care. Dry flat on clothes drier with air circulation. Hot air and humidity are things that increase rust, so at least air dry it with cool air. Though, my newest brand stuff is pre-covid due to shipipng nightmares, so I can't vouch for their newer new quality.

Headbows are one of the things I accept other people pretty much never wash. Though to be fair, after I've washed mine once (and only the secondhand ones), I usually never bother doing it again unless I can see visible grime (which is never, lolita's not something I get sweaty and grimy in), so I guess I'm not really much different, I just kinda don't want to put unknown people's cooties on my head.

>> No.10599684
File: 500 KB, 1100x1466, 3ed6b6e4d0e730d1efc5db19521178ce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe long odds, but does anyone know where EvaHair is reselling this wig from?


>> No.10599687


Your desire for cleanliness is wayyy beyond my own but the thought of putting someone's cooties on my head has inspired me to clean my headbows thoroughly. If I rip apart the seams at the tips of the headbow will I need to resew the entire tube?

>> No.10599699

do you retards actually get your headbows filthy? just spray them with antibacterial fabric spray and call it a day. i can't believe some of you are deconstructing the entire bow just to clean off some sweat.

>> No.10599714

Not that anon, but I have gotten head bows with food stains on them before. Not sure how the hell that happens. I just spot-clean it usually. The antibacterial spray sounds like a good idea otherwise.

>> No.10599716

i'm a hikkikomori and i plan on killing myself soon. i wear lolita every day. it is the only thing bringing my joy. i buy things for myself sparcely but the money is running out. i would rather die than be homeless,work a 9-5 job where i feel miserable again and have to interact with other people or going to college which i have no funds for. i'm wondering if i should sell my wardrobe before i kill myself and keep one coord to die in but i also want to die surrounded by my beloved possessions. I made up my mind about dying don't tell me to get therapy. not larping, i am serious.

>> No.10599721

Hey lady. Can I get some info on you?
How old are you, do you have friends, why have you not looked into remote work that would suit you? Please give yourself another chance, this ending you’ve crafted for yourself is no bueno.

>> No.10599741

hello fellow hikkikomori. All I have to say is that maybe you should give life a bit of a chance at least once more. It can get easier. I'm still hikkikomori but I have found new reasons for living and new ways to make it through life that have not involved working or interacting with people. I think it is possible. You could do as I am planning and moving out into the country/woods eventually. I'd much rather "work" by surviving and being self-sufficient even if that means my life won't be some extravagant city life.

>> No.10599743

Nta who gave the tutorial but when I get a headbow secondhand, it is on occasion a different color than the dress because of how dirty/unwashed it is. I've had ivory things turn out to be white after washing them. I think it's worth it to do at least once (you may not have to deconstruct it at all to wash it), and after that point mine don't really get dirty. There is also no guarantee that spray will get deep into the crevices of the headpiece or won't stain the fabric.

>> No.10599749

how do people even do that. i've never bought something like that yet, luckily.

>> No.10599757
File: 396 KB, 600x1500, 0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to be a Hikkikomori. Pandemic has caused me to be again. I'd also agree with the other anons, give yourself another chance. Lolita is a bit of an addiction if it's the only thing giving you joy and I'm sorry to hear that, since I've been through it before myself. I do hope you try to find small things that you enjoy around yourself and invest more time into it. The more you do, the happier you'll be. I know working with other people can be hard when you're socially introverted, but I'm curious how much exposure you've had to working with people and why you're reclusive. There are ways to get better with interacting with others, if that's the issue and then there are ways to avoid other people if you sincerely hate them and keep working.

I hope you make sure to remind yourself to do the daily necessities and the more you do these things, the happier you'll feel even in routine. It can help to make a checklist of things to make yourself get moving. I couldn't find a good list, but this is a starter that gives you an idea of the things you need on there..

>> No.10599781

25 next month, no friends. I feel so lost all i do is sleep and cry

thank you anons you almost make me want to give it a go again because you're all so cute

>> No.10599784

Just remind yourself that things always get better and this is temporary. It's something I've continuously had to keep in mind when things get hard. Depression is a tough thing to fight especially on your own, but as long as you start doing things that make you feel human again then you'll get better.

>> No.10599802


Here ya go, anon.

>> No.10599812


Yes, a lot of them you should be able to undo one or both ends and then wriggle the metal right out of the fabric tube. The real trouble is when you want to wriggle it back in, sometimes it just won't. That's why I mentioned swapping to a replacement taobao headband with a narrower width, easier to fit it back into the tube.

There's the odd few where the sewing is just too tight and the metal just does not want to come out, unfortunately those I ended up opening up the fabric tube and redoing it entirely. (you don't really need to undo the bow, usually you can undo like 50% from each end and then that's enough for the metal to wriggle out. But to resew the fabric tube I prefer to use the sewing machine, so I end up opening up everything. If you're hand-sewing then just undoing half of it should be enough).


Discolored headbows, like other anon mentioned, but also some of the stories about undisclosed secondhand damages makes you wonder what else they did with their clothes and while nothing beats that dress that glowed with jizz stains under UV light I'll just... like... wash everything.

I understand not everyone is this picky, they're my clothes anyway, let me wash them my way and you can wash yours your way.

>> No.10599813
File: 1.54 MB, 2500x3071, Headbow-Otome-Nostalgia-red-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else think the otome nostalgia headbow is incredibly ugly? It's constructed in such a weird way, it's just like a big block floating on top of your head. I've yet to see anyone wear it well. I like the other items from the collection so I don't understand why the bow is so awful, how can you fuck up a simple bow so badly?

>> No.10599816

I got a baby headbow i thought was ivory but turned out to be white as well.
It was nightmarish....

>> No.10599817

it just feels like an ugly dress

>> No.10599819

I ordered it and had to take it apart and remake it to my own tastes because it is just poorly shaped and doesn't sit well on anyone.

>> No.10599821

>>while nothing beats that dress that glowed with jizz stains under UV light I'll just... like... wash

Fuck..... I just bought a UV light.. I have dresses that have been sitting in my closet for years and some from secondhand. I'm seriously beating my curiosity with a bat, right now.

>> No.10599832


If it makes you feel better, there's a bunch of cleaning products that glow under UV light, as well as vaseline and some other stuff.

So if you do see some splatters, it's more likely to be cleaning products or skin products. The jizz dress had a whole other drama to it somewhere in the archives rather than just uv light as proof.

>> No.10599846

the light that detects body fluids is a special type of blacklight, not a standard one.

>> No.10599917

I was too for years, I only suggest you to get good mental help because I think if you don't have friends a good therapist would help a lot. Don't give up anon, I know it's difficult but you can do it.

>> No.10599935

thank you!

>> No.10600475

This- the seller was named "lolidaddy" on LM and she has a bunch of ddlg shit on her depop.

>> No.10600519

How does shipping for Baby reservations work/cost? I keep wanting to order small stuff from them but I'm not paying $30+ just to ship a single pair of socks.

>> No.10600529
File: 324 KB, 480x640, 60E2624C-6282-4D10-B07C-17FE60682BC2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hoping you all have some advice. I have an OP that was modified to be short sleeved, and it is VERY top heavy now. I can’t logic now to balance it out. It’s just got so much lacy shit up top.
Image related— the sleeves were half removed, and the wrist cuff turned into a cap sleeve.
It’s pretty cute on the hanger but I look unbalanced as hell when I wear it.

>> No.10600535
File: 25 KB, 290x387, lady lace chiffon op.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the sleeves were half removed, and the wrist cuff turned into a cap sleeve
Not quite sure I'm picturing this part of the modification right, but I'm just imagining for now that it looks like your pic minus the sleeve.

Doesn't seem that bad to me, honestly? The cut looks a little similar to some dresses VM has put out minus the woven pattern, like Fairy Chiffon Doll and Lady Lace Chiffon OP, maybe look up some coords for those dresses? In general with a busy dress, simple legwear will do you well. It might balance it out to wear a platform heel?

>> No.10600536
File: 396 KB, 480x640, B207512A-E24D-4728-B4A4-1D4B73DCA3E5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s just got a lot of bulk in the first place, so the extra ruffles added just. A lot. Pic to show what was there originally— it had the ruffles along the collar, plus the extra flappy ass ruffle. That, plus the wrist cuff ruffle. I have a very narrow frame and I just like 90% head. It’s wild.

>> No.10600558

just put a regular pair of socks in your cart & check the shipping. i don't see why reservation shipping would be different.

>> No.10600705

Do they charge you for shipping from Japan even if you place the reservation with SF? I assumed that's what they did

>> No.10600706

BABY's got an MTO listing up for the Elizabeth OP in red x white and the black × black (cotton) colorways.

Personally I'm desperate for them to put up that white x white colorway, it's so beautiful.

>> No.10603570

The Pixyteri documentary by Cecil Mcfly is back up on YouTube in case anyone wanted to see it

>> No.10606815

Wanna be friends? I'm not full on hikki but a hopeless neet with no friends and similar problems

>> No.10606815,1 [INTERNAL] 

Please help me for exposed dark web