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10575354 No.10575354 [Reply] [Original]

Do you have a limit to the number of main pieces you want in your wardrobe, or do you not care about it potentially getting excessive? If you do have a cap in mind what is it? How did you decide on that number? Are all your main pieces wishlist, or do you also buy things you just enjoy casually?

>> No.10575356

Why would I limit a wardrobe I have carefully built for 15 years? Lol

>> No.10575362

I have about 130 main pieces now. I think I’d like to get down to about 80, but it’s going to take me a while. At my worst I had around 150, but I felt and still feel like you kind of end up forgetting about some of them and not wearing them. I do want to keep some casual pieces, but I want to be a bit pickier than I have been about which casual pieces I own. Some of my dream items have been very casual items specifically because they are the perfect casual pieces, and if I have those there’s not much point in having a bunch of other casual things I don’t like as much.

>> No.10575381

I have just under 50 pieces now and I actually feel like it’s the perfect amount. I’ve had far more in the past but eventually you realise a lot of them just make up the exact same coords or don’t have much value separately. How many solid JSKs do I need in a single colour, y’know? I’m happy with my current wardrobe

>> No.10575395

I'm a weekender, so my collection is small for three reasons:
1) Don't get to wear lolita enough to validate more than 30 pieces
2.) Limited physical closet space
3.) I hate buying accessories, so new dress means new accessories if it doesn't match the theme/color of the others.

I got most of my wanted dresses, so unless I catch my dream ones at great prices or manage more space for storage, 30 is my current cap.

>> No.10575400

I have 10 main pieces and I would say my limit would be when my one dedicated rack (for lolita) is packed (about 30 inches of space.) I would like to sell some of my current pieces to pay for new ones but I'm sentimental.

>> No.10575402

If I ever have more dresses than there are days of the year, I might slow down and reconsider. After a decade I’m only about 1/3 of the way there though, so I’m not too worried.

>> No.10575432
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>Do you have a limit to the number of main pieces you want in your wardrobe, or do you not care about it potentially getting excessive?
No, but all the people in my life won't stop yappin' about it.

>> No.10575433

I'm at about 70ish main pieces and the only reason I'm really about to stop where I'm at is because I barely have any room left in my tiny city apartment closet to fit them.

That said, I have thought about whether I should stop and/or sell off a lot (more than I already plan to), because I realize there are many dresses I haven't worn for a while, and not just because of quarantine. I don't really want to let many of them go, though. I can only wear lolita on weekends.

I do have most of my big wishlist pieces already but I'm also getting interested in new styles, so I'm likely to want to buy a lot more and need to edit my wardrobe to fit.

>> No.10575443

I have about 20 main pieces, I've been wearing lolita for 5 years now, but I only wear it to meets, which is why I don't see myself owning more than 25 main pieces at a time.

>> No.10575470

>Do you have a limit to the number of main pieces you want in your wardrobe, or do you not care about it potentially getting excessive?
Right now it’s about 110, I want to limit to 100 only because my closet is running out of space. My style is mostly sweet but these past few years I’ve been getting more into classic & gothic

>Are all your main pieces wishlist, or do you also buy things you just enjoy casually?
I buy a lot casually but lately I’ve been limiting myself hard, most of what I’ve gotten last and this year have been mostly wishlist pieces.

>> No.10575666

Ive been wearing lolita for almost a decade and I currently only have about 10 dresses and 10 skirts, plus plenty of skirts and outerwear. Almost everything I own is solid and very versatile. I also have an everyday wardrobe about the same size and a smaller one for corporate events. My lifestyle leans minimalist and I’m never happier than when I’m backpacking for months with just a few changes of clothes on my back, so I wouldn’t be happy with myself if my wardrobe got too large.

>> No.10575667

>plus plenty of skirts and outerwear
Sorry, meant plenty of *blouses

>> No.10575668

I really only get to wear lolita on the weekends. I'm at about 45 main pieces right now and my closet is pretty small, so I don't really see myself going over 50 main pieces. I already have all my dream dresses so I've just been targeting things on my wishlist or good deals that come up. I'm trying to focus more on things I can wear casually vs dresses I'd probably only wear to meets and conventions.

>> No.10575702

I have over 200 pieces and like >>10575432 I've gotten flak from family about it. I'd love to have a Misako room full of brando eventually if I ever move out, but right now most of my collection is in boxes.
I've been in lolita for a really long time though, been trying to sell pieces but the market isn't so good now. Wish I went for more OTT sweet aesthetic back then, would be making bank now.

>> No.10575999

My end goal is to have 366 OPs
I have a rich boyfriend and severe autism, so, you know
I actually like the excessiveness of it, I grew up poor, and that made me want to be bougie
I actually pad my wardrobe with loliable Liz Lisa, I'm very short, so most of their pieces are actually appropriate length on me, and I buy those up casually
Of course I have a big wishlist too, but that's more of a when-they-happen-to-get-listed thing
My main brands are AP and the other AP

>> No.10576001

just OPs? no JSKs?

>> No.10576002

Yeah, that's part of the autism kek

>> No.10576004

This is making me sperg out. Why can’t it be organized nicely? This just looks random aside from keeping cuts together. Why wouldn’t you then sort it again by color? Reeeeeeee

>> No.10576005

do you not rotate your wardrobe??

>> No.10576006

No. I have way too many pieces to do that effectively. I store it all according to color and then within color cuts. So all my pink pieces will be together, and then all the pink jsks are together within that, then OPs, then skirts, etc.

>> No.10576007

uh, i have almost 400 pieces. learn to use your wardrobe efficiently.

>> No.10576010

Who are you people? Do you not post of SM much?

>> No.10576012

I know you’re just baiting but I have about half of that but I really wouldn’t volunteer to rearrange my entire closet when it’s not necessary. When I moved it took almost an entire week to organize it.

>> No.10576020

I'm 'tism anon, I'm waiting to start posting pics until I'm more confident, I get real weird easy
I got time, I've been doing all that skincare

>> No.10576024

This. I have about 130 mains, and moving was a pain in the ass. Plus I have a shit ton of shoes, like too many, and packing them was a nightmare

>> No.10576025

I’m not autistic, but I took a look at my wardrobe, and like 3/4 of it is ops. I never actually realized this, but I guess I really like ops...

>> No.10576029

I'd limit myself at probably 25 main pieces and skirts only because I cannot justify owning that much clothes since i don't really go out much and i am not a collector. I also would rather use my money for other things like vacations, skincare, trips to the dermatologists, house stuff ect. i am very happy with how my wardrobe is now and there is very few things that I really want and I have about 19 main pieces and skirts.

>> No.10576063

i'm not baiting. i switch out my wardrobe every summer and winter, and then i move things i wear to the back of my closet. it's not hard.

>> No.10576072

Nobody believes your LARP. Anyone with even 100 main pieces can attest to it being difficult to reorganize.

>> No.10576074

I’m very curious as to how a closet could hold 400 main pieces, because I had a large walk in and once I reached 125 or so I had to store racks of main pieces in my room because the closet couldn’t fit any more. When I moved my ~200 or so took up almost my entire bedroom while I was storing them.

>> No.10576075

It’s definitely bullshit. Back when Misako talked about having around 200 pieces she had an entire room to store her stuff

>> No.10576076

>have severe autism
>rich boyfriend

So I guess this is the equivalent of getting an ugly gf so she won’t cheat

>> No.10576077

Maybe he has a tard fetish.

>> No.10576079

it's difficult but it's not impossible. it takes me a few days, but again, not impossible. not everything is a larp.

it only holds about half my things, me and my fiance share closet space in our office for the rest of my wardrobe to go on the off season and we have two fairly large closets in our bedroom that we each use. i wear sweet so all of my prints kind of have seasonal themes or atleast what i would associate with seasons. then i take a while to choose which solids or all over prints i want to include. my shoes and bags are another story, i just have them in the hall closet and rotate them out every season. i only have a few pairs of different seasonal shoes in the 3 main colors i wear.

>> No.10576082

I mean we're both happy, so
lmfao what can you do

>> No.10576083

So first you said

>it’s not hard

But now you say “it’s difficult”? Smelling more and more like LARP

>> No.10576086

This video is dedicated to normies but it can be applied to large lolita collections as well. Makes me thing about my large wardrobe and how I even have my closet within my closet just for the things that I actually wear over the hoard of items I just keep because I like it despite never wearing it. Nothing wrong with having a huge collection, but this vid kinda put me in an existential crisis over my lolita wardrobe.
What do you gulls consider too much?


>> No.10576103


Nayrt but I don't post my whole wardrobe to sm to have judgmental harpies counting it for that reason

>> No.10576105

You sound so bitter, anon. Anon described her process in pretty good detail. Spend more time looking for DDs than on here and maybe you'll have a large wardrobe.

>> No.10576109

>someone calls anon out for being inconsistent with her story
>Y-You’re just jealous!


>> No.10576111

>being inconsistent with her story
based on what? your definitions? calm down.

>> No.10576115

By any definition. This retard said one thing about it not being hard and then said the exact opposite calling it difficult just a few posts later. If you want people to believe you the bare basics is consistency in your narrative

>> No.10576119

I think if you have a lot that you can't wear for whatever reason that is a warning sign.
I know some people who have over 40 dresses they cannot wear because they cannot fit them. If you gained some weight in quarantine and reasonably think you will lose it, I am not talking about you.
For awhile I had some dresses that I had dreamed of getting, but when they came the cut didn't sit right on my torso or shoulders were tight. It took longer than I like to admit to let them go because of the emotional attachment. But that was silly because my torso length isn't going to change and it made the dress look bad on me. Whenever I looked at the dress it would make me feel like shit because I am too tall for a lot of the stuff I admired. It isn't worth it.

So if you are keeping a bunch of stuff that doesn't make you happy to see, wear or store. You are wasting space you have to pay to own plus upkeep energy.
If it still legitimately makes you happy it is fine, but I do think after a certain point having so much can be oppressive for most people. Unless you have money to have people upkeep it for you.

But like another anon said how much you want to deal with things will change over time. Priorities change and you don't have to be sick of lolita as a whole to downsize.

>> No.10576122

go to bed, anon. i've been in this fashion since 2010, i'm 30. get over it.

>> No.10576125

Nice comeback. You totally aren’t seething that you got called out on your inconsistent bullshit at all.

>> No.10576126

i have ~70 mains, but i don't think i would want to go over 100. UNLESS i out of the blue decide to wear classic or gothic in addition to sweet--then i'd be fine with having another 70-ish just for that style.

even with this many, i still pull a "wah i have nothing to wear" sometimes. i wore it every day to uni back when going irl was a thing, so i'm not sure what i'll do when i have my office job. probably can't wear Toy Parade, that's for sure

>> No.10576128

NTAYT but you're reading so much into this. If it will help you sleep at night, then think she's a larper, but you're not a lawyer, you're just a sperg.

>> No.10576129

>366 OPs
Okay but real talk... There's not even 366 AP OPs that are worth owning. Where did that number come from?

My wardrobe is around 70-80 AP dresses and I maybe have 20 left on my wishlist. Take out multiple colorways and it's even smaller.

>> No.10576132


>> No.10576133

Pics or it didn't happen.

>> No.10576137

I have thirty ish main pieces. I collect lolita pieces on top of wearing them so I don’t see myself slowing down. I have been more interested in indie and taobao brands lately though, so hopefully my wallet will stop crying.

>> No.10576139
File: 16 KB, 338x303, 55F31A97-7748-4E85-9F99-48C37F311332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh also if by some miracle she does have 400 dresses, bet it's Allo TaoBao kek

>> No.10576140

Some people have been in the fashion for over a decade. Are you guys just poor? If anon bought everything new she could have spent around 10k per year and easily built up that many dresses in 10 years.

>> No.10576142

366 is so I can wear a different one every single day of the year even on a leap year
Angelic Pretty and Atelier Pierrot aren't my only brands, they're my favorite brands, I've got a handful from pretty much everyone, plus taobao, indie, off-brand loliables, vintage loliables
Lolita is an awesome hobby, I love the hunt

>> No.10576144

Nayrt but the only lolita I know of that has around that many is Misako and it’s literally her job to model lolita fashion. Most people who have been in the fashion for 10 years seem to cap at around 200-250 max with 100-125 being more common. So when someone claims to have twice the usual maximum naturally people are going to want proof.

>> No.10576145

I’ve been in the fashion...seven years? And have ~32 pieces. I still have a ton of dream dresses I’d like, I think my wardrobe will probably be complete around...less than a hundred? Unless brands keep releasing jellyfish themed dresses.

>> No.10576147

Oh I must have read your post wrong then. My bad. For some reason I thought you only meant Angelic Pretty. With all those other brands, reaching 366 wouldn't be hard.

>> No.10576149

I mean I wish they had 366 worthwhile ops kek
Yeah it's not hard at all, I predict hitting the goal before the end of this year

>> No.10576153

I really only wear it once or twice a week so I don't want to go over 30 pieces cause it feels like too much.
Right now I'm rebuilding my wardrobe after realizing during quarantine that my tastes have changed a lot since I started lolita and I have 16 main pieces on my wardrobe, but would like to reach 24 before stuff open (which is more likely to happen than I would like it to be due to the laughable way my country's government is dealing with the crisis anyway.)

>> No.10576157

Oh hey no you're good, you just prefer ops, nothing wrong with that
It's autistic for me because I don't like the physical sensation of blouse-under-jsk
I also wear socks that go all the way up because I don't like the physical sensation of tights either
You just happen to prefer a kind of dress, nothing unusual about that, you've still got variety

>> No.10576162

I rarely wear lolita because of fatigue issues and you can bet that 90% of the reason I want this figured out it so I have the energy to dress up.

I have some dresses I’ve never worn...

>> No.10576196

I have around 40 main pieces. Been in the fashion over 10 years and still love AP sweet. I never wore more than on weekends but recent years only a few times a year. Most I’ve had was maybe 50 main pieces I cut down to 30 of my favorites. Pretty happy with what I have and having a wishlist keeps me from buying on a whim. I will be moving to Japan this year when borders open up and considering downsizing again for the move but also thinking if I should just bring everything over just so I have more chances to wear it?? 40 may not seem like a lot but I have a lot of outers, bags, accessories etc. Will definitely be buying more while there though.

>> No.10576221

I have a soft limit of 30 which I'm currently at. Trying to keep a policy of one in, one out - the job that gives me the disposable income to buy lolita also keeps me busy enough that I'm a weekender.

>> No.10576248

I think my cap is going to end up somewhere between 80-90 (at 70 rn), just because that'll be the end of my wishlist and I’m not seeing much reason to go beyond it. Space is other limiter in this equation. But I’m happy with what I have and when I sell it's usually because something is a substitute for the actual thing I want or I decided to experiment with something I don't normally go for. Thankfully I’m doing the former much less and only occasionally for the latter.

>> No.10576255

I'm now at around 50 main pieces. But the main pieces are not the main part of my wardrobe actually. 40-50 blouses/cutsews/cardigans/boleros, 15 pairs of shoes, 6 coat/jackets, 9 bags, dozens of tights and boxes full of hair accessoires/jewelry. It's all crammed into 3m of space. I hate my clothing rack being so full and not being able to pull things back and forth without applying some brutal amount of force. I don't know how you guys with 100+ wardrobes are doing it unless you own walk-in closets.

>> No.10576289

It makes a huge difference what kind of dress you like though. The modern polyester and chiffon stuff doesn’t take up any room compared to old school stuff like velvet and cotton with tons of ruffles and bustles. The shift is mentioned a lot as a cost cutting measure, and it is, but it also makes storage so much easier which makes it easier to keep buying more. My older skirts for example have built in pettis, they are so bulky, you could store a dozen of the chiffon/ polyester pieces in the same amount of space.

>> No.10576293

That makes sense. My wardrobe is full of cotton and velveteen and heavy fabrics. I also forgot to mention pettis. They totally take away a lot of space.

>> No.10576295
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>> No.10576298

I like to keep a limit of 10 dresses and 5 skirts at most. No limits for blouses and accs, however. I don't wear it everyday, so I prefer to keep things small and rotate the pieces I'm not using.

>> No.10576344

>>Do you have a limit to the number of main pieces you want in your wardrobe, or do you not care about it potentially getting excessive?
I have around 22 main pieces and I think this is the limit, I have a full closet and I had to buy a separate rack for my normie clothes.
>>Are all your main pieces wishlist, or do you also buy things you just enjoy casually?
I stopped buying lolita several years ago when I realized that it is very hard to sell my stuff (mostly unpopular classic and oldschool items). So if selling is not an option and I rarely wear lolita out, it is not justified to buy new things unless I really want them and know how to coordinate them. I have 2-3 dresses on my wishlist left.
I buy accessories, shoes and wigs though to make up for less variety in main pieces collection.

>> No.10576350

I live in an almost third-world country so my collection is rather small. I started last year and own 6 main pieces. Hopefully I'll get to 20 main pieces this year, but I don't believe I'll ever get past 25-30.

>> No.10576360

This is the way

I downsized a huge wardrobe to 20ish main pieces because I wasn't wearing most of it anyway. Now I actually wear it because I'm digging around a crammed closet

>> No.10576424

considering AP has made maybe max 20 prints that I actually like I’m pretty comfortable keeping it quality over quantity

>> No.10576435


>> No.10576560

I have 13 main pieces and I think 20 will definitely be my max. I don't wear lolita often enough to justify a gigantic wardrobe. I don't have enough storage either.
And personally, I'd rather have a handful of dresses but loads of blouses, shoes, bags and accessories because I find coording to be a lot of fun. My favourite dresses are all solids because they're the most versatile.

>> No.10576583

>>Do you have a limit to the number of main pieces you want in your wardrobe, or do you not care about it potentially getting excessive?
I have around 70 main pieces, I plan to get more and have a big room dedicated to lolita so I have room to expand.

>>Are all your main pieces wishlist, or do you also buy things you just enjoy casually?
I have gotten most of my wishlist items by now, have a couple of things I just kind of like or I bought to twin with a friend.

>> No.10576599

I used to have about 100 main pieces, but eventually I realized it was stupid because I wasn't a daily lolita so it was just a waste of space and money to have so many. I weeded it down to 20 and still had pieces I never wore.

Now I AM a daily lolita I'm at about 30 main pieces and that seems like a good amount. The breakdown is roughly 10 winter main pieces and 20 summer main pieces. Ultimately I might add another 10 summer pieces, just because I live in TX and it's so hot year round.

My wardrobe is mostly Meta, Putumayo, and AP. I've been looking more and more at taobao brands, though, because I'm a tacky punk bitch and I like all the punk/idol/gun print shit taobao brands put out.

>> No.10576614

I've been wearing lolita for five years and have thirty main pieces. I haven't set a limit but I don't buy dresses or blouses I know I won't wear regularly. I also sell things I haven't worn for over a year so it doesn't take up space in my closet.

>> No.10576657

I have about 30-65 main pieces, about 10 of them prints. Only been wearing it for 5 years. I think I'm picky with prints but will buy old school solids, tartans, and florals in a heartbeat since I find old school easier to wear casually.

>> No.10576659

>about 30-65
GOD I hate you larpfags... that's such a sizeable difference. How would you not know the amount you own while "wearing it casually"? No one's gonna shame you for how much you own so why be intentionally vague to not seem new or poor or whatever.

>> No.10576661

i wish people would post photos of their huge wardrobe, im sure it looks super nice

>> No.10576663

Some are skirts and as other anons said I'm also weird about counting skirts lol

>> No.10576667

Nayrt and that is a big difference but if the amount they have falls somewhere in between there they aren't technically larping, just being vague.

>> No.10576691

Is it bad that almost half of my wardrobe are skirts? I like them, probably more than I like dresses, they look more casual and are more versatile which make them better to wear at places that are not super fancy.

>> No.10576697

Sell things that aren't irreplacable, you'll be able to re-buy basics in japan. Plus shopping there is neat, and you may be cramped for space.

>> No.10576698

That's so stupid

>> No.10576701

I don't think it's bad. A lot of mine is skirts which is why my range was so big. If I count skirts it's over 60, if I only count JSKs and OPs it's like 30ish. Skirts are so versatile and I love them for casual. Especially cause where I live the ideal summer coord for me is a cutsew and skirt combo for casual and comfy looks without sweating too much.

I don't keep a great record/exact count on my wardrobe in general though. I'm less concerned with numbers and more with if I'm able to wear pieces that bring me joy in the ways I like. Whether that's experimenting with OTT sweet looks or just doing basic casual coords, it's really about enjoying my wardrobe and it working for me to wear it every day if I need or want.

>> No.10576702

No u

>> No.10576810

I used to have 170 main pieces, but a good portion remained mostly unworn despite me liking them, so I downsized to around 80 now, which is perfect for me. I'm a daily lolita but I don't understand how people who claim to have similar or even larger wardrobes manage to wear them all more than once. I was just overwhelmed.

>> No.10576812

Stop talking in 3rd person and just admit you're larping.

>> No.10576872

If you're not bold enough now, you may never be. The fact is no one is perfect, exposing yourself to the judgement of others has nothing to do with being "good enough" because you will never be. Until you can accept that, you will never reach your impossible standards. If you really are waiting, don't wait on perfection. Just dive in, face the criticism, and then carry on with your head held high. Anons who criticize others then hide in fear of their own judgment may never develop that level of self awareness, but you still could.

>> No.10576926

I don't criticize other people, I just come here to look at pics and participate in surveys
I don't like facebook and I'm not sure how instagram works, like, you follow hashtags and all that, but why don't they show up when you go to the main page? I don't get it

>> No.10577252

Any tips on stopping to hide in fear of your own judgement?
I don't have an habit of criticizing other publicly cause I don't really want anyone to feel bad, but I am hella judgemental on my own mind both to others and to myself and it has been harder and harder not to isolate myself in fear that others might be judging me the same way I judge them.
Speacially cause I don't say it out loud and try to hide my true opinion, I'm always in fear of what others might be also hiding and that they will feel confortable about talking bad stuff about me to their friends who will also share the same opinion and soon enough everyone will hate me.
It's tiresome, really.

>> No.10577255

I post on SM but I'm not e-famous and I prefer it that way. I never post my wardrobe though, photographing 200 over pieces would be crazy and the pay off isn't worth it.

>> No.10577295

I have around 10 main pieces atm. I'm fairly new and just started my wardrobe about a year ago, when corona gave me a lot of free time and that sweet, sweet stimmy. I think I'll be happiest with around 25-30 pieces, it's hard to justify having more lolita than I can wear in a month with no repeating, especially when I already want to cut down on the amount of normie clothes I already have. Ideally I'd like to have a wide range of pieces across colours and styles with little overlap (ie a mint piece, a lavender piece, a black piece and then one chocolate themed, one sailor, one celestial, etc) and to have something from each of the OG brands like AP, BtSSB, Meta, Moitie. I'd also prefer to stay away from getting too many OTT/sweet pieces so that I can still feel comfortable wearing it when I'm older. Although if I had a lot more disposable income and no real financial goals I'd probably be drowning in brand desu

>> No.10577301

Honestly? Most people aren't thinking of you that much. Must people are just criticizing themselves. People tend to be selfish.

>> No.10577321

I have 50 main pieces after four years of wearing lolita. I'm happy with the size of my wardrobe but I don't have a set limit.

>> No.10577323

this is a meme. I judge other people plenty.

>> No.10577330

I'm currently at 30 pieces with a few more on the way. I'm not working right now and I probably won't for a long time, so I'm taking the money I got from my tax return and doing a big shopping spree with it before I put buying mostly on hold. I guess when I'm done with that, I'll be somewhere around 35-40 pieces, and that's pretty good. I think I'd still be happy with a few more, but whatever I already have is pretty serviceable in terms of variety/quantity.
What I personally am missing are good blouses, accessories, legwear, and shoes in more varied colours, so I will be putting the bulk of my money towards that. I feel like I'm really lacking in those things and not getting the most of my wardrobe. Of course, it doesn't help that my wardrobe isn't very cohesive. In the past I've either been buying things I saw and really liked, or, I've taken advantage of good deals, even if I didn't already own stuff that matched. I'm a lot more careful now, and I'm trying to go for more basics, like nice solids; I'm trying to concentrate on just a few colours, and I'm hunting down good prices second hand.

>> No.10577331

this. i am constantly talking shit about others i see around. i live in a city so there's a lot to see.

>> No.10577333

That anon did say "most" people, not all and I'm inclined to agree.

I would say just do it and get it over with, post the photo and rip the band-aid off. If you don't look awful or offensive then it's unlikely anyone will say anything negative, especially on a public space in social media with their name attached. There's also going to be a constant and never ending stream of new pictures that will push yours out of people's minds soon enough anyways. Even though you're afraid of judgement, just remember there's always going to be *someone* who judges you and doesn't like your look, so many pictures in the ita thread are nitpicks imo.

>> No.10577335

I always have trouble understanding those sentiments. Why can you handle wearing lolita outside for everyone to see without any filters and stuff but feel like posting pics online is harder?

>> No.10577339

if you post online, you eventually become aware of people laughing at you. if you're just passing through a crowd or in a cafe, you're not recording it permanently.

>> No.10577351

At least when you're posting it online yourself you have some semblance of control over who sees and what, and you can always delete the post. Don't forget that any compliments will also be recorded permanently, I think you're catastrophizing a lot/putting pressure on yourself to be uwu perfect.

To me going out in public takes a lot more guts because most of the people you pass by will be normies who think you look weird and are laughing at you anyways, some will probably even try to take pictures of you when you're not looking to share with their friends, that's just the reality of having an unusual fashion as a hobby.

>> No.10577359

people outside have never told me to kms
the worst that ever happens outside is, it's not Halloween/are you going to a party/what is that for
it's different

>> No.10577360

Thank you for your inputs, but I am not necessarily talking about posting online.
You are actually right about posting online being easier since you can really tailor your image into whatever and simply erase it at any time and if it isn't scandalous enough it will simply fade.
It is actually about every fucking interaction I have with another human being which is why it's so tiring, but I will stop derailing and keep trying to work it out with my therapist.

>> No.10577404

I've never been misgendered in real life.

>> No.10577426

Good luck nonny, I hope you can eventually work through it and find ways to enjoy the fashion even more.

>> No.10577937

When the limit comes it comes, currently at around 70 and (brand) cutsew nightgowns and I don't see the limit yet. For the reference I'm a lifestyler/daily wearer and wear all three major substyles as well as LL/axes/etc for when casual styles are needed. I have the current wardrobe space to double what I own but also a lot of room in the apartment to get creative with storage. I buy both wishlist items and things that pop up for good prices. Gotta love swapmeets.

I'm currently lolibrarying my "dream wardrobe" where I ended about a bit over 300, but that's including all cuts and colourways I'm interested in, as much as I love Antique Pansy I don't want to own 6 of those. I don't think I'll ever get past ~150 excluding the homewear cutsew dresses since some things will never pop up at the right time/for the right price/when I'm online, some won't suit me once I've tried them on, some things like Divine Cross and original Gothic Arch I'll see irl and immediately remove from the wishlist. Mostly I'll acquire one and be happy with one cut/colourway and remove the other cuts/colourways from the list and I do clean out the things I don't want to wear anymore regularly. Blouses I do set a limit to ~20 since I don't wear those on the daily.

>> No.10577966

right, but the stuff that happens irl happens in just that instance. if someone says something online, just stays written as a comment forever, making it harder to forget about. people probably feel even worse when they get shit for their "perfect" pictures, since they likely feel that they look even better in those pics than irl.

i'm just assuming that's a big reason.

>> No.10577973

It's interesting that you mention removing colorways on acquiring - I've found that as I near the end of my wishlist, multiple items are just different colorways of things I already own. On initial buying I limited myself, but now that I know how the cut looks on me and if I like the base design/print enough, having variations is more satisfying for me.

>> No.10577984


Nayrt but you can literally delete comments. You can't really delete experiences, and the emotional impact of someone being all up in your face is much more than some idiot comment on the internet you can delete. Not to mention if you have a good following you can pretty easily get people to feel sympathy for you whereas in public the silent bystander effect can be quite discouraging.

Just saying this as someone who experienced both.

>> No.10577987

I don’t have a cap but my wardrobe is about 90 lolita dresses and maybe 10 skirts, it takes up three closets and I regularly purge a few pieces when I find new items. I can’t imagine going over 100 dresses, I started buying some long cottage core pieces (Teuta Matoshi, Laura Ashley etc) and my closets are now uncomfortably stuffed

>> No.10578052

Depends on the collection! There are some that I want all 6 colourways of or all cuts of a specific colourway and I do own a lot of multiples of some series already, but with certain prints I notice that I always pick one colourway over the other - when that happens I'd rather use the space and money for something else

>> No.10578054
File: 39 KB, 720x480, .facebook_1478183289817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw gulls say cottagecore instead of natural kei

>> No.10578056

I have multiple colorways of some dresses, but never multiples of the same cut. That’s too much to me.

>> No.10578220

I have a little over 100 main pieces, including several skirts. I have several that I have never put on. I find myself enjoying looking at the items though. I also love accessories.

>> No.10578223

I own around 30 main pieces and I dont imagine getting many more, maybe 5-10 more
I have almost all my wishlist dresses, and my capacity for storage is pretty much at the limit.

>> No.10578314

From all my time spent in lolita between personal experience and speaking to others, I genuinely think that the sweet spot is about 40-50 main pieces

>> No.10578319


Own multiples of the same cut in multiple colourways. It's usually because the cut is so darn good-looking, or it works for many things other than lolita.

One of them is a low-cut IW dress that gets used as an office dress more often than lolita. The other is a btssb dress that's cute for casual and gets worn when I don't know if the event is dress up or dress down, it just always works (well, barring the obvious, like I wouldn't wear any btssb to help a neighbour paint his fence, obv)

Everything else where I like the release I pick multiple colourways in different cuts instead.

>> No.10578767

You can just stuff petticoats in a drawer and they will be fine if they're any good. Hanging them up is a meme.

>> No.10578768

>have around 250 mainpieces
>An appropriate amount of blouses and accessories to match
>Look at my clothes and think “I have nothing to wear” multiple times a week

What the fuck is wrong with my brain?

>> No.10578771

I have this problem too, 50 main pieces. But my problem is more lack of variety of very specific accessories as I want like non tea party shoes, cutsews, and hair acessories besides matching KCs.

>> No.10578773

i said this in another thread but got dunked on. like as long as the petti isn't hard tulle that'll crease, it's fine. thanks anon i feel solidarity now

>> No.10578859

lmao yeah nobody hangs their pettis up — that will genuinely cause them to droop quicker. I’ve had my main cupcake for like 4 years now and after every use I just crumple it up into the tiniest ball I can and stuff it into one of my medium sized lolita bags to sit at the bottom of my wardrobe. When I pull it out again, it poofs right back up

>> No.10578866

I think it dates back to LJ days when everyone had pettis made of hard tulle because that's what they could make or find. Since taobao became a thing and affordable, multi-layer organza petticoats became the new standard, there's really no reason to hang them. If your petti deflates because of squishing it into a drawer, chances are the maker skimped on the amount of fabric they used and it was always going to do that. Mine are still going strong after 5 years unceremoniously shoved into a storage cube.

>> No.10578868

I’d also add that if a petti is deflating after being kept in a drawer there’s a good chance humidity is an issue. I recommend storing with dehumidifier sachets if you don’t have a dryer

>> No.10578880

I never said I was hanging up my pettis? My closet isn't just racks, but it has shelves also. Even folded they do take a lot of space.

>> No.10578885

I wear lolita every week but my wardrobe is only around 35 main pieces. I struggle a lot with versatility recently

>> No.10578893

I remember when we had one of these threads and some of the people were counting blouses and cardigans as main-pieces lol

>> No.10578914


I saw that thread and if I had more energy I would have defended you. Anon didn't know shit lol. If you have chiffon/organza petticoats nobody needs to be hanging them up.

>> No.10578920

35 is a pretty good amount to be fair, if you have consistent themes and colours. I know most classic and gothic lolitas tend to be perfectly comfortable under 50 main pieces, it tends to just be sweet lolitas who like to have every colour and theme under the sun which leads them to their crazy high numbers

>> No.10579010

me so hard, but only 50 dresses too. I realize I need a lot more cardigans/blouses/socks to increase versatility though. It's been a lot harder than I thought it would be to find them secondhand.

>> No.10579056

Makes sense, as sweets also definitely have the highest rate of mental illness.

>> No.10579115

sweet lolitas have it rough in that regard lol. i mean sweet lolitas who like prints are attracted to cute things in general, so it makes sense they'd have a lot of themes in one wardrobe between cute animals, candy, toys, cakes, etc.

and then we get socks/headpieces that match the print/theme which heavily beefs up the numbers. i mean we could wear white x pink solid otks with most pieces but what's the fun of doing that all the time?


>> No.10579150

You nailed it with that, if I count just my pure classic items I'm at 20 pieces and have 2 on my wishlist. Everything else, which is more than double that, is sweet or JM/ETC/LG.

>> No.10579215

I have ~180, I could see myself going to 200 by acquiring wishlist pieces (or some new releases in my go-to themes and color schemes).
Storage is the limit really. I did sold off less used furniture to replace it by extra wardrobe space a couple of years ago, but these are getting full too.

>> No.10579219

I think I’m at about 220 and I’m really trying to sell off pieces that I really won’t wear or are just kind of redundant. They are so heavy to move around and yes take up a lot of space. That’s why I’m slightly sus about the anon that says they cycle out their wardrobe at that size. I think id like to get down to ~150 but they bring me so much joy to look at I have a hard time parting with even ones I haven’t worn yet or aren’t really my aesthetic

>> No.10579230
