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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 452 KB, 375x543, 1614037440342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10563091 No.10563091 [Reply] [Original]

Last one is autosage

>> No.10563093

Last thread >>10559971

>> No.10563116

I don't have a tiktok - is the lolita fashion situation on there as bad as I hear?

>> No.10563128

absolutely. everyone is obsessed with that one fugly lace monster replica, weird bunny hoods, and wearing a JSK without a blouse.

>> No.10563130


>> No.10563184

It's horrible. I always scroll past every video, it's all a wreck from the ita coords to the hardcore comment section whiteknighting.

>> No.10563192

There are a ton of itas but also some creators that have great coords
You kind of have to hunt for them though

>> No.10563217

Its a bunch of kids wearing shitty replicas with that jazmin bean makeup and those boots the danganronpa kids wear

>> No.10563228

The decent lolitas don’t tag their stuff as lolita because half the time it gets shadowbanned

>> No.10563257
File: 1.50 MB, 1434x2280, cringe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuck. Not worth sifting through this trash on the off chance that you find one or two lolitas who are actually well dressed

>> No.10563261

i hate whoever is on the top right i see her everywhere

>> No.10563264

I see two maybe three perfectly fine coordinates there

>> No.10563267

>white savior virtue signaling for backpats on the top left
I'm so tired of existing.

>> No.10563268

Go ahead and kys then. Win win for everyone.

>> No.10563269

Come over and kill me yourself you fucking coward.

>> No.10563270

Now you’re just being lazy. Do it yourself if you’re so tired of existing

>> No.10563274

What makes something a virtue signal versus being a sincere statement? Is there anything wrong with saying something supportive? I understand if it turns out she’s a hypocrite but there’s no evidence for that in one photo

>> No.10563277

If young people mostly use tiktok, this will probably be their gateway into the fashion...
Don’t know how to feel about that

>> No.10563278

Be afraid

>> No.10563279

Don't know about you but I hate it

>> No.10563282

Most of these kids will buy shitty OPs from devilinspired, I'm not too worried about it affecting me at all.

>> No.10563285
File: 1.99 MB, 1920x2560, perfectlyfine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which ones, anon? Is it the ita with the cheap cat ears, the ones wearing plastic tiaras or the one who twerks

>> No.10563287
File: 247 KB, 750x941, A17EE13D-01BE-44C6-9F8C-F70C90A1AEF8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Instagram dump incoming; it’s not usually a wise idea to start a new thread without at least a few photos but thank you anyway anon

>> No.10563290
File: 296 KB, 750x942, 77AD3ADC-3F11-4610-9DCE-ACC6A0F248ED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10563291

leave ebunnybee out of this

>> No.10563294

I love the hot garbage that comes out of people doing clown shit, it's so fitting.

>> No.10563296

Can the way someone types be ita cause I seriously can't with the girl on bsolf who types in the most exaggerated accent possible.

>> No.10563297

Everything on tiktok in general is bad because it's usually people with no social contacts and life experience.

>> No.10563298
File: 197 KB, 750x851, 1EED398B-71A1-4089-B556-0835628976FF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m getting serious bloated corpse-kun “uwu sexy baby” vibes from the man...
right? The clown trend got old fast. It was never even cute to begin with, just weird in my opinion.

>> No.10563299
File: 354 KB, 750x918, EC0BA762-8CAD-4BC5-8EFC-9CCDBD4354CC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought the top half of this was passable until I saw she’s just wearing a regular shirt beneath this jsk

>> No.10563301
File: 313 KB, 750x939, 4476E338-1058-4684-A169-45449B6D05A6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10563302

the "search"/tags feature is also complete trash, it'll only show the highest rated posts ever in descending order with no filters or other sort options, unless i'm missing something obvious i honestly don't know why they even bother having it

>> No.10563303

How does one type with an exaggerated accent?

>> No.10563304
File: 300 KB, 644x817, DF0DA340-B9BD-4148-9EE0-0AABACCFA27C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Partially posting this one for the spooky shoop

>> No.10563317

They probably meant the girl who always writes with a Scottish accent

>> No.10563319
File: 755 KB, 1440x2765, 95ED628F-E67C-49CD-B94F-659D04F48BD9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10563338

To be fair scots isn’t an accent it’s a dialect and it’s super common for Scottish people to type in scots online, I’m surprised you’ve never seen that before

>> No.10563349

Her and her group of friends are cringe dorito shooping fame chasers

>> No.10563353

I meant to type dorito chin

Of all the shooped pics of hers, you chose this one? It's tame even for her

>> No.10563355

jesus christ that's horrifying

>> No.10563413

Nope, Scots is a language, not a dialect.
Google is your friend.

>> No.10563415

She’s always dressed this badly, it’s endearing. Reminds me of EGL LJ days, back when we couldn’t really get anything in the west.

>> No.10563422

She's a cutie, hope she gits gud

>> No.10563431


Same, but some of the captions are so SJW cringe, so I can totally understand how it's well-dressed trash you don't want to go near.

>> No.10563433

who cares what kind of dance someone does as long as the coord is fine

>> No.10563480


Where did the clown thing even come from? Last time I tried to ask it became a hornet's nest with someone trying to talk to me about "pierrot" in Atelier Pierrot and diamond socks and making it out to be some kind of long-lost lolita tradition. I still have no idea why it's a trend.

I guess we should thank whoever started it for giving us a steady stream of itas with bad judgement?

>> No.10563483

dialects are different from accents, dumbass. but you're wrong anyway.

>> No.10563484

Circus/carnival motifs in lolita were popular with OTT sweet, but this current clown lolita trend seems derivative of the whole egirl slutty clown thing that's popular these days rather then any kind of lolita history bs.

>> No.10563502


Carnivals and circuses don't always mean clowns, though. You can start with Sugary Carnival being about a merry-go-round, Puppet Circus being about a puppet show. Even something like Star Night Theater, with matching diamond socks, comes with a magician's tophat, not a clown nose or trick flower bouttoniere. Clowns were like, one tiny little bit of prints about "entertainment", they weren't the entire show.

Plus, I think the clown makeup is what confuses me the most, the whole thing is so uncute and so outlandish, it seems to run counter to lolita's long history of trying to be an actual fashion and not some kind of costume. As for sweet lolitas, they're usually already battling DDLG nonsense, it makes even less sense to me that they'd willingly go out of their way to paint themselves ugly and purposely volunteer to be something other people laugh at.

Having it come from an e-girl slutty thing explains a lot. At least, if they're coming from an attention-seeking angle then you can do away with wanting to treat lolita as a real fashion, and it also explains why they'd go so far out of their way to look totally ridiculous in it.

Thanks for clearing that up, anon. The trend makes a lot more sense without the "circus tradition" bs smoke-waving.

>> No.10563505

The "im a lesbian" one is so cringe, she's voicing over a baby, and she's actually bi, but insisting she's a lesbian. EhrjjgjgjfhdjfjfjdjBARF

It's all so tiresome

>> No.10563508

Of course the black girl is twerking, im-

>> No.10563513

it's virtue signalling because no one ever openly says 'black girls look bad in lolita'. she's battling a strawman

>> No.10563519

And bi people wonder why lesbians hate them so much kek

>> No.10563521

>no one ever openly says 'black girls look bad in lolita
is this your first day on cgl or

>> No.10563523

ntayrt, but no. If it's the same person I'm thinking of she types it as it would be spoken which makes it unecessarily awkward to read and takes way more effort than to just type normally.

>> No.10563525

Look at the reply above yours and maybe you’ll have a better idea of why the girl felt the need to make a video about racism in the community

>> No.10563526

Is it that she’s technically bi but has a preference for women? Or is she of the opinion that all wlw can call themselves a lesbian?

>> No.10563528


>Implying some idiot 17 year old on tiktok represents all bisexuals

>> No.10563531

Cringe behavior is ita

>> No.10563532


Pretty sure her audience isn't going to include off board scrotes and baiters so she is pretty much preaching to the choir. It doesn't do anything except add to the echo chamber and make people feel good about themselves. Maybe actually do a video to uplift black creators and that would be more meaningful

>> No.10563567

Oh come on, that Tiktok is clearly just a joke about internalized biphobia. She's not LITERALLY insisting she's a lesbian. She even explains it in a later Tiktok.

>> No.10563573
File: 227 KB, 1200x1041, 37BA6D19-D979-7B74-2AAC78B356AB3A2C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The standing person is giving me Emo Philips vibes (picrel).

This isn't even all that bad. She does have an unfortunate face and I dislike the granny hat, but it is kind of endearing.

I wish people would stop trying to make themselves have big eyes. It's always creepy.

>> No.10563574

Everything anyone does on the internet will be given the worst possible interpretation, I apparently

>> No.10563697

As a lesbian shut the fuck up

>> No.10563705

It’s really not, it’s about the coordinate. you sound like a larper

>> No.10563706

You sound like an ita

>> No.10563763

Fuck, this is way worse than the last time this print was posted in an ita thread.
Maybe I don’t want this dress as much as I thought....

>> No.10563808 [DELETED] 

Lesbian as well and please shut up. Bovine faced bitch does not represent all bi girls. With that said, her tiktok is awfully cringe and i abbhor it. You're not a lesbian if you like men period idk why the kweers~* (including the most disgusting looking MtFs, decent and pretty ones are taken or silent) all want to be lesbians so bad

>> No.10563810

It's always the ugly ones with cheap coords isn't it?

>> No.10563818

is lolita fashion or a costume? if you change your attitude or have to act a certain way in it, that makes it sound like cosplay.

>> No.10563820 [DELETED] 

Troons love to fetishize lesbianism that they basically are roleplayers it's so sad honestly.

>> No.10563846 [DELETED] 
File: 115 KB, 1280x720, FB73C6AD-B3F1-40E5-B4E2-409908BAE6A0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This: case in point, picrel. Disturbing.

>> No.10563887 [DELETED] 

Here come the terfs shitting up the thread over crap that was never part of the discussion. It's the ita thread though so nothing of value was lost.

>> No.10563913

It's like the rest of the comm, there are a lot of itas, there are a few good creators, I've seen a lot more people being rightfully gatekeepy lately so it gives me hope.

>> No.10564082

She could be using software that types what you say on the computer/phone, in that case it takes even less effort.

>> No.10564135

there isn't really a formal written version of scots, or at least not one taught to the vast majority of people, the schools have been trying to kill it for centuries. people just write it out phonetically however they feel at the time, which yes is often a chore to read even if you can understand it and an embarrassing thing to be represented online by

if you try this you get the most unintelligible gibberish as it tries to parse it into "real" english, voice assistants etc are all shit as well unless you slow down and enunciate very unnaturally

>> No.10564136 [DELETED] 

don't forget to dilate your gaping flesh wound that will never be a real vagina, so it doesn't start rotting and smelling like sundried feces.

>> No.10564226

>it's usually people with no social contacts and life experience
like 4chan?

>> No.10564229

I am not here for discourse but for itas.

>> No.10564234

They're still awkward as fuck, but if anything, those zoomers probably have more general social interaction and spend more time outside than the average gull sitting on /cgl/.

>> No.10564235
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>> No.10564236
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>> No.10564237
File: 78 KB, 640x853, q2k10pm5xnh61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she referred to this as a "full coord"

>> No.10564238 [DELETED] 

This thread is already lost so i’m just gonna ask. Does this actually happen?

>> No.10564242 [DELETED] 
File: 95 KB, 875x507, wash_your_damn_vagina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, turns out mentally ill coomer men aren't the most diligent about after surgery self care and hygiene

>> No.10564247 [DELETED] 

there's no stopping terfs in anonymous boards, it's the only space they can vent in peace. I stopped being bothered by them long time ago. It must suck being part of a political minority with zero power because it wants the complete destruction of the status quo. It's like being a commie-anarchist.

>> No.10564260

Do you think she knows she's wearing a really bad replica?

>> No.10564261

Commenting about a Black girl twerking in lolita has nothing to do with how she looks in her coord.

I'm just going to let you ponder that one. Besides the fact that we have an entire thread right now devoted to Black girls' coords that hasn't been derailed yet.

>> No.10564287
File: 343 KB, 1449x2048, 0D139638-28DC-4702-8B2F-3F2F74345AA6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10564293

it does pass the sticker test although the pose is questionable, and why the sword?

>> No.10564295

this does not give off the vibe she was aiming for Kek

>> No.10564297

eh as long as she isn't taking the sword out with her as some sort of accessory i don't have an issue. if i had a sword i'd pose with it too, for both lolita and normie photos. the sunsglasses are questionable though

>> No.10564313

Because mods deleted all the shitty comments for once. And the fat hating comments. They actually did a good job in that thread and now people are using it as an example of racism or shitty comments not existing when they do and just happened to finally get deleted in that thread specifically.

>> No.10564315

This isn't bad?

>> No.10564317

post itas, not unfortunate-looking people

>> No.10564332

It was literally a specific meme that tons of people did, she just did a lolita version to be funny. Her coords are almost always super nice actually. At least the ones I see her wear to cafes and sanrio puroland

>> No.10564337

Go check out that same thread on warosu with all of the deleted posts intact and tell me how not-racist it is

>> No.10564353 [DELETED] 

>complete destruction of the status quo
I'm going to have to disagree with you here. Terfs' entire ideology is about preserving "traditional womanhood." They're two steps away from being neo nazi tradwives with progressive language.
Kek at the rest of the post though. Maybe I should have some pity for them.

>> No.10564354
File: 66 KB, 625x626, bait2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10564357

do you know what website you are on? do you think a goofy dress board is immune from the culture here? fuck off.

>> No.10564378


>> No.10564380


>Taking bait and trolls this seriously

Jesus christ, newfags these days

>> No.10564381 [DELETED] 

This unironically. The only thing terfs are right about is chasing off all of the obvious predator autogynephiles and trenders that teh kweers protect like babies. Other than that they suffer from severe retardation and go full blown mysoginistic. How many times did i see one of their kind call a woman born woman a tranny and claiming they can so totally clock them?

>> No.10564389 [DELETED] 

youve probably only seen that shit twice outside of twitter and now rely on it as a crutch for your copeus maximus

>> No.10564396

dude, that's my argument. see >>10563521
get some reading comprehension.

>> No.10564432 [DELETED] 

sounds like you're the one coping here. Seethe and dilate, you'll never be a woman

>> No.10564446 [DELETED] 

You do realize that the original surgery and dilators were invented for women with underdeveloped vaginas, right? Once met a woman who was born with a blind pouch vagina and was accidentally having sex with her urethra for years and needed serial dilatons to expand her vaginal canal and protect her bladder.... TERFy retards can make trans medicine sound gross because ALL of medicine is gross when you really get into it....

>> No.10564450 [DELETED] 

why would you compare a woman who was born with a medical condition to a tranny with a self inflicted flesh wound?

>> No.10564455 [DELETED] 

Stay mad TERF, ALL people can get elective surgeries. Not everyone obsesses over strangers genitals like you do :D

>> No.10564456 [DELETED] 

>implying you didn’t just do that
cope and seethe

>> No.10564460 [DELETED] 

Lol, the projection is real desu

>> No.10564462 [DELETED] 

NAYRT but how the fuck does someone "have sex" with their urethra? Am I missing something?

>> No.10564465 [DELETED] 

It stretches out desu, she was having mad UTIs and incontinence issues

>> No.10564466 [DELETED] 

Why are you so obsessed with that poor woman’s genitalia?

>> No.10564467

>ita thread attracts troons and their buddies
>ugly coping trannies and twitter refugees vs radfems fights ensue
yep sounds about right
I feel like this is missing some more head accessories and maybe some bracelets/wristcuffs? I don't really know what specific style she's going for here but it looks like the balance is off. This isn't horrible though, just feels a little empty.

>> No.10564468 [DELETED] 

Interesting medical story that proved a point abt how other people can find dilation useful + just answering anon's questions, TERF ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.10564476 [DELETED] 

this isn't possible you retard look up anatomy.

>> No.10564493


Girl looks fine to me, but that is some impressive level of good-but-darn-fugly dress construction.

Like, the ruffles look even, the bodice seems to fit and some of the lace is interesting, but everything else is some level of wtf. Starting with that blouse collar, the darn thing is actually floating above her clavicle. It's too open to be a high collar and too high to be an open collar, and it actually seems oddly shaped. Then we need to talk about those miles and miles of sheer ruffles, it kind of looks like she bought a whole spool of cheap 'fancy' trim and then decided she had to use up the entire spool on this dress, wherever she could. Heck the dress practically looks like she decided to take a shortcut and slap whatever item she found at the haberdasher's that was the same shade of salmon rather than sew proper matching decorations for the outfit.

The skirt looks like it was made with drawstrings to give a bustle effect but then she's not wearing an underskirt to properly show it off? So now the hem does up and down like a drunk symmetrical sailor on each side? And there's more of that sheer ruffle underneath it, so it looks like she has a drunk petticoat underneath a drunk dress?

I just hope she didn't put too much effort into making this, because aside from everything else, the colours are atrocious. A blue dress with white trim would have been gorgeous. A salmon blouse with some other colour jsk might have been decent. But they look like barf together. Salmon x blue really can't replace pink x sax, it's definitely a swing and a miss here.

(I'm not the one that posted her, just noticed folks talking as if her face is the problem, which I don't think is the issue).

>> No.10564495
File: 1.43 MB, 480x270, 1611823310269.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why I'll never make a tik tok
Just seeing screenshots of this ugly autism stresses me out.

>> No.10564503

Oh anon. There is a whole kink (pun unintended) surrounding urethral sounding and urethral insertions... some quite large

>> No.10564509

Has anyone ever met a Lolita who posts fashion content on tiktok? They seem rare irl

>> No.10564515

Honestly I think it’s the hairstyle, if she had something more face framing she would look cute
The dress looks kind of wonky though

>> No.10564524

most of that is men's urethra's women's uretra's can't stretch that far.

>> No.10564556

The princess tiara on the first one is ita. As is the lack of overall styling.
The offbrand Amazon dress on the second one is ita.
And as for the last one, are you fucking blind?

>> No.10564560
File: 929 KB, 1536x2048, E08CC621-1063-4D82-9F1B-DFFB0B58DC98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10564570

every time i see an ita wearing my favourite dress a tiny piece of my soul dies

>> No.10564573

This is peak "milady *tips fedora*" vibes

>> No.10564577

i usually hate fats in the fashion but this is a cute summer coord

>> No.10564581 [DELETED] 
File: 334 KB, 720x960, 839F43A2-7D51-4C1F-AB64-325A921668CD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10564609

Maybe get better taste then?

>> No.10564619

this doesn't even read as lolita to me but it's nice in a way seeing fattychans actually fitting into something that isn't a sack

>> No.10564626

Thanks for your thesis, jfc.

>> No.10564627

How is this not lolita? Because she's not 100 pounds less?

>> No.10564630

Looked through her tiktok just now, she’s trash and you have bad taste

>> No.10564631


>> No.10564632

hush anon, she needs the extra credit.

>> No.10564645

>fucking sandals
>shitty cheap fucking boater hat

>> No.10564734
File: 114 KB, 720x960, CDBFAF44-AA30-4285-AE0E-40EFD19EC9EE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10564744

Nayrt but her Instagram is better than her tiktok. I think most tiktoks are usually trash though unless they're vine-esque desu. I'm bad at being a zoomer I guess.

>> No.10564748
File: 115 KB, 720x960, 858E8F58-F4ED-4EFF-8339-9BC5C5DBAA32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10564871


lol. Just a year back we had a whole debate and some anon was saying the ita thread wasn't evil because they used it to learn how not to dress.

So here someone just demonstrated it by breaking down what's wrong with an outfit (and therefore what not to do).

And then there's you.

>> No.10564899
File: 417 KB, 1227x1948, 1A459772-8BE4-492C-B432-0186E54BC9E4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a nitpick but I hate it

>> No.10564901

Why post if it's a nitpick?
The coord is fine.

>> No.10564903

The stripes and dots right next to each other clash really badly. Her dyed hair and insta makeup also look like hot garbage with the style and colour palette of her coord.

I'm so sick of things not being 'ita' just because they fit all the lolita rules. If something looks bad, it's ita.

>> No.10564904

Never understand this mindset, if people are doing it wrong on tiktok, you could be one of the few doing it right?

>> No.10564905

This is just a hot weather coord.

>> No.10564912

Goddamn, that bodyline dress has shirring on both the front and the back, and as such even the smallest size is far too big on me, and yet that hambeast is at max capacity.

>> No.10564913
File: 749 KB, 1536x2048, 20210225_071515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10564931

Tbf the color balance here is really bad. She coorded a brown x ivory dress with all red, it looks really unbalanced. The red would've worked better as an accent color.

>> No.10564933

Im so confused is she wearing a fake nose or something?

>> No.10564935

I don’t know about you but I have read a Scots dictionary in English class, so yeah some people may try to write how it is pronounced but there is a correct written way.
Also I get that cheap programs will write crap but you can teach how to understand. My favourite one is Milngavie as I know may people will not be able to say it correctly and others will spell it wrong because of the pronunciation.

>> No.10564939
File: 423 KB, 2048x2048, 10F0CD9E-89FB-4E43-9CC6-6AFFBB571EFE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess this can be counted as a nitpick but the hair and her choices for accessories and the jacket are questionable at best

>> No.10564941

this isn't ita, but it'd look a lot better with black printed socks and pink tps. and the $2 taobao choker is a no from me dawg.

>> No.10564943

her account is private anon

>> No.10564944

Got it from daily-egl

>> No.10564946

Newfags, I s2g.
The fact that you got this from daily egl, where this kind of casual but well-balanced look was always common and accepted, makes the fact that you put this here even more annoying.

>> No.10564947

i usually agree with what's posted ITT but this is actually mad cute. like the accessories are obvs cheap but it's done well. what's up with newfag itas posting to this thread?

>> No.10564963

It's an ugly coord but not in the ita sense. It's just her face and hair bringing it down. On a cute girl this would've been fine

>> No.10564964

casual doesn't mean cheap-looking. browse the archives for threads of good casual.

>> No.10564966


Her hair is fine anon, the accessories look a little thrown together but it kind of actually adds to the look rather than detracts from it, like "I decided last minute I'm going to the grocery store in this and nobody's going to stop me."

>> No.10564971

I would defend the dress and say that it's a rare case of non-custom print fabric looking nice. usually these tiny all over prints look awful. Agree on the sheer ruffles though.

>> No.10564989

Probably something fucky with makeup, sometimes cameras pick up highlighter etc as white.

>> No.10564992

This is a perfectly fine coordinate and I can’t believe you guys are trying to find minuscule nitpicks to justify it being posted. This is why the western community is a joke right now.

>I'm so sick of things not being 'ita' just because they fit all the lolita rules. If something looks bad, it's ita.

Ita usually isn’t subjective but something “looking bad” is. There are people who think all sweet is ita, all wigs are ita, but that means nothing. I think a lot of newer AP “looks bad” I’m not gonna post it here

>> No.10565003

everything but the main piece looking cheap is a standard ita trope

>> No.10565018

“Cheap” is subjective. It’s a fine coordinate. Lolita is a cheap fashion when you compare it to actual brand and luxury clothing.

>> No.10565019

I don't get why so many (or just one person) is trying so hard to justify this coord. Imo it's not particularly ita but it's on the lower end of regular coords

>> No.10565022


It's not ita. That's the fucking point.

>> No.10565028


ayrt and I agree, actually I have no issues with the fabric print.

As I said, a blue dress with white trim would have looked fine.

This combination, though, does not.

>> No.10565035
File: 487 KB, 1242x607, ADC8EE2A-3308-4323-B55B-4FC17BDD6561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it’s not particularly ita


>> No.10565037

top kek

>> No.10565038

People will complain about unrealistic ott coords, lack of creativity in the western comm, the lack of casual looks, and then nitpick over this shit.

>> No.10565046

Sorry you got posted

>> No.10565055

...Rikrak tho?

>> No.10565060
File: 69 KB, 360x360, 1515657543411.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based code geass anon

>> No.10565070
File: 531 KB, 368x603, ohgod.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10565080
File: 456 KB, 1080x1613, 61012BA5-4337-471F-8E60-30AF90F23D8E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10565082

Already posted >>10564235

>> No.10565094

it'spretty cute in a raggedy ann way imo just not lolita

>> No.10565131

Is this tiktok? This looks like tiktok and fuck that is a scary face

>> No.10565158

Ricrac isn't the issue, ap and baby use it tastefully.

>> No.10565166

change the shoes and this is fine

>> No.10565243

the cut for this is probably supposed to be a wa or qi style outfit, but because she didn't style it like either of those substyles so it just reads as raggedy anne kei like other anon said

>> No.10565251

Ricrac is definitely not the problem here. If anything, the bottom hem is one of the better things about this.

>> No.10565253

I’m so sick of this sjw and her photoshopped thunder thighs

>> No.10565376

Nobody openly says it, but a lot of people think it.

>> No.10565379
File: 1.02 MB, 1125x1119, 88D68F34-AF8A-44E0-8CFC-D3CF9A09BE6C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10565467

I've never seen a sadder looking jsk

>> No.10565468

this is literally fine, it's a casual coord jfc

>> No.10565470
File: 215 KB, 750x1334, twmrltpvuuj61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10565484

quintessential ita
maybe add cat ears

>> No.10565496

Is her bra on show?????

>> No.10565502

>those shoes
every fucking time.

>> No.10565508
File: 121 KB, 1080x1080, img-16143677150383c9542de2451d667ccffbcab14b48e95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Credit to ugly Lolita dress Weibo called 说给大概有点迷的裙子 for the following dumb, starting with "lolita pj"

>> No.10565510
File: 206 KB, 1080x1408, img-1614367731744dd1f2378bca063937b6c4533f8b8e205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10565512
File: 211 KB, 1080x1080, img-1614367738896956b0d18340720d28286785ef0ad8328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10565515
File: 114 KB, 1006x1280, img-1614367778591ca10646e20869c69f6a839e60da20108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weird titty dress

>> No.10565516
File: 44 KB, 1080x1080, img-16143677907389381819510d644e12e17f90cf1a1328e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10565518
File: 65 KB, 640x640, img-1614367798650148efa67c7443376d5b9a75bb60c513b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10565519
File: 142 KB, 960x960, img-16143678512878f30b6ed58b62241b1591a79391551ee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10565520
File: 130 KB, 720x960, img-1614367859578b36b0511afb027ea75c745f1c759842e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10565521
File: 110 KB, 800x800, img-161436789086760dafd65dc0a62d25463e95ca5b5c9de.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10565522
File: 116 KB, 760x760, img-161436790034546551fe1091e03a790025e2b2a71922a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10565523
File: 63 KB, 1080x1619, img-16143679109442cd1852786a13e3434446c3f8b883004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10565524
File: 50 KB, 750x750, img-1614367952252d48cff9206ed53ec123b901564b63159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because we all need random LEDs in our outfits

>> No.10565527
File: 42 KB, 506x760, img-161436797185287e193ce67df719f1e17b0fc277aa62c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10565528
File: 62 KB, 1080x1467, img-16143680067547d82c5109dbcefeb56a9525b60391b77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10565529
File: 271 KB, 1080x1022, img-1614368033948a3c404d09a6d2e73a28141e0217978ec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

End of dumb. This is just the wordt I saw so quickly. If you want some proof Chinese lolitas don't think everything is cool, check the ugly dress account itself. Most of those dresses wouldn't even be looked at twice as ugly by western lolita standards...

>> No.10565531

Wearing a regular turtleneck us ok imho. I'm more unset about those white baggy socks and clumsy shoes. It doesn't fit the top part at all. Would be suitable for a punk vibe, or maybe gothic, but not for such a sweet casual look.

If I recall correctly Lor did the clown makeup once and and ever since I've seen others do it. It didn't look good on Line nor on anyone else. I don't follow Lor so I might be wrong about it being her tho.

>> No.10565532

She looks cute but full of plastic surgery. More likely a shoop than surgery, just trying to describe the feel it gives me. But I don't hate it. If the rest is worse as other anons said tho, that may very well cross into creepy real quick. Like those anime masks people wore creepy.

>> No.10565533

Sorry wrong tag to >>10563301

>> No.10565536

Honsetly I see more people on cgl calling people out about "I got discriminated, people told me I'm too black for Lolita" stories being bullshit for attention than I've ever see a non-bait comments about blscks being ugly. Unlike fatty-chans and ugly people, people seem mainly fine with black people on the lolita part of cgl unless they dress badly or have most embarrassing behaviour.

>> No.10565537

You must be new. Posting ita behaviour has been around for quite some time now.

>> No.10565540

Honestly, some platforms are just cursed. Generally, because they're the place people people who won't take any concrit and want to have something fancy without spending or putting in effort flock together to have an ita save space. End then some people do the right thing to infiltrate it to post it here. Being the one to "do it right" won't be appreciated unless you appreciate their ita-ness as genuine good taste...

>> No.10565541

No just a big nose that catches more light by pointing out, making it lighter.

>> No.10565546

these aren't ita? its not even lolita its fucking pajamas?? its clearly not trying to be lolita
just because its tagged as lolita doesnt mean it is stop wasting everyones time

>> No.10565549

these are fine

you cant even see the coord here

this clearly isnt trying to be lolita

half of the stuff you posted isnt ita please lurk more

>> No.10565559
File: 68 KB, 677x903, ADC48F2C-D3DC-48AA-A216-FC73BE72A63A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10565560

They are all 'Lolita items" from Chinese Lolita stores smartass. Not even tagged as, but sold as. Including >>10565546 and >>10565520 . The problem they're so not Lolita is part of the issue, but they're definitely trying to be. That's why it ended up on the ugly Lolita dress page. It's like Weibo's it's releases tread... Don't try to claim you know better what they try to be than the original Weibo posts...

Looks like cheap cosplay costume.

Has a random waaaaay to big bright red bow with an all pink dress. Even that hello kitty knows bows' sizes should be proportional and red bow goes better with red dress, pink bow with pink dress.

Sorry you got shit taste anon.

>> No.10565562

*Like Weibo's ita tread, damn autocorrect.

Also the lights in >>10565524 are tacky as fuck and make the clothes see trough. Beside she could use hair accessories. You really need socks and shoes to see it's bad? Poor you

>> No.10565563

her being fat doesn't automatically make this a bad coord, it's actually really cute

>> No.10565564

it doesn't fit.

>> No.10565567 [DELETED] 


>> No.10565568


Titty dress is my new substyle

>> No.10565578

Sauce? I need to see a Chinese ita thread

>> No.10565587

It's literally what fat people look like in lolita thou?

>> No.10565589

not bursting at the seams or anything. looks fine to me. the only thing I'd tell her is to iron her dress next time

>> No.10565591

look here >>10565508

>> No.10565610 [DELETED] 
File: 1.34 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20210227-005406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah, reddit

>> No.10565611

Already posted >>10565470

>> No.10565613

you obviously haven't been here long enough then

>> No.10565673
File: 336 KB, 1440x1800, 1DB3DFC2-8E4E-4646-BC16-5DE71F7D6A3F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comm leader everyone. Yes she wears her hair and makeup like this while in lolita

>> No.10565688

Yikes, her hair texture is a little turd-like in this pic.
But otherwise, I mean it's just more bad decora/fairy kei. I'm kind of used to seeing the cheap garbage in those looks at this point

>> No.10565690

If your attitude is cringey and shit you should change it to act like a decent human being or you don't deserve to wear cute clothes.

>> No.10565691

people dance and twerk in normal clothing too, you know. youre literally saying people dont deserve to wear lolita because they like to have fun and dance in it. the only cringe here is you.

>> No.10565695

Go have fun in another hobby, skank.

>> No.10565708

It’s obvious that the bow in >>10565523 is just supposed to be for the picture, other than that the outfit looks fine

>> No.10565711

I wonder when the last time she showered was. Imagine the smell coming off her scalp, jesus

>> No.10565713

i will twerk and dance and have fun in my brand and you can die mad about it larper

>> No.10565727

Go look for a virgin tradwife on another board polfag

>> No.10565750

her hair is so cute I really like this idea and it can look good with lolita but I just wish everything didn't look so crusty...

>> No.10565765

(you) mad newfag? Being mad won't make you less ita, ero cunt..

>> No.10565786

i believe you need to kys, madame

>> No.10565787
File: 921 KB, 891x1264, Screenshot_20210226_235044_com.zhiliaoapp.musically.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10565790

Literal retard she is a cow and a horrible person. She wanted to disrespect the style and she did

>> No.10565794

She desperately needs a white wig. And shoes or socks that are white. She is too orange to be wearing it like that

>> No.10565795

This isn’t ita, she just needs some headwear to balance it better

>> No.10565797


I remember someone posting her as an alternative to Tyler and it's like.... what the fuck.

>> No.10565799

hi soup

>> No.10565802


>> No.10565803
File: 16 KB, 320x240, 42443AF1-5198-4D8D-B56E-5C969551CEC1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you say something like that

>> No.10565814

A white wig? Anon, are you okay?

>> No.10565818
File: 175 KB, 1080x1440, FB_IMG_1614426041072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can you wear this much brand and look ita? The shooping is also nightmare fuel.

>> No.10565821

She's so pretty though

>> No.10565822
File: 72 KB, 300x281, 124-Jynx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10565823

she's always posted. Her coords are a clusterfcuk and definitely need better styling. Hime sleeves look weird with daydream bed and there's too much to explain how effed this looks. Sweet can be better coordinated than this.

>> No.10565826

>daydream bed
ma'am that is dreamy dollhouse

>> No.10565829
File: 152 KB, 1067x2048, 9870987087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

desu I can't act like I'm not mildly offended by this
have my grandma hand against my fave print as proof I'm a sweet apfag irl

>> No.10565831

Are you a man?

>> No.10565832

biological female with gross jack skellington anachan fingers

>> No.10565836

>anachan fingers
Keep telling yourself that kek

>> No.10565838

same difference i own both

>> No.10565840
File: 201 KB, 453x164, 968749857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eh it's mostly an exaggeration since I lost count of the "okay anachan" comments when sharing measurements. I'm nearly normal bmi and I eat a lot, the only thing I really have in common with actual anachans is the self loathing element.

>> No.10565841

Aside from the uncanny shoop, anyone else think that her face doesn't suit sweet at all? She looks like she's wearing someone else's clothes. I feel like she'd look stunning in gothic.

>> No.10565843

i think she'd look better in sweet minus the weird shoop and shitty coordinates, but yeah gothic or classic would suit her way more. i think she's a normie model of some kind but i didn't look too deep into it, since anyone can say they model

>> No.10565850

They are neither ana thin nor particularly long... I actually thought you were a man because they look stubby while your palm is huge lol

>> No.10565853
File: 11 KB, 300x288, 4578569-789-5678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's fair lol. I had bigger palms/longer fingers than this one guy I dated even though he was nearly a foot taller than me, and both my palms and fingers are bigger than any of my female friends'. always assumed my hands were just gross in general so it's nice to pinpoint what's making them look so freaky.

>> No.10565857

showering is a colonizer oppression tactic

>> No.10565859

You’re a female soup

>> No.10565867

Every time she is talking about modeling, it mostly seems related to modeling at Lolita events. You see this more often with people who modelled at an event. I find it a bit weird, just because you got picked to model at an event doesn’t make you an actual model. I was picked to model for a Japanese brand at an event once, but I would never call myself a model. It is not like the brand asked you to model, you just applied and got picked...

>> No.10565869
File: 162 KB, 315x310, 67806896.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet she's prettier without the shoop


>> No.10565870

She's such a fucking ita I wish she would stop posting. No head piece, no socks, not even shoes. At least she's wearing a blouse but that fabric is so cheap it looks like she's wearing a sissy dress. She should shave too, she looks like a monkey with all that hair.

>> No.10565871

the casual racism in this community is fucking ridiculous, she looks great get over it

>> No.10565873

This whole fit is sad but her posture is probably the worst detail. My back hurts from looking at this (so do my eyes tbf)

>> No.10565874

Man hands

>> No.10565881
File: 115 KB, 1067x2048, 9780564870456798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been saying I have man hands for years. I'm just lucky they aren't hairy desu

>> No.10565882

This is a standard OTT sweet coordinate, is cgl just mad shes pretty?

>> No.10565884

anon do you wear OTT sweet? because it's really not... most of her coords are brand ita territory

>> No.10565889
File: 117 KB, 720x960, E7B67DF9-B3F7-4B84-B55A-5560B3AF931E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10565890

baka it's always dnd

>> No.10565896
File: 42 KB, 400x507, 1fbd98d1147f057058314dc5d49b0e49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based ita, this is hilarious

>> No.10565904

Oh my god, why have I never seen this before? It’s perfection...

>> No.10565916


>> No.10565917

If she is too orange, then why not a green wig?

>> No.10565919

i feel like her coords are always weird mashups of lolita and decora. she usually overdoes it and goes past the sweet spot where it works, but i do enjoy it sometimes.

>> No.10565922

Yes? Her coords are fine, identical to what most Japanese lolitas wear. What specifically makes it ita?

>> No.10565923

nayrt, but the random blue headbow and the hime style blouse really ruin it. Overall it’s more nitpick than ita though, the horrible angle on the right makes her look worse than she would irl.

>> No.10565925

not them, but while i don't think her coords are bad enough to be ita they just come off to me as... lame? or low effort. i feel like every outfit of hers can be described as buying every hype piece and then piling it all on at once, and it ends up not being well coordinated. like, i don't think she has an eye for this fashion.

>inb4 someone gives me a stock /cgl/ response that i'm jelly
she's pretty for sure, i just think a well curated outfit is way more pleasing than... whatever she does

>> No.10565927

Also nayrt but the items she picked don't go together thematically, even if the colors work. She also has a ring on every finger which is driving me crazy, that must be so uncomfortable. I also don't think the way she does her eyebrows really fits. Something about this whole thing just screams, "normie cosplaying as a lolita"

>> No.10565928

You don't have man hands, bpd-chan. Gulls are dumbasses.

>> No.10565929

handmade itas are my favorite

>> No.10565931

So many people being bad at dressing themselves shouldn't lower your standards anon

>> No.10565932

This is perfection, fuck off.

>> No.10565933

If you're gonna make a picture with a ridiculous, random and not matching bow, you're still wearing a ridiculous, random and not matching bow.

Beside, did you look at those bangs? The bow is the worst offender but that wig isn't only cheap, it's also really oddly cut. Combine to that the cheap jewellery and I see no reason it doesn't belong. Have some standards.

>> No.10565938

Bless you anon, her entirely feminine hands being called manly was making me and my much manlier hands feel like shit, and that's not usually something that concerns me. I'm constantly reminded that this board has a really warped perception of human bodies.

>> No.10565943

looking at this picture made me feel really grateful for my own hands, so thanks i guess. nobody really pays attention to hands anyway except for autists who try to use them to clock people

>> No.10565944

Your hands are adorable bpd-chan. You have really cute wrists and nice nailbeds, my only suggestion is to paint them or put some clear varnish on them.

>> No.10565950
File: 1.02 MB, 750x920, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10565951
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>> No.10565953
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>> No.10565954
File: 996 KB, 673x834, Capture4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10565955

can you stop? these are obviously meant to be the other kind of lolita and we don’t want to look at them

>> No.10565957

oh god, how could I forget! sorry if I caused a microaggression by saying that black girls need to learn how to clean themselves uwu

>> No.10565964

How did you not realize that was a joke

>> No.10565971

how did you not realize that they were also joking in their response

>> No.10565993

you haven't seen the same videos I have.

>> No.10565994

I've seen enough hentai to be confused by this.

>> No.10565996

She's not pretty even with the creepy alien shooping kek

>> No.10566012

They're not "man hands" but they're clearly fatass ham trotters lol

>> No.10566015

post balls

>> No.10566022
File: 139 KB, 1068x2048, 709856907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao yeah you got me, am hamplanet, oink oink

I only have one ball, picrel, is that okay?

there is no need to wk me but thanks lol

>> No.10566025

You should get your nails done if you can, I think a medium almond shape would do well to make your fingers look longer and more feminine

>> No.10566026
File: 1011 KB, 750x1334, 2DA65F5E-6860-4798-98F3-4FA66C00CDF7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is my local tainwreck: Fan of being fashionably oppressed, at any given time claiming to be trans (she’s not), native American (nope), poor (parents pay for everything), disabled (until its inconvient), and more.

Also claims that no one can consent to kinky sex ever, and it’s always rape/abuse, etc, and thinks that most of the egl com is filled with pedophiles. I wish she would kill herself already.

>> No.10566029

most men interested in egl are literal pedophiles and actively are trying to learn or act on grooming underage or barely legal girls.

>> No.10566031

The purple REALLY clashes with the black she placed everywhere else. It's like she followed normie fashion advice that black goes with everything since its a neutral. Absolute blindness to the print's color scheme

>> No.10566032
File: 1.58 MB, 750x1334, 16FB52C9-EE96-4E16-8B57-4AB741ADE8FD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, But it’s never guys with her. It’s always other women who don’t give her buttpats who are “encouraging normalizing pedophillia”

>> No.10566033

Oh my frills this bitch. What name is she today?

That’s not her argument. Any girl who wears loli And also has a separate sex life is guilty of being a pedophile.

>> No.10566034

>Any girl who wears loli And also has a separate sex life is guilty of being a pedophile
2010s twitterfag moral superiority has skewed people's judgement of ordinary shit in the weirdest ways

>> No.10566039

They/he/she is also weirdly sexist? Women can’t consent to any kink, women can’t dominate men, and women can’t rape men. Its has to do with some trauma they/he/she suffered or something, but they hate women.

Im trans. I speak for the community when I say we don’t claim them/him/her.

>> No.10566041
File: 810 KB, 420x315, 2nLT.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you for the advice anon. I've always wanted fake nails but never tried them, maybe I'll treat myself to them when I get vaccinated.

>> No.10566043

Oof. Those cords and hair are unfortunate.

>> No.10566048

Omg this person lol. Had an unfortunate interaction with them a couple of years back. They tried to get me banned from a fb group for being "transphobic" for something completely and totally unrelated to trans identities (note that my SO is a transitioned trans man and I am privately not cis but never feel the need to tell people about it). The mods were messaging me wondering if we all read the same thread as this person because it was such a wild attempt at oppression olympics and accusations based on seam-tearing reaches. Also note, they go by "it/its" and explicitly request that we not call them "q*eer." Absolute nightmare, do not interact with them if you want to not bash your brains into a wall.

>> No.10566049


>> No.10566053

laugh my fucking ass off off off

>> No.10566056
File: 2.92 MB, 576x1024, blahblahcap.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't the procedure is really painful and you won't be able to use your hands with them on.

>> No.10566058

I would like to mention how tedious it was to find this vid / learn how to convert it to webm so I would appreciate a few (you)’s as compensation. ty. soup out

>> No.10566060

Isn't that supposed to be manba makeup? The unblended white nose stripe, lipstick and droopy eyeshape seem to imply that. What the heck is she doing?

>> No.10566061

I keep them around on Facebook for shiggles. They no longer go by “it/its”, As it is “demeaning and dehumanizing”. They swear that they are a gay transman with male pronouns.

>> No.10566064

They still have "it/its" in their fb bio. Imagine having this many identity issues. The desperation to be marginalized is real.

>> No.10566069
File: 34 KB, 512x512, a0565d70b854d402461afb6c07d06557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fucking shit soup. yeah no I can't handle that I almost vomited looking at that and now my fingers hurt. nope nope nope

(You) congrats fr though.

>> No.10566072

Wtf? If you’re getting your nails done and it’s painful, you’re going to a shit nail tech. Tell them to stop if it hurts, walk out and find a decent one lol.
How long are your extensions if you can’t reasonably use your hands?

>> No.10566078

New thread >>10566073

>> No.10566105
File: 301 KB, 2560x1707, acrylic-nails-scaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't listen to soup, he's just trolling with video of a silicone practice hand used for nail tech training. Actual acrylics are just a plastic nail form glued to your hand and then coated with an acrylic paste and smoothed out.

>> No.10566142

press on nails do really well if you're not able to go to a salon. give them a shot. static nails are a favorite of mine.

>> No.10566149

i have these exact same kind of hands, but also hairy :( not a lot but enough to look ugly. southern european genes.

>> No.10566276

Her face too. Guess she's just an unfortunate being.

>> No.10566389

You have soft looking habds

>> No.10566549

What the fuck is wrong with her face?

>> No.10566551

The problem is that 95% of the people who go on tiktok is children and child predators

>> No.10566553


She's Asian, anon

>> No.10566560

No, they're almost all like that. There's a few that are pretty subdued, but chances are the ones who thinking being LGBT is a personality trait are the ones that are like this.

>> No.10566569

So being Asian means having a lazy eye, pronounced eyebags, and lips that always look puckered?