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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10557317 No.10557317 [Reply] [Original]

What do you guys expect to do at the next big con? I already expecting myself to get black out drunk and probably making out with several people in one weekend.

>> No.10557343

Have an orgy dressed as hazbin hotel characters.

>> No.10557381

>making out with several people
I think you need to leave

>> No.10557481

Crop dust the entire con with my foul smelling farts

>> No.10557485
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Not amused

>> No.10557994

The same thing I tried the last two cons
Try to get a gf, and fail

>> No.10557999

wow what ever happen to kellyjane lot???

>> No.10558022

If Angel Dust doesn't offer to suck my dick I would be disappointed.

>> No.10558236

He tries to get a gf at cons...

>> No.10558308

In-character murder mystery where we play our dnd characters and have other people guess who killed some poor sod.

Failing that, an in-character cosplayed session

>> No.10558355

Well, I asked a Ram-cosplayer last con, where Rem is
She answered "who is that?"
Than, I lost my spaghetti

>> No.10558682

Why would you actively want to make out with anyone who wants to make out with ppl at cons? Ew

>> No.10559027

Cons are the worst place to get a gf, if they're single then they have their pick of the single guys. Same as the real world really, but with way more guys.

>> No.10559605
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Cons are the best place to be a gf as long as you're an alpha male. Just go in jojo cosplay and get every woman to swoon over you.

>> No.10560637

I want to be that Joseph.

>> No.10561039

What year is this from? 2006?

>> No.10561063

Probably the same as every con, walk around, bored and lonely, if I'm lucky I find someone who'll let me join their group, otherwise I might go to some panels or something.

>> No.10563103

Filename DORK, 2008

>> No.10563424

That's the problem, I'm far away from being an alpha-male

>> No.10563450

People talk a lot about the rare gamer GF, but the cosplay BF is even rarer. And with that I don't mean dudes with some cheap costume thrown in, I mean the ones that actually put effort into it (and look physically attractive).

>> No.10563453

And what's worse is that the few guys guys who fit the criteria think they are god's gift to women

>> No.10563497

>think they are god's gift to women
We are. I already get far hotter women outside of conventions. Girls at cons aren't that good looking and not worth my time with their series of problems and non healthy habits. I worked for these abs, and all I ask is for girls to be slightly sane and not be over 160 lbs. If you are you best be athletic as fuck with a nice fit body.

>> No.10563967

Nah bitch, we're gay. Take your roastie somewhere else, I'm here for some meat

>> No.10563999

Uh. I guess stand in line looking like a sweaty mess while weirdos take my picture, then go home without talking to a single guy.

>> No.10564006

90% of men that cosplay don’t shower or wear makeup. And the few that take at least a bit more care of themselves think that their steroid riddled body makes up for the hot glue and broadcloth monstrosities they call a cosplay. Y’all ain’t special, you’re more likely to be just one of a bunch of delusional manchildren bitter that women can cosplay anime men better than any man ever could. The only men that are good at cosplay are the ones that make Mechas and monster suits because at least I don’t have to look at their nasty sweat stained ballsacks because their cocks are “too big to fit in a dance belt”

>> No.10564018

I wanna elaborate on this by saying that women cosplay men better than men can, men cosplay women better than women can, and deep down we all know that men that cosplay men can only cosplay Geralt well if they have the power of photoshop on their side <3

>> No.10564638

>steroid riddled body
Gotta live up to women's body expectations somehow

>> No.10564658

>90% of men that cosplay don’t shower or wear makeup
All the women I fucked didn't care if I did. I had a couple lick my salty sweaty body and was fine with it.

>And the few that take at least a bit more care of themselves think that their steroid riddled body makes up for the hot glue and broadcloth monstrosities they call a cosplay.

I don't take steroids, but everything you're saying so far, no woman but jealous ones have said.

>Y’all ain’t special, you’re more likely to be just one of a bunch of delusional manchildren bitter that women can cosplay anime men better than any man ever could.

When did I ever say I care how great women are at cosplay? As long as a woman looks nice, I'd fuck her whether she had good or bad cosplay.

>The only men that are good at cosplay are the ones that make Mechas and monster suits

And none of them ever get laid. I have a few friends who are what you described and they don't have the clue or the desire to get fit like I did. I still love them to death, but you're really just reaching for the fences with all these lies.

>> No.10564679

based introvert-chan

>> No.10564805
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Get laid like always. Gonna see if I could break my record of having 3 girls in the span of one weekend con. Ax 2019 you were nice to me that year, here's hoping the next one will be more nice

>> No.10565153

Only 3? Git gud.

>> No.10565156
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>> No.10565157

wow, some men really do just view women as holes and not human beings, huh?

>> No.10565161

You look at a guy like Leon Chiro with his bad rep for sexual harassment
Yet women still throw themselves at him
And you wonder why people don't respect you?

>> No.10565163

I just go with my wife. We do a couple-cosplay one day, and then just normies the other day(s). We aren't the greatest cosplayers that ever lived, but we have fun.

>> No.10565165


>> No.10565194


>> No.10565285

Get the fuck off 4chan

>> No.10565384

that's why you go les, anon.

>> No.10565416

Honestly, at first I was thinking I haven't been missing events at all and that people and the costs were only a burden for nothing.

But after a while, looking at old photos and fanart of characters doing trivial things? Sometimes, I miss it. Just the little things.
Just the act of sitting down eating good food together with a bunch of fags that more or less understand your weebery feels good.
Or walking through places in full armor without a care.
Or making some kid's day.

>> No.10565417

Better yet crossdress as a sailor scout

>> No.10565418
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>> No.10565720

Yes. And I won't stop.

>> No.10565732

You need a hug?

>> No.10565812
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/cgl/ meet feat. a massive jug of jungle juice
Not a con unless you're shitfaced with strangers

>> No.10565813

take MDMA with frend during the parties and have an awesome time.

>> No.10565876

sounds like fun but knowing my party i DM we'd be goofing around too much

>> No.10566106

My plan is pretty basic. Hopefully have lost 30lbs by the time comes reopen so I can confidently cosplay as either super sonico or shion(when they cry). I would just like to look cute in cosplay again, and you know outshine the shit conitas with how amazing I look in my brand.
Small things are the most fulfilling.
Plus I miss being able to nerd out about anime with fellow con goers.

>> No.10566114

same here, bro. i’m just dying to geek out and sperg over anime with others irl again...
i wish both you and i luck on our weight loss journeys, but please remember to stay healthy!

>> No.10566121

You as well anon! Hopefully cons will open again safely and we both will rock our cosplays!

>> No.10566245

I've never been to a con before, how's the experience?

>> No.10566253


>> No.10566270

how do you get a gf at a con .............. or just friends .................................

>> No.10566273

if women presented themselves as anything else maybe men would.

>> No.10566310

Same way you get them outside of a con, talk to people

>> No.10566311

except actual alpha's can get better quality tail anywhere else and don't waste their time.

>> No.10566447

Who hurt you?

>> No.10566499

you can't talk to people outside a con. that's actually an advantage with cons for friend making, it's socially accepted to talk to strangers.

>> No.10566515

Snake Eyes (G.I. Joe) is finally complete, so definitely wearing that. I want to get video of me killing characters as Agent 47.

>> No.10566598
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I went to a con and there where cops checking people before going into the rave and a friend of a friend got caught with a bunch of weed. Now I'm too scared to do anything like that. I just want to drink and do stupid shit with friends.

>> No.10566605
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drop acid before the rave problem solved

>> No.10566756

kelly jane got dumped is sort of just a frumpy streamer now (i don't think she cosplays?) and teal pirate is trans and he goes by some other name and joined a different cosplay group I believe

>> No.10566783

loop around the dealers hall and artists alley for 7 hours straight, forget to eat or drink, and drop my spaghetti when people ask to take pictures of me
and leave with no ones number or nee friends because im too retarded to make small talk

>> No.10567129

I am just happy they gone

>> No.10567145
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Make friends :( . I'm in a small rural town in Arkansas and started traveling to LA for AX. 2018 was really fun and actually got out of my shell and was able to talk with a few randoms in the line from hell (Aqours merch line).
Just don't want to wander around alone anymore, though going solo has some benefits. Seems like it would be a lot more fun with a few chill friends.

>> No.10567160

I'm from Kansas and I think I went to AX in 2018. It might have been 2019, I forgot. We should have met up or something. I went with a small group of friends but walked around alone for most of the time. For cons it's usually:
>see what panels are worth going to
>buy shit
>go to adult area (had no idea who Kaho Shibuya was until I met her at a con. We spoke a bit and she is the sweetest girl ever.)
>drink at night
>50/50 whether I go to raves or night events

>> No.10567189

Ayyy I'd be down when AX is finally in full swing again. I met a Kansas anon last year funnily enough. Nice guy but kinda disappeared from Discord after the event.
Your experience is basically bow I spent my time the last two years besides the rave.

>> No.10567350

Send your discord I guess. I'm not sure when or if I'll be going to AX next time. I want to but it's expensive.

>> No.10567363

Yeah, I don't know either, but for sure it's not this year due to the 'rona. So maybe another year without a con will add more funds to my fun money savings for next year.. if it is open next year.

>> No.10567446

Get wrecked, debut some new costumes built during quarantine, buy some dumb crap that's cheaper online but more tempting in person. Hopefully, the new season of Bleach will have dropped so I can pick up some cute Renji cosplayers.

Also play a bunch of board games with friends, maybe a game of CAH with random folks outside, catch up with the friends who live in different cities/states.

>> No.10567466

Midwesterner here, the big anime con of the Region (A-Kon) has already cancelled until 2022. Probably for the best at this point. Last con I went to was February 2020. I've done a few online cons but still miss the in person aspect.

I still don't get getting shitfaced at cons. I can do that with my friends any weekend, I don't need to travel 200 miles, spend $60+ on a con ticket and $200 per night for a hotel just to get shitfaced and sleep through half a day of the con.

>> No.10567469

For all the comments about wanting a cosplay con BF, I would also like to have a cosplay con GF, but most cosplayers are crazy people who have unrealistic expectations.

You want a handsome BF that can also make great costumes, but you also want a successful guy who will financially support your life and your hobbies. You gotta realize a con-going cosplayer is going to be somewhat of a man-child. Personally I have a decent job that can support my general life as well as convention costs as well as my hobbies. I have no problem with fronting the costs for travel, con tickets and the hotel room for my GF to go with me, but once someone starts asking me for help with things like rent and car payments, that's a deal breaker for me.

>> No.10567477

The only guys that harp about paying for things for their gfs/wives are the ones that can't afford it.

>> No.10567484
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>> No.10567570

Commitment, she was ready to be asked that!

>> No.10567712

>I don't need to travel 200 miles, spend $60+ on a con ticket and $200 per night for a hotel just to get shitfaced and sleep through half a day of the con.
But thats what makes it fun. Then driving home with a slight hangover.

>> No.10567718

Or...maybe. Just maybe. They want to keep their hard earned money for themselves to spend on themselves. Since it's theirs....and it belongs to them.

>> No.10567725

And you probably want a girl who looks like a model who can fuck like a pornstar but cleans up after you like your mommy. Again, while making your costumes and not getting pissed when you play video games for twelve hours straight or try to hang other chicks at conventions.
We all have unrealistic expectations buddy.

>> No.10568194

>The only guys that harp about paying for things for their gfs/wives are the ones that can't afford it.
I make a six figure income. The issue isn't that I can't afford it but rather that it shows an immaturity problem.
>And you probably want a girl who looks like a model who can fuck like a pornstar
Nah, I can really dig a chubby chick that's into nerdy things
>cleans up after you like your mommy
I've lived on my own long enough that I know how to clean up after myself
>while making your costumes
Never had to have someone else make my costumes. I can either buy them or put in the effort if I want it to look great.
>not getting pissed when you play video games for twelve hours straight
If I had a rough week at work and/or am really looking forward to a new release, that's my prerogative. Not everything is about you and what you want.
>try to hang other chicks at conventions.
I have female friends that are popular cosplayers. I'm not trying to fuck them but I do need to spend some times with friends at conventions. Sounds like a jealousy issue.

You both sound like girls with baggage issues that I had with previous girlfriends that I dropped.

>> No.10568210

you're really desperate to frame every man on 4chan as some fat, short, unkempt, incompetent wreck of a human being.
i've been to /cgl/ meets.

to be fair, 99% of the guys that go to those are complete losers, but y'all are fucking horrible too. i don't go to them anymore.

>> No.10568212

i'm bi so I could just date another man who pulls his own weight. I did it for a while. was the best relationship I've ever been in.

>> No.10568220

Please by all means do that and leave women alone

>> No.10568225

i can't help who i'm attracted to, sorry. please stop being creepy and telling women to break up so you can swoop in. it's slimy.

>> No.10568230

So what do you have to offer then if not your money?

Women are more considerate, smarter, by far the more attractive gender, funnier, more open, more enriching to talk to, and more powerful than men (even if they desperately deny it).

Men have started entire wars because of us, every philosopher has arisen because of us, every country, every border, every company formed, because of, you guessed it, women. If men weren't so vehemently opposed to women invading their fields, we would dominate STEM without a doubt.

>> No.10568248

Okay but that sounds like the best place to get a bf? I'm not a cosplayer but i don't like normie men

>> No.10568249

Larper detected

>> No.10568252

A lot of girls at cons are into feminism and want to be treated equally so why would a guy go for someone like you instead of someone who begs to split costs

>> No.10568297

>What do you guys expect to do at the next big con?
Probably the same old shit? Work my ass off for several months to help organise our con, work my shifts, help fix unavoidable behind the scenes problems before visitors notice, hand over a few assholes to the police, get drunk, sleep for 4 hours at most and repeat. Then afterwards, wait a few weeks and post everything I picked up in con horror stories threads. Well, anything minus information that could help identify those involved or the con that is.

>> No.10568304

Totally with you on that. If I wanted to date a normie, I’d look anywhere else. I try to find a gf at cons because I want to be with someone whose interests vaguely overlap with mine. (Not that I have anything against normies, I’ve found that I bore them after a while.)

>> No.10568311 [DELETED] 

You, Staff Anon, ate the real hero here

>> No.10568313

You, Staff Anon, are the real hero, here.

>> No.10568387

Thanks Anon. Last year was a real rollercoaster for event organisers everywhere. The uncertainty was absolutely killing. Continuously being met with temporary measures that followed each other, false expectations of COVID being gone in a month or 2 and conflicting information being spread everywhere. For the longest time all organisers could do was sit and wait as they kept going, knowing there's a fair chance of all the effort they put in being for nothing.

And it was for nothing, all that team effort going straight down the drain. Watching partners we've work with fall into bankruptcy, sponsors pulling back, other staffers giving up as their motivation is completely gone. Frankly most of this year won't be any different, except now everyone pretty much knows there's no point in even trying unless you're a small event. I feel sorry for the stubborn few that insist on trying regardless.

>> No.10568501

You dont want a gf who has the same interests as you. Save yourself now.

>> No.10568598

Dare I ask why? I always assumed mutual interests were important for maintaining relationships.

>> No.10568626
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It's just not the same anymore.
I don't want modern cons, I want to go back to the 90s.

>> No.10568636

Get very bored quickly. Learning and introducing new things to each other is more enjoyable.

>> No.10568650

The other anon kinda said it, but my take is a little different. You gf, despite the "friend" in the name, is not actually your friend. In that regard, if you view her as that, you two get bored of each other very quickly. You're suppose to be a catch and the uncatchable hero to her. If she knows already what you like, she loses interest.

>> No.10568671

For none of my hotel-room mates to opt to dye their skin with sharpie and iso for a cosplay

>> No.10569318

I know, obvious troll. But if men did everything including built the world for women, and women have done nothing for men or themself, women are useless and clearly the inferior gender

>> No.10569345

Me and my wife are a high earning DINK couple and we split or alternate on who pays the bills.

>> No.10569429

>It's just not the same anymore.
Yes it is
You're just old

>> No.10569584
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>Women are more considerate, smarter, by far the more attractive gender, funnier, more open, more enriching to talk to, and more powerful than men (even if they desperately deny it).
Yep fuck off to r/FemaleDatingStrategy

>> No.10569589

I went to anime cons in the 90s and I really don't want to go back to that. Back then anime was hard to come by so I would spend most cons sitting in video rooms watching as much anime as I could in a weekend. Now it's constantly available and cons have taken a more social turn (at least for me) and I view that as nothing but a good thing.

>> No.10570730

And FINALLY getting off my ass to make cosplay. It's been an itch I've wanted to scratch for several years. I dearly miss it.

A man of culture and taste

>> No.10570752
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Go ahead. Fill in the report

>> No.10570761

I'm not even sure anymore, I just wanna hang out with my friends at a con.
But I'll probably drink more than I used to.

I'll definitely go to the karaoke, and eat some shitty japanese food.
I'll run like Naruto in cosplay after 8PM despite being almost 30yo
I'll be REALLY happy to see my friends, both close ones and the ones I only get to see at cons
>90% of men that cosplay don’t shower
>hot glue and broadcloth monstrosities they call a cosplay.
common, that's just pointless fingerpointing and name calling

>> No.10571041

Get girls to like me, sweet talk them, sometimes get them to invite me to their room... and reject them, never call, etc...
It's always fun to break hearts.
I'm the avatar of your vengeance, bros.

>> No.10571054
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I don’t want vengeance, I just want to be loved.

>> No.10571078

Vengeance is more realistic.

>> No.10571151

NAYRT but dammit, similar hobbies was basically the main thing I was looking for in a gf. Finding someone into sewing and cosplay that has their shit together was hard enough, and now I've got nothing to go off of.

As for thread topic, debut a new cosplay or two (if I haven't lost interest in the characters by then), go to the seegull meet, and hopefully hit up some room parties and meet some cool people. I just graduated from college so I was hoping to use my disposable income to go to cons slightly far away, but then COVID hit. Great timing lmao

>> No.10572873

How did this turn into the cosplay bf/gf thread? Are we about to start posting applications?

>> No.10572877

Reality is he probably does this to fat ugly chicks because no girl who is half decent would do that

>> No.10572960

I’ve been filling the void in my soul caused by a lack of cons by obsessively planning for the next one I go to. I’m not sure how I’ll cope if cons are still perma-dead this fall.
So far, I’m planning to...
>host a panel
>host a scavenger hunt
>lug around the heaviest prop I’ve ever had to thus far
I’ve never done any of this before, and I’ll probably be joining another panel if my friend gets their plans going. Send help

>> No.10572987

What if you want a more masculine and dominant woman.

>> No.10572997

Go find some tranny on a lesbian dating app then. Say you're trans yourself and they're transphobic if they won't smegs you.

>> No.10573998

>Women are more considerate
Name one female philosopher
>more attractive
A trap in a kigurumi works just as well and requires less to attract/impress
Can I have what you're smoking? Female "comedians" just talk about "muh vagina" and "muh period" 24/7 and dont have an ounce of humor
>more open
>more enriching to talk to
For the last time I dont care about your period or what dumb media you consoomed on netflix *yawn*
>more powerful
A wom*n becoming vice fucking president is a nothingburger that only dangerhairs on twitter care about, and she'll end up like Gerald Ford and lose 2024 if Bidet dies. It's a man's world, honey.

>> No.10574508


>> No.10574512

Nice 'facts and logic', your youtube recs pick them out for you?

>> No.10576651

... Missouri nor Arkansas are midwest. Sorry.

>> No.10576695

lol stay mad. I've peeped in male dominated discords is literally 99% of the conversation is coomer talk and boomer memes.

>> No.10576699
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>dangerhairs on twitter

>> No.10576737

Finally get the courage to go to the after parties and hang out with people. What's the worst that can happen?

>> No.10576747

>Women are more considerate, smarter, by far the more attractive gender, funnier, more open, more enriching to talk to, and more powerful than men (even if they desperately deny it).

>> No.10577334

NAYRT but public discords (that aren't a group of IRL friends) are always cesspools. Literally, always.

>> No.10577343

this. it's either braindead guys or girls who only want to flash their tits.

>> No.10577629

Cant wait for the next con. Going as tortured griffith again.
Being an anorexic dude has one upside.
Imma try not to pass out in public this time though.

>> No.10578138
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I haven't been to a con in a good while even before pandemic. Now I moved to Baltimore.
I know there's a few big cons here I'm tempted to go to. But no friends to go with and dear God I'm not going with /cgl/.

Cons are kinda boring alone though. Maybe ill check it out buy some shitty grab bags, and maybe get a few photos if anybody is cosplaying something I like in particular.
I'd cosplay an arknights character but all the guys are kinda lame. Maybe could do silverash.

>> No.10578305

It depends on who you ask. Are regions are all messed up because of the Civil war territories and the "south" being south-east USA. Sometimes Texas is considered a southern state and sometimes it's considered a central state.

>> No.10578756

In high school I'd hang out with my friends and we'd be mean to random girls by putting on a sterotypical gay voice and make fun of their clothes. Most looked really sad but some looked like they'd have killed us if they didn't think it was a hate crime. So if you're out of shape and still want some vengeance, there you go.

>> No.10579387

gay voice is really easy to do, puts girls at ease, but is way too easy to get used to doing (and other dudes and girls will definitely think you're gay). Learned it the hard way

>> No.10579784

>but is way too easy to get used to doing
How the fuck does that work

>> No.10580341

As long as otakon in DC is on gonna cosplay with shirt off and try and smash some poon. Gonna cut through May June and July to get ready. Any suggestions on who to go as? Im 6 foot 1 stocky and a dude. Was thinking as going as naked snaked after being tortured and no eye patch.

>> No.10580343

Seethe harder? I workout, getting my shit made up, and getti g the makeup down for snakes blown out eye hard. Gf knows I'm going to weeb out and smash side poon and she's good with it bro. Just imagine you can get shit and I just horde and dump birches on a whim. Also you can't get chicks smelling like dried ketchup and crabs, that's why it's all about that old spice and dove for men game, tea tree shampoo for life to nigga. BTW whats your bmi?

>> No.10580398

You type like a suburban white kid trying to act ghetto black.

>> No.10580400


I don't, I have become woke and stopped enjoying anime and can't be happier

>> No.10580490


>> No.10580654

I just miss meeting and getting to know fellow degenerates man. I think I'm definitely going to try to meet new people next con. Hopefully I can get over my horrid social confidence issues by then. I know cons aren't strictly the best place to start deep friendships or healthy romantic relationships, but who knows I might luck out since I bet I'm not alone in that boat.

>> No.10581730

Are you a tranny?

>> No.10581769

Not sure if I'll cosplay, but I imagine I'll get unneeded female attention if I go alone (married). With practically everyone being in a more isolated dry spell than normal, I expect the smells will remain until the next con.

>> No.10581810

>I imagine I'll get unneeded female attention if I go alone
You're too modest

>> No.10582334
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Are cons just full of normies? That's how half these replies make it seem at least.

t. Hasn't been to a con yet

>> No.10582344

With the way everyone is talking about how they fuck every woman they meet at cons, but also say that men are just better, I'd think every one of you is trying to hide the fact that you're a flaming homo.

>> No.10582346


>> No.10583141

there are plenty of normies, but there's shitloads of powerlevellers and every kind of weirdo too. you'll be fine

>> No.10583484

Dubs don't lie

>> No.10583557

You mean everyone at cons ISN'T a homo to some degree?

>> No.10583613

what is a powerleveller

>> No.10583663

people who seem normie but are actually huge weebs.

>> No.10584238

the only downside to a group of 7ish tight knit friends is its insular and can sometimes feel no different than all of us meeting in the city for drinks. Sometimes feels like a cockblock, though this is a grass always greener thing, i loved at one point we had two big groups so there was not a single moment of downtime.

>> No.10584340

I'll take 3 months of thinking something original and rush at the absolute last moment possible.

>> No.10584342

It's simple, all you have to do is cosplay as Tatsu from Way of the House Husband. If you're a tranny or a femboy I'm sure there's a million of fag hags that go to these things.

>> No.10584399

I got fucking shredded during quarantine so I'm seriously planning to have a threesome

>> No.10584828

Men :(

>> No.10585446

They've flooded the place in recent years. Since cosplay became more mainstream they're full of fuckboys who think a superhero shirt makes them a cosplayer and harass women constantly because they think all cosplayers are "freaky sluts". And yes, many people do want to get laid at conventions, but usually as a way of living out their fantasies with other cosplayers or hoping to meet a partner that shares their hobby and enthusiasm.

It seriously needs to be rule; no costume, no entry.

>> No.10585672

Anyone can buy a costume. You should have to take a test on anime before getting in.

>> No.10585704

Mumble and get ignored at panels?

>> No.10590121

Crawl back to Artist alley with extra sanitizer and a plastic barrier between me and every congoer about to touch my merch. Lookin at you, Metrocon in July. Cancel, please, I'm begging you... I don't want to drive that far for half the usual profits. Florida isn't ready.

I didn't party hard enough at Katsu2020, and it's one of the few cons my friends and I cosplay at. I'm lowkey considering some fall/winter cons if both my partner and I are vaccinated and shits a little safer. We need out of our small town for a weekend So Badly. Just wanna dress up and drink in a hotel lobby again ):

I am looking forward to outdoor pool season though. Planning to try and swim off most of my quarantine 15... it's more like 30. fuck.

>> No.10590667

>Crawl back to Artist alley with extra sanitizer and a plastic barrier between me and every congoer about to touch my merch
as if anyone was going to buy your shit to begin with

>> No.10590949

mad you dont make 5k in a weekend while chilling at an anime con, aren't ya?

>> No.10591184

Nah, I'd rather go back to 2005-2012 which is right before social medial exploded

>> No.10591187

I've actually never encountered this kind of mythical fuckboy at an anime con. All the guys I've met are super awkward. He's one of those awkward men or just lying.

>> No.10591721
File: 26 KB, 704x396, Yep+its+from+sayonara+zetsubou+sensei+_92b820e73cfdcc1191e5c06be21dc8e1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Major conventions and events already got postponed to 2022
>Bunch of smaller ones extremely likely to follow
>Already have nothing left to look forward to this year, just like last year
>It's only April

>> No.10591757

I make more than that every two weeks.

>> No.10592071

dangerously based, chinless incels won't like this one bit

>> No.10593117

I want to cosplay Minoto and play MH Rise with people late in the evening. I haven't even bought Rise yet.

>> No.10593121
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>> No.10593140

In 202(1), yes. The turn slowly started after the 2008 financial crisis. It became indisputable after 2016. As peoples' material conditions have gotten worse and as they feel more and more powerless most people have retreated into their media products to find meaning.

This is how nerd chic started to become an actual thing. As nerd chic just became the hegemonic culture the stigma around traditional nerdy things has been shed as more people look for escapes from our hell world. Cosplay and cons are a comparatively cheap way to have a feeling of agency. So as time has gone on the is sharp weeby corners have been sanded off to accommodate a broader audience. I personally thing the happy medium was around '12-'14, but this process has continued. Its not that cons aren't fun place to be anymore that the sense of them being for these specific niche communities has slowly eroded. In short modern cons are welcoming but they lack the soul of a close knit community that they use to have. >>10591184
'05-'12 was really the end of an era. Although nobody knew it at time this was the last gasp of the truly anime-centric community. This was the last time you could of really called anime, or cons, or cosplay truly niche. It was the best of times, it was the worse of times.

>> No.10593142

You aren't alone. I'm right there with you. My last con was the last con that ever happened, katsucon 2020, and I hate that my last memories of being at a con was this off feeling of alienation with the scene. Being divorced from cons for a little while has really put the fire in my heat to go out there a make the connections I use to find there. That said covid, and peoples' wildly different reactions to covid, are going to be a real hurdle to get over before finding my social voice again.

>> No.10593183

Your gf doesn't love u

>> No.10593184

>men cosplay women better than women can
only a small % of traps and femboys make good cosplay, and i'd say that most women cosplay other women pretty well esp if they're japanese

>> No.10593283

Just gonna misuse this thread.
Tourist from /fit/ what is a good cosplay for a guy under 5'8 and preferable one with a mask so I can hide my hideous face.

>> No.10593335

>under 5'8
>hideous face
The memes are real

>> No.10593336
File: 30 KB, 640x480, 1529169205441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha ofc I was joking.
Im 6'3 and with a chin so strong I could cut diamonds with it.
Now answer my question.

>> No.10593439
File: 508 KB, 500x667, 1617765482239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What an incredible faggot. Actual representation of this faggot.

>> No.10593482

Amon from korra
Basically every superhero
A lot of mortal kombat characters
A lot of Star Wars characters
Skull kid/majora from Zelda

Now tell me how to get shredded

>> No.10593602

Damn, got into anime culture around 08-09 but was too young/broke to go to cons by myself, wish i had saved up to go. How long before cons become corporate nerd festivals like Comic-Con

>> No.10593846


>> No.10593866

oh sweetie

>> No.10594059
File: 54 KB, 1280x720, 1617515213098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read the sticky

>> No.10595109


You're done. No amount of cosplay can help you. Wear some high heels if you want.

>> No.10595121
File: 1.58 MB, 4280x1454, IMG_20210217_033553671~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Correct. It's a function of being the best prospect in any given vicinity. This dynamic will hold true no matter what social circumstance you are in. Larger environments tend to trim down the odds, but only makes you more appealing if you happen to fit the criteria. It results in average men posting very below average results, and ironically very low end men hosting much better results because at least they have some kind of X Factor that makes them stand out in some kind of category.

That's been my experience. I am in my mid 30s and married (with a big silver ring), but every time I win one of these a woman asks, gets really friendly after they found out I won a tournament and tries to get contact information/connect on social media. Never under any other circumstance.

>> No.10595126


Nuclear grade shit take, I love it. There are people who actually believe this shit though.

There was nothing stopping any woman winning any WSOP main event. It should have been a breeze with their emotional intelligence. They would have been like switch hitters or southpaw boxers; they could read other players but not be read themselves.

>> No.10595258

Based. Too many insecure/angry/lesbian women on this board

>> No.10595348

I doubt I'll ever go to a con again, too much has changed since my last one and I'm too old now. The days of going to panels to see con guests no one except me cares about, standing in line being talked at by autists, asking cute cosplay girls for their pictures and getting laid with rave sluts are long gone.

>> No.10595350

The few guys that do are usually paid to be there or have something wrong with them.
Anyways cons are all about the experience. You gotta appreciate the autism. I love it when cosplayers approach me and give me free stuff and awkwardly take pics with me. I can’t wait to do it again and give out cute freebies for fun.

>> No.10595380

go there baked out of my fucking mind after space cookie and start panicking and hyperventilating when taking photos in my outfit

>> No.10595470 [DELETED] 

Conventions are an abusive relationship. You think of the good times and want to go back but then you remember the drama, the rude cosplayers, getting con-flu, the STANK and the intense heat inside the building.

>> No.10595474

Conventions are an abusive relationship. You think of the good times and want to go back but then you remember the drama, the rude cosplayers, guys creeping on you, getting con-flu, the heat inside the building along with the STANK. When the convention ends you're left hungover with a costume torn to shreds and no money in your wallet.

>> No.10595494

Conventions are an abusive relationship. You think of the good times and want to go back but then you remember the drama, the rude cosplayers, girls claiming you sexually assaulted them, getting con-flu, the heat inside the building along with people complaining about the smell. When the convention ends you're left hungover after tearing your favorite cosplayers costume torn to shreds and no money in your wallet.

>> No.10595986

The older I get, the more I realize that I'm just going through the motions when going to cons now. Its kinda depressing to finally be in a place where I make good money right as cons go to shit. Now I see why Dragoncon is so popular..

I can only imagine what the Millennial midlife crisis is going to be like.

>> No.10595989

Do what I always do, get outrageously drunk, find someone else in cosplay to do drugs with, maybe hook up with someone, and regret everything when I finally go home completely broke and my costumes destroyed

>> No.10596000
File: 427 KB, 1600x1600, 1503717491500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heading straight to the artist alleys as usual

>> No.10596099

Honestly what the fuck is there to do if I don't want to drink or have sex? Hang out and play vidya? That would be comfy.

>> No.10596101

Fuck u anon this is too real

>> No.10596379

wow its almost like men aren't attention whores who need the constant photography of strangers to validate themselves

>> No.10596396

none of those things were ever fun, or in the case of getting laid with rave sluts, real. make some friends and you'll enjoy cons, going by yourself just makes you a bigger autist than the ones you talked to

>> No.10596550

I'm a man, I like them. I'm a photographer and love cosplay. Would be lovely to have someone to take cosplay photos of all the time. She has fun cosplaying, I have fun shooting and editing the photos. win-win

>> No.10596558

you've never been to a con before have you?

>> No.10596649

All this talk of con hookups remind me of the one time I actually had the opportunity and turned it down cause relationship. Funny thing is the girlfriend, who was long distance at the time, called me a faget cause she was cool with it and said I was dumb for skipping out.
Not too worried myself and get out with a clean conscience I spose. But I kind of wish I did cause the absurdity of a Sailor Mars crossdresser and a Sailor Chibi Moon hooking up makes me giggle.
Thanks for reading my ted talk

>> No.10596652

fa/tg/uy here. Last con I went to was just before the pandemic hit the states, and when the time fo the year it usually was held I was sad not to see you guys. Mind you, this is literally my first post on this board. You guys make for great pictures.

>> No.10596820

I just want to get a date with a cute cosplayer, preferably one who could pull off a decent Asuka; but, I'm not picky.

>> No.10596847
File: 634 KB, 1080x1080, cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like one of these guys?

>> No.10596875

>Finding someone into sewing and cosplay that has their shit together was hard enough
Just find a normie chick and bully her into supporting your hobbies. It’s the old fashioned way

>> No.10597906

>be me, autistic retard
>know there is convention where the few females who share some interests with me will attend
>want to go
I've never been to a con before, but are they not the best place to find a gf?

>> No.10597928

kek I remember seeing a group of Umaru cosplayers scurrying around those steps
Good times...good times

>> No.10597940

Absolutely not. Most of the girls there that you would WANT to date are either already involved with someone or aren't interested in hooking up. Or if they are, their interests isn't going to be the main driver in WHO they hook up with. Regardless of gender, people who travel and look for one-night stands are just looking for an attractive person. In other words, if you don't have the ability to take a person home from a hook-up bar or club, you really won't fair any better at conventions.

>> No.10597956

Finding a partner means dealing with real people, getting to know eachother, accepting eachother shortcomings and boundaries and even then there's a fair chance it won't go anywhere. Those at conventions don't got there to find love. They go to meet up with friends, to make memories and indulge in healthy escapism from the drag that is daily life. They'll be just as unapproachable to you as any other random person on the street.

The only benefits you'll have at conventions is everyone having the same common interest and not having to worry about ever walking into those people ever again. Makes it a bit easier to break the ice at first contact or when being introduced by friends. If you're chill and have an actual personality that exceeds "I like anime and post on 4chan" you might be lucky enough to meet someone who likes you enough to get to know you afterwards. But don't expect anything, life isn't some dating sim and people aren't NPC's.

Also just go to a convention, even if it is for a day. They're fun, you get to see weird things happen and sure beats being at home. Some conventions also have speed dating which is a nice way to get to know new people even if most of them end in friendships.

>> No.10597959

You unironically have a better chance at finding a gf at your job instead of a con.

>> No.10598356

Looking forward to the orgy this year at colossal con.

>> No.10598362

but I work at home, alone

>> No.10598383

/pol/ says good girls can be found at churches and grocery stores. I've always thought that's retarded. If even fucking anime conventions are just high school 2.0, then where can I go home? I just want to recapture the feeling I felt when me, several other anti-social dorks and a few tomboys we all crushed are lunch together, but this just sounds like normalfags and attentionwhores. Being an adult sucks, lol.

>> No.10598457

This worked for me except I was Guzma the year Sun & Moon dropped. Couldn't take two steps without someone reaching out to me.

>> No.10598508

the real question is how do I find a girl that likes imperial circus dead decadence now thats the real question

>> No.10598662

No thank you

>> No.10598675

Your problem is nothing to do with where you’re going or who you’re meeting. Your problem is YOU. You’re listening to people on /pol/? Of COURSE you don’t have the social skills to meet a woman. I’d be surprised if you had any friends left, to be honest. I know so many guys who lost everything once /pol/ eroded their minds to hate. Fucking step away from the internet, breathe a deep breath, and chat to people in a friendly manner wherever you are. Don’t think about dating, don’t think about finding “good girls”. Fix yourself first, and reach a point where normal people of both genders are comfortable being your friend. Once you’ve got real friends you can hang round with, finding romance just comes naturally. Speaking as someone from experience here - you sound like an bitter, sad kid who’s on the edge of some really distasteful beliefs if not already deep in them. Please step away and talk to some real life humans before it’s too late

>> No.10598690

I agree with >>10598675
/pol/ is very strong and corrupt. If you frequent it too much you'll think that women have s*x with dogs despite vibrating dild*s and other products exist that work better than human dick let along a dog's which would be smaller. I know plenty of guys that genuinely believe this though.
You can't spend too much time on pol or the internet you have to go on walks, talk to normal fags, and learn to tolerate normal fags. You're not going to stop the Black Genocide or the White Genocide by convincing people. You need to work on yourself, calm down about other people not being as woke/trad as you and see what is available. Don't bother women in churches its a high trust network and it will take time before you asking them out will be appropriate. Don't bother women in grocery stores because that is fucking weird to do what the fuck

>> No.10598705

dog dick person >>10598690 is a fucking weirdo but >>10598675 is right. please go and take care of yourself, get some friends and hobbies (that aren’t jerking off to hentai) and become a normie. your life will be so, so much better if you don’t think everyone’s out to get you/hate you/fuck dog dicks (???????) all the time. above advice is right about needing friends and normality before you should ever, ever think about a romantic relationship

>> No.10598707

What town in Arkansas

>> No.10598717

No idea. Lost all my friends and con mates because they wouldn't shut up about trump and blm.

>> No.10598720


>Thinking 4chan was ever not filled with normalfags.

If anything the people that don't go to 4chan are way worse. If you hate normalfags then be prepared to hang out with a bunch of smelly, obese fagots who us a trans flag as a cape and spend the whole weekend starting shit and haven't showered in months.

>> No.10598890

>pol bad
>get off the internet
honestly seems like you have just as sheltered and delusional of a view your just another side of the same coin. I know a doctor in real life with a wife and two kids who browses pol. Its literally just page on a website just like every other. Everyone uses the internet if your dysfunctional its not your browsing histories fault.

>> No.10598897
File: 132 KB, 360x243, Screenshot_2021-04-19 pol - Politically Incorrect - Catalog - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally the very first post after clicking /pol/. No, /pol/ is not a place well adjusted people browse.

>> No.10598906

if you think that refutes anything I said you're just irrational

>> No.10598918

>Its literally just page on a website just like every other.
no, anon, a page dedicated to celebrating hitler is not, in fact, the same as any other page on the internet. If you don't want to be seen as a nazi, maybe stop visiting sites that celebrate them.

>> No.10599495

There's nothing wrong with Hitler. He was a man of the people and fought for his country just like everyone else. The world isn't a disney movie. There's stories to every regime.

hint: The people you support assisted in killing Germans that created the Nazi party, and eventually forced them into war cause they created their own currency.

>> No.10599556
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>> No.10599642

I had this idea from walking around my neighborhood. I was tired of seeing car's that had anime girl stickers on them. at first I thought defacing them with a sharpie or just ripping them off to spite them would work. then I had the idea, what if I made my own stickers(I have all the materials already) of guro and other weird shit like shitting dick-nipples. if they want to act like waifus are normal now I'll let the world know what this shit really is. it'll make them look like freaks too and might make people think anime is for outcasts again. especially if I put it somewhere inconspicuous so it takes them a while to notice it. the only thing I'm worried about is it could be a crime by putting obscene things out in the public.

>> No.10599671

Its not a crime to put up obscene stickers but fucking with some else's car is terrible idea.

>> No.10599689

you sound jelly af that someone can afford to put retarded shit on their car. don't mess with people's cars, you'll get arrested or worse, beat up.

>> No.10599711

You lead a sad existence. This is reddit-tier behavior

>> No.10599713

I’m in the DC area so the next available con is...Otacon, eww.
Yeah, it’s gonna be Katsucon for me. See y’all at that lolita meetup. I’ll be there sipping tea and trying my hardest to be a haughty judge-y mcjudgerson.

>> No.10599717

Is otacon that bad? I've been trying to go to more cons, and it's close enough to where im based out of (NY) that taking a bus is reasonable.

>> No.10599718

I wouldn’t say it’s *bad* but it is one of those conventions that attracts more cringe than talent. If you just wanna go and fuck around in casual cosplays or coords it’ll be a good atmosphere.

>> No.10599719

Hmm, I see I see. I was planning to cosplay, is it worse/better than AnimeBoston/NYC if you've been?

>> No.10599925


>> No.10599989

I literally just said I had all the materials to make stickers, why would I be jealous of that? you can buy bulk sticker packs online for dirt cheap. they have no commitment to shit.

>> No.10600172

Damn, I never thought I'd see the day where somebody would take Katsu over Ota. Otakon used to be THE con to go to from 2000-2013. What the hell happened to the them?

>> No.10605647

Since no one is giving any kind of socially intelligent answer:

Cons are a bad place to find any kind of committed relationship. You just don't have enough time to learn anything about that person, and they don't have enough time to really learn about you.

The way a person acts at a con is likely going to be very different from how they normally act, so you're likely not going into what you expected.

Cons are great for hookups. Find someone you spark with and have a fun weekend, but don't go looking for a girlfriend. Chances are they don't live nearby and they didn't go there looking for something long term if they're willing to close that gap to begin with.

>> No.10606382

Buddy of mine got a weeb gf. We'll probably go together, and she'll likely drag him along. It'll be rough to tell them that I pretty much exclusively cosplay using poorly made touhou dresses, but I'm not trying to impress his gf so I'm just not going to worry about it. We'll have a good time, probably hang out for a bit. Fun With Friends.
Gotta keep going to the gym between now and then so that I can mog other inferior men in dresses.

>> No.10606854
File: 147 KB, 1280x720, avocado.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Show off my physique and take MDMA with my friend during the afterparty.

>> No.10606861

>/pol/ says good girls can be found at churches and grocery stores.
Having spent more than five minutes on /pol/ I can attest that they don't, if anything they're very skeptical of churchgoers.
That said you shouldn't be expecting much of convention people beyond one-night stands and STDs.
A significant subset of /cgl/ femcel nutters will go on and on about what evil sex-addicted animals all men are who enjoy good-looking women in good cosplay at cons but will then go out of their way to go to every single convention in the country solely in order to get spitroasted by 4+ people a night.

>> No.10606867
File: 77 KB, 500x667, 1612661153369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lose myself to the music during the nightly dances/raves
Pray to God I makeout with a Vriska cosplayer till I'm stained with a disgusting mix of lipstick, facepaint, and sweat

>> No.10606888

>A significant subset of /cgl/ femcel nutters will go on and on about what evil sex-addicted animals all men are who enjoy good-looking women in good cosplay at cons but will then go out of their way to go to every single convention in the country solely in order to get spitroasted by 4+ people a night.

Are there even any women on cgl for cosplay anymore? It seems like we're all lolitas and range from prudish, straight but taken, or gay af.

>> No.10608635
File: 7 KB, 250x136, 1620363614507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been dating the same weeb girl since senior year of high school, I tried dating normie girls but it's too much energy and I think in too autistic for them, i am robotic lmao

>> No.10610705

Based af. Go for it anon.

Spotted the fag with waifus on his car. Die in a fire nigger.

>> No.10610721

damn right

>> No.10610724

Inosuke but im 6' and going as that so fuck off

>> No.10610726

what else do they offer lmao

>> No.10610728

do you frequent 9gag or something?

>> No.10610942

Is it pretty easy to get things like MDMA at a large convention?

>> No.10613307

did you ever wonder why your girlfriend would feel that way?

>> No.10614091

>/pol/ is very strong and corrupt. If you frequent it too much you'll think that women have s*x with dogs despite vibrating dild*s and other products exist that work better than human dick let along a dog's which would be smaller. I know plenty of guys that genuinely believe this though.
But isn't that /r9k/'s thing?

Also they say it's not because womenlove doggy dick, but because a whore will always sleep if your best friend. Dog is mans best friend and thus women are tempted to sleep with them.

>> No.10614133

Isn't that pic from KodachiCon?

>> No.10614134

Walk around in cosplay and be too shy to interact with anyone

>> No.10614278
File: 3.85 MB, 4032x3024, 20210517_020643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/Fit/ bro here, former /fat/tie. I counted calories and stayed at a 500 to 700 calorie deficit under my tdee. Or I ate one big meal a day that was under my tdee. Just make sure to properly calculate ur tdee and then go under it by a healthy amount. Also drink water bros, your gonna make it

>> No.10614357

She's actually diagnosed autistic. Doesn't feel jealousy apparently. On top of that when we met I was a little 21yr old virgin, and she was a 32 yr old. Wasn't particularly concerned about me sleeping around and even encouraged a bit of exploring if done safe.

>> No.10614407

>On top of that when we met I was a little 21yr old virgin, and she was a 32 yr old.
please break up from her. it's far better for a man to have a younger gf than an older one. dont fall for the cougar or milf meme

>> No.10619245

I don't think anyone cares about that. Heck, she since she doesn't show emotion in her face she doesn't have wrinkles or anything. I probably look older nowadays anyway

>> No.10620830

yeah this happens to me a lot at cons although the last one i went to i did actually talk to some people and the had a games room so it was pretty neat

>> No.10621391

how much weight did you generally lose per week?

>> No.10621613
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>> No.10621630

Bitter huh

>> No.10621696

Just cosplay something tacticool and you can wear a ski mask, I do the same thing.

>> No.10624155

No, con is all about the hook up man. Also as was previously stated most have BF nearby or at home. or are in a group of women and will be hard to pull. Booze, drugs, and being in a costume will help. For God's sake, please have good hygiene before you try.

>> No.10624156


Gummies bro

>> No.10624160

100% yes. Going to Dragoncon and AWA when it was less than 20k,. Tight knit groups were formed.

>> No.10624163
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>> No.10624473

My two favourite anime cons peaked right around 9k and used to be held on uni campuses.
Seemed like the sweet spot of intimate and friendly

>> No.10624481

Trips of truth

>> No.10624549

honestly? same as you, op

>> No.10624611
File: 36 KB, 619x495, 1581302580491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even care about sex, just wanna have fun wearing costumes. Is that too much to ask?

>> No.10625231
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sounds about right for me too
>go straight to buy meme goods and 360 out
will never get drunk around random weebs, none of these fuckers wash or understand consent

>> No.10626373

I went to 1 con after I got my vaccine & it was awful. I have badges for a few cons that I bought before China admitted Covid was real, but even though they won't be until December at the earliest I am really fearful that they will all suck

>> No.10626424

Planning for late 2021 and 2022 is going to be a catch-22 for convention organizers. Cons that had 30k plus attendance are going to need to plan for having half that but may end up exploding because of all the people that want to go back to a con after the 2 year break. Expect as things start back up for things to be disorganized and poorly planned. This isn't the cons fault. It's a result of uncertainty and lack of experienced or out of practice volunteers.

>> No.10627679

Based, and same

>> No.10627683

Honestly? I just want to buy weeb shit in an environment where I won't be given as much shit for buying it

>> No.10627824

Are /cgl/ meetups ever worth going to? What do you guys even do? Sperg out and have no hygiene or drink and have orgies?

>> No.10627888

Usually they are full of hairy guys in 2hu cosplay

>> No.10628086

post it

>> No.10628356

I've met maybe half a dozen seagull weebs around. Never in a group meet, just one or two at a time.
One girl was nice, but timid. One was older, and nice to talk to. Had a /k/ boyfriend I'd have liked to meet. One guy didn't costume, but ran a blog thing for art on a particular subject. Maybe goofy, but gave me a sip of whatever moonshine rum or whatever it was. So he was nice.
Other guys I didn't get to talk long enough to make much opinion

>> No.10628427
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>One girl was nice, but timid
This my cue to start meeting you guys.

>> No.10631038

you mean the character or the pornstar?

>> No.10631235
File: 1.73 MB, 340x256, durkadurka.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello frens,
I'm new here. I don't mean any offense. Just wondering. Is Cosplay pretty much all for faggots?

Are any of those "women" real females? I mean, in a biological way, not their preferred genders or whatever.

>> No.10631246

Lurk more

>> No.10631750

This is your brain on /pol/

>> No.10632988

Don't take this as political at all but...
If blue states stay locked down forever will cons in red states get huge bumps in attendance this coming season?

>> No.10632990

>If blue states stay locked down forever

>> No.10632993

Like for example I doubt AX is going to happen in person this year or next year because Cali is gonna keep it's health restrictions for fuck knows how long
where as I'm pretty certain this coming Ohayocon is happening because Ohio lifted all its restrictions

>> No.10633067

AX announced they weren't holing a physical event this year months ago.
California lifted most of their remaining restrictions a couple of days ago. AX will 100% be back with a physical event next year, assuming they haven't gone bankrupt.
Yes, as a general rule, blue states tended to be slower to reopen than red states. But at this point every state has either fully reopened, or is getting close to it.
We'll be seeing large conventions across the country this fall (some with restrictions), and next year everything will be back to normal.
The whole "no cons until 2023/4/5" doomerfag shit has been debunked for a long while now.

>> No.10633080

>Cali is gonna keep it's health restrictions
keep what health restrictions?
Please for the love of god and all that is holy start reading some real news and stop reading /pol/ and /r/nonewnormal. Your brain is turning to mush

>> No.10633082

>tfw you'll need a vaccine passport to enter AX next year

>> No.10633085

god i hope so. I wish every con would. then we wouldn't have to worry about wearing masks

>> No.10633149

You won't have to wear one anyway most places

>> No.10633153

Next big east coast con I'm gonna fuck as many vtuber cosplayers as I can!

>> No.10633154

So zero

>> No.10633208

get really fucking drunk and be the only cosplayer in a group of crossplayers.

>> No.10633209

Cons didn't change, you did. It's called getting old anon.

>> No.10633214

Wait... what's wrong with wanting to meet a partner who shares your interests?

>> No.10635584

There's nothing wrong with that, that anon isn't saying any of the stuff at the end of the first paragraph is bad. They're only upset about normalfags who want to score with a cosplay babe without having a genuine interest in cosplay or anything the con is actually about

>> No.10635654
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>cosplay babe

>> No.10635763

Nazi frogs, on my /cgl/?

>> No.10636232 [DELETED] 

What the fuck. I thought cons were smelly nerds hitting each other with lightsabers. Do hot people actually go to these? Can… can I bang a Riddler?

>> No.10636240

you can bang a smelly nerd pretty easily

>> No.10636249 [DELETED] 


>> No.10636344

>Can… can I bang a Riddler?
Girl riddler...they're rare. Guy riddler, if you want to lower your standards.

>> No.10636349 [DELETED] 

Lower my standards how? If they’re geeky, pale, skinny virgins that’s actually fine. Bad hygiene is a no.

>> No.10636351

Are you a girl or a gay guy

>> No.10636353 [DELETED] 

Busexual male.

>> No.10636700

Take the George Carlin pill.

>> No.10639157

do orgies really happen at Colossalcon?

>> No.10639214

hard pill to swallow

>> No.10642050
File: 2.62 MB, 3024x4032, 3E0C989C-C76B-42B4-99C3-D1E5AA75C999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly I’m kinda happy DragonCon is going to be smaller this year, I think it will put more of an emphasis on the cosplays, panels and genuinely getting to know people there instead of a constant rush to see the next big thing. Plus with less attendance I think the good and obviously well thought out cosplays will shine and have more spotlight.

I also plan just to have a good time, I have a cosplay for all five days and am really proud of what I’ve made. The extra year to plan, study and create some really fun and creative cosplays makes me really happy. I also just want to meet, chill and drink with cool people.

DragonCon 2021 should be exciting!

>> No.10642079

>Chances are they don't live nearby
This is the problem with trying to find a qt3.14 gee ef at these things.
Most of the time when I click with someone ey live all the way across the US, or maybe its a 4 hour drive or something equally as inconvenient.
Agreeing with this anon in cons being nice for short fun and hookups, but something serious is probably just not gonna happen.


>> No.10643905

I didn't know what else to say back then...

>> No.10643930

This is why you treat them like the walking dildos that they are.

>> No.10643932

Piss on every beta male I see

>> No.10644648

When and where?

>> No.10648542

>except actual alpha's can get better quality tail anywhere else and don't waste their time.
there are plenty of extremely attractive female cosplayers
and most women who don't do cosplay are not gonna be willing to dress up as an anime schoolgirl for sex
this is where cons come in

>> No.10648809

>there are plenty of extremely attractive female cosplayers
>shitty tattoos that ruin the beauty
>cellulite legs
>pudgy bellies
>shitty hair when the wigs come off

>> No.10649051

don't care about tattoos
>>cellulite legs
>>pudgy bellies
>>shitty hair when the wigs come off
none of these would count as "extremely attractive" for me, and yet there are plenty of female cosplayers that don't have any of these issues

>> No.10649238

most of them do.