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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10524860 No.10524860 [Reply] [Original]

Previous: >>10493634

This thread is for buying, selling or trading. Please keep OT or tangent discussions about shopping services and price checks to their own thread to avoid clutter (make it if you don't see one). Use Lolita General for general buying questions or complaints.

Thread Guidelines:
- cosplay and lolita welcome
- please list your location and any shipping restrictions you have
- leave contact info you actually check!

General buying and selling tips:
- have feedback ready if you can
- have proof pictures ready
- always ship with tracking
- never do a transaction with someone you're uncomfortable with
- don't name & shame without contacting the buyer or seller first

Introductory tips (updated):

>> No.10524863

That Meta teddy bag that people were after a couple threads back has popped up again


>> No.10524910


This shit makes me wanna sell my wardrobe at an over inflated price. Like I want no part in this scalping-like behavior but if I can milk you idiots for twice retail, sell my milky planet for a couple thousand. Fuck that.

>> No.10524924

if you're not gonna miss any of the pieces you sell you might as well lol

>> No.10524926

The auction for it not too long ago went for 1k. I remember similar prices on yahoo too.
Otherwise it's probably possible Milky planet will be re-released soon.

>> No.10524931

This bear is possibly the most horrifying thing I’ve ever seen but I’m absolutely in love with him

>> No.10524966

I'm revolted by the state of things. I just came to see if anyone would have a lav Little Witch headbow but at this rate I'll end up paying $300 for it.

>> No.10524982

little witch was a scalper's flop. you'll probably be able to find it for retail or just under retail

>> No.10524985

Seasonal dresses seem like a poor scalping investment beyond Valentine's since hearts are a year round motif in lolita.

>> No.10524996
File: 1.47 MB, 1272x672, wtb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for any Memorial Cake accessories in pink or white, as well as some Chess Chocolate items and just general chocolate themed socks/tights

>> No.10524998

does that seller accept payment plan? I can afford it all now but I can’t justify spending $800 all at once

>> No.10525000

don't derail this thread too pls

>> No.10525001

Nice one anon. I see you've been in the secondhand sales thread.

>> No.10525007


>> No.10525009
File: 36 KB, 358x438, 1621EA60-58CC-47C6-8C41-F755874BEDA1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what?? are you anons calling me poor because I’m asking to pay it off on a payment plan? like payment plans have been a thing since LJ days are you new? I’m not poor lol I have Amex fyi

>> No.10525010
File: 54 KB, 640x640, 1099282281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top fucking kek.

Anyone selling CTP full set in pink?

>> No.10525011

I literally got milky planey navy OP for $115 like a month ago buy it now.

>> No.10525035
File: 112 KB, 645x430, 5FB2943A-34A6-4500-863A-D3282588F3D0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wts - BTSSB | Kumya’s Cherry Strawberry Set - $300. Payment plan accepted ~

>> No.10525048

You need to shave, scrote.

>> No.10525049

Someone didn't get the joke lol

>> No.10525062

Ah, I get the joke now anon. I'm high lmao

>> No.10525064
File: 142 KB, 817x720, WTB-DEC2020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still looking for the Cotton Gather Under JSK.

>> No.10525072

that’s not my pic. so you just get high and go on /cgl/ to shitpost? that sounds pretty fun

>> No.10525100
File: 59 KB, 600x600, 5474e935af2747cb8f0d2a00a99b515d[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still looking for a Yaoi Paddle or any of it's variants.

>> No.10525103
File: 272 KB, 500x600, 0dfacab7-72b6-5dee-b7d7-de2fd0acb2e9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking to buy AP's Melty Ribbon Chocolate collar JSK

>> No.10525104

It’s on LM

>> No.10525105

It's up to like, 800$ now, I think my boyfriend would murder me if I spent that much on a dress atm ;;

>> No.10525108

So you think some kind soul is going to sell it cheaper here? To you specifically because your boyfriend controls how you spend your money? You don't deserve this dress.

>> No.10525112

God forbid someone have a budget. Also that bid is probably going to go way past 1000 with how it's been looking. I'm not going around asking for it for free like I'm begging on the streets, jesus christ

>> No.10525116

Lmao, if you can't afford its sell price now there's no way this dress is going for cheaper anytime soon. Find a cheaper dream dress.

>> No.10525120

Why is MRC so expensive? Most of the colorways are ugly as sin.There are so many prints that are significantly more aesthetic.

>> No.10525123

The cut is divine. The pleats are beautiful and the fabric is thick.

>> No.10525125

It’s always been popular but it’s just insane now. I got it off xianyu for $500 with the matching otks in February this year. When the sweet boom happened since this was always a popular dress it just skyrocketed. Tbf it is super flattering and absolutely gorgeous in person, I really think it’s one of the most hq dresses ap has ever made

>> No.10525128

I mean this as kindly as possible: you’re not going to find this dress for any less than $1000 in the western market until at least 2022. Prices will go down eventually as lolita always fluctuates so either wait until it does or stalk the Japanese secondhand market like crazy and pray your shopping service is fast.

>> No.10525141

I have no issue with waiting. I'm not on a time limit or anything. Thanks for the advice!

>> No.10525147

should have bought it when it was being sold last year. congrats on letting your boyfriend control you lmao

>> No.10525169

NARYT but it's pretty reasonable if he's helping control her spending for the time being until she gets her shit together. At least she isn't spending herself into oblivion (that we know of). Also it might be his money lol.

Idk tho I enjoy making money and then spending the hard earned bucks occasionally to treat myself.

>> No.10525195
File: 288 KB, 800x1285, d54cadcc1265323c667b23bad252fb10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh so anyway

WTB any and all CDC accessories in navy or pink

>> No.10525220

>Also it might be his money lol.
Retards here are okay with it

>> No.10525249

It’s one thing being on a budget and another posting a WTB without the intention of paying market prices on a sought-after dress. It’s really annoying, because you’re wasting everyone’s time.

>> No.10525253

You act like payment plans don’t exist

>> No.10525260

Have you seen the people shitting on payment plans in the secondhand sales thread?

>> No.10525384
File: 627 KB, 1215x1620, april_2020-12-24-21-33-33-880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTB Doki Doki Strawberry Magic in black, Fortune Tarot babydoll in any color, Melanistic Mengarie op, Jewel Leopard accessories, and the Chocolat-chan Headbow.

>> No.10525403
File: 1.10 MB, 1200x900, Milky Chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

might as well post here too...looking for milky chan applique jsk in sax or red. Willing to pay ideally between $600 - $800 (lower end for a damaged ver), but willing to spend higher if in perfect condition. Any accessories I would jump on as well!

>> No.10525432
File: 93 KB, 391x700, 78b82e00a4ae16e7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

might as well give it a shot. Looking for Surface Spell judgement day OP in the green colorway.

>> No.10525437

I'm probably going to put my red jsk and ears headbow on auction in the next week or two, i'll send you an email if I do.

>> No.10525476

google my friend

>> No.10525505

oh my gosh please please let me know!!

>> No.10525513
File: 56 KB, 480x640, 3370E131-25D2-4C1B-97AE-A5CE962D2310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Le Lac Des Cygnes socks in black

>> No.10525694
File: 17 KB, 250x333, f4a1d603-370d-5cb4-ac37-a5f247a6d277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTB innocent world Emblem Collar jsk in wine. Looking for shipping within the US if possible.

I'm also interested in navy and wine colored classic or gothic blouses.

>> No.10525708

Casual reminder DO NOT BUY FROM SERESSITA her clothes are carcinogenic. Wish she'd get banned from LM.

>> No.10525858

>her clothes are carcinogenic.

>> No.10525867

she says in her TOS that she worked in a fiberglass factory and there's probably some on her lolita clothes

>> No.10525910
File: 388 KB, 450x600, P16JS207-n_grande.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for Churro Stripe JSK in Navy

>> No.10526029


>> No.10526055

No because I don’t read retarded threads. Whats wrong with payment plans?

>> No.10526074 [DELETED] 

In her Tos she said she used to worked with fiberglass at some point in her life, always washes her items before sending out but still posted precautions how to take extra care for allergic people. Anons then pulled out the pitchforks and started posting unrelated accounts of her, one californian anon got banned for vendetta and they're extra mad, thinking she must be some kind of janny for them getting banned for it.

>> No.10526075

In her Tos she said she used to worked with fiberglass at some point in her life, always washes her items before sending out but still posted precautions how to take extra care for allergic people. Anons then pulled out the pitchforks and started posting unrelated accounts of her, one californian anon got banned for the singling out rule and now they're extra mad, thinking she must be some kind of janny for them getting banned for it.

>> No.10526077

Not the vendetta anon but she hid it near the bottom of her ToS when it's something extremely dangerous. I always read listings carefully but even then she did little to highlight it, and as said before, if you have to link to an external site for how to clean potentially deadly material off your burando, maybe don't sell it or make that potential issue more prominent? It's maybe a tad more dangerous than pet hair, don't you think?

Also it's clear the seller lurks here and got multiple threads nuked reporting the posts. The first secondhand thread was horribly derailed anyway but the second one was mostly about warning people of fiberglass-chan since it was useful in the previous one for asthmatics and still got killed for no other reason it seems.

Also the same person lurks and posts here and has never mentioned the fiberglass in their selling or WTT posts so wtf? Were they gonna disclose it all or spring it on someone later?

>> No.10526082

It's not hidden if she mentions it in her Tos which every buyer should carefully read anyway, especially allergical people, double especially asthmatics. I agree that it wouldn't hurt to have it as first point or extremely visible, but you guys are literally trying to push her into not selling, deleting her listings and asking for her to get banned for having worked there an unknown time in the past when you could simply not buy from her, which reeks of vendetta. And seeing from the screenshot, she put it in capital letters with stars, I don't think highlighting with fat writing or other fonts is possible in the Tos section.
Looking at the archive, the second thread got probably nuked because it was made by the same person who's stirred the pot, judging by the wording they used before and passive-aggressively complaining how their rule breaking isn't bad because others break rules too. Just make a thread with one small warning and leave it at that without singling out further or going several replies how she's totally trying to kill you. If she lurks here, she probably got the memo.

>> No.10526083

>you guys

It's one anon with the vendetta going way too hard out of spite. The rest of us have pretty reasonable takes and the original thread was just people expressing thanks to know not to buy from them because of the risk, just like you said.

What I am curious about is if the issue was really just a job she worked at wayyy in the past and not relevant how'd her lolita items get so exposed to the dust? People who wait tables don't have tons of ketchup and coffee stains or food smells on their brand.

>> No.10526087

If it’s in her tos...its not hidden. Hidden would be like paypal notes lmao

>> No.10526093


Nayrt but it was near the bottom and she also left it off of her WTT posts on cgl, wasting people's time if it was also one of the contaminated pieces and anons email for a trade and then find out they can't buy the item if they're an asthmafag or risk-averse or something. Or worse don't get told about the issue. I'm not saying she needs to be banned like >>10526082 says other people were. Just think it's common courtesy to put a risk like that in her actual listing descriptions and/or title if you wanna be extra safe/it's such a risk that she had to toss in the link to washing instructions. It counts as damage and she didn't properly mark those items as having damage; most people list *DAMAGED*, alterations, small stains, etc. in the listing title these days for bigger things, something harmful to ones health like this is probably best suited to be heavily pointed out to the buyer ahead of time just in case.

>> No.10526102

JFC take it to another thread gulls, this is the BST!

>> No.10526105

The vendetta spiteposter is going to bring it to every thread and the person in question is going to whiteknight themselves in response, sparking discussion. Then thread will get nuked.

>> No.10526126

I'm the vendetta spiteposter and I've been busy and/or asleep for like 14 hours.

Seressita really needs to start listing all her items as damaged.

>> No.10526151

I personally like your posts. Call me a zoomer if you must for wording it this way but the angy boi energy is really a vibe.

>> No.10526200 [DELETED] 
File: 1.56 MB, 2064x1444, Screen Shot 2020-12-30 at 8.57.57 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too much stuff to sell, make me offers, tired of my sell pile taking up so space

also listing in the next couple of days
* Innocent World - Marianne OP in Sax
* Innocent World - Cardinal Rose JSK Ivory, Short
* Innocent World - Bow Headband in black/ivory, kinda looks like Lily Emblem Lace Ribbon Head Bow. Still searching for name
* Mary Magdalene - Fleur de Lys OP in Apricot
* Mary Magdalene - Sailor Collar OP in Navy
* Victorian Maiden - Harvest Lacey Bonnet in Ivory
* Victorian Maiden - Burberry Doll Hat in Ivory, missing flower
* Victorian Maiden - Rose Call Ribbon JSK, Ivory. Might be missing ribbon
* Victorian Maiden - Regimental Stripe Hat plus matching tights in Bordeaux
* Victorian Maiden - Lace up Boots Bordeaux size 23.5
* Leur Getter - Autumn Macaron Parfait in Grey
* Angelic Pretty - Doll's Party OP in Lavender, need to check if I want to throw in some ears and matching tights
* Angelic Pretty - Lady Ribbon Velvet Hairband in Bordeaux
* Angelic Pretty - Horror Garden OP in Black plus tights (not matching ones.. need to check what they are called, but they're black and white stripes). Will also throw in KIllstar maid kind of looking hat
* Axes Femme - turtleneck lot, ivory, black, pink. please just take it off my hands
* Anon hat lot (3)
* Fluevog - Elizabeth size 7.5 Burgundy
* Replica Juliette et Justine ballet shoes in Pink, size 37. Very bad condition
* Replica Baby Double Cross Shoes size 37 in pearly Pink. I usually wear 6.5 US, but they're too small

plus still a lot more :(

>> No.10526201
File: 1.56 MB, 2064x1444, Screen Shot 2020-12-30 at 8.57.57 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too much stuff to sell, make me offers, tired of my sell pile taking up so space

also listing in the next couple of days
* Innocent World - Marianne OP in Sax
* Innocent World - Cardinal Rose JSK Ivory, Short
* Innocent World - Bow Headband in black/ivory, kinda looks like Lily Emblem Lace Ribbon Head Bow. Still searching for name
* Mary Magdalene - Fleur de Lys OP in Apricot
* Mary Magdalene - Sailor Collar OP in Navy
* Victorian Maiden - Harvest Lacey Bonnet in Ivory
* Victorian Maiden - Burberry Doll Hat in Ivory, missing flower
* Victorian Maiden - Rose Call Ribbon JSK, Ivory. Might be missing ribbon
* Victorian Maiden - Regimental Stripe Hat plus matching tights in Bordeaux
* Victorian Maiden - Lace up Boots Bordeaux size 23.5
* Leur Getter - Autumn Macaron Parfait in Grey
* Angelic Pretty - Doll's Party OP in Lavender, need to check if I want to throw in some ears and matching tights
* Angelic Pretty - Lady Ribbon Velvet Hairband in Bordeaux
* Angelic Pretty - Horror Garden OP in Black plus tights (not matching ones.. need to check what they are called, but they're black and white stripes). Will also throw in Killstar maid kind of looking hat
* Axes Femme - turtleneck lot, ivory, black, pink. please just take it off my hands
* Anon hat lot (3)
* Fluevog - Elizabeth size 7.5 Burgundy
* Replica Juliette et Justine ballet shoes in Pink, size 37. Very bad condition
* Replica Baby Double Cross Shoes size 37 in pearly Pink. I usually wear 6.5 US, but they're too small

>> No.10526205

Is this worth buying/bidding?
Asking here since I didn’t get a reply in another thread

>> No.10526207

So you’re retarded?

>> No.10526219

Do you like it? Then bid on it

>> No.10526222

I really want that AP coat, I added it to my watch list and hoping no one bids

>> No.10526225

you’re trippin anon. she probably just included that in her tos as a jic. I doubt any fiberglass got on her jsks

>> No.10526278 [DELETED] 

I'm interested in Classical Tuck, Harvest Lacey Bonnet and the Burberry Doll Hat. How does $450 without shipping sound? I'm also interested in the anonhat hats depending on which models and colours they are.

>> No.10526292

I'm interested in Classical Tuck, Harvest Lacey Bonnet and the Burberry Doll Hat. I'm thinking around $380 to $450 depending on the condition of the hats. I'm also interested in the anonhat hats depending on which models and colours they are.

>> No.10526293
File: 1006 KB, 6030x4028, DSC_9497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you get it, anon!

yes, that sounds good! Drop me a message/throwaway email so I share pictures and details of everything. pic related are the hats, willing to let go for cheap too

>> No.10526366
File: 3.12 MB, 2560x2560, My Post.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fancy Paper Dolls tights in white
Toy Fantasy OTKs in white or sax

Also looking for more AP OTKs that aren't completely disgusting on the soles.

>> No.10526381

email in field!

>> No.10526454

Very interested in the hats as well!

>> No.10526469

I haven't heard from that other anon yet so if it doesn't work out, I'll email you next!

>> No.10526482


>> No.10526548
File: 243 KB, 500x600, 9a581628-20fa-570d-9970-656d4da29c81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtb cosmic jsk in navy

>> No.10526629

Email sent!

>> No.10526632

Just not sure if i want to yet. I wanted other’s opinions on it first.

>> No.10526663

Thanks! I just sent you a reply :)

>> No.10526968
File: 27 KB, 250x333, E7A87186-43F1-404D-BFC6-84BD03756F44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Candy border socks! Looking for a variety of colors. Gently used is ok depending on the amount of wear.

>> No.10527576
File: 24 KB, 280x373, b4707f72-d22c-581a-b3a2-23e26a8bc459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adding to this: AP Marshmallow Bunny JSK (preferred) or OP. Any color way. Also interested in buying the parka and salopette as a set!

>> No.10527583

on the off chance are you interested in FPD tights in sax?

>> No.10527592
File: 113 KB, 280x373, 5c6b80ee-6e4a-5515-adc8-4f5f06deee80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking for sweet cream house OP in either mint or pink with the matching KC

>> No.10527720
File: 333 KB, 600x600, 1371459584222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried. It doesn't exist on any physical market. I've been through hundreds of facebook groups. Ebay and more. It's insane. They just don't exist on the market.

>> No.10527743

Have you tried furry forums?

>> No.10527746

Possibly! I'd have to go back and re-plan the coord but that's not too hard with what I'm working with haha. What is their condition and what's your asking price?

>> No.10527868

Is that a stock photo? Those socks look so dirty

>> No.10527883

Christ you’re retarded

>> No.10527885

what would you offer for mint with matching KC? it's in great condition

>> No.10527936

250 USD? I think that's around the going rate, but if you think it's off it's okay

>> No.10528014

hey anon! i think that is a fair price. i just looked over the OP; there's one super tiny superficial/untreated stain from the previous owner and unnoticeable, light discoloration from skin contact, both on the collar. i believe it could all wash out easily with one cycle. i've never worn or washed it. if you're still interested and want photos, please shoot me an email!

>> No.10528016
File: 701 KB, 595x842, pop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any cut or color of Be My Valentine. Missed it on lm.

>> No.10528285

nayrt but please for the love of god wash your clothes before trying to sell them

>> No.10528355
File: 2.40 MB, 3840x3840, 10033E7A-38E9-483B-A31F-09494E919A08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTB wine/bordeaux velveteen accessories - bonnets or headdresses, similar to pic related. Would be perfect if it's Innocent World or has wine lace, but I'm open to all offers. Might be a long shot, but it can't hurt to try.

>> No.10528406

WTB Nanchatte stuff. Preferably Europe based due to Covid posting pains.

Specifically after a winter seifuku and more plaid skirts.

>> No.10528408

There's a plenty on mbok rn, not sure about color though

>> No.10528417

Many people got bitten buying coveted pieces that drop in price as time passes, see CTP for instance. AP has rereleased the brown color, chances are they come up with another release again. Budgeting is actually safe move, because you choose to pay a price you won't regret of later when rerelease comes up or print falls out of favor.

>> No.10528418

Magic princess napoleon jsk in yellow or sax please

>> No.10528455

yeah and you're going to have to fight people that can instant bid at the end. lost every sock auction I tried.

>> No.10528464
File: 19 KB, 240x240, 86839b9b-4244-5b6b-9a86-654b52b45261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On that note of velveteen, also looking to get rid of my BTSSB 2007 velveteen skirt. Got it a while back, in perfect condition. Seeing if there's interest here before listing on LM. Open to trades!

>> No.10528469

I really love this. What kind of things are you hoping to trade for? Also, if you were to sell what is your asking price?

>> No.10528475

I purchased for $195+shipping if I remember correctly, so looking to recoup what I spent on it! Mostly interested in sweet AP blouses with ribbon bows, and always in search of items with AP bunny prints.

>> No.10528492

Thanks I thought mbok was dead. May as well try a few but like >>10528455 said I’m not gonna hold my breath. Buyee doesn’t let you bid instantly on mbok, does it?

>> No.10528497
File: 31 KB, 360x480, 5CaPQJcBePXaBlFsgrGUTHf2SRRuRONQr2Nx8w4K.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even know if this "sleeved JSK" Shinjuku limited cut of Meta's Teddy Patissier ever came in any colorway but wine, but if anyone has it in pink I'll sell my soul to you for it. I need more teddy bear chefs in my life in 2020 and AP's bear chocolate print alone is not going to cut it.

>> No.10528505

>I thought mbok was dead
I still remember how I thought it was dead, so I stopped checking, but then some gull has posted they bought a Chick-chan there. I don't remember exactly, but they seem to get brand new thing for cheap.

> Buyee
Honestly, I don't have any expeience with them or mbok in general. There's a lj post on topic https://egl.livejournal.com/17384015.html , but poster seems having a problem with their card too. At the end of the day you can try using Japonica. They can bid fast if you happen to catch the auction end around their business time, but delayed bid sounds meh. I tried to use them to bid on y!j, got outbid and failed the whole thing.

>> No.10528508

Hey anon, do you have an email? I have sweet AP stuff I can offer!

>> No.10528702


>> No.10528703

Sorry ended up with some unexpected house repairs today and I won't be able to buy it now unfortunately, I didn't mean to be such a flake I swear!

>> No.10528704

Thank you! Unfortunately that's a bit more than I'd like to spend for a skirt and I don't have what you're looking for, so best of luck to you with your trade/sale.

>> No.10528706

No worries anon! I'd also be willing to go lower, not a firm price. If you have a budget I'd definitely consider it.

>> No.10528894
File: 474 KB, 614x645, Screen_20Shot_202020-10-21_20at_2011.26.43_20PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Selling this Angelic Pretty X Disney hat. Kinda hoping for around $70 but will consider offers.

>> No.10529000

anon what the fuck

>> No.10529030

you're all good anon, no worries!

>> No.10529032

WTB a lyrical bunny necklace in white/pink

AP wristcuffs in red

i'll pay sweet boom prices idc

>> No.10529042

2.50, that's all you'll get

>> No.10529057

About tree fiddy

>> No.10529058

you could get $30 on depop

>> No.10529100

Debating selling a pretty popular sweet print I have in multiple colorways...should I just list it with no BIN and the starting bid as what I paid for it minus shipping?

>> No.10529101


>> No.10529102


>> No.10529104

yes and ignore anybody who dms for a bin price

>> No.10529109

I have no intention to allow DM offers trying to sidestep auctions. It would just make it harder for me to sell my pieces in the future should I want to if buyers don't feel like I'm following the rules.

If I accepted offers it would only be on items that are BIN only and have the offer button turned on, which is what I assume most sellers do.

>> No.10529134

WTB candy sprinkle headbow and OTKs in black!! Not sure what to offer on just these items, so please let me know what you are looking for.

>> No.10529192


>> No.10529201

post your listing here so i can add you to my list of autistic sellers i don't buy from.

>> No.10529206

post your account so i can put you on my list of poorfags to ignore when they message me

>> No.10529216

Ayrt, no offense but I'd rather lose one or two buyers who are trying to cheap out and get listings for less anyway than lose buyers willing to bid normally how they're supposed to since that's my expectation from LM anyway.

How is it autistic to say "If I was accepting offers I'd have the button for offers turned on"? Seems more rude or out of the ordinary to expect sellers to bend over backwards fixing a listing or be willing to lose money on a sale just for you personally to get what you want faster or cheaper.

>> No.10529220

Grow the fuck up. Bid what you can afford or take the hint this wasn't meant for you. DMing a seller to buy something that's bid only while there's bidding going on is childish and sad. If there was a glass ceiling price they wanted, they made it clear in the minimal bid they allowed. Everything else is profit and there will always be someone with more money than you.

>> No.10529228

lmao imagine being this weird, couldn't be me

>> No.10529286


Good. Nayrt but I hate buyers like you. I always include a bin option so if you want to end the auction, pay the fuck up.

>> No.10529289

Are you that nut job who posted a rant about how expensive lolita was getting and that the second hand market should be more about rehoming dresses than profit?

>> No.10529298

Why do so many people get personally offended by people selling frilly dresses. It's not the only market where stuff sells for over retail second hand

>> No.10529316

Go fuck yourself. The seller is literally just following the standard auction procedure. You're what's wrong with every LM buyer.

You don't even need them to post their listing - you're not going to buy from them anyways because you apparently can only purchase things you can swindle away from sellers.

>> No.10529364
File: 574 KB, 1280x1280, 73D6FDB8-F5A2-42B9-AB9E-F6BE1F8AEFAB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please dm me if you’re selling or see a listing for be my valentine OP! jsk is ok too but I do prefer the OP.

>> No.10529409
File: 633 KB, 2048x2048, 491F9459-010C-4216-88B7-BAFD1CC4F474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for matching Dream Fantasy, Jewelry Jelly and Milky Planet items. Also the AP x Creamy Mami parka. Preferably in these colorways

>> No.10529431

Yo same. I have a bid amount set at the minimum I'd take for it and the BIN of my most desired price for it to sell for. It's usually 50/50 on it selling on bid or selling on buy.
If someone wants it cheap? They bid. If they really want it and want it now? It's BIN.

>> No.10529443
File: 23 KB, 250x333, 474B8F0E-D983-40EE-82B3-ED5E5E35FE8B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still looking for AP cake applique jsk in black. will also take the skirt/op but jsk is preferred

>> No.10529445

did you read the OP post? she's saying she hates bin and won't accept bin bids.

>> No.10529456


>I have no intention to allow DM offers trying to sidestep auctions. It would just make it harder for me to sell my pieces in the future should I want to if buyers don't feel like I'm following the rules. If I accepted offers it would only be on items that are BIN only and have the offer button turned on, which is what I assume most sellers do.

Your statement is literally a lie. Seller said they would only accept offers if the button was turned on and it was on a BIN available item. Why would anyone accept offers on a bidding listing with no "out" to buy immediately? It just leads to people inflating the market unnecessarily by bidding super high to deter other buyers when they agreed privately to sell for less, makes potential buyers hesitant to bid if they worry the seller will just take some lowball offer anyway, and leads to sellers getting harassed about buyouts that are just people trying to get a deal and offering less than the bidding would go for anyway.

>> No.10529568

Just say you're poor and go.

>> No.10529571

>gets called out about their blatant lie
>ur poor for not letting me subvert auctions via DMs reee!!!1

Just admit you can't afford to bid normally along with everyone else and go.

>> No.10529888


>> No.10529898

I’m not interested in the black colorway. Also asking for $350, not even NWT, and with a misprint? Christ.

>> No.10529904

Am interested in black colorway, but its a tad overpriced and.....misprint. : s

>> No.10529905

I wouldn't pay it either but neither of you specified color or budget so lol

>> No.10529913

Ty ty anon, I do appreciate it! I'm going to keep a ~tentative~ eye on it and if it doesn't sell might give an offer

>> No.10529934

sorry we aren’t going to buy your misprinted dress, waffleburger!

>> No.10529947

lol ok got to remember to stop trying to help people out here
i hope you find what you're looking for anon!

>> No.10530095
File: 93 KB, 280x373, 0a76040e-a927-548d-9e67-07f555ffa87e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for the toy parade bonnet in mint only

>> No.10530220


>> No.10530226

Lmao why didn't you say so then? That's your own fault for not specifying. Don't bitch at that anon for trying to help.

>> No.10530231
File: 432 KB, 480x640, 855E6D8E-10A2-47BF-BABE-BB263D41CA28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ISO any strawberry print by Baby (not the one listed on LM). Preferably 94cm+ waist if possible.

>> No.10530235


>> No.10530236

Kek keep crying waffleburger

>> No.10530246

keep backpedaling, faggot

>> No.10530248

Wah wah

>> No.10530294


>> No.10531561
File: 200 KB, 500x600, FED95F98-C94D-49F1-80F1-C9097B13A70A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking to buy AP’s Lovely Bunny JSK in red!

>> No.10531671
File: 1.67 MB, 1423x733, wcluckypack2021-forsale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got my WC LP and selling some of it. Items are freesize unless otherwise stated.

Fuzzy "wave" logo hoodie - $20
"Baby virus" collared long-sleved crop top - $15
Black long-sleeved (fits M-L) butterfly top - $12
Shiny disco pants with back slits - $18
Cordoroy jacket/hoodie with pocket - $15
Dinosaur t-shirt - $10

Purchases will get a random accessory as well. Will combine shipping and ships from US. If interested drop your email.

>> No.10531677

94+ cm waist??? Are you trying to end up like that WoW cosplay guy holy shit

>> No.10531679

94cm waist? Dear lord. I don't think this fashion is for you, sweetie. Try pinup, you'll make more friends and might actually look okay instead of looking like an overstuffed sausage bursting out if its casing. I'm disgusted and would probably leave a meetup if someone as embarrassingly fat as you was in attendance.

>> No.10531680

>I'm disgusted and would probably leave a meetup if someone as embarrassingly fat as you was in attendance.
Been there. At least you’ll look 10x better by comparison in group photos.

>> No.10531687

Fat acceptance gone too far. I don't typically give a single shit if someone is fat. But please don't stuff yourself into clothing meant for someone petite-average. It's not impossible to look nice when you're that big, but it's impossible to look nice in LOLITA when you're that big. It's important to draw a line between fat acceptance and fat hate, because there is an in-between area.

>> No.10531705

Ayrt and I’m not fat, I’m saying that fat people will at make you look cuter in comparison...? I actually agree with you but why are you phrasing it at me?

>> No.10531747

General you, sorry. English isn't my first language.

>> No.10531766

Okay, to be actually helpful, the only one I can think of is the Strawberry Letters fully shirred jsk. It usually sells pretty cheap.

>> No.10531927
File: 41 KB, 800x935, XYeDkEP05otIDHs7QyU1PQnQEC4QesLLFT0iwfTE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a grey Name of Guardian set that I would like to either sell soon or trade for purple later on.

All parts included, NWT, never worn except to try on. Headdress included.
I have the cape as well but it is not included unless you ask and we make arrangements for partial payment.

If you'd like to see some feedback first, you can find me under the same name my email address has.

>> No.10531944

Original Anon that mentioned 94cm waist and WoW cosplay guy dying. I wouldn't leave the meet because a morbidly obese person showed up, and I don't care if they wear lolita. I was just making a comment with regard to preexisting conditions like obesity and how those put an individual at high risk of dying to covid. Just wanted to clarify. My comment isn't a hate comment, but I know people will get triggered and already are.

>> No.10531954

ESL chan please go

>> No.10532072

shipping from where?

>> No.10532078

This isn't ESL but ok.
>can't come up with a good reply


>> No.10532578

Walk me through how your reply makes any sense to the discussion thread here, I'll wait, this thread will probably be up for another month at least.

>> No.10532637

Sorry you got called out on your morbid obesity.

>> No.10532834

Ha what? Which posts are all supposed to be me? I want in on whatever the joke is supposed to be

>> No.10532836

Northern California

>> No.10533131

interested, how much are you asking

>> No.10533174

Ah man, shitty timing anon, I wish you'd seen this last night when there was still some purples in stock.
I will likely hold off on selling if I can't get a trade going for Purple, but if you'd like to mail me, you'll be the first I contact before listing.

>> No.10533260

Samefagging to say I have an open inquiry with meta, if it's a go, how does 370 sound? I don't want to be a dick, just not much precedence to go on.

>> No.10533291

If you’re around anon just wanted to check again to see if you still plan on listing this. No rush just hype to bid if so

>> No.10533440
File: 129 KB, 400x400, 46d92888-a281-5cdd-916e-9d60f2a37b1e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTB Lyrical Party set in pink only! Will also buy just the JSK, but of course I'm after the set. Not sure what the going price would be these days, but thinking around $300+shipping?

>> No.10533479
File: 46 KB, 232x313, 325130C2-4D38-4D84-9638-FA7B9E50B0B5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTB: mint color way of Honey Picnic! I rarely see it pop up nowadays and I need my pancake fix

>> No.10533481

I hope you find this, I had it years ago and it is so cute

>> No.10533664


>> No.10533670

>I am not accepting offers at this time, PMs requesting lower prices or BINs will be ignored.

Thank you for putting your foot down on this anon. I'm glad to see more people being firm about annoying DMs like this.

>> No.10533674

Kudos for the condition it's in. It's lovely. Good luck!

>> No.10534089
File: 38 KB, 250x333, 9a0e3df2-2e54-5919-ae2c-02c0d9cd9a2b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTB any sax Miracle Candy accessories - the headbow or hairclips.

>> No.10534143
File: 13 KB, 240x320, 014AC7DD-36A4-44F3-83DE-E288F9D9240C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My shopping service couldn’t get the one on mercari in time, so I’m trying again. Looking to buy Twinkle Journey- the pinafore or the shirred JSK from the 2010 release in navy only. Not interested in the new release. Willing to pay at least 120 for it, since the mercari one went for 90. Please email me.

>> No.10534146

>inb4 anon accepts a bin

>> No.10535883
File: 629 KB, 644x626, wl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to knock out the last of my wishlist - can pay immediately for all of this. Prices are flexible, just wanted to make solid offers at least since these aren't too common.

>> No.10535988

how much for? I'm interested.

>> No.10536099

Is everyone waiting for the end of the auction to try and snipe it? Surprised it only has one bid.

>> No.10536107

Probably. It’s a great price atm so why enter a bidding war now when you’ve got another 4 days. I think a lot of sweets people also threw down on the MTOs from Japan and Paris or are waiting for news of a US release.

>> No.10536122

there's not really any proper sniping on LM anyway

>> No.10536888
File: 43 KB, 333x250, 309ec738-11b4-5ef7-8d88-443f8fe64679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for the Jelly whip ring in any color, preferably pink. Don't mind small damage

>> No.10536892

Is $800 really considered a great price? I get it's rare, but... lol.

>> No.10536911

What’s your price range? I have a mint one I may let go

>> No.10536916

if other anon passes i've also been looking for one, mint in particular, name your price. if you want me to offer first i will if they don't want it/it doesn't work out

>> No.10536969

If $35 is too low, I can do $40+shipping. The latest jelly rings (pink and blue) sold on LM were $30, so I thought of adding a little more. I'm located in the US btw

>> No.10536999
File: 912 KB, 2448x3264, 3FDC372F-4891-43C7-B592-D0354362367E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought this skirt in black and headbow directly from the site but I don’t really want it anymore. Selling it for retail price and priority shipping with tracking. Will ship it out as soon as I receive it (most likely Monday or Tuesday)

>> No.10537003

Shit anon talk about impulse purchases

>> No.10537013

Nayrt but it’s rude to waste replies if you’re not going to buy

>> No.10537018
File: 495 KB, 860x779, 557BD1AA-CC47-40F4-98AF-91A749CB3AB3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then why did you waste a reply replying to that reply

>> No.10537046

Is the headbow in brown? If so, are you willing to sell it by itself?

>> No.10537065

Leaving the fashion, I sold a lot over the last few months and now I'm selling the rest.

>> No.10537066

bruh it only comes in one color

>> No.10537067

Leaving the fashion, I sold a lot over the last few months and now I'm selling the rest.

>> No.10537070

I hate it when sellers don’t even list a vague location. I immediately stop looking if I don’t even know if you’re in the US, Asia or Europe.

>> No.10537072

Nayrt but it’s pretty obvious she’s in the states if you look at her listings

>> No.10537074

I wasn’t really motivated to look further at their listings though.

>> No.10537077

not like you care, but like >>10537072 said, I'm in the US.

>> No.10537081

Are you planning to list any more dresses anon? Holding out hope that you might have some I've been keep an eye out for

>> No.10537082

kek then why the fuck are you complaining when you didn't even bother to look

>> No.10537091
File: 2 KB, 212x133, seller location.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't even list vague location

>> No.10537113

Thats all i have. I listed the rest on fb or lm last year. I’m only keeping my wedding dress.

>> No.10537126

disregard this. I was the anon looking for strawberry skirts and I'm disgusted how people are offended by 94cm waists. Since this fits me, I'll just keep it. Good luck getting the headbow for retail price, it's sold out.
suck a dick, cunts.

>> No.10537128

There was an anon who linked you a 94 cm waist skirt...

>> No.10537170
File: 81 KB, 720x960, sugardreamdomejsk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FS NWT sugar dream dome JSK in lavender $400 USD / $500 CAD

This has been sitting in my closet in the shipping box since release. I'm shipping from Canada, but I'm open to shipping worldwide

>> No.10537243

kek, whale raging is hilarious

>> No.10537251

are we sure this isn't just a troll larping bc there's been a lot of that here lately

>> No.10537254

more like seething tranny

>> No.10537256

>94cm waist
covid death

>> No.10537692


I’ll let the other anon know if you pass.

>> No.10537770

they don't have the official ones. I read your post and am back a few weeks later.

>> No.10538119
File: 34 KB, 250x333, D476BBA2-8825-4F67-BADA-6E8366E60028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have the Milky-chan coat in the ivory colorway, size M? It hasn't been posted on LM since 2016 and I don't know if I should hold my breath for a rerelease at this point (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`) Also looking for the Ribbon JSK in all colors except brown. I'm aware of the $800 black one on LM but not sure if I'll purchase. A gull can dream!

>> No.10538128

I have the pink but not the ivory. Are you interested/what would you offer if so?

>> No.10538130

Ill sell you mine for $1000 lol

>> No.10538131

So sorry, but I'm not a fan of the pink colorway. I might consider black, but thank you for offering anon!

>> No.10538178

wow im surprised no one bid on the kumya ice cream skirt yet

>> No.10538186
File: 22 KB, 250x333, osanpo pink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have: Osanpo Candy-chan jsk in pink

I want: literally any item from the same collection (OP, jsk or skirt) in any colour but in pink. I just don't know how to combine pink.

If you have them for sale I'll buy them too

>> No.10538187

Trades only or are you considering selling the jsk?

>> No.10538222
File: 34 KB, 250x333, chickchan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone still looking for/interested in the Chick Chan cardigan?

>> No.10538224

Forgot to say located and Europe and unable to ship to the US or canada

>> No.10538227

She lives on a military base overseas

>> No.10538230
File: 23 KB, 250x333, dollhouse op.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For now I'm thinking about trades only, since I still love the print. I could trade it for the Dollhouse OP in grey x black too

>> No.10538231

And I of course meant "FOR sale" not "ON sale"

>> No.10538245
File: 251 KB, 839x686, for sale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting here first, eventually listing on lacemarket when i get better natural lighting.

Located in Europe. Shipping to most EU countries seems to be 12 euros tracked up to 2kg.
Unable to ship to USA and canada due to Covid-19 restrictions. (USA is express only starting at 54 euros and canada is only by sea and untracked).

I also have a lavender Short Sleeve Openwork Cardigan from Meta for 35 euros.

>> No.10538246

put email in the wrong field

>> No.10538250

All of this is trash, besides maybe the ap cardi, why would gulls want it? Sell it to the itas on LM

>> No.10538260

emailed for chick chan cardigan!

>> No.10538267
File: 106 KB, 427x640, 75F79183-BEAE-4EBE-9448-7E5DFCDCFB5F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTB the Mozarabic chant long skirt in blue in either M or L
Just missed one on LM. C’est la vie!

>> No.10538284

Fuck off, APfag.

>> No.10538380

You didn't post your email, what are you looking to spend?

>> No.10538383

$300-400+ depending on condition, I'm only going off past sales on LM but I'd offer as much as you'd be willing to part with it honestly. Other anon who asked $1k slapped me in the face with reality because it's pretty rare.

>> No.10538395

i dont wanna be mean but that's not gonna happen anon. someone else with the coat in price check thread would only sell for 1k as well. prices on LM are probably outdated

>> No.10538409
File: 770 KB, 1319x1777, shoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposting these Antaina dark brown tea parties (size 38) from last thread because I forgot I had them until now.

Shoes are free, just pay $15 for the flat rate shipping.

>> No.10538417

yeah I figured lol, by saying $400+ I was trying to imply that I'd pay a lot higher than that if it was in great condition for its age ^^ I knew a girl who was trying to sell me it in my comm for $450 but it was badly stained, so I passed.

>> No.10538453
File: 2.34 MB, 1920x2560, 21-01-17-19-44-05-914_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I WTS toy fantasy headbow in black. Is anyone looking for this headbow?

>> No.10538454

I'm in the USA btw

>> No.10538466

did you walk through a super dewy meadow in these?

>> No.10538520
File: 361 KB, 756x1008, shoes2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah that's weird. Must have been a trick of the light because I don't keep them near water and haven't worn them in years.

New pic, thanks for pointing that out!

>> No.10538558

Didn't this sell on yahoo about a month ago and was even relisted once?

>> No.10538562

Nta but yeah, it did. I remember wanting to get it but noping out because the shipping cost would've been hell.

>> No.10538638

The zipcode says Texas.
Also don’t dox, retard.

>> No.10539008

Anon that was looking for the Ice Cream Parlor necklace, it's on LM... for $300

>> No.10539034

Lucky for me, I bought it for much less than that a couple of months ago

but really: fuck them

>> No.10539080

>I'm so mean guys, let me be one of you, I swear I'll be anon the way anonie intended </////3
show belly button and go to bed loser

>> No.10539092

>don't dox
>says the state anon lives

>> No.10539173

NAYRT but I also ordered from her and it came from a military base overseas. Its still technically in the US, just not the continental US.
Also a general locations =/= doxing.

>> No.10539208

I sold an item to a person on LM and their location says California. I let them know that I sent an invoice, charged for US shipping. they tell me that they'll tell me their address after I send the invoice which was weird. then they tell me after that they're located in a different country. I let them know that I'm going to charge them international shipping (I did the math and sent the an invoice of the remaining cost) and they left it on read. I reminded them of shipping on paypal and nothing.
Should I just refund them and leave negative feedback for being a deadbeat buyer? ngl I'm not going to send it out if they don't cover the international cost.

>> No.10539209

it's still not cool to list their general location, anon. would you want me to tell everyone where you lived? probably not.

>> No.10539211

It's fucking TEXAS. The largest state in the gucking US. There's dozens of other lolitas who live in that state and millions others overall. Shut the fuck up.

>> No.10539213

clearly you missed the part where 2 anons stated where she lived. it's fucked up nonetheless, retard.

>> No.10539214

its actually alaska, dumbass

>> No.10539216

Yes, that's extremely shady and also leaves you open to a chargeback for not shipping to their PP address. You shouldn't go through with the sale regardless unless you reinvoice for them to put the correct address on file.

>> No.10539218

i didn't think about that, that kind of sucks. I don't like this shady buyer.

>> No.10539252

Considering I live in a highly populated area. No. No I would not care.
Are you one of those dumbasses who thinks you can track someone down from their IP Address to their exact locations, too?

>> No.10539339

Are there rules about when they dont have an address listed? I noticed a few people on LM have xyz/China listed in in their bios. One bought something from me with their chinese paypal but there was no address attached and they asked me to ship to other country listed on their lacemarket.
Can they still fuck me over with paypal?
Not a huge loss if so but i was sure to get tracking and insurance so they couldnt claim it never arrived at the very least.

>> No.10539344

I don't think there's LM rules but that's been a common TOS and rule of thumb in the sales comms since the LJ days because it's also the Paypal official policy for sellers to be covered.

And yes, if you don't refund them and you ship the item to an address that isn't the one they gave on your PP invoice, you are liable if they charge you back.

>> No.10539345

And I should add, yes it's common for Chinese buyers/sellers to do on LM but it's shady and people should stop enabling it because it makes it easier for chargeback scamming to occur.

>> No.10539357

there should be rules about it. she marked her location as a US state next to a country outside the US.

>> No.10539655

Yes, she can fuck you over for it. What you do is call paypal customer service and explain the situation to a rep. I had to do something similar with a pissy seller.

>> No.10539669

If there's no address attached, they sent the payment with friends & family, which doesn't habe buyer protection. So no, tjey can't.

>> No.10539677

They're probably using forwarding addresses.

>> No.10539681

They're probably using forwarding addresses. I wonder if someone in China wrote a guide to LM or something because there's so many buyers from there suddenly popping up.

>> No.10539751


The thing is that there is not an address on the page; not does paypal say the "send to the address as stated to be eligible for seller protection". It could be that she sent as friends and family but it doesnt mention it anywhere.

I said a message to paypal about it anyway, asking for clarification.

She has a lot of postive feedback from the last 6 months, so i didnt really second guess it.

>> No.10539883

I remember there was a mess on here with an anon doing a grail trade and using an APO where the trade sat for months. She conviently "forgot" which email she used to conduct the trade, so people have valid reasons to be suspicious of people not being definate with their locations.

No one on either side of a transaction should be playing location tag.

>> No.10539901

What is definate?

>> No.10539905 [DELETED] 

>The thing is that there is not an address on the page; not does paypal say the "send to the address as stated to be eligible for seller protection". It could be that she sent as friends and family but it doesnt mention it anywhere.
Yes, that's normal for f&f payments

>> No.10539914 [DELETED] 

>>10539751 #
>The thing is that there is not an address on the page; not does paypal say the "send to the address as stated to be eligible for seller protection". It could be that she sent as friends and family but it doesnt mention it anywhere.
Yes, that's normal for f&f payments. Usually the paypal fees for those are lower or completely free depending on the payment method and country. Since you contacted paypal, they may hold the payment or deduct the pp fee from your balance.

>> No.10539916

>The thing is that there is not an address on the page; not does paypal say the "send to the address as stated to be eligible for seller protection". It could be that she sent as friends and family but it doesnt mention it anywhere.
Yes, that's normal for f&f payments. Usually the paypal fees for those are lower, paid by the sender of the payment or are completely free depending on the payment method and country. Since you contacted paypal, they may hold the payment or deduct the pp fee from your balance.

>> No.10539921

there was some sort of fee though as i didnt get the full amount requested

>> No.10539971

this thread isn't for questions about buying or selling.

>> No.10539979
File: 1.60 MB, 2560x2560, 21-01-20-15-16-37-340_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTB: Radioactive Cupcakes KC & socks in yellow.

>> No.10540079

Paypal fee is 2.9%

>> No.10540299

Take it to another tread jfc

> Use Lolita General for general buying questions or complaints.

>> No.10540737

>She conviently "forgot" which email she used to conduct the trade
that's not even close to what happened but congrats on making shit up. the APO anon made a throwaway email with yahoo, which is notorious for locking people out of their accounts (this has happened to me too and I switched to gmail since). APO anon asked them repeatedly for their paypal to send like $1 to each other so they can always have their addresses on file and for the paypal protection. other anon refused every time and apo anon was locked out of their account. after finally getting access to their account, the dress was sent back.
doesn't sound like the apo anon forgot their email at all. it was irritating to see people instantly cry scammer alert when life happens and things are out of their hands.

>> No.10540743

stop asking people for their locations, kawaiibuns

>> No.10541536
File: 61 KB, 750x1000, 80e506654688828f49dbec55c20db1c2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was in my cart for a week because my check didn't go through til this morning, and now it's sold out. I've seen it called Bobo Mouse, & Doll's paradise, by To Alice.

>> No.10542310
File: 368 KB, 500x600, 135bb881-5a77-58c3-9513-30d14a553062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey! im looking to buy dreamy jewel in pink (maybe ivory), this cut is preferred but i'll consider anything that isn't the op

looking around $125-150 because it's really not that popular

>> No.10542325

It’s on CC right now.

>> No.10542571
File: 1.28 MB, 1564x1564, IMG_20210125_015405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-chess chocolate headbow in pink
-wonder party headbow in Pink
-wonder party otk in sax
-any brown AP wrist cuffs with a heart/bow/chocolate theme
-any pink and sax AP wrist cuffs with a sweets/hearts/bows theme.

just name your price in my inbox, I'm desperate enough to pay nearly any somewhat reasonable price.

>> No.10542644

Would you pay 175 for a full set?

>> No.10542651

what all is in the set anon? (but yes)

aaaaaaa it is! ty ty. i'm considering it but shipping out of japan is testy rn and i'm impatient

>> No.10542682

Pink jsk, pink headbow, ivory tights. All worn only once. I'd be shipping from Canada, which in my recent experience took about a week to get anywhere in the US.

>> No.10542928
File: 2.23 MB, 1764x832, wishlist1111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for any of these!

>> No.10542950

I have the Recital skirt in black if you're interested, anon. I haven't worn it that much.

>> No.10542952

how much for the recital skirt anon?

>> No.10542965

if you're in the USA I can do 50 shipped?

It has no waist ties, I received it that way. I can send you proof pictures if you want to over email.

>> No.10542967

i'm in the USA, let's do it! email in name field

>> No.10543229

Hiya! I'm the OP, is this still available? If not that's fine

>> No.10543230

This is why you need to put your email when you make your post

>> No.10543251

Ah apologies! I'm new here. Thanks for the tip!

>> No.10543281

It's really rude that you took this offer from the OP imo.

>> No.10543290

put an email or go back to facebook

>> No.10543291

Someone already said that, retard

>> No.10543292

she still didn’t post one, calm down

>> No.10543296

she's retarded so who cares.

>> No.10543298

Ok coralbluenumbafive@gmail.com

>> No.10543300

If someone posted that they had my wishlist item I'd jump on the opportunity, too. It's no different from any other secondhand market transaction.

>> No.10543302

Hope nobody sells to your whiny ass OP

>> No.10543304

Too bad you have no idea who I am kek

>> No.10543333 [DELETED] 

Now, now, sweetie, there's no need to be mean.

OP here, i agree it was my mistake tbf I should've included my email. So they were technically first to ask. I've included my email now if anyone else has a wishlist item.

>> No.10543335
File: 4 KB, 414x87, you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes, this is me of course.
Now, now, sweetie, there's no need to be mean.

OP here, i agree it was my mistake tbf I should've included my email. So they were technically first to ask. I've included my email now if anyone else has a wishlist item.

>> No.10543356

this is the BST thread, not the DD thread

>> No.10543359

doesn't matter

>> No.10543482


>> No.10544059
File: 27 KB, 600x450, 519789-4697-2015-11-22477624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTB literally any of the dressing-up bunny pieces (especially the long coat though, pic related).

>> No.10544420
File: 19 KB, 500x600, 322c59d0e36ca9b5bf6cf98f9fee71d0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTB SWAN BBY I will pay around $200 since thats what its typically sold for on LM--but we can negotiate via email.

>> No.10545463

Fresh bread