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File: 504 KB, 410x589, 1603711732277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10515434 No.10515434 [Reply] [Original]

prev: >>10505147

>> No.10515440

should i be holding out for an AP lucky pack? i've been eyeing a LW JSK in pink and telling myself not to buy it in case AP miraculously drops a good LP this late in the season.

>> No.10515457

They won't and even if they do, the cut would be shit

>> No.10515471

pain. at least i'm flat chested.

>> No.10515477

What's the best way to sell non-lolita j-fashion? I've tried kei market, ebay, and depop. Anywhere else?

>> No.10515485

you can try mercari or even poshmark

>> No.10515515
File: 305 KB, 463x364, shoes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone have an ID on these shoes?

>> No.10515516
File: 175 KB, 828x822, F8840EC0-F152-49F2-8982-48423513BE6E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're the Maggie platform heels from Sugar Thrillz, iirc they've been out of stock for a while now and doesn't look like there'll be a restock

>> No.10515518

thank you, anon. that's just the way it goes, i guess

>> No.10515556

what's the general consensus on removing tags off brand clothing? that is if they feel a bit itchy or just as a general preference

>> No.10515566

Really not a good idea unless you're not planning on selling it, ever.

>> No.10515599

does antique beast tend to run large? or, alternatively, can she go larger than the +5 cm you can request? there's a skirt i want when she opens up again listed as having a 63 cm waist, but my waist is 68 so i'd want it to be ~72 for some wiggle room.

>> No.10515605

Does any one have a link to the Lili Berry taobao shop? I saw a dress of theirs on preorder with devilinspired and I wanted to view anything else they might have since their most recent release is cotton pastel sweet piece and I want to see the actual price.

>> No.10515606

If it isn't selling, it means you're pricing it too high. There is a drought for secondhand right now across all j-fashions.

>> No.10515610

This, and most people tend to charge far less for non lolita anyway because their clothes are typically a lot cheaper to buy beyond small jp brands like Nile Perch and overpriced Lazy Oaf from what I've seen.

>> No.10515630

Where could I subscribe to Popteen magazine in Europe?

>> No.10515633


>> No.10515640

Madame Chocolat in spain probably, they always have the latest issues.

>> No.10515641

If you plan selling it later, just film the dress with the tag and the cutting it off as a proof

>> No.10515642

Just ask her, not gulls

>> No.10515657

If it's itchy you could try sewing a patch of soft fabric over it, and simply remove the patch when you want to sell

>> No.10515741

Is there a reason that Jesus Diamante costs $400 for a dress? Why is its resale value so low in comparison? (They're selling for $30 on CC about the same price as Liz Lisa)

And why is Jesus Diamante and Liz Lisa located under the Lolita section of Closet Child?

>> No.10515864

Why does Buyee suck and what's the preferred SS nowadays? Mostly for buying lots of small items off of Mercari. I remember seeing lots of hate for Buyee but also couldn't find anything concrete, and I don't want to accidentally support a shitty business or do something too stupid.

>> No.10515871

I use Tenshi for lots of small stuff, Buyee for pricey things since they have a flat fee per purchase. I have had problems with Remambo but never Buyee.

>> No.10515875

idk about the rest, but Liz Lisa is under the Casual section

>> No.10515896

I also don’t really understand all the hate for Buyee? Sure they take a while to buy sometimes but so do all SS. I prefer Tenshi but Buyee is cheaper.

I had one issue with Buyee where they forwarded an item to me in a plastic bag, but I also got something from Japonica with major damage that wasn’t listed. I couldn’t see either of those things happening with Tenshi, but I think you pay for the better service.

>> No.10515943

What is the turnaround for tenshi shop? It looks like its just one person.

>> No.10515948

It is just her. It depends on how busy she is. Since the pandemic she typically sends an email in 24 hours or less, sometimes 48 before a big AP release letting me know she's working on the items. I often see them marked sold well before she messages me though. Pre-pandemic it was faster depending on time of day with timezones and all. And she's very sweet and answers the questions I have if I misread or mistranslate something, etc. I love her service and it's worth the extra. Buyee is quick too and you can buy some things almost immediately through their site and they take the money out right away so you don't have to remember you have an open order that hasn't been invoiced yet. For mercari and fril Tenshi or other personal type SS are sometimes better because Japanese lolitas don't like selling to SS or foreigners sometimes.

>> No.10515952

Reposting to find Creamy Cutie Pie's taobao address, still haven't found that thing myself. Image search still unhelpful

>> No.10515955

Excellent info, thanks!

>> No.10515964


is it that

>> No.10515979

> will never get the black/black colorway of the elizabeth OP, too tall for most OPs anyway
> considering hunting down the b/w colorways of the blouse and jsk set and dyeing them black

Is this a stupid idea?

>> No.10515993

yeah. just get the b/w and enjoy it as-is instead of risking a wack dye job

>> No.10515997

Yeah, you're probably right. Maybe one day they'll do a b/b rerelease in the jsk set style

>in my dreams

>> No.10516001
File: 346 KB, 828x869, EC60866F-3FF3-4E8E-BCAD-648872841A7A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any chance that baby SF will get the black kumakumya shoes? I have an intense need

>> No.10516023

They already had the reservation for these back in Nov when they did the Kumya Christmas Market reservations. No idea what are the chances of them getting ready stock in your color and size.

>> No.10516045

Nah, it's under the other lolita section


>> No.10516048

hmm I guess it's in both


>> No.10516049

That seems to be right, thank you anon.

>> No.10516054

Doesn't Tenshi also have a flat fee per listing? I'd imagine that adds up real quick for lots of small items.

>> No.10516059

I think she does a percentage

>> No.10516061

what's the story on that one BTSSB staff member who was banning people from the store for weird reasons a few years ago? i think it was either one of the US or europe stores.

>> No.10516073

It's 5% of the item value of 500 yen, whichever is greater. Not good for a lot of cheap items.

>> No.10516080

That's the same as a lot of the better company services as well though. Some are cheaper but you're also getting the service you're paying for in that case.

>> No.10516287

She is more capable of buying from people who require commenting and replying or those Japanese lolitas that cancel orders they know are SS, but charges the same price, which means her service is more valuable. The reality is buying stuff from Japan is going to end up costing more than the price on the listing because of the work, if $5 extra on lolita stuff that costs under $5 is too much for you, then stick to western secondhand I guess?

>> No.10516296

I'm not saying anything bad about her level of service. I'm just saying that it isn't "better" to go to Tenshi for small items because she still charges at least 500 yen per item.

>> No.10516369
File: 436 KB, 800x800, 2550c797b0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of shoes should I go for with this dress? I wanted platform boots of some kind but I don't think it really would work with this after some consideration. Also, would plain black tights be ok? This is going to be my first coord.
There's an overdress that goes with it that I'm buying too, will that be enough to not have to wear a blouse? Looking to put together something a little more summery.

>> No.10516411
File: 93 KB, 480x480, Le Petit Chaperon Rouge Skirt aatp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how consistent are aatp ivorys? I have this and is a nightmare to coord with other offwhites and ivorys, so i wonder if a ivory blouse from aatp would match this skirt.

>> No.10516416

I don't really buy new from AP Japan, so excuse the dumbass question. Would Tenshi be a good SS for the 2021 MTOs, or should I set up a Tenso account and shell out for DHL?

>> No.10516427

You don't have to use tenso, you can use literally any forwarding service.
Tenso also offers SAL, but DHL is the only one option with insurance.

Personally I don't understand why people use an ss when you can order it online. Seems like a waste of money.

>> No.10516440

Since when did you have to start paying to use Meitu? I edited a photo just now and the only options are to sign up for VIP or do a 7-day free trial

>> No.10516464
File: 165 KB, 645x430, IMG_4482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


While the dress seems on the sweeter side, it's still relatively subtle so I think going for a flashier but sweet shoe like pic related works out best. I will need to see the overdress to see if the overall coord works out.

>> No.10516474

People use shopping services mostly for releases that are very popular for in-store shopping. SS use yamato for shipping, which is much cheaper than DHL.

>> No.10516497

This is the overdress. I've wanted to pick out a parasol from taobao as well, and I found a cute headband that goes well with it.

>> No.10516498
File: 545 KB, 750x1214, 46b6fb8f2e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oops, don't know why the image didn't post. Hopefully this works.

>> No.10516505
File: 148 KB, 271x336, TB2a7YeepXXXXbqXpXXXXXXXXXX_!!1722723207.png_1200x1200q75.jpg_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this was the parasol I was looking at. Does it seem like a decent match?

>> No.10516552

Wtf does "switching" mean or represent? For jsks, accessories, etc. I've only ever heard of someone using outside of a dress context with regard to a ring (I.e. switching ring).

>> No.10516562
File: 84 KB, 280x373, 61f864de-d0b7-514f-a5bc-f188559a174d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a really vague term, but basically means that two different fabrics are "switched" in the dress, although they might not look all that different (which makes it a really weird term imo). in pic related, the two contrasting fabrics around the neckline are what are "switching."

>> No.10516565

Any advice for someone whos never used a SS before but wants to use one for the sugar carnival release?

>> No.10516569

I am even more confused sorry. Is there another example you have. Sorry for being an idiot.

>> No.10516579
File: 259 KB, 500x600, aba70e83-9b3c-4afd-a4fe-adb578e482b9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one might be more clear, the fabric "switches" from red gingham to pink.

>> No.10516581

Thank you so much for your explanation and being patient Anon.

>> No.10516584

like i said, it's a really weird and vague term. it's pretty useless as an actual descriptor.

>> No.10516660

where does everyone get their non see through cotton preferably blouses currently?

>> No.10516669

Obviously. I was replying to anon asking about the MTO.
And other forwarding services offer other shipping options too. I don't even use tenso.

>> No.10516676

I want to buy my gf some jewelry that could go with her cords as well as being worn on more normie occasions. Any recommendations on things to look for or avoid? Most of her lolita stuff is sweet gl, lots of AP. Budget is 150-300 USD.
>t. semi-clueless bf

>> No.10516683

q-pot, bb&b, sweetdollyhouse are some good places to look

>> No.10516687

Avoid BB&D, just read the reviews in the Honest Indie Brand Reviews thread.

>> No.10516695

Thanks, q-pot looks closest to what I had in mind. Roughly how long does Yamato shipping take to ship from Japan to the US though?
I was kind of sketched out by the site since it looked like I couldn't even browse without creating an account first. Seems unprofessional.

>> No.10516698

in my experience, yamato takes around or less than 2 weeks. dhl is faster.
i've had good experiences with the products themselves, but their customer service is yeah kinda sketch.

>> No.10516959

what/who is soup

>> No.10516968

nta but you can also get qpot from harajuku hearts if you're in the US

>> No.10517119
File: 1.00 MB, 700x933, Screenshot (38).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where can I find the teddy bear necklace lor's wearing in this pic?

>> No.10517121

idk but it looks like the generic teddy bear Meta used on a lot of their stuff. You could probably find them and string one together yourself.

>> No.10517129

he's a retarded pathological lying namefag.

>> No.10517136

He isn't even just one person, there's a bunch of people who post dumb shit as soup.

>> No.10517207
File: 237 KB, 960x960, -695754988-44384964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the easiest way to find the official taobao shop for a brand or dress seen on a third party store (devilinspired, glitzy, etc). I accidentally ordered a replica of a taobao dress and I'm so peeved at myself because I never even though about that being a thing that could happen (pic related).

>> No.10517212

well no shit but the original is an actual human.

>> No.10517231

Taobao has an image search function. Use it.

>> No.10517256

I know that much, my question is what's the best way to know which of the 10+ results are the correct/official store?

>> No.10517330

what type of shape are lolita skirts? I mean when looking up a pattern for the right shape for a lolita skirt

>> No.10517332

nayrt but maybe try poking around the shop to see if they carry the matching accessories that go with the dress. most replica companies just cope the dress and don't bother with all other other odds n ends

>> No.10517334

Most lolita skirts are rectangle skirts.

>> No.10517344

What's the best way to prevent petticoat waistbands from digging into your waist when you sit down?
I'm not fat or anything and my petti fits fine, but when I sit down the waistband kind of dents my stomach which can create an unflattering bump where the bodice starts. Wearing a camisole underneath helps but doesn't entirely fix the problem, especially with thinner fabric dresses.

>> No.10517379

the one with the most sales usually is the original

>> No.10517386

Platform boots would look horrible. The dress is pretty fancy with the long length and materials. Some sleek heels like the AATP ones anon suggested, or the glitter pumps like AP releases would look better. A lace up oxford like Oak Tree Farms or a pump like American Duchess would be ok

>> No.10517441

It’s the teddy bear necklace from LA designer Onch Movement.

>> No.10517488

You can find ones with lots of reviews, and like other anons mentioned, matching pieces are often only in the original store. I'd also check to see if the store seems to carry a really huge selection with lots of differently styled promo pics, as they're probably stealing the pictures from other places.

>> No.10517522
File: 107 KB, 425x649, fc58c0dd-1729-42fe-86e3-ba17dcacff30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know the name of this dress? Tried reverse image search and Lolibrary with no avail.

>> No.10517541

Is the farm down or am I just stupid?

>> No.10517549

The farm has been down all day for me

>> No.10517555

It's Milky Baby Carnival

>> No.10517560

Down for me too. It's 7 AM and I was just about to do my rounds on the site

>> No.10517562

Thank you so much!

>> No.10517570

It's been down for at least 20 hours. Very frustrating.

>> No.10517596

How long of a petti do I want if the length of my dress from the underbust down is 84cm? Is 60cm fine or should I go for the 78cm one I was looking at?

>> No.10517613

Any solutions for wearing wigs with short hair? I thought it would be ideal but the wig looks so flat without all my hair tucked in the cap. What can i do to give it more puff?

>> No.10517615

Theres a public facebook group post of taobao shops with links. You can find the official shops that way.

>> No.10517694

AP and Baby

>> No.10517696

Aliexpress. I have a meta blouse with this bear on the collar I also do crafts and got the same of aliexpress

>> No.10517697

Is there a brand that makes straps which elongate JSK shoulder straps? Ones that you can just button on what is already there?

>> No.10517701

Is Lace Market over?

>> No.10517702

it's down right now

>> No.10517709

LM is back up.

>> No.10517717
File: 83 KB, 480x291, 00bba448-dddb-52ff-ba30-b1c0616d4376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about for this one?

>> No.10517725

Got a link to the bears? I was going to buy the actual brand's one but they're all out of stock right now so may as well save the $120 and make my own with my desired metal color, chain, and stuff.

>> No.10517727

Thanks, anons

>> No.10517728

Nayrt but looks like an A line skirt or half circle skirt.

>> No.10517729

Half circle.
A-line skirts are generally some portion of a circle.

>> No.10517730
File: 2.34 MB, 1920x1920, inCollage_20201215_131735123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, so, posted in this thread before but have a better idea of what I'm going for now. This is my first attempt at putting together a coord. Any opinions? I think it's less atrocious than when I initially started trying to find stuff for it, but I want to be sure it matches enough. Was originally going for a sweet kuro type of thing.

>> No.10517740


>> No.10517765

Where's your blouse?

>> No.10517770

Honestly its terrible.

I dont get the reason why people get flowy dresses with no structure then add a lot of flowy items with no structure on top. Cut out the overdress and the collar thing, get a blouse that has nice details on the sleeve instead.

>> No.10517772
File: 225 KB, 500x605, TB2fqGIkpXXXXaVXpXXXXXXXXXX_!!653631938.jpg_760x760q75.jpg_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought I wouldn't need one with the overdress but I was looking at this one just in case. Not sure it's a good match though, I'll have to keep searching.

>> No.10517776
File: 491 KB, 750x1125, 13692c467e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or this one maybe?
I appreciate the honesty. Do the shoes at least match? I was a bit worried about that.

>> No.10517786

Can someone please give me some advice on this? I can buy both pettis if I really have to, but I don't particularly want to.

>> No.10517805

thank you!

>> No.10517814

Good short petticoat for salopettes?

>> No.10517872

I actually think this looks really nice. I'm not sure what the other anons are on about a blouse. An overdress is a perfectly acceptable alternative. The only thing I'd change is the shoes, they're too cutesy and chunky. Go with something a little more sleek and elegant. Collar is a little weird, I'm not convinced immediately but it would depend on how it looks irl.

>> No.10517880

the bodyline ones used to be recommended for salopettes, those crappy leg avenue ones or the fairy kei pettis should work too

>> No.10517966
File: 68 KB, 400x561, 5D43A695-6533-4652-96E4-9D08AB2ADBCD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know what happened to the Fruits magazine archive? Went to download it and it's gone, does Aoki plan on reprinting them or something? If anyone managed to save the archive of the earlier issues, please share!

>> No.10517996

The only thing sweet about any of this is the shoes, maybe the two bows for your hair.

>> No.10517999

Sauce on those tights? Also wtf is whale island lol.

>> No.10518051

Weird question but are there any references for how the SC op looks on different heights. It looks so awkward on taller people I'd hate to order it and have it be too short. I'm around 166~

>> No.10518052

166 cm*

>> No.10518161

What would you call it then, besides kuro? Do you think the pieces clash too much?

>> No.10518162

Whale Island is just a taobao shop I found with a few parasols.
Here's the tights: https://www.devilinspired.com/small-black-plaid-tights-by-rozen-maiden.html

>> No.10518163

There's more than just height that affects how a dress is going to look on you (shoulders, torso length, leg length, weight, etc) that it won't look the same across people that are also 166cm

>> No.10518169


>> No.10518171

that's def a stolen stock photo from AP. The parasol, I mean.

>> No.10518178

Ah, shit. What are some good taobao shops for parasols, then?

>> No.10518182

I did some reverse image searching and I can't find any results that indicate it's from AP. How can you tell?

>> No.10518191
File: 55 KB, 280x373, 9521e194-154b-5420-8779-cf20719c5882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their signature background+pixelated cropped image

>> No.10518193
File: 274 KB, 715x718, O1CN01dXsR6a1ZYqiXSDcan_!!1722723207.png_1200x1200q75.jpg_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see. Is this by any chance a replica too?

>> No.10518194

It's just all black, yeah. That's the main issue. None of this really goes together. The overdress and tights look like normie stuff you'd find at a lingerie store. The purse also looks normie, and it seems really small, when purses are often more statement pieces in lolita. The dress is really long, much longer than most standard lolita dresses, so you're going to want something big up top to balance it out, like a bonnet or big hair, along with some necklaces or other jewellery if you don't want the dress to be consuming you and bringing your eye right down to the floor.

>> No.10518203

Thanks for the constructive criticism!
I'm not a huge fan of bonnets, would the right wig and a headband like the one in the photo work?
If the tights are a bit cheap looking, what kind of socks/tights should I go for?
I'm stubborn and probably won't sacrifice the overdress, though. To be fair, it was intended to go with the dress. I think NyaNya has a matching bolero too, would that maybe work better or should I just go for a blouse?

>> No.10518257

The maxi pad headdress is simple enough. I think if you're wearing that, a statement neckless would be nice, too. More visual interest in that area.
I honestly think plain black tights (not pantyhose) would be fine. Only a small amount of your leg is going to be showing in that dress.
The overdress or bolero still both require a blouse underneath.

>> No.10518333

looks like lumiebre to me

>> No.10518384

there is some in lolita history

>> No.10518531

American anons who only have PO boxes, how do you guys handle shipping items from Japan?

>> No.10518533
File: 92 KB, 552x795, tumblr_b6f5822cace0fc7822dfd4aff0880b62_2dccb996_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are these head net things called and where can I find one?

>> No.10518538

I only have problems with DHL (so, closetchild). I still use my PO box address when ordering, and then they call me from the DHL office to pick it up.

However, my PO box is with USPS so they offer a street address option that I just gave the paperwork for (they told me to not use it for all my packages, only the ones that do not deliver to PO boxes).

For other carriers, like Fedex or UPS, I use my street address and then use their website to have them hold it at one of their pickup locations, instead of having them deliver to my house.

>> No.10518590
File: 338 KB, 1056x982, 17A68CE8-2964-4125-BC00-4F8D2D4E58CC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

with the 2010 ott sweet revival, anyone know where to get wigs like this nowadays? i cant find any that are big or curly enough

>> No.10518596

That’s two curly clown wigs pinned to each side of the head

>> No.10518600

literally looks like a wig cap with holes cut out for the buns and a bow attached in the front

>> No.10518731

Would a crinoline be less bulky than a hoop skirt?

>> No.10518746

just get the wunderwelt petticoat or a MLT petti

>> No.10518750

I'm looking to keep my petti away from my legs, not poof

>> No.10518822

Maybe try poofier bloomers? They do a pretty good job of keeping pettis off your legs

>> No.10518825

What is considered chubby? I'm 5"3 with a 67cm waist but my body shape makes it not too jarring especially since i got a small bust and wider hips and thighs. I'm wondering if i can fit old school lolita properly or if i will have trouble due to being kinda fat

>> No.10518827

I bought something from a seller on LM at the end of October. Their TOS says items can take 3-4 weeks to ship and its well beyond that at this point. I sent a message asking for an update and they didn’t respond. One of the items is handmade so I was trying to give them the benefit of the doubt. Should I paypal claim or is that a douche move?

>> No.10518830

Reach out once more. Specifically mention that you reached out already and what day it was. If you get no response after that point, request a refund, yeah.

>> No.10518832

you'll fit into most old school dresses. you might run into some issues with skirts unless they're shirred.

>> No.10518848

Ah what a relief! Thank you anon.
My vision of what is and isn't fat is distorted so I had a hard time guessing

>> No.10518854

How many inches larger should the chest be than your actual measurement, particularly in regards to unshirred dresses? My chest is 30 inches,and without considering the blouse, it seems like, judging by the measurements I see online, most dresses may be a bit baggy on me. I would also like to know whether or not the western secondhand market (particularly on lace market) favors dresses that are Size S or M

>> No.10518858

what is the difference between full and partial shirring? is partial like just a panel of shirring on the garment?

>> No.10518885

>is partial like just a panel of shirring on the garment?
Yes, partial shirring is a panel on the back. Full shirring is around the entire bodice

>> No.10518891

Same measurements, most dresses are too baggy for me. Jsks are especially bad with this but corset lacing is a godsend. Be ready to alter your clothes.

>> No.10518903

wouldn't altered clothing be harder to sell, especially since it seems like most girls are plus sized or have wider rib cages?

>> No.10518907

In the past girls used to wear clothes that had tucks and darts sewn in them to be let out as they grew, especially in the chest. You could take in clothes this way so that they could be let out later if someone larger wants to wear them.

>> No.10518918

If you buy lolita to wear long term and not just to resell them then that shouldn't matter. And assuming cgl isn't full of people larping as ana-chans or petite women there is a market for items tailored smaller.

>> No.10518947

Does anyone have any tips for storing Lolita while moving? They might be in boxes long term (3 months) so I'm trying to figure out if I should double bag them in the boxes with moth balls or if my dresses will be fine in a single bag. Tips? Advice? Horror stories?

>> No.10518989

Find a UPS store or privately owned post office and get a PMB instead. Pretty much any courier service that will ship to a regular street address will ship to a PMB.

>> No.10519079

How the bloody fuck do you tie a waist bow that's on your back? I got my first dress where you're supposed to tie it yourself and it keeps coming out fucked.

>> No.10519087

Have someone else tie them for you or tie them while you aren't wearing the dress, unbutton them, put the dress on, button them back on

>tfw I just take off the waist ties and put them in a box and never really wear them

>> No.10519107

when i can be bothered to wear them, i usually tie them before i put on the dress and just button them back on

>mfw no lolita friends to help tie my waist ties

>> No.10519112

The only other person here is my husband and he's as terrible at it as I am.
The problem putting the dress on after it's tied is that I can't put it on. No buttons sadly.

I'm considering sewing part of the belt to the dress itself and cut off the bow, sew it together to it stays as a bow, and make it an attachment.

>> No.10519128

wait really???

>> No.10519136

Put it on backwards, tie it from the front, then turn it around. The bra method but in lolita.

>> No.10519143

no, they're teased curly clip in pigtails.

>> No.10519167

By jove that's brilliant

>> No.10519169

Only really works for JSKs

>> No.10519171

they dont looked teased, the curls are neat and in tact?

>> No.10519205

I feel like an idiot for not thinking of this. Thank you very much Anon.

>> No.10519236

That only works if you're not using the waist ties to make the dress smaller unfortunately.

>> No.10519292

Will Haenuli ever sell more lolita items? Their store is currently selling art.

>> No.10519302

How do you store dresses with elastic straps/shoulders? Is hanging them going to wreck them? I’m worried storing them in boxes won’t be great either as a long term solution since fabric needs air, right?

>> No.10519315

Can you steam holy lantern? It's my first brand dress and the fabric/flocking seems kinda delicate.

>> No.10519317

get the hangers with clips and clip it by the bodice instead of the straps. if you hang it by the straps the weight will pull it down and loosen the elastic over time.

>> No.10519318

I fold mine over the hanger rather than by the straps, usually around the waist, to keep the straps from stretching out.

>> No.10519385

She stopped making dresses years ago...do you live under a rock?

>> No.10519387

I have my partner tie them. There’s a YouTube video on it that’s like 20 seconds.

>> No.10519421


would wearing a binder look off or lumpy?

just looking for new tricks to further dissuade attention from my measurements in that area. and possibly fit into non-shirred pieces.

>> No.10519445

What's the best place to buy toric circle lenses?
In the past I did that terrible trick where you adjust the prescription for the astigmatism but I don't want to fuck with that anymore.
I'm willing to pay a premium I just want to have the safest source and best selection I can.
Pinky Paradise has the page that says they have them but when you click on it there's no listing so.

>> No.10519471

highly, highly depends on how large your chest is, as well as the blouse and dress. just get one and see for yourself honestly, it can help a lot but you have to figure out what flatters it.

>> No.10519498

I have a binder and it smoothed out my chest as well as flattening it, but did get one from a trans shop so that's it's purpose by default. It cut my 100cm bust down to 95 cm. That smoothess translates to the dress as well.

>> No.10519504

Any tricks for putting on/taking off OPs with side zips (my nemesis) by yourself? The opening created by the zip doesn't seem to create enough room for me to slip my arms into the sleeves.

>> No.10519505

put it on over your head.

>> No.10519516

That's what I'm doing. Care to be more specific?

>> No.10519519

It's too small for you

>> No.10519521

It doesn’t fit you, sorry

>> No.10519525


>> No.10519526

Did it slightly take in your underbust as well? Like basically compress your skin/fat?

>> No.10519528

*sigh* Once I put my dress on, it fits fine. It's a struggle to put it on because of the side zip not giving me enough room to fit my shoulders through, combined with the lack of shirring to give it that extra stretch. I can get it on, I just have to contort myself to do so. I'd love to hear from someone who actually has an OP with a side zip.

>> No.10519529

If it fits fine when it gets on then however you're putting it on now is your best bet.

>> No.10519535

Tech illiterate here, how do people usually take pictures of their coords or outfits? Do they get a large tripod and use that to take photos of themselves? Just put a dang phone on top of a drawer and set a timer on it?

>> No.10519561

I use a tripod and then indeed just set a timer on my phone

>> No.10519573


I have a phone with settings I prefer to my good camera so I ended up spending money on a phone tripod. It's about 15-20 on Amazon but helps save on all the wonkiness you get from trying to balance it on a shelf. Some anons recommend a remote to help w pictures but I could never get it to connect to my phone and I usually only do 4-5 trials anyways before I got photo.

>> No.10519575

You can get cheap little tripods with bluetooth remote buttons.
I think I got mine for like $15.

>> No.10519579

To add on to this question, what specs should I be looking for on a phone camera to take decent pictures? The current one I have is several generations old and does the weird almost fish-eye effecta and images always come out blurry. I'm not picky with phones other than I won't get an iphone. I have nothing against iPhones, I'm just not used to nor savy with any apple product's OS.

>> No.10519581

Literally just get any modern smartphone

>> No.10519585

Apologies for the really stupid question, but I guess that's literally what the thread is for. I'm not only new to lolita, but fashion in general, and I was wondering if there was a guide out there somewhere to tell the quality of lolita dresses etc? Like how to tell if lace is quality, if the material it's made of is quality, how/where to look for defects and so forth?

>> No.10519588


>> No.10519590

What are hexenhaus products made of? I own a hairclip from them I got in an old lolitadesu lucky pack and it's really lightweight. Is it just air dry clay?

>> No.10519601
File: 92 KB, 300x400, 5049301d-3c37-565f-a525-dc6d73936c9c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sympathize, anon. I have the hardest time with this dress. I can put it on, but it's a little uncomfortable. Taking it off requires help from another person.

>> No.10519610
File: 41 KB, 240x240, fuwa_fuwa_large_bow_main_240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the search term in japanese for Chocomint?

>> No.10519623

So what you're saying is that it's too small for you

>> No.10519630

How are you putting it on? I usually put my arms up and put those on over my head. I don't get how that wouldn't be enough space.

>> No.10519644

I'm a bit new as well, but some things I have picked up after buying a handful of dresses.

Look at the photos of the dresses carefully. See if it's wrinkled, has loose threads, and if the lace meets the standards of the previous link the other anon gave you. Check the descriptions to see what fabric is used for the dress. If you're unfamiliar with the fabric, try googling it and seeing what it looks like when used. I don't trust anything that looks too shimmery personally. Decent places usually have detailed close ups of the dress/blouse so you're able to see things better. If the dress has been out for a while, try to see if others have worn it through Instagram, Google, the worn thread here, etc. Also take into consideration that sometimes the images are brighter than what the dress actually is. Remember that some of these dresses are not going to be able to be washed in a washer machine and may need to be done by hand/dry cleaned/etc. This is just something I consider when picking out dresses too.

>> No.10519655
File: 343 KB, 750x1000, Versatile Extended 66 cm Petticoat by Infanta (1)-750x1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know any good underskirts? That and recommendations for petticoats would be appreciated. I've been hobbling along with my old bodyline petticoat stacking and offbrand long skirt setup but I've given up on that.
Would want the skirt in pic but I'm pretty sure infanta can't fit my American ass

>> No.10519810

I have an old btssb jsk with yellowed lace. Is it a good idea to rip the lace off, whiten it with oxyclean and than sew it back?

>> No.10519814
File: 152 KB, 1000x1819, ragcurl3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know the general idea of how to get rag curls, but what sort of hairstyle is this? Is it just a half pony tail but with rag curls?

>> No.10519815
File: 20 KB, 330x479, ragcurl2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminded me of these

>> No.10519816
File: 23 KB, 342x480, ragcurl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10519817

why, when you can just spot treat with oxyclean?

>> No.10519818

Has anyone here used blackship instead of tenso for a Japanese address? I don't want to pay customs, and tenso doesn't lower package value

>> No.10519822

Uh yes they do. Tenso lets you declare the value as whatever. You click the Edit package info button...

>> No.10519930
File: 114 KB, 250x333, D36BBCBF-5DED-4CA3-8193-FE1092C68E57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have two lace questions. Some of the sleeve lace on my red angel pony OP has turned pinkish in the wash. I also noticed the lace on an usakumya has turned yellow from age. What are the best treatments for those two?

>> No.10519947

Oxyclean for the yellowed lace on your usakumya

>> No.10519949

you can try spot treating with rit color remover for the pink lace.

>> No.10519971

You can only change the information about the goods, not the value.

>> No.10520001

No you can definitely change the value. Sometimes packages even come without a value and I have to enter it myself.

>> No.10520015

For yellowing, there's a process. First you want to wet the area and let dawn dish soap sit on it for an hour. Then you can it with oxyclean and let it sit another hour. Then you spray it with shout and then finally you wash it.

>> No.10520425
File: 18 KB, 160x160, A82BAB78-6866-43EC-80CD-06FDFDF6A245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any articles about infamous (ex)lolitas on Encyclopedia Dramatica?
I'm bored and need something funny to read

>> No.10520438

There's a thread on the farms

>> No.10520453

Pretty much. Though the curls don’t look quite like rag curls. Could’ve just been curlers.

>> No.10520535

Is Shirley Temple a kid's brand or ?

>> No.10520554

ok I don't know if I'm weird, but I am the only one who get sick when I wear shirred clothing ? Everything that have an elastic waist make me nauseous and so does shirring. I have a few j fashion piece like that and I wanted to try lolita dresses with back shirring since I find it cute but it kind of worries me. Does people who regulary wear shirred dresses have this ? Did you find ways to cope with it ?

>> No.10520557

Yes, that's why you shouldn't wear it since it promotes pedophilia.

>> No.10520588

You might be autistic?

>> No.10520592

Sounds like you have a sensory issue, and while it is common in autistic people it's not the only reason
>I feel the same way about velvet

>> No.10520651

I don't get sick. If they're not tight the shirring is so comfy I could live in it. If it's tight I just eat less

>> No.10520663

What the hell are you going on about

>> No.10520664

Yes, but they also make clothes that fits teens or small framed women. look for 150/160 sizes.

>> No.10520721

those types of sensory issues can exist as the result of a neurological conditions or just as a weird quirk. i wouldn't take it to mean that you have autism. i have a neurological condition and have some textural/skin sensitivity problems that can make me physically uncomfortable or sick, meanwhile my bf (who has no issue whatsoever afaik) just despises touching velvet and microfiber.

>> No.10520732

The site is going through some difficulty at the moment and most images are down, unfortunately. I wasn't able to see them via wayback machine either, and I bet there's some good old nostalgia lolita pics in here.

Newfags and children, please educate yourselves, this is required reading.




lolcow is not comparable to ED. The lolita threads are so stale and salty, nobody has a sense of humor on there.

>> No.10520885

oh, thank you for the answers. Ironically I do have autism but it kind of striked me since I'm not putted of by fabric texture or elasticated shapewear. I guess it get to me because it doesn't hug the skin evenly. I hope it will be ok if it's only the back section ( or I will find a way to modify it without damaging it ).

>> No.10520892

Thanks anon. just read the first article about egl and it was beautifully insulting

>> No.10520895

Damn, can't believe there's an entire generation that has probably never dipped their toes into encyclopedia dramatica. ED to zoomers just means eating disorder.

ED is truly a relic of bygone days, before truly insane people and normies overtook the internet, and when you could still be a leftist while being delightfully politically incorrect. 10 years ago it was the right wingers who were the ones who got offended by every little thing. Oh how the tables have turned. Identity politics/cancel culture/PCness really ruined the left.

>> No.10521594

are there any secondhand clothing shops that closed down this year or new ones that opened?

>> No.10521603

I don't know if it helps, but you will be wearing a blouse underneath most things, so the shirring wouldn't be touching your skin directly.

>> No.10521609
File: 169 KB, 900x896, mucha2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know who this lolita is? Or the dress that she's wearing?

>> No.10521610 [DELETED] 

That's Sanakanin. The dress is Palace Rose Flare from IW.

>> No.10521612

>>10521609 #
That's Sanakanin. The dress is Palace Rose Flare JSK from IW.
She gives the outfit breakdown on her Tumblr.

>> No.10521613

It’s really fucking annoying honestly. It’s bled into Lolita too where every little thing is up for political debate.

>> No.10521676

US gulls, do you pay state Use Tax on purchases from Japan?

>> No.10521696

Luckily no so far? The Japanese tax though is basically the same rate (10%)

>> No.10521771

Do lolitas ever feel satisfied with the number of dresses they have, or is it a never-ending void that must be filled?

>> No.10521777

You have to self-report in order to pay state use tax. There's also no real way to prove that you didn't send the item to a different state immediately after receiving it. In order for the state to prove you have to pay use tax, they would need records from domestic/international retailers saying you bought something without paying your state's tax. No state is going to chase down hundreds of records to get a couple hundred dollars in tax from you. Something like only 1% of people pay use tax, and they are mostly accountant and lawyers. Worst case scenario is that maybe Amazon reports in bulk that they didn't charge you sales tax on some purchases. But it's not like US customs can prove whether or not you already paid tax through an online retailer before it enters the country.

Mostly a never ending void. After getting most of the dresses on my list, I got bored and started buying them in other colorways/cuts. Everything left on my list now is pretty rare. So there's a cut off for me I guess when my list runs out, but it's not like there's a magic number of dresses I'll stop at.

>> No.10521795

I'll get to a point where I have everything I want, or is easily bought....That just might be 200 dresses from now.

>> No.10521799

There's a few dresses I still want but now I find myself focusing on stuff like blouses and accessories.

>> No.10521847

Much like anything in life, the only way to be happy is to actually decide you're content with what you have. Which is boring and antithetical to a materialistic hobby. So no, there is no end.

>> No.10521850

I feel like that when I wear anything that touches my neck, which stinks because almost all lolita tops and ops do. When I’m not wearing lolita and it’s cold enough to require sleeves I wear boat necks and wide V necks almost exclusively.

>> No.10521851

The curls on those women are hairpieces, most likely bought curled with a narrow iron.

>> No.10521857

Will Wunderwelt have a coupon code for Christmas? Have they in the past?

>> No.10521871


>> No.10521951

Can you ship items from fril to tenso? It keep getting an error page when trying to create an account. Do I have to create a rakuten jp account first then use that?

Ty, from a new idiot.

>> No.10521955

You need a Japanese bank account to use fril

>> No.10521956

Wow, I feel kinda validate now

Like I HATE how chiffon feels on my skin, like it makes me wretch

>> No.10521958

ty Anon appreciate it

>> No.10522056

thank you anon, I already wear blouse underneath those type of clothes since it look cuter but I guess it's really just the way the elastics work ( kind of remind me how we say to not layer binder or strongly elasticated garnement )

>> No.10522058

I sometimes feel like i have too much and then i have to sell some things to feel satisfied

>> No.10522123

You're in luck, there's one.
2024ww25 for 10% off orders over 10,000 yen until 27 December.

>> No.10522195
File: 164 KB, 1080x805, 20201223_044249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have a link to Dawn and Morning Dew's Taobao store? I tried image search and it isn't popping up.

>> No.10522389

has anyone considered or gotten toe shortening surgery? my second toe puts me at 26.5 cm but i'd like to be able to more easily purchase Taobao/brand shoes without wearing a tight LL or paying extra for custom sizing.

>> No.10522390

No, but I know it isn't a super rare procedure. I think women get it done for the exact reason you want it done. It's going to be expensive as it is cosmetic and not medical surgery. Also, you may suffer some complications after. It's risky.

Does anyone know where to get blouses that aren't just white/cream/black? I've gone through the entire taobao spreadsheet basically and searched but its all pastel, white, black blouses.


>> No.10522391

Frankly, I don’t think it’s worth it. The results are iffy

>> No.10522392

Nvm I just did an image search. Forgot like an idiot, lol.

Try doing an image search on taobao for these. Hopefully you get lucky!

>> No.10522399

I did imagine search on Taobao & Google. Nothing pop's up unfortunately.

>> No.10522401

Is Nile Perch style Fairy kei considered a different style than normal fairy kei? When I look at NP it seems to have a different vibe than the other stuff I see labeled as fairy kei. Genuinely curious why they're considered fairy

>> No.10522404

Not sure what you mean by different vibe, NP is quintessential fairy kei

>> No.10522431

Preparing for sugary carnival. Does ap USA charge more for mtos than Japan? If so is the hike proportionate to how much I’d pay for shipping from Japan/is there any advantage to either.

>> No.10522457

I buy from both and AP USA is always cheaper than JP with a SS, but really on par with Japanese MTO prices if you consider what tax and forwarding costs

>> No.10522480

I believe this is the one: https://shop112964555.world.taobao.com/

The stock is pretty limited though

>> No.10522481

How much money do you usually spend on lolita per year?

Also, how do you budget for it?

>> No.10522537

I don’t and I usually have spent a lot of my paychecks on it. I’m working to not do that next year.

>> No.10522539

The price is comparable but they're usually the last store to have them available to order and the last to receive them to ship out. Often I've bought stuff from the other stores and paid like $10 - 20 more for the peace of mind

>> No.10522672

anyone have an estimate on how much the Sugary Carnival re-release will cost?

>> No.10522678

I think about 4k-5k in the last 2 months. I'm not sure about next year. I just got back into it, so we'll see what next year brings. I sold some BTC and treated myself.

>> No.10522680

Square necklines aren't forbidden in lolita, right?

>> No.10522708

go for it

>> No.10522709

does CC tend to stock better items in their IRL shops?

>> No.10522741

Who the fuck is Raines on LM and how much shit do they sell a year?

>> No.10522750

probably rainedragon, runs a lolita blog and has been around forever

>> No.10522759

I've read people asking for custom measurements from her, and she does them!

>> No.10522765

Plain black tights would be way too heavy for an all black dress. I would put lace or sheer tights on instead, or just frilly ankle socks and leave the legs bare.

>> No.10522768

Here I was feeling guilty over spending a thousand in the last 3 months!

>> No.10522776

What does it mean when DHL tracking says "Shipment on Hold"? Violet Fane finally shipped my Otome Nostalgia items late but the tracking says it's "on hold" in Belgium now after leaving Spain. I've never had this happen before but also never had anything shipped DHL that wasn't coming from Asia.

>> No.10522778

My CC order said this, I asked DHL and they said it just meant it was on hold until after Christmas!

>> No.10522780

Thanks for the info! Now I can relax a little. I am a little bummed I won't get my items by Christmas; girls in my local comm are posting about receiving theirs over the last week or two and I feel like such an odd one out.

>> No.10522781

We still got time lol

>> No.10522784

Is wunderwelt still shipping to the USA?

>> No.10522786

They have been with Yamato if you request since EMS is down. Idk if they still are rn but I see no reason why they would change.

>> No.10522790

Kek it’s not her you idiot

>> No.10522939

are there any lolita brands (taobao is okay too) that sell blouses with 114 cm bust size?

>> No.10522945

I have this dress BNWT and will sell it to you anon! It was purchased on devilinspired and I've never worn it besides trying it on.

>> No.10522946

My husband always does my side zipper and has caught my skin in the zipper more times than I can count...

>> No.10523079

I have almost no memory of non PC leftism on the internet since I was quite young, sometime I wonder how it looked like at the time.

>> No.10523091


A large portion of the internet is still like this, just now full of complaints about PC leftism; instead of trying to just exist without it and enjoy its absence, people can't help but obsess over it's presence and whinge constantly so it's hardly any better.

>> No.10523202

Bloomers: essential or optional?

>> No.10523204

Probably since everyone is catering toward the morbidly obese these days. Try meta.

>> No.10523224

Are any of the dresses Mana wore for album images or stage actual Moitie dresses you can hunt for, or were they all custom designs? Were there ever Moitie releases inspired by specific stage costumes (ie that match the look of dresses of Gardenia-era Mana or Beast of Blood era Mana)?

Not for any weird cosplay purposes but I love the silhouette and details of a few of those dresses and was curious if they were even Moitie.

>> No.10523237

I did a similar amount but in around one month lol feck

>> No.10523238

What's the best taobao resellers (if any)? Are they even legit?

>> No.10523244

How short is your skirt?

>> No.10523248

If I want to get in on Sugary Carnival when it comes out, I should make a tenshi order now? I've never made one before and I may need help. It's my ultimate dream dress and the reason I got into lolita back in 2015!!!

>> No.10523271

You don't have to wear bloomers, but wear something that covers your ass. It's surprisingly easy to flash people.

>> No.10523272

If you want to pay extra for no reason sure go ahead

>> No.10523274

It’s an MTO so they won’t run out. I would order from the online shop myself because it’s cheaper.

>> No.10523330


Knee-length. I'm planning on wearing opaque tights but I'm leaning towards bloomers anyways.

>> No.10523360

Any confirmation on which MTO releases first? I don't know if there's been any official statement on that from AP. Would they be monthly from January till March?

>> No.10523372

soup is the cutest, kindest, most honest poster on /cgl/. single parent of 3, but still make time to help anon out with their cosplay/lolita related questions. i.e
some anon's like to bully and take advantage of soup's kindness and slander him every chance they get because they're mean people (you shouldn't listen to these anons).
soup never lied once in his life. pls stop spreading misinformation about soup. if you truly knew soup's story you would know that it's not he that is retarded, but he has an autistic niece.
you're thinking of frances anon, not soup

>> No.10523435

big bust doesn't always mean morbidly obese, retard. some people are cursed with large boobs.

>> No.10523476

Nta but ordering from an SS like Tenshi has never been more expensive for me than buying from the US store. AP USA is already marked up that paying the SS fees just makes you break even. Not to mention you get your items before everyone else most of the time.

>> No.10523606

Shh don't tell them

>> No.10523671

Keep telling that to yourself to an early grave. 114cm bust rofl.

>> No.10523775

I only own one Honey Cinnamon item and it fits fine. Does their stuff usually run in similar sizes or is it all over the place?

>> No.10523793

What's the best shipping service for ordering mtos? I've been a lolita for years but never used anything other than lacemarket. I feel like I should know this by now, but I lost my link compilation in my pc move.

>> No.10523905

Wait ayrt and I really want sugary carnival, so would I make an order with tenshi now or wait til the day of? Would there be a chance I couldn't get it? Would I order from AP Paris, Japan, or USA?

>> No.10523945

Does a petticoat affect the length of a dress? As in will the hem of a dress, for example one that goes down to my knee with no petti, maybe go to a little bit above the knee with one on? In my head it makes sense that it would be like that, but I'm both new and stupid so idrk. If yes, how much shorter does it look on average? I'm looking to buy my first dress and I'm worried that since I'm quite tall, the AP dress I'm looking at will look too short.

>> No.10523951

Lolita is designed with petticoats in mind. Yes, technically, wearing one will make the dress a bit shorter, but it was made to be worn with a petticoat under it.

>> No.10523961

Yes, of course. Thank you. Does that mean I can take a measuring tape and fold it at 89 cm (the dress lenght stated on the website) and hold it up to my shoulder to roughly see about where the dress will sit? Or alternatively put on a random dress i already own, which I measured to be 85cm from shoulder seam to the hem, and measure an extra four centimetres down? Maybe subtract a little?

>> No.10523964

Flat measurements are never exactly the same as being on your body, lolita or not, but it will give you an idea of where the dress will end, yeah.

If you are super tall, you can also look into getting an underskirt to add some length to your dresses.

>> No.10523972

What does it mean when lolitas here say 'she should dress in a way that flatters her body'? Is it just code for 'wear something that fits, fatty' or something else? How do I know if something actually flatters me?

>> No.10523973

Thank you. Idk why I always get this kind of anxiety about sizing when shopping online. I think I'll just get the dress and see how I feel about it when it's on me. I'll probably get an underskirt sometime as well, but it can wait until I get the dress since I'm not in a rush. Thanks again

>> No.10523979

Can you ask for combined shipping in Wunderwelt?

>> No.10524009
File: 60 KB, 564x845, advert2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this is an advertisement for a Japanese fashion store. Is it an advert for grimoire or some other store?

>> No.10524012
File: 66 KB, 564x845, advert3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10524016
File: 37 KB, 467x700, advert1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10524259

Does anyone wear a waist cincher, chest binder, corset or anything else related to fit into some dresses that are borderline? If you do can you make any suggestions?

Also, I have never seen any lolitas without bangs. Are bangs necessary?

>> No.10524346

Which shopping services do in store item lotteries? I never had to use one for this purpose and would like to know which one gulls deem trustworthy enough

>> No.10524435
File: 439 KB, 750x1000, 84506080-7FB3-4770-8B2A-183F411C9602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s the best A line petticoat for classic lolita now? I haven’t bought one since Classical Puppets reigned supreme and need a new one. Preferably around the same price point.

>> No.10524625

Yes, those are old shop photos from Grimoire.