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10513284 No.10513284 [Reply] [Original]

207 days to go(?)

>> No.10513292

lol, AX 2021 is dead. this is just their way of canceling without fully committing to canceling just yet.

>> No.10513305

Don't they keep a record of who buys what? I believe this is going to be a hot mess if AX 2021 still goes through and they just send out mass emails to everyone. I can see people who bought Premier who end up rolling over, only to get fucked in the ass because the SPJA decides to fuck up on priority reg and all the Premier badges get sold out before you have a chance.

>> No.10513309

They're definitely doing it so they can raise prices, switching services is just an excuse.

>> No.10513314

I rather have AX Lite 2.0 then get fucked out of my Premier pass. This year was suppose to be my first year as a Premier pass holder.

>> No.10513333

Does anyone know the timeframe for the refunds? I rolled mine over but I could actually use the money now so I'm not mad about it.

>> No.10513335

>vaccine works and is getting rolled out by the end of the month
Any argument for AX21 not happening will just be California autism instead of an actual threat from corona

>> No.10513357

>he thinks there's enough vaccines for everyone!

>> No.10513371

Jan 1

>> No.10513372
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>Everybody hoping they'll get emails for the new pre-reg system
>They never sent them out since AX 2021 is actually cancelled

>> No.10513387

This, majority of attendees are poorfag liberal arts majors and are likely in the bottom of the totem pole.

>> No.10513390

I get the feeling that it's because Everbrite's policies lock up the money that AX needs sooner to hold their event so 2021 is not going to work out as-is without canceling the contract to release the money and switching to another ticket vendor.

AX Lite 2020 was decently entertaining here and there. I wouldn't mind it coming back for 2021 if it has to

>> No.10513396

LOL this is going to go real well when they can't even pay their fucking bills from cancelling.

>> No.10513402

We don't need vaccines for everyone we just need to get to the point where retarded boomers quit giving it to each other and dropping like flies

>> No.10513500

Nayrt but there are high risk people other than retarded boomers who need herd immunity through vaccinations to not die. And it's better if everyone doesn't get sick. Even if you don't die or get hospitalized the economy can be negatively impacted by people being too sick to work and having to stay home from their jobs.

>> No.10514097

so, if next year is canceled as well is AX done for good?

all things considering I don't think SPJA has enough cash on hand to survive a second year with no/minimal income.

>> No.10514141

this senpai
young people are getting it more than others in some cases because they're the ones still stuck working retail

>> No.10514143

In 2019 SPJA pulled in approx 16 mil in raw revenue against a little over 13 mil in expensives so they still have about 3 mil profit (kind of). they also had 5 mil in net assets. They should be fine for another year.

I don't think AX will have a 2021 because planning for that would be ongoing right now in terms of negotiations, design, etc. Travel and event restrictions will likely be in place for a good portion of the first half of the year and that will hamper things as well. As is only cons towards the end of the year have a shot at happening and only because vaccination will have time to ramp up. It's still not a very good shot. Fanime is good as done. SDCC as well. Cons like Crunchyroll's CRX, while they could be held under the best of circumstances, will probably not be since they're end of summer/early fall and planning, visa applications, etc needs to be done before that. Anime NYC has a shot but only if things go well and they can begin planning for a con in the spring.

Pfizer won't be giving a significant amount of doses until the second half of 2021. We're getting a burst from them initially, right now til end of year, but after that they'll be trickling in bit by bit. I don't thinK Moderna has announced what their output will be but after the initial dosage contract we do have options for further purchases from them (we do not with Pfizer). AstraZeneca is still ongoing so don't expect them for a while. Johnson and Johnson is who knows where.

The first half of 2021 will definitely be a dead year. The second is a maybe, and only a soft one. 2022 is more likely for America. Other parts of the world, like Asia, can probably start doing things in 2021. Japan is already betting on it for the Olympics. Expect travel to be limited if you don't get the vaccine. If you'r staying stateside you can drive everywhere but flights will probably require immunity.

>> No.10514164

and the high risk people would get it first. what's your point?
at what point does it become okay to "go back to normal"?
and they're doing better with it

>> No.10514173

>at what point does it become okay to "go back to normal"?

Idk but I saw charts of people's post-bathroom handwashing habits pre-pandemic (many people even in developed western countries with rates below 80%, and that's self reported so you know people are actually probably dirtier than they would admit) and that shit is nasty, not a normal I want to return to, pal

>> No.10514275

Sounds like california economics.

They are in the hole deeper then what they are telling publicly.

>> No.10514346

>at what point does it become okay to "go back to normal"?
once at least 70 percent of the population has been immunized, at least that's the magic number the media has been throwing around for the last few weeks. that'll take a while

>> No.10514362

>at what point does it become okay to "go back to normal"?
Look man, we all want to blink into a world that was like the one we were living in pre-covid, but you need to come to terms with the fact that this is not a light switch situation where we just turn the virus off and things go back to normal. We are at the bottom of a long staircase towards what we once knew. We need to work our way up the staircase by getting more and more people vaccinated which takes time. The sooner you realize this and stop trying to futilely blink your way up to the top of the staircase, the better off you will be. This is not the new normal, it's just what's normal right now.

>> No.10514431

2022? More like 2025 will be the year when Cons make a return. 5 years of no cons in the USA is fine by me.

>> No.10514477

I personally can't see companies waiting that long. Look at the other countries who actually have the virus under control, they returned to sports games and events almost immediately once it was safe. The year really depends on when we can get the virus under control. Personally I think 2021 is just going to be a year of vaccination and isolation. Fall 2021 at absolute best. 2022 is the most likely return time, again depending on how well we do in 2021. Personally, I don't mind too much either because it gives me time to actually have a weekend full of costumes. I miss AA so much though. Nothing can replace it.

>> No.10514495

I mean if they're lying to the irs ok but they've told the irs they've ran negative before (see 2010 til maybe 2014 when they started printing money)

>> No.10514500

Japan is raring to go for the Olympics so 2021 for them

>> No.10514542

They still have the international Olympic committee to attend with, they can't just declare themselves safe.

>> No.10514622

The closer we seem to get to vaccinations being available the further back doom-posting crossboarders keep saying we have to wait. Cons have already been happening in the US, the virtue signaling apes on Twitter are just mad when the con isn't in their area.

>> No.10514625

Good thing both the IOC and Japan want to get the Tokyo Olympics going.

(Japanese) Prime Minister Suga assured President Bach, "Our determination is to realise successful and secure Tokyo Games next summer as proof that humanity has defeated the virus."

(IOC) President Bach added, "We share the great commitment of the Prime Minister that the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 will happen next year. We are determined that safe Olympic Games will be a symbol of solidarity and unity."

>> No.10514676

Not even a quarter of California's population will be vaccinated by next summer due to too many homeless people that are hard to track down, illegals that are scared they'll get deported if they come forward and take the vaccine, and stupid white people who still think Trump won and Bill Gates will be putting RFID chips into the them if they take it.

>> No.10514678

>Cons have already been happening in the US
If you're talking about that shit show Anime Dallas, even the retarded con chair tested positive. No Cons until 2022 without anyone getting sick is more realistic.

>> No.10514680

>Good thing both the IOC and Japan want to get the Tokyo Olympics going.
I have a feeling this will get cancelled after the vaccine wears off for those who took it first and cases start climbing again. Also support for the Olympics among the locals are at an all time low, many want the games postponed again (highly unlikely) or cancelled all together. If it still goes through, the only major losers here is the Japanese tourism industry since both the IOC and the government want all foreign athletes and delegates to gtfo of the country once their event ends.

>> No.10514685

I'm sure Newsom and Garcetti told the SPJA to go pound sand. No AX 2021 and no 30th anniversary.

>> No.10514796

>I have a feeling this will get cancelled after the vaccine wears off for those who took it first and cases start climbing again
Different anon, but that's been on my mind as well. I wonder if the vaccine will be a required immunization like the other boosters for school children.

>> No.10514848

'Healthy young people' can still carry the virus. The virus also has a chance of mutating over time into a strain that our current vaccines would be ineffective against.
At this time there are already at least six different strains of it going around. It's not absurd to think of this as a realistic possibility.

>> No.10514871

It seems we'll have AX Lite for another 4 years and maybe more since it looks like there is no slow down to this virus. I'm all for it since, it's the only AX that I can attend and it doesn't cost me anything.

>> No.10514948

Illegals know that CA police won't touch them and after Biden gets into office they have nothing to fear from federal police too.

>> No.10514994 [DELETED] 

The government is still going to deport people. Hell the whole thing about climate change being a threat to national security is just a way of obscuring stricter border control to keep out the people coming from countries that are undoubtedly going to be devastated by hurricanes or famines.

Biden isn't some radical socialist. He's the kind of person bending over backwards and making concessions to Republicans before any negotiations even happen. It's the same fucking shit as Obama.

>> No.10515085

>making concessions to Republicans
what concessions?

>> No.10515105

>I have the attention span of a moth and can only remember one con
Unlike you, most con attendees don't lick the furniture and are already used to masks and distancing from grocery shopping. You should ask mom to bring you along some time.

>> No.10515208

All those cons happened in retarded red states.

>> No.10515232

The human body carries around 400 trillion viruses at any given point. No one dies from being in crowded places because we have immune systems (unless you have the aids). The common cold, also known as coronavirus, mutates very quickly. That's why there has never been a cure/vaccine for it. Normal vaccines take 5-10 years to develop. Everything the medical establishment has told us over the last year is a lie.

>> No.10515282
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>The common cold, also known as coronavirus

>> No.10515394

SacAnime held one. Then they had the good decisionmaking to delay their upcoming one.

>> No.10515411

See you in March when AX 2021 gets cancelled due to the vaccine wearing off, having deadly side effects, rising hospitalizations and deathd.

>> No.10515444

Please pass sixth grade science before posting online ever again

>> No.10515559

I noticed that on the LA convention center's website AX isn't listed as an upcoming event. this anything to worry about?

they have other events on the list through the end of next year.

>> No.10515572

Don't get your hopes up. California is Lockdown State. There probably wont be any cons in that area until 2024.

>> No.10515604

Tbh with the lead time anime cons need for negotiating guests, getting visas, and general planning and the certainty that not enough people will be vaccinated by July, they're going to postpone to 2022. I don't think any anime industry company is planning for in person events through summer

>> No.10516210

Yuro here, I think Trump has probably fucked 2021 cons for you guys, 3k deaths a DAY is the last figure I saw from the USA. Come on over and join us in yurop next year, our cons aren't as big as yours but we have some good ones in Germany, NL and France. Hope yall seagulls all stay safe and don't get the big ronie.

>> No.10516281

oh so the normal daily death rate. Shame there is no actual uptick, because California can surely use a population crash.

>> No.10516292

You do realise that is not normal in any civilized country? Even in Bongistan the worst we've had is 1k/day iirc, and we're the scandal of europe for that. Can't help but wonder what total percentage of US population will be lost by the end of all this.

>> No.10516310

Not even 3%.

>> No.10516313

Stfu europoor, we can't even leave the country.

>> No.10516323
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>3000/309 million = 0.001%
>1000/63 million = 0.002%

Guess your math skills are the shame of Europe too.

>> No.10516326

>Can't help but wonder what total percentage of US population will be lost by the end of all this.
Don't get me wrong, 300k deaths is shameful and just proves how retarded Americans are, but at the end of the day the death toll of this thing won't account for even 1% of the population.

>> No.10516331
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Probably no more than normal

>> No.10516449

We can't leave our country but the sentiment is appreciated I guess lol

>> No.10516972

Newsom also stated he doesn't want to distribute the vaccine right away after looking at results. So Californians will be the last people in the USA to be vaccinated.

>> No.10517181

why? what's his reasoning?

>> No.10517194

>Data source: my ass

Did you know that the doctors get money when people die of COVID? And the vaccine is made from the blood of Satan

>> No.10517251
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>Mfw the vaccine becomes a dud and people still get sick and die
I don't buy the entire vaccine at all. How the fuck were they able to churn this one out quickly when effective vaccines take years. They also did not even test it on animals.

>> No.10517261

Because they have been developing a vaccine for it since before the pandemic. SARS viruses have been causing epidemics for decades.

>> No.10517267

I just got an email for my AX 2021 Premier Badge refund.

>> No.10517294
File: 152 KB, 960x640, huh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>local news saying general public will get vaccine around summer
>Fortnite World 2021 cancelled
>2019 had 19,000 Attendance
>held in the summer
Call it speculation, but AX is kill if an event considerably smaller is already cancelling

>> No.10517303
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Have you seen the potential side effects? Its definitely churned out without proper testing

>> No.10517304

So Millions then

>> No.10517324

Fortnite World doesn’t)t need to be held in front of people

>> No.10517343

These same scientists and pharmaceutical companies can't even find a vaccine for the common cold or STDs, yet they were able to churn out this? Unfortunately, I'll be one of the first people to take it since I work in a hospital but not in a medical capacity so I'm always around doctors and nurses that are always in contact with patients that have the rona, so I have to take it.

>> No.10517345

Same here, I'm also Premier but I have a feeling we'll never get that email to re-register since AX 2021 is also likely cancelled.

>> No.10517363

Is there any plan to have a "badge" that gives you vaccine priveleges like I think they're doing in Britain and a few other places? The antivax Karens and skid row tweakers who will refuse/not have access to the vaccine aren't the kind of people who would be going to AX in the first place.

I think everyone knows that if AX happens at all it's going to be considerably modified and smaller. Call this "bargaining" but I can see the following circumstances helping:
>cap attendance at 60,000 (slightly higher than half of 2019's attendance)
>badges are only available online (drastically cuts down on linecon)
>proof of vaccine and/or mask required to get in (preferably both)
>event is spread out over 3 or 4 spaces/hotels instead of just the LACC and JW

>> No.10517451

unless they more than double badge prices, AX can not afford to do that, and even if they did they still probably can't afford to do that.

>> No.10517462
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Vaccine is here. We can now return to AX normalcy.

>> No.10517471

Newsom and Garcetti won't open up LA in time for AX 2021.

>> No.10517611
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Seeon how there are now around 3000 dead murricans per day makes my heart fileld with joy. The vaccine won't bring results for months to come, so I expect the 5k dead per day by the beginning of 2021. This might become a good year!

>> No.10518301

Refund for Premier Pass came in and I used it to buy more XRP Cryptocurrency since it looks like no cons in CA in 2021 is highly likely at this point.

>> No.10518725

>Newsom and Garcetti won't open up LA in time for AX 2021.
Those asshole are trying to destroy the economy with good intention.

>> No.10518919

Okay, come back to me when people are still getting covid after they took the vaccine and continue to die. No cons in 2021 and maybe the first half of 2022.

>> No.10518920

Yeah, because people open businesses just for fun and love to spread Covid around.

>> No.10518946

99.89% survival rate, no increased death rate.

Sorry that you believe in the virus hoax. Continue wearing your mask and staying inside, goyim!

>> No.10518950

It's almost like this one virus has put the entire world on hold so all other vaccines have been put to the wayside so that we can globally pour our funding, time, and effort into this one.

>> No.10522466
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>people were still thinking back in April that AX 2020 was going to happen

>> No.10522588

Well fuck, this post didn't age well. Thanks SEC

>> No.10522590

What's even retarded is that there are people who still believe that AX and SDCC will happen. A little bit of Google searching will show it's not happening.

>> No.10522592

Hey on the bright side at least the convention hall won’t be so crowded anymore

>> No.10522602

It'll be crowded....with LA's homeless population.

>> No.10522611
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>2021 is the year AX celebrates its 30th anniversary
>AX Lite part 2 instead

>> No.10522626

Hopefully they thin out too

>> No.10522635

Seriously, out of all the cons that I wish would never come back in the post-Covid era it's Anime Expo.

>> No.10522682

not with the homeless industrial complex having their way
LA has skid row, SF has the tenderloin
shooting up drugs in broad daylight, stealing whatever they damn well please, and knowing they are untouchable by the anyone

>> No.10523370

Bad news for you. If there are no cons in 2021, there will be no cons in 2022 onward. They will all crash. The finances will not hold up. You will be left with bullshit college free cons. So shut your whore mouth.

>> No.10523389

2022 cons will happen. The industry already wrote off 2021 in the middle of 2020 and saving their investments for 2022. So just don't look forward to 2021 having big industry presence if any.

>> No.10523439

The tragedy will not be college cons. The tragedy will not be large cons.
The tragedy will be "small cons."
Those big enough to have outgrown a college, but not big enough to be self-sufficient and plan for the absolute worst 2-3 years ahead.

>> No.10523692

Oh, so three more years huh? Then things'll be normal, right:)

>> No.10523695

COVID-22 will strike soon enough

>> No.10523697

Large cons are not in a good position like they pretend they are. That would be bad for marketing to show you are weak. I assure you, they are fucked if no cons go on for 2021.

>> No.10523698

A bunch of spring shit cons and commiefornia AX not the industry you backwoods fucking redneck.

>> No.10523932


>> No.10523966

Who is happy AX was cancelled this year? I needed a fucking break from it before I subject myself to it again.

>> No.10525299

I'm glad I didn't have to wake up at ass-o-clock to get into line. I'm basically sleep deprived for most of AX

>> No.10525793

There won't be AXs for another 2 years thanks to the mutated strain from the UK is now in the US.

>> No.10525829

I’ve had such a horrifically shitty time at the last two AX that I was kind of okay with it being cancelled this year. I spent the money going to Yosemite instead.
I’m hoping that the cancellation will make the stagnant Artist Alley and events better, but it’s more likely that pent-up demand and lack of money will just make it shittier.

>> No.10525871

I'm only happy that I got my money back. really need the money right now
if there is no AX next year, there won't be another AX at all. considering their history, there is no way the SPJA has enough money to survive 3 years with little to no income.

>> No.10525939

What con would survive and take over as California's premier con if AX goes under? Crunchy con?

>> No.10526002

They'll survive until the next con, but it will be held as cheaply as possible and be the shittiest one yet

>> No.10526049

yeah, probably them. since they're run by crunchyroll they don't need money from previous years to survive and start back up again, unlike most other cons. they could theoretically stay dormant for years only to be kick started back up again with that sweet sweet streaming money.

>> No.10526068

AX has a shitload of assets in the bank. Without the actual convention to chew through the funds its just sitting around. They've been growing their warchest year after year even with the expenses of the actual convention.

>> No.10526271

I love Garcetti and Newsom, they will force these shit cone to leave the state.

>> No.10526342

which major cons are actually gonna happen? don't really care which state I'll fly whereever. i won't be a slave to the memevirus, its more important then ever that people gather at cons to show the elites that free men don't ask for permission.

>> No.10526423

I don't know if cons will exist during the Biden administration. He will implement a nationwide mass gathering ban.

>> No.10526445

Biden will never step a foot in DC before January 21st.

>> No.10526451

Anime Expo will move into Texas or Florida this year just imagine the congoers going into that state. Florida right now will save the con industry.

>> No.10526547

They're going to be overseas in East Asian countries and Aussieland with strict and well-managed pandemic policies. I believe some parts are revising to a 14+7 day quarantine now for international arrivals (if you get there).

>> No.10526566

AX is staying in the U.S. I hope SJPW decides in a crucial time to move outta California for good and head to Texas or Florida.Florida itself is a great replacement for AX to flourish.

>> No.10526603

Anime Expo is unlikely to move to another state. That goes for pretty much any other convention in CA as well.
When it becomes clear that they won't be able to hold the con in the summer, they'll postpone to the fall/winter in hopes that it will be able to happen then.

>> No.10526620

The amount of retards who think this is possible ensures that cgl will never run out of fucking idiots.

>> No.10526659

>the AX is gonna leave the state meme
Look, I know we're all bored as fuck at home but for the love of god give it a rest. We bitch about this every year. It's never gonna happen. The con would sooner never happen again than it would move to another state.

>> No.10526660

This. I genuinely can't follow the mental gymnastics necessary to believe this would actually happen.

>> No.10526696

SJPW is attached to Bushiroad. Bushi is located in socal so therefore SJPW will be in socal.

the name value of "Los Angeles" alone is enough to stay there, not to mention the many Japanese companies quartered in California

>> No.10526702

gosh, can't even imagine how that would look like

>> No.10526782

LA has no value if it keeps decimating their own economy. SPJW cannot lose any money in 2021 and further more. It either you move out of state or let it die.

>> No.10526793

It is the same retards who can't grasp on what it takes to run a convention. It's not like they can pack up to move elsewhere. This isn't comparable to moving to a new house.

I then remember I'm an anon board filled with kids under the age of 25 who've never signed a contract.

Stay dumb and full of cum ya fucking gulls who believe this.

>> No.10526796

Local law enforcement will now arrest anyone defying stay at home orders.
>Be American
>Go to convention
>Get fined and arrested

>> No.10526806

Sheriffs are defying Newsom orders even more people are defying his orders. Lemme tell you this fucksticks if California continues to be lockdown or Newsom and Garcetti still at the helm you are NOT gonna have any cons in the West period.

>> No.10526833

Good, not having cons is the least of our worries right now.

>> No.10526884

You deserved to be hanged at this point.

>> No.10526895

The reason they are refunding everyone is in case if AX does get the okay for 2021, the LACC can only accommodate at 25% capacity. Expect badges to be sold out in less than 30 seconds.

>> No.10526899


>> No.10527081

police here, none of the officers in my department (major metro area) give a fuck about the orders nor do we want to enforce them

no cop wants to add more bullshit to their plates. local government hasn't even attempted to tell us to cite people. local government doesn't actually care either and is just posturing so they can say "lol we tried." if they wanted something actually done they would have grown the health department's numbers and had them run around and hand out tickets.

>> No.10527111

Happy New Years, are you excited for a full year of no cons?

>> No.10527857

Which city and state you live in now and don't tell me it's New York.

>> No.10527967

>LACC can only accommodate at 25% capacity
25% of infinity is still infinity, not like AX ever capped attendance ever

>> No.10528079

They'd use LACC's fire code, obviously.

>> No.10528188
File: 174 KB, 1618x1531, 1598971976584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think we're gonna get cons back this year

>> No.10528241

No not this year, but hopefully the next. I'm not holding my breath though....

>> No.10528295

next year should be fine because vaccine will be rolled out enough. this year is a no go because of said vaccine rollout not having been done to a sufficient amount and the fact that cons require months of preparation before they are actually held. only the cons towards the end of the year have a shot at being held and only if by mid-year vaccine rollout is getting somewhere.

>> No.10528330

I sincerely hope so. 2020 has taught me not to have expectations so if next year happens it will simply be a happy surprise.

>> No.10528335

They still have costs to pay during the downtime. Those costs are extremely high compared to other states because, you guessed it, california.

>> No.10528397

Several Frontline workers tested positive after they got the vaccine and one got hospitalized and died. We are never getting any cons ever again.

>> No.10528432

If you're waiting for Boris and the media to give you the go ahead for back to normal, never. There's been a constant shifting of goal posts since this started. Even with the vaccine being administered there's suddenly a new strain so there has to be more lockdowns. Short of people protesting and rioting constantly the terrorist doctors and "experts" will continue to impose their tyranny indefinitely.

>> No.10528463


If you retards would stay the fuck inside/follow guidelines the virus would infect fewer people and have less chance to mutate into more contagious or dangerous strains.

Many scientists also aren't 100% sure if the new strain is that much more virulent because of the sheer amount of people refusing to follow guidelines causing more people to get infected with it in general also being a factor.

>> No.10528467

Is there any proof that the guidelines even work? Nearly everyone I see at stores wears a mask and wears it properly, although it isn't like there's any standard for the material the mask has to be made out of. Even if they did, there's a bunch of carve outs that basically render them ineffective (for example: my university mandates masks everywhere, even outside, but the building policy contains a provision that exempts athletes from having to wear them during practice) or local governments refuse to shutdown superspreader events like St. George Floyd protests. I'm really not sure what the point of banning fun is since it isn't like it did anything to stop the deaths, which were going to happen anyways.

>> No.10528571

Yes, because they weren't fully vaccinated yet. Read further than the headline next time. Everyone knows that the vaccine is only at 50% efficacy with the first dose and 95% after the second a month later.

>> No.10528575

>Is there any proof that the guidelines even work?
Why don't you ask the rest of the world who are already enjoying brunch, concerts, and sports events?

>> No.10528579

>Nearly everyone I see at stores wears a mask and wears it properly
Do you have your eyes closed when you walk through the store? Like 2 in 5 people actually wear a proper mask and wear it over their nose. Ask literally any retail worker who still has to fight with people just to wear one in the first place.

> I'm really not sure what the point of banning fun is since it isn't like it did anything to stop the deaths, which were going to happen anyways.
What is there even to say to the stupidity of this.

>> No.10528715

We ain't gonna have cons in the long run and possibly lose more money in 2021. I have heard AX lost a lot of money last year and continues to lose more this upcoming year.

>> No.10528893

>AX lost a lot of money last year
AX needs to step up it's merch game. I was surprised after AX lite happened that the only merch they had was some shitty shirts and they haven't released anything else since.

AX already has 5 mascots and enough people willing to support them that they could be selling a variety of AX branded posters, pins, tshirts, etc. heck they can jo the whole artificial scarcity route and limit all that shit to X number of copies to increase demand and urgency.

I'm not saying they would make a killing off of this, I just think it could help cushion the blow that corona gave them.

>> No.10529301
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>file for time off for AX 2021 to be on the safe side
>have to file an additional 2 weeks off to quarantine myself from everyone
>don’t have enough

>> No.10529326

honestly even if AX does happen this year, it's gonna be pretty shitty, so missing this year won't be a big deal.

>> No.10529350

You talking dub actor guests only shitty or ALA but at the LACC shitty?

>> No.10529352

I'm counting on AX Lite 2021. Even if they hold some sort of downscaled physical event, it wouldn't be worth attending from out-of-city even and I'd rather join in on the stream from the safety of my couch.

>> No.10529825

ALA but at the LACC shitty at best.

>> No.10530148

>Taking time off for a con that's 80% not happening
You fucked up.

>> No.10530151

Even local dub VAs won't leave their house in the San Fernando Valley to interact with dirty weebs anymore.

>> No.10530249
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>ALA 2020 was the last con of my life

>> No.10530368

nah, last con till 2022

>> No.10530855

DTLA is about to be turned a warzone lmao.

>> No.10530883

>Today would have been the first day of ALA 2021
>Instead we're watching the country spiraling out of control

>> No.10530924

I feel so awful for the businesses that just finished renovations after being trashed earlier this year. Sad to see plywood nailed up everywhere in little tokyo and around DTLA in general.

>> No.10530926

More chimpouts?

>> No.10531132

This time by delusional white people.

>> No.10531133

I don't think any live in LA

>> No.10531142

Shit fucks and no one will be charged

>> No.10531146

Ever heard of Santee? California has a large population of MAGA types or just regular conservatives that disagree with the government, even in LA area; that's like half the reason they keep proposing to be split up into different states.

>> No.10532393

When are we suppose to get that email to re-register?

>> No.10532708


>> No.10533115

I doubt it, Eng VA's are the biggest pussies out there if this pandemic does end I expect all VA to attend psych meetings to help deal with this fake pandemic.

The MSM deserve to be murdered for ruining the economy.

>> No.10533322

When there is a con to register to?

>> No.10533325

youre not from the area, are you? LA is like half upper crust rich white and half homeless/poor minorities.

This. People who don't live in California (and even some that do) don't really realize how polarized our state is. LA and its surrounding area carries much of our blue and the rest is a wide red dessert.

>> No.10533874

So most likely never?

>> No.10534223

you dying?

>> No.10534635
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We're all dying

>> No.10534756

I'm excited for another AX Lite. I get to stay home and watch online panels all day, and also no lines.
Why the fuck would we ever spend money and time to attend potential super spreader events?

>> No.10535877

Should I try to reserve a room right now for ALA?

>> No.10536232

only if you can get guaranteed a refund

>> No.10536710

I'm starting to get scared
Anime detour just today has announced their cancellation.
Do you think anime expo will cancel?

>> No.10536775


>> No.10536784

Newsom's vaccination super sites, like the one in the Disneyland parking lot, are planned to be open through July 4th. OC's goal is to have all vaccinations completed by then. Studies have estimated some kind of herd immunity at 75% of the population being vaccinated.
Either way, if AX does happen, the guest list will be shit and concerts/entertainment will probably be non-existent.

>> No.10536798

I'd say with the way things are going there's a 60 percent chance that it will cancel.

>> No.10536842

So basically ALA at the LACC?

>> No.10536977
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>the guest list will be shit and concerts/entertainment will probably be non-existent.
The only reasons I still care about AX. Oh well, another year off wouldn't hurt

>> No.10537014
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I think all conscientious cons will be canceled again for 2021.

The only ones I can see making it might be LATE year cons like the Christmas/winter cons.

Even that is iffy. The numbers are still soaring, vaccinations are still up in the air for if we have enough/if people will take it/and how well it works long term. Unless something drastic changes we won't see cons until 2022

>> No.10537057
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Who else is just saying fuck it and saving up for a Japan trip either end of this year or next Summer? Might as well go big at this point.

>> No.10537229

I agree with most of this other than the word "conscientious" being in there.
Pretty much every con organizer out there is gonna hold their con whenever they're legally able to do so, regardless of what the current situation with covid is.
I can't help but wince a bit every time I see someone say "thanks for making the right decision" whenever a con is cancelled. Those naive fucks don't seem to understand that there hasn't really been any decisions to make. Cons have been cancelled because the organizers have had no choice in the matter.
I'm not saying this to shit on the organizers or anything. The fact of the matter is that some cons are going to go away forever if they have to cancel two years in a row. It's a tough spot to be in.

>> No.10537233

New Years in Japan is my plan

>> No.10537241

Is Anime Detour a nonprofit con? It seems like a lot of the small to mid sized nonprofit cons are fine with cancelling, making no effort to postpone.

Either way, its cancellation shouldn't make anyone any more worried about AX being cancelled than they already are.

I think AX postponing to the fall//winter is the most likely scenario right now.
An outright cancellation is a possibility, of course. AX happening on their current scheduled date is the least likely scenario, IMO.

>> No.10537411

I've already canceled my Sakura-Con (April, Seattle) hotel. Their site hasn't updated since like October and by this point it's unlikely to go on even if there hasn't been a formal announcement.

Agreeing with >>10537014and >>10537229 that large-scale cons in any state that has a fuck left to give isn't going to happen until late 2021 at the earliest and it won't be until some point in 2022 when Japan might be comfortable with sending industry and music guests again.

>> No.10537414

I would personally prefer that AX sticks with their summer dates and hold a virtual con again so that there won't be a glut of cons attempting to happen at the end of the year and throwing off scheduling/planning time for 2022.

>> No.10537450

Enjoy trying to get into the country.

>> No.10537454

>cons are going to go away forever if they have to cancel two years in a row. It's a tough spot to be in.

>> No.10537455

Didn't Garcetti extend the use of the LACC as a homeless shelter until the end of 2021?

>> No.10537634

source? if this is true then lol AX is 100 percent kill

>> No.10537675

I wholesomely agree. Those people who called convention cancellations a blessings will be crying later if their favourite convention ceased to exist after this. Either due to financial struggles or simply due to their organisers moving on. Remember: most conventions are run by volunteers and if they lose interest or have other stuggles on their minds, only the hardcore engaged people will stick around. For many it will just not be a big think to move on and care about other hobbies or volunteer engagements.

t. an actual convention organiser

>> No.10537991

LA County just hit a million positive cases. Do you think he'll let up and let those who are easily susceptible to the virus on the loose to spread it?

>> No.10537993

I will :)

>> No.10538043

so how did that go? no foreigners again lol.

>> No.10538052

There are 1 million signatures right now for Newsom to be recalled immediately and he's getting rattled and pressured by everyone to cancel these vaccination events. I expect AX to be cancelled or moved.

>> No.10538054

Seattle is already a dump and I'm worried that city will never get better until Antifa/BLM and their governor leave for ruining. Sakura-con as a whole will die because all of this.

>> No.10538055

>LA County just hit a million positive cases.
I call bullshit over it.

>> No.10538164


>> No.10538168

>Sakura-con as a whole will die because all of this.
And that's a good thing.

>> No.10538170

They did for a bit, but the City Council now wants to turn it into a permanent homeless shelter similar to San Diego. They believe that the convention business won't be returning for yearsdue to Covid. I guess it's time for AX to return to Anaheim.

>> No.10538174

>And that's a good thing.
Maybe, but for the long term it isn't.

Newsom is definitely hellbent on destroying the economy now like I said I hope Recall movement will be enough to oust him and find a good governor who understands California economy because it's already dead in the water.

>> No.10538181

Go ahead and recall him. I can't think of anyone that can do a better job than he can. The signatures for that recall are from moronic entitled people who can't follow simple health guidelines.

>> No.10538200

Gavin is that you?

>> No.10538209

No just someone who listens to facts and science.

>> No.10538234

The economy is the least of our worries right now.

>> No.10538237

Cons are just going to change to a more online virtual platform since it's cheap and easy. Why should I waste my time and money attending a possible super spreader event when I can just stay home and watch the same content at my leisure?

>> No.10538263

Gavin get off 4chan no one like dishonest smile ass here.

The economy is much to everyone's worry.

>Why should I waste my time and money attending a possible super spreader event when I can just stay home and watch the same content at my leisure?
Your home, your workplace are super spreader events, you will never know how you got virus in the first place. Maybe wearing your dirty face mask, bad hygiene and bad health might have caught the virus. So stop being a pussy and enjoy life.

>> No.10538341

Best way to enjoy life is to have one still and cut out non-essential events until they are much safer. Physical cons are so far away on the end of spectrum. I work and use extensive PPEs because I have to in the medical field and god I hope you north Americans unite sooner than later so we can all get back to cons and friends.

>> No.10538394

How my sleepy COVID-18.

>> No.10538403

>Best way to enjoy life is to have one still and cut out non-essential events until they are much safer.
You need to go out and see hell is right now in California. I really don't know if AX and ALA will cons there in that state anymore.

>> No.10538410

Some people actually crave social interaction face to face

>> No.10538460

To connect with the industry during the day.
To get hammered and try to bang cosplayers during the night.

>> No.10538494

Why I go to cons.

>> No.10538535

Shut the fuck up with your "super spreader" buzzword that was made up for cum brains like yourself. You fucking didn't care when swine flu was going through, you only fucking care now because a victim card playing bitch told you to care.

>> No.10538538

Do you cover your eyes and asshole with air tight covers? because you do realize those are entry vectors too?

>> No.10538964

You're just being unreasonable and trying to be the loudest rather than pointing out real issues or concerns at this point.

>> No.10539047
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>tfw Newsom fucked Disneyland good

They had it coming with how shitty Galaxy's Edge turned out but RIP my annual pass

>> No.10539060

No I am not. Read the fucking science you god damn fucking faggot. You fuckers suck science dick and warp it to your agenda when it's convenient but when it's something you don't like you pretend you didn't read it. So shove a butt plug up your ass and make sure you add swimming goggles to your non-filtering virus mask. Be sure you deem everything but a fucking protest or doing the electric slide on the god damn white house garden as "super spreader" events.

Fucking sick of you and your ilk. You went to a protest with a bunch of unwashed fucking street hobos that will lick the unwashedass crack of billy jean on streamable , you can go to a god damn convention with people that may somewhat clean themselves.

>> No.10539172

>reading comprehension
I'm planning for 2022, dumbass

>> No.10539548

Same with guns and walls
Mfw DC now has lots of guns and walls, two things certain groups have been railing against for the last four years

>> No.10539549

Japan has already perma-banned US passports are in the middle of kicking out the US military out of country too.

>> No.10539551

We wouldn't have those things if some clown-fuck dipshits didn't storm the capitol building.
People like are the reason why grandma believes every shitpost on /b/ now

>> No.10539726


Im not talking about that shit right now. I am talking about these fucks that are swearing no cons until 2022. I am sick of it. They didn't care when h1n1 causing people to shit themselves to the point of dehydration so fast the damn IV couldn't keep up. We have a vaccine and they are still talking their fear shit. not going to go in 2021? you are going to have the same fucking excuse in 2022 and then when your con is gone, you are going to be like "OH NO HOW DID THIS HAAAAPEEEEEN". Virtual cons don't pay the fucking bills.

>> No.10539727

This is a lie.

>> No.10539810

>Implying Japan isn't the United States bitch
They don't run shit with the military no matter how hard they cry about it

>> No.10540351

>middle of
there have been okinawa protestors for years. they're no closer to kicking the US military off than they are to getting back to a 1:1 birth:death ratio

>> No.10541316

You all need to remember even if California goes all yellow tier, cons can only operate at 25% capacity. The cram packed venues, that we've all come to know and love, are long over.

>> No.10541434

and CNN aka MSM is telling you that Coronavirus is a joke and now they are trying to memoryholed it.

>> No.10541436

>The cram packed venues, that we've all come to know and love, are long over.
I doubt it, if Newsom leaves then the next gov who's gonna be republican is gonna use the Florida model and open it at full capacity.

>> No.10541499
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>Newsom leaving
>California ever becoming a red state again
>Wanting California to follow Florida
Wow are you fucking dumb as a rock.

>> No.10541500

>We have a vaccine and they are still talking their fear shit.
Because people are still dying after taking the first dose of the vaccine.
>not going to go in 2021? you are going to have the same fucking excuse in 2022 and then when your con is gone, you are going to be like "OH NO HOW DID THIS HAAAAPEEEEEN".
Having no cons is the least of our worries
>Virtual cons don't pay the fucking bills.
Better than nothing.

>> No.10541525

People are dying after the first dose because the vaccine isn't fully effective until the second dose and people are allowing themselves to be exposed between doses (or are a healthcare worker/first responder and have no choice in the matter). It would save governments more money to vaccinate essential workers in waves and allow them paid time off until the second dose to prevent people from getting half vaccinated and dying, essentially wasting the vaccine. But at the same time since the doses are spread a month apart it is a bit tough to have that many first responders and medical employees down and out for that long when COVID is peaking everywhere again.

>> No.10541911

depends on if you get another movie star running as R like arnie
100% only reason he got voted in, because lol governator

>> No.10541990

Oh, I remember really well. Because I have Facebook posts with all my dick sucking liberal-leaning "friends" laughing at me when this started to warn them that this is bigger then what the news is putting on and calling me a racist for saying stop all travel to and from China. Now, these are the same fucks that if someone walks outside in the direct sun without a mask, they are trying to have this person's life canceled and social media to rip them apart.

>> No.10541991

You didn't give a fuck when it first started and you were all screaming at people for being racist for saying to close off china travel. But hooo shit, when you realized how badly you fucked up, you went and tried to hide it by saying the "wuhan coronavirus" term was racist and starting dumping that shit everywhere. Fucking assholes trying to divert attention because you are the fuckers that caused it.

and virtual cons being better then nothing? nah brah, it is nothing. Sakura-con just cancelled and are playing the "we will be back next year"

Nope, they are done and insolvent. Screenshot this post for when they announce they are bankrupt and perma-cancelled.

>> No.10542028

How mentally challenged are you? Having no cons is the least of our worries when people are still getting sick and dying. If you haven't noticed, having in-person physical social gatherings have been on the decline and no one wants to do them anymore even if we all get vaccinated in the end. We can still socialize, share ideas and interests via online cons and Zoom meetings. Stop living in the past, in-person cons are dead and online cons are now the future of Fandom.

>> No.10542441

Not sure if this person is trolling or is truly a mental faggot that thinks "online cons" bring in money to keep things rolling. Hide in your fucking cardboard box because that's what you will be in if this continues and your bank or landlord kicks your fucking ass to the curb.

How fucking mentally challenged are you to think all this shit is free. Die in a fucking fire.

>> No.10542994
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>>online cons are now the future of Fandom
If this actually becomes the case then I want nothing to do with fandoms or cons. People nowadays get unironically toxic online. People are so much better to interact with in person - getting to know people who like the same crap as you over kbbq, acting out a series' internal memes in cosplay with fellow cosplayers, hang out with friends new and old in cringy comfy kigurumis at night perusing a change of scenery - you will never get that experience through zoom or online cons. Humans are social creatures, there've been quite a few people who offed themselves because the mandatory seclusion became too much for them. Pandemic or not - you are likely a simpleton if you think in-person interaction is suddenly antiquated.

>> No.10543068

>Newsome announces that California is opening up this week

Looks like AX is gonna happen this year and Newsom is gonna be recalled soon.

>> No.10543884

So unfortunate and frustrating knowing that larger conventions and convention "seasons" aren't really coming back in the US until 2023-2024

Seeing conventions as far out as august-september-october release cancelation statements regarding 2021 and 2022 when it's only just now about to be Feb is one way to reinforce it too

>> No.10546035

Because it will be replaced with a federal nationwide lockdown and 100 day mask mandate by Biden.

>> No.10546071

Online cons aren't replacements for in-person events but I like them. No lines, no gross basement dwellers screaming inappropriate things or asking industry incredibly cringey things, I can see all of the cosplay contests and panels without fail or interruptions. No waiting for cheap translators to interpret and wait for dumb applause to die down, either, so a 1-hr JP guest event really is an hour's worth of SUBBED content instead of 15 minutes of actual talking/content with people waiting for live translations in both directions. I'm OK with another year of virtual cons and letting them run concurrently with real cons next year.

>> No.10546177

If that happens the states will secede and everyone senator is gonna push for an impeachment on Biden.

>> No.10546178

>Online cons aren't replacements for in-person events but I like them.
You are a troll.

>> No.10546209 [DELETED] 

Look in thea

>> No.10546210

Look in the mirror

>> No.10546511

At least mine isn't broken but your is.

>> No.10548482
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>> No.10548537

AX is dead congrats Newsome and Garcetti for killing such a great con.

>> No.10548671

Ax going dead is a good thing. Here's why.

>> No.10548677

even if they did the right thing and actually put in a strict lockdown, rich ppl and republicans wouldn't follow it. this shit will never end

>> No.10550491

You can thank the local attendees that voted blue.

>> No.10550495

They should be hailed as heroes for killing an event that promotes racism, hatred, and bigotry.

>> No.10550496

Newsom is afraid of the growing recall effort. It's why he rescinded the stay at home order so suddenly.
There's some growing talk about theme parks potentially reopening in the summer, a bill just got introduced today to allow for large parks reopening in the orange tier and Great America in Northern CA just announced a reopening date of May 22nd.
Newsom has to back the fuck down because his approval rating has tanked. It still doesn't mean that an in-person AX would be any good this year, though.

>> No.10550567

Dumb Question, what do you even do at cons?
>No friends to go with
>Ugly so no cosplay

>> No.10550582

>Artist Alley
>Feeling of being around a bunch of miserable fucks into the same things you are

People still care about the Dealer's Hall for some reason, too, probably for con exclusive merchandise.

>> No.10550680

Go to parties and get laid.

>> No.10550744

>Take pictures
>Look at vendors and things I'll never buy but think they look really cool
>Photograph cosplayers
>Attempt to get autographs from my favorite VA's and fail because I was too late

>> No.10551473

Anyone who signed that recall is an idiot. They want to replace Newsom with incompetent Republicans leadership that will kill more people. Newsom is doing a decent job.

>> No.10551477

Sometimes it really does feel like I'm in /leftypol/ when I look in a thread here, huh

>> No.10551589

Newsom is doing an okay job at best, a lot of his decisions seem arbitrary and California is seriously lagging in vaccinations. He sure has succeeded in pissing off a bunch of people, though. Conservatives bitched about the outdoor dining ban and then progressives bitched when he rescinded it.
The recall would truly be a waste of time and money, though. Republicans need to sort their shit out before worrying about Newsom.

>> No.10551651
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>yfw AX Lite 30th Anniversary this year

>> No.10551747

> Coronaviruses are a group of related RNA viruses that cause diseases in mammals and birds. In humans and birds, they cause respiratory tract infections that can range from mild to lethal. Mild illnesses in humans include some cases of the common cold

>> No.10552064

>rich ppl and republicans wouldn't follow it.
Both liberal and conservatives are pissed over the lockdowns. But it doesn't matter is already done, fuck you.

>> No.10552067

>Newsom is doing an okay job at best,
He's doing much worse job tied with Cuomo and the rest of Dems who are abusing their power over the lockdown and cause major unsettlements in this country. Doing an "okay job" is term for saying you are doing a shit job.

>> No.10552069

>Dumb Question, what do you even do at cons?
To have fun.

>> No.10552458

So what will replace cons now that it has lost its social standing?

>> No.10552809

>Whatever the fuck an "unsettlements" is
>Rarrghh bi-partisan politics

Please go back to the echo chamber of /pol/

>> No.10552828

talking to people
smashing pussy if lucky, if not jerk off and cry

>> No.10553516

Stop sucking many dicks anon.

>> No.10553520

Why hasn't AX announce anything about their new ticketing system so I cam rebuy my Premier Pass?

>> No.10553521

And Republicans want to reopen everything so more people will be infected and die.

>> No.10553613

People are dying every day as is anon

>> No.10553619

>Why hasn't AX announce anything about their new ticketing system
cause AX aint gonna happen this year, get ready for AX lite 2.0. heck, even though they haven't officially canceled (yet) they've been publicly searching for live stream hosts for more than a week now

If they do keep priority sales for those who bought badges for 2020 my bet is that'll open up around august or September.

>> No.10553784

>cause AX aint gonna happen this year, get ready for AX lite 2.0.
AX will be dead by then. Like I said AX needs to move out of California asap.

>> No.10553865
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>hotel blocks haven’t been announced yet
Yep AX Lite 2021 is a go

>> No.10554022
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>2 years of no AX

>> No.10554136

How can there be hotels available when homeless people are still occupying them?

>> No.10554236

>Play in gaming room
>photoshoot meetups (even if you don't cosplay)
>movie screenings

>> No.10554251

>E3, taking place two weeks ahead of AX at the LACC, cancels
>Big brain Garcetti still wants to let the tweakers smear their shit all over the convention center for the foreseeable future
Yeah, I'm pretty certain AX won't be happening at this point.

>> No.10554394

>Yeah, I'm pretty certain AX won't be happening at this point.
AX is totally doomed at this point and beyond if they don't move out of the state soon. Garcetti thinks he's untouchable since only Newsom is being recalled. I hope Calibros ousts every motherfucker who abuses and ruined the economy. AX is going to be dead if they don't move soon.

>> No.10554566

Why the fuck should they move?

>> No.10554570

Texas or Florida would be best.

>> No.10554581

Florida would be perfect for AX East only for one year.

>> No.10554612


>> No.10554615

Because Cali is a dumpster fire.

>> No.10554956

It's bait

>> No.10554964

Honestly AX should move California is a hot mess. I do want AX to move since it will gain a lot people and support from the congoers.

>> No.10555008
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>> No.10555140

Because then they can do AX with less restrictions and/or do it at all

>> No.10555239

genuine question, has there been any conventions the size of or near the size of AX that have hopped states like this before?

>> No.10555263

People seem to think that if AX, or any convention for that matter, goes two years without holding their event, they will never come back.
There already have been a number of conventions that have cancelled for the 2nd year in a row that seem confident they'll be back in 2022.
In fact, the only convention I can think of that has been all gloom and doom and begging for money is Otakon.
Mainly it's going to be conventions that were struggling before corona that are going to go away.

>> No.10555461

>People seem to think that if AX, or any convention for that matter, goes two years without holding their event, they will never come back.
Money is very,,very scarce for con organizers we don't know how long or how much financial can last for years. For Otakon and others cons situations we don't know the future will hold. I still believe AX will push an opportunity on moving because California taxes are gonna boost through the roof even if that don't have event and do another a AX Lite event. It really seems moving is the best option right now because California is gonna tank harder like we never seen before.

>> No.10555497

Has AX Lite 2.0 even been confirmed?

>> No.10555874

>Wondercon cancelled
RIP AX 2021. Funny that their 30th anniversary ends up being an online virtual con.

>> No.10555877

Wondercon was done for this year will break the camel's back for 2022.

>> No.10555878

Florida has a lot conventions out there so I would try to check which ones that could hold enough fans.

>> No.10555881

Good, the pandemic has shown that cons have lost their meaning and value. I don't know why people still yearn for mass gatherings when they are now frowned upon society for being possible super spreader events. Virtual cons has shown that we can still socialize and watch the same content within the comforts of our own home and we are also saving so much money by not getting hotel rooms and spending on food and gas.

>> No.10555882

>Good, the pandemic has shown that cons have lost their meaning and value
Please do a favor and kill yourself.

>> No.10555898

Okay who else besides you want cons to return? No one cares anymore.

>> No.10556126

Only you and you can kill yourself.

>> No.10556147

oh look its the faggot from the other thread. go back to posting about made for the BBC in fucking pol.

>> No.10556148

Hypocrite faggot over here talking about "super spreader events" while they were throwing shit balls at the cops at a BLM riot.

>> No.10556206

But it's the truth, no con organization wants to be held liable for having their event be a super spreader. The government will soon ban conventions permanently to the point that we'll only learn about the existence of AX and SDCC in history books. Don't be surprised when the SPJA and CCI folds due to lack of finances and its members losing interest.

>> No.10556212

I really don't know anything about anime con finances but even absent corruption/mismanagement of funds I don't see why a con wouldn't fold if it had to go two years without making any money. Other businesses would go under in a similar situation.

>> No.10556243

I understand and would generally tend to agree with that logic. However, most of the cons that have cancelled two years in a row seem to be pretty fucking nonchalant about it. If they were in trouble I would think they would be going out of their way to postpone until later in the year, in spite of the challenges that would arise from that.
If someone with knowledge on how cons work can explain how a con can survive a year, let alone two, with no income, I'd like to hear about it.

>> No.10556311

Do the big cons still have insurance in place for another year?

>> No.10556317

Troll harder you bitch.

>> No.10556340

Cope loser. Just give up, the human society has lost all interest in organizing and attending mass gathering conventions when virtual cons have shown that we can get the same content for free and not risk public health and safety.

>> No.10556362
File: 22 KB, 500x250, 421f0d9b-d3c0-4918-aa87-7c89f0511323-500x250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mfw another year of no AX and no shitty weebs fucking up the LA Convention Center

>> No.10556543

Take your meds

>> No.10556630

>there's nothing in real life that you can't get from a computer screen
Is this bait?

>> No.10556650

We can still talk, watch panels, and show off our cosplays online without the possibility of getting covid.

>> No.10556713

Based Garcetti for killing California

You can't get covid if you kill yourself.

>> No.10556854

No only you have you fucking scrote tranny. Go dilate and go hide in your fucking discord server

>> No.10557100

Stay mad because every con has started announcing their 2021 cancelations already. A year of no cons is what we need right now.

>> No.10557298

tranny con and AX is not every con faggot. I mean this in the most serious way. Hang yourself.

>> No.10557867
File: 987 KB, 1768x1125, A7594B1A-68C9-4616-933B-148EF201EC70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AX is hiring livestreamers
You know what that means