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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10478366 No.10478366 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread:

>> No.10478436
File: 175 KB, 480x640, 18667729-98dd-51b9-8523-b170afcc4a2e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk if anyones interested but I ended up doing a swab test and then washing it yesterday and it turned out fine !

>> No.10478443

Good to know! There are still some dresses produced that run; it's so important for the community to have confirmation on what's safe to wash and what really needs to be dry cleaned.

>> No.10478475


People mentioned already that it was poly; I don't think anyone expected it to run.

>> No.10478476

This... how stupid can you be?

>> No.10478481

Original anon but while I have experience with poly usually being safe. I dont own much baby so I wasn't really sure what to expect.

>> No.10478514

Is anyone else disappointed by this? The color pallet looks great but the print is just terrible. It reminds me of an interpretation of Courage the Cowardly Dog's house. I hope this isn't this years Halloween print from them.

>> No.10478534

Yes its extremely disappointing... I hope so too, that this isnt the only halloween item we see from AatP. I usually like their releases

>> No.10478566

Ahaha christ is this ever ugly and confused. And a cross, why?? Btssb got this brilliant idea to throw everything on that's leftover from the habidashery.

>> No.10478622

I love the print but the cuts are just awful.

>> No.10478811

Anyone else having problems with receiving emails from LM? I've won auctions, sold listings and received messages without being notified. Usually I receive the mails within minutes.

>> No.10478857

Yes, this is a known issue. You need to check your LM inbox religiously, otherwise you're likely going to miss some messages.

>> No.10478889


Nayrt and I've never had this problem.

>> No.10479489

I haven’t worn lolita even once in maybe 2 years at this point and I have been trying to offload most clothes from my (relatively small) wardrobe for years, but they were so pretty I really struggled. People would tell me to konmari, but everything brought me joy so I couldn’t.
I’m finally doing it. I have been trying to me ruthless - I’m not wearing these items anyway and if they aren’t perfect, why should I keep them? I’m proud to finally be doing it but would love any motivation or advice.

>> No.10479490

I feel you. I want to minimize too but I really love what I’ve got and it feels like part of my identity I’m getting rid of. It’s di hard.

>> No.10479493
File: 593 KB, 1242x1842, CF25CC40-C7E4-47A3-ADC6-6980FA7C7A0A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone catch this dumpster fire? According to her she owns beaded necklaces, and lemon and gumball machine charms. She even pulled the race card a couple times claiming “this isn’t the time to rip off POC” despite the other girl being Chinese.
The mods actually let her bawleet it too because it wasn’t the hug box she was looking for, despite RC uncensored having a no deletion rule. Figures the admins are all cozy with this drama cow.

>> No.10479494
File: 127 KB, 1242x467, 77B09CC9-A3DF-4713-A8B5-A7CAF5693F4B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This made me kek. The fashion is literally created by POC. Just say black, take your social justice points, and go.

>> No.10479499

It is really hard. I felt like I was losing myself when I started selling things off. Even tho I wasn’t wearing it I still had enough clothes that it felt like I was a part of the community. If you love what you have you should keep it, if you’re not wearing it maybe think about why and try on each piece and figure out what you like or don’t like about it.

>> No.10479503

Can people please stop talking like this

>> No.10479509

Literally the only thing the same about the designs is that they were all necklaces and used the same readily available charms. The beads and chains aren’t the same at all and the decorations on the charms are way different.
Also there’s nothing wrong with a store wanting you to buy from them and not telling you where they get their wholesale items. That’s entirely unreasonable, no brand would ever do it. Lolitas act like the entire world owes them shit like this and it pisses me off.
Also I wouldn’t say the mods let her delete it cause it looks like they kicked her from the group.

>> No.10479510
File: 288 KB, 1242x1225, E1144D1B-D597-434F-8429-5E6865FE55EE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some other ones caught

>> No.10479511
File: 372 KB, 1242x1678, 41F26B3D-C44D-4713-9787-4A936175A62D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10479513
File: 210 KB, 1211x779, 5425389B-76E5-4816-959D-9490A79A88A5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10479521

Did she get booted or just run away crying?

>> No.10479524

This bitch is so fucking stupid because she’s basically ripping off AP jewelry in the first place

>> No.10479542

She did both. Complained on her page about how she will never run a shop and how she is ruined then deleted the post and left the group.

>> No.10479548

oh well. her fault for pointing out her shit is generic af. i love when girls like this flounce because of their own stupidity.

>> No.10479613

She clearly doesn’t have the maturity to run a shop so good riddance.

>> No.10479619

not only created by poc but the largest lolita demographic are chinese girls who are also poc. east asians hate blacks btw so blacks choosing to wear asian fashion is already opening themselves up to tons of racism. you can't apply american sjw logic to asian stuff

>> No.10479625

Asians and lightskins are practically white, don’t kid yourself.

>> No.10479626

I doubt Chinese girls would go out of their way to steal work from a Poc just because they don’t like black people and/or foreigners.

And I’m sure that her ~very public~ Instagram account with like 600 followers is exactly where they stole the design from from kek.

Poc in the western world pretty much means anyone non white.

>> No.10479627 [DELETED] 

But anon she’s super creative and a Public Figure!!! 600 followers!!!

>> No.10479629

>east asians hate blacks
Can you not talk out of your ass just to sound edgy? Xenophobia and ignorance are at the base of the hate pyramid but aren't outright "hate." East asians think black men are scammers from nigeria or gangsters or rappers because of western media influence. They actually love black women, especially tall, thin, and/or light skinned black women. The worst "hate" you encounter is stupidity and ignorance. Hip Hop culture is also huge in Korea and strongly present in Japan. Black people are as fetishized in east asia as they are anywhere else, with a much lower level of outright hate and aggressive racism. They just view black people as a cool, trendy outsider who might play basketball with them or sing a rap song.

>> No.10479630 [DELETED] 

>They actually love black women, especially tall, thin, and/or light skinned black women

Black women go against 99% of their beauty standards. You are delusional.

>> No.10479632 [DELETED] 
File: 355 KB, 1129x1506, 89C064F2-7D1E-4F62-9056-5D4F0C00FBF8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ALL of her works are so original! How dare anyone copy her! Her designs are so different!

>> No.10479633

Please visit east asia. Actual asian people have different beauty standards for themselves than they have for other races. Black musicians do really well overseas for a reason. They're incredibly popular as something to idolize as "foreign." Curly perms, afros, and dreads are becoming more popular in asian countries. Foreign bodies are seen as promiscuous.

>> No.10479634 [DELETED] 

Cope harder and delude yourself into thinking Asians love black people. Hip hop culture being a fad in Korea doesn’t mean they like actual black people.

>> No.10479635

Is that your defense for spewing incorrect information because you've never actually been to asia but you saw a post on 4chan once saying asians hated black people? "Cope harder?"
Literally just go to asia. Walk into a night club or something. And watch how the men flock to the foreigners regardless of their skin tone. Watch the black women. Or the light skinned black men. They are SWARMED with positive attention by people who would never outwardly say anything but would love to hop on that dick at the first opportunity. Watch any of the episodes on race the NHK has done in the past year. They just put one out like last week. Educate yourself before continuing to spew that "muh holy east asians HATE the blacks, just like me!"

>> No.10479636 [DELETED] 

If white people treated blacks the way the Koreans and Japanese do they would be labeled as hateful, ignorant, and racist.

>> No.10479637

You're not wrong. But that's not what "east asians hate blacks" anon was implying. It's still racist but it isn't "eww I hate you."

>> No.10479639

>men wanting to bang exotic women equals cultural respect

>> No.10479640

Buh... buh... She spent hours picking the right beads for her design!
Some asians fetishising a race doesn’t mean they like it. In China specifically they edit movie posters to remove black people cause the general public doesn’t want to see it. There’s lots of anti black sentiment over there and not just in China. Have you actually been to anywhere in east Asia aside from tourist filled nightclubs? Or have you talked to people from those countries about other races?
Bruh you think just because someone wants to fuck a foreigner that means they respect them?

>> No.10479641

>east asians hate blacks
>east asians listen to black music
>east asians wear black fashion
>east asians want to bang black people
>east asians replicate black hair texture
>east asians say "I love black people!" on national TV
>approx 2 million black Japanese haafu living in Japan
>east asians hate blacks?

Don't be silly, anon.

>> No.10479642 [DELETED] 

As a black person who has been to both japan and sk, I was treated like an animal on display at a zoo half the time, and the other half people treated me like I was guaranteed to commit a crime. Fetishizing bipoc does not equal respect. The majority of people in these countries are definitely racist and do not like black people.

>> No.10479643

>Have you actually been to anywhere in east Asia aside from tourist filled nightclubs? Or have you talked to people from those countries about other races

I only lived in Japan for 8 years and worked for three different magazines publishing articles, and traveled to every single prefecture in the country, but I can't namedrop myself so fuck it. Go watch NHK or read a book.

>> No.10479644

not denying that asians can be racist towards black people, but no one ever brings up how black people arguably hate asians just as much
also i find it silly when black weebs complain about not being included enough in stuff like anime and j-fashion and blame it on racism. like i'm not saying racist sentiments towards blacks don't exist but they're not purposefully excluding black people from these things just to rustle your jimmies. japan just does not have that significant of a black population

>> No.10479645

Never said they respect.
Just that they don't "hate." They do the exact opposite of hate. They WANT to the point of racist fetishization. But it isn't "hate."
At no point did I ever say that they respected black people. IN fact
>Xenophobia and ignorance are at the base of the hate pyramid

Literally started with this.
So what are you arguing against?

>> No.10479646 [DELETED] 

You seem to be hyper focused on the idea of “hate”, and all that was pointed out is that they’re racist towards them and black people don’t meet their beauty standards. Quit this sperg fest. You are delusional. Black people are a novelty to them like animals in the zoo.

>> No.10479648


You know, I'm all for racial equality in lolita, but pulling this card in the middle of another claim just weakens her stance overall.

If one girl was stealing ideas from another, then that should be the whole case, right? There should be picture proof, followship proof, timelines, screencaps of the copycat's claims, that kind of thing, right? If you're going to publicly call out another artist you shouldn't do it lightly, at least there should be some sort of evidence, even if all you can provide is that the copycat's jewellery always comes out after the your own.

But throwing in a POC race claim instead of all that? It just makes her case look weak, as if she knew she didn't really have anything at all and is simply throwing everything and the kitchen sink at her opponent.

Racism just ought to be it's own issue. Using it to cloud another issue seems dumb.

>> No.10479663

>I was a journalist
Now I know for sure your opinion should be discarded.

>> No.10479665

One advice I have from my minimalism bout is to just notice how you feel getting rid of stuff. It might be painful at first, but after awhile you'll notice those feelings less and less. A couple of days after an item is gone, will you be thinking about it still? Probably not. I don't even remember most stuff I got rid of.

>> No.10479668

It feels good to get rid of things and I’m not really missing them, but the things I am getting rid of are not the dream items it took so long to find. So much of what I keeping doesn’t even fit me, I am just holding onto it because it’s pretty.

>> No.10479671

this chick was so delusional comparing her dollar store necklaces to the taobao ones lmao.
Not only are they not remotely similar, but she kept claiming she made the pendants from 'doll parts' when they're just bought in bulk from aliexpress

>> No.10479675 [DELETED] 


This video is a great example of how blacks are seen in east Asia

>> No.10479679

Yikes... can’t believe he used the n word so much

>> No.10479680

Are you being facetious? He’s saying the word “the” in his own language. It just happens to sound like a slur

It happens with different languages

>> No.10479681

Please tell me you're only pretending to be retarded.

>> No.10479683 [DELETED] 

Ummm I highly doubt that the word “the” just happens to sound like “N*gga Naynay”. STOP defending racism just because it’s ok in their culture!

>> No.10479684
File: 340 KB, 1242x1619, 6A8422C0-9B15-4EF3-B0E1-55D05E713D77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now she’s trying to get people to like her again, how pathetic.
“Plz don’t come after me” girl get over yourself. You fucked up and deserved the back lash you got. Stop playing the victim.

>> No.10479685

Uh, yeah it does. And the Chinese language came way before English and the n word. But I'm pretty sure you're just trolling at this point.

>> No.10479687 [DELETED] 

Why is he doing the nay nay and saying the n word at the same time? It’s not a coincidence. It’s intentional. It being their “language” doesn’t matter. It’s offensive, so they should change it.

>> No.10479688

You’re so embarrassing. I can’t imagine what you’re like irl. We get it, you’re the white savior of racism.
Typical white trash who only knows English and feels the need to judge languages you can’t even speak. Educate yourself, dumb ass.

>> No.10479689 [DELETED] 

I am NOT white. Quit trying to police me, a black woman, if this is offensive to me or not. It is clearly racist.

>> No.10479690


Didn't watch ghe video but I know in Korean the words for "you" and "I" sound vaguely like the n word and as a black person it makes listening to Kpop mildly amusing when I hear it. Asians in Asia are often horribly racist, especially China and Korea, mostly older people. In Japan people probably are too but for some reason seem to be ignorantly fascinated with black people or generally nonwhite foreigners or are more polite about their racism so it's not as apparent other than weird drunk or predatory creeps in some big cities.

Asians in Asia are pretty traditional and often don't even like or are judgemental of other ethnicities of Asian though, especially older generations. The cgl definition of racism being acknowledging that Chinese scammers exist is hilarious when older Chinese people and Asians that aren't raised in North America, Australia, and a handful of European countries are often far more hardcore racist. A Chinese friend of mine in college almost got disowned for dating a half black guy in high school and college. And my best friend who has a Korean bf says his family back in Korea will disown one of their family members if they find out she married and had a kid with a black man, and they won't even be nice to the child.

It's so laughable that acknowledging shitty behavior by some Chinese sellers or scalpers/scammersis considered racism when many of those Chinese people are also likely racist.

>> No.10479691

this is so cute lol

>> No.10479692

You can't be this daft. He's repeating the beginning syllable of the word 那个 (nèige). You act like the whole world revolves around Americans.
And lol putting quotations around the word "language" as if it's not real and hasn't existed for literally thousands of years. Get over yourself.

>> No.10479693 [DELETED] 

Even so, it sounds so similar to the worst slur imaginable, they should change it. It’s racist and it enables non black people to have an “out” for using the slur.

>> No.10479694


Oh also the video itself isn't racist just because it sounds like the N word obviously. The troll larping as a black woman calling it offensive is a retard and is trying too hard.

>> No.10479695 [DELETED] 

I am black. Leave it to 4chan to be racist and stick their heads in the sand when a BIPOC tries to educate them!

>> No.10479696


>> No.10479697

Stop responding to bait jfc

>> No.10479698

just ignore her and report, some SJW white savior chick who got triggered over a language and is looking for her next virtue to signal. Clearly trolling. It’s embarrassing. Imagine pretending to be a black woman. Creepy as hell.

>> No.10479699

So can we get back to discussion about something other than shitty race baiting

>> No.10479700
File: 191 KB, 1242x831, CD2CF1B8-5E97-4B6F-8656-13E428D13F35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyways some more cringe. C literally had her friends join to defend her on the post, it was embarrassing.

>> No.10479701

>You need to change the language because I don’t like how it sounds, even tho it was developed thousands years before mine

>> No.10479702 [DELETED] 

It’s against the rules to encourage people to report posts or announce reports, newfag.

>> No.10479705
File: 343 KB, 1242x1831, 25BEC995-6D77-405C-9DE9-35C716AAC02E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

C also kept changing the story in her comments.
At first she said she made the gumball machine from doll house parts and it was completely unique and original, then admitted to sourcing her materials from somewhere else.

>> No.10479706

Did this really need it’s own post? Can you guys stop shitting up the thread already and stop responding to bait? Dumb ass.

>> No.10479708 [DELETED] 

Quit larping as a mod. You’re shitting up the thread just as much with your bitching

>> No.10479709

You’re literally doing what you’re telling others not to do. It’s embarrassing. Read the rules, quit infighting, and stop shitting up the thread already.
You guys have derailed it so much it’s ridiculous.

>> No.10479710
File: 104 KB, 1242x291, B2AC6246-A5FA-4EDD-8E34-0195699659AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually it’s only against the rules to say that you’ve reported the post. Read the rules before you pretend to know what you’re talking about, newfag.
Now can we please get back on topic?

>> No.10479711 [DELETED] 

It’s happened for both, newfag

>> No.10479714 [DELETED] 

Goddamn. This was THE MOST blatant b8 I’ve seen in months and gulls still took it.

>> No.10479715

The thread was pretty interesting at first too, but of course it gets ruined by obvious racism bait and some dude calling everyone a new fag and infighting despite not even reading the rules.
Most embarrassing behavior.

>> No.10479718
File: 100 KB, 1242x792, AE9212B2-0FBE-49B1-9E8F-D1A8390140DB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oof what a dumpster fire. I’m just going to casually post the last of my screenshot. Here’s her playing the race card and playing the victim.

>> No.10479719
File: 306 KB, 1241x1762, 884883F7-1A9E-450E-8378-0C6919C22A98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And last one, images that precede unfortunate events. She really thought it was going to be a hug box and that her friends could just flame the group to defend her lmao. She got what was coming to her.

>> No.10479721

There's nothing wrong with acknowledging that there are Chinese scammers or scalpers, it's just that people always want to group the two together and never seem to want to acknowledge anything else. It's like when a black person does something bad and people say "oh well it's to be expected since he's black." It's clear to see that cgl has had a hatred for anything Chinese for a long time, which is ironic considering the simultaneous reliance on Chinese resources such as Taobao. But it's just tiring to see the same old "chinese lolitas are shit, chinese brands are shit, chinese people are all scammers/scalpers/shit" rhetoric every single day. I'm not even a fan of Chinese brands/lolitas' tastes and I actually agree with some points of criticism people make on here (like a lot of Taobao quality being poorer than brand, trends among Chinese lolitas that would be considered "ita" in the Western community) but it's all just built up to a constant circlejerk of "all things Chinese are shit and bad" at this point and it's just tiring to see it.
Also, in regards to your "haha funny that people defend the Chinese when most Chinese people are racist" point. Every race discriminates against others. Not saying it's right, but it's the unfortunate reality. People act like black people are the only ones who should be defended when they can and have been found to be just as racist towards other groups.

>> No.10479722

I'd actually heard a few years ago from the community C is unhinged. So not surprised to see her name lmao.
Too bad because she's made some cute handmade items

>> No.10479723 [DELETED] 

>some dude calling everyone a new fag

It’s not “some dude.” Newfag is probably the most common insult on here.

>> No.10479724

Well do you feel kinda bad looking at them because they don't fit? Another good time of thumb is to not keep items that make you feel bad or guilty.

>> No.10479725

C has literally always been unhinged and always been a batshit virtue signaling SJW

>> No.10479728


I just haven't seen any general anti Chinese sentiment on cgl. Some people calling Chinese girls wearing Chinese trends ita because they're super traditional or hate blouseless coords, and many people shit on taobao main pieces' quality because a ton of it is cheap (people are doing the same to AP though). And people acknowledging a large influx of new sellers and scammers are Chinese, or pointing out how AP caters to Chinese markets (which they do, it's the financially smart decision).

These things aren't racist to me, just like pointing out how a good chunk of western lolitas are fat or cheap/don't buy first-hand or whatever isn't racist. Maybe I just missed the comments that were overly racist but I just genuinely don't see racism in the stuff I mentioned above

>> No.10479731

Do you remember when she bought a dress from Clobba that was too small for her and she made a post calling them scammers? That's when I found out she was unhinged.

>> No.10479733
File: 322 KB, 1920x1978, itsjustaKnoCKoFf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's hilarious is that C is one of those 'Well ACKCHYUALLY it's not a replica it's a ~*knockoff*~ uwu' people

>> No.10479734

Holy shit that’s ironic. I hope someone posted this in the thread when it was up.

>> No.10479736

I was going to but she locked the thread. Ah well.

>> No.10479745

"It'S nOt A rEpLiCa, It'S tRaCeD; tHeRe'S a DiFfErEnCe uwu"

>> No.10479788


Some anon last week was trying to pin Asian Americans as scalpers bEcAuSe tHEyre CHinesE, but sure, there's no racism on this board.

>> No.10479790

holy fuck. her main argument can be countered with a quick google. fashion designers constantly go after shitty fast fashion stores for this shit.

>> No.10479792

I lived in japan and my best friend/coworker there was another American who was 5’11” and light skinned enough that historically her family passed for white in the Midwest in 1950s. When we walked into businesses they would look at her and make an x with their arms or fingers and point to the door. She had people say the WORST stuff to her in vats and on the street, and shop employees in stores would either refuse to help her or follow her around like she was going to steal something. You’re very wrong. When I wasn’t with her these things didn’t happen, so I’m positive it was her and not just that we were gaijin

>> No.10479798

Someone’s mad that they’re fat

>> No.10479799

You should look up Ariana Miyamoto and how she was treated by her own country for representing Japan while being half black.

>> No.10479805


Japanese are some of the least overt/more benign or more friendly to your face but still racist, but generally even in countries where black people are seen as "cool" like Korea and they love hip hop and black aesthetics, they are EXTREMELY racist. Fetishizing women of a race is also racist...especially because men who fetishize women's races are usually attracted to them for stereotypes and see them as bodies or traits they want in a woman and not as people.

Doesn't excuse any racism towards those groups of course. But it's just a fact, same as the fact that many black people are racist as fuck towards other minorities too, and a ton of other minorities being racist to black people as well.

Just because Asians in the US or West are relatively chill and understand beung a minority doesn't mean they won't be awful to black people in Asia where they're a majority and don't have any shared understanding of what it's like to be mistreated/unfairly judged.

>> No.10479808

Why is it always the sweet lolitas? You never see this kind of bullshit from a mana-worshipper or grandma couch-chan. But put a fluffy pastel cloud dress on a bitch and she doesn’t know how to act.

>> No.10479810

Cause they're attracted to sweet motifs like the childish fucks they are.

>> No.10479813


>> No.10479814 [DELETED] 

>They actually love black women
>Black people are as fetishized in east asia
the vats majority of asian men refuses to date black women, so no. look up ambw to see all the complaining from black women. meanwhile they absolutely worship white women.

also i'm chinese and i can tell you chinese genuinely hate blacks, even chinese who are born here in america. they think black people are ghetto, trashy, loud etc. koreans seem to absolutely hate dark skin and consider it ugly as well, this their obsession with whitening. i would think japan is similar.

>> No.10479815

>They actually love black women
>Black people are as fetishized in east asia
the vast majority of asian men refuses to date black women, so no. look up ambw to see all the complaining from black women. meanwhile they absolutely worship white women.

also i'm chinese and i can tell you chinese genuinely hate blacks, even chinese who are born here in america. they think black people are ghetto, trashy, loud etc. koreans seem to absolutely hate dark skin and consider it ugly as well, thus their obsession with whitening. i would think japan is similar.

>> No.10479819

Look up Lou Jing too. Total horror stories.

>> No.10479822


I had seen the stuff about the half Japanese women (the black and Indian ones in the Miss Japan competition), but had never heard of Lou Jing and it was heartbreaking to read and even more hardcore with the verbal abuse from people than the other stories. It's so sad to see people be ostracized from their only culture because of their appearance...

>> No.10479829

>Just because Asians in the US or West are relatively chill and understand beung a minority doesn't mean they won't be awful to black people in Asia where they're a majority and don't have any shared understanding of what it's like to be mistreated/unfairly judged.

That's.... A huge leap of logic. Most 2nd/3rd genners wouldn't be ok with that, there are quite a few Asians living in Japan who blog about this all the time. Of course if people were raised in a different place they'd be different, but that applies to all races, not just Asians.

Your assumption that all Asians are the same really defeats the purpose of railing against racism.

>> No.10479835

Are you willfully missing the point or are you always this stupid? I’m mad because she’s a hypocrite acting like she didn’t just try to “cancel” some girl over similar necklaces. Posting her full name, store, and everything.
My wardrobe is literally old school mete, and old school AP, before they started catering to fatty chans like yourself. Weight is the least of my worries.

>> No.10479849

I’m pretty sure anon was referring to Cadence’s crying about AP sizing in that shitty meme.

>> No.10479850

Did you not read the post she made or are you just stupid? Look at all the things she listed under AP

>> No.10479855


>> No.10479857

hell yeah

>> No.10479876


I never said all Asians are the same. Just that Asians in the US being less racist (at least less obviously so, probably due to being understanding of the difficulty of being a minority among other factors) doesn't mean Asians in Asia will be the same because their experience is different.

I literally said that they AREN'T all the same and people's experiences impact what they think. You're the one reaching to try to misconstrue me literally saying people are different based on what they've dealt with where they live into being racist. Hope you stretched before those mental gymnastics, anon.

>> No.10479880

nta but asian americans are usually pretty racist anyway.

>> No.10479885

Lol are you speaking for yourself, or...

>> No.10479891

nah, but most east asian americans, men especially, are generally racist af. even the more "integrated" ones are taught shitty values by their parents. usually only SE asian americans aren't total racist shits but that's because they are the ones experiencing harsh racism.

>> No.10479912 [DELETED] 
File: 495 KB, 2000x1000, Gobelin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is driving me nuts, gulls. Are these the same fabric?

>> No.10479962

There's no point in arguing with this anon, it's clearly some idiot child sjw that thinks previous poc can never do wrong

>> No.10480001


Damn y'all thinking it's one anon lol.

Awkwardly I get the most overt racism from other poc so funny you say that. It all comes and goes around.

>> No.10480096

It's funny you say that only SE Asians aren't racist because they're the only ones getting majorly discriminated against. I don't know where you're from, but in places like America, East Asians are getting shit on all the time too. It honestly doesn't matter what kind of Asian they are, white and black people see them all the same. And most of the Asian-Americans I know develop a lot of empathy towards other minorities because of this. They know what it's like to be shit on for their identity, so they try to treat others with respect (it doesn't help that they aren't seen as "real Asians" to the people from their original countries, either). Maybe you live in an area with really shitty Asians. I know they exist, it's just that it hasn't been my experience, so I find it funny that you say everyone is like that.
You do know this is an anonymous imageboard, right? Meaning that there can be multiple people replying to you, and on top of that you don't know the race of anyone who's talking to you. People in this thread are talking in absolutes like there's no way any Asian person couldn't be a hardcore racist. You're naive if you think everyone's just going to agree with you on any opinion, let alone that.

>> No.10480103

It’s probably a SEA who wrote that because they definitely experience racism from East Asians. Speaking as a SEA myself. But that doesn’t mean EA don’t experience racism from whites and others.

>> No.10480105

i used the term harsh racism. but go off i guess. anon is intentionally misreading what i said.

>> No.10480129

does anybody know why one of the Ohio mods is stepping down?

>> No.10480181 [DELETED] 

Why the total fuck hasn't one of the useless fucking mods nuked this bullshit cursed ass thread to hell? Sage for fucking useless.

>> No.10480201

Maybe you could, oh, I don't know, try starting another discussion instead of sperging out?

>> No.10480224

>announcing sage

Go back to lolcow please

>> No.10480225

>but go off i guess
Just stop

>> No.10480230


>> No.10480231

Don't feed the troll, it might come back.

>> No.10480232


You clearly haven't read on racism in places like Indonesia and Malaysia towards EAs from - guess who - SEAs! In the words of your movement - educate yourselves.

>> No.10480233

What are you on, EA (Chinese) basically function as settler-colonizers in both those places. The native Malay people hate them because they subjugate them.

>> No.10480236

Wow this is a really interesting discussion we’re having about lolita fashion

>> No.10480273


You clearly know nothing about this and how Malays are actually colonizers from Indonesia who oppress the indigenous people as well as the other cultural groups.

>> No.10480444

How dumb is this bitch, seriously those donuts necklaces have been around for a decade or so, I even bought one from local market to 2010 for a £5.
I’m also pretty sure that the candy machine was also kicking about in the 90s during the jelly bangle and the acrylic dummies necklace hype

>> No.10480448
File: 204 KB, 1600x1200, trickortreatyoself-pumpkin-dribbble_4x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When is the best day or time to end an auction? im guessing you should target the USA timezone or are weekends in general the best time?

>> No.10480878

Isn't there drama with some goth lolita that gulls can't post without fighting? Don't act like it ain't you too.

>> No.10480886

Are you talking about nazi-chan

>> No.10480892
File: 55 KB, 484x645, fullsend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Does anyone else an item in the closet which matches a print but that you don't really wear or even like the idea of wearing? I love lolita for all of the matchy matchy sets but the downside of that is that I end of spending time and money finding and maintaining things that I don't necessarily like for myself.

ex. If i owned the set pictured I would have a hard time selling the milky chan bag even though I would never wear it out of the house because I know it is so hard to find; it matches many things I own; & it is worth a lot so replacing it if my tastes change would cost a lot.

>> No.10480895
File: 122 KB, 280x373, B6F65418-5AE7-49C3-9EA5-BE1C795FEF97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Uh. I practically collect the AP plush bags as plushies by now. It's still only three plush bags at the moment. But whatever, they're cute, and I spend way more time indoors than out anyway, so being able to have them sit on the sofa within hugging reach all the time makes it pretty worthwhile.

If I want to show off that I own them I just put it in my flatlay coord photos. For actually going out I prefer to carry an actual handbag that fits something, and I'm just too klutzy to hold another plush bag on top of that.

Now, if we can talk about my obsession with the chocolate and pony rings. I own like several sets and some of the pony rings I don't even own the dress it originally matched. I just like the way they look. I've tried wearing them all at once but the enamel ones kind of clash with the acrylic ones so it's not really possible to mix them. I just can't bring myself to sell half of them, though.

>> No.10480929 [DELETED] 
File: 485 KB, 1792x770, bids.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how far can this auction go?
I've just been adding $1 each time for the lulz

>> No.10480931

you realize people will be able to see your bids at the end of the auction, right?

>> No.10481057 [DELETED] 
File: 222 KB, 1234x887, 2A6A7635-FADB-4B53-BE54-5305E4AEFE34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh did you delete it on accident? Good thing the internet is forever!

>> No.10481058
File: 69 KB, 600x724, 3D976CBD-245F-4A3A-8531-6F021E04A351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh did you delete it on accident? Good thing the internet is forever!

>> No.10481064
File: 178 KB, 500x489, 20200929_194715.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10481071
File: 484 KB, 680x453, 514AE5C9-39C8-4AFA-BF68-422D286E45FC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else see the images from Belarus where a lolita was possibly arrested for protest? Checked archives and saw nothing. I remember there’s been situations in the past where lolitas where apprehended for protest of practicing in protest in general. Any one got any info about who this is and if they are okay? And any other situations where lolita has been showing up in main media due to activism?

>> No.10481074

They posted to their Insta so they seem to be fine. I'm surprised no one whined about this girl for wearing lolita to a protest yet

>> No.10481075

Someone posted this in the last feels thread, but the thread got deleted for reasons unrelated to the picture.
One of the anons who responded to the picture seemed to know who this person is, so hopefully they'll be able to tell you, since I don't.
I remember seeing a picture of a lolita protesting on the streets a few years back, she was holding some sort of sign and (I think) wearing lavender AP, probably Holy Lantern? Don't quote me on that. I believe it's been posted here a few times. Unfortunately I don't have the picture saved.

>> No.10481076

I mean it’s your clothes so do what you want with them. But why would you wear it in a time for something that has a lot of tension and protesting democracy. Lolita makes you a target for people normally to heckle. You will be targeted if you wore it to a protest and damn well will be one they want to arrest for the attention. But I guess that’s the point right? To be a small image on a history book for eternity?

>> No.10481077

That was the crazy vegan chick protesting meat is murder. She was a lolcow for some time as was banned from her own con for being insufferable. That’s as much as I can remembered. You can find stuff on her in the archives if you search vegan and stripper. Meat it murder also brings her up.

>> No.10481079

She is a burn victim who lacks hands so she will always stand out. I think it’s pretty cool how she uses fashion to stand out in a way that she chooses instead of the way that’s outside of her will. Besides, this was part of a women’s protest so a lot of people were dressed in a way that accentuated their femininity in one way or another. Anyway, it’s pretty refreshing to see news about a protest that‘s totally justified and has an actual goal and target for once.

>> No.10481112

That was domi/flannel chan. Man now that brings back some memories. She’s a stripper now, despite actively slut shaming people back in the day. I still remember the day she compared being given eggs unknowingly to being sexually assaulted, because it “entered her body without consent”.

>> No.10481113
File: 50 KB, 810x462, F4F4EC18-B0FB-4111-920E-24BD5AC22153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found it lol

>> No.10481115
File: 304 KB, 1235x1730, B25D4E3B-8EDE-4B7F-9D18-475F67872517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is her now. Feel old yet?

>> No.10481121

Mary Magdalene plz

>> No.10481127

Those brows don't even look real anymore

>> No.10481140

What a shame. She was a cunt but her coords were decent at one point. What even is happening with her lips?

>> No.10481144

>Feel old yet?
The SJW aging process could do that in like a year though, it's not really surprising

>> No.10481159

Holy Jesus she got fat. Or is it just a unfortunate angle? I’m going with fat. She was a bitch though. But she did dress nice. How sad she fell soo hard though. I hope she’s making good money with her new path but I don’t think she’s making that good of money.

>> No.10481164

Yikes. I will never understand how it is possible to get this fat as a vegan.

>> No.10481169


Because vegan food isn't inherently healthy and there are tons of tubby junk food vegans out there who eat oreos, french fries, non dairy ice creams and pizzas all day. They do it for the animals and not as a socially acceptable way to restrict food (which desu I did it for in the past)

>> No.10481181

TFW i didn’t even realize she didn’t have hands until I read this reply

>> No.10481185

>a protest that‘s totally justified and has an actual goal and target for once

Now if only lolita youtubers realised this

>> No.10481189

I've seen a vegan lolita protesting. I can't imagine the gas trapped under her petis.

>> No.10481190

Jesus christ, why would she do this to herself? She's literally turned herself into what the rest of 4chan defines as a braphog. Is this what a lack of vitamin B12 does to a person? She should have stuck to getting raped by eggs.

Oreos and a shitload of other junk is vegan, and carbs digest fast and make you hungrier. Also liquid calories from soda. She really should have had more eggs.

>> No.10481191

>They do it for the animals
That's what is so ridiculous. They consume much more than they need and are a scourge on the environment with all the wrappers of that trash, but they simplistically think they're righteous. Trash.

>> No.10481194

>those shitty sperm looking eyebrows
Never change, D*m

>> No.10481195

whats her insta? i remember seeing her photo go around but dont remember the name

>> No.10481198
File: 561 KB, 750x805, 2C98C0DC-A110-444B-BB38-169F98D69C20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She’s ok and still marching.

>> No.10481199

I remember her from the lolita amino. She was kinda annoying there. But good for her for fighting for something not stupid like trimming wool from sheep and harvesting unfertilized chicken eggs

>> No.10481221


>> No.10481225

wearing lolita to protest is tryhard af. i am glad she's an ugly burn victim.

>> No.10481236

go look at yourself in the mirror and read this post out loud. take a break off the internet for a bit.

>> No.10481239

not to mention that lots of "meat alternatives" are really high in sodium, calories, and even fat sometimes too
It's part of why I just cut out red meat instead of going vegan altogether

>> No.10481242 [DELETED] 

Yes, because we all know that meat eaters who live on processed junk don't exist.

>> No.10481246

u should probably die

>> No.10481261

Keep seething kek

>> No.10481262

This is retarded. I'm not even vegan and I know that you can easily be vegan without eating processed faux meats.

>> No.10481309


You can, but their comment was in response to the discussion about people wondering how a vegan could ever possibly get fat, and the response is: it's easy to get fat even as a vegan the same way as a non vegan, you just eat junk food and have excess calories and you'll gain weight. Veganism is not inherently healthy like the high carb low fat frugivores claim.

>> No.10481315

A lot of vegans and vegetarians don't eat fruits and vegetables. They just stick to carbs and grains.

>> No.10481318

Wow that’s fucked up, even for this board

>> No.10481368

Still dresses better than you though. Stay salty.

>> No.10481375

The response to this makes me glad cgl has boundaries. If only one could say the same about the rest of this website.

>> No.10481388

Yeah, the same way a lot of omnis eat tons of processed garbage too.

>> No.10481429

I HATE it when white people speak in AAVE, like it's so damn fake.

>> No.10481449

I think it is try hard to wear it to protest. But damn anon I think your more try hard for making fun of someone who was a burn victim and wishing they where dead. 2/10 for getting me to respond to the bait. Damn you need help if you thought this was funny.

>> No.10481461

Only a newfag would be this butthurt over a 4chan post kek

>> No.10481464

Nah, everyone thinks you're a tryhard kek

>> No.10481466

Quiet edge lord, nobody cares about you or your daddy issues.

>> No.10481470

White people can no longer say y'all, y'all

>> No.10481471

I think you’re in the wrong board.

>> No.10481472

Seethe harder newfag

>> No.10481473


>> No.10481476

seethefags are the most insufferable

>> No.10481477

> waaaaah someone was mean! This is the girl board, I thought the girls played nice! The butthurt is too much waaaah

>> No.10481478

you're so mad kek

>> No.10481480

Spamming the thread? Really? I’m bored but not THIS bored.

>> No.10481507

It's so easy to make newfags like you mad kek

>> No.10481511

How does she hold that if she has no hands

>> No.10481513

Honestly, this is one of the worst generals we've had in awhile. It's just been one shitty fight after another. I'll try to dump some lolita-related stuff to try to get us back on track.

>> No.10481514

Y'all is commonly used in the southern US you dingus

>> No.10481529

Please do so

>> No.10481534
File: 660 KB, 1531x2048, EjEwRuLVoAAVTat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baby is releasing a new series called Promenade Plantee. It goes up for reservation tomorrow at 12:00.
This is the Pearly Jumperskirt cut.

>> No.10481536

It comes in four colors: blue, red, green and black.

>> No.10481537

She has thumb nubs that still work. People without hands tend to find ways to make things work despite missing limbs. You take what you are given and do what you want without letting it cripple you.

>> No.10481540
File: 353 KB, 480x640, B44JS248_BU-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, the photo didn't go through the first time.

>> No.10481541
File: 711 KB, 1529x2048, Ei-kqmzU8AA3hFu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the Lace Up Jumperskirt cut.

>> No.10481542

Jewel tone velvet dresses... why did this have to come out when I am still trying to deal with paying bills during a pandemic. I hope this will be easier to find on the second hand market once this is all over with.

>> No.10481543
File: 373 KB, 480x640, B44JS247_RD-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comes in a blue, red and black colorway.

>> No.10481544

It’s pretty, but it looks gigantic on the model. Anyone know about how tall she is?

>> No.10481545

Thank you. This troll isn’t even amusing.

>> No.10481546

I think she’s just small framed because the dress also looks really big and saggy on her body. Look at the waist area of the bodice. It’a just hanging off her body.

>> No.10481549

Not sure how tall she is, but here are the official measurements for that particular JSK:


Length:95 〜 102 cm (37.4 〜 40.16 inch)

Bust:88 〜 98 cm (34.65 〜 38.58 inch)

Waist:74 〜 84 cm (29.13 〜 33.07 inch)

>> No.10481554

shit shit shit this is so gorgeous but lack of a pandemic relief package in the US got me fucked up

>> No.10481557

I wish they made this one in green

>> No.10481558
File: 1.11 MB, 960x638, v7O4PXC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baby is also releasing a canotier to go with this series.
It'll be coming in a black colorway as well. But no green, for some reason.

>> No.10481561
File: 2.36 MB, 960x1279, gifRSeG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And finally, some headbows.

>> No.10481562
File: 381 KB, 480x720, B44OP343_model_NV-02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Marissa coat and beret will also be going up for reservation tomorrow, at the same time.

>> No.10481564

Not my taste in terms of cuts, but the materials are gorgeous. I really love the patterned satin ribbon (and the velvet obv).

>> No.10481596

Its because newfags can't help but respond to bait

>> No.10481602

Yeah. I’m just going to hope it’s not one of those things that disappears and is never seen again on the second hand market. I really want the green and the wine dress. But what money I make right now goes to living expenses and bills. I ain’t about to ask my parents for money to support a hobby. They are already paying my phone bill and car insurance right now till things get back up and running in a normal pace again.

>> No.10481608

That's amazing, people can hate on her all they want but she's hella strong to be able to continue wearing lolita and protesting for her beliefs in spite of all that serious injury.

>> No.10481637

Just accidentally found a wishlist item through a failed search for another one I was looking for and sent it to SS. Feels good. Just need to chill and keep looking for the other item now.

>> No.10481799

This cunt slut shamed me in high school for having sex with my boyfriend... and now she’s taking her clothes off for money because ~EmPoWeRmEnT~?
I hope she gets fucked over, what a hypocritical bitch.

>> No.10481803

>satin instead of velveteen
why baby

>> No.10481810

I'm so happy for you, anon! That's the best feel

>> No.10481812

to be fair it's the textured, patterned kind rather than the snaggy shit you can get at michaels

>> No.10481880

Its bothering me quite a bit that the bodice color doesn't match either color of the skirt's velveteen. I also wish they added lace on the bottom instead of gathered chiffon as it seems unfinished.

>> No.10481883

You’re not alone. She slut shamed a lot of people before tumblr switched tunes about sex work. She slut shamed a good half of her community before flouncing to another state after being banned.

>> No.10481907

How do you do this over the internet though? Do you know her personally?

>> No.10481924

She absolutely is fat.
We smell our own

>> No.10481972

Same high school and cosplay community

>> No.10482006

Nayrt but I knew her somewhat personally and was there when she got banned from the local comm. She slut shamed a lot of people from the community often and it’s one of the reasons she was banned. She was and probably still is a toxic person.

>> No.10482025
File: 1.40 MB, 2312x1008, tags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this normal? why buy or sell tags I dont get it. . .

>> No.10482029

I think some people like to use them for crafting/decorating pinboards. I also don’t get it, but I know people have made some cute decor with them

>> No.10482052


It feels like they're going for all different shades of blue, to be honest. Maybe to make the details stand out, it does photograph rather nicely and not like your average gothic black bob in this photo.

>> No.10482062

okay, i get it. it can be used for some DIY decor, but the bidding starts from 35€ and the BIN is 75€. that's just ridiculous and also desperate scalping. :D she lives in an illusion.

>> No.10482065


Some people also use them to claim an item is NWT so they can try to charge more; usually said items and many NWT or NWOT items end up being slightly damaged or stained, etc. though, because scammy sellers always oversell the condition of their stuff even if it's ratty.

>> No.10482618

>excited for Violet Fane's Otome Nostalgia
>no jsk announced
>fine, I'll just get the skirt
>last day of preorders
>VF announces there will be a jsk for the general release
>there was a jsk all along, just not available for preorder
Fuck me. Why do this? I get that they have limited production capacity and don't have the funds to create tons of styles with each release, but why don't they do preorders for all 3 styles or at least announce all of the cuts ahead of time?

>> No.10482626

Fuck really? Did they give photos? That's annoyed me. I ordered the skirt.

>> No.10482627
File: 127 KB, 1080x558, 20201003_143322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There wasn't a jsk all along. If you look at the comments on their old posts they said there's no jsk. They added it later due to high demand.

>> No.10482632

I ordered the skirt as well since there was no jsk at the time. Lowkey annoyed since I don’t like skirts that much, but Otome Nostalgia is such a cute print that I wouldn’t mind owning it twice.

VF not making a jsk for preorder was a huge oversight imo. Jsks are simply the most popular main piece.

>> No.10482638

I agree. I ordered the OP but I would've gotten the jsk instead.

>> No.10482844


>> No.10482885 [DELETED] 
File: 324 KB, 1000x1500, lolitachanscommonsituation_by_aito_comic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aito, the owner and designer of RPA, provided the story for the comic. Akiharu Nobita, a published BL manga artist, did the drawing. The usernames in the comic are the lolitas the art is based off. Buttcape did the translations.

>> No.10482886
File: 324 KB, 1000x1500, lolitachanscommonsituation_by_aito_comic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aito, the owner and designer of RPA, provided the story for the comic. Akiharu Nobita, a published BL manga artist, did the drawing. The usernames in the comic are the lolitas the art is based off.

>> No.10482895

I love this but I looked up the gothic lolita on ig and I got questions

>> No.10482903

Oh... Wow. Also almost none of it is lolita

>> No.10482909

I hope she responds to my email asking to change the color of the OP I preordered... she hasn't yet and preorders are shutting today so it's making me nervous.

>> No.10483049

Anon, you may harass her as much as you like, but re-drawn print is not an art thief. I don't think you can ever prove that stuff is actually illegal.

>> No.10483050

Iirc VF said she's still overwhelmed with emails from people asking for payment plans so your email probably got buried. I hope she gets around to switching the colors for you though.

>> No.10483063

It isn’t about being illegal or not, it’s the idea that C thinks she designs something unique from Ali then hating on someone who did the same thing. It’s the same art theft argument but she thinks she is special

>> No.10483077

how dangerous is it to haggle on a dream dress? It's not that bad of a price, but I've seen it go about $40 cheaper and I'm thinking of offering $20 less
I wouldn't even think of haggling except for the fact that my car broke down two weeks ago and I be sufferin

>> No.10483080

If $20 breaks the bank you probably shouldn’t be buying luxury dresses

>> No.10483084

it's not breaking the bank it just normally goes for $40 less and I want a better deal bro

>> No.10483085

like with anything else, you have to be OK with partially losing out on it. if it was a real dream dress you'd buy it regardless

>> No.10483087

It is, It's just my least favourite colourway that isn't even thematically appropriate. Think of it as like, an ocean print but it's not in blue or green, which is why I'm on the fence. Regardless, I've gotten my answer.

>> No.10483109

a dream dress in your least favorite colorway isn't a dream dress then. I wouldn't bother unless you were planning on owning every colorway eventually at some point, and in that case, I'd just pay the extra 40

>> No.10483115

Just do it if you're thinking about it. If the seller doesn't get back to you and you find yourself checking the listing every half hour to see if it's sold then just buy it.

>> No.10483118

She did in the end! She's so sweet in her emails and said it was no problem.

I switched to the cream colourway and I might pick up red in the JSK later instead. What colours did gulls pick?

>> No.10483135

I'm >>10482632 and I got the skirt in red. I'm actually pretty excited to see the print in person! If I like it, I'll definitely pick up the jsk in red too.

>> No.10483147

I wish

>> No.10483214
File: 484 KB, 2132x800, VM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Regimental Stripe OP (レジメンタルストライプワンピース)
Price: 35,200 yen (incl. tax)

>Cinnamon x dark green (シナモン×ダークグリーン)
>Bordeaux (ボルドー)
>Dark green (ダークグリーン) (sold out)

Length: 104 cm
Shoulder width: 34 cm
Sleeve length: 62.5 cm
Cuffs: 20 cm
Bust: 89 cm
Waist: 73 cm

Outer material: 65% polyester, 35 % cotton
Lining: 100% cotton

Note: There are seam pockets on both sides. The waist ribbon is removable. Waist size can be adjusted slightly using the waist ribbon.
Release date: 5th October 2020, 12:00 JST (it's up!)

>> No.10483232

I love plushie bags also. I lost count, but I have a lot of them from both AP and btssb. I don't have Lolita jewelry.

>> No.10483281
File: 774 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20201005-153911_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VF Otome Nostalgia JSK sketches. Which one is your fave? I'm in love with the plain bodice, hope they make that one.

>> No.10483285

I much prefer the plain bodice as well, the all-over print is far too busy for my tastes.

>> No.10483286


If they only do one they should do the bodice that uses the same material as the skirt. I'm not sure switching/plain bodices on JSKs is that popular. I think both of those would be great to have but prefer the right by a long shot if it's the only choice.

>> No.10483292

I think the plain bodice makes it more otome and casual. Reminds me of some f i.n.t dresses.

>> No.10483295


I think I just worry that if they choose something that is less popular it'll be a bust and they won't want to make as many multiple cuts anymore. I don't know if they've done a skirt, OP, AND JSK with sizing this large (western XXL) before and if they take too many risks it may backfire and they'll have to limit all those aspects that make their stuff appealing to keep from risking losing money.

I think either will be pretty cute though. I preordered the OP because I don't have many pieces compatible with this aesthstic and it will make it way easier to coord, but if the JSK looks cute enough in sample pictures I'll definitely pick one up to have a different cut and colorway.

>> No.10483310 [DELETED] 

Is BODYLINE bad or good, I can never get a good consensus on here.

>> No.10483318

The regret was creeping in when she mentioned there'd be a JSK version coming soon because that's always more versatile, but if these are the cuts she's going with I'll be perfectly happy with the OP after all. These aren't bad or anything, they're just kind of simple, I feel like they could do with some sort of additional cute, retro details, the way the OP has the rose buttons and heart belt.

>> No.10483324

Some pieces are pretty good, some are shit, shoes are generally good

>> No.10483327 [DELETED] 

Finally this



>> No.10483375
File: 640 KB, 1065x3713, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how fats cope when they can't fit into brand

>> No.10483376

she won't live long enough for that future

>> No.10483386

I thought the MM main designer was a woman?

>> No.10483402

Last I heard, nobody really knows who the designer is, but maybe that's changed.

Speaking as someone who fits MM well, that's still a shitty attitude. Shirring would harm the elegance of their cuts, but they could stand to add a few more sizes.

>> No.10483405

ok count me wrong, there are actually quite a few MM dresses with shirring.

>> No.10483408

>"unattainable" beauty standards
>where the future is

is fat really the future? please stab me now.

who the fuck even is this person and why are they so cringe

>> No.10483411
File: 549 KB, 750x814, C25B7368-7469-4965-909D-6FB7D40C0A8C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always assumed the Rieko Tanaka of the concept page was the designer. Also wasn’t it the case that Mary Magdalene was founded by a designer who left Victorian Maiden (or perhaps it was the other way around).
I’m interested in the worrisome drama the OP mentioned though.

>> No.10483414
File: 234 KB, 690x920, mary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The designer is a woman (Rie Tanaka), I believe she is here on the right. Western knowledge of MM's scandal is pretty sparse, but it sounds like it was the president who had some kind of affair with a model.

I'm actually looking for if a Japanese-speaking anon could help me translate some of the gossip materials from around when MM started dropping off so we can clear the air on this. If anyone's up to the task, could you email me?

>> No.10483424

I hate baseless rumors. All I got was some rando said, that their friend said, that the owner said some fat shaming stuff.

MM revival barely even started so we don't even know if they're going to have more sizes or not. I fit MM but they would likely benefit if they tried reach a larger audience by have shirring or more sizes.

>> No.10483426

Fat lolitas want larger AP not MM. Larger MM wouldn't sell out.

>> No.10483435


Hi. I emailed them a while back. Since they opened the reservation, I figured no one would care for follow-up, but they did follow up with me and the email was signed Rieko Tanaka, which indicates she is still working there and still leads design.

Regarding rumors, I have still not even seen the screenshots of said gossip so I wouldn't put much stock into it until we see said screenshots.

>> No.10483437

>Landwhales spreading baseless rumors to cope
The absolute state of fatties

>> No.10483441

You can’t really be asking for a free translator.

>> No.10483452


Who is this? They need to chill they can't fit in one brand.

>> No.10483457

Bitter fatties. Every time.

>> No.10483479

>the future is not fatphobic
Does she not realize covid is going to be around for the foreseeable future? Reality has a fatphobic bias.

>> No.10483481

Just post the juicy bits here and we'll see what we can do.

>> No.10483509
File: 186 KB, 917x622, mary2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I looked into it a bit more, it looks like the gossip about the president dating a minor is mostly hearsay based on one girl's blog. MM didn't release any response or statement about it so it may not be worth giving much credence.

>> No.10483526
File: 347 KB, 1594x932, mary3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was an earlier "scandal" which involved a rude staff member, who was dismissed in 2012.

>> No.10483639

I prefer the all-over print. The doll isn't my favorite part of the print and I would've preferred if she highlighted one of the book covers or the cat. I just hopes she designs some actually cute headdresses instead of just making the same fabric into a bow.

>> No.10483743

Based MM, I should look into getting some of their stuff.

>> No.10483751 [DELETED] 
File: 102 KB, 492x457, 1592381700831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More he said, she said. The language barrier might have also resulted in translation inaccuracies/errors. Either way, this is shaping up to be VM revival 2.0. Can't say I'm excited to watch Japanese brands get based, but this trial by fire seems unavoidable for any burando that caters to smaller body sizes in this era.

>> No.10483752
File: 102 KB, 492x457, 1592381700831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More he said, she said. The language barrier might have also resulted in translation inaccuracies/errors. Either way, this is shaping up to be VM revival 2.0. Can't say I'm excited to watch Japanese brands get bashed, but this trial by fire seems unavoidable for any burando that caters to smaller body sizes in this era.

>> No.10483783

There's definitely a market for smaller sizes in lolita, that fatty chan can stay mad.

>> No.10483788


They sold out of their coats. Really hoping they can use the funds to invest in designing new releases in addition to re-releading our favorites

>> No.10483791

100% this. The vast majority of fat lolitas want sweet and/or prints, they would never buy MM's subdued classic pieces even if every one was custom-tailored to their measurements.

>> No.10483819


Fat lolitas love 2010s and later sweet and some moitie, like you said, probably the prints. I say that as a current sweet and kinda fat lolita (not into gothic tho). Sweets have always been the main ones discussing size inclusivity and fitting into brand despite sizes never being that small to begin with, and definitely not since full back shirring was more common. Most chubby-chans like sweet shit and don't even buy AP's more subdued pieces or nonprints.

>> No.10483836

I've already accepted that soon I'll only be able to buy secondhand as brands won't release my size anymore. Fuck fat acceptance.

>> No.10483840

Yep. I hate this. I already have a hard time buying clothes in the US, without going to a designer store and hoping they have size 00 blouses. I'll stab someone if I also get sized-out of jfashion because some landwhale needs to be ~accepted~

>> No.10483841


It is super easy to take things in though. I can understand size frustration.

I'm petite as well and the lengths especially on sweet and some classic items are getting excessive, and being fat is mostly a choice/a result of ignorance or lack of effort, but don't limit yourself from buying stuff you like just because brands are trending larger.

Of course if you don't like the item definitely don't waste money on it, but don't let bigger sizes ruin something you enjoy.

>> No.10483864

The only fat ones in gothic are usually new lolitas. I’m a kinda fat gothic lolita and am friends with a lot of others in the plus size community who see it as well. It’s really only prints they want. Not the actual aesthetic. Most of the gothic fat lolitas just accept they won’t fit in it and find something similar that does while rolling with it. A few even have tailors bring them out if it’s just a border print while the rest of the garment is solid. Just get the same color fabric and bring it out and it works. There’s also the good old don't zip it up and wear a bolero or overdress over it to hide the open zipper. After some time you learn how to fudge things to fit.

>> No.10483870

Lolits clothes are like a gift to myself when I am able to maintain my weight and stay active. I don't think they sit right if I've thickened out in the stomach and I look like an egg when my face is chubby and I wear headbows. If they offer larger sizing as an additional option then cool but only increasing the sizing would make no sense for the shape of the garment. And theyre not going to do that anyway as the majority of japanese women are more slim.

>> No.10484025

I don't think so. I thought it was Chinese lolitas that kept brands alive these days, and they aren't that fat. MM needs to win back their Chinese audience after their previous debacle in that market

>> No.10484037

i'm skinny with small boobs and struggle with fitting into most lolita in general cause the bust measurements are usually 10-20 cm bigger than mine. It's really Not That Deep, you just have to find things like corset back lacing that'll work for you or get your stuff tailored. Or even just tie your waist ties ffs stop being lazy. Like honestly dude, get over yourself. Smaller girls have already been dealing with this for years, you're just mad that suddenly you won't be the one brands cater to.
Also if you genuinely think being fat is a choice I have to assume you're sheltered or have a very narrow worldview. Most of the fat people I know either struggle with eating disorders like anorexia or are super careful with what they eat and they're still fat. Meanwhile I eat total garbage, never dieted in my life, and I'm in the 110 range. A lot of it has to do with genetics, js.

>> No.10484042


Anon, I'm >>10483841 and even I think you sound like a fat person larping as a petite girl near the end there.

>> No.10484056

So I sound like a fat person larping because I have empathy for the fat people in my life and don't just view fat people as a lazy monolith? Aight. Whatever, you can take my post with a grain of salt if you want to, it's not like I have any way of proving who I am.

>> No.10484065

I watched a documentary about this recently and they followed around people who were thin and ate whatever they wanted and those people always instinctively balanced out bad food with eating less at other meals, even if they didn’t realize they were doing it. If they ate a big unhealthy lunch they were too full to eat much dinner. If they ordered takeout they only ate half and saved the rest and did not often snack. The big people who ate “healthy” or “the same as their thin friends” didn’t do those things and also wildly underestimated how many calories they were adding with sauces on their meals and how much they were eating as snacks. They also tended to underestimate how often they had a treat, their minds tricked them into thinking they only had a treat occasionally when really it was almost every day. None of this was on purpose or lying, people are just super bad at estimating portion sizes. I don’t think you’re larping and I don’t think your empathy for them is a bad thing but the idea that some people are fat while eating the same amount as thin people has never been proven when scrutinized

>> No.10484080

I mean, ngl, I do do that. I've never been able to eat big meals, I just don't have to stomach for it. It's not like it's something I've ever consciously done though, like I don't sit down in front of my plate and think "well, I've eaten enough, that's it for today," I just start to feel like I can't eat anymore. That's still a genetic thing, people have different size stomachs and different "fullness" reflexes. Some of us were just naturally meant to be skinny, while others were meant to be fat, that's how people work. I actually never heard about about that documentary though, so it did give me a new pov :o

>> No.10484087


Not saying the empathy is bad and some people are genetically or biologically out of luck weight wise, but most of the time people are overweight because of a factor I did mention: ignorance. Not knowing what is healthy or realizing how much they're eating or making poor choices out of convenience, necessity, or lack of awareness and mistakenly lying to themselves thinking they're doing more to lose/eat less than they are like >>10484065 says.

I know because I've been fat in my life and once you put in a concerted effort and pay attention it's slow and sometimes uncomfortable but you will lose weight if you really try. If you half ass it, it won't work. It's frustrating and I know that feeling and I don't think all fat people are lazy or anything, I know it's not easy or a sign of worse personality traits if you haven't lost weight. But the "muh" genetics claims, when beyond Prader Willie syndrome genetics account for less than 20lbs of excess weight gain naturally, begin to get annoying and intellectually dishonest or disingenuous.

I'm happy sizes are more inclusive and glad bigger people are gaining options, I don't think it's a bad thing or lack any empathy for bigger people. I totally know how it feels. I even said other petite people should just take stuff in if it's that big. I like lolita and seeing other people in it and if the whole world wanted to wear and could find burando that fit I'd be totally fine with that.

>> No.10484089


Your stomach can stretch as you gain weight or eat more and shrink if you eat less. If I eat a bunch more one day or two I get a little hungrier the next couple days eating less. If I miss a couple meals in a short time I end up getting full faster when I eat.

>> No.10484132

It's mostly bad habits/environment that makes people fat these days because if it was just 'muh genetics' the prevalence of obesity shouldn't have skyrocketed that much. Doesn't always make it that easy for people to just overcome it and suddenly lose 20lbs or whatever.

Some people are set up to be fat by their parents by having unhealthy food/inappropriate portion sizes as the only option offered, being told to eat everything, not having an active family lifestyle, and being shown poor eating habits, which then often becomes their adult habits. Being a fat 4 year old is shown to be predictive of being a fat adult because it's a product of what your parents teach you, which is why paediatricians are supposed to do BMI centile screening for children. Some people are 'lucky' and don't get fat even with unhealthy eating habits because of skipping meals, etc. but by and large they are a minority. It's also a really easy option these days to be sedentary and food is generally abundant in most Western countries.

That being said, you CAN overcome it but you have to make permanent changes to your habits. That's why most people who are fat stay fat - there's a perception that you can 'just diet' or 'just exercise', lose the weight, and magically go back to old habits and keep it off.

>> No.10484281

I think the genetic element might be in what part of your lifestyle seems to trigger weight gain or weight loss. I'm one of those people where it's never been about food but instead it's about being too sedentary. My body seems to "let go" of calories easily with moderate activity, but the second I'm at home for too long it starts holding onto a few pounds here and a few pounds there.

That said, I wish people would stop getting upset at desserts at parties. I've gone to several tea parties and many of the girls will complain about being served cakes and treats, implying that one tea party will destroy months of dieting and exercise. But it doesn't; what "ruins it" is making consistent daily choices that contribute negatively to your health and wellness... Not one cupcake one day out of all the other days of the year.

>> No.10484303

I’m the same way. If I’m at home and not moving about doing things I gain pounds. Especially lately with Covid about. Of course there’s things to do, but it’s not nearly like what it was before. We still can’t go to the movies, museums, no events unless it’s a trump rally which I would rather gain weight then deal with that cult. So I have to keep myself busy by cleaning house or walking my dog. Not to mention the amount of baking I have done out of boredom and working from home. I think my neighbors are getting tired of all the baked goods I have given them. But my wife seems to enjoy it.

>> No.10484312

>making consistent daily choices that contribute negatively to your health and wellness... Not one cupcake one day out of all the other days of the year.
Oh god this. I’m skinny and rarely eat cakes or sweets but when I’m at a meetup I’ll happily enjoy some because it’s a special occasion. Every meetup I’ve ever been to, some girls will take this as an opportunity to rant about “people like me” who are naturally skinny “despite eating like crap all the time”. And when I say I don’t normally eat like that, they don’t believe me. Some people are really invested in the belief that skinny people stay skinny through some miracle and not because they eat less.

>> No.10484343

can we just devote a whole entire other thread for "fat people vs thin people" discussion and go back to lolita please?

>> No.10484413

Is it me or does it feel like the number of lolita threads on this board are dwindling?

>> No.10484417

There's a ton of new threads being made lately, what are you talking about?

>> No.10484424

That's due to blood sugar levels. When you overeat, your blood sugar levels increase by a lot and then drop, hence why you feel hungrier the day after overeating.
Also, your brain knows how much food to eat before it's enough. As you overeat or undereat, your brain becomes more or less sensitive. That's how dieting works. You eat less for long enough until your brain goes back to the signal from before. Of course it only works for overweight max because obese people usually also had weight problems as kids.

>> No.10484445

The interesting thing is, I've read about studies that show that underweight babies or kids sometimes end up being triggered into eating more as adolescents and adults. Maybe genetic or epigenetic reasons for that, or the body's response to percieved scarcity.

>> No.10484596

Is wunderwelt still backed up from the typhoon? I placed an order nearly 2 weeks ago and haven't got a shipping quote yet.

>> No.10484598

Not sure what country you live in, but Wunderwelt isn't automatically shipping things/sending quotes anymore. They hold everything until you request shipping.

I'm in the US and since April I've had to contact them whenever I want my items to be shipped by Yamato.

>> No.10484599

If you're in the US you need to request that they ship with Yamato

>> No.10484606


Nayrt but I'm in the US and WW has always contacted me to ask if I want Yamato and then waited for me to confirm before invoicing shipping.

>> No.10484620

I'm in the US, and I've been requesting shipment via Yamato on the special requests thing at checkout, and it's worked since my first rona order off WW back in May, but has never taken this long.
Do you contact them directly?

>> No.10484668

New topics are being discussed but the amount of lolita threads are sparse now

>> No.10484676

I completely disagree lmao

>> No.10484918

Email them

>> No.10484919

Leaving a note in the special requests should have worked. They must have missed it. Send them an email and include the order number.

>> No.10485366 [DELETED] 

Has anyone ordered from closetchild recently? Any idea what their shipping is like with all the covid stuff?

>> No.10485367

I’m in the UK and got EMS, it was p much just as good as pre-covid. Got fucked on customs, but that’s nothing new. Otherwise came to me in like a week

>> No.10485369

ordered two packages last month, they were both a week with dhl to the us

>> No.10485382

Awesome, thanks. Was price spiked to a horrid degree? I was going to order some charms and a tiny eyeshadow palette on FJ and the usual like, 10-12$ shipping is up to 22$

>> No.10485403

That's a nothing burger about a 37 year old marrying a 19 year old. It's skeevy, but it's perfectly legal. They say he's good looking but I can't be arsed to look him up. The people invested in this gossip sound like the kind of loonies who think Cumberbatch's kids are fake. There's really nothing to see here, it's not interesting unless you're seethingly jealous of people who are rich/pretty. Let it go.

>> No.10485406

>jealous of people who are rich/pretty
Is that really the main thing you get from this story? That the people bothered by it are either jealous of the skeevy designer or the 19 year old who married him?

One of the reasons I love lolita is that it’s an almost exclusively female-only hobby where the leaders, designers and most influential people are all women (or at least look like them). It seemed like the one corner of the world that wasn’t run by creepy dudes who groom teens. It’s honestly really disappointing that my favorite brand ended up being the one that was run by a creepy dude the whole time...

>> No.10485422

New thread: >>10485421

>> No.10485502

I'm saying there's a lot worse things going on in the world, and that it's retarded to be this invested in other people's relationships. No one is holding a gun to your head and forcing you to buy MM. Companies like Nestle and Coca Cola use child slave labor and kill people.