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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10469125 No.10469125 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone here into corsetry? I'm having trouble seasoning mine. It's taking more than a month. What do?

>> No.10469128

having trouble how?

>> No.10469132

It still flares out on the top and bottom and is pretty loose at the top.

>> No.10469135


Back in the day authentic corsets that were not tightlaced did usually incorporate padding to fill out the hip and bust areas if there was too much room; not sure how modern corsetry handles those small gaps or how it works wearing non historical clothes but maybe people in historical sewing and fashion communities could help you more than jfashion, considering most of our ideal body shapes are just thin rectangles anyway.

>> No.10469137


The fashion board here is just full of men who dress like shit though. Dunno where to ask.

>> No.10469148
File: 132 KB, 484x645, BC1039E0-8F2B-4F74-95AB-51CE94AC268B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would you use as a search term for finding corsets this size/shape? I can’t find anything to fit over a dress like this, most of them go too far down on the hips, which gets rid of the poof.

>> No.10469149

Belt corset? Corseted belt?

>> No.10469150

I can only seem to find those cheap ones that are like, a nice leather front and the back is just elastic band.
I’ll try out corseted belt!

>> No.10469152


>> No.10469156


>> No.10469159


>> No.10469196

Don't these crush your ribs and organs? Seems unhealthy not to mention totally contrary to body positivity

>> No.10469199


If you're wearing them wrong. But the good quality ones are relatively safe. They aren't all that relevant to jfashion though since most people would wear a corset belt type thing rather than a full corset with coords.

>> No.10469224

Proper corsets are pretty common in good gothic lolita, especially in Europe

>> No.10469227

>contrary to body positivity
Go back to dumblr snowflake

>> No.10469241

>body positivity
Okay sweaty. You might be a little confused about the board you're posting on. Actually, it might be the wrong site. Try reddit.

>> No.10469245

That isnt because of seasoning.

If you are able to close it and it is loose on the top and bottom you got the wrong size. If you are tightening it up and the waist is snug but not closed while the others are loose, it means you need to work on wearing your corset to close it, people somtimes call it tightlacing. It also may be too small for you if the gap is huge.

>> No.10469317

It's from a brand called Orchard Corsets. I checked with an employee to make sure I got one that fit, so I guess I just need to work my way up to getting it tighter.
It's both for fashion purposes and for waist training, so that's fine by me. Thank you!

No, they don't crush your ribs and organs. If you manage to break a rib with one of these things, you're the biggest masochist I've ever seen. People who have been tightlacing for years and years can sometimes cause their organs to shift but, the fact that they're alive tells me they're not rupturing anything. And body positivity isn't something I'm interested in when I know I have the power to improve myself.

>> No.10469332

nta but u bought from them and the size was a bit weird on me also.

>> No.10469346

The torso itself is actually quite flexible (to a degree), in order to allow expanding and contracting of the chest cavity in order to breathe.

As long as 1. the corset is made correctly 2. it's the right size and 3. you're not going from not wearing one to wearing one that changes your shape like this, you'll be fine and won't crush anything. The problems only arise when you skip steps or get a size way too small.

That said. Don't go running in one. Even in a fashion corset (with boning) this is a bad idea as it's difficult for you to take deep breaths.

>> No.10469354

Corset can actually be really nice to alleviate soma back pain. I have four herniated discs in my lower back and it helps a lot

>> No.10469372


The best way to wear a corset is to get s custom fitted one. For most people unless you wore it from a young age regularly your organs shift back to normal after being slightly squished if things are really tight. The fabric and cut really do much more to shape your body than the actual boning/lacing. I reccomend Bernadette Ashman's (may have mispelled her names) videos on corsetry for any anons who want to learn more about the core and back support they provide and how comfortable and supportive and shaping all at once a well made custom corset can be.

>> No.10469377

They do, your ribcage can move and be reshaped since it's somewhat flexible, look up x-rays for a normal torso vs corset wearing for years. Many women wear corsets to waist train and get semi-permanent results (with actual corsets, those instagram fabric waist trainers don't do shit).

The effects are reversible though, and shouldn't do permanent harm, when done safely on adult women and with certain restrictions.

And well it's not body positive but almost no one cares. People still get risky implants and surgery to look more conventionally attractive all the time and for some women it's part of a lifestyle.

Personally i looked up how it should be done some time ago since i disliked my nonexistent waist, but as i learned i had a visceral reaction against doing something to reshape my body that could be harmful just like with foot binding.

>> No.10469399

They're not dangerous unless you tighten them incredibly tightly every day for a long period of time, and they don't cause permanent changes unless you start wearing them as a child when your bones are still naturally moving and growing.

UNLESS you have a disorder like EDS (connective tissue disorder, I have it, all your joints are real loose) in which case you probably know that you shouldn't tightlace. I've accidentally popped a rib out of place tightening too much, but that's because I was a dumbass and didn't listen to my body when it felt weird.

>> No.10469401

Orchard corset are known for fitting people incorrectly to make a sale. However their corsets are decent quality for the price point and being OTR.

Measure the top, bottom, and waist of the corset (it can help to lace the corset around a pillow so you can get an accurate measurement) and check those against your own measurements at the same points on your body.

If they match pretty well (no more than 3-5 inches smaller than your body's measurements) you probably just need more time to get used to wearing the corset.

If the waist is more than 6 inches smaller than you are, you might need a corset with a less curvy shape.

The corset might also just be too large.

It would help if you could post pictures of how the corset fits on you, and then people can give you a better idea of how to deal with the fit.

>> No.10469403

Corsetting is probably 100x safer than wearing colored contacts and 1000x safer than meeting strangers in hotel rooms for photoshoots as far as it goes

>> No.10469405

Just gonna respond to myself, because these are two separate posts but till me. Just leaving my opinion on the corsets I have, because this can turn into a general thread now that OP has their answer.

I just got a waspie underbust corset and it's really great, I have IBS related to the EDS and it keeps the pressure of elastic waistbands evenly distributed around my stomach and keeps me from getting sick because of it. I also have a pair of rococo stays, but the cut of the back makes it hard to wear with some of my clothes. The underbust is definitely more comfortable, because there's less overall pressure on the torso, but stays aren't really made to be tightened very far anyway.

The stays can be a little uncomfortable around the armpit area, unsure if that's a fit issue or sensitivity, or if I just hat the straps tied too short. I've worn it outside in pretty high heat and humidity for a few hours and wasn't uncomfortable. I need to work on my posture, and they also force me to stand up straight, which is great.

>> No.10469406

When I put it around a pillow, should I close it all the way and then measure? Or just make sure the modesty panel in covering up the spaces? That might be a stupid question...

The gap is significantly smaller now that I'm getting more comfy with tighter lacing. I think >>10469245 was right and I just need work on tightlacing it. I'll post my measurements and a pic later though.

>> No.10469414

Close it completely, and then in your comparison you can account for a 2-3 inch lacing gap in the back if you want to wear it that way. Closing it completely just ensures that the back panels are flush with each other so you can get the most accurate measurements.

>> No.10469453
File: 265 KB, 1536x2048, 35799412_1822879637772700_1306743975901659136_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Major Sam Cosplay makes her own corsets for every cosplay

>> No.10469466

This is an amazing fit. Maybe I should look into corset making desu. Thanks for showing us.

>> No.10469490

>body positivity
this is 4chan, retard

>> No.10469501


Damn, as >>10469466 said that's a great fit. Custom making corsets are really the way to go. Compare her shape and fit to even the OP pic and you can see it's lower on her body and coming in at its tightest much lower than her ribcage compared to a store bought corset that isn't custom fitted/designed properly.

>> No.10469796

hey i dont call lolita shit dont be so rude ageplayer

>> No.10469890

go fuck yourself crossboarder, effay is overflowing with shitty outfits and most of its posters know it

>> No.10469990

"Sexcore" is proof you guy's have no clue how to dress yourselves

>> No.10470003

crossboarding is good need some diversity aye plus cgl knows shit about dresses so theres value at times and its different tastes i mostly lurk there for nice time pieces and shoes i have a foot fetish you know the basics
i have no idea what the fuck that is sounds like some stupid new age rock

>> No.10470011

unrelated but this fucking chick just keeps relisting and relisting at the same price

>> No.10470013

short torso corset

>> No.10470101

That's a waist belt or half bustier

>> No.10470107

I agree that the custom corset is fitted beautifully, but it's not necessarily a design flaw to have the smallest measurement of the corset's waist at a lower or higher point. The purpose of the corset is to create a nice shape in the torso, but the proportions of that shape vary through history and aesthetics.

>> No.10470125

not either anon but it IS a great example of homemade corsetry. I've heard from bloggers/youtubers who make their own that it's a difficult skill to master but very rewarding once you learn it.

>> No.10470296

It takes patience to learn, but the end results are always worth it. Most well known masters make their own corsets go wear with their cosplays, and you can tell because of how well they fit.

>> No.10470486

I've made a corset, it wasn't great... And definitely one of the more technical things I've done. If one measurement is like... A little off then it fits weirdly.

I was still proud, as I was doing so many new skills, but yeah, definitely need the practice in to actually make one decent enough to wear "everyday" and not for some half baked cosplay.

>> No.10470515

I want to get a corset to wear underneath lolita dresses to help with posture and to smooth out the bulk of cotton blouses. When I've worn corsets in the past though I always had issues with my boobs getting pushed up when sitting down. I'm considering getting a waspie to avoid that issue, but a corset that sits lower ends up giving me lumps around my sides and back where the corset ends and I/the blouse spill out. I don't really mind it comfort-wise but I'd prefer for corsets underneath clothing not to be visible or obvious looking. What shape would be best to look for?

>> No.10470568

I know, I’ve been watching that shit but she seems intent on getting 75 for it

>> No.10470574 [DELETED] 

Can a corset potentially fix an apple shaped body, or are they still doomed to look like trash?

>> No.10470662
File: 25 KB, 328x328, unnamed-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waist training is worth looking into. I started not too long ago and haven't seen results yet, so I can't give my personal account on the matter. It takes a very long time but boy do you end up looking GOOD.

>> No.10470707

A corset can't really permanently re-shape your body. Genetics do that. You can get temporary results that last a few hours if you're very committed. For example, your bra and shoes don't change the shape of your bust and feet. However you will probably look great with the corset on. It can also help with dieting.

Try looking for a corset with an accurate torso length to you. Also, the waist should stay where it belongs because it's too small to ride up, so make sure it's well fitted and has the smallest point below your ribcage. You can also combine the corset with shapewear to minimize lumps.

>> No.10470824

I think you mean Bernadette Banner?

>> No.10470831


Whoops ur right. I used to know an old lady by the other name and got them confused lol.

>> No.10470856

I've been tighlacing for almost six months now, so I'll preface this by stating that I'm far from an expert. If the corset is snug on your waist but gaping at the hips and chest, it could be that it doesn't fit your measurements, or it could be that it's just going to take you a while to close. How much of a lacing gap are you wearing it at? It would also be helpful to know the corset size and your natural waist measurement

>> No.10470869
File: 169 KB, 768x923, 786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10471182

that does not look good that looks beyond unhealthy

>> No.10471203


She is probably tightlacing and is clearly already a relatively small/thin girl so the corset is just squishing things in a bit but not crazy.

>> No.10471206

As a heterosexual male with 0 interest in the subject I really enjoy her videos.
Really liked the ones that she makes about corset because is a subject in which I was totally ignorant about.



>> No.10471224

her body definitely just looked like that before. You don't get permanent results from tightlacing unless you do it from childhood.

>> No.10471225

Imagine wearing a corset and still looking like a shapeless tube

>> No.10471230

It looks like a "fashion corset" with plastic boning to me. Won't really do anything to give you shape

>> No.10471334
File: 14 KB, 245x253, Miranda-Rights-31-25-barewaist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lot's of misinformation here.

Here's the thing with corsets... you start off with a corset that is slightly smaller than your natural waist, and then slowly, gently work on lacing it tighter, until you can lace it up as far as it will go and close the corset up completely. Then, you obtain a smaller corset and the process begins again. If corsetry did not create actual changes in the body, this would be impossible. Maybe the ribs become slightly warped, or maybe your fat starts to distribute differently. Either way, there are real changes that make sizing down possible. Corsetry is not some masochistic endurance test. In fact, many people find it oddly comfortable, myself included.

Let's look at the actual waist training/corsetry community:
As you can see, there are changes in their natural waists, although they are small. To maintain the changes, the corset must be worn regularly, or lighter kinds of shape wear must be worn during the day.

>> No.10471337

The entire thread was people saying exactly what you just said but in fewer words. You said it yourself - they don't create a permanent change. So unless someone is going to commit to wearing it every day to maintain the shape, it's not going to be any meaningful change. Everyone specified that there are no PERMANENT changes.

>> No.10471364

Then you haven't read everyone's comments

>> No.10471366

you sound like an autist and your faq is just dumb marketing.

>> No.10471373

My what

>> No.10475020
File: 326 KB, 1536x2048, Eh-raCUWoAEaEkN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check out littlelolikat she is really into waist training and wasp style corsets


Be careful if you go to her youtube channel though its got some ageplay stuff.

>> No.10475049 [DELETED] 

Body positivity should mean letting other people do whatever they want with their body. Just because they’re making themselves look thinner, doesn’t mean they think everyone should.

>> No.10475158

Sorry this isnt what im looking for. Im interested in wasp waist corsets worn under clothes not over them.

>> No.10475180

they still work the same you idiot

>> No.10475210


> muh body positivity!

Some people don't want to look like tubs of lard anon

>> No.10475211

unfortunately body positivity means everyone needs to be 100% happy with their bodies and with everyone else's.

>> No.10476026

hey, I have a similar problem. I have a severe pain condition, but I hate being the "disabled" lolita, so I haven't told any of my comm. I have a custom corset that keeps my body upright and I can "last" longer when I'm out and about.

Corsets have been given a bad name over the years, starting with men in victorian era, and most people who are known for wearing corsets are usually the ones trying to get a smaller waist, when mostly corsets were used so clothing held on the body fit properly. Men also had corsets, and it did the same thing.

>> No.10476704

>Seems unhealthy

>> No.10476936 [DELETED] 

nice tits, would fuck.

>> No.10477520

What if you were not allowed to have it?

>> No.10477594

the cut is wrong. it will get more pronounced, not less, as you become more comfortable with cinching in tighter.

>> No.10477615

>when mostly corsets were used so clothing held on the body fit properly
please read about clothing more. the corset evolved heavily even between the 1700s and 1800s.

>> No.10479268
File: 92 KB, 985x1750, 107089898_3602044463142237_2772840700984981764_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats the verdict on Castle Corsetry?

>> No.10479581

Anyone else have trouble taking a shit in a corset? Sucks ass having to unlace it all the way in order to properly take a crap, especially in public toilets.

>> No.10479593

Why do you need to unlace it? I find sitting awkward but it shouldn’t stop your muscles from working

>> No.10479869

never had this problem, maybe something is wrong with your bowels?

>> No.10479917

she's trash. most of her stuff isn't real corsets and she had all that momokun drama.

>> No.10479951

just wear a diaper and go standing up
its probably more sanitary than a public restroom desu

or just you know, go at home so you don't have to find a bathroom while out.

>> No.10479991

What should a beginner know when buying their first corset? My goal is getting my waist smaller so I can fit better into Lolita (I have an apple body shape unfortunately). How much smaller than your waist should the corset be? Where can you get them and how much you expect to pay for an actual decent corset? Above or below bust?

>> No.10479995

Underbust is better for this, especially in Lolita. You want to go 4-6 inches smaller than your waist is atm, the choice is based on how squishy you are.

I would say at around 100 you are getting on ok corset but nothing amazing, but it’s ok to go less at first. custom made us always better but a good off the rack is fine for the beginning. I like orchard corset personally for beginners.

I wouldn’t expect it to make your waist permanently smaller unless you are going to wear it everyday

>> No.10480083

Please just go look at Lucy Corsetry's beginner guide.

>> No.10480200

All these before and afters are just people who learned to stretch their torsos out (by raising arms, etc) when taking photos, or who clearly lost weight in between.

>> No.10480205

Well, all the accompanying stories are "This person also changed their diet and/or exercised, and lost 30lbs/changed their body composition completely". However the corset may act as more of a motivator because you 'see' results faster, it restricts what you eat, and means you are more motivated to make permanent lifestyle changes with diet and exercise because you can kinda see your results already.

>> No.10480211

Yeah but posting it as though it's proof that corsets can make your waist smaller is completely disingenuous.

"Take these pills that make you vomit 3 times a day, you'll have a smaller waist!" is also a true statement but the pills don't give you a smaller waist, vomiting does. The corsets aren't doing anything besides MAYBE acting as a motivator. Anon claiming that corsets make any actual difference on their own is just a lie.

>> No.10480346

I mean, it makes differences to your corseted waist - and probably these become less reversible over time, although the most extreme tight lacers tend to adopt it as a lifestyle. A significant difference to your uncorseted waist is less likely unless you are in the Cathie Jung category.

>> No.10480353

this just isn't true. the corset does help force you to eat less because it constricts your stomach which makes you feel more full with less food. it's the same logic as a lap band.

>> No.10480376

can confirm, got into corsetry as part of my ED. they really do reduce your stomach capacity and (if you're already so inclined) are triggering as shit to take on and off. i get what tayrt means though- corsets don't directly make your waist smaller in the way that many people generally think they do and it's worth making the distinction.

>> No.10480425
File: 217 KB, 1080x1305, 6006fa06-7575-4395-bde7-4e1a972c06db.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10480594

So do high waisted pants though.
There's a theory that the obesity epidemic can be partially attributed to lower waistlines on pants and the invention of stretchy elastic materials that allow people to overeat in comfort. If you're wearing high waisted denim (with not much give), a tightly fitting dress, or dress pants up to the waist, you just can't comfortably eat tons and tons of food. That's not to say nobody got fat when those clothes were in fashion, but the obesity rate wasn't nearly as high. Also obvious other factors are involved, but it's an interesting theory.

>> No.10480630

That’s the dumbest theory I’ve ever heard. As if topless tribeswomen in Africa are getting fat because they don’t wear anything on their stomachs.

>> No.10480631

idk what anon is talking about but corsets smashing your organs together has an effect on how full your stomach can be. that's been proven.

>> No.10480664
File: 717 KB, 1079x1600, 1518221969938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was actually trying to remember this person for >>10469125
I haven't seen all of her stuff but 19th and early 20th century style is this woman's thing. She might have a video or two that can help you OP.

>> No.10481526

I think that's more an effect than a cause.

>> No.10483190
File: 909 KB, 3110x2073, 1594511099566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10485478

No, more like, if you wear tight clothes you'll be uncomfortable if you eat a lot, whereas with loose clothing you won't notice your stomach distending and you'll keep eating.
I think it's bullshit too, it's not that simple, but there is a thread of truth that it's relying on.

>> No.10487589

>body positivity

>> No.10494446

Is there anything in between shapewear and corsets? I like the look of a corset but I'm not interested in waist training or tightlacing. Sort of like a pipestem I guess?

>> No.10494470

Like fashion corsets? The ones that don't do anything and just exists to look good with the outfit?

>> No.10494471


>> No.10494482 [DELETED] 

I just farted guys, this one was kinda wet, can you smell it?

>> No.10496986


>> No.10497019

I mean you could treat a corset as it was meant to be and just not tight lace it. Proper corsets are designed to fit as structural undergarments (ie shareware). They’re meant to be comfortable which is why even working women wore them up til like the 1920s girdle came into fashion.

>> No.10497064

No, shapewear just sucks fat in temporarily, while corsets have boning. If you want back and shoulder support, then use a corset and just get it 2in smaller than your normal waist.

>> No.10497066

There's also the fact that loose clothes make you less sensitive to weight gain. If your clothes' waists are snug, then even a few pounds will be noticeable

>> No.10503426

Do they all cut their hair themselves or what. Also lmao@Dylan Roof on the right.

>> No.10503450

>implying working women wore comfortable clothing
do some research please. this is blatantly untrue, unless you are talking about the 1500s when they first came about to replace stays. corsets from the 17th century onward were laced tightly and fairly uncomfortable, even for working women. a loosely laced corset still greatly inhibits the use of the waist.

>> No.10503459

I think the theory that stretch pants meaningfully increases obesity is ridiculous, but i do think wearing tight clothes makes you feel noticeably fuller faster.

>> No.10503467

You're retarded and this is blatantly fucking false

>> No.10503474

NTA but they're right.

>> No.10503532

if you think that corsets will make you're body shape better then you need to try losing weight properly first and only corestry as a last resort cause all you idiots have most likely perfectly fine shaped bodys underneath the fat

>> No.10503543

that's not what corsetry is for. corsetry is the only thing that will ever get my thicc hipped 5'10 ass a temporary 24in waist. i don't want to be ana and lose my nice bodyshape.

>> No.10503886

Being Anorexic means you have to actually be underweight anon. You can't just eat very little as a fatass and call yourself ana

>> No.10503887

So you should try lose weight to a point instead of tight lacing yourself to bits

>> No.10503896

by "perfectly fine shaped bodys" she meant just normal. Average. That can include having the figure of a fridge or something dumpy. It was a mean-spirited post.

>> No.10503902

thats not what I meant. Lots of people who think they have an ''apple shaped'' or whatever shaped body really just have weird fat distribution which varies a lot between people.

>> No.10503903

goths love looking dead

>> No.10503953

nta but i originally replied to you. i already am at an ideal weight but i am pear shaped so i don't have any chance of having an hourglass look otherwise. i'm not looking to permanently change my body tho.

>> No.10508264

no their not, it couldnt be more false as working women were generally on farms or later on factories.

no one wore a corsette at that job its blatantly wrong

>> No.10508320

that's what she's saying. working women didn't wear them because they were uncomfortable. the other anon is the one claiming they were fine and everyone wore them.

>> No.10508435

No, not wearing a corset meant you were a hoe and were not "proper," and everyone including working class wanted to show that they were proper and moral.

Waists during the victorian era were on average 28-32in, 25-26in was for girls in their 20s. You could tighten it from 25 to 22 if it was a huge ball event. Otherwise, everyone had padding around the hips and butt to make the waist look smaller. Most people wore corsets sized either their waist size or 1in under.

>> No.10509019

cathie jung (i think thats her name?) is in her 70s and has the words smallest waist from doing tightlacing for two+ decades. If you manage to injure yourself in a corset, you are doing something incredibly wrong whether its lacing too tightly or an illfitting corset.

>> No.10509263


>> No.10509506

how can 2 people contradict each other so much holy shit ahaha
also you are fucking wrong but i am too lazy to point out why so gg you won

>> No.10510365

it's false. My great grandmother wore them and she was a farmer.
they were the bras of the period. Of course you had idle rich women who tightlaced, but most women wore them simply for boob support.

>> No.10513069

That "theory" is retarded, and weasely expressions like "partially attributed" are a red flag for pseudoscience.

That said, I have many clothes from 15 years ago that fit well *and* I don't need to be convinced about the benefits of staying trim and eating well. So, it's not that me not buying bigger sizes contributes to me being slim: I have the same access to landwhale-size yoga pants as everyone else; it's the other way around: I don't want to fatten up at a rate of 1 Kg per year because the junk food is cheaper than the healthy one, and I find it satisfying to wear things that are long gone from shops.

I don't do corsets btw :P

>> No.10513070

>They’re meant to be comfortable
Argh. Lol. Show me one female clothing item designed to be comfortable.

>> No.10513072

Leggings, yoga pants, sack dresses, maxi dresses, cotton panties, sweatshirts, bralettes, sports bras?

>> No.10513085

Nayrt but most of these are functional workout/sportswear, not shapewear.

Your point isn't invalid, but shapewear isn't supposed to be comfortable, it's supposed to suck and tuck you in or fill you out depending on your desired body shape and desired fit into clothes. Corsets aren't dangerous like modern people think, but they aren't always comfortable either. It depends on a lot of factors.

>> No.10513285

jeans, t-shirts, panties, socks, various forms of shoes that aren't heels, pajamas and nightgowns, etc.

Even if it is structural or undergarments, most if not all clothes are made to at least be reasonably comfortable. Otherwise, no one would buy or wear them.

if your shapewear is uncomfortable, there's a 90% chance you're wearing the wrong size or in the case of something like corsets, wearing it improperly. At least for functional/everyday use.

Now if you're wearing something just for the appearance, that's the 10% where you pretty much make a choice to be uncomfortable.

>> No.10513573

>Leggings, yoga pants, sack dresses, maxi dresses, cotton panties, sweatshirts, bralettes, sports bras
>jeans, t-shirts, panties, socks, various forms of shoes that aren't heels, pajamas and nightgowns, etc.

lol - none of which is worn to cosplay. In the spirit of this thread, nothing meant to make females "prettier" is or has ever been comfortable. That was my point.

>> No.10513667

I don't wear tight clothes, so leggings and yoga pants are so uncomfortable for me to wear. Sports bras are a pain to wear too.
It's a matter of what you've gotten used to wearing. Which is why lolita is comfortable for some people and not for others.

>> No.10513956

This board's entire existence is proof women don't know how to dress themselves, honestly. Stones in glass houses.

>> No.10515368

nigga you retarded if you think yoga pants dont make you sexy as shit

>> No.10516502

I was recommended Orchard Corsets for my first, but I've started hearing some not-so-great things about it. What brands do you recommend on a budget? Looking to spend $150-200, or less if possible.

>> No.10516964


>> No.10518318

I've got one I'm waiting on from bunny corsets, due any day from now, but yeah a well fitting corset, especially an underbust or waspie you can do pretty much everything in.

>> No.10525617
File: 587 KB, 1166x1168, beige-cotton-hourglass-underbust-front.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I emailed Lucy's Corsetry with my measurements and she recommended the standard length hourglass corset. I'm still scared it's not going to fit right and have big gaps at the top like OP's. And for $109, that's an expensive mistake. Anyone have experience with this brand?

>> No.10525622

>>10469125 doesnt have gaps at the top, its jst the placement of the bra.

Anyways 100 is cheap for a corset, it look standard and will be fine as long as you buy the correct sizing.

>> No.10525692

I'm referring to OP's story about how their's flares at the top. I've worn corsets before and they did the same but those were more costumey.

>> No.10525744

Yeah but you also emailed someone who knows corsets and is known in that scene and they suggested a corset...so why do you think it wont fit you well? They looked at your measurements and put it against the ones the corsets they know have.

>> No.10525808

My guess is that Lucy's corsetry knows what they're doing for recommending a size and style. That corset listing also has comprehensive measurements for each size, so you can check it against your tape measure pretty easily.

>> No.10525821

how to hide chub that spills over?

>> No.10525968

So my bunny corset arrived and yep. It's amazing. Can reccommend.

>> No.10526017

Shapewear with your corset. I've seen people have success wearing shapewear underneath or over top of the corset, it just depends on the overall look you're going for.

>> No.10526024

This looks exactly the same with a better pose to create an illusion of thinner waist lol.

>> No.10526090

Getting a different corset or not lacing as tightly. Chub happens, but if it is showing in your outfit it means you need to rethink what you are wearing. A way to minimize it is with a corset that has a higher back if the issue is the torso.

>> No.10526180

I find that until you season there will be some degree of flaring out as the shape of the space for your ribcage is usually not exactly the same as your body shape. That being said if the fit is wrong for you, seasoning won't fix your corset issues

>> No.10531002

Make sure you have the corset properly positioned as you tighten.
If you hunch and it rolls up or down halfway through, and you keep going, you'll end up with fat in weird places and a poor fit overall.

>> No.10531003

It looks like that because her boob shadow is shooped.

>> No.10536434

I was wondering if u can help me. I just bought a corset to try and reduce ribcage/waist and such and I had 2 questions about it. I mainly want to reduce my bust/upper ribcage size. Can a corset do this? And how much cud it reduce it by?
I'm 5'8 128lbs with 30.5 underbust like 33.75 bust.
1) Can i reduce the bust measurement and shrink my upper ribcage bone like i wud my waist
2) How much could i take off possibly?

ty for the help am very worried about this measurement and this is best bet because rib removal only alters waist and my waist is alright mostly.

I only care about reducing bust measurement/upper ribcage but waist is cool too

>> No.10536441

Corsets won’t help you shrink your bust measurement or your upper ribs since that’s not where the corset squeezes most. If you want to temporarily reduce your bust size, get a high impact sports bra or binder instead.

>> No.10536446

Could i get one that squeezes tho? Also if im bigger in bust/upper ribcage relative to underbust, and waist, wont it squeeze there? Will torso look big/dumb given largeish bust measurmeent even if underbust and waist r made smaller by the corset?

>> No.10536447

>bust/upper ribcage relative to underbust,
nyart, but everyone has a bigger bust than underbust. That's how tits work my dude. Your body fat isn't just going to magically disappear. It has to be pushed somewhere so yes, it'll pop out of the top. If you want to be flat, do as the other anon suggested and get a sports bra or binder.

>> No.10536452

>im bigger in bust/upper ribcage relative to underbust, and waist, wont it squeeze there?
A properly fitted corset shouldn’t be squeezing your bust and upper ribs. A corset that does will be extremely uncomfortable and could damage your breast tissue if used extensively.

> Will torso look big/dumb given largeish bust measurmeent even if underbust and waist r made smaller by the corset?
Everyone who wears a corset that has noticeable waist reduction will have a wasp-shaped look.
Also, learn to integrate, newfriend.

>> No.10536454

The corset squeezes the floating ribs and the soft ribs that have space to move and cartilage for flexibility. Basically the open space between your lower. Unless you want to break your bones, there isn't a way to change the shape of the upper ribcage. Tissue is only going to get shoved around. It won't disappear. It will either be pushed into a part of the corset specifically designed to contain the tissue or be puffed out of the corset in a muffin top. See Cathie Jung's body shape after corseting.
None of your measurements strike me as large or out of proportion, so I don't think you need to be worried about reducing your underbust measurement. If you need to fit into a specific piece of very petite clothing, get it tailored.

>> No.10536457

Well basically before i thought was ok due to my underbust being okish but then i saw a few instagram people who were taller than me but had like 80cm bust and i have like 33.5 despite having less breast than them so is an issue and in order to look better id have to reduce tha measurement basically yeh

>> No.10536458

Im worried my ribcage is too big/broad at the bust. Like the skeleton. Ie, if was flat, wud look big still and bad/ugly. Like those gross looking big bones western porn type people u see in ads who have like barrel chest under their tits. I dunno if that makes sense.
> our body fat isn't just going to magically disappear. It has to be pushed somewhere so yes, it'll pop out of the top
dont undertsnad. Is there someway to like reduce the ribcage up there similar to how u reduce the waist, or no?

What is integrating? I am not quite sure what u mean by wasp but rather what im saying is if i have nforutnate bad big bust measurmeent, but i reduce my other emasurements, ie waist and udnerbust, wud i still look ugly and bulky due to the bust/upper ribcage? I dunno if that makes sense.
But like bascially my bsut measurement is too big for my given tit level.

Well basically before i thought was ok due to my underbust being okish but then i saw a few instagram people who were taller than me but had like 80cm bust and i have like 33.5 despite having less breast than them so is an issue and in order to look better id have to reduce tha measurement basically yeh

>> No.10536460

>What is integrating?
Integrating with the board culture.
>I am not quite sure what u mean by wasp but rather what im saying is if i have nforutnate bad big bust measurmeent, but i reduce my other emasurements, ie waist and udnerbust, wud i still look ugly and bulky due to the bust/upper ribcage? I dunno if that makes sense.
You’ll have a V-shaped torso if you reduce your waist and lower ribs with a corset. If you’re aiming for a straight up and down rectangular body, a corset won’t help. Corsets create curves, they don’t reduce them.

>> No.10536462

Oh well bascially what shud i do about the fact that my bust is too large relative to my tit level? Like the people who id like to look like have smaller bust despite being same height with more tits. Thats my issue mainly. My waist is smallish already but smaller is alwysf better for that i guess. Wat i wud like is to not have a bad bulky looking torso i guess and have similar measurment to them yeh

>> No.10536463

>Is there someway to like reduce the ribcage up there similar to how u reduce the waist, or no?
Ffs every reply has some variation of “you can’t reduce your ribcage with a corset.” Why are you still asking?

>> No.10536464

If you want to go from bulky to twink, your only option is probably some kind of body contouring surgery. A corset won’t help you reduce that kind of bulk since that’s dependent on your bone structure, musculature, and body fat, all of which corsetry can’t help with.

>> No.10536469

srry just wanted to confirm. I already have one in parents closet but was unsure if wud b solution to my issue which i discovered 2 days ago.
Unsure wat i shud do. There doesnt seem to be any sort of surgery for that either

Theres no body contouring surgery to reduce the upper ribcage
Do u know of soem surgery that cud help with this? I aim to get body contourng in june anyways so i cud add that into it i dunno
Im not very fat but cud they like remove fat from behind my upper ribcage or soemthing??/

>> No.10536471

holy shit PLEASE learn to integrate. your posts are painful to read.

>> No.10536472

Also my overall bones arent that terrible. My wrists r like 5.8 and my waist is smallish and my underbust is mediocre but my bust is awful im pretty sure. it's like my worst measurement on body

>> No.10536473

>Do u know of soem surgery that cud help with this? I aim to get body contourng in june anyways so i cud add that into it i dunno
This is a conversation you should be having with your surgeon and not something strangers on an anonymous Chinese cartoon forum can give you advice on.

>> No.10536474

im sorry :'(
Im aspie and didnt have phone/social media until like 3yrs ago so am bad at it

>> No.10536475

I meet with my surgeon 1/26 so i cud ask him then i guess. it's just that i want to know if i have any hope or not yeh thats why i asked. Also my issue was discovered like 2 days ago and am semi freaking out about it still thats also why

>> No.10536476

You must be 18 to post here. Gtfo

>> No.10536477

im overage rip

>> No.10536491

There is nothing on this earth that you can do to reduce the size of your bones. No.

>> No.10536492

You definitely have some body related mental health issues and should be seeing a therapist loooong before a surgeon. I'm not saying that to be catty, I mean it genuinely.

>> No.10536593

>t. 300lb fatass stuffed into tacky overpriced dress

>> No.10536890

Hello im trying to figure stuff out but if ur 5'9 32B does that translate to a 30 inch underbust or a 32 inch undrbust? Trying to figure out how big the guys i find ideal r; compared to me

>> No.10536891

In the united states, btw

>> No.10536904

why don't you just measure

>> No.10536914

standard sizing 32B is a 26"-28" underbust measurement and 32"-34" bust measurement. your height is completely irrelevant.

>> No.10536922

I did but i dont understand how i compre to them. I have like 30.5 udnerbust 5'8 trying to find their underbust bascially but dont know how to translate it from their bust and sizes

>> No.10536926

Google is free

>> No.10536929

you don't need height, retard

>> No.10536942

Actually, a 32B should be around 31"-32" underbust and 34" full bust. The add 4" thing is wildly outdated

>> No.10536943

This. A lot of brands take the underbust measurement as the band size. Each inch different between the bust and underbust measurement adds one cup. I.e 1 inch difference is A, 2 is B, so on and so forth.

>> No.10536957

this is why it's easier to measure yourself and read the recommendations.

>> No.10536961

I measured myself, im just tryng to compare my size with others. Ie, to know if am too big or not in underbust. So im trying to find out what size their underbusts are basically, from the limited info given online which confuses me

>> No.10536964

Nayrt but I think you only gave your underbust measurement? But it was unclear if it is 30 or 32...? And what is your bust measurement? The fullest part is the correct measurement. Take those and then go online and google whichever brand you like. They will have size charts.

>> No.10536968

My underbust is 30.5. Bus 33.5. However pls not these were taken at dif times so when it was 30.5 my bust was prbbly a bit smaller but yeh

>> No.10537396

Coud i reduce waist 3 inches in 1yr with corset?
Im 25ish want 22ish

>> No.10537407

For someone who's 5' 9" a 30.5" ribcage sounds reasonable, but really it depends on your overall bone structure anyway - if you're larger framed through shoulders, hips etc. then your ribcage is likely to be bigger, if you're smaller framed it's likely to be smaller, that's how anatomy works....

>> No.10537410

Ok. Im 5'8 30.5 tho at least when i self measured height and was conservative. Is that big? Wat cud i do to reduce besides weight loss and how do i know if bones r big and is over?
What's an ideal underbust for 5'8 for seomeone medium-small framed.

>> No.10537412

wud appreciate help is really important to me

>> No.10537418

For the love of shit, stop asking. The answer is no. It's been said multiple ways by multiple people.

>> No.10537427

they said no to ribcage reduction not waist reduction. Also several people on a dif platform said 2-3 was possible but wanted to ask here for max honesty

>> No.10537431

2-3 inch waist reduction is possible but you should try to lose weight first. I lost 3” over the course of 2 months by changing my diet (calorie deficit) and going from mostly sedentary to doing 5-10 hrs of cardio a week.

>> No.10537434

ok. I can do that too...

>> No.10537435

From 25 to 22 inches?

>> No.10537447

Depends on your body type and how much fat you have. I went from 26” to 23” but I was skinnyfat before (around 24% body fat).

>> No.10537449

Im skinnyfat. But i dont weigh that much. Do u think corset cud reduce mine by 3 inches in a yr?

>> No.10537460

A corset is just compressing your waist, so how much of a reduction you get will depend on your body like everyone keeps telling you. There are no guarantees, stop asking.

>> No.10537535

I know you said you’re an aspie but I have to ask... are you mentally deficient in another kind of way? You keep asking the same questions over and over again even after people have answered them.

>> No.10537568

They've asked this question in 2 other threads as well and guess what? Same fucking answers. Yet here we are.

>> No.10538136
File: 432 KB, 608x1070, 7o8tmhngbgwz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of you continuing to take this poorly constructed bait.

>> No.10538610

Stfu fattie

>> No.10539716


>> No.10543167

I'm planning on getting an OTR corset, but I'm currently losing weight. Gulls, please talk me into waiting until I'm at my target weight instead of just buying one one size down.

>> No.10543172

If you wait, you get to wear it right away. If you get a size down the excitement will wear off and you just have it collecting dust until you reach that weight and that's way more depressing

>> No.10543207

If you're getting an OTR rather than a custom then just bite the bullet and buy it.

>> No.10543212

Buy one that fits and wear it for appetite suppression

>> No.10543213

You can't even choose a good OTR corset to for your shape until you're at (or only 1-2lb from) goal weight - what's to say your proportions won't change?