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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10443202 No.10443202 [Reply] [Original]

This is the time of year that the releases slowly trickle out, what are you looking forward to? Any re-releases you'd like to see?

Please share all things Halloween here! Bonus points for any cute Halloween accessories for coords to buy~

>> No.10443205
File: 108 KB, 738x441, 108997424_1665691683579276_4992713921487664624_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meta has started off the hype with Horoscope of Fate, a new release coming out soon.


>> No.10443210
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>> No.10443212
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>> No.10443216
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>> No.10443220
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>> No.10443223
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>> No.10443224
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>> No.10443225
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>> No.10443241

I'm just excited to be able to buy holloween pieces cheap after the season. Though sometimes the raise in demand helps out bc it makes someone post a rare dress I'll shell out for like vampire requiem etc

>> No.10443245

No releases that im counting on but im so stoked to wear btssb's my sweet mate kumya trick or treat jsk. Although I'm having a little trouble coording it to be more spooky since the one I got is so pastel.

>> No.10443269

It's too fucking early for this. It's SUMMER.
Y'all spoopy ass cringelords.

>> No.10443283

To be fair shipping is so slow that stuff will arrive just in time for Halloween

>> No.10443284

YEAH, Halloween doesn’t officially begin until August 1st, ya nerds.

>> No.10443289

We're skipping summer anyway. Plus, it's on a Saturday, if you're making Halloween plans you might want to make them early.

>> No.10443296

I feel like we’re all gonna celebrate Halloween on Zoom this year.

>> No.10443322

We're not *skipping* summer. It's eternal summer~

>> No.10443323

Nice job pointing out the obvious, dipshit

>> No.10443325

Aww are you sad?

>> No.10443357

i'm actually not sad about that, i like having a few cocktails safe at home and still feeling like i went to a party.

t. introvert

>> No.10443359

Why are dumping in the general and you didn't even link the previous thread.

>> No.10443382

It's HALLOWEEN lolita general. Not the regular general.

>> No.10443389

I wonder what spooky dress ill be suckered into buying this year

>> No.10443412

That's not a general. That's a themed thread.

>> No.10443414

I'm planning some light things based on the assumption we'll be able to go out. Tea, fall farmers market, and tarot card readings. Funny enough, it being on a Saturday makes me more inclined to make it an all day thing as opposed to an all nighter.

>> No.10443417

I didn't make this thread. But considering how there's no previous thread link, no discussion about broader topics, and there's an image dump, I don't think it's supposed to be the next lolita general

>> No.10443557
File: 110 KB, 480x640, 6aa65c77-ba29-5149-9423-82026b9b7da0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope we get a nice properly gothic vampire print this year. There will never be too many, as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.10443560
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>> No.10443562
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>> No.10443564
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>> No.10443611

OP here. No, this isn't the next general. I posted a Halloween general last year without this much confusion haha, then again there wasn't a thread for each subtype and brand last year either.....

Times, they are a changing.

Please post Halloween, just Halloween!!

>> No.10443619
File: 793 KB, 598x599, Opera Snapshot_2020-01-16_135329_www.instagram.com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We got a good one from enchantilly. The more the merrier.

>> No.10443620

vampire requiem isn't rare tho? Unless you're looking for lavender.

>> No.10443641
File: 212 KB, 500x600, 028CEAA3-0EC8-4D3A-AC5A-4A0639638F24-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feel like shit, just want him back...

J/k, never had him. Hoping for a re-release

>> No.10443653

What are the chances that Holy Lantern will be re-released, yet again?

>> No.10443656

Hoping they do a dark pink this year, I'd actually get it

>> No.10443661

He always makes me smile

>> No.10443718


>> No.10443726
File: 100 KB, 480x640, 6d48bf03-3189-5e36-acc3-79a2c1321e4e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got this coming in the mail tomorrow. Probably gonna make some candy hair clips like ap releases for a tribute to 2000s sweet lolita me.

Not sure what else to incorporate yet since it's an odd color palette.

>> No.10443733

Not into sweet so this might be ignorant, but i think this is in the wrong thread.

>> No.10443736

That's a halloween print dummy

>> No.10443739

You posted when the lolita gen was autosaging, there wasn't a new general posted, and included the word general in your title. That's why there was confusion.

>> No.10443754
File: 42 KB, 600x678, 65e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please no more Holy Lantern witch coords

>> No.10443866

i demand brown burando witch hats.

>> No.10443869

join us anon! give in. let go.

>> No.10443896

It is if you want the good one and not the shitty polyester rerelease

>> No.10443900

Pink, ivory and gold. There is a lot of gold sparkle details in the print. It’s really pretty! Congrats anon!

>> No.10444086

Got anything not vampire/bat or witch related? I'm hoping for a legit mummy look with round and round bandage. I don't htink i've seen one at all.

>> No.10444088

aatp had a bandage dress. dunno the name

>> No.10444092

It was pretty bad though.

>> No.10444102

It was Round and Round bandage. I thought it was pretty basic but not terribad.

>> No.10444104

Most common outfit themes seem to be witch, vampire, demon, or angel.

Would love to see a well done fairy or other fae coord. Second the mummy too because why not, add more unique looks and not another nun in nameless poem.

>> No.10444108
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>> No.10444131

I wish i liked the colorways

>> No.10444273


AatP did it a few times. I nearly bought one to make a Radagast coord, but I can't recall which dress I had planned for it anymore.

>> No.10444278

>tfw no cute feliformia pet

>> No.10444394

Forget cats, ferrets are the best familiars.

>> No.10444445

>there's general in the thread so this must be the general.
>"stop posting about Halloween in the Halloween thread"

And I thought Covid brought the stupid out in people.

Considering the way 2020 us going expect 500 plague doctor coords, again.
There's rarely anyone who really pushes the creative boundaries in Halllween outfits anymore.

>> No.10445051
File: 138 KB, 480x480, 4472555F-B1AC-4E20-8BA2-95F07DE0C922.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you expect to buy a lolita coord for Halloween in October? Lmao good luck with that

>> No.10445055

There are like 4 other “general” lolita threads right now. Do those confuse you too? Also /cgl/ always labels Halloween threads as generals because they are ongoing until Halloween and meant to also contain questions from cross-boarders and the like

>> No.10445058

Plague doctors and nurses, too.

Might pick a famous painting and go as that. Could be fun

>> No.10445451
File: 730 KB, 588x539, hcs3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There wasn't any Halloween themed print in the fall catalog for AP, do you think we're gonna get one? I'm worried we aren't. We didn't really get one last year either.

>> No.10445457
File: 1.08 MB, 1440x1770, Screenshot_20200725-234702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lolita and Colitas new Halloween print looks cute, if you like Taobao brands.

>> No.10445468

I’m willing to bet that AP is just going to re-release a past Halloween print like Holy Lantern or Horror Candy.

>> No.10445482

looks cute from far away, but close up it looks like it was shaded with a ballpoint pen and not in a good way.

>> No.10445502

im sad, i liked their previous print but im not crazy about this one.

>> No.10445520

I wish AP would do bat winged cats, like a cross between the Imai Kira print of last Halloween and the AATP print. I’m guessing it’ll be another Holy Lantern release though last year it was only released in Japan in time for Halloween, the US site only got Holy Lantern as part of their anniversary fair.

>> No.10445522

i predict that medical themed coords will be this years holy lantern witch because the 'rona is a hot topic world wide.

>> No.10445625
File: 106 KB, 500x456, O1CN01rlZkws1ihr7i2cSHx_!!1744414445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lolita&Colitas Halloween print - Dracula Sweetheart

>> No.10445627


>> No.10445630

No what?

>> No.10445690

I don’t know if it is a cat or a bat, but I hate it.

>> No.10445691

fugly furby clipart so rori.

>> No.10445726


>> No.10445861

I'm getting the salopette and I hope my tits will be ok in it. I wish they did jsk cuts for their dresses instead of just op/salo.

>> No.10445863


covid print

>> No.10445887

enjoy being ita af.

>> No.10445901

>taobao is ita durr hurr
Go back to your AP/Baby general pls.

>> No.10445922

The bats are ugly, but the rest is pretty cute

>> No.10445923

this is for all halloween stuff.

>> No.10445934

Exactly. Gtfo with the "taobao bad" bs

>> No.10445936

Nayrt but tits and salopettes are generally a terrible idea.
They tend to stick out at the side and make you look like a frilly fridge with tutty bazookas.

>> No.10445938


>> No.10445942 [DELETED] 

Taobao is bad, full stop. Why waste your money on a bunch of shit tier dresses when you can save up for something actually nice?
This mentality is probably why you guys are such poorfags in the first place

>> No.10445944
File: 32 KB, 550x633, xkEKqQt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10445945 [DELETED] 

> if something hurts my fee fees its bait

Keep coping, retard.

>> No.10445956

it's not cause it's taobao fag it's cause it's ita clipart.

>> No.10446071

This brand only releases OPs and salopettes and the cuts always look horrible

>> No.10449693

AP and BTSSB also has shit tier stuff, their shoes and bags never last long and some dresses have shitty fabric

>> No.10449698


Nayrt but mostly AP. AATP on the other hand, I'll give you that all their non ouji stuff is trash tier, but BABY is far better than AP at the moment.

>> No.10449699
File: 74 KB, 720x1018, 12092002-kera-w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently received my Meta Artifact dress. Technically I would count it to last year's Halloween season, but I don't give a damn. The midnight blue colourway is awesome, and I look forward to make a cool witchy academia-inspired coord with it.

Basic, but reliable. Also cats.

>> No.10449713

A good catch anon!

Hope you'll post a coord pic. I really like that print, but not sure if I'll get it myself since I already have secret laboratory. Let me live vicariously through you.

>> No.10454350
File: 197 KB, 750x1000, O1CN014RxZi228dtiIxSXV0_!!1992797956-750x1000w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soufflesong presents us with.... this that they couldn't even take the damn overskirt off to show the actual print in any photo.

>> No.10454448

Reminds me of that Target Halloween costume

>> No.10454458

If you told me this was angelic pretty, I would believe you.

>> No.10454621

As long as if it's the high waisted lavender jsk I don't care

>> No.10454632

Holy lantern is a heaping pile of garbage
It is truly the most hideous dress I've ever had the displeasure of laying my eyes on and I dont get the appeal

>> No.10454635

the dress is fine, you just hate popular things.

>> No.10454638

Nope, some of my DDs are very popular dresses but holy lantern is just ugly as fuck.

>> No.10454802

I like what we can see of it, but I want to know wtf the print is. Windows?

>> No.10454836

I’m expecting to really regret selling my Halloween usakumya in about a month, but the $700 was too good o pass up last year. I’ll be sad when I start seeing coords

>> No.10454863
File: 440 KB, 480x640, 117543010_1516692851836635_3886996317344167761_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aatp is releasing this bat wing corset

>> No.10454870

Maybe the beginning of October will be a great time to sell mine.. thanks for the idea, anon!

>> No.10454942

That certainly exists

>> No.10455023

>My first baby print bled after some water got splashed on it.

>> No.10455029

Which print? This was a problem I had with all my old prints that had red in them regardless of brand, until I washed them

>> No.10455037

>potion flasks
>running girl?
My money’s on a Worst Witch print.

>> No.10455097
File: 227 KB, 800x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have print ideas for Halloween prints? Here are mine: Théâtre des Vampires and the Danse Macabre.

>> No.10455131

>this this is unique to baby

>> No.10455133

Kumya-chan's Demonic Summoning Ritual

>> No.10455134


This isn't a baby exclusive issue. Although I guess AP's new equivalent since they use only shitty poly now is the fabric running more easily it seems.

>> No.10455136


If done cutely enough and it comes in pastels I would buy, no joke

>> No.10455152

I would buy this too, damn. It would probably be AatP so it could have their new Captain Chris on it too.

>> No.10455300
File: 93 KB, 360x420, 3bf8e5c3-a760-58db-bde0-1abd58918409.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am weak when it comes to Halloween stuff, just grabbed this dress!

>> No.10455301

i hope we see more witchy dresses, they're literally my favorite thing ever.

>> No.10455352

I’m an idiot, what’s the name of the socks in this cord?

>> No.10455354

Can’t wait for every ita to make an “ero coord teehee” with this.

>> No.10455367

It's part of the AP x One Piece anime collab

>> No.10455419

Duchess Milianda has a Dance Macabre print...

>> No.10455422

I’m pastel sweet lolita and I’m always so tempted to buy a Halloween print but I’m not one of those girls who wants to wear it the rest of the year. I’m not the spoopy bats n coffins type. Anyone have any recommendations on how to Halloween-ify a pastel dress that isn’t just “put a witch hat with it” or “get a bat purse” not that those aren’t cute, I was just hoping for some outside-of-the-box ideas.

>> No.10455428


Make it candy themed? I thought of this recently; if you had a very candy themed dress whether pastel or chocolate and pink or something, it would sorta go with American Halloween!

>> No.10455429

You want a outside of the box idea, But also get it spoon fed?


Just do the witch hat and be done with it

>> No.10455430

That actually is a nice idea, thanks! Kinda feel silly for not thinking of that angle myself. The prints I own are more macaron, Star, & ice cream focused but I do have some plain JSKs that I think could pair a bunch of my candy accessories with!

>> No.10455443

that lady sloth macaroon dress was made exactly for people like you

>> No.10455449

My Sweet Mate Kumya's trick or treat jsk. I've seen quite a few of em pop up on LM the past couple of months.

>> No.10455546

Thank you so much for your advice! I’m specifically not in the market for a Halloween print though and was more looking for coord ideas, but thanks for the thought!

>> No.10455677


Holy Lantern in the pink and lavender colorways coord well in Halloween themes. I would add candy themed and black accents.

>> No.10457108

Be a diabetic’s worst nightmare, a sugary treat overload

>> No.10457176

Nightmare?? That sounds like my hopes and dreams to be able to eat safely

>> No.10457254

If you don’t have enough insulin and don’t fancy a possible coma or losing limbs

>> No.10457277

Diabetics' worst fear: a ton of sweets and an empty pen/pump/vial and no carb count

>> No.10457313
File: 98 KB, 480x640, 746f5c9e-0c5f-5db7-a78c-117366844767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is honestly one of my favorite subtle halloween prints and I wish Btssb would come out with more things like it.

>> No.10457402

They probably have taste, anon.

>> No.10457403

This print is one of the best Baby has ever done in my opinion. Up close it’s just so adorable and is everything I loved about baby back in the day. Idk if it’s a shame or a blessing that it sells so cheap.

>> No.10457420
File: 45 KB, 240x320, 2CEC055D-DD60-4517-B248-97D0D019D111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The underbust version was one of my dream dresses in the past. It’s so cute and the quality at the time was amazing! The corset was made of velvet, lined and boned.

>> No.10457698
File: 134 KB, 650x650, a8f1964524b9d1fb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not as ugly as it could of been!

>> No.10457702

i know everyone is going to groan when AP rereleases holy lantern yet again but i'm hoping they do a rerun of the skirts. i want the lavender one, dammit. the op and jsk are plentiful, but the skirts aren't.

also like to see a rerelease of the horror garden accessories like the vest and whatever else

>> No.10457741

There are so many sweet halloween pieces, I'm convinced you're just too lazy to do the work yourself.

>> No.10457746

She's not asking for dresses, she's asking if anyone has some ideas how to coord a pastel dress in a spooky way.

>> No.10457781


I am tempted to try and find the underbust because velvet but I can never find it in black

>> No.10461560
File: 64 KB, 526x526, 118251417_3395468307183685_9059560690485856557_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who else is gonna order these?

>> No.10461567

An anon sold it in the bts thread for dirty cheap some months ago if I remember correctly. I suggest to search for it once the halloween season has passed

>> No.10461571

>AATP on the other hand, I'll give you that all their non ouji stuff is trash tier

I own a couple AATP ouji items and even those aren't anything special, definitely would not have purchased for their full price. Construction and finishings are nice but the fabric is pretty meh and so are the trims. Not having real pockets doesn't bother me too much but the quality of the materials really is just "okay".

>> No.10462039

What brand are those shoes? I'm assuming Taobao and hoping they come in other colours but damn they're cute.

>> No.10462041

If you mean >>10461560 they're by brazillian brand Cotton Candy Feet and do come in more colors

>> No.10462046

Yeah that's the one, thanks, forgot to reply. I hadn't seen they came out with these, nice.

>> No.10462144

No because their quality is god awful shit tier, dont buy them

>> No.10462149

Isn't that the same brand that had ALL KINDS of issues with delivering when they first opened? Or was that some other latin country?

>> No.10462151

Candy candy candy

I mean how obvious does it have to be

>> No.10462152

just buy a similar pair from taobao im sure there will be releases similar to it

>> No.10462168

Their bags look okay IRL but their shoes look horrible. Of course, I don’t own either so I’m just going off of appearances.

Idk why you would buy shoes from them when An*Tai*Na exists

>> No.10462169

Those shoes in particular are ita af. They just look like they will make any outfit look cheap.

>> No.10462171

I love these shoes, too bad their quality sucks ass.

>> No.10462188

The bag is pretty cute and I’m tempted

>> No.10462278
File: 847 KB, 2048x2048, image0-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10462279


>> No.10462282


>> No.10462284

That jsk cut is so cute, the cut on the neckline matches the cut on the op collar and I immediately love it. Its going to be a bloodbath.

>> No.10462285

the little cats on the tarot omg

>> No.10462290

i fricking need this more than i had known

>> No.10462292

>high waist JSK yet again

fuck entirely off AP

>> No.10462321

This is all I will be talking about for months.

>> No.10462348

DEFINITELY getting an OP. I just can't decide what color. Pink leans very magical girl... a pink witch hat with tarot cards would be lovely. Black is more batlike and elegant. Anons, I can't decide....

>> No.10462365

I'm sure another colorway may be on it's way too... I'm hoping for lavender.

I will say the colors pop best on black.

>> No.10462378

Historically they've usually done lavender for Halloween, so I hope this has it too

>> No.10462382

Man if only their quality wasnt so shit. I bought two pairs and they are so horribly uncomfortable compared to even my shitty taobao ones

>> No.10462387

Maybe they’ll do a special set color in lav or gray like they’ve done before.

>> No.10462392

The JSK is interesting. I've never seen AP add a belt loop for a keychain(?) before.

>> No.10462411

It looks like that loop is what’s holding on a little star pouch.

>> No.10462413


It's been done before, but not that often. You love to see it tho...

>> No.10462414


Another example, can't wait to be able to hold nothing in that pouch

>> No.10462462

Dammit really? I bought a pair of shoes from them recently because it was a color I needed.

I should have just gotten something so much cheaper on taobao if it's going to be shit...

>> No.10462473

nayrt but all the reviews of them I've seen say their shoes are actually super comfortable and high quality. I see the occasional complaint that there will be glue spots that weren't removed in production (a valid complaint but purely cosmetic) but personally I've never seen someone complain about their shoes' comfort and I actually find them VERY comfortable.

Their designs aren't particularly unique though for the price, so unless there's something extremely specific that they put out that you need (for example, I like their glitter shoes because very few taobao stores do the glitter ALL over the shoe- its usually just on the base and not the bows and straps) you should just go with something cheaper.

>> No.10462485

My comm did a group order and I saw the movie in person. The pleather was too thin for for shoes, which made them look cheap and unstructured. Highly unimpressed, and I genuinely wanted to like them.

>> No.10463081

I came here to post the same thing. The JSK cut is also so plain that if it wasn't high waisted, I still wouldn't wear it

>> No.10463082

If they're based out of Brazil, why are their items expensive af? There were a couple other Latin American shoe brands that were half the price so I can't figure out why CCF is both overpriced and bad quality

>> No.10463095 [DELETED] 

seems like they put more in to their marketing than anything else

>> No.10463110

I also find the pairs I own very comfortable, but the glitter ones material is a bit too thin for my taste.
The matte and vinil ones are actually fine.

>> No.10469039

Waiting impatiently for AATP and Baby to announce... anything

>> No.10469051

Right? It's a fucking third world country, far below China which is second world. So their stuff should be even cheaper than China's.

>> No.10469091

They’re both middle income countries. The whole 3 worlds thing is super outdated (and Mao considered China 3rd world).

>> No.10469118

China was third world in Mao's time, but not for a long time now. It remains a convenient and accurate sorting system. Brazil and China are not on the same economic level at all and Brazil has about 1000x more violent gang/drug crime happening.

>> No.10469167


God I'm so fucking tired of people not googling first, second, and third world. They're outdated terms from the cold war.

>> No.10469176

Idk where you live but these terms are frequently used in the US, both colloquially and in the media. So it's not "outdated" here and still in frequent use.

>> No.10469178


>> No.10469379

US is still living in cold war so it’s not a good example

>> No.10469383

Because our media is the best at being accurate and modernized.

Anyways, regarding >>10462278
What kind of accessories do you think will be released with this? I'm personally really hoping the star motif we see on the buttons and lace carries over on the head accessory and socks.

>> No.10469398

The print is lame but I love the glitter

>> No.10469404

.. patiently. They’ve got to soon, right? .. r i g h t ?

>> No.10469442

aatp's boystyle priest shit looked like a halloween costume. i hope that's not all, though.

>> No.10469636

I really hope they have something else coming out.

>> No.10469682

Really excited to get this dress from Unicorn Tears. It reminds me a lot of the sax Hospitality Doll OP, which I’ve come to terms with never finding. Just hope it arrives in time for Halloween. Not that I’ll have any plans but... you know...just in case...

>> No.10469684
File: 425 KB, 750x1000, B1D0C13C-1FCE-4059-BBAB-C2B310DB1F9D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn it. Dropped the picture.

>> No.10470216

Bless you anon for sharing this, I immediately preordered it. So good. Why hasn't Meta bothered to make more good non-sailor uniform stuff in a while? :(

>> No.10470680

I hope they will rerelease halloween treats since that hasn't been rereleased yet

>> No.10470685

Has AP ever re-released a Halloween Print? (Not counting Holy Lantern)

I'd be very interested in a Halloween Treats re-release if that's the case! I don't have any of the accessories and would really like them.

But if not there's at least the new Little Witch series for Halloween at least.

>> No.10470705


They usually only re-release something if it's sold out in all colours fast enough on its first run. (Or if it's Honeycake, which is an anomaly.) Everything else they've re-released are pretty much bloodbath hits, or close to it.

They often do small releases of different-cut special sets, though. We can hope for that?

>> No.10470716

they literally made name of guardian this year

>> No.10470729

Little Witch is it. maybe yet another Holy Lantern release

>> No.10470751
File: 67 KB, 794x794, peacockalorum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking of getting the Peacockalorum witch hat but I haven't seen any worn pics of it. Do you gulls have any?

>> No.10471151

I also have preordered this going for a full set in blue with cross and the blouse in white/red because I know I may regret not getting it.
Oh meta I want a cute nurse set from you.

>> No.10471192

I got it in both colors with the matching arm bands. I was hoping the AP release this year would be somewhat ugly so I'd have a chance at it but its looking like a blood bath.

>> No.10471197
File: 392 KB, 750x1000, 1 (1)-750x1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unicorn Tears
did you buy it with or without the cross?

>> No.10471207

I read Chinese and that shop's reviews aren't that great anon. Has anyone bought from them before?
Also if you want to buy the red one you have to follow their washing instructions by the letter or that mofo will bleed (their words not mine).
I still want to buy the blue one though, it's cute.

>> No.10471209

Could you do general translations of any reviews? Anything to note?

>> No.10471222

For some stupid reason they only ship this hat within uk >.>

>> No.10471235

Not sure if I wanna do a nurse coord or put my plague doctor mask from last year to use...

>> No.10471297

I took a look and it seems like it's mostly complaining about a long delay in shipping time. That explains the low ratings they got for shipping time then.

I'm just wary because dealing with sellers and chasing them can be a bitch, even if you do speak the language.

>> No.10471323

I would seriously kill a man for a rerelease of Merry Making in the Ghost Town.

>> No.10471383

I don’t really keep up with Alice and the Pirates, but do they really rerelease things?

>> No.10471385

Honestly western spoopy landwhales who believe "halloween is every day!" kind of turned me off on participating in the holiday. The new AP is cute but high waist only for the jsk? Whateverrrr.

>> No.10471386

I got both colors without the cross and the matching armband and hat in red. I was going to just seam rip it off myself if I didn't like it, but I thought about the possibility of holes in the dress from that, so i'll sew them on myself if I want them.

I'm not expecting it to arrive by Halloween, so I have a Mummy coord set aside.

>> No.10471389

Probably because of Covid shipping restrictions. Don't be dumb.

I think Bless from Michael has been rereleased a couple times. No prints come to mind.

>> No.10471399

No. Hence why I would kill a man. Whatever blood sacrifice it took to get my witch bitch print again.

>> No.10471432
File: 333 KB, 828x1445, B692DA00-DDA9-4E59-BE29-984BBE051F84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew it was going to come back but I wasn’t ready.... unlimited orders,,,,,,
God, there’s gonna be so many itas with this dress now I cry. I have an unhealthy hate-on with this dress

>> No.10471449

I got blue with no cross. Hat, armband and necklace too because it was cheap AF

>> No.10471452

This is the dress my brain immediately goes to when I think of a "fat girl dress." I'm fat and even I can see how fucking tacky it is, why does every other fat girl love it so much?

>> No.10471454

Newbie question: Is it inherently ita or do people just not know how to wear it? I've been wanting my first dress to be orange and the theme is a bonus so I'm interested in reserving it.

>> No.10471466

Every single coord made with this is shit because the dress itself is shit

>> No.10471469

I mean.. feel free to do whatever you want, but wanting your first dress to be orange is a poor choice. It's once of the least lolita colors. Yes, AP has made orange dresses but they're not very common for a reason.

>> No.10471472

AP orange also has the major issue that none of their oranges match, so OTKs, accessories, etc. can rarely even be mixed with other dresses. Hell, the orange Holy Lantern OTKs are even off from the dress color.

>> No.10471474

The dress looks very simple in a way that makes it seem Basic. I like some simple lolita dresses, but this is on a different level to something like a simple old school piece. The construction/cut of the bust is simple to the point of looking very casual. The straps especially. There is no trim between the lace along the top of the bust and the rest of the fabric, which takes away from its polish and the lace looks rather cheap, which, when combined with the print makes it look less like lolita and leaning kinda normie.
The print isn't helping because the stripes are so thick and yet the sweets motif is so small, they're being drowned out by the stripes. The sweets should be the main feature of the print, they shouldn't have to be fighting for attention with stripes. The thick stripes also make it feel less refined and more casual/costume like. Even the waist tie looks like something you could find on an average A line dress in a store.
Don't get me wrong I have nothing against lady sloth shop, it's not like just anyone can make Brand quality fashion otherwise there'd be a lot more of it out there in the world. But I think there are very legit reasons why this dress is grating our eyes.

>> No.10471481


It's long been established that AP socks are frequently a different shade than the dress. Especially the knit socks (the ones that aren't stocking/tights material). It seems to be intentional.

>> No.10471483

Yeah, Horror Garden had a re-release.

>> No.10471484

I really like the concept and I want this dress so bad, but something about it just always looked off. And then I finally realized that what I didn’t like is that it would look worlds better if the black stripe was thinner. The cookies themselves are a good size for the print, but the overly thick stripes ruin it.

>> No.10471572

That at least has me hopeful then!

>> No.10471610


Difference between this and AP is that the colours are way too bright. You'd really need the right skintone to pull this off; decent coording skills to match it with anything other than black, black and black; and the right attitude to carry off something this loud.

I think even other brands don't go this bright orange, it's really hard to coord with.

>> No.10471838

Vampire Requiem and end of immortal eden got rereleases. Not sure about other prints

>> No.10471969

I think it’s chill to make brand plus-size inclusive, but make them a quality print (this is shiny polyester junk) and make it something that’s at least FLATTERING on a range of sizes. This just ends up looking like a bad costume and makes everyone look bad. Plus the huge ugly bows and basic normie cut, it’s just really not a good look for everyone

>> No.10472087


The Lady Sloth Macarons dress is actually NOT shiny polyester. Don't remember if it is cotton and it is cheaper printing and almost white on the inside but as ugly as the print is the dress is matte. I've bought a couple other dresses from them and every one I have owned was matte.

>> No.10472092

Yes they do. Have to request it enough though.

>> No.10472716

With cross because I figured that it will less likely have people think maid plus I figured go big or go home