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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 91 KB, 1024x576, D090F09B-8BC1-429D-989C-B9F2050B7467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10435248 No.10435248[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>The “new normal” is upon us. >Summers basically ruined
>is there anything left to look forward to

Guess next year has some cons. Naturally given the extra time everyone will have full body robot suits that transform or functioning wings and everyone will be shredded since we’ve obviously been eating well and exercising at home during lockdown.

>> No.10435250


Discord link. Come complain about your job and live, laugh love Greggs and play shitty steam games with us.

>> No.10435302
File: 41 KB, 597x421, 44034F98-E925-4A2D-AA70-58435196295D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all so tiresome

>> No.10435310

>government scientist shills curewntly testing indoor events for safety

Based big dick mike will have all his ghost town cons running cause they only have 500 people visiting

>> No.10435311

500 more than mcm this year!

>> No.10435547

thank god that pedo infested shithole of a con wont be running at all.

>inb4 mad scrote-togs

>> No.10435606
File: 22 KB, 499x389, 1587643663891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10435636

took u 12 hours this time huh

>> No.10435719

Damn the salt in this thread is stinging

>> No.10435759

worst thread on 4chan edition

>> No.10435779

>tfw you took the risk on a hibana badge and will be one of the based few to attend the first proper con post-lockdown.

absolutely cannot wait to see the seething from reglets when they confirm they're on, especially if they have to reduce attendance

>> No.10435819

Alexa, play CaramellDansen for the annual end of con rave we were supposed to have this year

Fuck it, we'll do it at AL

>> No.10436160

>ghost town dead con
>reduce numbers

So itll have 30 people?

>> No.10436870

Honestly for the rest of this year people are probably better off organising small events for themselves and friends up to ~30ish people. I dunno, split the cost of leasing a town hall or sports hall, maybe a field if you feel spicy between yourselves, play dress up, maybe someone bring a projector and laugh at crappy Anime movies, bring some consoles or computers to play a LAN.

And y'know maybe organising something will be a positive experience for some of you too.

>> No.10436921
File: 14 KB, 378x285, sunnyCON.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody noticed that Sunnycon magically gained and lost over 1,000 Twitch followers this week?

>> No.10437280

Generally speaking twitch monitor sudden increases in followers without other covering statistics (such as average viewers, peak viewers etc). If it's really out of whack, they will undo the extra followers...

tldr; twitch suspect the extras are fake and so removed them.

My personal thoughts - it costs 10$ to buy 1k likes on various social media. Maybe Tucky saw this as a way to get more attention and get sponsors to pay him etc?

>> No.10437430

It definitely looks like he bought followers which is really sad.

>> No.10437478

I mean, in an objective sense it's a good business move, even if it's temporary, more likes/followers you get it increases your visibility and the likelihood that you'll be more discoverable.

Unfortunately for many of these dinks who do it they also need content that will bring in viewers and subscribers organically after your initial boost. Which they don't.

>> No.10437496
File: 95 KB, 591x825, DragonOfMcm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Phil the Dragon of mcm the best uk male cosplayer? He is alpha male with a shredded body, who else can compete?

>> No.10437527

Go to sleep Phil

>> No.10437666

>minney but thirsty, pathetic and not even as buff

probably not tbf mate

we really only need one well-known token chad dragonball cosplayer and the deranged sex pest would not be my first choice

>> No.10437684

That’s what you would think but if you use Twitch seriously it’s actually not a good thing. If the majority of your followers don’t engage with you then the Twitch algorithm won’t promote and push you to new users, also dilutes notifications to followers. It’s a stupid move.

>> No.10437838
File: 21 KB, 474x237, dragon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>deranged sex pest
You wouldnt dare say stuff to his face

>> No.10438053

Has he been giving himself abs with makeup there?

>> No.10438230

That awful wig. Is this the only costume he's ever worn?

>> No.10438325

Absolutely would, I'm a woman. What's he gonna do, hit me in public?

>> No.10438327

>You wouldnt dare say stuff to his face
what are you, 12 years old, fuck off

how old is he? he looks like he's pushing 45. Men please wear makeup when you cosplay, you look like this when you dont. cringe.

>> No.10438341

What is MCM doing right now aside shilling pride shit?

>> No.10438412

absolute kek

I spent more time than i'd like to admit looking for this on his tiktok, i have a juicy group chat that needed some laughs. Cheers Phil.

>> No.10438541
File: 78 KB, 960x540, (You).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

calm down tubs, love or hate the guy its clear to see he works out and hits the gym, when was the last time you went?

>> No.10438542

Hopefully not recently because coof

>> No.10438550 [DELETED] 

All gym memberships have been frozen since lockdown, so take a wild guess. Whens the last time you went? Can't say it was recently huh, maybe the testosterone injections are getting to your brain.

>calling someone tubs
did i hit an old man nerve there? You look old as hell, unfortunate face.

>> No.10438552

All gym memberships have been frozen since lockdown, so take a wild guess. Whens the last time you went? Can't say it was recently huh, maybe the testosterone injections are getting to your brain.
My reply didnt even mention your body, just your gross face kek

>calling someone tubs
did i hit an old man nerve there? You look old as hell, unfortunate face.

>> No.10438557
File: 90 KB, 641x960, jealous4chanNerds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like someone is jealous of the dragon, call him old if you want but he pulls babes everywhere he goes

>> No.10438584

Phil that wasn't even subtle and I defend you

>> No.10438601

genuinely wish we had anyone but these sad fucks to discuss

>> No.10438609

The chick is probably a paid member of staff in the photo

>> No.10438674

Poor guy, looks like he only works out because he know his face couldn't cut it.

>> No.10438689

i dont know who this guy everyone is taking about is, but he must be a legend to be known as the dragon of mcm, thats pretty badass. I checked out his tiktok and he seems like a cool guy having a laugh so what is everyones problem

>> No.10438901

The fuck? Why hasnt this guy been arrested for taking and handling steroids?

>> No.10439041

That's like saying a girl uses makeup because her face "couldn't make it". Don't be silly.

>> No.10439044

a face only a mother could love. Poor guy.
this kek

>> No.10439093

Same here anon, everytime we try and talk about someone else it comes back to these people.

>> No.10439134

anyone see sunnycon kickstarter video yet???

>> No.10439140

hey at least dragon comes up scarcely in comparison to brown frog/sunny/AL.
We need a ban on those subjects, it's boring as fuck.

>> No.10439146

dude the guy is literally 240lbs of roided muscle. Its a very big difference of cope to some chick putting those trashy slag eyebrows makeup.

>> No.10439207

your fly is down bud

>> No.10439212

>Oh no hes /fit/, he must be using roids!

Its clear to see he is natty you disgusting neckbeard, hes not even that big. Also the dude has 20k tiktok followers so he must be doing something right

>> No.10439215

Piss off, twat

>> No.10439227

Isn't this the same paid posed photo that gets posted every time someone points out he's ugly and desperate

>> No.10439232

>t. gymcel

he is fuckin huge and ripped 24/7 stop making shit up how he attains it just by going to the gym 30 mins a day, saying his prayers and taking his vitamins, hes clearly on that sauce.

>> No.10439257

can we not sperg about his body, I want to see more people make fun of his face. It clearly hits a nerve.
What about his dead front tooth, hideous tattoos? Lads got a "i'll do your decking for 30% off if you like my FB page" vibe

>> No.10439267
File: 119 KB, 960x960, fat4chanNerds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Special delivery for all the haters, your daily pizza!

>> No.10439276
File: 57 KB, 960x540, 13587292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its one of his fuckbuddies, she goes to cons with him

How many £110 kickstarter tiers do you guys think sunnycon will sell?

>> No.10439290

lets hope he's a grower huh

>> No.10439318

hes not any uglier than the average british male.

He is absolutely on quite a bit of steroids though.

>> No.10439322
File: 153 KB, 860x1281, 32-320420_transparent-pumpkins-anime-pumpkin-anime-hd-png-download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AL cucked its con dates back to October, anyone feeling scared?

>> No.10439335

oh cool, gives me more time to drop to sub 20 bmi.

>> No.10439401

>he's not any uglier than the average british man
That's like being 'not any more of a nonce than the average AL organiser', not exactly a compliment anon

>> No.10439446

Well you clearly obsessed. Bet you think Tucky is an angel too and subscribed to his dying twitch channel and kickstarter

>> No.10439509

aaaannnd it circles back

>> No.10439520

My Threeeeaaad!

>> No.10439522

reeee anyway same poster over with....

Who's surprised about Birmingham Showmasters being cancelled? Do you think they'll still do LFCC this year?

>> No.10439527

Jason is the type who probably thinks covid-19 is a hoax because he cant physically see it so must not be real. Probably try his best to run events, im sure there will be more statements with broken english soon

>> No.10439558


Idk the rules of Kickstarter but it wouldn’t surprise me if what they’re doing is against the rules, the majority of it was already available for people who bought their top tier tickets. You can’t kickstart/fund something if it already exists.

>> No.10439640

I can actually agree with that, I'm honestly done with hearing about AL and Mike. If I was hearing it back in 2015 then yeah I would be Interested but it's been nearly 10 years with this stuff.

If we are bringing up more past drama, does anyone else have any drama on anyone from back in 2008 - 2015?

>> No.10439892
File: 539 KB, 1079x2179, Screenshot_20200717-093219_Facebook.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His army mates found his tik tok and they all call him a nonce because he apparently has a rep for going for the young'uns

>> No.10439913

hahahahaha I always wondered what his army mates thought of his tiktok. If weebs and cosplayers find it cringe then for normies it must be grim.

>as a rep for going for the young'uns
>>10439267 i mean one look at his room tells a lot. Looks like he didn't grow up from 14.

>> No.10439961

So Boris Johnson basically just confirmed right now that AL cons can run this year.

>> No.10440025

Boris confirmed AL fan? it all makes sense now

>> No.10440144

Tory = AL
AL deffo caused corona

>> No.10440254

In this pic he looks more natty but the traps on >>10439267 say juice head

>> No.10440308
File: 114 KB, 721x781, SunnyconCucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is tucky a genius? people literally throwing money at him for shitty looking merch. They sold all of the £110 backer tier

>> No.10440310


Nah he’s just got one obsessed fanboy who bought 3 of the £110 ones and quite possibly some of the cheaper ones too.

>> No.10440311


I don’t know how far the money will go. Rumour is they’re expecting another child

>> No.10440314
File: 334 KB, 1641x710, Untitled1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More than one fanboy by the looks of it

>> No.10440325

Pretty sure it was Donna who planned and organised all of it. On the stream he didn't even know that the bleed lines on the plushies were not part of the design until she corrected him.

I feel quite sorry for Donna, it's clear she does the vast majority of the work (if not all) while he spends those proceeds sitting on his fat ass buying bot accounts toward his imaginary twitch gaming fame..

>> No.10440346

christ the sadness in her eyes

>> No.10440358

probably cos she's happy that she's earned bank for Tucky's food-bank

>> No.10440375

Seems like both Towers and Tucky have had an excellent day today. Will 4chan go emo tonight?

>> No.10440459

Still going neway

>> No.10440598

lets be fully honest here, could AL pull this off? I want to see them do the same thing. It would be funny.

>> No.10440618

AL have made the same amount, difference is they did it for charity rather than their own pocket. They don’t need to raise money for themselves seeing as they’re probably the only company running multiple events this year.

>> No.10440619

how many times you gonna mention they're running events this year? your shit advertising isn't going to work on the chan buddy.

>> No.10440635

To be fair if tucky just held out and postponed the event into October he could e still had sunnycon. They have raised so much money for themselves they could've easier paid their original venue for new dates or find a smart venue just for this year. Clearly they couldn't be bothered to run and just plan on begging on FB like homeless people.

>> No.10440648

probably less effort for the money by begging, what with all the retards just handing him money, plus welfare.

>> No.10440763
File: 57 KB, 600x583, obayed_sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brown frog is on suicide watch

>> No.10440771

I dont know a single cosplayer or con goer who hasn't given up on this years cons for safety, so even if sunny or any other con postponed till later this year it more than likely would have been dead or had too many safety precautions that the con would be shit because of masks ruining a cosplays aesthetic, social distancing, constant hand sanitizing etc etc
Everyone has kinda made the choice to stay clear until next con season when it's more likely going to be actually safe.
So the bragging about having the AL daycare center happening this year to me seems odd, i mean all the other cons chose to be safe out of public interest.

>> No.10440779

Hibanacon would like to disagree with you there

>> No.10440784
File: 111 KB, 1080x1080, FB_IMG_1595104512615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So by your logic that means any con running is going to bed dead? I don't know because alot of people seem to be interested in going to events like this.

Just cause one or two cosplayers are shielding doesn't mean the rest of the world is

>> No.10440785

I bet youre also staying out of school/remaining unemployed this september because twitter told you to.

>> No.10440813

>not going out at all even to a job until next year
Hi Tucky!

>> No.10440816

Never had a job and just hung around schools until I could knock one of the school girls up and call them my wife - Tucky's Brilliant Way of Life!

>> No.10440817

Also, to follow up, that's utter nonsense. Sunnycon themselves stated quite clearly that they intended to run with social distancing measures in place (not difficult desu when their venue is usually more than half-empty) until the venue made it clear they couldn't.

>> No.10440819

Agree. Remember the venue kicked them out because they didn't want to run an illegal event at the time. They could've easily said "Hey, let's move the dates to later this year".

Clearly they didn't and rather just sit on their asses and do fuck all for this year.

>> No.10440821

Yes, and it caught them by surprise. This is why the cancellation rumours came out before they informed everyone and why they were caught out over the refund matter.

Simple fact is, Sunnycon did not move to 2021 due to any "concern" about attendees, they moved because their venue told them to.

But other than that, Tucky's an angel, as we know..

>> No.10440822

Actually, on the subject of refunds.. does anyone find it a bit off that Showmasters are only giving credit vouchers to future events that can only be traded in for cash in 12 months time? Seems dodgy as fuck and possibly illegal?

>> No.10440891

Tucky is too low IQ to have planned it in the right way.

Even mike was smart enough to know he just has to keep pushin it back.

it is illegal.

>> No.10441049

can the anon who makes these thread name the next one Anime League General, it's all these are able to talk about. It always circles back to their hate boner of X con/person.

you can hi tucky me now

>> No.10441073

Nah more like Tucky's Playground cause all his fanboys seem to be here now.

>> No.10441110

i think anyone who doesn't fully agree with pedo AL is shilled as a either tucky or tucky's fanboys. Theres no winning. I would say go to lolcow but they're only here because they get insta banned for their bullshit over there, thats how bad it is.

>> No.10441146

Cos that's not a crime in the UK nerd

>> No.10441178

The irony of using 4chan to call someone else a nerd

>> No.10441264

I mean, /cgl/ is full of people who think they absolutely are not nerds, who cares if they like anime, vidya or whatever... they like FASHION, nobody who likes FASHION can be a nerd.

>> No.10441570

whatever helps you sleep at night I guess

>> No.10441592

Sooooooo, keep thinking about these underground raves........ Anyone happen to have a big ass barn or something. Just. Fuckin' be fuckin' cool to have an underground con.

Fuck the virus I just want my liiiiife back.

>> No.10441635

>I want my life back for the two hours I'd have before I coof myself to death
>"life" to me means nerds in a barn

>> No.10441757

Man's gotta get pussy

>> No.10441764
File: 27 KB, 134x129, EYkMo2rWoAcob8m.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every single time I check in on Phil's new pet thots they last a week with him and then start slagging him off. On the one hand he's a fucking fuckboy in his 30's on the other, ladies what do you expect. This lad does what it says on the tin. You take one look at him and you know who and what he is. Avoid him ffs.

>> No.10442165

You sound like an angry incel mate

>> No.10442287

Wasn't there one where she dumped him for having a hissy fit about her prioritising her own child over him?

>> No.10442305

He looks like the kinda lad that would do this >>10442287, I mean the insecurity you need to self post and defend yourself on 4chan calling others "nerds" says everything you need to know. No wonder he's in his 30s with no stable relationship, feel a bit sorry for him now that i think about it.
Mommy issues or Daddy issues? place your bets guys

>> No.10442411

hes just your typical british lad. nothing out of the ordinary.

>> No.10442779
File: 55 KB, 638x960, TheChadDragon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He certainly is one sexy daddy

>> No.10442864

This is so cringe.

>> No.10442920
File: 91 KB, 498x733, tiktwat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you want cringe just look at his tiktok videos

>> No.10442926

His one dead tooth and the minecraft figure behind him. Ahhh i love the dragon, a gift that keeps giving.

>> No.10442971


>> No.10442972

Got called racist in greggs earlier

>> No.10442974

/brit/ is talking about us again. Silly boys should just come over and talk to us.

>> No.10442975
File: 1.94 MB, 480x600, 1590648867338.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me looking up cosplay inspiration

>> No.10442976

>Can't see flags

Fuck off you autistic JF britaboos

>> No.10442977

what happened lad?

>> No.10442978 [DELETED] 
File: 68 KB, 453x604, 1595024382144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I came to see if actual real girls come on here, unconvinced

>> No.10442979

Wallace and Gromit cosplay?

>> No.10442980

It's all just fat autistic neckbeards. Forget it.

>> No.10442984

Any girls here interested in a 31 year old jobless bachelor? I still have all of my hair, have a car, a flat, average size penis. I'm only a little autistic. Don't reply all at once, I have plenty of time.

>> No.10442992

Got a work colleague who dates and cheats with the same 7 women... They get heartbroken by him cheating then go back. I think there are women/ladies/whatever that are just attracted to disaster.

>> No.10443019

thought that foot was a penis for a sec, disappointing

>> No.10443053

I think thats the point laa

>> No.10443064

The owner of all the Unleashed mini cons (teesside unleashed, york unleashed ect) in the UK is a convicted paedophile and woman abuser yet people still go to his mini cons and feel comfortable bringing their children, legit don't get why people still support them

>> No.10443115

Same here anon

>> No.10443150

literally every con owner is a piece of shit. Towers himself could be bumming a kid on stage and people would still attend just to visit those shitty funko stalls. Con goers are the most selfish people you will meet.

>> No.10443240

there are never any funkos at anime cons just a bunch of winey bnha cosplayers and grow men/women (whatever they decide to be that day) saying they need money for their "professional cosplays"

congoers are shit now its why I just chill at the pub for free

>> No.10443265

How does it feel knowing all the cons still running this year has you blacklisted, froggy boy?

>> No.10443280

blm that's racist sama-chan

>> No.10443281

Anyone else take their children to cons and worry about their interactions with furrys? My daughter is 8 and loves going to cons and getting photos with everyone in costumes, including furrys. I feel very uncomfortable knowing theres a naked grown ass man inside the costume who is most likely perverted. I mean im sure theres some innocent ones out there but we have all seen or heard about the ones who find it sexual. She finds them cute and being 8 its hard to explain to her why she needs to be careful around them.

>> No.10443282

i worry about my peers interactions with furries... i would never let my kids near one.

>> No.10443326

Calling someone a frogface has no bearing on race

>> No.10443410
File: 79 KB, 520x799, CyaNerds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leaving all the haters behind, 2020 is year of the dragon, cya nerds, keep watching and hating

>> No.10443632

oi you distancing you fookin drunk?

>> No.10443646

There was a furry who used to post on an uk anime forum back in perhaps 2004 or so. He was a bit of a sick and was DMing some of the girls there. I believe he came to minami con as his “pup” and went around trying to hug people. He was the first full body “actual” furry I’d seen. I think he ended up causing a bit of a faff with one girl and the rest of the community shunned him so bad he was banned from another con as they couldn’t guarantee his safety

>> No.10443664

> Pulls babes
This is the 150th photo she's taken with some douche today

>> No.10443668

Wow, newfag to the Brit thread and I have to say watching you try and get people to talk favorably about you is hilarious.

>> No.10443679


>> No.10443681
File: 502 KB, 1080x1618, 20200723_095128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10443743

theres no way he's only 32

>> No.10443751

must've been the war

>> No.10443835
File: 45 KB, 785x298, Banned.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We did it guys

>> No.10443849

hes about as ugly as the average british lad in the street, whys it worth pointing out?

>> No.10443856


How many times you wanna say this

>> No.10444054

cause you keep pointing out dumb shit when he looks pretty normal. its like youve never left yer mums house cause youre on welfare.

>> No.10444239

You're both retarded.

Yes he looks like the average British male. Yes the average British male is a 2/10.

>> No.10444257

cute of you to assume i'm the one posting that ugly fucker. I refuse to save his hideous pics to repost on 4chan. Nice insult dude, what are you 12?


>> No.10444329

They're not naked under there, that would be uncomfortable. There's also a decent number of female furries too. Most of the UK furry scene are nice and decent people, a lot do performances for charity so are good at interacting with kids.

>> No.10444356

They may very well be, but fundamentally they dress in fur suits as compensation for the failures they see in themselves.

Also I’m sure they smell funny.

>> No.10444562

Last mcm i went round asking furries for photos, then placed some chewing gum on their back, its hilarious because they wont notice until they take it off and they also have to cut it out

>> No.10444589

Ngl that's my type... But a near 30yr old autistic woman who's pretty chub ain't most peoples type. Only a 14 size but short. Unless you're towers. Then go fuck yourself.

>> No.10444603
File: 9 KB, 273x273, 59E2EE02-6EE2-451D-9019-1FE2E2066FDB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even like fursuits and I know you're just making this shit up anyway but this post still made me low key kinda' mad

>> No.10444978

its true i think i remember the posts about it in mcm group

>> No.10445090

They have been forged in fur and flame, endured the yiffing trials and have been fused with the blacked carapace for maximum fursuit mobility

>> No.10445095
File: 103 KB, 750x927, 90EE3FA4-8EF1-43A7-AE7A-6CC30E92D56D.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all discords are full of trannies, pedos, and drama
>cosplay is full of trannies, pedos, and drama
>/cgl/ is full of trannies, pedos, and drama about a manchild and a brown pepe manchild

Nah I'm good. You legbeards have fun.

>> No.10445101
File: 1.04 MB, 480x270, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BBW milfs are based and redpilled.

>> No.10445104


Theres no pedos there m8, or at least not openly.

You needa go to AL forums/discord for that.

>> No.10445108

Lol, that avenge age of that discord is almost 30.... They are the rejects of the cosplay scene that have aged out of cons and parties. Let them have their virtual retirement home XD

the real britgulls have their own cooler groups to chat

>> No.10445115

Can you be a milf if childless?

>> No.10445118

I guess it's more an aesthetic than anything else. If you're thicc and over the age of 30 you're a milf at that point.

>> No.10445127

>there are human beings who dont go to cons purely to cosplay, party and mess around with their partner/con friends

jesus christ, I bet theyre the same neckbeards who just go to buy merch, take photos of people or meet their C list celebrities

>> No.10445135
File: 12 KB, 200x200, 1501441384661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10445249

That's mostly the 40 year old women who go for photo opportunities and to get away with feelling up celebs.

>> No.10445266

Are shit tattoos part of becoming a cosplayer these days because I see it a lot.

>> No.10445292 [DELETED] 
File: 135 KB, 908x908, AlphaMale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daddy Dragon says go to the gym

>> No.10445452

No its just part of being british. some brit person without a tattoo is as rare as an asian/black guy with one.

>> No.10445562
File: 128 KB, 1440x1800, ShitTats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The worst are those shitty underboob tats female cosplayers get

>> No.10445567

How do you feel about between boob tats? Got any particularly trashy examples?

>> No.10445570


well at least she picked a good source material

>> No.10445601

That’s definitely Cardcaptor Sakura. Which is somehow even creepier because while both of them have little girl characters, Cardcaptor is a kids’ series.

>> No.10445704

They posted they’d done this at the time. As a frequent visitor to this thread I recall them saying as such. Adds to me belief it is true.

>> No.10446298
File: 2.27 MB, 1062x713, 1592035114867.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll say it once, and I'll keep saying it.

Tattoo's RUIN cosplays.

>> No.10446388 [DELETED] 
File: 124 KB, 1224x788, ReturnOfTheDragon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The King is back, Alpha males always rise to the top

>> No.10446433

My EMS wunderwelt order has been stuck in heathrow for the past two weeks, has anyone else experiencing issues with post this bad atm?

>> No.10446463

Yeah my meds were stuck in customs for like a month recently

>> No.10446952

i think they dated for a while then they split cause he’s a raging man child and treated her like shit.

also something about a coffee machine or a toaster. he bought her a shit tier birthday gift or something.

>> No.10446957

there is absolutely nothing heterosexual about this photo

>> No.10447199 [DELETED] 
File: 77 KB, 531x799, FuckHaters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did Daddy Dragon turn you on?

>> No.10447234

this photo isn't at all flattering

guess they'll offend your sensitive tastes then anon

>> No.10447288

Toaster isnt a bad gift if she doesnt have one tbhfam

>> No.10447461

>ywn get an £8 Morrisons toaster from Daddy D. Dragon
What's the point in living anymore?

>> No.10447473

Oh yea cover yourself in Biro, you unoriginal Twat.

>> No.10447474

MCM always seems to have some people who go with the aim of simply to laugh at the nerds. Pretty sad really, they think they are laughing at the saddos but it's pretty grim to go out of your way to be mean to people like this.

>> No.10447475

Ooof, is he going a bit grey there?

>> No.10447476

Im sure they were there to enjoy the con, laughing at fat nerds is just something people do by default.

>> No.10447482

Oh no, the shitty low-effort goku cosplayer with tren deltoids has latent anger issues

>> No.10447520

>Most of the UK furry scene are nice and decent people

That's bullshit anon and you know it. Every single furry I have interacted with has had zero social skills, bad hygiene, is a creep, or all three. Shout out to that short fat fuck who completely unprompted pulled out a drawing of a tall, muscular snow leopard and proudly starting telling me that was totally who he was on the inside. And that he was fucking the tall autistic black dude next to him.

I have vague recolections of normies at the Hilton kicking off when they stayed there during a furry con and the usual drama happened.

>> No.10447586

Yeah, I don’t know what it is about furries, but they repulse me.

>> No.10447596

Hah-Hah. UKGE was always the weekend after Confuzzled and back when it was held at the Hilton it felt i was cursed with the knowlege of what happend just a few days before. My friends always thought it was weird i insisted on never staying at that particular hotel on that weekend.

>> No.10447835


UK furries have a pretty even distribution of women and men, so theres a high chance it's a woman in there. They're not even naked in the costumes I don't know where you got that from, they wear clothing.


I've had more cosplayers be innappropriate with me than furries. I've had weebs show me hentai when I was 13, you see cosplayers pulling eachother around on leashes. I think the issue is more that some humans are creeps vs its only a furry issue. You're going to find horrible people everywhere, trying to find a reason for it is fruitless.

>> No.10448047

comic con

>> No.10448226


>> No.10448643
File: 77 KB, 1080x1080, PlsDonateWeCantAffordFood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone watch this fat cunts 12 hour long stream? Thanks to those £3000 donations he can sit playing games and eating food all day

>> No.10448691

It was just an excuse to skip a day worth of exercise.

Clicked in a few times, generally had 5-7 viewers. What does he expect though, doing a stream on a week day.

>> No.10448718 [DELETED] 
File: 100 KB, 531x802, DaddyDragon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Built for The Dragon

>> No.10448956

Who else /innatent/ for toko weekend

As tradition dictates I am sweating my fucking balls off

>> No.10448989

It's actually pretty fun so far, I'm surprised

>> No.10449275

Did you know that everyone is naked under their clothes?

>> No.10449462
File: 107 KB, 553x605, Thief.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the difference is furries are able to hide their raging boners when near children. I honestly believe fursuits should be used only at fetish events like pup play gear and should be banned from family friendly comic cons

>> No.10449483

But then where do you draw the line with mascot suits etc? And what if the source material is anthro? Plus I assume we're talking stanky mcm furries here and mcm is basically for any kind of fandom at this point.

>> No.10449494

All furries unless they are at Disney land or a mascot for a sport game/brand.

>> No.10449506

Hibana cancelled. We knew it was coming but that doesn't mean it's not nice.

>> No.10449517


>> No.10449710
File: 225 KB, 1494x812, lfccbid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else enjoy watching how silly people get with bidding for LFCC auctions? They have been doing them for awhile now and its interesting to see how much people are willing to pay when it gets into a bidding war. Autographs which would cost no more than 50 quid at cons going for 100s online

>> No.10450158
File: 141 KB, 1280x720, 1593412982189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This aged well

>> No.10450660

that dude kept jumping up the price and paid 280 for it

>> No.10450666
File: 95 KB, 640x1386, 116846757_660001211262791_8214891037847093371_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10450670

sup Jade

>> No.10450686

kek talk about doxxing youself

>> No.10450700

This was posted by her in the Birmingham MCM group

>> No.10450753

So MCM planning to do a 180 and actually run then?

>> No.10450777

Still too early to tell, but looks like AL's gamble in still running this year may (actually) pay off..

>> No.10450950

But why Birm?, nothin but Nonces and Skanks.

>> No.10450978

So, the target audience then?

>> No.10451290

Let's be honest Brum was always the cheapest event for mcm

>> No.10451508

NEC is a really good venue that's Central. It's just a pity that MCM woefully underutilized it. I've been to other expos and trade shows there that make far better use of the venue.>>10450978

>> No.10451571

even cheaper than fuckin manchester?

AL is pre much gonna own the con scene since theyre the only ones reckless enough to run, they have practically 0 expenses and make mad bank.

>> No.10451675

Brum is where most al meet ups were at. Maybe the newer AL folks still got. There was thoughts of over throwing mike off the forum some how but all the interesting and fun people left. I did wonder if AL have bots looking at the archive threads. Thank you all for the content as it been fun reading as being a ex al and wondering when we will all stop talking about Al and lead on to talk about a far more interesting drama.

>> No.10451679

i thought mike died considering him and his tism brigade haven't been shitting up the thread talking about vendettas and "hi ___"ing everyone who disagreed.
His bullshit has killed off whatever crumb was left of these threads. I now lurk very rarely because of him.

>> No.10452011

hi obayed

>> No.10452059
File: 181 KB, 1000x986, obayed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

calm down obayed

>> No.10452183

I get that's it's cool to hate on people who are popular (and idk what he's even popular for) but is his skin colour all people hate about him? All I see is "reeeee brown frog" and I'm pretty sure waaaaaayyyyy back someone posted he's disabled or has cancer/some terminal illness. Like, being serious I want to know what everyone hates him for because as an outsider it just looks kinda bad? Someone please fill me in here.

>> No.10452195
File: 199 KB, 1190x737, Towerszerofucksgiven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing to do with racism, he generally just looks like a frog and it makes more sense to use a brown one than a green one. Hes not really hated more just ridiculed, he is a very spiteful and bitter person who spams mcm groups with edgy posts under the excuse of "lol im trolling, im just baiting incells"
I think people got sick of obayeds vendetta against towers, accusing him and raising awareness year after year without evidence starts to make you wonder. Maybe towers is a nonce, but obayed hasnt helped any of the accusers by doing a boy who cried wolf routine.
Also remember when obayed called out towers to a charity fight, even wore boxing gloves, towers actually attended with his friends and obayed stayed in his room the whole saturday before doing his beyblade shit on the night after towers left. Pic is towers on the saturday.

>> No.10452207

Maybe he knew he would loose and be laughed at by EVERYONE. Let's be honest they are both lanky boys, but Towers would totally knock him out first round while Obayed would run away and claim he was raped.

>> No.10452272

For Obayed to be lanky he'd need to be wearing high heels

>> No.10452287

that's a toad, idiot.

>> No.10452465

This basically. He's a completely shit human and his piggybacking on the towers scandal has robbed it of legitimacy, which is awful because I personally know victims and was even creeped on by towers as a teenager myself. Le edgy shitposter man has not helped victims at all.

However, the brown frog spam is absolutely AL shills, they're not good at blending in.

>> No.10452481

I used to be on the "obayed" side of the situation but after seeing him be outted on lolcow by a mod for selfposting, calling himself names to start shit, i lost interest. I fucking hate both of those ugly bastards and their vendettas against each other.

He's probs the one calling himself brown frog over and over, he'll have a group chat with his girl friends that think its hilarious, just as Towers has his group chat to keep in check on here. Two sides of the same nonce coin.

>> No.10452500
File: 3.28 MB, 480x270, 1497320651307.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's a "Phi Canina posts something deliberately inflammatory on the facebook group" episode

>> No.10452516

has anyone actually got proof towers sexually harasses people? if the fucking prince can get caught with all his money and power, then why is some guy who organizes small anime conventions safe after a decade+?

>> No.10452544

Phi is the worse! Her and Obayed are meant for each other

>> No.10452694

No, I do not have skype logs from over a decade ago for you. Piss off.

>> No.10452699

like, at this point i can't even tell if you genuinely think im that ugly fucker or you're memeing

>> No.10452984

>this guy is a fuckin mass rapist of children
>ah no I dont have any proof from a few years ago, it wasnt really that important

>> No.10453019

there's been archived 10 year old forum screenshots posted around on fb where he was discussing having sex with a 12 year old. I remember seeing the actual site myself when the screenshots were taken

>> No.10453037

Because he got implicated in an ongoing criminal case. Police won't touch towers unless someone formally accuses him on anything, or he does something to actually get on their radar, such as money laundering though AL.

>> No.10453065

I think what happens is he lures in thots with promises of fame and money ie. being a guest at his cons. He flirts his way into their pants, shags them then gets rid. The girl realises she was just a one night stand, gets pissed and tries to trash talk, because its easier to say you were harrassed and forced into things rather than people finding out you are just easy.

I think most people have Phi blocked, she is just a miserable cunt

>> No.10453153

that seems to be the case I think.

just mad social climbers.

>> No.10453233

Seriously where though? I've been part of the anime community and seen all the towers BS go through and everything THIS one you just said though is actual bollocks. Show some proof before saying shit this is like that time people were saying Obayed raped a 16 year old

>> No.10453338

The number of thots who all broke out against Towers when it came out was hilarious. Props to the guy, he certainly played them all to a tee, the idiots

>> No.10453790

To be fair you hit the nail on the head. You can see one of them posting on lolcow then got outed by screenshots of them actually trying to meet him again on her own accord when he's clearly not interested.

>> No.10455172
File: 71 KB, 860x657, 280B99B8-2DDB-4942-A759-AF52D2DAFB7B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this new bs about a photographer called matt? lolcow link?

>> No.10455215


>> No.10455259

creepy predator tog does more creepy predatory behaviour, nothing new for him

>> No.10455283 [DELETED] 
File: 41 KB, 598x394, firefox_2020-08-12_23-43-26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone know who these two guys are? apparently they're prominent members of the UK con scene but I'm not familiar with either.


>> No.10455310

Togs are subhuman creeps.

Literally everyone you see with an expensive camera photoshooting is guaranteed a creep/rapist/pedophile

>> No.10455587

I know who they are. Both have vacated their Twitter accounts but not sure if that is related to this.

>> No.10455625

Either that or they're elitist as fuck, learn to take good pics with your phone or invest in a good camera. Cosplayers should stop relying on on these shit-tier cunts

>> No.10455630

There's a lot more to photography than owning a good camera. Tbh most phones have good enough cameras, unless you're deluded enough to think you're a professional cosplayer and need high quality photos, even then results depend on the operator. The vibe I get with cons here is that having a laugh with your mates is basically all anyone wants out of cosplay so if people have concerns absolutely avoid togs.

>> No.10455639

phone cameras these days are more than good enough, i really wish cosplayers would stop flocking to these creeps for pics when you can get your mate to help you out or buy a tripod for £10.
At least your mate would tell you if youre having a wardrobe malfunction instead of just taking the pics and sending them to you after 7 months wait for "editing time"

>> No.10455710

I hear its amazing what you can do with a phone camera and a Instagram cosplay account.

>> No.10456178

I mean the guys are most likely scumbags but i highly doubt they were spiking drinks. Most likely they just targetted drunk girls who couldnt handle their drinks. Every year in the fox you always see people rolling around the floor drunk because they have no idea what their limit is.

>Oh i must have been spiked!

No you got blind drunk and shagged a random

>> No.10456602 [DELETED] 

Aye always some lightweights who cant handle their coke n vodka crying about "spiking"

>> No.10457190

I've always used my own phone for photos as well as a cheap tripod to prop and support the camera, so I dont know why people would trust to use a photographer. It's better to trust yourself.

>> No.10457537

I stopped doing unplanned photoshoots at cons because I wasted 3 hours of my con with a tog 4 years ago and i'm STILL waiting for pictures back, but oh the audacity cosplayers have to hound togs when they ask for their pictures back :(((

Who came up with the rule that you can't push togs for your own pictures back? If i made a costume with my hands and spent my con time with you, the least you can do is give me the raws back, especially when they approach you for pictures in the first place.

>> No.10457553

I think some togs can be negligent like that. Yes editing takes time but if you've spent so much time with cosplayers at an event you should be able to get a turnaround of 2-3 months tops desu.

If they don't want to do that work then handing over the raw files doesn't seem unreasonable, although some people are very "muh intellectual property".

I don't think there's any harm in asking for a realistic timeframe for turnaround. Long as you're "hounding" respectfully I don't see the issue.

>> No.10457605

If you didn't pay for it then you don't have the right to demand anything

>> No.10457650

Can't have been that involved, it was all over Facebook.

>> No.10457656

With that logic they also cannot complain when you share about that you've not had your photos back after 4 years. Especially if say they're using said photos to advertise themselves. They didn't pay the cosplayer to model for them, after all.

(Not talking about me but have a friend)

>> No.10457682

They didn't pay the cosplayer either. Both parties have used their own time.
One made/bought a costume and posed during their con time, one brought a camera and set up a shot in during their con time. It's a give give situation. Sounds pretty scammy if a cosplay poses for pictures for more than 30 or so mins and the tog asks for payment at the end of it, especially since togs are mostly the ones going up to cosplayers in the first place. Unless it's a pre-paid scheduled shoot, togs are owed nothing.

>> No.10457909

Togs are fuckin creepy incels (rape doesnt count).

>> No.10458008

It's fine to ask after a week or so, but I've had people start bothering me for pics within days and that's annoying. There's a balance.

>> No.10458055

Yeah, i should have said that anon my bad. After a week or two with nothing back thats when its good to start asking, but a lot of togs get so mad that you're asking in the first place and you have to "respect how long it takes" when it hits over a month, 2 at a stretch, you're taking the actual piss

>> No.10458092

To be honest i mostly shoot friends and big meets anyway, so I don't usually have this issue. Just a couple times when i offered solo shots to friends of friends because they had a cool costume.

>> No.10459379 [DELETED] 
File: 398 KB, 828x1409, F7FD9874-0E77-46BD-8FB6-4CF89B9DF6EB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good to see the Kickstarter money they raised is being used well!

>> No.10459415

Wow, I'm sure all of that nearly cost £20!

>> No.10459441

They probably got it for free from the food-bank

>> No.10459663

solid £15 -£20 worth of shite from asda, even asda brand chocolate. They're benefits probs covered it.
Take your shit vendetta to lolcow

>> No.10460208

Awww anon got triggered

>> No.10460220 [DELETED] 

not as triggered as anon screenshoting benefits street looking food and post it on 4chan claiming they're using the raised money on it. Like, are you that poor like them or?

>> No.10460426

actually nah, you must have literally nothing

>> No.10460999

not triggered anon. Just calling out a clear vendetta. You must be piss poor if you think the raised money went towards £20 worth of shite from adsa's own brand food. It's pure foodbank/benefits food kek

>> No.10461274

Yeah that happen at a brum meeting in 2010s that someone underage was wanting achol and when she got drunk as Mike was trying to get with her. With other people getting her away from Mike as god knows what could have happen. Some people sat with her so she could drink some water and it was at some housing that had bunk beds with 4 in a room. I wasn't around that much as never known how to help with dealing with a drunk person so it not as much as people that help her out would have known. There was group of people wearing red hats that weekend. I have no proof other then it being the first time seeing Mike doing something like this as I always heard from people ban that mike a pedo. The community never open talk about what had happen and I was never brave to talk to anyone about it.

>> No.10461596

So Mike was basically talking to someone with a drink. Surely the bigger concern should be who was buying her the drinks?

>> No.10461598

So you waited a whole decade to say this? Seems a bit all over the place ngl. Shouldn't you of stepped in and told the girl and her friends maybe drinking isn't the best thing as it clearly sounds she couldn't handle her alcohol.

>> No.10461603

they're both in the wrong, mike shouldn't noncing around and she should not be drinking and be in an adult only space.
I swear the community gets more and more retarded as years go on

>> No.10461625

Tldr; Mike was probably briefing speaking to a drunk girl at a meet. Big woop, about half of guys at a typical MCM do worse. Unless you got better tea take it to lolcow

>> No.10461637

Mike talking to someone attending his organised meet? How disturbing! Clearly wanted everyone to be involved and not left to their own devices like some looser meets I know at MCM. We should just stop speaking to eachother as someone is going to get hurt from socializing - GOSH!

>> No.10461658 [DELETED] 

Leave Mike alone, ya still gonna go to his cons since everything else is COUF COUF, corrupt, and full of nonces.

I mean, what kind of attention bitch paragraphs rants on Facebook?

>> No.10461682

Not sure if this is sarcasy or legit. Are you talking about Tuckwell?

>> No.10461906

Absolutely not going to his cons as they are a huge risk and should not be running, even if they weren't shit to begin with. Are you mentally challenged?

>> No.10461909

>tucky on a drunken rampage

Dont blame mike for being so successful, his cons are small enough to easily meet safety requirements and it has extremely high appeal to young people(ie not you, boomer) who are practically at 0 risk seeing as they can mess around in school now.

>> No.10461928

>admitting towers runs a daycare center of a con

>> No.10461938

It’s not exactly lesser known, they market themselves as family friendly events. Which makes it even clearer that rumours are bullshit because if he touched any kids at his events there would be parents going after him. Instead we just have people who used fake IDs that he said “hello” to, and girls who got proven to be liars because they were big mad that they got rejected. Nobody gives a shit about this drama anymore, because it’s clearly non fucking existent.

>> No.10461939

why are you taking it so personally, anon

>> No.10461940

Just gets boring hearing the same shit each day, anon

>> No.10461942

dont get me wrong, i fully agree with you, dont be so salty.

If you ignore the tucky, sunny, AL, Towers posts it dies down. It's mostly obayed trying to stir shit or AL defending their honor. These threads will never stop talking about it because they've chased away every other anon with this boring shite.

>> No.10461951

I don't run any sort of con but do carry on, nonce conspiracy theorist. Fantastic PR for AL as always.

>> No.10461998

Hi Obayed

>> No.10462056

Do carry on, you're doing my job for me showing what a nest of child raping troglodytes that organisation is.

>> No.10462058

Hi Tucky

>> No.10462059

Take it to lolcow dumbass

>> No.10462139

My favourite thing about this thread is the fact that a minor was drunk with Towers at a meet he was running got brought up and non of the AL shills even bothered to deny this sort of thing happens at the events he runs.

>> No.10462147

Yawn. No shilling here, just looking for some proper tea. The leap from "AL did not run meets of a few dozen people max well ten years ago and someone probably used fake ID" to "omg Mike is a pedo" is a big one.

>> No.10462167

Clearly you haven't been to a typical MCM then

>> No.10462298

Anon they wont, they either get outed on there by mods for samefagging and ban evasion like Obayed, or get banned for clogging up threads with "Hi Cow" and autism. Thats why they run here because mods dont heavily remove vendetta posts.
Sad really, when lolcow chases you off the site that should say something about how pathetic it is kek

>> No.10462474 [DELETED] 

Obayed is a pedo in himself as he goes after young girls in his harem but yes I'm just a shrill blabla

>> No.10462489 [DELETED] 

Hes not a pedo. Even 12yo girls are fine in his culture, try to be tolerant pls

>> No.10462490 [DELETED] 
File: 314 KB, 1080x1612, Screenshot_20200826_004007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what's this all about I'm confused? I know Obayed is desperate but is gaslighting idols his new hobby?

>> No.10462492 [DELETED] 

Mmmm 12 year old girl boobs yesss

>> No.10462493 [DELETED] 

Oh yes deffo

>> No.10462516 [DELETED] 

Obayed is not in the wrong here. There is some seriously dodgy shit going on in this idol group and he is just highlighting it as usual. Don't blame the messenger.

>> No.10462549 [DELETED] 

Blame someone who didn't actually involved? Yes that makes total sense

>> No.10462551 [DELETED] 

No because all idols don't give a shit about this kind of drama let's be honest. They want to be all "angelic"