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10424594 No.10424594[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else get pissed off when you wear lolita, some rando guy asks if we're a housewife or looking to get married because they have a well paying job.

>> No.10424599

This has literally never happened to me. I'd love it if a guy was jumping to marry me and pay for everything.

>> No.10424602

I wish Lolita was full of tradfems instead of what we actually have, rabid SJWs and ethots

>> No.10424604

honestly same. i would love for someone to actually want to marry me. I am slightly trad and i would love to be a housewife (work from home ideally)

>> No.10424606

I wish lolita was full of girls, and less furious tr00ns

>> No.10424608

Me too anon

>> No.10424613

I've never had house wife but have had randos say you look like a doll I just want to take you home and keep you in my room. Creepy.

>> No.10424617

begone scrote

>> No.10424624

Do you mean /less/ furious troons, or /less furious/ troons?
Because I'd take either at this point

>> No.10424627

I'm the farthest thing from a tradwife. I got a well-paying job to fund lolita. I don't need to rely on a guy to do it. Also these types of clothes don't fit the raising a litter of kids lifestyle

>> No.10424629

Why is there so much political subversion on here lately? Every other sameposter is the same IDF shill looking to recruit lolitas to the ever-present commie agenda. There is literally nothing wrong with upholding a traditional belief system and seeking others like you. Stop shaming everyone who isn't a demothot because they see through the new-age bullshit. I feel sorry for the man who might want to be friendly with you.

>> No.10424632

Now that's what I call a scrote-reveal

>> No.10424634

Literally no one in the thread has shit on tradwives, you must be awfully mad about something to just assume other people would be mad about it

>> No.10424647

begone scrote

>> No.10424648

I meant the first one, but I agree

>> No.10424655

No one is mad about it cept you.

>> No.10424656

Yes and it was awkward af.

>> No.10424659

Can you be trad-wife lolita but also in lesbian and married to another lolita? Asking for a friend.

>> No.10424664

No. Being gay is against traditional values.

>> No.10424665

I'd love a conservative or even just not militantly leftist lolita community even if it was just online.

>> No.10424672

Lolita is expensive and selfish and goes against true tradwife beliefs. They only dress the way their husbands want them dress.

>> No.10424673

This, real tradwives wind up dressing like laineybot

>> No.10424675
File: 440 KB, 711x708, 1591052906916.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I feel sorry for the man who might want to be friendly with you.
I don't, they can fuck right off.

>> No.10424677

Really? Isn’t she some kind of fake ftm? Not very femme

>> No.10424678

>if only you knew how bad things really are

>> No.10424711

Just looked it up and that really is the definition of a tradfem, huh. Subsuming your whole identity into your husband’s and popping out babies for him while justifying his horrible behavior.

>> No.10424742

IVB managed to bag a husband and is now a lolita trad wife despite looking like THAT. It’s possible.

Start a community on Facebook. FB isn’t zuccing conservative communities right now due to them prioritizing removing false coronavirus info.

>> No.10424754

I guess I’m conventionally attractive and have a wifeish skill set, because literally every guy I’ve been with, even casually, has wanted to buy everything for me and talked about marrying me. My current bf has very nearly cornered me into marrying him because my work doesn’t offer insurance. I guess grass is always greener on the other side, but I’ve always hated being seen as wife material when I don’t feel like it. I like having a companion but I don’t understand the appeal of being with the same one for life and supporting myself is important to me.

>> No.10424773

Are you bisexual at all?
Im bi but I've decided to stop dating men and only surround myself with women.

>> No.10424791


lmao they'd be in for a surprise when they find out how much my wardrobe costs or how much time I spend dressing up and attending tea parties. I'm not about to give up my waistline to pop out babies, and he has another thing coming if he thinks I'm actually going to prepare food risking staining my burando apron. Dude can make his own sandwich, I've got manicures to match to my dresses to bother with his stuff.

Now, if some guy volunteered to pay for all of that, do none of the traditional housewife work, and also provided a maid to run and fetch for me, I'd be in.

>> No.10424796

I'm seething with jealousy, ngl. None of my exes ever offered to buy me anything. I'm self-sufficient but it would be nice to know a guy thinks I'm worth spending money on.

>> No.10424798

Yeah but... he's an abasolute looksmatch for her. I only date good looking guys, I guess that's part of the problem lmao

>> No.10424803

That's...concerning, anon. Get a pet if you want a temporary companion.

>> No.10424806

If anyone makes an online comm like this, please let us know. I don't have most social media but I might consider making one for a group like this.

>> No.10424810

Sorry, needed to elaborate: if you don't really value your partners outside of the companionship they provide, then it'd probably be easier in the long run to get an animal companion.

>> No.10424823

I kind of fit in the description and while it is nice to not have to worry about bills and job security or pregnancy, my life is a bit boring. I've picked up multiple hobbies like sewing and painting, but all of the local clubs are like 50+ early retirees or grannnies and I just don't know where to meet like-minded people like me who are also the same age as me. I'm already looking to back back into a part time job or volunteer work, because I miss to be around people who are not geriatric.
The grass is always greener on the other side.

>> No.10424839

Same here. I’m not that bored but I am pretty lonely. I’ve been trying to make local mom friends but can’t find anyone I connect with, and the people my age who share my interests are usually very vocally childfree and regularly make passive aggressive comments even when I don’t talk about my family at all. Also my current lifestyle may be “trad” but I’m not actually that conservative so online tradwife groups aren’t my thing either. It’s a weird in-between kind of existence.

>> No.10424845

“looksmatch”?? taking your fucking incelspeak off our board, scrote

>> No.10424850

The term is used on FDS/lolcow as well, anon...

>> No.10424861

oh, thanks for the info. I’ve never been a lolcow user but my bad if that’s the case

>> No.10424879

Have only had men trying to hire me for sexual services while in Lolita. Would find what you are describing a more positive change from that.

>> No.10424884

I have the opposite thing happen, many male coworkers have gotten super into me to an annoying degree because of my trad hobbies (cooking, sewing, knitting, etc) and then they’ll see me on a day off and realize I’m a childish freak.

>> No.10424892

Y'all will just get called nazis like the other girl. The lolita community is the absolute worst place to be open about any non-leftist political beliefs.

>> No.10424898

I'm not super conservative but I would love to see a women-only community, at least. No men, including TIMs.

>> No.10424901

This is why I'll forever be a lonelita desu

>> No.10424902

Ancient Greece was gay as fuck, so it's actually in line for true traditionalism to be homosexual. The obsession with heterosexuality is nothing but modern propaganda.

>> No.10424907

“true traditionalism” doesn’t exist, as every culture in history across the world has wildly differing ideas of masculinity and femininity. modern traditionalists are just right wing misogynists who want to impose their worldview to treat their wives like baby machine housemaids and anyone who is a poc/gay/other minority like literal scum under their shoes

>> No.10424945

I'm extremely jealous of you two. I hate both working and meeting new people, I'd love to be able to just work on my hobbies and keeping my home nice all day. I'm very left-wing too, I just think getting fulfilment from work is for chumps.

Well, my boyfriend might eventually be able to make enough to support both of us plus a kid, but I'd probably be consumed with guilt if it ever actually happened.

>> No.10424967
File: 732 KB, 3868x1064, n5ol6zw5tw241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of guy randomly walks up to a woman and asks if she's looking to get married? I hope such men end up with an insane woman that milks him for all he's worth.

>> No.10424974

I am, and spent most of my academic, social and professional life surrounded by women, but nothing ever worked out as a relationship. I think I’m more nervous around women than men because I admire women more, which makes it harder to get close.
I wish, but I’m allergic!

>> No.10424975
File: 642 KB, 750x975, 9FDA4970-E11E-42BF-8B42-E81D16A8AECD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was this thread in response to this story?

>> No.10424976

Who's this?

>> No.10424977

Who is this? She sounds annoying

>> No.10424978

Who is this? She sounds awesome.

>> No.10424981

Lol I agree. Although my hopes will likely be immediately dashed if she turns out to be more liberal feminist than rad

>> No.10424982

I'm a femme lesbian, I want to marry a butch woman and I fucking hate men. I feel bad for a lot of tradwives I see online who are clearly being taken advantage of by men who just hate women. I don't understand why rightwing "conservative" women want to align themselves with misogynists.

>> No.10424984

>I don't understand why rightwing "conservative" women want to align themselves with misogynists.
Generations of brainwashing. Some women out there truly believe it's their place to submit to a man.

>> No.10424985

That's true. I pity them greatly.

>> No.10424987

But her life seems kind of...... miserable

>> No.10424989

God do i fucking agree.

>> No.10424991

Kek I actually correctly guessed who it was solely based on this comment. She does seem pretty miserable, but I at least agree with the sentiment of >>10424975

>> No.10425008

She does seem sad lately, but she has friends and spends time with them doing things she liked. But what happened to her husband? I thought she moved to Japan with him on a dependent visa?

>> No.10425038

I can’t speak for the other anon but for me, there’s definitely guilt. One major reason I haven’t been able to connect with other local moms is because everyone I’ve met is super career-oriented and it’s all they really talk about once you get past the kid stuff. They keep asking me what I do for work even after I’ve already told them countless times that I’m not working at the moment, like it doesn’t register in their mind. My husband makes more than enough money to support us and I only use my own savings for lolita and other hobbies but I still feel guilty about it.

>> No.10425078

Why don’t you want to work if you feel guilty about it?

>> No.10425121

I do want to work, but the job market is oversaturated and childcare is very expensive. COVID-19 of course isn’t helping either.

>> No.10425178

Lol what is this newfaggotry

>> No.10425413
File: 46 KB, 720x556, (You).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


how you look

>> No.10425417
File: 194 KB, 1300x975, 0hd5v1j33is31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to be pinkpilled, sweetie

>> No.10425419

you're just making yourself more of an obvious scrote with each post. most lolitas look like the one on the left unless they're hambeasts from the American midwest

>> No.10425426
File: 845 KB, 1526x938, tradwife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only thing wrong with this picture is the lack of weight gain after having 4+ kids. Only women I've seen retain their pre-pregnancy bodies are celebrities who have personal trainers/dietitians/personal chefs to get their body back in shape.

>> No.10425442 [DELETED] 

So she's a slut who aged out

>> No.10425461

ancient greece was actually just so misogynist that it got gay ("women are so subhuman that even if you have to fuck them to make babies, REAL closeness is with men"). you can bet your ass they wouldn't support a woman having a lesbian relationship.

traditionalism was Women Are Property the entire time

>> No.10425487

>working as a substitute teacher
looks like someone's trad hubbie couldn't make enough to keep her at home
also she calls that sleeveless dress "modest"? pfft, what a whore

>> No.10425489

I just looked up her instagram and saw her teeth.....my god.

>> No.10425549

What is BISsisterhood?

>> No.10425551

The wife would be the fat one from constantly being pregnant.

>> No.10425553

I really wouldn't mind being a housewife, but i feel like having more than 2 kids would make me miserable. I'm not very attractive and i'm kind if autistic, so my picks in men are slim, not that i am that attracted to them to begin with. I just don't want to work because i hate dealing with strangers and being a housewife or working from home are my two only options. Being a house wife actually isn't an option because i've never come close to having a relationship.

>> No.10425571

Same lol. All my exes were broke tho. But having men want to pay things for me makes me uncomfortable, i feel like i owe them something. I'm more looking for a man that can physically threaten people i dislike desu, making money is something i can do on my own.

>> No.10425585


>> No.10425628

That's incorrect as fuck. Greeks didn't have a concept of homosexuality. They had the idea of pairing an old man with a teen boy apprentice and it was seen as seemingly normal that the bonding had homo elements to it. But as soon as the boy stopped being an apprentice, it was seen as very shameful to be the submissive partner in a homo relationship. That role was reserved for women and the man was expected to ditch his homo desires and be an upstanding citizen and make babies.

The only times when it was somewhat okay in the antiquity is if the person was of extremely high status think Emperor Hadrian who had Antonine as his butt buddy.

>> No.10425638

Judging by the other tags I'd say it stands for "Blessed is She". So some Jesus shit.

>> No.10425645

Begone scrote

>> No.10425648

jfc you got me curious, those are bad. Also kek she's only been Catholic for a month? As someone who was born and raised in that bullshit, that makes perfect sense. The converts are always batshit.

>> No.10425654
File: 54 KB, 500x530, D9YoJv2XkAE4gRt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why did they have ancient gay porn then

>> No.10425655

Fuck tradfem gimme sum of this

>> No.10425659

>tfw fucking a man was considered less gay than eating out a woman

>> No.10425660

Treat yourself so nicely that they feel like a scrub for not stepping up. My boyfriend buys me nice gifts regularly, he's learned what a nice gift is for me by seeing me pick out my own.

>> No.10425661

Because I didn't say the Greeks weren't degenerates.

>> No.10425662

You don't sound trade, just like a sahm. Nothing wrong with that! You can cosplay a 50's housewife without the weird conservative values imo.

>> No.10425714

>ITT future OPP delusional cat ladies that will die unfulfilled and full of regret.

But at least you'll have a nice wardrobe that'll get donated to the local thrift stores.

>> No.10425716

Sorry you need a man stepping all over you and kids that'll grow up to resent you to feel fulfilled in life.

>> No.10425718

She has crazy eyes

>> No.10425719

Being a cat lady>being a cuckquean. Cat lady is not a slur.

>> No.10425721

Stop projecting scrot. Just because you feel this way doesn't mean we need to.

>> No.10425722

Imagine taking bait this obvious

>> No.10425723

guy buddy, other greek writers of her time considered it fucking slander when people suggested she might be gay

>> No.10425726


>overweight roasties with daddy kinks spotted.

>> No.10425729

Never forget what happened to shoeonhead

>> No.10425730

FUCK I love this image

>> No.10425734

This whole thread is bait by a confirmed scrote and half of the anon itt are seriously replying.

>> No.10425736
File: 853 KB, 762x988, 1592293126855.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT future OPP delusional cat ladies that will die unfulfilled and full of regret.

>> No.10425740

Kek, being a roastie cat lady is feeling amazing right now.

>> No.10425741

Came here to say this holy shit lmao

>> No.10425742

Honestly, the idea of women not working was only true for the upper middle class. Everyone else either had small jobs, sold crafts, cleaned or babysitted.

Men helped out around the house too, even if they were emotional detached from their kids

>> No.10425743

Imagine a 5-year relationship and being long-distance the entire time.

Oh gee I wonder why things didn't work out. What a mystery.

>> No.10425744
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>> No.10425745

Imagine getting dumped on your birthday, and your ex fiancé and fanbase immediate replace you a day later with an ethot skinwalker

>> No.10425746

Is there somewhere I can get a rundown on this drama? I've tried googling Armouredskeptic/shoe0nhead but I'm getting very little.

>> No.10425747

Try the farm, friend.

>> No.10425748

Much obliged

>> No.10425749

I've only seen bits and pieces myself and am short some details.

But what I saw is

>Shoe and Skeptic suddenly not together
>Skeptic made a long post about long-distance = oh noes things not working out we totally wanted to move in together such hard times so saddddd
>shoe deactivated social media, I assume to avoid the thirst tidal-wave and simps
>Skeptic seems to be getting friendly with an e-girl that kinda resembles shoe

I'm off to get more info too. To the farm!

>> No.10425751

I’d love to be a stay at home mom, at least until the kids are in school. But I make more than my husband so he’ll be staying home instead, oh well. I’m just thankful I live in a society where I can make as much or more than a man. But I really don’t understand the point of a stay at home spouse once the kids are in school. Unless you make less than what a maid costs to help out with cleaning a few times a month it’s a net gain, have the second spouse work and hire a maid to cone a few times a month to help with chores that would have been done by the stay at home spouse. What’s the point of having someone stay home alone all day? Dinner isn’t that hard to cook that it can’t be started after work or batch cooked or made in a crock pot during the day

>> No.10425809

I guess they separated but did not divorce.
- she still complains about dependent visa
- she lives with a roommate and has to support herself (and therefore broke)
- she does not respond to questions about her personal life and family.

>> No.10425821

Tradfem is just strange to me, because I grew up with family and friends where parents both worked and most of the time the wife made more money (not that it really mattered) It feels like such a waste to just sit at home and leave all the financial pressure onto one person to feed an entire family. Like what's the tradfem plan for a global recession? Crisis like pandemics? How are they going to take care of their kids if the husband gets sick?

>> No.10425845

Tradfem is based on the '50s, where being tradfem was easier since 1 man could make enough money to feed a family of 6 ,including himself

>> No.10425854

That's what I guessed, too. They were together for a long time before they moved to Japan, so it's not like he was a visa husband like some other weeb girls in Japan have. Kind of sad, though I agree with her thoughts on marriage.

>> No.10425856

i agree. she comes across as very depressed. i guess she must love japan if she wants to stay there...? i imagine living alone in isolation and depression can't be fun.