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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10415297 No.10415297[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10415301

I do genuinely wonder what pixyteri is up to these days

>> No.10415307

Check her thread on the farm. There's some info, but I don't think it's super recent.

>> No.10415308

Shit I totally forgot about Flan. What's she doing now?

>> No.10415314

I'm sure there are plenty of cute gulls here, but selfposting culture died and WIP threads do terribly now. It would be nice to go back to that time

I genuinely forget Voldie and Choke were on /cgl/

>> No.10415315

Voldie and Spoony got fat, Charms is an absolute trash fire.

>> No.10415317

I wish selfposting culture was still a thing just because I liked seeing other gulls' costumes. I do understand why people stopped selfposting, though, since any selfpost would be met with "REEE PHOTOSHOP" or "REEE MANFACE/FAT"

>> No.10415319

Lobitah - is a patreon thot now
Ai Honey - is a patreon thot now
Tenleid - is a patreon thot now
Piggynukka - is a patreon thot now

>> No.10415320

This, people are so mean and not constructive. Like I get this is 4chan but c'mon.

>> No.10415321
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What about selfposting with your face covered? Or posting a floordinate (like pic rel), so gulls don't have to post their body

>> No.10415323

People kept moaning about tripfag cultute so moot hired a bunch of new jannies/mods to delete and ban everything back in 2014
So they all just left and the board went from 95% cosplay to 95% lolita

>> No.10415324

People are just angrier on here now in general compared to back then. Obviously people were dicks back then too but it felt like most people were having fun, at least? There's such venom and genuine rage around here now over the stupidest things.

>> No.10415332

Man, I kind of miss tripfag culture. Never thought I would say it but here we are.

>> No.10415336

It feels like the internet in general is much angrier. It used to be fun to argue with tripfags. Even compared with pre-2013, cgl was never half as cruel/insane as Twitter or Instagram is now.

>> No.10415347

I miss Angela, her cosplays were so well constructed.

>> No.10415356

Logseux has died, and Choke has become a normalfag selling soaps

>> No.10415360

Fuck I thought you were joking about Logseux but she really did die

>> No.10415371
File: 60 KB, 548x1068, l_f66ac1567bef3a1748368be774bd6a82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when there were still cute guys on /cgl/?

>> No.10415378

can I get a source for that?

>> No.10415382


>> No.10415390

wheres the male cgl trip graphic

>> No.10415391

It's not the same to me. So many things fit differently on someone's body, and what could be good on the floor may not be good on the body (and the other way around)

>> No.10415406

That only works for lolita and not for cosplay. I don't really care about seeing coords even though I also wear lolita as every day clothes.

Her mom and grandma used to make her costumes when she was still active on cgl, which is why there was suddenly a huge drop in quality after she left until she got her own skills up to par.

>> No.10415611

Yeah, I mean I was a former trip and it got to the point where every time I posted people would just be awful to me and it became impossible to have any actual discussion or post anything identifiable about myself. A lot of the people I met through /cgl/ and I still keep in contact.

>> No.10415619

Ew, me neither

>> No.10415621

>compilation of "cute girls" is entirely basic white bitches

>> No.10415641

I mean, the consolation prizes are, too.

>> No.10415654

Same. I’m also a former trip and I had other people pretend to be me sometimes and even though their tripcode was different, dumb anons would fall for it and believe that I made those posts. Also, people constantly flipped back and forth between calling me ugly and telling me to shoop more and telling me to shoop less because I look better with less shoop. Ah, the fickle nature of seagulls.

>> No.10415655

this is from before normalfags discovered this site, no normies means no minorities because they're scared of being attacked by the troglodytes who live here

>> No.10415656

I don’t recall any girls who aren’t asian or white posting here, and the only two asian girls I remember self-posting are Zekia and Annie.

>> No.10415657

Why come and post here when you can go straight to discord/patreon/onlyfans?

>> No.10415793

People didn’t post here for money or a large following. It was more like joining a friend group.

>> No.10415914

I miss Emjay :[

>> No.10415922
File: 165 KB, 826x600, Soni_Sensei_Loves_Eggplants_by_deviouselite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there was Soni but thats going way back

>> No.10415923

Same. Honestly I think it's just that for the most part, the only people shameless enough to attention whore on /cgl/ were white girls.

>t. white girl

>> No.10415935

is this not also a white girl? looks like she is

>> No.10415966

I can taste the brown inferiority-complex vitriol from here.

>> No.10415968

HNNNGGG that wig on shaynii always gets me.

Bangs, long flowing hair plus big fuck off space buns is just fucking 10/10

>> No.10415974

Did anzu post here? Turks aren't really white without shoop

>> No.10415976

She allegedly self-posted but she didn't hang around to shitpost like all the girls in OP pic so I wouldn't count her. She was never really a "resident".

>> No.10417236

Tbh I don't think Anzu selfposting theory held any water in the first place. Iirc all of the pictures posted were ones from her social media and she has a ton of simps from other boards.

>> No.10417265

she selfposted years before she was popular morons

>> No.10417911

LOL, almost every face in this picture had their vag blown out, fucked an industry guest and tried to cry rape, or is now in so much financial ruin from being woke they are making day trips to legal brothels to pay for their drug habits. You will see them pop up every once and while with the "elite" of the community still trying to regain traction and relevance but take it from me, do not get involved with them, and do not even think about joining any of their projects.

>> No.10417916

Was going to suggest the same... her thread started up again a while back

>> No.10417936

/cgl/ is way more constructive than any other board
except maybe /ic/
but we don't have that here on 4channel

>> No.10418344

2011-2012: The post.
There are new, more lucrative avenues for these women to display themselves now. Half of the ones pictured are cashing in on patreon. It's the era of paypigs now. Compliments/attention is just noise now.

>> No.10418668

I watch her youtube channel and girl got CHUBBS'd. She caught a lot of flak for her Napoleon porn game costume because she was underage when she made it.

Also her construction only seems good because she full on Sakizou's all of her designs, covering shit construction with beads and trim and handsewing everything doesn't automatically make it good.

>> No.10418708

>than maybe/ic/

Spoken by someone who has never been to /ic/ before
>How do I x/why does x do y/what is wrong with z?

>> No.10419029


No one of any color other then bread white use to trip back in the day.

There was that momo girl who did weeb cam stuff on /b/ and the ilk, but she never posted in /cgl/. She was also underage at the time. That's the only person I can really think of associated with chan boards.

There's a bunch of cute shop owners who aren't white if you're trying to find someone to look up to.
Yeah, there use to be far more troglodytes on the site.

There also use to be stormfront who spammed even the /cgl/ boards. It was really bad. I mean, use to the entire board was wiped. It started with kipi spam... then somehow that turned into white supremacy spam. So, by all means, I could see why back in the day, anyone who wasn't white coming on the board a good 80% of the time likely felt confused and afraid.

/cgl/ use to be a lot more weird.

>> No.10419033

And there's cute cosplayers and j-fash people too... I just only know of the shop owners that sometimes post here. Like one anon said, people wearing clothes and the cosplayers don't self-post anymore.

>> No.10419045 [DELETED] 

Go back to your ghetto and rob someone

>> No.10419050
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I share this sentiment. I would love to see what people around here are doing, and I don't give a shit about anything else. Sometimes it's just nice to show people what you're up to and share. It doesn't have to be about attention.

>> No.10419053

I wouldn't mind sharing what I look like and getting advice on stuff I'm doing but I refuse to potentially shit up this place with a thread that just derails into garbage.

>> No.10419103

>tfw when i'm asian but anons assumed i must be a racial stereotype of a brown person

>> No.10419104

Try the suggestion thread!

>> No.10419174


>> No.10419248

Black people live rent free in your mind.

>> No.10419689

Did you guys hear about ai honey?

>> No.10419731

Do tell

>> No.10419773


>> No.10419946

man, i basically try to feed you guys tripfodder but nobody cares about me anymore and im like arent i still ita enough or are people just lazy

>> No.10421055

>le private twitter face
Oof ai honey ain’t want no smoke from my boy Henryg. Guys rule! Girls drool!

>> No.10421057

>Bitching about white people when asians are just as if not more priviledged

>> No.10421064


>> No.10421068

>imaging seething that people prefer natural white girls over asians that haven't had plastic surgery


>> No.10421069

oh yeah, it's not like asian women are fetishized and asian men are negatively stereotyped. totally equal to whiteys

>> No.10421070

Lobitah is technically mexican. Doeen't look the least bit like it though

>> No.10421074

Not like it's perfectly okay and seen as a moral good to hate white people for being white. Cry more.

>> No.10421076

I’d like to remind you guys that BLM (black lives matter) if posssible please refrain from talking about other nationalities (I.e Asians, Mexicans ... Whites are ok though if spoken about negatively) until people know that BLM (black lives matter). BLM so we have to keep our black brothers and sisters in our minds 100% of the time.

>> No.10421078

>hate white people

See this anon gets it

>> No.10421090

literally no one was hating on white people, but you are clearly triggered anyway

>> No.10421093

Man what is it with white dudes and their deep obsession with asian women anyways? When I was working in Cali I saw more WMAF couples than AMAF couples.

>> No.10421095

in their mind, asian women are obedient and submissive wives who will do whatever they want without protest, unlike those feminazi white bitches or w/e. little do they know asian women are actually raging, demanding horrors once they have a guy locked down

>> No.10421100

>Pretending the past month hasn't literally been explicitly "Fuck you whitey", "white people are the problem", "Fucking white people"
>Pretending for the past decade there hasn't been an increasingly anti-white sentiment in popular culture

Keep gaslighting.

>> No.10421106

Lol this shit is why I stopped tripping. Don't want to publicly associate with this retard mindset.

>> No.10421107

She deleted the tweet. What exactly did she post? What happened?

>> No.10421108

she claims she got raped

>> No.10421110

Keep gas lighting.

>> No.10421156
File: 231 KB, 1200x927, EC7Y-KsU8AApwA7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember Jessie Pridemore tripping on here in 2007

>> No.10421159

And this is the result when you realize woman of your own race don't want you kek

>> No.10421161
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the real question is why asian girls dont date asian guys

>> No.10421176

It's not about really liking them, it's hypergamy.

>> No.10421342

This. There are some Asian-American men who are like this too, though not nearly as many, and not nearly as successful because most white girls won't date them. But they have the same "white=status" mentality.

>> No.10421363

The ones I've dated are either overcompensating assholes or spoiled sons looking for a mommy gf. At least there's more variety with other races.

>> No.10421366

>Adding in b4 "date nice guys"
They were nice and confident and funny! But they basically wanted the submissive Asian gf/waifu stereotype for a partner lol