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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10376963 No.10376963 [Reply] [Original]

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Press F to Pay Respects. 439days to go...


>Did you transfer your badge to 2021?
>yfw when you saw that AX is kill?
>How are you holding up after the news?
>What’s your plan with your AX fund jar now that AX is kill?
>You still going to use your approved work PTO meant for AX?
>What were your cosplay day 0/1/2/3/4 plans?
>horror/uplifting/memorable stories and shit you regret doing (or not doing) from last year’s AX
>What do you think should be compensation during this year’s AX (exclusive merch from big booths like Crunchyroll, Kotobukiya, Altus selling their merch online during the days where AX would’ve been and etc.)?
>And more importantly, what will you miss the most about Anime Expo? Especially those who fly / road trip to LA.

See ya’ll in 2021.

>> No.10376974
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>Did you transfer your badge to 2021?
Didn’t get mine yet but gonna go anyway
>yfw when you saw that AX is kill?
>mfw AX is kill
>How are you holding up after the news?
The quarantine cancelled out the pain and anguish
>What’s your plan with your AX fund jar now that AX is kill?
If I get my job back, get some games but most of it will go to Rent/vacation plan B (if there is one with my friends). If not, mostly rent.
>You still going to use your approved work PTO meant for AX?
My friends might have a backup plan but thats TBD.
>What were your cosplay day 0/1/2/3/4 plans?
Mostly casual, but I had plans to make a cosplay for Patrick Star from the Spongebob Musical.
>horror/uplifting/memorable stories and shit you regret doing (or not doing) from last year’s AX
Not really.
>What do you think should be compensation during this year’s AX (exclusive merch from big booths like Crunchyroll, Kotobukiya, Altus selling their merch online during the days where AX would’ve been and etc.)?
Online stores like Crunchyroll, Funimation, Atlus selling their exclusive swag meant for AX would be nice. Genuinely curious on how they’ll handle AX’s 2020 official merch now that AX2020 is kill
>And more importantly, what will you miss the most about Anime Expo? Especially those who fly / road trip to LA.
>mfw I’ll miss the god tier LA food (RIP Astro Doughnuts)
>mfw I’ll miss my friends
>mfw I’ll miss out on buying overpriced Love Live merch
>mfw I’ll miss out on avoiding the real world for a couple of days to have myself a good time

>> No.10376982

>See ya’ll in 2022.

>> No.10376986
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>> No.10376987
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whoops looks like you posted the wrong image

>> No.10377001
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>Did you transfer your badge to 2021?
Is there a way to do that yet? The cancellation notice said there would be more information to come, but didn't cite a way to do it yet. I will be though.
>yfw when you saw that AX is kill?
>How are you holding up after the news?
Fine. I knew it was coming, so the blow wasn't so hard. I'm more depressed about other things in my life at the moment. Also my cosplay wasn't nearly as finished as it was supposed to be so I avoided that disappointment on the horizon.
>What’s your plan with your AX fund jar now that AX is kill?
I definitely know that I'm going to go big in 2021, but haven't figured out a new budget yet. My summer job is on the rocks, so focusing on finding a different source of income for it is my top priority atm.
>You still going to use your approved work PTO meant for AX?
Depends if I have a job to file PTO to, I suppose. But if I do, then no. I'd prefer to make as much money as possible during the short season I work.
>What were your cosplay day 0/1/2/3/4 plans?
Maid Mew Ichigo from Tokyo Mew Mew. I had planned it early in January before the news of the new anime and spinoff hit, but now I'm extra excited to finish it. I'd like to start planning a new costume for next year since I don't need to worry about making a halloween costume and have much more time to plan now though.
>horror/uplifting/memorable stories and shit you regret doing (or not doing) from last year’s AX
I'll add it in a separate comment.
>What do you think should be compensation during this year’s AX (exclusive merch from big booths like Crunchyroll, Kotobukiya, Altus selling their merch online during the days where AX would’ve been and etc.)?
Some sales would be nice, but I'm not holding my breath.
>And more importantly, what will you miss the most about Anime Expo? Especially those who fly / road trip to LA.
Seeing people in cosplay and being seen. Buying merch from my fave artists and discovering new ones.

>> No.10377003

>horror/uplifting/memorable stories and shit you regret doing (or not doing) from last year’s AX
On my way to get food, I walked by a young girl who LOVED my shitty Princess Tutu costume. Even though I saw all of the flaws in it, she had such a big smile on her face and told me how amazing I looked. She asked her mom for a picture of me, so I asked for one of her too. We happened to see each other while in another area of the convention and this kid practically jumped into the air to wave to me. It really warmed my heart desu, she was so sweet.

>> No.10377004
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What is everyone’s problem with Okamoto Kitchen?
>also eating cheap hot dogs that’ll make you sick and miss the entire con instead of eating hotdogs from 7/11

>> No.10377005

Fuck this, hot dog stand was there for me when i was starving and okamotos WASNT!

>> No.10377030
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>>Did you transfer your badge to 2021?
Hadn't bought it yet..
>>yfw when you saw that AX is kill?
>mfw no running around in costume with a crowd of magnificent faggots this year
>>How are you holding up after the news?
My disappointment is immeasurable etc, last year was lacking in good merch/concerts/guests/money and I wanted to go all-out this year.
>>What’s your plan with your AX fund jar now that AX is kill?
My AX money is mostly for the Artist Alley, I'll go through Storenvy and Etsy for the niche merch I usually buy like candles or terrariums. My favorite purchases are usually surprise items that I wouldn't have looked for at all, though.
>>You still going to use your approved work PTO meant for AX?
Nah, the 4th is on a Saturday, too.
>>What were your cosplay day 0/1/2/3/4 plans?
It was still too early, but was probably going to be Phos and Byleth.
>>horror/uplifting/memorable stories and shit you regret doing (or not doing) from last year’s AX
Biggest regret is missing the MOGRA event because the friend I went with was too tired to wait in line. Biggest disappointment was Mega64's panel, they usually do some stupid shit like the year that they did Truth or Dare and a man got tackled to the floor. It was just a Q&A.
>>What do you think should be compensation during this year’s AX?
GSC keeps selling less and less exclusives every year. AX could probably try to release some of the panels/concerts from previous years.
>>And more importantly, what will you miss the most about Anime Expo? Especially those who fly / road trip to LA.
The atmosphere, I love that moment when you walk into the main hall on day one and hear the hum of activity in there. Other than that, I'm going to miss the concerts, cosplaying/meeting other people from the same series, the four days of feasting on based LA food with friends, watching/bitching about the AMV contest while half-asleep,
and generally enjoying the escape from my problems for four days.

>> No.10377031
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>lacking in good merch
AX official swag, Atlus Booth
Aqours concert numero dos
Mamoru Miyano, Aqours, the seiyuu for Ash, Studio fucking Trigger

>> No.10377035

>AX official swag
>Seriously buying convention merch

>Aqours two years in a row
AX used to have two or even three popular bands for different demographics. The same year that they had Morning Musume, they also had Moi dix Mois. They must be doing something different with the concert bookings because it's been a slow decline and when AKFG toured in 2016, they did it independently.

Mamoru Miyano was a god-tier guest, it was just shitty that he didn't get his own panel. Trigger has been there every single year since they formed, they love AX/LA.

I'm hoping that the extra year will get them back on track. Unlikely, though, because of how fucked they probably are on money.

>> No.10377038

cringe normie

>> No.10377041

I vibe with this whole post. There is no online shopping equivalent for walking through AA aisles and looking all of the unique stands and seeing items you never would have looked for in the first place.

>> No.10377043
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>citing AX official swag as a staple in good merch
Bruh. I'll admit that one or two things look good out of their collections, but it's certainly nothing to write home about. I rebuke your falsehoods, heathen.

>> No.10377052
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>Did you transfer your badge to 2021?
im just going to het my money back. who knows if 2021 will even happen or if ill even be alive by then.
>yfw when you saw that AX is kill?
expected it but deep sorrow pic related
>How are you holding up after the news?
first year i was going to take a full vacation to japan and wonfes since i could afford it and now it looks like the one other thing in my life i look forwards to each year ive gone to every year for over a decade it hurts just a litte
>What’s your plan with your AX fund jar now that AX is kill?
>You still going to use your approved work PTO meant for AX?
hahaha, approved?
>What were your cosplay day 0/1/2/3/4 plans?
i go for guests and industry panels so "nerd in anime tshirt"
>horror/uplifting/memorable stories and shit you regret doing (or not doing) from last year’s AX
i work nights and wish i could have stayed up later but my fucked sleep schedule didnt let me. also i wish i had more friends who cared about industry shit to get excited with me.
>What do you think should be compensation during this year’s AX (exclusive merch from big booths like Crunchyroll, Kotobukiya, Altus selling their merch online during the days where AX would’ve been and etc.)?
live streams with industry from nippon would be nice. maybe some sort of leycharm or something sent to anyone who was set to attend.
>more importantly, what will you miss the most about Anime Expo? Especially those who fly / road trip to LA.
its my one time a year i really go out and have fun. im local but its still a manic five days I get to see industry, animators, directors, artists and really try and show how excited i am to watch their imaginations. I love getting up early and waiting in line for signatures with other die hard fans, running into exciting people randomly in the halls or at a booth unexpectedly, getting comission from artists alley on the fly from artists id never seen before, living off danger dogs, merch i wouldnt normally buy

>> No.10377053
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>tfw we would’ve gotten a Love Live Nijigasaki High School Idol Club concert at Microsoft Theater if Corona didn’t ruin everything

>> No.10377054 [DELETED] 

>make you sick
anon the amount of alcohol will kill the danger dog viruses and the edibles will keep me from realizing im sick. cole is just there for the lines.

>> No.10377055

>Nijigasaki High School Idol Club
They could barely sell out bingo halls in Japan. Also, why the fuck did we need another thread? AX is already fucking kill.

>> No.10377056

>>10377004 #
>make you sick
anon the amount of alcohol will kill the danger dog viruses and the edibles will keep me from realizing im sick. coke is just there for the lines.

>> No.10377057
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>>Did you transfer your badge to 2021?
no but I'm gonna, I can only see badge prices going up next year no matter what.
>>yfw when you saw that AX is kill?
>>How are you holding up after the news?
I knew it was gonna happen but the news still made me sad. Oh well.
>>What’s your plan with your AX fund jar now that AX is kill?
depends. If my job brings me back instead of firing me before July I'll probably save half and spend the rest in opening up a home darkroom. If not It's all going towards living expenses.
>>You still going to use your approved work PTO meant for AX?
Assuming I'm back to work by then no. I'd rather stay home and work but add an extra week off at the end of the year when I go visit my parents.
>>What were your cosplay day 0/1/2/3/4 plans?
I was gonna dress up as a platelet on one day and as Kazuma another. didn't have anything else figured out yet.
>>horror/uplifting/memorable stories and shit you regret doing (or not doing) from last year’s AX
I regret letting my alcoholism getting the best of me to the point that I skipped day 4 cause I was too hung over. Most of all I regret not buying more stuff in the artist alley and more ero doujins
>>What do you think should be compensation during this year’s AX (exclusive merch from big booths like Crunchyroll, Kotobukiya, Altus selling their merch online during the days where AX would’ve been and etc.)?
while all those would be nice, considering the current state of the world I don't expect or would be mad if they didn't offer any compensation.
>>And more importantly, what will you miss the most about Anime Expo? Especially those who fly / road trip to LA.
The environment. Being in a venue full of thousands of like minded people that like the same crap I do. being able to weeb out and not being ostracized for it. and most of all just spending time away from my asshole coworkers and cunt managers.

>> No.10377060

To be fair, OP said it’s the last one

>> No.10377063
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Don’t mind me, just the best AX booth coming through

>> No.10377067

whatever happened to that other hentai physical doujin place that was doing kei's sexland work? didnt see then last year. fakku i hate but still but the physical tomes from because the print quality is very nice. fuck that line though and fuck that they are ok printing shota but not loli. was really hoping with the henreader board they would become more open.

they really should have been with that 18+ section last year. the lone to check ids problem would solve itself but they had to be special.

>> No.10377099

I think they got kicked out one year

>> No.10377121

shame I liked their prices and selection.

>> No.10377150

Rumor has it, eating enough danger dogs will make your immune system so strong it can defeat Corona virus and conflu

>> No.10377165

thank fucking god i didn't plan on going to AX this year, i had people pestering me over and over "DUDE LETS BUY A BADGE LETS FUCKING GO PLEASE PLEASE" like shut up i need to do important shit this year!
though if i do go next year i'll be more prepared than last year i went. shit was bananas and i broke my foot and caught strep throat. next time i will pack so much medicine and something for my feet in case i do bust my ass again.
thanks for coming to my blog.

>> No.10377191

>More idol shit
AX will be lucky to get any guests from Japan next year, let alone international attendees due to travel restrictions still in place next summer.

>> No.10377269

>they really should have been with that 18+ section last year.
This, wasn't there a section for weapons that had security checks to get in and out? They should drop in all the hentai booths including J-List in there.

>> No.10377319

>>Did you transfer your badge to 2021?
I'm a Premier Pass this year, but I'm considering doing a refund instead of transferring. Because right now, Newsom said there could be mass gatherings until Fall 2021 way after AX. So far, all of his words he has delivered so I wouldn't take whatever he says lightly.
>>yfw when you saw that AX is kill?
Sad, but relieved. Even if AX were to go on this year, it would have been another mediocre con. Hopefully this gives time for the SPJA to re-evaluate themselves and how to make the con better. I doubt that's going to happen though.
>>How are you holding up after the news?
Meh, I was one of those that wanted AX to be cancelled so I wasn't surprised.
>>What’s your plan with your AX fund jar now that AX is kill?
Upgrade PC and save up for air suspension for my ride.
>>You still going to use your approved work PTO meant for AX?
Nah, saving it up for an actual vacation next fall since there is likely won't be an AX 2021 either.
>>What were your cosplay day 0/1/2/3/4 plans?
I dropped out of cosplay a while back so nothing. I just like going to cons and interacting with people.
>>horror/uplifting/memorable stories and shit you regret doing (or not doing) from last year’s AX
I regretted getting this cute chick's name and info at a room party. We talked for a bit, and it was friendly but I think she sees me as a creep.
>>What do you think should be compensation during this year’s AX (exclusive merch from big booths like Crunchyroll, Kotobukiya, Altus selling their merch online during the days where AX would’ve been and etc.)?
I doubt there won't be any exclusive merch to sell since they're coming out of factories in China.
>>And more importantly, what will you miss the most about Anime Expo? Especially those who fly / road trip to LA.
Just checking out cute Asian girl cosplayers but I know in the back of my mind they're taken or are closet lesbians.

>> No.10377337
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>>Did you transfer your badge to 2021?
>They think there will be an AX 2021

>> No.10377345
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This was the year I was supposed to be fit for all my cons

Guess I'll go back to stuffing my face again

>> No.10377389

This, these two hold the power to make AX 2021 a reality and as of right now they won't budge. The ones that are opting to roll over their badge to next year are idiots, just take the refund.

>> No.10377447

Japan did virtual comike in vrchat. It was pretty cool. They had aisles and booths and everything

>> No.10377458

Eh, that's cool for those who want it but personally I don't think it would scratch that itch for me

>> No.10377479

Wondercon did a “virtual” con last week and it was pretty lame because only 1/3rd of the AA had websites/online shops

>> No.10377493

I'm getting laughed at by people thinking at best late fall 2021 or 2022. No one is going to cornacons until there is a vaccine to all. Who the fuck thinks that they will be ready by summer 2021 when 18 months from now is the fall.

>> No.10377494
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>AX2020 is kill
>tfw we can’t stand in line for 8 hours straight to get inside the con (8 minutes if you have no backpack)
>tfw we could’ve gotten another Aqours concert
>tfw we could’ve gotten a Nijigasaki Love Live mini concert
>tfw we could’ve met god tier anitubers like pic related
>tfw we could’ve gotten a world premiere of Evangelion 4.0
>tfw we could’ve been crying in mass agony over being in a virtual line for the EVA 4.0 movie until being greeted by a sold out screen
>tfw we could’ve gotten a Hirohiko Araki panel
>tfw we could’ve been that asshole by sitting through 4 bland panels to see Araki just because AX didn't clear the room for it
Otakon and CRX are next, I can feel it.

>> No.10377595
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While we're reminiscing, any other chads who would walk over to the Wilshire Tower and eat at pic related? This place and the Wilshire were central components of AX for me no less than the lacc or the jw

>> No.10377616
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>tfw we could’ve met god tier anitubers like pic related
>the phrase anitubers

That was like worst case scenario nigga

>> No.10377626

Mother’s basement is a goddamn shill, sure, but Gigguk is based

>> No.10377631

If AX 2021 goes on, it's going to suck ass as people will have no money to attend one and/or lose interest in going. You can't apply social distancing into this clusterfuck.

>> No.10377636

AX 2021 would only happen with a vaccine and/or herd immunity exists. If not, then it would obviously need to be cancelled or postponed.

>> No.10377637

Thank you, doctor.

>> No.10377665

If we're still in lockdown by next summer then something has gone horribly wrong.

>> No.10377713

EXPERTS have been saying it can be up to 18 months. 18 months from now is Oct 2021. This doesn't mean anything is guaranteed.

>> No.10377727

scientists don't care about how the rest of the world functions, just how shit looks on paper
don't even bother listening to them at this point

>> No.10377733

How was your MAGA protest?

>> No.10377745

That's just the minimum amount of time it would take for a vaccine to get approved. If a successful vaccine even happens, which it probably won't. And who would want to get a brand new vaccine where long term effects haven't been studied?

Idk what the world is gonna do, honestly.

>> No.10377750

That's the timeline for a possible vaccine. You can't realistically expect to keep people in a lockdown for 18 months even factoring in a second wave that's turbo sped by people like those protestors. Next summer is a long time away and we're going to be indirectly aided by major sports strongarming local government to hold events. AX2021 stands a good chance of happening, for better or for worse, the only question is what is it going to look like. Who are the guests? How many people will show up? What extra evaluations will they make us go through? What will the atmosphere be like?

>> No.10377765
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I miss this based AX booth like you wouldn’t believe. Thank god they have a website of their own.

>> No.10377768

>Who are the guests? How many people will show up? What extra evaluations will they make us go through? What will the atmosphere be like?
This is the problem I see why we will never have a normal convention in our lifetime. Guests will only be limited to those that are local or regional, I don't think we'll see guests who are based out of the East Coast waste time and money to come out here just to be haggled of getting into the convention center. The overall attendance will drop significantly to the point that cons will lose money. On top of that, with the extra precautions added such as having a temperature check and making sure people have mask and gloves before entering, people will lose interest in attending due to the bullshit they have to go through in order to get inside the convention center. Atmosphere will be a different environment as people will have a difficult time applying social distancing. The days of mass gatherings are at an end.

>> No.10377793

The reason why it takes so long is because of the human trials which multiple vaccines are currently on. Tbh you don't need a vaccine, just need new case numbers to decrease to the point that the risk of infection at gatherings is low.

>> No.10377803

Stop eating those damn apples and I'll come out to talk more

>> No.10377804

I mean, it is already going horribly wrong, but yeah I can catch your drift. It's all dependent on how fast that vaccine comes.

>> No.10377805

>in our lifetime
Okay, let's not be dramatic.

>> No.10377820

>vaccine and/or herd immunity exists
both of these are memes and impossible for the virus type. luckily the effects can be cured and it will just become a seasonal bad flu, and youve likely already had it.
t. def not a doctor

>> No.10377874
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>>Did you transfer your badge to 2021?

>>yfw when you saw that AX is kill?

>>How are you holding up after the news?
Not that devastated, just disappointed.

>>What’s your plan with your AX fund jar now that AX is kill?
Pay off some more of my debt.

>>You still going to use your approved work PTO meant for AX?
I usually request in weeks before AX.

>>horror/uplifting/memorable stories and shit you regret doing (or not doing) from last year’s AX
My phone died so I lost a bunch of contacts, especially by people who think my photos are good enough. So I feel bad for leaving them hanging.

>>What do you think should be compensation during this year’s AX (exclusive merch from big booths like Crunchyroll, Kotobukiya, Altus selling their merch online during the days where AX would’ve been and etc.)?

>>And more importantly, what will you miss the most about Anime Expo? Especially those who fly / road trip to LA.
Attractive people in cosplay.
An excuse to eat at The Pantry.
Merch like artbooks because I don't trust delivery.
Curry House (RIP)

>> No.10377876
File: 47 KB, 600x509, image (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TFW when you lived long enough to see the biggest con of 2020

A new king awakens.

>> No.10377878

Don’t forget CRX. I’m sure Crunchyroll is gonna take advantage of this shit

>> No.10377887

Implying crx will be allowed to take place this year. Large gatherings in California are pretty much off the table for 2020

>> No.10377891

Keep sucking that big capitalistic cock.

>> No.10377955

>Implying Orange Man isn't going to stop you.

>> No.10377958
File: 398 KB, 859x2400, E272E69E-6E28-4D3B-BD88-A2E265F9AE9C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw can’t sit through a Mamuro5254 or a DangItsdon Anime Expo montage from previous years without tearing up
Shit hurts so fucking much.

Also any other convention Youtuber recommendations?

>> No.10378014

DC convention center is currently being set up as a field hospital.

>> No.10378016

Think of it this way, it gives time for the SPJA to re-evaluate themselves on how to make the con a better experience...I hope.

>> No.10378023

There is no way in hell that CRX will happen because the Bay Area is hit harder than LA.
If it did, though, I don't even know if it'd be worth attending because there would be shitty guests and minimal amounts of vendors/artists.

>> No.10378025

I still stick with the classics

>> No.10378029

well how else are you gonna have your anime cons? i know the breadlines and ax lines are similar but i don't think daddy karl marx would allow that.

>> No.10378036
File: 2.05 MB, 1125x1784, 0513AC52-90B4-49DD-9E12-5985CE141CFE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Knowing Crunchyroll, this’ll be their guest list this year

>> No.10378064
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Add Vic Mignogna and this would be the world's shittiest guest list.

>> No.10378065

Nah, too obvious.

>> No.10378087

This has been meme'd out to oblivion with AX. Let it die.

>> No.10378103

How can /cgl/ survive 2 full years with no cons?

>> No.10378108

If this gets rid of a lot of costhots and normie casual fans from conventions them maybe it's a good thing

>> No.10378150

How about we ask Hiro to shut this board down since it now lost half its value?

>> No.10378255

Convention talk came to be part of cgl and was not expressly part of it originally

>> No.10378297

Any others? I like convention montages that show both the cosplayers and show how much fun the con was.

Say what you want about D-Piddy, but at least this show how fun AX was that year.

>> No.10378299

Someone explain to me the joke.

>> No.10378304

Full of nobodies, Youtubers and literal who cosplayers instead of Japanese guests

>> No.10378320

>How can /cgl/ survive 2 full years with no cons?
Fuck that by that time all the cons would be dead and /cgl/ as a board would deleted as well.

>> No.10378322

I can see Otakon being postponed later unless DC situation is getting much dangerous as time goes on.

>> No.10378324
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speakeasies, but for cons

>> No.10378407

cons are already dead. even if it were to come back, social distancing is already drilled into the minds of the people that they would lose interest in going to any of them.

>> No.10378412

>Japan just pass South Korea for number of cases confirmed
Anime and Otaku culture are dead folks. Time to find a new hobby.

>> No.10378421

>social distancing is already drilled into the minds of the people

>> No.10378466

>People out and about in massive groups over the weekend
Yeah, public mass gathering events are dead

>> No.10378472

>Schizo anon has been at this shit for a month

You could at least do the hip thing to signal a descent into madness and start posting Macbeth monologues on your Youtube channel or something
Anything other than this

>> No.10378473

When will you realize that your nerd cons are all dead? No one wants to go out and socialize anymore with random people for fear of catching the virus and dying.

>> No.10378477

I love how they never even deny the schizo title. I guess they embrace the demon, lol

>> No.10378818

I'm curious. Since AX and SDCC were canceled... Will the cons that don't get canceled see higher attendance due to the dealers, artist, guest and attendees wanting to attend what cons still go on? Or because of the economic break down, will it not change?

If we somehow manage to pull through this and people don't take too hard of a hit and can afford it, I see people who don't normally flock to out of state cons, doing so just to hold onto whatever might be left of the 2020 convention season.

>> No.10378833

I don’t think any con will get off scott free from this point until fall 2021

>> No.10378836


That is true. At this rate, as you said, I fear that any cons for the remainder of the year will be canceled and 2021 isn't looking much better.

This sucks.

>> No.10378840

> I see people who don't normally flock to out of state cons, doing so just to hold onto whatever might be left of the 2020 convention season.

Anon, those people will go to out-of-state cons because the ones in their state probably closed down (maybe permanently). If you live in one of the less population dense states then having to go out of state is the new reality if you want to go to any con.

>> No.10378843

i think a seedy con at a town in an anti-Quarantine state like west virginia/arkansas will probably happen

>> No.10378989

>Hero hei is a guest of honor

>> No.10378992

Kickvic / ISWV bullshit

>> No.10379056
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>Tfw conventions are now a thing of the past

>> No.10379065

Dragoncon might still go on with Georgia opening everything up. Their numbers are going to suck though.

>> No.10379068


Fuck no, We'll be on another lockdown once kemp realizes the numbers or skyrocketing and he's forced to.

>> No.10379095

he's not even opening everything, just shit that can't feasibly even work with social distancing measures.

>> No.10379102

Nice source, cunt.

>> No.10379184

I'm sure the organizers are smart and the moment a spike increase occurs, they'll shut down asap.

>> No.10379323

It's over. Go find a new hobby.

>> No.10379344
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Not a chance. Dragon Con brings in around 100k people from around the world and hosts a big ass crowded parade. Social distancing is all but impossible for a con that's tightly packed into 5 hotels and the Americasmart.

If Dragon Con decides to go full retard and still go on, then they will be known as super spreader event that gets a shitload of people killed in the same way that Mardi Gras killed a lot of people.


>> No.10379367

>Social distancing is all but impossible for a con
See, either we practice social distancing or we don't and we get a con with sick people. Society would rather have cons die out.

>> No.10379388

>trying to be morally superior when you post unsourced bold claims

>> No.10379391

You're the only here who wants to go back to before this with your shitty cons and mass gatherings. No one wants to do these anymore for fear of becoming a liability to the human race.

>> No.10379402

Schizo, please.

>> No.10379415

Okay, I'll be here in 2021 when cons and public events are still cancelled.

>> No.10379444

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Enjoy your bunkerlife.

>> No.10379448
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Most optimistic time for cons to start back up is August, most realistic is late/fall winter assuming shit doesn't flare back up in early fall, worst case we wait till 2021.

>> No.10379468

>Most ambitious/unrealistic: August
>Most realistic: Late Fall/Winter
>Unfavorable: Early 2021 (Spring/Summer)
>Worst Case Scenario: Late 2021 (Fall/Winter)
>Death is the only answer: 2022+

>> No.10379518
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18 months. Don't forget it.

>> No.10379525


>> No.10379533
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Eighteen months.

>> No.10379536

Nah, probably late summer/early fall realistically. Georgia is opening up next week and other places will follow suit because the economy is more important than coofers and old people dying

>> No.10379547

Georgia is gonna have some nice affordable real estate in the coming months...

>> No.10379598

georgia already has affordable real estate

>> No.10379603

I know people who staff DC that also work other cons that are already cancelled. It's not going to happen.

>> No.10379893

We can go even lower when the virus crashes the real estate market.

>> No.10379906

Using the latrines as a credible science news source.

Auto correct latimes lol

>> No.10379960

What a credible source!

>> No.10379965
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>FLOW world tour postponed
expected but still hurts

>> No.10379966

You're the cosplay convention equivalent to those retarded Trump protesters that want their fun back right away. Go pound sand good sir.

>> No.10379968

>Drumpf lol
I can see you're another brainwashed drone who consumes nothing but lamestream media drivel.

>> No.10379980

>was really hoping with the henreader board they would become more open
You'd have to be stupid to think they'd attempt that, could you imagine the backlash?

>> No.10379985

NAYRT but if you're still defending Trump at this point then you’re living evidence that his brainwashing propaganda works.

>> No.10380009

Where will AX go if the LACC is still a hospital by next summer? They could greatly downsize and move to the Burbank Convention Center or Ontario Convention Center.

>> No.10380015
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Better postponed than cancelled, I guess.
>Was going to see them at The Grove if I decided not to go to Fanime

>> No.10380040


>> No.10380068


>> No.10380083

If it's still a hospital by next year then you have some bigger fucking issues. Are you really this retarded?

>> No.10380124

Now that cons will be cancelled for at least 2 years, you better start your weight loss, Anon!

>> No.10380128
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Nah, I'll be putting on fat so I don't starve to death in a week once the societal collapse happens

>> No.10380140


>> No.10380197


>> No.10380293

What's the point of anime conventions when the industry in Japan won't likely make it through this pandemic? Stores in Akihabara will never reopen again. Manufacturers of anime figures and goods will likely not get bailed out and will shutter its doors for good too.

>> No.10380301

I’m so disappointed AX was canceled. I was working out a lot to go cosplay as shirtless Kakashi at AX but now it’s for nothing.

>> No.10380335

You can still post thirst traps on IG, snap, etc.

>> No.10380347

>went to crx last year
>delayed buying my ticket because it seemed like they weren't selling
>check for tix one night, see they still have concert tickets
>be tired af
>go to bed, eh, i'll buy it in the morning
>wake up, feel good, make cup of coffee
>go to buy tickets
>"Sorry! FLOW concert tickets are all sold out!"
>all my friends got tickets
it was a seated concert so I don't feel like I missed as much but on the other hand no fuck i still missed a lot ;_;

>> No.10380364

>Summer is just around the corner
>People are infected and dying
>All signs and data show that a second deadlier wave is imminent later this year
I'm just being a realist here and not a delusional retard.

>> No.10380384

>no signs of stopping
>lacc is still being used as a hospital which means hospitals have been over capacity for a year
>asks where his next weebcon will be as we enter a second whole year in the depths of the pandemic
You're not a realist, you're just legitimately retarded. Go huff some sick guy's corona and die off already.

>> No.10380387
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>tfw one of my best con memories is going to FLOW in 2011 with friends
>The whole crowd screams JIBUN WOOOO during Colors
>My friend flipping out when they started playing the Eureka Seven OP

>> No.10380392

>working out for cons


>> No.10380394

ummm the anime/manga industry can thrive on online order

The idol industry will take a BIG hit though

>> No.10380402

Anime Expo should move to Las Vegas since the mayor wants to desperately re-open the city right away.

>> No.10380403

>anime/manga industry
Abe isn't going to bail them out.

>> No.10380462

>las vegas

Where cons go to die

>> No.10380465

anon please
they all had a great time at crx too. I think I ate a burrito la vics while it happened.

>> No.10380471

Japan's constitution doesn't allow them to force businesses to close so they can actually stay open. They request people stay home but businesses can keep producing and shipping out goods

>> No.10380474

There are no signs. No one knows if this is going to pull a sars1 and suddenly vanish or if it's going to pull a Spanish flu and kill a bunch of people. That's the whole idea of a novel virus. No one knows how it will actually act later this year or next

>> No.10380480

Long Beach

>> No.10380481

>Japan's constitution doesn't allow them to force businesses to close so they can actually stay open.
I'm sure Abe is going to get it his way and force closure of all businesses.
>There are no signs. No one knows if this is going to pull a sars1 and suddenly vanish or if it's going to pull a Spanish flu and kill a bunch of people. That's the whole idea of a novel virus. No one knows how it will actually act later this year or next
There is no cure because this virus is meant to wipe out humanity from existence.

>> No.10380482

this would only work if AX became 21 and over
>i fucking wish

>> No.10380492

It would be pretty nice and take the guess work out of things
>standing in line for some vr game demo
>end up having a conversation with the girl and guy behind me, hit it off with her
>After I play the demo I go off on my own because I wanted to make a panel after
>Later run into them at the dining area
>Sit down and chat with the girl, her guy friend doesn't seem very happy about it
>She asks to trade numbers so we can meet up and do stuff together during the con
>Don't think twice and give her my number
>Hang out the next day, and she's practically hanging off my arm as we walk around together
>Invite her to go to some late night panel with me
>"Oh, I can't. My moms picking me up at 8"
>Turns out she was only 16
I politely excused myself and never talked to her again. She had C cups and looked like she was 20, so I didn't bother asking.

>> No.10380554

So I did some digging on Curry House and found this:
> Food Management Partners
> Larry F. Harris
Remember those names, they are your enemies.

> Harris, though, cautioned that while it is human nature to disparage unpopular decisions, Food Management Partners has “saved many jobs and restored financial viability to troubled companies.”
Fuck you, cunt.

>> No.10380567


>cosplaying in the Las vegas desert in the peak of summer

>> No.10380572

Oh god I miss Curry House.

>> No.10380603

LAfags are the worst

>> No.10380615

>that one AX a few years back where it was over 100 degrees out and the staff couldn't even be bothered to rent some tent canopies to give people shade

>> No.10380617

Cons just need to push back to 2022. We need to maintain social distancing until 4th quarter 2021.

>> No.10380618


>> No.10380631

Heat kills corona

Reopen AX

>> No.10380642

The last time you told this story, she was in a group of friends that also seemed under age. You always tell this story.

>> No.10380652

Louisiana seems to be having a good ol time with that

>> No.10380739

Oh hi Bill Gates. Having a hard time with your jew chip?

>> No.10380870
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Never ever

>> No.10380900

Bleach kills corona

Reopen AX

>> No.10380920

Since people like to drink at cons, how about we mix Bleach and Corona? Sounds tasty.

>> No.10380924

I once heard, that Vegas is the citiy conventions go to to die!

legit demand

>> No.10380996

Businesses will be forced to close once the economy takes a nose dive. Anime, Manga, Figures, Cosplay, and Video Games are all non-essential. Japan can survive without it.

>> No.10381119

I'm from Louisiana and the worst of it is behind us; we were just hit hard because a shitload of tourists came here for mardi gras right before things started closing.

>> No.10381122

It's good for anime if its industry takes a downturn; more original ideas and passion projects would get the spotlight instead of generic corporate-mandated high school anime #7952583

>> No.10381127

it actually will make it worse as original stories are put on the wayside in favor of more adaptations that have existing fan bases

>> No.10381138

I could definitely see some reboots happening as a "safe bet"

>> No.10381148
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>mfw they mention possible "relaxed social distancing" in OC in May

If I have to go back to work and everything is still all fucked up with no Disney/conventions/concerts/state parks to cope with, I'm going to melt down.

>> No.10381154

there will definitely not be any of the fun things, just work. parks are a maybe.

>> No.10381156

>with no Disney/conventions/concerts/state parks to cope with
This is exactly my issue. I completely understand why they are shut down and want them to continue to stay closed until it is truly safe to do so, but this whole situation would be so much easier to deal with if I had access to places to destress and get out of the house. I know it's a contradiction, but :( big sad

>> No.10381158

If Newsom says we're not opening, we're not opening. Stay home and continue to play Animal Crossing.

>> No.10381174

>Animal Crossing
Like fuck I am. I’m still trying to finish Witcher 3.

>> No.10381181


>Witcher 3


I peer pressured my bf into letting me buy it and the extended content for him after we saw the Netflix show and he hasn't been able to put it down for the last two or three weeks. It's been so nice watching him play.

Still haven't convinced him to download the mod that makes Yen naked with a pornstar body.

>> No.10381183

>no Disney

>> No.10381193

>Wanting mass gathering events when everyone is now use to social distancing

>> No.10381208

Manchild detected.

>> No.10381209

Buddy, social distancing is lasting at least 6 more months. Not even kidding.

>> No.10381215

> I completely understand why they are shut down and want them to continue to stay closed until it is truly safe to do so
Did you read my post with your eyes closed or what

>> No.10381220

Who cares, we're doing fine right now with no cons and other mass gathering events. Social distancing is now the American way!

>> No.10381229

I wasn't talk to you, schizo-chan.

>> No.10381235

i'm actually still working and it's comfy af. i'm in a recessionproof industry so it's business as usual for me

>> No.10381259

fuck no there's nothing to do in vegas and it's filled with shit head gambling addicts and rapists. you might get money if you're walking around in cosplay in the right places or you might also just get stabbed.

>> No.10381260

And failed at it.

>> No.10381296

t. schizo

>> No.10381319

>kill a bunch of people
Hey genius, it already has

>> No.10381329

it's not spanish-flu-killed-millions level

>> No.10381343


Nayrt but that's probably because we are likely doing better at social distancing and washing our hands and just being aware of germs than people would have been back then.

>> No.10381346

>it's not spanish-flu-killed-millions level
that's because it's not 1918 and we have actual medicine now.

>> No.10381392

>Georgia opens

I guess dragon con will continue. Imagine the lawsuits they will face after hundreds get sick

>> No.10381406

They'll shut down in a week once infections start going up again.

>> No.10381418

And people will throw a fit about it. Now whenever there is a gathering, people will critcize you for doing it. Last year, everyone talks positively about conventions. Now this year, you'll receive backlash from those same people who love talking and going to cons.

>> No.10381431

Not everyone is a /cgl/ sperg. If anything, I've been paying attention to different groups on social media (where normies go) and my normie friends, they all want to party hard. The next con that's big and is available is going to be fucking flooded with people. Tons of people are saving coronabux for cons instead of for necessary things. I'm glad I have a massive savings because I plan on going all out on AWA 2020 hopefully.

>> No.10381469

You did this


>> No.10381474

You'd be amazed at the parallels between 1918 and now. Ignoring distancing orders, hating masks, hosting parades, wanting to open things up quickly. A full century has passed and people are still dumb as fuck.

>> No.10381485

>The next con
No one wants to go to cons anymore.

>> No.10381504
File: 522 KB, 1125x994, 66591CC2-B5DD-47AE-9FE4-54E65F3D20EB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Admit it, a lot of us didn’t care about the Corona news until it started cancelling ALL our weeb cons.

>tfw AWA, Otakon and CRX will be bombarded with nothing but “cancelled or not?” comments on social media until they get answers

>> No.10381520

It doesn't take rocket science to figure out that cons were going to be cancelled once the virus started. It will take decades for the travel and convention industry to recover as no one wants to go to one, don't have the money to attend, and don't trust being around random strangers.

>> No.10381522


Apparently this was the last anime con that took place that was in the thick of coronavirus concerns and the con in question handled it well.

I can see other cons like Otakon doing this (practice social distancing and all that stuff)

>> No.10381528

>Admit it, a lot of us didn’t care about the Corona news until it started cancelling ALL our weeb cons.
i cared when my mom got laid off from her job at the airport

>> No.10381529

> It will take decades

take a chill pill, chicken little

>> No.10381539

Orange County is really just west coast Florida.

>> No.10381544

>literally hundreds of retards flock to the beach even though the pandemic isn't over
I fucking hate people so goddamn much. Why is the average person so fucking stupid?

>> No.10381553

it's because we've been denying survival of the fittest its due for so long. the stupid people have not suffered an exit from the gene pool because we keep healing them and fixing them whenever they do something retarded. catch covid? it's ok, the hospitals will save me!

>> No.10381560
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Say it with me

>No large gatherings until 2022

>> No.10381566


>> No.10381571

If we still had cons this year, you people would be saying these kinds of things to the con organizers.
>No large gatherings until 2022
Nah, I'm prepared to not attend mass gathering events until 2025 at the earliest.

>> No.10381574

I would be saying it about the con organizers, because like it or not, it's just simply unsafe to have a mass gathering right now.
It's just so fucking frustrating, because if everyone would just stay fucking inside, this would be over

>> No.10381575

Orange county is MAGA country of the California coast

>> No.10381578
File: 116 KB, 257x258, 1557096260012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to refill gallon of water this morning bc drinking too much during heat wave until next home delivery
>wearing my mask, obvi
>overhear the clerks telling two bozos that it's no mask or no entry
>these fuckers loudly protest that it's a fake law and they can't legally enforce it
>everyone else in the store just stares awkwardly as the clerk quickly tries to complete the transaction and get them the fuck out
>see this tweet
God, these fucks are going to keep me inside until I'm old and gray. It's not fucking fair!!

>> No.10381585

>>everyone else in the store just stares awkwardly as the clerk quickly tries to complete the transaction and get them the fuck out
I would just grab the phone and call the cops while keeping my distance. If you give these fuckers an inch they'll take a smile. They're sure to show up again, and treat the clerk like shit every single time

>> No.10381592

I can live a few years without cons

.... but if i cant visit Japan in the next few years

>> No.10381613

I went to Home Depot with my dad today to help him with a house project. I see about 10 people walking around with no masks. I'm like wtf?

>> No.10381618

My work put down those taped indicators showing where 6 feet apart is, so people can social distance while in line for the cash register.
>woman is waiting in line on her marked spot
>man comes over and gets right behind her in line, one foot away from her
>she tells him to move back 6 feet to the next marked spot
>he just completely ignores her, doesn't tell her no, doesn't argue, just doesn't respond and doesn't move away
I just don't get it. Not only do they not care about potentially infecting others, they don't care if they get infected either

>> No.10381619

Sounds like Wal-Mart.

>> No.10381621

The last thing you want to see happen is a stupid fist fight over social distancing inside Wal-Mart which would result in a lawsuit. That's why no employee wants to enforce anything and just want to gtfo of their shift.

>> No.10381643

I live literally right across from the police station and it's taken them 30 minutes to get to my house for an emergency before. These dweebs would have been long gone, unfortunately. If the cops even cared enough to come that is. I did think about it though.

> They're sure to show up again, and treat the clerk like shit every single time
Oh I have no doubt about that. I hope the supervisor catches them next time.

>> No.10381644

Maybe I'm just reading into it too much, but a lot of these people I have seen look so smug about not wearing masks like everyone else. It peeves me. I hope they catch it and suffer alone.

>> No.10381646

Close the orange curtain. Slam the LA/OC boarder shut and toss the key. Re-open once the idiots are dead...say 5-6 months?

>> No.10381651

mfw one of my friends says he drove an hour to "take a walk"
"why can't we open up the economy? everyone's hurting! you're only fine with this because you still have a job!"
"i think it's fine if i drive so i can take a walk. it's essential travel"
you fucking shitbag, you're part of the fucking problem

>> No.10381692

I'm conflicted on wanting these people to get it and suffer for being smug morons but at the same time I want this shit to disappear already so life can resume again.

>> No.10381700

life can wait

schadenfreude is eternal

>> No.10381701

I wouldn't be surprised if a bunch of people from LA county came down to OC for the beach. Normalfags are a disease

>> No.10381718
File: 102 KB, 960x813, [b]arold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hard same, anon. And because these smug idiots won't catch the virus due to sheer luck or the efforts of the people around them, they'll think they were right all along. Life is just unfair.

>> No.10381733


Turn to Korean Culture. At least SK managed to beat back COVID. Japan is no longer culturally relevant

>> No.10381772

they almost got Noise! and only backed off due to the tracing allegations.
they already print shota and host light loli and heavy shota content, its only a matter of time desu. Personally hope some third party sues them for selling ILLEGAL shota mangas and they win opening up loli content to make back their law suit loses.

>> No.10381775

Just open it all up. Let the weak and unlucky die and the rest live their lives.

>> No.10381778

>Korean Culture

I'm not downsizing to a great value® Asian country

>> No.10381785

korea is discount america with a pfchang twist

>> No.10381811


Seeing how Japan is well fucked. The reality is Korean Culture will take over where Japan started.

>> No.10381827
File: 172 KB, 900x900, top-stray-kids-tower-of-god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get use to it, have you noticed more and more Korean Manhwa have been getting anime series lately? Next thing you know, you'll be cosplaying these Manhwa characters because you watched the anime.

>> No.10381836

Manwha looks like ass

>> No.10381838 [DELETED] 

Japan has been fading in relevancy and looking more and more outdated the last two decades. There's a reason they're getting rocked by covid and it's not just because of Abe's lies. The fact that they're getting boat raced in treatment by the country they hate so much is a point of embarrassment for them. Even your beloved anime and vidya have been outsourced to gooks and SEA folk. Japan is finished and you dumb weebs will be sucking the teet of gook culture soon enough.

>> No.10381839

>Tfw i see an increase of people cosplaying K/DA and other K-Pop groups at anime cons lately
At least K-Pop music is easier to listen to. Most J-Pop/idol shit sounds like music for kindergartners.

>> No.10381845
File: 120 KB, 1200x900, milenioum.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I for one welcome our new Korean overlord.

>> No.10381853

Cope. Korea has surpassed Japan in tech and entertainment.

>> No.10381862 [DELETED] 

>he doesn't think gooks have already made japan irrelevant in tech and entertainment
>he doesn't think chinks are going to buy out all Japanese companies now that they're going to be dirt cheap or outright bankrupt
>he doesn't think delayed corona response and the Olympics cancellation will turn Japan into third world level poverty
>he still defends nips even though the government is finding time to make extra provisions to fuck over gaijins with their stimulus plan
Face it weebs, Japan is finished.

>> No.10381871 [DELETED] 

>6 mad gook posts in a row
come on korea get your shit together

>> No.10381873

Y'know maybe losing some weebs would do us good

>> No.10381877

Agreed. Cons are meh in comparison to actually going to Japan

>> No.10381927

Korea doesn't have anime or good video games. They literally have shit entertainment culture outside of some thoughtless kpop shit that rips off burger stuff.

When South Korea starts making great video games and great animated shit then I'll drop Japan

>> No.10381931

>thoughtless kpop shit
Yet people all over the world eat this shit.

>> No.10381932

We also have retards going to the beach right now so what does that tell you?

>> No.10381933

That's the only edge Japan has over SK is animated programming and video games. Music, movies, and TV dramas in Korea have surpassed Japan in terms of quality. KDM is now the new thing in cars. More and more people are modding Kia and Hyundai over Lexus and Infinity. Samsung and LG make better TVs than Sony.

>> No.10381940

tech yes, entertainment no. Korea is getting there tho.

>> No.10381945

>he still thinks his anime and games are being made in japan

>> No.10381966

these are some hot takes right here
you koreans are a good laugh

>> No.10381970

Koreans are up there with Filipinos in terms of cult-like nationalistic pride.

The average overpolished Korean art style still lacks the Japanese appeal. Korean also sounds unappealing, particularly compared with Japanese.
>Words like mukbang, dalgona, etc

Their food is good, though.

>> No.10381976

Game/computer programmers are still based in japan


>> No.10381983
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>> No.10381986

Since the Japanese anime industry isn't going to recover anytime soon, the SPJA may as well start taking in Korean art and pop culture to make up for the loss of anime and manga.

>> No.10381988

>Schizoanon was Korean the whole time

I should've guessed

>> No.10382008

That’s what K-Con is for, dipshit

>> No.10382010

That’s not the Philippines

>> No.10382011
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>not listening to Utapri
>not listening to Perfume
>not listening to Shoko Nakagawa

>> No.10382019

That's my point though, if they're going to treat the employee like shit, you may as well just refuse them service and call the cops rather than giving in. Best case scenario they start a bigger commotion and end up getting charged with much more than trespassing

>> No.10382021

They're definitely smug about it. I've seen several joggers not wearing any kind of mask at all, despite running right by people.
>started wearing a mask to my work
>coworker was making fun of it
>almost every customer with a mask as well came to me instead of the others and told me to "stay safe"
>masks are now required and all my coworkers need to wear them
Get fucked

>> No.10382024
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If less people wore masks, we'd reach peak infection faster.

Sure, there would be more people dying or sick, but it would be for a shorter period of time.

>> No.10382025

Fair point. Maybe the supervisor will catch them next time. I just don't have much faith that the police will lift a finger to come with everything else they're dealing with at the moment unless these dudes were visibly sick.

>> No.10382027

>less people die over a longer period of time or more people die over a short period of time
hmmm what a choice!

>> No.10382028

I hope you got a chance to telly our cowoker "I told you so"

>> No.10382029

That's why you don't lead with the masks. You call the police and tell them that they're trespassing
>There's a couple of guys here who are harassing the staff and other customers, we told them to leave and they're refusing to
>I'm worried they might get violent
All it takes. Hopefully the cops would show up soon, or the retards would have enough common sense to just leave as you're calling

>> No.10382031
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Imagine it, all the Corona-chan cosplay when conventions come back in 2023

>> No.10382034

>come to con as crossdressing corona-chan thinking you're clever
>no on laughs
>start coofing on people as a gag
>get beat by con goers or escorted out by security
Oh man I can envision it happening right now.

>> No.10382040


>> No.10382044

I work at a couple cons but AX is always the biggest one of the year for me. Looks like I'm gonna be making a lot less money for a while...

>> No.10382053

There's going to be at least a few dozen Corona-chans, and probably even more half assed hazmat suit cosplays

>> No.10382060

Koreaboo culture looks vapid as shit. With weebs you can at least understand the cultural history of Japan and how it developed differently from the rest of the world but Korea looks like you just took shitty daytime television and made it louder and shinier.

K-pop stans are just Beatlemania except the music itself isn't as good.

>> No.10382072

Theyll just call ya succubus chun li

>> No.10382075

if you know the history of anime, you'd know it started as a direct ripoff of betty boop/disney/other american cartoons. and their gaming industry started off piggybacking off american technology too.

all you asian-worshippers have murica to thank for influencing everything you love. because you know who has always made the most popular, most consumed-all-around-the-world media? that's fucking right, murica

>> No.10382076

another korea-worshipping slum


>> No.10382084
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>Korea looks like you just took shitty daytime television and made it louder and shinie
Stay mad faggot

>> No.10382122

The same goes for 1980s Japanese Citypop. All of it was derived from R&B and soul groups in the US.

>> No.10382132

>Jpop boyband idols
>jpop with a dash of edm
>anisong artist

>> No.10382136

This thread has taken a hard and fast tangent.

>> No.10382336

For those of you who aren't natives, remember "Corona Chad"? Now imagine an entire county of them but with less remorse, that's Orange County.

>> No.10382338

Not until Myun-jin Lee resumes working on Ragnarok.

>> No.10382344

> implying they were not white kpop stans
New to the Internet?

> this ignorance of animation
> t. zoomers

>> No.10382380

>Yeah, public mass gathering events are dead
Stop fear mongering you fucking asshole.

>> No.10382383

the worst and numerous kinds of kpop stans are the ones from shitholes like brazil

>> No.10382445

East Coast AX just got cancelled.

>> No.10382447
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>East coast AX is cancelled too

>> No.10382465

Well at least I can go to the beach when this lockdown ends this summer and will make the government look like idiots.

>> No.10382468

Labor Day weekend cons are next.

>> No.10382489

>Labor Day weekend cons are next.
Only in the north, but the south will stay open. Dragoncon will still be on regardless.

>> No.10382492

Don't be stupid

>> No.10382493

>Don't be stupid
It's fucking nothing.

>> No.10382717


Time to embrace Korean Culture. More accessible and not as badly affected by covid

>> No.10382732

eww no. get out pig dog korean.

>> No.10382753
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>Mfw you get infected

>> No.10382756
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>wake up
>bike to work
>nice and warm today
>feels like summer is coming
>finally get hit with the feels that this is going to be a summer with no AX or other cons
>feels bad man

>> No.10382757

38 out of 1k died? sounds like a good ratio

>> No.10382758

>otakon is east coast AX
>membership has been tanking
holy shit you faggots are delusional

>> No.10382760

>Save money and get to live longer
It's a worthy sacrifice

>> No.10382768


You don't have a choice, live with it. Your con scene is in shambles.

>> No.10382774
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>mfw K-Con LA gets cancelled too

>> No.10382777

>Your con scene is in shambles.
No it isn't the but the economy will be shambles if it doesn't reopen.

>> No.10382803
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>Caring about the economy

>> No.10382842
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>> No.10382846

I hope LAPD clears out the filth in the convention center in time!

>> No.10382849

Still pretty unreasonable like this >>10379762

>> No.10382851

>changes to stay-at-home order
In other words, he's going to extend the order until the end of June and the entire state is required to wear a mask even if they are outside their front lawn or face a stiff citation.

>> No.10382852

>Gavin Newsom says during a conference on Febuary 27th
Hmmm.... me thinks this is an old article.

>> No.10382857
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I got the refund email today. You guys going for the refund or the rollover?

>> No.10382860

>Rolling over your badge when there's no guarantee of an AX 2021
You got to be a dumb ass for not doing the refund now.

>> No.10382881
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It’s the only hope we have left.

See ya next year...

>> No.10382917

Please stop making these memes.

>> No.10382920

Rollover. I got my badge for a good price and if next year gets cancelled then I'll just get my refund then.

>> No.10382950

> Only two months to plan everything

>> No.10382992

Bay Area here. We just extended to end of May and have mandatory mask usage. People ignore both. They know there's not enough cops out there to give citations. There's not enough to dedicate patrols to just giving out tickets (imagine them actually trying to do that; they'd be bogged down every time they had to give a ticket to the point where it would takes days to get through the city even once). They're going to proritize cops to deal with actual crimes instead.

Fun fact: if you ever get confronted by a fare inspector or other person like that you can just give them another name or if it's something like a bus just hop off. If there's no cop with them to help enforce they can't do shit. Trains having less stops/ways off might be more of an issue but you can do the same.

>> No.10383186


Unlike anime cons. Korean pop culture isn't as heavily reliant on the con scene. You are bound for less disappointment if something bad happens

>> No.10383279

It's time to legalize murder. If someone is constantly coughing and showing symptoms, just kill them on site. That's the only way we'll even slow down this virus.

>> No.10383295

Did you know any /cgl/fag who passway because of corona? Went to 3 in the last month. Heart broken and sadness. Two where oldfag, not that old and a newfag, was her third AX last year. Will truly miss them. God I miss them

>> No.10383334

The harder part about it is that their families can't even have funerals for them right now
My grandpa just passed the other night (not from corona) and we can't have a service, because no mass gatherings. Maybe we'll do one after he's cremated and this thing passes

>> No.10383358

How about no.

>> No.10383720

>Work in OC
>Got an email saying that we may go back to work on May 15th in an office with 300 people
>I still can’t fucking go to the market without a mask on
>Everything I’d planned to do this summer is cancelled or still closed indefinitely

Fuck this shit

>> No.10383742

Raise your concerns to them. Get it in email writing. Ask about hazard pay. Ask what preventative measures they're taking. Ask if you can still work remotely for your safety.

>> No.10383978


>> No.10384311

>Doesn't want to wear a mask when going out
How fucking dumb are you?

>> No.10384425

Enshodo, formerly Shikimaya. Owner was hospitalized with some illness and shuttered the company. Most of the IP transferred to an ex-employee who set up a new company, Irodori Comics.

>> No.10385600

we can't just go a whole year with no AX thread up, bros...

>> No.10386511

The only solace is that I won't get tempted yet again to go to the /cgl/ meet up which is ALWAYS incredibly underwhelming unless you're part of the inner circle, with about a half hour of chatting, then walking to a hotel room, and then if you're lucky an hour of being crammed into a hotel room with like 20 others getting drinks, until the room owners finally realize 20 people in a room is aids and kick out everyone but the core group, but they can't even be honest about it for some reason.
It was really fucking puzzling to me last time, very clearly heard a guy tell a girl and a guy to not let anyone know they were staying before announcing everyone has to go. Nigga it's your fucking room, you don't need to try hiding shit and making excuses

>> No.10386934

There will most likely be one when premiere passes/hotel blocks go back up for sale

>> No.10387816
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I keep getting feelings of nostalgia for AX, bros. Then sadness when reality hits.

>> No.10388294
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it's not fair

>> No.10389823

Goodbye AX 2020
Goodbye thread

>> No.10389882
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Not like this

>> No.10390359
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Good riddance.

>> No.10390421
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Please no

>> No.10390583

Where do we go bitch about this lockdown now?

>> No.10391599
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>> No.10391910

See you in 2021!



Don't count on it.

>> No.10392061
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>> No.10392226

bye bye

>> No.10392228
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welp till next see ya'll next year