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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10359247 No.10359247[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


It’s over, /cgl/

>> No.10359255

>Tfw artists and "professional cosplayers" that heavily rely conventionss now have to find another source of income
Based Corona-chan.

>> No.10359257

Lol what cosplayers don't rely on cons, they use patreon andbonly fans

>> No.10359260

Now they're saying this Pandemic can go as far as 3 years. By that time, people will forget what attending a convention feels and looks like.

>> No.10359261

where? 18 months is not 3 years.

>> No.10359264
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A few cancelled cons are going to be the least of our worries moving forward.

>> No.10359265

Why not just host conventions on VR Chat?

>> No.10359271

Did you not just watch the latest White House update?

>> No.10359287

Because not everyone wants to throw down $350+ headset, only to use it once or twice a year .

>> No.10359314

Don’t forget the artists in the artist alley

>> No.10359317

>Their biggest source of income is to sell cheap plagiarized artwork along with driving people around as an Uber driver
Oh no, now they have to find a real job.

>> No.10359330

Yeah, they instead want to spend that same amount on hotel rooms per con. Not like that headset is reusable or anything.

>> No.10359335

>thinking VR is the same thing as going to a con in person
The absolute autism

>> No.10359336

VR Chat cons are the future of interacting with people of the same interests without having to go out and get sick.

>> No.10359339

People can already do that on forums. Did you forget this board is for making and wearing cosplay?

>> No.10359342

Who the heck wants to gather around and congregate about the latest tv shows and comics in the make-believe halloween section of a Mongolian claymation board?

>> No.10359349

I understand what you mean, but you have to realize about vr:
-Pricey headset
-A computer that can run the headset software and the virtual program, that requires a lot of power that you can't get with older machines
-Space to use it - now to be fair you don't need alot of space for vr, but if you want to do the full body tracking then you need a good amount of space move around
-Your character - nothing wrong with a default design, but eventually you want to customize it. That requires knowledge of 3D models/texturing, rigging, baking and I imagine that it take time to learn how to do that from scratch or pay a good amount for a desired look
It's a cost/time investment that not alot of people have the ability to commit to

>> No.10359355
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>vee arr shit
>tfw try to make second life comic con and /vg/ crashes it like it crashed universities like good old days

>> No.10359357

>Mongolian claymation board
Ok this one is probably my favorite

>> No.10359406

just believe it anon, now is the time to actually panic and go all out without your mom telling you to see a therapist for once.

>> No.10359533
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>yfw AX and Comic-Con get cancelled

>> No.10359553
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At this point, I don't even care if both cons get cancelled. Everyone knows they're good as dead, it's just waiting for the announcement to become official.

>> No.10359608
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>> No.10359779
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>> No.10359787
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>Got fucking burned when i couldn't score tickets in SDCC lottery
>It gets cancelled or watered down by paranoia at best

>> No.10360337

Pro disease and was enjoying the panickers before they started having influence.

>> No.10360881
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>could be 18 months
>tfw AB is cancelled two years in a row

i just... want to see my friends again
i just... want to have fun with happy people again

>> No.10360930

All those winter cons are going to be fucked even if this virus dies down. HoloMat, Katsucon and Magfest? All gone because nobody is going to fuck with a winter con at the height of flu season post COVID. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of con attendees at Katsu caught it and chalked it up to a nasty case of con crud. Katsucon ended right as cases started popping up in the US.

>> No.10360935

the fun part is that we don't know yet whether this is a one-and-done or if it's a recurring virus. we might have corona fun time once more if it just goes to sleep off-season and wakes back up when it gets cold again.

>> No.10361059

Anime Expo won't cancel. Everything will blow over in a month's time and everything will be fine by the time AX rolls around.

>> No.10361087

Ok retard.

>> No.10361105


Get a load of this moron.

>> No.10361115

That's why spja is shilling their 500 dollar a person online seminars so hard. Totes not canceling. They already cancelled you twat.

>> No.10361117

t. Ray Chiang

>> No.10361122

The reason why a lot of far out cons aren't cancelling yet is because they don't know how long these state of emergencies will last. If the states and cities cancel their SoE after the cons cancel then the hotel/convention can go after the con org for breach of contract because the "force majeure" clause is no longer on the table for the con to back out on.

>> No.10361137

Oh really? Where's the cancellation announcement then?

>> No.10361147

This. They're waiting to be forced to cancel so they don't loose money or have to pay out of pocket. We should expect more cancellations closer to May/June

>> No.10361149


>> No.10361267

/fa/ here.
absolutely cackling at you.

/cgl/, your hobby is dead for a year and a half AT LEAST.

>> No.10361314

Well, the wearing it outside portion is. There's time to sew, online shop, and plan outfits at least.

>> No.10361404

Heads up, Orange County here. Local law enforcement are randomly pulling people over and questioning them where they are going. A family friend who is a LVN got pulled over going to work. She was already wearing scrubs and showed her work badge ID along with her DL, insurance, and reg just to play it safe. They eventually let her go, even the cop was nice and thanked her for her service in this time of need.

If you don't need to be anywhere, stay home.

>> No.10361439

Nothing says you can’t wear your cosplays outside, you just can’t do it within twenty feet of anybody else or whatever the recommendation is. I personally think now is the perfect time for people to wear their cosplay out and about because everyone will be giving them an even wider berth.

>> No.10361453

Cosign. I run tests for cancer patients and our HR sent all of us Permission Letters to carry as we are essential workforce

>> No.10361454
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>There are people still holding out for SDCC and AX

breh let it go

>> No.10361493

>Tfw Police and Nat. Guard will soon have the power to shoot anyone going outside.

>> No.10361531
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Well fuck...

>> No.10361536
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>Dick Pound

>> No.10361550

So will the Japanese economy start tanking now?

>> No.10361566

jap economy is stagnating since the 90s breh

>> No.10361575

at this point i'm holding out for cancellation announcements

>> No.10361587

id love to see those Pigs TRY

>> No.10361589
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>mfw martial law happens during my lifetime

I am absolutely fucked, though, the grocery store shelves are still barren and my only reprieve is getting a decent lunch from a restaurant still open.

>> No.10361643
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>> No.10361649

The cons that DO stay open will have record breaking numbers of people showing up because everyone wants to go to some kind of con to go to.

>> No.10361650

I'm just waiting for the cancellation announcements. Once they cancelled that livestream that was supposed to be held on the 25th I finally gave up my last remaining shard of hope on the con. I thought SPJA's greedy asses were gonna try to hold out as long as they can.

>> No.10361654

Ok retard

>> No.10361655

No one wants to go to cons anymore since no one knows who is infected. Besides, mass gathering events have quickly fallen out of popularity in favor of social distancing practices and staying home. These practices will last for several generations. By then, people will forget what a convention looks like.

>> No.10361659

Okay snowflake

>> No.10361664


You fucktard. You get it that healthy young people are dying now too because they're aren't enough kits and NO cure????? EVERYONE can get it now but the elderly are just dying faster.

>> No.10361668

Yeah tell that to everyone who went to the beaches in florida for spring break, all the people going to the parks and trails in the sf bay area and los angeles, and the cherry blossoms in DC. Restrictions have been placed on the parks, trails, and beaches in both the bay area and LA because there were so many people gathering there.

It hasn't even been two weeks in the bay area and people are already bouncing off the walls.

>> No.10361670

I guess USA doesn't have a law that makes mass gatherings with over 5000 people illegal? Germany just passed another one that limits gatherings to 2 people. Italy has even more restrictions, yet you talk like some cons will even be allowed to stay open.

>> No.10361671

Who cares some of those spring break retards are now tested positive. Conventions will die off as their is a prediction of a 30% unemployment rate in the US. Who the fuck is going to afford a trip going to a con when that happens?

>> No.10361682

It’s true.

Governors have passed a law in VA. All non essential businesses must close by tomorrow. Restaurants must be carry out only. I read something about how some businesses can’t have more than 10 people occupying the building at a time and how certain companies/contractors/etc will need special permission to occupy the office but that might be moot at this point.

>> No.10361685

Come now anon, spend some of that unemployment on conventions

>> No.10361689

Gee it must be nice still shitposting from mom and dads house and you don't have to worry about paying any monthly bills.

>> No.10361690

poor high school and college kids have perfected the art of going to cons for cheap without jobs and questionable amounts of money for an entire weekend. Unemployment isn't about to stop them now.

>> No.10361692

>being this mad
My guess is you can’t make rent? That’s rough, my heart goes out to you sis.
My partner makes bank, so I get to fuck around and...not work I guess.

>> No.10361698
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And nothing of value was lost... for once.

>> No.10361702

This is still going on even when Youtube has been going down the shitter?

>> No.10361703

even without COVID-19, i'd have that shit cancelled for HIV/Syphillis/Herpes risk

>> No.10361708

who..are these people

>> No.10361720

Remember when everyone in the Katsucon threads kept insisting that the coronavirus wouldn't be a big deal?

>> No.10361723

Normalcy bias and praying that katsu would not be cancelled

>> No.10361732

Well that and the fact even pandemics generally don't close all events for all countries for a period of time.

>> No.10361734

>and the cherry blossoms in DC
Not anymore.


Cherry blossoms are now on lockdown.

>> No.10361737

Yeah none of this crap happened when sars or bird flu were big

>> No.10361741

No. If fucking Disney shut down its operations around the world what makes you think your pet con is still going to go on?

Now lets say these cons somehow manage to go on. The 16-25 demographics that attend these cons are going to be fucking broke because they're working in the industries that are being hit the hardest right now. Retail, customer service, restaurants and all of the hospitality industry are getting hit with mass layoffs right now. There are estimates that the US will see up to 30% unemployment rates. Combine that with social distancing and these cons won't break the 5k mark.

>> No.10361747

The government should sign into law that mass gathering events be permanently be banned and all sports stadiums, concert halls, and convention centers be converted into permanent homeless shelters.

>> No.10361748

Who wants fucking zoomers at cons? 30 plus only please fuck. At least 28 plus

>> No.10361749

And all the older weebs now in their late 20s early 30s rejoiced as they both have money and don't have to deal with as much of the crowds in recent years

>> No.10361751

If you're trying to troll you are doing pretty good. No one likes homeless people, including the homeless.

>> No.10361753

Dragoncon is pretty much the anti-zoomer con. The high cost of getting a room keeps them out.

>> No.10361768

For what reason?

>> No.10361769
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>Yulin Dog Meat Festival also gets cancelled by Corona Chan and not PETA

>> No.10361770

China's been trying to say they're recovering, bullshitting numbers like no new cases in Wuhan for days and that they're going back to normal now, so I wouldn't be surprised if they had it.

>> No.10361771

Uh because the convention and tourism industry is dead. The public are even urging the local government to turn every hotel and motel into homeless shelters since those won't be occupied like before within the next 5-8 years.

>> No.10361780

Even the airline industry is completely fucked now that you have to quarantine yourself for 14 days if you flew from a hot zone like NYC and LA.

>> No.10361797

>convention and tourism industry is dead.
when will this meme die

>> No.10361798

>the next 5-8 years
fucking relax.

>> No.10361799


>> No.10361800


Fuck AX.

>> No.10361806

It's one guy pushing it who wants everyone to be hermits so he doesn't feel bad about already being one

>> No.10361813
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>Fuck AX

>> No.10361818

seagulls just need to get creative, maybe get your siblings into EGL/cosplay and have family events or something.
so much for selling my aparto during the boom

>> No.10361821


>> No.10361822

>maybe get your siblings into EGL/cosplay and have family events or something
ew, no.

>> No.10361893

You can at the comfort of your own home when conventions will only be accessible through VR Chat.

>> No.10361896 [DELETED] 

You also have to remember that Anime Expo attracts a large Asian demographics of anime fans. Not a good time when DTLA is surrounded by nigger and spic thugs that will attack them on site for being who they are. If Coronavirus doesn't stop AX, someone will die in an ER after taking some blunt force trauma will stop the con.

>> No.10361910

Imagine being so retarded that you attack someone who you believe to carry the virus instead of staying away from them.

>> No.10361913 [DELETED] 

Tell that to the stupid niggers that keep attacking random Asian people on the streets.

>> No.10361916

nice fanfiction

>> No.10361934 [DELETED] 

There's probably more incidents of random white people attacking Asians randomly than blacks and Hispanics straight up robbing Asians. The latter has been going on a while. See: Sacramento, San Francisco

>> No.10361935


It ain't over yet.

>> No.10361936

>>10361913 #
There's probably more incidents of random white people attacking Asians randomly than blacks and Hispanics attacking Asians as a direct result of coronavirus. The latter groups have been straight up robbing Asians for a while without the virus being used as an excuse. See: Sacramento, San Francisco

>> No.10361941

But then you can't fug ppl irl like at cons

>> No.10361949

Clever trap, anon.

>> No.10361963

this. how tf am i supposed to get dicked down over the internet?

>> No.10361974
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Apparently, by the end of the May, the entire country is projected to be infected. Regardless, we're all fucked.

>> No.10361978

Who's model does this come from?

>> No.10361981

After 3/20, it's basically just doubling each day so I doubt it's based on any actual model.

>> No.10361984

We are all fucked. You have asscunts who insist on going out to party and take spring break... The idiot boomers who believe they don't get infected, The millennials that have NO CHOICE but to go out because they can't work from home or are made to work.

There truly is no way to stop this, People will never listen to any advisories and still leave their house and not practice good hygiene.

We're all fucked, The economy is going to completely tank, we'll be in the next great depression and life as we know it is going to change.

We already aren't far from martial law, so there's that. It was nice knowing you all.

>> No.10361985

You do know in some places in the USA that police are allowed to shoot you if you don't follow the Stay Home order?

>> No.10361986

What place? That seems fake.

>> No.10361988


I am with >>10361986 on this. Sounds like some fake-news fearmongering bullshit to me.

>> No.10362020

Detroit, Chicago, and Atlanta.

>> No.10362024


I live in Atlanta and have not heard of or seen this. I have went out today AFTER the "Stay at home" order was placed and saw other people out as well - Far less, but still people out. Didn't see police or military patrolling anywhere, and I went from Decatur all the way to downtown and back on main streets as well as the interstates (75, 85 and 285)

So your info is incorrect. The "Stay at home" order is NOT mandatory, but STRONGLY recommended and any non-essential businesses have been shut down.

You're a complete fearmongering retard.

>> No.10362031

Literally all of these places are under Stay at Home or Shelter in Place orders but they still allow people to go get groceries or leave for essential work and shit, so you're saying the cops are gonna talk to someone to see if they have a valid reason for being out and if their explanation doesn't pass muster, they shoot them? That's retarded.

>> No.10362032

nice fantasy there cletus

>> No.10362040

they're not allowed to even if being shot by cops is pretty common in these places already

lmaooo i live in south america and we're already under martial law and curfew

>> No.10362052
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It's coming to USA soon.

>> No.10362059


I've seen this around. This is the most ridiculous fearmongering bullshit I've ever seen.

>> No.10362060

Alright, don't blame anyone warning you costume wearing weebs when the National Guard smashes your head for disobeying federal orders.

>> No.10362061


I'll keep that in mind ya fuckin' nutcase.

>> No.10362063

This is just a more fleshed out version of the one from a week and a half ago. They aren't doing martial law right now because they don't want to kick off the boog. If we didn't have guns up the ass they would have done a military lockdown ages ago.

>> No.10362067

Ah yes, the trusted source of the notes app.

>> No.10362071

>It's one guy pushing it who wants everyone to be hermits
If you want the human race to survive beyond Gen Z, then I suggest we all stay at home for the next 5 years.

>> No.10362072

I'm sure I sound cold, but they should take all these idiots and throw them into quarantine for 2 weeks. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

>> No.10362073

>A hot and humid country is now shutting down for 21 days
This virus will be with us until the last human dies.

>> No.10362129

They're doing it as a precaution. They haven't even started mass testing yet so they have no idea if they're all fucked or what.

>> No.10362169
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>tfw no conventions and any social gatherings for the next 5 years

>> No.10362172
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>> No.10362207

AX won't be cancelled. Coronavirus infection rates have dropped drastically and less deaths than ever before.
Everything will be back to normal in a month's time.

>> No.10362216

>Everything will be back to normal in a month's time
The U.S. hasn't even reached peak yet, retard.

>> No.10362220

dropped drastically where?? california counties are still reporting 30-50 new cases daily

>> No.10362222

I mean, if we're talking about AX 2021 you're possibly not wrong

>> No.10362400


>> No.10362401
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>baiting this hard

>> No.10362428
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>> No.10362437

Right now, just stay 6 feet away from other people.

>> No.10362526


>> No.10362531

>All these cons and other events postponing into 2021
This virus is meant to end humanity. By this time next year, only 12% of the world population will only exist. There will be no successful vaccine or cure in time.

>> No.10362535


>> No.10362549

Godly response.

>> No.10362632

You were told to fuck off in the other thread too.
AX is fucking cancelled, the CC will be used as a makeshift hospital and SPJA is gonna bail with the money and not offer refunds or 2021 badges.

>> No.10362639

>only 12% of the world population will only exist.
Thats enough for SDCC/AX/Dragoncon

>> No.10362719

Awesome Con just postponed to December


No way in HELL anybody's going to that at the start of flu season.

>> No.10362841

Do people even go to cons around thanlsgiving/christmas/new year?

>> No.10362843

At least Canadian cons are still scheduled. That shows how bad Americans are handling the pandemic.

>> No.10362844

AnimeNYC is in mid-November
If it gets canceled imma cry.

>> No.10362845

Just cry because NYC is not going to get better anytime soon since the state is the most hard hit.

>> No.10362871

Then how did Canada pull through with it anyway.

>> No.10362876

Holiday Matsuri in Florida.

>> No.10362927

The Javits Center is being turned into a hospital so ANYC probably won't happen.

>> No.10362928

Is that a good con? I was scared to go last year because it seemed super small for a high price

>> No.10362933
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Phoenix fan Fusion(Comicon) got postponed to September.


>> No.10362936

>These practices will last for several generations
Ok retard

>> No.10363000

Canada in general just doesn't give a fuck about it

>> No.10363167

It's gonna take a full year for New York City to recover the whole city is an absolute mess.

>> No.10363174

Fuck recovering. Burn the entire city down before they kill the entire nation.

>> No.10363185

>Canadian cons
wow its fucking nothing