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10353519 No.10353519 [Reply] [Original]

Post your LM / marketplace grievances
> I hate when people tittle their listing with ***RARE***

>> No.10353521

Most recently the absolute dive in quality of photography. Decent cameras are more accessible than ever, so why do around 30% of non-store listings look either blurry or suffer from abysmal composition? They do want their stuff to sell, right?

>> No.10353523

When people absolutely don't know the market value of their items and just assume that brand = I can sell it for close to what I paid. I've seen many a stained or yellowed blouse for $100+ just because it's brand.

>> No.10353524

Sellers not replying to my messages asking about the items I just bought after I see that the little "read" eye icon has been marked.


>> No.10353540

fucking this

also when newbies lowball

>> No.10353542

Sellers taking almost a week just to read my messages.

>> No.10353547

People messaging me asking "whether item X is still available" when it's very obviously listed on my profile and not on hold or anything

>> No.10353611

AFTER the payment is done, 3 days later the infamous message, "As I was packing this I noticed a stain (missing item/ small rip..) if you want I can email you pics... "

>> No.10353612

I’ve bought on LM frequently for five years and I’ve never had that happen to me, who are you buying from?

>> No.10353614

First, "an emergency" has come up. Then the expected, "So sorry but I am in the hospital." After about 5 days go by then this message, "So sorry I have been in recovery, I can ship next week if you're still interested. " Right, because I PAID 2 weeks ago and hell no I am not still interested, keep my fucking money.

>> No.10353615

People on Lace Market is who I am buying from. Happened to me 3 times now. Just because it hasn't happened to you doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Consider yourself fortunate and spread the happiness you have.

>> No.10353616

Where did I say it never happens? I said it’s never happened to me and asked who did it to you. You’re so fucking sensitive.

>> No.10353617

you know you get a copy of any message sent to your email? the little icon doesnt mean much because even if they haven't read it on the site they still could have read it offsite. and if a seller was trying to be sly about not replying because they claimed to have not read the message they would just read the message from the email inbox.

>> No.10353619

When buyers don’t read my TOS and then hassle me about things I laid out in my TOS after they’ve won the item. Fuck you if you do this.

>> No.10353621

THIS so much!

Also buyers who don't bother to pay in a timely manner and don't are bothered
to message you the reason or simply anything to make the seller feel less stressed.

>> No.10353622

When people take photos of their turns on top of quilts/patterned bed spreads. It makes it hard to look at the item.

>> No.10353625


Has happened to me once or twice as well and it's frustrating. Especially when the seller doesn't try to make up for it in some way or ships the item anyway even if you may not even want the thing at that point.

>> No.10353626

Totally agreed. On the flip side of this, I make a point to pay all invoices basically immediately and it really bothers when sellers don't even do me the courtesy of telling me when/if they've shipped until I ask days later.

>> No.10353631

saw someone selling a pair of absolutely abused AP boots, and used the stock photo as the cover image to get people to look at their listing, only to find that the boots looked like they'd been wore by a coal miner
still charging $30 for them

>> No.10353638

>I PAID 2 weeks ago and hell no I am not still interested

>> No.10353639

Why even sell stuff like that? I wouldn't even want shoes that nasty for free. Some lolitas don't know when to take something out of circulation.

>> No.10353640

>what are the max measurements?
It's even worse if you actually put the info from lolibrary in the description.

>> No.10353641
File: 331 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200308-111954~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fucking person is the bane of my existence. Along with their shitty photos, they are a fucking blight.

That and that other seller who always puts a huge ass wall of text in their description with only half a sentence describing their product.

I wish you could block on LM

>> No.10353642

legit like, just throw them away, nobody is going to buy these travesty's

>> No.10353643
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dropped image

>> No.10353646

Me too anon, me too. Fucking soap.

>> No.10353650

the obvious one
> people not giving feedback

the one that makes me wish I could block on LM
> sellers backing out of a sale with a sudden problem after already discussing the listing

I am forever salty at a seller that not only backed out but started claiming shit that was easily disproved then ghosted me

in general just people being really unprofessional sellers irks me

>> No.10353652

Those sellers that put free shipping in their title but only after you open the listing you see in their description that its only domestic/not to your country. Baiters!

>> No.10353655

I feel like lacemarket should start listing how many neutral feedbacks a person has as well as the positive and negatives. I always check a sellers feedback before bidding or a buyers feedback after they've bid and there are times when I find people are far too forgiving and a neutral feedback is decidedly more negative imo. I'd like to be able to find out for example if a seller has a history of not mentioning missing items, or a buyer has a tendency to flake out on bids.

>> No.10353657

For real, why even have neutral feedback if it's not listed? There's pertinent information there.

>> No.10353658

Literally just sold an OP yesterday for $80. It was purchased and I sent the standard “hey confirming your PayPal and the total before I send the invoice” and she replied that she couldn’t pay for the dress until next week because she had bills to pay. I was really annoyed and chewed her out for being irresponsible and pointed out that my TOS says I require payment within 48 hours. I told her I’d break that rule if she’d do a down payment on it, and she told me she could only offer me the cost of shipping as down payment... I’m still pissed about this and haven’t responded to her second message.

>> No.10353660
File: 1.36 MB, 962x1282, Screen Shot 2020-03-08 at 11.21.58 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for only $15 ( + shipping) these disgusting moldy socks could be yours!!

>> No.10353665

The fact that absolutely nobody lists shoe size in the title of Lacemarket shoe listings is super annoying to me. It takes two seconds, why wouldn't you?

>> No.10353668

same this only happens to me with cheap stuff, never expensive pieces.

>> No.10353671

Once I had someone make an offer on my listing and I agreed, but someone else came and bought the listing for the buy it now price. I told the offerer and she threatened legal action. Like wtf am I supposed to do, get negative feedback from both of you?

>> No.10353673

the nerve just boggles me, don't bid if you don't have the money! I had the same thing happen with a 60$ listing. Her first reply to me asking for paypal confirmation was 'yes its the right one also I can pay x now and will pay the other two parts over the course of two weeks please'

no discussion of payment plans was had, my tos state I want buyers to ask me about that before bidding. Rude AF

>> No.10353675

Usually when shit like this happens to me it's obvious teenagers but the fact that grown adults with bills to pay act like this too makes me sad.

>> No.10353676

She didn’t message me either! Just bought the listing and then dropped this bomb on me. Realistically there’s no reason I CAN’T wait to get paid but it’s really quite inconvenient as I sold the piece I did to pay for my dream dress.

>> No.10353677

God damn why do some people love selling their gross stuff that is literally not usable anymore? Heck you won't even be able to donate them in most places because of the awful condition, just trash it.

>> No.10353681

its just plain rude, payment plans are on the top of the list of questions that need to be asked before bidding. another one is shipping fees. When people bid and then complain or back out cause the cost of shipping is too high its just as rude to me.

>> No.10353684

Talking about washing stuff for sale, should I wash the piece that I got second hand if I never wore it personally?

>> No.10353687

I'd take it on a case-by-case basis. If you think it needs washing, wash it. And if you have pets I'd wash every time in case your buyer has an allergy.

>> No.10353689

Nayrt but that's a reason why I appreciate and even encourage buyers messaging me beforehand to ask about the shipping, some people out there seem to be too shy to do it or are afraid to be annoying.
Backing out because you didn't bother to ask - THAT is annoying.

>> No.10353691

I always message sellers instead of commenting, and if the cost ends up too high I politely thank them for the information and tell them I'm passing on it. Which brings me to yet another annoying thing: people asking for shipping cost then doing nothing/not replying when you answer!

I've had people ask for quotes then not even read my reply baka

>> No.10353693

>Bought blouse in a color I need from someone who never mentioned shipping delays, trips, etc
>"Oh, btw, I'm rarely home. I'll ship it out next week."
>2 weeks later
>"I'll ship it out tomorrow!"
>Send my "we have a problem" message
>"Oh, I was just going to message you I sent it :)"
By this point I already had a replacement blouse. It's fine if there's going to be delays, but let me know before I give you my money!

>> No.10353696
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>add offbrand items to make it a "set"
>Upcharge a couple hundred dollars

>> No.10353697

This drives me nuts because I swear they are not even washed.
It might not come out all the way but it definitely won't look like that after an Oxyclean soak.

>> No.10353698

I don't mind adding offbrand items to make a set but upcharging it a whole lot because of it and not even giving the option to only buy the main piece is straight-up scalping.

>> No.10353699

She doesn't even just add offbrand items to make a set... she literally calls a piece with it's detachable bow a set.

>> No.10353700

This is fucking hilarious. There are no laws about verbal agreements. That person is an idiot, and I hope they quit lolita before they get even more butthurt.

>> No.10353703

I actually rather people not wash their stuff. I rather do it myself. So many people have absolutely no clue about what will damage clothes.

>> No.10353705

I have been buying a lot of "stained" items lately that I have been able to just soak out with Oxyclean so there is that benefit as well.

>> No.10353719

Same, I try not to think too hard on the seller's hygiene standards when I buy something with big stains and get almost all if not most of the stains out with one wash

On that note I never ever go for something that has really bad armpit stains, too disgusting

>> No.10353723

I’ve bought “stained” items lately that came out with regular detergent. I swear some people are fucking stupid. WASH YOUR FUCKING CLOTHES PEOPLE.

>> No.10353724

I recently bought a cardigan from LM and the pictures and description both said pink. When it arrived, it was an orange-peach color and didn't even look remotely close to the color in the pictures. I'm pretty upset but at least I'm only out 20 dollars.

>> No.10353727

Had a similar case with a "black" handbag that was obviously black on the pic and was also labelled as such, when it arrived I saw that it was actually a darker navy. Not sure if the user was colourblind or if I fell for their overuse of filters and didn't look closely enough...

>> No.10353729

Recently a girl from my coutry offered in a Fb group to sell an unreleased dress by Lady Sloth. When we asked about proof pictures she deleted the post. We are a small lolita group in our country and I hate that someone was dishonest

>> No.10353730

people need to stop with that shit

>> No.10353735


>> No.10353738

>not purposefully making the photo quality “caught a cryptid on camera at the last second” tier


>> No.10353740

I think someone made a chrome extension a while back that blocks users you hate

>> No.10353746

Peach can look like pink under certain light. Never go 100% by the pictures when it comes to color. For example, my phone never catches it right and I need to edit pictures to make them more close to their real color.

>> No.10353748

Thb I think the photoquality suffers atm since it had been winter. Hard to take good pics without proper lighting, and a lot of homes seem to have shitty/dim/yellow lighting which sucks for photos

>> No.10353752

Same! I have gotten completely new pieces that got "stained" by makeup for super super cheap. One soak in oxy and it's good as new!

>> No.10353829


I also hate people misusing the tags. A 90cm long dress is not suitable for tall lolitas!!

>> No.10353841

This is true but my phone takes crap pictures and I always try to edit it to be more accurate or at least put a disclaimer in the description of the true color when I list an item. It feels deceitful otherwise and I guess it was naive of me to think others would do the same.

>> No.10353842

It’s all Bodyline and overpriced taobao now what’s the fkn point

>> No.10353855


>> No.10353872

I was being sarcastic. Yes, after paying & waiting I have been asked if I was still interested in the item. Fucking unbelievable.

>> No.10353880

I feel you, anon. Had a buyer back out because she didn't realise I wasn't the US despite my country being mentioned in my profile and TOS three times

>> No.10353883

I was this seller once and felt so bad. Immediately offered a partial refund when the buyer still wanted the item but would have let them back out of the sale with no issue. Handing it any other way would feel scummy.

>> No.10353888

yeah, i gave a buyer a partial refund once because i somehow broke a ring while packing the package like an idiot (it was part of a large set of other items and the least valuable thing at least). i repaired it and they were still happy to go through with the sale but god i felt like such an asshole

>> No.10353890

This actually happened to me, once in December and then something else in February. I hate being a flake and I have apologised sincerely to my buyers, but I do understand if they don't believe me. Shit sucks, I wish I didn't get sick.

>> No.10354007

I am sorry. Staying in contact with the buyers is key. Offering a refund is an option. I know it happens but the flippant messages only after I have to ask about it being shipped, "I don't have time for this, I am in the hospital this is real life." They have my money, and it is a real life transaction. I think being kind to the buyer, keeping them updated would make a huge difference. I hope you are doing better.

>> No.10354011

Annon, you have patience that exceeds angels. I would have opened a PayPal dispute after 3 weeks.

>> No.10354014
File: 55 KB, 596x380, over-the-garden-wall-devushka-1654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am now understanding why girls always say how surprised they are when I send things quickly ! You would think it would be more convenient for all parties involved to have the quickest possible engagement.
My grievance with lacemarket is the usual people taking forever to respond or worse the people who apparently don't think your prices are low enough
>for them personally as plenty of other girls have already placed their bids

>> No.10354034

I ask and then don’t reply, oops. What am I supposed to say? If I want it, I buy it. if I don’t then I don’t. It’s not a verbal agreement and it’s not like they are going to hold the item for me. That’s not how LM works.

>> No.10354038

I had good luck with this until I ran into what turned out to be rust stains. completely destroyed the piece and I’ve been gun shy ever since

>> No.10354067


I honestly had no idea a response was needed ? But I will keep that in mind next time I ask for shipping

>> No.10354078
File: 163 KB, 1536x2048, 89688013_629594864539583_1545970381523779584_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought tights with marked damage that was fixed. Received them and checked the damage spot, looked fine and stored them away for a month. Left 5 star review. Pulled them out of the closet the first time yesterday, about to put one leg in and see multiple holes and runs...

Rechecked the listing:
"has some piling on the bottom and a small tear in which I fixed it by hand sewing the tear. Been used once. In good condition"

I didn't store them in a way where they could have been damaged like this either :(

Do I even bother contacting the seller even though its a month later?

>> No.10354081

Damn I’ve been that seller before because a button fell off while folding it up. I told them I’ll either drop the price or completely refund and relist. I felt so shady because I’ve been on the other end of it too and I was suspicious it was bs

>> No.10354084


(nayrt btw) I think I understand if I give a quote and the other side simply does nothing. It's understood, the price is too high, they changed their mind, they found something else, or something.

The one where anon says they don't even read the messages with her quote in them is kinda dumb tho.

>> No.10354086

That’s just the leftovers. The brand sells quick

>> No.10354087

Seriously me too. If it’s my day off I’ll mail it the day they pay and buyers are always astonished. I’m really surprised to hear people wait months!

>> No.10354088


Uh. I'll say it. Recap:
- Bought an item seller already acknowledged as faulty.
- Left a 5-star review, implying you checked the item and are happy with its condition

- one month later suddenly the item was more damaged and you claim seller is at fault

It kind of doesn't look good for you if you want to try and pick a fight with the seller.

On the other hand, paypal is notorious for siding with the buyer, so if your time isn't up you could try paypal claim for item not as described.

I'd say it's a lesson to check things over carefully when you receive them, not just where it says it was damaged.

On that note though -- do people not wash their secondhand clothes when they receive them? I wash even stuff from closet child. Never know how their previous owner treated them and the stories of the stains coming out with one wash makes you wonder how many sellers out there don't wash their clothes...

>> No.10354089

"Plus size friendly"

>Waist: 75 cm
>Bust: 95 cm

>> No.10354091

yeah I guess I'm not gonna bother with this one and leave it as a learning experience. I never had anything like this happen before and I was just too trusting.

Smart move of the seller though, mention one point of damage on an item that will most likely not be completely checked until it's worn.
I went to see their feedback and noticed a bunch of "didn't mention overall / other damage" comments - so definitely seems like a repeat offender

>> No.10354125

I learned very early on to always thoroughly inspect secondhand items as soon as you get them, there has been one too many times where there is disclosed information.

>> No.10354127

I've been that seller before but I also offer a partial refund accordingly if they still wish to purchase it. I think it's better than not telling someone anything at all and being dishonest.

>> No.10354139

People are dumb
>So many dresses found in "hats" or "bags" category

>> No.10354143

I've gotten items with undisclosed repairs? Nothing major, usually a button and one time the pin of a pin-on bow. I wonder if the seller repaired it or bought it fixed and just didn't know. Nothing really worth leaving negative feedback over, but I'd definitely put it in the description if I end up selling those items.

Aside from that, I've gotten a few dresses that reeked of BO. How are people not embarrassed to send that out?

I've also had a handful of buyers put their shipping address wrong, which puts me in a bind because PP will still keep the fees when you do a refund, and you lose seller protection if you ship somewhere else. Always makes me anxious.

>> No.10354152

>so if your time isn't up you could try paypal claim for item not as described.
What the fuck, no they shouldn't. If the thights were fine when they arrived and then damaged in the buyers possession within one month, it's obviously anons fault. She might have moths and would then put the blame on the seller. Buyers like you are scary.

>> No.10354191

Thank you. That's very kind of you, I should be fine now. I once ordered something from someone and before I placed the order I said I needed it for a certain date (it was a gift for a friend) and the girl said it would get there on time, but then as soon as I clicked buy she went awol on me and said she was on holiday. That sucked, I wish she had said before because I still would have bought it.

>> No.10354221

But that is plus sized?

>> No.10354249

I go to snarky message when someone gave me a really high shipping quote and I just politely asked, per their TOS for the cost, and didn’t buy when it was too high. It was bizarre.

>> No.10354251


The anon complaining might be on the higher end of plus sized or have a low bust to hip/waist ratio so they're possibly fine in the bust area but too big in the waist.

>> No.10354255

I don’t want to start shit, but that’s my size and I use the plus size filter in LM. In jfashion that is plus

>> No.10354261

I don't get that. Sure maybe the polite thing is to write back and say "thanks but no thanks", but a lack of response isn't costing the seller anything in this case. They don't need to wait for you, you've given no indication that you'll buy whatsoever.

>> No.10354273

It's hardly plus size, it's very much a western medium. A US size 6.

I know Jfashion is incredibly unforgiving when it comes to sizing but I prefer websites like Devilinspired's practices for listing stuff as plus size: where the waist is 79cm minimum and the bust is 98cm minimum.

>> No.10354288

75cm is 29.5 inches which is a US 10 or 12.

>> No.10354293

>implying a size 12 is plus size

>> No.10354296

just because something doesn't fit 100 cm waist doesn't mean it's not plus size

>> No.10354299

size 12 is huge

>> No.10354300

You have warped body standards

>> No.10354302

A size 12 IS technically plus size even if it’s common in the US. Plus size starts at 12. And it’s fucking huge btw. I used to be that size at 5’6” and unless someone was like 5’11” she’d have to be fat to be that size.

No, America does. Set a size 12 US person next to an average adult from any other country and they’d look massive.

>> No.10354307

I saw the listing you're talking about, those shoes need to be thrown out. Could pay 30 for brand new shoes that don't look like they've gone through a cheese grater

>> No.10354316

I’m in a situation now where I don’t know if I should refund a buyer or not to avoid any other shady business from them?

>list specific terms in my TOS for reasons I make clear as day
>buyer buys my listing, only to make claims that conflict with my TOS
>insinuates that she’ll open a PP claim if I don’t ship when she wants despite my TOS saying the shipping time
>says she isn’t trying to create problems while creating problems that wouldn’t occur had she read my TOS and asked me to clarify before purchasing

I’m getting a bad gut feeling with her.

>> No.10354326

Id just refund her and relief and if she gives you bad feedback due to it you can dispute it showing proof that she didn’t follow your TOS and bitched at you about shipping as well as threatened a PP dispute
Seems easier than having the possibility of losing the item you’re selling and having to refund anyway if she opens a PP dispute

>> No.10354327

Refuse her the sale, I would. Not worth the trouble and stress.

>> No.10354331

That’s the WORST. Buyers who don’t update their shipping address on PayPal. They want me to ship it to a different address which leaves me vulnerable; they could get the package and file a PayPal claim saying they never got it. But then when I refund the money PayPal keeps several dollars.

>> No.10354332

I didn't say it was. I was just correcting the anon who said it was a 6.

Generally "plus size" ranges start at 14 or 16, so it's not that far off, but it isn't quite in that range. I wouldn't call a size 12 massive, but it's definitely chubby.

>> No.10354333

Relist* not relief

>> No.10354334

What TOS statement are mandatory to avoid bullshit from buyers/sellers?
I can only come up with 48h limit for payment after the purchase and the right to decline the sale with refund for whatever reason (covers the situation >>10353671 described)

>> No.10354336


Why do people always misspell it this way?
The fact that your AutoCorrect didn’t change it tells me you misspell it that way often

>> No.10354338

Put in something about buyers confirming their address and only shipping to the address on PayPal. I’ve had so many idiots choose the wrong option and whine when I shipped to the option they chose.

>> No.10354347

I despise when people tag things *Leaving Lolita* when it's obvious they aren't going anywhere. OT doesn't take two years to leave.

>> No.10354348

There are people on the internet who aren't british or american. There are people who don't use auto-correct.

>> No.10354351

Refund her and sell it to someone else. There is a high chance she will try to make the experience worse if you ship it out, no matter when.

>> No.10354353


Not all of us are phoneposters.

>> No.10354354

I usually don't even answer this. Breaks my heart to know I'm sending my beautiful item somewhere it'll be stretched and abused like that.

>> No.10354375

just say the max is below the completely stretched max max

>> No.10354452

I usually answer this when buyers ask but when I do, I warn them about not getting too close to the max and make sure the max is 3-5cm above their own measurements (already had people back out because of this for whatever reason I don't really wanna know about) so I hope the items will be fine and not stretched out

>> No.10354454
File: 85 KB, 680x680, vomitchan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>assuming phoneposting is the default

>> No.10354496

I'm thinking of adding to my TOS something about that. Like, if the buyer wants to ship to a new address, they're responsible for the fees PP keeps.

>> No.10354504

I want neutral feedback to be listed as well. I could have avoided a horrible expirence if either neutral were listed as such and if people would be less forgiving

>> No.10354506

Idk but it seems like most people who make that mistake are ESL. Wonder why that word is so difficult for them

>> No.10354509

I'd guess it partially might be because a lot of ESL speakers pronounce "th" as "t" so thights would sound the same as tights to them. And also they go on your thighs so it's sort of intuitive? But also I'm a native English speaker and I sometimes catching myself making that typo, go figure (I always see it and correct it but my fingers want to type thights).

>> No.10354513

Actually on this subject and to make it somewhat LM-relevant: I remember a few years ago before chokers had a moment, I used to see "choker" misspelled as "chocker" on lolita sales websites more often than I would see the correct spelling. I was honestly starting to wonder if I was the crazy one.

Everyone used to misspell "brooch" as "broach" too but that one isn't as weird.

>> No.10354534

Sometimes a shipping quote is a significant amount of effort though. I have to completely package the item and weigh it to give an accurate quote for international. It's better to at least say something so I don't get my hopes up and/or can unpackage it so it doesn't end up wrinkled for the future buyer.

>> No.10354535

That's understandable. To be perfectly honest, I didn't really think that anybody had to do that anymore because in my country it's super easy to get a fairly accurate quote on the website. I guess I'll keep that in mind and thank sellers next time!

>> No.10354537

I have an address in both Canada and the United States and sometimes ask if it's possible to send to my US because I travel there often and shipping to Canada is usually more expensive. But I always ask about both shipping rates before buying so that doesn't happen out of the blue.

>> No.10354616

12 sounds quite large to me. Google images certainly pulls a lot of chubby to fat people.

>> No.10354623

I always include shipping estimate prices to my country, the rest of Europe, and North America in my description. I hate when people message me asking for a shipping quote and it's almost the same in my description but they don't respond. I don't know if they were expecting a lower price but I give the estimate for a reason!

>> No.10354625

I should be 18 if sizes actually had standards but instead these are labled 10.

>> No.10354629

It is against the TOS to make the buyer pay for PayPal fees.

>> No.10354634

For the payment fees, not the new refund fees that may occur because of the buyer's slacking.

>> No.10354649

Does anyone ever fight their seller on this? It always feels like they are trying to do me dirty when they spring them on me, bit I just want to get my dress and go

>> No.10354652

I've had it happen to me a few times and I always fight it. Their fault for not reading the rules.

>> No.10354655

what i don't get is why not just tack on a bit to cover it in your selling price without telling the buyer? there's a fee calculator that tells you how much more to charge. that way everyone is happy.

>> No.10354658

Exactly what I do, and what everybody else should do lol.

Had this happen to me just now that always annoys me, is when sellers asks me for my paypal email and address, are they not aware that my paypal email will show at the top of the listing?? And they will have access to my address after I send the payment?

>> No.10354659

as a seller, the address is just to confirm that the buyer didn't choose the wrong address on paypal and doesn't blame me for shipping to the wrong place

>> No.10354660

Yes, they dont know that. It isnt advertised that it shows, so unless they look and see it isnt apparent.

>> No.10354664

i wouldn't buy shoes this dilapidated at goodwill, no way in hell am i paying for shipping in addition to whatever insane price these are listed for.

i would feel embarrassed to even have these in the drawer with my other socks, there's no way can look like this after being correctly washed

this is one thing for an instagram post, but an entirely different thing for a sale listing. i really appreciate people who take pictures of their items in more than one type of light and attempt to describe what the closest one is to reality- i know some items are just hard to photograph, but god damn.

>> No.10354666

i honestly am just sick to death of the extremely shitty handmade listings and people putting things in the wrong categories, presumably for increased visibility

>> No.10354688

This, I hate selecting "Gothic" or even KURO and getting fucking lavender hoodies

>> No.10354710

usually if they’re selling a set they add the categories of the other items in the set

>> No.10354741

Checking this thread to see if any anon rage posts about how you can still "Buy it Now" even if people are bidding.

I feel bad for swiping a piece, but when the BIN is only $10 more, why are you wasting time by bidding???

>> No.10354742

people who don't know how auctions work are funny.

>> No.10354855

It was shoes though? If it takes that long to put shoes in a box on a scale than idk what to say

>> No.10354862

Even if you've only worn it once, please atleast wash the pits of your stuff... you might be noseblind to your own faint BO, but I am not.

>> No.10354934

First you have to buy the box

>> No.10354936


I get the feeling they either don't have the money right then so are using the auction duration to save or wait for a paycheck, or they're just trying to save as much as possible since shipping costs are involved as well?

>> No.10354937

I've gotten bitched at for sniping something with BIN because the idiots bidding didn't noticed they went above the BIN price.

>> No.10354938

I miss EGL comm sales because people were so bitchy that sellers would have to provide detailed pictures of every single flaw otherwise they'd be torn apart. Now, 'minor damage' is completely arbitrary and you have no idea what you're getting til it's there.

>> No.10354961

When buyers never check their PMs, for fucks sake. Also when buyers don't update their Paypal email on the website and don't let you know it's not updated. People who buy a listing BEFORE inquiring about shipping and then bitch when shipping is high.
It's not just LM that's an issue though, Japanese secondhand is a shitshow as well. I bought a skirt that was supposed to be a very pastel light pink based on the pictures, but when I got it, it was a very dark dusty pink, matching nothing that I own. Turns out the pictures were just filtered to hell and back.

>> No.10354969

I honestly think the Japanese market is the worst for filtering photos or having just total shit photos.

>> No.10354972

Don't tell me you don't have some fitting amazon boxes lying around to use for shipping

>> No.10354976

people selling AP rings for 60 DOLLARS and charging 40 DOLLARS SHIPPING baka

>> No.10354986

We don't have a lot of storage space to hold onto stuff like that.

>> No.10354990

BIN exists after the bid amount surpasses it? That's news to me and it's fucking hilarious.

>> No.10354991

You know that you can just fold boxes and stick them anywhere, right?

>> No.10354999

>my item

Once they have paid for it it’s no longer yours, they can stretch it to hell and back if they want .

Why would you care what happens to clothing that you sold ? You’re not renting it out.

>> No.10355000

...Do you ever realize you did a big stupid? I'll start doing that, thanks anon

>> No.10355007

I know lolitas who develop deep bonds with their dresses, especially pieces they liked a lot or searched for a long time. So if one day they'll have to sell them for whatever reason (they gained/lost weight, a style change, a financial emergency, whatever) they'd want a good home for the pieces and not for them to end up shredded or ripped.

>> No.10355011

This, it's a bit like adopting out a pet. Sure the new owner can call it whatever they want but you'd feel kind of annoyed if they named it Assface.

>> No.10355019
File: 165 KB, 1080x1258, 58689510_122240522299487_1689385552075332270_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dis is cute

>> No.10355040

I can understand that it would suck to sell a piece you fell in love with once but to be annoyed because a fat will wear it is worrisome

>> No.10355042

It’s their little Assface now and they love it

>> No.10355080

The refund fees from the buyer's mistake in picking the address, not the sale fees, like >>10354634 said.

>> No.10355086

The girl who keeps listing crystal dream carnival JSKs with fucking awful modification jobs to them. I don’t care that you made the print bigger, that’s fine. But for fuck’s sake there were holes where you ripped out the waist ties. Can we do a better job next time?

>> No.10355095

anon, it's called a conversation

>> No.10355106

I bought a dress in "very good condition" that, on arrival, bad ALL of the shirring completely removed, with sloppy stiches in obvious places in the wrong color where it had been taken out. To her credit, the seller refunded me because she didn't realize, but I was in awe of the discrepancy.

>> No.10355121

Obviously anon. But I don't sell shoes especially not internationally.

>> No.10355214

is anybody else wary of selling to chinese with forwarding services? they already snatch everything good on mercari.

>> No.10355250


honestly i don't care as long as they aren't flaky. had too many poorfags cry emergency and pull out, kinda tired of that.

>> No.10355257

>seller lists (dream) item as worn but reasonably clean
>item comes with big random yellow splotches on them, grease stains & stinks. none of which where shown in pictures or disclosed on listing
>gets half refunded back after showing proof and reading their word salad
>sad times as I clean up this mess because I love it too much to let it go

>> No.10355282

I don't know how you can understand one thing but not the others.

Several pet abusers claim to love their pet.

>> No.10355290

i'm not a racist, so no. what does it matter if they're chinese

>> No.10355295

I have a chronic illness and I ALWAYS DRAG MYSELF TO THE POST OFFICE. No excuses unless someone has a severe medical emergency. Or, idk, just ask a friend to ship it for you. A family member. Whatever.

>> No.10355300

I'd expect that to be listed "just pay shipping" if ANYTHING jfc

This is also embarrassing behavior, it should be common courtesy to message first if you have any special rewuirements with payment time, and to just move on if you can'tfollow the rules the seller has put forward.

If it doesn't smell like the first owner's house or whatever then I wouldn't. You can also always just give it a quick steaming, assuming there's nothing that would be damaged by steam.

>> No.10355322

Any recommendations for postal scales for a canuck? I don't want to mess up the shipping quote then have a fight over it.

>> No.10355331

Official “postal” scales are overpriced. Go to the kitchen section and get a kitchen scale, same thing but cheaper cuz it’s not branded as a postal scale

>> No.10355333

i agree with >>10355331 just get a flat kitchen scale and you'll be good!

>> No.10355337

It’s not the race itself that matters, I don’t think anon was worried about selling to an American of Chinese decent. It’s about selling to someone who lives in China. I think people are getting bitter because the braves are catering to their tastes and they’re sucking up all the brand and leaving less in the western secondhand market and they scalpy. You know, the same thing we did to the Japanese secondhand market and they hated us for it. Shoe’s on the other foot now, gulls

>> No.10355338

How can you not notice a discrepancy like that???

>> No.10355342

You can get a quote on the US postal service website but you need a weight, hence packaging it up. Even a ounce or two difference in packaging weight can significantly alter the price.

>> No.10355345

Yesssss. One faraway picture and then it comes damaged but it was “evident” in the photo because I should have a microscope to see a missing button

>> No.10355348

wtf is this

>> No.10355395

Had a similar experience to this a while ago. They waited until the literal last possible moment to ship out the items; in the meantime, my money was held up for a little over 2 months. I'm still pissed off about this one, too, but there's not much I can do besides leave a negative and hope no one else buys from them.

>> No.10355409

Well, there’s a positive side too. Enlarged demand caused all of these MTOs and rereleases.

>> No.10355410

I think only sweet fans reap these benefits for the most part, though. There's nothing to be done if 90% of Mary Magdalene ends up in China, for example.

>> No.10355416

I totally agree on MM point. At another hand let’s not forget how Chinese lolitas preserved VM from going out of business, so it’s not like all the classic stuff is lost for Chinese people.

>> No.10355417

That is very true, I actually thought of it right after I posted, haha. I dunno, I have mixed feelings on the Chinese effect on the second-hand market. But I suspect (or maybe just hope) that we might currently be going through a teething phase with regards to them entering our market, and things will even out eventually. At the very least, westerners might get better access to the Chinese second-hand market.

>> No.10355419

Hopefully the 2.taobao site cracks down on replicas. I've heard of people buying dream dresses there only to have expensive replicas

>> No.10355421

I've heard similar things from other people. Replicas, dresses straight up not coming at all. It sounds like the goddamn Wild West. Surely it can't stay like that forever.

>> No.10355430

Same. I usually end up sending the package 1~2 days tops after payment (sometimes same day even), it's top priority for me to send out as soon as possible. You owe it to the buyer, after all. No matter how dead tired I am, I post that parcel asap.

>> No.10355445


Shit, makes me really wary. Between the six times my friend and I shopped from there we never got a replica but honestly playing Russian roulette for a beautiful MM dress or a replica is almost not worth it.

>> No.10355728

It's already been said but UNDISCLOSED DAMAGES.

Especially when a seller lists some damage or small problem seemingly to cover up or not make you notice the bigger problems even though they're obvious as soon as you look at the item.

I don't want to be a Karen and flame them in the feedback but if I have to I will.

>> No.10355735
File: 18 KB, 400x400, OhDear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An item posted its being shipped from Italy.

>> No.10355736

just soak it in Purell

>> No.10355737

I bought a shirt that arrived with obvious pink run-off stains on the lace (no mention of damages) and I'm really annoyed about it because it feels petty to complain about a $5 item, but the shipping was really expensive.

>> No.10355739


My item was much more expensive than that so I feel justified to complain. I'm so frustrated with how often thks has happened. I don't want to be cheap and ask to return it or for money back but I alsp expect people to be as honest as possible and these things are pretty obvious the times it's happened to me.

>> No.10355740


On the bright side no one will buy any scalped items via Rainies.

>> No.10355766

Your frustration is completely justified. As a seller, if I missed something like that I would 100% offer a return or partial refund.

>> No.10355791

I'm surprised to see so many people from Italy still selling. It must be hard for them to ship, right?

>> No.10355806

Listed something on LM recently and for some reason it hasn't shown up under new arrivals.

It only shows on my own selling page and all the views being counted are seemingly just when I click the link to look at the item.

>> No.10355827

I’ve been the buyer in this situation and I get being upset but taking it out on the seller is retarded. Honestly if you’re making an offer on a dress that’s the risk you’re taking. I was happy for the seller honestly if a little annoyed at myself for not just buying the dress.

>> No.10355840

as someone that has only modded their JSKs to fit twice, ITS NOT HARD TO DO AT ALL??
How do people fuck up alterations so bad

>> No.10355842

One time I bid on a dress, got outbid, decided I wanted the dress enough and did BIN. Checked the bid history out of idle curiosity and her max bid was the BIN price. My best guess is she didn’t want to pay right away and hoped no one would do what I did.

>> No.10355853

I did this recently, sniped an item BIN with minutes to spare (not on purpose, I just noticed it in my watchlist and was like "actually yeah I want that"). I felt like kind of a bitch but also the BIN price was like 5-6 dollars more than the high bid so I guess they didn't want it that bad.

>> No.10355857

I just looked it up and it sold.. Good luck to whoever bought it lol

>> No.10355871

I hate it when sellers don’t put shoe size anywhere in the listing or visible in pictures and just say something like “I wear a US size 7.5 and these fit me great!” Ok that’s nice but what’s the size on the shoe

>> No.10355872

right? seriously

>> No.10355876


Some shoes don't have a size or they may have also gotten them secondhand.

Plus Chinese offhand shoes tend to have inconsistent sizing even from what they claim their shoes will fit in my past experience.

>> No.10355879

Then why not just measure the shoes? It's not that hard really...

>> No.10355898

The outside measurement guarantees nothing about the inside measurement so it'd be hard to estimate I assume.

>> No.10355967

Thanks anons! I was worried because I thought the kitchen scales wouldn't be accurate enough, but I think I got a good one today.

>> No.10355969

It's still pretty annoying because someone's 7.5 might be them shoving their feet into a 7.5 or large shoes. All shoes Chinese or Japanese have cm sizes. Just list that. Especially when people call their 24 a size 7, which is clearly wrong.

>> No.10356076

Measure the inside of the shoe then? It’s not hard and takes less than a minute.

>> No.10356082

I once had a package that arrived 2 to 3 weeks after the seller shipped (standard shipping time). I messaged the seller that it had arrived, as requested, and left feedback. The seller complained that there was a long period of silence on my end after the package was shipped. I was bewildered.

>> No.10356091

Have they not heard of the word “patience”

>> No.10356103


I requested that from them...it has undisclosed damage and obvious things missing they didn't mention or take photos of that even showed that area of the dress... I'd never have paid the price I did knowing how much was wrong with the dress.

I feel guilty for even requesting it and am lile apologizing to the seller as I request some of my money back because I am afraid they'll get mad and leave me bad feedback when they're the ones who seemingly knowingly scammed me.

>> No.10356104

That won’t happen. You can take it up with LM mods if she leaves bad feedback.

>> No.10356107


Yeah they don't seem upset or the type to be mean and do that. I suppose I just worry too much.

I once had a seller in the past leave me negative feedback because I left neutral feedback after recieving a broken item that they claimed was NWT...the tag was in the package but the item was broken.

>> No.10356129

Thats not how it works

>> No.10356130

How does it work then?

>> No.10356154

I had a shirt described as NWT arrive with a huge stain and the tag obviously tied back on. I regret that I only left negative feedback instead of opening a paypal dispute

>> No.10356167

That’s literally the point of BiN? So you can auto bid out the auction lmao

>> No.10356237

>recieving a broken item that they claimed was NWT...the tag was in the package but the item was broken.

What the actual fuck, that's just scamming

>> No.10356282

I’ve definitely bought a dress that was NWT and the tag was just hung on a button. The dress had obviously been washed because the fabric was like faded a bit. I have the same dress and two other colorways and it’s definitely faded and had been washed, the pleats weren’t even crisp any more. It was one of my first dresses so I didn’t get what had happened until I bought the other two colorways about a year later. I just had my suspicions at the time. In retrospect I wish I’d given a negative feedback and opened a PayPal dispute

>> No.10356284

that doesn't stop people from whining about it.

>> No.10356287

Yes it is. I get emails from lace market with the massage in it all the time. I read the message in my email and I don’t have to go on the site to read it so on the site it still says unread

>> No.10356290

Someone else saying that they BIN’d after the auction bidded above it really surprised me. Because I’ve seen the BIN button disappear after an auction got close to the price. I can’t figure out exactly what the criteria are

>> No.10356291

that's not what anon is saying. >>10353617 is claiming that it says it's read when you open your email.

>> No.10356293

No she's not, she's saying the opposite of that.

> the little icon doesnt mean much because even if they haven't read it on the site they still could have read it offsite

>> No.10356295

then what the fuck is the point of her reply? OP was mad because she could see her messages being left on read. nothing >>10353617 said goes against or even adds anything to that.

>> No.10356299

She saying it being “unread” isn’t an actual indicator that it hasn’t been read. That you could be in reality “left on read” when the icon still says unread. so getting madder at the person who leaves you on “read“ vice the person who apparently didn’t read it is stupid

>> No.10356300

We’re not here to help you with reading comprehension, anon

>> No.10356303

>getting mad at someone for blatantly being shitty on the off chance someone else is being shitty sneakily is stupid


>> No.10356804

The mention of special days like Soapbox Siren does. Now everything they have is listed as St Patrick's Day.

>> No.10356809

I find it baffling. Like is she actually manually changing every single listing title to match upcoming holidays? Why?

>> No.10356814

Was it them who put "Single Awareness day" in their titles?

>> No.10356816

Yeah that was her. Also not that I would buy from her anyway but half the time you can't even tell what the fuck she's selling because the title is so long that it cuts off unless you click to see the whole thing, plus there are a ton of additional items in her photos.

>> No.10356852

Wishing more European sellers would consider holds rn, what with all the Coronavirus going around. At this point I'm surprised the mail system in most places is still functioning desu.

Isn't Italy in particular on near total lockdown right now??

>> No.10356859

I've already had an Italian seller tell me they don't know when they'll be able to ship because of the lockdown. I'm sure it's the same for the majority of Italian sellers but almost nobody seems to be disclosing it anywhere on their accounts? I'm sure they need the money right now but it's pretty darn shady

>> No.10356861

And just to add to this I'm in no way saying my seller was shady - I purchased before the lockdown and she had no way of knowing that she wasn't going to be able to ship. By now everyone should know, though, so people should really be more transparent about it.

For the rest of Europe though, UK here and the postal service is as normal. I'm sure same goes for pretty much everywhere except Italy.

>> No.10356878

>By now everyone should know, though, so people should really be more transparent about it.
I mean, if they have a lot of good feedback, I wouldn't mind if they had to wait to ship items. But like, actually be transparent that your country is on lockdown right now.

I do have to wonder for how much longer "as normal" will be though, for places like the UK, Germany etc.

>> No.10357134
File: 469 KB, 1075x892, Screenshot_20200313-195804_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit. Pay for your god damn dresses in full. I wouldn't put up with payment plans.

>> No.10357137

>being so bitter about payment plans you complain about SOMEONE ELSE'S payment plans, that are being handled by a completely different seller
but also, no one is like, forcing you to offer payment plans. Just say you don't take them.
At the same time, you'll probably be missing out on potential sales. If the buyer has good feedback and keeps up with their plan, there's really no huge issue there.
I'd rather offer a payment plan than have something sitting on Lacemarket for a year.

>> No.10357140

this is the least offensive thing in the entire thread

>> No.10357145

It's an eyesore on LM listings and I've never understood how someone can be in the fashion but can't spare $200 - $300 at a time. That's really not a lot of money. Sometimes I want to just offer the seller to pay in full because I've seen so many relisted dresses due to non-payment.

With PayPal's new terms, you're kind of fucked if the seller doesn't pay the last installment. If you refund, PayPal keeps a percentage. So I find payment plans risky and undesirable, especially since it's not like these dresses would have been sitting for long anyways.

>> No.10357147

Just put it in your TOS and in all the paypal invoices that payment plans require all payments to be non-refundable and that it is the buyers responsibility to pay the payments according to the dates agreed upon or they forfeit everything. If they can't afford a payment on time you keep your dress and their money.

>> No.10357152

I've done payment plans for dresses that were like, $700. I don't see how that's anything but reasonable. The seller doesn't need to make listings though, usually people just talk it out in messages.

>> No.10357153

Doesn't she know that's canceled?

>> No.10357158

Get the stick out of your ass

>> No.10357159

PayPal let's you make invoices with payment installment options and whatnot

>> No.10357160

I agree, I hate when the buyer wants instalement option, it can be really bad when you are in need of money and the sale at full price would fix things right up for you but the buyer wants fucking stupid instalements that could be several months down the line when you have the full amount.

>> No.10357161

$700 is a lot larger than $200

>> No.10357167

I can't change my address on PP because my CC is still addressed at my parents' house, but I no longer live there. Even when I manually choose my current address it gives sellers my "default" billing address for whatever reason.

That said, it's not a huge issue and I don't really mind just swinging by my parents' house to pick up mail, but for some people that may not be an option.

>> No.10357173

it's not tied to you credit card tho.

>> No.10357180

bitch sold me a ring that fell apart and looked like it was glued on

>> No.10357187

I have like three addresses I can choose from on PayPal depending on where I feel like having a package sent, and only one of them is my actual billing address. If you attach a bank account instead of just a card you can put whatever addresses you want

>> No.10357189

This is not a payment plan, she’s an overpriced ss and she charged downpayment up front and this is the final payment once she received the dress and ready to ship.

>> No.10357191

I agree, I don’t know why people make separate LM listings for each payment. LM listing don’t matter, just put on your PayPal invoice that multiple payments can be made then type the agreed upon payment plan into the terms box on the invoice.
Along these lines I hate when people just send a money requests instead of an invoice. It’s super sketch especially if I’m giving you hundreds of dollars and the description just says the name of the dress. Just make a dang invoice it takes 30 seconds tops and has block for item name, shipping, terms, etc. and you can even put a link to the listing which will show your lace market TOS and the pictures of the item.

>> No.10357192

As a seller this is good to know -- I'm used to a more casual approach because I buy/sell stuff in more tight knit collecting communities too. But I'll start using invoices.

>> No.10357216

why would you buy shit from her? lmao. I'm sorry that happened to you anon, but she is shit and you should have known better.

>> No.10357224

Why do people buy from her then? It’s really easy to find a shopping service if you’re in any Facebook comm. Shit, just use google even.

>> No.10357225

I've been burned by that on payment plans so I have it in my TOS that I don't do them. But no one reads that, so I get occasional messages asking for payment plans anyway. I'm in no rush to sell, I'd rather it be clean and all at once.

>> No.10357231

I’ve only ever done one payment plan and it was great. The buyer sent payments pretty irregularly but she paid the invoice off before it was due so it was fine by me, I wouldn’t have agreed to a payment plan if I was hard you for money. I know people do back out though so I was definitely lucky.

>> No.10357255

You make it sound as if you're being forced to take months-long payment plans.

>> No.10357285

She buys from taobao 2

>> No.10357304 [DELETED] 

"Oh i know the listing is still up but some bitch took it before you a day ago uwu sowwy"
That and
"Oh i know you asked but a girl from my comm asked juuust after so i'll prioritize her"

>> No.10357571

This so fucking much. I saw my dream dress on LM, paid BIN price, and it took her four days to get back to me and say 'I sold this to my friend a week ago.'

I still get mad thinking about it. What's the point of listing it and having it up for a week when you already sold it to someone else?

>> No.10357587

I hope you are able to get your dream dress (plus what matching pieces you want) in better condition for cheaper. I would have been heartbroken.

>> No.10357618

There's one thing worse than even unlisted damages, and that's when someone lists something and messages you later to tell you that it's got undisclosed damages
like did you know or something? did you keep wearing it after listing it? how

>> No.10357801

I’m so sorry. This is even worse than the time the seller took a month with no communication to send me my dream dress. Sending out good vibes into the world for you to find it again.

>> No.10357803

I got told once there was damage on the inside of a bag I’d paid for that she found while packing it and I still get confused thinking about it. She didn’t stuff the bag or anything like that so it wasn’t required to open it for “packing.” Did she just not check thoroughly before listing it? Seems shitty.

>> No.10357805

>Did she just not check thoroughly before listing it?

Unfortunately I think a lot of people do this. As long as it looks fine for the listing, it's probably easier to wait for someone to buy and check for less obvious damages once they've already committed and will be reluctant to back out. Plus that way they don't have to discount the listing as much.

>> No.10357852

>get LM message notification
>"how much is shipping to US"
>doesn't specify which item
>doesn't specify which state or ZIP code

This happens so damn often and it annoys the hell out of me every single time.

>> No.10357856

god yes, people asking 'shipping to EU/US?' like that's going to be one fixed price??

>> No.10357864

I admit to not giving the state because I saw other people not doing it and just assumed the country was enough for a ballpark estimate. Thanks for that, I'll be sure to include the zip code next time.

>> No.10357867

nayrt but as an eu seller I appreciate getting the state/zip code when asked for a quote, the more info I can put in when looking up prices the better

>> No.10357879

Same as throwing only the ZIP code without any information about the country the buyer is in.

>> No.10358175

I’m dealing with this right now. Just purchased my dream dress, it arrived and there are several yellow brown stains down the front of the skirt. I knew there was a small tear that had been temporarily repaired on the bodice but the seller said the dress was in others ‘very good’ condition. I messaged the seller, she had no clue, so I stalked the dress back through lacemarket. I’m the seventh owner and these stains seem to be from the ORIGINAL owner. The stains are visible in the proof photos, but arent ever mentioned by any of the other owners. How did NONE OF THEM notice??? They’re not dark stains but it’s a very pastel dress and they’re quite noticeable once you know what you’re looking for. It’s obviously the same dress through all of the listings because of the temporary repair job that was done by the second owner. I’m on my third round of stain remover so any tips would be helpful with removing this five year old stain

>> No.10358177

Whoa dude that dress has had a lot of owners

>> No.10358219

Don’t know if you’re in the US or EU or elsewhere, but if you’re using a powder stain remover I would try looking for a bar instead. Vanish powder is significantly less effective than the vanish bar soap, but the bar soap isn’t sold everywhere like the powder is. Might be the same for oxyclean or whatever your equivalent might be

>> No.10358220

Holy shit that’s a lot of owners. I second what the other anon said, use a bar if you’re not already.

>> No.10358314

Sick of people not leaving feedback

>> No.10358320

Same anon that you tagged. That’s exactly what im saying

>> No.10358324

Me too, sometimes a short reminder helps though

>> No.10358334

It’s insane since it’s only been out for five years

>> No.10358336

I’ll have to try this. I’ve been using heavy duty shout and it’s managed to lighten it a bit.

>> No.10358341

Adding my testimonial: she approaches unknowing people on Facebook and scalps the shit out of them while also taking eons to ship. Her name is Gloria, stay the fuck away at all costs

>> No.10358346

This, most people think that the whole thing is done once the money leaves hands and they get their stuff. Just ask and they'll probably take a second to write something.

>> No.10358394

I wish LM would add the option to exclude certain categories instead of having to manually include everything else.
Checking every brand box takes a ton of time when all I want is to exclude Taobao brands from my search.

>> No.10358402

Is it cut really weird? Like people bought it and resold it because it doesn’t fit?

>> No.10358410

Maybe they resold it because of the stains nobody bothered to clean out kek

>> No.10358531

Five bucks says that even if you comply with her idiotic demands she'll file a charge back for the item.

>> No.10358569

Tfw you find an item you were looking for but the listing doesn't have any of their own photos, only a whole bunch of stock pics

>> No.10358577

So ask for proof...? This isn't a hard situation to figure out

>> No.10358585

When people put "emergency" in the title. I dont care and it's not going to make me want to buy it.

>> No.10358586

This would make you think they would be selling dirt cheap cause they need the funds, if it was indeed a real emergency, but they it the other way around. $900 for an AP print but it comes with RARE otks!

>> No.10358589

I hate this too. If it’s a real emergency sell it for cheap, no one is buying your $300 emergency dress.

>> No.10358631

That's against LM rules and you should report it

>> No.10358676

I ask this and I'm skinny though. Some of just have more than a flat chest

>> No.10358677

I try to leave feedback, but my brain is smooth and sometimes I miss an item. A reminder never hurts!

>> No.10358684

That's basic information that should already be in your listing. People also ask this because they want to know if they have enough room to spare for a blouse. Lolibrary isn't always accurate.

>> No.10358687

Some illnesses can seriously mess with your mind and make you unable to go to the post office even though you can technically walk. This has happened to me and I asked a family member to ship the package but she sent it to the wrong address. Then, when the package came back and she shipped it to the right address, almost 2 months had passed and the buyer already had her money back without me noticing. So she got the dress and the money and I was still sick.

>> No.10358694

And how is one supposed to measure this if they fit in their clothing and aren't a hambeast forcing themselves into max measurements?

>> No.10358697

(x) doubt

>> No.10358698

Max measurement isn't the maximum amount it can stretch without ripping the dress apart, it's the max size it can fit comfortably.

>> No.10358726

>And how is one supposed to measure this

>> No.10358731

See how far the dress stretches and subtract 4cm

>> No.10358745

oh look, someone with a brain on this board. Refreshing.

>> No.10358752

Thanks. I try to make sure my clothes actually fit me before bitching about how other people’s don't lmao

>> No.10358755

Has anyone here bought from sunkittystudios? Her listing titles are spammy, almost Soapbox tier.

>> No.10358797

So I have to stretch my own dress out to bursting at the seams just so a fatty can have the confirmation that she's too fat to fit in it? She can buy it and find out for herself.

>> No.10358837

That isn't what anyone is saying, you idiot. You stretch the dress, not until it's close to ripping, but until it stops stretching normally, take a measurement, and then subtract a small amount because no one should be stuffing themselves into a dress.

>> No.10358931

My issue is with a known scalper trying to sell facemasks of all things at this time on lacemarket.

>> No.10358956

Size 24 in Japan is a US women's size 7.

>> No.10359029

Nope. Fatties can buy something else.

>> No.10359048

You realize that simply stretching the elastic how it normally stretches doesn't do anything to the dress, right?

>> No.10359093
File: 21 KB, 436x291, heh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever I ship accessories with a dress I put them in the pocket, I think its kind of funny when the buyer messages me after asking where the accessories are (sometimes quite angrily too) and I politely tell them they're in the pocket. They either apologize profusely or not respond, it's funny. Also I wonder how many people actually inspect things after getting them.

>> No.10359185

Really? Because I’ve seen plenty of stretched out shirring elastic.

>> No.10359222

Repeatedly stretching a dress beyond its standard stretch will loosen it over time. That's why you're not listening to what people are saying. You don't pull the dress until it's busting at the seems. You pull it to where it has stretched how it's supposed to, the amount that it's meant to where all the details still look good and the shape is retained, and take a measurement, and then even take a bit off of that.

>> No.10359252

Remember when she started selling and got called out for scalping and everyone defender her (or him?) saying no, she just bought too many kumyas like she said! Barf

>> No.10359498
File: 50 KB, 639x639, 1583500269035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying a set for one item
I was a fool, but a fool who got what she wanted

>> No.10360828

why tf is some girl in japan selling small accessories with $20 shipping.

>> No.10365459

I actually got drunk and ordered some stuff from Italy some days ago. Now just have to wait for the pandemic to be over before I can see my dress.

>> No.10365992

I actually get pretty irritated when someone has a [LEAVING LOLITA] type of 'announcement' on their sale. I feel like I am siting down at a restaurant enjoying my fillet minion and the waiter just tells me they're vegetarian.
I kinda get the why ,so people dont try to swap and maybe check the other things they are presumably selling, but god I hate it!
Like I DONT CARE. Just sell your shit and leave!