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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 82 KB, 480x679, 1500834494087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10330611 No.10330611 [Reply] [Original]

Sunnycon is kill? Edition

Tell me about your small local cons nobody outside your area knows about anons

>> No.10330640 [DELETED] 

Going to Sci-Fi Ball in Southampton

>> No.10330804 [DELETED] 

Is anyone actually going sunnycon?

>> No.10330815

Brexit today lads. Going to go to spoons and get a greggs.

>> No.10331053

>small local cons nobody outside your area knows about anons

so pretty much every single con in the entire country?

>> No.10331233

Labor didn't win, they can't run. sorry

>> No.10331475 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 462x127, you're toxic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course Beth says there is no such thing as "toxic femininity" because she's one of them!

>> No.10331482

She's right though.

>> No.10331508
File: 2.67 MB, 1446x2048, A2A935AC-B880-40C3-96A9-FD58355E1D38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10331580
File: 71 KB, 506x452, masculinity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Men are encouraged to be masculine
Around 20% of boys are diagnosed as ADHD and prescribed drugs because their energetic nature is considered a problem in modern society. Those same boys will be taught that actual masculinity is toxic masculinity and that "valid masculinity" is being a timid, non-confrontational, bugman that seamlessly integrates into a feminized office environment.

>> No.10331584

She didnt like that post because she's guilty of doing everything in the "toxic femininity list"

>> No.10331635 [DELETED] 

Is it just me or does it seem like Sunnycon is on it's way out? I hear rumours they're downsizing, is it true?

>> No.10331639

By "energetic" do you mean "violent"? I teach elementary school and the violence among little boys is definitely a problem and continues into adulthood, thus why men commit almost all violent crime. That's the toxic part

>> No.10331647

Your point falls flat with the picture because testosterone never stays at one level. All the levels say is that they don't currently have boners.If your going to place the mens rights card, at least know something about your own body. Also, high energy = violence. God forbid somebody prevents those boys from becoming criminals one day.

>> No.10331655 [DELETED] 

oh shut up Miss Syntax just cause you want all the women to come running to you when they get scared cause a man spoke to them. we aren't all lesbians some of us like dick

>> No.10331676

Why are you so obsessed with her, there are far better people to hate in the UK cosplay community, namely ones that are actually shit cosplayers

>> No.10331678

It's ok, you can just say you've never touched boobs in your life man

>> No.10331696
File: 262 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20200201-033724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Talking of cosplayers that people hate, it appears the so called "ladies man of MCM" is overcompensating, because I've just spotted him on Grindr

>> No.10331721 [DELETED] 

Isn't Miss Syntax probably trans anyway? lol

>> No.10331745

Cant get enough of the fembois I guess

>> No.10331787
File: 159 KB, 353x240, dudewhy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw reading these posts as the original syntax autist who hasn't even posted in this thread yet

>> No.10331833

The dragon of mcm, jesus phil

>> No.10332019
File: 11 KB, 250x250, EJrKqgwWsAIKKkB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>This autism

Why is it always the trannies that want to police and redefine the entire English language. Why don't you just have sex?

Also, standard fuck (current drama whore) post. My job is done now.

>> No.10332215

I'm an actual, biological woman but ok.

>> No.10332216

men are bisexual sometimes, believe it or not

>> No.10332235

No cute bois in this country anyway, unless its one of those eastern euro cosplayers.

>> No.10332238
File: 90 KB, 641x960, jealous4chanNerds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try with the fake profile lol, i get plenty of chicks, more than you can dream of pal

>> No.10332308

Bisexual men are just gays in denial who will leave their wife with 3 kids to run off with their boyfriend and cut off contact with their kids for 10 years having gay orgies without paying alimony and then try and contact you for some kind of redemption. Not worth it.

>> No.10332314

I'll go ahead and plug UK Games Expo, and it is a bit man heavy, but the worst examples are usually glued to the card game or war-game tournaments and don't bother the general con spaces which have a healthier mix.

Not great for cosplay though, last year the stage was awkwardly shoved behind the bring and buy area which was a total farce in terms of planning. If you are going to bother to have a stage for events at least stick it somewhere people might see it.

>> No.10332321

that's a long winded way of writing 'oops ya caught me'

>> No.10332322

I think you're referring to a different demographic here bro.

>> No.10332363

whats with the sunnycon hate on this board all of a sudden?
Are the same five (5) autists still at it or is the britfag thread finally gonna be lurkable again

>> No.10332369

Didn't one of the organisers hijack their official social network channels for a personal anti-brexit message and got a ton of backlash for it?

Not so much the message, more being unprofessional by appropriating "company" resources to spread his personal opinion

>> No.10332391

Is he literally just posing with a promo model for a night club and expecting us to believe he's banging the girl who's paid to pose with guys??

>> No.10332392

i only remember seeing the backlash on here on not on their page but i may have missed it. I'm pretty neutral on that kind of drama but i do admit it's pretty shitty. i dont mind sunnycon as an event itself, it's a pretty chill con these days, my only problem with the con is that i dont like the greenhouse sweating venue but when your con is in the summer i guess it cant be helped

>> No.10332448 [DELETED] 

Lets be honest sunnycon have no money this year as their guest is pretty bad

>> No.10332453

theyre practically bankrupt after the disaster in liverpool

Why would anyone host anything in liverpool

>> No.10332515

Oof, Best hosting options in the UK seem to be London, MK, Brum, Manc, Leeds, just follow the line basically. Might have some luck in wales if people are willing to travel and it's cheap too.

>> No.10332553 [DELETED] 

I'm surprised MCM haven't taken over wales yet.

>> No.10332573

Just got given a flyer for Tokonatsu? Camping in the Uk sound kinda soggy but I'm willing to give it a try. Has anyone else been?

>> No.10332635

meh im not really one to give a shit about guests at a con, i dont remember the last time i actually went out of my way to line up and meet guests. As long as the con is chill i'm alright with it

>> No.10332676

Been every year bar one since 2012, heartily recommend. Invest in a decent tent, it really ups the comfy factor.

>> No.10332742 [DELETED] 

It doesn't count as a "hijack" when it was their owner who posted the anti-Brexit thing. Tuckwell has a habit of putting his foot in it.

Probably didn't help with them then posting just a few weeks later sexually suggestive images on their social media implying a Pikachu was being fucked and asking their audience for captions, just a few weeks after banning ahegao hoodies for being uhm, sexually suggestive..?

>> No.10332789
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>Board gaming con
>man heavy

Not all cons need to be about whatever drama bullshit some deranged gull wants to sperg about. Yes, the con is full of icky yucky men folk, what are you, 5? They're all fat, autistic boomers. The rape is non-existent. They're all too busy arguing about Warhammer minutiae amongst themselves. It's not a con for cosplay. Just go if you want to play board games. Or don't if that's not your thing.

>> No.10332844

>Creepy old guys who have absolutely no sense of personal space wouldn't cop a feel.

Yeaaaah, really selling it to me. My friend keeps bringing her stupid games to meets with silly made up rules and weird dice. Just fucking play monopoly or uno, girl. Like a normal person.

>> No.10332850

>They're all too busy arguing about Warhammer minutiae amongst themselves

t b h I wish more of them would do this

>> No.10332898

She looks pretty uncomfortable with the fact he's in physical contact with her. Her face is peak "just take the photo so I can get away from him".

I should know, I've had that exact same look on my face when I've had to pose with creepers at cons.

>> No.10333182
File: 92 KB, 500x478, external-content.duckduckgo.com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go to a con run by and inhabited by pedos and creeps and you'll have to deal with pedos and creeps.

Board game cons are away from all that weird drama. Oddly enough, the less cosplay there is at a con the less drama there is.

If people started going to lesser known cons and stopped going to the cons full of toxic arseholes all the rape and drama would be reduced significantly.

>> No.10333184


This, desu.


Not every con is full of creepy boomer togs. I'm a woman with pretty large cleavage and I've never been subjected to anything inappropriate for the 5 years I've been going to UKGE. Contrast that with nearly every cosplay focused con, and there's always some creepy, grabby cunt trying to get their dick hard. Usually over the age of 35 too.

Yes, UKGE is male dominated. Because the tg hobby is male dominated. Most other girls I talk to couldn't care less or want the games made easier for them to hide their own inability to figure out the rules. The absolute worse thing that happened to me at any board game con is that one autist yelled at me for getting some rules wrong in Small World. You just laugh those guys off. It's not hard. Not every man wants to rape you. They just want to play games like us.

>> No.10333189


It's been less than a year. Come on now.

>> No.10333198
File: 22 KB, 300x350, 1579383168022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people are just too weak to play FATAL. It's not something to be played in public but it is something you get drunk and play with mates. Above all no one was actually raped for real. Which is more than I can say for MCM. Which you all still go to btw.

>> No.10333205

Read through this and it gave me a laugh. First of all, equating RP rape to real rape is silly. Otherwise all the RP groups on Tumblr and Gaia would be fucked.
Second, any of those idiotic enough to join that game and not leave when it became obvious what was going on are fools.
Thirdly, Lewis, Obayed, Towers, and several other MCM regulars have all at least been accused of real, actual, non-consensual sexual assault multiple times. Why are you still going to AL, MCM, and so on? Why aren't you at least more wary about those places?

Rape is awful and any actual victims have my sympathy. But one creepy autist trolling some over-sensitive crybabies over fictional shit that didn't even happen for real isn't going to stop me going to a con because I have inny outy bits as opposed to outy inny bits.

>> No.10333225

All of those accusations are from jelly bitches and has literally never amounted to anything. This actually happened. Fuck those /tg/ creepers.

>> No.10333232

Imagine still going to UK cons, LOL

>> No.10333234
File: 19 KB, 413x310, Drunk_Devito.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes Obayed, I'm sure the lads are all jealous Satan made you more beautiful to frogs than them.

>> No.10333240


Theres been accusations about towers for like 10 years now, hate him all you want but he runs a successful business and if there has never been evidence after all these years it feels like most of the claims are bullshit.


People enjoy seeing others fail i think, but its probably because tucky blamed everything and everyone for his failings rather than his poor business decisions. It became pretty much a meme with his constant "brexit is ruining my con" videos. Now he just sits playing games on twitch instead of sorting his business out.


Its looking worse than a alcon event, only 1 c grade voice actor guest, no cosplay guests, no exhibitions

>> No.10333242
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>Imagine being jealous of Lewis.

>> No.10333249
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I have no idea what is real or not with all the gay ops and drama cosplayers like to particpate in. But why is it okay to go to MCM when it's well known how many incidents there are, but a single board game con that is male dominated is scary for you because one guy ran a weird game?

>> No.10333257

Don't forget Alcon also has the best board gaming at any con in the UK, who needs this stinky unwashed game expo

>> No.10333258

It also doesnt take place in a literal shithole, just a figurative one.

>> No.10333264

The irony of an AL shill calling another con smelly...

And the NEC is one of the best Venus in the UK, blame MCM that their Birmingham show is bad because they criminally underused the venu

>> No.10333298

didnt take long for the AL autists to make a conversation thats about a completely other con, about how good they are in comparison. jeez guys get a hobby

>> No.10333336

Nice to see another long term attendee of UKGE, we probably bumped into each other at some point, maybe literally in the good old crush of the metropole.

Personally I find the split to vary on medium and genre, board games are very much even, maybe even female dominated, Card games are mixed, but women run a mile from the competitive scene, and war-games are pretty much totally male dominated.

>> No.10333337 [DELETED] 

Obayed, can you and your woke girls bugger off from this thread?

No one cares about your frog BS

>> No.10333382
File: 1005 KB, 501x700, ImpressiveAnxiousHalcyon-max-1mb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, im split between Tokonand Amechibi but it seems like Toko is a bit more of a sure thing

>> No.10333398
File: 181 KB, 1000x986, obayed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

calm down froggy

>> No.10333410 [DELETED] 

I'd go Toko. Amechibi is going to be a mess they claim they've sold out but there are plenty of spots left. At least with Toko you know you're going to have a good time

>> No.10333440

I-it happened, i've finally been called the frog king!!!
I cant stand that frog cunt or the AL pedos. You do understand a large chunk of people aware of the drama between you two fucking autists hates both sides. ya'll need a hobby and get off 4chan for at least 24 hours Jesus christ

>> No.10333448
File: 185 KB, 2048x1137, EPvuCOsXkAI_eo5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Can you whores actually enjoy some cosplay? Are any of you actually into cosplay at all? All you do is shit up about drama.

Go to a con, have mediocre drunk sex with an autist in a onese like the rest of the community. It's not that deep.

>> No.10333524 [DELETED] 

I'm getting some stalker vibes from certain people in this thread...if you don't like someone or something why are you bothered?

>> No.10333550
File: 60 KB, 1080x357, maturity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they literally name dropped towers so ofcourse alcon would then be mentioned

>> No.10333562

>going to that shitfest when abunai! Happens on the same month


>> No.10333617


>TFW the only drunk con sex you've had is being sexually assaulted by your friend's boyfriend while passed out in your hotel room and now the thought of sex terrifies you

>> No.10333711

>not being toko + viencon master race

Some people simply can't appreciate comfy

>> No.10333790

It's funny how 10 years later people still accuse Mike Towers of being a paedophile but there has never been any proof. Just a load of people posting on social media you shouldn't go just because they want the attention, or they were guests at the con and didn't get the 5 star treatment like the entitled twats they think they are.

>> No.10333813

I've heard toko is very boomer fsince half the attendees have been going since it started and are in their 30s now. Any truth Tu this?

>> No.10333826
File: 199 KB, 1190x737, Towerszerofucksgiven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think people are realising most of the accusers are lieing. Obayed gets caught out alot of the time now on his bullshit.
Remember when he said towers was banned at mcm, was memeing about fighting him for charity but then towers actually turned up and obayed hid in his room the whole afternoon? pic related.

>> No.10333847

I went camping near abunai. After that I realized me and nature do not go well together, I'll stick to hotel hosted cons.

>> No.10333852

I wish we could just IP ban the nonce brigade

>> No.10333876

He isn't though cause there is no proof
Unless you actually have solid proof that would convince me

>> No.10333887


based fa/tg/uy running the rape rpg there

>> No.10333893 [DELETED] 

True and they still go to Unleashed events where there is ACTUAL PROOF that Lee Narroway is a paedophile. So much so he changed his name and get's his wife to do all the promotion for him

>> No.10333896

really? i go to teesside university and they just advertised an unleashed comic con inside the student union building

>> No.10333899 [DELETED] 

He has a history of abusing minors and assaulting his girlfriends, and he was actually found guilty. All you need to do is google Lee Narroway and plenty of articles come up with the information.

>> No.10333971

Maybe people would believe cosplayers more if it wasn't well known that you all do gay ops and drama for attention. When a cosplayer says the sky is blue I go outside to make sure.

>> No.10333977

Top 3 takeaways in Boro
>Pizza Box
Also do not go to any of the Unleashed stuff. I doubt Teesside Uni did any background research on it.

>> No.10334024 [DELETED] 
File: 237 KB, 1080x1206, hollylol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aw, look whose paranoid.

>> No.10334026 [DELETED] 

you have to be sad if you think that say whatever about alcon and towers but god they aren't that cringy. holly though is for sure one of those cosplayers who cries over spilt milk

>> No.10334078

Paranoid but the privacy reads friends only id be paranoid if my personal statuses were being shared here by supposed friends

>> No.10334092

It’s 2020 and we still sharing people’s personal posts?

It’s just sad guys. Public posts are fair game go off but going after someone’s privacy is just a shitty line to cross no matter how much you hate someone.

>> No.10334096

Speaking of public posts, I think we can all safely say we know how well the Dragon of MCM is doing with the ladies and why he's giving Grindr a go

>> No.10334099

‘Alcon and towers aren’t that cringey’

You must be new here

>> No.10334104

Somebody share a SS of Mel or Grace threatening people with fake laws in their messages for laugh reacting their event

Then we can talk-talk about cringe

>> No.10334120 [DELETED] 

You are obviously new here too as Grace has never sent those. Keep up with the times anon. I'm on Holly's friends list on fb and she's being a cow. Soz I wanted to share to the world

>> No.10334126 [DELETED] 


paranoid much?

>> No.10334127

Anon you can hardly call someone a cow when you’re on here posting personal SS about concerns at work

>> No.10334130 [DELETED] 

Her replies to her post are hilarious. Apparently she's going to take legal action for harassment for.. someone asking for her...

>> No.10334131 [DELETED] 

so that's out of line, and effectively getting people to troll a page until they take down their event due to the harassment ISNT?

>> No.10334133

Fighting this hard for nonce con is just sad mate

>> No.10334134

That's a public company. Someone's personal, friends only statuses are not.

>> No.10334135 [DELETED] 

Soooo private messages are ok?

>> No.10334137 [DELETED] 

Clearly even some of Holly's own friends don't agree with that statement there

>> No.10334138 [DELETED] 

So are you saying if somebody wrote statuses pretending that you or your company was harassing them you wouldn’t want to know about it? whether you like Anime League or hate them she’s still being a cow and obviously paranoid as fuck if she’s accusing them of ringing her work. I’m sure that’s definitely high on their priority list! This thread really has gone down the shitter.

>> No.10334139

I like how it’s like Holly is the only person being a cow for calling out nonce con

Not like all the others that shared it in various groups

This personal vendetta is yawn

>> No.10334140

Wouldn’t be down the shitter if you weren’t desperately trying to get others to share in your vendetta

>> No.10334142

Because I'm sure you're close personal friends with everyone on your Facebook friends list

>> No.10334145

Can we get back to the good old days of making fun of peoples badly made costumes though. Who's been making shit recently in our community

>> No.10334146 [DELETED] 

vendetta? more like someone who only goes to MCM to get guests sigs and merch cause I can't be bothered with this "support frogchan" BS.

Hey! Maybe Holly is just shit at her job and got told off.

>> No.10334147

Are you dense? The screenshot posted above clearly isn't an accusation, it's speculation. Stay mad mike

>> No.10334148 [DELETED] 

>It's clearly speculation

Yes, cause AL have the time on their hands to call up peoples workplaces. So why would your first thought be them? If anything could've been the event they harrassed? Again, who cares about AL more than Obayed & Co?

>> No.10334149 [DELETED] 

The only bad costumes are ones in bras and panties and calling it cosplay. So basically every female cosplayer

>> No.10334153

With how shit those conventions are run I’d say they obviously spend their time on plenty of other things

>> No.10334156

No one, this is why gulls are so angry they don’t have anything better to bitch about than people’s personal statuses

>> No.10334158 [DELETED] 

Obayed and Holly we know you are here. Can you leave this thread.

We know because Holly you just made a new status fretting over the satefty of your staff being harrassed at your florist. Isn't that excatly what you did yesterday to an events page advertising London events? You threatened their safety when you sent your lynch mob after them calling them nonces. Bravo to you!

>> No.10334159 [DELETED] 

Actions have consequences. Reads like karma to me

>> No.10334161

This is the dumbest statement I think I’ve ever read. Like wow anon you’re really going with something here.

People who disagree enough with her to post it on anon here but not enough to disagree in person

Then again I don’t think I would openly support Towers and nonce-con either

>> No.10334163 [DELETED] 

Not supporting Towers or nonce-con if she said any other event like MCM or EGX. That's still a stupid statment to make. How can you be that paranoid that another company is ringing up your shitty flower shop that they have never heard of or even care about.

What about that anon? Enlighten me.

>> No.10334164

Telling people to boycott nonce-con isn't threatening their safety, it's threatening there ticket sales... no one told them to go attack them, just avoid it...

>> No.10334166

Implying the entire UK community that doesn’t like Anime League for so many reasons is her personal Lynch mob

Top kek

>> No.10334170 [DELETED] 

lmao clearly not a shitty flower shop if they're winning awards, mel. they've done the exact same stuff in the past so it's really not that much of a stretch.

>> No.10334171 [DELETED] 

Obayed did you actually fight towers at con? Or were you hiding in your hotel room...hmm can't remember.

>> No.10334173

Okay Mel it’s okay

Sorry that your attempt to get more kiddies for you BF to play with was thwarted

>> No.10334174 [DELETED] 

Holly, I know you seem to be obsessed with Mel as I'm reading through your comments, but honey I am 29 and have never been to any convention apart from MCM as I just moved to the UK. I think you need to calm down and go back to your flowers.

>> No.10334175 [DELETED] 

and wow, uhm, clearly a shitty flower shop if she literally loses her shit over someone calling them up and not leaving a message!

a phone call can't be that fucking rare!

>> No.10334176

Not holly, but it’s fantastic to know that you’re nearly 30 anon, congratulations thanks for sharing

>> No.10334177 [DELETED] 

Her "shop" literally is so unused to phone calls that they lose their collective shit when someone calls them asking for someone and doesn't leave a message. Again, not Mel I'm happy with my own wife thanks.

>> No.10334223
File: 173 KB, 352x361, 1576182235714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss when the worst people at cons were furies who left their used nappies lying around hotels. I want to go back to those days. This he said-she said fuckery ruins the fun of cosplay.

>> No.10334273

mike, we don't like AL because its shit & you're a nonce. Not every gull is Obayed or his followers.

Take your shitty vendettaposting to lolcow, /cgl/ is not your personal army


>> No.10334301

Too many vendetta-fags use 4chan as soundboard to bitch about people they’re too pussy to callout in person

Makes me sad the British community has no backbone

Wasn’t the nappy incident a US only thing?

>> No.10334381
File: 10 KB, 213x237, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vendetta, non-vendetta, who cares let's get back on topic because then they can't complain. Just wish the normies would get off this site.

I miss the days on the yaoi paddle thing and can I just ask has Sunnycons boat party ever been good?

>> No.10334389

so to get the convo away from nonces....For this years mcm i was thinking of making a big suit of armor including a helmet, but only problem is the heat, how do you stay cool? last years may mcm was boiling and at times unbearable in thin layers nevermind covering myself in foam.

Also another topic, what do you guys think about cosplay genderbending a character from female to male? i was brainstorming some ideas but one of my female friends was dead against this saying it was insulting taking a strong female character and "making her male". If i cosplayed a male version of a character to mcm would i anger alot of people?

>> No.10334394

Your friend is a stupid fuck.

Nobody cares how much you crossplay or genderbend.

>> No.10334396

>To get the convo away from nonces

>Asks a noncey questions

Just don't get your dick out children are there mate. Tits are fine though

>> No.10334398

Get good with electronics and install a fan into your armour. Space Marines and Storm Trooper cosplayers do it all the time. But no matter what, it's going to be uncomfortable so design your costume so you can take bits off when you need to cool down.

>> No.10334399
File: 134 KB, 691x600, 691px-Fatal-what01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people aren't strong enough to rape a retarded guy on a sacrificial altar and it shows.

>> No.10334400
File: 188 KB, 1729x975, km8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The dude didn't say anything about nudity. Keep your nonce thoughts to yourself mate.

>> No.10334404

what is it about all the fucking conventions here being infested with literal fucking pedos? My niece has been into cosplay for a while and we went to a con together with a couple of her friends. I wore lolita and she cosplayed, met up with loads of her friends and had a great time. I stayed with her for about 90% of the day but let her hang out alone with her massive group of friends for a little while too since it was such a small con. (for reference, shes 15 and the majority of her friends were 14-16, and i'm 22) Cut to when we've met back up and about to leave, and a grown ass man in what looked like his late twenties (could even be early thirties to be honest) cosplaying as solid snake asks my niece and her 16 year old friend if they want to 'come for some drinks' when im standing right fucking there. He was specifically talking to them. Now my niece and her friend don't even look REMOTELY of age. I was fuming. Safe to say I said no and got the fuck out of there. It still angers me today that he's probably scouting cons looking for literal children.

>> No.10334413
File: 869 KB, 1354x784, Screen_Shot_2018-10-25_at_11.02.15_AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obayed when the Tories won, even though every day he told a comic con group to vote

>> No.10334414
File: 83 KB, 600x800, 614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>waaa waaa, he's a nonce, no she's a nonce

You soi pussies and your drama. Fucking throw fists and beat each other up instead of whining like bitches over a chinese image board.

>> No.10334444

>woman complains after being totally ignored by a guy while he chats up her friends

Based solid snake

>> No.10334446

People are still gonna attend cons even if they are ran by paedos

>> No.10334494

Doesn't he have a girlfriend and a kid senpai

>> No.10334508
File: 318 KB, 1080x1794, received_118054979600960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah she left him because he wanted her to leave her kid unattended and have sex with him. He cried about it on a public status and everything

>> No.10334514

Oh, weird, that status wasn't showing up for me. I love seeing fitcels bitch and moan on social media, thanks for the laughs anon.

>> No.10334520

He deleted it after she commented and everyone sided with her

>> No.10334521

Oh classic, I don't suppose you got her comment did you?

>> No.10334525

Fraid not, was too busy reading the comments as they rolled in pretty fast.

>> No.10334565

oh no no no no no

>> No.10334570

don't need to be a rocket scientist to hook a few cells up to a fan m8

>> No.10334586
File: 41 KB, 443x663, 83766740_10215801765384146_3005758700905299968_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go senpai.

>> No.10334600
File: 21 KB, 474x237, dragon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds like she wasnt giving the dragon of mcm the proper respect

>> No.10334621

The Bad Dragon of MCM is apparently a bigger baby that needs more attention than her actual fucking baby!

>> No.10334672

I find it bizarre how many femsimps he has. A quick look on their profiles and it's all SJW rainbow boilerplate. But so many comments of "I'm here if you want to talk." and so on. Even though he's a feminist nightmare.

>> No.10334678

I guess women can be thirsty orbiters too

>> No.10334725

You mean women are superficial just like men are and will tolerate assholes if they're hot? Wow this is brand new information!

>> No.10334929

He's not even hot though? From the shoulders up he looks like someone's brexiteer dad

>> No.10334939

Damn, that makes him even hotter. People who voted Brexit make me moist.

>> No.10334941
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Men voting for Brexit really get me going. Something about wanting independence from an anti-democratic trade union with aspirations of becoming an empire really makes me want to just impale myself on alt-right cock.

>> No.10334949

I guess this is how chavs end up with all those benefits babies.

>> No.10334960
File: 410 KB, 900x676, b95[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah the chavs. Real strongholds of pro-democratic voters there.

>> No.10335046

They voted overwhelmingly for brexit, either you think that's a democratic triumph or it isn't. Pick one.

>> No.10335055

Ground control to Major tom.

>> No.10335056

Take your protein pills and put your helmet on

>> No.10335058
File: 48 KB, 800x550, external-content.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10335060

Ground control to Major Tom.

>> No.10335061
File: 79 KB, 500x730, Nine_(2005)_poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ground control to Major Tom Commencing countdown, engines on, Check ignition and may gods love be with you.

>> No.10335062
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>> No.10335064
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>> No.10335065
File: 175 KB, 716x536, CB9011CA-F6B6-4C68-A38E-D3D034DD9B41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10335066
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>> No.10335067
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>> No.10335069
File: 26 KB, 410x377, frogfuncaptule.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuk off lass I'm havin fun with the boys

>> No.10335072
File: 8 KB, 250x188, Pacific-tree-frog-Glory-be-door.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is major Tom to ground control, I'm stepping through the door

>> No.10335075
File: 46 KB, 640x480, erotic.webm_snapshot_00.07_[2020.02.06_17.21.05].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10335076

And I'm floating in a most peculiar way

>> No.10335108


Fuck off Obayed your jokes are shit. Go troll the MCM Group.

>> No.10335110

Stop trying to take credit.

>> No.10335157

he's clearly just spamming here because he probably got his account banned on facebook again

>> No.10335222
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>> No.10335363
File: 57 KB, 600x583, obayed_sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10335483

Anyone reckon CosXpo will be less shit this year? My GF really wants to go and her cosplay is amazing. I'm doing my first hand made cosplay using EVA foam. But I just know the CosXpo crowd are going to be their usual elitest selves. I hope there's more shit to do this year and the learning events aren't underwhelming.

>> No.10335488

The cosxpo crowd isn't elitist. You're not not friends with anyone there

>> No.10335491

oh can we not start this again that "Cosxpo aren't elitest". They are, get over yurself.

I'm sure you'll be great and hope your gf wins something. Go for the good photographers that's basically what the convention is anyway a glorified photoshoot

>> No.10335495
File: 1.25 MB, 1419x1643, Screenshot_20200207-110301_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put this to the test. Find the grottyiest onsee you have, wear that and just try to chill out and get drunk at CosXpo. Try to actually socialise with people. See what happens.
Thank you. My GF's cosplays get loads of attention because they are so well made and eye catching. Mine is made by hand with a scalpel. It's uneven as fuck. But I'm keeping on with it.

>> No.10335651

While I agree that the clear rape is a little overly specific, but the person that noted this throwing shade about "Um, a GIRL vicim? How sexist" is pretty dumb since it's immediately followed by a Nude Male, Nude Boy and a Baby Male victim all under the exact circumstances, which is in of itself, sexist and misandrist since they seemingly have no issue with the ritualsitic sacrifice of a naked boy or baby in this otherwise gender-balanced edgy scenario.

Anyway, Fatal is stupid lol.

>> No.10335689

I donated to save the frogs today. I felt very good about myself!

>> No.10335713
File: 36 KB, 560x548, perplexed gay frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where can I donate to save frogs anon

>> No.10335718 [DELETED] 
File: 33 KB, 513x513, FrogDestroyers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stomped on a frog today

>> No.10335856

Well it's almost impossible to become friends with anyone there because most of them are in cliques that dont talk to anyone they cant use for their own gain. Besides, do you guys really want to be friends with people like that? The kind of people that pretend to be nice (or "sassy") on their public pages while having their pronouns in their bio (despite being cishet) to show they "care" about the lgbt community when they're just using them for personal gain, and spend all their time bitching about cosplayers in their private group chats?
Nah, make better friends

>> No.10335858
File: 304 KB, 1067x1103, 20200207_225424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgive me if I'm wrong but...

Arent there minors in the MCM group?

>> No.10335871

and? People can have conversations, you bloody jobsworth. It's not like they're posting actual porn.

>> No.10335988

why does every single one of them look like they have various forms of autism/downs?

>> No.10336064 [DELETED] 
File: 312 KB, 1013x1503, Midlife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"oh i always hear people say i dont watch porn.."

Phi is always full of shit, better to just block the wannabe frog

>> No.10336075

Literally no one says this. Phi is just grabbing for strawmen to try and convince everyone in that group that everyone hates women. People dont watch porn because they're either grossed out by it or just dont want to.

>> No.10336122

BBC News - Black Cosplay: Why February is a month of celebration

Why are you guys so racist? Sort it out, yeah?

>> No.10336129

This seems a bit too specific.

>> No.10336145 [DELETED] 
File: 16 KB, 222x121, howtomakemcmgroupgreatagain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reposting the facebook ban list for mcm group, it really does help.

>> No.10336161

>trying to pass of personal blocklist as official

>> No.10336166 [DELETED] 

I don't follow mcm group drama particularly but blocking phi, obayed and that fucking abomination bethany is really just common sense. I don't know who the others are but it's not like it's some crazy subjective list.

>> No.10336168

well no shit but trying to pass it off as the groups ban list is weak.

>> No.10336175

I've been black cosplayers who are actually good, where did they did these two from?

>> No.10336177

I really don't see the point in blocking Obayed only to come to this thread every day to see his posts and talk about him all the time.

>> No.10336185

from instagram, they were asking some UK black cosplayers.

>> No.10336214 [DELETED] 

The chinese one is obayeds alt account for when his main is banned. The two guys are edgy incells

>> No.10336312

Any good Yorkshire cons apart from YCC?

>> No.10336702

The only ones I know that are held in Yorkshire is York Winter Con that was today. I think there is also a Leeds Anime and Gaming Con in March and a Sheffield one later in the year.

>> No.10336764

Asks for cons specifically in Yorkshire, nonce brigade shill events that are not in Yorkshire

>> No.10336980 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 300x300, obayed_khan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10337018

Just have to say Cardiff Anime Con was fun! The Welsh police were there with a table and speaking with everyone and got to be honest....was actually fun. I had fun, my mate had fun and it was a good event!

Yell at me gulls but I'm sorry it was good!

>> No.10337194

You thick shit I gave you cons in Yorkshire

>> No.10337257

Why do you sound like a hostage reading from cue cards at gun point

>> No.10337296

The police? Do they not realise that not all communities see them as allies? Did they not think how random gang members or drug dealers would feel. It’s like they learned nothing from Nineworlds. I can’t even.

>> No.10337389

alcon events can actually be fun, you wont get molested if you go just because a brown frog said so

>> No.10337419

I've only been to Sci-Fi Scarborough, Thought bubble, Halifax comic con and Bridlington comic con. Not bad cons but small and quiet. Probably try out Hull Comic Con this year

>> No.10337497

Hi Chris!

>> No.10338037

Who is Chris?

>> No.10338078

Don't you all have your own AL forums? Go wank over brown guy on there we are pretty sick of hearing you sperg about him here on this thread.

>> No.10338107

Didn't go but I saw a bunch of guys in cat ears yelling and making out in front of the guy with a sign saying that we were all Satan's cattle.

>> No.10338119

this rad guy I know that dresses up as fictional characters in real life

>> No.10338829
File: 153 KB, 625x750, Gumball - BMXII - 78af64fd754d8e95d24510e8aa4ee88b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay britfags, how do I hang out with you guys. Send me group chat links so I can join this shitfest

>> No.10338862 [DELETED] 

Saw Beth Brookes posted a cry for attention post on facebook the other day

Abbey finally got rid of her?lol

>> No.10338868


I mean, people seemed genuinely scared for her and I wouldn't want to wish feeling like you have to end your life on anybody, or for the impact it has on those around them. It looked pretty serious.

However I'm curious about what happened with her and Abbey, they went from doing a Yuri on Ice style 'engagement' and seeing each other every weekend to not being friends anymore. What's the story there?

>> No.10338947

Apparently she threatens often when things don’t go her way. I wouldn’t wish anyone to have thoughts on suicide, but if it’s something she’s doing just for attention then I’m not buying it, unfortunately.

From what I’m aware, they didn’t attend MCM Birmingham together either, so it seems like this has been brewing for a while and they’ve both kept quiet about it. If I’m not wrong, Abbey also attended Insomnia without Beth too, iirc.

>> No.10338960
File: 92 KB, 1080x692, 73BA3177-F78D-4183-B6F9-F0A38275E9BA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gumball goes in #b-a-l-o-n-g-a

>> No.10339049


That's not cool, I'm not really surprised considering how she goes off at people sometimes. I remember when she managed to bully a commissioner out of the community. To be fair, they royally fucked up and weren't owning up to their mistakes. But she was going about it in a way so that the earth was totally scorched. She was out for blood. I wouldn't want to be on the wrong side of her.

>> No.10339375

Wait, is this the Patchwork Poppy incident? Fucking hell.

I've never actually seen Abbey do anything wrong (or that I'm aware of, especially since she's dealt with a lot of crap w/ that fundraiser and being homeless) though, more like she was being strung along and made to do things to please Beth. My guess is Beth would throw a fit if Abbey didn't defend her or whatever. I don't know.

Anyway, what's done is done I guess.

>> No.10339415

>alcon events can actually be fun

citation fucking needed

>> No.10339452 [DELETED] 

Transwomen are men. If they claim to actually be women they either believe it in which case they are mentally I'll or they know that they are not women and are simply trying to trick you.

>> No.10339461


Yeah they lead the charge in that, it was definitely a bloodbath.

I can't deny that Abbey definitely got a lot out of her friendship with Beth. She was overworking herself making brand new costumes for both of them to the cons they attended together and she effectively learned how to make her own because of that.
I noticed that things started to dwindle around the time she started making her own, and her Sothis couldn't have turned out the way it did had she not spent hours watching Beth. I've noticed she's started getting rid of a bunch of costumes now too.

>> No.10339489

They're both definitely at fault, then. It looked more like Beth took the screenshots onto Facebook and just tore Poppy a new one, but there's always a another side for every coin. I guess that also applies to Abbey watching Beth, too. I mean, it seemed like Abbey was always at Beths. Was there any reason behind that?

It clicked the other day that something might've happened so I've been scouting here since. Abbey is quite a sound lass anyway, saw her a few times at i66 with some twitter/twitch personalities. Though her Sothis was rather decent for a first time too, but yeah I guess that falls into the same category as being assertive and watching Beth all the time. I swear there has to be something deeper in this though. Are Beth and Conor still together?

>> No.10339524

They broke up like over a year ago now I thought? I remember seeing that the man ended it, assumed him and Abbey were together since then based on twitter and event pictures I've seen desu

>> No.10339534

lol can't believe Beth had a bf for as long as they did, feel sorry for the poor bloke, better fucking abbey anyway shes pretty fit

think he found out about her selling nudes underaged yet ?????

>> No.10339575

Is Beth still getting banned from Facebook?

>> No.10339605
File: 875 KB, 1440x1815, Screenshot_20190604-131001_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]









I don't even know who any of these people are. Why do you all act like you know all these people who I've never heard of or seen at cons?

>> No.10339621


Beth has come up in several threads before now, lurk more.

>> No.10339741

Try AL chat instead, Gulls are a pathetic sausage fest.

>> No.10339750

this is fair

>> No.10340120

Anime-League is the only ACTUALLLY good anime community in the UK, who have ACTUAL events and FUN! Gulls just sulk in the corner of every con they go to and beta orbit lesbians and trannies

>> No.10340123

too far

>> No.10340133

It's funny how homophobia always seems to go hand in hand with AL shilling, whether earnest or in jest. Suggests a few things about AL.

>> No.10340139

Cry harder

>> No.10340191

Yes cause all their trans performers and crew definitely smells homophobe there

>> No.10340497

trans people are transphobic you know

>> No.10340500

I've met transphobic and homophobic trans people outside of AL many times so it's not hard to believe they would exist within AL too.

>> No.10340515

Trans people being in an organisation doesn't magically guarantee they're treated with respect there. Several high up AL people have been openly homophobic and transphobic on social media. But I guess that's not surprising that an organisation that shelters rapists and grooms teenagers would be shitty in other ways.

>> No.10340540

Haven't previous trans guests actually spoken out about being treated poorly at AL events?? I know I've definitely seen posts about it being shared around on FB

>> No.10340546

Yeah, I've seen several. Katie Lu Conkie was one, I don't remember the name of the other.

>> No.10340556

Dont the AL and Frog brigade have multiple lolcow threads to shit up instead of here? I dont get it, y'all are boring as fuck. At least send some creative insults to each other to give the neutral people entertainment, fuck.

>> No.10340558

for good reasons. They know how shitty and toxic their community is.

>> No.10340576
File: 51 KB, 448x960, 86648301_10157727655020490_6420648160997146624_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes Katie Lu was one and there was another as well that posted about them recently. LAGC is on this weekend and shit like this is already being posted about on insta lmao

>> No.10340634

Was that written by a 14 year old African American girl?

>> No.10340684

Katie Lu the wannabe metal DJ?

>> No.10340699

Yes, does metal/rock DJing for a few cons.

>> No.10340734

no, it was written by a literal 13yo child

>> No.10340773

The staff member was literally sacked and kicked out of the con as soon as it was found out

>> No.10340843

I hope it was at least reported to the police or someone of that nature because AL will just get away with this shit over and over again. They can remove their pedo staff all they want to save face, it'll only happen to another underaged weeb.

>> No.10341050

Is Rai-con decent at all? New to the area.

>> No.10341071

Really? Since when did AL give a shit about their jailbait chasing staff?

>> No.10341179

bet they just said that to get people to chill out and never fired anyone, it's not the first time this has happened and considering they won't even say which staff member it was makes it smell like bs

>> No.10341225

nice lies Michael

>> No.10341280

“Omg al suck so baaad they kicked out a predator can u belEEVE IT?” Swear the people in this thread will just try to pick apart anything even when it’s a legitimate thing.

>> No.10341376
File: 321 KB, 564x423, f5bebaad51ea65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be travelling around L O N D O N for a week in April. Kind of interested in meeting some local comm members. Would anyone be up for it?

>> No.10341404

No because London is a shit hole

>> No.10341409

I've not been here in months and the AL/Frog Cunt arguments are still going strong.

My word

Also cosxpo is a fucking elitist group

>> No.10341636

Have any of you been to an MCM-related FB meet before? What's it like? Are the people cool?

>> No.10341805

Rai-con is the Scottish one right?

>> No.10341829

More like a drain. Everything ends up concentrating there.

Kind of a bummer for some of us living up north, diddly squat going on up here. But London has an actual scene.

>> No.10341988

I have a question, how do cosplayers get invited to be judges/guests at cons? Do the lesser known ones contact the con themselves or is always the con approaching the cosplayer?
I've always wondered this

>> No.10342086

Yeah, it's in Glasgow. I'd ideally like to not travel all the way down South, are there any decent cons in Scotland/North England?

>> No.10342159

Bit of a mixture. Generally speaking if you are interested in cosplay guesting/judging then it never really hurts to drop a con them an email though

>> No.10342210

Any of the small Scottish ones are good, MCM Glasgow is fine if you just wanna go and get day drunk with your pals

>> No.10342486

this is true, you're better of going to a convention in America

>> No.10342489

wait Beth sold nudes when she was underage!?? How old is she now?

>> No.10342851

I don't actually have pals here yet but I guess that's a good way to make them. Are there any discords or anything like that for cosplay in Scotland/UK?

>> No.10343410

Careful. Discord’s are an indicator that your child is a leet hacker.

>> No.10345103
File: 3 KB, 400x43, Kojima_Eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you get time off work approved yet, Brit anons?

>> No.10345263

Fuck off Obayed we know about your moon runes account

>> No.10345560

it's been 3days without infighting and this is the first thing you say holy shit seek therapy

>> No.10345593
File: 475 KB, 1248x702, ERQaXL2WsAILX2n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ /cgl/

>> No.10345684

you guys must be obsessed with frog boy so much! Wouldn't surprise me if his harem are looking for attention

>> No.10345708

3 days of this being a dead thread... do people have nothing better to talk about?

>> No.10345714

Lets get this thread going again, name an overrated UK cosplayer and why

>> No.10345799

that jesus cosplayer people keep bringing up

>> No.10345805

Honestly wouldn't surprise me if some of those who attack Obayed is Obayed himself. Probably just trying to gain sympathy and attention from his rapidly diminishing "harem".

>> No.10345980

The fuck Dude?

>> No.10346180

They all suck so much and never talked about how can anyone be overrated

>> No.10346350

actually nah, thread should just die desu

revive it when proper cons roll around in 2021

>> No.10346490

Proper cons like what?

>> No.10346772

Birmingham is in a couple of weeks

>> No.10346773

that one is shit

>> No.10346922

either that or go to nazi comic con liverpool

>> No.10346948

is showmasters cardiff still a thing?

>> No.10346977

Do we want it to be?

>> No.10347664


>> No.10347737

why is it a nazi con?

>> No.10348058

ran by Andy Kleek who is part of the EDL and a huge supporter of Trump. Doesn't care for cosplayers or cosplay guests and has had a dodgy background when it comes to young women working for For The Love of SciFi and Monopoly Events. He also poaches guests from other conventions and doesn't go through the proper channels in obtaining them and underpays them

>> No.10348354

how come he runs a sucessful business then?

>> No.10348418

Why would guests drop an even they are being paid more to do?

>> No.10348455

can say the same about Jason running showmasters but still runs a bsuiness

>> No.10348506

I can vouch for the lack of caring for cosplayers and cosplay guests. It's basically a normie con and last liverpool con there was so many normies myself and a few other cosplayers were literally judged by said normies for "being dressed weird" at a con. So surreal.

>> No.10348635

I just don't understand why have your cosplay competition at 11am? Such a dumb time

>> No.10348639

theres something wrong with showmasters owner also? is there any uk con which doesnt have a bad owner?

>> No.10348641

uk is full of nonces

>> No.10348657

we all are

>> No.10348814

Yeah, they clearly dont care about the biggest (FREE) entertainment of the day. I've had a lot of trouble in the past with the host too, she has no idea how to organise a contest.
cons like these forget that these cosplay events are literally cosplayers doing them a favor and giving them free 2+ hours of stage content.

>> No.10349154

has anyone been to a starfury convention before? the tickets are like 130 quid for the weekend so im wondering if its worth the price

>> No.10349274
File: 259 KB, 768x1024, tumblr_p514d18Xz31srudz4o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he supports orange man bad
Unironically I wish Trump was the monster you think he is. He'd put you all in camps so you stopped bitching about drama.

>> No.10349591
File: 104 KB, 1000x560, corona.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please dont cancel our cons

>> No.10349698


>> No.10349701

what cons?

>> No.10349755

pretty much every con is at risk if it hits uk properly. Today france banned any gatherings of more than 5000 people. Italy has already postponed all its sporting events etc.

>> No.10349827

TBF he supports Trump literally because he also buys into the "orange man bad" idea.
Kleek is a legit neo-nazi who supports Trump because he thinks Trump is also a fashy.

also, here's (you)r mandatory "fuck off back to /pol/"

>> No.10350404
File: 34 KB, 862x559, FB_IMG_1583134299934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldn't usually engage in the dramaposting but couldn't believe my eyes at this one. What's wrong with AL shills?

>> No.10350410

£200 on dinners? Wtf did you eat. Just get a meal deal every day or some shit.

>> No.10350434

great job blurring out names kek

>> No.10350456

>a bit racist

in a greggs?

>> No.10350457

Well done on removing the racist comment he made saying "a dealer room full of Asians so you get the Coronavirus"

Yeh AL may be bad but you've shown you are fine with racism

>> No.10350458

Lol. That'd be the same racist nutjob who was saying in an earlier post that the Chinese dealers at the show will probably give the attendees corona virus.

>> No.10350459

He edited it.

You can click on the actual post if you locate it and see the edit history.

>> No.10350461

So the story here is that someone calls out someone for being a bit of a racist idiot.

The more entertaining story is how someone can blow £200 on food

>> No.10350517

Must've ordered a 20 course meal and even then you can't spend that much in spoons

>> No.10350624
File: 69 KB, 962x545, CoronaVirus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When even AL are taking action with Corona. MCM and Showmasters are ignoring it still

>> No.10350639
File: 7 KB, 225x225, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oldschool sunnycon was a blast
the luxury of CFZ has spoiled me tho

>> No.10350651
File: 124 KB, 349x491, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yet again, every con MasakoX attends, the more I cringe...

>> No.10350682

I was looking forwards to brum, but i just know some dumbass who might have this virus will think "i've paid for my hotel, this con, and i'm seeing my friends. I don't care if i'm sick as shit, i'm going"

Because everyone con has a patient zero like this. This time it just happens to be a way worse virus.

>> No.10350709

What's the odds that MCM ends up being one of the triggers of an massive UK outbreak later this month?

>> No.10350714

Not just MCM, do we know what Liverpool Comic Con will be doing next weekend? Nothing from them?

>> No.10350721
File: 49 KB, 497x363, KleekIgnores.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how Mr Kleek responds to questions about the virus.


Good luck to all those attending.

>> No.10350724

Imagine driving 90mins for an alcon event

MCM and Showmasters risk losing money from cancelling and not running events.They will be monitoring it closely and following government guidelines. Barely anyone even goes to an Alcon event so they will have the luxury of "looking at an attendee to see if they have a running nose"

Last years mcm his stall was empty and he was just staring out at everyone passing buy like a homeless dude begging for money. Everyone doing that avoid eye contact and awkwardly walk past.

Its funny because the virus is only a high risk to those unhealthy, elderly or young. 99% of Con goers are fat unhealthy slobs.

>> No.10350725

Yikes. Could we see an outbreak at Liverpool Comic Con given their "head in the sand" mentality then?

>> No.10350726

surprised kleek hasnt done an asian ban for his cons

>> No.10350729

You speak to MCM and Showmasters now? Can you show they're even following government guidelines? No one knows as they've not even said anything.

>> No.10350916

It's not my screencap, brainlet.

>> No.10350967

Worried parents are going to prefer an event that has this information out over one that doesn’t, whether they’re following guidelines or not.

>> No.10350997

So after after Michael Tuckwell from sunnycon literally said the world was going to end from brexit and the conservatives winning the election, what's the odds he conveniently just doesn't talk at all about the corona virus at all and ignores it. It's ironic how he's happy to scare monger over things that suit his politics but not to even talk about something that he could be doing something about?

>> No.10351021

Brexit, conservative victory, corona and the locust plague in Africa were all for told in the Dead Sea scrolls.
What’s going on in your mind Ikari.

>> No.10351107

When you wanna take action against hoodies over an actual virus that can kill someone and have killed people...

>> No.10351126

If parents are taking their children to alcon they are doing something wrong

>> No.10351129
File: 225 KB, 613x852, omgbrexit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sunnycon has no money, think this years will be the last?

>> No.10351306
File: 234 KB, 798x354, RESIDENT CORONA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Anon, we're here to collect the Corona virus sample."

>> No.10351538

so did anything happen at LCC spring? any new trouble with showmasters?

>> No.10351560

got called a racist in greggs

>> No.10351907

when will AL learn that trashing other cons like Sunny, liv or any mcms wont make more people go to your event.
Liv con posted yesterday about the virus but i guess y'all didnt see that huh
Make it less obvious pls, this is boring.

>> No.10351929

Not AL just don't like Kleek he's a cunt. Make it less obvious you aren't Obayed lel.

Also their "statement" was terrible. They will be the start of the outbreak

>> No.10351964

not everyone that hates AL is that frog cunt, as it's been stated before the large majority fucking hate both sides.
Saying X con is bad because of X isn't a good business strat esp on 4chan. Consider improving your events and people will go to it regardless of the allegations.

>> No.10351994

Yes cause as I'm a nurse I so work for AL. Not everyone on 4chan is an AL shrill. If you're so obsessed go troll their pages.

>> No.10352021
File: 79 KB, 630x630, 4284517_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10352517

>ghost town/dead events are safe from cancellation

what a relief for amechibi and mike towers.

>> No.10352623


you see how many football games we have full of old, fat people with 1 foot in the grave? worry about that instead

relax, katsucon was on a whole different scale and not a single person got anything out of it.

>> No.10352718

Wow, and they complain about the AL-shrills..

>> No.10353173

I'm just glad MCM put out a statement on the virus and are doing something about it. Better than some events just ignoring it. Hopefully London won't be cancelled

>> No.10353180


>> No.10353249
File: 61 KB, 375x849, external-contsadadnt.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But he's not wrong. It's cool though, you can be progressive and hug all the plaguebarers for me.

>> No.10353596

Anyone gone to Liverpool comic con?

>> No.10353731

>going to liverpool for anything


>> No.10353892

isn't attending the same as funding the EDL?

>> No.10354419

Might go this year desu. Has it been any good since it moved to Newcastle? Last one I went to was when it was at Seaham and none of their guests turned up.

>> No.10354857
File: 45 KB, 1066x598, FB_IMG_1556310375934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>£15 visa charge and the end of easily going on holiday to france is a sign of the end times
I didn't know Guardian writers were gulls.

>> No.10354977

Clearly you haven’t hung around the discord.

>> No.10356503

So, is everyone avoiding this thread because of Corona or is 4chan just literally dead?

>> No.10356773
File: 701 KB, 1060x599, DSC_5773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he wasn't invited to the corona pod orgy


>> No.10356846

con goers have shit immune systems so they are probably busy dealing with corona

>> No.10356908

all the britfags are dead because of corona

>> No.10356956

Combination of every con being dead and drama fizzling out - I mean, smaller events could possibly be arranged, but allegedly that is more likely to transmit stuff.

>> No.10357068
File: 17 KB, 100x100, Untitled4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, someone give me a list of the conventions cancelled due to the virus.

I know Brum MCM has been postponed, but seriously what else?, all I'm seeing is just a bunch of 'feels bad' artists.

>> No.10357257

dublin comic con, edinburgh comic con, wales comic con are the other big ones, theres dozens of small cons.

MCM birmingham postponed date now clashes with sunnycon, tucky already salty

>> No.10357259
File: 610 KB, 1242x2062, EF5DE71A-0DA6-4FA7-A472-AA004D15B79C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else seen these degenerates planning Corona Con?

I hope they at least self isolate after..

>> No.10357264

What are they even going to do, piss around in empty hallways at the NEC? As far as i know they only open the Spoons and concessions if they have actual shows on.

>> No.10357271

Cosxpo is postponed now too.

>> No.10357276

Insomnia and cosxpo

>> No.10357284

so basically they are just having a weekend away to a shithole like brum? sounds wild

>> No.10357321
File: 36 KB, 394x469, EReP0s5UcAAZrar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>already spent £800 on MCM London hotel room
>have to go even if the show gets cancelled/delayed

>> No.10357340

>not booking in advance before dates are announced for a low price
>not booking flex/semi flex so you can cancel and not lose money

My hotel was 224, right next to excell and ive just cancelled it because it was semi flex.

>> No.10357396
File: 81 KB, 600x536, Girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>paying upfront

>> No.10357544

Well with the government apparently putting a ban of big gatherings within the next week I wouldn't be surprised if other cons get cancelled. I'm down to guest some in May and April and they are most likely getting cancelled

>> No.10357548

fuck off Grace

>> No.10357786

I'm not sure if anyone informed you but self hosting a panel does not promote you to "guest"

>> No.10357811

Wow, I wish I was as famous as you. Imagine guesting a panel. I don’t think I’d have the balls to submit a suggestion get it approved and turn up.

>> No.10357900

isn't it only large gatherings? AL cons should be grand then, no need to worry

>> No.10358000

"large gatherings" is relatively fluid in definition, for example Austria are banning meetings of more than 5 people. But hey, maybe you can get away with a town hall or pub function rooms worth of people like most AL events.

>> No.10358499

Frogboy I know you can't hold your one man orgys anymore. All your harem have the corona and proberaly chlamydia too. Have fun at your mams house!

>> No.10358525

I find myself thinking it'd be downright spectacular to recreate the entire con experience in some virtual way, like in one of those 3d chatroom type programs. Or... Minecraft? though that's pretty dumb I guess.

>> No.10358533

I hate to disappoint you but the MCM in Minecraft thing was just a meme

>> No.10358659

Lose weight

>> No.10358671

yes soap chan will get you

>> No.10358718
File: 31 KB, 490x400, rip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alcon is dead post crab rave

>> No.10358720

I dunno, it'd be kinda fun to recreate.... Not MCM, that's too big. But a good old fashioned hotel con for up to 100 user (likely 30-50 actual users).

Run it once a month with a new "location" for just 3 or 4 days. Might get onto trying that.

>> No.10358722

we know that's grace you twat. well done on the coverup.

amechibli and sunnycon are the next to die

>> No.10358758

I'd be surprised if they ran to be honest. Yes, al con is shit but you don't want that many smelly shits in one location they'll keep the virus going till next year

>> No.10358770


>> No.10358773

not the living Gerry Anderson puppet i'm afraid

>> No.10358958
File: 303 KB, 1080x1451, Screenshot_20200318_004857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe he should stop trying to be a YouTuber and worry about running his event????

>> No.10358974
File: 108 KB, 1080x522, Screenshot_20200318_012215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking further into it and seems like Tuckwell doesn't have any money left. Sunnycon will collapse this year

>> No.10358976

Probably a bad idea to buy Sunnycon tickets if they're close to folding then

>> No.10359040

they said something about needing 1k subs so they could earn money from it

>> No.10359163

i'm not surprised they're completely delusional about income gains from youtube

>> No.10359199

1k won't do anything for them

>> No.10359207

I actually really like Sunny and have been going since the start but Tucky truly dropped it in his recent vid.
>He said people should keep buying tickets because they most likely wont shut
>goes off on a tangent about how the tickets sales pay rent/food not only con expenses
>without ticket money they're on benefits
>sunnycon will F if this year goes under
>All sunny tickets have always been none refundable

So buy tickets even though all the big cons are closing, "just incase" when sunny comes around public events have the OK.
meaning if you buy tickets now and it get cancelled fuck you, we have you ticket money to pay out personal loans and rent thats all we care about.
dude make it less obvious pls, i actually like your con and you're making it hard for me to support you luv. I'm not buying till a week before the con to be safe.

>> No.10359223
File: 53 KB, 500x400, tumblr_oc9xi3M40s1vueaymo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heads up manc brotha's, manchester anime & gaming con has been scrubbed to september instead

>> No.10359286

It's in August? You clearly can't read

>> No.10359389

>goes off on a tangent about how the tickets sales pay rent/food not only con expenses

Maybe people need to hold off buying tickets so he can lose some weight then

>> No.10359459

So inclined with a AL event, aren't we anon?

>> No.10359537

Buy tickets for sunnycon to pay for Tuckwell's food. Classy

>> No.10359543
File: 325 KB, 1080x1496, Screenshot_20200319_013600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10359545
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>> No.10359546
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>> No.10359547


Jason Joiner - Showmasters not that greatest guy ever as it seems

>> No.10359717


in other news, water is wet.

>> No.10359796
File: 32 KB, 717x122, f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

London MCM formally postponed to the same weekend as HyperJapan. anyone now double booked?

>> No.10359804

hasnt hyper japan been dead the last few years?

>> No.10359864
File: 68 KB, 540x319, IMG_20200319_183043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone's a scared puddy tat aren't they?

>> No.10359865
File: 310 KB, 1080x1683, received_619170298929588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10359866

made pretty good cash on my table last year so can't be that dead. unsure as to how it's been for attendees, but it was better business than MCM brum/manc for me by some margin

>> No.10359941

buildings like excell and nec have alot of bookings throughout the year, there is very limited free slots so reedpop probably just booked the next dates available. I really doubt they purposedly found the dates of a small con in newcastle and decided to clash with it, but i guess its just another excuse for tucky to use when his business keeps failing.

>> No.10360033

Hyper Japan clash does feel delibrate tho. MCM could've just stuck with only having their October con this year,

>> No.10360076

nooo, we wanted to cosplay but now itll be 3+ months at least until the next con

>> No.10360077

why the fuck are you booking in a 5 star hotel?

There were 2 travelodges nearby that costs 220quid for 4 days(280 if you chose flexible).

>> No.10360252

Sooo, tucky admitted he's on benefits and running a company at the same time?

Smells a bit of fraud there...

>> No.10360269

I think you misread my post, watch his vid on x2 speed for the whole story. But TLDW - if this years sunny goes under they have to use benefits to feed their children or something. They use ticket sales for Con stuff AND living expenses - according to his vid.
Either way i still aint buying tickets till a few days before the con due to the strict non refund policy, it's shady that he's pushing for people to buy them this hard when even mcm london was moved and tucky himself doesnt seem sure on what to do

>> No.10360290

Either way just to be safe, someone should call up the fraud line as that's unfair on everyone else especially in a time like this.

>> No.10360579

nayrt but there are even fewer weekends in summer specifically that they'll be able to book out the necessary space. I'm not convinced it'd even be a good strategy to clash with hyper given that it's not exactly tiny.

>> No.10360622

Even if this wasn't going on, If running a convention is your entire business they really need to run multiple events throughout the year. Living on the takings of a single event must be rough as it is especially as they have no other apparent income?

>> No.10360689

Simple answer - Tuckswell's an idiot.

>> No.10360710

I did find it weird that he doesn't have a day job or at least didnt mention one in the vids he made - considering how bad he seems to say they're struggling

>> No.10360778

So wait. He's literally spending all his time organising just one event over 12 months and nothing else?

Then again, explains how he has the time to make his fb rants and youtube vomit, lol

>> No.10361113

uwu subscribe to my YouTube channel so I earn 2p per click

>> No.10362100
File: 88 KB, 595x786, fatfuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a fat person is lazy and blames others for his problems

Who would have thought!

>> No.10362156

The discord is full of snowflakes and extream left wings crying about inclusiveness, wait sorry that is describing guardian writers.

>> No.10362203

Seriously, why post that

>> No.10362431

what a surprise that someone who can't spell extreme or master basic grammar is butthurt about a lack of racism in the discord.

>> No.10362469

Very funny and very cool

>> No.10363245
File: 452 KB, 3024x4032, JPEG_20191109_225831-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay boomer

>> No.10363421

Our lord and saviour

>> No.10363427


>> No.10363567
File: 190 KB, 509x503, tuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

face it. your con is dead and so are you

>> No.10364068

I can't say theres much crying about inclusiveness, just people trying to be decent human beings - besides, it's white AF, pretty much anyone is welcome to join, chat about stupid stuff so long as your idea of a deep conversation isn't "Hey, you know that hitler guy? He was pretty alright"

>> No.10364087

so, what exactly is stopping him and Donna from getting day jobs? He's making it real hard for me to support him anymore lol

>> No.10364256

Its not like he can't get a job, I know the NHS are crying out for people to work and volunteer. I'm losing patience with him desu

>> No.10364271

same, my patience is starting to thin. Does he not have savings? If he cant afford to save him and/or Donna should get a part time job. I know Liverpool sunny was tragic, i was there. But was it really this bad to throw them into the red this hard?
Like another anon said above, if he wants to do this full time they need to expand successfully, otherwise get a dayjob, it aint that deep.

>> No.10364397

Agreed, and trying to flog off their second hand anime and manga to sunnycon fans really won't cut it.

>> No.10364401 [DELETED] 
File: 132 KB, 1080x1023, Screenshot_20200329_005827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you post a picture of your 8 year old naked?

>> No.10364402

3 nonces love it! That's why for the views!!!!!

>> No.10364629

The child clearly has pants on, stop being a nonce vendetta chan

>> No.10364687

The girl is topless, but ok Tuckwell live your life!

>> No.10364688

why are you saving pics of someone elses child? thats beyond weird

>> No.10364702

why are you sexualizing a child? I'm not tucky but this is very weird that you're saving this img you deemed inappropriate for him to post and are posting it on 4chan.
Reported you fucking nonce.

>> No.10364716
File: 117 KB, 372x351, 1400650131088.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1) that's his personal facebook. Bit Creepy that...
2) you are saving pictures of children and posting them on 4chan nonce chan?

that's his son

Hey Anon, I'm worried. When did the bad Tuckwell touch you? Do you need to talk to an adult? You've been really salty recently and we just want to tell you that we're here for you

>> No.10364843

Sunnycon is dead face is nonce

>> No.10364906

You'd really name your son Alexis? Ok woke-kun!

>> No.10364907

A lot of this bitching about Sunnycon could be avoided if Tuckwell just could stfu. Seriously.

>> No.10364908

Sunnycons worst enemy is its owner.

>> No.10365029

so we just going to ignore the fact that nonce-chan saved an img of someone elses CHILD they deemed inappropriate for facebook and posted it on 4chan to complain about it?
you lot have some serious vendettas and it's pretty obv who you are, fitting the nonce narrative i see luv

>> No.10365046

I'm a trans activist from Newcastle trying to save my city from pieces of shits and crappy ass people like you!

>> No.10365058


To double down this hard means you must have some killer evidence to share! Why don't you share it with police? Get them to launch a formal investigation. When it comes back with a hit, think of all the floating you get to do on here! You'll be considered a hero of the UK Con circuit!

Or, don't. Because you know filing a false police report is illegal.

I think the choice is obvious anon. The power is in your hands.

Unless of course...

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact :)

>> No.10365069

keep busting jokes to evade your noncery call out - got it dude

>> No.10365096

bunch of scrotes defending a nonce here, not a good look

>> No.10365151

hes a typical left northerner though, its easier to blame the government and brexit while sitting at home on benefits playing video games. He always complains about not having money yet is to lazy to work more than one weekend a year. Remember the video he made complaining that attendees dont immediately buy tickets to sunnycon and most are purchased two weeks before the event and it was their fault for sunnycon not having funds lol

>> No.10365485 [DELETED] 

It's not a joke though you saying trans rights aren't real? Sunnycon kicked me out just because I was trans it was horrible.

>> No.10365607
File: 34 KB, 580x548, 1540658444483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you missed the Milkman's panel due to work not giving you the holiday
Hopefully he delivers something even more ridiculous next year

>> No.10365621
File: 16 KB, 177x259, ETUbhj-X0AAEWe3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any news on MCM cons yet?

Can they execute Birmingham MCM to cease these degenerates talking?