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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10315951 No.10315951 [Reply] [Original]

We're finally in 2020! This thread is to talk about the last decade(s). Feel free to share old photos and old blogs or cry about the closing of your favourite brand. All jfash welcomed.

Some questions to ponder over:
>What are your thoughts on the shifting trends in alternative (j)fash through the decade?
>Which aspects/styles have boomed and waned? Do you think it changed because of changes in mainstream fashion?
>Is there a trend/style you're particularly upset about?

>> No.10315952
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Photos from FRUiTS issue 3, 2010, No. 152

>> No.10315953
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>> No.10315955
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>> No.10315956
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>> No.10315957
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>> No.10315960
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>> No.10315961
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>> No.10315962
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>> No.10315963
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>> No.10315964
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>> No.10315968
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I'm disappointed by the lack of cyber-related fashion. It feels like there was a quick dabble in it during y2k and then no one really went back to it. I went back to watch some of Lady Gaga's old music videos with the skin tight suits in weird shapes Rei Kawakubo style, the high heels and strange metal contraptions. Britney Spears's Toxic featured her as an air stewardess in a futuristic uniform, set in bad CGI. There was a love for futuristic aesthetic, and with Japan sometimes used as inspiration for futuristic settings, I'm surprised cyber-based fashions aren't anywhere in sight.

>> No.10315970

>I'm surprised cyber-based fashions aren't anywhere in sight.
There's been a wierd boom in wierd futuristic fashion by all the brands running under WAO (Nesin, Bedroom Tokyo, Wadago, etc), maybe you just missed out on it because it's pretty niche.

>> No.10315971

Was Uchuu-kei never a big thing?

>> No.10315974

There was cyberpunk but personally I though it looked really ugly with the plastic dreads and goggles and such.

>> No.10315979
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I am sad that the jfashion sub genres seemed to die out this decade. We started off with having fairy kei, cult party, larme, menhera, some gyaru, remnants of punk, etc. but ended off with just watered down yume kawaii and yami kawaii. They are just not as exciting and are basically "anything sweet and dreamy" and "anything edgy". There is no particular point of view or inspiration in them besides some sort of emulation for previous harajuku fashion. This is also oddly reflected in the west. There was a complete death of subcultures in comparison to the variety of the 2000s. We still have some alt people but the 10s gave the west nothing new besides hipsters.

Also this past decade jfashion and kawaii went from a niche interest to full on mainstream. It has been great having so much easily accessible kawaii products in the west but I feel that as all trends die so will this and we will see a decline in kawaii in the west by mid 20s. We will be left in our small niche communities once again but instead of weird we will be seen as clinging to the past, like old punks. I dont particularly mind this as I believe lolita is timeless.

>> No.10315984

I'm in my 30s but I have a friend in high school who says the kids are going wild for Hatsune Miku and anime. I don't see kawaii dying.

Also don't forget the 10s gave us kpop fashion (if wearing huge 3XL jackets is a fashion)

>> No.10315989

They might be in HS now but the kids in HS will be different in 4-5 years. Look at how quickly 2000s rock bands became irrelevant despite rock being around since the 70s.

Maybe anime and kawaii will be a bit more of a main stay than I think but it will definitely change a lot in the coming decade. Kind of how everyone is into video games right now, young, old, male, female, cool or uncool.

>> No.10315990
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Basically kawaii will get watered down by mainstream similar to how goth was gobbled up and regurgitated by the mainstream to the point that this shit is considered goth today. But we will still have our real kawaii communities.

>> No.10316056

>I'm in my 30s but I have a friend in high school
uh that's creepy

>> No.10316061

Maybe but it's not uncommon for lolitas. I also have lolita friends in their 50s.

>> No.10316074
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Shop photos from Spank!'s ameblo from the beginning of the decade.

>> No.10316075
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>> No.10316076
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>> No.10316077
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I've only seen the cyber stuff being heavily dominant in western fashion, mainly brands like cyber dog or whatever raver shit dollskill sell.

Even though i like cyberpunk, it's completely designed as event wear and it pretty impractical for every day wear. I really like what @obsidiankerttu does though, a basic instagoth outfit (that is actually pretty wearable in some cases when she is not posting swim suits and lingerie) with a splash of neon.

>> No.10316078
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>> No.10316081
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>> No.10316088
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>I've only seen the cyber stuff being heavily dominant in western fashion
You probably haven't been watching jfashion a lot then considering there still tons of cyber brands in Tokyo (XRN, Nesin, Aika Electronics, Takuya Angel, etc), even Listen Flavor is selling that kinda stuff while it's dead in the west.

>> No.10316095

>kawaii will get watered down by mainstream
That already happend over a decade ago when Gwuen Stevani had her harajuku phase.

>> No.10316099

I used to have Takuya Angel bookmarked in highschool and would daydream about having the balls to wear any of that shit. Not remotely my style now but I can still appreciate how important it is/was to the jfash scene.

>> No.10316159

>overshooped proana looking lingerie model who shills dollskill

>> No.10316176
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Right now I know there's a style coming up called techwear, which is more cyberpunk like The Matrix than bright rave wear. It gets its name from everything you wear being top-of-the-line-innovative-functional-fabrics-holy-shit but it still holds on to that cyber/future aesthetic. Personally I don't see it lasting that long just because it's much easier and cheaper to be a e-boy than a tech-boy, but it's a start.

>> No.10316241

you guys are thinking of cyberGOTH with the plastic dreads and shit. cyberpunk is different and most definitely wearable outside of clubs and shit. in fact I haven't been to a club in over a decade despite constantly wearing cyberpunk fashion

>> No.10316255

this shit is just uchuu-kei.

>> No.10316299

I thought techwear was already on the decline. I've seen the term around /fa/ for a while now, it's not a new thing.

>> No.10316320

this has been around for ~6 years anon

>> No.10316338
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Works by Hiroto Ikeuchi

>> No.10316339
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>> No.10316340
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>> No.10316342
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>> No.10316343
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>> No.10316344
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>> No.10316346
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>> No.10316348
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>> No.10316442

Uchuu was just fairy kei pastel vomit with space motifs so no, it's not.

>> No.10316443

Plastic dreads and non-functional goggles are cyber goth, not cyber punk. I know it seems redundant to say but it might help you on future fashion searches. Cyberpunk in the 90s was literally just punks with pagers, IRC, and leetspeak and there wasn't a day glow faux fur accent in sight.

>> No.10316445
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>calling Aika Electronics, a cybergoth brand that's been around since the 90s, uchuu

>> No.10316455
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(you will spot it all over early Kera and Fruits issues)

>> No.10316470

>those plasticky silver pants
I love it. If anyone has anymore futuristic cyberpunk-y stuff, pls dump. Also requesting early nanchatte or kogal (hell just gyaru in general at this point) since gyaru’s almost all died off it seems like.

>> No.10316475

I'd love an old cyber dump too, especially from the 90's and 00's with brands like cyberdog, fötus & aika electronics or other brands.

>> No.10316506
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I'm gonna try.

>> No.10316509
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>> No.10316511
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>> No.10316512
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>> No.10316517
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>> No.10316519
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The owner of Aika Electronics is in so many 90s Kera issues (he posts scans once a while censoring his face)...

>> No.10316520 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10316524 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10316525
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Man, styles changed so much.

>> No.10316527
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>> No.10316529
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>> No.10316530
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>> No.10316531
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>> No.10316534
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>> No.10316535
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>> No.10316536
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>> No.10316537
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>> No.10316539
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>> No.10316541
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>> No.10316542
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>> No.10316546

Thank you anon, it is much appreciated!

>> No.10316555

I actually have a box that contains a set of about 100 photos from FRUITS (mostly 90-00's)
I'd love to scan and upload some if there's any way to find out which ones aren't available

>> No.10316577

With basicly all image hosting sites having died, it's harder to tell which are still available.

>> No.10316586

You're way behind the times. Techwear is largely dead and has been for years now. For a little while there was some interest in lunacore and it's various offshoots, but even that died out as newer looks took over. Sure there's still some diehards wearing it, but it's not trendy and it doesn't fit well with the current zeitgeist.

Now things are swinging back to a mix of "traditional" looks and heavy 90s nostalgia. (Note how much e-boy and e-girl lean into 90s silhouettes and accessories like wallet chains and chokers.)

>> No.10316691

Yeah, unfortunately I don't have the time to scan and edit that many. Though I can probably scan a couple of them in one go if there's any requests for styles?

There's some old school Lolita song with general j-punk/fash of the time

>> No.10316730
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effay fashion has always been bland as fuck, generic hipster boy fits that would be indistinguishable from any regular kid walking down the street

>> No.10316831

Yeah it's always dissapointing going on to /fa/ and it's always the same boring old shit

>> No.10317061
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>What are your thoughts on the shifting trends in alternative (j)fash through the decade?
Jfashion has become more and more subdued. 2019 has to be the most drab and boring year yet, with beige/neutral tones all over the place. I can only hope that the pendulum is slowly going to start to swing in the opposite direction.

>Which aspects/styles have boomed and waned? Do you think it changed because of changes in mainstream fashion?

Jfashion tends to feed off eachother. When OTT Sweet/deco sweet was at it's peak, we had a decora revival, hime gyaru and ageha style was back, general gyaru trends were really bright and colorful and fairy kei was a thing. When stereotypical larme style got big, you saw it bleed into both lolita, and other brands like liz lisa and ank rouge. we need another trend to sweep all the styles.

>Is there a trend/style you're particularly upset about?
I liked Larme fine for casual wear, but i don't like the impact it had on lolita fashion.

>> No.10317118

>Jfashion tends to feed off eachother.
I still remember how people wanted to make "bittersweet" lolita a thing when Creepy Cute was all over due to Kyary and Pastelbat.

>> No.10317128

All I really remember from this decade is moldy orange peel-chan

>> No.10317375

I miss the jfash style with the layers of velvet, brocade, lace, and kitschy baubles, vintage bags, etc. What were we calling that? It was maybe 5 years ago it was trendy

>> No.10317378

Stop saying cyberpunk when you're talking about cybergoth, they are completely different styles. Cyberpunk is boring, cybergoth is loud and fun

>> No.10317383

Dolly Kei? Around the time of Cult Party and stuff like that?

>> No.10317420

>Cyberpunk is boring
ding dong you are wrong

>> No.10317561
File: 810 KB, 1280x1735, tumblr_oqkvyaZVTy1r1xdxao4_r1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought dolly kei wasn't so much a style as it was just one a specific look associated with a couple vintage shops like grimore. people tried to make it into the "dark" version of cult party kei.

>> No.10317569
File: 121 KB, 680x1024, cd6604824ef9a0182e605c42b53600c98c3c42a5_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, Dolly Kei was always defined as european folkcore inspired jfashion, looks nothing like Cult Party did.

>> No.10317641

Yes!! Thank u
Beautiful. I never collected enough nice stuff to wear it. Someday

>> No.10317671

oldschool lolita definitely but anything on the more cute side, if you're still there anon.

>> No.10317696

reminds me of jet set radio...

>> No.10317705

I can’t tell if you are a troll, but if so bless you for this dead and decayed meme

>> No.10317706

I coach middle schoolers and they are still weeby as ever. it ain’t going anywhere

>> No.10317707

goth as a trend didn’t kill goth as a style and clearly none of you follow mainstream fashion because kawaii hasn’t been relevant in western fashion since 2013

>> No.10317744

If I could resume the last decade (based on what I saw and my friends ofc), it would be all about Juria Nagawa, that girl that used to be always with her, Amo Style (it was all the rage among young jp fashion lovers in my country), Aomoji Kei and pastel goth with a mix of jp fashion influences.

And almost all of those people are now into kpop and korean styles
