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10312500 No.10312500 [Reply] [Original]

Post retro-inspired lolita outfits. An actual vintage/retro pieces that are acceptable to be used in lolita coords are also welcomed.

>> No.10312504

This shit is so tacky and not kawaii. Why not just wear rockabilly fashion?

>> No.10312510

rockabilly is fucking awful, anon, don't recommend that to anyone.

>> No.10312512
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How is OP pic and, e.g., Fanny Rosie-style shit any more tacky than OTT sweet pastel vomit (no shade to the pastel vomit lovers)?

>> No.10312516

Kinda sounds like you are trying to shade, seeing as nobody mentioned sweet.

>x is worse than y. therefore y is okay right?

Fanny rosie is much more otome and vintage inspired. If that's the kinda content you're after, that's not really clear from the OP. I thought it was gonna be a thread full of Fantasic Dolly, which I hate with a passion, it's so ugly.

>> No.10312518

Because rockabilly looks like shit 99% of the time. It's like ita vintage.

>> No.10312519

I'm not OP so I don't really know what they were after, but personally I guess I kind of see vintage and retro as semi-interchangeable terms. I mean, that's a pretty blurry line, right? As far as I know the only difference is that retro is reproduction and vintage is genuine old shit.

And I mentioned OTT sweet because it is tacky. I don't see that as a bad thing, I think it's cute. Most OTT sweet lolitas I know fully embrace the tacky label. There's plastic accessories and glitter out the wazoo, it's objectively not classy. I still like the look of it, though, even if I wouldn't wear it. Also Fantastic Dolly is cute, sue me.

>> No.10312522

and retro inspired lolita is like the aborted fetus homunculus baby of the two

>> No.10312531
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For some pieces I like it how vintage dresses use longer and poofier skirts than lolita. Look at this, the top is clearly not lolita, but imagine if some lolita dress like Otome no tutu or alike tile overlay dress would have a skirt like this. I guess that would be extra fancy and OTT.

>> No.10312598 [DELETED] 

And that concludes this thread

>> No.10312632
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lol oops

>> No.10312633
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>> No.10312634
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>> No.10312636
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>> No.10312637
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>> No.10312638
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>> No.10312641
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>> No.10312646

This doesn't read retro at all

Neither does this.

Having polka dots or cherries doesn't automatically make it retro

>> No.10312649

OP said retro-inspired and polka dots, stripes, bright colors, gingham, and cherries read as retro so I think those are fair.

>> No.10312662
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You'd end up with half of AP's summer releases being "vintage" then.

>> No.10312674

Youre an idiot if you cant tell the difference between this and the obviously vintage-inspired coords you originally responded to. Its a combination of print and styling that makes those coords vintage inspired. Your picture has no vintage/retro styling, its just basic sweet lolita.

>> No.10312676

Nayrt but I agree that that cord doesn’t read retro/vintage-inspired. The jsk could easily fit into a retro-y coord but the styling of that particular coord is straight up lolita.

>> No.10312686


I posted >>10312662.

I'm not the anon that originally said it doesn't look retro either, you're responding to more than one anon by now. I just think >>10312634 and >>10312662 doesn't look very far different, maybe one is only slightly more toned down.

The other one she picked out also looks more modern than "vintage" to me, but eh, you can have it if you want to, it's not my ass that gets roasted if somebody posts it as "retro lolita".

>> No.10312695
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>> No.10312702

Cherries =/= automatically retro. This is still very much just straight up lolita.

>> No.10312703

Because rockabilly is for people too fat to just wear vintage.

>> No.10312813

That's kind of the point though, all of these are straight-up lolita, just with clear vintage/retro influence.

>> No.10312821

did you read the title of the thread? it's still a lolita thread, not a vintage thread.

>> No.10312852
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>> No.10312856
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>> No.10312858

I think you’ve misunderstood what I’m trying to say. It’s not retro/vintage-inspired looking. It just looks like sweet lolita and someone is calling “retro” just because it has cherries.

>> No.10312859
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>> No.10312862
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>> No.10312864
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>> No.10312869

the cut and design of the dress is what's retro style.

>> No.10312900
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>> No.10312902
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>> No.10312903

Nayrt but I was kind of confused by why that was posted here too. Maybe specifying it’s the cut that looks vintagey (which I agree it does) would’ve made it less confusing.

This is fucking adorable and coord goals.

>> No.10312906

anyone know her insta?

>> No.10312910
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>> No.10312912
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>> No.10312914

retro lolita> rockabilly

>> No.10312916
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I love vintage inspiration in lolita. I miss it the most in prints. French Cafe, Fantastic Dolly, and Honey Cake all have that "1950s magazine advertisement" art style to them.

I think the lolita community has a knee-jerk reaction to vintage fashion because their view of vintage is someone with bad victory rolls, red lipstick, cheap cat eye glasses and a wrinkly hellbunny dress. True vintage fashion is a lot closer to lolita than we give credit.

>> No.10312918
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>> No.10312920
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>> No.10312923
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The Milkshake line seems like it was a huge hit in japan.

>> No.10312925

This one is so unbelievably beautiful wwowowo

>> No.10312926
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>> No.10312927
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>> No.10312928
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>> No.10312930
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>> No.10312931
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>> No.10312934
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>> No.10312935

I love retro inspired coords, but hate the milk shake series :D

>> No.10312938
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>True vintage fashion is a lot closer to lolita than we give credit.
This. Sometimes Fanny Rosie’s coords blur the line so much that they could really be either or. Idg why people look at tacky rockabilly outfits and assume that’s what vintage clothes look like instead of looking at fashion icons like Audrey Hepburn. Dior’s The New Look and Givenchy’s gowns are a far cry from rockabilly and related “vintage” fashions. Rockabilly is to true vintage what anime “gothloli” is to true gothic lolita.
>pic related, a 50’s dress

>> No.10312939
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>> No.10312941
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She’s cute and her coord reminds me of this pattern envelope illustration, but I wish she’d worn some kind of socks, even if it’s just ruffled ankle socks.

>> No.10312964
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People also think fashion is the same throughout an entire decade. "60s" can refer to beehives and gogo boots with twiggy makeup, or it can be shirtwaist dresses and fashionable curls. A dress like this wouldn't look out of place if released by a classic brand.

>> No.10312969
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Sailor motifs were a big thing in the late 50s and early 60s. Reminds me of AP sailor themed releases.

>> No.10312975
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>> No.10312980
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>> No.10312983


I liked this oufit really much. I still somewhat consider buying it when Milkshake MTO is out, but it's not really versatille. Apron and headdress are probably the most reusable things.

>> No.10312984
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>> No.10312986
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>> No.10312988
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>> No.10312990
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>> No.10312996
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>> No.10312997
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>> No.10312998
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>> No.10313000

I really dont know, maybe the collar and apron? I dont know..

>> No.10313057
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>> No.10313059
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>> No.10313062
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>> No.10313063
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Audrey Hepburn's dress in Gigi looks like it could be a lolita op if it were modified a little.

>> No.10313067
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>> No.10313069
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>> No.10313071
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>> No.10313082
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>> No.10313083
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>> No.10313084
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>> No.10313086
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>> No.10313087
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>> No.10313089
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>> No.10313090
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>> No.10313092
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>> No.10313099
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>> No.10313101
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>> No.10313102
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>> No.10313104
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>> No.10313105
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>> No.10313106
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