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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10296821 No.10296821[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>nice Pokémon nessa cosplay


>> No.10296824
File: 123 KB, 1080x993, C820B569-873E-4E1A-A239-C5C27335D503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twitter called this cosplay “black face”


>> No.10296826

i can’t tell if she photoshopped herself to be black or if her editing skills are just that bad

>> No.10296828

If you use any kind of makeup/body paint to darken your skin, you're gonna rustle some jimmies and sounds like that's exactly what she did.

>> No.10296829

Okay, that was some retarded wording on my part, but what I meant is I think some people are assuming she used makeup to darken her skin because of that post mentioning makeup and of course, there are also some different people that think tanning for a character is blackface.

>> No.10296830

She did this in the pic >>10296824

>> No.10296864
File: 639 KB, 698x1280, 0844519D-A7C0-4106-9AB1-A86C9C247ABE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nessa is darked skin, not tan.

>> No.10296866

It’s a nice cosplay but Nessa is black, not just tan. It is blackface because she’s trying to darken her skin to be a black character.

>> No.10296873

I feel like this is pushing it because while I get the character is black, that's not blackface. Blackface is darkening your skin in a way that's wildly unrealistic for a absurd & comical effect. A realistic tan is not blackface because in no way does it make fun of black people. No. You can't change the definition of blackface. Had she actually painted her skin absurdly dark it would be, but this is not blackface. Most tanned characters aren't black anyways. This one is, yes, but most are suppose to be dark skinned Asians from the Philippines and all those countries people like to forget about. Also tanning for a swim character is normal. Very few lifeguards aren't tan. Misty is kind of unrealistic in that regard. Stop lessening the meaning of blackface.

>> No.10296874


Not blackface, just salty brown people and their enablers

>> No.10296878

Plus, besides it just being tanned, you ever seen many Asians go out in the sun a bunch? A lot of them get super brown if they spend too much time in the sun. A lot of people don't realize how dark many Asians tan. Most don't just avoid the sun to prevent aging, it's also because most turn really dark.

>> No.10296884
File: 57 KB, 550x688, D2DA9435-2FF1-40A9-8F8B-627D5B0B46F3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At my darkest, back when I didn’t care about sunscreen, I was like a 320 on this chart. Years of sunscreen and staying inside later, I’m like a 110-120. If I used makeup to achieve my previous skintone, apparently it would be blackface.

>> No.10296893

Imagine getting fucking pressed over a cosplay instead of real issues. Don't listen to twitter retards, they have nothing to complain about so they do this.
t. nonwhite

>> No.10296904

okay, this one i DO find offensive because asians are notorious for their racism against blacks and dark skin in general, koreans especially

>> No.10296921

>implying asians are a monolith that are all racist against black people

So what are you all trying to say? Black people can cosplay white and Asian characters but not vice versa?

>> No.10296923

American blacks people are notorious for racism against Asians, especially non-English speaking Asians. So they shouldn't cosplay anime characters too

>> No.10296925
File: 12 KB, 400x377, im done.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get a tan for a cosplay
hey, your skin do whatever
>slathering on fake spray tan, darker makeup or paint
dont, not for the sake of SJWs, but because you will most likely look you slathered shit all over yourself.

>> No.10296947

Well, that doesn't give you the right to be racist. Damn.

>> No.10296956


>> No.10296975

The girl in OP did it and it looks fine.

>> No.10296976

Shes made of mainly photoshop, and even outside of the photoshop her skin tone looks weird and off. It looks like a spraytan, which look like shit

>> No.10296977

fuck sjw, tan is fine

>> No.10296978

ara ara, is that accurate? the jump in darkness increases dramatically on the two right arms, also the hue(color) levels are a bit inaccurate

>> No.10296984
File: 52 KB, 487x650, jessie-pridemore-lionboody.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10296994
File: 1.62 MB, 2592x1944, 120AA1CE-9C8C-4191-915F-42CAE28B870E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That picture is just of some random foundation swatches so hue might be a little off. But yeah, I would say I was a bit tanner than the grey shirt girl in pic related. Now I’m paler than some white people.

>> No.10297057

imagine getting mad for a person darkening their skin for a cosplay

>> No.10297073

but the cosplayer didn't paint her self black or dark brown. it's only a tan

>> No.10297075

Can we go 5 fucking seconds without some Nessa race controversy

>> No.10297085

Tell that to the SJWs on Twitter

>> No.10297086

>implying asians are a monolith
their cultures are literally collectivist and likeminded, so yeah

>> No.10297115

There was like 3 or 4 people actually mad about this

>> No.10297118

Blackface = white people dressing in a black caricature specifically for comedy. This may or may not be respectful but it isn't blackface as it isn't a caricature and isn't for "humour".

>> No.10297174

Meh. Chances are spray tan will look smudged and shifty. She honestly doesn't have to tan; the only people who would complain about her """whitewashing""" the character are tumblr refugees on Twitter. If the costume is recognizable enough without tanning or lightening your skin, it doesn't matter to me.

>> No.10297217

Honestly laughing at how you think that Asian people can't have unique thoughts and beliefs like any other individual. Also, I have news for you, white or black people aren't any less racist. So don't fall over yourself trying to defend them.

>> No.10297222

do you know anything about asia
especially china and japan
they are literally known for their hivemind phenomenons
it's a fact

>> No.10297232

the character she is cosplaying looks great with pale skin.