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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 184 KB, 1273x1012, 89B0EEAB-CC92-4A66-A563-FCBE6265BC08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10294172 No.10294172 [Reply] [Original]

Is it normal to have a “People of Color” photoshoot? I know half of photoshoots these days are non-anime, non-Japanese game related but really.

>> No.10294304
File: 12 KB, 282x179, 64B729D2-8C65-486B-BB5D-FC306BACC7DE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm, this reminds me of something

>> No.10294484

No this is not normal, and is probably illegal under the Civil Rights Act’s public accommodation clause. Further supported by “Nation of Islam v Cleveland”. I’m surprised no one has raised a stink about this.

>> No.10295092

So is this real or not?

>> No.10295116

It's not like the whole con is POC only or that if you showed up to and are white, they'd kick you out of the con for it though. These are the fan submitted photoshoots, they aren't even official events.

>> No.10295117

lol cry about it cracker

>> No.10295179

Didn't ohayoucon have a problem last year where photographers kept turning down black people that wanted to hire them? Maybe this was made in response to that. Or maybe I'm thinking of a different con.

>> No.10295209

yeah, this is weird as fuck.

>> No.10295247

I remember that, but I think that was retard drama where the only truth was that a photographer didn’t have any black people in his online portfolio.

>literally half of these photoshoots have to do with anime or games from japan

>> No.10295275

>Is it normal to have a “People of Color” photoshoot?
No, it's fucking insane
and no, I'm not white

>> No.10295355

Doesn’t need to be the whole convention, just certain events, that’s what Nation of Islam v Cleveland was all about. And even if the photoshoots are being run by guests it is being approved by, given space by and being overseen by Ohayocon. Legally that means that it is in sufficient control by Ohayocon to be considered an action of Ohayocon.

TL; DR unofficial my ass, they got some splainin’ to do.

>> No.10295546

But for them to get in legal trouble, they'd have to actually exclude white people from the event and all that's gonna happen is a crowd of non-white people are gonna meet at a certain location at a certain time. There's nothing stopping a white person from walking through the area then or even showing up and taking photos.

>> No.10297949
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Taking photos being the key part, not being in them. Getting photos taken is legally a service, you generally need to pay for that in normal society. Offering a service in a public accommodation exclusively to certain races is illegal.

Your argument is like saying that segregation was OK because African-Americans could shine white people’s shoes but weren’t allowed to get their shoes shined at the same booth. If you honestly believe that I’d like to know if you have a set of white “bedsheets” hanging in your closet.

>> No.10302935

Will Ohayocon ever lift their ban on the sale of fan art in AA? It seems they are one of the few cons that ban the sale of fan art. Does anyone know why? I've heard that fan art leaves the con at risk to be sued by distributing companies such as funimation. Is that true?

>> No.10303012

I wouldn't be surprised since most of the dealers room is big company distributors sending representatives.

>> No.10303227

honestly i dont mind. i dont know what its like to be a minority and it doesnt bother me that people who are a minority want an opportunity to connect, via a photoshoot meetup where its easier to talk to eachother and make friends

>> No.10306508

Same. It really isn't a big deal. At all.

>> No.10309088

The rumor I have always heard was that someone got a cease and desist one year for selling fanart and that the convention decided to ban it after that.

>> No.10309089

>Does anyone know why?
Selling fanart is technically illegal and some companies like Nintendo and Disney are notorious hardasses about it. I can see more cons going in this direction in the future.

>> No.10309568
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I have no friends but I really want to go, I've been once before and it was a blast.
Are there any groups that are going that let randos hang out with them?

>> No.10309681

Shhh, they're doing Woke Racism.

Seriously, as a poc cosplayer this is fucking stupid and I probably won't go. The idea is for cosplay meetups to be all inclusive andwelcoming, which most already are.

>> No.10313677

Just curious, will there be any traps there that I like bigger stronger guys? I was hoping to see a trap in the wild for the first time ever and get a picture.

If not, that's cool too

>> No.10313852

I saw quite a few girly crossplayers when I went a couple years ago

>> No.10313857

Black person here. It's weird, but the first thing I assumed it was, was a different set up for lighting and what-not for darker skinned attendees. I don't know much about photography, but I do know that lighting for dark skin can fuck up the whole look. If it's not a practical reason similar to that, then it's stupid. I've been seeing more and more POC groups trying to segregate themselves from others and it's getting to be retarded.

>> No.10314184

poc whining about their own creation. You guys wanted this and made it on your own. Enjoy!

>> No.10314266

It's to cater to dumb woke politics and ethnonarcissism. An anime con should be a break from politics but practically everything is becoming politicized. Certainly a healthy trend that isn't going to lead to conflict or anything like that haha.

>> No.10314605

but most asians and a lot of hispanics are not dark-skinned... or does "poc" just mean "black" these days?

>> No.10314626

It means black. Most Asians and Latinos don't give a shit about bullshit woke race politics, unless they were born and raised here and spent too much time hanging out with pc morons.

>> No.10314635

I've heard of POC panels at cons so I can only assume POC photoshoots is an inevitable next step.

>> No.10314649

And after that it will be POC only event rooms, and after that they’ll want a reserved section in the back of the buses to and from the venue. But if you call them on it that’s racist.

>> No.10314663

Is the schedule out yet? It's next week and I can't find it on the site

>> No.10315921

Yup, it's out. Check their Facebook page.

>> No.10316273

what even is the 21+ mixer and when is it?

>> No.10316283

damn, if only I weren't too shy to strike up a convo with one of them. They probably don't want to talk to a guy like me anyway

>> No.10316778

Stop the self doubt and talk to whoever you want
I have bad social anxiety and I never thought I could be outgoing but I really put the effort in and suffered for a long time but I can do it now
It starts by arguing with yourself when you say dumb shit like "they don't want to talk to me anyway"

>> No.10317129

>biting the hand that feeds you

>> No.10317468
File: 344 KB, 1040x2048, IMG_8330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda sad that the only thread on here about Ohayocon is so negative. This is my "home" con & I've been going for FAR too long - probably 10 years now? It's not the biggest or the most organized, but it's always a highlight of my year. Location is great because you can easily get to a lot of the local bars / restaurants, plus the Short North. The rave is always a good time. People are pretty cool; constantly shit-housed, but cool nonetheless.

Anybody else legit excited to be going this year?

>> No.10317470


>Wanting every both to be shitty HS zodiac pins and shitty MLP bead pixel art.

Ohayocon has the best AA since actual artist come instead of shitty teenagers.

>> No.10317519

From what I can tell, it's like a cash bar fun time for adults. Mix it up, play some games, have fun with drinks in hand. It was a shitshow last year because no one was watching over it, but I think they've got someone actually in charge of it this year.

>> No.10317543

What bars are gonna have a lot of con people at them on Saturday night?

>> No.10317721

Honestly it's the better of the Columbus anime cons. This thread is just nitpicking over meaningless shit when at the end everybody is gonna get shitfaced.

>> No.10317842

We've had pretty solid luck at Park Street almost every year, but Novak's is also pretty accepting of the lifestyle. We've also gone to Char Bar, but that wasn't too great. I will say that we usually don't stay past 10 p.m. because of room parties/the rave.

Over the summer, we went to Char Bar & my friend was dressed up as Slenderman, but he was in scrubs. Walked around listening to peoples' hearts & telling them when they were gonna die. Always alarming when Slenderman says you're gonna die in 4 months while you're teetering on a black out drunk.

>> No.10317988

How do I get into room parties?

>> No.10317992

Literally find the craziest, most rambunctious groups of people you can find running around. Don't be weird, but say things like "you all seem fucking awesome & crazy, can I tag along for a bit?" 8/10 they'll be chill with it! Try to have a flask or some sort of alcohol as a peace offering, too. Red Roof is best for room parties - they don't give a SHIT over there.

This past weekend at MagFest, some dudes knocked on our door because they were told that the way to find room parties is to just find the loudest room & knock. So they did. We ended up doing shots with them (after checking their IDs a hilarious amount of times). They came back the next night offering us shots!

Chaos finds chaos. Bring the noise.

>> No.10318063

I crashed a room party once at colossalcon by walking around shirtless and blaring Crybaby Devilman's Fenrir club mix. One of the people stepped out of the room as I was walking by and invited me in.

Turned out it was an orgy and things started devolving after about 15 minutes but at least it was a free drink

tl;dr just be cool and ask around, offer to bring stuff.

>> No.10318110

Con newbie here, what sort of big companies?

>> No.10318135

just have your own party

>> No.10318231

just wondering if any traps will let me hug them in cosplay, possibly get a photo as well?

>> No.10318523
File: 39 KB, 875x576, Dem0nz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda sad that this is the only Ohayo thread...

>> No.10318567

You'll have to nut up and ask in person

>> No.10318737

Anybody trying to share some cute toes or know where a man can find them? asking for a lonely friend.

>> No.10318787

Bruh no one is being forced to do a photoshoot because they're not white calm down

>> No.10318798

Funinations, aniplex, big series and merch distributors

>> No.10318822
File: 85 KB, 500x658, MV5BZTNkODhjMWQtZjgzOC00OWIxLWI2ZWUtMDVkZTMzNTkxNzAwXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNzExMzc0MDg@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went as Nostalgia Critic and had a mostly good time on Friday. However 2 people were really hostile towards my cosplay. One person said, "I almost thought you were Doug and was about to punch you in the fucking face". I responded, "Why's that? I know there was a bit of controversy surrounding him but I don't think he did anything personally that warrants a punch to the face". He told me that he "reviewed an album recently and was very pretentious". Another person shouted, "FUCK YOU DOUG!".

I'm a huge fan of Doug's earlier reviews and quirky skits so I like to cosplay as him. Is he really such a controversial character that I shouldn't cosplay as him?

>> No.10318843

Wtf was that mixer?

>> No.10318844

what happened during it?
I'm way to scared to walk up to a trap and say nice crossplay. Is asking for a hug too creepy? I don't want to be THAT guy that gets put into con horror stories.

>> No.10318846

So far, this year feels a lot more scarce than previous years. Is attendance down?

>> No.10318854

maybe anime just isn't popular anymore, it's a 20 year old con. A lot of the people I used to with now have jobs and girlfriends/boyfriends. The chapter of con life seems to have passed them by

>> No.10318898

Any interest in a cgl meet for Sat? Say like 4 or5pm in an easy location like the food court?

>> No.10318908

Yeah probably

>> No.10318932


>> No.10318954

I'm scared to meet you fuckers, you're probably mean af

>> No.10318955

Waited in line to find out we have to wait in line again
Only one bartender for the whole event and can only order one drink at a time
Asked the hosts whats going on/any plans and they were coloring???
Left right after I got my drink

>> No.10318981


Weather is also shit this weekend

>> No.10319008
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Guess we'll do a meet at 4:45 in the food court, maybe room party after. If anyone has a game like Cards Against Humanity or an Hdmi cord we have a switch for some party games. look for McDonald's

>> No.10319064

This still happening? We're gonna look for McDonald's guy

>> No.10319077

Yeah we down in here

>> No.10319078

Who to look for?

>> No.10319082
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The Biggest Mac

>> No.10319089

Doing pizza across the street at the late night slice place, half dozen or so of us here

>> No.10319097
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Mini meet, about time to head back for more debauchery

>> No.10319146
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That Carl action

>> No.10319156

Ah yes, mr "I've been wearing the same costume for like 5 years"

>> No.10319159

Maybe he just likes it man

>> No.10319162

Food pls go

>> No.10319169

No u

>> No.10319184
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Ah yes, the vibrant and flourishing fandom of people of colour

>> No.10319187

Who else cringing at this pony shit at the karaoke room?

>> No.10319198

Is anybody else noticing the elevators in the drury? The one is jacked as shit and ive been on multiple with people having panic attacks on it and the other is broken, anyone know what's up?

>> No.10319202

>tfw you're so woke and against white people using racial slurs that you self-justify use racials slur against non-racist whites

>> No.10319283

so many girls walking around with their asses hanging out and their tits front and center. I wish I was a buff chad because I would try to strike up a convo with one of them.

>> No.10319308

stop being beta and just talk to a girl, so many guys that go to cons are average or good looking only a few hopeless one's. literally just talk to a girl that has a cosplay you like and if she seems interested ask for her number or snap or tag along with them and try to get laid. If not just move on to another girl.

>> No.10319312
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Welcome to the kingdom of science!

>> No.10319343

Or just leave women alone. You aren't entitled to women's attention, especially if you're far less attractive than they are.

>> No.10319346
File: 534 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_20200112_044301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, they're actually going 24/7 (Unofficially)

>> No.10319495

>some pronouns goblin bitch recorded a guy in an ahegao hoodie
>except it wasn't an ahegao hoodie, it was a motherfucking Touga (MHA) hoodie

Wish I was at the con so I could report the tranny and have her banned for life

>> No.10319508

Those shirts are cringe too desu. You look like an ahegao freak anyway, and Himiko is a shit character from a shounenshit series. I get you hate the SJWs but you sound like it was either you or a buttbuddy

>> No.10319552

a friend of mine tweeted that some girl brought out a knife and left in handcuffs

also amish people on the con floor

>> No.10319602

There's no harm in a guy trying to talk to women, just don't get overtly sexual and weird unless you are an actual Gigachad

>> No.10319655
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post hauls

>> No.10319660

The harm is that you're bothering and annoying random girls.

>> No.10319666

Dont listen to >>10319660 as long as you arent being a total creep or actively bothering someone, there's no harm in talking to a girl.

>> No.10319668

t. a girl who isn't attractive enough to be constantly bothered by men

>> No.10319706

I've heard multiple men say that they go after 6/10s the most because those are approachable, and that really hot girls dont get hit on as much because its intimidating.

>> No.10319708

cool incel logic

>> No.10319732

This >>10319283 anon here. I literally could not stand it on Sunday, I was there to enjoy anime and talk to people but some of these cosplays were just too much for me.

This girl with her LITERAL ass was hanging out

>tfw when hnnnng

I walked up to her and said nice cosplay she laughed and asked, what do you like about it?

>Shit, I have no idea who she is cosplaying but her ass is hanging out so that's good 'nuff for me.

I say nothing and dart my eyes around and she laughs. We talk about our favorite shows and where we're from, she then hands me her number.

We're gonna make it bro anons, I think if a girl is dressing like that... she wants some kind of attention? just not rapey creepy attention... but attention nevertheless?

To be fair, I've been hitting the gym everyday for 2 years and running 3 miles everyday. I used to be a noodly weeny so I guess I'm a semi-buff dude but I've never developed any confidence for being a fat weeby anime man.

>> No.10319748


>> No.10319750

Did you bother checking if the number was fake yet or no?

>> No.10319758

>felt good bro
I called her once and we talked for an hour. I was going to text her but I figured that's pussy shit and I like hearing the sound of a girl's voice. I hate reading text if I'm interacting with someone. I don't think it's going to lead anywhere though, the time to get laid is AT the con.

Oh well, maybe she'll be a cool friend instead :(

>> No.10319759

Spoilers: she was never going to sleep with you anyway and genuinely wanted to be friends.

>> No.10319763

Fuckin' Christ!!! I swear, I'm going to work out even harder and stronger. I'm going to be like Saitama but instead of getting the strength to deal a death blowing punch in one go. I'm going to bring a girl to her knees in with one line and a smolder.

>> No.10319780


you sound like a fucking retard, if your only motivation to improve yourself is to get some random con ass, any girl you talk to will know instantly

>> No.10319790

I try to hide my intentions and desu, I'd like to have a gf and be in a loving relationship but I've realized that I can't get someone to love me -- so I figured it's best to put on a face that's likable and charismatic. It's helped me before in the past get laid until they realize what a broken, pathetic, weeb loser I really am.

This is the life I was dealt and I'm just trying to make the best of it by getting some human connection.

>> No.10319819


So I came back expecting you to call me something equally awful, and I wasn't expecting any actual introspection. Egg on my face, sorry.

Do your best, take the life you want until you can make the life you want.

>> No.10319915

I didn't go to the con but you're a fag and that tranny had the wrong shirt

If she were filming some slutty cosplayer she would have been reported

>> No.10319947

Holy SHIT you look just like him. I know a turbo autist that hates him too and I’m not exactly sure why either, and I was about to describe him to ask if he was one of your haters but I don’t think he went to the con. Somewhere along the line all the autists turned on Doug for some kind of workplace treatment thing? MeToo’d? I can’t figure it out. The one I know always refers to him as DIOg Walker because he’s such a villain to him and because autists gonna aut.

>> No.10319985

Real talk - whoever that DJ was freaking killed it till about 4:30 a.m. Saturday. Maybe 10 people there when I was still out, but DAMN. I was happy to burn off all the energy I had left in my body.

>> No.10320082

>if you disagree with me then you're an incel or and ugly woman

>> No.10320090

I got a JoJo wall scroll

>> No.10320950

You probably won't see this but I am pretty sure I passed by you and I was too shy to say anything to you but you looked GREAT.

This was my first con and the first time I've ever cosplayed and I had a great time! I'll definitely be going again next year.

>> No.10321023
File: 57 KB, 1080x608, 74490804_2283341845291337_3290494256312207888_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who else saw the Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas cosplay guy?
He was in character the entire time it was amazing

>> No.10321398

no, that post is something literally only incels believe to make it seem like hot girls are just as lonely and sad as they are

>> No.10321488

Thank you anon!!! <3 That means a lot. You should go to Matsuricon and I'll cosplay as the Nostalgia Critic again, you'd better say hi ;). I'll try to be more in character this time.

This was my second con and it's a thrill going to these things.

Oh, that photo isn't of me but the actual Doug, I don't have any photos of my cosplay ;-; I wish I had taken some. Even if people hate Doug (and perhaps rightfully so) I still love his content and it makes me laugh a lot. So, I guess... I'm separating the artist and art in a way

>> No.10321495

Dude unless there was a second Nostalgia Critic at the con I totally saw you and you looked fucking spot on. I don't know if I'll be at Matsuricon but definitely next Ohayocon. I'll be sure to say hi next time!

>> No.10321504

cool beans man. I hope ya do, I'll be at Ohayocon again, for sure. Did you cosplay as well? Maybe I saw you

>> No.10321525

I was in a Rilakkuma kigurumi on Friday night and was Makoto from Persona 5 on Saturday but I was hardly out in public because I got really tired from being around all the people. I mostly walked around in normal clothes. I'll definitely actually cosplay more next time now that I've gotten a taste of it is.

>> No.10321532

I think I saw you? can you post a pic of one of your cosplays or are you too shy?

>> No.10321548

I actually didn't get any good full-body pictures of me the whole time which is kind of disappointing and I'm afraid of posting my face. I'd be very surprised if you remembered some rando in a kigurumi.

>> No.10321552

well, makoto maybe? I averted my eyes because I was really nervous to talk to people even though I really wanted to. I went to the con, set out to make friends but was too anxious to continue any conversation with anybody

>> No.10321554

I understand not wanting to post your face here, I never post my face on chans / block out my face when possible

>> No.10321617

So what's the worst thing you saw at the con? my tie is so many guys without dance belts, that one fucking doujin table, and the kid who shat ALL over the dealer's room

>> No.10321862

>the kid who shat ALL over the dealer's room
You can't say that and then not tell the story.

I didn't see anything too horrible. Passed by some smelly people but that's about it.

>> No.10321873

The balding tranny doing a sign language "singing" of a My Little Pony fan music video in the karaoke room

>> No.10322229

I took a shower everyday and used biotin shampoo. I also gave TINY spritz of Aspen Cologne just for good measure. I made sure not to be that guy at the con.
Man, I wish I could have seen this. It seems like "cooler" people are going to cons nowadays. I remember a time when going to these things, you'd expect to run into 90% weirdos that never came out of their mother's basement. It kind of had this vibe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ymFjgpcapx8

>> No.10322268


Please stop posting.

>> No.10322298

You deserve this because you didn’t make the con atmosphere so toxic that these types would be driven off.

>> No.10322760


>> No.10323823

the con felt a lot smaller this year

>> No.10323848

This was my first con. If it was small, I'd hate to go to a large one. I could hardly walk at times.

>> No.10331817

Go back to /pol/ and stay there.

>> No.10333395

Holy shit, how did I miss this