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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 131 KB, 616x1024, yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10251477 No.10251477 [Reply] [Original]

God save our gracious Queen.

Last thread was nuked. Don't bring up literality whoms.
>But anon! Someone is still bringing up literality whoms.
See it, report it, sort it.

>Next big event
Hibanacon | Jury's Inn Milton Keynes 8-10 November 2019

>Cool kids only.

>> No.10251478

wait so what are we allowed to bring up on here?

>> No.10251480

If you have to ask that question, you shouldn't be posting.

>> No.10251642

Plans, cosplay progress, if you are going to be running panels or tabling at a con and want people to know or want suggestions, also for people who want to run off-season/non-con meets without using failbook, e.g. "i'm running a tea party in Birmingham on the 27th of november, hit me up on discord/whatever"

As much as i like to roll in the muck of drama, it's not very productive

>> No.10251680 [DELETED] 

As much as I love shitting on frog face it did get annoying when his cum stains came over and just took over with "drama" just so he could wank all over his Facebook.

Let's get back to that old cosplay drama!

>> No.10251692

Who's excited for Hibanacon? First gullcon for me since Ame.

>> No.10251693

Hibana is too comfy for 'excitement' imo. Also too far away at this point, feels like a vast conless desert between now and November.

Tbh with the increased ticket sales I'm worried we'll be playing sardines in that tiny hotel, it was already crowded last year.

>> No.10251704

I have done Hibana before anon, defo excited. Also November really isn't far away. There's only 2-3 good cons a year anyway (domestically speaking)

>> No.10251720

After going to a con in the UK do you go out to eat curry, kebabs, Italian food, Greek food or fish & chips?
That's a lot more variety than food places we have in the U.S. near cons.

>> No.10251724
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>> No.10251734

You can get a tiny can of monster now with the beer and burger deal

>> No.10251736

Maybe I'm just meh because I just came back from abunai, not all that excited for a smolcon. Hopefully they'll upsize a bit next year with the increased ticket sales.

>> No.10251790

After a con I usually try to eat something home cooked. Booze and eating lots of shit takes its toll.
Hiabana should be great. Haven't been to it before but I've heard good things!

>> No.10251890

Alcon is on tomorrow, anyone here actually planning on going??

>> No.10251891 [DELETED] 

Spoons is better than any UK con at the moment

>> No.10251927 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10251932

I really want to start a con like senpai con but at a venue with spoons prices.
2 rooms, one kareoke, one social/games room. Can't be that hard to organise, can it?

>> No.10252078

Kinda seems like you'd need more than Kareoke room and a couple sets of Cards against Humanity to keep people entertained for more than a couple hours.

>> No.10252079

He's described exactly what senpaicon is but with cheaper drinks.

>> No.10252081

I don't know what Senpai con is, but if it's just that I can't imagine it being super good, but if it is then sure why not.

So what, just a bunch of people show up and hang out in cosplay for a couple hours and maybe play some games?

>> No.10252130

Yeah it's just a meetup in a pub, not an actual con, but it's comfy. Was originally cooked up as an alternative to the paedo league geek meets iirc.

>> No.10252146


I'm not too concerned about the con getting bigger. I stayed in the travelodge next door and our window was facing Jury's inn. You could see the con rooms and the floor above is identical so they could expand upwards very easily.

>> No.10252152

Might be nice to do a few more of those. Sempai mids and norf?

>> No.10252170 [DELETED] 
File: 177 KB, 518x770, wankbank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to fill up the the wank bank

>> No.10252259 [DELETED] 

I see Obayed and company still spurging on about Alcon and his 4chan haters. Love or loathe the guy you gotta admit the way he's able to distract attention from his own shit.

>> No.10252268

And nobody wants to hear you spurge about how often you stalk little brown meme man, fuck off.

>> No.10252269

Oh they have more event rooms available? Sweet, here's hoping they expand then, I would love to see the con grow to meet the increased interest. I do like hotel cons.

Come to the London one some time and have a chat to the lads who organise it, they're super friendly and will let you know what they do.

>> No.10252534
File: 343 KB, 1080x1212, Screenshot_20190907_162751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone want a job?

>> No.10252680

They aren't paying expenses or a wage for any of the cosplay staff and the owner is a nonce no thanks

>> No.10252781

Tbh which UK con doesn't have a paedo running it?

>> No.10252793

I mean, there's nothing stopping me renting a function room somewhere, but putting things under a common banner might help rather than starting fresh.

>> No.10252939

All those who went to Alcon, all 30 of you haha Who went because nothing else was on. You promoted an event that bullies people and grooms kids. Hope you all rot.

>> No.10252964


Whoa, details on that? That's fucked up.

>> No.10253064

Well i meant that if you want to use their name, you really should be working with them- you can't start up a random event with no connection to theirs and use the same name.

>> No.10253065

I spent my Saturday night in an old warehouse shagging some thot in a disabled toilet.

Still better than Alcon.

>> No.10253343

Hibana is fantastic for this, there's a ton of food places around it and it's next to a shopping center with even more food places in that. It almost makes up for having to set foot in Milton Keynes. Almost.

>> No.10253344


fuck forgot to link the above one throw me in the canal

>> No.10253347

So how'd Alcon go this year. Any horror stories?

>> No.10253355

It seemed fine, I enjoyed myself. I only drank at the bar and played pokemon. Cannot say any real drama seemed to go down but I was only really drinking with friends.

>> No.10253419

Oddly enough, seems to be mostly positive. Attendees seem to prefer the downsized event.

>> No.10253423

Spoke with Mike earlier. He sounded very pleased with how it's gone and said it'll be running next year. From my perspective it was OK. Nothing was terrible I'll probably go next year.

>> No.10253538 [DELETED] 
File: 82 KB, 1200x1200, sikso-pointngjpg.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Obayed is still a cunt
>Towers is still a cunt
>Tranny Discord is still a cunt even though none of you have cunts
>cosplayers are still cunts

/drama thread

Now talk about cosplay shit in peace.

>> No.10253646
File: 254 KB, 937x952, Screenshot_20181211-141804_Samsung Internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, I don't have a cunt? What's the small print on this?

Will I still get periods?

Do I get a dick as part of the deal?

How BIG is my dick?

>> No.10253650

All afab gulls roll for dick size
The last two digits of your post are your dick size to one decimal place

>> No.10253652
File: 319 KB, 725x564, 20190824_122018_mh1566731030560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

F-five inches?!

That's it?!

>> No.10253766

I found my first group of proper friends through cons, they invited me to dinner after the con because the gay guy thought I was cute.

I'm 6' 4 and straight. also autistic.

also anyone got any suggestions on SCP cosplays, I want to cosplay a researcher or ethics committee but I have no clue where to start, I was thinking a tweed jacket but I can't visualise any sort of look in my head.

>> No.10253868

D-boys D-Boys, do what you gotta do, do what you gotta do when the SCP comes for you.

>> No.10253874

Ok new topic. Who are the best UK togs? Like the genuinely talented ones. Sick of seeing the same cunts in my feed and want some new work.

>> No.10253908

Pixel Wizard Photography is a good one

>> No.10253909

I would only trust my pics with the visionary professional Pouncy. He really knows how to get my to pose so my ass is front and centre of the frame, plus the squeaking of rubber is so soothing.

>> No.10253914

None, they're all shit. Learn to take your own pics with a decent phone camera or invest in a proper camera and you'll get the same if not better result.
Along with the fact you know you'll get pics back and minimize the creep factor.

>> No.10253922

Well someone is a grumpy pants this evening

>> No.10253930

I worked with @randomguywithadslr last october and I really love the pictures we got with that golden hour sunlight

>> No.10253965

who said im not a tog myself? im interested in seeing some decent skilled photographers.

>> No.10253968

just took a look, his photos are nice and his composition is ok for con portraits, but most seem a bit too underexposed. Not much life in them

>> No.10253977

i like carlos' photos for when im in the mood to blackface

>> No.10253985

god this dude needs to pull his head out of his ass. He does in focus photos that are sometimes popular and he thinks hes gods gift to cosplay photography. Theyre all dark, with AWFUL composition, and his ego is so big he cant even see where he needs to improve. By his lighting, he clearly has the technical ability to do good photos if he put effort in, but hes just blinded by ego to actually do anything good. Did you hear he had a queue at cosxpo? he only posted about is 26 times.

>> No.10253988

Catberry is one of my faves! pretty much all uk male togs are shit but all have giant egos im so bored of it lmao

>> No.10253989

Love her work! Its not super ambitious or anything as cosplay photos, but her work is super consistent in being solid, nice cosplay portraits. Her non cosplay stuff is great too

>> No.10253991
File: 60 KB, 750x495, IMG_0388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd argue she's done some pretty ambitious stuff! show me one other uk tog who can do coloured lighting this good desu

>> No.10253993

fair. There are quite a few female togs who've been producing some really nice lighting recently, that kerrit girl springs to mind. So Say We All is also consistent in his work, if overedited at times, but i suppose thats why people shoot with him.

>> No.10253995

i went with low expectations but it was actually kinda fun

>> No.10253997
File: 66 KB, 466x960, Geekedfest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another con gone bust, but these guys are charging 1 pound fee per refund, so if you have multiple photo/auto booked it adds up

>> No.10253999

jesus this is a breakdown

>> No.10254004

wait they're charging people to get refunded??

>> No.10254008

I mean at least they are getting refunded unlike some events who claim they don't have the money

>> No.10254079
File: 64 KB, 448x237, cool your jets.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10254266

>Another con gone bust, but these guys are charging 1 pound fee per refund, so if you have multiple photo/auto booked it adds up.

The 1lb is transaction fees from credit cards? It would be a lot tougher if he just ghosted when it comes to getting money back.

>> No.10254267

I love her sense of mood!

>> No.10254410

I've never heard of a 1 pound fee of getting the money back. But to be fair that's on the fault of the ticket company not the actual con. There is a post from the same event on Facebook saying about how the con is cancelled and if anyone has issues with refunds they need to speak to the ticket company not the actual con as they don't deal with it.

>> No.10254441

>I've never heard of a 1 pound fee of getting the money back. But to be fair that's on the fault of the ticket company not the actual con. There is a post from the same event on Facebook saying about how the con is cancelled and if anyone has issues with refunds they need to speak to the ticket company not the actual con as they don't deal with it.

The company that processed the tickets are the ones that has to refund. They are keeping some back for their costs.

>> No.10254480

It is only £1 and they do have a kid so people are basically saying they want GeekedFest to go into debt, have no food for themselves or their child and let the child be taken a way. A nice sight to see from everyone

>> No.10254538

And you just revealed yourself as being one of them. Well done, retard.

>> No.10254563
File: 84 KB, 1280x720, Laughing girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, imagine having parents who still watch kids cartoons.

>> No.10254575

I've always wanted to work with her but when I do there's either a long queue that I'm too busy to wait in or I'm too broke to pay for an out of con shoot

>> No.10254576

any good UK cosplayers people can recommend?

>> No.10254595
File: 135 KB, 330x330, chip close up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recommend for what? ;)

>> No.10254596 [DELETED] 

Not NoodleCup. She’s such a remarkably awful person. My friend and I have known her for years and years and she’s still awful as she was years ago. Bad attitude and also claims to have handmade some of her older cosplays when actually it was her mum who made them for her...

>> No.10254623

Nobody has heard of this literal who with 1k followers but thanks for the vendetta, what a thrilling and utterly relevant read

>> No.10254638

lmao someone's salty

>> No.10254640

lol she claims she can dance too but most wannabe cosplayers do.

I say JessiKerr is pretty good

>> No.10254641

i dont know any cosplay names but the standard ive been seeing in competitions this year has really improved in my opinion.

>> No.10254642

her crafting is above average but i wish she'd learn how to wear wigs

>> No.10254649

I don't really know her much other than her getting triggered because someone said something negative about one of her favourite cosplayer

>> No.10254652

James Valentine is good and their cosplays are good. They just get triggered when you misgender them and claims they should win every competition

>> No.10254659
File: 2.23 MB, 3508x2480, james.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you high? their costumes are full of hotglue and dodgy sewing. Last time i saw them perform they tried to do a strip tease on stage, then stormed off when they didnt win and claimed the judges only chose sexy bikini costumes.

>> No.10254707

Ranted that they lost cause they where the only male in the competition.

Misgendered 3 people at the same time so also a hypocrite

The costume quality is terrible but the attitude worse, don’t give this idiot any support

>> No.10254839

Why aren't you using the £ symbol? lb? It's money, not weight. Seppo detected.

>> No.10254843

Also says he grabbed Tom Hiddleston's arse when they stood next to each other on stage at the Thor the Dark World premiere.

Tries to sell stuff from his ex without them knowing.

Forbids his friends from supporting other artists other than Fopdoodles or himself.

Butchers commissions and then sends back bags of scrabs to the person who commissioned him and doesn't even gove a full refund.

>> No.10254913

MCU drones are the worst

>> No.10254931

She gets triggered over literally anything. And she thinks she’s hot shit. I spoke to her once at con and she said ‘Cool, do you want a selfie with me? Make sure to tag me in it’. Like... wut?

>> No.10255539

Sounds interesting

>> No.10256023

wow, both those pieces look so trash..

>> No.10256073

I love how we actually can't find a good UK cosplayer who isn't a prick

>> No.10256121

I know a few but I'm not exposing them to this thread because you guys don't know how to behave like normal people

>> No.10256182

same, I am kinda tempted to expose the cosplayers that are attention seekers or have drama surrounded by them here (though they probably have been mentioned here)

>> No.10256189

please do.

>> No.10256483


>> No.10256499

Fuck that guy

>> No.10256667

Rather drink bleach

>> No.10256690

I keep seeing Animelegue stuff on my TL on facebook
whats the dea with that? something about a paedo and grooming girls?

>> No.10256726 [DELETED] 

You are so late to the party. Google it. It's been proved for ages all the stuff about Mike being a paedo is false.

>> No.10256745 [DELETED] 

I mean I know a girl who claims she was raped when there are actual screenshots of her begging to see him and he was ignoring her. #metoo I accuse all my boyfriends of rape

>> No.10256854

Googling isn't as easy now because Towers paid lawyers to get Google to remove certain search results

>> No.10256872 [DELETED] 

Go to his lolcow thread, there's proof there

>> No.10256875

No, no there really isn't

>> No.10256877

Could you take your shit back to lolcow while you're about it? Both Obayed and Towers can fuck off out of this thread

>> No.10256887

I didn't bring him up. Was telling them to go to lolcow so they can fuck out of here

>> No.10256888


Why? I watched the panels he did on cosplay with artyflakes at mcm and he seemed pretty cool with talent too

>> No.10256893

Fair enough. Let's keep those two out of this thread

>> No.10256924 [DELETED] 

Its only the harem after revenge because they are too dumb for lolcow

You obviously haven't actually spoke to him. He is the biggest twat in the UK. Elitist cosplayer, thinks he's the hot shit and looks down on everyone

>> No.10256956 [DELETED] 

Despite what a clear cunt he is, can we try and keep the revenge against Obayed shit out of here?

>> No.10256961

I'm only seeing the same retarded BROWN MAN BAD posts, his harem defence team is a nothingburger in this thread just now.

Fuck off to the lolcow thread for obayed so we can talk about actual cons rather than literally whoms

>> No.10256978

You are the ones that keep being him up

>> No.10257074

The lolcow thread is a total fucking mess. He completely played them all and they have nothing on him despite scrolling all the way to 2013 on his Twitter and they're acting like they're somehow the ones on top.

>> No.10257199

If he thinks trying to outplay everyone will end well for him then he really is losing it. I never thought Obayed of all people would start going sindypop on us.

>> No.10257224

He's already trolled them pretty hard, they thought they had a mole in his group but it turns out he was pretending to be his own mole just to fuck with them.

>> No.10257230

From the man who claims he never posts on 4chan or lolcow and is now continually bumping his own lolcow thread I'm afraid he's only trolling himself.

>> No.10257231

Sounds like something Sindy would say

>> No.10257243

please expose some cosplayers so there is something decent in this thread than edgy ethots seeking attention

>> No.10257434

is food n cosplay guy actually a dick or does he just come across as one

because he seems really stuck up

>> No.10257805
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>> No.10257810
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>> No.10257906
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Rip. Looked like a cool event.

>> No.10258053

>Potentially £132.50 for a chibi event
What the actual fuck?

>> No.10258116
File: 71 KB, 217x274, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is MasakoX attending as a guest to every con a Meme now?

>If not, make it
>Guy's getting annoying

>> No.10258120

what does 'chibi' event mean? is it a smaller con? i have never been to ame/kita and really wanted to go so is this going to be different than usual? would it be worth going next year?

>> No.10258124

Chibi means small/mini/short so yes. It’s essentially a half sized con for the full size price.

>> No.10258166

£59 is the going rate tbf. It's the same price as Hiba which is smaller in size

>> No.10258197
File: 169 KB, 1000x750, d5c8d2c7_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since we have an Amechibi announcement, let's share stories of the Britannia. I remember the committee member nearly getting killed by a pane of glass and the blood in the hotel rooms, what else happened?

>> No.10258198

Anon where the fuck did you get that figure from

>> No.10258296
File: 24 KB, 840x490, 1567980788042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you shoot yourself if you're the one cosplaying?

>> No.10258329

Any dota cosplayers here? I just got back into the hobby after years away from it and of course chose a game with no UK scene :(

>> No.10258495

They added accom in a holiday inn to the reg price.

>> No.10258513

Tripods are real thing in his dimension

>> No.10258514

A tripod and a remote, some cameras can even be controlled from your phone so you know how it looks when you take the picture

>> No.10258520

badly though, £73 per night, not for the whole con. op really needs to brush up on their primary school mathematics

>> No.10258540

Or get your parent or a friend to press the button

>> No.10258581

Imagine decided to have the first AmeChibi here after the horror show that was Fuyucon 2007.

>> No.10258593

This is before my time, enlighten me.

>> No.10258696

The park inn is not the holiday inn. Math could still be correct

>> No.10258800

Timers are also a thing

>> No.10259225

There isn't one. Good or bad there will always be someone who thinks they're/you're a prick

>> No.10259315

Walked past his stall at mcm london in may, he was alone with no-one to talk to and just staring at us, was abit weird

>> No.10259560

Ok new game seeing as you all seem to struggle to discuss actual cosplay.

Post an early costume and a recent costume of a uk cosplayer you like/dislike, see whether they've improved their skills or continue to be shit

>> No.10259636

Maybe nobody wants to discuss cosplayers you autist. Diehard cosplayers seem to think the world revolves around them and their craft but just as many people just play dumb anime dressup to meet fans of the same shit and don't care about competitions, difficult builds or patreons. If people wanted to talk about that, they'd be talking about it.

>> No.10259662

yeah, maybe they’d head to a brit thread on an online forum about cosplay and gothic lolita?

>> No.10259700
File: 26 KB, 160x136, eeehhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Conversational skills of a brick.

>> No.10259730


Just a suggestion; if you want people to do something why don't you lead by example?

>> No.10259739

Anyone else planning on putting chewing gum onto fursuits they see at mcm in october? always funny to do since they dont find out until they take it off

>> No.10259754

This was originally /con/. Shows how new you are.

Making cosplay a career is retarded and nobody outside of that circle gives a fuck.

>> No.10259763

you’re living in the past

>> No.10259775

I’m the real Aeris and no one else is allowed to cosplay her.

>> No.10259810
File: 867 KB, 480x336, you.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your (you), fagget

>> No.10259940
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Thanks communism

>> No.10259992
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>> No.10261129
File: 58 KB, 1280x720, I'mfromBuenos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm ex AnimeLeague and I say kill em all!

>> No.10261970

Implying new-to-the-hobby normies would go anywhere near 4chan

I still get weird looks from the more normie cosplayers in my friend group when I tell them I've already heard about tea because of /cgl/, 90% of people still think that the entire site is a neo-nazi containment site.

>> No.10261996
File: 80 KB, 851x315, 62462448_2501819756707590_4033342541439959040_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any of You 'nons going?

>> No.10262004

I don’t know who any of those people are

>> No.10262096

no Masako x???

>> No.10262106

Strange he's not on the timetable, I'll let you know lol

>> No.10262155 [DELETED] 
File: 1.25 MB, 1242x1733, 694A3F38-0397-4E9B-9DC8-F838C70BECB1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Genuine question for anyone that knows this girl

Is she for real about being in a commited relationship with Seto Kaiba or is it an elaborate ruse?

>> No.10262249

Mostly some random arse youtubers, some bird who does English language anime song covers and Weebls band.

Only guests of real note are the alpacas.

>> No.10262250

Hibana sold all their tickets

Why do you care?

>> No.10262255

literally whos

>> No.10262264

>elaborate ruse
If there's a choice between something being weapons grade autism or a ruse cruise, the answer is usually austim as that requires less effort.

>> No.10262510

Ty anon

>> No.10263741

anyone go to that saiyacon con?

>> No.10263797
File: 211 KB, 960x640, 71185943_2749835275049836_6418490292118224896_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cursed image...

>> No.10263799

My Hero Academia cosplayers and furries in the same photo. Hell on Earth.

>> No.10263845
File: 9 KB, 234x216, 1558640716440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The average turnout of cosplayers to AnimeLeague cons should scare you lol

>> No.10264300

furries are only welcome there

>> No.10264397
File: 96 KB, 542x504, literallywho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the standard of mcm guests

>> No.10264413

Jesus Christ, there are so many cosplay tiktoks to choose from. They couldn't even make a token effort to make it relevant.

>> No.10264422

Why would a bunch of nerds care about an Ariana Grande tribute act?

>> No.10264425
File: 125 KB, 1864x1364, spurdo_sparde_vector_by_kevinino-d6ehtjk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it makes their benis the big benis

Pretty sure there's a big crossover between people who go to cons and thirsty fucks interested in social media thots.

>> No.10264926
File: 958 KB, 500x220, vtm-velvet volour-ugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This but unironically.

Cosplay used to be good before the internet. Yeah there were thot cosplayers before we even knew what they were. But you just interacted with them as normal human beings. There was no expectation that you have to orbit at a certain level to talk to anyone who so much as wears a push up bra.
Cosplay has always been a female centric hobby, so incels saying women are ruining cosplay is hyperbole. But what's actually happened is the wrong kind of women have become the most popular cosplayers and have negatively damaged the image and spirit of cosplay so they can chase money, validation and fame.

Feel free to sage, discord trannies.

>> No.10265007

cosplay guests were never worth it anyway why are we making 13 year olds guests now

>> No.10265113

it must be chaos in your head

maybe one day someone will touch your wee wee and you’ll stop being such a piece of shit

>> No.10265116

I get that at work. Remember the times at masquerades with Nintendo Ds chat slagging off cosplayers when the entire fandom was basically channers. >>10265113
No, they are correct. Incel have sex discord memes aside.

>> No.10265164

Just got back from it and it was shit this year.

>> No.10265196
File: 137 KB, 900x900, 1544896566979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a real woman, which is more than I can say for the majority of you discord trannies.

>> No.10265199

You're going to choke up that pink pill once you realise the majority of people who criticize cosplay are women. Any time I've bought it up to normalfag girlfriends and co-workers I get some variation of

"oh yeah, it's that fetish thing"

Stop using dumb incels as a shield. They're going to hate you regardless of what you do but the perception of Cosplay among other women is getting worse and worse.

I post on /a/ /tg/ and /v/ and the worst you'll get are derailing threads and stupid teenagers saying nigger too much. But today's youth are being trained to be oversensitive little bitches. If they actually loosened up and lurked a bit more they'd see they were wrong, but the absolute worse thing a zoomer can be is wrong on the internet so they never will.

>Inb4 I get called an incel https://instagram.com/black_dahllia?igshid=39nr831oddu4

>> No.10265209

nasty regardless

>> No.10265283

how was it shit?

>> No.10265334

Shit turnout of cosplayers, felt like AnimeLeague.

>> No.10265424

Scottish anon reporting here from MCM Scotland, with "what should you expect next month at the MCM that actually matters"

MHA, the number of annoying young fans has somehow got even larger, every group is a clone of every other group with the same characters, and odds are you'll get shoved out the way by at least one group who are running around thinking tag is an appropriate con floor activity.
Fat Thor's everywhere. Wigs, Mjolnirs/Stormbreaker, or even actually getting his clothing slightly similar are all apparently optional.
Suicide Squad Harleys are back in force because of Birds of Prey.
Stranger Things, the main kids being cosplayed by fully grown adult cosplayers everywhere, added cringe in that we spotted at least 3 creepy "sexy/all grown up" versions of Eleven.
Terrible Pennywise costumes or amazing ones. No in-between. All of them are the new Deadpool in that they think "this costume lets me be a cunt,"
Talking of clowns, the Heath Ledger Jokers are everywhere as usual, I was actually surprised we didn't get more SoCiEtY Jokers.

>> No.10265555

didn't actually see many jokers or harley's this year. i saw one birds of prey harley quinn.

lots of pennywise but the only good one was 4ft tall, probably an actual child. also a lot of stranger things/scoops ahoy cosplays.

as usual mha and danganronpa continue to be populated by literal screaming children. i was sat beside the danganronpa meet and i had to leave immediately they were just... so loud.

>> No.10265580

>Fat Thor's everywhere. Wigs, Mjolnirs/Stormbreaker, or even actually getting his clothing slightly similar are all apparently optional.
Sounds like you saw a load of software developers not Thors.

>> No.10265644
File: 254 KB, 1141x844, attentionwhores.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mha fans are literally the worst, pic related

>> No.10265646

Everything about this is fucked.

>> No.10265715
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These were at Jcon too lol

>> No.10266001

Trying to work out what's worse, the costumes or the absolute retard SJW in the comments.

>> No.10266165

Is the thread dead or is no one intrested in amechibi?

>> No.10266168

I was thinking that, came here expecting people to be talking about the scrum.

>> No.10266169
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God I miss the Pictochat days. It was the only thing that made the omake bearable. Most of the time it was more entertaining than the performance.

>> No.10266186

I know literally three people who are interested in going. Reg is selling fast so clearly people still want to go, just not chan people I suppose.

>> No.10266190

Getting cucked out of my group bickering on hotel costs.

"How is this, is this okay with everyone? If we book this for this is this okay? Whoops all the rooms are gone!"
"Okay, I'm trying here now.. Is this okay with everyone? If we book this for this okay? Whoops all the rooms are gone!"
"Okay, lets try THIS hotel, it's still kinda close, is this okay with ever-WHOOPS all the rooms are gone!"
"Okay, this hotel is about 2 miles out but we will mana-WHOOPS all the rooms are gone."

Holy fuck if we didn't waste so much time going "Should we pay a little more and go on Thursday instead? Should we get Flexi-or-Saver? I don't think we will need it but we Miiight, should we get breakfast? But X breakfast kinda suuucks." we would have had a room in site, and failing that at least, a room for like £80 a person instead of £250 a person.

>> No.10266199

hi rek!

>> No.10266217

who else keeps getting payment error for when buying tickets AmeChibi? They had one job to get the website ready, they delayed registrations and now the site is breaking too.

>> No.10266221

yeah I thought there would be more of my friends talking about amechibi but only one or two of them posted about it on facebook.

>> No.10266277

Doesn't bode well for an event whose social-media/PR head cried on stage does it?

>> No.10266479

a friend told me she quit

>> No.10266481

I booked a room a few weeks ago at the Park Inn for it but I honestly just don't feel too excited about going so I didn't bother with reg. I do think the location is great though having done 3 cons at the Park Inn before but without many people I know going it doesn't seem worth.

>> No.10266512

She is there no more but they didn't bother getting a new social team, think the chairmans doing it now

>> No.10266610

this thread is boring, can someone post some con drama or cosplayer please?

>> No.10266687

lets see if the chairmans will not cry on stage. they can't screw this up as there is only going to be 400 people there

>> No.10267300

all the drama moved to the obayed/grace/towers/sindy lolcow threads

>> No.10267506

Apparently Alex Baker and Michael Towers are besties. I was at a friends birthday party and he was telling us that him and Towers made up after he apologised.

Baker to return to Alcon to return it to former glory?

>> No.10267582

On what fucking planet?

>> No.10267676
File: 24 KB, 600x312, Screaming_begins_again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post pics of your FAT COCK

>> No.10267825

Same gull here, on the planet where Alex is telling people him and Towers are friends again after making up.

Hes the one saying they apologise so, it may not be out of this world. Plus the fact some of his friends went to Alcon may see him pining to go back.

>> No.10268115
File: 61 KB, 540x398, tumblr_pxkg7kFXPN1uwi6g0o1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did anyone go to AnimeLeague's Sheffield convention?

Was it dead?, sweaty?, full of MHA goons?

>> No.10268145

It was pretty packed out even with the venue they had so it was a success

>> No.10268487

Successful Anime-League events: Over 50
Successful Gull-Events: LOL None


>> No.10268493

Since when does mcm allow photographers to charge for photo shoots

>> No.10268496
File: 245 KB, 1440x1440, EGNdxG1WkAAsSj2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my god 10 people at your con is not a success

>> No.10268498

Honestly running small frequent events is certainly a way to go. I mean, i know gulls crave that hotel or convention centre con feel but running short 1-2 day events in function rooms, town halls or whatever is a perfectly fine approach that some are perhaps too snobby to consider.

>> No.10268538

I thought they never done that, I remember one of my friends had to stop charging at MCM two years ago.

>> No.10268555

It's going to be more busy than amecon let's be honest

>> No.10268562

they dont, but seems people are ignoring that. it'll just mean they get banned from future press passes

>> No.10268570

Most cons are pretty small now which is what people usually enjoy more nowadays. I know I enjoy smaller cons cause they feel less intimidating than the bigger cons.

>> No.10268574

towers has been running these cons for years all over the place so it must be profitable even with his bad reputation. If any con with a clean rep did the same they would clean up

>> No.10268576
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imagine paying the entry fee, going through the door and finding out everything is in that one room

>> No.10268584 [DELETED] 

The Sheffield con was good but I did have a few issues. The con was promoted to be for all ages. But a lot of stalls sold some pretty lewd merch and it wasn't necessarily hidden. You could seen it even in passing. And then the dub the anime part also had cosplayers making lewd voice overs despite staff warning them to keep it PG. Then one of the last clips they showed was lewd itself. I also reported a guy at the con for looking under my daughters skirt but apparently there was nothing they could do. I was not happy for this con for my child.

>> No.10268586

who's charging? name and shame

>> No.10268605

Honestly, the kind of venues they usually use I can rent on my disposable income. And you could probably break even if just 50 people turn up. If 100+ turn up you've made a nice little profit.

>> No.10268789

I mean a man who thinks they have a vag? What's new welcome to the new world

>> No.10268791

I had fun

>> No.10268802

You can find those kind of photos for nearly any event, given that was toward the end of Sunday when most had gone home. It was completely packed on the Saturday. There was also three other major areas to the event, not just that hall.

>> No.10268803

Just like EJ Allen's meet and geek convention. Oh wait

>> No.10268900

is it just me or is there fuck all happening at hibana this year?

>> No.10268902

I was planning on going but nowt is there really :/

>> No.10268959

I went with friends and we all thought it was awful. Ended up staying for just 3 hours (an hour an and half of that was in the hotel lobby). Felt awkward too, they had a star wars duel in the middle of a board game area so you couldn't walk past and was forced to watch. Gaming rooms had no space and no structure so people just stayed on the consoles.

Had much more fun at Yorkshire cosplay Con. Cheaper tickets, interesting shows and dance groups. Much more space and different vendors.

>> No.10269000

Seemed decent for a first-time in Sheffield to me.

And yorkshire cosplay con, you mean the event that in 2020 has downsized it's venue, changed to one day and at £11 it's advance ticket is more expensive than the AGC advance? Ok.

>> No.10269007
File: 59 KB, 996x619, yccuhoh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ouch. Pretty sure the Magna Science Adventure Centre in Rotherham has a lower capacity than Sheffield Anime & Gaming Con's for 2020.

>> No.10269008

And even if it does not, downgrading to just a one day event hardly suggests Yorkshire Cosplay Con is doing well.

>> No.10269009

>event itself will only improve
Ah yes because a downsize and a one day event is clearly a sign that it’s improving.

>> No.10269013
File: 40 KB, 993x451, notalotofconfidencehere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But, but.. the lineup..

>> No.10269017

With so many conventions going bust this year, Yorkshire Cosplay Con looks like another one struggling perhaps?

>> No.10269024

Other than this AL/YCC bollocks, can we open up the discussion on why Amecon have only 800ish registrations (not paid but registered) in the first 7 days? That's terrible compared to Kitacon and indeed compared to what it even did in 2018?

>> No.10269126

Because it's at a hotel and not a Uni campus, the venue isn't as big.

>> No.10269129

YCC also did another event this year called Anime Yorkshire. Maybe theyre spreading their money across and that's why YCC has downgraded?

>> No.10269151

What did you enjoy about it? I hope it can improve, first impression wasn't good at all.
I will still go to Yorkshirecon even if it has downsized because they clearly know how to run a con, get a good mix of vendors, voice actors and people to perform on stage. Animeleague was pretty much bodypillows, furtails and hanging around a hotel lobby while awkwardly trying to avoid the wedding guests.

>> No.10269155

Not going myself but I don't see how you can take the con selling out on the first day as a bad sign? Real brainlet hours anon.

>> No.10269229

Yeah but Anime Yorkshire was tragic. Surely it would be better to run one good event as opposed to downgrading it and making another shite one that people regret wasting their money on

>> No.10269237

It's not sold out though. Not everyone paid up straight away

>> No.10269242

not a single adult in that picture...

>> No.10269281

Hibana's schedule is never anything to write home about but I don't know why that's a surprise, Ame's schedule is shit too. Kita is the only one where I attend more than one panel a day.

>> No.10269282

Don't think you were mate, it's sold out. Nice false flag.

>> No.10269299

You all seeing the eurocosplay blackfacing drama all over twitter?

>> No.10269302

EC bent over for the white SJWs so quickly there wasnt even time for lube.

>> No.10269307

It isn't sold out though I have three registrations and I can still pay up. They haven't sold out

>> No.10269308
File: 51 KB, 414x604, amecon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have two registrations and I can still pay for my tickets so that doesn't sound like sold out to me unless their system is fucked

>> No.10269311

if the Canadian president can blackface then the commoners are allowed too as well.

>> No.10269314

Die mad about it

>> No.10269315

I said I was thinking of going, mate

>> No.10269316

Must be blind then

>> No.10269321

>t.i didn't see the cosplay

>> No.10269322
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>not going to the maid gio panel

>> No.10269349

>All over Twitter

Hi Beth

>> No.10269356
File: 41 KB, 637x433, image0-4-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saturday night, room four. Back to back best panels.

>> No.10269390

It's really got people riled up, especially the french cosplay community

>> No.10269391

Of course Helen Alice is sticking her nose into it as well

>> No.10269394

Amecon only has 600 places and isn't sold out already despite there not being a proper con in getting on two years? That's uhm... not a good sign?

>> No.10269395

Everyone is, and why wouldnt they? The eurocosplay Facebook page has had to ban new reviews because they were being attacked by the French community

>> No.10269421

Looks like the drama cow Fahrlight Loki obsessed twat who I've definitely seen mentioned on here and lolcow was the cause of EuroCosplay disqualifying the costume that triggered her inner SJW. She's playing victim on her cosplay page already and removed her original post which sparked it.

>> No.10269424

Curses, I should have taken a screenshot. She really is a fucking plague

>> No.10269430

Well, AmeChibi isn't a proper con either.

>> No.10269436

We can hope someone took a screencap somewhere as Fahr can't handle the backlash from it all.

>> No.10269438

She really is a drama cow but it was stupid for the french contestant to enter what's basically a black man suit, especially when a bunch of people already told her not to. It looks bad and I'm not surprised eurocosplay made her change to something else.

>> No.10269440

Been reading through all of the comments and there are way more people of color who actually think it's not an issue. I mean is it really that bad? At least it looks like what she was aiming for instead of using cheap shitty spray tan.

>> No.10269443

I did grab caps of her instagram stories where she bashes the cosplayer.

>> No.10269446

Its still a con its like saying hibana isn't a con cause its small. Just want it to be good but don't have high hopes

>> No.10269447
File: 411 KB, 1080x1296, 20191009_001945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look who got their 5 seconds of fame on this guys video outing people that were harassing the EC girl

>> No.10269453

five seconds of fame?

she’s the one who called it out

>> No.10269620 [DELETED] 

Yeah for all the things to shit on this girl for, speaking out against racism isn't it

>> No.10269628

Isn't it the case where if you get a registration you have a 2 week period in which to pay it before your spot opens up to the waiting list? So you sitting on a few unpaid spots doesn't mean they won't be taken the moment your drop past the payment period. Maybe I'm just an ancient anon but that's how things used to work. Especially considering I know of people on the waiting list.

>> No.10269643

news flash, no anime event sells out in the first day, not ame, not kita, not even ayacon. The tickets get snapped up, but there’s always a payment window, then once people elapse, the waiting list bods get a shot at those tickets until all are paid. It takes about 3 months to fully sell out. but realistically most events get 95-99% paid up within the first month. with a handful of unpaids switching hands for months leading up to the event.

>> No.10269647

Wait what video ?

>> No.10269648

Whatever you think of her even broken clocks are right twice a day

>> No.10269650

Problem is that she had already made it and entered it into other contest ; that the cosplay that made her win the French championship and she never had any issue with it. When a cosplay make you win a big contest, it's kinda natural to want to use it ; especially when you have like 200+hours of work invested in it.

She probably just underestimed how different/virulent are SJW in UK and shit compared to France, where people don't give a shit.

>> No.10269651

Some french guy made a video to "call out" Eurocosplay by saying making a silicone face of a black man is not blackface and tell people who are angry at Eurocosplay who to harass

>> No.10269653

This one I guess (1m28) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZyqWLgY1APc&fbclid=IwAR2CBzyyR9MvVgDRJm6AFuK4AWWrBxo5D52JAFv60v-lskR_YjIqVmzgGsQ

>> No.10269654

Thing is she'd asked people on her facebook page if this would be considered blackface, people told her it would and she should avoid doing it, and she did it anyway. And it says explicitly in the competition rules that qualifiers don't have to have the same rules as the finals but your finals costume has to follow the finals rules even if it passed the qualifiers rules. So she should have known to also check the finals rules, which do forbid "offensive use of makeup". And sure, it's not technically makeup, but you'd have to be willfully ignorant to believe it's somehow a valid loophole to use painted silicone rather than paint your face directly.

>> No.10269655

Honestly if it's Farh she probably deserve it. If you start a shitstorm on twitter, be prepared to take one in return.

>> No.10269656

I think the thing is that for french, to consider this "offensive makeup" is really, REALLY absurd. As in "do you actually eat glue" stupid. And by the time she asked it was probably too late to change anything.

>> No.10269657

She had very little impact on it I think, I didn't even know she'd said anything until now

>> No.10269658

Wait I tough her retard ass was the one who sparked all this dumb shit.

>> No.10269659

I'm french and I know lots of french people who think it's offensive. Yes, including black french people. She asked before making the prosthetics, and she even said her partner told her not to do it.

>> No.10269661

>I'm french and I know lots of french people who think it's offensive.
That dosn't seem to be the case of like, the crushing majority of the French cosplay community. Or hell, even some black french e-celeb.

>> No.10269670

That may be true, but it's not the same as it being the consensus. Just because the majority think one thing doesn't mean they're right. And for all the pretenses of being "the country of human rights", France can be weirdly ass-backwards and racist. Doesn't mean we should give up on trying to improve. This is a hot button issue now but the dust will settle and in time I believe people will see this as a positive move from Eurocosplay. Now I'd like to see the ECG introduce the same rules, the instances of blackface on their stage have been much more egregious and offensive.

>> No.10269673

If by "ass backwards" you mean France is lucky enough to not be plagued (or as plagued as the states for exemple) by seething SJW who pass their time stirring the dumbest drama ; then yes.
Thinking this is somehow offensive is fucking dumb ; the moss-brained drama queen on twitter won't change that fact. ECG move is just a display of weakness, and show that they will cave in for any dumb drama that get enough steam ; they accepted the cosplay in the first place, and only backed up latter because they can't handle some heat.

>> No.10269674

I meant Eurocosplay obviously.

>> No.10269676

It's not really hard to understand. If you're a minority it's shitty to watch someone pretend to be you for money/popularity while not going through any of the hardships that come with it. Blackface is also worse because there's a history of it.

I know France doesn't believe in minority discrimination but a lot of people are showing their ass.

>> No.10269680

She isn't blackfacing, she is a cosplaying a character who happen to be black. Same way half the community cosplay asian character from manga, or some black cosplayer cosplay as white character. Or women cosplay as male character/man cosplay as female character.
The whole idea of cosplay to become someone else ; if you could only cosplay as someone of your gender, frame and skin color, that would be boring shit, and nobody would cosplay as elf, orc or shit like that. People just have a
discognitive mentality with this because they can't seems to understand you can cosplay as something not to make fun of it (like Blackface was, wich is not JUST a makeup, but also a context and a attitude aka acting like the racist cliche of the "dumb nigger" ) but because you genuily like it.

>> No.10269684

Here's a concept: you can cosplay a black character without making your skin, real or silicone, black. There are great cosplays by white people of Pyke, Tiana, Storm, Barret, where they didn't make themselves look anything other than white, and they're still recognizable and still honor the characters they cosplay as. If she had made those great prosthetics in her own skin color, it would all have been fine and dandy, but she chose to make them darker despite knowing it would be perceived as blackface and people would be offended. That was her choice. And as a white person she doesn't get to decide that blackface doesn't carry racist stigma anymore. When someone tells you you're hurting them, you can't decide that you don't. What you can decide is to be considerate and respectful, and just make a small change to what you're doing in order to stop hurting them.

>> No.10269688

Your concept is call whitewashing. And guess who can cry about this...

>> No.10269689

No it was someone else

>> No.10269690

Ecg will never make it a rule. They constantly have blackfacers. One won 1st place in 2016

>> No.10269691

Literally in my 15 years of cosplaying I haven't once seen someone be accused of "whitewashing" a black character because they cosplayed it while white. Stop scarecrowing and accept that the French are racist

>> No.10269692

No it's not, and the only people who use that argument either fundamentally don't understand the problem with blackface or are saying it in bad faith.

>> No.10269696

Whitewashing is an issue for stuff like fanart, but NOT cosplay. When it comes to cosplay everyone with any sense agrees that people should cosplay who they want without altering their skin tone

Basically only use fucking skin paint if you’re going a weird colour like a homestuck or something, not for another fucking ethnicity. It’s really not rocket science.

>> No.10269697

One can only hope they see Eurocosplay's move as an example to follow, but yeah, it's a long shot.

>> No.10269699
File: 308 KB, 518x421, AC88F14D-F5C9-4AC5-9FEC-04A3B6402BA9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wacky Trudeauposters

>> No.10269732

> And as a white person she doesn't get to decide that blackface doesn't carry racist stigma anymore
But blackpeople can, and surprise, many of them say it dosn't bother them, even when she won French championship. It's only when she became finalist for a big tournament that the wolfs came out of the wood. Maybe because half of the spite is motivated by jealousy.
Why would SOME black people judgement weight more than others ? Because they are more thin-skinned ?
>What you can decide is to be considerate and respectful, and just make a small change to what you're doing in order to stop hurting them.
>Small change
Redoing an entire cosplay isn't exactly a small change. Especially when that change make the cosplay LESS truthfull to the character.

>> No.10269736

Because they're French and the French are inherently racist. The only non french people defending it are either blackfacers themselves or are edgy incels

>> No.10269740
File: 18 KB, 600x600, Low quality bait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I'm sure Black french are more racist that white blue-haired tumblrita. And indeed, the French are the one having riot over racial tension regulary after black kids get killed by police.

>> No.10269744

>Redoing an entire cosplay
She wouldn't have to redo the whole thing, or do you think issues of blackface apply to the boots and scarf? The most that she'd have to do would be to paint the prosthetics a different color, which while there's a bit of work to be done there is absolutely possible in the time she has left, and would not have taken any more time if she had listened to the advice she'd requested, read the competition rules in advance, and made it in her skin tone in the first place. She willfully ignored concerns about blackface that were pointed out to her before she made the costume, I don't feel bad that she now has a limited time to do it.

>> No.10269745

*fix it

>> No.10269746

>Read the competition rules in advance
She did, and the tournament didn't had any issue with it during the qualification. Problem only started after the twitter drama.
And again, that cosplay wasn't made specificly for the Eurocosplay.

>> No.10269747

That's not an excuse, it's normal when the qualifier and the finals don't have the exact same rules to read both and make sure you have a costume that is eligible to enter the finals if the costume you qualified in isn't. If she wasn't able to ensure that, she should have withdrawn in favor of her runner-up. Being your country's representative is a privilege and a responsibility, it's on her to fulfil that responsibility or leave it to someone who can.

>> No.10269750

The qualifier and the finals HAVE the same rules, and both don't allow offensive cosplay. Your argument is void.

>> No.10269796

Yes, they literally are you thick cunt- google 'banlieu' and what's happened in those in the last ten years. The last french president openly compared black people to animals. France is racist as all fuck.

>> No.10269831

Fact remains that Kitacon had a waiting list of over a thousand with 1,400 already registered within a week. So basically 2,500 registered. Amecon is on just 800 in the same time-period (you can see this by the ID number you get when you register). So despite two years of no Amecon/Kitacon it's not even a third as popular as Kitacon in 2017 was. That's very poor.

>> No.10269834

Both are shit. Anime conventions are shit. Get touched up by old guys, get girls who claim rape but looking at you and spent stupid amounts of money on crappy China quality merch. Rather just go to a pub

>> No.10269879

>Shitty histrionic cosplayer causes forced controversy to sacrifice someone for the sake of her own dwindling career because she has no talent to support it on her own achievements alone
Who would've guessed!

The people screeching about blackface need to calm their fucking autism and start making good costumes so they don't have to rely on destroying other people to stay afloat. It's always the subpar/really lazy ones who do this kind of spergy shit.

>> No.10269883

No shit, jealousy is definitly one of the drive behind this mess.

>> No.10269884

Your incorrect. The qualifiers have different rules decided by the qualifying event.

>> No.10270300

Even the quarter pounder is talking about this on his YouTube channel.

>> No.10270316

Again, Fahr had very little to do with this, she didn't "start the controversy" or anything. As far as I know, none of the other representatives said anything about this except for the one guy who dropped out of the competition so it's a bad faith argument to blame this on her competition.

>> No.10270329

Plus wanting to boycott the whole event just because of this is ridiculous. why ruin an event that others have worked hard for just as much because of a mistake she made?
At the end of the day if you're taking off a skin color belonging to a race that isn't yours, blue and purple and green etc. not included here, but one for an actual race thats not your own there's going to be some upset.

>> No.10270436

Because all this cosplayer can think of is how much money she sunk in and how unfair it is to her personally. She's having a grand time reposting every shred of support, love streaming, and just continuing to stir the pot of this shit show regardless of other participants and what other people think.

>> No.10270446

Yup, pretty gross. The Czech representative dropping out "in support" gave her some mileage, but isn't it nice when the trash takes itself out?

>> No.10270463

Literally EVERYONE I've seen condemning her as a racist bitch stealing skin colors has been a shitty cosplayer living off woke points/e-thottery because they're too lazy to make actually good costumes.

>> No.10270466

are you blind? every cosplayer in the world besides french ones and ones who blackface themselves have been condemning her.

>> No.10270469

You think anyone with a decent skillset and following would sacrifice their reputation by defending her against the frothing masses? They would be the next in line to be lynched by these stupid fucks. I know I'm not saying anything in public because I don't want my ass cancelled by first world troglodytes who think latex bodysuits are genocide. And everyone I've talked to about it agrees. That's why you only see the negative opinions, they can push that tweet button with nothing on the line.

And what about all the black people who are saying that they don't have a problem with this? Why are they told that "they don't speak for every black people" but the whiteys screaming blackface are put above them?

>> No.10270489

There are plenty of "high profile" people and organizations that have taken her side though, from PixelMania to the French Cosplay Cup to Cosplay & Craft which is the biggest cosplay store in France.
As for the black people who don't have an issue with it, good for them, but it doesn't mean it's not hurting other black people. Just because not every single black person is hurt doesn't make it a cause we shouldn't care about. If 50% of black people aren't hurt by it it's still an issue that the other 50% are, and we should work to fix that.

>> No.10270648

>plenty of high profile people agree with racism!
>names a bunch of other french people

it's a global community motherfuckers sorry y'all have to deal with international standards

>> No.10270663

>Crying "Frothing masses"
The side who is really behaving like idiot crybabies is the French. Boohoo she got disqualified from a contest and everyone is acting like this is a matter of national pride or that "art is being attacked!!!" This shit would have been over days ago if they just let her suffer the consequences and stopped stomping their feet.

>> No.10270698

“Euro cosplay”

>> No.10270701


do french people normally behave like toddlers having a screaming tantrum when they're told something they don't like? because the backlash has been absurd. people not even in the cosplay community are acting like they've been told they can't drink wine anymore or something.

>> No.10270704

Wellllllllll.... The events in Paris certainly don't contradict that.

>> No.10270885 [DELETED] 
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Imagine being the whitest bitch going and trying to make a quick buck off of this. White knight producing white shite

>> No.10270900

Pixelmania is not french. And I agree with the international standards, I'm just pointing out that "people with a decent following would sacrifice their reputation by defending her." I'm not siding with her.
This isn't a french thing as much as it's a racist thing. Every time something mildly progressive happens, you see right-wingers whining and crying over it.
Yeah, because protesting against a ruling class that is increasingly dismissive of the general population and keeps throwing regular people under the bus to make each other richer is the same as bitching and moaning about someone getting disqualified from a contest for breaking the rules.

>> No.10270942

Wow. Entitled much? How generous to give 10% of the proceeds. Fuck off.

>> No.10270951
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>> No.10270977

Who's this and is she really selling that?

>> No.10271093

What are you three on about!?!

>> No.10271096

on a side note, who's excited for MCM London in two weeks?

What kind of drama do you think will happen this time?

Any cosplay/cosplayer you're looking forward to seeing?

>> No.10271102

I am, looking forward to seeing fellow Crit Role cosplayers and finally meeting Cowbutt Crunchies! Also looking forward to the Eurocosplay finals, despite the controversy I love watching the cosplay competitions.

>> No.10271110

The biggest drama will definitely be the eurocosplay finals now. Europe will kick off

>> No.10271450

I wonder how the French are reacting to their finalist being kicked out?

>> No.10271452
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>> No.10271461

A lot are reacting poorly, even though she wasn't kicked out, it's just the costume that was disqualified. She says she doesn't have anything else to compete in though so she likely won't participate, I don't know if her runner-up will take her place or not though.

>> No.10271487

like whiny children. gulls in the eurocos thread pointed out her costume wasn't even guaranteed a win, with the shitty blending, and they're screaming about jelly swjs. the french community has shown their ass in a bad way.

>> No.10271508

Wonder what the odds will be that, especially given brexit etc, a French event such as Japan expo will run a rival european cosplay event?

>> No.10271529

The ECG already exists, the finals are at Japan Expo, and they're blackface-friendly given some of their past participants

>> No.10271550

Past winners too. 2016 1st place solo was a French blackfacer

>> No.10271937

is it really blackface though? I painted myself pink once and peppa pig wasn't offended

>> No.10272248

because everyone remembers the prequel series about daddy pig and how he was bought into slavery and whipped for 20 years.

Also that episode of peppa pig where the rabbit power family dressed up as peppas family and acted goofy to belittle them. So totally relatable...


>> No.10272294

Underrated post.

>> No.10272433

Anyone have experience with shipping arda wigs over? LIke the average wait time and customs experience?

>> No.10272435

Christ, I've clearly been watching the wrong episodes

>> No.10272446

two weeks and £18 for one wig, goes up the more you order.

>> No.10272449

omg every league character that happens to be black has been a slave? get real man it is a made up character not the big bang theory

>> No.10272493

Is anyone here going to the Ninja Sex Party concert on the 21st?

>> No.10272547

>Tries to make straw man argument but just ends up with WTF

>> No.10272556

i painted my skin white like this bigot piece of trash and went around getting offended, then calling people snowflakes, but he didn’t complain

>> No.10273905

Amecon still, haven't sold out on just 600 places. If you check the registration IDs when you register they've had just 853 registrations. It was 838 registered a week back. My earlier account can pay which indicates at least 250 have dropped off and that new registrations are less than TWO PER DAY now. Are they even going to sell all their places at this rate?

>> No.10273906
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Christ, do you check this every day to make the same post?

>> No.10273916

ERMERGURD! Amecons er nurt filling! if i squint and stick my thumb up my arse, it looks like amecon sold negative 7 places. I’m and mcm normie and i was born after the age of cheques was a distant memory, i can’t possible fathom a payment window

>> No.10273919

Hi Mike

>> No.10273960
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They need a designated byob area like Warwicks steps with targeted advertising billboards

>> No.10273963

Not Mike but nice try. It’s just a bit fucking sad that people are pretending they’ve sold out but it’s a lie.

>> No.10273978
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I wish I had as much free time as you to be angry over nothing.

>> No.10273995

not mike, nice try kid! i’m totally not mike. all these failing conventions, terrible, really terrible, not like alcon, amazing, really good. did i mention i’m not mike? there’s no war in ba sing se

>> No.10274021

I doubt it is. Just the same person making the same posts about “omg xxx has only xyz, that doesn't look good?” Like the other anon said. Payment windows.

In 2003 I went to one of the ayacons. The max membership was 600 but only 582 came. My day was ruined! It haunts me to this day. Not even a can of crisp monster energy ultra can take away the pain of the knowledge that I must have been deluding myself that I had fun despite the con not selling out. I don’t think I can be alone again. Hold me anons....

>> No.10274056

I wasn't mike btw. Just saying all well for them to shout "we've sold out" when they really aren't. I don't mind the odd exaggeration here and there but I'd rather know if an event is sold out properly or just them trying to make themselves look big and hard.

>> No.10274058

Wasn't mike dude. But you can't deny that there are a lot of cons going bust and AL seems to keep going. Ironic isn't it? Can't wait to see you at the next one mate

>> No.10274074

i mean yeah, alcon is doing amazing, well done. i mean ignore the pedophilia and rape and alcon is the best con out there. consistently fills under 50%, doesn’t pay taxes, lies about donating to charity and dogpiles on any neigh sayers. alcon is the hero we don’t deserve. thank you mike, stay off the unripe fruit though yeah? if you know what i mean

>> No.10274092

lol you got some obsession there dude XD *claps* well done making yourself look like a right stalker.

Do you believe in your mum not being a tramp too? She was on my street last night

>> No.10274122

Anyone at egx? Disappointed with no photos of people squatting on the booth that trading standards removed please provide tomorrow

>> No.10274128

What booth was that and why was it removed?

>> No.10274157

lel someone be triggered

>> No.10274260

>petty insults

Fuck off back to lolcow, you AL shills are completely mentally incapable of fitting in and posting anonymously here. You all post like 40 year old dads on facebook brexit cuntoffs.

>> No.10274346

Emoting is also frowned upon on lolcow, they should stick to facebook

>> No.10274349
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Hoo boy, still stomping Alcon in the nuts are we?

>> No.10274369

Miss Syntax go back home you ain't good at your job. If I'm an AL Shrill you are obviously a dude.

>> No.10274472

I ended up selling my Manchester ticket sadly

>> No.10275138

Any anons gonna be going to Thought Bubble this year?

>> No.10275196

Some togs are now charging for shoots during mcm. Does that mean us cosplayers can charge them to shoot with us then?

>> No.10275245

Sure. You won't get any pictures taken but go for it.

>> No.10275270

I'd only charge if they are shit cosplays or people I don't like

>> No.10275612

any drama at egx?

>> No.10275794

Forgot that was this weekend. Who won? I'm having a hard time finding the skits online.

>> No.10275925

You're welcome to try, and we're free to tell you to fuck off.

t. free tog

>> No.10275938

Togs charge because they’re the one offering the service dipshit

>> No.10275942

But I’m the REAL Aeris. It would be great exposure for you to photograph me.

>> No.10276225

seconding this, has anyone uploaded the performances/photos yet?

>> No.10276226

Where in London can I get Mehron Paradise paints? I want them for MCM on Friday

>> No.10276601

Update: got them from TILT in Camden

>> No.10276668
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All the cosplayers I know are sperging out about Hotels and last minute costume shit for MCM and I'm just sitting back laughing at them all. MCM is a shit show. The sooner you get it out of your life the better.

>> No.10276671
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Okay, I'm of the opinion that cosplayers in general shouldn't make money and should only do cosplay for fun. Due to the parasocial element that's blighting something that's meant to be a hobby of self expression. But in terms of "service" provided, most togs I've worked with just shoot on their overpriced camera and don't even use any lighting or background aids. Then they hold up your photos whilst making "edits" that change nothing visibly about the photo. I'm not paying for that. Fuck off, Carlos.

I'd much rather pay a professional tog for a proper shoot than deal with some gross 40-50 year old creep who came to stare at CosThot tits.

Then again it all just seems a big waste of money for something I feel should just be an enthusiast hobby.

>> No.10276910

isn't it supposed to be against MCM rules to charge for photos taken during the con?

>> No.10276967

Does it stop people? They don't seem to be able their cosplay is not consent rule considering security don't give a shit about anything there

>> No.10277022

It's definitely against the rules, and they'd probably be grateful if you reported the offenders to the press office so they don't get any more free tickets

>> No.10277194
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Any of You Gulls going?

The Cosplay Championship needs more entrants lol.

>> No.10277327

>Happening at the same dates as Hibana