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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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>> No.10242322
File: 1.39 MB, 820x821, taobao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposting since I didn't realize the other general was saged out.
Will drop links to anything but the wig is sold out.

>> No.10242323
File: 191 KB, 559x460, 27465557-6A01-464B-9757-811FE782403C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying nendoroids from taobao

>> No.10242325

Anon said in the other thread that they were going to take the nendoroids apart to use for their own custom so I think it's fine that they're using bootlegs.

>> No.10242326

>Link to bottom left? very cute!

>> No.10242327
File: 53 KB, 500x500, f468838c1a1e3d9439634635ade0ef89.image.500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What >>10242325 said is true. I just needed green dude's hair to paint for my boy and I'm not paying legit prices just for the hair.

>> No.10242341

Oh are you the anon from /toy/? So glad to see you going through with making your boy!! Wish I could follow your progress.

Also could I get a link to the little folder? I've been making do with a trading card folder for my boys clothes and its just not cutting it.

>> No.10242406

Thank you anon~

>> No.10242408

Could I get a link to the nendo outfit and shoes? Or do you have a good search term for outfits? Also great taste in best boy.

>> No.10242609

Have any of you ordered harnesses and similar stuff with metal on them?

SS is telling me "magnetic" items may cause an issue. Was planning to purchase the wing harness + shoulder badges:
Should I be worried?

>> No.10242615

Yoi movie is cancelled because anon kept buying bootleg merch that's only $10 cheaper

>> No.10242618

These items came in >>10216924 if anyone wants reviews.
This wig is unfortunately not great. The curls were messy right out of the package and got worse and worse with trying to gently comb them. The fibers are heat treatable so I will try fixing them but I don't expect a lot of success. The buns are good though, small enough to look somewhat natural and work well with lots of wigs. The wig is slightly shiny but nothing too unnatural, fibers were soft enough. The cap is big but not very adjustable so it was a little loose on me, it would probably be good for a slightly bigger head.
The backpack is great, I ordered the blue. Very roomy, zippers are all functional. The straps in the back can be adjusted.

>> No.10242627

That's me! I've got an Obitsu 11 body on the way and a Nendoroid doll here already. My Taobao order should be here on Monday.
I have an IG I'm trying to use more you can follow: taitopotato
I can't wait to travel with Ranmaru. I'm packing him to go to Disney World in a few weeks.

Folder: https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=600589371081

There's two outfits and shoes so I just linked both.

Black oufit: https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=595327887794
Dress: https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=594927914411
White shoes: https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=589813394903
Sneakers: https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=592496625090

I just searched OB11 and a ton of clothes popped up.

YOI movie will never grace our screens anyway. Piggie and Baldy's love is too pure for us to see.

>> No.10242636
File: 22 KB, 400x349, frog-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unironically need a frog plushie for my coord, any suggestions? not anything cutesy or huge, just... a frog.

>> No.10242801

Cute cat. Gave you a follow! If you ever want any advice on making him just hit me up in DMs.

>> No.10242826

I've ordered harnesses from aliexpress with no problem so unless your SS is retarded it should be fine.

>> No.10242854

Thanks so much! Right now I'm just going off guides I found so it's a bit of trial and error.

>> No.10243269

Placed an order four days ago for a con that will happen on October 5. My order will make it right? Using Taobaotrends if that helps

>> No.10243318
File: 163 KB, 640x960, 67462844_671741203334364_1235727769699090432_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody know the store?
Tried reverse search but nothing

>> No.10243340
File: 51 KB, 300x255, 11a4ul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just gonna bitch about my SS for a minute.

Been trying to order some stuff with Bhiner for over two weeks now. It's a group order and I'm responsible for it. How it works is you top up your 'Bhiner Wallet' in order to pay for the items and fees, rather than being invoiced separately for each stage of transaction. For whatever reason, they won't accept Paypal for CNY, and if you use any other currency on their website, they will charge you extra on the items. So I used bank transfer, but it would only allow me to top up using HKD as the recipient was in Hong Kong. I agreed in advance with the SS that they would top up my Bhiner Wallet in CNY even though the transfer was in HKD.

So, a week later the bank transfer (1500 HKD) goes through. They top up my wallet in USD. I send the SS a message asking to change this, as we agreed that they would top up my wallet in CNY. So a day later they change it, to 1101.66 CNY. This is nowhere near what the actual exchange rate is. It should've been closer to 1350 CNY. At this stage it's taken two weeks just to submit the initial order, and I don't want to just ask for a refund and go use another SS because they're definitely only going to refund me the 1101 CNY, and I'm going to be losing money. This is such a pain. The annoying part is I've used Bhiner before and didn't have problems. But of course now that it's a group order and others are depending on me, I get these issues. Ugh.

Rant over.

>> No.10243347

Haven't used them but I think it's likely they'll make it if you take a fast shipping.

>> No.10243351
File: 387 KB, 680x708, a09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me average taobao buyer
>friend posts 80$ cosplay wig on some "buy ur totes legit cosplays here lol!!!" cosplay site
>through some easy searching on taobao I find the original item there for 20$
>do calculations, in total for item plus fast shipping to our country it's 40$
>the 80$ item is just the exact same image cropped/edited
>explain all of this to my friend and how to use taobao, how to use SS/superbuy
>"no i don't want to get ripped off by chinks lmao"
>"that site is in all chinese i dont trust it"
>dude you do realize the site that's selling it for 80$ is getting it from the exact same place right?? or even worse, they're not, and they're not gonna send you anything and scam you
>"yeah yeah whatever weeb I'd rather pay extra and have my item arrive in time than pay less, be scammed by chinks, and not have anything arrive at all"
>buys the fucking 80$ item
>it's not even that good
>it's not even lacefront
>they're complaining and fearing nothing is arriving



>> No.10243381

Geez that really sucks anon!

>> No.10243493

Taobao shops with nice gothy lace?

>> No.10243567

Link to this beautiful gay frog please.

>> No.10243710

Thanks anon. I’m pissed and I don’t want to ask my friends to cover the extra cost because I made the mistake of choosing this shopping service. But at the same time, I ain’t rich.

>> No.10243856

Taobao shops for cute panties?

>> No.10243861
File: 79 KB, 996x657, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhhh. Has this happened to anyone else before? What do I do?

>> No.10243900
File: 93 KB, 800x796, TB2jfAXaeGSBuNjSspbXXciipXa_!!69252843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a diy felt kit that you can find here: https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.3-c.w4002-14307116108.92.71141e4bnZLD6A&id=564995283452

>> No.10243904
File: 97 KB, 500x750, 9ae131186869857d4d3cf77fee9371c5[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposting this since the last thread died before anyone answered.
Does anyone know what a sash is called in Chinese? I've tried translating "sash" and "echarpe" into Chinese via google translate but none of the results brought up actual sashes on taobao. Alternatively, if anyone has any recommendations for stores that sell loli-able sashes like pic related, I'm all ears!

>> No.10243914

Anyone have any clue when diamond honey is going to restock anything

>> No.10244090

Anyone knows other stores that sell clothes of the same type dollydelly sells? Like it's lolita but also cute clothes good enough to be used casually too

>> No.10244091
File: 566 KB, 1500x2081, Order.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably finished for most of next year.

>> No.10244107

It's just a racist stereotype seen as the norm that everything from China is bad, even though many luxury items are made there. At least you know that you're saving money off of being better educated than the masses

>> No.10244125

I want to know how much shipping is ..

>> No.10244169

... You contact customer service. If the parcel contains prohibited items, they'll give you the option of disposing of just those parts, disposing of the entire parcel, returning to sender, or forwarding to somewhere within China.

>> No.10244243
File: 354 KB, 1681x1494, 1558115983684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could anyone please let me know what 莓果[褪]现货 means? Does it just refer to the berry pink wig in pic related, and does it come styled or anything?
Still can't decide which to buy..

>> No.10244327

Replying to myself because I *finally* found the right search term for sashes! It's "绶带" or "lolita绶带" specifically! Took me literal hours of trawling through search results to find it.

>> No.10244362
File: 131 KB, 400x400, TB250SlbaAPyuJjy1XcXXXdjFXa_!!1047202000.jpg_400x400[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do any of you have links to shops that sell cute felt animals like pic related that aren't DIY kits?

>> No.10244463
File: 1.44 MB, 1024x768, taobaoorder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's what I got after I said "I would just get a couple of things to not get fucked over with customs fees", now getting fucked over with customs fees.

>> No.10244657
File: 1.98 MB, 1094x1324, TBaug19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope this arrives before I go away in October

>> No.10244683

Any shops that sell sleepwear that fits the lolita aesthetic?

>> No.10244685

Link to off shoulder blouse?

>> No.10244692


>> No.10244701

Could you review the cage skirt when it arrives?

>> No.10244703


>> No.10244718
File: 3.00 MB, 1660x1252, collage2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wanted more gothic accessories but couldnt resist a couple dresses.

>> No.10244749

can you link to the skirt on the left, the bolero on the bottom right, and the cutsew in the middle? thank you

>> No.10244769

seconded~ >>10244657

>> No.10244820

Links to everything? Love your style

>> No.10244883

Link to the tights? And could you do a review when it arrives please?

>> No.10244896


>> No.10244924





Cage overdress:


The deposit for this dress/accs is over but there should still be a buy it now coming so I'll link to the display page:














stained glass dress:

That's everything, as promised :^>

>> No.10244946
File: 12 KB, 300x300, logo-square.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10244969
File: 25 KB, 598x386, IMG_20190823_123912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry anon you'll have to pay for her patreon uwu

>> No.10245018

They're actually socks. I've already bought them before and I'm buying a new pair because I've worn my old ones out. They're reasonably thick and very stretchy and comfortable.

>> No.10245032

I want to know where you got the bolero abd sailor jacket from, they are really cute!

>> No.10245051

sailor jacket is from here

Bolero is part of this

>> No.10245364

Can anyone recommend stores with legwear similar to what Predatorrat has?

>> No.10245406

It's split up into parts since a good portion of them are pre-order status with no clue on when they're going to arrive.

>> No.10246070

Deos anyone know how long it currently takes for antaina to ship their shoes to the SS?

>> No.10246078
File: 809 KB, 640x1136, 59EE89DE-2C7E-4D2E-9BAE-313F20199980.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello! I’m sorry if this has been asked before, but I’m obsessed with these little DIY sets and I KNOW they’re on Taobao. Does anyone know what I would search to find something like this image? Any kind is fine

Thanks to anyone who can help!

>> No.10246079
File: 210 KB, 480x493, TB2u7d7mv1TBuNjy0FjXXajyXXa_!!2641171570[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently this Pepe bag is a thing that exists, enjoy.

>> No.10246108

I think they're called "mini house models"

>> No.10246133

Different anon but this is very much appreciated! Thank you

>> No.10246180

Depends on whether they're in stock or if they have to be manufactured.

>> No.10246223

Can I get a link to that 2km egg bag? Nice to see another go fan!

>> No.10246251

It may be uncool to still be playing but I love it.

>> No.10246379

How do you even use taobao nowadays? The search function only shows 1/8 of what used to be there and everytime I try to look at anything closer, I get to the login page where either their security check slide thing doesn't work or they want me to confirm a sms code every single time I login that I don't even receive anymore.
I miss when you could browse the shops without any of that.. Why did they change it?

>> No.10246403

It's pretty easy. Just get an account and disable your ad blocker. After that it worked great for me.

>> No.10246669

Same, it's a huge guilty pleasure for me. Thanks for the link anon! Sending shiny energy your way.

>> No.10246729

Thanks for the backpack review! It sounds awesome, can you please post a shop link?

>> No.10246792

Are there any SS that'll ship resin (AB and UV)? i have a lot of large projects to do, and ordering from ali is getting pricy

>> No.10247022

I don't know if this should go here or in the stupid questions thread, but I can't figure out how to register an account on Taobao. I'd like to just be able to browse through items but I keep getting that annoying popup that says I need to be signed in. However, when I try to verify my account with a phone number, I never actually get the text message.

I have already cleared my cache/cookies and disabled my adblockers. Is there any other way around this?

>> No.10247242

>skirt (I understood later this is a knock-off of a collab with samansamos2 and moomins...)



>> No.10247434

Does anyone have a translation for Nintendo Switch cases?

>> No.10247467

Crap, my package full of taobao goods arrived at customs and they want additional info (plus invoice).
My old invoice isn't accurate cause 221 cny worth of goods were sold out and they deducted that when I paid for shipping.
I'd be really dumb to lie to customs at this point so I'd rather pay them what I owe.
But I don't want to pay tax over the things I didn't get though, asked for a new accurate invoice as pdf.
Not sure my SS will do that, honestly I don't think they are obligated to help me with this.
I'm screwed aren't I? Should I just upload the paypal invoice and pay even more cause that too is different from the actual invoice and let it rest?
Anyone else in the Netherlands or EU that had the same issue? Will this happen every time I order from China?
Cause I have another order with the same SS but split it in 3 packages, should I let them combine it all into 1 package and just cough up to customs again?
Cause I'd need 3 separate invoices if this happens again otherwise, which I feel bad about if I have to ask my SS again.
I'm such an idiot, I should probably stay away from taobao from now on.

>> No.10247483
File: 3.32 MB, 3696x1796, 68192FCA-FC42-4BBB-88F0-0F79C68E60D9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is anyone else having this pop up? I’m logged in and it’s still giving me this.

>> No.10247484

Nvm, I changed the location from mainland to global and it’s working now

>> No.10247699

I'm in the EU but in Portugal and I'm having the same issue as you lol. I've tried to explain to them that the invoice was for a deposit I made in the site and I showed them the goods value instead and they won't accept that, they only accept the Paypal invoice...
Sage for no help I just wanted you to know I know the feel

>> No.10247958

Sorry to hear you are having the same problem.
Your post is actually quite helpful though, now I know what to expect.
I filled out the online form (truthfully), even provided links and my SS gave me an invoice which I also included.
Hopefully they accept the invoice, which looks very amateur to be honest.
The paypal invoice is really not accurate considering 3 items I paid for are not included, domestic shipping fees & 8% commission were added, then there's the conversion rate euro to usd + Payment transaction charge: 4.4% + 0.3 USD.
None of which are related to the actual value of the items inside my package, those were 2055,48 yuan in total.

>> No.10248048


Or if you use chrome use incognito mode.

>> No.10249337

https://m.intl.taobao.com/detail/detail.html?id=555507026295 is this an ongoing pre-order or does the dress really only cost $30?

>> No.10249746
File: 40 KB, 640x960, 70257645_1129177263948475_8817126125596573696_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know the taobao link for this store? Its name is supposedly Sweet Fragrance Lolita but I only found the weibo.

>> No.10249825

Does anyone have recommendations for cute belts that could fit into lolita? Mainly looking for something in black, white or red.

>> No.10249828
File: 197 KB, 700x700, O1CN01qK9f0W2Dxel3kQCzz_!!1590298676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any good shop recs for Liz Lisa inspired stuff and school uniforms?

>> No.10249870

Does anyone have any useful keywords or store recommendations for men's alternative fashion?

>> No.10250050

Not like if there was much.

>> No.10250153

What do you mean by alternative fashion

>> No.10250361

Thank you!

Yeah that was kind of vague, I'm mostly into goth and punk styles but I like a lot of things, just looking for stuff that's a little less mainstream Asian fashion.

>> No.10250477

could I have a link to the dress on the right, please?

>> No.10250502

Anyone else having problem to switch into any other Zone than TB Global and the search not loading?

>> No.10250504

Help, does superbuy or big guys or something come after you if you declare the value of your item lower than it is when you get it shipped to you? I thought superbuy had the option to mark as gift...

>> No.10250507

just use live chat and ask them

>> No.10250567

"hey guys can i do this shady thing?"

>> No.10250706

Superbuy will do their best to answer any question you have, even if it is shady. They don't care, and they don't care if you spend, say, 500 RMB on your haul, but declare it as 250 RMB. Customs where you live might do so, however, and I'm not going to claim to have extensive knowledge about that. I've heard of people in Nordic countries having to provide invoices to prove the value of items (usually fake branded items such as LV leather goods etc), but have never paid much attention to the details of stuff like that because I've never had to pay import taxes. I paid for shipping for my items a few hours ago and undeclared and have done so many times before without issue.

>> No.10250975

Ireland here, you have to provide an invoice to the customs office so they can determine the right amount of tax you have to pay. And sometimes they add an extra 5-10 euro 'handling fee' as well.

>> No.10251109

Link forthe bolero in the bottom corner?

>> No.10251489


>> No.10251663 [DELETED] 

Do you also have the link to the bolero on the left?

>> No.10251895

So if I want 3m of lace from laces.taobao.com I should order the 1m but in a quantity of 3 right?

>> No.10251938

yes, it'll come in one 3m piece.

>verified, I purchased from there before and loved the quality.

>> No.10252403

Does anyone have any experience using cosplay bhiner? It's technically just a reseller, right? It's convenient that it's in english but I was wondering if it would be better to just order from taobao through the ss? Not sure how trustworthy it is, or if it's just technically another SS.

>> No.10252458

its just another ss
>used bhiner a few times before

>> No.10252469

any taobao shops recommendations for black lace? im making my own bonnet so i need some for the edges
posted also in the stupid questions thread which was stupid because i should have just posted here

>> No.10252788

recs for shops (or just listings in general) that sell blouses in more than just black and white? I want to expand my base colours but its just the same basic shit everywhere

>> No.10252858

You're going to want to look more for individual listings unfortunately, I can link some though.


This shop seems to have a lot of colour options:




It honestly depends on what specific colours you're looking for, I find a lot of wine red/pink aside from ivory, white, and black.

>> No.10252860







I think that's all I have atm, let me know if you need more anon :^>

>> No.10252862

oops silly me, forgot to include little dipper's blouses







There, now I'm truly finished.

>> No.10252909

anon, I love you so much. may you find your dream dress in the colourway you want for cheap <3 <3 <3

>> No.10252926


Yup. Those deals never seem to last though. :(

>> No.10252949

Thank you!

>> No.10252960
File: 1.50 MB, 974x934, 847654342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone bought from ibabyQ? Their selection is so cheap even by Taobao standards that I'm a bit wary, but their clothes look nice so I was wondering about the quality.

>> No.10253224

Sometimes you gotta go for it. A lot of sellers can underprice just to get their name out there.

>> No.10253249
File: 121 KB, 800x800, O1CN01I8FFz81UOFTzQdZJ2_!!3310932507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anybody recommend any stores or listings for winter clothes? I recently discovered these tights that look like you're wearing thin nylons but are actually thick/plush so you can wear them in the cold and I was hoping to be able to add some more (at least decently fashionable) winter pieces to my order. For reference, it can get to -10 Celsius where I live.

>> No.10253268

Oh, stores that sell shoes/winter boots for larger foot sizes also appreciated.

>> No.10253304

whoa, what is the search term/link for this?

>> No.10253322

second this

>> No.10253337

Not the same anon but 绒加厚假连裤袜

>> No.10253348

how to search tights that will be tall enough for 167cm+?

>> No.10253483
File: 41 KB, 960x960, FB_IMG_1567992693068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know the link to Kira Kira? I need this stupid thing. I'm just getting broken old links when i search.

>> No.10253767

Does anybody have any links to some vests and jackets? Like the waistcoat looking ones, but fitted for girls

>> No.10254024 [DELETED] 

superbuy wont let me put in a wig from CCKids on taobao. anyone else having trouble with certain items? they said that it wont be inspected and it could be destroyed in customs if it goes against their rules. but it wouldnt because its just a wig. i said i understood and i had to put in the item amount and put it in the cart and it still didnt work.

>> No.10254030 [DELETED] 
File: 287 KB, 1298x746, Taobao Drop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i had some money on my account since i refunded some stuff i almost bought from antaina but saw that this shop was cheaper and had some good rep
wig: https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=520925802844&spm=1101.1101.N.N.1ad51d6
petticoat: https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=567303762859&spm=1101.1101.N.N.4455e93
shoes: https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=22275303046&spm=1101.1101.N.N.8b668bf

>> No.10254056 [DELETED] 
File: 287 KB, 1298x746, Taobao Drop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

p happy with my recent drop
does anyone have links for blouses, looking for white and/or pink ones in particular

>> No.10254058 [DELETED] 

just bought these 3 and p excited for these items; will post reviews when i get them
link drop

>> No.10254059
File: 287 KB, 1298x746, Taobao Drop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just bought these 3 and p excited for these items; will post reviews when i get them
link drop

>> No.10254285

Cute order anon.
I have the 12m petty too, it's good but not as poofy as I thought.
Under velveteen I'll definitely need the 16m. Going to buy other ones from them though (16m & one of those long ones), the quality is good and the prices really nice.
You won't regret it anon.

>> No.10254423

Well damn, I knew I should have ordered the massive A Line one. I’ll get the A Line one next paycheck and stick it under the 12m petti for monstrosity poof.
Thank you for your advice!

>> No.10254515

why can't they just fucking mark as gift gfdi

well so far ive had no problems declaring my 5euro wigs as 5euro wigs. Portugal here.
it's just that I've got a tailor made 50ish euro order and I just realized "oh shit, that exceeds that 22eur import tax".

I think it's unfair too, the value of the item/materials and the value of the seamstress worksmanship are separate things to me, if I could i wish i could reach an agreement to pay the seamstress through paypal or smth an x amount and then purchase the costume through taobao/SS the remaining costs or something, I don't know.

oh well, too late, im fucked. maybe next time. now im just gonna have to declare the value lower than it is and pray customs doesn't throw a hissy fit. fuckity fuck.

>> No.10254526
File: 159 KB, 480x480, gappycry-4536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's technically just another SS.
honestly if you can browse taobao by yourself, for SS I prefer superbuy. I mean I've never tried others and im sorry if i sound like a shill but superbuy has been working impeccably for me in all aspects. like damn.
they're easy to get the hang of, the prices and fees are reasonable (sometimes even TOO cheap, I feel bad), the workers are really nice and understand english enough, you accumulate points and coupons, and speed seems pretty good enough so far.
They inspect/take photos of most items for free as well once it arrives at their warehouse.

>tfw one of customer service workers says "hello friend. do not worry. if you need anything else, please contact me. i am here forever for you."
>i am here forever for you.
> t f w

>> No.10254579

I've been using taobaoring, now called 42agent, for many many years now. They actually give you options to mark as gift, stick invoice (even a fake one if you request it) on parcel, let you declare the value on the parcel as you wish. I'm surprised not all SS do that honestly.

Marking as gift is still useless if your goods are worth over 50 euro's though (as it's only up to 45 euro's). I'm in EU as well and this is what my country's customs says about gift packages "Is the value more than € 45 but no more than € 700? Then you pay 2.5% of the value of the goods and VAT (0 or 9 or 21%)".

>> No.10254629
File: 60 KB, 800x1136, HLB1CfXaXZrrK1RjSspaq6AREXXam.jpg_q50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What can I search to find lingerie like this?

>> No.10254663
File: 246 KB, 460x410, hepp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the info! It seemed much easier to navigate, but I think I'll probably end up trying out superbuy just so I can buy some extra taobao goodies while I'm at it. Wholesome story, anon!

Also while I'm here, I was wondering if anyone has any idea what to search to find shoes similar to this? I'm trying to find some traditional Chinese shoes for a Chen Qing Ling cosplay but I'm not sure what these are called in particular. I was hoping to find some that had a more curved/pointed tip like the drama rather than the flat rounded ones from the donghua but if not, it's not a big deal!

Thanks for any possible help!

>> No.10254674

Wait wait. You can tip on Superbuy? Oh sheeeeet. Thanks for letting me know.

I haven't ordered from Taobao in a couple of years but Superbuy has become my go-to (I used Taobaoring before that and liked it, but Superbuy is cheaper for sure! And has muuuuch better shipping options).

>> No.10254737
File: 1.77 MB, 1500x1859, small order.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Small-ish order of just bags and some cosplays.

>> No.10254741

How does Superbuy handle pre-order items, if at all? Do they ask for the whole amount upfront or just the deposit?

I've been using SpreeNow because when I first searched for a chinese SS to use they were the only ones that seemed to deal with pre-order items and I've just stuck with them ever since. I'm very pleased with their service, have never had any problems whatsoever, but it wouldn't hurt to switch to a cheaper SS if they're just as reliable and can do what I need them to.

>> No.10254760

Link to the sakura bag anon? It looks lovely

>> No.10254794


Here you go!

>> No.10254888
File: 754 KB, 1358x679, 897987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone has recs for similar-looking skirts? All I find right now is regular seifuku/tennis skirts rather than that specific pleated design.

>> No.10254904

they’re called box pleats if that helps

They usually ask for the deposit and the rest when it’s ready to ship

>> No.10254996

Link the the wig? I’ve been wanting to cosplay as Ai-chan

>> No.10254997

Sorry for replying twice fast but yes you can tip on Superbuy. Above your order when it shows your agent’s name, an inch to the right will have a button that says Tip

>> No.10255265


>> No.10255371


>> No.10255429


>> No.10255530

I'm obsessed with Taobao now. Fuck Etsy.


>> No.10255535

This was posted on Chinese Lolita Updates on Facebook 5 days ago. They don't provide links because they suck but sometimes if you comment asking for a link, someone will reply. Reverse Image searching helps otherwise.

>> No.10255821

Np anon.

I actually haven't gotten any preorder items from Superbuy but when I used to use Taobaoring, they charged me the full amount up front, and when the item shipped to them I paid for shipping for it to get to me. Just message then or leave a comment when you order the item and I'm sure the agents will be happy to help you.

>> No.10255989

>when I used to use Taobaoring, they charged me the full amount up front, and when the item shipped to them I paid for shipping for it to get to me.
that's how it is for SuperBuy. The only issue is if you don't know how much you're spending it can cause problems. i accidentally bought a giant set of clothes and accessories and Superbuy didnt mark the prices correctly so i had to pay the Outstanding balance which was almost $40 because i splurged. i had to cancel the orders and get a refund but i ended up buying >>10254059 this stuff. 4 days and it the petticoat is already at the warehouse! Seller shipped the wig and the shoes have been purchased, just waiting for the seller to ship them to the warehouse

>> No.10256016 [DELETED] 

Does anyone have any shop recommendation for shoes similar to these?

>> No.10256017
File: 37 KB, 376x645, 631437-17911-2016-04-20619537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any shop recommendation for shoes similar to these?

>> No.10256098
File: 286 KB, 700x700, costume448_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any taobao stores apart from LalaMaid that sell cute/decent quality maid dresses?

cheap Bodyline bootlegs are fine too

>> No.10256106

>tfw im shit at needle felting
anyone willing to let me pay you to make this?

>> No.10256113

>taobao seller says ships out in 15 days
>order costumes for my entire group for November
>SS is now telling me it will be 70 days and the order can't be cancelled
>other group members who ordered from aliexpress already have the same costume made and shipped

Is this how Taobao normally is...? Does anyone have any advice for me?

>> No.10256122

I need some help to find cute scarfs that'd go with lolita (sweet,but not too childish),can't really find anything good or gotta skim through 100 pages with lots of the same items

>> No.10256236

Seconding this. I'm 173cm and most tights end at my thighs. If anyone near my size has any recommendations I'd love some.

>> No.10256237

I've been hunting shoes like these too! I've seen similar ones on Clobba and lolitawardobe i think

>> No.10256557

Does anyone know if this is a replica?

>> No.10256864

When you reverse image search something from AliExpress , reseller stores ...etc and a bunch of listings with the same images come up, how do you figure out which one is the original designer? I figure the other ones are either resellers inside taobao itself, or replica sellers

>> No.10256948

Does anyone else spend a lot of money on clothes from Taobao that they only wear at home by themselves?

https://shop313798640.taobao.com is owned by the same people but with more sexual items. Might be worth checking out also.

>> No.10257117

niniyiyi usually sells lizlisa replica's so this is probably one of them.

>> No.10257446

Not sure if anyone here ever makes fursuits but some chinese kemono maker did open a supplies store a while ago, including headbases

>> No.10257635
File: 3 KB, 447x34, 1542151453914.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this pretty much say 'two for the price of one', and if so how is this handled when using a shopping service?
Google translates to
>Full 70 minus 35, 包邮, full 140 minus 70.01, 包邮, full 210 minus 105.02, free shipping

>> No.10258461
File: 1.06 MB, 1242x2208, D2B8F380-D96D-406C-969B-22EC52AC98B1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I imagine this has been asked before, but have any American anons noticed if prices have really gone up since the tariffs were enacted? Has anyone been hit with duties on their shipments? I was looking at the latest tariff list, and it looks like pretty much anything that could remotely be considered clothing now has a 10% duty.

>> No.10258472

Do the majority of you use BaseTao? I've used Ytaopal in the past with good results, but now they aren't accepting card payments and want me to send the money to them as a gift from PayPal. Meaning no protection on my end. Has anyone done this with success?

>> No.10258808 [DELETED] 
File: 2.16 MB, 2500x1346, TB order.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grabbing a few things for ALA. Thinking of getting a couple of small things and do sort of a RL gacha.

>> No.10258848
File: 2.52 MB, 2560x1920, 19-09-17-21-50-17-764_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems decently sturdy and keeps fabric off my legs, which will be good when it's hot. It's a bit small on its own so it definitely needs a small petti on top (Which also smooths the edges) I'm also not a fan of the shape it has when it's on its own.

>> No.10258871

Any shoe shops that would seel orange lolita shoes?

>> No.10258876

A shop that sells custom shoes like An Tai Na or Angelic Imprint perhaps?

>> No.10258893

Sounds suspicious, I would err on the side of caution.

>> No.10258897
File: 2.16 MB, 2500x1346, TB order.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking of doing a possible gacha thing at ALA with Arknights stuff while I cosplay it. If it falls through, at least I have enough to go about with an ita bag.

>> No.10258946

Not familiar with it but I'm really interested to see this when you're done making it.

>> No.10259087

If you're talking about the gacha thing, it's nothing special. Since it'll probably just be having people reach int he bag and pulling out something. Since that's practically how summons are in the game as well.

>> No.10259220
File: 952 KB, 1280x720, Taobao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Small order with some lightweight blouses for spring!

>> No.10259226

Sauce for legwear and headband?

>> No.10259228

Deer tights:

Strawberry tights:


The headband comes in quite a few different colours!
Thought I would try the pink first, if the quality is nice I plan on getting some more colours next time.

>> No.10259231

Bless you, anon

>> No.10259233

I'd definitely be interested in a review of the headband when you get it

>> No.10259234

You're most welcome!

I'll let you know how it turns out!

>> No.10259303

cosplay question here. i wanna order a cosplay but the only options are "Customized shipping within 15 days" and the largest option is too small for me-72cm waist- but they have a "Tailored" option.
i have no clue what the 15 days shit means but i think tailored means custom??
can someone explain this to me please

>> No.10259326

i own that headband and its very nice! not really a review but sweetdreamer is very reputable.

>> No.10259348

Thanks to both of you! All I really needed to hear was that it's nice anyway, haha.

>> No.10259577

Any recommendations for grey shoes for lolita?

>> No.10259723

What's it like when you sit down?

>> No.10260032

I haven't tried in in a chair with a back yet but I certainly noticed the hoops in my lap when I sat down. Compared to a regular petti, there's much less floof pooling around you.

>> No.10260096

Coming back late to this thread to say I did it anyway and everything went fine.

>> No.10260121

I can't search for anything without an account. Is there any way to get around this? I'm skeeved out by putting my phone number etc into a Chinese site.

>> No.10260644

Could anyone recommend stores that sell thongs or gstrings? Looking for no frills stuff.

>> No.10260774
File: 1.20 MB, 918x600, please help me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After searching for hours, please, if anyone has seen any hair accessories (hats, bows, anything really) that matches the pink in Marine Kingdom/this Dear Celine blouse please link me.

If you happen to have some links for smaller accessories in navy as well that would be amazing! I'm finding a lot of dusty/muted pinks, but nothing that matches this color. Also just generally having a hard time finding small navy accent pieces for my hair.

>> No.10260776

the "China is scary and will put me on a mailing address!" fear is misplaced, it's a huge country with many perfectly reputable businesses in addition to shady ones. Regulations are a little more lax sure but your average company isn't gonna go sell your phone number or something. (Lax regulations +sheer population size is also why you get so many Indian scam callers but odds are they got your number from someone in YOUR country selling it out.)

>> No.10260892

Antaina can make you all of their shoes in grey on request.

>> No.10260904

No. Also you sound racist af.

>> No.10260987

I filled in my phonenumber and I haven't received any scammy emails or scammy phone calls.
Taobao a pretty trustworthy site, you don't need to worry.

>> No.10261012

Anyone knows any cute chocolate dresses?

>> No.10261042

if you're really scared about putting your phone number "into a chinese site" just use google voice.

>> No.10261399

Anyone got any recs for hime sleeve blouses? Also looking for long sleeve printed blouses. Just drop your best blouse recs, I guess. I'm sick of ordering from taobao and it turning out crap.

>> No.10261429

Being concerned about how your data is handled in a country known for lax regulations isn't racist. You sound 14

>> No.10261555

I found this randomly and thought of you, anon!

>> No.10261591

There was a lolita taobao brand that did a hooded witch dress years earlier and i can't find it. I know it won't be for sale but I'd like to look through their other things/dresses that are similar

>> No.10261595

bumping this

>> No.10261596
File: 18 KB, 387x400, toalicewitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never mind, found the pic searching my old laptop. it was the to alice OP

>> No.10261745

In reality people do not give a shit about someone unless they are famous.

>> No.10261830
File: 90 KB, 750x1000, d5c1c2c822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what shop is this from? google is failing me.

>> No.10262195


>> No.10262386

Do you have the link to the Dear Celine blouse?

>> No.10262451
File: 1.67 MB, 3024x3024, IMG_1234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So I got the headband today and it's really nice! It also matches the colour of the blouse quite well which was a bonus!

Sadly the glass water bottle I ordered was shattered when it arrived. You win some you lose some I guess.

>> No.10262479

Thanks for the review anon!

>> No.10262598

Can anyone help me find some links to brown lolita blouses? I'm having a lot of issues finding some.

>> No.10262605

I'll help you, but what kinda blouses? Elegant? Sweet?

>> No.10262635

I'm actually in search for both, thank you!

>> No.10262659

Drop a throwaway email in the name field, I found a bunch of them.

>> No.10262762

aight done

>> No.10262933

hey gulls, i looked through the dictionary and some old threads, but didn't find anything. does anyone know good search terms for a bed canopy? like the lace part. i tried using the term for bed and mosquito netting, but didn't find much.

>> No.10262974
File: 734 KB, 1100x1226, 1547161733114.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would anyone know a store with this specific type of socks? They're called bobby socks, but I'm specifically after ones that have an elastic 'pinch' near the top and are folded down and ruffled like this picture. I'm specifically looking to avoid lace ones, which is what I can mostly find.

>> No.10263172
File: 106 KB, 400x400, O1CN01t0qAo22KBkhWKfXCc_!!33109519.jpg_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think customs would seize this? I feel like this is an obvious answer but I got cosplay swords from taobao before and I got them with no issues.

>> No.10263421

link to blouses and strawberry socks please?

>> No.10263458


Strawberry tights:


>> No.10263594

i need help finding plus size tights or just otks. im looking for light blue ones like a sky blue

>> No.10263600

for all you spooky poo poos

>> No.10263602

Link for the Makka tissue box cover?
It’s so cute

>> No.10263628
File: 726 KB, 678x1000, TB2V.YatBNkpuFjy0FaXXbRCVXa_!!87209185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone bought this OP or from Surface Spell in general before? How's the quality and processing time? I really want to get this dress just in time for December in the royal blue colorway but since I haven't seen anyone wear it for reference in pictures I'm worried about its appearance or quality irl

>> No.10263633


I bought the grey jsk.

Quality: It's pretty good for taobao. I mean don't expect lush jacquard with silken sheen gently caressing your skin, but it's not a shiny pile of plastic at least. It's very obviously satin, but not too cheap-looking. The cross pendant is very thin and light, that makes it easier to wear (looks a bit like the one Meta used for their Nightmare Forest print anyway).

Timing is the real issue. The page said the dress would be ready in 45 days. I thought something was wrong when I realised two months had gone by and it hadn't shipped. Was looking for someone who speaks chinese to try and contact her when sometime in the third month the seller shipped my dress. Got it and everything was fine. Of course, came onto cgl and was told I was lucky, someone else had a dress that wasn't shipped for like a year or something?

So.... kinda go forward with a prayer and a backup plan if you want it in time for December, I guess.

>> No.10264152


>> No.10264488
File: 1.76 MB, 2048x2048, pixlr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a raise so it's taobao order time.

Here's what I've got on the way now. I'm guessing there will be more...

>> No.10264654
File: 35 KB, 400x276, TB23jEDoVXXXXX1XpXXXXXXXXXX_!!830055817.jpg_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone ever order this petticoat before? Opinion on the poof? It's from Magic Tea Party.

Finally have to replace my Classical Puppets petticoats :( Looking for a really good cupcake petti.

>> No.10264826

Why is that pic of Fancy Hospital print there?

>> No.10264837

Placeholder so the last spot of the collage isn't just empty I assume

>> No.10264855

ayrt. Yup, what >>10264837 said.

>> No.10264875

I'm trying to find some Demon Slayer cosplay stuff but I can't get the correct search term, could anyone help me?

>> No.10264931

Link to the shoes?

>> No.10264942

Here ya go, friend.

>> No.10265194

I'm making a fruit coord with taobao stuff only
any shops/links to stuff with strawberry purses or jewelry? I tried looking up strawberry or fruit in chinese and adding jewelry or bag but it didn't help at all

>> No.10265224

CakeCakie has some adorable strawberry jewelry:

>> No.10265255

ayrt thank you for sharing the shop!

>> No.10265268

No problem. I forgot to mention: make sure you're getting a pair and not a single earring. Did that mistake once and I would not recommend the experience

>> No.10265274

Thank you anon! Would you mind reviewing the shoes when they arrive? I'm interested in the quality and comfort

>> No.10265296

Is Bhiner spitting out a 522 error to anyone else trying to access the site? I understand there's some kind of holiday coming up in China but I don't think they'd take down the entire site for it...

>> No.10265338 [DELETED] 

The chinese name of the series is "Ghost Blade" 鬼灭之刃

>> No.10265340

The chinese name of the series is "Ghost Blade" 鬼灭之刃 but be aware they changed the designs of the characters in their version to some degree, meaning some cosplays may not be totally accurate. For example, they changed the hanafuda earrings because they resembled the rising sun flag too much.

>> No.10265343

Working fine for me.

>> No.10265369

does anyone have shops/links to moon or fox jewelry?

>> No.10265403

the shops didn’t change it, the anime is like that in china. that’s also literally the only change

>> No.10265414

Thank you anon!! Helps a lot!

Yeah Bhiner is down for me

>> No.10265683

you got it, will do.

>> No.10265958

Does anyone know the search term for a fur muff for your hands? Thank you in advance!

>> No.10265996

Does anyone if taobao sells period/historical clothing? (eg. 1920s, regency, edwardian etc.)
Doesn't need to be accurate, just needs to be recognisable.

>> No.10266125

do taobao stores that sell j fashion brands like ank rouge for cheaper sell replicas or some sort of factory rejected pieces? it's tempting to buy but i’m not sure if i want a replica

>> No.10266205

>shops didn’t change it
Never said that, learn how 2 read, they=china

>> No.10266206

It's usually factory rejects with some flaws which usually aren't stated so be aware you may get pieces with elastics not sewn in, buttons missing, etc.

>> No.10266209


>> No.10266297

Classical puppets does some but for everything else search 中世纪宫廷风

>> No.10266317

Thank you so much!!

>> No.10266463

How can I view my chat history on Aliwangwang? I was in the middle of a conversation with a seller and my computer restarted.

>> No.10266469

Thank you so much!

>> No.10266513

Ah, you're amazing! Thank you!

>> No.10266538

how can aliexpress sellers afford to offer free or cheap(<$2) shipping for $7 items, but taobao agents can't? any taobao agent with actual low prices?

>> No.10266551 [DELETED] 

Since HoneyCake is approaching, here is a list of all the bear ears I can find

>> No.10266554 [DELETED] 


>> No.10266557

since Honey Cake is approaching (for JP), here's a huge list I made of all the cute bear ears. not all of them match the dress, but can be cute with other coords!

>> No.10266559


>> No.10266607

I won't be buying these, but you're an angel, anon. May your brands arrive fast and in good conditions.

>> No.10266830

the headband in >>10259220 's post?

>> No.10266831

Bless you anon

>> No.10266933

Happy to help~ i hope your packages safely arrive on time

>> No.10266969

The headband matches the colour of the pink blouse in the collage very well but I think the blouse you've chosen looks like a slightly stronger pink than mine. It's worth having a look at the listing anyway because there are more colours and one of them might match?



>> No.10267031

looking for a long black dress with a slit

>> No.10267138

Does AliExpress ship straight to your house, or do they ship to someone who then ships to you?

>> No.10267142

I suppose some stores could operate differently but all the ones I've used seem to ship directly. The way they can afford free shipping is because China has huge subsidies on export shipping. If you buy from Japanese or Korean sellers, they pay much more for shipping, so offering free shipping on very small orders would probably cost them more money than what you're paying.

>> No.10267152

Does anyone have the link to heart shaped clothes hangers? Thank u

>> No.10267159

here you go https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=567859755212

>> No.10267625

Anyone have personal favorites for cute baseball cap designs? I have a gray Pusheen cap I wear a lot, and I'd like another girly cap in a neutral color like black, white, or pink to match more outfits. I was thinking maybe a black cap with piercings like Listen Flavor, but I'm not sure whether it will look trendy or trashy. Or maybe I should buy a plain black cap and attach a ribbon bow at the back myself.

>> No.10267799

I placed an order directly thru taobao ~10 days ago for wigs and various other things, but the bulk of my order are wigs from lucaille. Everything else has shipped except for the lucaille wigs, which in my past experience have usually been shipped pretty promptly? Does anyone know what the fuck is up w lucaille rn? Should I be getting worried? I've been clicking the remind seller to ship button every couple days...

>> No.10267802

Its currently National holiday in China, there is shipping/ courier delays til the 11th I believe

>> No.10267939

So i read through the SS spreadsheet but it all doesn't sound so positive somehow, like there isn't really one who sounds convincing I never ordered from taobao but i want to try it but i'm super paranoid if an order wouldn't really work out. I just want to buy 2-3 not too fancy cosplays and i live in central europe, can someone recommend me a SS from their experience?

>> No.10267991

42agent. Never fails me.

>> No.10267994

Central Europe here as well, I use 42agent because they reply to messages really quickly, they have awesome customer service all around and can split your orders into multiple packages to work out the cheapest shipping option. They also mark down the value of your package upon request. My packages usually come in no more than a week after being shipped by airmail.

>> No.10268022

Another anon. Also used 42agent (former Taobaoring) for my last order. Before I used Spreenow. Both were easy to use and transactions went smoothly.

>> No.10268082

Does anyone know where I can find a) cute white classic gloves and b) a cool toned brown classic bag? All the gloves I've managed to find are sold out and the purses are all too sweet/warm toned. I've gone through the spreadsheet but haven't had any luck :/

>> No.10268097

I've been using Taobaotrends, it's been great for me. I've also heard great things about 42agent (used to be taobaoring i think)

>> No.10268105

Glad to hear that it takes only a week by airmail. I'm also from Central Europe and I'm worried that my package won't arrive until the upcoming convention. ;_;

>> No.10268168

How do I search for a specific term? I keep searching "<series> cos" and I'll get 2 or 3 results from that series while the rest only contain the word "cos"

>> No.10268169

I worded that kind of weird, but hopefully the message comes across, haha.

>> No.10268298

So has anyone experience with ytaopal?

>> No.10268315

You're probably searching the wrong term. Are you putting the series in English or Japanese? You need to find the Chinese title of the series and even then sometimes it's known by a different name in China.

Example: Overwatch literally translates to "watch pioneer" in English but on Taobao I've seen it called everything from "watch the vanguard" to "pioneer ass" and "watch the ass vanguard"

>> No.10268318

I had the same problems and i copied and pasted from the dictionary provided. I searched madoka and got like 5 madoka things and the rest were sailor moon or CC Sakura

>> No.10268323


Long link but here you go.

>> No.10268324
File: 731 KB, 631x541, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also I suggest getting one of these. It's brilliant.

>> No.10268327

I had a similar problem finding stuff for precure, which is called "Lady of the light" in chinese if I remember correctly.

Just as >>10268315 said, chinese names for series can be weird. Best you could do is find a series relevant listing, copy the whole headline into google translater, try to figure out which characters describe the series name and copy the term back into taobao + cos. It works out for me most of the time.

>> No.10268385

Any recommendations for shops that sell loliable wigs apart from Monkeep and Dreamholic?

>> No.10268386

Also bumping this

>> No.10268521

it doesn't alway work but it does most of the time ; I just go to the wikipedia's page of the show ,switch the language to chinese and copy the title

>> No.10268672

does anyone have links for more western gothic/visual kei type stores?

>> No.10268703

A lot of Chinese lolitas use Alicegarden

>> No.10268726

Having trouble searching for something specific. Is there a specific term for the red armbands the student council members wear in anime?

>> No.10268779

thank you i appreciate it
to not waste replies since this thread is coming to an end soon, i wanted to know is there any contact lenses shops on taobao that are safe? i wore contacts once for a cosplay and im only wearing these lenses for a meetup

>> No.10269120

Does anybody know of any nice deer fur-print items like jackets, bags, and accessories?

>> No.10269156

Don't do it.

>> No.10269426

found a really cheap item that is said to be from yumetenbo and the stock is really low, is it likely to be a replica? or some factory reject? it’s a sold out item on the official website so i’m tempted to buy

>> No.10269734

Does anyone know of any shops that sell Gyaru wigs/wig pieces or wigs that would be good for OTT sweet?

>> No.10269785

Link to the berets?

>> No.10270289

So i live in Germany and do i need some kind of special invoice on the package if i ordered only two cosplays? Germany can be pretty strict

>> No.10270299

risk it for the biscuit

>> No.10270356

Some SS will add a false invoice on it for you, but customs do not always believe so then you'll have to provide them with more details. Your package can fly under the radar if it's small or light, but it it's a large heavy parcel they won't believe the contents are worth only like 18 dollars. I usually ask my SS to add a fake amount on my package so I have to pay less to customs. Never have problems that way. Not sure this answers your question though.

>> No.10270379
File: 31 KB, 581x563, Cw8M1sbVQAARqZs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any hidden costs with buying from multiple stores at once and shipping directly to Australia via Taobao?

>> No.10270403

If your package is brought to the customs office, they'll usually want to see some sort of invoice or proof of payment. Depending on what shopping service you used and how they structure their invoices, it might work if you just bring them the invoice for the shipping fees...

>> No.10270687

If you don’t have a prescription just go to uniqso. It’s not worth risking your sight for sketchy cheap lenses

>> No.10270693
File: 136 KB, 640x640, 300pcs-Candy-Colors-Pompom-Balls-15-25mm-Fluffy-Balls-Pom-Poms-Polyester-Craft-Ball-Home-Decor.jpg_640x640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok what on earth should I put in the search bar to find some of these? I tried some things I got from google translate but didn't find anything

>> No.10270771

Anyone find any fire emblem three houses cosplay yet? I keep only finding awakening

>> No.10271195

Do you guys prefer the app or the website version of Taobao?

>> No.10271271


>> No.10271273

ive seen some of these on deco specific stores, try some of those!

>> No.10271282

Website. And I hate it whenever people post mobile links on here.

>> No.10271330

What terms should I be searching for to find imouto-kei? I checked the dictionary spreadsheet but didn't see one for it.

>> No.10271668

Age play. The term you're looking for is age play.

>> No.10272526

any other links to cute honey cake accessories?

>> No.10272585

There is none because not many shops cather to that, your best bet is To Alice, https://hsp0618.taobao.com/ , https://tangguomeiyi.tmall.com/ and https://869787.taobao.com/

>> No.10272824

Could you link the cardigan and headband?

>> No.10272977

People like that are why I'm not too worried about being able to make a profit reselling stuff I buy from Taobao. Looking forward to 11/11!

>> No.10273000

I fucking love Alicegarden, I've got five wigs by them and they're all amazing. Super soft, barely any tangling, all come with a fake scalp so they look real too. They do need a day or two to air out at first because they smell quite heavily imo but other than that they're amazing.

>> No.10273001

What is their sizing like? As small as dreamholic or more forgiving for westerners?

>> No.10273017

Thank anon! The second one and the last one have some really comfy looking stuff!

>> No.10273019

i know we're on auto sage but is there any store that sells nice laced crew socks for lolita?

thanks in advance anons!

>> No.10273028

New bread