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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10232577 No.10232577 [Reply] [Original]

What do you remember most from when you started cosplaying? How long ago was it? What’s changed? Post old con photos too

>> No.10232579
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>> No.10232580
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>> No.10232585
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>> No.10232586
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>> No.10232587
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>> No.10232760

Is that Keanu Reeves

>> No.10232896
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a bleach meetup at Anime North 2005

>> No.10232899
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Anime North 2008

imo if cosplay has changed in the last 15 years, it's only because of:
- easy access to crafting supplies
- access to information
- popularity of the hobby naturally raising the top level possible

>> No.10232900

itt. cosplay before social media ruined it.

>> No.10232901
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This is a photo of yaya hosting a cosplay panel 18 years ago

This is a great site for a blast from the past www.usagichan2.com

>> No.10232938
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>> No.10232963

A major thing about cosplay nowadays is everyone tries to monetize everything they possibly can.
Years ago, you could look up cosplay tutorials for free and ask for help and (usually) people would be eager to help out, but now everyone’s got a patreon where they exclusively post their tutorials, and if you ask them for help they want money for it.

Also, I never really paid attention to drama back in the day but it feels like there’s a lot of fucking drama recently, but it may have always been present.

>> No.10232969

i only started cosplaying in 2016

>> No.10233006

that perfect ahoge on the right

>> No.10233030

I feel like there has always been drama, just because cons are in some respects just big nerd parties and most of the participants in their late teens the to early 20s.
I agree the monetization of thing changed it the most.
While it has always been dress up at its heart there used to be more of the community into the craftmanship.
There is nothing wrong with all the people who buy stuff and just enjoy dressing up, but it is now the majority that are like that.

>> No.10233037
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I weirdly miss how no one wore wigs. It didn't look good at all, just some weird nostalgia thing

>> No.10233124

I think the nature has changed somewhat, rather than cosplaying what you like, a lot of people cosplay what's popular just to chase all those likes from strangers.

>> No.10233193

people spraying on hair color spray in the parking lot

>> No.10233212


I recognize that bulge!

>> No.10233227

I feel like it's harder to just nerd out about things and make friends the same way. I think it's a mix of less centralized fandoms, age, more normalfags coming into cons, and people being more cautious about stangers at cons now. It'll be almost 10 years since I started going to cons, and I'm still close with people I met in 2010-11, but I hardly ever meet anyone new now. It could just be a me thing, but I wish it felt as easy as it did back in the day to just meet a stranger and be able to talk about your favorite things for hours.

>> No.10233240

probably the opposite, people have now just internalized the concept that "wigs = cosplay". and i'm kinda new to this shit so i don't think this is nostalgia?

it's not always the case, but it's honestly better to go non-wig if you can get away with it. more elegant, less awkward. you get less of that "putting on mom's makeup" feel somehow.

>> No.10233251

It’s okay to go without a wig if it’s a more realistic cosplay (think Lara Croft) and your hair matches. Definitely not suitable for anything else.

Back then all we knew about was shitty party city wigs and wigs made for regular, non cosplay wear and those just came in natural colors. Or >>10233193

>> No.10233263

natural hair > dyed hair > wigs > spray on color

i just think the tolerance has changed, and maybe that change is a little off the mark. you can do natural hair in a lot more contexts than most are willing to risk, because right now the values put matching color and cartoony shape above looking actual-good.

but if the choice is
natural hair with a mediocre color/shape match
a shitty wig with every polygonal spike perfectly sculpted,
i'd go for the former any day

>> No.10234102
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>> No.10234111


Why do these cosplay girls look like they've been through some shit?

>> No.10234117
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it was before cosplay is not consent

>> No.10234119
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>> No.10234137
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>> No.10234149

Nah, those girls would suck dick for cash or a ride to the con and a hotel room. I did it all the time. Get 2 or 3 and have a little weekend dressup harem. If they sucked or fucked real good I'd buy 'em something off the floor. Good old days.

>> No.10234152

That's an awfully big helping of shit that didn't happen

>> No.10234199

Shitty cameras, shitty lighting, no photoshop, cosplayers who were nowhere near as good at posing or doing expressions as they are today.

>> No.10234206

if only they knew that leopard print implies you are a BBC only cuckoldress...

I'd fug tha far right kirry grill btw and the chink kitty grill too

>> No.10234213
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>> No.10234214
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>> No.10234221

Holy shit dude, first of all you're as bad as one of those boomers who always thought every teen accessory trend was some kind of secret high school code for giving blowjobs or whatever because they read it on some chain email if you believe that shit, and secondly even if it WERE true it wouldn't have been back when that photo was taken.

>> No.10234238

Oh man. Ohhhh man. The stories I could tell about Chris and Kimberly. Yikes, thanks for the ptsd OPanon lol

>> No.10234318

Well, go on

>> No.10234392

I'm listening

>> No.10234430
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I started it as a means of trying to socialize and find friends who were more compatible with my hobbies (anime and games and etc} this pic is from 2o12 I think

>> No.10234434

I'm sogeking btw

>> No.10235919

Met Grant at a con recently, her life seems pretty depressing desu. Divorced, forced to move/downsize, obsessed with merch of her characters but no room to store the hoard of it, bypassed for any new big roles, including the redub of her one claim to fame, selling merch from the artists ally in a backwater convention. Pretty sad, I think.

>> No.10235933
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Saw a thread on /v/ where everyone was fapping to some big titted MILF
Turns out it was Tristen Citrine - major blast from the past
Like, she was already old when I first started

Good for her I guess if she's still getting attention at her age

>> No.10235949

It wasn't cool to be a nerd back then. They were bottom-rank girls taking shit from everyone and working McJobs while trying to land one of the four not-fat nerd guys in their circle.

Now you can make five figures on Patreon with bought cosplay thanks to thirsty betas, whom you can also abuse and insult for kicks whenever you want. Better to be queen of the nerds than backup-backup side chick to some sports bro.

>> No.10236052

He's not wrong. I do that and Im probably younger than him. Cons are for all your fantasies, including sex.

>> No.10236054
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I'm pretty sure you dont look any better

>> No.10236092
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>> No.10236969

Ok, how could girls make me do that?
Please teach me master!

>> No.10237028


Gain height
Hit the weights
Take a shower
Get a clue

>> No.10237208

Be yourself

>> No.10237240


I sub to patreon and then immediately cancel it before they put out any content that I can be billed for - I've only done this for specifically one cosplayer who had tutorials for group cosplays so I could potentially help a friend later and boy am I glad I did.

So many steps are missed and they're often poorly worded or drawn out on MS Paint. And when I look at the pictures of the group there's so many inconsistencies despite having made them together. I just wanted a leg up with what materials and roughly how much to get since they usually list them with the 'tutorial'.

>> No.10238090

dont be yourself. yourself is why you are loser. grind like you do any other skill.

>> No.10238138

Oh god I miss the days of reading the drama about her.

>> No.10238149


she's still causing drama 15+ years later
go to lolcow

>> No.10238337

check lolcow, she has resurfaced with new drama

>> No.10238489

who is it?

>> No.10238674

Usagi Kou

>> No.10246364


I have never cosplayed but I have thought about it a bit before when sewing ym owb gloves and maybe do a FF7 cosplay.

Been going to Anime north and cnax (now fan eXpo) since 1998. Anime has exploded in the last 20yrs. Not to mention the price and cost ofnthe conventions.

I remember when cnax (Canadian national Anime eXpo) cost $35/3days and you got the lithograph of MD Geist for the Japanese artist to sign.

Also back then cnax took up bit of the con floor space then around the early 2000's they cut the floor space in half and jacked up the prices like double. It has gotten now in 2019 to be hardly affordable to go for 3 days (yes I know they made it 4 days). FANEXPO nickle and dimes and milks you for anything they can get away with. They have always been corporate vs Anime North which has been fan run. Back then many artists at cnax did not charge or maybe like a fiver for autographs. Now like Johnathan frakes is $60 to sign and $65 for a photo and you wonder why people are sniping photos of them at distance and Aman having his staff/goons go around trying to thwart photo snipers.

I remember the humble beginnings of Anime North at the Michener institute where you felt the love of the small con and the cosplayers. Now with the consideration being large I don't feel the same love (especially with fan eXpo) as before. It feels more like so much what you can afford and flaunt from dealers room buys and who has a higher status badge then you and the holier then thou of some cosplayers and snobbishness towards other cosplayers if not perfect look alikes.

For the first time in 20yrs I wasn't feeling it for fab eXpo and didn't go.

>> No.10246367
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>> No.10246851

Were cosplay girls as slutty and drug-addicted then as they are now?

>> No.10246853

>it wouldn't have been back when that photo was taken.
doubt, that shit goes way back as well, probably none of the girls knew back then though, and probably most of the girls don't know now, but yeah, I'm stuck with this stupid "knowledge"

>> No.10246855

I remember what probably was some copypasta or a screencap, it was from a con several years ago, it was from a dude that scored with a cosplayer girl, and fucked her in the bathroom. When they finished she just screamed "STDS gotta catch'em all" and ran away.

>> No.10246856

I recognize like half the people in this pic.
I'm pretty sure that Momiji transitioned.

>> No.10246908

And they wonder why we view them as rape bait in their skimpy cosplays.

>> No.10246935

>rape bait
please kys

>> No.10246937

Your dad has sexual thoughts about you.

>> No.10246954

sorry you got molested as a child anon but no need to project

>> No.10247489

never cosplay but the earliest i can recall of the otaku “community” was when Alodia’s gosiengfao’s name was being spammed around in the mid 00s

>> No.10247578
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If you didn't browse Setsuna Kou's site and make endless lists of dubiously made costumes you were totally going to buy when you got a job, were you really into cosplay in the early 2000s?

>> No.10247645

Why would you know that?

>> No.10247673

take a wild guess

>> No.10248645

Wow, have not heard her name in like a decade. Never did see her as milfy more fatty imho.

>> No.10248916


Check out this website

>> No.10248998

It's been nearly 20 years and I'll never fucking get over the:
- Tiny blurred webcam pictures.
- Oval cutouts, Curlz Mt Font, Lensflare
- Posing in what looks like grandmas bedroom
- Wrinkled shiny satin, shiny stretch satin, satin for everything.
- Lumpy misshapen, misaligned disasters, topstiching and interfacing nowhere to be found

I wanted to commission her.

At least looking at what seems to be more recent, she's had some improvement. The SOA costumes at least appear to have cleaner lines and a lack of satin. Though it still looks like she never learned to style wigs even if the wig sourcing became better since 1999.

>> No.10249007
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before Patreon there was this
I wonder how many old cosplayers are annoyed they didnt have Patreon at the time

>> No.10249013

I remember being in the car, headed to my first con with my friends from college anime club in 2002. Seeing my first group of IRL cosplayers just hanging outside having a smoke. That first feeling of excitement.

I only brought my one cosplay and wore it on Saturday.

Everyone cosplaying the same 20-some odd series. Virtually no western stuff around. It was there occasionally, but not nearly like it is today.

I remember the before times when Coscom wasn't a thing, but everyone used ACP and Cosplaylab. You had to apply to Cosplaylab and wait to get an account setup by the admins I think. It was really small, as in browse one page and see everyone on it.

Everyone had their own cosplay websites. Even small timers like me had one, and we link shared with everyone, even the well-known ones because the community was so close knit.

People would travel across the country, from CA to podunk PA for a con with less than 1000 attendees held in some hotel conference hall, just because it was an event to attend.

While there were cosplay guests, they were more or less fan panelists who had been doing this for a couple of years. If someone contacted a con back then asking to be a guest for cosplay, most would laugh at that notion.


>> No.10249014


People stored all their cosplay photos on their websites using the same gallery script written in perl, there were still some webhosts not offering php. If you weren't that savvy, you put all your pics on photobucket.

Every con had a forum and you'd link your gallery. There was no tagging. You asked for photos "Did you get a picture of me", and hope someone might come across you and link you.

Not a lot of people had digital cameras. My first year of cons were all documented on disposable cameras and something similar to the polaroid mini thing that's been popular the last 5-6 years or more.

If you were at a big con, you hoped Kevin Lillard or Usagichan would get your pic. Then you'd have to go through pages upon pages upon pages on dial up until you found it. Find them today in your old files: they're for ants.

Paying for photoshoots was utterly unheard of. When the admin of coscom started doing that, I remember there being a big stink. Now it's part of the culture.

AX the year I started: 15,250
Otakon: 12,880
Those are eh, I can probably miss this medium-sized con numbers.

>> No.10249233

Why u not spilling the tea? Multiple peeps want info on them.

>> No.10249666

>ye olde legwarmers
If they weren't cheap Naruto costume adaptations that would be so pretty

cute and hot

>> No.10249669
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>> No.10249672

Right... which is consensual. Getting groped at without permission is not.

>> No.10250166
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is tunamelt nostalgia yet

>> No.10250173

Not super old school, but I remember the days of Acire, Miyu, Kippi, Saya etc threads. Oh man it's been a hot minute.

>> No.10250363

What ever happened to Miyu?

>> No.10250434

I don't have any pictures but fuck yes, I love this nostalgic shit.

I agree with this! My main era of attending cons that I had a great time at was 05-13. More recently I have gone to a couple but my enjoyment really tanked because everything is so massive and there's very little sense of community. With cons getting bigger and bigger and encompassing more and more things, it gets harder to make meaningful connections. The bigger cons in my country also made harder to organise meet-ups and so on. There are a few cons that remain small and have a similar atmosphere to the old days, but not many.

It is nice to have so many resources easily available nowadays though, like good wigs, materials and so on. I started out in that era of no-wigs and making cosplays out of old bedsheets and thrifted clothes. Though I agree with people in this thread pointing out that natural hair is often better than a shitty wig and I don't think the insistence that everyone should use wigs all the time is right.

>> No.10251331

idk, why didnt they get her to do the redub?

>> No.10251609

her proportions are just too weird. also whats with SEAlanders and having those burn marks? every one i know has them.

>> No.10251671

how do I find cute desperate women these days?
there has to be some kind of niche, it's not like there is just more men than woman, for every beta orbiter there has to be some available woman

>> No.10251697

Considering how desperate men are, getting a boyfriend as a women isn't hard. You literally have to be a dog fucker or a serial adulterer to fall into the desperate category as a woman.

>> No.10251909

yeah, you are probably right, but how did it get this way? it can't be that there are just way more lesbians than gay men.
was it Chinas one child policy creating way more young men, sending its effects even through America?
I wish I could find somehow a woman as excited to be with me as I would to be with her, but I just don't think she exists.

>> No.10251918

As a woman, finding a good man IS hard. Sure, I could probably get laid in 10 minutes if I went out and tried, but finding a fulfilling relationship and partner who wants the same thing IS hard. There is a difference between being in a relationship with any random man just because I can't stand being alone, and being in a relationship that is positive and full of lasting fulfillment. Sadly, I'd rather be alone than waste my time with some person for the sake of not being alone. It's hard for women too.

>> No.10252018

You're confusing catcalls with productive and mature relationships. Getting a guy is not hard at all, I have never had to put myself out there or chase anyone, but it's very difficult to find someone compatible with your interests and world view and grow and commit to that relationship.

>> No.10252020

It's not hard to find a desperate woman if all you're looking for is instant gratification, consequences be damned, especially if you don't care about the appearance or hygiene of the goods.

>> No.10252089

how do I be perceived as this good man?
even if women really do struggle to find what they are looking for, they seem pretty reluctant to let men try.
I guess by desperate I mean open to letting even me have an extended conversation with them, in hopes that I might turn out to be a "good man".

>> No.10252091

If you are genuinely good, then you likely wouldn't have to worry about such a thing. Women have to be picky because most men are gross, even the supposedly desirable ones. The thing i can tell you is that all women across the board look for someone who can provide a sense of security and comfort. Part of that is showing that you understand boundaries, not being socially retarded.

>> No.10252103

>If you are genuinely good, then you likely wouldn't have to worry about such a thing. Women have to be picky because most men are gross, even the supposedly desirable ones.
I understand that, assuming you have to actually substantially interact with him to determine this.
I am sure that if I could have the chance I would do just fine, but it seems like most already have enough of the good guys that they don't need to look for more, in fact generally disliking the passive male attention since most of them are creeps.
basically I am looking for one who will humor the men who usually turn out to not be what she is looking for, because she hopes one will be dating material
I think my main problem is the fact that there are so many desperate and not very likeable men that you have to try hard to get a chance, which makes you seem desperate...

>> No.10252125

>Pictures of 2012 or even more recent

Bitch please, cosplay nostalgia means the 90's. These are pretty recent.

Summer is still in 4chan and kids aren't back to school yet.

>> No.10252129

Post some then instead of bitching Grandma

>> No.10252142

>cosplay nostalgia thread
>turns into whining /r9k/cels

>> No.10252157

I never cosplayed, but spoony from 10 years ago posting nudes on here.

Chav, thick poor people English accent, Eva Braun features, still want to put a baby in her

>> No.10252158

You don't, don't get oneitis, even though I'm sitting here talking about some cam hoe.

Fuck anything that moves for 2-3 years and inevitably one girl will like you enough to date you.

Stop asking women for advice on relationships they lie to you

>> No.10252159


M8 you obviously havent seen what Spoony looks like now

The Wall destroyed her

>> No.10252162

Got 2019 pics?

She should.only be like.....28?

>> No.10252281

anything in unbroken bonds worth getting?

>> No.10252324

I vaguely remember masturbating to this picture many, many years ago.

>> No.10252978

Which ones? She has a ton of self-harm scars but usually SEA got big scars on their upper arms from vaccines. I don't see burn marks but i have ones from birth on my back that's a darker patch than the rest and two round ones that my dad said was made by branding with chopsticks since baby ward in Vietnam was shit and it was the only way to make sure i was their baby.

>> No.10252991

Travel outside the US. I noticed a lot of dudes are going to South America/Dominican Republic/Asia/Africa to get a woman.

>> No.10253021

but I want a girl who shares somewhat of a similar life experience with me

>> No.10253038

I met my first gf on social media site that allowed anonymous comments. I met my second gf on a public anonymous chat.

Never go outside, never socialize, all internet. Jk, but there's some chances on the internet, I gotta say though that from girl to girl I got on the net, there's like 5 years gap with absolute no gf ever and maximum lonlelyness.

Library, church, yoga, running, bars/pubs... discos?

>> No.10253041

the two on her right arm. all the other scars are kinda gross. maybe its a vaccine scar. isnt that the old method of doing the vaccine?

>> No.10253073

Take up an interesting hobby and get involved in it. Hell, volunteer at your local con which is how how I met my gf.

>> No.10253105

Your really annoying.

>> No.10253230

How’s the ratio for guys and gals con staff? Trying to figure out my chances. :)

>> No.10253349
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>> No.10253368

just for longing for love?
I hope you aren't a girl, that would hurt a bit

I don't know, the only social activities I actually enjoy participating in are nerd shit, including cons. of course, all of the women there have more than enough male attention, but the same could be said about absolutely everywhere
I am not a fan of competition in general, but this seems to be the essence of trying to find a girlfriend, and it seems so unromantic.

I wish I could work to be something that women want as much as I want them, but that would require being somebody famous.

>> No.10253370

I never competed, until I got my first gf, she was into me , I was into her, then a fucko came in, acting all Mr. lover in front of everyone, and that's when I made my move and snatched her out of the scene, I guess the fucko pushed me to decide, make the move or watch her leave with some fucking piece of shit faggot in front of me, but yeah, I hate competition a 100%

>> No.10254505


Charles Street lobby of the Baltimore Convention Center

Damn I miss old Otakon

>> No.10255002


Me too :(

I wish Baltimore would get its shit together so we could move back

>> No.10255390


Otakon in DC is not right. :(

>> No.10255397


Big fuckin' agree! D:

>> No.10255600

>I wish Baltimore would get its shit together so we could move back
Who ended up pushing Otakon out? The con or the center?

>> No.10255655


The con pushed itself out because it simply outgrew the convention center as far as I know, we consumed the entirety of the BCC plus everything surrounding it! I think at some point there was an attendance cap because of it.

>> No.10255689

I was there when someone pulled the fire alarm. That evac was nuts.

>> No.10255847

I remember one year when the Thursday night pre reg line wrapped around the BCC 1 and a half times. Shit felt like half the con showed up that evening. It got so bad they had to turn people away after awhile. I was in line for two hours that year. This happened in 2014 I think

>> No.10255873


I wasn't there for that but I remember it, I don't wanna even think about being stuck in that!


I didn't go that year but I believe it, I went in 2012 and 2016 IIRC and just remember being entirely overwhelmed by it. Thank God they mitigated linecon with badge mailings!

>> No.10260980

Didn’t go to DC this year. Did OTA get better or worse with the venue change?

>> No.10261174


I think its objectively better, there's so much more room to move around. We're not shoulder to shoulder anymore, and the floor doesn't vibrate from everyone moving around. Also, while Baltimore had most of its food joints conveniently next to the BCC, DC has Chinatown a block or 2 way. That being said, DC is a shitty place too and there have been some special moments at the WEWCC (a leaky ceiling took out somebody's ass and some booths in the dealer's room the first year in 17', and this year I heard complaints about cockroaches?) but other than that its been fine.

I feel like people are getting hustled and harassed more here in DC than in Baltimore ironically, but I'm sure it happened there too. Some of the homeless people are hostile to cosplayers, and a darkie tried to hustle me.

Personally, I much prefer Baltimore over DC; its an easier commute from where I am and I also feel like Baltimore has more character and a soul compared to DC. DC is very cold and corporate, and nobody there understands us. We're a freak show to some extent, LOL. People in Baltimore know who and what we are, and they're used to us; I guess that's just a product of being there for so long. I hope we move back some day!

>> No.10261200

Man I forgot all about this person. I used to spend countless hours looking through all her SM cosplays and thinking how great they were. I just took a look and I kinda want to buy one as a weird adult flex

>> No.10261216

Question for these people from back in the day, what the hell are they doing now?
Did they grow, matured and live a normal adult life now? Like how moot grew out of it.

>> No.10262218

Shit, this hurts really bad.