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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10224002 No.10224002 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever experienced racism from the staff at an anime convention?

>> No.10224004

For context, a cosplayer did a livestream last night where they complained that they were harassed at Momocon for being black. He mentioned at the time was not wearing a shirt for his cosplay. During the livestream, someone pointed out that the momocon website has a dress code for males and females, (for males, shirt and shorts is minimum) and that he was not in dress code.
He and his friend immediately blew up and got angry, claiming that he was being targeted because he was black, because there were white people that were walking around in speedos at the convention. (No evidence- just what they said)

What do you guys think?

>> No.10224010

Tl;dr: no.

>> No.10224026
File: 203 KB, 757x493, yareyare daze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At a convention? Yes. From the staff? No.
People are people where ever you go so there's gonna be a couple assholes mixed in with the lot. Staff generally is too well curated at my conventions for anything like that to be a problem.
This dude was obviously just salt because he wanted to go shirtless.

>> No.10224073
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>Pulls race card for breaking the rules

It's all so tiresome

>> No.10224133

This. Most staff at cons in my area are extreme tumblrinas. The only bullshit I personally see is from the socially inept weebs in the hallways who think they're edgy because they talk like 2007 /b/ and vape. Dude was just mad because he fucked up and got caught.

>> No.10224697

Some dude at acen did blackface

>> No.10224846
File: 425 KB, 649x404, B3D1C54D-73F5-4316-BD32-0E4C19A3ACED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cosplaying and being a brown fuck I’m sure people were racist to me but have I seen it? No. Do I care? No. It’s more of the lines of the majority of whites fighting it out seeing which one is nonracist and then the blacks pulling the race card. In all honestly I love seeing all hell break lose between these two.

>> No.10224856 [DELETED] 

Yea there’s too many asians we need a damn cleansing

>> No.10224860 [DELETED] 

And jews

>> No.10224861

Nothing warms my jollies like a good ol fashion race war

>> No.10224863

Can we just collectively stop caring about anyone?
Let's bring back that 2012 'I hate everyone equally' feel.

>> No.10224864

I've experienced racism, but not at a con.

>> No.10225014 [DELETED] 

>He and his friend immediately blew up and got angry
Typical niggies.

>> No.10225034 [DELETED] 

>bait thread

>> No.10225224 [DELETED] 

You’re gross inside

>> No.10225249

Seriously. I never thought I'd miss 2012-2015 specifically, but here we are.

>> No.10227205


Cgl is such a girl subforum

>> No.10227226

Only from white liberals.

>Mfw fat white girl tells me that since she is aware of her white privilege it somehow makes her exempt from being called retarded.

>> No.10227250 [DELETED] 

Dude's mad people won't let him be racist, lol

>> No.10227870 [DELETED] 

Nogs are gross on the outside

>> No.10227932 [DELETED] 

Jessica Niggeri. Heh.

>> No.10227955 [DELETED] 

Nigger giving black people a bad image

>> No.10228234 [DELETED] 

Did a black guy steal your 2d waifu?

>> No.10228307 [DELETED] 


>> No.10229858 [DELETED] 

Fuck off nigger

>> No.10229865 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10229955

This thread has just devolved into people repeating variations of slurs, can we just nuke it and move on?

>> No.10229973

Asian women are fetishised and it's racism

>> No.10230116 [DELETED] 

On the one hand, fuck you....
But on the other, niggies is offensively adorable and I'm not sure how I should feel.

>> No.10230118

Agreed, this thread is a lost cause

>> No.10230699


no, because I'm white, and everyone likes white people because we're the best.

Also, no because I've never been to a convention.

>> No.10230957 [DELETED] 
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Leave your sjw shit out of this forum. Take it to /b and see what happens fag

>> No.10231195 [DELETED] 

you're the coward who has to anonymously post this shit online, not us
take it outside and see what happens

>> No.10231383

It was a lost cause as soon as OP hit submit.

>> No.10231386 [DELETED] 

It's not 2007, anon.

>> No.10231396

basically this. half the time I leave the house I experience some sort of racism so why would cons be any different?

>> No.10233424

Not from the staff, but I've unironically experienced anti-semetism directed towards me at a few cons.

>> No.10235367

Are you the con accountant?