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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 680 KB, 1200x1576, animeexpo2019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10220626 No.10220626 [Reply] [Original]

Remember to mark your calendars for next year!

>What did you enjoy?
>What did you hate?
>Changes you would make next year?
>How are you handling the post con depression?


Since this might be the last AX thread for the year, try not to hog the image posting like last year’s final AX thread.

>> No.10220636
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>What did you enjoy?
The mini vacation from the rest of the world
>What did you hate?
Lines and earthquakes
>Changes you would make next year?
Capping doesn’t do it, limiting the age range doesn’t do it, so we’re stuck with what we got since we’re not moving anytime soon.
>How are you handling the post con depression?
Terribly, just like everyone else.

Also, damage report.

>> No.10220661

Anyone see that fist fight on the last day outside the South Hall? Shit was fucking nuts.

>> No.10220662

capping the attendance can alleviate the overcrowding inside the convention center since not everyone with a badge will be inside the building at the same time. Some will be outside and some will be at the JW Marriott. Exclusives from Bushiroad, Goodsmile, and Atlus should go to SDCC-style lottery. Bring back itasha car show. Lessen autograph area and most of all bring back Anisong World Matsuri.

>> No.10220696

Move the fucking thing back to Anaheim so it can be 24 hours

>> No.10220725

That's sounds funny. The battle of the weebs.
Any video?

>> No.10220740

I'd imagine they'll do that for 2021

>> No.10220742

>AX at Anaheim again
>It could be 24 hours
>Nightlife comes back
How irresponsible would it be to take a fuck ton of Adderall so I don't have to sleep for the first two days?

>> No.10220752

As many pros as there are to it being in Anaheim, I 99.9999% firmly believe it'll never happen because AX gets the LACC for DIRT CHEAP, I believe literal pennies on the dollar, and AX generates too much money for DTLA and the surrounding areas.
I'm pretty sure LA would fight to keep AX there, they're hurting for that yearly cash. Anaheim can take us or leave us, but someone correct me on this last part if I'm wrong

>> No.10220759
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Leave yourself a message for the future when 11 months from now you start looking back at the AX 2019 threads in the archives

>You better have lost weight, asshole

>> No.10220764

>at least attempt to cosplay

>> No.10220767

Do try anon! It'll be fun!

>> No.10220771

Do away with Premier Pass and make everything into a Comic Con lottery. Lottery on badges, exclusives, autographs, concert tickets, and hotel reservations.

>> No.10220776

itasha car show is a copyright and legal nightmare for the con, like how many cars use logos and official art without the approval of all the Japanese copyright holders? Basically all of them! And since AX has a strong business relationship with Japanese companies, they are not willing to risk it. If the local itasha group wants to do a showing or something, they need to rent out parking spaces themselves nearby on their own dime. The only reason that Anime Matsuri is one of the big itasha showcases is that they don't give a shit about copyright

>> No.10220790

>Weird meme OP is at it again

The other thread hasn't even hit the bump limit yet.

>> No.10220802

Have either of you experienced the SDCC lottery for exclusives? It's terrible. For a fan-focused even it is the worst thing you can think of. Once you start seeing how little you win in a lottery you're going to wish you had never mentioned it. At least with first-come-first-serve you can, if you care about something, put your time in. With the online lottery model it just makes things easier for those who aren't dedicated enough to put in time. It also means that people have much less investment into actually doing something and can shut out people who do really care. If all someone spent was a few seconds clicking buttons they have no qualms about discarding the autograph chance or buying opportunity making it a wasted slot. The only way to make this work would be if a deposit was necessary so it would weed out people who aren't actually interested (and at that point why not just make it a paid slot?).

AX is not at the point where it needs a lottery on badges and hotels. Attendance cap would have to be something on the magnitude of 20k people less to make an impact and that means chopping your revenue when you don't need to. For all of people's complaints THEY STILL COME. Until people naturally stop coming to the con AX has no need to make a cap.

it hit the bump limit 50 posts ago

>> No.10220910

Hi What is a seagull?

>> No.10220911

Seagull = /cgl/

>> No.10220986


>> No.10220993

I regret giving him a view. If that was the average quality of his videos it's no wonder he only gets a few thousand views.

>> No.10221029

Where do you keep your AX badges?

>> No.10221032

Around my neck

>> No.10221039

I’m sorry based Mamuro5254 and dangirsdon haven’t released their AX videos yet. Hell, most of anitube has yet to make any post AX videos, unless your name is Lost Pause

>> No.10221049

for a while I didn't even realize romeo was as well known as he is but then again thirsters will thirst and he's got water for them

>> No.10221063

Mine are all stacked on top of each other in my boonie hat that's hanging in my closet.

>> No.10221064

Need deets. Were they attendees or unrelated people?

I hang em off a hook which I completely forgot to take them down and put them in a box. I have too many lanyards.

>> No.10221141

Anyone go to CWF?

>> No.10221156

I used to put them in a frame chronologically but the frame I used had magnetized glass and they kept falling through plus I wanted to use the space for posters so now they're stuffed into my memories box. I have my lanyards with years printed on them too. This year I wore my 2009 lanyard with the 2019 badge. Someone even pointed it out, it was nice.

>> No.10221158

Anyone attend Waifu Wars? Who were the match ups and how did everything go?

>> No.10221161

I didn't attend myself, but I saw the guy running the show saying that they had a lot of technical issues that really fucked them on time

>> No.10221168

Oh that's too bad. I hope they can prevent those problems next year.

>> No.10221170

I don't know why, but so many fucking panels/events had technical issues this year. Specifically with mics either not working, or slides during presentations just stopped working

>> No.10221171

The earthquakes unraveled a fierce curse upon AX's technical equipment

>> No.10221173

This was happening even before the earthquakes. I wouldn't be shocked if the tech support guys are also unpaid volunteers

>> No.10221175

I was just making a joke, but I gotta agree with you there. Monkeys could have done a better job than the volunteers in any position.

>> No.10221180

I just don't get how it can be so "difficult"
>sat through a panel
>they had to set up mics and everything in the beginning, one still ended up dying during the panel
>room didn't clear, stayed for the next panel
>suddenly the mics aren't working despite working fucking 15 minutes ago, and they all need to be checked and reset again
Do the retards working the sound just throw their hands all over the board when a panel ends in celebration? They shouldn't have to change a thing besides turning off a mic and turning it back on when the new panel starts

>> No.10221183

That sounds horrible

>> No.10221298

Why does the Dragon Ball frachise get more attention at SDCC than AX?

>> No.10221355

Cause being at SDCC
generates far more prestige and buzz

>> No.10221372

Anyone have a picture of the shirtless Inuyasha cosplayer?

>> No.10221413
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>Husband says if you volunteer for something like this you're incredibly stupid
Even if you include the hotel options(which forces you in with 3 other strangers too )your normal jobs pays out probably three to four times as much an hour
Also that app was trash what is quality assurance?

>> No.10221419

This is a really good idea.
My message is: ”Bitch, your lolita closet better be cleaned and organised for the perfect coords!”

>> No.10221421

I finally fixed the flipping issue, so here's some cosplay photos: https://imgur.com/a/Hs6Ofl2

>> No.10221425
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>353 days to July 1, 2020

>> No.10221428

I think i was the only Sakura cosplayer at the entire event bros.

>> No.10221433

During the con weekend? I keep my badge in a burando pass case hanging off my bag. That matches my coord and lanyards are fugly in photos especially. Afterwards, I use it as a bookmark and donate the lanyard. I don't like a lot of mementos hanging around as shitty decor, too much clutter.

>> No.10221434

He sounds like he has a mouth full of potatoes and he takes forever to actually say anything. I clicked off in the first few minutes.

>> No.10221624

I thought his video was about the earthquake for those first minutes. Dude needs to summarize his video real quick at the beginning

>> No.10221647

>despite all the bullshit, we remember the great memories over the bad ones
>anitube is losing its identity, somefuckinghow
>”ax is bullshit and I can’t wait to do it again next year”

>> No.10221657

>ax is bullshit and I can’t wait to do it again next year

Sounds like /cgl/ every year

>This will be the year AX dies and moves back to Anaheim says increasingly nervous man for the hundredth time this decade

>> No.10221658

I'd argue moving to Anaheim is a sign that AX is actually far too popular and needs more room to grow

>> No.10221714
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>a week since AX is over
>tfw all the LA and Little Tokyo bakery food I roadtripped back home lasted for an entire week and is now gone

>> No.10221737

Lose some of your fat and put on some more muscle. Also learn how to make more complex cosplays

>> No.10221747
File: 505 KB, 695x670, 1554596648210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't buy and bring all that food. You won't eat it.

Don't bring all those clothes. You won't wear them.

>> No.10221750

Spend all that food money of yours at that 7/11 across the convention next year if it’s still there

>> No.10221759

Like the last thread mentioned, Anaheim finished their expansion last year, making them part of the million square foot convention center club.

Anime Expo's contract with LACC expires at the end of 2019.

Anahiem wants to market their new convention center's expansion.

If you were the owner of Anaheim Convention Center, you would make a sweeter deal with Anime Expo compared to LACC by bragging about how you are currently California's largest convention center, larger than San Diego's and larger than LACC.

>> No.10221761

What was Anime Expo like when it was 24 hours?

Did Japanese guest still host panels past 12AM?

>> No.10221766

But if someone bothered to go to anime expo's wikipedia, they would have found out Anime Expo signed a 5 year contract with LACC in 2015 that expires at the end of 2019.


>Los Angeles, CA (June 23, 2015) – AEG Facilities’ Los Angeles Convention Center (LACC) is thrilled to announce that the venue will host Anime Expo (“AX”) for the next five years (through 2019), solidifying LA’s on-going partnership with the event organizer.

While this happened, Anaheim began their expansion that was completed in Summer 2018.

>> No.10221771

I would love AX to get bought out by the Japanese, maybe the same people who run Comiket in Japan or some big Japanese publisher.

Anybody would be better running AX than some nobody headquarted in some small store in Santa Ana.

Maybe if AX was run by the Japanese, we could get company exclusive merchandise like at Comiket and more Japanese companies would invest in AX besides some anime studios. For example, would be nice if some Wonder Festival participants could come.

>> No.10221822

Isn't 2019 in the LACC almost guaranteed though because they said it would be there in the physical schedule book?

>> No.10221828
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>What did you enjoy?
AX Dance was on fucking fire Saturday night. Incredible energy from the DJs and really good sets. Crowd was hype too.

The few people I managed to talk to I got along well with. Never felt like I was being walled off or anything like that despite people commenting on things feeling cliquey or quiet, which makes me excited to try and be more outgoing next time.

The con itself was a sight to behold and the general atmosphere was cool enough that I'm game to go again. On top of that I met up with an old friend which was really nice.

>What did you hate?
The loneliness I let seep in immediately once I started roaming around by myself and into the late hours of the dance.

Missing out on most of the shit I came to see. The hot merch was sold out. Panel lines were capped. And karaoke was ridiculous to wait for unless I had more than one day.

>Changes you would make next year?
Talk to more people and exchange contact info. Take more photos. Quit worrying about non-existent issues. Hustle, hustle, hustle to buy the shit I've got my eyes on beforehand and don't bother with a bag. And maybe aim for more than one day next year.

>How are you handling the post con depression?
Buying shit I probably don't need and browsing these threads.

>It's better to be impulsive than passive. Buy some extra shit with that vacation money instead of wishing you had grabbed those things you were unsure of.
Really wish I bought the Range Murata poster after all now.

>> No.10221829

Oh and
>Talk to people you fucking dolt.

>> No.10221830

This is the stupidest comment I read.
It goes to show how a ignorant weeb thinks that convention are made.

>> No.10221831

Most people I talked to were pretty welcoming, but one group definitely stone walled me and it was obnoxious. I literally asked them if they wanted me to take off "oh no no, it's fine haha" but then continued to not say a word when I tried making conversation

>> No.10221850
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AX already announced 2020 in LA in the guide books. I highly doubt they signed a one year contract.

>> No.10221922

Looks like Plebpool released his AX video


>> No.10221930

when you wish upon a star

>> No.10221971

Do you think AX would be saved it if was bought by a Japanese company? That's rich, just like how Aniplex is "saving" anime.

>> No.10221981

yeah like what would work in comiket/tokyo big sight wouldnt exactly work in AX/LACC

>> No.10222037

Not to mention, cultural differences.

Most of the problems in SPJA history stems from the upper management/executives being in a bubble and poorly communicating their goals, policy, and wishes for Anime Expo. This is what causes the "drama" within the convention.

Now, imagine how bad this communication problem is going to be if there is an entire ocean separating the volunteers from the management/executives and a language barrier ON TOP of that.

AX will have even more drama and problems.

>> No.10222082

I don't understand how they can let Artist Alley get so bad. I didn't see a single staff member anywhere around the basement until day 3, and even then it was a singular guy with a whistle yelling for people to keep moving in the aisles and not stand and block traffic. I actually felt kinda bad for him since he seemed to be completely on his own in what he was trying to get done. Idk if capping the amount of people allowed in AA at one time would help, but it's definitely a safety hazard to leave it unchecked as it was. I'm used to the lines and general dense population of this con by now, but being stuck in AA was the only time I thought the situation was actually unsafe.

>> No.10222119

Just look at SPJA's corporate history, people leaving, people arguing; they all look so amateur.

This is because SPJA started from college students I believe while Comic Con was started by pretty wealthy adults in the very, very beginning.

I honestly don't feel SPJA cares about anime or manga anymore, it's just people who want to keep getting money for doing anime conventions so they don't need to have a regular 9AM to 5PM job like everybody else.

Look how every year, people say the same complaints about AX yet AX never addresses the complaints.

>> No.10222122

Aniplex isn't really an anime focused company though. They are primarily a division of Sony but they aren't really manga publishers, light novel publishers, etc

Meanwhile, one of the biggest anime/manga/light novel companies is Kadokawa. You should have heard of that name before.

Aniplex would be in trouble if they didn't have Fate/Grand Order to be honest.

>> No.10222128

Usually, Los Angeles Convention Center would publish a press release, bragging they got another 5 year contract with Anime Expo, though.

I'm searching LACC's website and no press release anywhere.

>> No.10222148

>being save by Japanese

Forget it, the way economy is moving, China will start having more say about what is going to be produce in the near future. Get ready for censorship and bad animation

>> No.10222166

spja sounds like a glorified anime club the college/uni doesnt recognize

>> No.10222187
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That shit had to have been a fire hazard.
They used to have a line at the entrance with someone monitoring the crowd flow, now they just give no fucks.
>mfw I couldn't finish my shopping in there on Thursday because of the stupid fucking line outside and couldn't go in there for the rest of the weekend because of the mass of people

>> No.10222188

artist alley on a basement?

>> No.10222292

Based and Chinapilled

>> No.10222295

I went on Saturday around 5pm and it was pretty easy to get around. Going early is probably the worst time to go because everyone is trying to go to it

>> No.10222296

I mean that exact thing already happened with lolita, so I don't doubt it. The Chinese have immense power and wealth these days

>> No.10222368
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It was more of a fire hazard than people sitting in corners, yet volunteers really don't care and would rather yell at people eating on the floor vs people stuck in AA halls because Fatso McNeckbeard can't take two steps

>> No.10222453

>bad animation
It's already downhill when the studios decided to employ Koreans and Vietnamese to animate.

Also, someone is selling their Trigger luggage case for $250. Yes? No? I missed out on it at con.

>> No.10222486
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>> No.10222516

check ebay

>> No.10222678

It was 195 at the con

>> No.10222775
File: 33 KB, 751x439, Ash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw a clamshell luggage you can find at Ross, only with a Studio Trigger logo on it, sold out at AX

>> No.10222996


>> No.10223030

Bruh it's a con exclusive

>> No.10223045

tfw the new Pokemon movie fucking sucked

>> No.10223059

do any of the hotels do free breakfast buffet

>> No.10223074
File: 42 KB, 422x380, Pissethoff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>movie sucked
Sure, the movie’s source material didn’t age well, but sucked?

>> No.10223076

>momokun is back



>> No.10223092

It’s not a exclusive

>> No.10223109

Did anybody catch that Michael Jackson near the "bedroom" set?

>> No.10223153

Hotel Figueroa does but it's pricey for a room

>> No.10223155
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>more expensive than the JW and farther away

Explain yourselves, Hotel Fig

>> No.10223156

Pokemon has always sucked

>> No.10223158

The Luxe offers free breakfast

>> No.10223163

I know, but the way it sold out quick felt like it.

>> No.10223172

What the fuck did they take photos on, a cheez-it?

>> No.10223272

Man the con drama for me was nuts this year

>> No.10223283

deets brah
can't be saying shit like that with no deets

>> No.10223292

The Made in Abyss panel turned into a train wreck when some retard decided to ask the voice actors if he could see their panties in Japanese so the translator couldn’t filter it out. The room got so awkward after that

>> No.10223320

that's fucking hilarious. did he get removed from the room?

>> No.10223341

Thats awesome, it wouldn't be a proper panel without some kind of funny question like that

>> No.10223373

Was he japanese national?

>> No.10223410

Don't they have someone to filter out idiots like him at the mic stand?

>> No.10223426

>consider a sexual harassment question funny

You are probably standwithvic too

Fucking disgusting

>> No.10223438

Fug, I was there. I think most of the room couldn't hear him though since he was stumbling over his broken Japanese. Were you there in line when that cosplayer had a meltdown before getting into the room?

>> No.10223452
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>New Mamuro5254 AX cosplay video

>> No.10223463

it was actually cringy as fuck and the question was pretty much glanced over
he didn't even get any reactions he wanted probably

>> No.10223464

Did anyone else hate the winning gatari amv? I thought the effects were nauseating

>> No.10223466

Dragon ball is for normies with nostalgia problems (kinda like pokemon) not so much with weebs.

>> No.10223467


>> No.10223477

I hope he relives that moment every time he closes his eyes.

>> No.10223493

How is that harassing at all?

>> No.10223535

Nah he was American

>> No.10223537

He stayed but he booked it out of the room as soon as the panel was over.

>> No.10223539

I’m glad I wasn’t the only one in this thread who went to that panel. Stuff was pretty good up until that guy

>> No.10223743
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>watch AX masquerade on Youtube
>only 18 entries in the regular (non-WCS) competition
>at a con of 100k+ attendees

Is this normal for AX? Katsucon has a similar format to their cosplay contest (skits and walk-ons are mixed together, everyone has custom music and lighting, etc) but Katsu typically gets 30-50 entries and it's a much smaller con. What gives?

>> No.10223763

The extreme lines and crowding might have forced some groups to drop their entries. If you can't make it to check-in, you can't compete.

>> No.10223770
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My best guess is participants just got tired. As a former AX masq participant, the main reasons my group stopped going is because of how we were treated backstage and also how judging goes down. We weren't treated to many of the bare essentials like food or water or even comfortable seating you should have ready for people putting on a performance and stuck in one room for several hours. We've performed at smaller conventions, and even they could give us snacks and shit.

Their judging system (for skits at least, and during the year we finally said "enough") is based off audience reaction. If a skit gets the crowd more fired up, that gives it more points. While that might make sense out of context, in context, it's really poor. It doesn't take into account a lot of components for a good performance and favors ones that are either based on comedy or crowd-pleasing topics like DBZ references and AoT jokes.

There were also the few times we got judged on the quality of our costumes or props. The first year we performed and bothered with good costumes, they did all judging backstage, took a quick look at our cosplays, then moved on to the next group where they did the same thing. We had a large prop that was a key feature to our skit that they never even bothered to look at. Because staff told us to stuff it in a back room somewhere.

Sorry for the blogpost but AX is the worst experience I've had with any masquerade as a participant and I feel sorry for anyone who has to go through that. If they've improved since then, good. If not, well, you can probably blame that as one reason for the low number of entries.

>> No.10223773
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Piggybacking off of what >>10223763 said, AX Masq had their mandatory check-in at 10 AM. Considering the 4 hour line to get in, there's no way everyone made it.

>Katsu typically gets 30-50 entries
AX caps their entries at 35. Insane, I know.

Mhmm. Biggest anime con in the country has the worst masquerade. I've been to some sloppy masquerades in my time, but almost all of them have at least been fair.

>> No.10223832

THose are some smooth ass transitions.

>> No.10223867

It's been two weeks, how's that post con depression?

>> No.10223869

Not too bad. I'm just happy that this year I finally socialized a bit and had a fun time at some parties.

>> No.10223882

Feelings of dissapoinment and loneliness have faded. I'm more excited for next year than anything else, and grateful for what I was able to do at AX19 even if it didn't go how I had planned.

>> No.10223886

Didn't have post-con depression this year. I was very disappointed in how AX19 went but now I'm mainly in post-con relief. Hoping AX20 is a lot better

>> No.10223916

I hate how difficult it is to get inside one of these, I only been to masquerade once and that was 2007.

>> No.10224169
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>Passed up some merch thinking I could buy it online later
>Can't overload my luggage flying back y'know

>Can't even find it in any kind of internet search later

>> No.10224322

70% of the fucking convention were female teenagers with shitty ass BNHA cosplays
Bought some Bandai model kits
Ban Boku no shit fans
How are you blablabla:
I'm glad it ended

>> No.10224324

I don't mind the BNHA cosplays, but when they're being so fucking lazy and cosplaying as characters that aren't even canon it's retarded
>girl is wearing a black shirt and a red tie, with a shitty green wig/hair dye
>I'm villain deku haha

>> No.10224376

Personally, I'm all for non-canon costumes, but I understand and sympathize with the feeling that BNHA fans seem to be allergic to canon. My eyes nearly kick flipped in my skull when I saw a cat version of Todoroki and Bakugo pawing at each other during one of those "musician plays my character's theme" videos. Why can't the ratio of casual to crazy be more skewed to the other side...

>> No.10224380
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>pass up some merch in AA because I was interested but not desperate to buy it at the time
>assume that I can go back to AA to buy another day if I really want something
>My stamina gets kicked out of the door by last minute costume crunching and I don't make it through the rest of the weekend
>Figure I'll just buy shit online once the dealer's stores are back up and running
>Fucking forgot how much shipping was and suffer in an endless rut of wanting to buy but not at that price.

>> No.10224400

>didn't get the free madoka lanyard before they ran out entirely
>have to pay between $10-$20 for something I could have gotten free if I really want it

>> No.10224455

my first AX and it was honestly amazing.
See so much stuff and meet so many friendly people
The only thing I'm sad about is since I stay at a share room hostel it literally mean can't buy any big or expensive shit due to fear of it getting yeet.

>> No.10224457

I'm still feeling fatigued.

>> No.10224513

When in doubt you can always ship it back home. Or buy cheap luggage and check it.

>> No.10224529
File: 222 KB, 1125x1577, 8A6A028E-DE2B-4E74-82DC-99FF3BB33F3A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>EVA 3.0+1.0 gets US premiere at AX 2020 in the main events hall
>the building doesn’t clear out
>EVAfags complain that the line will be even shittier than this year’s Studio Trigger panel line
>the same EVAfags will come back for AX 2021
Calling it now. Screencap this shit.

>> No.10224595

24 hour video rooms, so if you got bored you could watch something. Video Game rooms were open all night. So you could game all night long. Tabletop was open, so you could DnD or play with randos who didn't feel like sleeping. People were still up and about socializing and not resting. Some panels were late at night, like 11pm.

It was honestly more fun.

>> No.10224604

It doesn't sound bad, but I think a majority of people, myself included, would call it a night around 2-3 at the absolute latest so you can get enough sleep for the next day

>> No.10224606

I used to know a dude who refused to sleep all 4 days straight.

It was wild times.

>> No.10224708

>Carpool with friend
>Friend promises that they'll leave at 9AM every day
>Asshole friend has errands to run, wants to grab lunch before getting there
>We don't get there before 1 on any of the days
>Wants to leave at 8 every night even though I actually like the nighttime programming

This year was so fucking horrible, I should've just Ubered

>> No.10224710
File: 322 KB, 544x293, 1560959026971.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also forgot to add
>Got there so late every day that all of the lanyards were fucking gone

>> No.10224837

>leaving at 9am
Even this wouldn't be enough for me. Most days I want to at least arrive at the actual convention center at 9am, not fight traffic to get there at 10-12

>> No.10224895

>Trying to sell some merch on ebay
>Have a couple of watchers, think things are going well
>Today some piece of shit undercuts me and lists the same item for a whole $100 less
I get undercutting by like $10 or $20, but a whole fucking hundred?

>> No.10225036

What kind of item was it that you could be undercut by $100? Is whatever you were trying to sell at that price going for that much? Like what were you going for, $200 profit?

>> No.10225040

It was a wall scroll that was exclusive to AX. And yeah, a few of them sold for around $300 already

>> No.10225142

>Buying merch to flip or scalp

I hope all your auctions don’t sell

>> No.10225149

Is it the signed replica konosuba wall scroll from kadokawa?

I’ve seen people try to flip them but it’s not exclusive to AX

>> No.10225570
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Anyone going to Anime California?

>> No.10225575

Never been before, how does it compare to AX?

>> No.10225577
File: 173 KB, 290x290, 1547917120398.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't. This is only its 2nd year and isn't affiliated with the Anime California that came before it that is now kill.

It's tiny and held in the Burbank Marriott by the Bob Hope airport. I was only there for one day last year but didn't get to do much because I had to leave. I was thinking of going this year and getting a room at the hotel for at least one night and if the con sucks then my backup plan will be to find someone at the con to have sex with back in the room.

>> No.10225582

Is finding strangers to fuck at cons really that easy? Every girl I've seen at cons is usually with her friend group, sometimes including other guys, so you never actually have a chance to talk to them one on one

>> No.10225614
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Not for me. Gotta do it the old fashioned way.

>> No.10225617

if you're good looking, it's easy everywhere.

>> No.10225626

I don't know. Unless they are ridiculously good looking I'm not too sure I'd pass up a panel I was really looking forward to just to get laid. Definitely wouldn't pass up getting early to the merch hall either

>> No.10225724

So who's planning the orgy for next year? This year's was pretty good,had lots of newbies though.

>> No.10225971

me AMA

>> No.10226226

How many uggos and fatsos were there this time around?

>> No.10226419

You mean the fabled AX orgy? I thought that shit was just an urban legend

>> No.10226430

Its an anime con anon, by default there are many orgies and hookups

>> No.10226676

I believe there are many hookups, and maybe even an orgy or two, but those orgies are strictly invite only.

>> No.10226732

How many of those orgies are entirely fat smelly boomers?

>> No.10226831

Yes. They are all fat boomers who are 20+ years old and hate you personally.

>> No.10226873

If it's by an invite only basis it's probably either a close group who do this kind of thing often, or attractive people inviting other attractive people

>> No.10226945

There is zero chance they understood what he said. People who try to recite a memorized script in Japanese without proper pronunciation, intonation, and pacing always mangle their question beyond recognition.

>> No.10226959

yeah you do

>> No.10226962

i saw a craigslist ad one year for an AX orgy. I mildly wondered how that turned out

>> No.10226965

No, they understood what he said after taking a min to figure it out. The seiyu who played Reg said no iirc. The translator asked him if he was making a One Piece reference.

>> No.10226971

I'm willing to bet it was fake just to bait lonely/horny people. The same exact thing happens in these threads during AX
>Hey I'm a lonely girl and want someone to talk to/a quick fuck. I'm at this hotel bar/room
>Several anons who take the bait show up and keep posting asking where the girl is, when in reality there never was a girl

>> No.10227110

Did u fell for that

>> No.10227802

i respect a realistic dude

>> No.10228123

My friends did a cosplay group Evokers for Granblue Fantasy. (Might have been the first in the world to get the whole group together) They met the producer of the game KMR before the panel so KMR was expecting them in the panel. BUT! and there was a huge butt! Lets call her fat bitch. Fat bitch was a volunteer organizer. My friends were waiting to get in line to get into the panel but then fat bitch told them to get the fuck out because they can't line up for the panel yet. So fat bitch told them to fuck off until 1:30. So my friends left and came back at 1:30 and there was already a HUGE line there. STRIKE 1! So my friends got in line and then fat bitch told them to wait by the stair case. BUT OH WAIT! That's a fire hazard. Fat bitch literally caused a fire hazard and prevented traffic for hours. Later as my friends were about to get into the panel fat bitch told them "your group is too big you're not getting in" STRIKE 2! So fat bitch let other people in first. So as OTHER people were going into the panel they say "oh yeah I want my girlfriend and my girlfriend's friend and her boyfriend, and boyfriend's friend into the panel." Guess what fat bitch did? They let them all in the fucking panel. Fat bitch doesn't let group cosplayers in the panel but she lets groups of normies into the panel. STRIKE 3.
Another story. Remember when I said fat bitch blocked off a stair case and caused a traffic jam for hours? One of my friends needed to get past really bad to get access to supplies. Fat bitch denied everyone saying she is blocking off the stairs (with her fat rolls). My friend flashed her industry pass and told fat bitch to fuck off.

>> No.10228906

The sudden panel line rule change was so fucking bullshit. Same thing also happened to Kimetsu no Yaiba's panel later that day

>> No.10229042

>More Aqours at Anime NYC
>Can't go

>> No.10229047

I was hoping the 6th live would be around that time, since I have a ton of PTO and wanted to make the trip to Japan in November. Not sure if I should still go now or just say fuck it and go next year even though I'll have less time off

>> No.10229156

they're only going to do 6 songs at max, don't worry about it

>> No.10229365

oh fuck yes. especially with LA getting funding for the 2028 olympics, they need any cash cow possible

>> No.10229470

I was in that line too Anon, shit was one of the most haphazardly put together lines in general. Especially not letting cosplayers of the series in? Bull.

>> No.10230830

The line to the Love Live merch booth was fucking cancerous this year

>> No.10231041

It wasn't bad, but they fucked up by printing too much of the assigned time tickets and not have an area for overflow. Most of the cucks that worked at last year's Love Live merch booth also worked at this year's booth. They should have known.

>> No.10231048

Hopefully there are LA locals in this thread, I haven't been to ALA in 4 years since it moved out of the LAX area. I went to the first year in Ontario and I didn't like it all. I haven't gone since then, but why the fuck is it now a 4 1/2 day con now?

>> No.10231068

More days to get drunk, buddy.

>> No.10231143

But you can get drunk any day anon

>> No.10231388

Getting drunk alone is just sad though. Social drinking, or at the very least being drunk around other people is where it's at

>> No.10231410

im convinced masquerades are shit no matter what con i go to

>> No.10231524

Does AX still charge admission for their Masquerade?

>> No.10231758

Should I drop big money for a Premier Pass for AX 2020?

>> No.10231770


>> No.10232124

if you want to skip lines and you aren't industry or press, yes

>> No.10232171

ALA is heading towards AX's direction. The line was longer than I remembered this year and they installed security checkpoints. This is how it begins.

>> No.10234002

New AX cosplay video

>> No.10234429

As a dirty european, should I spend 1000 eurozoids to go to this con? or are there better ones elsewhere?

I need a winter and a summer con.

>> No.10234463

ALA is a good winter one, AX is a great summer con if you’re willing to go through the pain and anguish that comes with it.

>> No.10234538


>> No.10234613
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But Itasha is trash.

Oh wait, so is LA and AX. You're right, bring it back.

>> No.10234937

t. lives in LA and has been going to AX on/off for 15 years
AX sucks since it moved from Anaheim.
Long Beach AX was the worse experience of my life and while it has gotten much better AX is still a fucking mess at the LACC

>> No.10234981

why not go to japan expo? it's around the same time, you wouldn't have to fly as far, and they get good guests

>> No.10235063

my discord friends are predominantly american.
Also ive always kind of wanted to see commiefornia.

hmm, I mean, I could visit california during january instead I guess, How would you rate the winter cons?

We got magfest, katsu and ALA.

>> No.10235097

It's the biggest anime convention in the US and not comparable to ALA at all. ALA is a small party con in Ontario with shitty cosplay and no industry presence, don't buy into the /cgl/ meme like some other faggot here did.

>> No.10235556

It's worth going to at least once. You can also do Japan Expo in Paris.

>> No.10235557 [DELETED] 
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Brother lets keep 4+4chan ALIVE.


>> No.10235564

all three are not worth paying 1000 euro for. ALA is a party con, katsu is that plus cosplay, magfest is an indie convention. They're all worth flying to if it's only a state or two but cross-country, let alone another continent, is questionable. ALA is also on the other side of the US from the other two so you can't hit them all one-two-three without spending money on cextra plane tickets.

The main "big" US cons are Fanime (party + cosplay), AX (industry), SDCC (industry), and to a much lesser degree CRX (industry). I would only fly from another continent for AX and SDCC and as you've noticed they've both got their own problems

>> No.10235674
File: 222 KB, 1533x1308, 1553615773605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the only cons that justify paying $1000 for are Anime Expo and Dragoncon and SDCC (if you’re lucky to get tickets)

>> No.10235828

oh but im only in it for the party and the fun.

ill have to think then. There are no winter anime cons in the eurolands so I can either go there or be bored for 6months.

>> No.10235853

You can actually skip the lottery and buy your way into comic con with official registered to you tickets and the price isn't that much more than the base price. Only bad thing is that it's comp codes so you won't be able to reg for the exclusives lottery (fuck that lottery)

If you've got 1000 euro to blow go for it. Wouldn't be my choice but it's your money

>> No.10236246

>like some other faggot here did.
Hearing that dude post so excitedly about booking his plane and accommodations was legitimately depressing.

>> No.10236533

what was this about?

>> No.10236560

How to get access to these comp codes?

>> No.10236621

In one of the many threads for AX leading up to the con this year, there were daily posters praising ALA over AX. There were 3-4 for every thread. No one who has ever been to either AX or ALA really bought into it knowing the differences between the two cons were immeasurable. It was quite annoying but it really is comparing apples to oranges. Except one poor fellow. He first posted something to the effect of "Just booked my flight, hotel, and bought tickets for ALA. So glad I didn't go to AX after hearing how poorly its run,..." (or some other common complaint) "It's my first US con, can't wait!" Everyone sent the equivalent of F to his comment for wasting all of his money and planning his first overseas trip on what amounts to your average local con over the biggest one in America, despite its faults. He soon came to realize how much he fucked up, but like the other anon said: don't believe the meme.

>> No.10236982

>no more Black Friday/Cyber Monday

>> No.10236984

Worse and worse.

>> No.10237021

Wasn't Black Friday more expensive than the immediately after AX price anyway?

Official auctions. Prices near the end was $650-700 and while that's more than msrp not too huge a jump

>> No.10237074

Correction that price is two badges so you would have to split it but $325-350 each is imo not that bad when the original badge was about $260 for a four day with fees. Consider the extra chunk as being a convenience fee because you didn't have to pray hard like everyone in badge lottery did.

>> No.10237154

Black Friday went horribly though. I'm glad it's gone. Hopefully that means they have more tickets at the lower price tiers now that they don't withhold any for BF/CM

>> No.10237186

>only one shot at premier
Well that's gonna be stressful

>> No.10237242

At this rate, we will be entering Comic Con lottery pretty soon. Expect their servers to crash right away.

>> No.10237243
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>MFW no on-site badge sales next year

>> No.10237263
File: 8 KB, 300x168, the guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait no badge mailing for normal 4 day passes? Or did they just neglect to mention it?

>> No.10237406

>Implying that mailing out badges ever helped with the impending Linecon

>> No.10237407

no pre-show night next year?

>> No.10237412

>Wanting another shit storm were you pay $20 and not get in on time.

>> No.10237418

Depends on how inconveniently placed your corpse will end up and which halls the emts are gonna block.

>> No.10237634

pre-show night is fun. It's a great warm up for the rest of the con

>> No.10237651

I didn't see either of these mentioned in that post. Am I blind?

>> No.10237655

It really is. And sometimes they actually have a fun panel on preshow that you can enjoy without having to give it up to go to an industry panel instead.
I went to the dub show on preshow night this year and had a great time, even won the show

>> No.10237892

I didn't go (didn't buy the badge for it), but a lot of people were bitching that they were in line the entire time Pre-Show Night was going on and had to be turned away before it closed because of fucking metal detectors and bullshit security making shit up on the fly.

>> No.10238370

One line is better than two lines

>> No.10238598

Sounds fun.
>Hey future asshole, you have better saved up all that money to splurge at the con. Also some of that weight better be gone or I’ll beat you up. And don’t forget to take more pictures too.

>> No.10239696

the metal detectors are honestly a joke, much like security in general here. The first few people in line get their bags checked, after a dozen or so though security gets lazy and just glances inside your bag. It would be stupidly easy to sew a false bottom onto a canvas back and hide knives or even a gun inside, and security would let you right on through.
They may we well not even bother since they don't do real checks and still take forever

>> No.10239718

Security theater is the fucking worst.

>> No.10239724

how do I make weeb friends during anime expo. will it help that I live like 10mins from the convention center

>> No.10239740

wow thats rough. what about katsu then.

I mean, I will go sightseeing around america so theres that as well.

>> No.10239789

When do the hotel blocks typically open up for AX?

>> No.10239802

Later this year

>> No.10239823

Usually around February

>> No.10240134

Talk to people. Best times to do this are either while waiting in line, or at parties. In line can be trickier since you might not want to talk to the specific people you end up being next to
>how do I go to parties
Unless you know someone, stick to the official parties like the Fakku one or whatever parties they have in lounge 21. I went alone and approached maybe a dozen different groups of people throughout the night and talked a lot with people.
Personally I would not recommend going to the /cgl/ meetup. I've gone twice and it's not really good. You end up chatting with them for maybe a half hour before 15 or more people go back to a hotel room. Then after another half hour they kick out the non core group members, leaving you feeling like you just wasted the past 1-2 hours since you didn't really do much and didn't make any friends who you'll see or talk to again

>> No.10240224

katsu is another glorified cosplay con but since it's in the DC area you can at least visit all the stuff in and around the area like the various museums, govt buildings, etc. with ALA you could visit LA/Disneyland but going for just the cons themselves is a bad idea.

>> No.10241380

So anybody getting their tickets today? They go on sale in literally 56 minutes. Early bird tickets are as cheap as $75.

>> No.10241384

Yup, just waiting for it to be 12.

>> No.10241393

WTF Premiere Passes are sold out and it's only 1130am.

>> No.10241394

I don't think anything is up yet. Just checked and it's still not up for anything.

>> No.10241405

It's asking for a promo code to get in? I never got one.

>> No.10241409

Tickets aren't for sale yet, give it a few minutes

>> No.10241410
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>> No.10241411
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>$75 early bird
>$88 total

>> No.10241412
File: 40 KB, 127x165, 1502122855813.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Got my premier pass secured
Alright, now I just have to deal with feeling bad for spending $500 until I make that money back from working

>> No.10241413
File: 245 KB, 240x270, 1513058924788.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget the processing few goy. $75 is our lowest price ever though! You better hurry, these $70 badges are selling like hot cakes!

>> No.10241415
File: 292 KB, 1708x1080, Anime Expo 2020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got my badge secured.

>> No.10241416

Does anyone else's "Delivery Method" on eventbrite say eTicket? Did I miss an option?

>> No.10241417

Premier passes are already sold out? Did they drop the cap again?

>> No.10241418
File: 19 KB, 236x448, 1565306560273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember when I used to make fun of comiccon for having online waiting rooms and randomly selected ticket raffles.
Managed to snag 4 badges tho.

>> No.10241421

>Premier Fan Badges: All available Premier Fan badges will go on sale for $475* each. No additional batches of Premier Fan badges will be released at a later date. Once they sell out for AX 2020, they will be gone!
Either you get premier now, or you don't get it at all. You can try mashing refresh for the next seven minutes and hope some retard either has second thoughts or doesn't fill out the form in time

>> No.10241431

Premier was easy to get
Protip it's on a seven minute cycle so just refresh around that time when badges get released from carts

>> No.10241438

You pay for shipping and CA sales tax as well. That's why it's $88.

>> No.10241443

>Premier no longer gets the $50 coupon
>Also no longer gets preshow pass because there is no preshow
>price didn't get reduced at all

>> No.10241464

When do badge price increases happen? I want to see if any of my friends are going before committing to going, but don't want to waste my $ and go solo since solo conning sucks ass and AX sucks for meeting people

>> No.10241466
File: 109 KB, 1613x1241, 114BE0B1-F7EF-4A53-95CC-C8901F36B1B0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$75 early bird pass
>forgot about if I’m still gonna have this current job or not
>cant file time off almost a year in advance
>the earliest is January next year

>> No.10241478

Just wait for now. If you're unable to afford the $25 increase (and that assumes you don't buy until next year because the price won't jump that high yet) you clearly will have bigger problems to deal with

>> No.10241493
File: 57 KB, 605x605, 1557379639884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buy Premier Pass for the first time
>Aqours don't come back

>> No.10241495

I can afford it (price increases and all), just can’t buy it until all the stars align and all that shit (time off approved, have enough money on the side, etc)

>> No.10241496
File: 680 KB, 1441x1125, 06D956B4-8169-48F8-A1CA-665BB9D45F47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or even worse
>finally snagged the premier pass
>Aqours does come back
>comes back to the Novo once again instead of the Microsoft Theater

>> No.10241501

To be fair, you could just be a cunt and say you're sick if they don't give you the time off. They'll know you're lying, but legally they can't call you out on it if you have sick days and decide to use them

>> No.10241518

so has it been confirmed that there really won't be a preshow night next year?

>> No.10241524

I was much closer to them at the novo than at ms. It was great.

But honestly I'd rather have other acts. I've seen aquors maybe ten times overall and 6 of those were live.

>> No.10241525

I got my early bird badge, but I really hope there's nothing good this time.

>> No.10241527

Kek, that's how I've been going the past 3 years. Goldfish memory ensures they won't remember that it's around the same time every year too.

>> No.10241533

This is why men look at cosplayers as trash.

>> No.10241535

>missed the early bird tickets

Any reason to buy now?

>> No.10241544

Nope, that's what it should say. Your ticket will be shipped to you, don't worry.

>> No.10241545

Check the AX twitter for updates on when price tiers sell out. Currently they're at $85

>> No.10241547

It's only $10 higher than the early birds currently. There won't be a Black Friday / Cyber Monday sale so buy now

>> No.10241556

>Advertise $75 for early bird
>Tax and fees bring it to $88
>Advertise $475 for premier
>Tax and fees bring it to $500
Why can't they just advertise the exact price?

>> No.10241571
File: 725 KB, 1416x1125, 4FBABCEC-0358-436B-BEA4-FDC72D55D8D2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I would suck and swallow for a Hiroyuki Sawano concert

>> No.10241572

Because they're cunts. $13 fees is ridiculous.

>> No.10241576

That's how the ticket companies make money. People have been bitching about ticket master and company for years

>> No.10241585
File: 130 KB, 295x256, 1536283891436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldn't bring myself to buy a premier badge today. It's $500 for less perks than last year it seems.

>> No.10241588

planning on it. I think I'll only go one day too since I was kind of unprepared for it. I'm more looking forward to hentaicon in 2 and a half months. I'm planning on trying to smash then, just got a new bench to work out with and get jacked again. I was years ago but let myself slack off for a while and it's been hard to get back on the train. I also want to check out the hotel since it's in the same one. kind of awkward since one of my old internet hero's killed himself in a marriot hotel.

>> No.10241639

I still got it. I didn't even end up using my $50 promo code because I forgot about it this last AX, so it being missing wasn't that huge of a factor for me.
The biggest thing about premier that made me do it again is the premier entrances and lines. I never waited more than 30 minutes to go to any panel I wanted, and day one I got inside the building in 30 minutes, every other day I got inside within 10 minutes.
My first year at AX I thought people spending hundreds on the premier pass were crazy, but it's honestly the optimal experience if you don't mind shelling out the money. Waiting anywhere from 1-4 hours in line for a single panel you don't want to get capped on you just ruins the experience desu

>> No.10242249

I just wish we could opt out of shipping fees. I always do day 0 anyway and wouldn't mind picking up my badge there

>> No.10242552

>day 0
It looks like there might not be a day zero this year. It's not mentioned on the ticket page at all, and no day 0 tickets were up either

>> No.10242603

Day 0 was ass when people who bought tickets couldn't even get in due to retarded security.

>> No.10242672

I went to day 0 this year and got in just fine, but that was as premier. I also had two friends with just standard day 0 passes that got in like 15 minutes after I did
Ultimately there wasn't too much going on other than the exhibition hall and a couple of panels, but I went to the dub show day 0 which was really fun

>> No.10242910

One of the people who roomed with me bought a Pre-Show night ticket and was pissed all con because he was stuck in line that entire evening. He lined up around 6:30pm hoping it would be a breeze and then he came back around almost 8 and bitched about it all night.

>> No.10242911

First time Premier here, I know I got a really good chance to land a room at the JW. What are the chances I can get upgrade to a suite?

>> No.10242978

Westin is telling me the rooms are 500/night which is 3x what I paid for 2019. Am I trying to book to early or what

>> No.10242998

It should be cheaper if you book through the convention hotel block. You will probably get an email from AX in a few months about that.

>> No.10243264

Don't know what to say. I know several people who got in easily, but I don't doubt that somehow AX fucked up

>> No.10243266

wtf? I got there at around the same time and it only took me at most 20 minutes to get in.

>> No.10245896
File: 545 KB, 1125x1619, 7point8toomuchwater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It just depends if the guests for AX2020 are better than this year’s AX, which is a low ass bar to reach

>> No.10245951

You may as well book now, and save yourself a headache come hotelpocalypse day when all the walking distance hotels are taken up by Premier Fans.

>> No.10246590

If only it wasn't so incredibly expensive to book early. Over $1000 per person if you split it with someone even

>> No.10248136

When I take my sister to ax I pay for everything except her haul so there's no way I'm booking early

>> No.10248415

Actually almost all of the ones that showed up to the itasha show a couple years ago were for the most part fan art. The exception being the Cusco car(s), they’re friends of the company and have permission. I’m friends with the organizer of that group, they specifically screen copyright, and some IP/license holders actually came through and loved it.

>> No.10250185
File: 281 KB, 1373x1077, 1560339924468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start saving up

>> No.10250300

B-B-B-Bu-But ALA is getting closer

>> No.10251058

CRX blew AX out of the water. How will they recover?

>> No.10251454

By raising the prices even further!

>> No.10252099


>> No.10252167
File: 65 KB, 1280x720, 1564234421080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10252216

>almost all of the ones that showed up to the itasha show a couple years ago were for the most part fan art
Stolen fanart, used without permission.

>> No.10252221
File: 99 KB, 1000x500, F14F5DC8-E088-4F2B-8844-CD653550FB4A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Off topic, but are any SoCal anons going to this? Presale tix are 15$ and it’s closer than AX for me so I’m planning on giving it a shot.

>> No.10252257

Only if you're into Love Live and Bandoori

>> No.10252330

They're not in the same area or slated around the same time. How are they competitors?

>> No.10252478

I went for the first time this year expecting insanely hot weather, but what we had was very pleasant. Is it typically nice out in LA for AX, or was this year a fluke?

>t. planning future cosplays around heat

>> No.10252639

We were lucky this year. Not that a 100F+ heat wave is guaranteed by any means (though who knows now that we're entering global warming hell), but it's better to plan for one just in case.

>> No.10252865

Looking forward to ALA. AX is just too big and exhausting.

Takes forever to find and meetup with friends.

>> No.10252897


This year at AX it wasn't the heat wave but the whole falling into the ocean part that was the issue.

>> No.10252927


Another problem was their bullshit security. Have to stand around in the sun waiting to get anywhere.

>> No.10252997
File: 1.15 MB, 2500x1080, 4FB8A34D-743B-403F-AC02-60E6DBCAED7B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ALA is usually the warmup before Fanime and AX.


>> No.10253246

A real shame the big earthquake never happened. I was hoping to see the ground fall into itself right as my plane took off.

>> No.10253802

>Con ran better than AX
>Staff were helpful
>Treated industry people like royalty