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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10217642 No.10217642[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why are neckbeards so threatened by "safe spaces" and "SJWs"? Are they just easily triggered snowflakes, or do they actually think women and LGBTQ+ are gonna harm them for being smelly nerds?

>> No.10217738

There aren't that many neckbeards at cons, you just see more on here because if the summerfags. The type of person to just hop on /cgl/ and show up to a con to party and take pics seems to overwhelmingly be reactionary neckbeards.

Just invite them and make fun of their dumb takes on here, because at an actual con they're too pathetic to do anything or talk to anyone. They just put in their maga hat and make the ok sign and think "God I hope someone talks to me"

>> No.10217748

>There aren't that many neckbeards at cons,

Idk about neckbeards, but there are a lot of obese males at cons

OP is right though, in reality no one is out there really care/harm/check for them

>> No.10217773

I don't know if it's a neckbeard thing, but most of the anti-safe space type of people I've encountered seem to have some sort of social disability. They have trouble adapting to change, and can't understand why things that got laughs 10 years ago get them called out today. These guys don't want to or can't adapt so they look for someone to blame for why nobody likes them.

>> No.10217789



>> No.10217823

I consider neckbeards to be the people who don't shower, audibly reee at girls, and wear maga hats hoping someone tries to debate them. I don't see many of them outside of a couple discords that shill themselves on here, which have large groups of those people

>> No.10217834

>Are they just easily triggered snowflakes
>or do they actually think women and LGBTQ+ are gonna harm them for being smelly nerds?
Yes. You underestimate the power of the koolaid.

>> No.10217860

Cishets are a minority at conventions, and if conventions make up a significant portion of your social life, your lived experience WILL be that you are constantly shittalked and excluded because of your sexuality and be considered a second rate person because of something you had no choice in.
And women are also a majority, and in general women tend to have a shitty, sexist and intolerant culture.
I'm not saying it's okay to hate women or LGBTQ+ people, but in the context of conventions, if you are a cishet male, you are an oppressed minority, and it's perfectly understandable (and justified) that you puch up by doing some light shittalking against women and LGBTQ+ people.

>> No.10217863

Imagine the level of delusion it took to write out this post

>> No.10217864

> Cishets are a minority at cons

Imagine believing this

>> No.10217871

Im so sorry :( do you need a safe space from the gays? We should have a special straight people only room at conventions to make up for this oppression of the straights. I know its super hard to be straight at anime conventions and i support you!!!!

>> No.10217873

You're blind and dumb if you think most people at cons aren't normies.

>> No.10217879

>Idk about neckbeards, but there are a lot of obese males at cons
I have no beef with the obese guys as long as they're clean and decently dressed. Fuck it, you dont even have to be decently dressed, just don't be funky is a tall order for most con goers.

>> No.10217886
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>> No.10218019

Don't feed the trolls, anons

>> No.10218039

I want "I'm sorry do you need a safe space from the gays" on a t-shirt in glitter rainbow colours.

>> No.10218425

I don't think they are that angry at the SJWs as much as they feel their hobbies are being taken over by popularism, mostly people who were around before social media kind of exploded. And because it's getting popular it's becoming sanitised, so the slightly edgy and politically incorrect humour of the old days is being scrubbed out.
And unfortunately rather than being sensible, maybe quitting with the edgy bullshit they double down, flip everyone the bird and go at it worse than ever.

>> No.10218776

Aww, poor babies.

But also a lot of these guys were just ignorant to the fact that people were into the same stuff as them and have been forced to get their heads out of their asses.

Guess what cishetero white dudes? Gay people like what you like! Women like what you like! Black people like what you like! Not only have they liked it *all along*, now you have to KNOW they like it.


>> No.10218895

/cgl/ used to be very bigoted community. For example, transmen were called "fakebois" and they were systemically targeted so they could be "exposed". Now of course this kind of behavior is considered transphobic but you have to understand that as a board on 4chan this place will always have people who aren't uwu nice.

>> No.10218904

they still are. calm down cow.

>> No.10218909

No, anon is right. A whole lolita thread was nuked because people dared to criticise trannys. If anybody was to say anything about trans people on this board, it will be followed with someone crying about transphobia.

>> No.10218920

ITT : Roasties seething, for some reason

>> No.10218942

/cgl/ is itself proof that a place being taken over by women makes it worse
the neckbeards were 100% in the right and i hope they come back to this craphole

>> No.10218980


>> No.10219092

Everyone is bad

>> No.10219233

Found the incel.

>> No.10219235


>> No.10219236

gulls for the love of god stop eating scrote bait

>> No.10219257

Agreed. I can't wait for the apocalypse.

>> No.10219656
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Lmfao. You are delusional.

>> No.10219660

Yaaaass queen slay you got it girl thats SO right.

>> No.10219859

define "harm"
if you mean physically harm, of course not
if you mean ruin everything they enjoy by declaring it sexist, misogynistic, homophobic, ableist, racist, and non-inclusive, then screeching like fucking banshees until the media starts parroting their outrage for clicks and the creators/companies start bowing to the whims of people that don't actually spend any money or consume their product, then yes

the American comic book industry had to learn this lesson the hard way. they made characters gay, created female versions of male characters, created black versions of white characters, chasing a progressive dollar that ended up not existing, so they had to hastily try to revert everything and coax back all the predominantly hetero white neckbeards they chased off. similarly, indie publishers tried pushing minority/women-created progressive comics from the outset and they all sold like shit because "SJWs" don't back up anything they say with actual money, and at the end of the day, this is art as a business.

the traditional bastion against this kind of asshattery in most media has been the Japanese, who generally don't give a fuck what we think and just like their titties and ass, but the major companies have been smelling the Western money for close to a decade now
Sony's California branch censoring their Japanese developers is the start of a bad road we're heading down

>> No.10219860

>Gay people like what you like! Women like what you like! Black people like what you like!
Then why do they constantly whine about wanting the thing I like changed to suit their whims instead?

>> No.10219868

this is the funniest take I’ve heard all week

>> No.10219870

There's no difference. The large majority of lgbtqpa+ SJWs are disgusting unwashed hambeasts with beards too. I've seen more than one obese blue haired legbeard who also had wild sideburns going into a beard because of her out of control PCOS. It's easy to play queer if your hormones are all fucked up and you're a guess the gender blob. You can only recognize them by their unnatural hair colores.

>> No.10219871
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>define harm

>> No.10219880


>> No.10219892

you're not cool and nobody likes you

>> No.10219998

Conservative, het, cis White males are the most oppressed group at cons, so yes. Everyone is your enemy.

>> No.10220001

This is true, and I don't even have to read the replies to see it's a bunch of "tolerant", "socially conscious" LGBToids frothing at the mouth and telling you to off yourself.

>> No.10220004

>you're not cool
are you a highschooler
what the fuck

>> No.10220022

This was very "danged kids and their sideburns get off my lawn".

It's okay grandpa, we know you don't get invited to Christmas anymore, just keep your weird opinions indoors.

>> No.10220029

This is one really weird concession.

>> No.10220036

What? There's nothing conceding about it, it's an indictment of an aging dinosaur mentality that treats the unfamiliar as weird and imposing. It's a perspective every conservative generation has: it's not what we do so it's weird and therefore bad.

>> No.10220037

You are your worst enemy.

>> No.10220041

It's not conservative, it's reactionary.

>> No.10220047

It's also conservative. Tories in general are exclusionary this way, which is why they so easily Venn diagram with alt-right groups, why so many of their leaders shake hands with white supremacist and nationalist groups, etc. It's a fear of the Other.

>> No.10220132

> Oppressed

Oppression requires that they are denied access to the convention for being cishetero and white. It would also require that they are treated as lesser, which isn't the case. They just aren't accorded the usual privileges in certain spaces at cons. Regardless, until big tiddy body pillows aren't at every third stall at the con alongside Chinese knockoff big tiddy statues aren't the norm, being cishetero is still way more catered to than the niche stuff specializing in gay comics. Heck, even Yaoi is largely hetero spank material because it's made by cishetero women FOR cishetero women. It's just not for cishetero dudes.

>> No.10220312

>projecting this hard

>> No.10220322

What the hell is this cursed image? I’m feeling pretty violated now. Holy shit that’s pure nightmare fuel.

>> No.10220329

Because allocating a safe space in a con means one less programming, gaming or retail area so a few can be catered to? If someone needs a special space, they are free to remove themselves to a nice safe hotel room nearby and pay for it themselves. I’m really glad for VIP badges and that lolita teas at cons have a dress code, that keeps most of these rainbow warriors at bay. Because they are all too often poorfags who can’t actually afford the privileges they think they should be having. Myself? I’m for the special spaces. They are convenient containment quarters and having them is enough of a concession as a convenient and very visible bone to throw to the blue hairs so that con programming can say no to other things and always just quietly keep saying yes to more VIP stuff. So yep, it’s fine. I’m good with it.

>> No.10220362

All a safe space is by and large is saying no Nazis and no abusers. If you're at a con, you're already consenting to being amongst other freaks flying their weirdo flags. But we can tell the creeps, pedis, and Nazis to go the fuck away and don't touch anyone.

>> No.10220364
File: 37 KB, 567x624, daa53a9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody is threatened by you. They just think you're morons and would rather not have you around.

>> No.10220386

Found the snowflake

>> No.10220402

Muh content

>> No.10220608

>the American comic book industry had to learn this lesson the hard way. they made characters gay, created female versions of male characters, created black versions of white characters, chasing a progressive dollar that ended up not existing, so they had to hastily try to revert everything and coax back all the predominantly hetero white neckbeards they chased off.

Nah, they did fine, the problem is that the comic industry only measures success in single-issue in-store sales. So a lot of the female-led/LGBT/poc comics did great in digital and multi-issue collections because, no surprise, a lot of the people interested in those comics weren't comfortable going into their local comic store full of neckbeards...but those purchases didn't count towards it "being successful" because of the overly narrow definition being used.

>> No.10220610

Where do neckbeards come from?

>> No.10220617

Single-mother households. No father-figure to effectively punish them for openly disrespecting women, or teach them how to properly shave their faces and do other male hygiene shit.

>> No.10220620


so what you are saying is that its all the women's fault

>> No.10220624

Nah, it's the fault of absentee, lazy, or otherwise cowardly fathers who fail to raise their sons. Single mothers generally do the best they can with raising their kids; not always, sure, but in most cases it would be unfair to blame the women for the men's failures.

>> No.10220629

Pretty sure we can all agree that sideburns don't belong on anyone besides Victorian serial killers.

>> No.10220633
File: 146 KB, 529x400, delete this you fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If we could reduce the cost of Laser hair removal, we could
get rid of neckbeards altogether!
We need better equipment.
We need better lasers.
We need /sci/ to rescue us!

>> No.10220639
File: 36 KB, 836x393, figure-2-single-mothers-e1506436553892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's bullshit. If it were true there would be far more black neckbeards than white neckbeards. But that's clearly not the case.

>> No.10220641


those single mothers shouldnt have got with chads and tyrones in the first place

>> No.10220642
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>> No.10220646

It's not the neckbeard on the outside that counts. It's the neckbeard on the inside.

>> No.10220657

Sorry about your micro-penis.

>> No.10220977

Whites without fathers get involved in anime, Blacks without fathers get involved with gangs. It's anyones guess on which group is worse.

Not sure where the rabid black DBZ/Naruto fans come into this.

>> No.10220980

Our dreams

>> No.10220995

>uhhh... small peepee!
yeah, seethe

>> No.10221003
File: 113 KB, 960x958, smol puppy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>uhhh... small puppy!
yeah, bark

>> No.10221004

The only post that matters

>> No.10224411

Blacks with no fathers in areas above poverty

>> No.10224463

Post is trash. The neckbeards are part of the weak SJW and faggot community. They are part of the white knights and over reactors. Kys.

>> No.10225565
File: 99 KB, 752x752, 12863.382634867648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So would the father figure in this case ''''effectively punish'''' someone who openly disrespected women by making a sexist post that implies women aren't capable of teaching or disciplining their own children?

>> No.10231072

Those you's don't lie

>> No.10231549

but that's mutilation anon! I like the idea of growing a huge ass beard if I ever get bold

>> No.10232093

I hate to break this to you but most single moms are single of their own free will. Be it divorce or having bastard children with sketchy men and then fleeing with said children and cutting all contact with their father. At least here in the US, most men *want* to be fathers but mothers are awarded custody by default and are perfectly happy to let the state raise their kids.

>> No.10232203


The hell am I looking at?

>> No.10232272
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>in general women tend to have a shitty, sexist and intolerant culture.
The absolute mental gymnastics of saying this on 4CHAN of all places. Holy shit lol, at least try to make your trolling believable.

>> No.10232273

>but mothers are awarded custody by default
Because our culture puts childrearing duty onto women by default. Fathers can get custody if he's more suited to raise the child than the mother. It's just that usually, the mother is the one who actually takes care of the kid. It's sexism on both ends. Assuming a father won't be a good caretaker, but also the root of that being that women are often pressured to stay home (how many men here want housewives?).

>> No.10232320

"beards" are a fucking disease.

And mutilation is your friend.

>> No.10232407

>posts on 4channel
>implying you're not autistic

>> No.10232413
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>> No.10232422

Just think of it as shaving.

instead of shaving the surface of your skin, the
machine is shaving slightly underneath the surface.

The laser finds the root of each hair;
then, the machine applies heat,
basically "cutting" the hair at its root.

Razor blades scratch your face, which you don't fucking want.
Lazer surgery scratches follicles, which you fucking want.
(hair grows out of follicles)

>> No.10232425

videogames, porn and internet underground social media are a hell of a drug

t. have gone through it and still going through it 50%, I do some irl shit nowdays other than that

>> No.10232432

Giving women franchise was a mistake. You snakes serve every kind of sexual immorality as though it were virtue, and yet you are miserable. Could it be that you are doing something wrong?

>> No.10232437

>letting an obvious bait post offend you
>retaliating by attacking all women
reevaluate your life

>> No.10232440

>implying implications I did not imply
I am literally right.