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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 486 KB, 539x635, blckcos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10217319 No.10217319 [Reply] [Original]

Looking for some advice and maybe validation? Is it okay for black people to cosplay? Any other black cosplayers out there?

>> No.10217328

>I hope these white nerds tell me what to do!
Said no actual poc ever

>> No.10217331


Just fucking dress up in whatever way you want, retard.

>> No.10217365

Just cosplay whoever you want. It's your money to spend on costumes, dude.

>> No.10217393

>Looking for some advice and maybe validation
doubt. bait thread.

>> No.10217467

OP this is a super toxic board, I suggest going elsewhere.

There are totally great black cosplayers out there!

Here is one lady, she is a cosplayer and also pretty funny.


>> No.10217672

>Is it okay for black people to cosplay?
Why would you ever think it isn't? There are tons of black cosplayers

>> No.10217732
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>> No.10217846


>> No.10217861
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>> No.10218089

to say exactly what others are saying, do what you want with your money. I've never had a bad experience cosplaying, most non-black people don't give two shits irl.

>> No.10219050


>> No.10219068
File: 104 KB, 1080x1349, 65393811_150487969406030_8172120901769368159_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I respect black cosplayers

>> No.10219074

>Is it okay for black people to cosplay?

of course it is, why wouldn't it be? It's fucking dress up for fun, do whatever the hell you want

>> No.10219105

>cgl is one of the tamest boards
>tHiS iS a SuPeR tOxIc BoArD!!!!!!!!

>> No.10219386

Depends on what your definition of tame is, I consider boards like /trv/ and /po/ tame. we cut deep here lol

>> No.10219391

the lolita side of this board is toxic af for sure

>> No.10219410


Fuck, she is thicker than a snicker.

>> No.10219677 [DELETED] 

nigger cosplayers exist to sit in hotel rooms and swallow white otaku nuts

>> No.10219704

There's no such thing as toxic.
You're just a crybaby.

>> No.10219728
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>> No.10219741

On point; step one to ruining your life is to seek validation from others instead of feeling motivated by your own personal drive. Go Do Whatever The Hell You Want and for god's sake don't frame a request for permission to do something around race. Slave ghosts will scold you in your dreams; you're a free and equal human under the law, aint no non-black person's right to tell you what to do or not to do.

>> No.10220240
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If thats you in the pic, than oh hell yeah

Plenty of black cosplayers at Otakon, but they don't have abs like that

>> No.10220272
File: 144 KB, 800x534, A800C6C8-39E7-4339-9B07-A43AE8D0971F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smartest anon on the board! Toxicity is a myth invented by inorganics! Ya can’t trust ‘em!

>> No.10220302

no. just-- no. So many other Miku outfits she could have done if she was dead set on the character that would have looked okay, and fug, THAT WIG. I want better for her, and everyone that has to see her.

>> No.10220311
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>> No.10220374
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A couple better examples from Otakon 2018

>> No.10220443

Yeah, it's okay. If someone has an issue with you dressing as a 'white' or 'Asian' character, they're a racist P.O.S. whose opinion doesn't matter. People throw a fit when people 'blackface' to fit a darker character largely because it's stupid as fuck. It's like changing your eye shape to 'look more Asian'. If you're pale, and want to cosplay as Viera, just focus on the costume, makeup, and wig. No one is going to be like, "Gosh, I just don't know who that character could be because your skin is pale as fuck." Equally so, if you're black, and want to cosplay Mina Tepes, focus on the costume, makeup, and wig. No one is going to be all, "Fuck. I can't figure out who you are because your dark skin is just completely confounding my ability to identify this character."

>> No.10222976
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>Is it okay for black people to cosplay?
Of course its ok, theres even a convention that panders to black cosplayers called Blerdcon, which was pretty great this year imo.

>> No.10222978

i mean yeah duh obviously but from your post its already glaringly obvious you're just in it for attention and probably just started getting into this shit within the last few years either as a money grab or popularity grab

>> No.10222982
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>> No.10223018

As a white person, I have no desire to cosplay any character without light skin. I don't think I would look right and I'd be embarrassed to do it. I also don't go around telling people what to do, but I will tell you that I'm not the only person who thinks the way I do. And there's nothing wrong with that so long as they're not trying to control your life. However, if you're doing cosplay for attention, or money, you'll get less of it if you cosplay light skinned characters as opposed to a light skinned person in the same cosplay. That's just reality. It's harsh, and I'd never say this in person, but I think light skinned people look better cosplaying light skinned characters. I also think dark skinned people look better cosplaying dark skinned characters. Doesn't mean anyone should be barred from cosplaying any character. It's fun, after all. And it doesn't mean dark skinned people can't look good, or even great cosplaying light skinned characters. But the thing that is so wonderful about cosplay, but at the same time so restrictive, is cosplay isn't just a garment hanging lifeless on a manikin. A person's body is as much a part of the cosplay as the care that went into making it. A living breathing human being is responsible for bringing a costume to life, and in many cases, attributes you have no control over affect how you will be perceived. So just do your best and have fun. Cosplay for yourself, and if others like it, let that be a bonus.

>> No.10223149

I wouldn't judge cosplay quality by skin color

>> No.10223152

>As a white person,
Stopped reading there.

>> No.10223160

or they are now old enough to do it?

>> No.10223380

>However, if you're doing cosplay for attention, or money, you'll get less of it if you cosplay light skinned characters as opposed to a light skinned person in the same cosplay.

That is objectively a lie I constantly see people and pages on my Facebook feed specifically sharing POC cosplayers that are cosplaying a traditionally light-skinned character specifically because they are a POC even if the cosplay itself is a cheap store-bought outfit they didn't touch or modify.

However when it comes to my FB feed it's filled with self-hating white girls that have so much white-guilt that they feel obligated to be super-woke so perhaps in a more mainstream sense you are right.

>> No.10223391

>As a white person,
As a black person, I don't know how to respond to this.

Someone help me!

>> No.10223517
File: 44 KB, 240x360, toriisakura33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my friend torii does a super cute sakura cosplay.

>> No.10223520

Even /cgl/ is racist

>> No.10223525
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>> No.10223613

Uhh why not?? Its cosplay, you be who you want, skin color doesn't matter!!

>> No.10225790

there's plenty of dark skinned characters, and you can cosplay as light skinned characters too (unless your skin is absolute pitch black like sudanese people, in which case your cosplay will look really weird)

just don't be fat lol

>> No.10234387

shut the fuck up faggets
Yes it is ok, work out (no need to if you are the gal in your pic)
Some people change a bit their characters because they dont want to change their hair

>> No.10234395

Hey, don't call me a fagget!

>> No.10234396

This is cool but I wonder how hard it is to walk in those ..

>> No.10234722 [DELETED] 

>Is it okay for black people to cosplay?

>> No.10234725
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>> No.10234773

of course it's ok dumbass.

>> No.10234782
File: 60 KB, 532x720, 19149124_1885072545081748_3071700775136266692_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its a great way to get a white bf

>> No.10234991

who dis

>> No.10235233

Yes it's fine, you're best off doing characters that already have your skin tone though. I would say paint and use makeup to suit any character you want, but people are a bunch of racists and won't let people change their skin color anymore without throwing a fit.

>> No.10235381

You're free, white, and 21, you can do as you please

>> No.10235500

Maybe stay away from guns/weapons-related costumes and you should be good. Not being critical of blacks, just that cops git skert quick and bring REAL guns to the game.

>> No.10235533

Nah, black cosplayers can cosplay whomever they want... We don't have to stick to the select few characters that are barely there, to apease, and make anyone feel better. Don't like us cosplaying your pasty waifus, and husbandos don't look.

>> No.10235534

Pretty sure no one in their right mind cosplays so they can get a white boyfriend. Jesus Christ in hell.

>> No.10235558

Real weebs cosplay to get a Japanese bf

>> No.10235561

I would have thought step one to ruining your life would be to cosplay.

>> No.10238208
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>> No.10238226
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>> No.10238342
File: 710 KB, 750x483, WAITU PUPPY GO HOME.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any tips on how to get a white puppy?

>> No.10238364

That just goes to show how bad other boards. But, that doesn't make this one less toxic.

>> No.10238480

Humane society?

>> No.10238488

Thank you <3

>> No.10238570

Real cosplayers and people that like what they do don't care about the skin tone. If you can pull the cosplay off you'll be fine.
It's a matter of personal taste whether others like it or not, but only a bigot would raise a stink about it.

>> No.10238580

I dont recommend it desu unless you're going to be really into grooming your pet or take your pet to the groomers once or twice a month. Also don't wear black clothes unless you want fur on them.

>> No.10238748

Do you recommend I get a white seagull, instead?

>> No.10238760

Koreans are the new hotness now because Kpop.

>> No.10238770

Any tips on how to get a white Korean?

>> No.10238805

They shit everywhere and scream all the time so basically they're like a really agitated baby that's also not cute or cuddly and never gets potty trained
One shot vodka, one shot coffee liqueur, one shot cream

>> No.10238840

Gross. No thanks.

>> No.10238841
File: 738 KB, 565x585, lush lolita.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you be willing to drink a white Korean with this lolita, at this table?

>> No.10238843
File: 85 KB, 580x526, plastic-surgery-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Korean and Japanese are the same asian race, and they're not hot unless you like plastic surgery.

>> No.10238855
File: 85 KB, 203x150, 1try2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kissed and fucked my pillow last night, because of pic related.
I got a good night's rest.
Thank you, anon.

I wish I could find the original pic, though.
All I have is this small one,
which I cut and pasted from yours.

>> No.10238856

LMFAO pls tell me that’s not real

>> No.10238857

What i say now i say in the nicest, most supportive way possible
who gives a shit

>> No.10238881

It's not. If I remember right, the female model in that got upset and wanted to sue the company because no one told her they were going to photoshop the kids' faces.

>> No.10238888

It's not, and it actually ruined the career of the model posing as the mom because everyone associated her with that ad and thought she'd had plastic surgery. It's pretty fucked up.

>> No.10238890

I don't drink for medical reasons and I'm lactose intolerant so unfortunately no

>> No.10238892

Would you walk with her, to her hotel room,
after she's had too many white Koreans?

(So she doesn't pass out in the hallway)

>> No.10238907

I guess

>> No.10238922

Thx, anon:)
You're a good friend.

>> No.10239078

It's 100% real.

>> No.10239291

That's no better than "closet cosplayed" OCs. Or it's just shitty fetish gear.

>> No.10239459

Pretty good LaForge IMO.

>> No.10240379

If you need someone’s permission to cosplay then you shouldn’t be fucking cosplaying.

>> No.10240951

No it’s literally illegal the fbi will come into your house at night and take you to Guantanamo bay if you cosplay

>> No.10240953

>Implying women dress up for men
Incel detected

>> No.10240956

People on 4chan think women can’t do anything independently of men

>> No.10240976

You just described men in general and some cock crazed handmaidens

>> No.10241632

If you are sexy you can do anything.

>> No.10241660

only if it is a black character

>> No.10242091

So literally almost nobody with cosplay as a hobby then lol

>> No.10242796


I don't understand the entire picture, but I'm pretty confident the cosplayer is cosplaying Monster Princess Do-S from OnePunch-Man.

>> No.10242798



>> No.10242863

It's what black "nice guys" call black girls who date white guys. The implication being that a black girl who would date a white guy rather than them is the same thing as a female slave getting into bed with their master. Then they turn around and call dark skinned girls ugly and dirty and lesser than precious pure light skinned/white passing/white/east asian girls, and they wonder why black girls would rather date white guys.

>> No.10243040

What a loser lmao, he’s like a black Richard spencer

>> No.10247264

It's still on 4chan.

>> No.10247311

I'd want to do plenty of things to her asshole.

>> No.10248220

Cosplay whatever you want pal, don’t worry about it not being “canon” or anything else.
Craftsmanship and body maintenance >>>> skin similarity

>> No.10248226

I’ve never heard of that but wouldn’t be surprised. There’s a really toxic (eh) attitude in the black dating community for both men and women. Both consider dating within their race “settling”.
Obviously not all do, but it’s shockingly common as a mindset. It doesn’t help that just statistically a larger amount of black individuals are less desirable (in terms of criminal record, obesity, std’s etc) which artificially reduces the dating pool even further.

And that’s not even getting into the cultural associations. It’s not all doom and gloom but nobody hates black people like (some)other black people and it makes dating a sad state of affairs for them.

>> No.10248266

It's not real, they are all models.

>> No.10248268

Men aren't affected at all desu. Not much black women date outside their race compared to black men despite what the other anon implied. A lot of black women live in a fairy tale and believe some black king will sweep them off their feet if they are loyal enough, but their loyalty is usually paid back in single motherhood or/and abuse.

>> No.10248274

I think black men are affected differently, but still influenced nonetheless.
I know this isn’t really the place to talk race dynamics (then again neither is /pol/, the conversation has virtually no place on the surface web unfortunately) but I’d say it’s self-evident there are serious, critical flaws in the courtship culture of African Americans that are too minority-specific to tackle in a mainstream view and too unpleasant to address as a niche view.

>> No.10248275
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based manu calling out the bed wenches

>> No.10248277
File: 137 KB, 655x467, 1497632448866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


its like a reverse /pol/

>> No.10248279


>> No.10248282

I know what i'm talking about. It's really only a conversation that needs to happen between black people anyways. Like i said, black men aren't affected by these race dynamic at all. Imagine the vitriol if a black woman dared to say anything to a black man who exclusively dated white woman. The "it's just a preference" card would come out so fast.

>> No.10248286

I mean I also know what I’m talking about not to melaninlevel and I respectfully disagree