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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10177212 No.10177212 [Reply] [Original]

So basically I just turned 22 and I'm really into going to anime conventions with friends and cosplay

But there's a problem

I'm scared of getting older and it being wired for me to cosplay

I've gone to close friends and relatives
And they all say the same thing
"You'll be over it by then"
And I dont think me or my boyfriend will
(I'm a guy btw)

Do you have anything to say to help me calm down?

>> No.10177265
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fuck, this is something ive been thinking about too, like im 21 and i love this shit and while i dont have people like your relatives and friends saying things like that, i am scared of a time where im not going to be as able to do the things im doing now, being young and all.

like im on limited time and i need to make the most of all the time i have left desu, but all i can really say is find a group of people or hell just one significant other and focus on that id say, like i dont want to stop going to cons and cosplaying but as time goes on id like to share this with a few people or someone i care about as i get older

>> No.10177268

Just interact with adults only, cosplay adult characters and stay out of underage dominated spaces. EZ

>> No.10177281

Not OP, but is it really weird for adults to cosplay younger characters? Tons of anime and video game characters are teens so that would be pretty limiting. I would hate to seem creepy though.

>> No.10177282

Thanks guys

>> No.10177287

Well I know of several older anime characters like the 3rd hokage and and the toad stage from naruto

>> No.10177288
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As we get older so will all the geeks tha grew up with us too. Since geekery is more accepted these days I expect future old people will be more accepting of it and not call us creeps when we are 60 and at cons. But even today it is okay to be old and cosplay at cons. I see 40+ people at cons regularly and no one seems bothered.

>> No.10177304
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I'd see jirya as a good cosplay for older people

>> No.10177353

If you wanna cosplay OP, then cosplay. Your fear of looking stupid is holding you back. If you worry about what other people think all the time you'll never do anything you actually enjoy.

You can't please everyone but you can please yourself. Do what you like, it's not like you're hurting anyone by making a costume or wearing one for a character that you like.

>> No.10177371

Do whatever you like, i started my first cosplay at 24

>> No.10177435

I'm 30, who cares if I still cosplay? I cosplay younger characters, too. Just don't be a weirdo man.

>> No.10177452

It's fine anon. Most people don't even have the money/skill/freedom to actively participate in hobbies like cosplay/travel for cons until they're in their twenties. If you're so worried about looking childish or whatever at the age of 22 that you get this wound up and let it stop you from doing fun things, you have a very miserable life ahead of you.

As long as your intentions aren't creepy and stay away from mostly underage communities, who cares? You're allowed to have a hobby. As far as vices to have, cosplay is a pretty okay one to have.

>> No.10177475

I've noticed that when someone around 30 or 40 cosplays a character around that age they almost always get universal praise and everyone loves them. Old cosplayers are cool. The trick is to just not look like a fucking slob moreso than being old.

>> No.10177484

Every time a thread like this pops up, I die a little inside.

I'm almost 38, and I've been cosplaying for 21 years. I'm FINALLY at a level I'm proud of, and can do the things I want to without constant panic and stress.

Who the hell cares what anyone else thinks? Do you want to live your life second guessing any hobby you have based on others' opinions of you?

You only get one life. Enjoy it.

>> No.10177524

Some of the best cosplayers I know are in their 30s

>> No.10177555


Are u serious m8

>> No.10177570

high chance your friends and relatives are normies who would fiend it weird

The point of anime coventions or comic, gaming, roleplay etc event is to gather like minded people to feel more accepted

>> No.10177572

People usually physically peak in their late 20s to early mid 30s

>> No.10177577

The greatest thing about getting older (turning 35 this year) is realizing that people who shit on my hobbies are shit people in general, and don't deserve to be taken seriously by anyone.

>> No.10177589

The only scary thing about getting older imo is how it gets harder to stay in shape

>> No.10177609

not him but I'm 23 and whenever I go to cons I feel like I'm entirely surrounded by nothing but teens, makes me feel ancient

makes it really hard to make friends too

>> No.10177610

Technically you can cosplay whoever you want. If you're concerned about accuracy or whatever, you should be fine as long as you still look fairly youthful. Lots of women reaching 30 still cosplay high school girls, it looks fine as long as they don't have a mature looking face or are super wrinkly or something.

Some people do grown up versions of characters, canon or otherwise.

OP, I didn't even start cosplay until age 23. My husband was 27 and those were our first cosplays. Who gives a shit.

>> No.10177656


Looks for bar meetups. Katsu has a lot of these, met a ton of cool people in their mid-late 20s and 30s at a crafting barmeet lat year.

>> No.10177665

You might stop being as into it later on but as long as you enjoy it it’s not weird no matter how old you get. The only potential weird thing would be if you’re trying to hang out with teens when you’re 30+. Anytime someone says you’ll grow out of an interest, it’s basically them saying they don’t approve of it.

Side note: every time this question comes up it’s from people who still think 30 is old which is kinda laughable to me. Dont worry about it, you’re decades away from being old.

>> No.10177762

Yes, and if you look way too old, like 70 years old, and someone complains, just say it's that character as a old version. If you dont feel comfortable witv your saggy skin and wrinkles for cosplay you can always use photoshop to post it online. Irl acid hyaluronic and creams are your bff.

>> No.10177765

Yup. I even say that some people who are almost 30 or in their 30's look better as young characters than actual teens cosplaying young chars.

>> No.10177779

I'm 25, work a professional office job, and have co-workers added on the same social media accounts that I share con and cosplay stuff on. If anything, people think it's cool thanks to mainstream coverage of things like SDCC. Worst case scenario is they think it's a little strange but who cares - you're a grown ass adult and you can do what you want. Get the most out of your enjoyment of this stuff while you still can.

>> No.10178048

This anon gets it. Honestly, cosplay when you're older is only weird because kids are determined to make it weird.

>> No.10178053
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cosplay something that covers you from head to toe. no one knows how old you are under something like this.

>> No.10178488

If you get older, don't you just start cosplaying older characters, like Otose-san from Gintama?

>> No.10178543

I'm 31. I try to pick characters around my age or older.

>> No.10178597


Come back when you're in your 30's and then complain.

>> No.10178636

No one cares how old you are.
Back in the late 90s I went to some Maryland conventions and there was always this super old guy at least in his 70s or up, cosplaying as various Sailor Senshi.

>> No.10178765

... 22 .... old...

Kids these days....

52 year old here. Never listen to people who tell you to stop doing something you love because you are getting old

>> No.10178846
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pffft 22?

start complaining when you’re late 30 early 40s or something

Look at this auntie dressing up as Rey

>> No.10179110

>imagine actually cosplaying characters from nu-wars

>> No.10179128

It's weird if you're a guy.
Every single person you meet will assume you're just doing it to fuck underage girls.

>> No.10179159
File: 49 KB, 600x717, uh what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Getting older
Motherfucker I'm 26 and I'm doing my first cosplay ever next year at 27. If you take care of your body and put effort into your cosplays you can cosplay for as long as you fucking want.

>> No.10179161

I saw a woman who had to have been in her late 60s doing some cosplay with a kimono and katana at ACEN. it actually looked really fucking good. I would've complimented her but I was also super trashed and forgot.

>> No.10179168

What cons are you going to that make you feel like that? There are tons of adults in their mid/late 20s and 30s at all the large conventions. Just go chill out at one of the bars or something.

>> No.10179228

I’d honestly look into characters who are still older, or aren’t “youthful”. Heck, do costume-heavy cosplay - masks, armor, etc

>> No.10179236

You have to own your age. I saw an old guy who was like 50 plus cosplaying as Spider man, gut, wrinkles, but he OWNED it, it legit felt like those "Old Peter Parker" comics

>> No.10179271

>just owning it
'owning' a look requires confidence that the OP obviously doesn't have or he wouldn't be posting here in the first place.

>> No.10179275

That too, you can easily get by, by either doing a cosplay that hides your face. Or a cosplay for a character that is intended to be a little bit older. I'd love to see a guy in his 60s that's in decent shape do an old Solid Snake from MGS4.

>> No.10179308

I did my first cosplay when I was 20. I thought it was my last chance to do it because I felt I was already too old for it and it was a childhood dream for me. I had so much fun that day and met so many cosplayers around my age that it totally changed my chain of thought. I'm 28 now and I'm still planning and working on stuff I want to do. When I start looking like I could be everyone's dad or grandad at the con, I'll just switch to old or fully masked characters.
Give it a try, or you will regret not doing it for the rest of your life.

>> No.10179320

Summed it up perfectly, in my mid 20s now, when I hit my late 30s/early 40s I'll just start doing full face covering cosplays.

>> No.10179397

>I just turned 22

Lmao shut the fuck you’re a baby

>> No.10180523

Do as Adam Savage does

>> No.10180550

The one thing im bothered about is how hideous (no offense) even 20-something look most of the time at conventions. Like it's not the genetics part, you can't choose your basic looks and genetics, but goddamn how hard is it to stay is basic shape and get a haircut/shave. Not just men, even women. Some of y'all look like goddamn sweaty cavemen.

Most people don't have a problem with your age if you're decent enough to stay in shape/have a basic hygene. I'm 35 and although i don't do teenage anime boys anymore (didn't do them before much because i got a pretty square jaw, so i lack the delicate features), no one seems to mind when i do any character if the build/sewing quality is decent.

So use soap,visit the barber and do everyone (and yourself) a favor by not devouring the second chipotle that day.

>> No.10182136

Thats my best friend. I helped build that.

But for your point OP, do what you want, but definitely be aware that with your age people will be judgey if you do something they think is weird, especially if you're male

>> No.10183172

Find the people carrying beers.

Last con I went to as Thor I had a drinking horn filled with beer the entire con. Because the vendors didn't sell mead.

>> No.10183180

Women get christmas cakes and dommy mommies, men get grizzled vidya dads. Cosplay just gets better as you get older.

>> No.10183193

Saw a 70 year old guy at an EverQuest con with a working fountain on his cosplay

Don't let the youth obsessed idiots going "lol once ur 30 u need to give it up ur an old fart" get to you

Especially when a lot of the<25 year old cosplayers are busted looking

>> No.10184994

There used to be a dude who'd sit out the Fanime entrance in 2011/2012 as Rincewind with Death. Had a big ol' beard and everything.

>> No.10185012

The cons I’ve been to are a mix of ages of people cosplaying. If you’re going to cons that only attract teens, that might be something to look into, maybe branch out into cons that are not kid-centered.

>> No.10185097

Except the young faggots are calling anyone over 30 boomers

>> No.10185117

i feel like anime cons have a lower average age

>> No.10185542

There was a super old dude at colossal who was cosplaying Sebas.
I wish he was my second grandpa he looked so cool.

>> No.10185602

>The one thing im bothered about is how hideous (no offense) even 20-something look most of the time at conventions. Like it's not the genetics part, you can't choose your basic looks and genetics, but goddamn how hard is it to stay is basic shape and get a haircut/shave. Not just men, even women. Some of y'all look like goddamn sweaty cavemen.

This, it's really annoying. For some reason artsy people think they don't need to ever exercise and they eat like shit. You don't have to be a male model but it's not that hard to not be an embarrassment. Maybe im the outlier because I've always played sports and worked out but Im also a massive autist weaboo nerd, but its really strange to me that everyone on cons, especially dudes, takes no care whatsoever in their appearance

>> No.10185619

jitters, nervousness, and anxiety are okay. yeah, everyone has felt that when one or all your friends don't go. hell, even if you cosplay and they go with you. take a breath. have fun. cons are about having fun.

also if you really look there are 30, 40, 50 year olds cosplaying. i've seen 60 and 70 year old having fun. who gives a fuck what anyone else thinks.

>> No.10185854

I'm fucking livid that I'll never do anything in my life that's even close to being as cool as lowcostcosplay

>> No.10186232

You're barely 22 and you think that's old? Are you fucking kidding?

>> No.10187220

You just have to get out of suburban vanillaland where people think of Taco Bell or Panda Express as ethnic food and no one will give 2 fucks if you're still cosplaying at 65. In fact if you do a good job there will be a horde of people who love you and think you're awesome.

>> No.10187242

Sure just keep your saggy wrinly skin away from where people can see it

>> No.10187987

>Neo... you muse master the ways of the force. Only then can you break through the matrix.

>> No.10188056

The dumbest thing I've ever heard is the idea that cosplay has an age limit.

It's fucking dressing up as a nerd at cons. Who gives a fuck. DO IT WHEN YOU'RE 80 AND FUCK THE HATERS.

>> No.10191417

Tbh I think 70+ year old cosplayers are always to endearing and I seriously doubt theyd get many haters

>> No.10191754

I am 30 and decided I wanted to do one a cosplay while still young but apparently I am not. Maybe should rethink it.

>> No.10191975

If you take care of yourself you can pass as much you get well into your 30s. By 40 your fucked but by then you should have kids or similar (or cool wine aunt or creepy uncle) to bring along and “cosplay with”.
If your a out of shape poor genetic slob good luck past 25 max. Not that thats ever stopped anyone.

>> No.10194227
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Just going to leave a few things here.

>> No.10194228
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>> No.10202634

You are never too old to cosplay.I was at a con all this past weekend taking pics, and took photos of quite a few cosplayers in their forties and older.

>> No.10202649

Used to be worried about this at 21. Not worried about this anymore at 28!

I've accumulated a squad of people my age who have the same interests. We've essentially just recruited the most hardcore cosplayers & congoers from other groups to build a friend group that tries to attend 4-5 cons a year - all throughout the US.

Honestly, it has gotten better since I was 21. Less drama & we all have WAY more money, so we can enjoy the experience without worrying so much. Personally, because I want certain cosplays to fit/I want to look good in it, I've used my Love for cons as a means of motivation for my physical health!

Never grow up. Never surrender. Find your squad & live your best life!

>> No.10204861

i'd say 25 is when you should stop cosplaying if you're a man. it's just fucking weird at that point. women can go to 30, which is where it starts getting sad.
you can keep going to cons, though.

>> No.10204863

at 21 you're a relic by con standards

>> No.10204864

Mid 20s.
>early mid 30s

>> No.10204869

There's no age limit when it comes to cosplay.
However, from my experience, you won't get nearly as many creeps if you cosplay adult characters than you do anime girls if you're 21+. I dressed up a love live character and I got creeps commenting about my socks and their height. Next day, I cosplayed as an adult character and the only mildly dubious thing that happened was people asking for my consent for photos. I fear that's gonna be what's happening at this con as well.

Also, 22 isn't old. Then again, I'm cosplaying characters 10-20 years older than me this year, so who knows.

>> No.10206055

who fucking cares

>> No.10206245

28 here cosplaying for the first time this month

>> No.10206280

>it's just fucking weird at that point

says you

>> No.10206452

I got wayyyyy more into as I got older. Now I have the patience (and money) to pursue more complicated projects. I find working on cosplay to be very therapeutic after a rough week. Just don’t get creepy with any younger people who interact with you and you’re good. Most people end up doing nothing but working and watching Netflix/TV as they get older; they’re just projecting that they’ve given up on their hobbies and pursuits and here you are still trying new things and taking up activities of self actualization. Life’s too short to give a fuck what everyone thinks about you. Plus, age opens up a whole bunch of older characters!

>> No.10206460

This right here is why I will continue to attend conventions until the day I die.

>> No.10206862
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No anon, they're fucking great
Here's a pic of boomer Dante I met at facts in Belgium. I'm 18 and loved the dude, he got nothing but praise from everyone.

>> No.10206966

you're in the minority. these past cons there were a lot of 30-40 year olds cosplaying.

>> No.10206991
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>wh*te person spotted

Asians can go till 50+
Blacks and hispanics can go 40+
wh*tes should stop at 25, its just fucking embarassing how old and busted you get.

>> No.10207169
File: 8 KB, 220x187, 220px-DeannaTroi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Boomer, did you cosplay as Deanna Troi back on the day?

>> No.10207182

Ive never seen a young mexican here in south california, all of them look short and stocky from child to adulthood
The selena quintanillas might as well be a myth

>> No.10207306

I'm 28 and always meet people my age.

The reason you don't see too many young people is probably because you're going in the morning hours where kids without jobs have free time and eager to get to the con early.

I basically don't go to a con until after 12 or 1pm(aside if there is a panel I want), because most people show up after lunch who are out of college. Either be it work, travel to the con, or hungover(usually this) old people tend to show up later and stay out later.

One of the biggest reasons you see more teens or whatever more than older people in groups is due to avoiding underage drinkers.No I don't give a shit if you turn 21 next week and have drank before plenty of times, not my fuckin issue nor do I want to do some sketch shit. Can't tell you how many times I've had a room party only for some fucko to try and sneak in to get liquor(see steal) who knows absolutely no one.

Generally I find people at the bar during happy hour and chill with them then make good friends. A bar is a clear indicator that you must be 21 so it avoids any of the bullshit.

Also important, just don't be that creep that is mid 30's that wears a anime T or marvel/DC shirt and tries to party with the barely legal of whatever. So long as you don't do that shit the average age according to everbrite for anime conventions is 30ish

>> No.10207307

>The reason you don't see too many young
people who are older* fucked that one up

>> No.10207555

I'm 31 and I want to start at some point soon. I did 1 cosplay when I was 15, but I never really perused it. Now I'm finally at a point in my life where I'm stable, healthy and have the money and time to go for it. I think it's fine to do at any age really. I would say it gets creepier the older you get if you are still like partying in people's rooms who are notably younger than you. And obviously it gets more unsettling if you keep cosplaying as teenagers when you're clearly much older. But I mean there are plenty of characters that are late 20s+ so it shouldn't be that hard to find someone more age and body appropriate.

22 is fine and honestly you're probably fine for many years to come. Just watch who you hang out with. If you're the 35 year old guy who is lingering too long around the 19 year old girls and giving them booze then please don't.

>> No.10208058

What the fuck is wrong with you faggots lmao
I'm 26, and my con circle is all people 30+ who go to like 20 cons a year and no one gives a fuck
What kind of fucking autism is this shit? Isn't the whole point of cosplay to dress up as whatever you fucking want? You stupid fucking assholes don't know shit and deserve every ounce of crippling fucking stupid ass anxiety that you get.
Every single con that isn't shit has hundreds of people 30-50

>> No.10212469


>> No.10212551

>A lot of the people that I seem to be meeting & drinking with are 21 - 24
W-when is it time to stop

>> No.10215572

>implying you will
Keep postponing it.

>> No.10217724
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No one cares and wont even notice depending on the cosplay. You are overthinking this. The only ppl that it would bother is if you do a shitty job at cosplaying a kiddy gulls husbando and trigger them. Niggas be out here in their waifu dress, no makeup no wig and have the time of their lives. The last place you should be self conscious is an ANIME convention lmao. So many people forget that until they're actually there at the con and forget what they were even freaking out about. Now family and friends opinions? I cant say since it obv varies person to person, ive been fortunate enough to have a family that thinks its cool and 20+ friends that go to cons/cosplay too. I have no no normie friends they are the most boring folk to walk this Earth.

>> No.10217727
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>no matter what
>without fail
>every single time
>even if it has nothing to do with the topic
>even if they have to force it
>they will make sure to tell you that they're gay

>> No.10217965

lots of people in the cosplay community are stuck in that high school mentality where they feel like everyone is judging you.

>> No.10218303

have you tried killing yourself

>> No.10218555

remember what Selenas murderer looks like. Couldn't handle a one of a kind.

>> No.10219413


You'll get old, and die. It just happens.

It just works.

>> No.10219414


Fuck, thats too real.

>> No.10221834

I'm 29 and I was on my best in my mid-twenties. But ever since I moved to Japan a few years ago, my time and motivation to cosplay went down the drain. Japanese anime conventions just are a bit lame compared to western ones. The latter are a looooot more social.

>> No.10222169

>implying women want to be sex objects
Men get to be heroes while women just get fap fuel. Wow! How nice!

>> No.10222173

based retard gull giving the board a great image

>> No.10222606
File: 153 KB, 845x634, Okita and Faye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll turn 61 next month. I just posted on the Senior Cosplay thread here in CGL. The hardest part for me is finding a character with a white beard (not Santa Claus). It you like it and can make others smile, got for it!

>> No.10222634

hurry up and the finish the novel, George. if you've got time to post on /cgl/ then you've got time to finish what you started already

>> No.10223695

I'm thinking what they mean by underage dominated spaces is to not flirt with someone underage or something like that. I think you can do whatever you want. I have never had an issue with older cosplayers. A lot of characters dress kind of risque and seem to dress inappropriate for the age they supposedly are.

>> No.10223850


Not the one who posted it, but in addition to what you described, I'm also remembering there used to be cosplay groups that met up every week or every month much like lolitas. Usually it's young people because they'd have enough free time to do it outside of school, and sometimes, they'll be very very stupid. This is where you get stories of people taking over a park leaving grey bodypaint everywhere (because they can't afford sealant) and thinking it's funny to act like hooligans and scare young children for shiggles, or hetalia cosplayers ""acting in character"" at a synagogue, or some equally dumb thing that some immature child would think is funny because, well, they're immature and young.

Personally I think it's good advise -- cosplay whatever you like, but keeping out of the spaces that attract younger kids seems to be good advice. If it isn't trolls, unsealed skin paint or hetalia, you'd still end up in bronyland or the autistic "big brothers" who like precure or idolmaster. None of these options seem all that great t bh.

>> No.10225228

There's a lot of girls in the cosplay & fashion community who are far older then you think. Many are in their late twenties to early thirties. However, people are dumb, and assume the girls are young based off appearance.

I know I don't correct people when they say something silly based off my age. My favorite is when they're being up their age in comparison and I'm over here thinking, "Dude, I got a few years on you."

>> No.10226818
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Major respect, Santa. Have you ever considered Reinhardt from Overwatch?

>> No.10226910
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This is a character you could do. A one-off but from a franchise that fans love recognition by creatives.

>> No.10227104

I'm kind of lucky because i still look fairly young for my age, as in i'm 32 and still get asked how i'm doing in school... So i can get away with cosplaying younger characters, but i dunno, on the inside i don't feel quite as young as i look and have tended to go for older characters.

>> No.10227140

Most of the chicks everybody faps to is either 40 or looks 40 anyway..

>> No.10227206
File: 63 KB, 853x480, garp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got the perfect cosplay for you, sir. Please be my grandpa ;_;

>> No.10227247

I cosplayed for the first time at 27.
It's never too late to follow your dreams op

>> No.10227287

When you get older you're gonna gravitate towards older characters or ones that don't rely on super youthful looks. Also makeup and wigs will help you look younger.

>> No.10228542

Plenty of men above 25 doing cosplays. But you ought to be /fit/, if you're /fit/ and have a good cosplay no one will dare question you.

>> No.10228627

There's no age limit to cosplaying, as long as you don't flirt with underage girls.

>> No.10233288


im 30 and still cosplaying. i think the reality not many care to speak about is that the older you get the higher the expectations of you are. so if you want to do a generally nude cosplay i think you need to be way more perfect than if you were 22.

It gets harder and the expectations are ever growing if you dont wanna look like a creep. But a hot 30 yo guy that's on top quality cosplay is a thing that can be done if you sell part of your soul to satan.

>> No.10237211

World Cosplay Summit champions this year are in their 30s. You’re not old yet!

>> No.10237402

Nothing will stop you from getting older unless you kill yourself. Just keep doing cosplays of what you want to be

>> No.10237673

I didn't go to my first con until I was 20. Didn't cosplay until the next year. Now I'm 24, nearly 25 and I'm fucking terrified. When I was 13, everyone who didn't know me thought I looked 16-18. But at my current age, no one at a con has guessed higher than 16...What the fuck am I?
I wish I knew about/got into this hobby sooner. I'm paranoid I'm going to wake up one day and actually look my age...or older. I know it would be weird for a 30 year old man to play dress up, but I don't want to grow out of this. Getting to be someone else for a day is all that's keeping me going.

>> No.10241796
File: 83 KB, 850x637, b808b81634d17ce19b0aabafd6d724db.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've actually been wanting to get back into going into cons, but it's definitely been a few years. Any good ideas for a short asian guy that wants to do a little better than just dressing up like Touma?

>> No.10244099


You're still a child. It happens to everyone, when we hit our early 20's we're no longer in our teens anymore so therefore we believe we're "old" and that means very soon we can't enjoy anything anymore, or even ourselves. I want to make it clear that that's not true. You're still growing and you'll find new pleasures and things along the way. And as with cosplay, as long as you look good you can still pull it off, lol, stating the obvious here of course, you're still a baby at 22 anyway, I see youthful looking people in late 20's, even 30's which I think can still enjoy themselves with cosplay, I'm not limiting this to any age.

Again I remember wasting my time being stuck in this mindset that it will, "all be over soon", when in fact each year passed in my early 20's I thought back and realised how much of a naive child I was and wasted much time trying to rush things. Just do things organically and don't be afraid to try new things out or take routes that may not be the fastest but will yield better results for you in the long run, beause you're still pretty much a child in your 20's. Lol, sorry for the long rant but I could see myself in this post.

>> No.10244102

No clue why these bait threads exist. Never tool old just keep your wits about you, if you're older don't hit on the 18 kids. I usually only talk to people at the bar or people I can tell are past 21 just because convo's are easier and it's usually not weird looking.Though, I'm almost 30 and people still think I am 25 or right out of college most the time. Hell I get asked what classes I am taking by uber drivers usually in college.

Also >>10228542
No one ever questions some of the ripped Jojo/DBZ cosplay that shows up who are in their upper 30's or even 40's.

>> No.10244117

Weird for a grown man to have a fun hobby? That's only your fears talking man. I'm almost 40 and I have always had mad respect for the older dudes playing dress up if you will. Let your passion show and don't be a creeper. That's just called charisma.

>> No.10245853

I'm 23 and planning to do my first cosplay for a con in about a month and whenever i went to a con I see more than enough older cosplayers